
A B C D E F G H I J K 1 /Substance Trade Name(s) Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Methylenedioxypyrovalerone is a of the class which acts as a 3,4-methylenedioxypyprovaleroneMDPV, “- inhibitor. It was first developed in the 1960s by a team at 1 A Yes A A 2 Boehringer Ingelheim. No 3 Alfenta used to control and keep patients asleep during . 1 A Yes A No A Aminoxafen, is a weight loss stimulant drug. It was withdrawn from the market after it was found Aminorex Aminoxaphen, Apiquel, to cause pulmonary . 1 A Yes A A 4 McN-742, Menocil No is a potent central stimulant that is used in the treatment of Amphetamine Speed, Upper 1 A Yes A A 5 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, , and obesity. No is a synthetic drug and is a member of the class of analgesic Anileridine Leritine 1 A Yes A A 6 agents developed by Merck & Co. in the 1950s. No Dopamine promoter used to treat loss of muscle movement control caused by Parkinson's Apokyn, Ixense 1 A Yes A A 7 disease. No Recreational drug with euphoriant and stimulant properties. The effects produced by BZP are comparable to those produced by amphetamine. It is often claimed that BZP was originally BZP 1 A Yes A A synthesized as a potential antihelminthic (anti-parasitic) agent for use in farm animals. 8 No or carfentanyl is an analog of the synthetic analgesic . Schedule II substance under the Controlled Substances Act and is used as a tranquilizing agent for Carfentanil Wildnil elephants and other large mammals. A unit of carfentanil is 100 times as potent as the same 1 A Yes A A amount of fentanyl, 5,000 times as potent as a unit of and 10,000 times as potent as a 9 unit of . No khat, kat, qat, quat, chat, Cathinone is a monoamine found in the shrub Catha edulis and is chemically similar to Cathinone catha, Abyssinian tea, , , and other . It is probably the main 1 A Yes A A 10 African tea contributor to the stimulant effect of Catha edulis. No used to treat mental illness, behavioral disorders, tetanus, disorders such Thorazine, Largactil as , and severe and . It can also reduce before surgery. 1 A Yes A A 11 No α- is a substance of the of certain cobras. It is a nicotinic (nAChR) antagonist which causes by preventing the binding α-Cobratoxin 1 A Yes A A of acetylcholine to the nAChR. In 2011, an investigation showed that cobratoxin could inhibit 12 nociception, the sensation of pain. No If it is determined by the State Does not appear to be a deliberate administartion but a Stimulant, recreational drug, and topical numbing agent. Increases heartrate ann . 1 A3 Yes A Yes A 13 Veterinarian/Equine Medical Director; failure to safeguard the from contamination. 14 Narcotic used to treat pain and supress . 1 A Yes A No A 15 Darbepoetin Aranesp marrow stimulant used to treat anemia caused by failure or . 1 A Yes A No A is a hepta- first isolated from the of South American frogs belonging to the genus Phyllomedusa. The peptide is a natural opioid that binds as an with high Dermorphin Frog Juice and selectivity to mu Opioid receptors. Dermorphin is approximately 30–40 times 1 A Yes A A more potent than morphine but theoretically may be less likely to produce and 16 . No is a powerful opioid analgesic approximately three times more potent than Dextromoramide Palfium, Narcolo morphine but shorter acting. It is subject to drug prohibition regimes, both internationally 1 A Yes A A 17 through UN treaties and by the criminal law of individual states. No Morphine diacetate, Opioid most commonly used as a recreational drug for its euphoric effects. Medically it is used Diamorphine 1 A Yes A A 18 Heroin in several countries to relieve pain or in opioid replacement therapy. No 19 Aricept Cognition-enhancing , used to treat Alzheimer's disease. 1 A Yes A No A Endorphins are endogenous opioid and peptide hormones in humans and other Endorphins Endorphinate, Forskolin animals. They are produced by the and the pituitary gland. Inhibit 1 A Yes A A 20 stress and pain. No Either of two compounds that occur naturally in the . They are related to the Encephalin endorphins, with similar physiological effects. They are internally derived and bind to the 1 A Yes A A 21 body's opioid receptors. No Erythropoietin, also known as hematopoietin or hemopoietin, is a glycoprotein cytokine secreted by the kidney in response to cellular hypoxia; it stimulates production () in the bone marrow.Recombinant erythropoietin is a man-made version of natural erythropoietin. It is produced by cloning the gene for Erythropoietin (EPO) Epogen, Procrit, ESAs. 1 A Yes A A erythropoietin. Recombinant erythropoietin are known as erythropoietin-stimulating agents (ESAs). These drugs are given by and work by stimulating the production of more red blood cells. These cells are then released from the bone marrow into the 22 bloodstream. No is an opioid analgesic and antitussive (cold ). . It is not marketed in the Ethylmorphine Dionin US but is approved for use in various countries around the world. In the US it is a schedule II 1 A Yes A A 23 drug (single-entity) and schedule III drug (in combination products). No is a stimulant novel psychoactive substance that is an analogue of the (Ritalin®). Methylphenidate is used commonly for the treatment of attention Ethylphenidate 1 A Yes A A EPH deficit hyperactivity disorder. Due to its stimulant effects ethylphenidate is being abused. 24 No is a semi-synthetic opioid possessing an analgesic potency approximately 1,000–3,000 Etorphine HCl M99 1 A Yes A A 25 times that of morphine. No A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Narcotic used to treat severe pain. Controlled substance High risk for addiction and dependence. Can Fentanyl Sublimaze cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other 1 A Yes A A 26 substances, especially . No Semisynthetic opioid derived from codeine, one of the opioid found in the poppy. It is a narcotic analgesic used orally for relief of moderate to severe pain, but also commonly taken in liquid form as an antitussive/cough suppressant. is an opioid, and acts as a selective agonist of the μ-, the main of Hydrocodone Hycodan, Vicodin, Norco 1 A Yes A A the endogenous β-endorphin.Hydrocodone is prescribed predominantly within the , with the International Control Board reporting that 99% of the worldwide supply in 2007 was consumed in the United States. Several common imprints for 27 hydrocodone are M365, M366, M367. No Narcotic used to treat severe pain. An opioid analgesic derived from morphine and used mainly as an Dilaudid 1 A Yes A A 28 analgesic. It has a shorter duration of action and is more potent than morphine. No Paradrine, Derivative of amphetamines which stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Hydroxyamphetamine, Hydroxyamphetamine is intended mainly as local eye drops for diagnostic purposes. It is Hydroxyamphetamine 1 A Yes A A Oxamphetamine, indirect sympathomimetic agent which cause dilation of the eye pupil before diagnostic test. 29 Norpholedrine No A narcotic analgesic used to treat severe pain; may be habit-forming. It is nearly as effective Levo-Dremoran 1 A Yes A A 30 orally as by injection. No is one of the most potent opioid known and is an analogue of fentanyl, Lofentanil which was developed in 1960. It is most similar to the highly potent opioid carfentanil, only 1 A Yes A A 31 slightly more potent. No Stimulant sympathomimetic , which is similar to amphetamine. It stimulates the central Sanorex nervous system, which increases rate and blood pressure, and decreases appetite. 1 A Yes A A 32 No Meldonium may be used to treat coronary artery disease.These heart problems may sometimes lead to ischemia, a condition where too little blood flows to the organs in the body, especially the heart. Because this drug is thought to expand the arteries, it helps to increase the Meldonium Mildronate, etc. blood flow as well as increase the flow of throughout the body.Meldonium is a limited- 1 A Yes A A market pharmaceutical, developed in 1970 by Ivars Kalviņš at the USSR Latvia Institute of Organic Synthesis, and now manufactured by the Latvian pharmaceutical company Grindeks 33 and several generic manufacturers. No A narcotic analgesic that can be used for the relief of most types of moderate to severe pain, including postoperative pain and the pain of labor. Prolonged use may lead to dependence of Meperidine Demerol 1 A Yes A A the morphine type; withdrawal symptoms appear more rapidly than with morphine and are of 34 shorter duration. No is a . It was formerly used in Wyamine nasal Mephentermine Wyamine inhalers and before that as a stimulant in . It has been used as a treatment for low 1 A Yes A A 35 blood pressure. No An agonist that acts predominantly at adrenergic receptors and also stimulates the release of norepinephrine. It has been used primarily as a vasoconstrictor in the Aramine 1 A Yes A A treatment of . 36 No Narcotic used to treat moderate to severe pain. It can also treat narcotic drug Dolophine 1 A Yes A A 37 addiction. No Stimulant used to treat ADHD. It can also help obese patients lose weight. Classified Recommended Penalty B if testing can as a controlled substance and can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, , panic, prove presence of only levo- Desoxyn 1 A4 Yes A A , and . methamphetamine is present in 38 sample. No and medication that increases the activity of the GABA receptors in the brain and nervous system. When GABA activity is increased, blood pressure Quaalude 1 A Yes A A drops and the breathing and pulse rates slow, leading to a state of deep relaxation. It 39 is a member of the class. No Monoamine alkaloid and psychoactive stimulant, a . It is used as a recreational drug due to its potent stimulant and euphoric effects and is considered to be addictive, with both physical and psychological withdrawal occurring if its use is discontinued after prolonged or high-dosage administration. It is usually snorted, but can be smoked, injected, or taken orally. Methcathinone is listed as a Schedule I Methcathinone Catnip, M- controlled substance by the Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the United 1 A Yes A A States' Controlled Substances Act, and as such it is not considered to be safe or effective in the treatment, diagnosis, prevention, or cure of any disease, and has no approved medical use. Possession and distribution of methcathinone for the purpose of human consumption is illegal under any/all circumstances in the United States and 40 is either illegal or highly regulated in most jurisdictions worldwide. No Indirect invented and developed by and marketed as an inhaled nasal decongestant from 1944 until it was voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 1983. Since 2006 has been sold Methylhexanamine extensively under many names as a stimulant or energy-boosting dietary Geranamine, Forthane 1 A Yes A A (Methylhexaneamine) supplement under the claim that it is similar to certain compounds found in geraniums, but its safety has been questioned as a number of adverse events and at least five deaths have been associated with methylhexanamine-containing 41 supplements. It is banned by many sports authorities and governmental agencies. No A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Stimulant used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. It is taken by mouth or applied to the skin. Methylphenidate Ritalin Controlled substance and Schedule II drug which may cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, 1 A Yes A A 42 delirium, panic, psychosis, and heart failure. No Opioid analogue that is a methylated derivative of hydromorphone which was invented in 1929 as an analgesic. is sometimes used in medicine, although longer acting than hydromorphone, Metopon is less potent and its oral is fairly low. Metopon is Methydihydromorphinone Metopon 1 A Yes A A listed under Schedule II of the US Controlled Substances Act 1970, meaning it has an accepted medical use, but at this time it is not produced commercially and is seen only in laboratory 43 research. No is an indole-based opioid-receptor agonist and the most abundant active alkaloid in the , commonly known as kratom and biak-biak. Dry kratom leaf Mitragynine Kratom contains roughly 1.2–2.1% mitragynine. The general subjective effects of mitragynine have 1 A Yes A A been summarized in various reviews and include improved mood and analgesia, with some 44 subjects experiencing relaxation and others stimulation (paradoxical effects). No Schedule II opiod agonist which binds to receptors in the Central Nervous System If it is determined by the State Morphine Morphabond, Kadian (CNS). This drug alters the perception of and response to painful stimuli while producing 1 A6 Veterinarian/Equine Medical Director; Yes A A 45 generalized CNS depression. the Stewards, or the Racing Authority No Myo- trispyrophosphate is an inositol phosphate, a pyrophosphate, a drug candidate, and a putative performance-enhancing substance, which exerts its biological effects by increasing oxygenation. ITPP is a membrane-permeant allosteric regulator of myo-inositol trispyrophosphate (ITPP)ITPP Hexasodium Salt 1 A Yes A A hemoglobin that mildly reduces its oxygen-binding affinity, which shifts the oxygen- hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right and thereby increases oxygen release from the 46 blood into tissue. No is a stimulant which mainly affects the respiratory cycle. Widely known by its former trade name of Coramine, it was used in the mid-twentieth century as a medical countermeasure against tranquilizeroverdoses, before the advent of Nikethamide Coramine endotracheal intubation and positive-pressure expansion. It is no longer commonly 1 A Yes A A considered to be of value for such purposes. In alternate terminology, it is known as nicotinic acid diethylamide, which meaningfully emphasizes its laboratory origins, and of which its 47 common name is derived as a blend. No is a semisynthetic derivative of codeine that acts as a narcotic analgesic more potent and addicting than codeine. An extended-release (ER) form of oxycodone (Xtampza ER) was approved for the management of daily, around-the-clock in April, 2016. Oxycodone Percodan 1 A Yes A A Also, a controlled substance with high risk for addiction and dependence. May cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other 48 substances, especially alcohol. No Narcotic used to treat moderate to severe pain. Schedule II opioid analgesic drug with an abuse liability similar to morphine and other schedule II . It can also help Numorphan work better during surgery and ease anxiety caused by heart-related breathing problems. Can 1 A Yes A A cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other 49 substances, especially alcohol. No is a stimulant drug of the 4-oxazolidinone class. Pemoline passes the blood–brain barrier and acts as a surrogate for dopamine, not affecting endogenous intracellular dopamine. Schedule IV drug that is no longer generally available in the United States as a result Pemoline Cylert 1 A Yes A A of the FDA withdrawing approval of pemoline as an indicated treatment for ADHD, due to its implication in failures among children who were receiving the medication. 50 No CNS stimulant whose epileptogenic properties have been used to study phenomenon and to identify pharmaceuticals that may control seizure susceptibility. As a non-competitive Metrazol, Nioric, PTZ GABA antagonist, PTZ is specifically used in seizure assays as a method of assessing the 1 A Yes A A excitability of the central nervous system and GABA activity. Was also formerly used as a 51 circulatory and respiratory stimulant. No is an opioid analgesic drug, which is related to and has a similar profile of effects. Effects of phenazocine include analgesia and , also may include Phenazocine Narphen 1 A Yes A A and at high doses, most likely due to action at κ-opioid and σ 52 receptors. No Mind-altering drug that may lead to hallucinations (a profound distortion in a person’s perception of reality). It is considered a drug, leading to a distortion of sights, colors, sounds, self, and one's environment. PCP was developed in the 1950s as an intravenous (PCP) Sernylan, Angel Dust 1 A Yes A A , but due to the serious neurotoxic side effects, its development for human medical use was discontinued. (Ketalar), an anesthetic used for surgery and painful 53 procedures was developed instead and is structurally similar to PCP. No Similar to an amphetamin, stimulates the central nervous system to increase Phendimetrazine Bontril, etc. 1 A Yes A A 54 and blood pressure and also acts as an appetite supressant. No is a stimulant drug that was previously used as an appetite suppressant, but has since been withdrawn from the market. Chemically, phenmetrazine is a substituted Phenmetrazine Preludin amphetamine with a ring. In clinical use, phenmetrazine produces less 1 A Yes A A nervousness, hyperexcitability, euphoria and than drugs of the amphetamine family. 55 No A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Poisonous crystalline plant compound, first isolated by the French pharmacist and chemist Pierre François Guillaume Boullay in 1812. Due to its interactions with the inhibitory Cocculin GABA, picrotoxin acts as a stimulant and . It mainly impacts the 1 A Yes A A central nervous system, causing and respiratory paralysis in high enough doses. 56 No Diphenylpropylamine with intense narcotic analgesic activity of long duration. It is a derivative Dipidolor, Piridolan of Meperidine with similar activity and usage. Piritramide is a diphenylpropylamine and opioid 1 A Yes A A 57 receptor agonist, with analgesic activity. No Potent, short-acting synthetic opioid analgesic drug. It is given to patients during surgery to Ultiva relieve pain and as an adjunct to an anaesthetic. Remifentanil has a rapid onset and rapid 1 A Yes A A 58 recovery time. No While most snake are poisons that effect the cardiovascular system or the localised area of the bite, cobra venom is a powerful that acts as a painkiller when Snake Venoms Cobra Venom administered in small quantities. By deadening the nerves that lead from the source of pain to 1 A Yes A A the brain, cobra venom can allow a horse to ignore physical problems and run through them. 59 No Highly toxic, colorless, bitter, crystalline alkaloid used as a , particularly for killing small such as birds and rodents. , when inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the eyes or mouth, causes poisoning which results in muscular convulsions and Strychnine Strychnos Nux-Vomica 1 A Yes A A eventually death through asphyxia. While it has no known medicinal effects, in the past the convulsant effect was believed to be beneficial in small doses. The most common source is 60 from the of the Strychnos nux-vomica tree. No is an opioid analgesic that is used as an adjunct in anesthesia, in balanced anesthesia, and as a primary anesthetic agent. It is administered by the intravenous, epidural and sublingual routes. The sublingual form is used for the management of acute pain in adults Sufentanil Sufenta, Dsuvia 1 A Yes A A that is severe to warrant the use of an opioid analgesic in certified medically supervised healthcare settings, including hospitals, surgical centers, and emergency departments 61 No Synthetic are a class of molecules that bind to receptors in the body–the same receptors that the cannabinoids in , such as THC and CBD–attach to. are also designer drugs that are often sprayed onto plant matter. They are typically consumed through smoking, although more recently they have been consumed in a concentrated liquid form in the US and UK. They have been marketed as herbal , or “herbal smoking blends” and sold under common names like K2, Spice, and Synthetic Marijuana. They are also often labeled “not for human consumption.” When synthetic cannabinoid blends first went on sale in the early 2000s, it was thought that they achieved the psychoactive effects through a mixture of natural herbs. Laboratory analysis in 2008 showed that this was not the case, and that many in fact contained synthetic cannabinoids. Today, synthetic cannabinoids are the most common new Synthetic cannabis Spice, K2, Kronic psychoactive substances to be reported. A large and complex variety of synthetic cannabinoids 1 A Yes A A are designed in an attempt to avoid the legal restrictions on cannabis, making synthetic cannabinoids designer drugs. Most synthetic cannabinoids are of the cannabinoid receptors, and many have been designed based on THC, the natural cannabinoid with the strongest binding affinity to the CB1 receptor, which is linked to the psychoactive effects or “high” of marijuana. These synthetic analogs often have greater binding affinity and greater potency to the CB1 receptors. Reported user negative effects include , paranoia, intense anxiety, nausea, vomiting, , poor coordination, and seizures. There have also been reports of a strong compulsion to re- dose, withdrawal symptoms, and persistent cravings. There have been several deaths linked to synthetic cannabinoids. 62 No Atypical analgesic agent for the amelioration of severe and chronic pain. Derived from , a , it is the synthetic form of an ω- peptide. It is 1,000 times as Prialt 1 A Yes A A powerful as morphine. The FDA approved ziconotide when delivered as an infusion into the 63 cerebrospinal fluid using an intrathecal pump system. No A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level 2 Also known as 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenethylamine, is a human that occurs as a metabolite of the neurotransmitter dopamine and occurs naturally in the 3-Methoxytyramine 3-MT 2 A Yes A No A prickly pear cactus. It is formed by the introduction of a to dopamine by the -O- 3 methyl . , also known as acetylcarbromal and acetyladalin, is a hypnotic and sedative drug of the ureide Acecarbromal Sedamyl, Carbased 2 A Yes A No A group discovered by in 1917 that was formerly 4 marketed in the United States and . is a of the Acetophenazine Tindal class. It primarily targets the dopamine D2 2 A Yes A No A 5 receptor. is a derivative, and more specifically, a . It possesses , , sedative, and Adinazolam Deracyn 2 A Yes A No A properties. Adinazolam was never FDA approved and never made available to the public market, however it has been 6 sold as a . 7 Medifenac Alclofenac is a anti-inflammatory drug. 2 B Yes B Yes B Non-approved NSAID Alcuronium is a non-depolarizing skeletal Alcuronium Alloferin similar to TUBOCURARINE. It is used as an anesthesia 2 A Yes A No A 8 adjuvant. is an opioid analgesic that is an analog of . It was developed in in the late 1940s. Several 1- alkyl-4-phenyl-4-acyloxypiperidines have been prepared Alphaprodine Nisentil and found to possess significant analgesic action. Those 2 A Yes A No A compounds with the 4-propionoxy substituent appear to be the most potent analgesics. 9 is an anxiolytic drug from the family, related to the more well known sleeping medication . Unlike zolpidem however, alpidem does not Alpidem Anaxyl 2 A Yes A No A produce sedative effects at normal doses, and is instead used specifically for the treatment of anxiety. Alpidem was 10 developed by Synthélabo. Sedative used to treat anxiety and . Xanax Benzodiazepine that works by decreasing abnormal 2 A Yes A No A 11 excitement in the brain. Non-selective as well as a 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B , used in the treatment of pectoris (chest pain from coronary heart disease). It is no Apllobal 2 A Yes A No A longer marketed by AstraZeneca, but may still be available from other pharmaceutical companies or generically. 12 Alfaxolone/ is a short acting intravenous anaesthetic agent. It was withdrawn from the market due Althesin Saffan to severe drug reactions. It is composed of a 3:1 mixture of 2 A Yes A No A and alfadolone, two . 13 A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level , sold under the brand name Solian among others, is an antipsychotic medication used to treat Amisulpride Solian 2 A Yes A No A . It is also used to treat dysthymia. It is usually 14 classed with the atypical . Nerve pain and antidepressant medication used to Elavil, Amitril, Endep treat depression by increasing chemical levels in the brain. 2 A Yes A No A 15 is a drug that is a derivative. It has sedative-hypnotic properties. It is a white crystalline powder with no and a slightly bitter . It was first Amobarbital Amytal 2 A Yes A No A synthesized in Germany in 1923. If amobarbital is taken for extended periods of time, physical and psychological 16 dependence can develop. Nerve pain medication and antidepressant restoring the Asendin balance of in the brain. Also has effects 2 A Yes A No A 17 similar to those of major tranquilizers. is an of the diphenylbutylpiperazine class which acts as an antagonist at the 5-HT2A receptor. Used in veterinary medicine, Amperozide Thorazine 2 A Yes A No A primarily in intensively farmed pigs, for decreasing and stress, thereby increasing productivity. 18 Vasodilator used to treat and prevent chest pain (angina). 2 A Yes A No A 19 is an opioid analgesic of the class Anilopam Anisine which was developed by Pentwell in the 1960s but was 2 A Yes A No A 20 never marketed. Barbiturate derivative invented in the 1920s by Ernst Preiswerk. It has sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant Alurate 2 A Yes A No A properties, and was used primarily for the treatment of 21 insomnia. is a dental -type . It is the most widely used local anesthetic in a number of European countries and is available in many countries around. It is the Articaine Septocaine; Ultracaine, 2 B Yes A No A only local anaesthetic to contain a thiophene ring, meaning it can be described as 'thiophenic'; this conveys 22 . is a synthetic α2 antagonist indicated for the reversal of the sedative and analgesic effects of and in . Its reversal effect works by competing with the sedative for α2- Atipamazole Antisedan adrenergic receptors and displacing them. It is mainly used 2 B Yes A No A in veterinary medicine, and while it is only licensed for dogs and for intramuscular use, it has been used intravenously in and other animals. Atipamezole has a very quick onset, usually waking an animal up within 5 23 to 10 minutes. Cognition-enhancing, norepinephrine , Strattera 2 A Yes A No A 24 medication used to treat ADHD. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level , also known as atracurium besylate, is a medication, used in addition to other , to Atracurium Tracrium 2 A Yes A No A provide relaxation during surgery or 25 . Agent which diminishes hallucinations in psychotic individuals. It has also been called a tranquilizer and Azacylonol Frenque 2 A Yes A No A antipsychotic, though these definitions are not accurate as 26 it does not actually possess such properties. is a pyridinylpiperazine and neuroleptic drug with sedative and effects, Stresnil, Suicalm, Fentaz (with Azaperone which is used mainly as a tranquilizer in veterinary 2 A Yes A No A Fentanyl) medicine. It is uncommonly used in humans as an 27 antipsychotic drug. , marketed under the brand names Veronal for the pure acid and Medinal for the salt, was the first Barbital Veronal 2 A Yes A No A commercially available barbiturate. It was used as a 28 sleeping aid from 1903 until the mid-1950s. A barbiturate is a drug that acts as a central nervous system , and can therefore produce a wide spectrum of effects, from mild sedation to death. They are effective as , butibarbital 2 A Yes A No A , , and , but have physical and psychological addiction potential. 29 is a central nervous system stimulant and for barbiturate poisoning as its chemoreceptor agonism increases mean tidal volume, thereby increasing Bemegride Megimide, Mikedimide 2 A Yes A No A and the concentration of O₂ in blood. It may be theoretically used as a supportive measure in treating any 30 depressant overdose. , also known as Benoxaphen, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and was marketed Benoxaprofen Oraflex 2 B Yes A No A under the brand name Oraflex in the United States and as 31 Opren in Europe by Eli Lilly and Company. Antipsychotic, which can be used for the treatment of Anquil 2 A Yes A No A 32 schizophrenia. is a which is a benzodiazepine analog. It possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative and skeletal muscle relaxant properties. Peak plasma rates are Bentazepam Tiadipona 2 A Yes A No A achieved in around 2,5 hours after . The elimination half-life is between approximately 2–4 hours. 33 is an drug that was used as an antidepressant in the treatment of depression and Benzactizine Deprol, Bronchodiletten 2 A Yes A No A associated anxiety before it was pulled from the U.S. 34 market by the FDA due to its ineffectiveness. is a drug that possesses sedative and anxiolytic properties. Marketed as Tacitin by Ciba-Geigy, it is different from most sedative drugs because in most Benzoctamine Tacitin 2 A Yes A No A clinical trials it does not produce respiratory depression, but actually stimulates the . 35 A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Class of drugs primarily used for treating anxiety, but they also are effective in treating several other conditions. The exact of is not known, but they appear to work by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain, chemicals that nerves release in order to communicate with other nearby nerves. One of these neurotransmitters is gamma-aminobutyric Benzodiazepines Valium, Ativan, Xanax 2 A Yes A No A acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that suppresses the activity of nerves. Scientists believe that excessive activity of nerves may be the cause of anxiety and other psychological disorders, and benzodiazepines reduce the activity of nerves in the brain and by enhancing the effects of GABA. 36 Tessalon, Tessalon Perles, Possible Over the Counter Cough Cough suppresant. 2 A Yes A Yes A 37 Zonatuss Medicine Appetite suppressant and belongs to a class of drugs called Didrex sympathomimetic . It can promote weight loss as 2 A Yes A No A 38 part of a diet plan. Belongs to a class of medication called that work by blocking acetylcholine. This helps decrease muscle Benztropine Cogentin 2 A Yes A No A stiffness, sweating, and the production of saliva. Can also 39 be used to treat Parkinson's Disease. Anti- drug used to Parkinson's disease and side Biriperone 2 A Yes A No A 40 effects of other drugs. medication used to treat facial redness caused by rosacea in its topical form. It acts by decreasing aqueous Alphagan humor synthesis. Other formulations can treat increased 2 A Yes A No A eye pressure caused by open-angle glaucoma or ocular 41 hypertension. is a benzodiazepine derivative drug, patented by Roche in 1963 and developed clinically in the 1970s. It is mainly an anti-anxiety agent with similar side effects to Bromazepam Lexotan, Lectopam 2 A Yes A No A . In addition to being used to treat anxiety or panic states, bromazepam may be used as a premedicant 42 prior to minor surgery. , commonly known as bromovalerylurea, is a hypnotic and sedative of the bromoureide group discovered by Knoll in 1907 and patented in 1909. It is Bromisovalum Diffucord, etc. 2 A Yes A No A marketed over the counter in Asia under various trade names, usually in combination with nonsteroidal anti- 43 inflammatory drugs. Dopamine promoter It can treat menstrual problems, growth hormone overproduction, Parkinson's disease, and Parlodel pituitary tumors. It can also stop breast milk production. In 2 A Yes A No A addition, this medication can help control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. 44 is a butyrophenone derivative. It is a potent and long-acting neuroleptic, used as an antipsychotic in the Bromperidol Bromidol 2 A Yes A No A treatment of schizophrenia. It was discovered at Janssen 45 Pharmaceutica in 1966. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level is a sedative-hypnotic thienotriazolodiazepine drug which is a benzodiazepine analog. It possesses Brotizolam Brotocol anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative and skeletal 2 A Yes A No A muscle relaxant properties, and is considered to be similar in effect to short-acting benzodiazepines such as . 46 Anesthetic which numbs an area of the body to relieve pain Marcaine during surgery or medical procedures, , and 2 A Yes A Yes A Possibly used topically 47 dental work. Narcotic used to treat pain as well as addiction to narcotic pain relievers. Controlled substance which has a risk for Temgesic addiction and dependence. Can cause respiratory distress 2 A Yes A No A and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol. 48 aid and antidepressant. It can also Wellbutrin prevent depression caused by seasonal affective disorder 2 A Yes A No A 49 (SAD). Anxiolytic used to treat anxiety by affecting Buspar 2 A Yes A No A 50 neurotransmitters in the brain. Sedative aiding patients with trouble falling asleep (insomnia). It can also make patients feel tired and more relaxed before surgery or a medical procedure. Controlled (Secbutobarbitone) Butacaps, Butasol, etc. substance that may cause paranoid or suicidal ideation and 2 A Yes A No A impair , judgment, and coordination. Combining with other substances, particularly alcohol, can slow breathing and possibly lead to death. 51 is a white crystalline used as a local Butacaine Butyn 2 A Yes A No A 52 anesthetic. is a barbiturate with an intermediate duration of action. Butalbital is often combined with other medications, such as or , for the Butalbital () Fiorinal 2 A Yes A No A treatment of pain and . The various formulations combined with codeine are FDA-approved for the 53 treatment of tension . 54 Hostacain Local anesthetic. 2 A Yes A No A is a typical antipsychotic of the phenothiazine Butaperazine Repoise 2 A Yes A No A 55 class. Butoctamide semisuccinate salt used to increase Butoctamide Listomin 2 A Yes A No A 56 REM . is a central nervous system stimulant of the methylxanthine class. It is the world's most widely consumed . Unlike many other Caffeine 2 B Yes A Yes A Potential Contaminant psychoactive substances, it is legal and unregulated in nearly all parts of the world. There are several known 57 mechanisms of action to explain the effects of caffeine. is a benzodiazepine psychoactive drug, marketed under the brand names Albego, Limpidon and Camazepam Paxor 2 A Yes A No A Paxor. It is the dimethyl ester of , a 58 metabolite of diazepam. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level is an active component of chili peppers, which are plants belonging to the genus Capsicum. It is an irritant Capsaicin for mammals, including humans, and produces a sensation 2 B Yes A Yes A Potential Topical Irritant of burning an inflammation in any tissue with which it 59 comes into contact. , also known as captodiamine, is an Oral /management Captodiame Covatine 2 A Yes A Yes A antihistamine used as a sedative and anxiolytic. issue 60 Dopamine promoter used to treat Parkinson's disease. Levodopa changes into dopamine in the brain, helping to + levodopa Sinemet control movement. Carbidopa prevents the breakdown of 2 A Yes A No A levodopa in the bloodstream so more levodopa can enter 61 the brain. is a hypnotic/sedative originally synthesized in Carbromol Mifudorm 2 A Yes A No A 62 1909 by Bayer. Muscle relaxant It can treat pain and stiffness from muscle Rela, Soma 2 B Yes B Yes B 63 . , or carphenazine, also known as carphenazine Carphenazine Proketazine maleate, is an antipsychotic and tranquilizer of the 2 A Yes A No A phenothiazine group that was withdrawn from the market. 64 is an atypical antipsychotic used for the treatment of schizophrenia and anxiety in and . In addition to its neuroleptic and anxiolytic effects, Carpipramine Prazinil 2 A Yes A No A carpipramine also has hypnotic properties. It is structurally related to both like and 65 like . Carticaine (see Articaine) is a dental amide-type local anesthetic. It is the most widely used local anesthetic in a number of European countries and is available in many Carticaine (see articaine) Septocaine; Ultracaine, etc. 2 B Yes A No A countries around. It is the only local anaesthetic to contain a thiophene ring, meaning it can be described as 66 'thiophenic' (conveys lipid solubility). betaine, also known as cloral betaine, is a sedative- Beta-Chlor hypnotic drug. It was introduced by Mead Johnson in the 2 A Yes A No A 67 United States in 1963. A sedative, also called a hypnotic which slows the activity of your central nervous system. This medicine has both fast- Chloral Nactec, Oridrate, etc. acting and long-lasting sedative effects. is 2 A Yes A No A for short-term use as a sedative or sleep medicine. It is sometimes given before a surgery to aid in relaxation. 68 This is a colourless oily liquid that is soluble in a wide range of . It reacts with water to form chloral Chloraldehyde Chloral 2 A Yes A No A hydrate, a once widely used sedative and hypnotic 69 substance. is a derivative of ChloralHydrate that was used as a sedative but has been replaced by safer and more Chloralose (Alpha-Chloralose) 2 A Yes A No A effective drugs. Its most common use is as a general 70 anesthetic in animal experiments. Sedative It can treat anxiety, alcohol withdrawal Librium 2 A Yes A No A 71 symptoms, and tremor. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level A sedative and hypnotic which is regulated in the United may need to check could be Chlorhexadol Mecoral, Medodorm States as a Schedule III controlled substance. It is a 2 A Yes A No A Chlorhexadol 72 derivative of chloral hydrate. is a drug used as an anxiolytic and a muscle relaxant. Its use was discontinued in many countries from Chlormezanone Trancopal 2 A Yes A No A 1996 on, due to rare but serious cases of toxic epidermal 73 necrolysis. , or trichloromethane, is an with formula CHCl₃. It is a colorless, sweet-smelling, dense Chloroform liquid that is produced on a large scale as a precursor to 2 A Yes A No A PTFE. It is also a precursor to various . It is one of the four and a . 74 Anesthetic used to numb skin or other parts of the body Nesacaine 2 A Yes A No A 75 before surgery. A drug of the phenothiazine group described as a muscle relaxant or tranquilizer which is or has been marketed in Newiplege Europe as a topical cream for the treatment of muscle pain. 2 A Yes A No A It has been associated with photoallergic contact 76 dermatitis. A typical antipsychotic of the group for treatment of psychotic disorders (e.g. schizophrenia) and of Truxal, Taractan 2 A Yes A No A acute mania occuring as part of bipolar disorders. Experimental drug that was withdrawn from the market. 77 or dibucaine is an amide local anesthetic. Among the most potent and toxic of the long-acting local Cinchocaine Nupercaine 2 B Yes A No A , current use of cinchocaine is generally 78 restricted to spinal and topical anesthesia. Selective Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat Celex 2 A Yes A No A 79 depression. (See also Dibucaine, Cinchocaine) local anesthetic used to Clibucaine Batrax treat minor pain, itching, and other skin iritations when 2 A Yes A No A 80 topically applied. Sedative. It can treat seizures caused by Lennox-Gastaut Urbanyl 2 A Yes A No A 81 syndrome. is a (TCA) used for Anafranil the treatment of obsessive–compulsive disorder, panic 2 A Yes A No A disorder, major depressive disorder, and chronic pain. 82 is a sedative and hypnotic originally developed by Hoffmann-La Roche in the 1930s. The drug is Clomethiazole (Chlormethiazole) Heminevrin used in treating and preventing symptoms of acute alcohol 2 A Yes A No A withdrawal. Marketed as a free base (capsule) in an oily or as a Clomethiazole edisylate syrup. 83 Nerve pain medication and antidepressant used to treat Clomipramine Anafranil 2 A Yes A No A 84 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Sedative that can treat seizures, panic disorder, and Klonopin 2 A Yes A No A 85 anxiety. Sedative used to treat anxiety, trouble sleeping, symptoms Tranxene of alcohol withdrawal, and certain types of seizures 2 A Yes A No A 86 (). A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Local anesthetic. When combined with aluminum glycinate, Clormecaine Placacid 2 A Yes A No A 87 relieves minor skin irritations. is an atypical antipsychotic of the chemical class. It was first introduced in Clothiapine Entermin 2 A Yes A No A a few European countries, Argentina, and in 88 1970. is a thienodiazepine drug which is a benzodiazepine analog. The clotiazepam molecule differs from benzodiazepines in that the ring has been Clotiazepam Trecalmo, Rize 2 A Yes A No A replaced by a thiophene ring. It possesses anxiolytic, skeletal muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, sedative 89 properties. is a benzodiazepine derivative that has anxiolytic, sedative, and anticonvulsant properties. It is not Cloxazolam Enadel, Sepazon, Tolestan 2 A Yes A No A widely used; as of August 2018, it was marketed in , 90 , Brazil, and Japan. Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia. It can also lower Clozaril, Leponex the risk of suicidal behavior in patients with schizophrenia 2 A Yes A No A 91 or schizoaffective disorder. An opioid analgesic that was never marketed. It is an Conorphone Codorphone analogue of hydrocodone substituted with an 8-ethyl group 2 A Yes A No A 92 and an N-cyclopropylmethyl group. , sold under a number of brand names, is the name for the hormone when supplied as a medication. Uses include conditions such as adrenocortical Topical Analgesic - used on Corticaine Hydrocortisone 2 A Yes A Yes A insufficiency, adrenogenital syndrome, high blood calcium, cracked heal thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatitis, , and 93 COPD. is a respiratory stimulant composed of two Crotetamide Respirot 2 A Yes A No A 94 related drugs, cropropamide and crotethamide. , also known as cyamepromazine, is a typical Cyamemazine Tercian 2 A Yes A No A 95 antipsychotic drug of the phenothiazine class. , also known as cyclobarbitol or cyclobarbitone, is a hypnotic agent which is a barbiturate Cyclobarbital Phanodorm derivative. It is primarily available in fixed-dose 2 A Yes A No A combination with diazepam under the brand name 96 Reladorm and is used to treat insomnia in Russia. is a depolarizing muscle relaxant or Decamethonium Syncurine neuromuscular blocking agent, and is used in anesthesia to 2 A Yes A No A 97 induce paralysis. is a drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative. It is a metabolite of chlordiazepoxide and has Demoxepam Lectopam 2 A Yes A No A anticonvulsant properties and presumably other 98 characteristic benzodiazepine properties. Nerve pain medication and antidepressant used to treat Norpromine, Pertofrane 2 A Yes A No A 99 depression. is a marketed opioid analgesic of the group. First synthesized in 1970, it acts as a Dezocine Dalgan 2 A Yes A No A modulator of mu-, delta-, and kappa-opioid receptors. Dezocine is a mixed agonist/antagonist of opioid receptors. 100 A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Cinchocaine or dibucaine is an amide local anesthetic. Among the most potent and toxic of the long-acting local anesthetics, current use of cinchocaine is generally Dibucaine Nupercainal, Cinchocaine 2 B Yes A No A restricted to spinal and topical anesthesia. It is sold under the brand names Cincain, Nupercainal, Nupercaine and 101 Sovcaine. is a 1:2 mixture of antipyrine with chloral hydrate. In combination with paracetamol and Dichloralphenazone Febenol, Isocom , it is the active ingredient of medications for 2 A Yes A No A and tension headaches, including Epidrin and 102 Midrin Stimulant drug of the , amphetamine, and cathinone classes that is used as an appetite suppressant. It Diethylpropion , Tepanil 2 A Yes A No A is used in the short-term management of obesity, along 103 with dietary and lifestyle changes. is an opioid analgesic drug developed in the 1950s which was mainly used as an anesthetic in veterinary medicine and continues, along with the other Diethylthiambutene Themalon 2 A Yes A No A two and , to be used for this purpose in 104 Japan. is a semi-synthetic opioid analgesic prescribed for pain or severe dyspnea, or as an antitussive, possible over the counter cough Dihydrocodeine Parcodin either alone or compounded with paracetamol or aspirin. It 2 A Yes A Yes A medicine was developed in Germany in 1908 and first marketed in 105 1911. Sedative used to treat seizure disorders, such as epilepsy. It can also be used before surgery and medical procedures to relieve anxiety. Controlled substance Can cause paranoid Dilorazepam Briantum 2 A Yes A No A or suicidal ideation and impair memory, judgment, and coordination. Combining with other substances, particularly alcohol, can slow breathing and possibly lead to death. 106 , also known as diprenorfin, is a non- selective, high-affinity, weak of the μ-, κ-, Diprenorphine M50/50 2 A Yes A No A and δ-opioid receptor that is employed in veterinary 107 medicine as an . , also known as dixypazin, sold under the brand names Ansiolene, Esocalm, Esucos, Metronal, and Roscal, is Dixyrazine Esucos a typical antipsychotic of the phenothiazine group 2 A Yes A No A described as a neuroleptic and antihistamine. It was first introduced in Germany in 1969. 108 Dopamine is an organic chemical of the and phenethylamine families that plays several important roles in the brain and body. It is an amine synthesized by Dopamine Intropin 2 A Yes A No A removing a carboxyl group from a molecule of its precursor chemical L-DOPA, which is synthesized in the brain and 109 kidneys. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level is a neuromuscular-blocking drug or skeletal muscle relaxant in the category of non-depolarizing Doxacurium Nuromax neuromuscular-blocking drugs, used adjunctively in 2 A Yes A No A anesthesia to provide skeletal muscle relaxation during 110 surgery or mechanical ventilation. Chemoreceptor stimulant. Used to treat breathing Dopram problems after surgery or . It can also treat 2 A Yes A No A breathing problems caused by certain lung diseases. 111 is a benzodiazepine derivative drug developed by Schiapparelli in the 1970s. It possesses Doxefazepam Doxans 2 A Yes A No A anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative and skeletal muscle relaxant properties. It is used therapeutically as a hypnotic. 112 Nerve pain medication and antidepressant used to treat depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders in its oral form. Adapin, Sinequan When applied topically, it can reduce itching caused by 2 A Yes A No A atopic dermatitis, lichen simplex chronicus, and other skin 113 diseases. Inapsine, Droleptan, Innovar-Vet Antipsychotic used to prevent nausea and vomiting after 2 A Yes A No A 114 (with Fentanyl) surgery or medical procedures. Nerve pain medication and antidepressant used to treat Cymbalta depression, anxiety, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, 2 A Yes A No A fibromyalgia, and chronic muscle or bone pain. 115 , is an anxiolytic and antipsychotic of the class which was never marketed. It shows Enciprazine 2 A Yes A No A high affinity for the α₁-adrenergic receptor and 5-HT1A 116 receptor, among other sites. Involuntary nervous system stimulant used to treat low May be found in over the Ephedrine Akovaz, Corphedra blood pressure caused by other medications. It can also 2 A Yes A Yes A counter cough medicine 117 improve breathing. is a putative alkaloid, analgeisic, and choloinergic agent that is secreted by the Ecuadoran frog Epipedobates Anthony. Epibatidine is toxic. Its toxicity stems from its ability to interact with nicotinic and Epibatidine 2 A Yes A No A muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. These receptors are involved in the transmission of painful sensations, and in movement, among other functions. Epibatidine then causes 118 numbness, and, eventually, paralysis. Blood pressure support and vasoconstrictor used to treat Epinephrine severe asthma attacks and allergic reactions (including 2 A Yes A No A 119 anaphylaxis) in an emergency situation. 120 2 A Yes A No A Sedative used in patients who have trouble falling asleep Domnamid, Eurodin, Nuctalon 2 A Yes A No A 121 (insomnia). 122 Lunesta Sedative used to treat insomnia. 2 A Yes A No A is a respiratory stimulant drug related to nikethamide. It was mainly used in the treatment of Ethamivan Analepticon, Vandid 2 A Yes A No A and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but has now largely fallen into disuse. 123 A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level , also called alcohol, ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, and drinking alcohol, is a chemical compound, a simple Ethanol alcohol with the C ₂H ₅OH. Its formula can 2 A Yes A No A be also written as CH ₃−CH ₂−OH or C ₂H ₅−OH, and is often 124 abbreviated as EtOH. is a GABA-ergic sedative and hypnotic/soporific medication developed by Pfizer in the 1950s. In the United States it was sold by Abbott Ethchlorvynol Placidyl 2 A Yes A No A Laboratories under the tradename Placidyl. Placidyl was available in 200 mg., 500 mg., and 750 mg. strength 125 capsules. is a short-acting carbamate-derivative sedative- hypnotic medication used to treat insomnia. Regular use Ethinamate Valmid 2 A Yes A No A leads to drug tolerance, and it is usually not effective for more than 7 days. Prolonged use can lead to dependency. 126 is an opioid analgesic from the phenazepane family. It was invented in the 1950s and is related to other Ethoheptazine Zactane drugs such as and pethidine. Ethoheptazine 2 A Yes A No A produces similar effects to other opioids, including analgesia, sedation, and nausea. 127 is a phenothiazine derivative used as an Ethopropazine Parsidol antiparkinsonian agent that has anticholinergic, 2 A Yes A No A 128 antihistamine, and antiadrenergic actions. 129 Ethylisobutrazine Diquel Used as a flavor and fragarance agent. 2 A Yes A No A sedative Local anesthetic given by injection during surgical procedures, labor, and delivery. has a long Etidocaine Duranest 2 A Yes A No A duration of activity, and the main disadvantage of using 130 during is increased during surgery. Anxiolytic and anticonvulsant drug developed by Hoechst in the 1960s. It is sold in approximately 40 countries for Etifoxin Stresam 2 A Yes A No A anxiety disorders, without the sedation and 131 associated with benzodiazepine drugs. is a benzodiazepine analog. The etizolam molecule differs from a benzodiazepine in that the benzene ring has Etizolam Depas, Pasaden 2 A Yes A No A been replaced by a thiophene ring and ring has been fused, making the drug a thienotriazolodiazepine. 132 is a first-generation antihistamine of the Etodroxizine Indunox diphenylmethylpiperazine group which is used as a 2 A Yes A No A 133 sedative/hypnotic drug in Europe and . is a short-acting intravenous anaesthetic agent used for the induction of and sedation Etomidate 2 A Yes A No A for short procedures such as reduction of dislocated , , and . 134 Anxiolytic and tranquilizer of the barbiturate and Fenarbamate Tymium carbamate families which is used in Europe by itself and as 2 A Yes A No A 135 a part of . Analgesic, , and anti-inflammatory drug. It was Myalex 2 B Yes A No A 136 withdrawn in 1970 due to . A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Appetite suppressant which was used to treat obesity and is now no longer marketed. It was used both on its own Pondimin 2 A Yes A No A and, in combination with , as part of the anti- 137 obesity medication Fen-Phen. Fentanyl/ is a typical antipsychotic and sedative Fluanisone Sedalande veterinary combination drug consisting of fentanyl and 2 A Yes A No A fluanisone for use in mice, rats, rabbits and guinea pigs. 138 Potent derivative of Diazepam. It possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative and skeletal muscle relaxant Erispam 2 A Yes A No A properties. It is a scheduled drug in the U.S., but is 139 approved for use in Japan. Powerful hypnotic drug that is a benzodiazepine derivative. Rohypnol, Narcozep, Darkene, It has powerful hypnotic, sedative, anxiolytic, and skeletal 2 A Yes A No A Hypnodorm 140 muscle relaxant properties. antipsychotic used to treat psychotic antipsychotic used in some Fluopromazine Psyquil, Siquil disorders and anxiety. It can also treat nausea and vomiting 2 A Yes A No A training circles 141 caused by chemotherapy. Aromatic organic compound with the chemical formula C₁₃H₈O; used to make antimalaria drugs. It can be Fluoresone Caducid synthesised from with the addition of glacial 2 A Yes A No A and sodium solution, undergoing 142 an oxidation reaction. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat Common use in humans-should Prozac depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bulimia 2 A Yes A Yes A not use in 143 nervosa, and panic disorder. Typical antipsychotic drug of the thioxanthene class. It was Flupenthixol Depixol, Fluanxol introduced in 1965 by Lundbeck and is used most 2 A Yes A No A 144 commonly to treat schizophrenia. 145 Prolixin, Permitil, Anatensol, etc. Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia. 2 B Yes A Yes B Should be A penalty in doping 146 Dalmane Sedative used to treat difficulty sleeping (insomnia). 2 A Yes A No A is a typical Fluspirilene Imap, Redeptin antipsychotic drug, used for the treatment of 2 A Yes A No A 147 schizophrenia. It is administered intramuscularly. is a drug which is a benzodiazepine. It has more powerful sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic and Flutoprazepam Restas 2 A Yes A No A anticonvulsant effects and is around four times more 148 potent by weight compared to diazepam. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat Dumirox, Faverin, etc. 2 A Yes A No A 149 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Reminyl Cognition-enhancing medication used to treat . 2 A Yes A No A 150 is a non-depolarising muscle relaxant. It acts by combining with the receptor Gallamine Flaxedil 2 A Yes A No A sites in muscle and competitively blocking the transmitter 151 action of acetylcholine. is an antidepressant and anxiolytic drug of the group that was synthesized by Bristol-Myers Gepirone Travivo 2 A Yes A No A Squibb in 1986 and has been under development for the treatment of depression but has yet to be marketed. 152 A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level is a hypnotic sedative that was introduced by Ciba in 1954 as a safe alternative to barbiturates to treat Glutethimide Doriden insomnia. Before long, however, it had become clear that 2 A Yes A No A glutethimide was just as likely to cause addiction and caused similarly severe withdrawal symptoms. 153 is a benzodiazepine derivative that was Halazepam Paxipam marketed under the brand names Paxipam in the United 2 A Yes A No A States, Alapryl in , and Pacinone in Portugal. 154 Antipsychotic used to treat certain types of mental Haloperidol Haldol disorders. It can also control symptoms of Tourette 2 A Yes A No A 155 syndrome. , is a drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative. It has similar hypnotic properties as the Haloxazolam Somelin benzodiazepine drugs triazolam, temazepam, and 2 A Yes A No A flunitrazepam and as such is indicated for the treatment 156 insomnia. A blood replacement and augmentation drug that increases oxygen-carrying capacity of circulating blood in patients Hemoglobin glutamers Oxyglobin Hemopure 2 A Yes A No A with anemia and acute blood loss. Commonly derived from 157 bovine hemoglobin. Hexafluronium is a muscle relaxant. It acts as a nicotinic Hexafluorenium Myalexen 2 A Yes A No A 158 antagonist. or hexobarbitone, sold both in acid and Hexobarbital Evipal sodium salt forms is a barbiturate derivative having 2 A Yes A No A 159 hypnotic and sedative effects. Short-acting local anesthetic. It acts by inhibiting conduction. Overdose can lead to headache, Cyclaine tinnitus, numbness and tingling around the mouth and 2 B Yes A No A tongue, convulsions, inability to breathe, and decreased 160 heart function. External analgesic used for the temporary relief of itching Homophenazine Pelvichthol 2 A Yes A No A associated with insect bites and minor skin irritations. 161 Antihistamine used to treat anxiety, nausea, vomiting, Atarax , skin rash, , and itching. It can also be used 2 B Yes A Yes A 162 with anesthesia before medical procedures. Classified as an Anticonvulsant drug, a Barbiturate Ibomal Noctal 2 A Yes A No A derivative, and in the category of Hypnotics and . 163 Nerve pain medication and antidepressant It can treat Imipramine Imavate, Presamine, Tofranil 2 A Yes A No A 164 depression. Isapirone is a partial agonist at 5-hydroxytryptamine 1A (5- Isapirone 2 A Yes A No A 165 HT1A) receptors in the rat . 166 Marplan Antidepressant used to treat anxiety and depression. 2 A Yes A No A is a synthetic opioid analgesic and antitussive related to methadone that was used formerly as Mismanaged / used by human Isomethadone Liden a pharmaceutical drug but is now no longer marketed. 2 A Yes A Yes A addicts Isomethadone was used as both an analgesic and 167 antitussive. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level A synthetic sympathomimetic amine that is structurally related to epinephrine but acts almost exclusively on beta Isoproterenol Isoprel 2 A Yes A No A Respiratory Stimulant for surgery receptors. Blood pressure support drug. It can also improve 168 breathing while a patient is under anesthesia. is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that was taken or applied to reduce inflammation and as an analgesic reducing pain in certain conditions. The drug was Isoxicam Maxicam 2 B Yes A No A introduced in 1983 by the Warner-Lambert Company. Isoxicam is a chemical analog of which has a 169 pyridine ring in lieu of an ring. Used for starting and maintaining anesthesia. It induces a trance-like state while providing pain relief, sedation, and Ketamine Ketalar, Ketaset, Vetalar 2 B Yes A No A Should not be a B penalty Class memory loss. Other uses include for chronic pain and for 170 sedation in intensive care. is a drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative. It Ketazolam Anxon, Laftram, Solatran, Loftran possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative and skeletal 2 A Yes A No A 171 muscle relaxant properties is a typical antipsychotic of the butyrophenone Lenperone Elanone-V 2 A Yes A No A 172 chemical class. Used to treat parasitic worm . Specifically it is used for ascariasis and hookworm infections. It is taken by Ergamisol 2 B Yes A Yes A Kentucky case background? mouth. Side effects may include abdominal pain, vomiting, 173 headache, and dizziness. is an opioid analgesic of the family that has never been marketed. Levomethorphan is a Levomethorphan 2 A Yes A No A to levorphanol, acting as a prodrug to or codeine; behaving as a prodrug to morphine. 174 Anesthetic and antiarrhythmic used to treat irregular Xylocaine heartbeats (). It can also relieve pain and numb 2 B Yes A Yes A 175 the skin. Lithizine, Duralith, etc. It can treat and prevent manic episodes of bipolar disorder. 2 A Yes A No A 176 is an alkaloid found in a variety of plants, particularly those in the genus Lobelia, including Indian , Devil's tobacco, cardinal flower, great lobelia, Lobeline Zoolobelin Lobelia chinensis, and Hippobroma longiflora. Used as a 2 A Yes A No A Natural Plant Supplement smoking cessation aid, and may have application in the treatment of other drug such as addiction to 177 amphetamines, cocaine, or alcohol. is a drug which is a benzodiazepine Loflazepate, Ethyl Victan derivative. It possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative 2 A Yes A No A 178 and skeletal muscle relaxant properties. Imidazolobenzodiazepine derivative that possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative and skeletal Dormonort, Havlane 2 A Yes A No A muscle relaxant properties. It is available in 1 mg and 2 mg 179 tablets. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Sedative used to treat seizure disorders, such as epilepsy. It can also be used before surgery and medical procedures to relieve anxiety. Controlled substance which may cause Ativan paranoid or suicidal ideation and impair memory, 2 A Yes A No A judgment, and coordination. Combining with other substances, particularly alcohol, can slow breathing and 180 possibly lead to death. Short to intermediate acting 3-hydroxy benzodiazepine Noctamid derivative. It possesses hypnotic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, 2 A Yes A No A sedative, and skeletal muscle relaxant properties. 181 Antipsychotic that rebalances dopamine and has activity on Laxitane serotonin to improve thinking, mood, and behavior. Used 2 A Yes A No A 182 to treat schizophrenia. antidepressant used to treat depression and Ludiomil 2 A Yes A No A 183 anxiety. is an anxiolytic and sedative drug with antihypertensive effects of the carbamate class. It has effects comparable to those of barbiturates such as Mebutamate Axiten, Dormate, Capla 2 A Yes A No A , but is only around 1/3 the potency of secobarbital as a sedative. Side effects include dizziness and 184 headaches. is a cholinergic used as a dietary supplement and drug in the treatment of symptoms of Meclofenoxate Lucidiril, etc. 2 A Yes A No A senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It is an ester of and 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid. 185 Benzodiazepine derivative which possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative, and skeletal muscle relaxant Nobrium, etc. 2 A Yes A No A properties. Medazepam is a long-acting benzodiazepine 186 drug. is an atypical antipsychotic of the butyrophenone chemical class, making it structurally Melperone Eunerpan 2 A Yes A No A related to the typical antipsychotic haloperidol. It first 187 entered clinical use in 1960s. Cognition-enhancing medication It can treat dementia Namenda 2 A Yes A No A 188 associated with Alzheimer's disease. is a tertiary hexanol with hypnotic/sedative Meparfynol Oblivon and anticonvulsant effects and an exceptionally low 2 A Yes A No A 189 . A phenothiazine C19H22N2S formerly used as a Mepazine Pacatal 2 A Yes A No A 190 tranquilizer. is a muscle relaxant and mild anxiolytic. It inhibits transmission, relaxing skeletal muscles by Mephenoxalone Control, etc. inhibiting the reflex arc. As the effect of muscle relaxation, 2 A Yes A No A mephenoxalone affects mental condition, and is also a treatment for nervousness and anxiety. 191 is a , used as an anticonvulsant. It was introduced approximately 10 years after , in Mephenytoin Mesantoin 2 A Yes A No A the late 1940s. The significant metabolite of mephenytoin is , which was the first hydantoin. 192 A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level A barbiturate derivative and is used primarily as an Mephobarbital () Mebaral anticonvulsant, but also as a sedative and anxiolytic. 2 A Yes A No A 193 (Methylphenobarbital) Anesthetic used to numb an area of the body to relieve Carbocaine 2 B Yes A Yes A Local Anesthetic 194 pain during surgery or a medical procedure. A bitter carbamate used as a tranquilizer. Used to treat Equanil, Miltown 2 A Yes A No A 195 tension, anxiety, and nervousness. is a piperidine neuroleptic drug belonging to the class of drugs called , used in the Mesoridazine Serentil 2 A Yes A No A treatment of schizophrenia. It is a metabolite of 196 . is a drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative. It is a relatively selective anxiolytic with less Metaclazepam Talis 2 A Yes A No A sedative or muscle relaxant properties than other 197 benzodiazepines such as diazepam or bromazepam. 198 Talwin Opioid analgesic related to pentazocine. 2 A Yes A No A is used to control high blood sugar levels that Metformin Glucophage XR are caused by type 2 diabetes. It is also used to treat 2 B Yes A No A 199 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Barbiturate anticonvulsant, used in the treatment of Gemonil 2 A Yes A No A 200 epilepsy. It has similar properties to phenobarbital. Anesthetic used to put patients to sleep before surgery or Brevital 2 A Yes A No A 201 medical procedures. , also known as methotrimeprazine, is a phenothiazine neuroleptic drug. It is a low-potency Methotrimeprazine Levoprome, Neurocil, etc. antipsychotic with strong analgesic, hypnotic and 2 A Yes A No A antiemetic properties that is primarily used in palliative 202 (pain relieving) care. is a sedative of the piperidinedione derivative family developed by Hoffmann-La Roche. This medicine Methyprylon Noludar was used for treating insomnia, but is now rarely used as it 2 A Yes A No A has been replaced by newer drugs with fewer side effects, 203 such as benzodiazepines. is a muscle relaxant through neuromuscular blockade. It is excreted entirely through the kidneys and Metocurine Metubine 2 A Yes A No A therefore should not be used in patients with kidney 204 failure. is a non-barbiturate that was discovered by Janssen Pharmaceutica, is sold as a sedative- Metomidate Hypnodil 2 A Yes A No A hypnotic drug used in Europe to treat humans and for 205 veterinary purposes Benzodiazepine derivative antidepressant indicated for the Melex management of anxiety with or without psychoneurotic 2 A Yes A No A 206 conditions. Antidepressant that rebalances neurotransmitters in the Mirtazepine Remeron 2 A Yes A No A 207 brain to treat depression. Short-duration non-depolarizing neuromuscular-blocking Mivacurium Mivacron drug or skeletal muscle relaxant in the category of non- 2 A Yes A No A 208 depolarizing neuromuscular-blocking drugs. (stimulant promoting wakefulness) used for treatment of narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, and Provigil 2 A Yes A No A excessive daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive 209 sleep . A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Antipsychotic used in the United States for the treatment of schizophrenia. It works by blocking the effects of dopamine Moban 2 A Yes A No A in the brain, leading to diminished psychoses. It is rapidly 210 absorbed when taken orally. is a discontinued antipsychotic of the Moperone Luvatren 2 A Yes A No A 211 butyrophenone class developed in the 1950's. is an atypical antipsychotic used in Japan. It is a potent with high affinity to the D₂, Mosaprimine Cremin 2 A Yes A No A D₃, and D₄ receptors, and with moderate affinity for the 5- 212 HT₂ receptors. Potent Analgesic, formerly used as a local anesthetic, not Naepaine Amylsine 2 A Yes A No A 213 safe to use. Narcotic (opioid) used to treat various types of severe pain. Nubain It can also be given before or during surgery and medical 2 A Yes A No A 214 procedures. , also known as N-allylnormorphine, is a mixed opioid agonist–antagonist with opioid antagonist and Nalorphine Nalline, Lethidrone analgesic properties. It was introduced in 1954 and was 2 A Yes A No A used as an antidote to reverse and in a 215 challenge test to determine opioid dependence. Synthetically derived phenylpiperazine antidepressant. Serzone Rebalances serotonin and norepinephrine for the 2 A Yes A No A 216 treatment of depression. is an intermediate-acting hypnotic drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative. It was first synthesized by a team at Hoffmann-La Roche in 1962. It Nimetazepam Erimin 2 A Yes A No A possesses hypnotic, anxiolytic, sedative, and skeletal muscle relaxant properties. Nimetazepam is also an 217 anticonvulsant. is a hypnotic drug of the benzodiazepine class used for short-term relief from severe, disabling anxiety Nitrazepam Mogadon and insomnia. It also has sedative properties, as well as 2 A Yes A No A amnestic, anticonvulsant, and skeletal muscle relaxant 218 effects. Heart medication used to treat and prevent chest pain (angina) in its oral form. When used rectally, it can treat Human treatment for Heart Nitroglycerin Nitro-Time, Nitrostat 2 B Yes A Yes B pain caused by in the skin around the opening for Mistake/mismanaged 219 bowel movements (anal fissures). is a 1,4-benzodiazepine derivative. Like other benzodiazepine derivatives, it has amnesic, anticonvulsant, Nordiazepam Calmday, Nordaz, etc. anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, and sedative properties. 2 A Yes A No A However, it is used primarily in the treatment of anxiety 220 disorders. Acts as a stress hormone and neurotransmitter. Naturally Norepinephrine Norepin, Levarterenol occurs in the body but when administered synthetically, it 2 A Yes A No A will act as a stress hormone and increase heartrate. 221 222 Aventyl, Pamelor Nerve pain medication and antidepressant. 2 A Yes A No A Antipsychotic. rebalances dopamine and serotonin to improve thinking, mood, and behavior. It can Olanzepine Zyprexa 2 A Yes A No A treat mental disorders, including schizophrenia and bipolar 223 disorder. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Benzodiazepine Sedative used to treat anxiety, anxiety with Serax 2 A Yes A No A 224 depression, and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Benzodiazepine derivative with anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, Serenal sedative, and skeletal muscle relaxant properties. It is a 2 A Yes A No A 225 prodrug for desmethyldiazepam. is a stimulant drug and is an amphetamine chemically related to ephedrine and to . Oxilofrine (hydroxyephedrine) Cophylac Oxilofrine is currently a World Anti-Doping Agency 2 A Yes A No A prohibited substance when used in competition. It is has been found as an adulterant in some dietary supplements. 226 is an antipsychotic used in the treatment of schizophrenia. It was also evaluated for the treatment of Oxyperitine Forit, Integrin 2 A Yes A No A anxiety at a dosage of 20 mg per day. Chemically, it is an 227 indole and phenylpiperazine derivative. Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia and Invega 2 A Yes A No A 228 schizoaffective disorder. Pancuronium is an muscle relaxant with various medical uses. It is used in and is the Pancuronium Pavulon 2 A Yes A No A second of three drugs administered during most lethal 229 injections in the United States. is the cyclic trimer of molecules Paraldehyde Paral used medicinally as a sedative, hypnotic, and 2 A Yes A No A 230 anticonvulsant. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive Paxil, Seroxat 2 A Yes A No A disorder (OCD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder 231 (PMDD). is a highly potent, first generation Penfluridol Cyperon diphenylbutylpiperidine antipsychotic. It was discovered at 2 A Yes A No A 232 Janssen Pharmaceutica in 1968. Anticonvulsant and sedative used to treat tension, anxiety, nervousness, and trouble falling asleep (insomnia). It can Nembutal 2 A Yes A No A help patients relax before surgery or medical procedures. In addition, it can treat epilepsy and other seizures. 233 is a moderate-potency typical antipsychotic of the Perazine Taxilan phenothiazine class. It is quite similar to chlorpromazine, 2 A Yes A No A 234 and acts as a dopamine antagonist. Ingredient in Fluosol, an artificial blood product developed by Green Cross Corporation in the 1980s. It is also being studied for use in liquid breathing. Perfluorodecalin can be Perfluorodecolin Fluosol 2 A Yes A No A applied topically, to provide extra oxygen to a specific location, to accelerate wound healing. Organs and tissues can be stored for longer in oxygenated perfluorodecalin; 235 Used to dissolve . Due to its carrying capacity, it is utilized to increase oxygen delivery during cell culture. It Perfluorodecahydronophthalene Fluosol 2 A Yes A No A acts as an ingredient in fluosol which is an artificial blood 236 product. 237 Perfluorooctylbromide Perflubron Diagnostic aid, radiopaque (gastrointestinal disorders). 2 A Yes A No A 238 Perfluorotripropylamine Perfluamine Organofluorine compound used as a blood substitute. 2 A Yes A No A A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Perfluorocarbons are a group of human-made chemicals composed of and fluorine only. Their medical uses Perfluorocarbons PFCs 2 A Yes A No A include liquid breathing, blood substituting, and contrast- 239 enhanced ultrasound. , also known as pericyazine or propericiazine, is a drug that belongs to the phenothiazine class of typical Periciazine Alodept, etc. 2 A Yes A No A antipsychotics. Pericyazine is not approved for sale in the 240 United States. Hypnotic and sedative of the tricyclic group which is marketed in Japan. It acts primarily as a potent Hypnodin, pipnodine antihistamine, and also has anticholinergic, 2 A Yes A No A antiserotonergic, antiadrenergic, and some 241 antidopaminergic activity. Antipsychotic that rebalances dopmamine in the brain. Trilafon Used to treat schizophrenia, decrease hallucinations, and 2 A Yes A No A 242 halt vomiting and nausea. is a drug described as a tranquilizer or sedative which has anxiolytic and anticonvulsant Phenaglycodol Acalo, Alcamid, etc. 2 A Yes A No A properties. It is related structurally and pharmacologically to meprobamate, though it is not a carbamate. 243 inhibitor (MAOI) antidepressant that Nardelzine, Nardil works by increasing the levels of certain chemicals 2 A Yes A No A 244 (dopamine, seratonin) in the brain. Phenobarbital, also known as phenobarbitone or phenobarb, is a medication recommended by the World Phenobarbital Luminal Health Organization for the treatment of certain types of 2 A Yes A No A epilepsy in developing countries. Most commonly used in 245 small animal Veterinary Medicine. and appetite supressant. It can promote weight Phentermine Iomamin 2 A Yes A No A 246 loss when used for a short time. is an opioid analgesic that is an analogue of Piminodine Alvodine, Cimadon pethidine. It was used in medicine briefly during the 1960s 2 A Yes A No A 247 and 70s, but has largely fallen out of clinical use. Pimobendan is a veterinary medication. It is a calcium sensitizer and a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 3 with positive inotropic and vasodilator effects. Pimobendan Pimobendan Vetmedin, Pimocard 2 B Yes A No A should be an A penalty is used in the management of heart failure in dogs, most commonly caused by myxomatous mitral valve disease, or dilated cardiomyopathy. 248 Antipsychotic used to reduce uncontrolled movements or Orap outbursts of words/sounds caused by . 2 A Yes A No A Works by decreasing the activity of dopamine in the brain. 249 is a drug that is a benzodiazepine. It possesses Pinazepam Domar anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative and skeletal muscle 2 A Yes A No A 250 relaxant properties. , also known as carpiperone and floropipamide or fluoropipamide, and as floropipamide Pipamperone Dipiperon hydrochloride, is a typical antipsychotic of the 2 A Yes A No A butyrophenone family used in the treatment of 251 schizophrenia. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Pipecuronium is a bisquaternary aminosteroid muscle relaxant which blocks nicotinic acetylcholine receptor at Pipecuronium Arduan 2 A Yes A No A the . It is the most potent neuromuscular blocking agent of the aminosteroid class. 252 is an anxiolytic drug that was never marketed. While its profile of anxiolytic effects without sedation Pipequaline would appear to have potential medical applications, 2 A Yes A No A pipequaline has never been developed for medical use and is currently only used in scientific research. 253 is an antipsychotic prodrug, most notably Piperacetazine Psymod, Quide 2 A Yes A No A 254 used for schizophrenia. is a local anesthetic drug developed in the Piperocaine Metycaine 1920s and used as its hydrochloride salt for infiltration and 2 A Yes A No A 255 nerve blocks. , also known as pipothiazine, is a typical antipsychotic of the phenothiazine class used in the and other countries for the treatment of Pipotiazine Lonseren, Piportil 2 A Yes A No A schizophrenia. Its properties are similar to those of chlorpromazine. A 2004 systematic review investigated its 256 efficacy for people with schizophrenia. is a mild central nervous system stimulant that is no longer widely used in most countries due to concerns Pipradrol Dataril, Gerondyl, etc. 2 A Yes A No A about its abuse potential. Pipradrol is still used in some European countries, and even rarely in the United States 257 is an atypical antipsychotic with a tricyclic structure that was developed in the 1980s but was never Piquindone Prolixin, moditen marketed. It acts as a selective D₂ receptor antagonist, 2 A Yes A No A though based on its effects profile its selectivity may be 258 considered controversial. is a benzodiazepine derivative drug developed by Warner-Lambert in the 1960s. It possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative and skeletal muscle relaxant Prazepam Verstran, Centrax 2 A Yes A No A properties. Prazepam is a prodrug for desmethyldiazepam which is responsible for the therapeutic effects of 259 prazepam. Anesthetic It can numb the skin or genital area to relieve Citanest 2 B Yes A Yes A Topical Treatment 260 pain during medical procedures. Antipsychotic It can treat nausea and vomiting. It can also Darbazine, Compazine 2 A Yes A No A 261 treat anxiety and schizophrenia. Intravenous anesthetic that has been used for rapid induction of anesthesia and for maintenance of anesthesia Panitol of short duration. It was originally introduced by Bayer in 2 A Yes A No A 1963 but anaphylactic reactions caused it to be withdrawn 262 shortly afterwards. is an antihistamine blocking H1 receptors. It is used to treat insomnia, and to produce sleepiness or Propiomazine Largon drowsiness and to relieve anxiety before or during surgery 2 A Yes A No A or other procedures and in combination with analgetics 263 also during labor. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Sedative and Neuroleptic agent. Typically used for in combination with other tranquilizers for Propionylpromazine Tranvet 2 A Yes A No A sedation in horses. In some countries, this medicine may 264 only be approved for veterinary use. is a partial mu opioid receptor agonist and weak mu antagonist analgesic from the ampromide family of drugs. With about 10% of the analgesic potency of morphine, 50 mg of propiram is equivalent to about 60 mg Propiram Algeril 2 A Yes A No A of codeine or 50 mg of pentazocine. It was invented in 1963 in the United Kingdom by Bayer but was not widely marketed, although it saw some limited clinical use, 265 especially in dentistry. Anesthetic which causes relaxation and sleepiness before and during surgery and other medical procedures. Propofol Diprivan, Disoprivan 2 A Yes A No A can be used for sedation, induction of anesthesia, and maintenance of anesthesia in small animal patients. 266 is a local anesthetic which actis to decrease Propoxycaine Ravocaine nerve impulses and pain sensation during dental 2 A Yes A No A 267 procedures. , also known as azaphenothiazine or phrenotropin, is an anxiolytic, antiemetic, and Prothipendyl Dominal antihistamine of the azaphenothiazine group which is 2 A Yes A No A marketed in Europe and is used to treat anxiety and 268 agitation in psychotic syndromes. This medication belongs to a class of medications called tricyclic . It works by affecting the balance Concordin, Triptil 2 A Yes A No A of certain natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Used to treat depression. 269 is a barbiturate derivative synthesized in 1956. It has anti-anxiety properties and in contrast to most barbiturates almost without hypnotic action. It was also Proxibarbital Axeen, Centralgol 2 A Yes A No A used in the treatment of migraine headaches in a similar manner to butalbital. tautomerises to Proxibarbal 270 in vivo. is a psychoactive drug invented in 1949. An improved method of manufacture was patented by Roche in 1959. It was used as a hypnotic or sedative and Pyrithyldione Hybersulfan, Sonodor presumed to be less toxic than barbiturates. Today, this 2 A Yes A No A substance is no longer used. (lowered white blood cell count) was sometimes reported as adverse 271 effect. Quazipam is a relatively long-acting benzodiazepine derivative drug developed by the Schering Corporation in Quazipam Doral 2 A Yes A No A the 1970s. Quazipam is indicated for the treatment of insomnia including and sleep maintenance. 272 Antipsychotic used treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Seroquel and depression. Known to reduce hallucinations, mania, 2 A Yes A No A 273 and mood swings. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level comes in two isomeric forms, each with differing and effects: - An over-the-counter cough suppressant, as well as dissociative . Levomethorphan- a potent opiod Racemethorphan Methorphan 2 A Yes A No A analgesic that was never clinically developed. It is listed under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 a as a Controlled Substance, specifically as a Narcotic in Schedule 274 II. , or morphanol, is the racemic mixture of the two stereoisomers of 17-methylmorphinan-3-ol, each with differing pharmacology and effects: Dextrorphan - an Racemorphan Morphanol antitussive and dissociative hallucinogen, Levorphanol - an 2 A Yes A No A opioid analgesic. Racemorphan itself is under international control per the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 and is therefore listed as a Schedule II Narcotic. 275 is a synthetic compound that acts as a selective antagonist on D₂ dopamine receptors. Its selectivity to the cerebral D₂ receptors is characterized by its respective Kᵢ- Raclopride 2 A Yes A No A values, which are as follows: 1.8, 3.5, 2400 and 18000 nM for D₂, D₃, D₄ and D₁ receptors respectively. Used commonly 276 for its binding properties. is a feed additive, banned in most countries, to promote leanness in animals raised for their meat. Ractopamine Paylean Pharmacologically, it is a TAAR1 agonist and β 2 A Yes A Yes A Feed contamination possible adrenoreceptor agonist that stimulates β₁ and β₂ adrenergic 277 receptors. is an atypical antipsychotic which was previously used in Europe for the treatment of Remoxipride Roxiam schizophrenia and acute mania but was withdrawn due to 2 A Yes A No A toxicity concerns. It was initially launched by AstraZeneca in 1990 and suspension of its use began in 1993. 278 is an indole alkaloid, antipsychotic, and that has been used for the control of high blood pressure and for the relief of psychotic Reserpine Serpasil 2 B Yes A Yes A Long withdrawal symptoms, although because of the development of better drugs for these purposes and because of its numerous side- effects, it is rarely used today. 279 is a water-soluble benzodiazepine prodrug developed in Japan. It has sedative and hypnotic effects. Rilmazafone Rhythmy 2 A Yes A No A Rilmazafone induces impairment of motor function and has 280 hypnotic properties. Antipsychotic used to treat behavior problems such as aggression, self-injury, and sudden mood changes in Risperdal 2 A Yes A No A patients of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and irritability 281 caused by autism. is a serotonin receptor antagonist which was Ritanserin never marketed for clinical use but has been used in 2 A Yes A No A 282 scientific research. Exelon Cognition-enhancing medication used to treat dementia. 2 A Yes A No A 283 A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Paralytic used to relax muscles during surgery and medical Rocuronium Zemuron 2 A Yes A No A 284 procedures. is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has now been withdrawn over safety concerns. It was marketed Rofecoxib Vioxx 2 B Yes A Yes A by Merck & Co. to treat , acute pain 285 conditions, and dysmenorrhea. Anesthetic used to numb an area of the body to relieve pain before, during, or after surgery, a medical procedure, Naropin 2 A Yes A No A or childbirth. It can also be used at other times to control 286 pain. Sedative Aids patients with trouble falling asleep Secobarbital (Quinalbarbitone) Seconal (insomnia). May also make patients sleepy before surgery 2 A Yes A No A 287 or medical procedures. (Quinalbarbitone) Enzyme blocker (MAO inhibitor) that works by slowing the breakdown of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, Eldepryl, Jumex, etc. norepinephrine, and serotonin, in the brain. 2 A Yes A No A Antidepressant used to treat Parkinson's disease and 288 depression. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Lustral, Zoloft posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), premenstrual 2 A Yes A No A dysphoric disorder (PMDD), social anxiety disorder, and 289 panic disorder. Growth and peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell Somatropin Nutropin reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other 2 A Yes A No A 290 animals. Protein-Based therapy. Became the first recombinant growth hormone product to be marketed commercially (Protropin by Genentech). The agent has the same amino Somatrem Protropin 2 A Yes A No A acid sequence as human growth hormone except for an extra at the end of the sequence chain to 291 facilitate its manufacturing process. Known widely for inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) associated with the suppression of cell viability, Spiclomazine Clospirazine migration and invasion in pancreatic carcinoma cells. 2 A Yes A No A (Research by Zhao, Li, Liu, Zheng, Wang, and Wang) 292 is a typical antipsychotic and research chemical belonging to the butyrophenone chemical class. It is Spiperone Spiropitan 2 A Yes A No A licensed for clinical use in Japan as a treatment for 293 schizophrenia. Paralytic used to cause short-term paralysis as part of Succinylcholine Sucostrin, Quelin, etc. general anesthesia. This is done to help with tracheal 2 A Yes A No A 294 intubation or electroconvulsive therapy. Sedative-hypnotic and anesthetic drug with GABAergic Sulfondiethylmethane 2 A Yes A No A 295 actions. Produces lengthened sleep in functional nervous insomnia, and is also useful in insanity. Its hypnotic power is not equal to that of chloral, but as it is not a depressant to the heart 2 A Yes A No A or respiration, it can be used when morphine or chloral are 296 contra-indicated. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level a typical antipsychotic and a metabolite of thioridazine; it and mesoridazine are more potent than the Sulforidazine Inofal parent compound, whose pharmacological effects are 2 A Yes A No A believed by some to be largely due to its into 297 sulforidazine and mesoridazine. Atypical antipsychotic medication of the class which is used mainly in the treatment of psychosis Aiglonyl, Sulpitil, Dogmatil associated with schizophrenia and major depressive 2 A Yes A No A disorder, and sometimes used in low dosage to treat 298 anxiety and mild depression. is an atypical antipsychotic of the benzamide chemical class used in Europe, Japan, and for Sultopride Barnetil the treatment of schizophrenia. It was launched by Sanofi- 2 A Yes A No A Aventis in 1976. Sultopride acts as a selective D₂ and D₃ 299 receptor antagonist. Talbutal is a barbiturate capable of producing all levels of CNS mood alteration from excitation to mild sedation, Talbutal Lotusate hypnosis, and deep . In sufficiently high therapeutic 2 A Yes A No A doses, it may induce anesthesia. Talbutal is a schedule III 300 drug in the U.S. is an anxiolytic and antidepressant drug used in China and Japan, where it is marketed by Dainippon Tandospirone Metanopirone Sumitomo Pharma. It is a member of the azapirone class of 2 A Yes A No A drugs and is closely related to other like 301 buspirone and gepirone. Sedative for short-term (usually 7 to 10 days) use only. Temazepam is a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines belong Temazepam Restoril to the group of called central nervous system 2 A Yes A No A (CNS) , which are medicines that slow down the 302 nervous system. Involuntary movement reducer used to treat a movement Nitoman 2 A Yes A No A disorder (chorea) caused by Huntington's disease. 303 Local anesthetic used to numb the eyes, nose, or throat. It may also be used before starting an intravenous to Pontocaine, amethocaine 2 A Yes A Yes A ophthalmology sedative decrease pain from the procedure. Typically it is applied as 304 a liquid to the area. is a benzodiazepine derivative with Tetrazepam Musaril, Myolastin anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant and has slightly 2 A Yes A No A 305 hypnotic properties. , also known as codeine methylenolether, is an opiate alkaloid. A minor constituent of opium, thebaine is Thebaine Paramorphine 2 A Yes A No A chemically similar to both morphine and codeine, but has 306 stimulatory rather than depressant effects. is a barbiturate derivative invented in the 1960s. It has sedative effects, and was used primarily for induction in surgical anaesthesia. Thialbarbital is short Thialbarbital Kemithal 2 A Yes A No A acting and has less of a tendency to induce respiratory depression than other barbiturate derivatives such as 307 pentobarbital. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level is a barbiturate derivative invented in the 1950s. Thiamylal Surital It has sedative, anticonvulsant, and hypnotic effects, and is 2 A Yes A No A used as a strong but short acting sedative. 308 is an antiemetic of the phenothiazine class. Though it was never licensed or used as an Thiethylperazine Torecan antipsychotic, it may have such effects. Thiethylperazine 2 A Yes A No A activates the transport protein ABCC1 that clears beta- 309 amyloid from of mice , also known as Sodium Pentothal, thiopental, thiopentone, or Trapanal, is a rapid-onset short- Thiopental Pentothal 2 A Yes A No A acting barbiturate general anesthetic that is an analogue of 310 . is a typical antipsychotic of the phenothiazine class. It is a prodrug to perphenazine. Thiopropazate is manufactured by Searle & Boehringer Thiopropazate Dartal 2 A Yes A No A Mannheim Thiopropazate is sold by Chembase, AAA Chemistry, , AKos Consulting & Solutions, Boc Sciences, 311 ChemFrog, and ChemMol. A typical antipsychotic of the phenothiazine group which is used as a tranquilizer, antiemetic, sedative, and in the Majeptil 2 A Yes A No A treatment of schizophrenia and manic phase of bipolar disorder. Majeptil is available in 10 mg tablets. 312 Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia. Thioridazine was Thioridazine Mellaril voluntarily discontinued by its manufacturer, , 2 A Yes A No A worldwide because it caused severe cardiac arrhythmias. 313 Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia. Thiothixene is a (antipsychotic-type) that works by Thiothixene Navane 2 A Yes A No A helping to restore the balance of dopamine and seratonin 314 in the brain. is a drug that selectively blocks D₂ and D₃ dopamine receptors in the brain. It is used to treat a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders including Tiapride Italprid, Luxoben, etc. 2 A Yes A No A , alcohol withdrawal syndrome, negative symptoms of psychosis, and agitation and aggression in the 315 elderly. is a dissociative anesthetic and pharmacologically classified as an NMDA receptor Tiletamine Component of Telazol 2 A Yes A No A antagonist. It is related chemically to ketamine. Tiletamine hydrochloride exists as odorless white crystals. 316 , sold under the brand name Tolopelon, is an antipsychotic of the butyrophenone class which is Timiperone Tolopelon marketed in Japan. It is similar in chemical structure to 2 A Yes A No A benperidol but has a group instead of a 317 group. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level is an anxiolytic that is marketed in several European countries. Chemically, it is a 2,3-benzodiazepine. Unlike other anxiolytic benzodiazepines however, Tofisopam Grandaxain, Seriel 2 A Yes A No A tofisopam does not have anticonvulsant, sedative, skeletal muscle relaxant, motor skill-impairing or amnestic 318 properties. Nerve pain medication and anticonvulsant used tp treat Topirimate Topamax and prevent seizures. It can also prevent migraine 2 A Yes A No A 319 headaches. Opioid pain medication used to treat moderate to moderately severe pain. On a dose-by-dose basis, Tramadol Ultram has about one-tenth the potency of morphine and is 2 B Yes A No A change penalty class practically equally potent when compared with pethidine 320 and codeine. Antidepressant (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) which Parnate treats depression by restoring the balance of 2 A Yes A No A 321 neurotransmitters in the brain. Sedative and antidepressant used to treat depression and Desyrel 2 A Yes A No A 322 insomnia. is a beta- used as a Tretoquinol Inolin 2 A Yes A No A 323 . 324 Triazolam Halcion Sedative similar to Valium used to treat insomnia. 2 A Yes A No A is a sedative. It is used to anesthetize laboratory animals, particularly rodents, prior to surgery. As Tribromethanol Avertin a solution in tert-, it has the brand name 2 A Yes A No A Avertin. Tribromoethanol causes rapid and deep anesthesia followed by rapid and full postoperative recovery. 325 Tricaine mesylate, is white powder used for anesthesia, sedation, or euthanasia of . TMS is the only anesthetic licensed in the United States for fin fish that are intended Tricaine methanesulfonate Finquel 2 A Yes A No A for human consumption. The drug can have selective toxicity for poikilotherms due to their lower rate of 326 metabolism in the liver. Organic compound related to ethanol, except the atoms at position 2 are replaced with atoms. In humans, its pharmacological effects are similar to those of Trichloroethanol 2 A Yes A No A its , chloral hydrate and . It has, historically, been used as a sedative hypnotic. Chronic exposure may result in kidney and liver damage. 327 The chemical compound is a halocarbon commonly used as an industrial . It is a clear non- flammable liquid with a sweet smell. It should not be Tricholoethylene Trilene, Trimar 2 A Yes A No A confused with the similar 1,1,1-trichloroethane, which is commonly known as chlorothene. The IUPAC name is 328 trichloroethene. is a sedative drug used rarely for treating insomnia, usually as a second-line treatment after other Triclofos Triclos 2 A Yes A No A drugs have failed. Triclofos may cause dependence and 329 should not be withdrawn suddenly. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Antipsychotic used to treat psychotic disorders and anxiety. Trifluomeprazine Nortran It can also treat nausea and vomiting caused by 2 A Yes A No A 330 chemotherapy. Antipsychotic used to treat psychotic disorders and anxiety. Trifluoperazine Stelazine It can also treat nausea and vomiting caused by 2 A Yes A No A 331 chemotherapy. is a typical antipsychotic of the butyrophenone chemical class. It has general properties similar to those of Trifluperidol Triperidol haloperidol, but is considerably more potent by weight, and 2 A Yes A No A causes relatively more severe side effects, especially tardive dyskinesia and other extrapyramidal effects. 332 is an antipsychotic medication of the phenothiazine class. Among different effects of Triflupromazine Vetame, Vesprin triflupromazine indication for use of this drug is severe 2 A Yes A No A emesis. Due to its potential side effects it is not gold 333 standard in antiemetic therapy Nerve pain medication and antidepressant It can treat Surmontil 2 A Yes A No A 334 myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Tubocurarine is a toxic alkaloid historically known for its use as an arrow poison. In the mid-1900s, it was used in Tubocurarine () Metubin 2 A Yes A No A conjunction with an anesthetic to provide skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilation. 335 is an anxiolytic of the carbamate family which acts as a central nervous system depresseant. It has liver Tybamate Benvil, Nospan, etc. 2 A Yes A No A enzyme inducing effects similar to those of phenobarbital 336 but much weaker. A synthetic crystalline compound used in making Urethane , Polyurethane 2 A Yes A No A Pesticide/Fungicide and fungicides, and formerly as an anesthetic. 337 is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Valdecoxib Bextra 2 B Yes A No A painful menstruation and menstrual symptoms. It is a 338 selective -2 inhibitor. has been used in France as a sedative- hypnotic since 1964. It is a structural isomer of , Valnoctamide Nirvanyl a valproic acid prodrug; unlike valpromide, however, 2 A Yes A No A valnoctamide is not transformed into its homologous acid, 339 valnoctic acid, in vivo. A serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor serving as a nerve pain medication and antidepressant used to treat Efflexor 2 A Yes A No A depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, 340 and social anxiety disorder. is a benzamide neuroleptic medicine indicated in the treatment of symptoms associated with the . It was first authorised for use in 1979. Veralipride Agreal, Agradil 2 A Yes A No A Veralipride has never gained approval in the United States. In September 2006, it was withdrawn from the Spanish 341 market. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Vecuronium , sold under the brand name Norcuron among others, is a medication used as part of Vercuronium Norcuron 2 A Yes A No A general anesthesia to provide skeletal muscle relaxation 342 during surgery or mechanical ventilation. is a morpholine derivative and is a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. It was used as an Viloxazine Catatrol, Vivalan, etc. antidepressant in some European countries, and produced 2 A Yes A No A a stimulant effect that is similar to the amphetamines, except without any signs of dependence. 343 is a hypnotic drug which is a barbiturate Vinbarbital Delvinol 2 A Yes A No A derivative. It was developed by Sharp and Dohme in 1939. 344 , also known as butylvinal, is a sedative hypnotic Vinylbital Optanox, Speda drug which is a barbiturate derivative. It was developed by 2 A Yes A No A 345 Aktieboleget Pharmacia in the 1950s. is an indole alkaloid derived from the bark of the Pausinystalia yohimbe tree in Central Africa. It is a veterinary drug used to reverse sedation in dogs and deer. Yohimbine Yobine Injection 2 B Yes A No A Yohimbine has been studied as a potential treatment for but there is insufficient evidence to 346 rate its effectiveness. A sedative-hypnotic, almost entirely used for the management/treatment of insomnia. It is a Sonata 2 A Yes A No A hypnotic from the 347 class. is a feed-through beta agonist. Under its trade name, Zilmax, it is used to increase the size of cattle and the efficiency of feeding them. Zilmax is produced by Intervet, a subsidiary of Merck & Co. and marketed as a "beef- Zilpaterol hydrochloride Zilmax 2 A Yes A Yes A Potential Feed Contaminate improvement technology". Zilpaterol is typically fed in the last three to six weeks of cattle's lives, with a brief period (three days in the US) before death for withdrawal, which allows the drug to mostly leave the animal's tissues. 348 Antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar Geoden 2 A Yes A No A 349 disorder. is a pyrazolodiazepinone derivative structurally related to the benzodiazepine drugs, which is used as an Zolazepam Flupyrazapon anaesthetic for a wide range of animals in veterinary 2 A Yes A No A medicine. A 1:1 mixture of zolazepam and tiletamine is sold 350 under the name Telazol. Sedative labelled for short-term (usually about two to six Zolpidem Ambien, Stilnox 2 A Yes A No A weeks) treatment of insomnia at the lowest possible dose. 351 is an orally effective nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drug that has antipyretic (fever reducing) Zomepirac Zomax actions. It was developed by McNeil Pharmaceutical, 2 B Yes A No A approved by the FDA in 1980, and sold as the sodium salt 352 zomepirac sodium, under the brand name Zomax. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Comments 1 NotationT1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level is a nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic agent used in the treatment of insomnia. Zopiclone is molecularly distinct Zopiclone Imovan 2 A Yes A No A from benzodiazepine drugs and is classed as a 353 cyclopyrrolone. is an atypical antipsychotic drug indicated for acute and chronic schizophrenia. It has been used in Zotepine Lodopin Germany since 1990 and Japan since 1982. Zotepine is not 2 A Yes A No A approved for use in the United States, United Kingdom, 354 , or New Zealand. , also known as zuclopentixol, is a medication used to treat schizophrenia and other Zuclopenthixol Ciatyl, Cesordinol 2 A Yes A No A psychoses. It is classed, pharmacologically, as a typical 355 antipsychotic. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Not to be confused with or ., Synthetic anabolic-androgenic or 4-androstenedione (abbreviated as A4 or Δ4-dione), also known as androst-4- ene-3,17-dione, is an endogenous weak steroid ∆-1-androstene-3, 17-diol hormone and intermediate in the of and 3 A Yes A No A of from (DHEA). It is closely related to androstenediol (androst-5-ene-3β,17β-diol). 2 Androstenedione, or 4-androstenedione (abbreviated as A4 or Δ4-dione), also Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid known as androst-4-ene-3,17-dione, is an endogenous weak androgen and intermediate in the biosynthesis of estrone and ∆-1-androstene-3, 17-dione 3 A Yes A No A of testosterone from dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). It is closely related to androstenediol (androst-5-ene-3β,17β-diol). 3 (DHT), or 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT), also known Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid as or stanolone, is an endogenous androgen sex steroid and hormone. The enzyme 5α-reductase catalyzes the formation of DHT from testosterone in certain tissues including the gland, seminal ∆-1-dihydrotestosterone 3 A Yes A No A vesicles, epididymides, skin, hair follicles, liver, and brain. This enzyme mediates reduction of the C4-5 double bond of testosterone. Relative to testosterone, DHT is considerably more potent as an agonist of the (AR). 4 Anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) that was never marketed. A dipropionate ester, dipropionate (brand names Anabiol, Storinal; former 19-Nor-4-androstenediol Bolandiol developmental code name SC-7525), has been marketed. Bolandiol (and its 3 B Yes B No B dipropionate ester) is unique among AAS in that it reportedly also possesses 5 estrogenic and progestogenic activity. Synthetic, orally active anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) and a derivative of 19- nortestosterone () that was never introduced for medical use. Considered to be nutritional supplements and were sold over-the-counter in the 19-Nor-5-androstenediol United States as a result of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 3 B Yes B No B 1994 (DSHEA). However, they were banned from sports in 1999 by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and are currently on the World Anti- 6 Doping Agency (WADA) list of prohibited substances. 4-Hydroxytestosterone, also known as 4,17β-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one, is a Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid 4-Hydroxytestosterone synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid and a derivative of testosterone that was 3 B Yes B No B 7 never marketed. Beta-Blocker used to treat high blood pressure an irregular heartbeat. It works by Sectral relaxing blood vessels and slowing heart rate to improve blood flow and decrease 3 B Yes B No B 8 blood pressure. is a phenothiazine tranquilizer that is used prior to anesthesia and surgery because of its sedative effects and its ability to prevent vomiting. It's also Acepromazine Atrovet, Notensil, PromAce® 3 B No B Yes C used as an aid in controlling excited animals during examinations, treatments, Should be considered an issue in 9 and grooming. repeated violations Medication that opens up the medium and large airways in the . It is used to treat asthma, including asthma attacks, exercise-induced , and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Usually used with an inhaler Albuterol () Proventil, Ventolin 3 B Yes B Yes B or , but it is also available as a pill and intravenous solution. of the inhaled version is typically within 15 minutes and lasts for two to six 10 hours. drug for the treatment of migraine headaches. is in a class of medications called selective serotonin receptor agonists. It works by narrowing Almotriptan Axert blood vessels in the brain, stopping pain signals from being sent to the brain, and 3 A Yes A No A stopping the release of certain natural substances that cause pain, nausea, and 11 other symptoms of migraine. Ambenonium is a inhibitor used in the management of (long-term that leasy to varying degrees of skeletal muscle weakness). Ambenonium reversibly binds , Ambenonium Mytelase, Myeuran 3 B Yes B No B inactivates it and therefore increases levels of acetylcholine. This, in turn, facilitates transmission of impulses across the myoneural junction and effectively 12 treats the disease. is a compound of the bronchodilator with in 2:1 ratio. The ethylenediamine improves solubility, and the Aminophylline Aminophyllin, etc. 3 B Yes B No B aminophylline is usually found as a dihydrate. Aminophylline is less potent and 13 shorter-acting than theophylline. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Non-systemic acaricide and and has also been described as a scabicide. It was first synthesized by the Boots Co. in England in 1969. has been found to have an insect repellent effect, works as an insecticide and also as a pesticide synergist. Besides its application as pesticide on plants, amitraz is also Amitraz Mitaban 3 B Yes B Yes B used as an animal on cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and dogs. Adverse effects can include low blood pressure and pulse, hypothermia, lethargy, absence of appetite, vomiting, increased blood sugar and digestive problems. 14 blocker It can treat high blood pressure and chest pain (angina). Ammivin, Norvasc Pharmacotherapeutic group: Calcium channel blockers, selective calcium channel 3 B Yes B No B 15 blockers with mainly vascular effects. ATC Code: C08CA01. An alkaloid obtained from the betel nut (Areca catechu), fruit of a palm tree. It is an agonist at both muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. It is used in Betel Nuts the form of various salts as a ganglionic stimulant, a parasympathomimetic, and a 3 A Yes A No A vermifuge, especially in veterinary practice. It has been used as a euphoriant in 16 the Pacific Islands. is a bronchodilator. It works by relaxing muscles in the airways to improve breathing. Arformoterol inhalation is used to prevent Arformoterol Brovana 3 B Yes B No B bronchoconstriction in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 17 including chronic and emphysema. is a beta blocker medication primarily used to treat high blood pressure and heart-associated chest pain. Other uses include the prevention of and treatment of certain irregular heart beats. Atenolol is used for a number of Atenolol Tenormin 3 B Yes B No B conditions including hypertension, angina, long QT syndrome, acute , supraventricular , , and the 18 symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Medication to treat certain types of and pesticide poisonings as well as some types of slow heart rate and to decrease saliva production during surgery. is used prior to anesthesia for surgery to reduce and Atropine ATP, Tropin 3 B Yes B Yes B secretion. It is often administered with many anesthetic agents to prevent slowing of the heart rate. Used most commonly in Veterinary 19 medicine on dogs and cats. Medication used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), congestive heart Benazepril Lotrel, Lotensin 3 A Yes A No A 20 failure, and chronic renal failure. Reduction of elevated in conditions such as ocular Kerlone hypertension and chronic open-angle glaucoma. It can treat high blood pressure 3 B Yes B No B 21 in its oral form. Drug that inhibits the sympathetic nervous system used as a hypertensive agent. Bethanidine Esbatal 3 A Yes A No A 22 Useful in the treatment of metabolic acidosis due to a wide variety of causes. therapy increases plasma bicarbonate, buffers excess Bicarbonate TCO2 3 B Yes B No B hydrogen concentration, raises blood pH and reverses the clinical 23 manifestations of acidosis. Sodium Bicarbonate also alkalinizes the . A that has effects in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. It has been used in the treatment of arteriosclerotic, idiopathic, Akineton and postencephalitic . It has also been used to alleviate 3 A Yes A No A induced by phenothiazine derivatives and reserpine. 24 Type of antihypertensive drug called a beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent Zebeta, Bisobloc, etc. 3 B Yes B No B 25 (beta-blocker) used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). mesylate is a short-acting β₂ adrenergic receptor agonist used for the When used in a nebulizer could be Bitolterol Effectin relief of in conditions such as asthma and COPD. In these 3 A Yes A Yes A mismanagement 26 disorders there is a narrowing of the airways that carry air to the lungs. , also known as 7α,17α-dimethyltestosterone, is a 17α-alkylated Bolasterone Myagen, Methosarb 3 A Yes A No A 27 androgen/ which is used in veterinary medicine. off label steroid , also known as androstadienedione or 1-dehydroandrostenedione, as Equipoise well as 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione, is an important industrial precursor for 3 B Yes B No B 28 various steroid hormones. 30 day pass after, in California A 17α-alkylated androgen/anabolic steroid (AAS) which is used in veterinary medicine. It has close structural similarity to testosterone (medication), and like Boldione Zebeta, Bisobloc, etc. 3 A Yes A No A has a methyl group at C17α in order to increase oral 29 bioavailability. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments is an . It blocks the release of noradrenaline from nerve terminals. In effect, it decreases output from the peripheral sympathetic nervous system. It was used in emergency medicine, , and other Bretylium Bretylol 3 B Yes B No B specialties throughout the 1980s-1990s for the acute management of ventricular tachycardia and refractory to other first line treatments 30 such as or lidocaine. is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for ophthalmic use. Ophthalmic NSAIDs are becoming a cornerstone for the management of ocular Bromfenac Duract pain and inflammation. Their well-characterized anti-inflammatory activity, 3 A Yes A No A analgesic property, and established safety record have also made NSAIDs an 31 important tool to optimize surgical outcomes. non-approved NSAID Ethanolamine antihistamine with property. Bromodiphenhydramine Bromodiphenhydramine is used in the control of cutaneous allergies. Ethanolamine 3 B Yes B No B 32 produce marked sedation in most patients. , commonly marketed as its salt brompheniramine maleate, is Brompheniramine Dimetane, Disomer an antihistamine drug of the propylamine class. used in 3 B Yes B No B 33 treatment of allergies, rhinitis, and urticaria. A benzeneacetamide with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic action. It Droxaryl, Malipuran is administered topically, orally, or rectally. Bufexamac is a non-steroidal anti- 3 A Yes A No A 34 inflammatory drug (NSAID). Used to reduce extra fluid in the body () caused by conditions such as heart failure, liver disease, and kidney disease. This can lessen symptoms such as Bumex 3 B Yes B No B and swelling in your arms, legs, and abdomen. Bumetanide is 35 a "water pill" () that causes you to make more urine. Bleeder Stack A synthetic morphinan analgesic with narcotic antagonist action. It is used in the Stadol, Torbugesic (Torb) 3 B Yes B Yes B 36 management of severe pain. , also known as 7β,17α-dimethyltestosterone, is an orally active Calusterone Methosorb anabolic-androgenic steroid that is used as a chemotherapy drug. It is a 17α- 3 A Yes A No A 37 alkylated AAS similar in structure to bolasterone. Indicated for the treatment of hypertension in adults and in children 1 to < 17 years of age, to lower blood pressure. Lowering blood pressure reduces the risk Candesartan Cilexetil, Atcand 3 B Yes B No B of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events, primarily and myocardial 38 infarctions. ACE inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. Captopril's main uses are based on its and inhibition of some renal function activities. Captopril Capoten 3 B Yes B No B It can also reduce the risk of death after a heart attack, and treat kidney problems 39 caused by diabetes. Beta-Blocker used to treat a variety of cardiovascular disorders like hypertension Suacron, Corazolol 3 A Yes A No A 40 and congestive heart failure. is a parasympathomimetic that stimulates both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. In the cat and rat, carbachol is well known for its ability to induce rapid eye movement (REM) sleep when microinjected into the pontine . Carbachol elicits this REM sleep-like state via activation of Carbachol Lentin, Doryl 3 B Yes B No B postsynaptic muscarinic cholinergic receptors. A recent review indicates that carbachol is a strong promoter of ICC activity, which is mediated through the calcium-activated , anoctamin 1 in smooth muscles. 41 is used to prevent and control seizures. This medication is known Carbamazepine Tegretol as an anticonvulsant or anti-epileptic drug. It is also used to relieve certain types 3 B Yes B No B 42 of nerve pain (such as trigeminal neuralgia). First generation antihistamine that competes with free histamine for binding at Clistin 3 B Yes B No B 43 HA-receptor sites used to treat allergies and obstructed airways. Beta blocker used tp treat open-angle glaucoma and increased pressure inside Cartrol 3 B Yes B No B 44 the eye. Beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. It can also Coreg 3 B Yes B No B 45 reduce the risk of death after a heart attack. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute pain, painful menstruation and Celebrex 3 B Yes B Yes B menstrual symptoms, and is also used to reduce numbers of colon and rectum 46 polyps. Blocks the production of , which are hormones that are non-approved NSAID Betareleased agonist in affected medication areas that (i.e., relaxes joints) muscles and cause of theswelling airways, and which increased widen the airways and result in easier breathing. Leads to increased heart rate and blood Cimater 3 A Yes A Yes A pressure, secretion of ghrelin (energy and appetite regulator) from the stomach, 47 and renin release from the kidneys. Pesticide A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Antihistamine and anticholinergic medication, but unlike or When used in a nebulizer could be , is a sedating antihistamine. It exhibits fewer other side mismanagement Clemastine Tavist, Meclastin 3 B Yes B Yes B effects than most of the widely used antihistamines. Used to treat hay fever and 48 symptoms. Commonly used for -relaxant properties as a bronchodilator. This helps decrease resistance in the respiratory pathway, thus increasing airflow to Ventipulmin 3 B Yes B No B the lungs. Ventipulmin acts quicklly and reaches lung tissue concentration in less 49 than one hour. Clidinium is a synthetic anticholinergic agent which has been shown in experimental and clinical studies to have a pronounced and antisecretory effect on the . It inhibits muscarinic actions of Clidinium Quarezan, Clindex, etc. acetylcholine at postganglionic parasympathetic neuroeffector sites. It is used for 3 B Yes B No B the treatment of and also to help relieve abdominal or stomach spasms or cramps due to colicky abdominal pain, , and 50 . Sedative and antihypertensive drug used to treat high blood pressure. Certain Catapres 3 B Yes B No B 51 formulations can also treat ADHD and pain. , also known as 4-chlorotestosterone, usually as the ester clostebol Clostebol Macrobin, Steranabol acetate, is a synthetic anabolic–androgenic steroid. Clostebol is the 4-chloro 3 A Yes A No A 52 derivative of the natural hormone testosterone. Cobalt is a hard gray metal element. It’s part of B-12. This vitamin is For cobalt concentrations of less essential for making red blood cells. It also maintains the nervous system. than 25 parts per billion (ppb) of Cobalt is only in the body as part of vitamin B-12. It’s needed for making red blood or plasma no blood cells (erythropoiesis). penalty is recommended. For concentrations of 25 ppb or greater but less than 50 ppb of or serum the recommended penalty is a written warning, the placement of the horse on the Veterinarians Cobalt Bionic HI 3 B1 Yes B1 No B1 List with removal from list only after a blood test confirms that the concentration is below 25 ppb of blood plasma or serum. Testing shall be paid by the owner(s) of the horse. Concentrations of 50 ppb or greater in blood plasma or serum have a recommended “B” 53 penalty. Cyclandelate is a vasodilator used in the treatment of claudication, arteriosclerosis and Raynaud's disease. It is also used to treat nighttime leg Cyclandelate Cyclospasmol 3 A Yes A No A cramps, and has been investigated for its effect against migraine. It is orally 54 administered. , sold under a number of brand names, is a medication used to treat and Cyclizine Merazine prevent nausea, vomiting and dizziness due to or . 3 B Yes B No B 55 is a central anticholinergic drug designed to reduce the levels of Cycrimine Pagitane acetylcholine in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Its mechanism of action is 3 B Yes B No B 56 to bind to the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1. is an antihistamine used to relieve allergy symptoms such as Cyproheptadine Periactin watery eyes, runny nose, itching eyes/nose, sneezing, hives, and itching. It works 3 B Yes B No B 57 by blocking a certain histamine made during an allergic reaction. A synthetic steroid hormone with antigonadotropic and anti-estrogenic activities that acts as an anterior pituitary suppressant by inhibiting the pituitary output of Danocrine . It possesses some androgenic properties. 3 B Yes B No B

58 Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is an anabolic–androgenic steroid. It is the 4- Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone Oral Turinabol 3 A Yes A No A 59 chloro-substituted derivative of . NSAID used in dogs for the control of pain and inflammation associated with Deremaxx, osteoarthritis and for the prevention of pain following orthopedic surgery or 3 B Yes B Yes B 60 dental procedures. non-approved NSAID A synthetic and orally active anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) and a 17α- methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which was never marketed DMT, Madol, Pheraplex 3 A Yes A No A for medical use. It was one of the first designer to be marketed as a 61 performance-enhancing drug to athletes and bodybuilders. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments is an imidazole derivative and α2-adrenergic agonist, used as a large Detomidine Dormosedan animal sedative, primarily used in horses. It is usually available as the salt 3 B Yes B Yes B 62 detomidine hydrochloride. is an analgesic in the opioid category, patented (1955) and manufactured by Eli Lilly and Company. It is intended to treat mild pain and also Dextropropoxyphene Darvon has antitussive and local anaesthetic effects. The drug has been taken off the 3 B Yes B No B market in Europe and the US due to concerns of fatal overdoses and heart 63 arrhythmias. Used in combination with pedi A benzodiazepine tranquilizer, diazepam is used in veterinary medicine to sedate, reduce anxiety, promote behavioral changes or induce muscle relaxation. Diazepam Valium 3 B Yes B No B Diazepam is also an anticonvulsant and can be administered to some species to 64 stimulate appetite. is used as a vasodilator in the treatment of acute hypertension or malignant hypertension. channel activator, which causes local relaxation in smooth muscle by increasing membrane permeability to potassium Diazoxide Proglycem 3 B Yes B No B . This switches off voltage-gated calcium ion channels, preventing calcium flux across the sarcolemma and activation of the contractile apparatus. 65 derivative with analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. It was developed by Merck Sharp & Dohme in 1971, as MK647, after showing promise in Dolobid 3 B Yes B No B a research project studying more potent chemical analogs of aspirin. 66 is a respiratory stimulant in the respiratory center of the brain stem. Dimefline 3 A Yes A No A 67 Antihistamine mainly used to treat allergies. also has local Diphenhydramine anesthetic properties, and has been used as such in people allergic to common 3 B Yes B No B 68 local anesthetics such as lidocaine. Medication that inhibits blood clot formation when given chronically and causes Persantine 3 B Yes B No B 69 dilation when given at high doses over a short time. Stable coordination compound comprised of sodium and valproic acid Divalproex Depakote used to treat manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder, epilepsy, and 3 A Yes A No A 70 migraine headaches. Medication used in the treatment of cardiogenic shock and severe heart failure. Dobutrex Dobutamine can be used in cases of congestive heart failure to increase cardiac 3 B Yes B No B 71 output. Lowers blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels, so blood can flow more Cardura easily, and it helps relieve symptoms of an enlarged prostate by relaxing the 3 A Yes A No A 72 muscles of the bladder and prostate, which improves urinary flow. Antihistamine, used to relieve symptoms of allergy, hay fever, and the common cold. Works by blocking histamine, acetylcholine made by the body. This effect Decapryn 3 B Yes B No B helps to relieve allergy/cold symptoms such as watery eyes, runny nose, and 73 sneezing. Anabolic–androgenic steroid of the dihydrotestosterone group which was never marketed. , along with other AAS, is a schedule III controlled Dromostanolone Drolban 3 B Yes B No B substance in the United States under the Controlled Substances Act. 74 Used to treat and/or prevent the symptoms of bronchial asthma, chronic Dyphylline Dilor, Lufyllin bronchitis, and emphysema. It works by opening up the bronchial tubes and 3 B Yes B No B 75 increasing the flow of air through them. Muscle strengthener used to help diagnose myasthenia gravis so that doctors Tensilon select the proper treatment. It can also reverse the effect of certain muscle 3 B Yes B No B 76 relaxants during surgery or after an overdose. Second generation triptan drug intended for treatment of migraine headaches. It is used as an abortive medication, blocking a migraine attack which is already in Eletripan Relpax 3 A Yes A No A progress. is believed to reduce swelling of the blood vessels 77 surrounding the brain. Enalaprilat is a potent, competitive inhibitor of ACE, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of angiotensin I (ATI) to angiotensin II (ATII). ATII regulates blood Enalapril (metabolite enaloprilat) Vasotec pressure and is a key component of the renin-angiotensin- system 3 A Yes A No A (RAAS). Enalapril may be used to treat essential or renovascular hypertension and 78 symptomatic congestive heart failure. 79 Erythrityl tetranitrate Tetranitrol, Cardiloid A vasodilator with general properties similar to nitroglycerin. 3 A Yes A No A Cardioselective beta1 receptor blocker with rapid onset, a very short duration of action, and no significant intrinsic sympathomimetic or membrane stabilising Brevibloc 3 B Yes B No B activity at therapeutic dosages. It is a class II antiarrhythmic. 80 A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments or etamiphyllin is a intended for use as an anti-asthma Etamiphylline Dalophylline 3 B Yes B No B 81 agent. It has shown poor to absent effects in human clinical trials. Diuretic that is used to treat edema when a stronger agent is required. It is Ethacrynic acid Edecrin 3 B Yes B No B 82 available as a pill or injected form. Used to treat absence seizures. It may be used by itself or with other antiseizure Zarontin 3 A Yes A No A 83 medications such as valproic acid. Androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which has been used in the past for a variety of indications such as to promote weight gain and to Maxibolin, Organon treat anemia and but has been discontinued for use in humans. It is 3 B Yes B yes B still available for veterinary use in Australia and New Zealand however. It is Still may be available in Australia and 84 taken by mouth. New Zealand for veterinarian use Ethylnorepinephrine is a sympathomimetic and bronchodilator related to Ethylnorepinephrine Bronkephrine 3 A Yes A No A 85 norepinephrine. It activates both α and β adrenergic receptors. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. Its therapeutic effects are due to its ability to inhibit Lodine 3 B Yes B No B synthesis. It is indicated for relief of of 86 rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. 87 Felbatol Anticonvulsant used in the treatment of epilepsy and partial seizures. 3 B Yes B No B is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug in the Fenbufen Cincopal, Lederfen derivatives class. It was introduced by American Cyanamid under the trade name 3 B Yes B No B 88 Lederfen in the 1980s and was withdrawn from markets Dopamine D1 receptor agonist that is used as an antihypertensive agent. It Corlopam 3 B Yes B No B 89 lowers blood pressure through arteriolar vasodilation. Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug. Decreases inflammation, pain, and fever, Nalfon probably through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX-2 inhibitor) activity and 3 B Yes B No B 90 prostaglandin synthesis. is a β₂ adrenoreceptor agonist designed to open up the airways to the lungs. It is classed as sympathomimetic β₂ agonist and asthma medication. Fenoterol has more cardiovascular toxicity than or salbutamol.[6][7] Fenoterol Berotec Fenoterol was widely used in New Zealand in the late 1970s and the 1980s until it 3 B Yes B No B was removed from the New Zealand drug tariff in 1989 because its introduction and widespread use was associated with an epidemic of asthma deaths. 91 Oxazolidinone spiro compound used as a drug in the treatment of certain Respiride, Respan, etc respiratory diseases. The pharmacotherapeutic classification is antitussives 3 B Yes B No B 92 (cough suppressants). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to relieve the symptoms of Even though its not listed as a arthritis, primary dysmenorrhea, fever; and as an analgesic, especially where 3 B Yes B Yes B Therapeutic it is an NASID and may be 93 there is an inflammatory component. mismanaged derivative with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic Even though its not listed as a Antirheumatic, Combec, Fenazol properties. It is used in musculoskeletal and disorders and administered by 3 B Yes B Yes B Therapeutic it is an NASID and may be 94 mouth and topically. mismanaged Androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used in the treatment of low testosterone levels in men, delayed in boys, in Halotestin women, and anemia. Used for physique- and performance-enhancing purposes 3 B Yes B No B by competitive athletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters. 95 is an aminopyridine that functions as a centrally acting non-opioid Flupirtine Katadolone analgesic that was originally used as an analgesic for acute and chronic pain but in 3 A Yes A No A 96 2013 due to issues with liver toxicity, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent (NSAIA) with antipyretic and analgesic activity. Oral formulations of may be used for the symptomatic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and anklylosing spondylitis. Flurbiprofen Froben 3 B Yes B Yes B Flurbiprofen may also be used topically prior to ocular surgery to prevent or Even though its not listed as a reduce intraoperative . Flurbiprofen is structurally and pharmacologically Therapeutic it is an NASID and may be 97 related to fenoprofen, , and . mismanaged (eye drops) Orally active anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) described as an anticatabolic and anabolic drug that is or has been marketed in Spain and . As an AAS, it shows Esiclene, Hubernol, Metanor 3 A Yes A No A some anabolic activity, though it is inferior to testosterone in terms of potency, 98 but is said to have virtually no androgenic activity. Long-acting bronchodilator used as a long-term (maintenance) treatment to prevent or decrease wheezing and trouble breathing caused by asthma or Altram 3 B Yes B No B ongoing lung disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, which 99 includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Fosinopril is an angiotensin converting used for the treatment of Fosinopril Monopril 3 A Yes A No A 100 hypertension and some types of chronic heart failure. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments is a water-soluble phenytoin prodrug that is administered intravenously to deliver phenytoin, potentially more safely than intravenous Fosphenytoin Cerebyx 3 B Yes B No B phenytoin. It is most commonly used in the acute treatment of convulsive status 101 epilepticus. , also known as androfurazanol, is a synthetic, orally active anabolic- Furazabol Androfurazanol, 3 A Yes A No A 102 androgenic steroid which has been marketed in Japan since 1969. Anticonvulsant medication used to treat partial seizures, neuropathic pain, hot Neurontin 3 B Yes B No B 103 flashes, and restless legs syndrome. GABA is a chemical that is made in the brain but may be taken by mouth for Gamma Aminobutryic Acid (GABA) Carolina Gold promoting muscle growth, burning , stabilizing blood pressure, and 3 B Yes B No B 104 relieving pain. has a complex mechanism of action, and is characterized as a mixed and , a weak androgen and anabolic steroid, a weak Gestrinone Dimetrose, Nemestran 3 A Yes A No A , a weak steroidogenesis inhibitor, and a functional 105 . It is mostly used in the treatment of endometriosis. found its way into the horse industry over the past decade. It’s an anti- hypertensive drug used to treat high blood pressure in humans by decreasing heart rate and relaxing vessels for ease of blood flow. Its ability to regulate blood Guanabenz Wytensin pressure drew the interest of racetrack veterinarians who were looking for 3 B Yes B No B alternatives to the diuretic (Lasix®) to manage EIPH. Although its use in the management of EIPH has yet to be clinically proven, veterinarians noticed 106 guanabenz was an effective calming agent. is a postganglionic adrenergic blocking agent. Uptake of guanadrel and storage in sympathetic occurs via the norepinephrine pump; guanadrel Guanadrel Hylorel slowly displaces norepinephrine from its storage in nerve endings and thereby 3 A Yes A No A blocks the release of norepinephrine normally produced by nerve stimulation. 107 An antihypertensive agent that acts by inhibiting selectively transmission in post- ganglionic adrenergic nerves. It is believed to act mainly by preventing the release of norepinephrine at nerve endings and causes depletion of Ismelin 3 A Yes A No A norepinephrine in peripheral sympathetic nerve terminals as well as in tissues. Intravenous (Bier block) using guanethidine has been used to treat 108 chronic pain caused by complex regional pain syndrome. is an amino alcohol which is classified as a vasodilatator. It is sometimes used in the treatment of low blood pressure, particularly orthostatic Heptaminol Corofundol 3 B Yes B No B hypotension. It is a potent positive It is classified as a doping substance. 109 is an anticholinergic medication that is an antagonist at muscarinic Used as an Homatropine Homapin acetylcholine receptors and thus the parasympathetic nervous system. It is used 3 B Yes B Yes B 110 in eye drops as a cycloplegic, and as a mydriatic. 111 Hydralazine Apresoline Vasodilator used to treat high blood pressure. 3 B Yes B No B Class III antiarrhythmic agent that is indicated for acute cardioconversion of and of a recent onset to sinus rhythm. ’s unique mechanism works by an activation of a specific inward sodium current, thus Ibutilide Corvert 3 B Yes B No B producing its therapeutic response in which a prolonged increases myocytes’ cardiac refractoriness in case of atrial fibrillation and flutter. 112 113 Ventavis Vasodilator used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). 3 A Yes A No A 114 Indomethacin Indocin Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) commonly used as a prescription 3 B Yes B No B non-approved NSAID Bronchodilatormedication to reduce that dilates fever, bronchi pain, stiffness, in the lungs. and swelling It is used from in treating, inflammation. symptoms It When used in a nebulizer could be Ipratropium Atrovent 3 B Yes B Yes B 115 of asthma, colds, allergies, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) mismanagement Antihypertensivedue to emphysema drug or chronicIt can treat bronchitis. high blood pressure. It can also treat diabetic Irbesarten Avapro 3 A Yes A No A 116 nephropathy. is a selective short-acting β₂ adrenoreceptor agonist. It can be called Isoetharine Bronkosol the "granddaughter of adrenalin" in the line of β₂ agonists that gave quick relief 3 B Yes B No B 117 for bronchospasm and asthma. 118 Isosorbide dinitrate Isordil Isosorbide dinitrate is a medication used for heart failure, esophageal spasms, 3 B Yes B No B 119 Kebuzoneand to treat is anda nonsteroidal prevent chest anti-inflammatory pain from not enough drug. blood flow to the heart. 3 B Yes B No B Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug used to treat pain, inflammation, and fever. Toradol 3 A Yes A No A 120 Beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure. It works by relaxing blood vessels Normodyne and slowing heart rate to improve blood flow and decrease blood pressure. 3 B Yes B No B 121 122 Lamictal Anticonvulsant used to treat seizures and bipolar disorder. 3 A Yes A No A Non-steroidal inhibitor (lowers production) used to treat Letrozole Femara 3 A Yes A No A 123 breast cancer in postmenopausal women. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments A nonselective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist used in the treatment of glaucoma. Betagan, Vistagan 3 B Yes B No B 124 ACE inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. It can also Lisinopril Prinivil, Zestril 3 A Yes A No A 125 reduce the risk of death after a heart attack. medication used for this purpose in gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel Imodium 3 B Yes B No B 126 disease, and short bowel syndrome. Antihypertensive drug used to treat high blood pressure. It can reduce the risk of Losartan Hyzaar in patients with high blood pressure and an enlarged heart. It can also 3 B Yes B No B 127 treat kidney disease in patients with diabetes. 128 Selective β₂ adrenoreceptor agonist causing smooth muscle relaxation. 3 A Yes A No A is a non-selective, non-competitive antagonist of the nicotinic Mecamylamine Inversine acetylcholine receptors that was introduced in the 1950s as an antihypertensive 3 B Yes B No B 129 drug. 130 Antivert, Bonine Antihistamine used to treat motion sickness and vertigo. 3 B Yes B No B Medetomidine is a synthetic drug used as both a surgical anesthetic and Medetomidine Domitor analgesic. It is often used as the hydrochloride salt, medetomidine hydrochloride, 3 B Yes B No B 131 a crystalline white solid. Member of the anthranilic acid derivatives (or fenamate) class of NSAID drugs, and is used to treat mild to moderate pain, including menstrual pain, and is Ponstel, Ponstan sometimes used to prevent migraines associated with menstruation. It is not 3 B Yes B No B widely used in the United States due to its side effects and high cost compared to 132 other NSAID drugs. non-approved NSAID is an antimuscarinic or post-ganglionic parasympathetic inhibitor. It decreases and pepsin secretion and suppresses spontaneous Mepenzolate Cantil contractions of the colon. It has not been shown to be effective in contributing to 3 B Yes B No B the healing of peptic ulcer, decreasing the rate of recurrence, or preventing 133 complications. , also known as methylandrostanolone is an androgen and anabolic synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid - Mestanolone Androstalone, Ermalone steroid medication which is mostly no longer used. It is still available for use in 3 A Yes A No A Available in Japan 134 Japan however. Androgen and anabolic steroid medication which is used mainly in the treatment Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid Proviron of low testosterone levels. Demonstrated to have minimal effect on sperm counts 3 A Yes A No A 135 and levels of FSH or LH. Bronchodilator used in the treatment of asthma. Moderately selective β2 adrenergic receptor agonist that stimulates receptors of the smooth muscle in Metaproterenol Alupent, Metaprel, 3 B Yes B No B the lungs, uterus, and vasculature supplying skeletal muscle, with minimal or no 136 effect on α adrenergic receptors. is a synthetic ester that acts as a non-selective muscarinic receptor agonist in the parasympathetic nervous system. Methacholine is Methacholine Provocholine primarily used to diagnose bronchial hyperreactivity, which is the hallmark of 3 A Yes A No A asthma and also occurs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 137 Synthetic, orally active androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) which was developed by Organon and is used in both oral and injectable. has Methandriol (Methylandrostenediol) Probolic been reported to be almost as virilizing as comparable doses of testosterone 3 A Yes A No A propionate and methyltestosterone when used to treat breast cancer in women. 138 Androgen and anabolic steroid medication which is mostly no longer used. It is also used non-medically for physique- and performance-enhancing purposes. Metandienone was formerly approved and marketed for the treatment of Methandrostenolone Dianobal, Metandienone 3 A Yes A No A (diminished functionality of the gonads), but has since been discontinued and withdrawn in most countries, including in the United States 139 Antispasmodic used to relieve cramps or spasms of the stomach, intestines, and bladder. Used to treat intestine or stomach ulcers (peptic ulcer disease), intestine Banthine 3 B Yes B No B problems (irritable bowel syndrome), pancreatitis, gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, 140 pylorosplasm, or urinary problems is an antihistamine and anticholinergic of the pyridine chemical class which was developed in the early 1950s. It has relatively strong sedative Methapyrilene Histadyl, etc. 3 B Yes B No B effects, to the extent that its primary use was as a medication for insomnia rather 141 than for its antihistamine action. Synthetic and orally active anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) which was never Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid Superdrol marketed for medical use. It was brought to the black market, instead, in a 3 A Yes A No A 142 clandestine fashion as a "designer steroid." A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments is a first-generation antihistamine with anticholinergic properties of the phenothiazine class with antihistaminic activity. It is used in the treatment of Methdilazine Tacaryl 3 B Yes B No B various dermatoses to relieve pruritus. 143 , or methenolone, is an androgen and anabolic steroid which is used in the form of such as and . Metenolone esters are used mainly in the treatment of anemia due to bone Methenolone Primobolan marrow failure. In addition to their medical use, metenolone esters are used to 3 A Yes A No A improve physique and performance.The drugs are controlled substances in many countries and so non-medical use is generally illicit. 144 , also known as methixene, is an anticholinergic used as an Methixene Trest 3 A Yes A No A 145 antiparkinsonian agent. An alpha-adrenergic agonist that causes prolonged peripheral . It Vasoxyl has little if any direct effect on the central nervous system. 3 A Yes A No A 146 , also known as 2-methoxy-N-methylamphetamine, is a β- Methoxyphenamine Orthoxide adrenergic receptor agonist of the amphetamine class used as a bronchodilator. 3 A Yes A No A 147 Synthetic and orally active anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) which was never Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid marketed for medical use. Methyl-1-testosterone is on the World Anti-Doping Methyl-1-testosterone M1T 3 A Yes A No A Agency's list of prohibited substances, and is therefore banned from use in most 148 major sports is a belladonna derivative. “In 1902, the Bayer Company Could be in horse remedies (DR. BELL's) introduced atropine methonitrate, a quaternary salt of atropine, as a Methylatropine Eumydrin 3 B Yes B Yes B mydriatic for dilation of the pupil during ophthalmic examination." 149 Synthetic, orally active anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) and a 17α-alkylated derivative of 19-nortestosterone. is on the World Anti-Doping Methyldienolone RU-3467 Agency's list of prohibited substances, and is therefore banned from use in most 3 A Yes A No A major sports. 150 Antihypertensive medication used for high blood pressure. It is one of the preferred treatments for high blood pressure in . Aldomet 3 A Yes A No A

151 Experimental androgen/anabolic steroid (AAS) and progestogen medication Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid which has been under development for potential use as a form of hormonal birth Methylnortestosterone control for men and in androgen replacement therapy for low testosterone levels 3 A Yes A No A in men but has never been marketed for medical use. It is given as an implant 152 that is placed into fat. Metandren is used for Testosterone deficiency or absence, Hormone Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid Methyltestosterone Metandren replacement therapy and other conditions. Metandren Tablet may also be used 3 B Yes B No B 153 for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Diuretic primarily used to treat congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. indirectly decreases the amount of water reabsorbed into the Metolazone Zytanix, Zaroxolyn, Mykrox bloodstream by the kidney, so that blood volume decreases and urine volume 3 B Yes B No B increases. This lowers blood pressure and prevents excess fluid accumulation in 154 heart failure. Beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure, chest pain (angina), and heart failure. This may lower the risk of death after a heart attack. Lopressor 3 B Yes B No B

155 Used for the treatment of hypertension and chronic angina pectoris. It belongs to Posicor 3 B Yes B No B 156 a group known as calcium channel blockers. Synthetic, orally active, and extremely potent anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) It was indicated specifically as an oral and a 17α-alkylated nandrolone (19-nortestosterone) derivative which was treatment for prevention Cheque Drops, Matenon marketed by Upjohn for use as a veterinary drug. It was indicated specifically as 3 B Yes B Yes (Greyhounds) B of estrus (heat) in adult female dogs an oral treatment for prevention of estrus (heat) in adult female dogs. 157 Short-acting hypnotic-sedative drug with anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, sedative, hypnotic, and amnesic properties. It belongs to a class Versed 3 B Yes B No B of drugs called benzodiazepines. This drug is unique from others in this class due 158 to its rapid onset of effects and short duration of action An ethanolamine derivative that is an adrenergic alpha agonist. It is used as a Pro-Amiline 3 B Yes B No B 159 vasoconstrictor agent in the treatment of hypotension. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments A potent direct-acting peripheral vasodilator (vasodilator agents) that reduces Loniten 3 B Yes B No B 160 peripheral resistance and produces a fall in blood pressure. Non-sulfhydryl containing precursor of the active angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor moexiprilat. It is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Moexipril (metabolite, moexiprilat) Uniretic It works by relaxing blood vessels, causing them to widen. Lowering high blood 3 B Yes B No B pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems. 161 Muscarinic agonists are used as drugs in treating glaucoma, postoperative , congenital megacolon, and . found Muscarin, 3 A Yes A No A in certain mushrooms, particularly in Inocybe and Clitocybe species, such as the 162 deadly C. dealbata. Used to reduce pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from arthritis. This medication is Anthraxan, Relafen, Reliflex 3 A Yes A No A 163 known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Used alone or with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) Corgard and to prevent chest pain (angina). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent 3 B Yes B No B 164 strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Opioid antagonist medication used to block or reverse the effects of opioid drugs, particularly within the setting of drug overdoses which are rapidly becoming a Narcan leading cause of death worldwide. More specifically, naloxone has a high affinity 3 B Yes B No B for μ-opioid receptors, where it acts as an , causing the rapid 165 removal of any other drugs bound to these receptors. Derivative of that is the N-cyclopropylmethyl congener of naloxone. It is a narcotic antagonist that is effective orally, longer lasting and Revia more potent than naloxone, and has been proposed for the treatment of heroin 3 B Yes B No B addiction. The FDA has approved naltrexone for the treatment of alcohol 166 dependence. Nandrolone, also known as 19-nortestosterone or 19-norandrostenolone, is a Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid Nandrolone Nandrolin, Laurabolin, Durabolin 3 B Yes B No B 167 synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) derived from testosterone. is a triptan drug used for the treatment of migraine headaches. It is a Naratriptan Amerge 3 B Yes B No B 168 selective 5-hydroxytryptamine1 receptor subtype agonist. is a highly cardioselective vasodilatory beta1 receptor blocker used in Nebivolol Bystolic treatment of hypertension. In most countries, this medication is available only by 3 A Yes A No A 169 prescription. Painkilling medication primarily used to treat moderate to severe, acute or Acupan chronic pain. It is believed to work in the brain and spinal cord to relieve pain. 3 A Yes A No A 170 A used in the treatment of myasthenia gravis and to Prostigmine reverse the effects of muscle relaxants such as gallamine and tubocurarine. 3 B Yes B Yes B 171 Neostigmine, unlike , does not cross the blood-brain barrier. is a drug used for joint and muscular pain. It is categorized as an Niflumic acid Nifluril inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2. In experimental biology, it has been employed to 3 B Yes B No B 172 inhibit chloride channels. is a relatively COX-2 selective, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Its approved indications are the treatment of acute pain, the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis and primary Nimesulide Medindia 3 B Yes B No B dysmenorrhoea in adolescents and adults above 12 years old. Due to concerns about the risk of , nimesulide has been withdrawn from market in 173 many countries. Synthetic and orally active anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) which was never marketed. is on the World Anti-Doping Agency's list of prohibited Norbolethone Norboletone 3 A Yes A No A substances, and is therefore banned from use in most major sports. 174 Synthetic androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) that was derived from nandrolone. Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid Lentabol A 4-chloro derivative of testosterone, it works out to be significantly stronger 3 A Yes A No A 175 than pure testosterone. Androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which has been used to promote muscle growth and to treat severe burns, physical trauma, and aplastic Nilevar, Pronabol 3 A Yes A No A anemia but has mostly been discontinued. It is still available for use in France and 176 is taken by mouth. Androgen and anabolic steroid which is used in the form of esters such as and nandrolone phenylpropionate. They are used in the treatment of anemias, (wasting syndrome), osteoporosis, breast cancer, Nortestosterone Nandrolone 3 B Yes B No B and for other indications. Nandrolone esters are used for physique- and performance-enhancing purposes by competitive athletes, bodybuilders, and 177 powerlifters. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Periphral Vasodilator used to relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. Some studies show the evidence of improving cognitive impairment in selected Nylidrin Arlidin 3 A Yes A No A individuals, such as geriatric patients with mild to moderate symptoms of 178 cognitive, emotional and physical impairment Used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Olmesartan belongs to Olmesartan Benicar 3 A Yes A No A a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It works by relaxing 179 blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. is a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid of the nandrolone group which was never marketed. It can be formulated as the cipionate ester prodrug Oxabolone Steranabol Depo 3 A Yes A No A oxabolone cipionate, which, in contrast, has been marketed for medical use. 180 Anabolic steroid used to help patients regain weight after surgery, illness, or Anavar trauma). It can help the body recover from side effects caused by long-term 3 B Yes B No B 181 use. It can also treat bone pain caused by osteoporosis. Anticonvulsant medication used to treat epilepsy, but it's also sometimes prescribed off-label to treat bipolar disorder. Trileptal is approved by the U.S. Trileptal 3 A Yes A No A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat partial seizures in adults and 182 children. is a non-selective beta blocker with some intrinsic sympathomimetic Oxprenolol Trasicor activity. It is used for the treatment of angina pectoris, abnormal heart rhythms 3 A Yes A No A 183 and high blood pressure. Anabolic steroid abused by some athletes and is tested for in regular preventive doping control analysis. Androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) are defined as Anamidol, Balnimax natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic drugs chemicals derived from testosterone, 3 A Yes A No A used with the aim to improve physical performance by increasing both muscle 184 strength and mass. Anabolic steroid, which is a man-made form of a hormone similar to Adroyd, Anadrol testosterone. Oxymetholone is used to treat certain types of anemia (lack of red 3 B Yes B No B 185 blood cells), including anemia caused by chemotherapy. Vasodilator that relaxes smooth muscles in your blood vessels to help them dilate (widen). This lowers blood pressure and allows blood to flow more easily through Pavagen, etc. 3 A Yes A No A your veins and arteries. Papaverine is used to treat many conditions that cause 186 of smooth muscle. is an anticonvulsant in the class. It is associated Paramethadione Paradione with fetal syndrome, which is also known as paramethadione 3 A Yes A No A 187 syndrome. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor with antidepressant activity. selectively inhibits MAO type B, an enzyme catalyzing the oxidative deamination Pargyline Eutonyl 3 A Yes A No A and inactivation of certain , such as norepinephrine and 188 dopamine, within the presynaptic nerve terminals. Beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure, which reduces the risk of strokes Levatol 3 B Yes B No B 189 and heart attacks. Like nitroglycerin (glyceryl trinitrate) and other nitrates, PETN is also used Pentaerythritol tetranitrate Duotrate, PETN medically as a vasodilator in the treatment of heart conditions.[4][5] These drugs 3 A Yes A No A 190 work by releasing the signaling gas in the body. Opiod pain medication used to treat moderate to severe pain and is also used as Pentazocine Talwin 3 B Yes B No B 191 part of anesthesia for surgery. is a human drug used to treat Parkinson's Disease. Pergolide is the drug of choice to treat pituitary pars intermedia hyperplasia or equine Cushing's Pergolide Prascend,Permax 3 B Yes B Yes B Syndrome (ECS) in horses. Pergolide works by binding with drug receptors in the 192 brain that control the production of dopamine. Generic form of the brand-name medicine Aceon, which is used to treat high Perindopril Aceon, Biprel blood pressure. Lowering your blood pressure can reduce your risk of having a 3 A Yes A No A 193 heart attack, a stroke, or another cardiovascular complication. Belongs to a class of drugs known as alpha blockers. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. Used to treat high Dibenzyline 3 B Yes B No B blood pressure and heavy sweating due to a certain tumor of the adrenal glands 194 (pheochromocytoma). A nonselective alpha-. It is used in the treatment of hypertension and hypertensive emergencies, pheochromocytoma, vasospasm of Regitine 3 B Yes B No B raynaud disease and frostbite, clonidine withdrawal syndrome, impotence, and 195 peripheral vascular disease. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Primarily used as a decongestant, to dilate the pupil, to increase blood pressure, and to relieve . causes the constriction of vascular Phenylephrine Isophrin, Neo-Synephrine smooth muscle and is often used in the treatment of hemorrhoids presumably to 3 B Yes B Yes B narrow the swollen veins and relieve the attendant pain. 196 Sympathomimetic drug used in dogs and cats primarily to treat secondary to urethral sphincter hypotonia. PPA was used as a Propadrine decongestant and anorectic. It was removed from both over-the-counter and 3 B Yes B No B prescription use in the United States in 2000 because of data that suggested PPA 197 increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke in people. Cholinesterase inhibitor that is rapidly absorbed through membranes. It can be applied topically to the conjunctiva. It also can cross the blood-brain barrier and is Physostigmine Eserine 3 A Yes A No A used when central nervous system effects are desired, as in the treatment of 198 severe anticholinergic toxicity. A moderately lipophilic beta blocker (adrenergic beta-antagonists). It is non- Viskin cardioselective and has intrinsic sympathomimetic actions, but little membrane- 3 B Yes B No B 199 stabilizing activity. is a short-acting β₂ adrenoreceptor agonist with bronchodilating action When used in a nebulizer could be Pirbuterol Maxair used in the treatment of asthma, available as a breath-activated metered-dose 3 B Yes B Yes B mismanagement 200 inhaler. has been synthesized in 1973 at Hoechst AG as a compound by using a then-new method for introducing cyclic amine residues in Piretanide Arelix, Tauliz 3 B Yes B No B an aromatic nucleus in the presence of other aromatically bonded functional 201 groups. medication that is used to treat high blood pressure, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). is an α1-blocker that acts as an Prazosin Minipress inverse agonist at alpha-1 adrenergic receptors. These receptors are found on 3 B Yes B No B vascular smooth muscle, where they are responsible for the vasoconstrictive 202 action of norepinephrine Anticonvulsant of the barbiturate class. It is a structural analog of phenobarbital Mysoline 3 B Yes B No B 203 and related to barbiturate-derivative anticonvulsants. Local anesthetic drug of the amino ester group. It is used primarily to reduce the Novacaine pain of of , and it is also used in dentistry. 3 B Yes B Yes B 204 Long-acting beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonist. It is a potent bronchodilator that may be administered orally or by aerosol inhalation. Beta(2)-receptor stimulation Pro Air 3 A Yes A No A in the lung causes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle, bronchodilation, and 205 increased bronchial airflow. is an anticholinergic drug principally used for the treatment of drug- Procyclidine Kemadrin induced parkinsonism, and acute ; Parkinson disease; and 3 B Yes B No B 206 idiopathic or secondary dystonia. Phenothiazine antipsychotic used to treat severely agitated or restless behaviour. Sparine Promazine works by blocking a variety of receptors in the brain, particularly 3 B Yes B Yes B 207 dopamine receptors. Used to relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions such as allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, allergic skin reactions, and allergic reactions to blood or plasma Phenergan 3 B Yes B No B products. Also used to relax and sedate patients before and after surgery, during 208 labor, and at other times. reduces the secretions of certain organs in the body, such as the stomach. Propantheline is used to reduce stomach acid in people with Propantheline Pro-Banthine stomach ulcers. Antimuscarinic agent used for the treatment of excessive 3 B Yes B No B sweating, cramps or spasms of the stomach, intestines or bladder, and 209 involuntary urination. is a xanthine derivative with purported neuroprotective effects. Propentophylline Karsivan Propentofylline is in use in veterinary medicine as a geriatric preparation for old 3 B Yes B No B 210 dogs. Beta blocker class used to treat high blood pressure, a number of types of irregular heart rate, thyrotoxicosis, capillary hemangiomas, performance anxiety, Inderal 3 B Yes B No B and essential . Appears in the blood after 30 minutes and has a maximum 211 effect between 60 and 90 minutes when taken by mouth. Androgen/anabolic steroid (AAS) and designer steroid which acts as a prodrug of Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid the 17α-demethylated analogue of (Winstrol). It was found in 2005 as 3 A Yes A No A an ingredient of products sold as "dietary supplements" for bodybuilding. 212 is a β-adrenergic receptor agonist used as a bronchodilator in Europe Protokylol Ventaire and the United States. It is methylenedioxyphenyl-isoproterenol. The PMA analog 3 A Yes A No A 213 is twice the potency as the tenamfetamine analog. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Sympathomimetic drug of the phenethylamine and amphetamine chemical classes. It may be used as a nasal/sinus decongestant, as a stimulant, or as a Cenafed, Novafed wakefulness-promoting agent in higher doses. Pseudoephedrine is a stimulant, 3 B Yes B No B but it is well known for shrinking swollen nasal mucous membranes, so it is often 214 used as a decongestant. affects chemicals in the body that are involved in the communication between nerve impulses and muscle movement. Pyridostigmine Pyridostigmine Mestinon, Regonol 3 B Yes B No B is used to treat the symptoms of myasthenia gravis. It is also used in military 215 personnel who have been exposed to nerve gas. Pyrilamine maleate is a histamine H1 antagonist. It has mild hypnotic properties and some local anesthetic action and is used for allergies (including skin Pyrilamine Neoantergan, Equihist 3 B Yes B No B eruptions) both parenterally and locally. It is a common ingredient of cold 216 remedies. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) used in the treatment Quinapril, Quinaprilat Accupril of hypertension and congestive heart failure. A prodrug, it is converted to its 3 A Yes A No A 217 active metabolite, quinaprilat, in the liver. Androgen and anabolic steroid which was previously marketed in Italy. It was Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid Anabolicum, Anabolvis developed by Parke-Davis as a viable orally-administered AAS with little or no 3 A Yes A No A 218 liver toxicity Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and congestive heart failure. By inhibiting an enzyme, ACE Ramipril, metabolite Ramiprilat Altace inhibitors relax the muscles around small arteries (arterioles). The arterioles 3 A Yes A No A expand and allow blood to flow through more easily. This reduces blood 219 pressure. is a tocolytic drug used to stop premature labor. This drug has been Ritodrine Yutopar 3 B Yes B No B 220 removed from the US market, according to FDA Orange Book. 221 Maxalt Triptan It can treat migraine headaches. 3 B Yes B No B Headache medicine that narrows the blood vessels around the brain. Rizatriptan Sedivet also reduces substances in the body that can trigger headache pain, nausea, 3 B Yes B Yes B 222 sensitivity to light and sound, and other migraine symptoms. Long-acting β2 adrenergic receptor agonist (LABA) used in the maintenance and prevention of asthma symptoms and maintenance of chronic obstructive Serevent pulmonary disease (COPD) symptoms. Symptoms of bronchospasm include 3 B Yes B Yes B shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and chest tightness. 223 Appetite suppressant which has been discontinued in many countries. Until 2010, Meridia it was widely marketed and prescribed as an adjunct in the treatment of obesity 3 B Yes B No B 224 along with diet and exercise. Pfizer originally discovered the medication in 1989 while looking for a treatment for heart related chest pain. Medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and Viagra 3 A Yes A No A pulmonary arterial hypertension. Onset is typically within 20 minutes and lasts for 225 about 2 hours. Medication used to treat abnormal heart rhythms. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises that only be used for serious abnormal heart Sotalol Betapace, Sotacor rhythms, because its prolongation of the QT interval carries a small risk of life- 3 B Yes B No B threatening polymorphic ventricular tachycardia known as torsade de pointes. 226 Spirapril is an ACE inhibitor antihypertensive drug used to treat hypertension. Like Spirapril, metabolite Spiraprilat Renomax many ACE inhibitors, this is a prodrug which is converted to the active metabolite 3 A Yes A No A 227 spiraprilat following oral administration. Androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which was derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It stimulates blood and has been Stanozolol Winstrol-V 3 B Yes B No B evaluated for the treatment of the more advanced skin changes in venous 228 disease such as lipodermatosclerosis. is an anabolic–androgenic steroid of the dihydrotestosterone group Stenbolone Anatrofin, Stenobolone 3 A Yes A No A 229 which was never marketed. Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug used to treat pain, arthritis, ankylosing Even though its not listed as a Clinoril spondylitis, and bursitis. 3 B Yes B Yes B Therapeutic it is an NASID and may be 230 mismanaged 231 Imitrex Medication used to treat migraine heads and cluster headaches. 3 B Yes B No B Vasodilator used to treat erectile dysfunction and enlarged prostate (benign Tadalasil Cialis prostatic hyperplasia). It can also treat high blood pressure in the lungs 3 A Yes A No A 232 (pulmonary arterial hypertension). Telmisartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Telmisartan keeps blood Telmisartan Micardis vessels from narrowing, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. 3 B Yes B No B 233 A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It was originated by Roche but as of 2008 is sold by Meda AB under the trade name Mobiflex. It is available Tenoxicam Alganex, etc. 3 B Yes B No B as a prescription-only drug in the United Kingdom and other countries, but not in 234 the US. is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug approved for veterinary use in Tepoxalin Zubrin 3 B Yes B No B 235 the United States and many other countries. is a selective alpha1-antagonist used for treatment of symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It also acts to lower blood pressure, so it is a Terazosin Hytrin drug of choice for men with hypertension and prostate enlargement. It works by 3 A Yes A No A blocking the action of on smooth muscle of the bladder and the blood 236 vessel walls. β2 adrenergic receptor agonist, used as a "reliever" inhaler in the management of asthma symptoms and as a tocolytic (anti-contraction medication) to delay preterm labor for up to 48 hours. Used as a fast-acting bronchodilator (often used Brethine, Bricanyl 3 B Yes B Yes B as a short-term asthma treatment) and as a tocolytic[5] to delay premature labor. The inhaled form of terbutaline starts working within 15 minutes and can last up 237 to 6 hours. is a non-selective, irreversible, steroidal aromatase inhibitor which Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid is used as an antineoplastic drug to treat advanced-stage breast cancer. The drug Testolactone Teslac 3 B Yes B No B was discontinued in 2008 and is no longer available for medical use. 238 Medication and naturally occurring steroid hormone. It is used to treat male Testosterone "T" hypogonadism and certain types of breast cancer. It may also be used to increase 3 B Yes B No B 239 athletic ability in the form of doping. Synthetic and orally active anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) which was never marketed for medical use. Developed completely in secret by Arnold as a THG, The Clear 3 A Yes A No A designer drug, on the basis that doping testers would be unlikely to detect a 240 totally new compound. Methylxanthine drug used in therapy for respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. . As a member of the Theophylline Aqualphyllin, etc. xanthine family, it bears structural and pharmacological similarity to 3 B Yes B No B and caffeine, and is readily found in nature, and is present in tea (Camellia 241 sinensis) and cocoa (Theobroma cacao). is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the arylpropionic acid Even though its not listed as a Tiaprofenic acid Surgam class, used to treat pain, especially arthritic pain. The typical adult dose is 300 mg 3 B Yes B Yes B Therapeutic it is an NASID and may be 242 twice daily. It is not recommended in children. mismanaged Beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and migraine headaches, and Blocardrin lower the risk of repeated heart attacks in its oral form. It can also treat glaucoma 3 B Yes B No B 243 when used in the eye. is a non-selective competitive α-adrenergic receptor antagonist. It is a Tolazoline Priscoline 3 B Yes B No B 244 vasodilator that is used to treat spasms of peripheral blood vessels. 245 Tolectin Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug used to treat pain and arthritis. 3 B Yes B No B Diuretic used to treat fluid retention (edema) caused by congestive heart failure, Torsemide () Demadex kidney disease, or liver disease. It can also treat high blood pressure alone or in 3 A Yes A No A 246 combination with other medications. Trandolapril is an ACE inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure, it may also be Trandolapril (and metabolite, Tarka used to treat other conditions. It is marketed by Abbott Laboratories under the 3 B Yes B No B trandolaprilat) 247 brand name Mavik. is an androgen and anabolic steroid of the nandrolone group which Synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid Trenbolone Finoplix 3 B Yes B No B 248 itself was never marketed. , also known as benzhexol, Artane, and trihex, is an Trihexylphenidyl Artane antiparkinsonian agent of the antimuscarinic class. It has been in clinical usage for 3 A Yes A No A 249 decades. Trimethadione is an oxazolidinedione anticonvulsant. It is most commonly used Trimethadione Tridione 3 B Yes B No B 250 to treat epileptic conditions that are resistant to other treatments. (INN) or trimethaphan camsylate (USAN), trade name Arfonad, is a drug that counteracts cholinergic transmission at the ganglion type of nicotinic receptors of the autonomic ganglia and therefore blocks both Trimethaphan Arfonad the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. It acts 3 A Yes A No A as a non-depolarizing competitive antagonist at the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, is short-acting, and is given intravenously. 251 and first-generation antihistamine used in the treatment of asthma, PBZ, Pyribenzamine hay fever, rhinitis and urticaria, but is now less common as it has been replaced 3 B Yes B No B 252 by newer antihistamines. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Description Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments is an over-the-counter antihistamine with anticholinergic properties. Triprolidine Actidil It is used to combat the symptoms associated with allergies and is sometimes 3 B Yes B No B 253 combined with other cold medications is a sesquiterpenoid constituent of the essential of the Valerenic acid Valerian Root plant. Valerian is used as a herbal sedative which may be helpful in the treatment 3 A Yes A Yes A Supplement - used as a herbal 254 of insomnia. supplement Antihypertensive drug used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. It can Valsartan Diovan 3 B Yes B No B 255 also lower the risk of death after a heart attack. 256 Levitra Vasodilator used to treat erectile dysfunction. 3 A Yes A No A An analogue of clonidine and an agonist at the α2 class of adrenergic receptor. It is used for sedation, anesthesia, muscle relaxation, and analgesia in animals such Rompun, Bay Va 1470 3 B Yes B Yes B as horses, cattle and other non-human mammals. Veterinarians also use xylazine 257 as an emetic, especially in cats. Used in the treatment of acute migraines in adults. The active ingredient in Zomig is , a selective serotonin receptor agonist. It is classified as a triptan, Zolmitriptan Zomig 3 B Yes B No B which is believed to reduce the pain of migraine by relieving swelling and 258 narrowing blood vessels. Medication used to treat the symptoms of epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. Chemically it is a . It serves as an anticonvulsant used primarily as an Zonegran adjunctive therapy in adults with Parkinson's disease, partial-onset seizures; 3 B Yes B No B infantile spasm, mixed seizure types of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, myoclonic and 259 generalized tonic clonic seizure A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments , or simply tuamine, also known as 2- aminoheptane, is a sympathomimetic agent and 2-Aminoheptane Tuamine 4 B Yes B No B vasoconstrictor which was formerly used as a nasal 2 decongestant. It has also been used as a stimulant. Analgesic used to treat minor aches and , and Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Tylenol, Tempra, etc. 4 C Yes C Yes C 3 reduces fever. Odorless, solid chemical of leaf or flake-like appearance. It is also known as N-phenylacetamide, Antifebrin 4 B Yes B No B acetanil, or acetanilid, and was formerly known by the 4 trade name Antifebrin. Diuretic used to treat glaucoma, epilepsy, mountain Diamox, Vetamox 4 C Yes C No C 5 sickness, and fluid retention is a pain-relieving and fever-reducing drug, which was widely used between its introduction in Acetophenetidin Phenacetin 4 B Yes B No B 1887 and the 1983 ban imposed by the U.S. Food and 6 Drug Administration. Blood thinner and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is used to treat pain, fever, headache, and Acetylsalicylic acid Aspirin 4 C Yes C Yes C inflammation. It can also reduce the risk of heart attack. 7 8 Alclometasone Aclovate Topical steroid used to treat skin irritation. 4 C Yes C No C Chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). The derivative is a Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone salicylate 4 B Yes B No B hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium. 9 Steroid hormone produced by the zona glomerulosa of May be environmental the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland. It is essential Aldosterone Aldocortin, Electrocortin 4 B Yes B No B for sodium conservation in the kidney, salivary glands, 10 sweat glands and colon. Progestin (synthetic hormone) of the 19- nortestosterone group which is widely used in Regumate 4 C Yes C Yes C veterinary medicine to suppress or synchronize estrus 11 in horses and pigs. Drug that breaks up phlegm, used in the treatment of Ambril, etc. respiratory diseases associated with viscid or excessive 4 B Yes B No B 12 . Topical used to treat itching, redness and swelling associated with several dermatologic Amcinonide Cyclocort 4 C No C Yes C conditions such as atopic dermatitis and allergic contact 13 dermatitis. Diuretic used to treat congestive heart failure, high Moduretic; Midamor blood pressure, and low potassium levels in the blood 4 B Yes B No B 14 (hypokalemia). Clotting promoter used to treat conditions that cause Amicar, Caprocid excessive bleeding. It can also control bleeding during 4 C Yes C No C 15 or after surgery. Antiarrhythmic agent used to treat heart rhythm Cordarone 4 B Yes B No B 16 problems. is a with analgesic, anti- Aminopyrine inflammatory, and antipyretic properties but has risk of 4 B Yes B No B 17 agranulocytosis. 18 Amisometradine Rolictron Diruetic used to treat edema. 4 B Yes B No B Inocor is a pyridine phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor. It is a drug that may improve the prognosis in patients with congestive heart failure. Amrinone has been shown to increase the contractions initiated in the heart by high gain calcium induced calcium release (CICR). The positive inotropic effect of amrinone is mediated by the Amrinone Inocor 4 B Yes B No B selective enhancement of high gain CICR which contributes to the contraction of myocytes by phosphorylation through cAMP dependent (PKA) and Ca2+ calmodulin kinase pathways.

19 20 Anisotropine Valpin Muscarinic antagonist and antispasmodic. 4 B Yes B No B A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments is an analgesic, a nonsteroidal anti- Antipyrine Phenazone inflammatory drug and an antipyretic. It was first 4 B Yes B No B 21 synthesized by in 1887. is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is manufactured by Goldshield under the tradename Apazone (Azapropazone) Rheumox Rheumox. It was available in the UK as a prescription- 4 B Yes B No B only drug, with restrictions due to certain contra- 22 indications and side-effects. is a Class 1b antiarrhythmic agent. Aprindine Aspenon 4 B Yes B No B 23 A cardiac depressant used in arrhythmias. is a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonist used as a skeletal muscle relaxant. It is known to be Baclofen Lioresal 4 B Yes B No B particularly useful in treating muscle spasticity 24 associated with spinal cord injury. Steroid medication available as an inhaler, cream, pills, Beclomethasone Propaderm and nasal spray used to treat asthma, allergies, and 4 C Yes C Yes C 25 COPD. 26 Naturetin diuretic used to treat hypertension. 4 B Yes B No B Ester-type local anesthetic, which is used especially in ophthalmology and otolaryngology. is Benoxinate Dorsacaine 4 C Yes C No C sold by Novartis under the brand names Novesine or 27 Novesin. Ester local anesthetic commonly used as a topical pain Orajel 4 B Yes B No B 28 reliever or in cough drops. Thiazide diuretic used in the treatment of high blood Benzthiazide Exna pressure and edema. It is no longer available in the 4 B Yes B No B 29 United States. is an amine calcium once used to treat angina. It is no longer sold in the United States. Bepridil Bepadin It is nonselective and has been discussed as a possible 4 B Yes B No B option in the treatment of atrial fibrillation. 30 Steroid used to treat inflammation and many other Betasone, etc. 4 C No C Yes C 31 medical problems. Urinary retention medication and saliva production stimulator used to treat urinary and bladder problems Urecholine, Duvoid 4 C Yes C No C by emptying the bladder and increasing urination. 32 is an expectorant used in the treatment of respiratory disorders associated with viscid or excessive Bromhexine Oletor, etc. 4 B No B No B mucus. In addition, bromhexine has antioxidant 33 properties. Steroid used to treat Crohn's disease and ulcerative Pulmacort, Rhinocort colitis in its oral form. When inhaled it can prevent 4 C Yes C No C 34 asthma attacks. is a local anesthetic. It is the ester of 4- aminobenzoic acid and butanol. A white, odourless, Butamben (butyl aminobenzoate) Butesin crystalline powder that is mildy soluble in water and 4 C Yes C No C soluble in alcohol, , chloroform, fixed , and 35 dilute acids. 36 Butoxycaine Stadacain Sedative 4 B Yes B No B Medication used to treat crampy abdominal pain, N-Butylscopolamine Buscospan esophageal spasms, renal colic, and bladder spasms. 4 C Yes C Yes C 37 Waxy, flammable, white or transparent solid with a strong aroma. It is found in the wood of the laurel, a large evergreen tree found in Asia and also of the unrelated kapur tree. Wide variety of topical uses Camphor Vick's Vapo Steam, 4 C Yes C Yes C due to its antibacterial, , and anti- inflammatory properties. It can be used to treat skin conditions, improve respiratory function, and relieve 38 pain. , or hemostatic, agent that will cease Kentucky Red blood flow by causing the aggregation and adhesion of Carbazochrome Toxivenol 4 B Yes B No B in the blood to form a plug, ceasing 39 blood flow from an open wound. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that veterinarians Carprofen Rimadyl prescribe as a supportive treatment for various 4 B Yes B Yes B 40 conditions in animals. Antihistamine used to treat hay fever and allergy Zyrtec 4 C No C Yes C 41 symptoms, hives, and itching. Mercurial diuretic that was once used to treat patients Neohydrin with heart failure, but is no longer used in the United 4 B Yes B No B 42 States. Centrally acting muscle relaxant used to treat muscle pain and spasms. Chlorphenesin is no longer used for this purpose in most developed nations due to the availability of much safer spasmolytics such Chlorophenesin Maolate, Musil as benzodiazepines. Other central effects include 4 C Yes C No C sedation, anxiolysis, and dizziness. It also has antifungal and some antibacterial properties and is thus classified as an antifungal for topical use by the 43 WHO. and anti-parasitic used to Chloroquine Avloclor treat and prevent malaria. It can also treat 4 C Yes C No C 44 extraintestinal amebiasis, a liver . Diuretic used to treat fluid retention and high blood Diuril pressure, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. 4 B Yes B No B 45 Antihistamine used to treat hay fever, allergies, and Chlorpheniramine Chlortriemton, etc. 4 B Yes B Yes B 46 cold symptoms. Diuretic and antihypertensive drug used to treat high Chlorthalidone Hydroton 4 B Yes B No B 47 blood pressure and fluid retention (edema). Muscle relaxant used to treat pain and stiffness caused Paraflex 4 B Yes B No B 48 by muscle spasm. is a glucocorticoid used to treat obstructive Ciclesonide Alvesco 4 C Yes C Yes C 49 airway diseases. VasodilatorI used to treat intermittent problems with blood flow in the legs (claudication) by enabling people Pletal 4 B Yes B No B to walk longer distances with less pain. 50 Choleretic agent which stimulates production of bile by Clanobutin Clanohepar 4 B Yes B No B 51 the liver. Clobetasol propionate is a corticosteroid of the glucocorticoid class used to treat various skin disorders Clobetasol Clobex, Temovate including eczema and . It is also highly effective 4 C Yes C No C for contact dermatitis caused by exposure to poison 52 ivy/oak. Clocortolone is a topical steroid. It is used in the form of an ester, clocortolone pivalate, and applied as a cream. Clocortolone Cloderm 4 C Yes C No C It is used for the treatment of dermatitis and is 53 considered a medium-strength corticosteroid. 54 Clofenamide Diumide Clofenamide is a low-ceiling sulfonamide diuretic. 4 B Yes B No B Anti-InflammatoryIt can treat and prevent gout attacks. Colcrys It can also treat familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). 4 B Yes B No B 55 steroid hormone. It is one of the main ACTH Cortisone Cortone, etc. hormones released by the adrenal gland in response to 4 C Yes C No C 56 stress. Muscle relaxant used to treat pain and stiffness caused Flexeril 4 B Yes B No B 57 by muscle spasms. Local anesthetic. When used on specific nerve Surfacaine 4 C Yes C No C 58 pathways, paralysis also can be achieved. is a benzothiadiazide diuretic and antihypertensive that was originally introduced in the United States in 1963. In animals it is a powerful Cyclothiazide Anhydron, Renazide 4 B Yes B No B convulsant, robustly enhancing epileptiform activity and inducing seizures, but without producing any 59 apparent neuronal death. Muscle relaxant It can treat muscle spasms. Used to treat muscle spasticity (stiffness and spasms) caused by Dantrium 4 C Yes C Yes C conditions such as a spinal cord injury, stroke, cerebral 60 palsy, or multiple sclerosis. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Found in mixtures of medications including Clenbuterol. Dembroxol (Dembrexine) Equiplus, Equilysin 4 C Yes C No C 61 Steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland that ACTH Deoxycorticosterone Percortin, DOCA, Descotone, Dorcostrinpossesses activity and acts as a 4 C Yes C No C 62 precursor to aldosterone. Steroid used to treat atopic dermatitis and other skin Skin topical Desonide Des Owen 4 C No C Yes C 63 problems. Steroid used to treat skin irritation, allergic reactions, Skin topical Desoximetasone Topicort plaque psoriasis, and other skin problems. 4 C No C Yes C 64 65 Azium, etc. Steroid used to treat inflammation. 4 C Yes C Yes C Cough medicine It can treat cough. Controlled substance Can also contain , pain Dextromethorphan DXM, DM relievers, and/or antihistamines. High doses of these 4 B Yes B No B mixtures can cause fatal liver injury, cardiovascular 66 effects, and over-sedation. is a sulfonamide and a carbonic Dichlorphenamide Daramide anhydrase inhibitor of the meta-disulfamoylbenzene 4 C Yes C No C 67 class. Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug used to treat pain, Voltaren, Voltarol migraines, and arthritis in its oral form. It can also treat 4 C Yes C Yes C 68 actinic keratoses in its topical form. Steroid used to treat pain, itching, and swelling caused Diflorasone Florone, Maxiflor 4 C No C Yes C 69 by skin diseases. Diflucortolone valerate in the New Zealand topical Diflucortolone Flu-Cortinest, etc. steroid system. It is a white to creamy white crystalline 4 C Yes C No C 70 powder. is a . It is a and is similar in structure and effects to . Unlike Digitoxin Crystodigin digoxin, it is eliminated via the liver, so could be used in 4 B Yes B No B patients with poor or erratic kidney function. 71 Blood pressure support and antiarrhythmic agent It can Digoxin Lanoxin 4 B Yes B No B 72 treat heart failure and heart rhythm problems. 73 Migranal Analgesic used to treat migraine headaches. 4 B Yes B No B and antihypertensive drug Cardizem used to treat high blood pressure and chest pain 4 B Yes B No B 74 (angina). 75 Dimethisoquin Quotane used as an antipruritic. 4 B Yes B No B (DMSO) is an organosulfur compound. This colorless liquid is an important polar aprotic solvent that dissolves both polar and nonpolar compounds and is miscible in a wide range of organic solvents as well as water. It has Dimethylsulfoxide DMSO 4 C Yes C Yes C a relatively high . DMSO has the unusual property that many individuals perceive a -like taste in the mouth after contact with the skin. In terms of chemical structure, the molecule has 76 idealized Cs symmetry. is a centrally active opioid drug of the phenylpiperidine series that is used in a combination Diphenoxylate , Lomotil 4 B Yes B No B drug with atropine for the treatment of diarrhea. 77 Painkiller, spasm reliever and fever reliever. Like Dipyrone Novin, paracetamol, it has minimal anti-inflammatory effects. 4 B Yes B Yes B 78 It is most commonly given by mouth or by injection. Antiarrhythmic agent used to treat irregular heartbeats Norpace 4 B Yes B No B 79 (arrhythmias). Oral anaesthetic that is the active ingredient of Sucrets, an over the counter throat lozenge. It is also found in Dyclonine Dyclone some varieties of the Cepacol sore throat spray. It is a 4 C Yes C Yes C local anesthetic, used topically as the hydrochloride 80 salt. Analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent, or Eltenac Telzenac 4 B Yes B No B 81 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Medication used to cause contractions of the uterus to treat heavy vaginal bleeding after childbirth. It can be Ergonovine Ergotrate 4 C Yes C No C used either by mouth, by injection into a muscle, or 82 injection into a vein. Vasoconstrictor found in of Central Europe. It is a serotonin agonist that has been used as an oxytocic Gynergen, Cafergot, etc. 4 B Yes B No B agent and in the treatment of migraine disorders. 83 Etanercept is a biopharmaceutical that treats Etanercept Enbrel autoimmune diseases by interfering with tumor 4 B Yes B No B 84 factor by acting as a TNF inhibitor. Anticonvulsant used to control seizures in patients who Peganone 4 B Yes B No B 85 have epilepsy. Sulfonamide medication that functions as a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. It is used in the treatment of Cardrase, Ethamide glaucoma and duodenal ulcers, and as a diuretic. It may 4 C Yes C No C also be used in the treatment of some forms of 86 epilepsy. Benzocaine, sold under the brand name Orajel among others, is an ester local anesthetic commonly used as a Ethylaminobenzoate (Benzocaine) Semets, etc. 4 C Yes C No C topical pain reliever or in cough drops. 87 Antihypertensive drug used to treat high blood Plendil pressure, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. 4 B Yes B No B 88 Antihistamine used to treat hay fever symptoms. It can Fexofenadine Allegra 4 C Yes C No C 89 also treat chronic skin hives and itching. is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the COX-2 inhibitor class, currently approved for use in Firocoxib Previcox, Equioxx dogs and horses. Firocoxib was the first COX-2 inhibitor 4 C Yes C Yes C approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for 90 horses. Antiarrhythmic agent used to treat and prevent serious Idalon 4 B Yes B No B 91 irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Floctafenine Idalon, Idarac 4 B Yes B No B 92 used to treat moderate to severe pain. Corticosteroid which is used to treat adrenogenital Fludrocortisone Alforone, etc. syndrome, postural hypotension, and adrenal 4 C Yes C No C 93 insufficiency. 94 Flumethasone Flucort, etc. Corticosteroid for topical use. 4 C Yes C Yes C 95 Flumethiazide Ademol Thiazide diuretic used to treat hypertension. 4 B Yes B No B Drug classified as a calcium antagonist which is used for Sibelium various indications. It is not available by prescription in 4 B Yes B No B 96 the United States or Japan. 97 Bronilide, etc. Steroid used to prevent asthma attacks. 4 C Yes C Yes C Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, analgesic, and Banamine 4 C* Yes C* Yes C* 98 antipyretic used in horses, cattle and pigs. is a corticosteroid primarily used in dermatology to reduce skin inflammation and Fluocinolone Synalar 4 C Yes C Yes C relieve itching. It is a synthetic hydrocortisone 99 derivative. Steroid used treat many skin disorders. It can also Licon, Lidex 4 C Yes C Yes C 100 relieve pain, itching, and swelling of the skin. 101 FML Steroid used to treat eye inflammation. 4 C Yes C Yes C Steroid medication used to treat certain types of Fluoroprednisolone Orapred, Pediapred allergies, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune 4 B Yes B No B 102 disorders, and . 103 Fluprednisolone Alphadrol Fluprednisolone is a pregnane. It is a corticosteroid. 4 C Yes C No C Steroid used to treat redness, itching, swelling, and other discomfort caused by skin conditions. Flurandrenolide Cordran 4 C Yes C No C Flurandrenolide tape can treat dry and scaling skin 104 lesions. Steroid used to treat pain, itching, and swelling caused by many skin diseases when applied topically. It can Flixonase, Flutide 4 C Yes C Yes C also prevent asthma attacks when inhaled. 105 A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Medication of the muscarinic anticholinergic group. It does not cross the blood–brain barrier and Glycopyrrolate Robinul 4 C Yes C Yes C consequently has no to few central effects. It is 106 available by mouth, intravenous, and inhalated forms. Cold medication and cough medicine which thins ( guiacolate) Gecolate mucus. This may make it easier to clear from the head, 4 C Yes C Yes C 107 throat, and lungs. High potency corticosteroid, in group II under US Halcinonide Halog classification. It is used topically in the treatment of 4 C Yes C No C 108 certain skin conditions. Steroid used to treat skin disorders such as itching and Halobetasol Ultravate 4 C Yes C No C 109 swelling. Antimuscarinic used in the form of its methyl sulfate, Tral 4 B Yes B No B 110 called hexocyclium metilsulfate. Diuretic used to treat high blood pressure and fluid Hydrochlorthiazide Hydrodiuril 4 B Yes B No B 111 retention (edema). 112 Hydrocortisone (Cortisol) Cortef, etc. Steroid used to treat inflammation. 4 C Yes C Yes C is a diuretic. The physiologic effect Hydroflumethiazide Saluron of hydroflumethiazide is by means of Increased 4 B Yes B No B 113 Diuresis. Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug used to treat Ibuprofen Motrin, Advil, Nurpin, etc. 4 C Yes C Yes C 114 fever and mild to severe pain. Immunosuppressive drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Infliximab Remicade 4 B Yes B No B Crohn's disease, plaque psoriasis, and . 115 Synthetic glucocorticoid corticosteroid which was never marketed. Its acetate ester, isoflupredone acetate, is used in veterinary medicine indicated for Isoflupredone Predef 2x 4 C Yes C No C glucocorticoid, anti-inflammatory or supportive therapy to cattle suffering from conditions such as: 116 overwhelming infections with severe toxicity Isometheptene is a sympathomimetic amine sometimes used in the treatment of migraines and Isometheptene Octin, Octon tension headaches due to its vasoconstricting 4 B Yes B Yes B properties; that is, it causes constriction of blood 117 vessels. is a long-acting anticholinergic drug. It is Treatment misapplication used in the treatment of peptic ulcers and other Isopropamide Darbid 4 B Yes B Yes B gastrointestinal disorders involving hyperacidity and 118 hypermotility. 119 Vasodilan Vasodilator used to treat blood flow problems. 4 D Yes D Yes D Antihypertensive drug used to treat high blood DynaCirc 4 B Yes B No B 120 pressure. Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug used to treat pain and arthritis. Ketoprofen is most-commonly prescribed Ketoprofen Orudis 4 C* Yes C* Yes C* for musculoskeletal pain from soft tissue injury, 121 osteoarthritis, or other bone and joint problems. is a mucolytic used in the treatment of Letosteine Viscotiol, Visiotal 4 B Yes B No B 122 chronic bronchopneumopathies and related conditions. Antihistamine used to treat allergy symptoms and Loratidine Claritin 4 C Yes C No C 123 hives. Drug used for joint, muscular pain, arthritis and dysmenorrhea. It is a member of the anthranilic acid Arquel 4 C Yes C Yes C derivatives class of NSAID drugs and was approved by 124 the FDA in 1980. Synthetic glucocorticoid that is or has been used in the Medrysone Medriusar, etc. 4 C No C Yes C 125 treatment of inflammatory eye diseases. Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug used to treat Meloxicam Mobic 4 B Yes B Yes B 126 osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. It can Mephenesin Tolserol be used as an antidote for . 4 B Yes B No B 127 is a mercurial diuretic (diruetic containing Meralluride Mercuhydrin 4 B Yes B No B 128 ). Mercurial ; form of renal diuretic containing Merbaphen Novasural 4 B Yes B No B 129 mercury. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments 130 Mercaptomerin Thiomerin Mercurial diuretic. 4 B Yes B No B A chemical combination of a mercury-containing acid Mercumatilin Cumertilin C14H14HgO6 and theophylline formerly used as a 4 B Yes B No B 131 diuretic is an organomercury compound. It is only rarely used as a drug, having been superseded by Mersalyl Salyrgan diuretic medications that do not contain mercury and 4 B Yes B No B are therefore less toxic. It features an Hg(II) centre. 132 Muscle relaxant used to relieve pain caused by injuries, Skelaxin 4 B Yes B No B 133 sprains, and strains. Used to treat high pressure inside the eye due to certain types of glaucoma. Lowering high pressure inside the eye helps to prevent blindness, vision loss, Naptazane 4 C Yes C No C and nerve damage. Methazolamide belongs to a class of drugs known as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. 134 135 Robaxin Muscle relaxant used to treat muscle spasms and pain. 4 C Yes C Yes C Immunosuppressive and chemotherapy drug used to treat cancer of the blood, bone, lung, breast, head, and Folex, Nexate, etc. 4 B Yes B No B neck. It can also treat rheumatoid arthritis and 136 psoriasis. Provided as the bromide salt but sometimes as the nitrate salt Hyoscine methonitrate, is an oral Methscopolamine Pamine 4 B Yes B Yes B medication used along with other medications to treat 137 peptic ulcers by reducing stomach acid secretion. Anticonvulsant used to treat absence (petit mal) Methsuximide Celontin 4 B Yes B No B 138 seizures if other medications cannot control them. 139 Enduron Methyclothiazide is a thiazide diuretic. 4 B Yes B No B and analgesic used to treat severe bleeding Methylergonovine Methergine 4 C Yes C No C 140 from the uterus after childbirth. Steroid used to treat inflammation, severe allergies, flares of chronic illnesses, and many other medical Methylprednisolone Medrol 4 C Yes C Yes C problems. It can also decrease some symptoms of 141 cancer. Ergot derived prescription drug used for the Sansert 4 B Yes B No B 142 prophylaxis of difficult to treat migraine and cluster Histamine H₂ receptor antagonist developed from another H₂ antagonist, . It was an 4 B Yes B No B intermediate compound in the development of the 143 successful anti-ulcer drug . Gut motility stimulator used to treat gastroesophageal Reglan reflux disease (GERD). It can also treat in 4 C Yes C Yes C 144 patients with diabetes. Antiarrhythmic agent used to treat irregular heartbeats Mexitil 4 B Yes B No B 145 (arrhythmias). 146 Milrinone Primacor Blood pressure support used to treat heart failure. 4 B Yes B No B furoate is a glucocorticoid or corticosteroid used topically to reduce inflammation of Mometasone Elocon 4 C Yes C Yes C the skin or in the airways. It is a prodrug of the free 147 form mometasone. Used for a number of conditions including asthma, exercise induced bronchospasm, allergic rhinitis, and Singulair urticaria. Also used to prevent allergic reactions and 4 C Yes C Yes C asthma flare-ups during the administration of 148 intravenous immunoglobulin. Eye decongestant used to treat eye irritation caused by Privine 4 B Yes B No B 149 colds, contact lenses, and smog or . Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug It can treat fever Equiproxen, Naprosyn 4 C Yes C Yes C 150 and pain. Antihypertensive drugIt can treat high blood pressure Cardine 4 B Yes B No B 151 and chest pain (angina). Calcium channel blocker and antihypertensive drug Procardia used to treat high blood pressure and chest pain 4 B Yes B No B 152 (angina). A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Antihypertensive drug used to reduce brain damage Nemotop 4 B Yes B No B 153 caused by bleeding from a burst blood vessel. Muscle relaxant used to relieve muscle discomfort caused by health problems or injuries such as sprains Norlfex 4 B Yes B No B or strains. It's used along with rest, physical therapy, 154 and other treatments. Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug used to treat pain Daypro, Deflam 4 B Yes B No B 155 and arthritis. Selective α₁ adrenergic receptor agonist and α₂ adrenergic receptor partial agonist. It is a topical Afrin 4 B Yes B No B decongestant, used in the form of oxymetazoline 156 hydrochloride Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is a metabolite of . It was withdrawn from markets Tandearil worldwide in mid-1980s due to bone marrow 4 C Yes C Yes C suppression and Stevens–Johnson syndrome. 157 158 Daricon Anticholinergic drug used in treating peptic ulcers. 4 B Yes B No B Quaternary ammonium anticholinergic agent with peripheral side effects similar to those of atropine. It is used as an adjunct in the treatment of gastric and Oxyphenonium Antrenyl 4 B Yes B No B duodenal ulcer, and to relieve visceral spasms. The drug has also been used in the form of eye drops for 159 mydriatic effect. Fluorinated glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory and Paramethasone Haldrone 4 C Yes C No C 160 immunosuppressant properties. Vasodilator and anti-inflammatory drug used to treat Pentoxyfylline Trental, Vazofirin poor blood circulation by improving the flow of blood 4 D Yes D Yes D 161 through the vessels. Anticonvulsant of the ureide class. It is a congener and Phenurone ring-opened analogue of phenytoin, and is structurally 4 B Yes B No B 162 related to the barbiturates and to other . 163 Milontin Anticonvulsant in the class. 4 B Yes B No B Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug for the short-term Phenylbutazone Butazolidin 4 C* Yes C* Yes C* 164 treatment of pain and fever in animals. 165 Phenytoin Dilantin Anticonvulsant used to treat and prevent seizures. 4 B Yes B Yes B 166 Piroxicam Feldene Nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory drug used to treat pain. 4 B Yes B Yes B is a thiazide diuretic used to reduce Polythiazide Renese 4 B Yes B No B 167 hypertension and edema. is a topical anesthetic discovered at Abbott Pramoxine Tronothaine Laboratories in 1953 and used as an antipruritic. 4 C Yes C No C 168 Steroid used to treat many diseases and conditions, especially those related to inflammation. It's often used Delta-Cortef, etc. 4 C Yes C Yes C to treat chronic illnesses such as colitis, multiple 169 sclerosis, and arthritis. Steroid used to treat many diseases and conditions, Prednisone Meticorten, etc. 4 C Yes C Yes C 170 especially those associated with inflammation. reducer which can treat gout and gouty Probenecid arthritis. It can also help some work more 4 C Yes C No C 171 effectively. Antiarrhythmic agent used to treat heart rhythm Pronestyl 4 B Yes B No B 172 problems. Antiarrhythmic agent used to treat or prevent heart Rythmol 4 B Yes B No B 173 rhythm problems (atrial fibrillation). Anesthetic which can numb the eye during an eye Proparacaine Ophthaine 4 C Yes C No C 174 surgery or procedure. Nasal decongestant, appetite suppressant, and Benzedrex 4 B Yes B Yes B 175 psychostimulant medication. Antiarrhythmic agent and anti-parasitic used to treat Quinidex, Quinicardine certain kinds of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). It 4 B Yes B Yes B 176 can also treat malaria. is a non-prescription drug with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Its medicinal uses are Salicylamide similar to those of aspirin. Salicylamide is used in 4 C Yes C Yes C combination with both aspirin and caffeine in the over- 177 the-counter pain remedy PainAid. A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Anti-Inflammatory used to treat skin problems such as Salicylate 4 C Yes C Yes C 178 , psoriasis, and warts. Medication used to treat motion sickness and postoperative nausea and vomiting. It is also (Hyoscine) Triptone 4 C Yes C No C sometimes used before surgery to decrease saliva 179 production. Diuretic used to treat high blood pressure. It can also Spironalactone Aldactone treat fluid retention (edema) and high levels of the 4 B Yes B No B 180 hormone aldosterone. Anti-Inflammatory used to treat ulcerative colitis and Sulfasalazine Azulfidine, Azaline 4 C Yes C No C 181 rheumatoid arthritis. Antihistamine formerly used for the treatment of allergic conditions. It was superseded by fexofenadine in the 1990s due to the risk of a Seldane, Triludan particular type of disruption of the electrical rhythms of 4 C Yes C No C the heart (specifically cardiac caused by QT interval prolongation) and has been withdrawn from 182 markets worldwide Eye decongestant used to treat eye redness caused by Tetrahydrozoline Tyzine 4 B Yes B No B 183 certain allergies. Bitter alkaloid of the cacao plant, with the chemical formula C₇H₈N₄O₂. It is found in chocolate, as well as in a number of other foods, including the leaves of the tea Theobromine 4 B Yes B Yes B plant, and the kola nut. Theobromine and caffeine are similar in that they are related alkaloids. 184 Thiosalicylic acid is an organosulfur compound containing carboxyl and sulfhydryl functional groups. Thiosalicylate Tusal, Rexolate 4 B Yes B No B Also used to make the preservative thiomersal. 185 Thiphenamil, an antispasmodic drug with a local anesthetic activity, inhibits contraction. The clinical trials have shown that thiphenamil could suppress Thiphenamil Trocinate 4 B Yes B No B upper urinary tract contractility, and was suggested to use the drug for renal colic and stone management. 186 is a class Ib antiarrhythmic agent. It is no Tocainide Tonocard 4 B Yes B No B 187 longer sold in the United States is a member of the anthranilic acid derivatives class of NSAID drugs discovered by Tolfenamic Acid Clotan 4 B Yes B Yes B scientists at Medica Pharmaceutical Company in 188 Finland. Clotting promoter used to treat heavy menstrual TXA, Cyklokapron, Lysteda 4 C Yes C Yes C 189 periods in women. is an intermediate-acting synthetic Triamcinolone Vetalog, etc. glucocorticoid given orally, by injection, by inhalation, 4 C Yes C Yes C 190 or as a topical ointment or cream. Diuretic used to treat fluid retention (edema) and high Dyrenium 4 B Yes B No B 191 blood pressure. is a diuretic with properties similar to those of . It is usually Trichlormethiazide Naqua, Naquasone 4 C Yes C Yes C administered for the treatment of oedema and 192 hypertension. is an anticholinergic, antimuscarinic and antispasmodic drug. It may be used, usually in Tridihexethyl Pathilon 4 B Yes B No B combination with other drugs, to treat acquired 193 or peptic ulcer disease. commonly provided as a salt, is a phenothiazine derivative that is used as Trimeprazine Temaril an antipruritic (it prevents itching from causes such 4 B Yes B Yes B as eczema or poison ivy, by acting as an antihistamine). 194 is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of pain Vedaprofen Vedaprofenum and inflammation due to musculoskeletal disorders in 4 B Yes B No B dogs and horses and for the treatment of pain due to 195 . A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class Special Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Calcium channel blocker and antihypertensive drug Calan, Isoptin used to treat high blood pressure, severe angina, and 4 B Yes B No B 196 arrhythmia. , also spelled xylomethazoline, is a medication which is used to improve symptoms of Xylometazoline Otrivin 4 B Yes B No B nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis, and sinusitis. Use is 197 not recommended for more than seven days. Anti-Inflammatory used to treat asthma and prevent Accolate 4 C Yes C No C 198 asthma attacks. Syntheticnonsteroidal estrogen of the group related to found Ralgro 4 C Yes C No C in fungi in the Fusarium genus and is used mainly as 199 an anabolic agent in veterinary medicine. Anti-Inflammatory used to prevent and control asthma attacks. immediate-release tablets (Zyflo®) Zileuton Zyflo 4 C Yes C No C were withdrawn from the US market on February 12, 200 2008. Zyflo CR® is still available. A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class 1 Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments derivative used as an . Coumarin derivatives inhibit the reduction of by vitamin Acenocoumarol Acitrom K reductase. This prevents carboxylation of vitamin K- 5 C C C dependent clotting factors, II, VII, IX and X, and 2 interferes with . Yes No Anisindione is a synthetic anticoagulant and an indanedione derivative. It prevents the formation of active procoagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X, as well as Anisindione Miradon 5 D D D the anticoagulant proteins C and S, in the liver by inhibiting the vitamin K-mediated gamma-carboxylation 3 of precursor proteins. Yes No Cimetidine is used to inhibit stomach acid production Cimetidine Tagamet and is used in the treatment of heartburn and peptic 5 D D D 4 ulcers. No Yes Chromone complex that acts by inhibiting the release of chemical mediators from sensitized mast cells. It is used Cromolyn Intel in the prophylactic treatment of both allergic and 5 D D D exercise-induced asthma, but does not affect an 5 established asthmatic attack. No Yes Inhibits vitamin K recycling and causes depletion of active vitamin K in blood. This prevents the formation of Dicumarol Coumadin, Coufarin 5 D D D the active form of prothrombin and several other 6 coagulant , and inhibits blood clotting. Yes Yes that has anticoagulant effects and is used as a against rats, mice, voles, ground squirrels and other rodents. Toxic to mammals, in all Diphacine, Ditrac 5 C C C forms; exposure and oral ingestion of the may cause irregular heartbeat and major maladies associated 7 with its impact on blood clotting Yes Yes Medication which reduces stomach acid. It is used to Esomeprazole Nexium treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer 5 D D D 8 disease, and Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. No Yes Given to dogs and cats with acid reflux. has been used in combination with an H1 antagonist to treat Famotidine Gaster, Pepcid 5 D D D and prevent urticaria (hives) caused by an acute allergic 9 reaction. No Yes Used to treat peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. Also used Lansoprazole Prevacid 5 D D D to treat Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and 10 NSAID-induced ulcers. No Yes Prescription drug indicated for the induction of remission in patients with active, mild to moderate ulcerative Mesalamine Asacol 5 C C C colitis, and for the maintenance of remission of 11 ulcerative colitis. No Yes Medication used to prevent and treat stomach ulcers, Cytotec start labor, cause an , and treat postpartum 5 D D D bleeding due to poor contraction of the uterus. 12 No Yes Medication considered as which act Tilade to prevent wheezing, shortness of breath, and other 5 D D D 13 breathing problems caused by asthma. No Yes A B C D E F G H I J K Special Drug/Substance Trade Name(s) Drug Class Existing Penalty Class 1 Notation T1:Doping/Endangerment Level T2: Mismanagement Level Comments Used to treat ulcers of the stomach and intestines and prevent them from coming back after they have healed. Axid This medication is also used to treat certain stomach and 5 D D D throat (esophagus) problems (such as erosive esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease-GERD). 14 Yes Yes Alcohol interaction Anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Olsalazine is a derivative of salicylic acid. Inactive by Olsalazine Dipentum itself (it is a prodrug), it is converted by the in 5 C C C the colon to mesalamine. Mesalamine works as an anti- inflammatory agent in treating inflammatory diseases of 15 the intestines. Yes Yes Medication used in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease, and Zollinger–Ellison Omeprazole Prilosec, Losec, UlcerGuard 5 D D D syndrome. It is also used to prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding in people who are at high risk. 16 No Yes Used to manage disorders in which the decrease of gastric acid secretion is needed. Pantoprazole is Pantoprazole Protonix administered in several forms: a delayed-release oral 5 D D D capsule, oral suspension, as well as intravenous 17 injection. No Yes Indandione that has been used as an anticoagulant. Phenindione has actions similar to , but it is now Phenindione Hedulin 5 D D D rarely employed because of its higher incidence of 18 severe adverse effects. Yes No Coumarin derivative that acts as a long acting oral Phenprocoumon Liquamar 5 D D D 19 anticoagulant. Yes No Selective' antimuscarinic agent which, unlike classic anticholinergic agents, inhibits gastric acid secretion at Gastrozepin lower doses than are required to affect gastrointestinal 5 C C C motility, salivary, central nervous system, cardiovascular, 20 ocular and urinary functions. Yes Yes Used to treat occasional . In a class of Polyethylene glycol Miralax, Glycolax medications called osmotic . It works by causing 5 D D D 21 water to be retained with the stool. No Yes Medication that decreases stomach acid. It is used to treat peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux Aciphex 5 D D D disease, and excess stomach acid production such as in 22 Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. No Yes Medication which decreases stomach acid production. Zantac 5 D D D There is also tentative evidence of benefit for hives. 23 No Yes Anticoagulant used to treat blood clots such as deep vein and pulmonary and to prevent Warfarin Coumadin, Coufarin 5 D D D stroke in those with atrial fibrillation, valvular heart 24 disease or artificial heart valves. Yes Yes