,, W |; HI. LINDEN RECORD ESTABl ' h EC i IX ? £ [ N E W ... £ Rs h flJRSDAY TM^Tch 1 5” EB8~ PRICE 3 CENTS ARCHIPLEV r® *• Sfar € h*m m+M HONORED A T ®,hB.. FETf H E R E 3 | g if-ff ■" ift' :: ? i-'1' fir^j fp |*”i ii|; lolls I p * i ■■ ■ s i e s * m o n - d o im r il %ii«#mi«Ss /V-«m Ti ietir ng H«ad Spreading 01 Thomas A . nipi< Im i Hoil«Iin:* I tides tiring president th e false Rumor Exempt Firemet A sac ra tio rs . mdtan Housing Coiperatioi I - iuiki 284 4 partm< alter sevjec era, 61 0 W e s t St. Cicorgj-e j Myles J. McManus aveoue. - • ?£3 ...... i ... . and the two permit attache*^ four-family dwelling two and a hs i officials originally served. City Msyor Myles J. McMisnus spoke f sta whs, wEl apptcr tafes toe-| clerk Thomas J. Wieser and City ( in height. The Build of Mr. Archipley as e of to e ; re&Cieaa amendment permits erection ia th e Jauior High School •Treasurer James J. Smith. pioneers who helped bu d Linden o f such buildings with or with­ md praised his long Imm on Friday. March IS. Gksria Apparent late last week was an C^ty Coolers ecord c.f out central heating units, and community service. Tl s M ayer is a slater m id and &ens!&®tie effort to capitalists onyn a repo jmw l a * • a is* introduced Leon A.. WgtaoaL d a n c e r <&f samie re im tatkta. that Mayor McMa with or without cellars, pro­ head of the S< ;ule R ati be reached by Constable On Municipal vided that suitable crawling Reibel for service. One Newark rani in Newa and air space- is provided in taeatamter. new spaper w a t e r r i o n s Ia present in j McManus was not to be found in the buildings without collars. W&teon paid ti the city hall and rumors spread _____ [ At the same time, the council Lini is receiving: and Be Given fc y in this city reached such ridiculous Details of Linden’s plans for ac- i adopted s resolution stating that stated that in ] opinion ail Lint proportions as one trtjitli t rrct rinj let; - ■ r • ** ft sresent and past, /^5 /*» were ftlostiw 'a in their effort^ mf r Ln< f &nd have had real interest of 3 '• Actually, Mas engin-w ■ fne&-fc? sTsnfcrg in -. [ unong others v . ,. .. ! A PnI f; lise of Mr. Arch C apers of 1SS8” •at Junior I son, chairman of the water com- The council’s action followed * f Wheeler, presid* School auditorit on Friday, —------—_ ------J mittee, presided at the meeting. t tosi lengthy conference with rep- ncil; Councilman ,u -lMaI h 18, under ti>he auspices of , . , .. , , , , I! Industrial heads will be invited i resentatives of the Linden Hous- ion Commission, 11 i i»K t d I 5 I'f! Ifl *M ; I« wmta omn It1.e 8 > ,::' William u In rehearsal rtiM S U * im 1 Qa*f pat a conference scheduled in the I |3roj®c|; Following the conierence. Michael Kr membe I for the past :intiis under the Iroftic D M nit in IVJ 7 ] near luture. a plan is proposed to t1™ R- La‘slltoE- of 29 Broad wa Judge direction of Jarroli, dancing make the water distribution avail­ New York City, one of the spons- Rata; City Lewis I in stru cto r a Junior High j Linden ranked 175th among able as soon as possible, in order I ors. announced that the council School Conur Center, assisted j cities o f 10,000 to 35,W» popu­ I to encourage new industries to come cooperated with his association and tee Piremei: by John Du! lation in the number of traffic was helpful in every way possible. to Linden. He said that he is associated 'Clarence H. vo p win be grven. deaths for 1937, according to figures released last week by the | The committee is also working j with Col. Robert J. Gill or Balti- formance at 7 to secure a reduction to rate of at j more and Gene Hall of 1A3 Maiden ip. B lren, and the com- Statistical Bureau, N ational Safety Council. There, were | least 15 per cent for the private | lane, New York City, in the huge tplete i. m. for adults, thirteen deaths by motor ve­ (consumer, pending the insbsU&tkm j e nunared orchestra seats will of the municipal water system. j ' ORnnu-'- on P*8e twelve- hicles, <1.3 per 180,000 popula­ •eserved for the second per- Besides Councilman Oroneher, t ance. Tickets may be obtained tion, last year, an improvement re Recreation Commission of - over 193®, when- sixteen persons i ■ ■■ M c M a n u s C • h - - f V;- .Hi"" ' ’ c ■' lost their lives In traffic fatal!- | Myles J McManus, Council Presi- ' u' * * " South Wood avenue, dent H Roy Wheeiei MctFi r< T a E# U my talented local and guest ties. Thirty-three cities of com­ «eors l aiRs B| r© Ait i tainers will perform. Among parable siae reported no traffic deaths during 1937. Lewis Winesky, Clyde Potts, special | ... | A rr* < $ guest artists are: Dorothy '■"ess 11 ■■ ■ - ec.j.rsnees Stanlej W IL-CIC O f L i ? ? 1C I Cl I S iams. Roselle civil engineer. ; ______Thi-ee city officials addressed the Myles J. McManus Association on Columb the subject of civic affairs at a tion Co well attended met-ling Tuesday IS ...... l*osi O ffice evening in McManus Hall. Mayor jn F rid a Myles J. McManus and Councilman C harles Valwano spsske on recent Jr ! accomplishments of the city and nap, Sidney Isler and Julius D To Seeom e A plans for future development in l&ieaim B Ayres Drincioal • -ommuiiity sendees and opportun —— ------—------——- — ————------— ------| ties. City Tresaurer Jsanes J. Smith will be chairm an of i Long sought n: and promised by cuss the possibility of FWA grants of the building will be faced in discussed to detail the distribution school magazine rou : jmany Linden and partly sand-finished brick. -■ M . a*r gj ^ for adviwre jjnew Linden po e is about to [to push the post office project. The The working sections of the past!pal services returned to the tax- become s res.Ill nrisi he Dfesent delegations were successful in both office will be located on the first I payer Democratic administrations in Lin- Imissior Treasurer James J. | floor, with the basement housing j ‘ Clarence J. Hunt, president of avisor, will give a ti den and in Washington. With the J Smith, D a v i - j o n ly fctie f u e l &zkd boiler...... rooms, | tbe..... ssisooiatian,l armounced ft fary School Magazine opening of bids on construction of son and City Attorney Lewis Wi- [storage rooms, the carriers’ toilet lopintment of ’the fSlowMg com- I he new por office building still, netaity succeeded in obtaining an j and recAatlon room, and an office‘mittee chairmen' Athletics Phil two weeks away already n pros-(interview with postal authorities, for the postal taapector. j Berlin; by-laws. Einanuel Margu- S i 16"Is Preparing Spe!man‘s/ a four sen j. * Cliristmas cards to be se iective bidders for :he job have . through the intervention of then The prospective bidders listed in- (lies; eitiaensfaip. Men ODoonelT teen listed by the treasury's pro- Senator A. Barry Moore, and. elude a number from Mew Jersey, house, Henry Stalowsldr raember- ’ *e Hospital for Criooled c h arement division, it was learned at short: - -<- n■, : tor a post office btriidins for of the building, and thf- rt -riston E. . j Adolph Eaufe? . ;,. M w . • w w . * j Linden auean< ' ...... — • • - ’ 1 ** " ," J i uvea :i" De | Beei i Rld*afl M...... * fe Con- H ~ r am m * ti...... = ■ternfr Elista.he-ti? Ave. i made spasmodic at-[The entmnee to the building will j strut Hwa tad Bteftoaiwfc^ o m y-yttee in that direction be of granite, and will be bordered [pany. CSIffside; Therault Contract- [ Further plans »e-»> discussed U i \ ^ v M ■ . g p .,. 1935, the present Democratic ' • ' ' - - S n St Patrick’s De *nee ii.Ht.ra.iion sent, several delega­ isheet in undated ceramic tile, in j clover Associates. Inc.. New York tfinal meeting of this raam ittc-V ‘i te Washington, partly to dis- medium buff colors. The exterior City, and Caspar FsJco. Elizabeth, 'be held Tuesday evening THE LINDEN OBSERVER Thursday, March 10, 1938 TWO ■ •eSCSCr's-C'v -X ■ W7 -.'—W, : w*. saeamnoess -i; •' -* &82SS& ^ / >% 4 per cscent mrareainterest...... oni its obligations. ■ 1 '" ' Through , n i g t t * ; ti . )'u ( O h f ii'n u 'f j o-ood management, (at r&K|4 *” ' * ti.iCil'CJI 11*11 JOlf IfOUSCWOTk W RCT : ... ; V.... _ ' : Com*•«•><•<« with the (Linden Record methods, the City of Linden had reached a i Ufl published -Every Thursday point where its most recent bond issue ®oid Citv oi Linden, Union -County, New Jsruey with a coupon yield of leas than 2 per cent. J 5.. OFFICE: 7 E. PRICE STREET It is not necessary to go into the charges, j j Telephone: Linden 2 -33*44 until they have been made in specific form. 'SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, *1-50 A YEAR Suffice it to remember that the application i- National Advertising .Representative made in the spring of an important election American Press Association yeaT-r—a year when a mayor, four council1 22a West 39th Street, New York City men and a councilman-at-large are to be SKORKIS "WXWETSKY...... Editor and Publisher chosen by the electorate. We may be sure cr-e as Second etass Matier February 2, 1923, at Ent that the application is not made from pure.y the Fest Office, Linden, New Jersey, under the act of altruistic motives, but for political advantage. M frc h 3, 1879. ’ * , ■ lent newspaper—independent in thoueW, j We can see that the sponsor is not interested Independent in purpose, Independent in politics. j in the im m ediate effect on the city, but only 1 in gaining his end. We can see that it mat- Thursday. M arch 10, 1938 I ter# little thftt all the good work so laborious S ly built up oyer a period of years is wiped • A REGRETTABLE AFFAIR | out for the benefit of a selfish few.

Every Linden resident, even one who takes, little or no interest in the political maneuvers BUND RUG . WEAVERS that are constantly b e in g made under a variety of guises in this City, is vitally con Blind persons engage successfully cerned wtih the pending application before ) occupation*, but there is an unusual Supreme Court Justice Case for an investi- i fact urine e«iat establishment in Chicago in which gation into Linden affairs and the immediate, ail the operatives blind. and effect "of the application upon this com j in w eaving bes rnuiwty. , ■' _ . _ terns. Within the past four year. Linden has .T heir pa s on a piecework basis they earn from $15 to $45 a week, accor d -l tv/fiy do solome children lik e; washing hen achieved an enviable reputation as a leading housework,rk. and why do others is done, the i ing to their skill. The force includes b- use all their tegemtity to escape the seei industrial city and as a well-governed mu men and women, and-when operatnig at any part of the bomnmaking re-: "ff she is given actual nmipality, attractive to both private residents capacity about 25 aTC employed. apo risibility ? ■ articles. r e n oal/ one or two saw- There always hare been children j kerchiefs and - business enterprises. Recently, this #city ^ The factory was started 12 years ago to wa3h and h on, a atari who did their daily part Lo ''helping.' j,M made toward ar has received nation-wide favorable publicity j a former.electrical engineer, who became «n- mother" with fait wiflingaes* and j a household r< interest, just as others always hare th rou gh th industries that have been .at-j terested.in blind workers while installing ma tiea resisted stay effort to bring them in toe nome wh chinery in the craft schools of the Chicago Into the daily actlritie*. Now iracted here. Only a few weeks ago at a, . . - • t irofier, for ex&mple. . . . - - . . , - . , . , r Lnrhthouse Association. I he enterprise ha, psychologists teR why there even conference of municipal officials with •L>ov , r t . h ide girl t* j been successful, in spirte of unfavorable busi­ may be tM34b,kiisds in one iam ii/ ebrtdB pJay ernor A. Harry Moore, the Governor singled; Thereaplsin too, how mothers may: w»'e!l koT ®«*>>er seste-l< at th. ness conditions. . Most of the rugs' are sold being - esger' «schhie efl to begin takisg out the City of .Linden for special praise as interest children Tn~ being - e a g e r a m . is™ io »eg by house-to-hou^e canvass, principally in the assistant homemakers, and haw the * orer a share in each week suraaiDg. one city that has recognized its opportunities E ast. junior members of the family can• The iattatirt iastiset and.'the flay be kept that way. \ deatre Stitt are strong in her. 3h« and made the most of them. This unique factory is purely a private - "1 take my hat off" to the Mayor of the "T-fae desire te play is uppermost j mother uses hath to | commercial enterprise, net connected with tn the miads of li hiWcoo," the in a routing feature of home**king Citv of Linden *’ the Governor stud, and his . .... , ■ . i • _ - y OI L , ’ ’ - , , . , ', any charitable institution, the workers being aathoritlM poiac ‘The desire | which is made pleasant for ier by sentiments have .often echoed m the past b y I , , - , .. - » to imitate is just as strong. The | the-fact that difScutty and drudgery .. , .... ^ -licit self-supporting, most of them being married others who noted this city* rapid ana firmly ) . , f , , . average little girl wants to do her; have beea banished frc*m it.” ouicjs WHO i.oito .J r I and having comfortable homes. built progress. / j By their skill, industry and pride in their * Linden has been much m the news in ,h' ork these blind rug weavers set a splendid past, always in a favorable light, and has j or those who have' the blessing of received publicity of inestimable value. To-j ^ day we are receiving publicity of another, sort. Today the headlines refer to charges of- waste, corruption and other ugly infer PLAYING WITH FIRE ences; Last Friday, the Newark Ledger, for­ getting that only a short time before it spoke j Every American t ■thy of the name wants of Linden as an industrial mecca and a | peace, and hopes it ty be r laintained with- government, '* out a sacrifice of .national honor. It w ould referred to this city as a st ■over for sii- | seem, then. that one of the best m eans to Every day buiiban commuters. 1 that end woirid be the avoidance o f unneces- ambitious men Other newspapers have be similarly , dis- | sarily irritatiilg other nations. Tberef°Te- the and women ate step­ respectful, and they are not tos blam e. for current agita tion for a boycott of Japanese * ping into new positions, they are mere! yfotiowing the exam ple of goods appea rs to be closely akin to playing entering new enterprises, forty-five local freeholders. f with fire. Consider the effect of the contrasting pub Such a boycott would sarve only to pre / progressing up the ladder of licity: in the past three years or more, nation-j vote eat resentment in Japan, and would success, . . Your “big chance” wide favorable publicity for Linden has en- j not the sligf st change her course. It may com® tomorrow . . , next month courage industry to come here. As a re­ would be futile ac of irritating without i j . . . or o year from now. Will you be sult, potential employment has been increased ; restraining. It w ould turtther sow the seeds ]\ ready? If money is needed, will you in many fields, tax ratables have been in-jcf hate and possibly lead us into war. creased and the tax rate reduced, real estate | As Major George Fielding Eliot, former have it? You will if you have a growing development has been stimulated, population j military .intelligence officer, recently wrote; savings account at this bank. has jumped, and business opportunities have j "Embargo and boycott are tantamount to followed. If Linden were permitted to pur- blockade. And bfockade means war and sue its: course unmolested by wreckers, it j will be countered by war.' It would be might well have fulfilled former Governor S ghastly irony if the well-meaning activities of Hoffman's prediction of .50,000 population; some peace societies should really hasten in ten years. • . j war, instead of preventing it. Let us see what price Linden, rather the i From an economic standpoint, it might | taxpayers of Linden, will have to pay for j well be remembered that Japan is our third selfish ambition. Unfavora ble publicity, ere-1 best customer among all the nations, and ating doubt as to this city ® proper manage- j-buys far more from us than we do from her, ment, hiding Linden's natural advantages and j taking vast quantities of our cotton and oil, the sincere efforts of the present administra- j.which so desperately need expanded foreign tion, has undoubtedly retarded our industrial j markets Just nov^. growth, if not destroyed it. The credit of* The foregoing is in no sense a defense of the City of Linden has been seriously im- the methods employed by Japan in certain paired. The marketability of our bonds has phases of her campaign in China. But a been damaged and the taxpayer will pay j boycott would be a feeble gesture of disap- additional interest charges for the privilege i proval at most, and would bring a retalia- of borrowing for Linden s needs. Linden’s I tory boycott of American commodities, con- carefully built-up reputation is being torn j tinuirvg long after the present war in China down, ■ has passed into history. Let us not play j Not very long ago, Linden was paying 6' with fire. 1 I ' § " -in, LtMC'tH OBSERVER ...... FHRE E GREATEST ENEMY OF HEALTH Prsctfrt m c r* t B 'vision '■ ‘ El ID k® G.O.P. Committee MEETINGS .• N -G c ; r.^. G f-. a s>:.: i i n ji 1 IX 5cai€il pVupONR *6 a* u*hed by Mr h ‘iv r >„■■ ,, U»t,* lfe • ‘' I''n8 !*»' d' publicly opt.n* paurtmeot of Healiifc th ro u g h Hi. eooperatkM *1 the Lbtritam Pick Mortone As ||U SbU ’■ >•.d U% f!v « at l P- Al, Soars! > f Health It ist the fist of si series eit venereal diseases ~:*e 3 . Lathes’ ; L O i\i> 8 T .. tbe donrue GEEATBST EXEMi OF SX.ilTH Mayor Candidate will be held in R jsM i Hall,, March "Lepei At. Large In Washington.”! Eto you remember when this tto.-i a t the K S. ?. O. Li mien. 21st, -N. J. V}»yn cation, o/i e sset headline of ten years ago excited a great hue and cry among citiaens D istrict Gourt Clerk Ralph Mar­ tf the capital? News of f.he incident was relayed, to ail parts of the of drawitigg ‘arsitedifleatiofis will ys one. who polled 552 votes .in .the ' OAMTPg ci-tin be siippHe-J' free o* caoh ■ geeiera* country. Just one leper loose in the city caused men and women Republican Primary for Mayor in to guard their steps, keep th«r children of? the streets,- and other­ St Mary's Guild of Grace Epls- cent ciemhop ed fn . submit® wise become p>-.. 'retag- pniy two cases of -leprosy have been :u»6 a n d . was defeated - by -Jules 1 copBi 'church will' meet In . -the ting .a prcpoaal. . ‘The - above '» per. wet. m x 1 .... »x.in.a vqax. w i**, u;.", 'T . 1 .-it ...S a r i -a — U S...... which will net white ahd colored, young land old. (0_.I given _ by ^ City ^ Chairman i i Maxi ...... , Mali 17. 'Checks offered a? payment- lor drawings and ’ iotitt HllUSt Osier, wisest physician of modem times, called syphilis The Great | j-pn and approved by the ~ Linden \ A - cafeteria: luncheon will 1 be. mjsde ji-ftya-hie Kilter Among Diseases," a.r*i most of our health officers and. 'pliyaicians Republican :Club' at' its - meeting jI serveds Tuesday aftefhoon in the the Trea.sHFer, U. S, Pm wings agree with that description. Other authorities have called it "The Friday evening ! parish - hall. and KpM'lflrstifintl w'ill not he Great Imitator" because of its ability to attack virtually every organ' ’ furnlsbed to contra£lor« w ho !have , . . __ . ,, , Mr. Martone’s name was selected consistent!} t. to suhuiii - pro- of the body, and its habft of appearing as heart diseases, insanity. {rom a list of thirteen prospective! Miss Eleanora Palermo Of 721 iy other afflictions. ■ 1 - - blindness, and I candidates. The steering commit- North Wood avenue will entertain But before goingig further with this ominous story it may be well | tee which made the selection was Iota Mu Sigma Sorority ‘ in her to mention some of its brighter aspects. Syphilis is preventable unci comiX)sed- of representatives of t h e Lome Monday evening it Is curable. T-housands of infections were prevented by the prophy- Linden T,fndVn RepublicanPpn1lhh-Mn Club,nll]h Women's _ lHpus program of the Si Army back in those crowded years of 1918 f card party, will follow a short being cured now through prompt and I Republican Club,. Young Republi- [ unci 1919 Other tho cans and City Committee. business meeting of the Dames ’continued medi treatment dministered by good doctors in their j Mr. Martone was one of the or- ; Malta in Eagles’ Hall, Elizabeth • offices and in t 10 clinUjs New Jersey. So the picture Is by no (ganizers and is the standard bear- .Monday morning. means hopeless a though se than should be. The 4-H Club will meet Wed- | of thi blood usually will detect the presence of er of the Ralph Martone Associa­ Laboratory tion. He has served as clerk of the nesday afternon at the home of j "syphilis. Physicians have 1 available the medicine to provide a cure, Eliz- ty ask| "hais "this" plague been flow ed " to 'become | Linden District Court since its in" ! ®ardos’ 1820 '“Why. then," you ms; 'ception and has acted in that ca-laD€tr!- avenue, . go widespread from yf publicrm b h r t A regular meeting will be held has been conside: Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Don­ ’ - - - ~ health. People h n afraid or ashamed to talk about it; this M arks Tw o Events ald Pennoyer, TOO Washington despite the fact tousands of so-called ‘‘innocent’’ and ’’acci- avenue. dental” infections a&nuaily. Home Coofcetf Spo§h«tfi It Is high tir intelligent, progressive members of the pub- For Recent Bride Margaret MacLean Lodge, Dsuigh- o Speciolfy lk to take a v ie w pl the -situation, not only in ' the interest of , ters of Scotia, will meet Monday the present ar o f m 4. but to protect their own health and that Mrs. F] k Thomas of 318 Amon i evening in Republican her.dquar- ird^r to do this the public must have accurate Ifalian, Amerfcon Foods of their ! oved one I terrace was hostess Saturday even ers, 23 feast Price street. informa tf jn regal .u.n ris disease, where it originated,, , how , it ,is i ing at a miscellaneous shower for caught it may be pre m d cured, w h e r e and how tr®«" Mrs: Charles Troy of 320 Amon 'he regular business meeting of ment n be obtained, hoiv aflects the individual and the com- tterrace. Mrs. ay. the former Dor- the Fifth Ward Republican Club, PIZZA munitj what a ti epdous toll it exacts from society in terms | othea V. Straub, was married last Inc., will be held Tuesday eve- I I?air»n Toms-tft Piw>> of hui month. Gifts were laid in a has- j ning In the Charles street head- J iae, too, tlie huge financial wastage Involved ket decorated in pink and green. quarters. efitment, disabled workers and institutional Bor— Grsil in lost where society sends its A buffet supper was served. The | care at ether havens date was t the occasion for the PARENT QESTION8 DINE and DANCE "unfortui »P€Ct celebraltion of Mrs. Troy’s birth- Questions submitted by parents to H-.1 Haley s Swinj.lers ■ - Forth w ill d e a l day. during the year wil be discussed of publ: Guestts were Miss Ruth Tesch- at the School ! P.-T. A. meeting MICHAEL A. LUCHIO. Prop. ner of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Tuesda;y at 3:30 p. M. A nomi- 848 Second Ave. Flits be th, N. J. Dominic Grasso of Bayonne, Mr. inating committee will be appoint- , , 1 id [Mcirgulies Given and Jdrs. Chester Godown o f !led. | Bound Brook, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- 1,1 * v .'?.te tr i t o ! Fete: | mond W. Ten Eyck, Mr. and Mrs. B v 1 , 0 . 0 Z L odge: I Howard Ten Eyck, Mrs Bertha Schneider. Miss Bertha Schneider, iry of hinden** B y P r o g r e s s C l u b Mrs. Elizabeth Straub. Mr. and Rose , i. O. O.j Z. was j Mrs. Walter Eldridge, Mr. and H u y D i r e c t ,,.. Emanui81 Marguues was given a ! Mrs. George T. Wirth, Jr., Mr. and orgai sday evening at testimemi al dinner in honor of his ■ Mrs. George T. Wirth, Sr., of Eliz­ si m :oselie P rw Dis- abeth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ten recent appointment by Mayor l«soi« foe fern, •-■ » pens? lie following of- Eyck of Roselle Park, Mr. and Myles J. McManicus as member of j jvjfg George Troy. Paul Troy anc flceri d: Mrs. Mae room in New York City, which we represent, the Board of Education, by mem- Miss Ruth Trov of Brooklyn, Stan­ Mrs. Rosa Kop- We in ley Tompko. Mr. and Mrs. WUlinii oncl S-qv# 25 to 3 3 Ise ? Cenf Mrs. Bessie jbers of tile Progress Club of Eliza- i beth la iday in the Starlight j Sender, Mr, and Mrs. George Fink ; secretary; Mrs. Terrace of the Essex House in New- | Mrf . Harry Barton. nd Mrs ding secretary: ark. Commissioner MarguUes is I Edward W. Ten Eyck and president of the Elizabeth cltib. ! Mrs. John Straub of Lindi Among the members and their guests present were: Emanuel Mar- gulies, Hyman Zitomer. Charles TROOP 35 TO HOLD aergeant-at-a Tishman, Ben Bauchner. Isadore - - Commmitte Bauchner, Joseph Klein. Saul Ros- pointed as nowsky, Joseph Oestreicher, David Boy Brodkin, Irving Friedman, Louis Sadie Jaffee: [Red Goldberger, Milton Olim, Milton lirt Swirsky; cna j. Sftdlal Can- Shapiro, .bert Shevick, Jack W il- I for; hospital Mrs. (George _i#*r, EmanUel Bedrick, Jack Katz, , Strkln and ^ i; goo|l and [Bun Barnet, the Misses Ray Ro- | welfare. -Mrs, lei* -finffl Mrs. j.senstrauch, Beatrice Lebowltz. Helen [ Mr, Mijikow ione ponad, jschreiber, Kay Rosenberg, Lillian | Mrs, $ chwartss; AmeiJicani- 1 Cohe-n, •rt Bardy, Sylva Behr COAL and sat loti and JiJdftlsm. Mrs. Bessie |Theresa W'ell. Matilda Zimmerman Win; ff ftcniirnenti, -Mrg/Hanriet- jlicie n Eckaus, Dorothy Blight? KOPPER'S COKE ta Go.Idstein, Mrs,. Bertha Gold- 1 celifi Bienene. Florence Helser. berger, Mrs. Syivia Jacobson* Mrs. .Mart ha FIieischer, Marion Weiner Nettie Bunin. Mrs. Ro$e Unfcfsky: ; Bernice Grodjesk. Jeannette Bor- publlctt;y, Mrs. Edna Harris. Icfa Kolpcn, Mr. and Mrs. Mil- The meet; toil Dvorin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry jj former Scho j- Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levine, | jj eis Schwa i t of the m d Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross. muxi execu Grand The affair was arranged by the j jj *V I CAN SAV I r o MON! ' IN Deputy Ma; -s ii G: was social committee of the club, con­ alao present nue Hands. sisting’j>f Hyman Zitomer, chair­ led Room ,Joaeph Saui Koplin man; Charles Tishman, Isadore ■^presented ifiping Bauchner and Ben Bauchner. ' . I RI the women o organize. Aft informal :lge for members TOURING FLORIDA only will be 1-) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sparks. Sr., Dining Room a n d R U G S > Dispensary bui !of 21 Knopf street, are on » tour r i* d *V. <0 o I f'of Florida. Sun Parlor 11 WEST ELIZABETH AVE. Henry Sachse, postmaster of Phene Linden 2-3631--Office I H I I I [Nuremberg, Pa., dreamed recently We will task® you to New York end back without j that ire was in an automobile Linden 2-3552- - Residence William J. Konke | crash. He leaped from bed and obligation to you. Call for appointment Mr. and Mi’s. Aleyancici HOnke broke his shoulder blade. <*1 610 Cleveland rvenue ra the . -..- ' • .• " . . " ' ' ' . . 1 . -.. Budget Plan Arranged -- •ptrenis of a bh b >o lohn, born March 1. Linden 2-4.758 » a t -■ living Kaalaii DURING THIS MONTH ‘■■Jfr- *nd Mrs. ja c k kp. >!a!i or B & B, reiving; j ...tWgratulations upon the Ririval [ «r a bab; i;o-. i;fiv-i- lion March ! ESSO SERVICE STATION 1 H. the KHvnhr : Is A ,„ ,v 1 Hos- i? 1005 Eesf Elizabeth Avenue Linden, N. J. SULO S C®«rte«®a - r - ‘. H-r ' t pr#mpt AttsnU*n OIL 15c qL, 3 «|ts.-25c Rolwrt A. Ivorii Mu a uf me f-r-s a! n u n P.'iiir eat ! c h e c k your battery without obligation on. your jsart ■ Robert Arthur Kor b. mrch Let us born St is lest Atlas Phototest for checking and- recharging #« r ■ r e i 1 / ‘ H? - i? a • ■ s i ? *t tb 1 Elizabeth ’ eneraJ *pos- tve the ^ ‘* 1. h i new erriv Rl at tlie llome LOUIS FEkiKlS. Prop. LINDEN, v J. « his * rents. Mf. aiit? Mrs . r At- ■k, 201 Adam street. Thursdcy, March 10, 193g FOUR FI.IE LINDEN OBSERVES along a course of Spoilt 51 du­ ders to b® delivered must be sab- j successful bidder ll j - @- ; a 4 ! milted to the office of the Road j to give a bond if to a point in Hollywood Romd Commissioner, located In the City hundred (100%) Talent N ite Program Held that is distant 106f from the Garage, of the City of Linden,} contract price as northerly line of Si. Georges Wood and Mansell avenues op Oi which bond Avenue;* and thence along a b e fo re M a rc h 12., 1.938. p ro v a l o f t course parallel with St. Georges The Common C oup 'I reserve.! T h e Ct im i Avenue and distant thereform the right to reject y a n d ai th e r ig h t to Bv Recreation* ommisM on 1®0' a t r ig h t a n g le to th e bids. bids. point and place of beginning, COMMON COUNCIL OI ^ T H E CITY COMMON THE ( thur Ambrosial lighting effects; being an area of approximately L IN D E N l l u ad SftHJP I a W- IS acres. , i JA! DAVXSG • , ■ /.i Section S. Buildings In said area ! B y JO H N MESLER, jaw, tap dancers, and Helen Gon- nor. mS* ' •••■ 4‘ shall have a setback from the j Street Commissi ,,, Jj rr: BOliAst *'>" ®r s “ Flynn and Thomas Cooney proper­ n e a r e s t s tr e e t o f n o t lea® th a n j thirty feet and shall be not more CITT OF LINDEN H E A R IN G -i ?! s t ' a ty men. The presentation was di­ th a n 2 % stories in height. S e c tio n A In District H—Attach­ ^’O T iC l TO BTD D E B S O F ASSESS sponsored by the Recreation Com­ rected by Aiisera Brtenaa, N, Y A. ivecl | W A L K IM P instructor of dramatic# at the [ ed Four Family Dwelling Houses, SEALED BIDS will be recc mission at the Junior High School it ©hall . be lawful to construct, by the Common Council of th e Notice is he center. maintain, and use a group of g&- City of Linden, New Jersey, last Thursday Two groups com­ ragg'®j$« totalling not more than one a meeting to be held at the City nden, peted and prizes were awarded iOX MOM C O U hV .f OK T H E CITY OF garage for each family. Said ga- Hall on Tuesday, March 15th, 1988, the best performance* in each LINDEN: ragts shall be located at least ten at S:30 o’clock P. M. eastern stand­ H2 Section 1 IV of an feet away from the nearest street. ard time. for the purchase of d aj s r o « P ordinarc© entitled, “AN ORDI­ Section 5. This ordinance shall twelve hundred (1200) lineal feet, | in the e Polly Diamond, who sang Re­ NANCE TO BE KNOWN AND take effect as provided by law, and more or less, of forty-eight 148) consider member" and Betty Dudley who CITED AS THE BUILDING CODE/’ all ordinances or parts of ordi- Inch reinforced concrete pipe; j Engineer tap danced, were second and thud A p p ro v ed J u n e 23, 1025, as .a m e n d ­ thirteen hundred fifty (1350) lineal fo r ed and supplemented, be and the feet, more or leas, of th ir ty - s ix resulting to lots respectively in the first 8rf“f' same is hereby further amended (36) inch reinforced cor crete pipe; land and real Other contestants were.: Edwin Mil­ and supplemented to read and pro­ twenty-one hundred (2 .00) lineal ] reason of the ler, Edith Dawson, the “Be Fiat vide as follows: feet of thirty inch (30) reinforced , walks in and ng a p p r o v e d concrete pipe; four bun ired twen- side of Elizah ■eth Trio" (Seymour Preiman, Jack Van P A R T IV PART IV-V— ATTACHED FOUR ty-flve (425) lineal of twenty- j west of Mapl< Brunt, and Adam Hoefling), John PAM IDT DWELLING HOUSES. (24 in ch re in d c o n c re te tanee of appi Sudia, Helen Sudia, Dolly Dana. Section l. It shall he lawful to ti o hundred si | a n d by Alyce Mann, Ruth Baldwin and erect, maintain, and use Attached of eighteen I o f sid e ilk s Four Family Dwelling Houses of a in fo rc e d c o n c re te ip sid e Anne Sudia. h e ig h t o f n o t m ore th a n 2*4 s t o r ­ tmndred ninety (891 E liz a The judges were Julius Dubav, CITY o r LINDE V jf fifteen (15) inc r e im o r c ies, with or without central boat­ NOTICE TO WJDDKH* dramatics and dancing instructor. ing units, providing: a »c*p concrete pipe to be sliv ered fo fa in SEALED BIDS will be ret he City of Line a n d w h Carmine Jerry and Katherine ■equired by the E n g in e - Burke, Onion County WPA dra­ the con true t ion and v b u ild - S ei J e r s C o m m it t matics instructor. Recreation Com­ ings herein designat “A t- I Council, r d ln g Dw< ie | H all missioner Lawrence T. Reagan was t ach ed F o u r F a mil s now Houses.** it shall be I. ’fUl tt master of ceremonies. The program struct, maintain an wa directed by John Carroll dan­ of garages totalling • not more than f*. M.. E a stern Stands fam ily . a se o f T E N cing instructor. lection i A t :d Four Family cubicP yan d«, m o re o r The Dramatic Club of the Jun­ e llin g s constructed with ! tuminoufs Steam Cinde ior High School Community Cen­ w ith o u t and when con* liv c re d b e tw e e n A pr ter presented a play. “The Red d w ith e cellars, suitable 1a n d Dece•mber 31 at, and sufficlent w ling and air su c h roa< Lamp." by Hilliard Booth. The cast space shalll be . ided below the1![ in the Cit y of U n d e n was composed of Anthony Serge. first floor. ! re q u ire d by t he St r >unda lion walls Arthur Christel. Jean Foti, Betty S ectio n 4. TI s lo n e r o r th e R oad ( equl to be not less | the Co ramiOlL C ouncil. Gregory. Cornelia Dunn and Wil­ 1*9" T thicli d may be co»- 1 All bidis m u st b( Telephone Linden 2*233® b e r C o n k . te or concrete |[ BID D IN G i SHEET** Tlie production staff consisted of blocks6 c r cordanc# wi i p ro v is io n s -u 'T'h specifications a tta c h e d t "Soy It With Flowers" the following: Ralph Gulda, stage o f c o n s tru c tio i which may , be procured a th e ; settings; Joseph Jerry, make-up; quality, and q office of th CUv Engineer and i ------WOOD AVENUE John Sudia, stage manager; Ar­ u sed s h a ll be must b® act m panied by a a n d in p u r s u a r ravision tied check payable to the ord ei and reejuireme: ib L ish e- of the City of Linden in the j u n d e r IV—-c — . FLORIST and DECORATOR WAFFLE SUFFER Part IV of the amount of ten (10%) per cent of this ordinance the bid. The successful bidder w ill supplement, lexcept tng, will be required to give a bond in j Fresh Cut Flowers for Funerals, Weddings, The Jay-Cees hold a waffle the sum of one hundred (100*35?) j supper Sunday at 5 p.m. in Crafts­ th a t th e buih iu sp e waive and sub r e q u ir e in per cent of the contract price as1 Parties, Etc. men's Hall. Plans for the supper which by reaso ctio n a 1. required by which bond shall were made at ® meeting Monday and 4, hereof first meet will the approval of CABS AND CHAIRS FOR HIRE iUDc II; said bond evening at the home of W a lte r or u n w a r r a n te the Common —W hite Carpet For Weddings Available— S ectio n 6. T o rd in a r so furnished y be rejected by Pebick, .106 H um street. The next take effect as tiled by the Common m il an d 250 SOUTH WOOD AVENUE LINDEN, 1 required to fur- meeting will be held March 21 at all o r d ina-ores p a r ts tractor may AGNES WOJCIECHOWSKI, Prop. the home of Peter Johnson, presi­ n a n c e s in7 heretofore .issued to John the following ordinance was intro­ j. Rattersby for premises at 703 duced at a regular meeting of the | VVeat S t. G eo rg e a v en u e, L inden, Common Council of the City of objections it any, should Linden, in the County of Union, New j i rr rned lately in writinji to . Jersey, held Tuesday. March $, 1038, j .T. W— loser. c i * * ■ f and that the said ordinance wili be j j rj i | taken up for further consideration F _> 3 S A ? r t x o x , : and passage on the second and final 703 West Bt. George reading at a meeting of the Com- j avenue. Linden. |mon Council at the Onden City Hall ; a t 8:30 o'clock P. M., Eastern Sian- | s \ ( H A N t ’E H Y w r 1WEW V datrd Time. Tuesday, April 5, 1928. { T THOMAS J. WISHER, A N-DBE W SAJLALO City Clerk. S a n o r d i n a n c e t o a m 'e n d a n B v virtu© o f $tn o rd e r o f th e C o u rt o jk d I n a m c e e n t i t l e d , “AN ? of Chancery of New Jersey, made I . >R D IN A NOE T O RE(i 5 ’ L \ T - - ... -tr» t o y * t th e t o t * K e m l . » ' AND LIMIT THE HEIGHT AN 1> | . - -; a : ■ i e&«M w ft erei», rA li L* A ; BULK OF BUILDINGS HERE- . . i and yen’ are AFTER JftR KCTEI>, TO REGU­ 1 —tVrule.nt, you ft re repaired toip- LATE AND DETERMINE THE; 1 1 - w ® AREA OF YARDS, COURTS AND ■ 1 ,. j’etilionyr'a petition or be- \ OTHER CORN SPACES. 8 C K tore the Stl\ day of -May, neat, or j ROIXN5DING BCILDINQS, AND TO j iit default ttxeineof, such aecrea - win | I.. ; flip'll augjUast T«u as Cne Omn - i SEGCIAT 1 AND RESTRICT | THE LDOATIONS OF BUILD -1 t , -Hoi ©h&U think equitable ana IVS o d d BMH JlNJ ! B I ' Ttw object c t BS,i4 *uit '• to ob" 9 raw SS il tjuiu j#, itnrrTyi of Aivorce dtsa® j v ia | TS1B8, AND MHABUSHtN,i ! hto i w-a rr-isw© b « tw e a *« k.-ou a n d the- Till! BOCHDAR1ES ■>»■' I.’IS- j ».-* i d * p® tft ion er. TR icra **ors t e e s a u > p t k - BEMIFf rew is M ar t 4h, im t. i’OSma AND TO PROVIBE V~1 i: LiSxHT COSfBITlOM JOHN K. BJUAWDA, » PENALTIES FOR THE V!OL,A ; Solicitor of Petit loner rro.v OF THE SAME,* Approved Proper ligjbttag prolescts beattty becaRM it permit* easy, at the erasy rhalr... | I R m t i May 19, 1927, a s Amended and l-'sssBilc. N ew Je rs e y . 8 ufwpl «ai ©sited. oonfckrtable visiou. Eliminate the vse of dim or glaring Modern 1.E.S lamps condi- M a r \ 1 ©, 4 t. W M EAS, & housing development Um “ the lisln. That means project has been proposed to better light for close work and y o u remove a common cause of they provide »>ft li#hJ of ade­ n e w * : h o u n i n g eo n d l t io n » a. u d i s g e n e ra 11 ■ notic© that mppl'lca-Uon has designed to add to the growth and “drawn” features. Use attractive I. E. S. lamps in yonr quate intensity for comfori made to the Board of At- good welfare of the City of Linden in reeding, writing, aeving- y.imitc BOTtmre Control of the which would justify and require a home, lamp# made to the specifications of tbe Illuminating it is a cotshineflni of aireci re-ci&arsific&tion ct the follow ins and Indirect illumination ,'itv of U otoo. i i « J* r« y t« property; now therefore. tr a n s f e r t o Rsatl P. Frank, t , n Engineering Society. These lamps provide r e s t f u l lig h t. spread over a wide radias. The Lincoln Tavern, for prem BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM- located at 1500 Bast St (imricel **ON COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF avenue th© plenary retail on- LINDEN: »s her6to-l Section 1. That an ordman— sumption license No. ntitled, “AN ORDINANCE TO J fore issued, to Solomon Klinge REGULATE AND LIMIT THE f.»r premises located at 1306 Eas HEIGHT AND BULK OF BUILD­ Sc, G e o r g e avenue, Linden. INGS HEREAFTER ERECTED. TO! W* Objections, if any, should b< REGULATE AND DETERMINE | n o cm $ § 0 £ iN made immediately in writing tc THE AREA OF YARDS. COURTS! iin ss J. Wieser, City Clerk o AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, SDR- I ROUNDING BUILDINGS, AND TO Signed) EMTL P FRANK REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE 408 Washingtoi a v e n u e , LOCATIONS OF BUILD1NGS DE- ! K liz a b e th . SIGNED FOR SPECIFIED USES, ' AND THE LOCATION OF TRADES j (TTY Oi* LINDEN AND INDUSTRIES, AND ESTAB­ r ■ ►TICK IS HEREBY GIVEN ths LISHING THE BOUNDARIES OF M" ■ "'X . 8, followltt-T ordinance yt n t r o - | DISTRICTS FOR THE SAID PUR­ n tegular meeting of the | POSES AND TO PROVIDE FORI Council of the City off PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION i ... rt the County’ of Union, f OK THE SAME." Approved May Vhhk la m p illustrated i ev, held Tuesday, March! 10. 1927, as Amended and Supple­ - t id that the Raid ordinance j mented. be and the same Sx hereby fiful Roscrille Pottery i^anip iken up for further con- | further amended and supplemented j T and passage on the sec- to read and provide as follows: ; cash, $6.95 with old-lamp-trat A p 1 ____ final______reading...... at...... a meeting _ | S ectio n 1. T h e re s h a ll be an d j the Common Council at the Lin-J hereby ia designated and const!- j A wide selection of floor and tat ■ * ■... A -x.- p * , city Hall at 8:5b o'clock P. M.. luted a zone to be known as Dls- model I.E.Si lamps are now display H ast* Standard Time, Tuesday, | trict H within the City of Linder? A pril 1938. wherein it shall be lawful to at Public Service stores. They may THOMAS YVIESER. struct, maintain and use Attached purchased on convenient terms wi City Clerk. Four Family Dwelling Houses. Section 2. District tt—Attached j small carrying charge. t- 11 r«»y §| AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN Four Family Dwelling Houses shall! ORDINANCE ENTITLED, “AN OR- be situated and confined within the ! Pi:: AACE TO BE KNOWN AND following area; COMFOKT WIRING—Addit ia askl e le e tr ir lid s f« CITED AS THE BUILDING Property along the easterly r - m C O D E,” A p proved J u n e 23, 1925, side of Stiles Street beginning convenient placing of lamps can he in stalle 1 : amended and supplemented. at a point, distant 100' at right local electrical contractor at small cost. The Sifff ®l WHEREAS, a he using' project anglo northerly from the north­ l.r. hoen proposed to better hous­ easterly corner of Stiles Street OBYWJtHf® ing * <*ndiUom and to acid to the and St. George* A v crmt', a nd 14* e N« m K; ■ • • v ! n a n ti good w e lfa re o f i he running along said side of Stiles Cil v of Undeir winch would justify Street a distance of 800'; and i ’ V B L i a ;,, m u ;< t », .d re tiu ire m . a-mendaieat to the y 1 A ’ <.;• . • 3 de- Thursday, March 10, 1938 THE LINDEN OBSERVER FIVE ■ SISSSffiiffi . . ~ ™ . 3# ysseeappa! asasac sssssm Cfdcl wehe Un n fi ■ Amen Irish-Americans M ethodist Church To ■'9i * aurtched By I Hosts To Women powe jmpared with Man­ At* J o i n t Meeting Beg it.i A nn icri Z orwos powerer grenerat* tha forte of y fades alnwet into noth- ■ ting Maun of tta Mtofch well, Wendell Wood, Mr#. Elsea- ciectnci A “Buy in America” movement ists made durimg the) six- oiu H m and i*f- T' was org&nized in Linden by msm- cle race in Neu Yo l. not * ‘SS U 2 SS2 L S 5 March 20 the annual c'™“ distribution**«*" John Schafer. inent mansufae- bers of tlhe DistUlery W orkers' Liuden for the first time Tuesday by a prom: | evening in the V. T. W. Home. | of envelopes for contributions to One hundred and two women at­ taring company showed that one Union, a branch of the A, F. of h More than .* ■ ol tha balm a ho l»3f-«i , tended the special women's night rider- pcd&Hipg ntimwaaly jnifrht 'consisting of employes of the Dis- L in d e n 1 Irish - American j current expenses and to ralss the service conducted by the ’Rot. aad day ty- M»r 1 !tf Ltd. « k « » t -Ml- n n T-tr East...... EtigsSr ...... road.i « : group - were...... 1 present .. at the------affair------1 money Ineeded f C t U V U IMS in MICthe iiCWnew WUU|CVbudget George M. Mueller Sunday evening c^ald develop not more tnan twenty lRt # meeting to the and expressed willingness to co- f« » approved at the an------«~r»f Anwpww. an. r- —m. tu . -— ...... Miss Stnma Skier led the hymn horsepower 0J energy, eq: '■ the then’s °ntanlsa- nual meeting by the finance eon slits A ® s ,* 1 Id be far- Nations). Hall last Tuesdai A : no­ t» tbs eacxnr that w* tion uture ) risfa • t « Has aura el MM #1 m 1 t teen \ oiess aisiisd by about a#v«nl ’-five cents iution adopted at the me® In* wo- Linden. be Goodwii otu tta arljpi is asm worth of electricity. tides "ItHtt this organization spon fltzpa trick lairman of the all obligations in full by the end | The Rev. Mr. Mn«Hsr gave an ad- This practical test »y tor and encourage ail Ha member dance committee, reported that | of the fiscal year. Marat) J; A Stf Mead 1 plans ' I . I, : . H a t ., • > and their friends that they at ai The church has adopted a uni- | John 4 so A similar men’s *pe- definite value, comments the New A n tbs Un 1 z ■ fa dgti ol eorrfant ciai night service is planned for times buy only "Made In America wel rider way. and e jerwy Public U tility Information rose wi which includes the church ichcoi. April 10. order to combat the in- j large crowd be accommodated for the year 1938-38. Contribu­ The Ladies’ Aid of the church Committee, it reveals very clearly ’ "flux of foreign made products upon at the affair, tions will be made in a stogie ses. M V« S U et# w. - MHM ' 1 - that for seventy-five cents A program of iment was j of envelopes this ywm, ln stn d of afternoon. Junior O. U A. M could purchase the energy and the American markets.” business I separate offerings for church and will meet in the recreation hall power equivalent to that supplied The resolutio n*M introduced by n ? * » £ * dee * Cormskev I school as. formerly Small alae tonight, following a regular chon A1 Fontana. by two men working at top speed S,nnnr 5|» ,C°- danced an Irish jig; Miss Mary b® gisei U shears# fts (..... continuously for twelve hour* each. operationton of all local civic, fra ter- ; Muldoonu „u„,n sang»«no -nw - M • ■ c e.a n$t Bt d henr ; ft a i«*s .o,xk:»; r* i if: way, nal and political organizations in Come from Ireland Helen Han- and Mortgage Sinking Fund bud- | followed by a masting of girls whi Expressed in still anotbe the movement. thirty-seven and one-half cents pay non tap danced and Patrick Freil gets are also included in the one j wish to form a campfire group William McConnell, president, . ,i , of, (gave an exhibition of modern ! expense statement for the new I The Junior Department will hold for the labor ; hat be done by the organisation, appointed the fol- J8nce I year. ! a cake and pie side Saturday from one abie-bodiet ead- lowing committee, chairmen: Celia j Among the women guests present rhe finance committee consists 9 A. M. to 12 noon at 209 North ily for twelve M. Borse, grievance: W. D. Mc­ at the meeting was Mrs. Juliette °f W. WinaiM, chaJrrmin: Mrs Wood avenue. Sermon topics for Connell, executive board:, A1 Fon- Schwarb, of ULnois. who is a H. J. B. Ashweli, H. O. SpilUnger, Sunday will be: A. M„ "Rest na, entertainment: Richard Ferry, mymhpr of the irish-American As- Mrs. H. D. Banta. John McNair, j for the Weary’ 8 P. M„ "A Sen: r "la e Mus Witts, audit: L,notation in Illinois. Frank P. Mrs. R. S. Swinton,,H . J. B. Ash-1 Worthy Career.” i good aiid welfare and jClancy, presdent of the association, ie follow■ing were ap- presided. ... - . - " < a * ' Have Fixed Heat Units shop> stewardIs in their re- part merits : Celia M. : TO COMMITTEE FOR gas sold in •ew Obrusnick. J. Tan- j McGANN ASSOCIATION £EAl * DINNER SPRING New Jersey inform to a >ondecki and Mui•ray L WMil standard that in established .,asiun. ; Frederick Brodesser and William j by the Boar □blic fib ty Mr. Fontana announced that the | . Kosch will represent Linden on j :ood and welfare commmittee wil The following committees were jrovii the working committee for a testi- i FLOWERS Commissioner that stablish a fund for the relief of j appointed at a meeting of the Ed­ every cubic fi ga:s sold in the I monial dinner to be given in honor j icmbers in need. The entertain ward McGann Association last | of Senator Charles E. Coizeaux for j State must pi a 1ixed ai rmou:nt commitee will meet this week i Thusday evening at. Mr. Mc- You Should Se« Our of beat. It be more but it I his patriotic work in the county ! :1. v.::. . . plans for spring Gann’s home. 314 Spruce street and state, which will be held Sep­ Gor5>9iis Disploy of cannot be le [he amoiin t of nice. Tlie union’s meetings will j Entertainment, Mrs. James Parry, tember 13 in the Veterans of For- j beat is meast h iher- : held In Republican Hall, East j Mrs. Charles Hemminway, Mrs. i’ ign Service Hall, 840 Elizabeth ave- ; Spring Flowers mal Units. 0 the unit the future. j Elmer Peal, Stanley Slaehetka, . r.ue Elizabeth. Mr. Brodesser is also I ‘Charles Hemminway, Frank Wag- is commonly 1 amount honorary chairman of the general : T -tu. li-fft* •L '-’i of heat requi red he tcra­ |ner; house, Mrs. EMward and chairman of the j |Mrs. G^rge De Surney; puWtei^, Ucket committee. perature of one ; • ' ' ’ " T .* ' one degree Fahrenb Elmer Peal, Leo Plotkin, JSdwara Mrs. Minnie M. Hoffman, general Roses |“ s9 S ai; chairman of the American Night. Keeping gas up t< ft stanOJtrd Licer? vc® G».a n te d , WalteT Dass, Alfred Bucitwald; * is an important task ail the gas committee and commander-in-chief 8w@«f Peoi Etc. soft ball, Steve Marsh, George of the Grand Army of the Me- company laboratorie ! i - Transfers of two plenary retail ^ Derkech, George De Surney, Will- morjgj Auxiltr.ry, has been They prodecc a riot of color and eoiwmeats the New Jersey PpMic isumption licenses were approv-|iMD Buck wait! On Saturday, 1 selected as chairman of the gen . an exquisite fragrance that brings „Utility ...... Information, Committee. » vd and two applications for new [March 12, the association will hole c..al cornnuttee. Speakers at the to you the gin-ions breath of Complaints about 'lean gas are licenses were denied by the Lin-T social for members and refresh- aj-e expected to include Gov-: springtime. almost always traceable to poor den Board of Alcoholic Beverage i ments will be served. ernor A. Hsirry Moore, former Gov- adjustment of gas-burning eernip- Control in the city hall Monday- If yon can’t call i si person—a I emor Harold Hoffman, Republican j your flower phone. meot or to defective »ppliaj»ces. evening. The tmnsfers approved J County Chairman Walter Hetfield. I were: John J. Batterstoy to Robert KALISM CLUB WILL To correct such faults it is only 3rd, Democratic County Chairman j We Deliver W&®P» en * S core M ips II 1 * (jives Service // A" SOFTBALL LOOP COOPER m EN r a l l y f HAVE TEN TEAMS BUT f a l l S h o t ,i ,

37-36 Victory The City Class A Softball League may include the teams this year instead of the usual eight, Interest in softball is R U T H E R f O R 0 W I' S particularly high and especially so in Class A circles. Eight of Late In Game [ the seventeen teams that attended the organization meeting i of the Recreation Commission s various softball leagues were I ‘ i 1 '* 1 *• I Class A outfits. Another, Walt Natke s Varsity Club, sent for Section-af Fin©Is—Jeffs Frank. Carky'* last s t c m i b*s- j word that they II be along at another meeting, so the possi­ a crippled Cities Service bility of a ten .team loop is no mere conjecture. team a well earned 37-36 victory B o m , i, o fV eequahic T h e eig h t ‘‘A tea m s th a t!------—=------: over' the DuPont hirelings Tties- du • night at the Junior High in registered at Fridlay night • ust seen a valiant group of very nervous an Intin-itrial League cmsiest. In meeting in Rec headquarte Tltree Cent 5-rs poung player arge on e o f the m ost courageous uphill, hut seeendl g in t ■ IS* '•*,;' 03 ih clu d e the Vnlvartos, Acad-; losing, battles, witnessed in this section. It will not be Linden Genera! Aniline scored an - un­ eray Huskies. McCann Associ- High, hut • Rutherford, that will meet either Rahway or Ref impressive 29-t! victory over the ] ation. Wolf's Pioneersi the Added to City hard-lighting Burry B i s c is i t gional in the Armory on Saturday for the right to enter the ! Cardinals. St. Theresas. Irish- : le a n t. State quarter-finals. The final score was 29-28 when the gun Aniline will represent the league ! American Association, and Frank- Ree. Program went off. and Linden was on the losing end by that slimmest in the State Recreation Leagues n.r ID. Roosevefi Democratic Club jThe'league will make further plans of margins, one point. Basketball tournament which opens Three eomiiHinity centers, lut tonight's meeting. Linden staged a desperate uphill battle in ~the secead tonight. The Anilines will tangle Schools 2, 3 and 4. were opened to with the La PoTla Association ot ; Pour teams signed for. the ‘ B j half after turning in a very sloppy performance in the hrit ! League and there ajre three or four j h«* .public this week by the Rec­ E lisab eth . others waiting on the sidelines to jreation Commission. The commis­ two cafttos. It wars one of those heart-breaking affairs that! Carley scored twenty points in sion is now conducting four cen- everyone dreads, but enjoys. It was welcome relief after the helping Cities Service to a sensa - get the “lav of the land." Those I tiofial win over the’ DuPonts. Lack­ ! represented at the meeting were ! School 3 will be c rout of Thomas Jefferson b> ing the services of D'Zm-flia and i the Bren tons, Nomads, Lincoln •Friday ' evenings w Perdim Weequahic High of -Newark: j Parks and St. Theresa Jayvees. a | McGlynn. Cities -played a beautiful Beck, principal of the Tchool, as whidl the 5000 fans that jam-, • fifth team, managed by Red Ruv- La Polla To game despite this serious handi­ director. One hundred twenty-five med the Armory' witnessed j cap Kunka starred for the losers. isel'. phoned in Chat it will enter - persons registered at School 3. The Aniline outscored the eooklemen a team. Last year the loop was i Soy Scouts will meet In the center earlier, this season. Those In-' Tangle W ith s -'1 m tlw first period and were jinade up of four teams. ’very Friday evening. Other ac­ dians made good on every­ never headed- thereafter. The con­ I Five teams showed up for the I tivities include table tennis, direct­ thing they threw at the basket ! Industrial League including Vo- j sen A ns in e ies' was bitterly fought however, ed by Miss Agnes Burke; Boys’ and wound up with a decis.ve and Aniline was " hard-pressed to I lupte, American Cynamid. the Dis- j Literary Club with Edward R. j tillers Ltd., DuPonts. and W. j 48-26 victory. maintain its lead. J. Smith in charge; tap and social ’Bush. The latter team, although Pol Association Donny La w.sofl was a constant dancing with Miss Drew Mossman, “Butch” AVoytowicz, Linden greatLbetjoH'aders of the Elizabeth Rec- thorn in the Anilines side, scoring charter member.of the Industrial IYPA* Instructor, in charge;- boys' little sophomore forward, .who lias - League, was not represented in the * } teat Ion Class AA. Leagu-twill oppose »tx "field goals. Panlmtnn and Terns basketball, and pinochle and plenty of good basketball years i Linden's General' Aniline quintet. ;ieague last year. Other shops ex- ahead, was almost heart-broken (Continued Oa Page S) checkers.' Girls' baskecbaH w ill. be [leaders of this trial leap 1 pected- to enter the league are Ar-| included "this week. when' he • had A chance - to win the j • istic Wire. Burry Biscuit. Atlantic i lr the first round- of. the Union School 2,‘ which opens Mondays game in tile last few seconds and ■ County playoffs of. the State Bas- J Romper Co.. General Aniline. Solar | and Fridays.'was added to the city’s •muffed what is ordinarily an easy BERLIN T O ' C O A C H {Compounds s-nd Newark Steel j jketbali tourney-... La Poll* .was list of centers largely through the Byr-up. But the god* willed. the {named to represent the leafue this - a - - Drum. If enough teams enter, the , efforts of Councilman Julius Kal- tell should roll around... the rim ! league will be split into "A" and 4 week. The team wiil square off to- ish of - the Seventh Ward, who and fall out, so Linden lost, and j night at the Jefferson High School i “B“ divisions. closed another season. It was Lin­ Phil Berlin this week was named campaigned for additional recrea­ gym, East Scott Place. Elizabeth tional facilities all last year. Box­ den's best season In many years | Moore Bible Class Will clash with chairman of the McManus Club and the present team deserves athletic committee and has already -CHAMP E N T E R S CITY ing, social games, tap dancing, so­ the Comets and Standard Oil will cial dancing, dramatics, arts, crafts much praise and credit for break­ ! meet St. Hedwigs in the other launched a boxing program for T A B L E TENNIS P L A Y ing the ice in basketball. The high boys at the McManus Hali. The and Masses in English for adults gam-;s of the evening. are all included in the School 2 sch">ol loses three fine boys, all ex- boys practice and are taught box­ j Edward Meleky. twice holder of La Polla come on j :3d program. Foreign born residents csIDnt pliers, when Captain Art 1., as the prelimir of ing every Monday. Tuesday and ; the city table ■- tennis title, wifi en-’ Osmun,- Mike" Gurgo and Oscar p. tv have the opportunity to learn to the evening. The fea Friday. He is assisted by his ' ter the Fifth Annual City Table -C: wan graduate this year. lead and write English. Beginners fine’ Sta ndard Oil fa vi brother. Tony. Tennis Tournament on March 24 Only Woytowicz and Oscar Giv­ Tills week six boys were put at the Junior High to defend the classes begin at 7 p. m. and the mate St. Hedwigs. advanced classes start at 8:30 p. m. en.-,, . colored sophomore center, will This county semi-fi -be through the paces. Tommy Gal­ j crown lie recaptured In 1937 after remain. This boy Givens played the lagher and Chet Banasiak scrapped Hosing it in 1935. Andrew B. Rittenhouse is in charge held Tuesday at the yra. of the center, whic hhas 61 persons game of his career defensively ifield’s Gi'eenbrook bye in the 135 pound class. Milto hello | Other early entries in the tour­ against Rutherford, and sank a Plaii registered an 1 automatarally ent and Mike Szeamati battled as 147 ney include Clare dee Win tins. Frank . basket in the last minute that put pounders; and light heavies Pat Itakowski, and Recreation Commis­ A feature of the school 2 program ter-finals. Th as fow «8 I They’re in the home stretch now. Solars. McGrath, 204. Miller 211, ant. McDonald 204; Fourth Ward j G i"»> a s lo w a s ...... ------3 7 s p * .; 8 9 c T i f t h FEW HIGH SCOB ES" were turn- Dems. Serden 223; Original Var- Orioles „56'?6rs .8*3 jed in . . . Wojico. of the Moose sity. ffatke 30o and F Bouaka j Wolves 667 Bottled ond Bonded Californio Wines ] mad? out best with 247 and 202 204; McManus, Goger 202 (only' Spartans I. . . Moore of the Varsity came | one this week)! and Woodlawns _ 23c Pt.; 39c qt 7Sc V% go; ; $! .48 aol Xrue 202 and Voyniek 202 . . | Ra ms j through with 217 i Uld 309 . Cubs .m j Others were: Baldwi :’ ‘.Boding Brands ot Beer in Cans., Steirue# n. Powers and j 1st. 'Joset M&itar, Legion. 225. 226. 233. re- 1 A LOT OF Ihe 'V loop boys I Julor Quarts Kept Constantly Cold j sp ed i v ei v McM ul la n Stance, 303 | are expected to vie some of i |saf1 233: Ftndlav and SchtMirr, ? that change the Itec Commission I; V/ni i .m 9,e, m 1 S‘H *r 1 Oder Friee4 On leading Brands »f S im » S§4 sad 223; Gassier. * is putting up in the Municipal In- |^ ,t!ier,. - Importrd Liquors. Wine*. Cordials [Moose. 32s) Huben Country Club, j dividual Bowling Champiorr’nips' ' ' w ■and Maeluso and Matlose. i C o o t ! it u e d on p a g ■? I 2 > ] i 9ers Thursday, M arch 10, 1938 THE LINDEN OBSERVER SEVEN IN ARMORY

' ‘ i p a l i, Luards SAINTS, BRAVES Some‘Sort of a Scoop To Hold Stale SEIZE REC LEAD ; h I 3..4 9od Gai.sg N >w rrit * p | * Wvandots Drop From 3-Wav Tie When

s ' »£T£ft BO;Cc I !tie H ashes Braves Trim Them 2.7-1 f Hi. Theresas IMPRESSIONS as <^ne point shoved Linden out of The Rec Basketball, League sec­ Bulh Frankie Rentacki ami ond half race narrowed down to a G. F. F. the State tournament. , . . The saddest kid in the l Ernie Krahner* will appear on [wo-wav affair between . the , St. Matuionis, f. . ... 2 1 X whole armory was Butch“ Woytowitz who' had the I the same boxing profran Mon- Theresas and Braves following the V/. Klutkowski, t . 4 1 9 toughest luck on his ihot:) all night. . . . Obviously ! flay evening’ when the National Braves' 27-n victory over the Wy- Peterson, f. 0 0 o Guards stage another All-Star tndots Monday eight, at ffie Jun­ J. Klutkowski. C. 4 0 8 nervous throughout, Bujtch pressed all the way. . . . ; Boxing Show in the Armory, but ior High. The Wvandots last Bt naSiak, g. 4 1 9 . He missed a setup shot that might have won the game. j they won't t»e mixing it hi the week shared the lead with - the A. Klutkowski. g- 2 I 5 Coach Les Goodwin said that he knew Butch' would j Hng: a t th e sam e tim e. L in d en ’s Saints and Injuns. Paulmenn, g. 4 1 9 mis* that last minute shot when he took off on His Beruaclil will take on Bruno Wa- The Saints kept apace the war­ c hu n is, promising- 147 pounder, riors with a 15-40 vitin over the T otals 20 5 45 ■‘sore" leg- • •' • Rutherford showed nothing except wh# is angling for a crack at iTrojans, while .the Cavaliers upset Trojans i r i s 5 7 4 - 4 0 lots of fight and grealj height. . . . Linden on. form Krahnert! Krahnert will exchange j the slipping A. W. P. five in the St. Theresas 10 4-14 8 9—45 should beat those birds by at least fifteen points. . . . ] leather with Busier Reed, ctri- i third game of. the evening, 22-14. We predict Regional or Rahway will hand Rutherford | ored artist from Newark. “Hawkers” by Buzz Rummage C avaliers 22. A w p s 1 The handlers of both Krahnert jam'. Mooney RutKowski spelt de- The Caveliers scored their first a first class trimming, prjovicied tkey don't get tke same and Bernacki feel the boys should j feat for the Wyandots. The Braves victory of the second half when CRSC of ■■tournament jitters' Linden suffered. | net a couple -of • more fights under aces accounted tor eighteen points, the; trimmed the Awps by a 82-14 their belts before they meet in a i Rummage getting ten of them. score. The Cavaliers played a j return scrap to settle once and Tor Jo" Spechr played well for fixe better game under tire fa a .sleet. LINDEN’5 FAILURE. to make good on foul shots i nil whether or hot Bernacki was losers, netting six points. Paul Bieler starred for the cavL lost the game. . . . The Coopcrmen outplayed the robbed of the‘decision in his last Wyandots while Joe Joffee starred for the Bulldogs in every other department. . . . Captain Artie fight with the Rumson mauler, o F. losers. Osrcun missed five foujs in a * row. . . . Givens and Krahnert was awarded a close I Cole. f. 1 Avrpx * decision oyer the Linden Inst in O r r. p. . .- . ISpecht, I, 2 Kaplan turned in bang-up performances. Woy­ the A r m o r j recently, and the de- Jaffe. 1. . 3 0 4 I Flynn, c. o o 2 towitz was held to five points. . . . Coaches Goodwin cision was received with a re- ! Brandt, c, 0 Herman, f. l and Cooper were suffering untold agonies throughout, j cord “booing" from the assem­ Cottrell, c. 0 • 0 ^Pakrul. g. 0 o 0 judging by their expressions. . . . Goodwin wore out bled s pacta tors. Mickey Walker's [Brophv, g. 0 Collins, g _ o ; ■ protege, this same Krahnert. has S. Waniak. g 3 6 ti three handkerchiefs mopping his brow. . . . On sec- : N. Slahet ka. 0 l'h nty of heart, a n d a fte r tak - j - j Totals 14 ond thought maybe Morris Levine took the "sideline (Continued oil page Si Totals .. 7 worrying " record. . . . It was tough on everyone's C a v a lie r* B rave* P. O. F. O F. heart in those last few! m inutes. . . . S a£ W eequahic aider, f: . 3 1 7 has some player in Mr. Masin. . . . It took Jefferson Rummage, f. j Wc v i s Drc p 2nd j Sannetti, f. 0 ft&kowski. 1. 0 o 0 until ten seconds before the end of the half to score Davis, c. • ■ 0 Monahan, t. 2 5 a field goal. . . . A sub. Stein, Sank the shot, . . ■ H 2 Skladai. c. 0 0 *> umble Rutkowski. g. I Kuznitz. g. - 1 Glotnbiak, c. 3 6 The Jeffs missed Aboff who went out on fouls. . . . Olearesy, g. 3., 4 Boy, it was so crowded half thje people didn't' see the 1 ll rd PioC € Lend don. g. 0. 0 J Totals 11 ' 5 27 0 .game. . . . One little gjuy next to us kept asking piti­ , Wyandots 5 6 3—17 VSnlnakl. g. . 0 j Two weeks ago considered, “sure Goldsmith, g. 0 0 fully with regularity, "is Weequahis still ahead?" and j bets” to' capture the Intermediate ; Braves 7 3 13—27 S a in ts 45, T r e ja n c 4® .‘'Dis he make that shot? . . . The answer was alwaj»y s i Boys Basketball League crown, the Totals 10 2 22 Wolves dropped another game 8a? - ' The Trojans failed to convert ye: fpr Weequahic. . . . most of their “free losses’ 1 ifttd Artistic Wire 2 4 4x-14 j irrday and slid out of a tie for Cavaliers ...... 4, 8. S---22 i first place with the Rangers and Idst a thrilling extra period battle MISS EDNA MAY COOPER, cq-fiolder^ of the Orioles. The Wolves w«-e tumbled to the Saints after leading: most L IN D E N RECRF.&'I'SfcOX from the -heights by a gang of of the way. The Troyans. were .womens endurance flight record of 123 hoqrs, in ad- ot.tscored by 9-5 In the dendln? B A S K ¥ TB AI , I, I A G 1.; ¥ much smaller boys who call them­ • Standing of the Teams! dressing the Linden Cemfiera Club let out that she will selves the Ragers. The score was session. Trailing: 24-14 at the half. the championn Churchmen w . L. Pet. very shortly try for a new endurance flight record be- 22-18 .8X3 the heat in the next'two fntmes Braves 5 l tween Newe York and pVfiami. Miss Cooper and her . The Orioles and .Rangers con­ St. Theresa's 5 1 .838 tinued to share the loop iead. the ah*’ tied the score. The Saints led companion, Barbara Trojut,rojut, set the 123 hour mark over by one point as the game neaud I W v a n d o ts ...... - 4 2 .m i former winning over the Cubs Artistic Wire ...... 2 4 .333 Los Angeles in 1931. No women have touched the rather convincingly by a 32-9 its closing stages, but Charlie Er-j bee’ fossed in a foul shot to' knot j T ro ja n s i 5 .167 mark since then. . . . Well, this time, says Miss Coo- count. In the third game of the CactUers .... i 5 .161 per, she's out to better! the men s record of 2 7 days Saturday program, the last of the the count at 36-all. Paulmenn and ! Banasiak scored in the extra per- j of sustained flying . . Jan d boy that is pfenty of time first round, the St. Joseph's lost iod to put the game on ice for LINDEN BOWLING to the Spartans, 16-12. ACADEMY LEAGUE to be us in the air ablaut anything. . . . She was' an The Spartans had a tough time the champs. • Standing of the Teams) actress for ten years, appearing in “Ten Command­ with the St. Joe’s outfit. Chet Trojans W. L. H.S. Ave. Klutkowski starred for .the- Spar- G. F. p. ments." King, of Kings," and "Beauty and the Bad Cacchione. f. 6 1 13 i Legion 44 22 989 867.18 Man.” before she quit tjo take up aviation . . . tans witli nine points while Walt 87V .20 Sampsel and Stan Banasiak kick- W. Slalretlca. f. 5 o io-1 Varsity 41 22 1031 j;< » ^ ¥ EibecK, c. is 2 12 Moose 42 24 1007 885.4 ed in four apiece for the Catholic boys. Treschlinger. g. 0 0 o Cement Block 39 27 989 85823 WHEN SHE BUSTS the 2 7 day endurance record Warianka. g. 0 0 Singer's Tav. 26 40 1024 796. John Latawlec’s sixteen points 0 she hopes to make the picture 'Wings of Peace . . . Romanoskl. g. .. 2 1 5 ISianco 25 41 996 850.31 looked mighty big in the Orioles’ —— — 24 42 956 825.34 She lectured the local club on the proper application of score when the birds trimmed the Country Club 18 4 40 F ire m e n 20 43 938 807.25 panchromatic make-up which the club is now studying Cubs. Milt Heller netted five for T o ta l in connection with its portraiture ■ work. . . . the bruins. Frank Vornbaum and Steve Sikora scored ten and eight [Mints, respectively, to lead the MORE CELEBRITfES will invade these parts to­ Rangers, in their startling upset night when the U nion Cfiunty T ab le Tennis L eague co n ­ win over the Wolves. Eddie Kas- cludes its Union County tournament at the Cranford min was best for the losers with eleven points. Casino. . . . The club will feature four champions at St. Joseph's 6 4 2 2—12. the game who will appdar in exhibition matches during Spartans 4 2 7 3—16 the evening together with the final playoffs of the tourna­ ment itself. . . , An admission price of thirty-five cents j W olves 1 4 6 7— 18 i Rangers 0 16 4—22 will be assessed or approximately eight and one-third cents per cham pion. . . W e assum e p eop le w on t pay Orioles 10 0 10 12—32 anything to go see the ordinary participants in the i Cubs 0234—9 touurney. . . . So you 4an see this is very reasonable. LINDEN RECREATION • . . Anyway, all kidding aside, some good ball play- BOWLING LEAGUE *nS ought to be on tap. .... Sol Schiff, present No I Standing »f Teams ranking player in A m erica, w ho b old s the w orld s City Class A League doubles championship with Jimmy McClure which they G.W. L. HR. Nemesis or won in London last month, will be there. . . . So will McManus Ass'n 54 18 919.1 1089 Abe Berenbaum, three times American Champion. . . . Original Var. 43 29 882.7 1053 the other two aces on t ie program are Bernie Grimes. Mrozek Pon. . 38 31 864.3 1006 .Woodlawns 40 32 875.8 1042 ^°. 4 in America and member of the American team Micales 36 36 859.5 1027 that juust knocked over all opponents in Europe, and :>ld stock 36 36 875.5 1062 Disease iierms! Dan Claypak, one of the first five men in America. . . . Independents 36 36 858.1 093 Worthwhile. . . . 1th Wd. Dems. 32 41 852.3 1009 ¥ if ¥ ^ Solar Com. 27 *5 S32.“ 953 Anchor Frt. 1 C ^ a m p ib f? &f H e a lt h STRANGE how quickly kids grow up. . . . A couple of years ago anc last year practically the same ; City Class B Bawlinj T h e h e a l t h iSri.a.6t that has more subscribers and more omsetirfletf ?uys that make up the Linden and Regional quintets TeMiHigh testim onials tfi&n any sffiei p ro d ed in tfef W#fil. f'vm feoitk #1 W L. Ave. Score were fighting each other tooth and nail as members of OARI-KIC9 a gmuraniceft bwdy-builder every sins of 1AM- Young Dem crats 42 24 801.2 969 r S 8 T S m ttl la the ievefepsws Ml U w m n t Ike Linden Junior Higjt and Garwood Junior High Pioneers ...... 39 27 810.4 960 parity and freslmess it your protection and yo»r sresur»nce to* quintets. . . A lm ost t

I mm <: J S f'H STEM ! B a te a h 8 [Roselle's Jewish sensation. but Bodman "Tri^er" Bill Of the '80s U H m *l ' I BiOlW I Givens, e. 4 | Oerter got up off the eanvi ■Standing* of the Teams) G orgs, %. 3 J outbox Willie for the rest « .■way and was given the t&@ Pet. IB erfon t, g. W. L. * 1 Nine other bouts, feaa Luring Genera! Aniline S X .833 ] Xajstaa, g. ehsm piom in three classes JZ Gitiaa Service 4 2 .667 round out the card, one of th I American Cynamid 4 2 .om Totals 11 £3 most enticing served up asouM I D uPont 2 4 .333 R utherford -S59 here at popular prices. 00 Burry Biscuit 1 7 .125 Linden -28 Boster Reed, colored sin®, from Newark, may upset the well WeegMahie ■lbowh e&rt, wneis he lakes * « ■ r.tf m r li€ Packs a Service Scores Rein hard. f. heavy right hand that will Etoydsoan. f. Ernie into the arms of Morphtai and Soaaisi** if it eret unV t Continued from psi« six.) Berger, f. : i Neatmerwit, 1 •Uteed1® psas«ihie k ay o win wopM played -a .fine game 1< i the ra n t s wipe' out a return Krahnert-&.r. The scones: Gaisam, f. Cities Service CStert**, f. nackl boat in short order. tVa- BSassia, e. churcis may poll an upoet. Uttfc G. F. P. is known ef this slugger tut* Walsh, f. 2 0 4 Frlelaad, e. 0 2 i SUbermaa, g. that ‘■e'a dangerous when the Gregory, f...... going is toughest, and Bernackl Gntnse. f. ------1 0 2 Fast, g. 3 3 9ft! Hanselixi, g. carat afford to slow down raw kit Seota, c. ------— Monday night. Another crowd 8 10 0 20 ' Seinfeld, g. Carlsy. g. expected to Jam the Armory far Kosty, f ...... o 0 0 Weffersteln, j Fetid. g, ...... the Guardsmen’; program. Switb, g.

JefftTSOil « Be.' ■ S» . ,; ■ : : starts tomorrow at the Bits Theatre Virgin* Brace Dennis O'Keefe, Rti E iltachef, Joseph Oalleia. Lewis Stone and („•::■■ K ■■:>*■■■ «:■ stdllcr pgtfM H M H •ndosky. His Itenbacfc ! Ards, f. supporting roles. Recapturing the spirited and lawless era. of the old | Tm han, t frontier days of the West of'the '80s',' the new . afiea panorama of stagecoach travel, gold rush hysteria crooked politics and the Kzj, c. Pax Abaff, c. rule of the trigger. Packed with action from start to finish, the colorful (Stein, c. story reveals how law and order came to the town of Brimstone, when Rosenthal, desperadoes such as "Trigger" Bill, played by i Ciemencki, hand. | Se hanker, T oi& ls W eeqBfthk OETER BOSCC J e ff e r s o n 3©— 26

i Continued from Page 7) * w o o d k id s have become bigger now and n a k c u p team, but then Linden's quintet did all i iron: ay to o . ¥ ¥ ing a terrific lacing’ Crum ii-er- suit nacki for three rounds, rallied in CLEARING HOUSE G. Phil Berlin has moved over to the McManus Club the last two heats to convince th? judge that he put on the he has been engaged to hand the athletic committee. . . H e; • Burro. u?■ , ^ vmy m 1 lie nome and busy with, a boxing program right now a n d hopes to build ud better scrap. Beraseki thinks he children, the obligation of social I Olden, can pulverise JCrsiraert. Krah* or community life, the worry of several young boys into real scrappers. . The Julius Kjdish I Arnold. finances, “get cm your nerves'? Democratic Club softball nine will play independent bail ihis Bert my% he tff ferm and •Baikxrwsk eonAal m u rd e r Bermasdki in th e ir ; season. . . . They voted to stay out of organized leagues. | Choquet! "NERVES" Henry Klutkowskl has been, named manager of the fit. next tattle. @0 all litis wffi have May spell the difference b$» to wait a* the 'Imyrn are not Theresa Juniors, the ©situs’ entry in the City Class B. Soft­ Totftls ...... 24 | tw en tappinoss and misery' for ball League. . . . Speaking of the Saints, the Churchmen will Mf MvnWSfc,* 1 !r«NU you and your finally.. Score try periods: Bermctet recently scored a three- have no less than five representatives in the City Table I General Aniline 8 2d • If you are Nervous, Sleepkgg Tennis T ournam ent on M «reh 2.4. . . . Ed M-eieky, Jcty cham p, ^ ^ ! round knock-out over Buddy Newby ! Irritable, BefflUaMS, it may be j Burry Biscuit 2 I of Elizabet h, and is confident of j I to an © ytrw rsii^t nen»aiis con- end! . m group, but right behind him are Rec Supervisor diticjfL If so, you will find IV. Prank Kryzi&k, Prank Rskowski, Tom McNulty, and A1 M*- giving Krai same medi- M Bes N ervine a real help. tulonfs. . . . ’Star DnoEStet kas Dr. m m Add to Recreation Center activities: Women's craft classes The third feature bout of the Nervfet tails Liq uid sad Effer­ are conducted every Tuesday erecting at the Junior High . i a d e s % m t program Monday will bring “King ■ vescent TsbisSs. where the women are taught crepe paper weaving, basket-work Kong” Oefber and Willie Francis, ! LiQUUJ NEB VINE burgess board craft Mid even wwodemft , The Old timers "SMSe colored slugger, back in a return j L*rpp Mi. IL «, SiswII bt! Ss loop waus not represffiQfced at the last meeting of the Rae bout. Gerber won a much disputed j 8v n V B K E N T TABLETS ieagucs . . . The old boys are probably still hibernating' and Linden in the running, Linden verdict over the colored clou ter in Large pkf. 75*, Small pkg, 3S» don’t feel the call of spring yet. . . . Someone said that a few scored eleven points in the last. the Plainfield Klw&nis affair last 1 sessions of the "hot stove league" might warm them. up. . . . quarter. Six of them wereK apkn’s; (week so fight fans around here are Burry Biscuit pulled a surprise in battling the Rahway iTbe lion-hearted Jewish boy gsve anxious to get these boy heavy­ Cue-Bees to a 42-42 tie after a gruelling fight that went into I one of the most amaztog exhibi- weights back in the ring again. three extra periods. , . . The County Base boll League hasn't jtions of fight when *11 seemed lost The Thomas Jefferson wonder, ; voted on that "Sunday ball only issue.” but will reach a de­ that we've ever seen. He is thel1Will Francis, floored big Gerber, cision Monday. . . . We're with the Linden Club, which is one 'team's spark plug. M e and Captain i of the clubs holding for both Saturday and Sunday base- ; Osmurj shared scoring honors, eight t bail. . . . points each. Wait Schneider led j I the Bulldogs with ten points. [feature shuffleboard, basketball, ! Linden led 5-4 »t the end of the table tennis, and social games. Tap •quarter, and they never led after I ihrcf i raniers Added | that. Rutherford took a long 15-9 ! and social dancing classes and the j lead at the half which proved too { craftsrafts instruction will 'get get under;under much__ | _ ____ for______Linden to cut down to 'Continued from Page 6) [way next week. It Is hoped to be- |the second half. nden doubled I ------gin volleyball and gymnasium | Rutherford's count in the third j will be the classes for colored per- classes for men and women period, scoring 8 to 4, and then tons, conducted by Mrs. Eugenia enough interest is displayed. lort out when they only outseored Penn. Mrs. Penn WBl instruct in j Mr. Miller's staff will include [Rutherford 11-10 in the last period. crafts and sewing and will lead Miss Katherine Monahan, dancing Rutherford led by five points I a colored choral group. Girls gym- Miss Jean Voorhees, women's gym- [with about thirty Mids to play | nasium classes may be included in j nasium; and Miss Muriel Craig, Givens am . Kaplan cvatpuikii sails.sank |j the program. games room and crafts. All have | hawkers that put them one point School 1. directed by Later Mil- (been assigned to Linden t the to the tod. Then the gun sounded ( ler, #anzer College graduate, will 1WPA Recreation project. | slid Linden was out of the state t I tourney for another year. Jeffcraou R©«M Weequ&hic'x first five ran up a 22-6 lead cm the huge Armory court at half time and then retired SAGAS of the SKIES to let the second, third, and fourth } % R. C ©es®@8 stringers polish off Jefferson by a ! Manager, Avimiiow M viUon. Bales Bepmrtmemi 48-26 count. Jefferson played feirly ! K t»o Hferfeefert well in the second half against the j reserves and was only outseored by j O i' RGICAla ottnUona *t «M In six points. Eilhacher was the Red j and Black star with seven points, j !a;rf - *di....*r« a« mrnstml. bo l a ralnor «0 * n U o s on Aboff was bounced on personals to | board an airplane recently would the second period. But the real j m ■ to ...... i i tbe Mat m iw l star of the game was “Swede” Ma­ lta , big Weequ&hic center who J ®»erattoas oa record. f e w ? rwir 3B over. Ov FIyin« biskt over th e B r a » ila n scored twelve points in the short ■ igiM " a Paw hm i pi«® ptaM time he played. Masin is a strong \ mrm mtapgmtry mnd anew is 0r. Ramon Kavl®. was returning to csmdMati i staU e a - i Rio de Janlero from a scientific ex­ has several colleges dickering for ! pedition into the interior of tta his services. He and HaraaeliR. «. | BAB: "Storm c: no storm, I BA ft: "O f my h a t ...? Oh I ’ - . ■ . r. - Ik dead-shot, guard, are the men ! disp layed a sw o lie s Sfeuml) which he Messrs, Beno & Co., of New B runs- ! promised Joe W illisms I’d ...y o u m ea him up?.. believed wxs due to a ftea bite. Bis wick will have to watch. drive over and settle that O f course ?. .W h y choice ©f a Hsf«»er was \ucfcy H e The scores: fe*di been talk in® to Dr. Jean Rutherford business die®; t <« ig h G.F. p. i T'fes pfe;imIcilia askta to be ailowed Ci&rk i 4 i I f f n il “But Bad f...it’s i on cst] cmH i f mii€$ for j jc, to ex»*ni»e tke fiatswp ekwwiy He f. 8 ! dingiMMBedi its* swel'H H.g as; mm i :«i;fm:;~ ZMmm, 0 # • l an hour’s trip eada way... JO jn ifa t f o r 25c, any time in j 0 . Mle-sL f. i tfoB. and recoremenil** *«wj«ll,ate 3 7 | jungh * miner ope ration' was per S«ineliei - 'ftTf .ray . Mew Jet$ey If*!!.* Dg. #CS®I:te t'fc* ! ■ « fAtCf fjrsneil. The resuite «' ikt opera. 3 4 14 if i ac :•»•!> mitJf.wfi# of jvstlAesI Wt stnMx^earecana -mi # • s counting -caa you for * game rates’). And: mft&r 7 a t n ig h t and fee-, b e tw e e n F o r ta l e x a a n d t^ sw o - *m r roit f»<« mgsp For, tbe in- R ^ tC W . ;; 0 % # t tonight, is few *ud m i.d aH d sy Sunday, m tm ere te~ cjm, Brajtll ■get IV CH**t:&* ’***4 taw" ’ be t # 2 Dr, Cfeu45S®s ewMirmiiiideeeed ihe tloio, and. ©f j «•«*: bite [B M riM t, g. • 2 a j Mm I d y;:-.;- | ■ ri-il-..; S'JCfc y eft*cat$ f o r a M mmlia o f 5® m ile s Clipper r-ftip s first aid kit mnd tire f dtsscovered- Soot w • hetftb] y«:. be tj'ssa ia S B gtau? a nd of :he eo-piiiK snd stew fiea.3. j TelsOfi 11 1 i$ j sr,s Thus, in » *tr»»«e seiliag «.!> ! Tt? e d i r« ry & s 14 .. i.m wigrt Linden airpteae rearUMt M a of j mm dowo-for all to * >'«•• «' G* V. P . 1 sever:-' mi lea per aaiaate over the j teg of the Cligwer ship O sm u n f l t H tm JtlltY m i IHfFHOWi COWFINY Thursday, M oreh 1 0 , 1 9 3 - 8 s h e L iM e? . ( r f m v E R MINE In The WEEKS NEWS

had John G now emanating from Hollywood WOR al aw tuned in last will soon move to New York—due , day m°: ning betw een 7:1 to the high cost of talent in that |:90 a. m., you probably city , . , New rumor out says Jo h a various remark* about Boles will take Eddie Cantor's and sha-pe and to w hat use place when the latter leaves his tended to put a m eat scale we present show . .. Daffiest song ti- dared visit the program .. any j tie of the week: “Tyrone Shapiro consistent reader of this | the Bronx Caballero” ... Tos-.- would know th at we have cannini will conduct three more erous occasions put the ge annual concerts over NBC ...... exactly where he belongs a | CBS will start an intensive search shall do it once m ore if n I for new talent. | EEKIN ( U I M U 9 BIE8 ?—T h e three e -r a m n - s ig h - pretty 'and only un­ W orld’s larpcst solid-panel | married sisters of spect*coiar display wa* ; Kina Z®f of Albania set n operation r. Mian are pictured as they fey the touch of g cergmo-J arrived in America for lul l ■■ ■ 11 ’ their long • heralded Col. E. C. Kennedy, eastern j visit to th-e United s i n a i i § t i e f H i ■ a States. They ar® (left Distillers (above! 8usi-| : to right) M yiejen. 2S; i»*88 and civic leaders of j Ruhfje, 27, and Mcx- Miam.: attended the cere } hido. 25. It i* rumored n to n ie* . held a mile awayi that King Zog would from the site of the s ig n on 1 not be adverse to their busy Discayne Boulevard.| finding rich American ‘r rweiley whose f.ne show. U ■ • 3 :ror is heard on WMCA IVA 3 . - j » R c i S r ?red us t he opportunity to {m » s Gambt u r own team to compete .... Cor Friday program .., and so, if you ■ - ... - . ■ • tanker, the open ti rt you can give a good se­ 8 it I W sfr.n Dyke start, £ yourse lf this type of the vis on ttsg eat irom the Sun *hip- make . program let us hear from you . . . |jt«i .• > - - . - to you: “My Error!” can be heard Mon­ j »u t vj Is! run. premis at no :natter days, Wednesdays and Fidays at c its - following tho run what e ■nd, we sdaii 9 p. m. over WMCA. destr ■ e yoke i book D on’t forget to tune in the r «s- »e nto ssr- sing for this American Legion’s nineteenth an e* PI a d * past lour*sen years ...... vvefil be niversarv program over WJZ c a n d T* . a» y , f , seeing you John! Tuesday night at midnight .. Jar ! othe r stiii Most played on the air last week B enny aiid a host of r o n - o , 0 B ... (1) Thanks for The Memory w ill be ojn the show . .. Ar t Got ... w <•-•■ ... (2) Sweet as a Song ... (3) 1 frey can ad-Mb a throe hoi h'b br-:s'”tr ' ■ .Double Dare You ... (4) Whistle show wii:hout repeating a sing While You W ork ...... (3) I Can line . . , 1Dave DriscoliI will be or ' ' 1 o>t the many radio stairs who wil 1 • * • ■' Dream Can't 17 (Goodnighf An­ Sch©«» | gel dropped to No. 10) .. j Best i appear at the UCARA Radio Cluf ft m fS t l t ^ M selling sheet music ... (1) W his­ j show on April 9th .. . Boake Car­ Iim o^lwwiW** tle While You Work ...... (2) ter devoted five minutes of one of | for Uvu m h « « ! Thanks For the Memory . (3) ! Ilia programs last week to prais- Wtive tiw There's a Gold Mine in thg Sky ! inf the work of amateur operators Sun-si*'/ n#t roie 0 Ctafee,f, Ca n o ... (4) Moon of Manakoora .... during the California floods. |9ett*®l * (5) Ten Pretty Girls ... Best re­ I The NBC Spelling Bee will be U » « .o « cordings of the week ... The Old ! heard now at 9:50 p. m Friday/ .... Appie Tree, by Guy Lombftrdo— j over WJZ . . . “Showcase Review » I the star-studded WIN'S show w

Wn* Of. ftti Awn Auotf* «»l!?ii f c m m Mil • to 'Oi/V VW H * n x i A M


Utioti (dotting) could be influenced y salts of various feintfs. This dis- jverv has aided doctors in making successful blood tfaMRiatom. _ 3. Film ing ice scenes. M ovie tech­ nicians have found thM a thin »ur- e the > of froxen tniik entirely' elim- An 18th ■e% reflect ions of studio lights on 0 13" know the ice. W ithout Eta in*, filming ice *®s“Unt w >fk on coag nea - i U pi «*> * 1 1 " Loves Sweef c^MSSPeu^S bUod. Through h . dUi . bn®**! «pbi* pe*"81** discernert*d d ?HC LINI I 5SER\ Thursday, March 10, TEN „ MfcSSK-S'K K i » r «S«te» t«u«, *- jftjft,.. ( , Regent Film Dedicated To Laughter High School PTA Star In Fsfm of SmoHJown Goss Elects Officers Will Stage Revue

Mrs. Charles Simmons was elect- j eel president of the Linden High j School Parent-Teacher’s Association. « a * < lag U . i 1 ■ dsi Ksn I a t the groups second and finai eve- j n in g mi eiiug t:' ! he set; iOa day in the high school auditorium, j Other officers elected include Mrs. | Harold Belcher, first vice presi- j - cad vice president; Dtp's. Pauline j Geiges, secretary; and Mrs R Alsop. treasurer. The organization is planning a j musical revue featuring the Duane ■ Sisters and Lois Bannerman to be | given in the high school Thursday i evening, March 24. The Duane Sis-


I-,, y; ter, Its :m., n e-producm situations assisted b; of tii est corned f i«« Pi ant hot T t nt inc Gctsrge, "Love Is a Headache’’ V»)l at the'Regent T i 1 Campbell and Rose • pji m is ;:,e, flitf-otrec : ah sctr< at the Liberty The • i»a esutt <$J ...... T eh K m . and fear her attraction for their George into sharp mansS$0ti* Tone stad Badp*i Morgan, both of whom ie loyalty and devotion of Lew Ayi The ; km ■■ the community and shows them t ! ' "’!€>• \ : Barnett Parker and "Nimeri. - home roocne ci phas.” The choir will practice to P YOUNG PEOPLE m AR pteTow at tiie home of Mrs. V ADDRESS BY I iI a DER ■J. Hoyden, 301* East St. Georg' terta OF LUTHERAN VyHGUE a » 6 iif. The ground-breaking imor Doyghfers Of America To Nicholas Friday, president of the for the new church v Central District Lutheran League Mark 1 St’h Anniversary of New Jersey, was guest speaker March 27 at 2:30 P. at the meeting of the Young Peo­ street and Moore place. An Uncle Sam birthday ple’s Society of St. Paul’s Lutheran and celebration of the fifti Church last night in the home anniversary of the Daughtei of Daniel Cuvala, 405 St. Marks HEALTH PROGRAM TO America will be featured at place. next meeting March 21 in Ci The Lenten service will be at BE HELD IN SCH O O L men’s Hail. Following are 8 P. -M. this evening in Crafts­ men's Hall. The Rev. Robert The Mothers Club of Sch< Monday evening in the hall:: Rutn- ScMotter will preach on “Caia- will meet Wednesday afternoc my, Mrs. Lillian Oper: pi'inochle the school. A talk on the wo Mrs. James Mamel. Mrs. A lice Hover, Mrs. Anna Mikesh, the school nurse and the m< Florence Henry, Mrs. Loom inspectors will be given by ker; bridge, Mrs. Dana Eldet Donald, the school nurse. horse, Mrs. Rose Bundy; Hoepner's first grade class prize, Mrs. Virginia Cook. Mrs. Hill’s fifth grade class Linden Lodge will visit SUNDAY give a demonstration of boa' h Valley Lodge. Hillside, Mar Sica, Tues. Wed, is taught in the school. when the National Council*

GALA CARD PARTY Mrs. Torgier Pederson, assisted yew’)! say this dar­ by a committee of twenty-five ing love drains Joan Crawford, who has romanced on the by author qf ‘*sR®d members, has made final arrange­ Headed Weir an" ments for the gala card party Robert Taylor, Robert Montgomery. Gary Coop is Joa»-'s feest which the School 4 P. T. A, will heroes," adds rugged, two-fisted Spencer Tracy picture in rears?. ( oawrrow, ® hold this afternoon at the school. “Mannequin," which co-stars them for the first 5«i*». All games will be played and there on Sunday at the Rahway Theatre for a showi: On Oar St»Re will be prizes. Refreshments will Frank Borz&ge directed the swift-m oving sto BIG ACTS will be served hi the cafeteria. against a background of New York’s grimy ten 5 VAUDEVILLE aires’ penthouses from the pen of Katherine Bru STARTING TOMOMO*’ I'lux Qu lb« of Manhattan.” Lew Ayr rr. J VIV* VIUA iiSCI "MAtN! Louise Campbell SCANDAL STREET’ f BAD MAN , or m m m i I WAI ICI IE1R1 CRAWFORD SERGEANT MURPHY Wl um i^k * » ck* i* ( ‘Kim s»tH cp.n St. George and Chandler Aves TRACY HC lit.- G -kfti — Presents— f ’KATHERINE BRUSH'S Friday and Saturd; March 11 SA!yiiOir-CO*PUTf i'Abl PLAY < SCfiHlt »t*s* 4! ''DOUBLE OR NOTHING “Snow White With Bing Crosby and Martha Ray Sweepstakes' A LAM C U R T IS s«*» \and the Sevts Dwarfs’ <* t hi m atwtu* —ALSO— "> f * * Ml*:,: t„Si 15 CASH 15 'jaitti "THANK YOU MR. MOTC with Peter Lorre and Pauline Frederick. PRIZES Plus Jcckjwt M ID! i f i ’ f I \KK0U IN DEN, N, l Floyd GibNms Advent® rts Cartel Saturday Afternoon, Children Play i m x m its ■ i m kb « Tlisirs., Fri. an i Sat. Mar. 1#-il-12 TOMORROW Everybody “BROADWAY HANDICAP” 'IT'S A U YOURS' “ItOSAlLiB” Plays with Nelson Eddy *nd Friday Eftrjbo&y F!ay» “SWEEPSTAKES NOP TO s s, i riii)A 5 Eleanor Powell —ALSO— Sunday and Monday FILMOOM'S , “THE M KT COMRfs BA( K ” BiGftCST SHOWY with YOU'RE A SWEETHEART Allan Lane and Heather Angel Request Feature Sat. Nite "TWO FOR TONIGHT” ALSO- With Bing Crosby 5un. and Mon. . Mar. 18-14 CHARLIE CHAN AT MONTE CARLO "EV ERY DAY’S A H O LID A Y ” With Warner OIkim Comedy With-Mae West —ALSO— LADIES ...... TARZAN’8 REVENGE” W A Y ME Tlsis Wed. w ith Glenn Morris and s mnd T h u rs . — 2.-- B Sg H s tv —2 ----- Eleanor Holm fc The XI Piece of KING SOLOMON'S MINES / . ^ cc 1 Bins B* rryin srs Tuet and Wed. * Mar, 15-16 Royal Blue U DQG B * ! M MO'ND 8 “ON SUCH A N IGH T” R E V E N G E ” ' with Karen Morley .and Grant Itichards to hit fiver* !i-rdtfbt Vt . \ sgl - SPF< IAL K111DI1 SHOW owsy FREE. —ALSO— Sattentay Mstlnee YOUTH ON PAROLE T H E GREEK UGHT Stt N«w Of? vaty cNf raat 1 ;k "* ds CHsp-kiy in 9 -iU’i EciraJ F|yimj iml Ins Lm with 'John Wayne ' I e« f - f , I h P1 © }>*■ ^ Thursday, M arch 1U, j V to ..i M t ...L|NUChi UtfStK VCK C. L_ L. V L. i -■% G 1 )1 IffTEREST TO WOMEN


KITCHEN CLUB Hi ere and There of Helpful Household Hints and Recipes V - '.VC took * ;>. skip and jump • Conducted EiEANOS HOWE foreigii countries, n a lot about the "too too tleji- - ciou»” foods cooked by many of our foreign friends! Now, turt and cupboard j t i f, i in a i } a Indeed a task, even though the fame of our Kitchen rorered with ailclotis. Club ha ss lowersr, tHat the oil* reached more of 1 clean much ioug#t tha fir t n d » thin coat of floor w i tip corner* it la w e~H. T h e w a s f o r t o d a y vr* n* from Rnirlandl

tendon) at this Duny concocting; sutracuvc, etispy Hulatdlj* to Ink# the place of summer green** on the1 table is a way to use the outside lettuce leave*. Boil them (probably the outer leaves of two fairly larjpe lettucei will b§ enough) iti laited water until they are tender. Then pats* them through a sieve. Add to this puree sufficient milk to make the quantity 1 aen of soup you require, season with salt and pepper and heat up again. salt Then, remove from fire and stir in OW does Baked Spaghetti in Onion 3tape. French-Dreasec tonal the yolk of an egg beaten'with a H and warns Apple Pie Sound for an " fternoon out” i.ente cream. 1 icup - brown gaT ftsd a | iJlal w ould or fliftfttiiy be u»«d to tablespoon of cr.eam. Return to With modern, roomy, beat controlled even* (o bake su dash of »a tt, and iieai the :scaid* [ salt th<; flsl nod iet it brown and the fire. But don't let the soup perfection, ami modern, air conditioned ice •efrlgerator boi! after the e-gg has been added !QC pOlQt. Remove fr.QTD flame and ■;[ Jump a bout fore aiding fb® l*rd dean-worked, vitalized air—to keep ready 'o lake dishes or it will curdle. pie) fresh and ’'first-flavored," meals can be i mjitCer of •lo'Kly stir In 2 w.et

i l l i t i h M»M'M« s- mry-ard stick U* ( T T S K>OQ a monkey H* tablesj wreuch. This will j Lt * j m . (Choppeag ■ - ■** refrigerator wits a sting child, a to older Iversons bread ernst, Mid other hard food ho want to dental decay. Some dentists believe that sol course, up to the doctor to decide ] center of each tat. Thea tprejidIlittle ie« cuher gadget Along w ith urn. other food sugary foods may promote conu w h a t is best for each individual entire sandwich with greirtD't tot-ad i MINT PUNCfri: Melt 1 t -*». g la s s Jbstances ah ia 'he tSovelop- ti-ons that favor the growth of gen r.atient. Tha removal .of tonsils is ! ersta cheese and saak« a UN bud J mint Jelly to fm-swpan Born wilt, Ithy teei't Chic* cjpiiBI tooth decay. If the '> " era 1 p i if si @gg b?t ■ • b*i i-i errala vitamins. built around foods high ih Ctlcill- juk! rltftorfm. thie euHt&itlo® shout. hands of a skilled physician. And nerve on shredded leifekw 14 not occur, na matter what ofhc if the tonsils or* diseased, removal To g o with IWa ftaai in < • salad ] and 8 UM wooom lemon jnk-e P om* >re» scried to this b#sic die of them is good health insurance! there is nothing more appropriate over :ce rnV^ -- ' s n r w E L V H ” THE LINDEN OBSERVER Th sdcr

1 tanr»m to* r*frrnHl ‘m th e HOIVMXG L-ora.rd.tM*, W i r W ’i V m i U r g e t ! Archiplev Feted M i n . Ctamatuoication from th« JBo»rd of Children s Ounfiian* o' the B is Sjsleg is li Jersev ^ominueei "i m Pag:« Si#to of Hm* J#r*ey, sfcdnun* that (Cc^tUniMNl from jttu county’* of m m mn w rf»..- tills in on in . . . is-.' a icofauers j,3 sy:e Horn, %M& ant! Dependent Tli# b%it- . ; * * form er chiefs of the Tohmtcci ii'je city p i drs s ienuurtMfcgnt* will tie in* p®, rtm eiit; James$ Bersey, fcjrm er tursi in the best i>y Pnoi^c for#®® tow nsh 1;p fir® chief; Ed ws,rd IK, a : ■: B xpecterl to walk 1 creased so apjp»*SnM».w>ly 1281,- ©yiliifUfct^d TT*B,irpctf% m th« ScheckJ er* who ocHj.tfO w m Herred to Plume# re|M^3Pii!ii ted the singer. off with, moat of e :| h .srffit la tbe wer LiB dtn ps»id Cm?1pa tiTMi'iit In lilt jOoBuaitte* flB cen b i i f i f n n n m b ^ f of sbsenc-e of C hief W ' i:■ g ■ k Ii singer; t u k im O A. ( LEAN sweep- Iroai ConamimieRtMm from Use eim lr- 0 *•#*# *3©.? b f Xbxt ” 0 0 to's sent & te!#grmm < * os.'s*'1!* * 5 5 •p#3i Ntweuvfiy 1 ■■ bet &use # iikMM Mc- «'»»* MM3tbt£ lit*®® *® j month ow* 10 be purchs-vd for! ; ' o - t * 5 i>,f of the Bom “d of llass B League lead wEsett the the Prosecutor** Otfte* *#.* rg« j Helui ajK1 H um j laced a» order H ealth and miember of the xnoted 1! |W||iiini ©mas aa#| wins two **»*» Se--» •(, v-.rs-ti-xing Owertttw P ublic Scrvi©©1 G reater jsiizaoeti:i volunteer Fine M'orgai Depai it uis KliifeesMmie®. ,.e . u.f, " '* “ 7 *- : i eover a boa? #00 nifMto B etty Zitog ear. deexuuodiaiK Sta C oantj r®~ ■ bus s-eforetAf i c & s s ip ts time from uis tees wiwaave , . - * i»fi iectaetod ISOSf t tbti[ Pm i roods and j soeiatioci &i 11® bitiibEr, srm e r; forow r fiiilflt ' *forr, AS »*i.»rs- :iur;r.(f ; Lf fH ttS I aba ■ | EL. aniea less ikmi ©« I Judge Hear. A.. K1 :?*«.«»• c<-iiiis.j tsm iMggw lead MM a MB ®*s aBterwi 63&s cl© IS. xtmbss. Mo:reover, asai oi use Olivers of e sam e Crreafcea Eliz- 1 , Ftoaijee Cc«amiti« a: P a ris a Ed Ijoadoii bases a-beth companif.. A.ls© iM’issen! ti ■ titer! Ioi cefl to a qc« i..« nP«rni€ wTelly w it bill t.ho®6 I tj g i M n t bi...t ■- fiea -ef. a I G am m wii » less from the Star- j iff wivltsiag th*t h* las smeross i«te« T reasurer J an: '-a 44.. IN “ id ■ ! ia tree rsonilM eu-we of absence w ttb : Be. i rig is Sr m ust out pay a K n , K a t BEett'S'ier DtsyESi PACT liiKWWBUI m s s ri n a n * -'s -: ' -Ri;: * ■ * " ri i m. pt4 1 m *e£a twttrt**a iSaSa u n i "l StaengMCd te«pasa*i ss Jafi | the N n fxms foi rise Be*! pwasu p ta - BBSS tf t H a SSBS* tji s 223 mid 213, Pek Given*’ 3t& ie-i, adviaing of bid) received : " ia t fti tffle boi It .. t SKB "EEf" a t M u k - 1 r tlun Cc ... w-ei-e Bai spftl &etee« al* 214, Joe SsefczykL 200 and JFOtui jedTietoc oi bid# r«jce Trauilis, 190. ... | meat for the Sp© Ms loar deariy beteved father, thkham THE nO M K B B a nipptd W®ar dMaalMS en fsfei ay one pin in the second |chs*sing Committee. A1 Schafhaueer hit 197 ; Communication frot the while Prank Menta . Treasurer reporting fine bowling xor tee iived for JC2;50,000 ot c g .'to­ a 206 . . , T he M e­ tiinc Bonds. ss were -off form and e lower brackets, M aster Dougs! Herr ho Board : ■ approprmtin f\ .:!. ■ . kill : h goes to prove the furnish ^lisrobens for jf bowling displayed i C L A S S S F S ED night both tennis. • . (Are !filed. MORETT1 1 IH£ A BIANS practic ciinc.h- •ed first place in the onrnn i and: filed. i r,- ryj-arri a meet TuestiEy night by wiiuntof | Report and Resolution authork: * Ward Dennocratt game® with the Elm wo*bds. . .Tbey jing purchase of two Plymouth ears : ocipede® Repaired, We cany a now sport a four gfsnic* lecc 1 with. 1: from the lowest bidders, for the j W ard Benlocratii on!"" four games left to pd.ay , . . n one i All they have to do is wi call adopted. | as A. Arthipley, l^.me from, th e G reen L ights next j Report- and Resolution by Com- ;i attendee! c riage and vdocipocie wheels. Phone ^reek to sew up the titie . . . T he ]mitfcee on Bridges. IJratnage and A risuoffi are try in® on th e crown ? m orT^riiclTed hi: unify Chib j right now, r . The Co to adveitise Sot folds for repsdrs |M ss us te f!; fife 0 Me and Green Lights split their m atch 1 !-" | -4’- ^ Wtt E ' I . two sizisie coudIc Light house- one- apiece . . .. 155 f Iciei a w nrk o lie B t, and M tei'G k p I N E 1 o r this | BJ'idge. was on m il catll mdopted. jhie R®ibel n& ns. . Other scores that rang R epo i f bed fit 1 ;mlttee Bridges. DimSimgc and istemaek, 1 :;:if4 i n.f' $, 3 5! s:ii:::d A i icf: f' rei.Lft1 ® 1 i i Flood C o strol, a ai’ the Elm woods... Mrs, .Louise A n. to Tertise for bids for repairs iexsosj, 148; for the Conn try Clui'* if i baSg e r m s to the steel guarti railings on the H s . M.rs„ Mildred Edwards, 15S and S outh St. EtoRwtnridge, was on roll It is dangerous te sell a SUBSTI­ 68; and Mrs. Bernice Griffith, 147 call adopted TUTE fur §§€ Just to make three ©f By th e way. Mrs. Edwards is Ret f®w mmm. CiisioBBers are T@ar t the best lady bowler in i d , Cmm , \ best I®#® them and t&q l#s# err droxrs She leads tim ipoint me n coosideT” j yiwe b®sissess. 666 Is worth three ®r it on !y to consistency fa. ;gjneeiriog h ite h h ^ j foae time® as bibcIj as a SUBSTI* je) fo’ufc sh** also holds the jglnecr's. TfjTE .dividual hilgli m ark, t39 I ig B-W®y. • 233 look®. mighty Mg to. ! Repoid s garae let alone & worn ■ -.mittee oi Mrs. Ann* Pnm *m is | pointmen averages th 13* AssisUu high i Engines adopted i l i L E t ; o jp s is o f .111 § a i i = i H ■: o H

Regular meet. ig" of the Union County B®itrd of Chosen Ffeelioiti- ers was held at the Court House, • L s s m ISUmheth, N. J., on Thursday, Feb- purenase or eqmpmem Mil TIT at two p. M. Dial Master's Chamb? Direc tor Me i se precidina • Boll roll cm II adopted. call '"showed members present. Rasot j SATURDAY SPEC Mintlies of ‘the meeting of Feb- i tee approving &ppointmeo i uary 10th, 3.3Hi, were approved | ey D. W att a: s Compiltoir TM cher's 1 5 s - per printed. copies on members* \ tins* Juvenile Court, was ieska. i call adopted. AAf*. TQFF6Q>ttt Q f ^ . Reso.lotion tlmt all bills present- . Resolution by Public cl W ordered paid was ad >pted | Grounds and Buildings C Old Overhoft, Qts, Communication from the Prose ™! advising tin cutor, asking approval of increase j G«or.ge H Fo m i n e a n G r e e n R iver, P t . for Mkdajeei J. T e sm n , Frsnle C. ! Helper, was > □pted. EngJtehart and Frank L.. Briiinjr, | R-eso-liation y Finance Of jmmit Seegrcrerts 5 Crown, Ft. w tt s re! er1 eel t !it I * naim e Com ■ tee approving appointment c So IH mo re Cl Mb Ft m u tee. i tor Thompson as% Compiling S Tr. Old—Battled in Coanmuniciition trom six Protsa- ;in the Juvenile ion Officers advising Board tisa,t [ call adopted. Bock Beer, Cose they do., not waive increases grant­ | Resolution by Public 1 ed them by Order of the Court, I Gmrnds and B1 M ings Cc iiirrat I t tor Old Rye Whiskey 0*'% aiid asking Board to reimburse : advising they hi re gran tec ! Hei P -■ •> ■■ ■ L V , . ... • . ‘in few atzs ant, was referred to i tVoriman, Olea ■ Flixance < and Coun- j lemm of febsence Attorney. | with part pay, Communication from the 'Unless ■ adiOpted. W® have a complete vortetv mt> Par! Ckanaaissioi nal o.g Bssolutkm b3 , I 3 00 to ■ > j*- . tb e fu r- ! rooms. | tor, Clerk and Conn tv Supe- {totoo ,Vii; aos I 8 kegs. r expenses to be memTed by |of Roads to execute oootnbcti toe Union- Co:unty Park Comniis- f schedules submitted hv q>-« tm ■O iarrt^i -k>ri for the acquisition, develop- j ‘way Department for State i f OR Y O ■ R ... 0 N V1NI NC I nerit. and im provem ent of parks way Aid, was on roll call ad< ind pa k w% ^ in tile county, was ! Resolution by Finance Cot)ninit' A i tee approving the Comm unication from the County w nir ■ 4 0 T ? j Gouzity Treasurer ii :l g tni Cleric,, eo.elos.inf copy of letter J proposal pure h aae ti i e Moorf from Hem. Claijesaee JUT. Case. Jus­ [ ocioim v'oting Machine Bond* tice erf the Supreme Court, revok. j mitfced t5.y Bancameriea - Blair bn t oi i on roll call adapted.# to.-Lf"4 A. Cunningham and appoint- ! Resol .tioii by ’Mnsnee Co: BIEtiR: mi, Frederick G. Sigler, as S tr- te authorizing the County ' is®aiitr- at - Arms of the Union Coun­ urw to pay the bill of the 20 NORTH WOOS ty Courts, was referred to Ftmijice m u tif’ Vo ciriig C T rn OoiBinittee. cm) roll call adopted Linden 2-3261 Ccmmiimlcatioii from City Clerk T is n m■ g fm ■,* oi Linden, asking whether the aad! upon m otion- o f Free; '' ( * (T ,■ s : : - ’• i • C ' l of1 Asa Elizabeth■'d Iia s m e 1 avenue,n o e c .I1 1e to ta Is:inits g o1938v e r Dudley, duly second^ « tw*