China in Maps 1890-1960: a Selective and Annotated Educational
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 120 042 SO 008 929 AUTHOR Williams; Jack F. TITLE China in Maps 1890-1960: A Selective and Annotated Cartobibliography. East Asia Series Occasional Paper No. 4. INSTITUTION Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Asian Studies Center. PUB DATE Oct 74 NOTE 293p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$15.39 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; *Asian Studies; Educational Research; Geographic Regions; *Government Publications; Higher Education; *Maps; *Physical Geography; Social Science Research; Social Sciences IDENTIFIERZ *China ABSTRACT This study is an extensive bibliOgraphy of government-published maps relating to China that have been produced by the United States, Japan, China, Great Britain, GBrmany, France, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Several introductory, narrative chapters discuss the development of modern mapping in China and various mapping activities of the six other countries. The major portion of the document is an annotated listing of map selections from the 20th century. Arrangement is by country. Within each country's section, the map entries are listed alphabetically by agencies and then according to scale. Each map listing includes such information as reliefs, boundaries, hydrography, transportation, cities and towns, and vegetation. Size, number of pages, translation, and general coverage are also included in the general annotations where appropriate. Several appendices conclude the document. (Author/JR) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** U S DEPARTMEN :OF HEALTH EDUCATION t WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. r DUCED EXACTLY AS RECE VED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS 0$- VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSAR,t REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCAT ON POSITION OR POLICY ri 4.O C3IP (NI .m4 LJ CHINA IN MAPS,1890,1960: A SELECTIVE AND ANNOTATED CARfOSIBLIOGRAPH ASIAN STUDIES'CENTER: EAStASIA'SERIES. OCCASIONAL PAPiii(NO: 4' CHINA IN MAPS 1890-1960: A SELECTIVE AND ANNOTATED CARTOBIBLIOGRAPHY By JACK F. WILLIAMS FALL, 1974 Published by Asian Studies Center Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 3 PREFACE This study and cartobibliography of modern mapping in China was originally written as a master's degree thesis, titled, "China In Maps, 1890-1960:A Selective and Annotated Cartobibliography," in the Department of Geography at the University of Washington, Seattle. In the intervening years, numerous individuals and organizations have requested copies of the study, which could be supplied only in expensive dry copy form. Continued requests for copies prompted me to approach the Asian .Studies Center at Michigan Star: University to publish the study under its East Asia Series of Occasional Papers. The Center kindly agreed to the proposal, and I wish to express my gratitude to them for making this study finally available in an inexpensive soft-cover volume. Some changes have been made in the original format and content of the study. The textual material has been edited and rewritten in places to bring it up to date, particularly the discussion of China's own efforts in modern mapping activities since 1949. The map annotations and index maps have been rearranged in a format that should make it easier for the reader to quickly find any map entry. No new map entries have been added, however, because of the impossibility of rechecking th,?.. map collections of the various libraries and organizations investigated in the original study. Besides, to the best of my knowledge, there have been no major changes since 1960 in the status of map coverage of China available in this country. It is important for the reader to keep in mind, how- ever, that this study does not deal with maps of China published in books and periodicals. The best source for such maps is the American Geographical Society's Index to Maps in Books and Periodicals (Map Department, AGS, 1968, published by G. D. Hall & Co.). J. F. Williams East Lansing, Michigan October, 1974 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Space does not permit thanking each and every individual who madea contribution to this study in the form of assistance, information,and advice. Many persons in numerous government agencies, both in the UnitedStates and 2broad, were of great help in tracking down often elusivedata about mapping in and of China, in offering advice, encouragement, and helpfulcriticism. To all of them z express my sincere gratitude. Particular thanks go to the staff of themap library at the Army Map Service for the valuable information they suppliedas well as for granting me access to their facilities, to the staff at the National Archives,to officials at the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, to the staffof the U.S. Geological Service Library, to the staff of themap library at the National Geographic Society. My sincere thanks also to Robert J. Voskuil for his encouragement. To Walter W. Ristow and the entire staff of the Map Divisionat the Library of Congress must go spedial thanks. Since the bulk of the research for this study was done in the Map Division, a successful completion wouldnever have been possible without their kind cooperation and assistanceat all times. To Dr. John C. Sherman, Chairman of the Department of Geographyat the University of Washington, goes my greatest thanks, for his constantencourage- ment, advice, and assistance throughout the course of this study. My thanks also go to members of the Department of Geographyat the Univer- sity of Washington for their helpful criticism and assistance, especiallyto Everett A. Wingert for his technical assistance in the preparation of the index maps. Finally, appreciation goes to Marilyn Wilcox of the Asian StvdiesCenter at Michigan State University for typing and preparing the manuscript for printing. iii CONTENTS Part I CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 I. Previous Cartobibliographies. 1 II. Objectives of the Study 3 III. Source Materials 3 IV. Map Limitations 4 CHAPTER TWO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODFRN MAPPING IN CHINA 7 I. The PRC's Inheritance: Chinese Mapping Activities Up to 1949 7 Mapping Activities by the Nationalist Government . 7 Mapping Activities by the Colonial Powers 11 II. Development of Mapping in the PRC 12 Role of Government Agencies 12 Role of Scientific Academies 16 Role of Professional Societies 18 Role of Institutions of Higher Education.... , 18 III. Mapping Activities of the United States in China 19 IV. Mapping Activities of Japan in China 23 V. Mapping Activities of GreatBritain in China 26 VI. Mapping Activities of Germany in China 29 VII. Mapping Activities of France in China 31 VIII. Mapping Activities of Russia in China 32 IX. Conclusions 33 6 CONTENTS (Continued) Part II MODERN MAPS OF CHINA -- MAP ANNOTATIONS AND INDEX MAPS 41 I. Explanation of Annotation Form 41 II. How to Locate Map Entries in This Study ... .... 44 III. How to Obtain Copies of Maps Listed in This Study 45 CHINESE MAPS OF CHINA 47 FRENCH MAPS OF CHINA 81 GERMAN MAPS OF CHINA 89 BRITISH MAPS OF CHINA 95 JAPANESE MAPS OF CHINA 115 RUSSIAN MAPS OF CHINA 141 UNITED STATES MAPS OF CHINA 147 PLATES 195 APPENDIX A 339 APPENDIX B 345 BIBLIOGRAPEY 349 INDEX 357 LIST OF PLATES PLATE Page 1. China 195 2. Manchuria 197 3. Taiwan (Formosa) 199 4. T'ai-chou Wan to Liao-tung Wan 201 5. Canton to T'ai-chou Wan 203 6. Gulf of Tonkin Area 205 7. China, 1:500,000 (Chinese General Staff Land Survey) 207 8. China Proper, 1:1,000,000 (Chinese Geological Survey) 209 9. China, 1:500,000 (National Central University) . SSSSS 211 10. Hydrographic Charts, T'ai-chou Wan to Liao-tung Wan (Naval Hydrographic Office of China) 213 11. Hydrographic Charts, Canton to T'ai-chou Wan (Naval'Hydrographic Office of China) 215 12. Hydrographic Charts, Gulf of Tonkin Area (Naval Hydrographic Office of China) 217 13. Asia, 1:1,000,000 (Service gographique de 1"Armge) 219 14. Hydrographic Charts, T'ai-chou Wan to Liao-tung Wan (French Hydrographic Service) 221 15. Hydrographic Charts, Canton to T'ai-chou Wan (French Hydrographic Service) 223 16. Hydrographic Charts, Gulf of Tonkin Area (French Hydrographic Service) 225 17. Karte Von Ost China, 1:1,000,000 (Royal Prussian Land Survey) . 227 18. Hydrographic Charts, T'ai-chou Wan to Liao-tung Wan (German Hydrographic Institute) 229 19. Hydrographic Charts, Canton to T'ai-chou Wan (German Hydrographic Institute) 231 20. Hydrographic Charts, Gulf of Tonkin Area (German Hydrographic Institute) 233 8 LIST OF PLATES PLATE Page 21. Asia, 1:4,000,000 (Geographical Section, General Staff) 235 22. China, 1:2,000,000 (Geographical Section, General Staff) 237 23. Southern Asia, 1:2,000,000 (Geographical Section, General Staff) 239 24. Asia, 1:1,000,000 (Geographic Section, General Staff) 241 25. World, 1:1,000,000 (Geographical Section, General Staff) 243 26. China Proper, 1:1,000,000 (Geographical Section, General Staff) 245 27. China, 1:506,880 (Geographical Section, General Staff) 247 28. East Central Asia, 1:500,000 (Geographical Section, General Staff) 249 29. China, 1:250,000 (Geographical Section, General Staff) 251 30. Asia, 1:2,000,000 (Survey of India) 253 31. India & Adjacent Regions, 1:1,000,000 (Survey of India 255 32. Asia, 1:500,000 (Survey of India) 257 33. Hydrographic Charts, T'ai-chou Wan to Liao-tung Wan (Hydrographic Office, British Admiralty) 259 34.