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July 1938 Daily Egyptian 1938

7-8-1938 The gE yptian, July 08, 1938 Egyptian Staff

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the binding of ~raflle boo~s •• stu- dentsRed- Cros'; -applaud chapter the coopelatesCl1am'ber ofin ;~~~~~~;;;;;~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~I~~~t~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C~mri).erce sound' ,movies . w~jch , were shown last night " .• se:.c,?nd ... "'"1;0 I AlI-Cllmpus q.ance ,!¥i11,beih~ld July 20 ,; . . Anthony Hall hams open, house tonlorrow -niJirht ... Delta Sigma plans dance for July II? . : . I fifteen teachers sectire leaves of ..• training schools to in­ augurate a band and a book rental system :*. _Lentz reti.ll'ns from San "Amon!; the lnnovntlonll which, will F'1"snclsco Rotary lnter~ationa.l, be Introduced In tlle tminlng" Bchools . co~vehticin ':'. . and FoUrnel' demo~strate techniques n~axt y£'oar. Dr. Dt'lIce W. Mel"V.·ln in puppetry ... fifth grade class at Allyn plan interesting stated yesterltay, will be a pllln af Dro.matic portrayal .o[ education ns t;ips. _ . improvements being made at Giant City Park .•• book rontnlll ;lnd tbe Immgttratloll or • the one great rOTce stan'dlng between Old Science Building confinues to be the favorite target civilization nnd catastrophe" will be 3 good band," Se"el·o.l hundJ'{ld dOl· ;tor the arnateut" photographers-as is shown by the above tJle aubJect or one of tlle major ex· larfi wortll of band tfistruments ha\'e hlblt grqurs, o.t the New YOTk Worlll:s <'shot" .... alreauy been orderE'd. .Mr. Chnrle8 The I~cal citapter ot (ho AmertC(ln "Fair 193!f, Q)'o.... er A. Whalen, .Pr~l· Features-Pulliam urges stu'dents to await more def­ PatLer!;on will have charge of tlllR n!'!d Cross has as!';ILmed the coBt or denl of the Fair Corol))'atlon, dJs­ inite action en the part of the Normal board before becom­ war'\<. blmllng: thirty-three BI'aille books closed In o.nnounc!tlg- creo.tion of a,. It is aiM wbieh have been prepored by tile ing "~xcited" ever, the possibility ef having to pay back­ DeparLment of EdUcation In (he l! stmly atlon er 0. teat\lfe film on Ihe IIls(ol'Y Sound Movies term hag been gl·lI.nted the follow, from the Photography Darkroom at Wheeler Library, c~s which :U'e brought ber.e tUl'e get·ac'l\ll;llnteu daooes d1J('!n~ 1l1e lllg- m;mbers of tlle S. L N. U. fae- tailiM of Ihe United States A compa:riUvely huge crowd ottend· ft'om other towns In southero ll1inol!!. "Darnit, nothing ever happens in the darkroom [" e\·enlng. tltld refreshments wlll be lIlty: Another UDUl.lual exhibit under con· t!d the sOll1ld motion picture show pre· "The Qhject or tlle clinic:' stuted s~l"v~d. Faeully membel's and stn· .... Emmn L. Bowyer, head of the J:.:ng· ~ldel'lulon Is "The School of Tomor· sented last nl~ht III the Shryock Audl· tlents ore cortllally Invited. Dr. \V. A. Thnlm:m. chairman of the row··~a demonstratIon school In IIsh deparlment. home In CUTbondale: torlum by tlte Chamber of Cominen·e eollege committee." is to uid clllll1l'pn Rising Market Elizabeth A. COl:, English. home ~n which vl9!tora would be able to wat('h or s. r N. U. Welljngton Knnsns; Dr. Thelma Kell. WilD come to lis attention. It 19 or· A ten billion dollar increase in values of stocks listed on 1he actual functioning of /lre·scbool Pulliam Publishes The prop'l1m was comllo!led ot rive ganized tor the purpose of understand· and ,dementary classes. Po!url'i:etl ogg. English, home in Vanceblil'ough. Tlcture~. "Paths in ~aleiltlne:' ~how· ing lLnd pl:lnning for children who the Ney. York Exchange has been registered since the cur­ Article In Elementary 1\lo.lne; Frances Barbour. Engllsb, glnss screens would m.ake It 1,)os!!lbl" ed vIews or the RI .... erJord=. the Se::l. come to It9 nttention. Several week:! rent rise began more than a wek ago, to the delight of the for tIle children to be observed with· University Of Texas; Robert DUlin School JDurnal of Glllillee. Jerusalem. Bethlehem, and pr.eyious to the Ume of tbe clinic tile general public, which has never ceas.ed to itch for a new ellt theIr being conscious of the fact. Faller, Enplish. Unh'erBlty of Pennsyl· PrellJdeot Roscoe Plllllo.m has an scene~ of the Crucifixion. This pIc· ch!!d is given a physical eXllmll).atloh. In (llscuf!sln,g the ,"'all·'" educatlon vania; Julia Mlnett~ Barber. Englisn. boom market on whi~h to speculate, article In the June 16sue of the line· ~ ture was lurnllihed by the U S. gOY' Tho schools of the- child or the child The pl'esant stampede illustrates the difficulty of pre­ Illuns Dr. Chase salll; ment.llry Schoo! JOlnna!. a 'Publlcatlon ernment. University of Arizona; How(l,d 13os· ley. director o( libral1'. Columbia Unl. being studied send to the college com­ venting people from getting their fingers burned, by pass­ "Tile problem we ltlced W1l9 tlml at the ('allege of Educo.tion nt the 'Two otber pictllres wet·£,. sllOwn. mlttee a report or tile child's work In at t1rnnw(lzing educational materIa! ill Ycrslty; Ruby Kel·ley. library, Unl, Uni"er$lly of Chicago. entitled "WhJ3 years fllncc one of eev.eral 'tQr.nms op' nils phase gtrslghtenl:!d out.·· e.Illment's lending.spending program is responsible, but "For the child, [nllure would mean its beglonlng to 4701) clubs with IL of Rotary BervJce.·, . DAN~E m BE "In n.l1 caselJ there wm·'he II. eon· pathetlc shyness; for the youth, un· total membership of o.pproxlrnutely this can be refuted .• The federal program (!annot make it­ An ll.sBel1lhl}, "t 'all the .0Uidals or A spokesman for tlle ulliversity su1t school or Rotary Administration for llampUg W.ednesday evening. July ~O. treatment of meeting auy pTQblerns But at least It cah give human belnga Dist)'lllt Governors. The southern Illi­ In addition to an evenfllJ or dane· that may be lIresented." J. tightlog cbsnce which ther do not nois district wblch Dean Lentz Bene8 ~~I:t b~:!~!~:I>~!l newly elected Dis· Ing there will also be 0. room Of games Although S. I. N. U. did not orJgl· Verb(ltim - -- have Where knoW3.edge and education a8 governor, comprises or The two weeks spent upon the weBt for tbose who do not care to dance. nate the Idea at child guidance t:llnfcs, are tor~d Into tbe l>erv·lce of tempor­ I11lnol~ south ot the B. F. O. Ra!!· "No mere cleverness can take tbtl place of the painful coast were bUBY weeks but In every Hours will be {rom 8 to 10 o'elocK it was the finst teacher-tralnin&, in.. ary rulers," road. It blUl 39 active Rotary ClubB. processes of hard and unremitting work," Ralp.h H. Taps­ wsy dellgbttul, saYs Dean Lentz. Beet Other plaos for the dallce, wblcb will eUtution in mllnols to 8JlOn80r .Buch Dr, Chaso said tbat the Committee Ths cilia! a!gnlUcence of t!1I9 yell.T'9 cott, president of the Consolidated Edison Comp~ny of New of aU. perhaps, was t.he ~cqualntance­ be held In the LttUe Theatre, are tlle II. project. At tile preesnt tillle. over on Education had been t(lrmed last YO;rk, returns to his Alma Mater to further depress the InternlltJonal Convention W88 tts truW Ships made with the "utsta.ndlng man .same as wllre those foJ' the first AU· 600 such cllnl;; have been establlslled February for the job at "n1aklng the international chllr.act~r, The all· . newest crop (If freshmen.- of Rotary. men o! good ·wJll the world Campus Dance Which was given June In variO~8 parts of the country. Cb ~ (C

. ~;. ;l~~~~'lf~~Je::~1e~~1::.~lt bY " ~:e:ire~!;lgt:~~U&l~ii.~W~!I~:~:~~~ or the tUit!o The new clock w.hlch shedB 116 ljgltt '}~~a~:~~~'~~~~a;, ~~~tfl~a ~~t~~;.~:~ fdgn the ag,.eeme:rii frDm the window .ot CAIlTE;R'~ C~!~. ~r Y~1l0f'~~ a' b:ack gl'~~~i:C ~~I'ge Is quite a boon to thoee rnSDY. many apcclmeus meaeure a root aud Olle· fiet excited w~~~ r~:~~~:!n'( a;~~ half In length. Glla mons.tres pvlIse"'~ thl~ thing. 'u 'IB11" gofn'g' t'~ ~ff;ct ~:I:~e w;:: t:::e s:m~;~:~~~~O~~~lgk~ ~'oOved ran'ga on the; 'lower jaw. and ~~DY studeuU!. OUf" appo~Unent atrolla will to be cut Bhort . when J pre.:r Is grasped, the ;wII Into tilE' time they nave been ber". and will teach If tbey can Und a posl· dasb Ilome \)lru the fnow_paved) "Wound. The bile is fatal to smaIL This ruling was made \Jy th~ BOB.I·r\ tlon. is nothing to WOl'rY about streets of Yo VUlnge. . No nlore QullllaJa 'aDd dangerous to man. wJ~)!out a'ny or ti:e ri'I'esld~cts uelng and tbat applle9. of courae, to the "'onyloJ;" about whethm' or not you It Is a cur!ou~ tacr tha.t the tall of t.fcsent. In the way In 'Wblcb It lS fgeully as well aa to tlIe ~tudents. It .are golug tQ mnke tbat first hOUI" The above pictnre shows "Harry' the g!la monster ts used as a reser· c1ugs as 'YOU rouud the gatepost alit now stated, It will do svmelhlng that \VII.I be straightened out. ~II. 8111"e of. the "Hal'ry and Can:ie" h;J.\'I,k fam, YOlr tor'f(tt storage. Tile g-1I1l mOllstl?r It Is not the IntenLioD of 1 Board front {you know uow, co!sea~) 1 am sUre the hoard did not IInend fOI' II), recently 011 exhibit at ~e ~. !. N. Is vften ca\lea thfl beaded Uzal·d. It lo do. Therel'ore. we wJll not be to collect tuition h~om t se pcoph: "But anywar. thanK Ed ItDd Rlluda:l excited 'untll 1i flcttially goes IDlO el· who do Intend to .teach, 0 ~!ltter ror halplog Imbue In we rro!ipecUv~ ...... ! •• f ...... III ...... , ... ~ ••I ... f•• , ...... [ect. If a. student wanted to go le' where they go lor gradunle ~VDl"k. pedngcg,nes a sense of llUlletliallty " < ,0 .•• "I¥ES'"1NIfmfOyo'1:ui:. ]!.':" -.. ', '" , J?~7 ~tM~btr 1?38 the Ulllversfty or IlUnols,~to elltel' any • : {Wonder If that clock is 11 him !=lssocialQd;"0 along. it's too 4lbs~rd! < entlment~ cOllcer" of tlie BO ~~::;;;.vO~·~~;:'~;~-_L:~_~~~~_:_~,____ ~~hY~~J"e~~~i!~ IllS }'OUl' coup de'S bell"s leeree of I~~t lion ot the 1"\Ile. [ollcy of the 80'al'd 01 the ('oUege Tllt",·olur left het· CI!Cek6'f J 'suffel' ocoaalonal paroxysms of ~av And l'llll'l th" cynlc's han, ports, busim!S8 is "looking up," Mapy qitics believe j;hat BUI 011 the lapel of hIs c at III Ill! eXcepl tbat It dOCB Imll0se tile Im··laho that I retrain now frmn ti.,· LCI me sit III the unck of tllc J·t'lll!! a :,\'101 king r:elaUonshij)';n~g now be~n established between It sIlOI,"'\"<,.· l'all~ ing' desIte t9, w{(h "TILe l'\lle raises all tlOrl~ of qlles' shows a striking portralt pt Genel"lll' .sO\ll'ce--malL. since to httr\ vJtnpI"r,,· i~s j~9\~~pgj' ~h'; ~~mi~~~tra~l I thought I hall )n~I~I' Yes. you .:::tLc~sli!d !t Is ehangetI. I can only thllt II I~ anose, Chiang wilh the nble tl551s· the hopeful. Presfdent Roosevelt in his radio' report to say ell al Ill", lim,,) the Sphin~. only r'l I'm Lbe TEA(,H~n~ IT'S NOT THE CLOTH£S my duly a~ pl'caldellt o[ the ("o!l,,""~ tilllce~ of his intelligent wire lIofml' the 'nation appa.rentlY We.s borne 'uP to a reiu~ of his old· find in the remarks (o!1owln&: illY {'no _·,u. I! S I to car", OUI the mandaleS of \lIP Chlllllg constitutes pn<:tLcu.lly tbe en· THAT MAKE: THE MAN. tjm~ ·suppipe~s. " , \.. . deayor. thaI the Sphlllx made lH'IC!!· Teach"." College Bonrd. I 11m 8111'& tire govemmelll of Cblna. lean "Hm·ts 10 mlt·Sphlnx lltms(Olf. As T he stock market r:~~~mded to the growmg c.onvlCtlOn ,,'ns like Cas"y at til .. )"'1 FAN MAIL-(TlnkBl \lIey did not want to do allylhlfi .. ar Pledged to guide Cllinn to t~~ Ilest a last geLltlcmunly C:Clltltl·!'!. I Il'lI! nOI that "bottom has been SCI'~ped" in the. .Roosevelt fulces· Only {'usey made a hit II"Cl"eadyollrjul.;!"1- 1lUIILt" blHary or 1lnl'eIl501ll1,1)1" of his ability, h" Is np at dawn. work. pr.hlt Olll In detail tile Slratn YOII pUl Whle Bundy sUU('k out flill Of Ihem "e BIIW berm'c, sion." The vuly reasun that t till! tnlh.11l1l Illg III1ILI lat'" hours al nlglll. nagal·d· 'Upon tht' wonls yon u".ed tn YOl1r ~U hal'~ nOt seeu YN" L.ast week will make exciting reading when h'istorialls to you about it Illis morning l~ ttlill less of Ihe fllct that hIs appearance, delldum. I only wish 10 illtllnate 1 do not waul you 10 het'ome ("xclled parllntly becanse of iJlnel!-~. I~ nOI all A nd the 1I16rai of h,s tai~. W(\. 010\' • ~mericp.'s your display of errU!lvensss Ilnd IIt..-r weigli social and ec'onomie transform{l.poll-: Tbe YOIi all wouhl. like to ·· TodilY" Filble. . and go out and !·epoI·t thll.l sUitletbln" [hut that or II commande;r,ln·chlcf ill')" 1.':\lra\"ilg:uliila was D ij<"'cl'e tWillS," President' w~pse P1"J.i1osqp~y &l1d :a~tions have steered the lls 1101 Ihe way 1'01l1K:t":' but luol> Ollce J.lllon II: lImc tilel"C \\1\:- "n . 1l1·oIU·nIT hitS beon dopE- Even It sho1\111 lle. eiliang 19 the rearles~ . 10UII;-ol",'!iseuseofl\'o"u"aIHe Irr· pation from lirus:s-ed inQ.lvlpualism:'·to an era of B~iall~gi.s­ Th;:.! Uno"" yuu Oil! of g .. ar orch."stn1 I~uder whc wa~II'1 e,dled ~tIIdents have to 'pay Ihelr baclr tHll· rfglltill'" Ilildlspnted leader uf tl'e ~r(>l 1(' I!xtil'l)atc YOUI' !Itlilildit~. Ju latio!l holds. the wheel firmly on course, lOll whe'n they (1·aIJSr!!.·. they slili w,lL 1\1I0111illlans: party wblch IIHlkca up (">.t)ll)al·inl:" our reSI)C('{i\"r rf'l'nrt'·,· the kin;; of ~\\"Iug.- He-"Plcuse-' "Stea.dy as she goe~." ' ~aH" llet'ured their undergra.duate e.du· Ihe lIlodern goveru!nG 1J0dy or Will" couservatively I would ~ay STIL.L. CRACKED --0-­ cation with much more ~onnnlell('~ tonI Chinu '''Th£' Sphinx as I Iluderstumt Hr-"Jllst tills Ull~'!"'" A doctor 'In onl" to"il Llwu>:'11t 11" ml!i nHlch less expense. lhun r;oulJd Tblllu;h mentally ncut(lr. Also from the ~qn.itor of June 27: hnd completely cured ~ !lad mental haVe been dOl~e In ,lilY utller plac£' Stump "01l0clur" al·e rCGC'J\"lng a Hb hootll are ooly sill 1,'1". nnd ~i~ns of bp;fness improvement: lle-··A\I :>.l .. ··all tht" hld,.m(: ;:::0111 case when tile dmm ~u(llienly InststC(\ duf"!og tllell fl'&9hmnn lind sonhomol"e \'('ty I'QW deal during Ollr !lrQSQllt (jars IllS IIl1d(oI"dothilig pewlCr Advance of 1,3 points in The Christian Science Moni· oll)Jaylng-h!"blltlnfutl Furthennot'e tlley wm have recell·et!. oflw .. allcd "1'eceSfj!OIl" Their Iloc1l"el· -Gentle Ill'au'C'l weekly index gener,,1 business acti;ity du.rlng v.:eek yea.·s, a quullty of In"ll·uctioll "'hlrl, books and aavlugs have benn dralm',J tor's of IMay I sag>::",st that at tIle fir"t 01)' IJOX I 1·"rynlldIlIlYNI.,ted tilt: w/II,I Furtll]1'nm'c, our nath'e iuut1t1ol"1 t!I"Y would .wl have rccl'll'eu in all Itl\llu~t t<> the last '·InI11". Tilc po, tal ended J'une 11. . l'"")nuliln' )"QII bll)" II hundhook ";1 thing. und tllelt r~allzed whal a hll~" tel1!1 U~ I! t the i'r1\tchclI·WhltlocK dl'pnrllncnt rccell)l:3 should cCI·tallll)" Steel ingot ·~oduction gains 2 points to 28 per cent of of tlll.' InstitutloWi to which they 'The Ess.:ntl ... ls of Copy Reading, >l0. theyhud gl·,md Ume logetllcl· lu:>.1\ 1 hone )"OU wUl understanu III:"!t It'l'lell !mln Indidduilis ....·ho lll"e 'llttll· forth. with 11101·(' Justice to ruul" eon tom 'It II\(' ]lage "FOI'.OW ("OP) \'cl"lwn an wcek·end. cut 2,50 t-o .per ton, This ~s ~xpee~ed to stiJTIu~ate hIlly attcmplillt; tu witll tlieu' $P,oP jUst n~ ~oon as Ihls matter I~ Cllll'~' kcel) Ul) tribuL"'·.~ tlldt you have ulsplaycll III J\"d lea" pr-ove that by the \Ina, "But after all that's nothllll;. hccau-.' price 'reductions and unlock indu&tri~1 actiXHy over a wide lied. we wll1 make a cleur·cut ~tale· fllYOI'lte hollby thejlJst. In a Slltl"lt of co0]1 era 11m, '"'yplstl Inl'ldeulnlly I would SUI-:. neYIIolds went to Sl. Loul!!. IAII(~'II It range, llIellf ahout ulld th,,! slatcm"ni will J double bllnee this rLller. th:!1 I". :;:esl thaI Ylltl,l::O hack thlll YOllr P~yclt· was t!lel'e already). l,t! [lUt Into th!JI ('ollegt! cat!l.IOIl. \\1' Corporfltio!,s and uti!ities ~re takipg advantage of low As a result of too mallY IS!llltg. the "(lller'", If yon sILl! kel thHI rOll ,""II olngy "ot""' :md I·O.Tect roUl' s\lc" •...~ People you met at IllC SUlltrlll at'e ItOI going to "cross our hridges·· tollli IUlIllbel of fln;t duy eovel'~ rOI" l)audy wIthout being worgtml t interest rates. thro~~h new issues. One is the $60,OOO.OO{.l or whal YOIi ("~Ilcd .. th:'lmu~". ~ou 01 DaU~e I:llal(e IlJeIlo dates later 011 I [ 1IIItl1 we come 10 them Those of )mu 11.1.' Il(oW ;: .. Jefferson stamll I~SIlC'1 Dear GenU" Header. ('OUI'!W Io.n-ow1l11 alOll\: t!lat tile t"OITC(:t yuu dOIl"t believe ask Clnric!' ;Inti MetroQolitan Water Qistlict of Southern California; anoth· me. w!w al"e ila,'lllg cl'edlls l,·uUS[ClTe.i June 16. wa~ only 118,0:17, or legs tball Of COllfSr. you lire' U""III"(" tht;1 th., ' .\nd 11llIwe you dldl': It! Sphinx. I hear tcll as how the An· with the Intcinloll ot teachlul\". It 'rhe Ih'51 salo of tho Iowa Tel"' ~uilding v~luI!1e ·reaches ReVen-'y~~r pelik. . day \'011'" (n rm' [11(' pa"~ whlt-h I w ~hollY HilI! Oll(,U Ht'use b gol".!: I" )'OI,I.l IU.(' to come. ycs? menns of paylli); Ihat hlWk lultioll. DCII Moine;;. which \Vln oHklully op,·u tila( YOll al'e IIlJ!r to rc[ram (rom tlt.~· ~1·;I'HIK1·:·· An~wer 500n' Yonrs mollclou,ly. Uoger ~~pson says busine~s is definitely 011 thc inc! casco Now. it j" my duty Il.S II.n £'rnl)loYCIl August 2-1. .-lVSIU~ yuur lutor, or gho,>! ",..-.1(,1' !IJ Yl'S truly. Air traffic gains 16 ]leI' cent iW ~r~Y,' . of thc SLate of ll11nols to cal'r)' out he. IlIn'l a ghost. ,,>; hi" wdUnE" •• {he Sphinx Dema~d fot colton gray goods t!3liches hijrhest voint !hc ·1.oUcfe8 of the Uourd rlilly jU(:Il Stlllllj'l Collecting, or l'1tliilitcly. a"' wllkh lack suhstance would IllGlc; y(' O~cr alae Sphlllxe as It Is YOUI' dUl)' when YOll go out l'tf.arqh, 19,5'7, you l'rc!c". tll,vc!op~ froll! Its IJa!!!, In • be (lcrtuiuly sho\.!ld bt ont), lInd y<'l to tcaell th!s [nil to \;"rry out the run Jls continuous g\'owt~ as a liollJJy hllve th-o colossal San to dcme th(' \\'ou·t YUU ~ Ica~e -tlo MOIIl£' !iIlOO;' an~c o!~~;;::~'B.k~0t'~~ t~::,,,~~'~ ~:::: furnit\.u:e or;qers up lS per cent ,in M~y, 1l)o.nUlltes of your Board 1\ly rereon· nllli III! flll a,'ocaUO)1 Indlt;atca qlllt') .noue with rOIll" mlscnlblc rontl·llIt·· Ing al'Ound YUlIrs£'lf >I!HI. rlmi out what "Ullck" acbeu\er hal'c instllulclI 1]110 San,ta E'e :aijilroa~ workcls to go back Oli five-da.y week al :reellng abvut tlie mllHer !a 111111 clcul"ly tllllt lodIlY'~ .E!ln.01,f 'Coljeeltng t\0l)8. which. If the)" are \lot high]\" reully cause-tl those 0<1"10\18 lacel'll' this Instltutlou wbot ts known a~ tllo July 1, clue to "general upturn' in businc~s:" . Sotltlloril illinois ought to have a low was \)1\lIt 1lii0Il yeste,:day's 11rOgl'CS~. inccndiary. {;Gl'tajllly al'~ antj.{,ocial lions 011 Gool'tor Wham Jr:" llOs{l aml perfect Labroatol'), c1nss I'rocc!lnre. "And tbfs a[so from· the Boston paper: tult!on college. Almo"t·lloo.o of lIw And lIa, If Pltlllltoly Is to proj;ro~s tu the nlh dogl·cc. Worc you, d("o:.l1 (ol·clleud.? Ho hbs told so nUlIIY ~tOI'IC8 Thf' nl~t thing Is to ;u to cahCl"~ The Unit~d Stales is bahincing the ·j:>udHet....:.....from th£! llco{l1o wllo IIvo In Oils l"II'eu can Itf· fluthcr, u~ n cullul'od age!lcy. as au ,;ojlt!c ren!ler. to IIlcnd hnl( the tim" ullom the I\\ddrnt th,l! II hns hecolll," Cafe. buy onc quart of FountQ.il1 f\okc. boLtom liP, '. .' ." '.' ; r, '. fonl tv jlOy 111s-h prices tu hn.... !' tlloh I,rttstlc ucvclo~n~e,lt.· as ·a .h1:!5t~l"!cal h .. alclllu·g· (0)' reAlly w01"lh whlt<' n hnffl~lg IllYl>tory, Dhl Iw do a .11) (J;tllI&lve or' all t .. "kses. {uclndlll,:" clilrdl·cn·ilducat~d. At tlltl bltmU lim.·. wlido and. In t\ very lIlhuuo \roy 1l~ 1\ ::lll!llnxle mat(,I·lal. that yon spe:lIl fllotdlvc InloJ feet of \\',ltlll' nil n'e salns Upi:. r1"llllel tacks. Incomc' tll~. +h~~ fact was ~iscloscd her£! ill a compilation of stati!:;· then! I!I uh:LIost Tlo lllun· foj· tho~e tif"leUIU'i~ j)[\ijllmc. tile 'hobbyj~t m.lIst I,Inlll1lng lho dk-tlOlllIl'Y hi fon!l hOI'''~ )I('a\"d. did !If" "omllo wUlt 11 flre{!fu("\.· hiiury lax. I'uud tl\X. hard ·tllctS. et tics il'om tne capitolH of the as statOR. ... 6111lg ]lbop!~ 'to So wltllam Cd'lClIthl1l. (Iu hI" sl1ill"c to bril1l,;: it nll~nt of Iwill,l::lu!; to US!lt Bom" rvcn'lllo"" Pf.Ql'llr" they IImrkB orhtl!1<'11l1)!;ttlln ectel'a Obtulu 2 (tool paller CI1115 ali.1 Most or ~hc !4tatcs; the sUrvey shows, ,'vUi be in boLter ThC''' !lbTe 'OIHllI rUliohg tholll hllv,' " 'rHo :r1f1'I~de6 fur ~e~~loN!IS" II!O 11)ot)"III;(; .,!ol"tnlnology. you mlgll! I,., !1s he told th" girl~ III tho' [J~IW. SI;;- :: (10) .. ti·awl; (110 n)OI·ol. tllko';I(ore­ ii11arlcltlr coildition' at Hie end" of the )937":38 fi5cal'yeal' l'lgllt to' Itll education. Ol)ld'l l'e,l;Tof, llObliy lllto ~oll\othlll~ more hUllorluul !l 110IIcrtt 10 th,.. sttlllonl ood)'. ;\~ II IHI:'Illloned ollullnlC]lt to CIIl.IIII and cn· ~p·.~·~!!ic 3~- tbp~ theY" W,~~£!"~'Y~Rr ~g~. ' ", " . .. ~ ·th~·l"otorc, 10 aeo -tiny polh:y iIHlU-..u .. • tll6l1 1\ lnvot.)J!~ l~ohby ai·c, l;a,t~I'~~!!r, .I~. y,oll arc \I ressj1o()1 o( !JI"llllllty _ UC81 n(:.,anl~. ~()y thp l'c'rc~hlJlI eoo!lIc;!s o[ IIW IItCi! ..... hlch wl!l I"nfw It liul'dcr (ur'u lhe ~tnn'll' soc!et!es or tl!(3. ~·orl(j. D,I!! As 10 ·my owu d.thcr wouk lIIeran' (' T. K 'llforelllent!oned FO'lulain Roke, cl> Only a hAlf dozen wiU"rcport b~~Jf()l a~!~its fpr tht1 12- YoUntl' IlIil'!lon"wllo"IU}~ lO'bo cutlrbly 1ho bc~t' wOI:k. to helll tllC ln~!Vldilal. 1'9;\'';.'1"/1. ( rOil. sir. lc~;I.? 0,[(' .. ( nll'lo~s To Know! ClII!llrc (Wall :a~c~. ~'ll!l~ YO~ hQ~l,en mopth, Rt:td ha~r af ~h9S(! will be smillIeI" trlln .the peficits 01l lils 0\10"11 to gel all cduCIlt!ou: 'Bill call 'come rl~OIll 11lc 10'cnl'h\;!Jg.t Loc"nl ~3' pIIIY cJafm to rilory al~llg 1110!;,~ to be CII.6UUJ;.IUl .o~Casi(Jt'!RI "hmce at vi I!lM year. thOro al-o) "Qlllcr il\tluon-t!Cla '111 tho 00;>"1' lIIr. <>plIlIlX tbe topO!tl'll.l'blc mape w1ilcb ~rc 5Q . 'Two states-Michigan Knd Oklahoma-alone will' go tlLate, lIot III nic gpVO\:Unlt:nt. 1'cprc, ~:)~~OI·j~j~I~:CiG~tc~h~[~~~:~~·;r~t!~~:~.!~~ ~~lC'~'1l~9 tJ.I~d~il;~~T~~CI~6&~~:la~: (~~ Tilc (oil09.'iItS illisrelltillg t!dllllo; c:hioni'~lY afu'alr:id'ii the 2Cr{ pli~·slob· .. f.urHiednfo the ~ed:" -'. I'''' ":'-:' •.•.,.' ~ .l!ebtl\lg J)rl\·att! co""l.Htgcs· nM IIcliouJII BClUVCllln nnd IUCllls or our Cill'!Y Copy ~cadl~g Is cOllcerned . well. lla¥d COlllO to my ull heurll1C ears Ily .!iP!IY J~~.~Vom·l. to'2,. 'Q\'CI'Y Wed. or Ulie 1>01'1 lit auotllol', wllO haN becn tile (lO~Io!p G,·aptviUr., a~!O~:OOIl. Tl}':lIlt l;01}l1'l I.!!!!",. onr :W.i1 \ ., ;~¥~p:y'_;:'f We ~~~~ .n?t ~rly .~Il!~m:~ ~P~$!Jl1~ '1P4 ~~­ fntll"dllehls-ly Itc/tve \lul'llIS" the put :~:~~'~~~~ ~:~I(:~:ac~'~lIl'7aQ~~~al~;ie~~ ;:~l?;:~~~Jitll;;a~~!:;~e:~:~w~~ YI::~ \\e wondpr whethol ~!!I Spears·dt· d~1" lilt} IIPplllxe, ':'0p:11 llko h. :pen4itHr.e .for .~he yeA-r but will p'8r~ .49.'I;'I~ ~h~~t pUQq up eIght o~ tell yc'ar!!, lind tltll)! DIl"o v"(ev."' llat'ul. ala '111 ltie'pr'es~i'Ylu'g' or week, [6\:1IIe"thlllg::\\'n~ full or erro .. ~ (nat 1.11 tho teullls fluals 'at !>It. Vel'uoll tbri ·rs IllY: !LllUUII.1" eoutilb, ~ take jthirillit .Ul§1929-1D3S .t:lepreqs:iuu, Some wiil be fl'ee of that 1U(iliJ!.l~d to ilrlng prcbliijrtl to bl.;ilr t" ".:u; 4'16 to Ibrae Ilre'I01ja sell!. o~ t~oe 0iU'~ or'mJ 111 yti'q1:'eol~mn: .. ': qebbil~ogethel',' i" hilYe tll0es uew rullllSo lnal1itll"ated. :I~~P ~:ila::;!:.;·dara~·!-':·(\~~leru J:! ·~Sr~~'fl~~:~ :~:~' ::::e::i~: !~:~~ ~~,l.l fact tbat Susie was 011 the ijld"Ulles'! TOpogTiPb TillIS, Thf; Home of VELVET RICH ICE CREAM,.d Clarified ni~a!:steurized

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Tuesday-Pal Day

MELVYN DOL"GLAS And FLORENCE RICE In "Fast Compan.y" SHAMPOO 8<­ 1 .:0....-: HAiRDRESS 35c Metro Travel Talk

MANICURE lVITH Wlms, and THURS, ROBERT WADLOW, OTHERWOll.K ... a~ LORETTA YOUNG And . 4LTON GIANT, J·OEL McCREA In W§ITScARBONDALE Coqsult Us for Y~ur ,qmlt~ f-.f~ll!pms "THREE BLfND ··nvbnr! WUlllv"", !1I/! YUUJl!; ~ti~fact,i9n .rW'r~nt~, , l;iullt. Wttl) at Iho G ... ~"c MICEi~ ciillrclt in f..'uI"IJon()ulc Imn \l YI:11LI1£ WndlOlv. m~l'(" I .Musical Comedy feel: tall, l~ lJ~lll)vcd 10 he II ),Ollllb IIlIIll III 11m wIHI(], a.nd r~ri.~ ftai.,Iressers unlit lit rroporn')u I~ I!ls uelg;M. 219 ~V • .M~ip f.JJl!i!f!m! , h¥d. th@' p~Ore8alonal not be neglected, Dr. Be re'll!lrted that private schools in t1;6 urea. were plallnlng IItflltfng tbell' special ~!lIlCtlllpn. The 'EducatlDn committee will

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educn!-ioll. The comrnluee w!1l orgml. ble the story Df educatloll II:!! told lit {htl'. So tbllt the illte,'esled Vig·

COST MORE AND WOm'H IT «wire'! Just a narrow WE USE IT AT OUR bInding all orcM!d to firmly FOUNTAIN evp,";!'f pture and divide1he brecms.. I 806 • ·":j~~i~'i.~ CUNE-V1CK Drug Co. ·'Bet.ter Fou""ain prink$"