PraVs \Art L PR"o rr-t PT SYNOPSIS OF SCENES Before and afrer the perforrnance: an evening in an unspcci- 6ed localiry. During the performance: a nice afternoon in a deep Southern rown called New Bethesda. < lui,',0',5cc L/,// 1,,.^. Th, Twu Chu,tc^ttPv' Tt'-, lx i(r:q To &-oc(r^r( a8,et:\rrAi'\o$s' /ts = &osges. t : Rri€S sts Lr Grr 、キヽたキ■ P/.r ?tov<tll = ― ffu : Purs Do'.r-! = -- P/o P.r.s 9..1 ← \/, : .la.(€.3 o€€. cla = C*c*G?ae^ Lx ca B+ Al- Qo hea r Paa,r lrur.i '€S^te Hl' aut) Q ' ?t"t T'{K('r C 5 Oe Raorw op . い こ しし 11 '- & -.4* /oo.-i' r.Jo:- マ Ct~ 錠 c S-q,-* ``,^4を 壺 獣 a■ 4lO = L-oo,.S Ar Rc = ?re*tQ.tE + ; A^rO. Co+.snA^'o ′ f ' ▼ @= Fio.ce C. C gu*c.r o-r Prr'rd Ce z Cottt^r rJryL. Jkr = Tac<e'l- Pxr . Po.,au . |′` t停 事漱 5lo . Sr-l ,rernr i cti.l ヘハtに し ヽ EB Sヽ コ .finr+prro^rs 手顧 T,T, = ?-,q6{-€ [ = EcL,c; C = Ce*aA-E A : Pa",>g 一 , Coen e<t ‘ ヽ f ← ) 一 ..r (.r5 i,l*1 : 6e. cl L r f 崚 』 ‐ ф ιたυ1/ 爆 轟 一一 暮 師 LK・ 飽 .11 ' l ′′ 響 ´ フ′ ∫タッ彙 イ } , 7(2ゞ . 警 鶴・ヘ 副 乱 →轟 慎 倉 |ゞ ク T亀 “ 5^ 1・ )ゴ ~ ・ ル η年θ "ll\xlz4 liCiし 内 "Crl ACT ONE :5Lこguu0rr。 J 霰10Mヒ 311携 "οOrr 峻 11::::|;:ク :θ 惚 ″′′′ υ″ :κ :,効 frθ "″ ″″∫ο′∫ `θ `θ "a ′′′″g rθ の解J″ 11携 '19:夕 =′ "子 '脇 r″,解 Ⅲ λ筋 ノ″;〃箕〃明メ協 f筋 ヽ 肺'7Z維 Z犠 ::鶴″;″ /筋ノ `;″ κ ″7γ . 犠駕協″ ルθル′′アJο ア′ ″οチπガ 移 ′ "′ あっο力 ′ルノEsoteric Astrology). `′ ″ο∫′ ′あ: I Иみο″′ ′あθ ∫′″g′ ′ "g ′′″′ノ″″′ιπι′θ″ρ`′′θ″∫οチ∫ ` 協夕解鶴`∫ 免″′″筋」Z ′″ノ∫あ′″ο″∫ .. ο″〃 ∫θ′″′Oι ′F〃′〆″′′あ ツあ′″′あθル′″′ο′′∫′′gあ ′θノ,J′ ∫あ ⌒ ヽ 〃 ;筋 荒 1 ` ダ 冤 ::;′ イ LICι 慎 Sヨ 傷 ダ ッ チ∫ みんノ競 ダ″′∫. 鰯 ':鶴 ′θ″∫″あjι あ ″″θr′あ力ι J′ g′ 0′ ′あ′″″′∫∫ι722タ ルノ∫″ρ `力 `ノ “gル“ "τ ′ρみ解″″″″20f′ ″, :競 1ク οοた. , 協 ∫ ″ 鶴 ア 7r′ “ 1 ..口 |II::l!::i:iii::i:::i::::::i::i::::::::i::i:::i:i:lll::::|::::i::::1:::::::::::::::I. "λ "劣 ′ 卜 曖 Gl L\(r.alr | ' ・ 3,・ AS… 31を 色 |う ・ l a鰤 鵠 ハ亀e4・ Q Lヽ I 酔 熱電一e孤 マ。ふマ Ctr4 =鮨 ´ ― 0し、へぃr4.ε s O´ r cにっ_ι ィヽし鮨 しムハ′1 ‐ 「 v qο κs ヱ bap€ Su+,,n I のF↑ li i;v l}ooc Suar.a z qο げ O F 時 ← Gc x'v s , 學 ヽ じ S 0 〔 L ∵ 6 5 cksvgn6 4A @) e ^. F lr-\,\Jt^/.9 t *O S く0 ‐ ← ‐ ヽ 、嗜口′ ノ r* *"l. Lrc..tr o I>dl O く Blq\ O-trr_1 th*zrxe.d(al rt1"r €q* : Iio^,n faur** ズcr οⅣE み″ /考 %舞″ 等 胸 ノ移後,p篇各 膨鰍協淑競′れЙノ″π°″ル“ ヘ 彼 Q FELTcE gloutly, reflectiaely, utriting): To play with fear is to play with 6re. fHe loofu ap as il be areri silently atking | some qtettion ot' enormoar cotteqlenca.] *or*, *1rah worse, -No, than playing with fire. Fire has limirs. It comes ro a river or ra and there ir stops, it comes to stone or bare earth that it can't leap across and there is stopped, having norhing more ro consume. Burflear$- ′あθνγノοοア∫′′解″′″g ο′∫′.] ““ `gθ __ il」 llli::::|° rぁ 〔 θ″。″ ∫ル″∫ ali″・】 “ 驚苦此撃 I鮮錘鍵F魯農 忠t詣:∬T棚庸1:霊Ⅷ WTLini ⌒ いr 曝器』翻蹴場」鍛歯置 2 ´ ´ ヽ 0← `物 Uヘ Go ワ OFν oS` 40 1隆 .:L`,″ 、 ι へo 0ヒ ″T υくX S`、 ´ F掏 こ L,c o 6+ F/o ∩ (cnc..e u.<--rJ. jJo ' a.,o- ,.. ^_14\( Dr - ...._ 4 :,::.. )一 T″ E rν ο ¨cH′ R′ crER Pι ズy CLARE[/70tt O′ ∫′′〕:Felice! “ 工鳳∵撃ili=11lЧFtta意 uc:taChmenご〕ssary..._YOu can't,you must never catch h01d Of ,7議 1概 」f猟∫L:l晟通≒ Jtttit:1leilttS農 1ll∬ i鼻:葛 罵 1凛胤 ‖」よ聟∫11lF鳥 : ヽ“Demmd ttκ km副 一ミニーーーーーー :md k Whs「 ■ ´ CLARE[′ ″ ′あθ ″ D "gr]:Felke卜 ‐ ― ― 一 ― ― ― ― ― デ ー ー 回 ― 隆 コ have tO dO nOwぉ keep her ¬ おこ 讐m『与 讐品■ g高=生 ャ ギ ギ 証I姦 ヽ_ 1%上 it ― 主遷霊 [ct itnr appemt in tbe Gotbic doot to rhe bacAttage arca. Tbere il a ghottly ryill ol light in the doorutay and.-she bat an apporitional looh abou her. She has, lihe her brother, a qaality ol yoath.utitbout being yoang, and aho liAe rr;,trce an.elegance, perbapt eaev alrog,rrtci, ol bearing ,ba, ,eem: related to a patt tbeatre ol actor-managat and. imperioat rtalr. ,,ttoned', Bat ber condition urben the qppear i! and ber grand lheatre mannel u,ill alilnate utirb tometbing ttartlitgly coarte, the ehange occtnitg at abrupt\ as if anrttber peuonality rcized ltold ol ber"ar there'minenti. Both ol thete atpecrt, the grand and the rilgar, disappear entirely parr ,,The .lron tbe ol CLARE in berf ormance,,, ⌒ u'hen tbe uill baae a cbildlihe implicity, the pure and. tad precocioatnett ol a little girl. ∫ ″ル θ ∫ , :協 "勁 "ル れ物 協瞥み 務ノッ%ル ∫0″′υあ″ /1ifあ“θッθ′′″ ″″″ '′ 。い`こ OC xヽ′ … ′ ヽをい い工 ,atみだ i 3,■ Aヽ , OFκ ,→ 〔" り ` 0′ ′5。 ヽ′C 16● Eヽ」。 `マ l O f Tυ 4ら いヽAeE イ″ ― R´ う θF 6げもヽ・ιごS、 L oFc )ヽ 56 Lr a b.3 ′CT OⅣ E .1 , 2 trledhed. blond.e bead.. She ,nol)e 1 $artt to foruord, lhen i l gaspt aui load\ drauu back.) J , こ Now what? こ コ ニ ‘ CLARE lu,ith an ancertain laagh): I thought l saw― ― 尋 J 号 reltcr pparirions this 1 ;f evening? l t) i l cL,tRr: No, it was just rrpq-shadow, ir scared me bur it was l ‥ ‘ my shadpw, that's aduances ― iust all.t[She nzsteadily lrom the ‘ ― doorway.) doctor once rold me that you and I were rhe ‘ --t*A bravesr people he knew. I said, "Why, that's absurd, my brother and I are rerriEed of our shadows." And he said, "Yes, I know that, and that's why I admire your courage so ⌒ much . ." 0 FELICJ J′ ′′′∫ ″ 'ording of a guitar, tben lacet downttage.) ―1 : FELICE: Fear is a monster vasr as night- cr-ARE: And shadow casting as rhe sun. FELICE: Ir is quicksilver, quick as light- cLARE: Ic slides beneath the down-pressed rhurnb. FELTcE: I-ast night we locked it from the hour. cLARE: But caughr a glimpse of it today. FELICE: In a corner, like a mouse. cLARE: Gnawing all four walls away. (t' cLARE [snaightenitg her tiara): ril?'ell, where are rhey, the ⌒ Iadies and gentlemen of the press, I'm ready for them if they are ready for me. FELICE: Fortunately we- 4 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― l l l l ‐ 2●● l *'t ) `s ο← l 0c “ l l l cttr C i l 》ι Yゝ ° `く セ● 彪 ```` ‐ ヒX α し、3 % V Fり ヽrヽ_ s, → 餃 L4r1 {aa ea" J' C4LQaac"t 沙こ Sr-gps a- X (eo t ( *4S a( 6" ouc: a ' r,n 5 S,ら oc S`^Oυ : SB L,. di 4'5 , + A^ €/o ag貯 5 ①′メ'こ Lκ a 6・ 5 α ● CCOヽ SC P“→ θご′ヽあ¬餞 kRCkS !ヤ Y 1 WA,CI6\ ― ― V ヽぃ0_ ― ← Fx sし りtゝ И/ゃ 。) 0・ O\' V^,,^ P. ^%~ L 島 κ 0 、 + くo し t撲“`褻 =な `Ⅲ ― q ,ゝ F+S > n ?ン |, 1■ ′しここ `K Iも ・ 驚篤竜 r'> :)\ ,n T■ `るo.ノし 協 r“=驚″尋 “ 「 ヽs C〆 THE T70・ Crr/R′ CTER PL′ Y cLARE: Hmm? FELIcE: d6n'g have to face the press before this eve- ning's performance.-s/s . cLARE: No press reception?/Artiiis' Management guaran- tecd, Magnus personally promised, no opening without maxi- mum pressF{overage on rhis fucking@keilinro the boon- docks.-Jdui, you know I'm wonderful with rhe press. lSbe largh hoauely.) ⌒ I.'ELIcE: You really rhirrk so, do you, on all occasions? CLARE: Know so. FELICE: Even when you raSe against farism to a honking gaggle of--crypto-farists? . !7ith all sheets to the winC? CLARE: Yes, sir, especially then.-You're terrible with the press, you go on and on about "total theatre" and, oh, do they turn off you and onto rne . Cockroacb! Hage! lShe stamps ber foot.) Go!-l read or heard somewhere that cockroaches are imrnune to radiadon and so are dcstined to be the last organic survivors of the great "Amen"'+-'hfter some centuries there's going to be cockroach actors and actresses and cock- roach playwrighrs and-Artists' Management and-audi' ences . lshe gettrrlet torumd tbe atdience.) FELICE: Have you 8ot an "upper"? cLARE: Qne for emergency, but- FELTcE: ⌒ i think you'd better drop it.* __■国咀二翼賞璽期翠Ш嘲凛上塾‐血憂正憂ユWhat I nced now is iuSt COFcc.[∫ あθな ∫″″gg″ g“J"∫ ′あar`ο "g“ "_ ′″J′ο″.]一Tell Fran2 tO get me a carton of steaming hot black cOFce. 1'rn very annoyed v7ith Fran2. He didn't call you forbidden him to? lThere is no retponrc.) ´3)・ ①′峯ジら ほ 52こあ. こ の に'S・― D` υ← ゞ山 θ 介メ ド →L,('.rr u,c ξ鮎¨~、ど θ´ $S ,.Oe A.< AeD ν ゆ ム ①こ ∂ ` SOF颯 ↓ L θ「 ぃ次ε FtA.● υ し ´ 6 C r') -t R s,Ae P\^NJ9 L4 α a-s / Cur'N''l C-u ? qr i nr,( 6 C Bax l'\ Gtn,,a 餞 Aυ。 , ".e-L(` プs→ ιゝ、。 へ。 Lrr- A.la"j)cAt rr,.
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