Zarathushtra's Vision and the Issues of Our Time

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Zarathushtra's Vision and the Issues of Our Time FE SUMMER 2001, TABESTAN 1370 YZ Mah Tir-Amardad-Sherevar 1370 YZ (Fasli) Mah Bahman-Asfandarmad 1370, Fravardin 1371 YZ {Shenshai) Mah Asfandarmad 1370, Fravardin-Ardibehesht 1371 YZ (Kadmi) Zarathushtra's Vision and the Issues of Our Time L\VES I. ?U5_ c~- C . o~ THE FEDERATI ON OF ZOROASTRIAN ASSOCIATIONS OF NORTH AMERICA EDITORIAL --Rights-or-Responsibilities?---- ---'Chtfommon values. Isn't it tmly as they are among the larger commu­ Hear with your ears the remarkable that in the cradle of civi­ nity in the USA and Canada. Highest Truths I preach, lization (in the area of modern-day And with illumined minds weigh Above all, Zarathushtra was the first them with care, Iran), our prophet Zarathushtra deliv­ to emphasize harmony between man ered a message that is as fresh and rel­ Before you choose which of and nature. This is a major issue of two Paths to tread, evant today, as it was when it was the 21st century. Our prophet pro­ Deciding man by man, given, 3500 years ago? And it never claimed an almost obsessive respect each one for each - ceases to amaze me how many of the for all creation - the elements, the Before the great New Age values and teachings held dear by sun, the earth, fire and the waters. He is ushered in Zarathushtis are the very same ones taught us how to fit into nature's Wake up, alert to spread cherished by Americans cycle. He taught us how to Ahura's word." and Canadians, in today's conserve and value our [Ys. 30.2, Taraporewalla] modern world. precious natural resources. However, as he grants these free­ of Zarathush- He taught us good hygiene doms, Zarathushtra goes some steps affirming, was active-principled one, OSHA and before environ­ demanding action, and not mental consciousness became a buzz word. asceticism, from its fol­ "I seek Thy Teachings true lowers. Americans and No wonder then, that we through Vohu Mana Canadians too, are a spir­ find North America to be Through Asha's wisdom, ited and action-oriented such a hospitable place to seek the Goal of Life ... " people. Very much like the practice our faith. [Ys. 44.8, Taraporewala] North American enterprise Rights and responsibili­ And further, he grounds these free­ system, Zarathushtra also ties. Enshrined in the doms in responsibility. More so than rewards hard work and industry. Constitution of the United States, are 'inalienable rights', Zarathushtra The accumulation of wealth is not certain 'inalienable' rights, freedoms grants to his followers, 'inalienable frowned upon, as long as it is and liberties. The first ten amend­ responsibilities'. He makes man ulti­ achieved with honesty and integrity ments to the US Constitution, known and used for promoting good. as the "Bill of Rights", passed in mately responsible for his choice. In Zarathushtra speaks of the ongoing 1791, ensure certain rights, among this life and in the hereafter, man struggle between the forces of Spenta them: freedom of speech and the reaps the consequences of his actions: Mainyu and Angra Mainyu, the press, freedom in the exercise of reli­ "The Righteous Soul shall coeval forces of good and evil. gion, the right of people to assemble, triumph and shall gain North American systems as well, are the right to bear arms and more ... Life Everlasting; but the False shall find built upon checks and balances and a What is often troubling to me, Pain e'er renewed; - sound judicial system. though, about the "Bill of Rights" is thus Mazda Ahura He has the highest regard for Vohu the lack of a corresponding "Bill of Supreme in Strength, hath laid Mana, the 'good mind', and enjoins Responsibilities". The hackneyed down this, His Law." man to think and reason for himself, assertion of these rights has often led [Ys 45.7, Taraporewala] to ludicrous tolerance of abuse (such before he can believe. This concept With such a profound, and yet as burning of the American flag, des­ is so far ahead of his time, and so entirely practical message, is it any ecratory "works of art", defamation much in step with the American and wonder then that the the vision of of the establishment and such, that Canadian ethos of developing the Zarathushtra has been kept alive for · we see on the news much too often). questioning mind, intelligence, millennia, through the vicissitudes of knowledge and learning, rather than 'Rights, liberties and freedoms' are time, and continues to attract and blind faith - a concept that makes the fine, but what about the attendant keep our youth in this modern day ancient religion so appealing to the 'responsibilities'? We see how they and age. • younger generation of today. Charity can be abused unless grounded in and philanthropy, devotional service responsibility. Roshan Rivetna Editor-in-Chief to humanity and volunteerism are Zarathushtra grants man many of the ingrained in the Zarathushti psyche, same freedoms, e.g: FEZANA JOURNAL- SPRING 2001 From the President ... I would_like_to_in_vite_you_to-read-a-­ piece on the Op-Ed page of The New Our _Common Bonds York Times of December 16. The JOint-authors were Howard H Baker, e continuing social well being sadly absent. Why can't we believe John C. Danforth, republicans, and of our community depends on as my late mother Goolbai ingrained Sam Nunn, Robert S. Strauss, our ability to remain a commu­ in her children: "Why cannot you democrats. The title of their thought nity in both name and spirit. A com­ believe that I could be right, I am not provoking article was: "Give the Peo­ munity is a group that is one, because saying that I am right." Instead of ple What They Want: The Center". all members recognize some essential rational, we have offensive This letter was written after the aspects of their lives, beliefs or prac­ exchanges. We should resolve to United States had weathered a storm tices as common elements agree on whatever we can, that would have sunk a less stable that unite them. Our com­ and be reconciled to accept country. The election was over. The mon bonds are the religion divergence where we can­ nation had a new President. America, propagated by the prophet not. We cannot expect that as a nation, saw the close election as Zarathushtra and the many in an age of instant com- a mandate to work together, to come aspects of our social life, view on subjects affecting our community. The article goes on to mention, "the With the passage of time, • "Herodotus wrote of our new administration will need to put beliefs and practices 2500 year old ancestors - together a large, stable coalition from change, which may cause the Hakhamenians - that both sides of the aisle, isolating shocks to the integrity of a commu­ they were valiant and courageous in extremes in favor of consensus. The nity. At that point, what saves the envisaging changing times and cir­ platform of this administration should community is a deeply held commit­ cumstances and in conditioning their be that of moderation." The article ment to maintaining its existence. lives according to the country and age then quotes the haunting words Pres­ This calls for mutually respectful in which they lived. Then let us, as ident John F. Kennedy wrote but understanding and rational exchange their rightful heirs, follow in their never lived to deliver: "Let us not with tolerance for divergent views. footsteps and learn from their leader­ quarrel amongst ourselves, with our If you read the local papers from ship that there is grace, dignity and nation's future at stake." It is time to Mumbai, you might be alarmed by wisdom in fashioning our lives heed those words, starting right now. the intensity with which opposing according to the demands of this It is my fervent hope that Zarathushti points of view are discussed and twentieth century" [From 'The Saga Bakers, Danforths, Nunns and explained. This is also true of our of a Soul, An Autobiography', 1975, Strausses, the leaders of Zarathushti North American Zarathushti commu­ Dastur Dr. Dhalla Memorial Insti­ centrist coalition, will prevail in unit­ nity. Views exchanged and positions tute, Karachi]. ing the community. taken at various meetings, during The need of the hour is an attitude of Dade din beh Mazdayasni: agahi conferences and in e-mails would understanding, tolerance and com­ ravai go afargani baad. Hafta kesh­ lead you to believe that we don't mitment to rational conflict resolu­ war zamin. Aedun-baa d. respect opinions contrary to our own. tion! It will come with goodwill May the knowledge, practice and These days, one hardly ever comes rather than the desire to resume one's fame of the commandments of the across the centrist's point of view on position by debating maneuvers. Mazdayasni religion ever increase any substantive issue. We have very This requires a change in our concep­ all over the world and pervade the little tolerance for a point of view tions, our personal stature and our people of all seven continents. contrary to our own. We have a ten­ social function. But if we fail here, Amen. • dency to disregard an opinion we shall have several independent Framroze K Patel expressed on a doctrinal issue by a Zarathushti groups and the disappear­ President, FEZANA learned priest or a lay persons well ance of our community. versed in the scriptures, as "they have not changed with time". We have Busness Manager for FEZANA JJ(Q)UJJ:RNAIL seen this attitude time and time again. We are deeply grateful to Jamshed Gandi for serving as Business Manager We do have disagreements, which is for the past four years, diligently promoting advertisements and sponsorships perfectly understandable.
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