Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1938 Daily Egyptian 1938 7-8-1938 The gE yptian, July 08, 1938 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 19, Issue 33 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, July 08, 1938" (1938). July 1938. Paper 3. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1938 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1938 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. stress educational the binding of ~raflle boo~s •• stu- dentsRed- Cros'; -applaud chapter the coopelatesCl1am'ber ofin ;~~~~~~;;;;;~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~I~~~t~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C~mri).erce sound' ,movies . w~jch , were shown last night " .• se:.c,?nd ... "'"1;0 I AlI-Cllmpus q.ance ,!¥i11,beih~ld July 20 ,; . Anthony Hall hams open, house tonlorrow -niJirht ... Delta Sigma plans dance for July II? . : . I fifteen teachers sectire leaves of ..• training schools to in augurate a band and a book rental system :*. _Lentz reti.ll'ns from San "Amon!; the lnnovntlonll which, will F'1"snclsco Rotary lnter~ationa.l, be Introduced In tlle tminlng" Bchools . co~vehticin ':'. and FoUrnel' demo~strate techniques n~axt y£'oar. Dr. Dt'lIce W. Mel"V.·ln in puppetry ... fifth grade class at Allyn plan interesting stated yesterltay, will be a pllln af Dro.matic portrayal .o[ education ns t;ips. _ . improvements being made at Giant City Park .•• book rontnlll ;lnd tbe Immgttratloll or • the one great rOTce stan'dlng between Old Science Building confinues to be the favorite target civilization nnd catastrophe" will be 3 good band," Se"el·o.l hundJ'{ld dOl· ;tor the arnateut" photographers-as is shown by the above tJle aubJect or one of tlle major ex· larfi wortll of band tfistruments ha\'e hlblt grqurs, o.t the New YOTk Worlll:s <'shot" ...