PraVs \Art L PR"o rr-t PT


Before and afrer the perforrnance: an evening in an unspcci- 6ed localiry.

During the performance: a nice afternoon in a deep Southern rown called New Bethesda.

< lui,',0',5cc L/,// 1,,.^. Th, Twu Chu,tc^ttPv' Tt'-,

lx i(r:q To &-oc(r^r( a8,et:\rrAi'\o$s'

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ιたυ1/ 爆 轟 一一 暮 師 LK・ 飽 .11 ' l ′′ 響 ´ フ′ ∫タッ彙 イ } , 7(2ゞ . 警 鶴・ヘ 副 乱 →轟 慎 倉 |ゞ ク T亀 “ 5^ 1・ )ゴ ~ ・ ル η年θ

"ll\xlz4 liCiし 内 "Crl ACT ONE

:5Lこguu0rr。 J 霰10Mヒ 311携 "οOrr 峻 11::::|;:ク :θ 惚 ″′′′ υ″ :κ :,効 frθ "″ ″″∫ο′∫ `θ `θ "a ′′′″g rθ の解J″ 11携 '19:夕 =′ "子 '脇 r″,解 Ⅲ λ筋 ノ″;〃箕〃明メ協 f筋 ヽ 肺 '7Z維 Z犠 ::鶴″;″ /筋ノ `;″ κ ″7γ . 犠駕協″ ルθル′′アJο ア′ ″οチπガ 移 ′ "′ あっο力 ′ルノEsoteric Astrology). `′ ″ο∫′ ′あ: I Иみο″′ ′あθ ∫′″g′ ′ "g ′′″′ノ″″′ιπι′θ″ρ`′′θ″∫οチ∫ ` 協夕解鶴`∫ 免″′″筋」Z

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| ' ・ 3,・ AS… 31を 色 |う ・ l a鰤 鵠 ハ亀e4・ Q Lヽ I 酔 熱電一e孤 マ。ふマ Ctr4 =鮨 ´ ― 0し、へぃr4.ε s O´ r cにっ_ι ィヽし鮨 しムハ′1 ‐ 「

v qο κs ヱ bap€ Su+,,n I のF↑ li

i;v l}ooc Suar.a z qο げ O F 時 ← Gc x'v s , 學

ヽ じ S 0 〔 L ∵ 6 5 cksvgn6 4A @) e ^. F lr-\,\Jt^/.9 t *O S く0 ‐ ←

‐ ヽ 、嗜口′ ノ r* *"l. o I>dl O く Blq\ O-trr_1 th*zrxe.d(al rt1"r

€q* : Iio^,n faur** ズcr οⅣE

み″ /考 %舞″ 等 胸 ノ移後,p篇各 膨鰍協淑競′れЙノ″π°″ル“ ヘ 彼

Q FELTcE gloutly, reflectiaely, utriting): To play with fear is

to play with 6re. fHe loofu ap as il be areri silently atking | some qtettion ot' enormoar cotteqlenca.] *or*, *1rah worse, -No, than playing with fire. Fire has limirs. It comes ro a river or ra and there ir stops, it comes to stone or bare earth that it can't leap across and there is stopped, having norhing more ro consume. Burflear$-

′あθνγノοοア∫′′解″′″g ο′∫′.] ““ `gθ __ il」 llli::::|° rぁ 〔 θ″。″ ∫ル″∫ ali″・】 “ 驚苦此撃 I鮮錘鍵F魯農 忠t詣:∬T棚庸1:霊Ⅷ WTLini ⌒ いr 曝器』翻蹴場」鍛歯置 2 ´ ´ ヽ 0← `物 Uヘ Go

ワ OFν oS` 40 1隆 .:L`,″ 、 ι へo 0ヒ ″T υくX S`、 ´ F掏 こ L,c o 6+ F/o ∩ (cnc..e u.<--rJ. jJo ' a.,o- ,.. ^_14\( Dr - ...._ 4 :,::..

)一 T″ E rν ο ¨cH′ R′ crER Pι ズy

CLARE[/70tt O′ ∫′′〕:Felice! “ 工鳳∵撃ili=11lЧFtta意 uc:taChmenご〕ssary..._YOu can't,you must never catch h01d Of ,7議 1概 」f猟∫L:l晟通≒ Jtttit:1leilttS農

1ll∬ i鼻:葛 罵 1凛胤 ‖」よ聟∫11lF鳥 : ヽ“Demmd ttκ km副 一ミニーーーーーー :md k Whs「 ■ ´ CLARE[′ ″ ′あθ ″ D "gr]:Felke卜

‐ ― ― 一 ― ― ― ― ― デ ー ー 回 ― 隆 コ have tO dO nOwぉ keep her ¬ おこ 讐m『与 讐品■ g高=生 ャ ギ ギ 証I姦 ヽ_ 1%上 it ― 主遷霊

[ct itnr appemt in tbe Gotbic doot to rhe bacAttage arca. Tbere il a ghottly ryill ol light in the doorutay and.-she bat an apporitional looh abou her. She has, lihe her brother, a qaality ol yoath.utitbout being yoang, and aho liAe rr;,trce an.elegance, perbapt eaev alrog,rrtci, ol bearing ,ba, ,eem: related to a patt tbeatre ol actor-managat and. imperioat rtalr. ,,ttoned', Bat ber condition urben the qppear i! and ber grand lheatre mannel u,ill alilnate utirb tometbing ttartlitgly coarte, the ehange occtnitg at abrupt\ as if anrttber peuonality rcized ltold ol ber"ar there'minenti. Both ol thete atpecrt, the grand and the rilgar, disappear entirely parr ,,The .lron tbe ol CLARE in berf ormance,,, ⌒ u'hen tbe uill baae a cbildlihe implicity, the pure and. tad precocioatnett ol a little girl. ∫ ″ル θ ∫ , :協 "勁 "ル れ物 協瞥み 務ノッ%ル ∫0″′υあ″ /1ifあ“θッθ′′″ ″″″ '′ 。い`こ OC xヽ′ … ′ ヽをい い工 ,atみだ i 3,■ Aヽ , OFκ ,→ 〔" り ` 0′ ′5。 ヽ′C 16● Eヽ」。 `マ l

O f Tυ 4ら いヽAeE

イ″ ― R´ う

θF 6げもヽ・ιごS、 L oFc


56 Lr a b.3 ′CT OⅣ E .1 , 2 trledhed. blond.e bead.. She ,nol)e 1 $artt to foruord, lhen i l gaspt aui load\ drauu back.) J , こ Now what? こ コ ニ ‘ CLARE lu,ith an ancertain laagh): I thought l saw― ― 尋 J 号 reltcr pparirions this 1 ;f evening? l t) i l cL,tRr: No, it was just rrpq-shadow, ir scared me bur it was l ‥ ‘ my shadpw, that's aduances ― iust all.t[She nzsteadily lrom the ‘ ― doorway.) doctor once rold me that you and I were rhe ‘ --t*A bravesr people he knew. I said, "Why, that's absurd, my brother and I are rerriEed of our shadows." And he said, "Yes, I know that, and that's why I admire your courage so ⌒ much . . ." 0 FELICJ J′ ′′′∫ ″ 'ording of a guitar, tben lacet downttage.) ―1 : FELICE: Fear is a monster vasr as night-

cr-ARE: And shadow casting as rhe sun.

FELICE: Ir is quicksilver, quick as light- cLARE: Ic slides beneath the down-pressed rhurnb. FELTcE: I-ast night we locked it from the hour. cLARE: But caughr a glimpse of it today.

FELICE: In a corner, like a mouse. cLARE: Gnawing all four walls away. (t'

cLARE [snaightenitg her tiara): ril?'ell, where are rhey, the ⌒ Iadies and gentlemen of the press, I'm ready for them if they are ready for me. FELICE: Fortunately we- 4 ―

l ‐ 2●● l *'t ) `s ο← l 0c “ l l

l cttr C i l

》ι Yゝ ° `く セ● 彪 ```` ‐ ヒX α し、3 %

V Fり ヽrヽ_ s, → 餃 L4r1 {aa ea" J' C4LQaac"t 沙こ Sr-gps a- X (eo t ( *4S a( 6" ouc: a ' r,n 5 S,ら oc S`^Oυ :

SB L,. di 4'5 , + A^ €/o

ag貯 5 ①′メ'こ

Lκ a 6・ 5 α ● CCOヽ SC P“→ θご′ヽあ¬餞 kRCkS !ヤ Y 1 WA,CI6\ ― ― V ヽぃ0_ ― ← Fx sし りtゝ И/ゃ 。) 0・ O\' V^,,^ P. ^%~ L 島 κ 0 、 + くo し t撲“`褻 =な `Ⅲ ― q ,ゝ F+S > n ?ン |, 1■ ′しここ `K Iも ・ 驚篤竜 r'> :)\ ,n T■ `るo.ノし 協 r“=驚″尋 “ 「 ヽs C〆

THE T70・ Crr/R′ CTER PL′ Y

cLARE: Hmm? FELIcE: d6n'g have to face the press before this eve- ning's performance.-s/s

. cLARE: No press reception?/Artiiis' Management guaran- tecd, Magnus personally promised, no opening without maxi- mum pressF{overage on rhis fucking@keilinro the boon- docks.-Jdui, you know I'm wonderful with rhe press. . . lSbe largh hoauely.) ⌒ I.'ELIcE: You really rhirrk so, do you, on all occasions?

CLARE: Know so. FELICE: Even when you raSe against farism to a honking gaggle of--crypto-farists? . . . !7ith all sheets to the winC? CLARE: Yes, sir, especially then.-You're terrible with the press, you go on and on about "total theatre" and, oh, do they turn off you and onto rne . . . Cockroacb! Hage! lShe stamps ber foot.) Go!-l read or heard somewhere that cockroaches are imrnune to radiadon and so are dcstined to be the last organic survivors of the great "Amen"'+-'hfter some centuries there's going to be cockroach actors and actresses and cock- roach playwrighrs and-Artists' Management and-audi' ences . . . lshe gettrrlet torumd tbe atdience.) FELICE: Have you 8ot an "upper"? cLARE: Qne for emergency, but- FELTcE: ⌒ i think you'd better drop it.* __■国咀二翼賞璽期翠Ш嘲凛上塾‐血憂正憂ユWhat I nced now is iuSt COFcc.[∫ あθな ∫″″gg″ g“J"∫ ′あar`ο "g“ "_ ′″J′ο″.]一Tell Fran2 tO get me a carton of steaming hot black cOFce. 1'rn very annoyed v7ith Fran2. He didn't call you forbidden him to?

lThere is no retponrc.) ´3)・ ①′峯ジら ほ 52こあ. こ の に'S・― D` υ← ゞ山

θ 介メ ド →L,('.rr u,c ξ鮎¨~、ど

θ´ $S ,.Oe A.< AeD ν

ゆ ム ①こ ∂ ` SOF颯

↓ L θ「 ぃ次ε FtA.● υ

し ´ 6 C r') -t R s,Ae P\^NJ9 L4 α a-s / Cur'N''l C-u ? qr i nr,( 6 C Bax l'\ Gtn,,a 餞 Aυ。 , ".e-L(` プs→ ιゝ、。 へ。 Lrr-"j)cAt rr,. 「 ~ `?、 fvr Louoa,t', ひ¬―負し、。 V Q ` 8●“べt″ o ′ り … `↓ ^″

V ′cT OⅣ E

So I'm teft to while the long night away in an unheated dress- ing room in a state theatre of a state unknown-/ baue to be ,old *b", a perlotmance is canceled!-ot wogr't perform! f-Her tiara ilips ofr. Sbe ctoacbet ansteadi\ to retrieae it') .I FELICE: The performance has not been canceled and / called you, Clare. cLARE: After I'd called you. FELICE: I have some new busjness to give you, so come here. oLo Ra(u {oc L* il'{ { r ir -,L not move aoother steP without some---Oh' ヘ cLARE: I'il' light, finally something almost related rc daylightt' Bur it's not coming through a window, it's coming through a- FElrcE [outl,apping]:-There's a small hole in the back- stage wall. lHe-irosses to looh oil at the aadience') They're coming in. .. cLARE: Do they seem to be human? FLLIcE: No.-Yesl It's nearly curtainrtjme, Clare' cLARE: Felice! \Where is everybodyi-l said, "\(here ir everybody?" Clare. FELICE: Everybody*l is somewhere, cLARE: Get'off your high horse, I've had it!-Vill you answer my question? FELICE: No cancelation! cLARE: No show! ⌒ FELICE: l07hat then?-In your contrary opinion? cLARE: Retloration of-ordeil FELICE: Vhat order? \j cL^RE: Rational, rational! lHet tiara f alls off again') 6 10r x Ot aF PrArJg) θF r 6R Er4e f r^'^_ro

gLl.r, P\.a-c, : , θこ* SU / L.CA)\ O,,.) A4't tヽ ^J"- 8d ヽハ ヽふ. θ orrsT4Ec !.{g 5 HA/-,6 _t F ` こてヽ、ぢ ′ り `,ハ・。っ豫ぃび

″‐tく つ , `ク € r,r9 -D C K""C*tt,, h*tur-tr “ O , V ε)Fs、 pl trsa.e €..rcn.r . 'luocs 0 F7/.FF (.t* , Seu-'-oS' . ハ 嘔 ビ F

〇 r メ う ゝsc

● 。メう5C P4● ゝ た,`ri> 色ν、0(s] 63 Lr 「 c?g

。 。.r,´ ″ ゞ ・ゝ S [2 r ]′ T″ ″ T「 0_c″ /R4CTER PL′ y 「ELに じk)p wFanng Out yOur vdce bcfOre the― … IZ CLARE: Fclicel・ I hcar gunirel

FF_LICE: I〃 ο″ク!

cI-ARE Lwllilt:i\Xte never hear the sarne rhing at the same time any more, caro . . . lshe notices a throne-ciair, canopied, u,itb gihlerl u,ooden liou cttto!114mr; o/, tbe canopy, heialdic !g!'!!et -1y-i9!!_ rhread.lflV/hyl my Go

r:rilrcr; fbolling bh hed): I swear I woutdn'r know my hc;rd was on mc if ir wasn'r aching like hell. cLARE: Vhar are you mumbling? FELTCE: An attack of migraine.

CLARE: fou'd berrer take your codeine.

n,r,-,a,,,(dr" ncver found rhat narcotics improve a per- formancc, if you'll forgive me for thar heresv, Clare.

cLARu: --:Is this tour nearly over?, b,. I-'ELTCE: It could end tonight if don,r give a briltiant perforrnance, in spite of- 'n,e ... .., cLARIi: Then ir's over, cd/o, all over . .i.-Ho* loRc-lrerc we on rhc way herc? All I remember is rhat k *ou[ffihr ancl then ir u,ould be gqg! +nd rhen ir would be tigtrt ar-rd ttren ハ dark again, and lndtntains turned ro prairies and back to m

FEr.rcE: After rhe performancc, Clare, I'll answer any qucs- rion you can rhink of, but I'm nor going ro hold up ri.,"'.ur- rain to :rnswer a single one now!...

7 奴 マ 鈍 α ε И ¨ け 「 『 幼 ・ ^0


お F L ソ

ツ こ ´

O F ´

o ‘ β ε 』 に

O r ヽ

こ 』 ” と い じ ャ 葛 一 伝 ρ . 」 ヽ OⅣ E

CLARE[“ ′″g]:_謳 auSE画」 ha_symptoms.∴

FELIcE: So do alcohol and other depressants less dirretely menrioned. q cLARE: I've only had half a grain of- -]- reltcr: rVashed down with liquor, the effect's synergittic. "?br. Forrester told you that you could have hearr ^rresr-on tage! -\ '.,1 cLARE: Itl/ot because of aoything in a bottle or box but- FELIcE fotterlappingl: Vhat I know is I play with a freaked out, staggerinS- , cLARE loaeilappingl: !7ell, play with yourself, you long- haired son of a mother! FELICE loaerlappingl: Your voice is thick, slurred, you've picked up-vulgarisms of-gutters! cLARE lottnlappingl: \7hat you pick up is sropped at the desk of any decenr horel.

FELTcE loaerlapping): Sto.p it! | can\ take any more of your- CLARE louetlapping): Trath!

FEL ICE lw er I app in gl : S ic k, s ic h-a b ettation s ! lTbere is a paate.) cLARE llike a.childl: Vhen are we going home? FELICE: -{lare, our home is a theatre anywhere that there ヽ is one.

cLARE: If this theatre is home, I'd burn ir down over my head ro be warm a few minutes .-. . You know I'm so blind I can'r go on without crawling unless you{l Otr c'.tcts f!o* t Sc 9,,...,a P,6..j1 ② F ′/υ ら じ Go'-.r- 喬 … Y'J vL PJo ) F らら l“ 十Ct,“ fgttr tt po€ ?'tt,.,o. 0 `ο € * rJ9 o f- Sosa r'o 't-cL!E tr^4!6 Pfu r-*c,( .l 're\ e 6 ., '.r -5 p 91. t,, n"^ do Tf-, >fR.rJ Da ,ra 4r !!|.

マシー Pに 、■xL r\r (oro 「 し ` り。 ` キr `しC‐ o ワ ° く二`

*'t { ,.rr '9 € oc Soea, lt ) urS o( 5o6,+, t(,J(*1-s.

し € S,'r D; t e ,o. io p.,,, , Lcas 6-, S, a4n-,.u g!:.: T" I:" y:.: !_1:1 -::!.Y "". IjELtcE: lVait a minrrier+ moment, I'rn still checking props iUo*t of soapwater but only one spool . E. [cl,rnr errcotntelt the Gothic, utood figare ol a Md'oana.) ct.ARE: know, after last season's disaster, and the one before -Youlast, we should have taken a long, meditative rest on some Riviera ins-qead of touring these primitive, God- knows-where places. li FELIcE: You couldn't stoP any more than I could, Clare' have' ヘ cLARE: If you'd stopped with rne, I could '' FELICE: With no place to return to, we have to 8o on' you

know.'- . ,

CLARE: And on, till 6nally-here. I was so exhausted that I blacked out in a broken-back chair. ': FELICE: I'm glad you 8ot some rest.,. の cLARE lhomtely): The mirrors were blind with dust-my voice is going, my voice is practically gone! ;; '1 ) - FELtcE: where? Piano top. No. Table.-Yes,Is,you yo never come-Phone on staSe before an opening night pcrforriance without giving me the comforting bit of news that your voice is gone and . . . llmit4ittg ber aoice:) "I'll have to perform in panromime tonight." :).

cLARE: Strike a lucifer for rne. lHe tihu a match atd the comet autedily i*o the in' tniot set: be giuct het a detpaiiag looh.) ハ tiara? FELtcE: -Vhy the CLARE laaguelfl: It was just in my hand, so I put it on my head. lHe giaet a lilrle hopeless k*gh.\ のこん c_s′ =― ― L:`、 C“イ “

g, ! r' oe Pre"to @ c <..,2t + )w

V r /L ∂υC S。 ん′伝ι ι〕 ↑ ・ `1^ `た ^´

て OC′ 5。ゝι ヽグ聡 & Ly .r!1 * 16

@f ,'t Dsa rArrs c'r A.ori 1,* € x 5/-. @ , uorn , *o-n Da-. OFメ's DSL%ι ~´ρ

t"'-P o\ @ € e" sL i.:,r- L( a (cao..,c c-.,6,1 1gr*,o)_ a, L{ ato 4ο r4, I Llis elo,t. , .): /CT OⅣ E

I try like hell-how I try-to understand your confusions' so why don't you make some effort to understand mine a lirle? FELICE: Your variery's too infinite fo. ,rr., tl"r". cLARE: still can't forgive me for my Cleopatra notices. Ran-Yorl into columns of extrlvagance and your Anthony's were condenrd as canned milk.2

FELICE: you -Do hate me, Clare? cLARE: I think that's a4pestion I should be putting ,o yoJ'-) The night we opened ;n !::! tshe tries to rcmemher the place, can't.] rurned on me like a spit-devil and shouted--Oh, I'd rather not quote you!

FELtcE: Do. Please.

cLARE: called me a drunken slut and said "Fuck off!" -You

FELICET can't believe I said that. -You {z cLARE: Oh, let it go, it's do'n. . . . {Sbe ttdlrt touold ,be protcenium.) Think I'll have a look at the enemy forces.

FELtcE $eizing bq urist): iou *ill not, you must never look at an audience before a performance. It makes you play rlf

Oc`ts→ oた 。raハ ´o

OFズ →いゞ,外´゛`い`今

θCた →ta^~ 。

ヽ...′ 錦 」 α 1

。″ ヽ、 θ F Sqい ~/ζ ぅc訥ャ ―

C― “ H´″ ●S 14● 、。vノ`Hr_o ― `ι ' bsc "H`tι 牝′ぃ 「 C^← し〆S6ctい ● ― α `… ― ヽ DO″ 僣 O ο。ィ。いヽ 00デ ^υ ―< 峰 Q 、 *'s CS J5 ac- P*r-r,, fhceef OF い Gθ D ¨ ¨ ● ● ● C Xts e SoGa Sr-s od t4 c.r.D W T″ E770_ε ″″RИ cTER PL′ y

I;ELICE {rettrning): So far of the sct have ar- rived. z SLARE: \fhar will I do when I'm supposed ro go upsrairs for parasol and gloves?

FELICE: Face upstage and I'll say you've gone upstairs. Your parasol and gloves are on top of the piano. CLARE: Are you seriousl Abour playing it rhis way? ⌒ FELICE: Despetarely.

CLARE: Are you going to rhrow new speeches at me ro- nighr?

FELICE: Tonight there'll have to be a lot of improvisarion, but if we're borh lost in the play, the bits of improvisadon won'r marrer at all, in fact they may make the play bener. lHe tmilu tutlb.l cLARE: I likd to know what I'm playing and especially how a play ends. ..) FELIcE: When the cunain is up and rhe lights are on, we'll fly like birdE rhrough the play, and if we dry up, we'll usc it. ,'L, / cranr:-F'elice, do you have a feverf [relrcr bat croued to ,be ptotcenitm.) 't let ⌒ FELICE; I have to see if they're in or- ''rtr7. CLARE: h"r. no commuoication with the front of the hour? [She coryht atd. ryhr) FELICE: None. CLARE: You rnean we're-?

FELTcE : Isolated. Completcly. ο八ご‐―υ・こ54 『C' 0`´ s・ ヽ2 06メ ヽ→C ハ O(い ヽο″TF Ⅲ…メ」…々‐ sヽ ¢ pr¨ “瞥涸 0「 S,ヽ ¨uυ ″ι ‐ ( 。_ `o`ρt~ いSO← ヽ、こ。~‐

υ″ ● こ↑ ´ -r'r-\{o*'; 'い ヽ L +,? of 0 ` 10ハ 'JS F ■a pS● ′ Ъ G - c,.:wa-5 . ({- ,t t s, ,n 0● ゛1の●'N


Sら ly A lt.( C., n t, Or.rr ru ( Ph ^ , FL''tDt A,,)o ` TALi4 et vlaec , 「′9.rats gu * QusrT* V

()C F77め 、卜“スク´F1 0ここ

Y t ..*-#,--.* "I-c-T -oI-' I cI-ARE: a month at a little-Bavarian-spa. -Heed:2 F[.;l-rcE: \frri kno*, thar "high" you're on is geing to wear off in about half an hour and you'll have thjl79rgy of a piece of raweed at low tide . . . lmmediately afir#'fhis tour I sug- gest that you eptqr a clinic for withdrawal from-

cLARE lsbouriingl: Alter tbil tou is when? Vben uill tbere he an end to it?

へ FELICE: hN, (.LARE: Make it sooner! Cancel thc rest tnd let's--rest! ,- IjELI.E: Lfr yo., want to cross back over forry, fifry frontiers on wooden benches in third-class coaches? mean that-? CLARE: -You FELICE: I mean that's the sryle we'd make our triumphant a week in rerurn in if we -rurned back now without playing the black since- -'

big a hole are we in? cLARE; -How FELICE: Big enough to bury an elephanr team' 7. ) . cLARE: Why haven't you told me these things? FELIcE: It's impossible to have a realistic dixussion with someone who's-[He bolds ap thrce fingetr'ffiow many 6ngers am I holding up? ⌒ (-LARE: You know I don't have my-my God, yes, I do! lfie lumblingly remoaes a pair ol "granny" glastes from a pocher ir her cloah-lining. Sbe 64sses directly to Felice, bed tilted hach to peel into his lace.fuh, Felice, you look so ter- ribly tired!

FELICE: Thor glasses make You look- 12 ― ― ― ― ― l ψ ヽ 雄 う° ° デ ノ「S F―。o.! € U\o* Oι ' ・ 崚 / tt‐ μ は 1「 ιο 申 【 ιOx `《

SC 8:〕F』11■、cに して 0 'こ ー

θ r p._"ゝ s鱗、ヾ 3nハ ι ^ 綽 ・ 、 ιズ2あ レいsο (猿。‐ D ^。 ‘ atヽ ↓C Kpゝ ・ ‐ ・ 1こ 1_J

O F θ fOo "rcs Jriq.; * !. ‘ Ste+s Qo e<4/t' 6 F ^ occ ν /': ) D{- at P'a'-lo 0 (色

~` σS , 一 イ どo″ ざ)′ ヽ ,,f( i) O( ( o"L)ci ( *..'.. "t Cor r.J6.rcasn".{ TrrZ't C @^,t,"o ^lS

PLAY THE TV/O.CHARACTER --, '"'_"-!.# subtract many years Ancient? \l(/ell-they don't cLARE: more comment f.;';,; vou.mind if.l "i,he''-:Do TI:-,t*worded? on your apPearance-if ir's tactfully make uP' FELICE: I've had no time to CLARE:Thiscomment'sonyourhair'why'it'salmostas long as mine' wig for the role of Felice' FELICE: You know I wear a CL^RE:ThepartofFeliceisnottheonlypartthatyou PlaY' ? be' FF.LlcE: From now on' it might the C-ompanyl \Vhat would cLARE: Vouldn't tbat plea* they be doing? FELICE:Idon'thaveanyideaoraparticleofinterest. cLARE: Ohl How regal! :r ":: imet uitb a laff'7- [nrllca poatdt the stage floor tlnee ttuti-g Listen to - FELICE: I hear it' of furiuos' unfed apes' cLARE: It sounds like a house full

I"ELICE: MaYbc it is'

CLARE:FclicC― ― Where is eVerybodI

″ :J′ On an anSWer. yOu where is everybOdy and I "∫ O h want ¨ answer! You're sure you a n S w c r な , you intiil on an an ・ つ メ Y C S ¨ , I do, right now! I3 tr"ι ハウ(ジec. OF LaSOP″負4、 ψめ

56 L-'c A LL-g 維ま翼(上誡 忠 ヽ工し■」 θF S咤ヽ 胸`~5私碑 ““

C9 r Br{*p$ AdFA?tt'

OFふに1に M… “ し

OC毎″S-7t θダ4イ イム ヽ檻ls_と “ ゾ て⊇Rへ 鑢。、。怯|ヽ じ0ゝ `hⅣcr負 。.c嗜、,tヽ cぃ 0. `‐ G Q Pl, SorrfF,'&rrt, o.. Ch^^(s r.r,q. $,0(. C $t€u

Lx- e tLE ぺθ i{, f5, og l, ; e, .t ult ;s't d ,4 \,, i'; 1fu, @ C + ,r', r;,JQ >u. .*so A,;"D 彰 ′CT OIVE

ヽ 勝満I蔦品1淵I 、 cLARE: Oh. A cablegram?

FELTCE: Yesl f,:r,

CLARE: I can'C rnakc it Out in this sepulchral― ―

FELICE: 一一Nご ver mind,clare,give it back.

cLARE: Nor if it has to do wirh-strike a marchl lHe doet. Sbe reads aloud, iloutly, in a thoched. uoice.f ( セ:Z′ ο。 "Your sister and you are-intane!-Having received no ・ PaY since-" {The m)ch b*u ott.) Strihe anothet!i;, IHe does.) "We've borrowed and begged enough money to rerurn tq- FELICE: Signed: "The Company." Charming? l'Ite blour the match oat.) cLARE: My God! Vell, as they say- lshe tarns to ,he ltiano and ttnhes a note.)

FELTcE: rVhat do they say?

cLAR,F: That sort of wraps things up! !-:-t rrltC6: ThelC-omgry_Jleft us, excepr for rwo stage hands *o.d and put up this piece o-f the ser ⌒ ., *";rT:r,1-irn* "

ct-ARE: Deserted us, too?

FELTCE {again dt ,be plotceniam, looking oil): Now, rhen, they're 6nally rared!

1′ 1 Oc● ・メし・" ac^→ こ。,F

ζ)C`→ し・・●・

OCい し・ ol ・`ヽ Ca′●ヽAcf● .で ∝は区c鷲 句 'tc`α “

() ι ` ` こ ゝ

rr.ゝ →C。 子こ ♂ V OF障口`°′▼いヘメ。'C Ct,ヽ|ばヽ P'3 いぃ´ゆ

lゝ 0「 拙″ヽ。″・メ転eF 2、 ρ、こ6^, o Fe (r-. Or y''i PaJr CHrrs,l ?lo c's o'r '\- ,1! ('a"'o )L I -7 v eV

a ヽ ヽ SQ Lゾ し

● T:::__:y:g:g H t n,t tr r n p L A y cL R E r *,ZG ^ .7,;;;;;;;;;;;),-ru;;, ;";; going to the hotel; thar,s *here you,ll 6nj recovered _. *i.n'ror,r. your ,.n*s;-,.I am going srraighr ,f,... unJ-.iiJp* becausc I would rarher collafr. ; ;y horel room rhan on a srage before groplc srrangenhrn ,,.ung..r. \,)7har hotel did you a,;::,.n, rhink you were going ro, cLARE: _Vhichever_horel we_sray ar . . . Fr;Lt(:r:: Do y

FELTcE: yes, when2 Afrer we gor off the train, before we came (o rhe rhearre, is rhat when? i, .LARE: A-re you teiling me that Fox hasn.t made hoter reservarions for us? il FELTcE: ti done one rhing. No, rwo: he his salary-u,hichlr: demanded I couldn,t pry t"i__rnd afrer peared. d;;;;;- たあれ 月初:ィ リ:i舞′劣競鶏″%溌劣 Clare,I was holding outlny hand fOr yOur cOat.

CLARE: 1)O yOu【 hink I'rn about tO remove my cOat in this icc_PiantP

FELICE: We're in Our home,clare, in the decP sOuth and in surnrncr. ,― ;鰹 司: I-er's-synchronize_ ― ⌒ 凸∫麻c潔 誰蓼 ―‐ [lル ∫″″′″″″′π′ル′ο″。 ― =Я ′ル′ノ″ノ∫あθ′rliF∫ 。″ ― ](の ― Ipr,inting dou,nttage at the ,ilppo!ed caruin): ― ,;l:,.r ,― 15 ― 1‐ 1 ‐‘ コ1 ―

上 餞 V a ヽ Ъ

くo 。 颯tr oo. “ 4 0こ り。こ 」 ^, P′ “ “ → ′ a

OFデ ゝう9じ P“S

ヽ ●P` へ.お Oこ ン・の・。`C峰 ふじめDS。

V ①Fいよじヽうこ

``P“` OFメ `→

や ρra 0で …・ r'ハ ← …

OGス →しo・ C

ヒ し


ヽ― ―― CLARE:IYodt⊆la monster! …… ……― FELIcE: Yes, if you wish. Take your place. lshe snatcbes'*p ber coat, utbich he had. flung onto the sola.) cl,rns:'i'll wait in my dgssing room till you've announced the performance is canceleiJ. Vbere are you-? .'' ,,;.

FELIcE ltarning to bils at her fuioasly)'Slt you take ⌒ your place? I'm going to open the curtains!-Now, this in- stant !

CLARE: Are you seriousT FELICE: Desperately! cLARE: Impossible!

FELTCE: Necessary.

CLARE: Some necessary things are impossible. FELICE: And somgimpossible things are necessary. !7e are r ' *a-,/- P€r rormrrlglrojFglrl r_ tshe ibPu* *i#o *r*rnt: then sriket a shnf note on the Piano.) ;i ,, 9LABE: J .r-rJd you that I would not perform again in *-ltr ruti@rz*fiiPlay unril you had cur it. Have you? Have you cut it? FELICE: (eaatiuely): Vhere my work is concerned- ⌒ cLARE: I sai-d haae yoa cut il? FELIcE: You're given cuts when I make them. CLARE: I'rn not going to be given cuts, I'm going to make them myrlf. Now can you hear this C-sharp on the piano? 16

ヽ` /

O CXゝ くつ,はいしイoゝ ′みεぃ、ふで_、 み ` Fて S soso← ∩へ.。 ▼

ら、ヽ無0ヽ ‐ 0「 ~ … 0`ytゝ りS oo Cttへ ヽ¨′氏―C.

」〔eメ・■へ。o「 `年資ψ: ^だ “ θ へ44 `%電 g_:5 5` たK 員13′ θ「L-6エ Cヽ 人 ¬De涎 tン ヽR | ι o■ ■41ゞ ご0`o4s aぞ 。.→ “ ぬ0ハ t攣 Or守“ん | c 金4。もcsゎ た、 ↓ し L4 Q Iも ヽ 5「 亀 一

ψ たみ Q Iキ at。 (aop €.o,s. \-tt*,ar-) . 0 ⑭ L-< cl' I S- (n* fztc*-'r,-';-). T″ E TγO_C″ /R′ CTER PL/y

lShe ttrihu a note on rhe piano.) l7henever you hear this C-sharp srruck on the piano ir rneans a cut's coming at you, and don'r rry ro duck it or I'll take a walk.

, I:ELICII: This is_ CLARE: Sacrilege?

FELTCE: -ldiocy! cLARE: Toral theatre is going to be coral collaborarion on へ rhis occasion, ducks, / t' FELTCE: your -Take place. cLARE: My place is here ar the phone FELTcE lpointing to tbe utindou frume): your place is_ cLARE: H.ere at che phone!

FELTcE: You-tnotber!-May I have the tiara?'.

lShe tmilu tuitb fierce mochery: lemotleJ tbe tiara t'rom ber bead and places it crookedly on hit. He hwk it autay.) You----casrrating birch, you-drunk-rlu! yes, I did call you rhar, I don'r look at you on stage because I can.t bear the sighr of your----€yes, rhey're eyes of an---old dernented__ whorel Yes, a warer-fronr whore! ku,d, degenerare, leeriiigi CLARE: I see!

FELICE: No, no, no, you don,t see, you'rc bl-ii-nd!

⌒ Ule ualht into tbe u,ingt. She trand.s thocked motionlett lor a momeflr: ,ben tnatches ap ber cloah atd throuts ir about her. She ttartt a fely;yepi toutard. the oppotire uings V,guan uben the inteior tet il flo'oled utitb utarm o*iq ligh, a;d F 35. tbe cartaint are heard. je*ing gatmod.ically opin, She freezes. There are teaeul guilarui exclamatiint'frcm rhe boase: aboue them, a hoatte male lattgh ad ihe thrilt

″ ‘

0“ レ ら “

ヽ @ : 4 C"a, 6,^r

θβじ^ぃ し′携.へ .Deaへ 1ァ

′ メ は`1軍 gill鸞 ざな 電 ∬ |ヽ ▼ あい C'い うTP/・ デS“―・=`… ぇヽ→ cC躍 "● ヽ 々

V /CT OⅣ E laagb ol d,7!)om.tir. cLARE's eyet locat blazingly on tbe "boare": She ruddenly her cloah to the as il ' flings floor challenging the aad.ience to combat. FELIcE retarns to tbe ttdge. He inclines hil bead tou,ard CLARE: then touard tbe boate.T

Tbe ferf rnmance commences! lTbe performattce. Clare is at tbe pbone.)

FELIcE: lUho are you calling, Clare?

fsbe seemt not to hem bim.) Clare.t Vho ary yoa calling? cLARE: a soul still existing in the world gone -Not aq'ay . . . FELICE: Then why did you pick up the phone?

cLARE: I iust picked it up to see if it's still conoected. FELICE: The telephone comPany would send us a notice before they rurned off the phone. cLARE {uagaely and. sdly): Sometimes notices aren't- noticed. FELICE: The house ic- cLARE: Still occupied but they might have the idea it no still comes ' wasn't, since it's not lighted at night and one and goes.

FELTCE: rVe would have received a notice if one was sent.

CLARE: !7e can't couot on that. FELICE: 'We mustn't start counting things that can't be '":I::.";':T,,, o,,, in,hings- 18 5ら L-{ 6t t6-

( ‐ じ F メ `ここくがt´ 、

た r ′ し ′ bぐ じI L ●ξζ

― c DcoPJ luo..r5 'r R,"^r, R."r.rl, iP' 1 CI ',.'5 ― { r'. 9Pr^.r, ) LoFC || l ψ

6r..e.rnt ar-r.,n ? lArL\ q。 @c OL Lxa (ι CLo:^o B, t s, +i

` 0● メS S'M ttr、 R「‐ヽ

♂F ンs→ ‐ `

C'こ p/Dh●評↑y -a P'a,.r S:u,:L 9ri-! t # ()t、 1ヽ 「 Fκ '卜 ι う。1( L4C, eFv、 ら昴P:s-g ,p t? oi L, ′〔。、こИεg、 `ど /RИ 111"Ⅲll鷺9二fダ εTER Pι ′y FELICE: COntlnuing as they ve― CLARE: COntinued2

ι」υ FELICE: yes, as . they,ve conrinued, for such 卜rhar rhey a long trne

CLARE: Dependable ro us. FELTcE: Permanently ・( dependable, yes, bur we were_ Sh( when the-

::':T"'"^t':lj:,.:',1:,T-d, 'o 9n, and it ・was ruckv the 'r:ぬ ぬ nd島 :L麟 たT織Ighdぷ ttelf:躍 dOwttt圧」111:that,‖rぶ」 lli蠣 “ `宙 CLARE: But we conided with things in the upstairs haH.

FELICE: NOw we cOuld ind Our way arOund in it blind. CLARE: We can,we do.withOut even tOuching the walls.

It's a small hOuse and we've lived in it always. . ‐ ヽ・ ‐‐■ g娠∫″れ訪θ蔵″ク ′r〕 ′ 胤 ″′ノ′′″′劫′ο′θχ′zra′ "ο alwぉ h鳥 :∬l窯 場輩薔 蹴:』 謝凛ゝ遇Itreぬ FELiCEI CLrre,you had a siecPIcss night. CLARE: And you did,t00.

Q“ns hな a彙慧1北1,竃生∬鷹よ撻:轟rttC∝ rarノ ノtt ο″′]: り″あノノο′んクθ′ο∫′θθ′ :;ち ,〕 ρル″ιθ み “ "′ `,ぁ `ぁ

rぶ Was iutt a 鷺lF悧縄lЖ漁詳黒驚蹴昌。 19 ∂ ´ ι pJCg l^arr.B o.r Ft Or` | ´ コ

t-6C Pog,*et€ o,r. ´F へい● x、 )ι @ c* '"'-

u's p e ) Rr,.o, &c,..,

U:c lt -) bi ,rr -ipq ヽleo "_.′

OF↑ V 3 S'.,s q Z- lθ r/S麟へtJo sM 、。 R〆 ` O P rS'し 、 ゝっし ι`κ ・`I プS Cは → ′ρ 。 OC `Sχ ^ぃ

κlS T● ε ゝJヽ ヽ L、 .,、 ′' t口 4薇 = $く ヽ

→ L S゛ ′ハ″。 ` . C SSυ‐RA~ SS… 一 `D∂ Px∵ ) ‐Mご ぶ。. たνヽ。ご■.● Aゃ F l,L irl ヽ .71 「、、_卜 ,s、 c メ'ヽ ・う ` ' Q 2 次o |ミト ご ^ Ч_ス 、..」 、 ぃ り´_, _ノF ・: CC,r, rrnz &l-rstc (- GF〆 い、た%oA→ LoF c r^(1") ■ ご 6acta6',t ( \o ,rr,*. ― ‘ 一 /'s \e^.rc , .., 〇 r ru 6 一 ι

4',,os , e rr l,l ,

&ダ 。´ 面脚邊塑讐1競ftttem.贖…mk you wcre looking fOl rabOut sOmcthing. the hOuse,upstatts and dOwn,as if

cLARE: Exploring rhe premilses,yes... FELfE:wit,aFELICE: nne t∞ Vitti a fine roothth

20 {'r.'-( ' @ C O'-' kr)z' t ^'t C{'-r"lw € (.rt

(D L P.t*t €'s @ *r,.t. (1,u,^ ( c %*t 4qo,u- f'^ G-

,/.- t 0 . ,, , -5 !.fa. L-^es !rn^"r,,, ,r. I lf^* " Aa^ qva,t r,^ ala J af^ ! rrc-,,i ` ィゞ → ス..tっ OF%ほ ヤ10年 、Cにへ のヽヽ | 「 "ュ C'sいへ_。 キぞt″ ヽ ~

0`は で・、ヽt・ Ft M。 … V OF′ ヽ争、′″fi∫工餃′4あ 鐙″、 | 6,,zts C' "-ru.s.t 3{, “““ (!c + * -r f,..-r J"cr

r-.ra-1 -} , .- { 6

0 r ,r /'s t1ev..o ?,+,'o

■や( 〆 ‐ @ C ,', Srwl. !1,r.

0 tr'l, + ape Vorf, T!-1 "TI"9 :9*XH::.I-*I* I FELICE: You haven't worn ir for so long that I thought it was lost.

CLARE: Mother rold me rhar opals were unlucky.

FELICE: frigf;) women are given ro lirrle fears and super- sririons, aod-

cLARE: Odts do have a sinisrer reputarion. And it was a gifr from Father,i)) ヘ FELTCE: Thar was enough to preiudffier against it. らヽじθ cLARE: Sleepless people Iove rurnmlfiig. I look rhrough p

ITELICE: Yes, you saw rne come in.

も乙 cLARE: I didn't sre you go our.

I?ELrcE: Vhen you s€e somebody corne in you know he's been out. i. ir cL^RE fukepfiLilly) How far ourside did you go? Past the ⌒ sunflowc ) li` 罵⊃irttt i` leitianddopuknowwhaI noriced?

cLARE: Somerhing that rared you back in? FELICE; No, what I saw didn't scare me, bv ft,it-ttortled me, though. It was- 21 e c ) @r r -'r 'e

p f Xf : + soe" ,2fv catvt l\ f4r.t, .\,rD A (rr"t .rO t.] tirDrl^, '\.d4,!rc \. J,< ;-),po.t]. g r\ *l [- aac] u, r- f.a",o ▼

CI f 6r,C3 rc r).ttv--t, -oo Ov?

V ИcT οrvE cLARE: rVhat?

FELICE: CIaTe, U CLARE: \(/hat? r) "d, aarl-" FELICE {in a stage uthitperf: You know *be.Tu'e Char ccbtAl*y*

cL^RE [in a load. tage uhitper] The cablegram is still on rhe set. ^ FELTCE: Clare, there wasn'r, there isn't a cablegram inTbe Tuo.e.baract*4Jsl.'t,,

cI-ARE: Then rake it off rhe sofa where I can see ir. Vhen you sce a rhing, you can't think it doesn't exisr, unless you're hallucinaring and you know rhat you are. r) [He picfu up the cablegram, crumplet it, and. mahet a gertille ol thouing it o* the taindout.) FELICE: There now, it never existed, ir was jusr a momenr of panic. rVhar clanr: a convenienr way ro dispose of a panicky momenrl

ルIν FIn『響報ぷ躍:lL:十Lttt轟∬篤c(1、 wcnr out. ゞ

cLARE: Yes, do rhat! Do, please. ⌒ FELICE: I saw a sunflower out there rhar,s grown as tall as the hour.

CLARE: Felice, you know that's not so!

FELTcE: Go our and see for yourself. [Sbe triet to largb.) ,, 6` マ、 か ` ら Orメ 1● υヽ●い~, θ「蒔鋳fが 賦―

一 ▼ け り0、 _.。 _卜な

のこ ぃtへ 〆 プ ―デ°だ OFハ ?ヽ い。l ScAVh` こt。 1 ′ ・ ι′ゝりこ ●←ゝは、 |



` ヽ T″ ET「 0_C″ だRだ (〕 TER PL′ y

Or jusr l

(.LARE: Frrtnt yardl !

fLle rodt bil arertt bit lace utith a sligbt snile.) No*' I know you're fooling.

FELTCE: Oh, no, you don't or you'd go look out the window ヘ ior yourself, it's shot up as quick as Jack's beanstalk and it's s-marvel at this marvel, photograph ir for rhe-rhe Na- tional Geograpbic, this marvel of narure, this two-headed sunflower taller than a rwo-srory house which is still inhabired by a recluse brother and his sisrer.

cLARE: It would be a monster of narure, nor marvel, if it existcd ar all, and I know that it doesn't.!-

lSbe ttriket a u,arning note on tbe piano. He tnatcbet lter han,l off tl:e keyboard and. tlants tbe piano lid. thil; ,hen sitt on it, pirinning at ber mochingly.)

IrEl.tcE: You know, I wonder if narure, rhat vast being and producer of beings, is satished wirh so many of its beings bcing so much like so many others of thar kind of being or ⌒ would acrually be bener pleased with more little-prodigies? Monstersi' FreaksT Mute relations?-Vhat's your opioion, ClareT

CLARE: No opinion, no cornmenr, no recollection of lines!

FI:t-tcE: My opinion is rhat narure is toleranr of and some- rimes favorable to rhese--{ifferenriations if they're-usableT Consrructive?-Bur if you're no(, warch out you! 23 金ιやし・ιハιL″ 0 cx's「 * c

@c r't 6L ro (ast Plo cont (':" >(


ー Q C lt .i DD6(

Ot‐ κハあた、 `●。( "・

OF Xl こs、 ヽ〉じc c *' 9 Sc a “Aprrr,c F )(

)、 こ ` i´ ´F ,.. rhrr=:*_".-_***".*::y":i. CLARE: You watch our. j lSbe natcbes tp ber cloak. He rises lrom tle pbno lid.) FELIcE: don't you go to the door? Don't you hear them knocking?-Vhy

CLARE: \flho?

FELICE: see ヘ I can'r though the door. cLARE: I don't hear any knocking. lHe dramt the piano kn urilb bfu knuckles.l -4h, yes, now, I do, but- FELICE: See who's there.

cLARE: I can't imagine. FELICE: You don't have to imagine, you can go to the door and-

CLARE: Yot go. ,. lTberc ore atd.ible ubispas.)

You're clorr to it fl-ran I am, and- lHe hnocfu tbe u6le hmder.l very-insistent, aren't they? -They're FELICE: It must be something imponant, go on, see what it is. ⌒ cLARE: I'm-ngt^dressed for callers.

FELtcE: You're prefectly dressed and look extremely well.

CLARE lretreathtg luther t'rom tbe door): So do you aside from your hair.

FELICE: I don't have a tie on, and this old shirt of father's, I've sweated through it.

2`1 A c 9Lr,<, D.' r?F,a

F I + uu F6or'^ '! .= |: F ') ,}c f beof- . & c , al.-l ` e-

Sl f * c Si.-ytf tlca(tr! "t!

@ C Pl, c^,co t\.)or L o I 噴L」 f ー

OC/.ゝ しt‐ o Saぃ o υゝ●〔S● 「 出′― 、「 “

し ':- o'r k6'ro or SaGa (t- i " :!L'Y:.CHARACT ER PLAY CLARE: uh, ler them in and say you'll call me down if."fr.ffi;G it,sme they_ wanr to *e me. ! FELTCE: Have you reached the point where you,re rared to answer a door? cLARE: Reached and_the knocking,s stoppcd._I think they've gone as,ay, now.n_No! look! They,.. ,t;pping-" pi... of paper under rhe doorl ? ttarc {Tbey fea/dl1 at the ruppoted pbce ol papet ot tbe doortill.) FELTCE: lefr. l cLARE: yes! pick up th+' ′ ″訪θg“″″冴クをたわg 野::務 競′π:免′箭`た “ ――What is__2

FELTcE: A card from something called .,Citizens,Relief.,,

cLARE: Then pcople know we're still here? FELTCE: Narurally, yes, where would we be but still here? Relief"-I,ve -"Cirizens' never heard of it. Have you? CLARE: No, and I think it's wise to be cautious about things you've-

FELTcE: Never heard of.

cLARE: It mighr be a trick of some kind. ハ

cLAx,E: Privacy, yes. Shall we desroy the card or keep it in case of a desperare siruation? FELTcE; The case. of a desperate siruation isn,t a thing we have ro wait for, is it7

25 S3 人マ d (6.ゞ 漁職.毬 3

` θF v/.c′ s銀▼ s→ stぉ ぉ | 靡 ^「

O c *'t + &€4^., o P..,r, do C^,t, vuoc,t ρ、こ

5“ V気 し r r- OC″r ψ .. Pr*s 'io e4{, ヽ y ` A or` θ '→ い C V ェ Cs`'2 ・ G s"{ 16‐ ゞ ∵ャ3 |○ +こ /め tpえ __ 「 Q 3 展R l^ζ ζO、 「 んメ_ ぉ^っ sc ヽ 、 T■ ィoぃ ~゛,・ 、島M― ―s `‐

C、 ド.s “`舗

0こ `)ヽ o・ A.

V ′CT 07VE cLARE: Oh, bur all the questions we'd have to- FELICE:-Answer... i CLARE: Yes, there'd be inrerviews and questionnaires ro 6ll out and- FELTCE: Organization5 216 5u6h- CLAr.E: CoId! O FELTCE: Yes, impersonal (hings.

cLARE: I'll put the card under grandmother's wedding pic- ture, jusr in case a desperate siruation- ⌒ FELTCE: Increars in desperation . . . CLARE: Anyway, here ir is, at leasr we-know where it is-- neXt On the agenda2 DO I Pた 奎 k up the phoncP No,no, up this ra shell, hold it ro my ear, and remember the time that Farher took us to the sea coasr. FELICE: It WlS■ 9 91ff9',ご 暉θ∫ィ1を 4`_′♂aゴ cLABEi Tle Gulf connecrs with a sea, ir has gulls, tides, duneslS I ' i

FELTcE: Much against Mother's objections, he took us there one summer when we were children, before we had starred to rhool-

CLARE: Morher refused ro sray at The Lorelei on rhe beach, we had to sray ar the Hotel C.ommerce, back of the business district, and walk to the-Municipal in bathing suits rhat hung down to our knees, and Morher never sropp€d nagging: ,i checked wirh the cashier ar the horel. 'We can only afiord a ⌒ day more." L FELTcE: d,h.. would grin up lazily from the sand but finally shour our furiously ar her: "Go back to the Hotel Commerce, continue your marhematical talk with the cashier, 26 G` →ェ′κρぃ 0・・`メ '「 “ C Srpai 4e.d Qq,*r

OFT/・ Sヽ`ご

V ヽ″° ,→ ヽ●● いたハ 0こ ムもい ?ヽ・へ γ痺 + ,, t- F P.A ',0 Кゝ う` !,r.. -aa c と夕ι “ めF・ 十√ゝ→υЯ。IAハ ●]

θ F ttS‐ 々‐メゝ 0啄 ぴぶヽM

SじS`ps b′ EO´ ′た・。 4Cq 1ゝ `` Gレ メ ,` し `↑ 否て も 、 へ t靱 ‐ めι貿l〔:こお、二貰ぢ TrrE T′ θ .CH′ R′ CTER PL/y stay subtracr, divide if you can' but don't multiply' and don't here in the spn, it disagrees with you!" And he'd snatch us up and away we would race'

FELIcE: from the Municipal, Past the lighthour and rower and into-Away the sand dunes where he tore ofi his su-it ours' looked so much more elegant without it that we tofe oft n. .ur.i.d me into the *ater on his smooth gold shoulders ".ra known how to |' ⌒ and I learned to swim as if I'd always 'i'i' cLARE {pointiag oat touatd the aadience): Felice-soroe' he were one's talking ou, ,h.r. with his back to the stage as if giving a lecrure. FELIcE: That's the interPreter'

cLARE: Oh, my God, he's relling thern what we're saying! ? That's FELIcE: Narurally, yes' and explaining our methd' what he's here for. q cLARE lball sobbingl: I don't know what to do next-I ' ' ' know what to do. FELICE: -I day cLARE: Oh, do you? \l/hat is it? To sir there staring all at a threadbare ros€ in a carpet until it withers? 'Oh, FELIcE: and what do you do? \flhat spl':ndid activity are you engagedngaged in,rn, besides destroyingthe play?'None, none, nothing, unless it's something to Pace maze of amazement all day and some- about thc housc in ^ rimes in the night, too' Oh, I know why!

nEI-lce : )flhY? ucrtt CLARE: I want to go out! Oul, ottt, btman otttcr!' I lo go oat! 27 be"“いιい‐鋒→0ご塾

'ゝ ‐ S` 6t・ G■ メ C・ `・ ヽ Oι ・ ) ,,■ 0)√ √ヽムもヽお|´ .Ⅲ 0工 'r

O C Xt"しヽGハ つい識4,

0「 /ゝ →販 ヽ_ `●●ミ eF Oゆ卜 `

レ ′CT 07VE FELICE: You want to gO out caning7

CLARE:Yes,Out caHing! レ

FEI´ ICE:Go Out!

CLARE: И′Oηθ′__Not′′ο ′ "θ FELICE: Ladies 80 Caning alone on such nice afternoons.

α0 CLARE: YOu come out calling with me. ヘ ELICE: I can't,I have to stay hcre. 「 CLARE: For what2

― :灘 :il∬ llguard the hOuseagainst― _′ FELICE: Or/0″ ∫ 7θ ∫ρ ∫θな/ SOmebOdy has to stay on thc Prcmitt and it has tO bc“ lnc,but yOu go out caHing,Clarc. YOu muξ t have knO、 vn when yOu got up this mOrning that the day would be difFerent fOr you, nOt a stay‐ at‐ hOme day, Of which thcrc've becn sO many, but a day for going Out calling,smiling,talking.YOu've washed your hair,it's yel10w as corn silk,you've pinned it up nicely,yOu have On your bluc‐ and‐ 、′hitc Print that yOu washed tO g0 0ut in tOday and yOu havc thc facc Of an angcl,Ciaire,you match the fair wcather, so carry Out yOur impul賃 ,80 0ut callingo You knOw w■ lyOu could d07 Evcrywhcre yOu went calling you cOuld sayl'Oh, dO yOu knOЧ/hOw idiOtic l amP I went Out vvithOut cigarettes!'' ハ And they'd OFcr you one at cach placc and you cOuld slip thcm intO your pursc,save them′ tiH y9■ 60t hOme,and we c()uld smoke them here,Clare.鋼 Goす¬,7′ θρ′″∫′ルθ″οοァ /ο ″あ′ァ.】 CLARE: Why have you OPcnCd the d00rP

FEI´ ICF: For you to go Out caHing.

28 9-'r"'r ,jJr. "" D< r P'u'""'o '

tPrs'rr'r Dso.* sta] @ f J

` ヽ・)。 ■,コ_ ‐ ■tげ ■メS` P` :√ ごで→・。ま 、

0。 Stら・●S― ー

@ C + r*0, Grus ro \4l.'4 K)eLs. いはo il`ョ Blactl* o^,,.r AJD\ rrl.l^ "?c r,1hrl. f

EILtメ tι ,ι ] く0 ぼP_.o一 ‐ Au、 _、_ぃ 薇 ↑ ′ T′′ET形 0.Crr′ R′ CTER PL′ Y

CLARE: Oh, how thoughtful yes, rhat's very genrlemanly of you to open the door for me to go outside without parasol or gloves, bur por.."very imaginative of you ro imagine that I'd go out alonbl -

['l'l:e1, ttand./ moment ttaing at eacb othel neal tbe open dr,or: her hands and lipt tremble; tbe iligbt tmile, mocking and tender, tutitu hil moilb.)

I came home alone, and in front of the house -Suppose there was a collecrion of people around an ambulance or police car or borhi 'We've had that happen before...Ah. '( 80 out alone. fsbe tlamt the door that) My*gs wouldn'r hold me up, and as for smiling and ralking, I'd have on my face rhe grimace of a doll and my hair would stick to the swear of my forehead. Oh, I'd hardly sir down for this__. friendly call on--

It was your idea. Yoz shouted: "Outl" Not me. CLARE: I'd never dream of going out without you in your --disrurbed- c ondition. FELICE: And, yoa io yout. CLARE: Me, calling, a 6re engine shrieks, a revolver- bangl--discharges! Would I sir there conrinuiog with the smile and the talk2 {Sbe if pbbing a little: ber trembliag hand stretcbet toland bim.*No,I'd spring up, run, ,rn, ,nJ my heart would srop on the streer!

FELICE lbil tmile lding oat): I never believed youd go out calling. - CLARE: Right you were about tnat if you thought alone- but calling? Yes, I'll do that! Phone calling is callingl'[.flue ′″∫あ′∫′b′あθ′ θノθρあο ′″ノ∫″′′ ′∫″ρ′め′′θ′θノν″.] "θ `あ 29 Bqe . 。C &zue の■た CAI,L' 58 lco.s 6p6.^*" Cム `く

0113Ъ , ~ にくい て|ヽ 。′ FTて `つ θ 、´ 「=け `…魚。ゃc ο″ `

C′ ¬ヽ.ゝ アい Oβ 各ぶ ‐ "女 nte !“ ヽ、` 鋪「〆sっ `π `0次 ぃん」

マ ヽ 0ご t DS t″ ドレD c cぃ .1, ー

O F Pr● e `AC.し

OF PO縣 CAO∝ いい`C“ ん"=ご υ′ 0- 3-へ こt ξイ ③ / 紘 「゛Si、1れ `κ “ ( 4,2^′。 c相tc でも、 「

V ごらL′ 1、 1■1447tr $l Poo'- o,r!-r

C Lr o ro,tl くο | ぽ餞 ′嘲 \

ACT ONT: -.**-*.*,FEl-rcr*talling, who are you-? Carelul! ffr \ffi' lViteyt cI-ARE {into pbone): Operator' the 'Reverend Urgent, verY, Please frurrY! ber graQ: |or a |Felice tries to ulrest the phone from n omel,t theY t'rlggle lor it') rEltCe.: Clare! Clare Devoto' yes' you i *' . cLARE:- Reverend \fliley, this is ⌒ remember, the daughter of- I:ELICE: '$9'hat are You? Out of Your-? think I'm- You'll have to let me go on or he'll cLARE: Wiley' there tbe phone again:) Excuse ire' Riverend linto in our was-an in""'ptiln' My brother and I still live Par' accident in the house ents' home aftei, ihe-terrible "fter in Tbe Prets'Scimi' was ;;;J; maliciouslv falselv which but- rar. Eather dii not kill Mother and himrlf you? FELICE: Telt him ute shor them why don't cLARE: The house was broken into by some-

FELICE: Favorite of nature? I parents' but I cLARE: Housebreaker who rnurdered our and I are sur- rz,e are susPectedl My brother Felice think we almost ,"r"a.a by so much suspicion and malice that house' Oh' I never, we hardly .,.,, a"" to go. out of .thethe neigibor's can'r tell you how to.rifying itrs been'-why' ヘ ;.* i ;:11';ii ffir,'rf#r :l.mH: :llxTJ:, J i"rrbrr rih t'tch iti noutqksoes on all through stop and linger on the daytime, aod in the nighnime- people of-anomalous leners of ob- ケ the sidewalk to *t,ispe' thitge' allusio-ns srenities ar€ sent us, and inlbe Presr-scimito-sly who was a false ro us as the deranged children of a father 30 0 C l.lnc{ €ccrqlrw Fea. c

Q € Cu,s o(€ ca,t -

( Sr+-r r or. o F c^-cL{-


o Cr .'t \,/i(. ( ,c..-.,F (..r.-.r o >-4lr^ 5 Lr o. o L/'sb(cat*.-^z..i| V C x Be.n,,o Ra.:o 115 € oC So6q. -a ( F F ,,,'s € o Q, xtto,

C x '4 bt (oa oC S,r:c-r" U, \^,J.f o ^lca "s C Pr s-re s 6r* * L or ,(, *n,

のこ Kぃ ←ぃ 。´ i。ぃ、 ′ T″ ETり θ‐C″ だR/CTER PL′ Y

mystic and, Reverend Viley, our father was a man who had whose rrue psychic, mystical Powers' granted only to an Aries .t"ln"nt is cardlnal nri. tsbe il sobbing nou')-Y/hy? \Ve're gentle people, never offending a soul, trying to still live only' but- Inrllcr u'reslt tbe phone from ber bands'7 FELIcE: Mr. \?'iley, my sister has a fever'

cLARE: No, I-! ヘ I:Er-tcE: She's not hcrsclf today, forget what' excuse and- a nem' {l7e bangs up, taipet tbe ttueat off bit forchead' u'itb il;ng hanrl.l l7onderful, that does it! Our one chance is pririry and you babble away to a man who'll think it his Christian dury to have us confrcd' n-

IShe gatpt and. tttmbles to the piano')

Clare! , lsbe strihet a treble note lepeatedly on the piano.' He. ,ruchet ber hand ltom the heftomd and slams tbe lid' down.) "C-on6ned"! CLARE: You shouldn't have spoken that word! Thac q'ord is not in the- lVhen FELTcE: Oh. A prohibited word. a word can't be urd, when it's prohibited its silence increases its size' It gets larger and larger till it's so enormous that no hour can hold it. ⌒ cLARE: Then say the word, over and over, you-perverre moatler, yovt Int,ltcf tslnt ttutY.)

Scared to2 Afraid of a-? 候 し ,'t\e$ Pl.r c.,s't 'r" Sa6.i^c-a 5 € 9r-e , L メ 部 L r) Fr 6 . G LC-l-\.r I FAvt e.,v\ 9.r tO C-,. 二。rtふ雄澄ギ C TVA.)(- o.-,r? ,f"Aelc , p{i.S wo -9ot--r P/,, Cus"r reTJ \rrao-rv ′「f rrrr' ( ε■Q .-O? *( Mcqr o ''^ c-c

V ′ s→ e、 、. A"S C■ 0こ “ ~ に 。ィヽ

Q Lκ (ο 会 ,1 Δ CsF‐


崚 α。,. ? /CT OⅣ E

FELIcE: i *on't do lunatic rhings. I have to try to pretend rhere's some sanity here. cLARE: Oh, is that what you're tryiag? I thought you were trying to go as far off as possible without going past all.limirc.

fHe tarnt to face her, fuiouly. Sbe smiles and. f ormt the tuord "confiaed" utith het lips; then sbe sayt it in a uhisper. He natchet tp 4 tolt pillout.l . Confined., confned! ヘ fHe thrutt tbe pillut over her moub, ber by tbe thoilder She ttragglcs as il saffocating.)

FELIcE: All right? O.K., now? Enough? . fsbe nofu. He tosses tbe piQout artay. They $a/e d, edcb other silently lor a momenrSbe bas forgotten the next bit of buinest. He pcilts to tbe piano. She twns and ttrihes a chord on it.) An interval of 6ve minutes. ―‐ CLARE: Fiftem! ‐ ― FELICe fuatbing into tbe aings to louer tbe cwtainl: Teil ― CURTAIN INTERVAL ― ― ‐ ‐ ― ―‘ ⌒ ― ― ― ―‐ ― |ぃ te。 οけ可 ― `σ “ ― 32 ― ― ヨ‘ Q ゝ 18ヽ lCtt lら sβ Lビ l 馬 l “ ヽ 1! &.* .s"oai- / l Iaoi 9rr,r,:. l ^ l e< r ls l la^. .'.-.r t r( v;, .L! ei J … … t-L..t SA , I ., !$Ac\r\: ‐ ) C Dea

I c o..., 4' α 'i-u し/ tOす Ц >a"

、 一 ヽ

D「 S、 ヽ t-t (mo;rn, L4(S UP

L-x 2o C0 (t.;' ,. l(●●< c.*' -y ;1t, -r",t -rs 。g @ …


Dting the intaaal, tbere bat obtbaily been a pbytical trug- gle betuteen tbe ttat. She いくSL^‐ ≡扇司 it still cl*ching an elbout atd ざlい uti'acing uith pain: “ a tcratch il aisible on his face. Botb of '':,-:::':'-,_*_c*.-?*-g,,..--..*;nmr.d-{.i.{.. FELTcE lin a utbbpetl. Ready? [She nodt: the perlormance is resamed,) l.b.o*l of soap water and one spool are for blowing rcap ヘ bubbles.

c-LARE: Yesrerday you said, "There's nothing to do, nothing at all ro do." . ,"1 FELICE: Vhen we were children we blgv,, soap bubbles on the back sreps, nor in the parlor.

CLARE: Can you imagine us sining hrck there,rlow, expord to public view, blowing soap,ffiblpsptf.."rr,itu.n batk to children in nf$Wiew, bur F*iWr.&, in rhe,parlor window. . . FELICE: Soap''1bubbl6s floating out of the parlor window would not indicate to the world rhat we were in full posscs- sion of our senscs.

lSbe crottet to him atd dabt bis rcratched cheeh uith a bit ol cotton. His eyes tbu u il thil tetder gerts/e uere c/cd!- ing a tentaou sleepinets.) HaK

⌒ lHe tuay iligbtly.)

I'm afraid I have, too. 盛IttW嵐… 吐 33 OFに 。 ― “`“ レつ¨▼象い。ほ

〇 St、 6゛ 。 DSい` ・o. 「 “ ``●


53.可 0`κ

g ″` 0こ ′・ヽPヽ …。多叫ゝ`ら たへЧι ′∞c 「 OCハ Fn,“ ′ヘェ `♭ V

/"'.' .. \ (9lc l's ) x-o ,9f4,/os oJ tr ] @ P S*-r, o* Ser. /cr T7ο

[He utt on tbe sola and clatps the idet ol hit head.. cLARE ttrihet a tolt note | on tbe piano, tben leau againtt rt, lacing dou,nttag,e.) > |

| Father , --\U/hen gave up his psychic readings and astrologi- cal predictions, a few days before the *n-, in-explicable:__ | accident!-in rhe house-rV'ell, he didn,r give thern up, ex- | actly. |

| FELtcE: No, nor exactly by choice.

CLARE: Mother had locked up his quadranr and charr of | nighr skies and his psychic parap'hernalia. |

| FELtcE: Except for this worn-our shirr of his I hrye on. which bears his sign of the zodiac on ir and his rising S; ."j a. chart of the sky as it was on the hour before a"ybr-eak of the day of his nariviry here in New Bethesdal

Ttt」 ;11:tit踏 鳥t避瞥オl席胤蜘脳i:rTl‖ :

1鶏 ・ ″J″ あ″ル″ ⌒ 霧ち∫i維t:ち :打 形″脇筋 FELに F〔dOgng・It eyes]:一 LncP

yOu di me yOrd thought J Ю mahng we halTl:畷 幕

´ FELに E:(上Yes,iび TЮ mさふhg We cihi put oF any ttngeL

34 O ( /'9 ) Cr', rrDr€s l-- UP. Pur--.. Doo( -ro (s @ € o!,t- .

@ e x't Cr''lA,se , s'ts a.- ui^s

@ c ;os o,., s-ooc-.

3B t>/ Q ?,r OF↑ かヽS

あCヽ Oβ V

・ f

― ) ′ T″ ETレ 0_c″ ИRズ CTER Pι ′y

∞暴憾[甚Itthょ篤11= ~ :[l注:警滋∬il:Lttq∝ CLARE:f〕 θ″θ′

FELICE:Yes,′ あθ″θ/ ⌒ CLARE: We tried that befOre and turned baを k. ELICE: We didn t have a strOng enOugh reason and it 「 wasn't such a favOrable aftern00n.

CLARE: This aftern00n i― P

FELICE: Much mOre favOrable……And l si:nply know that FLnttaliPL:鶏::,tt設深譜情 常 comes thrOugh the barricade Of sun10wers and that路 he did獅 some days ago with a nOti6catiOn that nO mOre― ―

CLARE:一 ―DeliveriesP

FELICE: Will be delivered tO thc steps of― _

CLARE: I knew! Payment fOr cOstlies has been 10ng― _Over‐ duc. ・ ‐:arI:露 ⌒ :脱轟蹴lTnil∴ |ぶ 帯 FЖ、1瞥驚| ♪ CLARE: His Ottce! where's his OttccP PrObably tucked away in sOme never_discOvered cOrner Of that shadOwy laby‐ rinth Of a―

FELICE: We'1l ask a clerk 10 tell us, 10 take us, tO Mr. GrOssman s Omce.


コ/ ― 一

F S、 ^ι o.i Cr^A(s€, t 5BAiS 8.4,.q6.- 1,4r,^,,l 嗅、ハ

@ C S"e+. aCF cr,tA's€

L< a -c( く0 C+os e""* lZ-. \ OF κ‐OAtS 4", Caa( re"

}\saJa'D' da' e"T ツ ①F ,'s DC A B\-ra 'rY< ごx's Dc r-

‐ ′CT Tγ 0

cLARE: If the clerk saw us, he'd pretend that he didn't. /1 _reucr, MIif we enter with some air c,f assurance- N(e'rc going to enter Grossman's Marker today like a pair of- CLARE: Prosperous, paying customers? e) FELICE: Yes, v[e'll say to the clerk, "Please show us rhe office of Mr. Grossman." '$(e are going to tell him convinc- へ ingly that in spite of all spite and, and---contrary-accusa- tions-Father's insurance policy will be paid ro us by the Acme Insurance lqqrpany on, sal/, the 6rst of next month, yes, on September'rlrt 6rsr. cLARE: But we know that it won't be!-Vhy, they wrote /′ only rhree sentences to us in reply ro the twelve-page appeal ♂ 1 rhat we wrote and rewrote, for a week- @. {Tbey haue crotted dou,nttage to oppotite tides ol tbe inlerior set, lacing o*t.) '!(e've cLARE lat a fast pace): been informed by the- FELICE lat a latt pace): Acme Insurance Company- cLARE lat a fast pace):-that the insurance money is-

FELTcE fat a t'ast pace)'. Forfeited.

cLARE (at a f at face): Yes, the paymenr of the insurance Jxrlicy is forfeited in the- ⌒ FEI.TCE [at a latl pace); fysng- CLARE [at a last pace)'. Yes, in the event of a man- [.f]e !tt)pr, lrrerrirtg ber fist to ber mottb.) FELTcE [at a latt pace): In the event of a man killing his u'ife, then himself, and- (.I-^RE: Unkindly forgetting his children. 36 、 Cヽ こ バ彿‐t・ ` ヽC… ― o~ ∂ ^'● “


tf tts 'ro t) @ € ,'t ) c^tv 6t- , K'c'ss' " tP"'

0こ /→ 缶υSい 。で1″ ″.

▼ C~ 、 THE T′ ο・C″ ′R′ crER PL′ y FELtcE:-That's what's called a legal technicality . . . IThey nrn again to eacb orbr.) cL^RE6)Vhat do you know about anythiog legal, Felicel FELTCE: know I there are siruations in which legal techni- calities have to be, to be_{isregarded in the interests of human, human-We must s"y rhl't whar we saw, rhere was only us to see and what we saw wlls Mothawith the revolver, 6rst killing Farher and then herself "na_ CLARE:A simple lie is One thing,but the absOlute Opposire ⌒ of the truth is anOther.

FELICE〔 ″ ′ :ιピ ]: ン b冨 あθ ″″′乃 's′ J″ ρrig`θ∫ ο/″ θ″ ′ aχ‐ ′ο″″g/7ο =γ ρ ″′あ′ん″〃 。 ″″″ bθ __.′ /“ 缶 ″π′ノιノ [rあ ′″″ ″ρ′″∫′.]WcHP weHP DO we dO it Or fOrgetitP CLARE: Sometimes Our fear i_ FELICE: Our private badge Of_

CLARE:一コCburage... FELICE: Rightl__The d00r is stiH Open.Are we going outP

〔Иル″′ ″ θ,∫あθ ρ ι″ιん∫″′″ /70″ あ′″′∫′ .] “ 夕 ″ CLAtt ξttthcre are PcOpL On the ttr∝ ι

.r∬∵■t,Pli::Iょ ifla∬lritfttHc電性er RE:I meant thox bOys YOu know,thO錠 宙cbus bOys th∫竺 ⌒ i ruLrcr: oh, yes-?you % ., sropped on rhe walk and shouted "Stop!" to-the boys. Covered'you, *irh your hands and shoured:_"Srop, sropl', ""r, Th.y stopped, rhey crossed the streer. I sard: "For God's sake, what dij you rfrink tfrey *"r. \Xzhy ,Stopl, aoi-"gi did you shour at them?,,

37 い・‐…ゝ` ・ ・xpXF'話 l

Ocκ → に s、 ぁ精 `メ ^

ヽt。 工 ①cハ・・ヽ・。ユ、こ1魚 M← ま ぶ も曖に OC ない ( “ ) OF´ ヽ0t o* 0r re At (F tac"r (?f,.,d'

Oι ィゝ→ゝ ・。 つノ ■0`41「 〆ゝ ゝ f う “ 。 "υ‐r 一 へ ″

胤 C ル M r ) ′ ″ ハ , 0 S 、 )( rぃ ∂ギ ば 、ノこtF.′ ``ι サ βlこ・ク、ァ/′ Sヽ こ″。 た:ι ´ι、 s′ ` `″ OCいヽハβ いヽ―賤声、 ′CT T70

CLARE louerlappingl: They were staring and grinning at me and spelling FELIcE [oaalapping]: You said they were splling our an obrene word at you. ,t n, . CLARE loaerlappingl: Yes, an obrene word, the same obrene word that somebody scrawled on our back fente. FELTcE {oaerlappingf , Vc., fro told me that, roo. i took.a ar rhe back fence and nothing was scrawled on ir, Clare. CLARE foaeilappingl: If you heard norhing the lasr rime ヘ we wenr our, why wouldn't you go on alone ro rhe grocery store? Why did you run back wirh me ro rhe house?

FELICE lowrlappingl: You were panicky. I was scared whar you might do.

cLARE {oaeilappingl: Ifhat did you think I might do? FELTcE [oaeilapping): '!7'har Father and Morher did wheo_ CLARE {oaerlappingl: Stop here, we can't go on!

FELICE: Go on1.. cLARE: Linel'{ FELTCE: A few days ago you-

CLARE: No, you, you, not M can't sleep at night in a house where a revolver is hidden. Tell me where you hid it. \7c'll smash ir, destro-5r ir together-line! FELICE removed ⌒ lcalmly): I the cartridges from the re- volver, and put them away, where I've deliberately forgonen and w.on't remember. t" "l cLARE: "Deliberately forgonen!" Vorthless! In a dream you'll remember. Felice, rhere's death in the house and you know where it's waiting. 38 rty ι-7≦ マ




θ Iロフ 斎1静朧「淵葛 .CLARE: YOu've been=竜 ObsesFd with i∝ Stay at state Haven! ked dOors since your

V躍 。n∬i乳 鳥l,liIC轟銭稔晩讐tiil常 CLARE: LOcked d。 世 。rs! 言∬allTluhdttow ed yOurself t0 1。 ∞ se IIt税ilLwasth“ dご百chi― P CLARI]: StOppcd sPcakingl Starcd 「without rccOgnitiOn! FELICE: Ycs,being dumb_struck and blinded by__!

CLARE: Was′ ′′was here,tO。 ! ELIcE: Oh,I don't think yOu knew where you were any 「 inOrC! YOu― _

CLARE: I knew enOugh to gct out Of bed in the morning instcad Of crouching under cOvers all day!

I=ELIcI::Was that a sign Of clearcr__P

CLARE:It was a slgn Of ability tO go bn with__

IIIiL I(jI】 :cuscOmary habits! ヘ CLARE: An appearance of__! F[L(E:ル′ん ″″″ιθ∫/ ・ `瞥 叫 燎IJi購驚漫Eli鮮篤 嗜 39 L EITT∫ 左;L夕 i〕


の ズζSし~し¬ υρ υ `●ヽベ 「

イ ζ)C Stぃ o‐ `ハ o Lfr `●

| @ cc r €.3 uL r9+a ルた、気t癬 | V 0,, ".r q"1 ′CT T70

FELICE; don't know, sometimes, what keeps themawake...-People

fHe $mtt to lapse. The pace ilous from exhauiron and they retreat lrom their oppositc sides ol the d.oatnstage i*erior\ ') CLARE: The need ro search for-

FELIcE: The contents of empry pocketsT

ヘ CLARE: Not always empry! Sometimes there's a birthstone in them that isn't lucttD

lTherc il a paue: they stare, panting, at eacb otber. Veq tlouly, utitb lott eyet, he clorct tbe door-aemly.) FELIcE: -You have the face of an angel-I could no lltloo more ever, no marter how much you begged, me, 6re,a re- volver at you than any impossible, unimaginable thing. Not even to lead you outside a door that can't be closed completely withour its locking irsclf till the end of-I haven'r com- plerely closed it.-Clare, the door's srill open.

cLARE [u,itb a slight, sad smile): Yes, a limle, enough ro admit rhe talk of- FEI-rcE fouerlaft): Are we going out, now, or giving up all bur one possible thing? _-i\ cLARE: out, no*l-Ther. never really was any question-We're-going about ir, you know. ⌒ FELICE: Good. At lasr you admit it. l'[ltere is a paue.) cL^RE [a-utming a different air): But you're nor properly dresrd. For rhis auspicious occasion I want you ro look your besr. Close the door a rnomenr.

`1() ‖

5ぐ て一″,¨ ¨コυいメ

1 0ゝ ル,て ‐ 薇・・・ Dで ヽへЧSメ ι′ あ

r/う よい は蛛 !ィ 、? ゝ欲 `ラ “

OFイ →― 象りヽlr ちら ε ビ 。こ V

‐3)rt ヾ‐F.. c

:` ヽ l多 ぃへ納sF 餞 υ、、軋ι、kr十 ■6

0「 ヽ、 もr+.び “

‐ THE Tγ O¨ CH′ R′ CTER PL′ y

tLt'fr FELICE: If it were closcd, ir mighc never open again. '') cLARE: I'm just-jusr going upstairs to fetch your fair- weather jacker and a tie to go with ir. lshe ,arnt apttage.l Oh, but no srairs on the set! FELICE: The rr's incomplete. 0 cLARE: I know, I know, you told me. [Sbe lacet tprtage.) I have gone-upsrairs and you are alone in rhe parlor.

FELICE: Yes, I am alone in the parlor with the front door ⌒ . open.-I hear voices from the srreer, the calls and laughter of demons' "l'oonies, loonies, loonies, loooo-nict!':-I-shut the door, remembering what I'd said. . ., cLARE: You said that it might never be opened agah. lshc tarrt abraptQ doutnstaga.] Oh, there you are!

FELIcE: Yes. Of coursc. Vaiting for you. (-r CLARE; I wasn'r long, was I?

FELICE: bur I wondered if you would actually come back down. -No,

cLARE: Here I am, and here is your jacket and here is your de. f.Sbe holdt oat empry handl.)

FELICE: The articles are invisible.

cLARE luitb a moching tmile): Pur on your invisible jacket and your invisible tie. ', FELIcE: go through the motions of- ⌒ -I cLARE: Ah, now, whar a difference! Run a comb through your hair! FELTCE: is-? -Vhere cLARE: The inside jacker pocket. I pur ir there. 41


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2 € / ) '/Ak ("nn! ,7 > iynL N(,.ts o t5,r.,t,'-') l-r 午 Q *-.p O (^) ra,a rr>

ヽ/ ∠CT Tγ 0 FELtcE: --{h?-Yes.-Thanks . . .lHe mabet tbe gettare ol remooing a comb from bil inaisible jaeket.) cLARE: Oh, ler me do kt lshe ffhofu bk hair utbb bq fnget.) FELtcE: Thar's enough. That will do. CLARE: Hold still just one momenr longer.

FELtcE: No, no, that's enough, Clare. ⌒ cLARE: Yes, well, now you look like a gentleman with excellent credir ar every srore in the town of New Berheda! FELICE: Hmmm... ヽL cLARE: The door is shut.-S7hy did you shur the door?

FELtcE: wind was blowing in. -The dust cLARE; There is no wind at all. FELICE: There utu, so I- cLARE: Shut the door. !(ill you be able to open it again? FELICE: Yes. Of courri[Ha trcltt ,be tape recorda agrin. Tben, alter a betitant momenr, he drautt the door open.) cLARE: -Vhat are you waiting for? FELICE: For you to go out. cLARE: You go 6rst. I'll follow. ⌒ FELIcE: do I know you would? -How cLARE: Ifhen a thing has been s€trled, I don't back out. FELICE: That may be, but you are going our 6rst. cLARE: Vill you come our right behind me or will you bolt the door on me and- 42 1

f ( l ヽ Q C ?-*'*-r,t C oot oei>cz-"a -!'],C^rs ---'' ' ) Y?6v-,o, tovt," c. SJSC

,Lu o z-3 6O (s-^, gb-^ -ro A,


cLARE: See if-!

FELICE: There are no boys on the street!

CLARE: May I set my hat straight please? ヘ FELICE: Stop^,this foolishness. Afternoons aren'c everlast' ing, you know.-OUT! lHe thruts bet tbrougb the open door. She riet o* toltly. He comes ott, thilting tbe door and faces the audicrrce.)

Now there is, there must be, a slight Pause in the perform- ance while I slip offstage to light the front of the hour' [He ttar,t ofltragel lf--c1 ,.:.4 cLARE [tenified ubisper]: Oh, God, don't leave me alone here!

FELTCE: For a moment, one goes htto tbe u'tnqt. nn on lbe area I-le retarnt to ber tille, tahet ber band and leads ber lorutard a little.f Ir's a nice afrernoon. cLARE {tentely): Yest I.'ELtcE: You couldn'r ask for a nicer afternoon, if after- ncxrns could bc' asked for.

| cr-,rRE: Nol FEI-r(:I;: I don't know whar we're waiting here for. Do you? thaket ber heal and triet to laugh.) | [clanr Ve're u'aiting here like it was a car stop. But it's only a block and a half to Grossman's Market.

| 43



\ 一 〕

ご し。s" らで

ヽ ) ′cr T70

CLARE: I don't know why, bur I'm shaking, I can't conuol it. It would make a bad impression on Mr. Grossman' FELIcE: You're not going to back out now' I won't allow you. cLARE: Felice, while you're gone, I could, could, could- make a phone call to "Citizens' Relief," you know, those people we wouldn't let in the house. I could tell them to come rigt t over, and answer all their questions, and we would ⌒ receive iheir relief even if Mr. Grossman doesn't believe the story. FI.t-tcE: Clare, quit stalling. Let's go now' le(t something in the house. cLARFt: -I FELICE: VhAt? cLARE; I left my-my- FIlI-lcE: You see, you don't know what you lefr, so it can't be inrportant. cLARE: Oh, it is, it's very-it's, it's the---

4・4・ Q c Qv^rs -r-o W€ , 17 1(s,.,o Pv,t S)o′ S hcl 1", tttrtn{..A x r aS

Zヽ キH/・ →ο l s& のr a′ ´6ゝ |」 いt~ 。_の ゅ ρ `4^13`И “ +S′ ¨のιaμ 。

V″ た ヽ κ | ■ 力´


¨ くo

,こ 1■ tγ ,必

,o 漁レ″ r "t ヽ C υsう CS 軍 ´ |ト 崚ダ』 Cr,r, ILl.^ paou c- ca...* o. @ &t'r t @r-q-1 , tt.F,,o< υ` ●● ` l**S.u.: V Voggoot._

Ψ TIF Tγ ο・C″ ИR/cTER PL′ y FELICE: Liail Liar, and coaryd cLARE: Oh, Felice, I*J

ltty豊 軍Ll:よ illlllL‖ :麟:I:L「 h[1 [::武 譜 :『∫電

ぬおH J sOmeth鴨 Jtt Ю tt αhg k bttlだ !α Ю

賃J風 I wr慇 笛 i鷺 'よ ⌒ :■:lttL諾 aTtta誌 [1諸 「 卜 h。 [星 li「 lilil倅 ::∫:ll・ lTご1lrifFilご fi::ちl::II

CLARE:I'1l waia

FELICE: FOr l″ あ′′ “ CLARE: FOr夕 θ″/

45 (-Lt (, l- 't44 or'.- ?-'.-* rx)e,/ ij

C r ',, ; fd, A'r i

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A C -i,.tt-t \ )i),r κCT T70

FELICE: That will be a long waiVz longer wait than you imagine. コ I'm leaving you now. Goot$ye! lHe *eps ott ol,ter ー ー tbe loat ill ol the utindou.) , ; U CLARE [calling oat alter him): Don't smy long! Hurry Gr- G'Poo-) back! 6vtvl FELICE: Hah! [He comes lorutard and tpeahs patttingly to J・ tbe adience.l The audience is supposed to imagine that the ヘ 酬 front of the house, where I am standing now, is shielded by sunflowers, too, but that was impractical as it would cut off rhe view. I stand here-rnove nor a srep further. Impossible without her. No, I can't leave her alone. I feel so expord, so cold. And behind me I feel the house. It seems ro be breathing a faint, warm breath on my back. I feel it the way you feel a loved person standing close behind you. Yes, I'm already defeated. The house is so old, so faded, so warm that, yes, ir seems to be breathing. It seems to be whispering to me: "you can't go away. Give up. C-ome in and stay." Such a gentle rVhat commandl do f do?Naglallvi I obey.i,lHe turns and e?t,qt by tbe door.) itom. b".k;;;; h;"se, very quietly. I don't look at my sister.

cLARE: !7e're ashamed to look at each other. lVe,re ashamed of having gstrsslsd-5urrendered so quickly.

FELICE: There is a pause, a silence, our eyes avoiding each other's. ⌒ cLARE: Guiltily.

FELtcE: No rock hits the house. No insults and obrenities are shouted.

CLARE: The afternoon light. t FELTCE: )?s, the afternoon light is unbelievably golden on the- 46 /つ ′ ρ/′ み′

/ θ


Zけ イルそ´ く 夕′↑ ′砕∫グ び `/r O″


‐ ル Q zP ζ∂ H E T T*:O:9! IRACT ER PLAY CLARE: The furniru;#; ; ;;-"il; ;;-*. are!_

FELTCE: I realize, now, thar the house has turned to a prison.

CLARE: I know it's a prison, t@, but it,s one that isn,t strange to us.-Felice, what did I do with that card from "Cirizens' Relief"? FELTCE: I rhink you pur ir under_

に cLARE: Oh. Grandmother's 、 wedding picrure. IShe tahet the card and goet ,o,m golng to call them! FELTCE: -I suppor it's time to. {She lilts rbe phone befuantly)

CLARE; I lift the receiver and it makes no sound. I feel 1;Lt'cc like screaming into rhe phone: ,.Help, helpl,'. FELICE: _Is it_?

CLARE {banging ap tbe receiaer): Somerimes a phone will go dead temporarily, jusr for a lirtle while, and come back to life, you know.

FELTCE: Yes, I know. Of course. cLARE: we stay here and wait till it,s connected agarn? -So .) FELTCE: . We might have ro wait till afrer the Relief Office closes. Ir mighc be a bener idea to ask the people next door if ⌒ \t'e can use their phone since something'r gone wrong wirh ours. cLARE: That's righr. lfhy don't you do rhat? --..,.___*.-_ Y.oa"ldo that. It's the sort of rhing you could do berrer. I lHe pointt dt ,he uindou.) The'woman nexr 47 ( Psar,r 6,4115 ov< O ./,. > L),,'oa-9 .


a´ レ十し1,■ 1う FCい &11メ て “`∫ :2″ 彦」ふ→`も 1

%をLi3が かメ311、 、れ_4

の F /t t/s_ψ 。¬ → c

O「 κ″に,ι′」文。に …`ゴ ~..ニ

▼ ‐いこ ろ 、 OFく “ ^~ 「c t■ ,と ,A」 `υ pヽ OF↑ Fyょ 破憤島きP.1

/ζ うも と″つい 」S,`, ①「 “

0`↑ /t→ し∫′,こ ′、o′ θぃ ~ `つ「 P/u ιレνャ `´ K g‐「 ′ ゴr, ′CT T70

door is taking some clothes oft her wash line. C-all her through the window. - [clanr carcbes her brearh. Tben the rasbes to tbi uindout and calk oat in a tifled uoice.)

CLARE: Plear, may I, please, may we-!

FELTCE: Not loud enough, call louder. cLARE ftarning lrom tbe utind.ou):-Did you really imag- ine that I could call and beg for "Citizens' Relief" in front of rhor malicious people next door, on their phone, in their prernce? Why, they gave their son a slingshot to stone the hourl

fTbere is a slighr paate.) FELIcE: You asked rqe what people did when they had norhing at all left to do..

cLARE: I asked you no such thing. lAller a moment, tbe dips a tpoal in tbe soapy udtel)

FELICE: Instead of calling the woman next door through the parlor window, you blow a.soaP bubble through it. It's Iovely as your birthstone.-But'irs a sign of surrender, and we know it.-And now I touch her hand lightly, which is a signal that I am about to speak a ner( line in Flr-fut Chreue,iAq. lHe toaches ber hand..)-'Qlue, didn't you tell me that yestcrday or last night or today you came across a box of cartridges for Father's revolver?

⌒ '2, cr-AR;: No! No,-I- FFI.I(.I;: Clare, you say "yes," not "no." And then I pick up thc property of the play which she's always hateci and dreaded, so much that she refuses to rememkr that it exists in the play. 48 ?,t- t.' A 1 Q\e.Ls

Sら ∈メ ″ 乙ピ

○∈ヽc・ Psく o‐

@ e PL (,r^r 1 erT,Pr,,t P'ro'u a^, fr00"1, Plo (r. o-. rr3.P!,r'1 i l'! cs,'r Booal

Lxe z( 1 -', のF ― .--..-.= ― ― ― ― R メ

一 ン 孔 a J Co ぐ ゝ

Pzr(,.r.. l4C Acda(La. O * Cor, ,i THE Tν O_CH/R′ CTER Pι ′y

CLARE: I've said it'g-annecetwry! :,'

[nrrtcr has piched ap a reuoloer lrom the sheet masic.on the pizno top.)

Has ir always been rhere?

FELIcE: The revolver and the box of canridges that you found last nighr have never been anywhere else, not in any performance of the play. Now I rernove the blank cartridges and insert the real ones as calrnly as if I were removing dead - a vase and puning in fresh ones' Yes, as calmly ヘ Ptd lBu hil finger zre shahing rc tbat the retolser lalk to the floor, cLARE gatpt, thet laqbs breatblesly.j Stop it!

[crans coaelt her moatb aith het borud..) Now I-[He paases.)

CLARE: Have you forgo:.ten what you do nextT Too bad. I don't remember.

:..I @v9g_i forgorten what I do next. I pur the re- volver in the center of the linle table across which we had discusrd rhe anirude of narure toward irs crearures that are regarded as annataral creatllres, and then l-lAftr placing tbe retolaer on tbe table, he pause.s.)

cLARE: !7har do you do next? Do you rernemberl

⌒ FELICE: Yes, .l-I pick up my spool and dip it'in rhe watE anilSlow a soap bubble out the par10r、′indOw ¬tithOut the slightest concern abOut v7hat :掟 rLF]:躍 :il漁i灘11壼 :職 :誠翼跳F世鷺 rising through gold light, above the gold sunflower heads. 49 レ θ Ь 0 -@ + tsrt e { ‐ ,! ) \O/,cft nrn)

0 ι 4

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メ″ ″ C ´‘ o 偽 .一

4ク 憾t濯ハふぷ

μc川 ・ o、1 「

し N;; i ;;;; ,';;;;;,;.;; il;. i".. ,r i;li ;i;{!; to her: "Look! Do you see7" ",

cLARE: Yes, I do, ir's lovely and it still hasn'r bro..en. t'冷 グ FELICE: Sometimes we do still see the same things at the same time.

cLARE: yes, and we would till locked in rparate buildings and marched our at different hours, you by bullet-eyed guards and me by bullet-eyed matrons. lsbe trihet d ,rote on rhe pbno.) Oh, r*,hat a long, Iong way we've traveled together, tcn long, now, for scparation. Yes, all the way back to sun- flowers and soap bubbies, and there's no rurning back on the road even if the road's backward, and-[crane loob oat at tbe audbnce.l-The favoiites of nature have gone away.

| [rrlrcr doer not reeond,) 41。つ ι Felice, rhe performance is oaer. lshe topt the taped gttitar.)

I Af t er r he perl ormance.)

your coar. I'm going to mrne.

{He ttaret at her, stapefied..)

Felice, come our of the play. The audience has left, the house is complerely empry. FELTcE:-Valked? Out? All? cLARE lshe- hu pkked ap tbeir coats lrom bebintl tbe tolaj: You honestly didn'r norice them ger up and go? FELTCE: I was lost in the play. cLARE: You were but rhey weren't, so rhey left.

FELIcE: You made cuts in the play that desrroyed the texture. 50 $.c r * S

( aFrs sc“ ′ 色ゥハ r4.`s fr ) 進)こ rt`“ ,Fレ ζ 一 "●

OF― 名″ゎ sc44F )、 ι

:竃》骨をt」 cil糞 :鼻ギ象Lだ o3+〆ん 鳥 桑 , 「 メ S ↓ い R じ S 一 . 一 ‐ 」 ヂ ノ

Cに sc^には曖ヽい C c st― “ S、 ν 「 0 キ く。 平ぶλifい ,) o. \tAlte.1 T″ E T70.cH′ R′ CrER PL′ y

CLARE: I cur when the house sounded like a t.b. ward. FELicE: If you'd been concenuating you would have held rhem.

cLARE: Christ, did I try! Till the sea6 banged up and-

FELICE: hear no sound frcm the house when I,m losr in a play. -I %| CLARE: Then don't get losr in a play! Get lost ia utood.s, ⌒ arnong utobet! FELTCE: HA!

cLARE: Oh, let's stop this silly bitching, taking our rage at thor idiots our on each other, it's pointless. Here, here, put this on youl

lShe hat jerhed d torn, ditcolored. utbite dh rca/ lrom his tleeae, and triet ,o trtfr it anda bis mangy lu collm.) I;ELICE: Stop rhatl Dgng pur^r[ings on me I can pur on myself if I rvant them oh rh$ffiiifscarf goes into the ward- robe for The Qqtuer Deptfu .,1. Ls,, lHe tbrou,s it to tbc floor. She pichs it ap and nora he perntitt her to place tbe dirty scarl beneath hit collar; he it :rill panting anrl ttaring desolalely ort.)

cLARI: $lte opeu ber cigarette gge): Only three smok- ables lefr.-Gentle man, bt seared. (k) ⌒ [Sbe gestuet tou,ard tbe sola ,rpttdge and they ttoae ,tn- tteatlilT tou'ard it. Sbe strmbles; he clatches ber shoilden; tbey tit dou,n. Sbe oflers him a cigareue; be tahes ir.)

-Lucifersi' Q)[ecltmically be remoaet tt rcalrt booh ol natcbet lrom hit t'rtat pncket,.rtriket ote and holds it helore him; lor a 51

ヽ 9lt --o A. , &4 ta "t

民し` ″口れ /rs s_ヽoゝ ~VS` ① “ "●


F` ン : `

′ Oε 餞■ο´ 6∞・ ιヽリ ソ! ビ, メ6~ : つつビ、 `o″ ズcr T7ο cotple ol moments both ol ,bem seem ttncoatciou ol it; then sbe sloutlT tant her looh on it.] you strike to -Did ir light our cigarenes, dear, or just to relieve rhe gloom of the atrnospherel FELTcE {lighting , her cigarette): Sorry. .)1H, ,rorr, ,o hil ou,n cigareue, lyht tbe march b'ants bil fingert.l ヘ Mmmmmmmm! {Sbe bloutt tbe marcb o$ arrd ligbts bis c;garctre with ber; they tmohe together qaietly for-a mome*.) cLARE: The first tirne I rurned downstage I simpl;, couldn,t help seeing those-

FELTCE: Clare, let ir go, they're gone. cLARE: rnammals out there, went inro panic, didn't come-fur-bearing our till this mornent. Ahhh . . . FELICE: trEr4r,.t*t- L* u2 lt l. P/o. cLARE: Now call Fox. See if there's money enough to get us out of this place.

tTbey il u ltaue. FELTcE is at'raid. to call Fox, tutpeaing he's long gone.)

Well, for God's sake, call him! Fr;LrcE ⌒ [calling into the bouse): Foxl-.Fox! CLA-RE: Perhaps . the audience caught him and fed him ro their dog reams-Fox, Fox, Fox! TOGETHER: Fo.t./ ['l'lrere is an ecltrt lrom tl:eir call; tbey lhten, u,itb dintin- itltinf 6r*. lttr a retponte. Finally:l cr.^RE: fieel like falling into bed ar rhe nearesr hotel and slccping rhe ncxt rhousand years.

52 V

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&PS"*ac.g |4tC , H E ! T,VO:9Y,IRACTDR PLIY*** FELTcE: \J{zelt, so g.;;;.;-r;-- cLARE: Get what things?

FELTCE: Your purse, your handbag, for instance.

CLARE; I don't have one ro ger. ハ

cLARE: This still scems like a performance of Tltc.Tuo- Cbartcte*-P.lay. The worst thing that's disappcared in our lives is not the C-ompany, nor Fox, not brandy in yo* flask, nor successeS rhat give confidence ro go on-no, none of that. The worst thing thar's disappeared in our lives is being aware of what's going on in our lives. !7e don,t dare talk about ir, it,s like a secret that we're conspiring o keep from each oiher, even though ∫ each of us knows thar the other one knows it- 〔 ん θ力′ρ″″∫′~]FeHce,お it pos‐ Jblef4θ that鶴f″ ■F喫」12・ r´ 嫌専鋼減覇れれみ剰り題∝sn'〔 have al lIL緑 `′ FELTcE: Even if we were what the C_ompany called us in the cable, we'd never perform a play ttrar irad-no end to it, Clare. t,,

CLARE: Ic never seerns to end but just to stop, and ir always seems ro stop jusr shorr of something irnportant when you suddenly "The - ″ say; preformance is ovir.,, 、 FELICE: It's possible f.or a play to have no ending in the usual sense of an ending, in order to make a point about norhing really ending.

cLARE: I didn't know you believed in the everlasting.

FELTCE: That's not what I meant ar all.

cLARE: I don't thinh you know uhsr you rneanr. Things do end, rhey do acrually have to.

53 窄 I I V

々 Ъ 2 解 aο 三 ヽ ハ″′く ン ο 気 へ _x.」 `レ 「 。 =バ `T。 ′′ ,υ し ゝ、,( οO St●_L

の と― ・ノ εン 「 ヽ ′ ・ こ ι ぁ′シ≦れヽι “ や Ъ Ъ ヽ ‐C 一

く。 イふγS“ β・

し … /CT 770 ::■ I… 1:[思11湯をi.:(踏 |… i湛Itil:古 1基 |↓』らユ everyrhingtomorrow. f-li i X'-r .> (,a,.to CLARE: lverything will face l.r tomorrow and not with a pretry face. No, Sir. And as for right now' we don't have fares ior a dog sled to the hotel, and iust before the performance you told me that Fox hasn't made us hotel reservations here, wherever here is! rら ζ00 FELtcE: I think I remember seeing a hotel across the plaza from the theatre when we came frorn the station. I7e'll go there, we'll enter i sryle rhat we'll need no reser- vations. Wait here lHe rubet into the utings.)

CLARE: Vherc are yot-?

lshe loltouts bim a far as tbe giant s rtl,te' ard tops tbere. Tbe cold., ttone aatlt ol tbe building is no longn ilent. lVe bear ranning foot$ept, tbe bollotu, anintelligible ecbo ol sboaitng, metal clonging' etc. Clasping the pede$al ol the tatrc, CLARE laces dotuntage, mwing tpasmodicalll at eacb ominost toattd, rometimes eatching her bteatb fiarp\. The wtndt slop: there is total ilence. She startt touary' rbe door fdl ,rpttoge, lhen retleatt to tbe talte.) Giant, he'll come back, won't he? You don't look sure about that. It's so terribly guiet after all those noixs.-Felice!

CLARE: Hurry back! I'm alone here!-turning to a frozec supplicant at the feet of a merciless-Poor Felice' He lost hi: ⌒ argument about the hpossible being necessary tonight.Th( yithout recogni' impossible and the ...:tog,p": tre tion on strees, and as for 17, when ht read it aloud I said to myself, "This is his last one, there'r nothing more after this."-1Vell, there are festivals to remern ber. Riding a fiacre, you driving the horses, drunk acros' 54 S v< e Bq

Q@eu" urt /'.s ".z) . F r^, *c, 4,lo Q' 7 )Pt V 8 i |r,."u6 1-r, 」 晨 0 -):.( 3 ヽ ” 不 C,o

4 ヽ

3 μ d 34-<

Lt 3+'{ qo rv-o:c!,1RA0TER !HE :!,1I,,., ,, , , " Rilke's Bridge of Angels over the Tiber, a crack of rhunder and suddenly a sleet srorm, pelting our laughing faces with tiny marbles of ice. Un mezzo litro. Una bouiglia. Une bot- ' teille de. Fratta di mare. Comme c'est beaa ici! Como bello! , Marauigliorc!-"Yoursisrer'andyouare[ihiinQ"-Howridic- ulous! Clinging for protection to ihe pedestal of. a rnonr,.r{) lT'bere il the rcund. ol fooutery.f ⌒ He's coming back, thank God! Inrllcr fettrn!, us il blind, ,o the $oge.)

Vhat luck, Felice?' '

{He crcttet past her as il be didn't see he/, elrtefi the inte- rittr tet, and sinhs, panting, onto the sofa. She follout bim tlou,ll, drau'ing her coat close aboat bet)

Vell? Anorher disasrer?

FELIcE lu,ithoat lacing het): Clare, I'm afraid we rDay have to sray here a while.

CLARE: In rhis frozen counrry? t' FI:L!CE: I meanr herc in rhe rhearre. '

Clrtne: Oh? a FEI-tcE: Yes, you see, rhe srage door and the front doors are' all locked from ourside, there isn't a window in the building, , .nd rhc backsrage phone is lifeless as,rhe phone i**ffiqo-C,,,rt.t'. G b * a c t e r_Pbt y ?s, f, nallvlffil .r.,rxn: D&-trio,if,otice any change in the lighting? : I;I:LICE: Yes, rhe lights have dimmed. cLARE: They're still dimming. I:rt.t(:E: And I haven'r rouched the light switch. 55 .t? ( ぐ/ヽ げ し` し/卿 &,ac,nr: €C,{ θ '"鰤

ご /′ ∫ゝC て′ し o← 0 θ `θ


(t,-,,t; O...r'*o (34. k,"e*-^*<

ИA~ ‐S σ〔ζ望″ヽC a`s

S (_4 9ぐ “ ′ こいヽFな レ θ ^"《 メs ,O >sQ aDe6 67 @5 ιι デ 佐 oMれ を″`′ 4l'- €,

. ・ ‐

, 6 € g-T-/\"rss r's &-o,tc {keo + bS .ir..,.-, V(,rC. {L * (}.-.,rt ! Vte.,qD a.- ( ;- ,--\, : -r. a_

ト ー ← ′cr T7θ

frC CLARE【∫あ0″控】:0″ ′′ο °″り′ 急解観軍7″

FELICE:It'S no 800d SCreaming,め 揚 :

CLARE: I Wasn'tま reaming,I was shoudng!

FELICE:名 le Aring Of a revolver h thζ builang wouldn't bc heard outside it

OLARE:Does this mcan we'1l have to stay here freczing till they oPcn up the building in the morning7

FELICE:(〕 lare, there's no assurance they'1l oPcn up the 八 躍電:■:L譜黙::霊ゼ;even h the evening or any morn‐ CLARE【 υ″あ tρ′ ∫あ ο あο θ]:―Oh,Felice,the `"厳 ル ′ ρ holc in the backstage wall.… [9♭ θ ρめ ″ ″ρ∫′ θ・】

FELICE: SOmetimes the sarne idca still ∝curs“ to us both. ″ [Hθ ′οοお′′あ″″クル′'Z″ル ∫π〃θ.Hθ 力″′″あルgあ θ″″γ ルο解 あ″ex"=′ ο I trた d to increase the width of that一 ".〕 麟 驚'おWt講ぶ肌蹴,常 FF臆 plished for my labors was′ あ力.t`[Hθ ″′鮨′あθみ′οοれとρ″解∫ οノルをあ″%な .] CLARE【 ι″′ルgル]:Are you working on some neo‐ Eliza‐ h:財 F;:Fょ 鷺:留11」露繰 需謙∫甘鳳‖i駆 clcan.三 LStOp grinning at rne like that!

FELICE:It'S not/ou I'm grinning at,Clare.

⌒ CLARE:You・ re looking atine with a savage grin!― Do you あ″′me,FeliccP

FELICE:Of′0″′∫θ ldo,if Iノ θッθ you,and l think that l do. ‐ [Hθ ″οl″ ∫″′″′ル ノθィク″∫′′g′ rカ カ″θχ′″ ∫あο″〃 ιθ″窪′″ "A garden cndosed is my sister.…"θ "多チ ρルメノ・1‐一 56 a 色ダ く0

Q c t's DL lac6 ft{ld{rr. SS ご ―

L 3, oe. P,a^'Q ι`/ -j

θF κs→ e`″ ´.に ″●′― `バ “… ,れ ぐぃ_20亀 唯的―s_ “ cノ ♪じ ν・t,″ 4_rrて ´ ノ 、ο、●ん ,4 :0 40 `み ・ ` `仁 て 3ι O `′ ′‐ 'S レJ● Of`‐ ″0ゞ `いいS ' “ … ●(,vlし 0′ `ι´ 覺tⅢ ‐ ′_5ご _O`″ 、 Sら ぃκ ЪS′ g 0 € x',, -> a4,h!€ 9., 7.,. o(,(s i-1, ! L.y,\, /\(/i :5. a rr,s -5 -i_..r. /L c n-o< ,, t,, ,1, t,-t . )e ‐ シ て 欠

・r rふ ctt_ホ t,、 =″ )q ``・ O√ /1っ ,a_ん 罐4 υiジ ′″ι′ッoメ `

´ 鳴、こ ,4,S● つ R~・ ― ヽ・`r× 1-■ ヽう `ヽ S′ ζζ 島ノ″4。4'

Oc↑ f1l κt、 ぅ|■ 4,`ι ′、′′ k", `ら r↑ ・ THE T70.CH′ R4CTER PIj/y

lThere * a paarc.) dort P、 I think fear ir limited, 国 CLARE: I do. -Yes. FELICE: Isn't it limited to rhe abiliry of a person to care any more? CLARE: anything but-[Sbe means for "o* olher ヘ perton"; but-For tha, touch ol tent;ment, is bettr let't qoket by jutt a glance betureen rbem) it's a prison, this last theatre of ours? -%

FELIcE: It would seem ro be one. CLARE fobjectioely, nau): I've always suspected thar thea- tres are prisons for players . . . ',

FELIcE: Finally, yes. And for writers of plays . . .

fS he moaes doutnstage.) cLARE: So fnally we arFthe prohibited word . .'. al rbり ″ぁ″∫れ 瑚″ツ 解 .″ ― 一一 脇` 蹴 And, oh, God, the air isn't cold like ordinary cold but likc the sort of cold rhere must be at the far, the farthesr, the go-no-rnore last edge of space! FELICE: Clare, you're not frightened, are you? ⌒ cLARE: No, I'm too tired to be frightened, at least I'm not yet frightened. FELIcE lptaciig the reaolyet tbe sbeet masic at tbe piano): Then you will teaer V frightened. CLARE: It's strange, you know, since I've always had such a dread of-prohibited word!-it's rhe greatct dread of my life 1 DI ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― 1 / ヽ Y 。′ と、,l・ 4ヽ レ Q ど r 3 0 イsИ ぃ こ ら 0」 Ca/.,1{ G0 「 い 一 レ 一 ヽ ヽ ´ 一 . 一 シ 0 芍 」

の ρυ 卜_0 3&れ 「 ``ct′ 驚べ`it箆詢 V

,wて ρ´4/0マ ク11, 0こ ヽハに^" 司 ′」 `s lτ 「

(〔::') 、S、も Q ハο

V /CT T70 く゛′ FELICE: And of mine,^too. 嗜 CLARE: Bur, no, righl'now what I feel is-I.Sle ctottet to thc tola atd. iths exhaattedly onto it.)-is simply bone-tired and bone-cold. - {Her dgid hands *emble ia hq lap. He sits beid.e ha and takes bold ol one ol her hail.s aad rabt b.) -{therwir I'd get up and see for myself if these myreries that you've reported to me are exactly as you've reponed, ⌒ or- FELTCE: Do you think I've imagined thero, dreamed rhem, Clare?

CLARE: you work on a play by inventing situ- -Sometimes ations in life that, that--

lHe rubr bet otber hand., loobing into hr eyes at il pre- tenting het ruith a cballenge: Sbe doesn't retarn the looh.] -About our cholera shots, they may not be so tolerant on the way back . . . And with my passpoft missing . . . FELICE: Your mind's wandering, Clare.

CLARE: -4oing back . . . FELICE: Going back's reversing a law of- ⌒ CLARE: Narure?

E:Abut ttat Hkdy,『 lar.1 ‐ ― ― FELに 一 ― ― ― 一 一 一 一 ― 一 〔動″ ル″ん θ∴ 姥"歯 ] ― “ CLARE:――What'― P

FELICE: PiPcs exPanding with… …

“ Srt'A $C or e-s $g eoqe o{- 6tt6,gg . ― ― @ e t 6tr! o^r t\c,\o oF Cnatld- . ― ― l ψ

鈍 Q 6 偽 翁 ヽ Q


一 拝` ` ´) ψ 熊著 ´

Of↑ メs'ι Dヽ コ、o、 o ・ 0「 /′ :も ,ルご 4 /t, メ ‐マ わ.≫いて Of〔 Sて ,“ぅ ンィゆL―Dお ′|→ コ rン 奮ヽ「iゝ.クづ ■ ゝ。 「 …

k QЪ け(亀 ^o _ 1、 (“ 脅F、 t‐ 1 T″ ET/0‐ C″ ′Rス CTER Pι ′Y

. FELIcE [Gently): Clare, your rnind's going out.

cLARE: That shows ir's-wiser than God . . . FELICE: there's a thing to be don* -!7hen cLARE: There's nothing to be done. じ FELIcE: There's always rcmething to be done. There's no ⌒ such thing as an inerapable corner with trro people in it. 'What's necessary is to know rhat there is a thing ro be done, and rhen not think abour it, just know it has to bc done and- cLARE: You have a dark thought in your head and I think I know what it is. FELICE: Somerimes we still have the same thought at the same time, and that could be an advantage to us now. CLARE ldrauting hq cloah abo* her): \fill it ger any 0( colder? .fi ru卜 _ FELICE: It's not going to get any or"rmer.*ou know, ≧)a゛ during the performance, even under hor lights, the stage was cold, btrt I was so losr in lhe play that it seerned warrn as a summer afternoon i" . .(9 lDaring tbit gteecb be hu crotted to tbe ,apc recorder ard tarnel it back ot at a lout letel. Tbe telection coald be Villa-Lohot' Brasilianas and thoald contiue tbroagb tbe cartain.) ⌒ cLARE: are suggesting thar we-? -You FELICE: Go back into the play. cLARE: But wirh the stage so dim- FI:LICE: If we can imagine summer, we can irnagine more light. 59

ヽ ぃ Lぼ lい S― As F c ′″ F41ス し 。 . … Sf .,t +. c4, 'r/o 6)* C. C \rtoes Tr\ahr l.J L. | f"-U gSru';. l'21-'A- {- eo: -- C't f -f/o Coa:.. Tt&q) o)a &c-.t

L < 9,./"o 663 lr"u-o ( -

ノsっ た,sO_0,も ごK`%. の「 “ 0・」 i「


$ra 6cr,c . @ F v' " ) Rr,.o , f.i\ A.,a oea

O ικ st h嘘


SS l*t Q j? ′cr Tγ ο

cLARE: If we're lost in the play? FELIcE: Yes, completely-in I

ISあ θ″θ〆∫′〃∫″″gg′ θ∫′ο rifθ r/θπル′∫οルι″′οクρル∫

箕:鶴ん筋λtti、 」Кha鑓向型 ELICE: C)ther alternatives― ― 「 CLARE: Lacking!‐ ―ヨCan we kecP On Our coatsP

ヘ FELiCE:We could but l think the feeling of summer would comc more casily to us l we t∞ k Ou:尽 atS顔・ゴ. CLARE:0′ ∫/P″ ′′ル ″ιノθg'総″ι′′々θ″′ぁθ∫οル/ `0″ 1Tあ θノ″θZο クθ′ル″ ″′∫′″ガルπg′あ′ποッ″′あθ∫οル.Hθ `ο ル′′∫′ル ルg″滋′g″″∫′′ル ι″んο/″.] ク `あ Do we stop where we stopped tonight or do we look for an endingP

FELICE: I think that you will丘 nd it wherever you hid it, Clare. `

CLARE:Wherever γο″hid it,nOt rne.[Sわ′ノοθた∫′′あi認 ′πど ″ ∫ク∫,/g/′ ル g`あ ″πノ ′ο″′″ あ′′解 ο″ あ.] FELICE: IS Somcthing wrongP

[HiRil:彎 :|:;「liril,θ π ′ιzοクθ∫′乃θ7′ ツ0ノ クθ′f7ο 解 ″″ノθ′ ′あ′∫ルθα π″∫″′0″ ′あθρ″″θ・] ⌒ ―-1%′ as it〃 ″ノ∫ thereP “ FELICE:Yes,in cvcry performance.Where would you like mc to placc it7

CLARE: Undcr a sofa pil10wP By the Company's cablcP 60 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― r),6< Q,-.* @ C ?,rt C,L. ― ― ― 0 ― イ 4 ↓ ↑ ´´ ― ‐ ll‐ 71,´ l ι ■

′ ( ↓ ― 」 ウ

4ο 放 a t■ V ‐ ヽOr・ ,t。 ( 11 う 口 _:、 、)f_A(Kt‐ `、 `、


V Γ 4 ′t,し 0| o^,. `ヽ o N,to T″ E T7o.c″ ′R′ CrER PLズ y

h′ e虜 u, quli写Flu違し,b猟 翌:庁:魔 ″ 賜〃境ル ρ″ノα″.〕

CLARF[″ ″∫″〃′gル ′′″]:Hit hard and get Out fast' `″ "ι FELICE: Ycs,that's the cry!

CLARE: Do we start atthe top Of the playP

FELにE:WⅢ y。 pho● ヘ り■ q biL駆遭巫憂ρィ″″π ιθ″― ″′″′′∫/ `θ

政Stt he宙 鯰ЫんたwOょ s 。uttTi漱勝f場:R胤ぷ FELICE: WhO are you calling,CiarcP

CLAREレ θり /“′]:NOt a sOui s● 1l exislng in the world 80ne away.

FELICE[″ ′7夕 ∫3′ ]: Then why did you pick up the phOne2 “ CLARE[クθηル∫′]:To sec if it's still cOnnected. FELICE[ク ″タル∫′]:We would have been nOtined if_ t膨 l協 毬濯機∴」蹄it° l∬ 脱∫]競 謝∫ FELICE[ク θッル∫′〕:Night,what a restiess night. CLARE[″ ⌒ θッル″]:Wasn't it,thOughP

Ⅲ' Qttξ .鷹ari絲驚駐潔縫織∬塊i諄認1 … `IWiSand Iぉ und L ISb′ ″″∫] Ar:稔 ρ li嵐 7麓 雀彦 “ FELICE:Ycs,lt'S a warm August day.

61 |



θ ´ 」 k r-..,"'-r ′ ^r ,, ') t. ヽ t1,?, . ,. ( 9 Yt(-*e o t (-?


-? LJ' -.r::o...r C_―rε

¨ C x's 4 (^a'9i r 一 ・ tr ,'!r C] )(

ar ?.( o Qc (r じ[ 5B $r <..rea 4.,i. l, O

.."tt t . ,k,t<: θ( -"t^, ,a-o c A xi;.* P/., 4,- Po.".s lr A'r C J-'l l)oc. s a(( D sQ -OD ) tr


/ T70

.'...Ⅲ ..… ,...'.,,..,,... `,・ ..` CLARE {railing a band, tendeilY, to hit

Rボ l蝋 静 寝 耽 駕雪 :『 VIl∬ 濡↓.1寝 翼 they'1l believe that Mother shot Father and then her史 lf,that wc saw it happeno We can believe it ourselves,and then the hsurance company will come through with the pol19 pay‐ ment, and livables, cominendables, and necessities of per‐ ヘ sistence will be dciivered through the barricade of一 ―

FELICE: Go straight to the tall sunlowers. CLARE:QuiCk as thatP FEL:CE:That quickl

CI´ ARE: Felicc, look out of the window! nere's a giant しヽ sunЯOwcr Out therc that's grown as taH as thc houscI

" ノ′ ″ ′″ノ ′οο力∫ ο″′.〕 〔FEI_ICE `′ 0∫ ∫′J ′″′ιル′ノ ′θ ′あθ “ "″ み力″′′乃″′ ク FELにE: 0あ′ γθ∫′ J ∫′θ ′′. I′∫ `ο′げ s∫ο ι′〃 ∫′′″′∫′O ιθ∫あο″′′″g′ .♭ CLARE:κ :´ jレ7 θγ′∫0"′′′″ル″θ′″七′∫なあ′′οみθ J`′ "′ 1 ) ´

E毎″嚇Z協%メ 篇写箕鷹′協」%J省 ッο′υ′′′′″ァ解'∫ ′θ ル.Tあ θ7じ な ρ″″∫θ・] "g′ “ ⌒ ′ノ°″∫′′′′ `′"′ :Z:′ :〃 [il∬ 〔 :)]:i鰯 形′切 笏宥筋歿像 ′ο∫′ t,″ んル′′∫あθ7J.7・ 力ι″Fg″ ア′∫ θ″α″′′″0∫ ′θ″′″θり `″ ″″ノ′′ん力″′/rgあ ′′ο″ θ∫′あθルメ′ ∫.】 `あ `′ 62 い し I- QlI a. io,.:1 a. a / ',- e -)/b - SrA.r ec Lt

」 一 吼 一 tCc ら 』 “ “ Da",)- LE (. ^--{i^r6r. i;.2y -I..r-16.r 14d ( Mc*t r 4o

€r' ,.-, ;o F"ao,<

Lt( Q 3n 1.o

I I ..-\ J \-./ L,c O 40 qo , 6/e. I t

I I i [-t a ql ム0 C,ra rrr,,r C *l'r- cl ..! I L* A t+Z くo B/a . .D Cuaq.'a,-r cet ,- Suhalgtt"C ei Rgogrcct: cJr I -L)( a t+3 6o Srro*€ gf€ Qa;o< oCI: 凛 ヽ THE T/0‐ CIf/R′ CTER Pι Иy

lHe moaet a feu, tteps toltard tbe reaolaer, tben picb it tp arul slou,\, tuith efort points it dt CLAr.r,. FELtcE lrizt tery bard to pall the rigga: he cannot. Slouly be louters bit arm, and. dropt tbe revolaer to lbe floor. Tbere is a patre. FELtcE l4iret hit eyu to uatch tbe ligbt fad'e lrom the lace ol bit sitter at it is lrom bis: in both their

⌒ fucet is a admitsion ol deleot. Tbey reacb oil theit handt to one another, and the light lingm a mornen, on tbeir handt lilting toward eacb otber. At they slouly em' ' hrace, tbele it total dark in ubich:l THE CURTAIN FALLS

、 7● 帥ヽ | ´ヽ _Δ り _cC‐ “

gFFぃにF c´」。

6・ APFcn。 1び T/oS“ke 63 OUTCRY


⌒ ♂

O UC Stalllc

② UCR Rostra ‐On lt‐ Throne Mop and bucket (on S.R side) Pile of rutional geographics lcamng agalllst D S sidc 2 Pictue frames

@ u.s.n. Bcd ―On it― 2 Pillows I grey blanket 2 White blankets for wiping blood I,antern (focused onto bed wilh blue gel) Coatstand ―On lt‐ 2 old black coats ―In it‐ I staff 2 sword-stick ⌒

@ o.s.n Chaiselongue ‐On lt― Throwwgr I green cushion I red cushion Felice's stafr 0 Sticky tape for cable 0 l Sultcasc(Clll U S Jdc ofchalsclonguc) ④ Piano stool odng U S)― On it― Telephone table upside dovrn On it- doiley 3 boxes ( on top ofeach other) Jn top one- Sea shell Telephone Parasole Gloves Wedding photo Bowl soapy water and spool 0 D.S.R. (continued) 0 Armchair 0 Sunflowers 2 Older suitcases 0 C.S.R Door truck 0 D.S.C. Crate -In it- oil lamp (primed) Glass top next to lamp 0 Ashtray D.S.L. Rwox G36 (reel to reel lined up) 0 0 C.S.L. Window flat (shutters closed) ① Piano - In it - Box of cartidges with 6 bullets in Revolver with 6 bullets in

⌒ 4 Newspaper bundles stacked on top ofeach other

OFFSTAGE Carpet Green tartan blanket Black scarf Dmrslam Bucket and key for offstage effect.


FELICE:- Scratchpad Pencil Box of matches Cablegram

CLARE:- Sunglasses Granny specs Cigarette case - In it - 3 Cigareftes Tiara Opal ring llandkerchief


Bowl ofblood Make upbrush Light switch sound effect (round metal plate and metal knocker) Doorslam Bucket and key Offstage microphone OUTCRY


0ド γ

C〉 U・ S・ C・ Statue turned to face D.S. and on Act II marks

②u.s.R Throne to Act II position against backwall 0 Coatstand S.R Lamp - Plugged up with warm colour 0 0 D.S.R. Door flat on Act II marks (inside face D.S.) Annchair - On it Clare's jacket -in right pocket - Cigarette case ⌒ 0 Felice'sjacket - In left poacket - Scarf - On it - 2 Pillows Grey blanket 2 white blankets - Under it - I small suitcase 0 0 Bowl of soapy water and spool Threadbare rug ④ D.S.L. Revox G36 - lined up for Act II Act II (continued)

Ll! S.t . Piano - In it - Revolver - In it - 6 bullets Box of cartridges - In it - 6 bullets - On it - Parasole O Gloves ① Stool Telephone table - On it - Telephone 0 Wedding photo Chaiselongue 0n it - Throw-over 2 Cushions ⑩ Green tartrn blanket -Under it - Clares shoes (D.S. end) め Pile of 4 bundles of newspapers 0 Window flat (shutters closed) Sunflowers (on Act II marks)


Costume Plot

Miss Stewart I Fur coat I Green dotted dress I Corsett I Camisole undergarment

⌒ I Pair black shoes I Pair stockings

Mr Merrells I Blue coat I Astrological shirt I Pair grey trousers 1 Pair socks I Pair brown shoes



Fx/Q N" Page N" Notes 'l 2 Heavv door slamrning offstage 2 2 Slams again 3 .l 1 Cuitar Nlusic 1 Fclice stops 6 lines later 3oi $paox 4 17 Audience noises, inc hoarse male & shrill female laughs. 5 20 Guitar l!.lusic 2 siop point? ftAYs our 6 26 Cuitar Music 3 a, ^n€ taPS p 2a 40 gcot A,Sltlg 7 32 Interval? 8 33 Start Act 2? 9 42 -, Cuitar iVtusic 4 P(.a-l s ov r l0 49 ' Cuiiar N.lusic 5 Clare stops tape p.50. 2 sr,.s to Srrs 11 52 Echo yoice effect. 12 54 'r unintelligible clanking, shoutirrg elc. '13 56 i" clanking pipes 1.1 59 -r,Bachianas Brasilieras PoAY5 6\r;

⌒ FlEBlRlLlAlR'Y 5R D 1956

T0 Felice Devoto

FROMI Ttre rect of the CourPanY

errffer in this way for you and yotr eieter are inaane. Hawing received no pay eince Novenrber, we hawe decided tlrat we cannot continue to

on' the eake of yorrr whinc and your tnrly awful play tlrat frankty ie not worth the paper it ie written

$Ie've borrowed and \ged enough money to retrrn to Biloxi on a



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ぼ■ヾ6颯1“ 敏とう・

温感ん漱こ_g眺 , 光蒔υtt MttD・ ´ ン` |し αレヽm― t」卜Cんavび S′ C遷 OCて Sbυ ヽ心 ヽK珂 モ .

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