,, W |; HI. LINDEN RECORD ESTABl ' h EC i IX ? £ [ N E W ... £ Rs h flJRSDAY TM^Tch 1 5” EB8~ PRICE 3 CENTS ARCHIPLEV r® *• Sfar € h*m m+M HONORED A T ®,hB.. FETf H E R E 3 | g if-ff ■" ift' :: ? i-'1' fir^j fp |*”i ii|; lolls I p * i ■■ ■ s i e s * m o n - d o im r il %ii«#mi«Ss /V-«m Ti ietir ng H«ad Spreading 01 Thomas A . nipi< Im i Hoil«Iin:* I tides tiring president th e false Rumor Exempt Firemet A sac ra tio rs . mdtan Housing Coiperatioi I - iuiki 284 4 partm< alter sev<cn term s Despite the fact that Supreme in th<it df- Court Justice Case’s order for a *■ - • ’ i. • *• - i £ce» rccejived th e tributej3 ar|d I hearing on the application for a praise or p re se n t a n d fio rraer I sum m ary investigation of the 8- £he city council T u esd ay nigi ssed day fite fighters, p resen t: arid inancial affairs of Linden is re- quired by law only to be served on arn<?ncinncntu to the Z on in g O rdinance a n d Builc 'omer city officia Is, a n d visit- .the chief financial officer of the clearing the way for a $1,250,000 low-rental apart] mg iitaries at. a t estimonicil lelty. John J. Molson Jr., attorney i ing project in the First Ward. The amendment to Z o r dm«r' iin h is h o n o r S a tu r d a y efeoing in th e L y n w o o d T a y - ^ * « * •. rcdr trLctin? of ? pr nine councilman, besides Mayor j thirteen acresr ™ and * ? a hail, site of the proposed pj >jec era, 61 0 W e s t St. Cicorgj-e j Myles J. McManus aveoue. - • ?£3 ...... i ... and the two permit attache*^ four-family dwelling two and a hs i officials originally served. City Msyor Myles J. McMisnus spoke f sta whs, wEl apptcr tafes toe-| clerk Thomas J. Wieser and City ( in height. The Build of Mr. Archipley as e of to e ; re&Cieaa amendment permits erection ia th e Jauior High School •Treasurer James J. Smith. pioneers who helped bu d Linden o f such buildings with or with­ md praised his long Imm on Friday. March IS. Gksria Apparent late last week was an C^ty Coolers ecord c.f out central heating units, and community service. Tl s M ayer is a slater m id and &ens!&®tie effort to capitalists onyn a repo jmw l a * • a is* introduced Leon A.. WgtaoaL d a n c e r <&f samie re im tatkta. that Mayor McMa with or without cellars, pro­ head of the S< ;ule R ati be reached by Constable On Municipal vided that suitable crawling Reibel for service. One Newark rani in Newa and air space- is provided in taeatamter. new spaper w a t e r r i o n s Ia present in j McManus was not to be found in the buildings without collars. W&teon paid ti the city hall and rumors spread _____ [ At the same time, the council Lini is receiving: and Be Given fc y in this city reached such ridiculous Details of Linden’s plans for ac- i adopted s resolution stating that stated that in ] opinion ail Lint proportions as one trtjitli t rrct rinj let; - ■ r • ** ft sresent and past, /^5 /*» were ftlostiw 'a in their effort^ mf r Ln< f &nd have had real interest of 3 '• Actually, Mas<or lOjBEnius w -• it; ew n sa a.;. ■ so id a t ? ' ” a ■' R5*? sily t e ll arcs-? d to .wad e-iter > engin-w ■ fne&-fc? sTsnfcrg in -. [ unong others v . ,. .. ! A PnI f; lise of Mr. Arch C apers of 1SS8” •at Junior I son, chairman of the water com- The council’s action followed * f Wheeler, presid* School auditorit on Friday, —-------- ----- -—_ ----------------- -------- J mittee, presided at the meeting. t tosi lengthy conference with rep- ncil; Councilman ,u -lMaI h 18, under ti>he auspices of , . , .. , , , , I! Industrial heads will be invited i resentatives of the Linden Hous- ion Commission, 11 i i»K t d I 5 I'f! Ifl *M ; I« wmta omn It1.e 8 > ,::' William u In rehearsal rtiM S U * im 1 Qa*f pat a conference scheduled in the I |3roj®c|; Following the conierence. Michael Kr membe I for the past :intiis under the Iroftic D M nit in IVJ 7 ] near luture. a plan is proposed to t1™ R- La‘slltoE- of 29 Broad wa Judge direction of Jarroli, dancing make the water distribution avail­ New York City, one of the spons- Rata; City Lewis I in stru cto r a Junior High j Linden ranked 175th among able as soon as possible, in order I ors. announced that the council School Conur Center, assisted j cities o f 10,000 to 35,W» popu­ I to encourage new industries to come cooperated with his association and tee Piremei: by John Du! lation in the number of traffic was helpful in every way possible. to Linden. He said that he is associated 'Clarence H. vo p win be grven. deaths for 1937, according to figures released last week by the | The committee is also working j with Col. Robert J. Gill or Balti- formance at 7 to secure a reduction to rate of at j more and Gene Hall of 1A3 Maiden ip. B lren, and the com- Statistical Bureau, N ational Safety Council. There, were | least 15 per cent for the private | lane, New York City, in the huge tplete i. m. for adults, thirteen deaths by motor ve­ (consumer, pending the insbsU&tkm j e nunared orchestra seats will of the municipal water system. j ' ORnnu-'- on P*8e twelve- hicles, <1.3 per 180,000 popula­ •eserved for the second per- Besides Councilman Oroneher, t ance. Tickets may be obtained tion, last year, an improvement re Recreation Commission of - over 193®, when- sixteen persons i ■ ■■ M c M a n u s C • h - - f V;- .Hi"" ' ’ c ■' lost their lives In traffic fatal!- | Myles J McManus, Council Presi- ' u' * * " South Wood avenue, dent H Roy Wheeiei MctFi r< T a E# U my talented local and guest ties. Thirty-three cities of com­ «eors l aiRs B| r© Ait i tainers will perform. Among parable siae reported no traffic deaths during 1937. Lewis Winesky, Clyde Potts, special | ... | A rr* < $ guest artists are: Dorothy '■"ess 11 ■■ ■ - ec.j.rsnees Stanlej W IL-CIC O f L i ? ? 1C I Cl I S iams. Roselle civil engineer. ; _______ Thi-ee city officials addressed the Myles J. McManus Association on Columb the subject of civic affairs at a tion Co well attended met-ling Tuesday IS ..... l*osi O ffice evening in McManus Hall. Mayor jn F rid a Myles J. McManus and Councilman C harles Valwano spsske on recent Jr ! accomplishments of the city and nap, Sidney Isler and Julius D To Seeom e A plans for future development in l&ieaim B Ayres Drincioal • -ommuiiity sendees and opportun —— ------- —----------——- — ————-------— ------------ | ties. City Tresaurer Jsanes J. Smith will be chairm an of i Long sought n: and promised by cuss the possibility of FWA grants of the building will be faced in discussed to detail the distribution school magazine rou : jmany Linden and partly sand-finished brick. -■ M . a*r gj ^ for adviwre jjnew Linden po e is about to [to push the post office project. The The working sections of the past!pal services returned to the tax- become s res.Ill nrisi he Dfesent delegations were successful in both office will be located on the first I payer Democratic administrations in Lin- Imissior Treasurer James J. | floor, with the basement housing j ‘ Clarence J. Hunt, president of avisor, will give a ti den and in Washington. With the J Smith, D a v i - j o n ly fctie f u e l &zkd boiler............................. rooms, | tbe..... ssisooiatian,l armounced ft fary School Magazine opening of bids on construction of son and City Attorney Lewis Wi- [storage rooms, the carriers’ toilet lopintment of ’the fSlowMg com- I he new por office building still, netaity succeeded in obtaining an j and recAatlon room, and an office‘mittee chairmen' Athletics Phil two weeks away already n pros-(interview with postal authorities, for the postal taapector. j Berlin; by-laws. Einanuel Margu- S i 16"Is PreparingSpe!man‘s/ a foursen j. * Cliristmas cards to be se iective bidders for :he job have . through the intervention of then The prospective bidders listed in- (lies; eitiaensfaip. Men ODoonelT teen listed by the treasury's pro- Senator A. Barry Moore, and. elude a number from Mew Jersey, house, Henry Stalowsldr raember- ’ *e Hospital for Criooled c h arement division, it was learned at short: - <?. .,,i •. *, ’ n ~ . , *® at Newington Conn Tl alto preparing a “ ren t e she department today. of funds for Linden was an-I Sows: Wyckoff Constructto Ccrni- (Mia* Ann Givens’: planning, -losepli Hatien and suiTounding ten : Linden's post office has been lo- nounced pe.ny. New York City; Turtur tDilbatla; trial ’Lewis Wlnetsfcy- eated in four different buildings in | Two hundred and forty calendar | Brothers. Elizabeth; J. L. Robixiaon j women’s activities, Mrs olive »• ! sent lo schools in Ve itlie past twenty years, always in j days are allotted for the construe- j Construction Cooipauv «*, xi m i J W<e- 8 t wn ■ • ■ « osl - - i .a n 1 • .he increasing demands for postal ,learned today in Washington.
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