Sider Its Chemical Aspects ; and (3) to Discuss Its Therapeutic Said to Have Already Been Arrived At
252 DR. SAINSBURY: CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION AND THERAPEUTIC ACTION. was instituted ; and it is to be particularly noted that of SummingS up the evidence, so far as it is possible to sum up the total 17 cases 13 occurred in the period ending 1876. oon a subject as to which so much is still to be learned, we In the various streets within a quarter-mile radius of the seems to reach the general conclusion that, as a result of the hospital the percentage of the population attacked in the simultaneouss action of causes favourable to the spread of ten,years 1871-80 ranged from 4 per cent. to 25 per cent., infection,ii the contagion of small-pox may sometimes be con- the average being 9 per cent.2 In the workhouse, on the veyedv atmospherically to a distance much greater than had other hand, only some 3 per cent. were attacked. The tbeen usually admitted-a distance measurable by quarters of difference is certainly considerable; but the fact that the miles.r In endeavouring to summarise the agencies which cases in the workhouse practically stopped after 1876, 1:have to do with this result it is necessary to bear in mind when revaccination became part of the administrative thatt other unknown agencies may also be involved, and that system, goes far to account for the low attack-rate calcu- sometimess the joint action of all the known agencies may not lated over the whole eleven years. Whether, in addition, bet necessary, special activity of some, perhaps, atoning for anything (is to be attributed to the age-distribution of relativer deficiency or absence, and vice versâ, of others the workhouse inmates or to previous small-pox or to Keeping1 this in view, the factors whose coincident operation the well - regulated conditions as to ventilation, clean- (can produce the result in question may be subdivided as liness, &c.
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