The Site of Tigranokerta: Status Quaestionis
Acta Ant. Hung. 56, 2016, 293–314 DOI: 10.1556/068.2016.56.3.2 MICHAŁ MARCIAK THE SITE OF TIGRANOKERTA: STATUS QUAESTIONIS Summary: This paper gives an overview of all major identifications of the site of Tigranokerta, the fa- mous foundation of the Armenian king, Tigranes II (the Great, ca. 95‒55 BCE). Firstly, the paper pre- sents ancient literary evidence; secondly, it discusses all major locations of Tigranokerta suggested to date (Siirt, Silvan, Arzan, Diyarbakιr, Tell Abad, and Kιzιltepe); and finally it reaches its own conclu- sions. It appears that in the current state of research, it is Arzan which is the most likely candidate for the site of Tigranes II’s new capital. The paper also engages with the latest archaeological excavations in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, and takes issue with the identification of the site near Shahbulagh as the foundation of Tigranes the Great. Key words: Tigranokerta, Armenia, Parthia, Tigranes the Great, Mesopotamia, Arzan, Strabo, Tacitus INTRODUCTION As late as 1903, the eminent British historian Bernard W. Henderson called the iden- tification of Tigranokerta “the time-worn controversy”.1 However, since Henderson used those words, much has been written about the location of Tigranokerta, the famous foundation of perhaps the greatest Armenian king ever, Tigranes II (ca. 95–55 BCE), also known as Tigranes the Great.2 Many scholars have concluded that without proper This paper is part of my research project financed by the National Science Centre in Poland (UMO-2011/03/N/HS3/01159). The project (devoted to three regna minora of Northern Mesopotamia – So- phene, Gordyene and Adiabene) is being conducted at the University of Rzeszów under the supervision of Prof.
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