Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1938 Daily Egyptian 1938 7-8-1938 The gE yptian, July 08, 1938 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1938 Volume 19, Issue 33 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, July 08, 1938" (1938). July 1938. Paper 3. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1938/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1938 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1938 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. stress educational the binding of ~raflle boo~s •• stu- dentsRed- Cros'; -applaud chapter the coopelatesCl1am'ber ofin ;~~~~~~;;;;;~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~I~~~t~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C~mri).erce sound' ,movies . w~jch , were shown last night " .• se:.c,?nd ... "'"1;0 I AlI-Cllmpus q.ance ,!¥i11,beih~ld July 20 ,; . Anthony Hall hams open, house tonlorrow -niJirht ... Delta Sigma plans dance for July II? . : . I fifteen teachers sectire leaves of ..• training schools to in­ augurate a band and a book rental system :*. _Lentz reti.ll'ns from San "Amon!; the lnnovntlonll which, will F'1"snclsco Rotary lnter~ationa.l, be Introduced In tlle tminlng" Bchools . co~vehticin ':'. and FoUrnel' demo~strate techniques n~axt y£'oar. Dr. Dt'lIce W. Mel"V.·ln in puppetry ... fifth grade class at Allyn plan interesting stated yesterltay, will be a pllln af Dro.matic portrayal .o[ education ns t;ips. _ . improvements being made at Giant City Park .•• book rontnlll ;lnd tbe Immgttratloll or • the one great rOTce stan'dlng between Old Science Building confinues to be the favorite target civilization nnd catastrophe" will be 3 good band," Se"el·o.l hundJ'{ld dOl· ;tor the arnateut" photographers-as is shown by the above tJle aubJect or one of tlle major ex· larfi wortll of band tfistruments ha\'e hlblt grqurs, o.t the New YOTk Worlll:s <'shot" .... alreauy been orderE'd. .Mr. Chnrle8 The I~cal citapter ot (ho AmertC(ln "Fair 193!f, Q)'o.... er A. Whalen, .Pr~l· Features-Pulliam urges stu'dents to await more def­ PatLer!;on will have charge of tlllR n!'!d Cross has as!';ILmed the coBt or denl of the Fair Corol))'atlon, dJs­ inite action en the part of the Normal board before becom­ war'\<. blmllng: thirty-three BI'aille books closed In o.nnounc!tlg- creo.tion of a,. It is aiM wbieh have been prepored by tile ing "~xcited" ever, the possibility ef having to pay back­ DeparLment of EdUcation In (he l!<x. planned to IncrellSe tho Bral{ie scbool In Herrin noder the tuition fer prQ-medical and pre-legal training in the state Jlollltlon. m:mbcr of excurs!ons nnd elll'lclI teachers colleges .•. .Mucke1roy is now tea<:hing the chilo OJ'gllnlz.atlon or the department 10\' <,yen more tile socIal lUe ot the IItU' dents ot the UniversIty High School. dl en of some of his first pupils ... Finn dis;cusses the Man­ loweu (l elx-months' study or educ.... tlon plalls tor tbc FaIr by n Commit· A Ilew cOach Is being secured whO] toux tests which are being given in the Illinois teacher~ tee on Educal1ou, at which Dr. Hurr}" will have charge of the Junior HIgll c~Ueges ... Smith writes on the new S. I. N: U. lVIuseu~ ,,'oodbuTIl Cbase. Chancellor DC New School Athletics and a.Bslst Mr. Hal exhibits-and HorreH spices the feature With a candld York University, Is chairman. Func­ Hall with s!!nior high Bellool physiical camera shot of the 40·inch wingspread hawk ... Hobbyists' tions of the department will be to education work. column continues to favo·r stamp collectors •.. Wilhelm plan Ilnd .!lUpeTVl!Ie education exhibits Scvornl new CO.tlTSCS will be taugllt finds a happy atmosphere at the NYA Resident school ... and ]lr(lgrams nt the- .e,:poeIlfGn, to in (he University High School next interprH othet- exhibits In terms 01 yenr Ilmong whIch is,cme In Conset'va_ Eycs andEars fine ... Sphinx inevifable.... their educational c6ntent and to keep or Hon. to he offered by Dr. Thomns Bar· EDITORIAIr-This: week's editorials are dedicated to the tholla:mda of edll.<:ators who will nr ton. Henti of the Gf'OgTllphy Depal't· the brightening business horizon, , . come to 'New York ncxt year lutormed . PICTURES-Mr. 'Renzo Muckelroy. head of the agri­ of events In their pl'oIesBloo through­ out the metropolitan urea. culture depa.rtment and one of the few remaining faculty Donald SleBlnger, former Dean at EIGHT COUNTY members who has witnessed the rapid-growth of this col­ SOcial Sciences at the UnIvel'9lty or lege from its earlier years ... a scene from the SUmmel" Cblcago nnd executive aecretaJ"Y of CHORUSES TO recreation course ... HOl'rell"shoots" a hawk in the S. I. N. the educatIon committee, hus been named director of the depal·tment. SING CANTATA U. Museum .. , photo of Mantoux, testers ... Old Science Space has been Bet uBlde Cor ellll' Building ... portrait of Chiang Kat Chek en a Chinese cat!oll exbibits in Bulllling No5, one st:amp.. , • ot the majol' F ... I~·bll!lt exhibit hOils. SPORTS-RoUa, NY A pitcher, strikes out twenty-two with an enttance fronting 011 tne Falr's ·'Pl·lnclpal esplanade. Constitu· Spirit batters-giving NYA 10-4 victory over the Spirits. tion Mall. An auditorium v.ill be "Harvest COrtl"'ahs" Is n cantatn tor .... ,:,...-l{appa Phi K.appa. bloS;loniS forth into a winning strea.k n.valJable tor Incture.'3 Qnd motion pIC· _,~~~!:lbJ]l~rging Wjld~ts 11-6 ". O~\oles score vict~ry, mixed voices composed tor tlle eounty :he a clloM16El's by -Rlilisell HanCOCK .r.llJea. A striking ieat;;~' ·;;ith; ;rlll~~ of mixed voices, The words WE're written by Chal'lf'lI. progrnm. accoJ'dlng to Dr. ChaBe, ,\,m of Frank Bennett, well known Chicago Coopel'. C(Jurse Uneventful for Gracie- be a SCl'ie5 of demonstrations of the choral dh'ector, presented a concert The elgllt cOllnti!'!S ha v.. heen prac· plnce the motion picture is milking on tile college campus Tuesdny !'!VI'­ "Yes," sigh~ Gracie "I signed up {or t.oo much work for itself Ill-Itt!'! )lrot!'!$sIOn Films. he tlcing In five poups. Jackson and nlng. Jllne 28. for tbe third nllmber Pe.,·}'. Pepe and Hnrdln. and PulaSki this summer. Why, T actually haven't been in the cafe so.ld. w!ll lie grouped nccordlng ~o ot the slimmer entel'tainment I"(mrs~. this week! If only I hadn't enrolled in this· six-weeks epeclill Interests and will be druwJl and Ale)(.nnder COUll ties \\"ork as tbree from every possible producUoll sonrce. gl'oUps. Saline aud V,'lIlJamson coun· recreation course J could "jelly" at the cafe _ tie,. have been "J'1'.!lcttclng alone. every night." In add Ilion to pictures made solely ANTHONY HALL for educational use, tber", will be ed· TIle- cllol'uses are plannmg to gO to Gracie thinks she may develop a severe "'=" familIes. ond aId to tranSients Iled l'erSIOnB of Hollyweod a!ld othe .. SPONSORS OPEN HOUSE th£' >!tate' fair at SprlngfiOl"ld to sing Dr Andrew W. BI-own. who 19 hea!! commercial producUens npproved b~' the C'ontnta there lat€!r in thC' SUDl' case of repressed personality. Its always -.:l" ~ "~YCholo!':h't al the Institute of Juve, (l. nationwide committee of educators. the same old story-work and more work. ...' TOMORROW NIGHT blip Research and who 19 generall~' Several pictures now In production Fifteen Teachers There is no relief in sight. Even her course Anthony HIl.Il will hold Open Houso bere for the clinic. will be lectnrin~ wIU hnve theIr world premieres at the· Saturday night. July n. tram etght Ull· this summer at Columbio University. in photography didn't reveal the wonder· -0;:... fr Fair. Dr. Chas!'! revenled. adding thnt Students See Secure Leaves til twelve o·clock. 'Tbe entel·talnment In addition to the re.... iew and dis· wGrld of chemist!y which she was expec.t- hIs committee wns !lIse cO{lperatill); will cOD'list of dancing. carus anu o;oUl' Of Absence ing. No brilliant colors-no explosions. It is therefore with the Federtll GOYl'!rnment and Ille Commerce Club ar game!!.. and !!I1l~cllll entertaInment ~;s~~; ;~~~~~ c~::c~:~:.le:h:r;~:;:s~ mnLlon pictUre industry in tbe prepar. Leaves of nbsence tor the summer not surprising that Gracie should exclaim, upon emerging sional ~tnffl will the more lie· numbers. Thel'o wll1 be several rea· t<> stmly atlon er 0. teat\lfe film on Ihe IIls(ol'Y Sound Movies term hag been gl·lI.nted the follow, from the Photography Darkroom at Wheeler Library, c~s which :U'e brought ber.e tUl'e get·ac'l\ll;llnteu daooes d1J('!n~ 1l1e lllg- m;mbers of tlle S. L N. U. fae- tailiM of Ihe United States A compa:riUvely huge crowd ottend· ft'om other towns In southero ll1inol!!. "Darnit, nothing ever happens in the darkroom [" e\·enlng. tltld refreshments wlll be lIlty: Another UDUl.lual exhibit under con· t!d the sOll1ld motion picture show pre· "The Qhject or tlle clinic:' stuted s~l"v~d. Faeully membel's and stn· .... Emmn L. Bowyer, head of the J:.:ng· ~ldel'lulon Is "The School of Tomor· sented last nl~ht III the Shryock Audl· tlents ore cortllally Invited. Dr. \V. A. Thnlm:m. chairman of the row··~a demonstratIon school In IIsh deparlment. home In CUTbondale: torlum by tlte Chamber of Cominen·e eollege committee." is to uid clllll1l'pn Rising Market Elizabeth A.
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