•wm •»»• All tho Now* of WE DO ISED BAFIi nrnl SurrmijiUIng Towns OUR PART Told I'Vmrlessly and Without Rlna. Weekly, Etitered aa Second-Class Mutter tit the TOBI.- SuWcrli.tlon J'ri.-. Ono Y<?nr 51.50 VOLUME LVI, NO. 36. at-Bed liaiik, Jtf. J.. under the Art ot Maich 3, I&7U. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1934. S l.Oi PAGES 1 TO taking on men and doinf; various re- pnlr uncl imiiruvL-niunt Joba on tliclr Boat Club Dinner Firehouse For A WORTHY' AVFKAl* Reception For places. Hucli work should bo given c where poi^iblci to Rum. :on pcuple. North Centecyille Tho Salvation Army ISYods Thcro In on file al tho Borough hall Money Now If It in to Con- a pretty complete report of persons tinue Its Work of Mrrey in Thousands of Paper Baga Filled Relief List to lia Reehecked to who would be glad to apply for such Over 200 Persons Attended It Will be Constructed by the )?'<• Our CfMiimunity Rabbi Arthur H. Hcrshon Serv- Shrewsbury Lodge, Kisighu of • With Grain Thrown Out of an Cut fiKpenditures as Borough John, mid It in hoped that tho morn- Washington's Birthday Dinner Fire Company Members on | ing on Committee Which Will Pythias, to Observe Goltfen burs ot your association will avail r We believe that to tell our Airplane to Provide Food for Must Pay Entire Cost Duo tothcmsclvm of thla material. at Monmouth Boat Club— Land Donated by Thomas P. friendfi tills will nt ono« result j Welcome Professor Einstein Event With Elaborate Spread! Hie Feathered Tribe. Its Fine Financial Standing. Pictures of "Heavenly Twins" Brcnnan. In a searching of llejirls and i as a Resident of New Jersey. at Globe Hotel. "I know X can count upon your rocltelboolcff and a llhcrnl w»n- Hurry Y. .Smith, rm employee of Due to tho fact that after March pffcotivn co-operation, which I hopo IvloiunoiUh boat club of Red Bank The member;; nf Hie newly orpan- Irlbatlon, no tliat tliira helpfn! i Rabbi Arthur H. Hcrahon of URCI Invitations were cent out Monday tlio Red Iiimli postofllco, and Joels 1 tho borough of Rtimson will not you will put in motion as soon, an held ita Dsih annual Washington's ized lire company fit North Center- work may continue Act K<uv! ;J*unk participated Hundny in the ar- for the liftieth anniversary dinner of Cunqy, jiroiiklcnl of the Alrvlow Fly- receive titate aid, the necessity of re-possible." birthday dinner at tho clubhouse ville, in Harilun township, will uttxrt JXm't Wiiltl U'H Nccilfd! . ranyement.'i made at Fuld Hull, New- Mhrrwabury lodge 12, Z^nlghta of ing corjioiiitlon,' (low nver a Im-fio ducing expenditures for emergency The following reply way received iThursdiiy afternoon and like its prc- work :-:()on on building n 11 rehouse, j Any desired inf'Jinmtloii will ark, fur tho reception of Professor Pythias of Red Bank. Tho event Jiorllun of Muninouth county laut relief purposes was Etrefltied at a from Bcrnon H. Prentice, president of f They had planned to have the striic- ho furntshi'd on rt'nuest. Alulu^ Albert Einstein, the famous German will be a formal dlnnor fo bo Wednesday afternoon in an airplane meeting of the maypr and.council of the aaiioRiution: Iturn iimtrr v/ny by lhi:t time, but cJiecks payable to Mr. Frank '.exiled scientist, as a New Jersey res- field at the Olobo hotel Wedne^ owned by Mr. Cusey mid dropped 300 that piace Friday night. After u "I. aluill certainly act Immediately they were obl^ed to wait because of MciVIaiion, Trtjasuurer, Salvation ident. Governor A. Harry Moore has day night, March li, at flight o'clock, pounds of £nilrt to jirovklo food for lengthy discussion It wan decided to on the contentn of your letter in ref- Emmmm the unfavorable weather. They ex- j Army, and forward to ~H Lin- ^announced that tho event will take A. coincidence of tlio affair in that blrdrt. ndvinn tho emergency relief commit- erence to the Civil Worlts Adminis- pect to have the lirebcmsr. (Ininhcd den place, Rett Bank. ijilaco at tlio 113th regiment armory the first anniversary dinner of tho tration program uf tho borough of i at Newark Sunday afternoon, March This Idea of conficrvlntf Jilrd life tee that funds were being expended cnrly in April. Jt will ho. :i two-. ;tory Salvation Army IOUKI* was held at the name hotel. win conceived by Mr. Smith and lietoo rapidly und that tho relief list Ruinson and the part that the Ituni- . ,^':•••• •, ,, stuKtuii, witli toi !„( put* on (he 25, instead of at Atlantic City as or- The fivul ulllecrn of tho lodge wero fum HorouRli Improvement a,';:incl;i- fet'«r;v- Kxecutlvc Coiiiinlltee, iginally planned. It \r-, expected that liacl n tall: nbniif. It with Mr. Casey, should bo rechoeked to eliminate llrst Hour for fire appaiMiiH ;md with I^UKcno M. Mil gee*, C'ljiilrinmi. installed Friday night, March 14, who volunteered to provide a plane thoso not definitely In need. tlon might play in getting Ua mem- i a hall on tho upper iloor for dances, 10,000 persons will attend the rcceji- 1884. A large number of linlghts : bers to help out." " ii?..\ •••..• r JUw. Edward W. Miller, John . tion. to put It into opemtiun. Ono of Mr. The governing body was notified p titles Mippri ui'l ntht i odal I?. Allen, M. V. B. Smock, from other lodgea were present, tho •Smlth'tj chief ptiiiHmcy Ui hunting Upon tho recommendation of Coun- event;-!. The company recently bought ! Professor Einstein will make on entire attendance numbering more several weeks ago that because its cilman Bernard V. Hyan the contract •• m I'iiul Itevero, Morenwi Jt. Kh- | this occasion his Urs.t public address r birds with dopf and lie la Interested flancinl otandlng vras excellent, re- ,ja used ehemicnl apparatus from the drl, Cliarlrti Kchncldrr, Wil- than l. i0 imi'potiP. Thfro vftxn f*n in- in having it plentiful supply of game for furnishing inoiii material for ii;- I1 i^-t Kfin bin ' hn roiiijnny ind j Hi net; tlelhiitely buttling in Is'uw Jcr- terini.sHion of two hours about mid- imburnoment by the state of fifty per •^. ? >% •, liam A. hweeiK-y, Harry ('. birds for thli! rciiiion, Kennmry and buildliif; ' the borough dock was jthifi in I.enipornrily br-in^ kept in a Key, Tho disiingui:-h(:d scientist's cent of funds Hpent for emergency • "' M& Sieber. night, when tho entire assembly left March itre the t~\vo lumgric.'jt months awarded to J. A. Howlund on a bid Unrge barn on IL fnnn nwiifl by Peter reluctance to malcc jiublic appcar- the Incite room.T and went to tho relief would no longer be available of $735. The Monmouth lumber com- iur? *-•• ;ini:c;:i wa:i overcome by an arrango of tho year for birds because their after. March 1 and that the borough (I\I< (.'lf< '1 Iv I n m i ojioi tie d by (Jlobe hotel, where a bounteous feast; footl tuijiply runfi lilmil, und tlilu year pany bid $757. Mr. ltyan aaid the te&w •% • Edw;trd Vnnflorbill. imcnt which will convert the occasion had been prepared. Tho installation must carry the full nbare of the cost. men arc doinfj a ^ood job on the . tegspgf jintu a concert, under tho auspices of lnu; bo.cn a piu'ticuliirly ;;evcre one To Mayor Van R. Halsey and mem-, The (ire hoiiM.- will hr built on a ceremonies were completed upon, tho for the feathered tribe beeiiuue of dock and that when the work fa com- lot, 50xH)U feet, urt tlie.rornor of Mid- i the KOveVnor's committee. Besides return of the diners to the lotlgra bers of the council thia action Is un-pleted the dock will be in excellent |Dr. Einstein's apperancc and ad- tinow und iec. For a number of fair, as it penalizes municipalities Ipil dle rond and t'nion avenue. Thi:; Harvey L. Basie's room. year;] pus;t Mr. Smith huB put grains condition. land lif.it-> bem ilonattd to tho com- [ dress, there will be a program by that have kept tht'lr credit good. 1 The first officers of the lodge werd and auct on lilti property ns proven- Mr. Ryan also reported that the pany by Thonins T . lirennun, chnir- distinguished concert artists, and an dor for IJIIIIH. Of late, In making Mayor Hulacy has had several con- cost of laying a water main on Lalte- admission v/ill be charged, the pro- Christian Schnepper past chancellor, MS*! Hi nvdii of the township committee of Charles E. Wickliffc chancellor-corn-* %valldii!; touru of observation, he him fercnccH with state relief olllclals, nidc avenue, with the installation of Karitan townsihlp. H i;i centrally lo- ceeds to be devoted to the settlement found a number of deail quail und hut he has been unable ua yet to ob-two hydrants, would cost approxi- A Modern Five-Room Dwelling of German Jewish refugees in Pales- mandcr, Caleb Patterson vice chan* c;itfd and tho iirt'fiion urn vnry grate- ccilor, John W. Chandler prelate, cardinals under condltlona which tain any modification of tho ruling. mately $1,800. It was decided to hold ful to Mr. l-ireun.'in for liis munificent. tine. Eminent publishers, financiers, r to be Provided for His Use the John Abhott Worthley master, of* provided unmistakable proof that Mr. Hnleey Bald that other municipal- thiH project in abeyance as more ur- ^ift.
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