may now be commenced in earnest, Mr. Morion says Ion, April 9 and 10; the Phlladelphlas at Newark, the grounds will be, with a couple or three exceptions, April 11; the Prfnceton College team, April 12; the the finest Laso ball and general athletic park in tbe Brooklyns, at Kid^ewood, April 14, and then at New­ UMPIRE DATES. LATE NEWS. A. \V. G. ark, with Brooklyn, April 15; Detroit, April 16; Bca- country. ton, April 17 and lit; at Pa tenon, with Patorson, April DECKEK'S SUIT. 2,7; and then at NewarK, with Hcatou, tho 22d; Torua'o the 23J, Star Athlotics, a etiong local amateur team, the Decisions by the Board of The AVins 011 the First 2 1th, and Syracuso the 2Gtb. On April ii7 the chHniplou- Schedule of the Associa­ eeason opens. Issue Raised. Bhip As will be seen by a careful peru«al of the above Arbitration. Special to SPORTINO LIFE. dates we only have open April 13, 18 and 25. Keep tion Corps. PiTTSBuno, March 16. The League gained your eye on the Newark* when they moot Baltimore. first knock-down in the Decker case to-day, that will be a battle wtll worth witnessing and a when Judge Slagle sustained the demurrer en­ fig^t to tho finish. Trott says that Baltimore will The Johnson and Sutton Cases have to do the hardest hustling they ever did to wiu The Work of Each Man Laid tered by the counsel for the League, Judge the game. He means busme.i 8, and don't you forget Slagle said that if the defendant is a corporation, it. Thit game ought to draw well. Decided Sporting Intelli­ the service wis properly made. But it is net named Tho Star Athletics, of Newark, champion spmi-pro- Out for Ihe Coming ea euch in tho writ. This would perhaps be fessional club of Essex County, N. J., who made ouch Rood ground of demurrer, but cannot be a fine record last season 41 games piaye>I and only 5 Season. gence From all Points, taken advantage of upon a motion to set Inst, including a 7-4 game with the Newarka «p«n aside service. Tho demurrer is sustained, their season with the Newarka on April 24. Th<*y Lo:«use tho statement seta out a correspondence with Imve-aUo arranged games with the Stapletona May 12, Special to SPORTING Lrrs. TWO CASKS SETTLED. N. E. Young, one of tho defendant*, by which tbe the New Jersey Athletics May 15 and the Patcrson contract upon which suit is brought in alleged to have Club July 17. They would like to hear from all first- NEW YORK, March 16. Since the appoint­ Decision of the Board of Arbitration In the boeu made. It is not necessary to construe tbat con­ class clubs who lave enclosed grounds for week-Oay ment of Umpire Sullivan as an Association um­ Disputes Over Johnson and Suttnii. tract or determine the liability created by it. This and Sunday games. Addre-s Cha*. Smith, manager, pire, President Byroe an

bility of onr fioldora and admit tbat there If mucfc ex- PALMER'S PEN PICTCBES. orer* at tho Eldorado, the Alearlan dancers at tho ance of the party were content, however, to forejro clteraeDt and pleasure to b« found In the American Byzantioand the brightly lighted abopa or thronga that experience, and soon after wo were on the road to TEMPESTJN A TEAPOT. game. The batting was fair, the fidldl&g brilliant aud In Hie Red Sea Tlie Arrival in the L.aml upon tbe streets affoided us direraon enough. Anson, Cairo, reaching our Ijotbl by To'clock. Tha camels, Ly BALL. roaca^ed during the evening to put hia empty saddles. Columbus Torn Up Oi-er the Johnson Cas* BASE Ilanlon's great fieldlnir, by the way, thfl way, came back with in* bose-rnnninR dsshing of the Pharoahs Playing Bi',11 Under ruaniriL- " ' ' *"«,, contributed largely to the victory ihe Pyramids Impressions ot Cairo. foot in it. lie aud his wife took a can ittge and wer.t The bnll&tiu iu the office to-night reads aa follows: Silly Talk of a "Star-Chamber" Meet* for the '- Fcgoity, Manoing, Crane and in B!3nrch of a theatre. They drove down past tho "Trunks aiust bo rackeJ and in tho cfflce by three 3. Shortly after ing Unable to Comprehend the Law, Carrel: 1 ran in great style. Anson's S. S". SAURR, Red Sea, Feb. a» I^«D of much higher tem­ lighthouses stood ntwn tha African ahcre and shej perfumoof a score of fountain*, which spuriod forth further Bight-seeing, most of us visiting the perature eod mere Intere«t,njf becnusw th» i}ii*Uio.a "f Total...... 39 6 6 24 17 31 Total...... 36 7 8 27 150 » bet her or not we wore to Ins* K.diih Jobuaoa, about Chicago...... ,.*...... ,.. 00100104 0 6 their rays out over the water toward KB. Then, as we tbe most expensive extracts. groit mosquea of Sultan Hassen and of Mo­ Wales The Game Under bore away a little from tha Arabian shore, tbe red glow "Pretty swell kind of a circus thi*, isn't it?" ques­ whom so much ha* lepo written, arose aud much Ail-America...... 09000112 i 7 hammed Ali, before entering which we wore speculation was r!fe> ar to the proballe outcome I 2. First on on the Last era horizon broke into yellow beams of light, tioned tho old man ot his better halt. "I suppose KurLed rtittB Chicago 3. All-America compelled to don ungainly-looking yeiiow. slip- confess } van willing, no Siitnnla; nl^lst, Sun.lay and The Pyramids, Etc. 2. Lv ft on bases Chicago S, All- and we who watched from the decks of tbe Salicr though," heconttnufld, "this ia the way they do things «m>ra AII-America feet defile the marble floors. Monday last, to have pirpn up the crack third base- America &. Total base hits Chicago 9, All-America eaw the sunlight illumine the coasts of two coiitinor.ta over here. I've nm«1e up my mind not to te surprised at uers, lest oar infidel eimnLEiuiPoiislv. anything that happans aay mote." Wo tried hard to pnrchnse the slipper* w« wore, fcut man, with much regr-tl, I admit, aa regret goes with A 10 Two-hiue hits Toner, Ilanlon, Manning. Ihree- deeply liiterrgiod cr-wr^T ut tho ops and downs of t/aae. Aneon. Firat on ball* Off Tener 2( off Ab'-ut 10 o'clock we passed the famous city of Mocha, Inside they caught night ot a number of lallea even when we offered ten tintea the amount of tbe ill- which lay like a city of white walls «nd towers upun and gentlemen iu full evening 6>e#8 siill the §hai*d foot casing we were met with a determined the Colurjubufi ("tub, (articular!; the ups The downs LOVDOJI, Eo£., Marcb T6. Tb» SpaUIns base OnusS, ctt BnldwlD l. Stolea bases Ryau, Pottit 2, I:»VP r>opn very tew wiib our ppoptc Wy feet aa if u SulfiTftn, 1'fftllt.r, T«-D&r, Uuin*. Daiy, Uaolon, Ward, the now far distant Arabian coast, for th* sea "wag old man failed to tumble, and Mrs. Auson followed refiml, upon the ground that such a sole wmld l>a BHO- hnlttauri^ts left Paris o» the btb for this city widening as we left the straits further behind. We her lord with a confidence born of the belief that religious. The llaspen mosque, uuw Dfverallcenluriea heavy frost hail niprn'd ua nn tba Mie-fiile lay-out, hut Brown, Wood, Fogartj, Manning, Earle. Hit by thai dwindled to th* moot iotiignihcHiit proportion* and arrived here last Saturday. They embarked Crane 7, by vntctml it until It faded from view witu other van­ everything "the old maa"' does, goes. Finally Ancon old, is fast falling into decay, but the moeqiie of Ma- pitcher Pt-ttit, Pfefl»r Struck out By hoifliued, where the Khedi'?o wcrsbipa, U >n no ox- when (| ijuddf nlj dewnod upon u* that we were to loao on ono of the wretched litllo channel steamers Tener I. tinkle plays Tt-ner, Hums, Anaon, Wurd, ished, but not forgotten, scenes of our grout tour ran fairly against a dark-complexioned, dlstingmshed- U'taiml tho world. l*p to midnight we have been looking man in regular dros-<, who glanced curious'y ce-lient state of preBertation The view obtntoed frnm Ji'hnton that ndd to the discomforts of tho juurney from Mtuioing, Car roll. Pasntii tails Earle 1, Aoaon 2. It Whs SOETJP frv dayi after (be mnTentioD adjourned Wild tiitch CrttctA. Tune 2h. steaming through what teems an interminable archi­ at the big fellow and bis lady. A use Improved bis the citadel, which itauds upoo the bill tack cf the Franco to England. At midnight the wind was pelago. Islands arise out of the aea on all sides of us opportunity. city, Is doultle^a one of the prandeet in tbe worU. that it was learned (hat n star rhanjl-or session had Mowing a gale, and tho crazy little boat danced and to look at au ordinary map one would never "Cau you tell me where 1 buy mj tickets?" he From its walla can be *een Cairo, spread cut Mtcn 1'ecD bf*Kl on Tiit'txlny at the Neil House, and during « A Game on the Crystal Palace Grounds. lull in the rcDVfntii.n proroediuKs, tetween Messrs. about the quay in ecstatic anticipation of the Imagine that navigation through this historic body of asked. greit {lanoratua, with tLe majestic Nile leaching away On Thursday 6,000 people witnessed the third The weather up the valley, and Ihe pyramiils of Cairo, us weM as Kravrtliofl, Pvrnc «nd AVilUnma This charge of tk misery it hud in store for its victims. A half water was attended i,y so much danger. "Tickets? What tickets?" asked the dark com- game at the Crystal Palace cricket grounds, and ii ft 111 beautifully hrisht and cool. man in a surprised tone, those at Sakarali the latter 20 mile* distaiit. Oue ptar chnmiflr tptajnu j» slmniuiiily denied bj Mr. (h* touri.-,ts were well out to »e-*, the plexioued bt'Ui later, whon sailed up to noon, since leaving Aden, 133 "Why," e-aid the old man ft bit nervously, "the could spand a fortnieht iu C'alro and utilize t,> aJ^an- William?, nrnl T iim generoin pncuwli to believe (hat wiuil increased to a tornado, and for the reuiaiiitier of it was a tplendid. fashionable gathering, over Pittance miioj. the circua hero," aud. he made a sweeping lage oue-htilf his time In sight-seeing. Still our Jimmy feels thut h* is wrongful;? charged in the in­ wa< vexed with the worst aturm one-third btine ladies. There were no seats and tickets to tho night tho channel gesture with his right hand. party managed to COT*T » good dta) of ground, and dictment, but whpfbT tli» term IP tht» correct one or bioun thtre for yenr^. Tho ball plavor* were formed a circle six deep around that bus the spectators In Egypt's Historic Capital. The d. c. man smiled gcod-naturedly. "There is no most of us doubtless bring away with us a fairly com­ not tt amounts to the same tiling, for tbi.n is what fffti I'rtiwdrfi into jnudoquate qunrters, and, accusitumu I «» tho ground, but with no crowding on tho field. prehensive idea of llie city, lU people, and their pecu­ done The (Vlumbus-Kim^flfi 41 tty-Johnson irobroglw CAIRO, Egypt, Feb. 7. The Spalding party circus hero my frlond," said he. "Tina is my privato thuy woift after two munihs' journttjing to uurulUod Tbe scene was very picturesque, the people residence. I am an officer of the Egyptian army, and liar customs. v us con." over I'j ib'ise tei>tl<-inf-n. Mr. KrautholT pro. iu the presence of a Kcuinue to-night Bflflu, they ptirrendprtd arrived in the historic capital of Egypt am entertaining a few of my frieuda to-niyht. I gpntrd hi' pl'Jo of ib* cnoo, anil u verdict wan rendered ntorni niul gnvn tbems«lve* up to the hgoniesuf a sleep- standing among the trees and oa the grassy THR KHEDIVE'S HPOKitTfl. anginal CVInmtMis, nil without Culu tubas hav­ after un interesting journey of eight hours from wonld be £lad, however, if you would walk ." h**!, lem, tntuloruble night. Towtrd muinin? a uiunst«r slopes. Tbe day after our arrival Presided Spacing had tho Hiinbtest bint that such waa Suez. At Suez, which w« reached this morning "Dou't tay a word, sir, ' tain the old mun, looking cxprrww) to ing WBTO carried away (ho brnlga *od nearly httt*d tho through the American Consul Genetal, It-ing or going tit be don*-. It wan iu very WlftKIKO WriBOfTT WAUD. at 10 o'clock, we said farewell to Captain Thai- cheaper than when three strikes have been culled on tbe Khedive hi.-* williugncsi to p)a> a eauit- of hall hull out of I ho water. There na* no uthur tntBbnp, "I'm a chomp, and I hope you'll be- kind enough had l AS to, too, for Mr Krautln>ff, A member of lh» Tho weather was bright and cool and the and the good ship Salier, and entering him. before His Highness before we leu Cairo." Tlie Khe­ however, which cuul'l oot be tfpeo.ltly itpalrHd ou enhorst to excuse mo," with which he bowed himself out, and ioint Uonrit of,Arbitration, to hit iu cliiimbt-rs oa hU land, HJ» (bat by the time the tarty r»ftched London, «t grounds broad and even, but they were soft, pre­ that lay alongside, were con­ dive had loft tho city for his Nile palace on state af­ very leant tbnt cmild have been d*t\y tta gooJ crowd was very en­ fair*, however, and woulil have been to hav« uotili-i) the Columbus direc­ venting last running. The veyed a distance of two miles to the stone piers the way back to ihe hotel. be that, althongh he wonld be engaged uniil TtiesJay, to npp<-ar, even if the talk was simply ftn informal thusiastic and appreciated the good plays better of Port Said. The day waa a perfect one, and hi* palace and tor* A GAME DECIDED TPOX. would bo pleased to receive our parry at on**, aa if dniniui). itud hare givwo them an opportun­ than in the first game, and few left before the witness onr exhibition at any tlnte after tb»t date. To Flaying Be tare Royalty. the bright sunlight brought into bold relief the President Spalding received cablegrams from Mr. ity to huTe their « England, including tha crick t»t ^-rouuJs ttt Unatol, of UMIIOII.. Tba Utter cut Uined the team in tbe ab- seemingly liinitltss desert that stretched away from which would necessitate our gwing at ouce to lirindisl. to-morrow, in accordance with bis fixed pinna. vrheru the base tmllisti were tu bavo (.la>eil Monday, Ndvteabie to go nolii.v Columbus of lint fuel and tK> ad. BOI.CB ff Ward, who hud B artod for America. The tho opposite shore. In th for .Iob:iHon nml amlcttbly J'h>9 If ft iht< buys trie to r«[>hir the iuas of t\ uisbfu lou and Drown in tho eighth junto?. Tl:o score then near ing. Aa we drew up at tho pier, a crowd of Arabs We filial) doubling all ba relieved, however, to reach the week, and most of us repaired to some pi nee of sleep. Ou Tuesday, bowbvcr, th* fir>t xninb in Eng­ 8»ttt« o trouul^ouie mse; but It cauie only In tho guise etuod a to 2 in faror of Chicago. After two were out in long looee-flttiug gowua of Una. white and black, tbe continent, where we shall enjoy BIX weeks or amueeiiieut after dinner. We take our departure Irom <>f ailvico, which soemed not of the best to the Co)mn~ land was played »t h*.ni»irj»tOL Ova!, under circuin- iiaiilou made a single and stole sequel. Broun fol­ their feet ahoelcs* and their heads wound about with more of continuous change and adventure in the great Cairo to-morrow. bud utifuvaritblo bus director*, so they tefuted to be RU d«J liy it. Tb» siaucea which wero bi*ib favornblv lowed with a , knocking the ball out among white turban cluths rushed toward our bost, driving cities of Italy, France, Germany and Knjlaud. Iu tbe luorniu^ itbtgan to raiu, ttoJ at LOOU u heary directorx all say that if riiey had bem informed that tfie trees iu laft field. Tho cheering was tremendous before them a trcop of Ionz eared litt'e donkeys with The bulletin in the office to-night reads aa follows: Tho Journey Resumed. (he ndvtco came fr< uj a atar chamber section that hud fojc ovorlung the city It w«» at (ttr.t hour that the ftiid prolonged u they came home. Etch team made the queerei-t-lookini; BHdilles imaginable and their Iwys had ttu tLgrgtiiieul at tt>6 club bt>uso ou the Oval Base Ball at the Pyramid. S. S. STETTIX, Port Said. Feb. 11. The train p«s««il nr,oD the case, and that that ndvicc was the rw- a run la the nmth, making the score 5 to 3. The fall necks and britilts decorated with bnita banglea and The Chicago and Ail-Aiucricau teams, comprising which left Cairo at 11:45 this morning bore our aiilt the verdict., it you ptense of the aet.tioQion flit- for luncheon. ribbons. We had but a few moments score" is: bright-colored the Spaldicjt American Ba^o Call party, will report iu party away from the Egytian. capital to Ish- tiu^on th« ciigi, they wnulJ wiiJiogiy have handad ENTERTAINED 8Y DISTISQUlSnSD PEOPLB. ALL AMIB'A.AS.R-B. P. A. CHICAGO. AB.It. B. P. A. E to catch the train for Cairo, so we mcuuted tbcse litile the hotel office ia uniform promptly at 10 o'clock to­ over ?5'*f) and thought nothing moie uf it. The price Their hosts rero a di«tio£tiitsh(>d party, uf which ibo UanluD.-cf * 2 2 1 1 0 Ryun, W...... 4 0 2 1 3 0 bfasts, none of which weighed over 2T5 pounds, an.l morrow mornine. The party will leave the hotel nt inalia, a little city on tho banks of tho canal, t.**)i)).t rffuaod. tlio Kansas City 'lHl<-jiaIir>n, Blo-sr», Dulit of Ducclbuch WAS ehatrutttu, hbd tbe rue tube 13 ISruwo, If.....4 11000 IVttft, rf.....,4 001 0 0 with tlvo donkey bojs-yeiline al our boels, trotted oft ttiat buur, camels having been provided for the All- midway between Sues and Port Said. Here, im­ Spens and Kruuthoff, weut away, direct to Wa.-bitigtoii ci'6 tLe Earls of llesstiorouyh, 8befht>kl ttud Loudett- Cirroll, Ib... 4 0 1 H 1 0 Sullivan, If..4 003 1 1 to the railway station tour or five blocks distant. America players, aud donkeys for the Chicago players, mediately upon arrival, we boarded a small tf>coo3nlt with Mr. Nick Vouug, whiih cuusiihation, borongb, VUcouot 0-ifciibndue, Lout Oharfon Btres- Wood, 3b..... 4 001 2 0 ADTOB, Ih.... 4008 0 0 Wb&t we saw of Suez did not impress ua favorably, with carriages for the balance of the rnxity. The steamer and at half-past 5 o'clock began our it seem a, resulted satisfactorily to iLrm, for !at» laak Fogarty, as... 40013 OlPteffer, 'Ib... 3105 3 0 for of all tho tumble-down, dilapidated-looking ford, Lord Ba^dulph Churcbill, I.ady Churchill, lord Pyramids will be inspected, the Sphinx visited, and a five hours'journey of forty-three miles up the Saturday afiurnoou tlio«*» [lii^riais (ame to Columbits Kinuard, Lord Urtwke, I/t>rd I.itileton, Ihe Lord MaDnimr,'2b.4 2 2 2 5 0 T«n«r, cf...... 4 0 0 1 1 0 structures we have seen upon this trip the buildings game played upon the desert nearby, beginuiivg at aud ujot Jt>htieoii, \Vikoff aud Bucktnherger at tho Major of London, Mr. II. White, Thur^o d'Affairwof Earl*, c...... 40051 0 Buriis, 3b.... 3111 0 0 at Suez take the palm. If dirt, di cay a o'clock. A. G. SPALDINO. canal to Port Said. Tbe night waa a beautiful one, A depot, aud informed Mr. Johnm'B iu 8uhstai:co tlmt It the United Stales, Consul Guuerat \Vnlier, Mr Hc^lo- Henly,p...... 4 0016 1 Baldwin, p.. 2 1 0 0 9 0 and general dhiltleesnass are evidences t'f nearly full moon lighting up the hlua waters of th« hat) l>«oti flecldfil that Oulnmbun1 claims to him wera ftld Hanson, Sir B. E. Wt-bsttr, Attorney Gon^m!, and Craue, rf.....3 0 1 1 0 ODaly. c...... 3 0 1 7 0 1 uutiquiiy, then surely rfuez aud its people are tho most A Memorable Day. big ditch and a ghostly-looking desert tbat stretched not valid ftO't that they would hold him ou tho res»rc» thorough!) autt'jue of all the antiquated antiquities of away on each faide of ua. It waa an excellent oppor­ lasrt, but by no mean* Itaat, l)r. W. G. Cruca, thy Total...... 35 5 7*2(519 I| Total...... 31 3 4 27 17 3 CAIRO, Egypt, Saturday, Feb. 9. To-day and tho list, nrut tlmt now Columbus conldu't havo bid service* famous cricketer. Toasts were glvoo tu the *T*-ner declared out fur interfering with, b^tte-d hull. this nineteenth century It wns a relief to each and tunity to sec thia great artificial waterway, for 81(1,000, to aay nothing of 8500. must eo upon the records aa one of the most majority ot ua remained on deck during the entire Qiifen aud President ID conjunction; ttsort»ltyr for All-America...... 11000002 1 5 every one ot «s when toe train pulled out from the WASHINGTON'S INTKUFKHENCE. the'Vrutce and Princess of Wales, hud Iboij for baso 06200010 0 3 Mivioi!, aud, dodging about through the. villages of memorable of our tour, as well as one of the pab*age. The canal has a mean depth of 27 feet, Chicago...... same time that Lull aod cricktt in turn. Earned runs All-America 2. Home run Browu, mud huta which the Eg.yptiar.ig aie either too poor or most memorable in the history of base ball, for and vartos in width from 250 to 350 feet It was also bioted at about this Two-baae hit> Burns, Crane. Total base hits Ail- too much attached to to abandon tur nutra comfortaMo We passed not less than a score of big Washington would he glad to secure his services, for * A CIO ATTENDANCE. this afternoon the All-America team defeated for the R-d Sen, and the sound of BwUenberc»r America 11, Chicago 5. Fhst on errors All America or modern styled dwellluys, cut across conntry into the steamers on route letter arrived from there to Manager Lunch wa* fairly oter when Urns wat rallett for (he srid desert region which extends uorihweat ffi>m Stiez Chicago in a game played upon the. borders of our nmndolinAarid guitars brought the passengers of offering Doonelly for third base, but ua that genllem.'iq 1. Chtcutro 1. Left on buses All-America 3, Chicago 30 garuo. Dr. Grace and Mr Hoc-nut, tho Aiutrnlian 2. First on balls Off Ih-aly 3. Stolen I au-8 Haulou, as far as Ishmalui. Our train rau pstr«llel with the Africa's great desert, in the shadow of the his­ most of them to tlie ship's rail aa we passed. At 10 IB hardly spt-edy ciumch fur the Uucktye baby it wn» canal, and an th« cnclfeter, acted as escorts to the ground -The Ovul Is Manning, Pfefler, Burns, Baldwin. etecp canal for a distance of J 5inilca and then hranchtd toric Sphinx and Pyramids cf K.^ypt. Half- wo reached the Port Said mouth of the auawered dttcliiiiug tho ufitr with thanks, and then Brown, Carroll, tli»» most delightful ground, more than twice th« si/o Bealy 2, by Baldwin 7. Double plajs oft westward to Cairo. Gradually the country became huur ago climbed up the side, of the bandsome North whole trick WHS exposed. Washington was to Struck out liy past nine o'clock saw twenty ol tho best known The cas« W«B necessary for base hull, anJ perfectly Iiiv^l, with a Rya», Pfeffer; IJaa'lon, Karle. Passed hails Daly I, pleasanter lo look upon until we entered tbe iicli vai- Uernnin Lloyd steamer Stettin, where we f^und a hos­ Columbus DoniieUy and 'ake Johuson. ball players in America in the court of tbe Hotel an excellent dinner awaiting by all iuttr ad and it was decided that smooth bard turf. But the ground had beeii Urtuchcd 1. Wild pitch Baldwin. Vinpire A. G. Good- ley of the Nile, where the growth of vegetation heemed pitable lot oi officer! and rerieviol over ovt rv- K-itfe in uniform. Every arrangement for Jobns'.u was about lost w us, hut, HMOQ reflection, it by continuous ruins, aod H die use fog raited frieud. Time 1:30. fully as luxunoQt a? that iu Ceylon. Great fields of d'Orient, us. At this writing we are just weighiujc anchor and thing. Iu Hpite o! that fuct uot leas than 8,000 pio^l) grain and clover, with here and there a grove of im­ th'e day's programme had been carefully carried will soon bo ou our way across the Mediterranean was discovered that tho entire matter reraaluod wjtl» MORE COURTESIES. to *>lgu 'ware pro8tot, some of Iberu In the bund sore ti gruuJ posing piliiH or acacias, stretched away from each si*!e out. The dragoman in charge of the camels towards the coast of Italy. All of onr party are in Jobnaou. He would certainly be at liberty «!uu1 Lack of the borne u'ute, the rest diap'jned about The clubs attended the Altmmhra Thrrtre by InTita- excellent health. whor«?8'iever he chogo, aud KB it was solely a question of the track; herds of sheep and goats became a com­ and donkeys hid done his duty, as a glance at tbe Oval, after the usual manner of cricket i;aniad. tiou in tho eveniug, and saw a fine variety show and mon uight, aud alcng the roadways of tho migaiit g of honor with him be was approached by me and ballet. They were also iuvlied bv tha Mast.-r of tlie the eqnaro m front of the hotel indicated. A duzen Approaching Krindisi. the question put to him diiect ua to whether RECEIVED BY 1 FIB PRINCE. Crttals which overspread tho valley like a Mi:;e net the camels, saddled and bridled, lay upon tiie Uorw, through the Crown Ktjuerrv nnd Charge d'At- camel picddid along under*his iot*d <'f graio, long-necked or not tie would play with Oolumbus. or The gaai» began with Ail-Aou-rita first at hat and patent ground, acd as nmrn gaily-decorated little donks S. S. STETTIN, Thursday, Feb. 14. The Stet*- faire* White, to visit tbe royal eta bleu this (bntuirlay) buffalo stood hneo-dt-epamona po wherever ba could get the most money. He re­ trocfotled without iucKltnt ubtil the fiih itiuiog, wbdn while gruuj s of water beside the reclining tr&velers of the tin is due at Brindisi to-morrow morning. Our morning. TliU ia a Bpecih.1 courtegy, aa they are the etood patiently plied substantially ttrnt, inasmuch as he had been SiiM Kujal Higbnees ibe I'rince uf \V»1^3 nrrived ut th& tbo clover. Occasionally we saw evidences of At ten o'clock the earned were drawn up in. a ii§'ia!ly not op*a til! two o'clock. Aiterwarda Arch- nu-thois dosert. voyage across the Mediteranean has been some­ tienUd very nicely by the Culumbiu people, aud had main Rattv. Mr. Sp-iUhig, Dr. Grace and Mr. Bonuur fidelity of the Kgyptun^to th« customs and in frunt of tlie hotel, with a line of donkeys be­ de.tcou Farrar hna promised to conduct tlieni thnmgb an ox turn­ iino what rough, although wo enjoyed two daya of funiit'il a great fancy for tlio people be hail met hern m«*t IJia Itoyul Hitibnpea aud e?cortc'J him to bis ptnco. of their fi>refathtrs; such, for ioij^ace, as fore them, and then the fun of tho morning began. \Vestminster Ahoey, explaining the historic»l d-'tiils. which !if!ed th« and ttio city, thitt I cr.uld say pimitively that he would At the- close of tlte tilth iLOing, wiihiu u few mi nut. -a ing an old-faa[ii<. there will be a fruui tbu main cuoat the crowd of donkey boya, ami play here or uowhcre; fiat if it wus a question of after Ilis Royal Hishcos^' arrlfiU, the boyn rafne to- WHttrin eartheuware buckets tapestries, and photographs, the roughest weather we have known in our sea voy­ throwing match with a cricket ball, belwetu George J An Amoiican manufac­ and venders of curios and honor ho would profo by hU actions that it wtvs juat gf-thar in the centre of tho field and gave ibree i beers into the irrigating ditchea. images, and fruits and goodness aging experience. The &crew of the thip is out of tiie Hoimor, chanipioD Audtralian ciicketer, and Gran9. but and earthenware 03 po^siblo to liud that articla within him aa wit!) any aud a ttger for the heir apparent to the Kogficb tured pump would do the work in balf tlie time, what uot had increased to folly-half a thousand, water every few moments, and we are tolling about at Th* former huld th« record til lit wan br-.k^n by the fathers bad knows of our most honorable people. He has received two fbtun^. Tbe Prince acknowledged Ifco eitluie by lift­ that woul-i Dot be the way ID which their and every one of these was looking for tt chance to a rate that makes writing a somewhat difficult task. latter at Mt-lLourna. The match is open toall En^lich- water, consequently it would not suit the telegrams from Mr. W F. ifcswitt, of the Washington ing- hi* bat, bowing tied Miiilir)^ plc-astiutly .Iiumndi- raised 9< cure a bit of American silver by hook or by crook. Ke:>rly all have suffered from eea-s^cknosa up >n this Dieii, and the winner will receive a suituLt^ eniblcni. Egyptian even of tLt* generation. voyage, John Tener, Fred Pfeffer, Mark Baldwin. Club, one of which, ttie !;i-t, which was received thfg tely ofteiWrtid the bojs were t-scorttd by » private In tue eveoiug thu two teams writ bu banqueted by Ttie drayman in cljarpe had engaged ail tho donkeys afternoon I submit, together with his reply, whioh aisd in a rouot FIRST 1KPKESSIOK9 OP EGYPT. Mrs. Williamaon, and your correspondent, being the way to tbe box of Bid R^yal HighneM, John HoIHngdheatl at Westminister we ntoria,!, but other ifoaKcy UOVH contrived to mix up proves conclusively tlmt a dicker lias been made for cectnded ftuiu the general gazo were ei^ccefuiroty In­ At every station onrcafriages were surrounded by and succeeded-in getting some of only ones wfao have ROUO through (he tour thus far wiih ihose appointed with a clean record in this respect. My next le;ter him with Washington by Me-anj. Kiauthoff and Sp««8. troduced Iu tbo Prmco. Ha tu-ver «shibitud biant-H ALL-AMERICA'S TEAM APPRECIATED. Bedouins, Arabs and Egyptians, the meu big, muacu- the toys ap<.n the. baeksof the renegade donks. It "WASUJNUTON, D. C., March IS. Ral^h Johnson («a»« 0« PrA.idatit Uow*. at tlie.CIawilajad Club, U BOW bare lar-Lckin* fellows, but H^rvile of manner, aad.tho will probably-be dated from Komo. ln-,«. jiioco fs.GfCiilttft t tbftU oo-iliu occasion^. was fthon tlio boys yiere apprised of their, mi-take HARRT PALMER, W C Wito/H-' Uft^e araiDired. tur^vurqhabft A»( ,x<-ur. Ka3 a suiilu mid kind word for ouch <>f tit* aud said be would atve £3ii,f!UO to put the AU-Amti icu women veiled to tha.eyes, their faces disfigured by {h^ that the dunco ozcurrfd,* and such a hut-but) as was releasa from Kanaw City. Will guarantee your f lijci- play era. As they camo u t. be shook eacb if them ty tdttui mt it Btauila in Cleve.and for the coming sciu'uu ctiaractf-ri>tic brass fnce crnament of ihe Egyptiimsj raised in that square I qcver'exjieci to witness or listen bility to sign-with iho Washington Club. I'leaaesiaio tho band, eapresaiug hij ndoiirutioa for »ach muo'd He deciures it is the stron^ost bu»e-ruptiitig nnd bat­ tht> /lyjircoi), and their figures thick-Bt-t, withont Kie to mitqide of Cuiro. I>onkeyif brayed, camels trum­ WARD'S RETURN. by wire Immotiiateiy your lowest terms for u«si «m- piny. ting team be ever caw. They are Certainly causing fniutest sut-picton cf contour Moat of them bore «i»m peted, donkey boys howled and fought and chattered Bon. WALTER F. HEWITT." . df conrse all tho bova votDd him a tbnrnufihly good Ansoo many eleeuleta uight-i, for the "old man" bates iheli hends ti« bieketa ot frnit oranges and dr.tes nnd cried big tears of vexation in their efforts to gfllu The All-America Captain on His Way to Mr. Johnson, after showing the telegram to Manager fellow, after wbfch they reiucaed »oJ fiuUbed tbft to get beaten, and the tovs worry him with the fle- while (-thers carried earthenware Jues of water from their points, wbfhi the native policemen dusted the New Tork Why He Comes Home. Buckenlerger, replied as follows: game, the ecorc of which wa?: claraiion that they have not yet beaten Chicago aa they vttikh tlie cccup&iits uf the railway conches quenched jacket* of every thinly clud A rah tt at got in their way, John M. Ward left the Spalding party on the "CoM-'Mijrs, O.. March 13. Walter F. Hwitt, Wash­ AXl-AUE'A. 4B.R.B. P. i.Ej ORtCAlO. AC.R B. P. A. B wilt OQ tho wind-up trip through tbe United States. their thirst for the bum of half a piastre. Ed. Crane's Those of na who weie (Tjviuel with ca'i.eU Bat ui~on 14th in the North German steamer Saale. IIo ington, I). C'.; Much obliged, but nm SHtished witU Hanlori,ct'... 500 2 0 O'Ryan.s*...... 612 't 10 tittle Jasauese monkey, that given him by aa officer. our leclihiiig bump-back«' ..... 5 0 % 200 A Game at Ancient Bristol. of the corvette Eases, at Co In mho, sat upon the carriage with laughter, only stopping when the police finally and Spalding have arrived atan amicable agree­ His case, if be in offr-red more mony than (.'olumhm Brown, rf.... 40101 0: S«llivan, If.. 511 0 00 window In his litile ecarl&t jacket und grefitly amused hmugbt order out of chaos hy tho free use of their ment in regard to their separation. Ward, in hr.s hung up for him, will not he isolated, for it is well Can-oil, Ih... 31090 0 Acson, Ih ., 5 2 2 'J 11 On Friday tbe two teams went to Bristol, Dr. the oatlves by his funny faces and antic-1. Just at dusk, I'liig, iitlia bambfo Btickn. Next t> me, and seated at tbe depot .by other word*, has been able to present to Spald- known that Billy Grei-Hwood, owr eecond baseman, iu WottdtSb..... 4 I 'L 3 3 oiPfeffer,2b.... 4 2 3 440 Grace's home. They were met as we pulled up at a station a-nne twenty miles from upon a camol, was Irvinsr W. Snydor, the fat, good- thw fall t'f iftSG, Ravo his word of honor to Billy Bar- Fogaity, If... 31040 O' 5 1 '> 0 00 the Duke of Beaufort, Dr. W. G. Grace, E. M Cairo, Jimmy Uyan got out au enlarged edition of ii;'.tttred sporting goods dealer of Nassau street. Jm-t ing reasons of sufficient cogency for his separa­ natural objec­ nie, of Baltimore, tbat he would pl«y with tha Oriole 3J«iiniog1 2b4 1231 l : Burns,3h..... 5 0 0 I 0 1 Grace and a committee of the celebrated Glou­ Crnue'8 monk, which bud the effect of nearly causing huw he happeufj to be asaigned to a camel he hardly tion, and to overcome Spalding's thf folfovvioct seusoc. Ho wa» then in great demand, fcarle, c...... 30113 2 l Bti!dwln,u... 602 2 10 cestershire cricketera. They were taken to the a panic arnciftg the UDfruspecting Egyptian-1. Ryati knew, aud jmlgiug frr.m the exprpsaion of lib face I tions to the New Yo*k captain's apparent breach the country over, au I Director Billings made him a Healy, p...... 3 0 1 0 3 (j;Djlly. c...... 6 0 0 760 dressed Clnreuca Dnval up in the Ititter'a drum major that moment trying to tolve tbo Grand Hotel in four-horse drags, where an elab­ imagined be was at of contract. Ward will rejoin the All-America very flattering otter to play with the Batons, and Total...... 33 4 8 24 12 3j Total...... 45 7U 27 132 coat of scarlet end gold lace He then put a catcher's l-rultlnii. He had not long, however, to devote to re- team upon its arrival in New York, and Hanlon offered him a two years' contract and $1,003 mor« 0 4 orate luncheon was served. The Duke of Beau­ mask over the little African's face, and tying a rope fiei tiun, for th*i order w«a given for the camels to Ali-Aiiierica...... 04000000 will ciptain the team in the meantime. When money than liarnie was to pay hioi for the same length Chicago...... 20000203 x 7 fort presided, and toasts were drunk to Queen around h^s waist in regulation hand organ stylo, tirise that the photographer might make a picture of of time. It wiw a very tempting offor to Groenwood, KUUB turned Chicago 5, Atl-Araerlca L First ou Victor,a and the President of the United States. There awaited the tram's arrival at the station. As at pre­ the party. I saw a startled expression cro*a Snyder*8 questioned by a New York Herald reporter as who was a poor man und of family, but his hieh witee crrurs Cbiciigo 2r All-Aoienca 1. Loft on base* were ^poeches by President Claiko. Mr. Spaldiug, ceding stations the crowd rushed to the train, and fnce as the blit beaat hogan to stir, aud then he pitched to the causes of his return home, Ward said: of lionor prevallod uud ho positively refused to break OhrcastoS, All-Aiiierica 3. Total baio hits ChicaEO Condiil-lreaeral Lathrop, all of whicn were ontbu-t- C!arei:ce sprang throusb the diwrway into the centre forward and flattened his nose against old sandhill's *'I am called homo upon mattern of a purely prlvnte his word, and ho remained the two following yeara 21, Ail-Arueii;a8. Two-base hit Teaer. Thre«-baso aitically received. Atiyon made a ereat speech, in of a ectre of native*, waddling and chattering like an head as the old cirl liftfd her rump into the air. He nature, and, aa I bnvo assured President Spaldino:, with Baltimore, a living monument to emulate, it biu AUSOD, Pfefier 2. First on LalU Off Hea.ty 1. which he ^ropoaed three cheera for "His DubeeUip," an^ry monkey. Women screamed and men fell over only retained thia position tor an instant, however, for nothing but ihe most urgent reaeous could iuauce uiu may have lo*t him tome money, but it established for ea'Ji other ia an effort to flee from the fearful ape, the front end of tbe camel also arose aud Snyder took off Baldwin 'j. Stolen b-tses Wurd, Wood, Uauning, OPENING SEW GKOUNDS. to leave him at thia time." bim n reputation that will be hard to break down Pi'cfTer. (lit by pitcher Ft thirty Stuck out By which Ryan, by the exertion of great strength, forced a tumble iu au opposite direction. When the beast ainonR those who know him, and will indirectly do clubs openod the new county grounds bore this about the matter HenJy l,l.y Baldwiu 7. Ooublo play Daily, Pfeffc-r. The back int-j the carriage. Clarence git at the window finally settled herself tne merchant of Nassau street Although little has been said him far tuoregotd than the money be would hav» af!o;no:in. The field b a beautiful lovo), and is Wild pilchfls llenly 1, PtUdAlQ I, Umpire Georgo chattering and making faced through tho window as WHS a* rattled a mitn as thero was in all Egypt. iJ >th among the players they have indulged in much ruade by u dishonorable act. Wnght. Tiuie 2:05. ndornecl with handsome grand aUuda. Three thousand long a.3 we rem.tined at the station, and not a native troiuer legs had worked up to hia knees and his collar speculation aa to the true cause of Ward's de­ people, including tne famous cricket players, saw the would come within twenty-five feet of the coach. Oue was up over hia eura, but he did not worry about such DIREOTOK COIIEN IN WASHISCTON1 . BRITISH !StPaK8SIO»3. parture. game. The day was bright but cotd, and the player's can hardly blamo them, for if ever a hum an being re­ trifles, even though upon the point of having his Director A. B. C'ohen has been in Washington all Of Iho rvowd watching the gamo it must be said from hands bectmo so chillod that they couJd uot haudle sembled a monkey. Mr. Duval did in his impromptu picture* taken, Tho sole question in bis mind was that Oy BROTHERHOOD AFFAIRS. this week, having in view (he object of presenting to 11:0 Aiucricun atandpont tbat they oxhiottcU extr-aor- the DHII with anything approaching skill. Conse­ make-up. of his ability to stay where be wae until help came. "Ward knows that the Brotherhood wants him at I'rrg-ident Nick Yonug his Bide of the Johnson case, tliLary aptitudo iu ,ipprcciaing tbe fio*-r points of the quently the floldiii£ WAS very "yellow." Tho gnme Lome and he ia going there. That ia till there ia the other Kido has bei.-n shown by the It WHS after datk when we reached Cairo, and no THE JOURNEY TO THB PYRAMIDS. inssnuiuhaa game. They dUplayt-d a keen curiosity to learn tbo \VM cnlled at the end of the seventh tuning, the (-cote upon ibe to the matter," eaid oue of ihe All-America team to­ Kansaa City people. It is not so much tho intentiorj sooner had we sieppeu from our coaches We finally got ttart&J, and with the camels and inyst*'rit:a ot" tho curved pitch. They eujoyod espoctallf standing 10 to 3 Jn favor of Chicago It was the poorest station platform than we were beset by an army of night. of trying to bring al out any undue influence that (hia the magnificent cutfioltliiiK atd rapid returns of tho ie the teams hftVB played in England, and was re- clou kg heading the lino and the carriages bringing up "Are there any complications in the Brotherhood's* ba.-i been done by Director Cfthen in to place h!a casa black fellows clad in turbans and elongated night rear we moved slowly through the streets of Cairo ball lioui tbe iuficlu. There wt-ru not to exceed 100 Ueemed only by tlie batting ot Daly aud the fielding though affairs?" was asked. uj.on an tqurtl fo-itiri^ with the other side. Mr. Young ehirt* who laid hold of ua and our baggage as the bridge uf the Nile, attracting no little at­ Auit-rictns present Kenrly »11 hlnyed in their soita cf Sullivan. Many of thepiays\vcro hearlily aifplaudt-d, propped ono tjward "No. The Brotherhood ia as colid aa it ever was, ia known tu be all timl is fair. Just and honorable, ami to carry us away bodily. Ed Crnno tention, of course, aa wo proceeded. At the further and rarBlutly watched the g*nie till it^ close. The aud tho crowd appeared satisfu-d. Score: heat en tinder the chin and old Anseaent halt' a dozen nnd had it not U^n for tho action of the National it is not thought he will make the fatal mistake of sentiment hoto lo~ni*ht is thst tha base b*tll ^ame has CHICAGO. AB.R.B. P A,E ALL-AM* A. 40 R. B. P. A. E end of the bridge po T Snyuer was overtaken hy more League clubs in undertaking to put a new yoke upon reridi-rlnff a decision or giving an opinion in tho mat­ more sprawling by a vigorous above. .Still they came A couple of big camels with some big plauks ' made a hit ia England. Rran, p...... 501 2 72 Hatiloo, cf... 311 4 00 a fair way 10 trouble. the necks of ball plajei'S V.'ard would not be going ter until he has digested the case, thoroughly pre­ at us as determined aa ever. We were in fetmppt-d to their bnmps ma u aged to get mixed up In the evening a(l?r tho game tha pnrty occupied Pel tit, rf...... 5 1 1 3 0 0 Brown,p, rf..4 U 0 I 62 Fogarty home at present, in my opinion." pared and seasiniQ'l, The Colnmlma people beiiov» bo smothered or pulled to pieces wheu Jimmy tinyder's camel, and for the space ot a minuto or seufci at the Lyceum by inviiatiou of Honrv (rvine a Sullivan, If... 6 2210 0.Carroll, lh,c.4 01600 they can't with "To what do yon rtfcr." that they bare a good ca?e, else they certainly would called ou!: "Stpp on their trotters, boys, utoro the air was fillod with pieces of flying planks, ui«'o ccnipliment when one takes intu cousidrratiou tho Aiifou.c...... 5 0012 O'Woud. 3b.....3 00020 utmid that." IJapny thought! It was cruel but it WRS "The classification scheme. You snow that every bavc let KO lontf siace. It it is fairly derided that fuct that 6-.'ai9 «f!l lor (5 each, and.aUliuu^h iu (he Pfeffer, 2b.... 4 1231 0: Fogarty,rf.ai3 1 0 I 1 0 rainel lc.cs and Nu&au street merchant, until one one of the ball players iu this parly has been exempted they are wrong and must pay to Kanaia City a bonng our only means of relief, and we forthwith proceeded was s<>mewhat nt a lots to determine just what charac­ Linteu beasuu, tlere are f«w to ho had. Toner cf...... 3 0110 0 Manning, 2b3 01111 to stop on the b.irofeot <>f every heathen within reach. from the operation of the c;a3,*iftcntion rule until flt- for Johnson, then they will n< t hesitate one instant ia Bums, 3b....-4 00101 Karle, c...... 2 00111 ter of beast the wlto'o conglomeration was. Tne teen da>s after we have returned to New York. In doing so, for it must not be forgotten tbat our diioctoid A BANQUET. That settled them. They fled in all direction* and finally eucceedeJ in separating thebelig- Baldwiu, Ib. 2 2 I 8 1 1 Healy.lf ..... 2 1 1 1 0 0 camel drivers making this exemption the League has shown its gentlemen. boxes in the kept at a safe distance until we had reached our his hair In are all honorable Monday night the enilre party occupied Ddly.eB...... 212 1 1 0,Ciane, B8,p... 300 G 01 eraiit . beast*, and Irvy rode on with weakness. I'riitrew Theatre as the guoata of Miss Grace Haw- carriages. hw eyes and liis hat on the back of hid head, inwardly BASE HALT, LORE. th'rt-ne. Kiftteo hoxorf were reserved for tLetii. After Total...... 3d 10 1012 12 4j Total...... 27 3 4 itt 11 6 HT AX EGYPTIAN HOTBL. cursing every animate thing with four It-gs aud a IT WON'T WORK. The members of the Columbus Club, together with tho f-orforiuance a reception \VMS held in tbo iheatio. Chicago...... 132210 1 10 We were driven quickly to tho Hotel de'Orlont, hump. He was just beginning to thick that camel Thero are thosfl amonjr na whom the League mogiiU the bsse !>ali hays wintering here, viz.. Con Htrothera, 0120000 3 "WIKsoti B^rretr presided and niiwea Kuwthortjo, Jamt-a Ail-America...... whore accommodations had been secured for the party. riding was perhrfps not so bad 83 some things he have nut the nerve to classify like so many sheep iu Milt West and Oeorge McVey, practice daily on the Hc»iub«i1, Buffen, ut.d Mea iiiilil 3 o'clock in tho umruiug. cncketorg dinn«r. One can Bit In the Grand Eldorado in Cairo roadway stind aged acacia trees, the branches of which back upon the stage. the ball people. There will be three street car lino* latter did their prwitiest, aud amazed tho while around him at tho FASHION'S STAMP. with their steed, their "drops," "shoots" and "raises." aud listen to a French opera, overhead, forming a leafy avenue from !he bridge cpArmxo SORRV, or coonae. innnlng lo tho Columbus grounds. most was tbe ''out tables he will hear tlie Arabic, Hiudoostunee, Greek, of t'je Nile to the s-iDdhilis, a- distance of seven miles. George Barnmn, the umpire, has returned from h!j Ilot« is tho cffirial afluouncemont of the Prince of But what amazed th<) cricketers Concerning Ward's departure President Spal­ ball waa coming for his German, Egyptian, Fronch, Italian and English lan­ trip as advance accent for tho Toledo Cadets, uud rts- IV nliV visit HS auteiittily ?rt forth in the Otmri tjinnlar, drop." Dr Grace tho:Tght the ON THE GROUKI). nose and stepped back, ocly to seo it suddenly tu-u guages spoken simultaneously. Such a jargon of ding said to-night: pr.rta havlnx had u very largo time. JsSui'J at midnight br tho ^-rave and great functionary reached our doeiination about 2 o'clock and "I regret it. Ward tells me thnt nothing can drop to thu ground eeveral feat to tha s ! de of (he language* cannot, I believe, be heard in RIIV othor Manager Bucken>«'rpt>r leaves here Friday for Bell- liliown K.-* the Court Newsman; and partook of luncheon in the little Kiosk, at the foot of triat mnttt-rsof a private ua- plate Th^ pitching w. Ohio., to sign Will White, who 1ms been reload "The Prinrn of \Viilt-8, alt.'iidpd \-.y Mnjor-GfD. old Chcopp, afier we had escaped from the hordo of turo of vital importance demand his presence in Hud greatly uinuao-J aud 1atdi«U 7 o'clock. Spald- overlooks the square, and saw Cairo in the dark of tho rugged-looking old figure, We paused long enough Mm then-?" mid­ to have our photographs taken, after which we de­ '{'hut little pornfrrsph tct$ th« BOH) of fnpbion U[,oti . Anson aud Ilanlon remajued, bowo\er, tilt night, its towers and minaret a rising liko shadows "No. lie has not chosen to tell me more than I Amateur Biise Ball Boomint*' Xotes of fcfti-c bnll ia general, ami ihv Amtiiuau plttyera in par­ night Iodine with Dr. Grace, The Farewell London from among tho heavy, white-walled buildings, and scended the hill to the sand flat. The teams took tho Imve told you, aud I Lave uaturally iefrit the Ley toil groimds. the lights of a thonsaud booths tinging the diverging field for tbo first gima of ball, so far aa known, ever taking him." Local ProfessioiKils, Etc. arratigod played in the vicinity of the Pyramid?. A N'OTRWORTIIY INCIDENT. Noxt week's programme has been detiiiitfely thoroughfares with a red glare for the booths and TROY,N.Y., March 11. EditorSPORTIXOLTFR; Their first town after leaving THE GAME. for the provinces. 'jrns^nVrf of Cairo seem never to close and their pro­ OMAHA OVERTURE. Troy will not bo represented in any profes­ Tt rf-ntuins lo bo said that bwse ball tn-dny upset London will bo Birmingham, aod they will tr**el prietors nevar to site?. Iu tho square below sit the Each team was tjout upon winning a game upon tiaRtc ituU neatly catiso 1 a riot iu Fleet etrtet, OUD uf tliroiiyhout England aud Scotland in a special tia!a, donkey boys, watching for soino bel;tted pedestrian such historic ground, and Ansou's men made a good sional base ball league next season, but wo shall )juiiil< u'j* main «r erirg. Tlio ^nteriirUing *-di(or of which has attracted much atteuHco haro. iad there are scores oi these who may need the aer- start with two runs in the opening inning. Ward's Pitcher Proesser's Good Record Crooks have a local league which will furnish lovers of tl.e S^oj/sjii^ii pl«c* d in hia office windows a pair of hardy and much-enduring- little beaats. forces were out for blood, however, and by taking ad­ Brought Into the Fold, Ktc. com­ a bull and a caliber's mask, with a notice ox- vl,e? of their the game plenty of sport. The league will 1'iits, ENGLISH OPINIOX. It Is a strange laud and still stranger people. To­ vantage of fumbles by Ward and Sullivan, coupled OMAHA, Neb., March. 12. Editor SPORTING plniuiug tht-ir tiiw-s. From morning till ui^htrt biy; prise five clubs, representing the following organiza­ morrow is an open diiie fur tis all, a bulletin ia the witb some good, stiff hitting, piled up seven runs be­ LIFE: George Proeaser, our new pitcher, ia a tions: Citizen* Corrs, Tibhitn' Cadet-*, Trojan H^ok but nver-chnnglng c;o«d blocked tho bidewalii ai.ii London Papers Say/of us that the day m*y be spent as fore they retook the field. Their lean waa not after­ at the What the Leading office having informed good one. He is not only a fine t wirier, but a and Ladder Company, Bachelor Clnb, of Troy, and tho niywl iuto ttiu to:ifl\»>»y, %&'UB% optn-niouihed best su)ti each member of tbe party, so to-monotr we wards broken, the game ending at tbe close of the Gleaaon Hook and Ladder Company, of West Troy. lu»rMu me- looking inipifincats. The police, powt'rlctH the Game. superb batter and base-runner. Ho had a bat­ Standard say»: "Aa cricketers English­ tOfci! me Cairo. fifth inning with the ncoro standing 10 to 6 iu favor of Last Friday night t!i« delegates from these clubs m^t i)kt.'<-p tlio wonder-ttiicaen ppopla moviofc, Ihmlly The London All-America. The score fallows: ting average of .318 while with Cleveland last ' I'i'loiicd the effort uud na>»ud unxiouely until dnrk- men are supreme, and men like play log *i gu:ue >n in ihe parlora of tho Bachelor Club's house, nnd Sight Seeing in Cairo. CHICAGO. D. P. A E| AI.L-AME'A. AB.B.B. P. i .E full, and was ono of tho leading batsmen of the adop'ed a constitution nnd b.v-la«'n. The meeting then » ruudoreU Ibu 0' range objectn uo longer visiblo. which ibey excel. Picked team* of Australian crick- Ryan cf...... 30011 O'Hnnlon, cf... 423 1 10 eter^ have ehown renitirfeably good play against tb* CAIRO. Egypt, Friday, Feb. 8. The boys Texas League, lie pitched gtfod bail fur Cleveland, LU adjourned until March 8. Officer* were electeJ Pctdt.rf...... 3 2 1 0 0 0 Ward, s§...... 3 12 0 31 % muther country, but the colonittU Uftvo rartlj woo breakfasted at an early hour this morning, all one occasion shutting out the Baltimore.* with two hits Mon-Juy, March 18. The clubs will he uniformed and Tho Second Game. Sullivan, lf..3 22000 Brown.rf..... 212 0 00 and on auoihtr huMing the St. Louis Brosvug down to rognlar schedule of cnniPH will be played for tIto Rgainst reHJly represeutaiivo elovem, ai*d, ludeed, bcrjj capi­ On Wednesday tbe party went to tbe House of tbe 1a*t aud previous vieitjra bav^t made at tinjfei pcci being eagor to see na much of the Egyptian Ans..n, c..... 212 3 0 1 Carroll, lh....3 00600 four bita and one run. chanipi^nsbip. The Weal Troy grounds will probably . Common* upon invitation. They were stopped dl*»itlayg atffunut Tery rnotleraie opponeota, tor ih# sie- tal aa possible during the hours at our disposal. Pfeffer, 2h... 30101 0;Wood,3h...... 300 0 20 Billio Hart is heralded M Des Qloioos' star pitcher. be ?ecni erf. eater us far into cricket as A few toojc carriages, but the majority of us be­ WiHiam'n,M3 00012 Fogarty, If... 311 3 10 Ho will have to improve a great deal ou bis work laat Dan Mirmohan, of thU city, has signed with Mi tin** at the gatop by the police, but when it had been ments of chance aud luck Euru8,3ti.....3 0 0 2 1 1 Maniiing,2b. 2 1 0 0 00 into 00 tunny other pursuit*. Cricket i*, ia t.ict, th» strode the little donks, and with a donkey boy season or ho won't pan our. apalis for next sousi-n. \Vill Parks with FpiiugtMJ explained that tbo Speaker had made arrange­ Tenor.p,lb..3 0 I 4 4 0 Karle,c...... 3 2 I 610 Krehmeyer, our old catcher of 18S7, goes to Sacra­ ( Dean H^aly ulih Nn-d.ville (Tenn.). Erjgiifelunfui'd garuo. Taste for It haa increastd at our heel:) covered many a square mile of Cairo ments for them to visit the House in a body they a* mastery of it haa been gained, a ad ATOD if Uahl'ii, lo, p2 0 0 5 10 Hcaly, p...... 3 20041 mento [his 96HSOD. Though A little proue to boozo at Thomas J. Stack, a good catcher, batu-r arid bnw- were jillowed to puss. Mr. White, secretiiry of base bail were com parable to it ma gnme. during the day, "We penetrated tho Arabian, Daly, c...... 211 0 20 Crane, p...... 201 0 10 tiim-s, he is a pretty good catcher. rnnner, is at homo here unsigiie'l. Ha is an hont-sr, the American Legation, and tbe secretary of tbe cricket has to ecoioioua a- start tdat fa nova, Moorish, Turkish and Greek quarters of the Total...... 27 0 8 15 12 i'i Total...... 28101015 12 2 It Is claimed that Elmer Cleveland would have hard-working pluyer oud would atrorgtheu any niinr>r tiou will uever catch it. The rcjotiidet mny te mada town, riding through the narrow street?, from Chicago...... a 0 I 03 6 played good ball la*t soison if he bad taken care t>f league team. He can phiy any posiliou hut pitch. Speaker, showed tbe visitors through the House All-Amtrlca...... 0710 2 10 that thero ie rooui for both, but thta ia doubtf'il Sup- which the light of the sun was almost excluded himself. Uo will have to forswear the "rcsy" if be He doeari't want the "earth 11 tor playing ami in stricllf of Lords and the Hou^e of Commons, and the Earned runs Chicago 5, All-America 6. Two-ba Tenth s'rcer, Trov, N.Y. poHtig that base bnll is iutecuk-d to awaken gt-ntra) fn» balconie?; we handled and ad­ Crypt. Subsequently, frcna thepoticry tlify listened to tcre*t, uud ae aume qnalttiea are tu H corijiderabia ex­ by overhanging: bit Crane. Three-base hits Fogarty, Sullivan, IM'ef- Minneapolis is kind enough to accord us fourth Ilure ia a chnucu fur uay uiauitgor who wants a young {KUH'hcs by Hr William V\jruon Harcofiit and otbcis, tent uuceasaty to boih gninee, the idea wilt Jvraya mired the riob tapestries nnd works of art in the for. Home run Daly. Bases on balls Off Baldwin 1, place in the corning rate. Thanks, but wo wiuit ami ambitious player. Tho Dfitn of \V«stm iunter iuritvd the leanis to be pn-s- exis-t ttmt men iiractUiog base tall are wasting tiuit bazaars, and listened to tho babble of tongues off Tener 2. Stolen b;.«es Harilon 2, Wood, Fogarty, something better tlmu fourth. \Yu finish ahead of Mike Lucey, who iojuiod his arm while a member fi.t at u Hpocinl service in Ihe Abbey oti 3ui:d*y. &Ir. thai nii^ht te devoted to learning to play cricked. As that was kept tip incwsantly on all sides of un; we Manning. Bit by pitcher H^aly. Struck out By Minneapolis betcht r life. of tlie BounoTilltt Clnb of Hie Noitheru New Yrile Vhiff ft l^o HppiieJ to tho Master of tho Uur«e for a iiii ibttrvbtiug novelty the guuid Is welcciue. lla crossed the hridge of tbe Nile to the Khedive's gar­ Ht-aly 2, by Buldwiu 1, by Teuer 3. Umpire A. G. Milwaukee will rutike a bitf mistake if Welsh is pnt league in 1886 and \vaa forced to retire, wlil rmnma t|i'«Jal permit t. b« cricketers is not large . * cent equipages go for an airing each afternoon; wo ASCENDING THE PYRAMIDS. tion anil tbtU is short stop. Aa au outtielder Jua tfpis in want of H hrst bascnitin. Lucey 19 a (JO.'K! Anr.thcr largo croA'd witnessed the second Rome, The Poft says tha general rerdict of Englishmen, tf paw the palaces of tho Khedive on every hand great, After the game we returned to the Sphynx and tbe would beN. O. batter and base-runner, ia 5ft. Oin. (all and wpi^bi which wiw plwyi-d on Lord's cricket grounds. not cricketers, will be tlmt there ia Q'.> gaoi» they imposing buildings surrounded by gardens as beautiful Pyramids and viewed the groat masses of etono at our "DaaU." papers city. Tho peneml vtrdtot here in "R«n,| ttri'l .then W»rf.l, Foszarty and Manning, ac'otu- Jack Crook-) h'ia giit'j'laned Oaiaha hearts by at it ooco, mad it all the lime." "Am I right? W<-H, C £u^li-

Franktord Club, of Frankford, PA., had his nose that hotel can rail on the funny man of the American mitte* as it wai presented, and after miking corn broken and his skull nearly fractured from a collision ST. LOUIS SIFTING8. Association and 5moke one of hia "tfrcnty-five-ceut PHILADELPHIA POINTERS. een taking Bplaudid cara of himself since tho 1888 not yet signed hibited by tho majority of the fraternity each band. The firet arrival of the pl.iyers was Julias : and he may not play here at all ames for the ifcnvets last year, winning every oue of fly tip ball, which killed him iustant'v. eason closed, and that he will be able to do auy :his season. The trouble is over the question of CTO. His catcher, Beite, is also disengageJ. feiison, after the annual revision of the National On Aug. 31 third butmaa Kiiby, of the Lima Clnb, Freeman, who got bove this morning from Omaha. ! .iiio'.int of work this season, He reminds me very much uf Hob Carutlierr*, wht-n he salary, the management wishing to cut him The Athletics are well pleasod with tho schedule code of playing rules has been made and the in sliding |o second bjse, broke two corda of his lex by Secretary George Mnsson has purcbase-i from Mr. xceptiug, of course, thut they would have raihor bad i sudden twUt caused by a'rikiog nude his first nppcaranco as A bull player iu the Von der Aho tho down from $2,800 to $2,100, whieh Gleason re­ ECW ruies published. In tho enrly days of pro- the base. Tiie iu- Mound entire front feuce at Sportemiu'a ewer conflicting tljttea at homo. They will o; eu iury disabled him for months. City, and I predict a suc'-essful st-asuB for our ^ i'aik, which is over 300 feet in length. A new fence fuses to submit to. Gleason wants the same fes?siona!i?ui, when so ninny of the class were joungster, Uus Laud H«S at tlie park thin morning, :iree grounds BroAlyu, Coltimbud ami Ciucinuui On Au£. 31 utGan»noqne, Out., Charles A. Quinn, - LOW being put up, and it will soon be filled with at- salary he received unable to read or write, this ignorance was, in a and he looks like lie could j;o in and catch a game at : last year and, moreover, he nd are homo oa five holidays. They also ope a while sUtudinj; back of the catcher in a game, wns artive advertisements. wants to play regularly on the tosro, or else, he t»y», !;d c'o-e the teis-ou at hymo. They pluy half of measure, excusable; but in these later days of struck by a pitched ball with such a moment's no* ice. We will havo a surplus of both j Pat Te-beau did fores as to causa catchers not tfo to Hot Springs with hia 10 will not Bi^n. Tho management want him to jeir games ut home btfuro July 1. Tbay li*v*» thirty- the marked improvement concussion of tbo brain, from which he died the next and pitcher*, aud a couple of fieldns more j team, but he is there now. in the social status of than can te used. 1'evliu lias asked for an advance iu ' "warm the bur:b," and claim that §2,100 Id cnoush ne gAinea on the home grjtinds in June ami Mtna^er tho professional exemplars Of base ball, such a lay. Ben Miller will issue about 25,000 schedules tMs sea- salary for any substitute. To Carry two short haraig hopes to bo PO fur in the lead by July 1, when On Pent. 1 Henry Zickemeyer, catcher of the Bl<- them. He thinks so many games at 1»*11 directly over tho heart and he dropped dead almost ligan for Gleasrm aud paid the Utter &-J.800 ome early in the season will give them a It-ail from who, as I ile as the month of May, couli respond imm.-diatelv. had been heard from Chamberlain, and King keepa a way from Sportsman's Park office, but they will, uo ca'ary for the season. Owing tj tho fact that 10 sttrt, which will give tlie bojs confidence and, creditably to a strict catechism on the subject of Ou Stpf. 8 at Lodi, 0., a lady spectator, while watch­ MW YORK NEWS. illcasoiTa arm was we;ik he did uot cover the position eep them i& the lead till season. ing a game wna struck on the head by a fly doubt, he in line at the i>ropbr time; at least this is their knowledge of the new rules of play? As a tip ball and President Vou der Aho'a opinion. satisfactorily, and last fall they |midSl,">00 fur Fei»- To Receive tho Chicago and All-America rule the correct definition of new rules acquired tiell.v's release and tignod tho l.ittor at a salary of ST. JOSEPH JOTTINGS. On Sept. 10 John Shaw, ot Easlon, Pa., wa* struck O'CONNOR DISSATISFIED. Clubs Base Ball iu England, Not Yet— $2,5uO. Mr. Sbanirf claims that Glettfion Is very UD- by the players conies in most instances from 3U the ribs by a pitched hall and to severely injured as Jack O'Ccnuor, who v,as released t*y Cincinnati to An Interesting Kulic The Ke-orgauizcd gmJernl in ID'S mutter. He tbInka Bill ought to to L Fine Season Promised A Great Mystery heiirs'iy l'iom mto player to nnotlu-r. Not ODC player tJ d.fat>!e him fur tho remainder of ihe season. the Columbus Club and afterward* traded by tbe uw.-tre of Mets, Etc. iho fact that he did not play the poaition as Hinted at—Tho Team in twenty ever f;*ke8 tlie t run Mo tu EO over the uew On Sept. 15, in a gamo between tho Brooklyn and CoIumMis people to ihe Browns for short atop White, well as it should have been played,aud inasmuch a^ h« Records. cude ami study up I he rcvi-ed rules for himself. Athletic clubs, «t Philadelphia, a hard hit low bull called at uiy office lo-t!ay iu company with "Kid"' NEW YORK, March 15. Editor SPORTING vectivod a big eal*ry he f hould be g-'tad to accept a re- ST. JOSEPH, Mo., March 11. Elitor SI-OUTING from Lai kins' hat etrucK pitcher Caruthcrs* cnlf of Irs Baldwin, of the Cincinnati*!. H'E: The g;lobe-trotter3 will be given a grand luction now that he will only be used as a substitute. IFE: Another slightly chilly spell of weather Tlio class of Intellueot, educated player*, who take right leg. Though badly hurt he hopped to the bull, "1 Wftdu't anxious to go to Columbus," paid O'Connor, reception 'rthen they arrive. Mr, Shnroiir that ifGl-aion ia iu shaj;e aid can which put in appearance ft few days ago haa jiains to hcaj* tl(on»«(?lvc8 well post'-d on the applica­ threw tho ruuuer out aud then droppoJ down in great ' but I would much rat hi-r p'ay thero than «i;h Tho reception tho play as well aa ho did two or time vcarj ajto, he will erved to remind tho "cranks" that (he ba^c ball tion of if very 11 »w rn'c of piny, ami who barn tbo cor­ pu : n. IlF.Ntiv. CHADWICK. Brjwna. I have sijrifd with Goliimbns and ^ot 9300 tnmitteo wishes it understood that no one who willingly pay Lira lLo Eame ai'tiry he received last oason is not quite rect defisiition of every important rcle of the game, advance money, and now I am told that I will have to does not wish to contribute towards the expenses year and |.lay him rozalarly OD the te^m. But if be here yet. But that ardently comi'ri.-e a lamentable nrinoiity of the uiiule. Go play here in St. Louis. It 1 remain here it will need do so. They fay it is entirely voluntary. cannot do thlp, Mr. Sharsig ^ys, it i« not hi-i fault ami ong-for time is rapidly drawing near, and with anion^ an avt- VHJIO itsat mbluge of professionals an j ask LOUISVILLE LACONICS. tea case cf bench-warming daring Uio whole season. The Gleason should be reasonable enough to aak for no ts approach grows the enthusiasm over the them wlint the rul{-3 t'f r.ukiT, LiMiard', committee Wednesday selected the various or even faro, My nre in no condition to catch, and Sir. You noro than he is worth. VnlesaGleuson corals to terras >rospect of a brilliant and successful mv, and vou will tint! tbum pretty \vill up in every "Retl" Ehret Signed With the Home Team der Abe now has sevetal extra men and his positions sub-committees. Tho committee on invitations, je nuiy to sold to somo other club posnbly Louisville, eason. Tho management "of tbe new point of ench s^ame. But entechis" tlum clcee «s to —His Excellent Record—Pleased "With are all well filled. I woulu like to «o to Deliver or besides its routine duties, will obtain speakers and still more probably St. Louis, a^ it Is rnuioreJ Association club ths punts of the gumo which givi>s tnom their liveli­ the Schedule and tlio Season's Outlook, eomo cf the other minor league clubs end tlun I for the dinner. Morgan G. Bulkelcy, Governor Comiskey Is afraid tlie Browns will bo weak at short can very safely congratu- hood and decs not deplete thnir jocHtts, would and you will Etc. bo given ft show to work. I don't want to of Connecticut, was appointed chairman, and J. and that he would Ulio tj have (jJleasou, Iu the abeeuce ate themselves, even this early, at i discover i* and condition of iguoranct on poin'a invulv- piny in St. Louis, and- if I can help it I will not bo ho Bubstuutiul LOUISVILLE, W. Curtiss, secretary. Tho remainder of the of a better man. encouragement likely to bo given by f 1wg very iiupor'ant question^. Now, this ia anytliiit^c Ky., March. 12. Editor SPORT­ seen ia a Brown Slocking uniform," he people of St. Joseph to their enterprise. And the committee is Mayors Grant and THE ATHLETIC CPATAtXCY. - * but a light condition of ihiajrn, and competent cluli ING LIFE: President Davidson and his new A CHAT WITH BILL NVR NO. Chapin, Seth >eop!e, too, aro t) he congratulated lh*t such go-ahead 2. Weybing has finally come to terms and will report men;igera and a bio fielJ cap talus thoinseKes^iiuinor- pitcher, "Red" Ehret, have come to terms', and I called upon tbe president of the Cincinnati Club Low, Theodore Itooscvelt, Amos J. Cummings, nen to Messrs. TruckeiiuUUr, Burues aud Patee ily class, by tlie way ibotild lako prompt measures ivitli tu« rest of the buys the conilog week. Larkiu IJIVP seou fit tbo latter signed a contract Saturday afternoon. in hU uew quarters at Washington avenue aud Joseph J. O'Donohue, Herman Oelrichs, James lias not yet affixed to invest their money in ba^e tall stock, line spring to remedy tliis faulf. The moment tlie Seventh I). his autograph to an Athletic con­ or (hey are sparing neither money nor paius to give Khrct was quite anxious to cotne to Louisville, street a feiv days ago to \ ave a chat with him. Smith and Walter Stanton. The committee on tract, but ho will uodonbt be en bund when his ser­ base tall Guides of the season me out every player of I found him aa busy aa a whole ewarm of b»es, yet he banquet will be A. G. Mills, chairman; J. W. furtia?, he people of this city fciich a tea^on of good baso a team bboiild bo matlo t> study up tlio rode of rules and it dii not take him and tho manager long vices will be needed. Humor his it flint ho wants to IH'I aa they g*vo me a few minutes of his time, and at tlio same sct;ittarv; John B. Day, C. H. Bvrne, C. T, Dillin*- L>e reapjxnuted ci[ have never before enjoyed. It is from A to 'f.\ and it \vi ul'J to well if tlie managers on to agree. It will not be Ehret's only duty to hnni. Dr.. tain, and will n'>t. sign (inlets he rue they have not permitted themselves to> timo handed me a good cigar, and asked ine to brash II. C. BlcLeaL. A. G. Hodges and KiL-hurd U. geU tho appointment. In this he will be disappointed, rainy days should bold school for tho time being and pitch, but he will also be played as a general my bloomers and squat. Before I had time to tt-ll him ll'ilited. Thi^ committee will have charge of the din­ exceed the legal limit in securing a learn, make tin* c'tia* go through a ie^;ilar catechiam on the as the chances ar» that Stovey will bo made CHplain fill they have utility man, as ho is considered a good batter, fielder that the lleds would enathe season i:i fouith place, and ner and tho guests. and Feunyllj assistant fully reached that limit, and they BuL'ject of every revised rule of ttto code. tlmt a m.-tn Tuo comiui tee captain. Tlio local patrons of latter themselves tint by judicious mftuagemcftit they and base-runner. Ehret, the deal lor whom was com­ i-i tha next Muck was sel^D? cl -thing on rfceltlcn will be headed by the game think that with Stovey at tho helm and plete! at the Columbus mei-tihp, is a Louisville boy. cheaper thau anyone in town, he fiied something like Mnyor Grant, with DJ Wilt Ray aa iecreUry. On FtfDiielly to watch lave succeeded in getting together a team of plvyera "With B view of airing clubs some assistance in the this at this committee the puinls from the infield the competent to in every respect maintaiu lie I'lttycd hia fmt ^roTes-ioDal game in 1887, in the mo: are the base ball reporters of several Athletics would next season bo ablo to hold their own tho good name matter of b.-iving their players etndy up (he new code "Anything new? Why don't Chris si^n bis men? local paj ers, deL-gates irom tbe New York, Brooklyn, of St, Joseph. But, while they have limited thsm- of pluytnfc rules of the game, I Imve prepared Westo-ru League with ihv^enver an*l ^r- J°e clubc, agftinst Coaiiskey arul the reit of them and not lose a hrlff and he took a high rank mere You didn't go to Columhu", and wh>?" ftaten Island aud Jersey City ftihletic, base tall elves to the arcouut allowed by tho Association to be digest of tho most important auieiidmeutu, which I as a pitcher. His bat­ game after game on account of lack of field general­ ?aid to players, ting average fur th« at-asou was .358. Last seasou he I caught his question-) OQ tho fiivt round and bicycle, teuuis, yacht, cauoe and rowing associate out; ip and discipline. they have not been so s;aring of their hero appc-nd: members of Ktw Yoik aud Brooklyn Stovey Is thr-roughly pooled In 'uuds in their investment in the grounds and seating weut to tlie Texas Lennu*1, jitinins; the Dallas te-itn. answered him: "Nothing new. I don't know why it is exchanges, and ei, a succensful wrangler \\ith umpires, level­ Kirst, iu regard to the changes in the pitching rules. that Chris dou't sign his meu. No; I didn't go to uuTchtiuts. This committee will go down the bay, arrangements at the new park. To-day work was be- fcitr called bulls no'.v giro tho baUmau While wftb that inno he shut out the Cincinnatis by a headed and withal a gentleman who command* the his base, fcoro of 4 t> 0. This was what Columbus because it causes my feet and head to (swell meet tho Adriatic and take cuaige of tb« tourists until ;un upon what will ho as well appointed a b til ground ins-end of five, an last season. made hia reputation, respect of all players. Fenneliy ii quick-witted, an as any in the and induced Kansas City to sign him later on in the up whenever 1 attend base bail meetings.1' the dinner ou April 8, for which tbe tickeW are £10 Bpos'la of team West, aud a sutncient force of workmen The pilclier is no longer required to el nnd with fine While work and never misses an opporlutiity will Is kept employed to get everything reidy for yt-ar. His sub-requeut taret-r is well known. Ehret Uiil Nyu Stern was Sv-llniga m-tn a hill of each. to gain a point in a gani*>. Stu\>y succeaafully cap­ tlio foot on the right of the mitre Hue of hit petition HS U»t goods nnd telling several of hii trawlers tbat Mr, So- The speakers at the banquet will he selected from >laj era to commence practice vn. the 20th, at which yt-nr. lie ci-.ii says his arm was sore when he was with Kansas City, tained the Athletics for five years and fenntOly WBB a nu>v stand in any [art of Im "b* ix," hut aud-3o was in town an j not to fait to see him, us he among our beet orators. Some of them havo not .hue they ara to ivport. provided ho keepa ono foot on any )>nrt uf tho rear it id all ri^hl now, and he thinks ho can prove success as ciptftiu of the Cincinnati. Manager himself of much value lo Louisville. ia here to buy, 1 drew two or three bivaths, and when notified the committee of their acc?ptiuce, so that it 81mr»ig could The new uniforms, which were made by Sam Mor­ line of his position. Iu all other icsptcts tho rule ta wx-uld be premature make no better move thau to yield to on, arrived to-:!ay and are beauties, be r^-entered his office 1 put a few questions to him: to- announce them at present. Ihe solicitations of the club's frieuda and appoint aud are sa unique as it wiia iu 1S88. TUB RECENT SCHEDULE MBET1N«. "Who is to captaiu your team uextaeawu? Dutch as they are handsome. They consist of b!a-?k «hirts In regaid tu (he changes affecting the biisman, PreMdei.t D-tvid.-on and \'ice President John Botto EASE BAM. IN ENGLAND. Stovey captain and Fennelly assistant captain. the Oehler or Long John Keilly?" A ba?e ball mimiirr and Knickerbockers, scarlet stockings iuid b»l'a an«l new codo prevent* his Ix-ing caught out on a foul tip seem wull pleased \viih the work of the Columbus who ia not a thorough enthusi­ AFTER MORS PITCIIKRS. ECHrlet anl black stiiped caps 1 T bat's something that I pay no atiention to what­ ast la as hard to dud as snakes in Ireland, homo of ami blouses. The de­ ball sharp frum tho bat, \vhich is caught within ;i meeting, whicli they both attended, und they think ever. 31r. G'.ts Schnulz ruiis the team, and he will at­ The only other p'uyer who has not yet siprned is sign of the uniform was conceived by Maungi-r Lord, radius of ten feet from tbe home baee. The rnlo «S ttie Louisville Club wa* pretty well treated iu the thenj, however, allow thtir enthusiasm to run away Matijinoru. Manager Sbarsig 13 not losing mucb tend to the captaincy and in fact everything e-Ue coii- with theirs enies. This talk aud he Ihiuka his tenm will pr.-eeut the haudsimeat 8;tys: "A foul hit ball, not liaing ab ->ve the butstnau'a matter of dat*-s. Concerning the matter, Mr. Davidson a'tout baso bsili sup­ sleep over Matty's action in not coming to torcis, appearance ou tho diamond uected with tho workings of the club." plant ins; cricket in England ia ah nonsense. It id pre­ of any iu the country head, and caught by the catcher playing within ten said to your correspondfiit: "I see tbat tome of Hid however, us he thinks the latter will bo on hand when 1 see my Irien,] "Deacoa" still coutitnus tj viunt C.ncitmati scrilog favor mature in the extreme. Base ball mav, of course, in the seasv-n Jeet < f ilio homo La-e shall bo terme-l a foul tip" and 'I am satisfied, for they did as well by us as they George Ttbcau lor capUiu. Would Tebeao auit you," op-ns and play fur the sa'ary offered him. the prowess of Selee's yonns men, and St. Pa :i! also eodi foul tip catch dues not put tho but-iman 'could. I was t'spfcially anxious to open on our time be the gome of the Englishmen, iou thiuk that can aid you?" onr b»ec ball friends eay tlmt base ball will rupplaut so ho mathi arrangements some timo «gi to ad-1 sev­ in "Do you feel easy now that Smith has signed?" tho's vance, but we hu-dly think 'the forts warrant cither iv b tch case Hie called strike puts him out nrbc;h*r the "A team usually has more confidence when paying uutional same, they illtistrato eral more pitcher* to t!ie nwter. Wh >"tln men are be Omaha or St Paul in asstTtiinic ' Ye-'," said Mr. Stern, "it is a great relief to iuo. I tha remark nia-fe above. It will take a pood many their superiority e:» ball be caught or iu-t. In the rase uf tbe ball hittiug at home, aud we will therefore be more likely to make am gl«d that all the boys aro within the iold. lam id after Mr. Sbursigdves uot eav, but THE SPORTIXO early iu the fig:'.it. As for me, I wa? never a vrry good hie ptrson or clothing when the third strike is railed, a winning fctart. L' st year we began away ye«rs for t'fisa b.;ll to rival rricket in England. This LIFK knowi that they arj Eddie Kuontf and Mike gue.-eer, from an advocate o' early signing. I thiuk all the omy be diftcreni coijstquently I will venture no prediction as the batsman is out, and cannot, of course, take a baso home. We Io*t four 8trait u t to start un in trt. L-ju'8, in re.^ar<) to Austral a. Ba-o h^ll is Kilroy. The former is paid to have almrst perfect to where victory will peroh^ clubn, a-, far as possible, ought to tign their men at the peculiarly suited to.thw tastes of the Australiana, and However, St. J>*e:>li is a on the ball hitting turn as la tbe case of Ihe firdt or ana this demoralized ihd boys so l>adly that I think conclusion of the baton's worir, and'it would he a cootri'l of the ball, great spee.l, and Md arm is stronger good town, q»i:e ticcufirorned to being eucces-ful in all Eecoiid called strike. they never fully recovered from it. This ycsr we open that it wi.l fcu;-plHUt ciichet at the Antipodes see in* than it over was. Kn ;iift would have been signal she undeitiikee. great deal bo'ter for both the club cflken* and tho a-sured. The Australians are even now and there is no especial rensou tlm I In bast. running the batsman or base-runner, on a iviih Kansas City, ntid we oncht to wlu lour s!rai?!)t pi a11 erf" tired of their ere thi-, but he asks more a ilary than Mr. It now of why viclr.ry, wbea ehe ia casting about a foul l-all being hit, is not required to touch each Ooci ttie Cowboys. Then the St. Louis Browns follow, o!d lieUL sptrta, aiid having seen an American jrum" Sharsig feels Inclined to give him. President )Vnny- "In signing p'ayers in tho fait tbey would all wttnt have found abiding j:lace, should pass us by far other cities tags in returning to bates previously touched before and I think we will be able to capture at least two it suitable to their laiitej. A Imsa hall packer has been u'ter Kilroy for several weeks and no more do tervi ng of her favor. a good bundle of advance in-jnev. Would you be will­ league iu Au^lnilia.U^reforf, seems almost a cortaiuty Th is re- the ball was hit, tte lat-t year. >ov instance, suppose cut ol the four gamps." ing to fdv;? tho boys wh it they aake.l?" the chances are that he will be signed won. Alike H minds me that it may aid some of those the batsman hits a long ball to ii>>l:t field which luoka "How do you l.ko the Fourth of July arrangement?" In the nf nr future. A 1>8B« ball league in England is a brother to Mat and promises to make a ereat pifcher. "My pluyers, as a general rule, don't want the earth, iu the dim engaged in picking winners if they will study the fair, but is blown bach to foul ground, and tho runner "We have tha Athletics on that day. They aro ono future. The averse Ijondoner thinks a Ladv Baldwin will be hero in May if Ma arm is ait emgva cf Manager Lord's and Hioso who desired to with a reasonable advance L'ood deal ot" his e.tso and has n great regard for his team. Hero they are: in tho interim has reached third base on tbo hit be­ of Iho strongest teams in the country and will dt would bo signed for the following rigtit, and King, the Princeton Cullego pirchur, will opf, batiin^ .192, fielding .859; Crowell, batting .030, season at the clmo fingers. After he has played our American game, Bi^n and fore the ball is called "foul." In such case he can re­ well. 1 do oot know a ie*ui I would prefer to them ot tl:e championship season. I believe the time is not rt-port for duty about Juua 1. Managfr fie: ding .Ofil; Fluid, no rcco'd; Knell, bfittiag .127; turn to homo baae direct front third, lr.ate:td on that day. We have thirteen Saturday aud thirteen throwing till ttio abion into tho spoi t that cliarac- Sbafsiff la^t wefk received a letter from Lon Knight-, ol re­ far distant when men will bo under contract tlto whole to. i^e^ the American fielding .00-1; Kriey, hatting .206, flelding .92.5; M«ho- turning and touching second and first base as last Sunday ganiea at home, aud they ought to help us out couteat, the Euglishuun wiil nut in which tbe latter fpcak-j very highly of Pain**. He ney, battlen: .191, fielding year, an! then ther.o will be hrcslmiumiug and lushing be so enthusiastic. After bo loo'ta at his horribly ni»l- .840; Scbelll'.aae, h-ittiug .273, year. greatly." iu the wiuter. However, 1 learn that my meu have says Vain9 bas gieat sproJ, is very ambitions aud bo field lug ,02;>; Cartwrij-ht, batting -2oG, fiel Jing .0*3G; \Vhen the umpire Is jnilgiog balls fonsied uinits the o'd love for cricket will assuredly believes tho Nowton boy will be a success. and etrikt-e white ABOUT HRCKER. teen taking ecol care of themselves during tlie w,li­ a-a*rt itwlf. Ardner. halting .270, fielding .90C; Whitney, batting standing back of the pitchor, the new rules present Knglism.'nare of a difforeuttemp«rauieut, .316, fielding .SCO; Tv'fflmp, "Havo you had any more offers fur Hecker?" ter, and 1 believe thut we will open this 9- a-ou in ex­ anyway. PHILADELPHIA CLUB PREPARATION. battiog .277, fielding .819; the fulU'Wing new points of piny. For instance, in tho "I was approacJjeJ ou tho tul>jrct while at Colunibns, ceptionally g-todahspe. I a .n't claim tlmt the Cin- Manager Wrlght has thus fir airan^ed his April Curtia, battng.341, fielding .873; Fry, hattiu* .290, caM of * ruuoer ai first base trying to sle»I eecom', but ihn nff«r wns not such »« I WuuM entertaiu. The cJfttttHi Cluli will win th? pen*iaBt, nor da I Buy that » AN IXTEHESTINa RKLIC. ne »ramo«: HtnnrjHy, r-tt,TnnAaorpnlii vs. I'Jillaaot- aod the ball tlii\>wu by tlio catcher towards secoml consideration we w'ill-end t!;e season in HJ gooil condition as wo did. ' OM-time rei:»rtls are always interesting to eome phia, in which all tbo batteries will bo tried; Tuesday, 900. offered waaontirely too email." It strikes touch (a tho person or clothing of ihe umpire, the base- Mr. Davidnon spoke most hopefully ol the coming Jcs' year, although our cl-ib is much Bin nger, in my people, aud A. O. Mill*, the old-tin e present of the Al, Philadelphia VP. Jersey Citv; Thursdny. 4t!i, Phila- me that ft careful survey of tho abore runner must, in such case rt-turu to the baso be left. season. He said that opinion, than it ever wan btfme. Eut nil the- clubs National League, has something that will be of in­ delpnia vs. Harvard College'; Satnr.Uy, 6th, Pnlladcl- Sgures will be rather npt t > mnko friend ''Pearou'* all Ihe bate ball niou he met HI qualify Of course, this can ouly apply to throwing to second ColuutbtiH entertained tho same feeling, and thought have strengthened and 1 predict a pretty i&ce for terest gtiwrally to base ball followers of to-day. Mills phiii VP. Athletic^; Monday, 8th. PhlUdepIiia vs. Ath­ his predictions with b Dei vcUntia (Lord base, except when tho umpire fiixU occasion to run to that all tho circumstances were moat favorable. 1SSO." in u ut;m t.f iiTfpnuichitUe character and withdrew letics; Ttiesdav,9th, Pbibideipbia vt. Brooklyo; Satur­ willing.) third to judge apoiut. In the caso of a batted bill The interview was interrufi'd by a seven-footer from the manaeement of baie bnll affairs several years day, 13th. Philadelphia vs. Athletics. Laet week Sir. Robert A. Hope, a great lover of (he Itriking the umpire while he is standing on fair GROUND IMI'ROVEMHSTS. making his appearance nt tlio door aud offer nig hid ng >. f^omt- of tho rule-* made did uot suit him and he Another game with th« Brooklyn Clnb is yet to bo nJ-in**, displayed the pictures of the team in hw window, ground say back of the pitcher i ho base-runner The improvements at the Park, it i-i expected, will services to Mr. Stern us ftVst bajuoiiin for uoxt aeasou. (jiiiotly ete-pped out. A\"heu he did go base bill lost one arran^oil, as the Philadelphia? play two games with aud all day a crov.-d of admiiiug re .p!e atool guziug from home to firbt base Is given his baeo the e.'iine ax if be completed this week. Severn! boxes will be ar­ Mr. Stern wanted to introduce of its l/est champion-. Mr. Mill* himself hm not the Brooklyns on tl llth and 16th on (he at them until a detail of the "finest" bad to clear the ranged for the nfc as tho maoHgerof tatters' bo had made a base hit, and all runners forced off by benefit of the gue-ts of the cln!', and auiu* club located on the Sandwicfa Islands, but I mode played baseball a^nce 1802, when a game wau played ground-i. Manager \Vrl«hl h-ia also ftrrunied git sidewalk to uiako room for passers-by. One could such bit. all will 1.e thrown open on the 30th if this mouth, a hasty suealc. among soldier's nines during tho war in tha Smith. with the Detroit. YaU» CoKege, Turout) and Syracuse hear said continually thut they were as hands -*me a In the case of all bunted balls, when runners are when the first exhibition game will bo with the L>ep- He enyd at lua-t ten thousand soldiers witmssed that lot of ball players as auy clu'j in tho country could on THE "DADPV" OP Kioa club?, but as thi-y have beeu fixed on datei between bases no strike can be called on a bah bunted foui, pens, of this c:'iy. Indian^poli* will corno April 1, aud SALAHI-ES ctyiite^t. Mr. Miiin Is now Rctin^r us chairm-m of the the 17th and bonat. Even t:ie ladies stopped to gaze upon Iho is none other thau Henry V. Ln:ae, thr> founder of I 24th, while tho Athletics will be playing unices auch foul hits are repeate lly made and plainly ihf-n will follow Spriugfield, Pittsburg, Milwaukee aud commiitfe wt-ich is to receive tho Chicago and Al!- championship pamea, »n effort will be made tu traus- htn&ome faces of the players, and I rather suspect made fur the purpose of billing them fool. Last year tlte other te;ia>« whoso exhibition dutei I have already defunct L'uii-n Assifcitttion. The t«ilari*-s received hy Auierictt lenms when they arrive In lim country. Mr. poso their thut more than one of the fair onoa felt a fluttering of Gift^&cock, Dtinlnp, Sweeny, et al, under dates to avoid conflict a. all balls Imnttd foul after two strikes were called wern aunouDced. The games with the^e tfains are expected the Luraa re- Milla hna a relic that in hithly prized, as are his Tbo improvements In the grading; are still pro her heart as the thought of the prospective conquest of called a third strike. This is no longer the rule. to put (ho beys iu trim, render their musclis hard and gin;o, were never p»id before tho Union Association other nwtiy cnrio'. It id a Urge placard, hundaumely one or other of thy young niea. It is safe to eay that wiw born. High greasing and tiie bicycle truck-is being surfaced with .Every player, when corning in from tho field after flexible and fit them for the more serious business of salaries with Luca^' boys did not cud engraveJ, and printed in display typo, aud on t'.io card fine noil and screened ashotf, ' ladies' day" nt tlic'ball ground* will be immensely at the time the Union Association gave mixed aae St. Louis Clnb wa-t admitted to tlto "This is to certify that the Olympian Base Ball CluV, have been There are rumors mid hints of a do*! being on foot MINOR MENTION. League OD? or two reruntly spread over the track which called in his turn to go to bat. Ho it* now subject to a of tUc player-i received the princely cf Washington, D. C-, waa duly u-lmitted to IHCDI- lias been widened at the that, if consummated, will he a surprise such HI luv* Mr. Davidson says the crowds will be much belter snlaiy of 35,(K)0. A great many renplo are imder the iip.-er ends, to ailow fina of 55 if he falls to ob^-y this rule. nt the opening games ttils joar then they wero in 1.S88, ters'iip in the National Association of Base Ball fast running by the wheelmen. N»tw fta-^s and hal­ not Lena known in base ball circles fur many a day. I In any part of the game after the first inning and at impre^iun lhat Hob Ciiruther*, of tho Brooklyun, was Plsyers, on December 12, ISGfi." yards have am not at li'^ttty to divulge «h-»t it ia juat at present anil as Iho fifty-cent tariff prevailing then cut down the tho nn>t man who teen or.kroJ f-;r t!ie six big Btaffs, and the Iho close of an inning, the captniu of either nine cau ever received a salary of 55,000, but This document is signed iiy J. II. Rozers, aa secre­ eighty-one other streamers fur tbe SHIR Her it may bo nothing at all. For it is of to ettipeudou* a patronage somewhat. in thfs tln*y were mistakeu t »s Fred Dunlap was paid tlag staffs call for a substitute player and place him in the posi­ Vatuhn has forwarded Ins m^asnre for a new uni- tary, and Senafor A. I*. Guvintu w president. There on fences, walls and pavilions bave been renovated. nature that it inny fail through of iti own weight. tion of any player ol tbe nine be chooses to lhat naount by Mr, Lucns when Rob Cam then was are two fipuivs reprobating the tmse hall players of Tbe When I heard ol it, It fahly t>ok my breath for a mo­ retire fi!nu, which ia taken aa meaning that he will soon stitl with tho chairs in tho pavilion are being oiled and var­ from the field, irrespective of any pl^er being disa­ champion Brown Stocking. During the that period on tho c, rJ. Tho uniform is peculiar. nished, and everything will ment at t\\0 very audncity ol the Idea. Lut it it al­ p«8t f*-w yeiiM faUries have bePH increased FO liber­ look spick and span for tbo bled by illnej-a or injuiy. But tbe retired player caa- The measnremfints for the new uniforms show lhat Outeidfl of the cap it beats no resemblance to the opening. ways the unexpected which happens. Perhaps in my Bof again take part in the pame. ally Ih^t even tho strongest clubs are crying, "Cut playns' drew of to-day. This u especially noticeable Season coupon next screed it may huv« so far developed a» to be Decker is the largest man around the rheat in the tloMii expeu>erf." Had hooks are now fur i-ale at the office o: The umpire is LOW prohibited from rovers! n^ any Louisville licit Mr. Lucaa paid fancy prices iu tae lejr, where tho player* wear long trousers with the treasurer, John I. Rogers, 138 South Sixth street made- kn«wn, and then again, sw T eaid before, pjihapa Club. He ii.eisun-s forty-Iwo indie*. to some of hid men, tbe top fr-iUry of to-day would dfcisif'ii be may niake on the testimony uf either a The measurements for the new uniforms have boon be strings tied around the ankles to keep tho material at 825 each. Smgl6 scuts will not be sold in any ot iho the whole thing thing may 'Mi* a-borninV player or an outsider. It is therefore iiKplcfs this sea- forwarded to SjuUiug & Co., of Chicago, by Billy from getting in the player's v:»y. boxes except > IH, 1 and 51, tbo two largo end boxes 31. \KTIX* eon to attempt to get a dfciaion revt-rsed in the manner Itoccins. TUB CLEVELAND CLUB All the others will be reserved for parties of not less WHKN WARD COMES HOME. THE DISPUTE OVKH attempted time and again last jeav. Thn umpire, too, The enterprisa of THK SPORTXO LIFE In giving a or a portion of it passed thr ugh here Sunday. Tom than MX. A very limited number w.Il be sold and al" \VHEELOCK. is now empowered to retire an offendlrp Loftus Close" obsa rvera of baae bail iu this neighborhood do player from ihe banquet to the t-ase ball boys who are making the wa« with the l-oys, aud ibey spent Sunday iu not contemplate applications tefused after 30th lost. field tu the case of such player, Imvjug once been fined, Mght-ref lug ani vis tins friends. I n tiie puny any further trouble betwe-n the An Exhaustive Statement of the Case From great trip around tho world and (o the prominent were maaagera and the players. A few weeks airo it looked LOCAL JOTTINGS. ccDtinuei to violate the nile. The umpire Cfinwt base ball writers, h»d oxciU'd mncti comment here, Duck, Sayder. Spratu;-, McKean, Gilbs, Bakely, Zir.i- Gunson, the Kansas City a' catcher, f» in fine form a Detroit Standpoint. designate the player mer, to somo that serious trouble muht materialize. Most who is to replace the retired and needless to say has been hishly comm^nd-d. Fau!/ and several otht-is. They r;l;ty here ou of the wjuuhblea He takes a run of ten miles through Fairmouut Park DETROIT, March 13^--Editor SPORTING LIFE: kldcer. tlie 6;h and 6th of next mm'Ji and Manager Loftns nave been settled, aad there are very Col. John 11. Botto will ies:te a new schedulo which few piny era wb liKve refused to siga with ih**ir every day, besides puttiug iu several hourg daily at thi The tbing that interests Detroiters now is what In the crt=c of tbe winning rnn beinj? scored the um­ ho t-aya will be the handHume-ft thing of the kind ever ts>\8 that his team wjll make it iuturcstiug fur the Y. M. C. A.'H clubs. \V«rd iutimntea in a recent dispatch that gymnasium at Germanlowu, action the Arbitration Committee will take pire cm'.not cull "game" until Ihe p'ay which yielded gotten out hero. He will print 10,00<> ropier. L'ke most baa«i;HH men, Manager Sharsig is a iittl< in the run baa been completed and the bailed ball ho is coining to this country to settle these tho AVhecIock matter. How the Boar-.l ic- Oa their way back from Columbus Mfs«n?. Dftvldson WHITE FOR r/CONNOR. troubles. snperatitlous. Inpe!ectinic tbo Athletics' uniform frr can do turned to the i-itcher. t'or instance, suppo?e the side There won't probably be much for him io and Botto stoppud ftt f'ino'nnftti to RCO Long Juhn Vhen do when he gt-ts here. Hi» left Southampton on tho tost season ho derrde.1 upon ihe samo colors w anything else than give the player to Detroit ia second at the bat is in at tre hat und the ba'sman hit? twin?. They Charley King pitched BO successfully for the found him in the be^t of couditiou aud SI. Jot- teum he was caught by young Jack O'C< IH steamship Stfale on Thursday, aud expects to arrive iu a:i;l Hue which the plijera wore ju 1S&3, when tbej something we can't eeo at this end of tbe line. a loiv bftl! to tbe outfield, on which tho rnont-r pre- practicing whenever he c>;tild get a chance. J. A. \voa the clianipioii^hip. viuusfy ou a baso who is thf Brcwur*' It test acquisition, oud ever s-iace this country ou Vifduy next, the 22-J ioHaLt. L'a will To one who under-stanis all tho facts in the case ig eeut home. In such ciise last year undoubtedly But for tlie many conflicting datfe, tho Athletic the moment the run was ?corecure his old ditcher. O'Connor «nd hood shortly after lA ani*es. The Brotherhood will, ehould inalie a barrel of n;oney tbi.-< season. Thf garr.c. Uudcr tlie revised code be must now wait until have three ho'iiluy games two t n Decoration Day am \Vhec-lcck is one of the moat magnificent exhibitions the batt«*l ball is returned to King Hro {:reat friends, and it is said that their Lattery of course, try to bf ttle any trouble iliero might be ez- of gall in the history of taso tall disputes, tLe pitcher, and A]] runs The Team Completed— A Local Estimate of Isting between tho oiie ou Whit Monday 13 Saturday, 13 Sauday and and I do or baiTs made ou the bit are to be counted, etea after work is like a ji?cy of machinery. O'Connor claims men and the managers. It- seems nut except U.tby Amon'd mUundi-rntandinKS with Its Strength Chapman Congratulated. that Ins ImnfH are tender, and tbat he is unable to hijkly probRble that all tLn tn.uL-lo will be a thing of di.zen Monday games at home. Saturday-', tun Jay th« winning run is niadp. »i:d Mondays areas good da\s in Philadelphia as hoi; League umpire?. Now, juat listen to ft plain BfctU-nient Tbe&e are among the m<>*t promiDent changes made. SYRACUSE, N. Y., March 13. Editor SPORTING catch regularly, especially if ho it obliged to f«co the | ast by the time this mooting is held. Ward has of the facts: At iho close of last season the V/urcesttr speedy nifU like King or Chamberlain, aud if he can­ been very"rnrefif, even iu private letters to pf-rdonal days', and as they have 41 gnines, iucltidinz ihree holi­ LIFE: A dispatch was received Tuesday from day jrauies, scheduled on these dajs, they should maki people coi:c!iulcd they had had enough of La^e 1*11. not ur will rot go iu beliind t!;o lat h«, will ho pJ.v,' friends ia this city, not to mention his own i?i!ci.tions The New England League wa-i a co:i*et the At'nntio Manager Chapman bearing the welcome infor­ ill trie outfield fur Hie commit eea--on. Every indication still iioinln to out welt financially this year. or ou the bench. If O'£ounor H placed That excellent Association had never been thought of, uud the Wor­ mal ion that "Hasty" Wright and Coa Muriihy regularly in the outfield he will mnko cue of rho Ward w tlio cii]

contests. The Columbus Club people have appa­ PITCHER ELTOX CHAMBERLAIN writes us that Davidson- agreed that in consideration of Stratton's re- NOTES AND COMMENTS. Hgfotis scruples he should not be called on to pitch on HUB HAPPENINGS,. rently forgotten the adage: "It's an ill bird tho Chamberlain signed by Wheeling is not hU brother. Kit on bas a brother Iu the business, but he only plays Sundays, but wanted him to accept a proportionate THE SPORTING LIFE. cut in pay. Strattcn demai:()el that his pay remain at President Sodon's Significant Remarks that befouls its own nest." CAMPASA has been released from Omaha. with Buffalo amateur clubs. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT the advanced figures previously n«roed on, and David- Still After John Ward—How the Denl May TJM KE^FE is done with Amherst'a coaching. THB complete list of players signed by Man­ son wrote flatly refusing this demand. THE HOWL from Columbus over Wash­ Club i«: Al Ike, K. J. be Worked—The Team Captaincy-^WIse's THE Newark Club has signed Mike Mansell, ager Coldsby* of the E?ansville E». 202 SoutU Ninth Street, Philada. ington's attempt to negotiate with Ralph Dundon, Vim. Gentleman, J. W.Suafer, Henry Bitt- THOMAS J. STACK, formerly correspondent of Case, Ktc. late of Toronto. man, G. H. Calhoun, Andy Tally. Tue SPORTING LIFE at Trov, N. Y., ia a catcher and BOSTON, March 15. Editor Fi T .. r:: BY THE Johnson is ridiculous. Washington is pro­ general player of considerable ability and aome expe­ E. E. SPRINGER and D. F. Garver have signed WARD will occupy the same position in the Straws indicate how the wind ! ceeding entirely within the line of base with Hamilton. rience. He proposes to enter tha profe aional field. Aa Sporting Life Publishing Company, WaUiin^ton Cirib that Cuinlsk«y does in the St. Louis he ia willing to commence at the bottom of tho ladder, I spent an hour with PreM .:..-..i\ this ball law. Johnson belongs to Kansas MANAGER SPESCB ia going to be hia own tram and Auson with the Chicago*, and will uot be he can no d-'ubt be necured at rea-i- n tble figure^, and morning talking base ball, as wo frequently do. To wlinte order ail Checks, Drafts, Kannj Orders, City now, under the decision of the Board of second Liasemao, required to ltx>k after the finances. manager* of minor league ciuba should embrace the I caujht a lew straws in what he said during and Eaititiancei must be made payable. THE Jersey City team has been ordered to re­ Is APRIL, 1870, Aaron H. Potts, a govern­ opportunity of securing not only a go^d player, but a that hour and here are some of theiu^ Arbitration; he has always belonged to Kan«a3 port on the 20;h. ment printer in Washincttoo, wa* hit by a fuul ball. man of exemplary conduct and gentlemanly deportment. POST OFFICE BOX, 048. City, although Columbus had his name attached It broke tils nose. He sued the Washington Club for "We have notified Nick Young to f-Jgn-ilorrill J. M. JONES, of Duluth, has been selected as and Wise, but that dots not mean, nweessarilv to a Columbus contract; and being a. reserved Daytoa'd manager. 35,000 and lost the suit on Monday. WANTED. I would like to buy the firat four vol- FRANCIS C. IUCHTEK, Editor-ln-CIUef. THE new Association umpire, Dave Sullivan, nmes of THE SPORTISO I.IFR, nlso c&pies of Vol. 0, No. that they will play here. We don't know and player of the Kansas City Club, Washington or THB New Yorka will open the New Haven 1C, fliid Vol. 7, No. 5. They must be in good condi­ shall not until John Ward arrives-in this grounds. fs a Chicago ^USIOUJB oftker, but being a Democrat Ms TERMS: any other c!ub had a right to negotiate with and Hartford head would have fullsn in the basket ere long, BO the tion. Write, gutintc price and'full particulars, to J. C. country. D., care THE SPOUTING LIFE. " * Subscription, per aimnm (postage paid)...... 92.25 Johnson, tci'rt the consent of the Kamai City THE St. Louis Rowing Club has named a boat umpirestiip comes in mighty handy. "I don't caro for Ward as a ploycr but we Six months...... " ' ...... 1.35 after Cbris Von der Abe. HORXER and Warner, the noted Baltimore Club, which alone has the right to dispose of BITS FROM BUFFALO. want him to help us out of our predicament. Three months...... u " ...... 65 YALE is thought to have decidedly the best Jmttery, have not signed with New Haven, despite re­ "If we don't get Ward it me«n.-s wo must get a Single couiea...... " " ...... 5c. its reserved players. That ought to be plain chance in the college race. ports to that effect, llach side has made the other INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. That "Old League Pitcher" Hooked—His professrmal manager who is not a j-hij er. As muttera enough to the dullest understanding. THE Middle States League will hold a meet propositions, aud so the matter stamU. are now it wuud u--ver do to have MomII manager FOUMON POSTAGE 52 CENTS l;XTRA PEtl ANNTM. Identity Revealed-The Right Field Prob­ Ing at Reading on March IS. EROSI Pittsburg comes a story that Edward lem, Etc. with'Kt-ily ou the niiif*." A COMPROMISE is believed to be im­ SRND two-cent stamp for a copy of the Millen­ Burns, a local amateur btue ball player, ia dying of Tliers nnt texb tor a sermon that w.mld reach into nium PUu in pamphlet form. consumption, the re»uH of being hit in tho side with BuFi'ALO, March 14. Editor SPORTING LIFE: the ' ;Jon til es." When I wus in Wa>hinetuii at tbs fcETTKR LIST. pending in the Rowe-White case. Sere- a base ball white playing in Utica last season. is occurring at present Lea^uo meeting I waa asked a d<>x**n tiiju->: "Do you THIRD BASKMAN SIIEBHAM is the latest addi­ Nothing of importance We have in our care letters or tolesp'ams for tary Scandrett is positive that either White THE season was opened at New Orleans last in the local base ball world. Nothing more has Boston men really bavo any idea that you are going the persons named below, which will be promptly tion to the New Ilaven team. to get Wiird?" or Rowe will play with Pittsburg this Sunday by a game between nines picked by Abner transpired in the ease of "AVbo shall be our You cull tind an answer to thnt in the first rpmurk I forwarded upon receipt of a self-addressed IT HAS been thirteen years since the Athletic Powell and pitcher Billy Smith. The latter's team won season. An agreement will be reached whereby Club played a game iu Bus ton. right fielder?" Since Carroll made his pronun- have quoted from Mr. *oden. The very fuct that tUcjr stamped envelope: by 6 to 6. A large crowd witnessed the game. are not cniinng to any decision about tho disposition White will probably play third base for the THE Denver Club has signed pitcher William ciamento relative to his retiring to a farm he has Pitcher Itnckard. Managnv Powoll. NED WILLTASISON, who hurt himself by sliding made no further announcements. It is likely, of Morrill und Wise, and uro «»itifi< for tbe apy^ar- Will C. Ilryan. Paul Kellv. Smoky City team, Rowe in return being re­ Darnbougb, late of Davenport. in the gams in Franco, will not be able to resume play a»ce of Ward, shows that they think thorn is a possi­ Edward Cmhbert. A. I). JInck. until tho Spalding party reaches America. The wound, though, that he will soon realize the financial bility ot bia coming to Bjstun. The Ions and thort of leased to manage the Buffalo Club. Of course THE phenomenal country pitcher, Landmann, on a farm ana plajinj; JultH Connallou. llitrr.v Manning. has re-signed with Jersey City. while painful, however, id a flt-ah wound only. difference between relying it i/s, the Boston triumvirs tviisidei- that they have aa Cnsick. Manager Findlay Plnb. Detroit will have to lose the release money on ball two hours daily fur five and ouo-halt months. much claim on \Vnrd as Washington bas, Uooton h«i MANAGER HORACE PHILLIPS thinks he has a NEW YORK'S weak spot for years was third No hurry is to ba jrone through, howover. Itiglit Billy Elder. Malinger Slohile Club. one or the other, but it is thought that the De­ base, and they had no chance for the p-naaut until been charged with iutorlenng in a fiir ami square Edilin fax. Manager Kiveitm Club. com iu 2 catcher in Chuck Lauer. field will be occupied on the 27th prox., and by an de<*l, and v.ith trying to j>revent Washington fium gnt- troit Club will consent to that sooner than lose all the hole was plugged up with Wbilnoy. Will tho club efficient man. D. W. F^rco. Manager HitblauU Ulub. THE only Italian in the base ball profession is have the same trouble at abort ftold after Ward teaves? tintf vt'lmt belongs to her. Thousands believe that A. Foster (4). F. ljuigley. the money, because, without such a concession, catcher Guinaaso, of the Lowells. This week President Whit?, who baa got Bottled at Walter llowitt bus virtu illy bought Ward's release, Uutiatter Httckett. .». Slrnub. JOHN PicnoTT, of Now Bedford, Mass., the his Buffalo house, No. 412 Ho\v;ud avenue, made the and I am one of them. \V«» thiuii we havo good rtn- both men may be driven to retirement. THOMAS X"ASONT, of Waco, has been appointed vell-kuowii and experienced pluyor, says he Una got announcement that h:a old League pitcher (Rotve'a JHJIHS A. Hart. |C<>n strontliera. one of the Toxas League umpires. fcons for our conviction*. At thy mime timo there are Cb»«. IloUncher (2). Ow. A. Ston». ro^et'uev a good team, which he would like to locate iu waa Hal-Uviii) was none oiher than hie brother Will, facts on both sides which c^unot lm denied. Just now, Frank Hi.llsuJ. Aitliur M. Stnart. THE EASTON CLUB is having a spat with the AMONG the large lot of men signed by Wheel- a New Hampshire, Maine or any other minor league who pitched in tho Cincinnati League Club in '78, '79 wheu Ward ia on the water and thr matter is on the Umpire Unit [Torn Vallaly. . Ing are nine muu as big os Auion. cily. and 18U. He 1ms not pitched since 1885, owine to eve of being settled, it is interesting to know just why Newark Club because the latter signed second "back-capping;''by Cincinnati paper?. It seems that John Invin. [Secro'ary Voltz. . ; ' THE hardest kind of a ball a back stop has to IN COV.MEMTING on Get7.ein's accession by In- tbe Boston dmctJrs claim they may got Ward, wiiJ Manager Jonisoa. M Wiswoll. basemau McDermott, who was reserved by a Younger brother, Qeorge Wl ite, of Corning, biis in­ \iitiiout interfering iu auy way with Washington's catch is a drop curve, like Rarnsoy's. diunapolis, the Detroit Free /Vea* with full knowledge vented a new style of windmill and Will and tlie \V. E. Moses. Easton, and we are told "proposes to have the of the man, pointedly remarks: "When Getz loses his rights. THE Wheeling Club claims to have secured "Deacon" have purchased tho whole Interest in the iht> whole Uiiiig conies down to tiih: Is John B. player blacklisted." It would bo interesting to the cheapest club in tho professional arena. head amoug the Hoosiers a circus with six rings will patent, intending to go into busine*a here in Buffalo. ••THE SPORTING LIFE'S" BANQUET TO ensue." Day's promise orally a* good as bis- promise ou paper? Will White ia iu in good lorm aa evi-r he wo.*, say* 1m The triumvir* thought it was, an i that i* uberu the know how the club will accomplish this. The ALL Xew York players who report March 20 HARRISON is to be presented with THE SPALUING TOURISTS. will be released ten days earlier in the fall. PRESIDENT brother, tho president. Its will b^in practice when rub comes. This is whut Mr. S^dou said wh^n I asked Newark Club is the proper party to proceed a season ticket by the Washington Club, and it is he gets hero, and will take a turn in the box when The date for tho reception and banquet ten­ REIPSCHLACJER hasn't signed with the Mete, him if he did uot ;hink it was dishunjiuble tor Boston against, not the player. The case, however, hoped that he will avail himself of it often. He al­ necessary. Wouldn't it bo tuo funny for Huything if to do auj-thing muie towards goUin< Ward: dered the Spalding tourists by THE STORTING as reported, and la still open for engagement. ways did at Indianapolis, where ho waa similarly he should Mossom ont as a crack twirler aguiu, as CiJuhu D»y told us last October that it' Wurd wanted serves to illustrate forcibly the amazing igno­ THE Louisville Club will try young catcher honored. Atktsson and Ctishman have done. to curne to ttobton and wo could make -a trade with LIFE has now been definitely fixed for Thurs­ rance respecting base ball law that prevails Bfllinan behind the bat as StraUon'a receiver. MANAGER HORACE PHILLIPS, of Pittsburg, President White will attend next Tr.esdny's meet­ him on salary his reKagt) vtctiid bo for snle to us. He ing at Rochester as ono of the dirt-ctora of the In­ day, April 11. On that day the tourists will not among minor league club officials. HARTNETT'B contract with Toronto has been will uniform his team tnis year in orange and black, totJ us to eeo Ward and fix on a snlmy aud then ao Barnie won't have a monopoly on that combination ternational Association. lie has a schedule ready to make him an otter fur the release. We saw Ward promulgated, and that team ia DOW complete. present. play at all, but will coine over from New York says his uniforms will paralyze Hud tamo to an ucuoistanding >vith him. Iu the lace of colors. Horace Wcrd cornea from rittsbarj? (but they will release IT LOOKS as if the persistent efforts of President THE wife of pitcher LenStoekwell has secured Mutrie. No doubt. of all this came tho surpribiug information that during the day and be entertained by THE a divorce from him in a Savannah court for desertion. Boure, if White will only play with them. The offer Wharton will be crowned with success, as an eight- CINCINNATIANS are unnecessarily alarmed in Walter Iluwitt had bought Ward's release for $12,000. SPORTISO LIFE in the evening. On the follow­ JAKE BECK LEV hopes to lead the League bats­ will hardly be accepted. Of course I c«u readily utnltrstaud why the promise club or six-club Southern League seems assured. regard to Earle'a bauds, who is tloiiic all the catching Fanning auct Keidy began practice together this made to us \VHB Jisre^ardud. We had mcauwliila men this season. Anyhow he will beat Anaou out, ha Tor she All-Americas abroad." Ho knows ho* to pro­ wefk. ing day they will play a game at tho Philadel­ At any rate, it is to be hoped this matter wl says. bought four of tbe L'eiroit pUyers and air. Day un­ tect them, as he uses Sanor'a patent catchers' gloves, The old grand etand has not been moved to the doubtedly th.'Ujiht it would bo Ktreugtheuing us too phia Ball Park, and in the evening, if time will shape that way, as there never was a bettor DAVE ORR has probably the largest chest aud recommends them highly; * new ground. The fenciri( ia all «p, excepting the much to give us Ward witti the Detroit four. That permit and railroad connection can be made on chance to establish a good league in that sec­ measurement of any man ployiug ball, namely, &% FROM Cleveland cornea a story connecting aide nest Ferry street. OLYMPIC. ia perhaps n &6Li*ibIt> viow when- Kt;\v York's interests ioctiea. now that an era of base ball reforms is catcher McGniro with an elopement. He ia tho beio are cuneidered, but it don't alter the promise wade to time, will attend tho Walnut Street Theatre. tion, Is CONWAY and Daniels Worcester will have and a Miss Ju lia Bt0 and $3,500. catchers are crippled. But what of Sim Wise? My idt»a is thnt he will the entire expense being borne by this paper detail of base ball as in other worldly affairs, we rioual cluba to ptay at Ke»

petitor, TinleM It be In a rare caae'wjiere such gume Jack Shoupe lm§ not yet signed. *-n>.«. For hpftven'fi a\ko, keep them Eiat, and leav« will decide a championship or be a hij tnclor in su< h a CHIPS. Al Jenninjrs in figuring on one of (ho umpire plums CALIFORNIA CULLINGS. us tu the cnjojmeut of tho suited gimi-a of the Cali­ decision. I liolieve filesar*. Chadwick, Brnnell, Mul- soon to be plucked from the International orchard. fornia League. ,. * BASE BALL. A Chapter on Personal Journalism— Cin­ ford and T. T. T. himself will agree with me herein. H. M. Dariipll, of the old Anchors, at Dayton, Ky., Important Meeting of the California Tjengue Tlio Ltaguoia accused of "retaliation.** I deny tha* cinnati Club News— Local Amateur In­ wants to he a Tri-St«ta League umpire. A Schedule Adopted and Other I?u*i- any auch ft-eliBg actnatea any of our minascera, for I imagine tho Spaldlnsc triparotind the world wil terests — Echoes From the Roastology Ttie assembly of THE SPORTING LIFE correspondents ness Transacted—The L«agae's Attitude not in one instance can it be eaiJ that they have CAYL01l'SJX)MMENT. pot be by one-quarter the losing venture pfr se, which Club, Etc. here in the winter of '»7, was perhaps th* largest on sought yuur players or resorted to Ninmiickiao. h« t'Xpested. In his latter to me jn?t prior to the com record, hut it will be broken, I opine, at Philadelphia to tho National Agreement, Etc. methods in pr. curing them. Every one of t!io Tin* Association lltirk-Dowh—The Proper binatioo'4 departure from Chicago, he said he expectet rr.vrjiNSATT, March 14. In April, at -'that banquet."" SAN FRANCISCO, March 8. Editor SroRTiNfi Eastern coniinjrent of the Califoruia Leaguo has M- :.«>d of CluftaiUration A Flayer's to come home quite a loser. Ho may land in N»w In just one week from Saturday the first game Th« Cincinnati bureau, by the way, of THE SPOETIXO LITE: Two months is a long, long time for me secured hia r> eitl^n by npplicatiou. Then, again, a "TJ:. i.ling" Adventure—Spalding's Great York City ten thou?ann them toturn out to those reception games "Cyclone Jim" Duryca. He and Earl will be walked all the way in fri-m Cumminsville tbe other San Francisco, fp in the mountains, ostraci?ed son or Curt Welch. Tw\i of our players laat urc drtha<$o with a good the first thing I saw was THB nidd-- th -inselve.) ob^tr-'peroug on tho Meld. when the bovs get back to ourthores. If I were, within the only expected absentees, although there day "for exerciae," and except the Dutchman in «i:asoti the Western League. Sir. Smith is secre- three hundred miles of the place where any of the SroRTiNd LIFE sticking out of his overcoat pocket. from all humanity What In th* result? One has "retired11 and tha uf iho base bull club at Hutchin- games ti bo played I'd arirely attend. Every man m3y, of course, be a laggard or two. There gen CroweU's first contract was with Evanaville, although charge of the Agua do Vida Springs purely a other, although be t^as gone to the .Springs, ha* not, :. The circuit will include Hutchinson, within reat-h of those games, who loves tha Nationa" erafly is, yon know. he played professionally iu Vinctmnes ana Lexiogton summer resort and deserted in winter and the so fur, been engage.). Our wonhy a'aiisticrui. and ,«.'Vit;», Newton, Ft. Scott, Sal in a, Leaven- sport, elioiilU turn out and swell the multitudes whtcl On Tuesday the Reds' new short stop, Ollie Lef^ro that. cook. Stop a moment, four superb fox hound?, wh^m I osieeni us one of tho jrivat<'8t writers extant, will welcome them home. If A. G. Spalding had liven Beard, George Tebeaa faya there Is nothing new in tha my constant companion?, should not be forgotten sti^rgests tiie "cksinjr U[«"»of tho "California League i-th, Tnpeka and Atchfoon. Five of these awaitdd him on is hard at work in the gym. Hoi;a« of Itefngp." Wouldn't it be a good ideii for iu oMen limes knighthood would have captaincy question. H« me. cities have already organized nnd are ready for his return. JOINED THE PROW!) AT THE OVW. ''Litile Nic' 1 spent a few davg in. Chicago, eu route in the category of Jiving kind around him to puicha-e a n»w pair of ttprciaclea through, the fray. I am not at all certain th:it Carthage He and "Lefty" Jtfarr have been enjoying the here from RockftTd. This change of scene and mode of living waa which ho could see thut tho white al'Te synteni and eoulil bo workeJ up to tho necessary point of T note with pleasure that A. G. Mills U to preside a week here. Beard eanie on direct from Syra­ ]Iow the old Onions continno to sprout! Charley absolutely necessary for a restoration to health, other abuses of base ball are confined to his side of th* the field. the New York banquet. Pardon mo if I suggest tha cuse, leaving his wife at Dayton, O., where ifce ia visit­ Berber, I see, h to bo a Daytunian. Whore, oh, as I was indeed broken clown, aud I am egotist­ K.'t-kliB. interest to put a professional club in KSN MULFQBD, Ja. This much w lit ten abmtthe League Nusta'ni its Mr. Wimttn should be tho toast-master atyourbauqiie ing relativea. IV-trd is looking *#ry * '! »T|d is where, id Yaller Bill Ilarbridge? ical enough U feel that you and my brethren of P.- ;ar its I am irutiviuually concerned, I have no in Philadelphia. Those two gentlemen could not bo dignity on every occasion and wdl not ha trifled with trained dowu to 167 poui.tU. He lias lost a good deal THE SPORTING LIFB will" be glad to know that :e tu spend in nn effort looking toward such a Improved U;OQ for the occasiou, and it would make of surplus fltalt. While but given to talking of him- bv p!«yera or auy one else, us wiine-M the pramut ex- nture. The interest in the game is here in them the two must notable base kail banquets ever eelf or his work, he did say. relative to the story which PITTSBURG PENCILLING3. the object sought by my retirement has been fU- puldi.'ii and h'acKli-tiU|gr of thf> erratic Boretiers and ciii'icicnt force to support a club, but everybody helil by far. [>receded him here to tlio effect that be wa* a dUor- tiiimd, ttcd I am agaiu most heartily with you. Dur­ Phil Knell. I HUI, in common with Iho entire pres* of in sympathy with the latter, yet hn appears to be too busy to work it up. gaulzsr: Pesslmisitic View of the Rov-Tfhlte Prob­ ing my eojourn at the Springs THE SPOUTING LIFE and S.'iii Francisco, The bell has rung. 0. P. CA\LOB. "That isn't the first time that charge hat been lem Tinkering at tiie Scheuclle—A Re­ all other base ball papers, correspondence pertaiuing I'tiDishiuenr. th«uj;ti hevt-re, i.j eniineutly just. made.11 to b;ise ball or other business, e!c., were stiictty Perhaps it would Leas well to st*»te tNat thuprincipil to the fact thai miniscence—Minor Mention. My attention has been called Elc was such a 'MUnrfraoizer" a year ago that ha tabooed, aa complete rest wiia most essential. When I pu'r-U8 i f the Learnt', who demand and receive cleHu t.t the recent American Association meeting a BRUNELL'S BUDGET. ho!p;d Syracuse win tho pennant. Beatd ia sorry Cin­ PITTSBTJRG, March 11. KditorSPORTiNO LIFE: returned to my desk, a few Juya ago, my aijjht was huse ball f-ir tht-ir patronftg*1, and who have immenaa Columbus the \Vn der Ahe blacklisting section cinnati did uot secure "Coa" Murphy, for he consiJeis If the League's shrewd more in tho Rowe and greeted with such ail accumulation of letters aud pa­ boxes and blocks ( f reserved Beats, iir« the Caiifornia out ami this hlot upoi The Advance Money Nuisance — Whcr* of a'uy pitcher in tbo minor leagues. it will come mighty pers us to ftiirlv appall me. nthlftic clubs. Standa protty hi^h. doenn't it? The cf !!»' r ii*!uti«n v us stricken him the peer White cases hasn't failed t the tho Association's fair far-tie obliterated at last. I can Credit is Due the League Cleveland To Ken BlulforJ, Jr., the above explamtion of my Olympic, P.icifin Union, Uubeniiau,l>i;iKo,Cjsmu» '*JIEWARI>S OF MERIT.'* near doing so now. Detroit has backed down aV-S'juce is duo, uor ruuat I forget my eond friend Produce Exchange, wherein I have a snug coiner, and look i!p«-n thi* act \vith » great deal of eatisfactlon Club News Tho Work at Hot Springs— Of courje Tread Frank Bnu.ell's disquisition on and, on the authority of one of the kickers, has cMini-s iata na it dot-B, Aitf r a ^ear mid a half, I MIU Charles SI. Lord, manager of the St. Joe Club. On many others. General News Notes. "this im:r,e business in the dailies," which he credits offered them some of the purchase money. cuecf tho letters is recopnized thefaiirliirchirography luvi ation to the Spalding reception and banquet vin !i iit'"! b* tho very Associ.'Hion which jumped upon I plend guilty. CLKVKLAXO, 0., March 16. Editor SPORTIXG mo with oiiginatintr.. To the cbara:^ isn't strong of Jim Hart, ftskiug lor a eet of Soiritt which CUD- ji»et received. I'll te there-r-io spirit. me BO Mg-iroiwy for (lenoiinctpg Ihtt outia^e. After To hia other ruling, on "tho scope of perconal work," "Quite a fall, my countrymen," t~\<- > ei»r- of th«t infamous law, it has been wiped ou LIFE: The payment of advance money is illegal There may have been tain accounts of the v.ait hero of Spahliug's pilgrims. WALLER WALLACE. I beg leave to nie an excepti >u. What Jo I think of enough for the case. Send ou jour present address, Jim, and your wishes M-nnt I herame "ubjectiouiibJe" to You dor Aho, Barnie of regret lo me mere pnrticula? ly in yreveutiug my SAN BKRNANDINO, Cul., Alarch K. Biiee ball in work that has been given perso:ia! recognition. There move is a stunner without any argument. an engagement nith Mr. Chadwick, ia pre- B/rBo & Co. is not yet. The American Association shoulc It was partly with a ftelir^ of disgust that this newa keeping Southern CatiforuiH is about Ouished for tho Eastern it are so many base ball editors whose "escieeora are their pariug for the National Leaguo Guide a special article play era wintering here. Fmtg-i has rep*»rted to Oiik- be allowed to dub along under rules which fortune?," that it is a pleasure to aid in bringing a waa rewivfed here, for every well-wishing base ball pa­ to ba enforced because on the history of tho game iu California. Will the laud, tiood enough to Sa'Tt1 men to, llavmond will leave Tho l«\v was never intended breaks or keeps according to its convenience. deserving writer to the front. What an array of bril­ tron desiies to tee the League n^aititain its discipline, partlou my seeming very inan who v>tpd f .r it, with probably the excep­ aud n revered father of the game for Lnuisville on the lU.'ti, Fowkr lias gone to Beau- That's the way it has been traveling, and it is liant newspaper men have struggled on until Death for up^>n it d* ponded tho futurs of the game, neglect and hold me to the same promise for next tion o£ its airnd«r in> courteous spirit of Fred Mearua pervade Detroit, or ia welt. The advance mooevevil is a small matter be liever ia personal 'ournalism. Unless there is some­ this will not do. White declatcs that he had no more Lead ley of the same etripe us tuut estimable gt-ntlc- WHEELING'S CLUB. ^ini'liinciita on this occasion to Messrs. Yon dor Ahe side it. What is needel is a law to go into operation thing in the man it witl not profit him at all, hut to intention of playing ball in Pittnburg than ho had of Bar nie. how it mao? I shall take a keen interest in Iho ^^^ccea^ of a year after its passage wliich shall provide for the condemn tho syaiom, because, perchance, some few playing in Bug tun. Pittshurg even talked of his club this season, almost f((Uftl to that takeu by me Last Sons oil's Financial Exhibit— Flayer* payment before each playing season of an amount eaiii credit m ho to one's idea may not be worthy, is, to would do to place the field with Deacon Jim in it, so m»t know liow san^iiine tha schedule dates, T seo my friend in tho -Brookly 1:3. I d> Signed— Kxhibitmu I>nt(T*, Ktc. In looking oTt*r not excoediu;j 10 per cent, of hia contract price per my thinking, a foolish procedure. To the writer cot indent were they of success. Perhaps thii was part Messrs. Byrue, Abel, Doyle and Uushong may" tVel of tiie Ch-ciiinati ('lull h«s not teen left by the distri- seadon to thy player at (i per ceut. intwrett. The Obi ambitious, perhaps, to gain a name in (he world of let­ of the plan. WHEELING, W.Va., March 13. Editor SPORT- and Decora about gaining tiie pennant, hut I'm willinc to wager fcntioii tif date-). Labor Day iii Brooklyn cago and 1'iit^turn clubs follow this plan now. II ters, personal journalism ia a stepping stone, the value The men have the League on the hip boyond doubt. my sacchatine existence that it 'U flout over Washing­ ixo LIVE: — Secretary W. T. English has lately tioo Day iu 1'hiliulolphia will add a great deal to hi the men works well, i* juat in its provisions fttirt assesses the of which cannot be overestimated. Far be it from All along the writer baa maintained ton Park at the end of the season, so ttrouglydo 1 feel furnished mo some interesting statistics relating exchequer. Well, sir, he dcsetves It. There ia n< improvident j layer for his improvidence. t>uch a wouldn't play ball in toe League. Authorities have mo to remove one rutig from tho ladder upon which concerning it. status of last season's club, a "magnate" in (lie Ai*oc;ation who deserves better Inw would regulate an evil which it does not aeeni ad­ wo are striving to climb. Wht-re would Gath, How- held different views but now doesn't it look as it' they to the financial tre;itnii'nt at tho hun^'a of the body than visable to eradicate, a host of o:liere be to­ wouldn't? It bas come to pas* that the League is CALIFORNIA SCHEDULE MEETING. part of whi^h I herewith append. The total ard, Bill Nye, Uena Field and was Stern. Kc attends to his own businew nr>re closely I have been a consistent opponent of tbe Nattona day hail they been ground down all their lives to im- actually pU-adlng to the men. Secretary Scanilie't, of An important meeting of the California League attendance at all home games, 55 in number, held on the 1st inst., in the parlors of tbe Ualimlo atd {jives UsB.trmilile to the other clubs than any othe League iu tue past. I was so because it «aa unjust peraonal journalism? Arliclee from their pens com- the Piitiburg Club, made a significant statement about waa 4)!, 223, ond the receipts from these games president of the eieht. Mr. Stern's business pleas are Associa­ I'ittsburg offering the men inducemsnts yesterday, and llotel, iii Oakland. Tha rooms were in a ttaze of aud I thought, with a surface glance at the Diitiid attention, while the mas* of impersonal mutter amounted to $10,033.61. From f >veign cham­ so cks«ly allied to those In practice by the League tha tion and u shell meeting with its men, that within fta given by the press the very same tcreeda would be the nt-xt day Jack llowe gave the purchase mon^y glory and the rnduuco reflected from the magnificent I am surprised be ifl content to remain in present cotu fold an honest baseball man and club c^uld rest in lost. story awav. "They are gettiotr generous," was his chandeliers shoue ucon a body of men assembled pionship games wo received $2,851). 73, aud from pany, when he can go into the League for the say so POHCP, gather his be!' n^ings acd be fairiy safe from Imagine for a moment how posterity would be remark, and there is a little of Josh Billing*' saictssm which represented all that is h!t;li-tone(t nnd elegant tho sale of Delehanty and NichcUon $1,800 and Uut he ia getting there, Ltvi. tho ruining pinna of » douiiua^t ring. My dream's over the Plain Dealer nlaano in Cleveland behind it. Al Pratt, the veteran player, smiled sndly pertaining to base bal! iu California. President Mono respectively wore realized, thus making struggling pr««-ided. The veteran Harris, iu that cool, phleg­ $ 100 outline? were shattered, and we are back whore wo in the agos to come, had not Frank Brunell put his when told of Detroit's back-down. Ha could soe at a ihw totiil lecelpiB 815,OS8.:i4. Wo paid 'o visiting Tii- The Association, I think, did willTtot to touch the wero in 1SS4, not ai good-looking, but knowing n heap "aig" to ha^e ball letters of recent dat*. glance that it was a bad m»ve und would perhaps cause matic way of his, did not allow anything to escape his morn than wu received well-known Argus eye that waa fur tho got'd w eul of Jan Frauciico. Stite League clubs ju»t $-i:i7.5*i classification plan at the meeting. If euch an alter more tbimwadU when we started. I've seen tho Ah, old mnu, this happy Idea of rersoxal journalism endless trouble. Now fur iho next move from them, a differenco iJ>at bee- mvs more apparent were made Ly them it should have been perfected Association, and said whet I have had to say about it. 3!aoa»<6r Fbiilips id busy filing in those open dates J. I'. Campbell, a leadi&fr attorney of Stockton n«y, «ill keep the iKratiut Donnellys of the future under J. when we learn that lees g-uiifB \ven< played huie than the fall meeting or tho an nun! meeting last winter M: bene\er 1 feel like saying some move I'll do it. The the idea has tftk&n strong which the schedule I btg pardon, the mess has given of California exchanged Ktani:e* of approval with cover! Seriously, though, va« made for Stockton, nnd that abroad l*y tho home cluK '1'lie iccoijita f:'o:n exhibi­ My opinion is that the classification plan will never L-agne'rf action, in contnt«t to that of Byrne, Yon der hoM ana Cincinnati is notalona in adopt ing it. Paj-eis the Pittstmrg Club, tie has found five open dates, as L. Carroll when a hit tion ganirs, »il>. nit ten in number und phiyed wiilt Do- be perfectly successful until it is arranged in midsum­ Ahe. & Co. over the salary rule, recommend* the follows: Slay 27, between Washington and Phila- other legal luminary, this tiute fr^ni Saciamento, Wit- iu Uoston, New York, Philndetplna and other cities L. iroU, J'itteburg, Cleveland, ButTalo, etc., umcuntL'd to mer by a joint action of tho Lpaeue and Association League to all trne friend* of the game. The Associa­ question I would ask and deluhiii; May 31, between Philadelphia and Pittsburg; bur F. George, irtntly equeczod the arm of James h:ive taken it up. Just on* Gilli* every time that a«tire and level-bended gentle­ with its provisions to go into effect for the following tion crowd will shift and turn for another year ant then I am done. Suppose that F. C. Richter had not June 18, between Indianapolis and PittsLurg; July ill These figures give a pr.-ttr fa'r btts'i by wtitch to a«non, ana to 'oe universal. I further believe, in al thoQ fallow the League's lead. It had a chance hia ndmirabie Mil­ at home, and September 4, between New man made a pointf.T their city. Oakland wasc-tuidilr beuu oa THE SPORTING LIFB when and leonine Moran and Cul. make a forecast fur tho comiug sfasuii. We cariied a sincerity, that the players of both bodies might be to get sensible on salaries ahead of tho League and re­ lennium Plan ha-1 betm foramlate1!. Vtifltr this rul­ York and Boston. Re will play a game at ropreaunto.l by the dapper team through last year which cost us exactly $1,830 trusted with a r*pr*.-aentative from each upon tha fused. Now it hulls aud drags along iu the rear. Tha Mansfield, Bobbie Alien's old town, on June 18, but Turn KobinS'in. In facr, the long and, shorlof it is that ing of my Cleveland frienJ, he would deserve no had as much to say as anyone. n mouth. Thii ye«r the teaut proper wiii cost not body. I stili hold to the theory V at a classification League's law has como to stand. Every club 'n keap- especial crertit fur giving the base ball world the balance are yet open. It is vury likely that one of the last two gentlemen more than &750 jor month, nud it looks now aa it, with board of five could do the work entirely satisfactorily ing within Its line*, aud every clffb means to do so, as tho Phillies' dates at home with Pittsburg will be The larce mahogany tablo around which those*mag- THE CLEANEST BIT OF PROPOSED LEGISLATION had bean braced with any kiuii iif luck at all, the Whet-Hug mnnnjjfmeut for instance, President Youn^, President WikofT, Au- I verily believe. The disposition is there and the changed. The Cleveland Club is scheduled t(> play in na'ea held tlieir difcnssions (Min:ot help m alt i nx s^nio inotmy. tlioiigh it unt:-t bo ton, Cvmiskev and an outsider either John li. Suge hackbouff of the salury craze i* broken. It* effect upon ever drafted. Had fotce of circumstances made him a Philadelphia, Haj 22,23, 24 and 25, and Piitsturg at nickel-plated, malleable iron rods, the bolter to sustain of a daily paper, instead ot the said to ttieir cre.lit tlmt it ia n. t money, but enod, hon­ A. G. Mills or Vf. Vf Watrous. Such a commit te the minor leagues ia already apparent. S^mo of the member of the siaff \Vashington the same date*. There is no game the weighty National Agreement, which was laid upon ly too way, I wistli to editor of that srtat journal which has blazed the way it and under which it fairly groaned, aa it will cou- est 8(ort they are ftt';er. Aud, 'will be impartial, and will do full justice to ever clubs have broken the rule in a f«w cases but the scheduled at Phila-MoMa, Monday, Blay 27. As that Bay b word conceining the prt>cau:iors to be taken ia phi}or iu tbe sixteen clubs. teum limit ia being kept fairly in uow. Cut the ma­ for all the sporting papers th»t have followed tho foot­ is the next best day in the week to Saturday in that tiuu^ to do indefinitely. steps of THE SPORTING LIFE, It would uot ba proper to discussion was had as to the regard to the s.-ilary limit iu our League, e-pociuliy na jority of the clubs an* sticking to their limit hi^li o city, the game of Wednesday, May 27, will probably An exceedingly lively I have not noticed the matter mentioned m yi:ur i a per. i notice that my old team, the Mats, are afcout to re­ low. Punishment brings repentance, and salary no huii him es the man who had mastered tt:e intricacies be played on that date, so as to leave tbo 29ih an open price of admission to be churned at games, and it waa an cquitaVe base ball law! Last yec.r Uveping witlitn the limit wng ;t mero mat or organize on a co-op^rwtivo basis. Welt, sir, it spems lions are lower than they were a year ago. There i aud mftdo plain date, cs it precedes Decoration Day. A mo UK Horace's decided that twenty-five cents was about the proper club oftirials, und \\t of this. The players wh.) have uot signs' lateIv discovered peculiari'i«d of the echedule is that size for San Francisco, know that tliat same "good fifth" was a rnUhry soiree What a pleasure it will bo to New Yorkers lo see such acknowledge it. Its effect ia a direct 0:10 from tb< or four writers bright fellows, witty and smrtrt, Wa.-liiugioa plays but 09 games at home, and Boa- devotees will have to disgorge a half-dollar. The who have piveo their papers article ttny \\here iu uur section of the country. This a team as this in the fifld: Lynch nnd Holbert, bat­ graded salary rule and tbe League can be thankee youn;er than I am ton 71. tacramento and Stock ton delogatcsdesired ft rnlemiiie 1 bvliove, with Mr. what reputation they have mads as ''base ball organs.1 ' that ladies should be charged for atinu>ai»n in San yenr a diffcrout plan originating, tery; lleipschl.TKcr, first has?; Sam Crane, second base for it. IX THM SIX-BY-FOl"R. English is ti> he piirsu'fl, by menus of which four Haukinson, third bis«; Jack Ne'son, short stop; Char Don't they deserve the mcod of praise? I will never Francisco as they are in theoihc-rLeapiecities. Then rna PITCHERS. withhold it when the opportunity f*r a kind \vr\r-.l is The gang had just beeu callft 1 to order in the 6x4 of­ unwind­ ditlertut i>er>on», namely, the player and 111;? niamiftor, ley Junes, left fit-Id; Rosciiian, centre field, and Eddie up rose Tom Robinson in hia might, and atrer tho secretary and th« president ol" » iicu club, are re- to rrmke sour TwitchoU is working with Martin Duke, our big presented. When I tv-ok charge of the j/'i.c.- .•''<»•' » fice yesterday \vheu the 1'emininconco ca?o was ing himself to h!s fullest extent eight feet«ix; no, six Kennedy, right I!-Id. The boys ought opened. It was not «:npty, but emptiness had com- quired to mnho au «iTui:ivit (hut tne silary is exactly money, for their exyense^ will be light. If I ever fit young pitclu-r, wlu came from the Tii-^tato class base ball olunin, a little ovor a year ago, I niailo thai feet eight let flow such a torrent of eloqunnce from 1S8S, via Detroit. Twltchel), after btjioff put into a 'a rule and I intend to stick to it. Just whore ' ihi? meuced to gather. Tho first manuscript taken out a* lepiesenttd iu tho contract and tlmt 111 IHJIHH of to New York while thoy are playing they will calch hiri daintily chiseled lips as to thoroughly swamp the u allowed tho salary montiont-d. bad hole by his Columbus newypajier friend, turns to game has fuffere-1" ia not clear to mo. ''The jriy was labeled "Dickersou's Sleep," by E. D. Swartwood. ungallant up-couuiry members, HU argument in t'a- any kind mo for a half-dollar ev_-ry time thoy put up a game It rfnd well much better than Count de Montercole's That rule, with the p^unlty of expulsion attached, is a I sincerely hope that ray old friend Jack Lynch will .the wind, declares himself as a workt-r of the at rouges' t^wLfl" GVPV which Frank throws up his hands in vo»of tha fair sex was n brilliant and maet?rl> i-ffort. order, and predicts succets tor his team. Maybe this ii tt'iry of his marriage to the Pittsburg heiie.-a, which protty strict one, nnd will bo viiiUtod only when tho make n home run in thy first game, and that It wil horror have given news^aperdom many H bright lijrlu. After taking his seat and gracefully wiping the per­ iini>ri net pled honest. We'll see as we get further along the ron;e I am ready for Chapter II, from a Bruntllian stand­ sold for $100. One eummtT day in 18^3 Lew Dicker- four prisons mentioned can be found not afterward be duc'ared a toul, either. spiration fn m his brow with a Bmu^er'ed Ciiina silk to pt- rjnn1 themselves, aud I think that is next But he thinUt well of Duke, ard is laboring 'with hin point. fcon. then special representative of-the Brewery nine, wont-holt- having a red, white and bloeb irdar, tt;e qnes- enough of Pittsburg, Pa., was on a sleeper going t'-ym Coium- do-*r to an impf.gsihility. THE SPOBTIXO LIFE'S very kind Jnviratfon to tho for pitching siicce 9. Ed Reward received some tuiiioo In two moTiths durfhs the coming icminer Cia. in- tiou was put aud Tom prevailed, through (he president from him, but it WAS more th*o tuiiiuA lhat .mnde btis to fi'Mn* P'SCT. Lcwfa IVM tired out, oo h^ aiu- Alaiio^*x-£uU>.vjLU. wriUA me. tLat Ji* Jw»j^MWii««J ' Mfiiet Tvhtch ft wrfl five> to the guiding tourieM oatl will nrt jjet oiti^ti move t^ac 9 castfncr a vole on a OS InTfavor of Oa%Inua findT SSn 400 apt: Heat lun s from plai er.< alnady, ar.d that from So ward what he was. Reward has a pnr-H out this l'K-d to ths conuuctor's room, and sitting Finiuiaco. It wad doubled that the clubs i.uxt ni'.nth has bceu received by ni<*, aiid I take thia A TA3TK OP pnOFKSSIO\AL SALT.. his feet on, the tlii.-* riuiiiler ho will be able t > select a team of which thanks; also *o ex­ eeasoo in younir Al Baehr, of tho Dartmouth College down on one seat put siiould place in the -tandi of the secre­ occasion to retnrn my sincercst prom'sing joucgt,1 for the schedule revels the fact that the Beds will otbur. The conductor " did not take his Wheeling will be jirtud. He has secured dates with. press regrets th:tt the s«d condition, politically, of this team. He is a st-ong and very tary comp'ete lists of i*:eir players by Mnrt-U and likely to bo a good ball player and general athlete play but four games here ia June* while they wilt bs fc^t cS,' because he belonged to the legitimate. Columbus for April 15, Toronto ApiU16. and Duirnit section of the Uuiim will not l*-t me pet away at that gone all duriDg Septouiher. Tbftt does not mean that 10. 1 know tiie "make-up" of alt th« teams at the April 21). lie ia neg »iUtu>g with Louis vi tie and'otiier as well aa a pitcher. Dickeraoa went to slaep. The gHUg spiel him, and at present lime, butthiuk it better to send the lift on next time to drop in on the banquet. Still, 1 hope from the en'.hus'aats here will starve to death for want of the suggestion of "one, Billy Taylor, all the t'a^gajje clubs for diiio-t, Hitil will bo (:Ud lo hear from clubs the southwest corner of my ht&vt tlmt iho banquet SOME BX-f-'OT.LEOE ATHLKTRS, the sport during fioae periods. It virtually assures a week, wlieu it will have the endorsement of "official.' 1 wishing April turn's here. His ao bite, ami that ho Frank Bruuell and tiie Cleve'aad Club people, droppec have been another Denny in fielding his position. This heard from in tfco race if they do not gptraltle 1 before Can anybody answer tl;« query:- Why were Pitt?- League. Anosher: All ecoros must bo sent to the intends going to llutchiuson, KRUSIN. Sir. S. says ha in to see rue a few days ago. He is a commercial man was Harvey lirown, now au athlu>i3 merchant here. large assemblages euch as those tbey will nav? to face hurg reporters told that the Rowo-Whtte ca»e wasn't secretary within forty-sight hours after each ?en or more appli­ idea* of tno gania right on tho division in the pum-Je. awhile to through Iowa and Kansas. Last summer he watched of 1889 will be seeu only in cne uniform. The men respondent, bas been m town thia week. He reports cants, each with a "pull," will continue yet The Full Schedule of Championship Games Darle'rt p'ayiug very Ciiit-fiiSly iu a half-dozen games A DIVISIOX OF AMATEURg. that the League will be a go. occupy the "anxious bench." will have two, but they will both be alike. The tenn1 The twelve clubs in the Amateur League the For 1889. aud ho gays he will be milling to stake a good sum o wiii be well dressed in brown-tinted gray with black Jimmy Galvin bttsn't tried his exploding cigar trick And now a look of determination o'erspread money on the fact Ibat Cincinnati hast secured one o the Hornet J, Hickories, Lincolns, Blue L-ck», on the boya for a gi'od while. They have a club con­ usual placid features of the president, and hi* an­ The schedule meeting of tbe Texas League was caj'?, bi'lt", ties, canligajis and stockings. The suits Ch esters, Queeen Cityf, Indians, Cincinoati th& very h*st catchers aud batters ia the country. He were shipped lo the m»n en Thursday night and were cealed for Jemus whenever he attempts it. The trick nouncement that "Ihe taking up of the schedule ia in held at Houston March 5, when, after Dallas bad ays Earlo was a ftivurito wherever he played las Grays, Clippers, Hillsides, Favorites and liar- is performed by a sudden twist of the cigar and quick order, gentlemen," caused » painful silence for a to membership, the following worn in the came thia afternoon. The one-suit idea r is i,- us in their bright new uniforms wo old been admitted nminer and wad welc med waruily upou every bal two suits is usually draw-in. Many spectators believe the cigar to be moment, then all went at it hammer and tongs, until will retire the notion that one of create no small amount of interest in the new League, Then schedule for 1889 was adopted: field which ho visited. Let me congratulate Mr. unlucky. It aUo filed away the time-honored Clev< charged. Ed Swartwood g*ve the snap away at one of they welded Into thapo the long array of dates. about which so munh has been said. It might do to socials. all waa calm and bright and serene as a summer's day. Houston at GaJveaton Mny 5, G. 7; June 9, 10, 11^ Stern, Manager Solimdz and the Cincinnati team land blue. the Kilts' 26. At Austin May 1, 3, 3 U]on thin addition to tboir mombuin; also tender the invite all (lie uniformed clubs in the city to join in Manager Swartwcod, of the Hamilton Club, has de­ With a graceful wave of the president's haod the July 21, 22, W; Aug. 24, 25. THE WORE AT HOT SPRINGS. the parade, and be for the d*y gu^Hts of the Cincin­ cided to relax in his quest for Daly, the catcher of the met ting adjourned. While the National Agreement Jnuo 12, i:i, H; Aug. 27, 28, 29; S'-pt. 7, 8, 9. At F.»rt tame to Enrle on his becoming a mouibor of the finest ama­ 17, 18, 19;.June 23, 24, 25; team ol bill players socially ever got together. Advices from Hot Springs s^y tliat tho weather is nati Club. It ia safe to Fay thnt several hundred Allentowns. In a rtcent correspocdtince with Daly problem, from which they all fought shy, metaphor­ Woith April 10, 11, 12; May very good and that the men arc hard at it. All are teurs would be in line, and tbe sight would give an he iearued that player had accepted §125 from the ically and snugly "lay on the table." Julv 25, 20, 27. At Dallas April 13, 14, 15; May 20. 21, and Xicholson to the game, which exerybody expects is en­ 22; "Juno 19. 20, 21; July 28, 29, 30. At Waco April 16, ago to tha effect thai there except Z«ninier, Faatz, Umber impetus Oakland, California, Club, to play with it next season. MINOR IMPORT. I saw a notice ft few davs of success. Everything looks OF 18; July 31; Aug. 1,2. 8*»dic HotTck was mi&*iQg. You It t S:idie aloue anc Faatz and Grnber will te there this week. Jay hac tering upon a season He told Manager Swartwood he would refuse to go tho reason 17, to *tay at home and bury his wife, but lias nol well. The return of "the travelAs" will start the tall I have no gamo to report Ihis week for Uulveston at Houston April 7, 8, 0; May 2G, 27, 28; like little Bo Peep's gheop hu'll (uru up O. K. Sadie there, though, if he, Swartwood, would return the that tbe manager of tbe Ontrul Park Asylum thought dropped under his load of gn«f. He will work harder rolling earlier than miml. 3125 to ttiKt cfub and charge it to him as advance June 30; July 1, 2; Ann. 4, 5, 6. At Austin April 10. uiakei some narrow escapes hut ho gets there always it hest to keep his gates clo>cd atid save printing, etc., 12; M«y 23, 24, 23; June 20. 27, 28; Sept. 10, 11, 12. just t!u- same. I am reminded of an incident in his to drive care away. Umber fooled away some From St. Louis this woek came the unexpected monpy. The proposition to thus shirk a contract met 11, unnecessary kick which could not h of a^ain-t the attraction of a wi uunnit boat race at Ala- At Fort Worn Apnl 10. 17.18; Mny U, lo, 1C: .lun» bise tali life whMi is worth relating. Sndio w**s a time in an news with buch little favor with Manager Swattwood that nH'da, between O'Connor and Guinhtnr. It ia hardly him, but will go on aud joiu the crowd at once. Tlie PRESIDENT STERN'S AFFUCTIOW, he hna decided to desist in further pursuit of Daly. 16, 17,18; July 31; Any. 1,2. At Dallas April 19, 20, member of my fatuous Mtt* of 1R87, an you probably nectssaiy to explain that the "affair" wus a Ozzle. The May 17, 18,19; June 23, 24, 25; July 25, 26, 27. As lemeinbpr. Iu tiie fa;; end of tiie season [ took the work id thorough and Tom Loftua writes me that the and in response to a call, Mr. Henry Kindskopf at SLiuager Swartwood received a letter to-day from 21; one than he thought it. "If the men old etoryl Waco April 1:1,14, 15; Dlay 2U, 21, 22; Juue 19, 20, 21; Mets to Phil tde!j)hi:i fur a g«mo with Simmong, Shar-ig team is a better once made the trip to the Mound City, to sea his part­ Rutty Kemrnler, in which the latter tells him that he Qut-st, Alvord and Dooms! nd Mason's tcinn. We had wiped- up the field with bat at all and our pitch era pan out, we'll have something ner who is troubled with some affection of the eyes, may not b« able to p!ay fur several months. While in July 28, 29, 80. to cay iu the Loag'ie tiirht. Zirnmer and Nicbolson There's a nice trio of confidence operator*, if yon Aurtin at Houston May 11, 12, 13; July 14, 15,16; thfijn I think w« did the wiping act thoiieh my Mr. Stern's friends here hope that there is nothing the gymnasium the other d.iy he fell and injured his please. How id it that in other walks of life if a man will join us at St. Lonis about April 1." Duck, Flan- and that rest will restore him to wrist 80 badly that it cui't be used for week*. Swart­ Ang. 7, 8, 9; Aug. 20, 27, 28. At Galve*t6, clnsj figure. Evidently the youn^ man iiu't onto aFsemblies are Hearing mi end. Of course ihis story any money for the fund to be uted in giving the globe Fort Worth at Houston April 21, 22, 23; May 30, 31; dropped his quid out of tlio car window and it rolled with the accompanying games of hearts, is all are made by theae men, they have not purposely in tho lull moaning of the graded salary law. tt'Hinjr, trotters a nice reception on their arrival. Al. Pratt June 1; July 10, 11, 12; Aug. 11, 12, 13. At Gnlverfon linger the train. Of course the car was off the track very well, but tbo "Roastologi'-ts" thpmselves will feel played badly, and are creatures in the hands of the April 28, 29, 30; Juno 2, 3, 4; Julv 4, 5, 6; All*. 14, 15, ft muuuiiit and the train was delayed save:a! hjKrg. CKNERAI, MATTERS. stand* ready to give $50, provided the Pittsburg man­ gambling fraternity? Do ycu suppose for one mo­ bt-tter iraaipfng the turf than '-cooped up in the club/' agement foiluws suit. President Nimick, it is under- 15. At Austin April 25, 26. 27, June 5, 6, 7; July 7, 8. Secretory Ilawley says: "The Cleveland team is not Bob Gilks has already gone. He is at tiie Hot Spring* ment, if they should now come to Saciamento and lat,. expected to btOLKJ, is unwilling to make a perjonal contribution. !* Aiiff. 17,18,19. At D.illua May 4, 5, 6; May 23, 24, Whoa we at last rolled into Jersey City it was out to win any pennsnt or place. It is with the Clnvelands. "Lefty" Mtirr jumps out for offer tlieir services lo Gillis that they would bo uc- 25; July 21. 22, 23; Sept. 10,11, 12. At Waco May 1, it Ilf JJ 11, e ^'Jt lu inw iicw 1 t;i a. Hiutiiii^'usii^um, showing in the League and is sure Said a well-known business man to-day: "That *"* -a we got to the New Yuik siJn at C-urtlnndt make a regret-table Columbia next week, aud "Jack" B^yle and ".Shorty" ct-pted? No, &ir! Our managers are cast in 2,3; June 30; July 1,2; July 14, 15, 15; Sept. 13, l*» trt-et It was, of course, still Inter. The lo;,a who to do that. There is no reason why it should finish Crowoll man Palmer writes the best letter of any on the Aus- quite a different mould. If eve^ a fel­ Fuller turn their eyes toward St. Louia. Will etralian trip. Some correspondents imagine that they 15. ihadc tlieir homes on Staten Islmd cousulte-1 their la-st in the figiit. The time for tho piymwut of the leaves on Monday with his wife and baby hoy little low looked like a whipped cur, Alvord did watches going acri ss North River and making a close 510,000 tlie Cleveland Club owes is near at aie the only persons who ever visited Australia, and when be wa-s brought back and had to face Uillis. If ChfBter for ''t. Joseph, and Al. Hughes and Tuny describe HH cities and railroads, etc. The news of the ealciilailun dccnlud th»t if they could c»tch an elevated hand." There have been *ome changes in the original Heilman, tha Sioux City duo, follow suit very soon. Jim had but raised his flnter the fellow would nave trniu at the station south bound, nnd not wait over account and the amount Detroit will toceiv'e may he later in getting to Mil­ trip they overlooked." been mobbed, so infuriated wero tha Sacrameotaos will and Will !\lu-iimn will be a little Humbert is still defiant. He means to stick for , ; a , ; , , , . ,, two minutt'f, they would just be abl? to make the last about 59,300. Ami outside of the good waukee. and "Mox" McQueery, who sticks pretty against him. Why Biliy McLaughlin "called the 16. At iVrt Worth April 7, 8, 9; June 12,13,14; July Slateu I.-land b( at fcr tho night. Of course there wjia place iu the League Cleveland paid Tery dearly to his over-thu-river home, will nut jump out 33/WO. turn" on Alvord just by this little incident, which April 10, 11,12; deny­ closely £am Berkley still has a few friends left in Pitlsburg, 17,18,19; Au$. 26,27, 28. At Waco nft fin;c lost after tho ferry b"ftt touched tho Now for what it pot. There Is no me for Syracuse just yet. shows the character of the mau. A week or so prior May 26, 27, 28; Aug. 4, 5, 6; Au?. 23, 24. 25. York side in the ^Uten Island crowd making for the ing that. The best plan that could have been fol­ ho readily resent the assertion that ho ia a record to his defection thebo>a all went out to Snow flake Wednesday the air was balmy and half a dozen of player. Mnuy were indignant over that article in last Waco at Houston April 25. 26, 27; June 5, «, elevated statiou ou thedoad run, lowed won Id have been iho purchase of such a pair as boys" reinforced by E<1. Dundon, who is booked Park for practice. Seeing tliat none of the managers 16. At GutYcstou tbe re­ "tiie week's SPOETISG LIFE. CIRCLE, 7; July 4. 6, ti; Aug. 14, 15, Con way and Gauzel for£l(),ooo or 512,000 from for Evansville ma-Io the jaunt out to (he lall park were present Alvord coolly remarked: "Ther-i are April 22,23, 24; M»y 30, 31; Juno 1; Jnly 7, 8. Am;Mi? t^at part of the team were Houck and tiring League club. But it was seen too late, ami the and sp^nt tbe afternoon in active practice. Ben none of the inaunpors here so I won't practice. A 0- Atig 17, 18, 19; At Austin April 7, 8, 9. Jun« 2, 3, 4j llocnn. Ed had tome "«tiifl," but Sndia'ti pockets weio all-round change for Cleveland is a good one. Man­ last year, enjoyed EASTOX EVENTS. nlayur like I am don't need no practice anyway." At F«>rt Worth May death of Drischel, who was with Toledo Julv 10, 11, 12; Aug. 20, 21, 22. us di'i-oUte iin the middle of the Great I'f'sf-rt, He had ager Loftus1 plans wereimuly hurt hy the sad Tuesday here. He was Imagine the disgust of the California players present, 11,12,13; June 9, 10, 11; Aug, 7. 8,9; Aug. 29, 30, 31. tlii-i'wn httrse)Mi|ou Hifian's mercy to be tranferred captain Faatz's wife at Weedsport, last Friday. Sh« The Club Getting; Ready for the Rapidly knowitig as they did of the tavora th>it bad been be­ Dallas May 8,9,10; Juue 26, 27, 28; Aug. 10, IU three weeks of typhoid fever and ON HIS WAV TO CHATTANOOGA, feel in us towards Quest are as At to tlio place at Stateii Inland where his lied and board had been ill for Approaching Season. stowed upon him, My 12; dypt. 1, 2,3. ___ __ *.i.a located, b'd UUK footing the tians}ioitation bills death was expected. The mi^forLune will delay Faata where he may go into the real estate business. much in sorrow as anger, for I strongly recommended f-i they came along, and had puid .SftdieV way to tho joiuing the teem in its work until Monday. He is Drischel and Jack Boyle ueed to play together several EASTOX, March 14. Easton has plenty of base him to Sacramento. HUSTLING~HARTFORT>. ^Manhattan Is'and ail right. In t! o grand run from now ou bis way to Hut Spiiugs. yeara a^o, both being members of tho Henloys, of ball talk now. A month hence her team will be To uso a nimileof Mulford'a, this column has for tho Court land ptreet ferry honse to the feixih avonue Richmond. Of course the two hud a creat chat about some time pa*t resembled "patch work,'* and one of its NOTES ANI> COMMENTS. "the clays that are no mure." Lowell sent to Drischel playing exhibition games prior to opening the Pitcher Henry Given the Management * elevated railroad Sadie bomehow got bahiud aud «.'w The club officials telegraphed money and sympathy Atlantic Association season. Manager Putnam "pieces" has erroneously stated that *( lhe railroad waa Players Sighed to Date, JKtc. Hadie h«d aw^rton for his terms, hut he m»y not play ball this year. If hacking the Sacramento Club." Such Is not tho case. eepaiwt--d ftom K<1. You know to ttie big fellow when his trouble came all thoy a in C'lie ft his toesfliid hia tpced WAS somewhat curtiiilud he d ed and Chattanooga is in earnest and wants reached here yesterday with contracts The good, hard money of Messrs. Genrge and Gil'.is, to­ HARTFORD, March 14. KditorSi-oRTisa Lira could do...... Zimmer has sold his laundry, In antici­ cracking good man to captain OP manage the team, his pocket for the following players: Pitcher, and that Hartford has organized a stock com­ mid the I canty of his Rait soriouily marred thereby. pation of a busy season, and Is as work...... Pule Ho- gether with contributions from Sficrameutans Now In tho best regulated she wilt not have to go far to find one who will nit the Hsndiboe, who pitched fur Pittabnrg In '80 and '87, box and seat rentals are the sources from which it de­ M'i-ll, mistakes will happen tallug, George Strief, pitcher Charles Boho, Jim Green, re­ pany the work of signing players has com­ families, fc-'u'.lio, iu t'ie grind scamper, got !o t und bill. Driechel siys he thinks Cincinnati will never anil with Columbus in '87 nnd '88, a cnpital man; first rives ils Btisttnance. And they're flourishing up there, and a dozen good men. ard here without em^eiuenla gret tbe signing of Holtiday. He played with him in menced. John Henry is the manager of th« went loping up tlie north side of tho street, following >he new.^thnt young ba-e, P. O'CoimtfH, with tbe Lawrence Club in '85 and despite their experiences of Eastern methods. And ...... From several sources comes tiie Western Lpaguo in *87. '8t>, when they won the championship; with Osttkofh for they club and is busy getting a team together which in tht* fcake of tlio sound of Iho clat'ering footstepi of Duthe. engaged by Iho Browns, ia a good man, and I they must be doing Well in Stockton also, his brother players. As a cou«pquence wlion he "Ttiear is one thing about a bait player's life I in '87, Omaha'in '88. He is a first-class base-runner promptly met Denny's bluff about staying in Califor­ will without doubt be a good oue, a? Homy h a good ana afraid that Joe Pritchord's prophecy about don't like," said he, "nnd that in enforced idleness in judge ot ball material. The players signed up lo t*at« leached the station he ascended the wrong stairway of Herr will not come and ode of the hardest bitters in the profession; short nia with a 2,000 offer. his being released in favor tbe winter time. Unless yon have a trade it is hard to st.'p, Charles K. Wil!i;»ai«, of Da>ton, who played with Bre Tom Lynch, who will cover first; Fred Mann, who and ru»i;ed through tho gate of tho uptown stnti<;u. here. Siie is A NATIONAL AGREEMENT QUESTION. true...... John Ward has a sister living step into a posiiiou for a few months only. 1 get tired tho Charleston Club and led him in bnttiug. has played with the A Idle tic and St. Louia chit's, h*fl "Be was through bofore he discovered his awful blun­ of a local imchanic...... Arthur Irwio has Hioes iu Islaui the wife and ashaina-l of walking around Cambridge city with He ia said 1o be a very efftctire player and a good base- T find In looking over my exchanged that the Eastern be on signed to play iu the Held; r.o ia counted a^ a noo4 der by 'c»iiig Iloiian and the rogt of tho Siateu mi uncle in town also...... Tom Lawrence is hard at hava been taking an ill- ; on the opposite side of the track. nothing to do but keep in condition." runner; fielaers, Trask and Burke, of Easlon's last pre?s, with few excepiioca, hitler; James Say will guftrd the third b»tr, iiod liai so « work ou the ball park and it will b3 in beautiful shai« For Kd Reader Urischel had nothing but kind words, year's team; catchers, Hi ties, of last yea/, and A. L. uatiirecl fling at tbe California League, becuuso, for- Derby is the first catcher signed. AH iheeo mm have by April 17, when the Chicago-All-America game is and he remarked: "He dM some of tho greatest hit­ Mcore, an amateur, who was good enough for Boston's aootb, it declines to join the National Agreement, pie- gool recjrfls. So far so good. It Manager Henry played here...... Prtsident Robigon is in the East, ting I ever saw for Toledo. Thnt Strike' though was last four League games in 1888, wheu its *wo other fer.iug to remain Independent. Only for the reason keeps ou with tha go^d work wo will have a team that interested in making up a huge cablabelt line system funny. Ei.! was blamed as the leader of the mutiny. catchers were u«fd up. The coutiacts with Turner, that it would *idd a certain cdat and dignity to that will ho worth while koei'i'JK an eye ou. of *treet car*. They will ruu past tlio now ground* In They struck for their money at Presqne I»le Park pitcher of last year's tenm, and Coughlin,a new player body, would I like to see it joio, and for iio other rea­ GnnhhaiDou, of this city, has signed with Lowt-U. I8!)O...... Treasur9r Howe is mingling with the six miles out of town and wanted it, too, before they for third base, are expected every day. Sullivan, son. The argument* advanced, 3J far as I can see, for He U'd the centre fielders in the Ontral League last $i'a!diugitcs in London, and will uot be home until werit out to plav. Frank Mountain waa in an awful pftctiar of H«t year, ha? been offered more money than the California League to tutor the fold, are purely year. Lowell thuuld tlay him in that position. May. T. H. BRUNKLL. gtew. He promised it would he all right that night Hit then and will doubtless si^ii. Eastern, aud douotthow me iu the least where Cali­ Louis Stark, of this city, has applied fur the position it had to be 'then,' and of course that was impossible. fornia wuiild he materially bonefilted. There's alto­ of umpiru In the Atlantic Association. Statk U well Base Ball in Cuba. I thought I was sure of returning to Toledo ttiis year, gether too much of the woid "must" iu the articles I informed on the fine points of tho game, aud would HAVANA, March 5. Editor SPORTING LITE. The but I e«e I wag mistaken." Of Interest to Amateurs. have read, showing clearly that the writers do not undoubtedly make a good umpire. gamos for tho Cuban championship played March 3, There are men io tenor to Drishel on Charley Mor­ Larry O'Dea, successor to Charles E. Mason, as pro- know of the calibre or temper of tho men who com­ Frank Blauchard, » clover young amateur catcher, resulted: At Havana Havuua 8, Fe 2; at Cardenas ion's pay roll. prieutjrof the eportiog goods establishment at 137 pose the League, Tbe word does not lay well ujwn their will probably bo Riven a trial by Manager Henry. Car do tas 4, Proareso 3. Thia game required sixteen North Kighth etrtet, this city, has decided to cater aristocratic stomachs, nor can they be coerced m any With a little coaching he would mulia a go»U man ba~ SPRING HITS. to,tbe amateur trad<* in the future. With innin&s to finish an!-in of a brtse ba'l player was gently ynuked over tho Mason ball, which has been officially adopted tor National Agreement ing to hare one of the ntrongest team*) this scasoa they by tbe Cuban League a eraud trophy a stiver vase to the probably drift to tne Southern League. League does not enter into the tha o!:-3--i| gate of tb« rear car onto th» platforui the 6oa>'on of 1880, hy the Amateur, Trades, Junior, wo will legislate so that our players as a club cannot orer had.....,,.,It is to be hoped J. J. Donovnn and viiiletl Him-* of Ilogan, Jones, O'Brien and Mays. club that wins the championship this year. Ditytou has aOted Frank Tingler for his terms. He The Havana Bace Ball Club are going to tnnke a Public School and Institutional iiM^uesof Philadelphia. go out to the slope during the wititer." Bah! What SnlMvaii will he engaged fur tlio coining sea^un, tor Sadie wunsaved from a fate worse than dea'-b. is a good back stop and will be a valuable aid to Will is aho sole useni loi- Graft's l)ase ball s:ioes. were ongajrpd in porno of the hest ttip lo Ihe States, beginning at Key \Vett and going as Ullery. Mr. O'Dea absurdity! The people here have had all they want of )a*t efwon they far an Now York, if they win the trophy. They have There is a big field op*c for Mr. O'D^a to work in and Kastorn cluha. Ai^d why? Because, with the two ex­ games ut thesfason. Pon-jvmi was captain, and with­ I n'-te what T. T. T. any a in r*«feieno« to a layman's Isn't U Hmo the Beard jokes were shavpd? be will u-> doubt points of a* g^nie, ami in « not I oat oue game yot. 1 ' Uafdw-in is not going to be grand marshal of as he ia a pushing, enterprising tnau ceptions of the Hop bitters and Louisville teams, your out a doubt knows ail the Id^a of i-la.ving g.tmes ocvnatonally on ench grutiuda "Kid in naakiug h:a place the aiuateuv iiea^'^uarlera good thrower and tatter...... The ^tocUholdtfr-i ara the St. Patrick's Day parade. succeed noted exponents of the great game have tint? and wlierein two foreign clubs would he tiio opponeuts. I of the country. a^alu iimi'uud us by yjayiug most indifferent hall, and goiog to enlarge tho g'Oimdi and in other wave im­ don's h* liove tho system would \vork prufital-ly. Bly BROWN UNIV.ERSITV will open the season April "Coonoy'1 Howers and that other theatrical bright heard from nowa­ gome of them who B-anfl highest Iu your estimation prove them. They havt* not%ogun to slsjn p)ayei« > et, cxjiorji'H(e has been that DO ititore-dt can bo inado on 27 with the \Veel<-i atin nt Providence. May 15 tlieclub light, Johnny Niehoff, are rarely but will do so soon. It is nUo tu bo hspe-J that Itich- days. THE Beacon Club, of Boston, wi!i put a team hare bean ddservedty ri^seJ, In the vernacular, the BUT t;re'iiinl hy a championship gaice between two will gt* en a trip. rlnyiiiK Princoton, University of of tbeir co.-.tGs.js have been "bum." Anulher ex­ ardtou, Maaaanaoo and O'Coanor will bo which will exceed that which at- K. Y., and Co- John Biesach can give a few of the Southern In tlii? neM. of which Fr«*l C. Ayer, of CLa:l»3ton,will most noii- rollout tuain* " " unia, St. Jjhu'a at Vordbam, ception lauat I wtu» ia the K«w Vurk-3r. Louis also. A, teud any plaj^d by tbe home club with K com­ umbia. League i * pointers oa i> hiving third baa*. be manager. 6 THE March 2O.

Ter 2, Lehane. Wild pitch Gleaaon. Time 1:60. the pedal, the machine cannot tip forward, aud he has ^hesterfioM, in the second rounl of haata. Grant 9 Umpire Jackson. WASHINGTON WHISPERS. only to (;ive his attention lo properly steedug it to E linbnre, won the final heat. RAT T WEDNESDAY. We have been instructed that each prevent it from falling sideways. i»/-\ i -*i M League Players Coining to Terms—Han­ WHEELING. At a ruee'injz of the board of manftjremsnt of the man mut>t report to Manager W right at 0 o'clock every Western A-eociation of Amnteur Athletes, held at St. week-day in uniform, in readiness fur a sharp morn­ kering for Ralph Johnson—Billy O'Brien Louis Wheel Notes. on 3Inrch 10, it was d.cided to hold tho boxing ing'* practice of two hourp. We play three games per Conies Down—The Ward Deal* Etc. and wreetliojr ciiamiiunahip at Chicago on Anvil 27 TIIE PHILLIES_ABHOAD. week with the Jacksonville Club Tuesdays, Thurs­ WASHINGTON, B. C., March H. Editor SPORT­ CYCLING COMMENT. Tlie Pennsyvaiila Club will gather a library. and the athletic championship at St. LouU on iiept. 8. days and Saturdays. St. Loufa la to consider the project of a big spring W. If. Itohertson, Pastfn.e A. C., claimi that D. It is raining this morning and the boys must go ING LIFE: Without forfeiting one degree of my The Pennsylvania Road Book-The Bown tournament. (iH'i<1entd of the Journey to Jacksonville down into tl-at sack of old yarns thitt seema utterly loyalty to Washington, I agree BudJ. who won the N. A. A. A. A. 75-jard run Imndi- with "Mug­ Patent Case Once Store—The Century Chief Consul George A. Jessup, is already in the cap, March 2, i.s a profeasioual. If lloU-rison will Uy Arrival In Florida—Tlie Ponies at Prac­ inexhaustible in order to kill time. wump" and others that New York City is the The fast mail leaves herd in A few honrs and I must Wheelmen In Luck, Etc. field for 1890. hia evidence before the N. A. A. A. A.BuJdcanbe tice—News suid Gossip About the Team, most desirable place for the League meetings in PHILADELPHIA, Saturday, March 16. Editor W. IT. Barter, the bicyclist, will go with Cinqaetall prosecuted fur obtaining a diamond ring under fa'ee leave you for a week, f»r I am sure many readers of pretenses. Etc. THE SrocTiNG LIFE and admirers of the Phillies would the future. It is true, at the recent meeting SPORTING LIFE: If the Pennsylvania Road to Berlin in April. be very much di-appointed should not direct news there was but little business to be transacted, Book ia not out of the publisher's hands by the The membership of the South Kud Wheelmen Is The West Side Athletic Club, of New York, haa JACKSON viLLE.Fb., March 14. Editor SPORT- reach them thia week. and that part was generally anticipated in ad­ steadily hicrea?io£. Jccted the following officers: President, Jnhu D. IS c LIFE: Tho boys feel somewhat soro and end of the current League yeaa it will be one of Douglas-; vice president, H. F. M;al we aui:e by t-e Hue we did. Tbe them all but you cau't tell. subject, which we clip ing a club house. an^re Athletic Club a new board of directors were \>'-.y-t own the etenn;«r and nothing is too tion and gossip to last hlin for months to come. from the Cyclist, is the elected for the cnusing yoar as follows: H. \Y. good fur I've quite a contract myself a new Dunlap with Al most interesting yet published: The Columbia Cyclers is Hie name of a new club in them. Re.ich that I glii!e with Btenltby craftiness seventy LEAGUE PLAYJRS SIflMIXG. tho northwest*.* part of the c tv, near toe Mount Hawkoswortb, Beuj. \V. Frauklj n, Win. A. Brewer, T'IO PtiilHca looked immense yesterday as we walked tim«s ninety fe*t, pilfcriiii; a base t*t the end of each When I culled at League headquattera Thursday, I "Re Bows's JEotVA PATENT (1,216) T rery much Vernon Wheelmen. Jr.; Wm. fil. Franklin, II. A. Potter, A. P. Boiler, A. on tiie grounds in ttie now uniforms, and hy thw re- regret that, owiii t) my copy of The Cijclift of Fob. 13 [J. Piilnv-r, K. Q. ftirstow, Bei-j. Shepard, E. E. Qtiimtiy, liint-ty. See? found Mr. Young with several contracts before lain, The Elwell c- pii.m we met wiih, one would having been delayed, I was unnhle to reply to European party, consisting of Mr. F. A. K. B. AvTnur, J. L. Freeman, Jos. L. BJuuii. Johu believe we wera before Hut thea I've pit s^me new porpoise leather sliding and lie was engaged iu filling In the names of certain Mr. Elwo'l aud twenty-five 6. players. Down's le!t?r earlier. He is quite mistaken in sup­ cyclntg, will leave lor Europe Ileald, W. B. IIo!c!ikisj. a i'Mii'" audience. p-ula and Al has promised to have the tacks and flint Bo paused and informed me that he vas just on 5Iay 18 for a three months' trip. At '2 "0 we bif-hted our p.lot boat cruMn^ around the putting: an end to all further speculation concerning posing that my letter was written by the person whom At the New York Athletic Club election the follovr- glnn3 raked out of ttie biige lines. Omahn, Neh., will have ft cowbov niumh ot Cl:tvaf,«u'io Uiy wniliag t<> taLu off ijur pili t. and , bv approviug tlieir con- he seems to cred t with it, as my former letter was the eyclUt contest for na: ticUtt was carried:-President, Jennin^a SpenkinKof knee R'idine pads, I've got something six days, S. Cox; ik>.>ii after )«-aving Norfolk to come down, th* t»*y trac:s with the Boston Club. In addition to these two first I have written on the sul ject. I urn neither commencing April 1. Two cowboys, twenty vice president, Walter G. tchuyler; stcreiaiy, Frank new that fills the bill, and and any ambitious base- horses vs. three cyclists ucd cyclea ad lib. iljina'jer \\ right liroufjht out his i ille and he aud Hie runnfct cnn net a Doint'-r by aldres^inK pla; era he was also prei>arin» the contracts of Sommers afniid nor ashamed of my name being published, but D. Sturges; trea-urer. Henry A. Ko^tr.-; captain, G. J. me. Tho lota li;ive lie.-u IH>I piiii; auay at the numerous ducks, Mitclieil issnee'lv ami cun put them over. liay and Sowders. with the Boston Club. It appears I do not choose th it this should b?, at lea^t at present. Ct-ntury Wheelman arj discussing the prospect Oradislt; j.ovon;or.« to s^rve two years, Arthur T. Sulli­ of a large l.idy hVh Imwks iiuil tolls sitting in countless Lumbers on Invin Is doing corrcsuoudence work for the Boston (hat the Hub management begins to realize that it As I said in nay former letter, 1 can produce the said membership, and intend to fix up hand­ van, A. G. Mills, II. A.Gildersleeve. W. B. Wheeler, tin* untci', while Jja Mmvey was around ai usu^l with G!' !>e while on Ihe t: ; p. will not do for them to dicker any further with Ward, hall bearings of tho front and tack wheels, bo?h huv- some quart r.- for them in their club housa. W. T. I.awuon, Itriinou Guiteras, Heuiy El^swoith, his funny bleaks. Clement* swi»ie he hit one aiid Purser Coatee, of the S«n Antonio, has turned "ball muHu itlf-defeiue they pmrose to holi t> "Honeet icg lateral adjustment, which were made 1? years Boston is to havo a half-mile truck,Ci/1. Pope having Samuel T. Kuapp, Jr. Jre Hi iT.ce chipped in wiih: "rf»ne you did,Clements, fiend" and has subscribed tor Tiie SPORTING LIFE. Juhu" and "Bi.z S;im." Mr. Young continued his tiuce, and therefore can prove by these that Mr. purchased 1,000,000 feet of ground fur the purpose. It The second annual winter tournament ot the Phi!- on ttie eyehwh; 1 snw him wink." MitcheM has a mighty quick outcurve and very de­ writing, Imt as he wtnt ou, he remarked that tho BowiTs patent is cot a valid one, although he may will by under the mwnagemeut of Henry Decker. iips Kxtter Academy students took place IHarch 9. \Ve :ire now uutsMo "f Cupe Henry, and speeding ceptive. Dcnny matter haa also been settled amicably. He have obtained it in 18S7. I fee in your correspond- It H rumort-d Uint Cripp, the grrat cyclis*, will be The f«;nce v«ult witmar wiia Shead, 'S'.t, Oft. 7%in.; aujiv fur Hat!*r:n, which the boys seciu to venerate Clements is a stone wuil at the initial 1 asr, but then handed iue a letter from President Brush, announcing tnca^of the 20th inet. ho is propeily answered by 'Antl- sem on the Irish rHcin?; path this Eea-on. The noted niunii g high jump, lleywtod, '8D, 6ft. iUln.; club ^ nli the old satl<>r'a su}n_>!8tition$ telling; thut it it a he is n whole granite quarry behind the plwte. that Gia-scock, Denuy, Hinos and C. F. Daily have Pateut,'so that I need not enlarge upon tho insult Dutch rlJer, Scheltman, will aUo appear in England. swinging, Uauanond,'SO; horizontal bar, ifuesHiirelt, .' nub, place, and full of etcrnis antl utterly devoid signed tho th-.Te offered on the 13th inst. Your correspond"nt of Jacksonville has a good team S*m Thompson, pro; er contracts, and all hands seem dis­ The CyclibU' Touring Club could 9l;s!Bt!dii-g highjuujp, Shcad, '80, 4it. fi^in.; tum­ iitsehi'8. \V« ala> of the 20Hi inet., who Hign? 'K. B. T.' only muster 50 hope to airivo at Port Uoyal. S. C., alone, \VRS waiting onr arrival. He looks fine, says posed to pull together for the good of the club. members Ht its Ia-t geueiMl meeiing iu bling, WarJ, 9U; putting the shot, Ford, TU, yift. GID.; tilioist Saturday noon, (Brussels), designa'es yonr correspond* nts as London, al­ and will at least KOL (tonio prac­ Ire aim is good, and the boys welcomed him warmly ANXIOUS FLAVERS. though it ia supposed to havo ou its roll 2U.OOO names. parallel bars, Ward, '90: high kick, Hey wood, '8'J. tice, 'small fry.1 I inthcr think this exprostioii if not play R regular jcame. * hear tho gana up into the fol.l. Pnni ic a good fallow, whom everyone There was a large Latch of correspondence piled The annual furnaid racing ''C.iiu," so gnes-f I \v,ll joiu th«ui. is somewhat far-fetched, as he knows noth­ Tho Smth End Wheelmen, of Philadelphia, intend racn for the cioas-counlry cl-ampion- likes, nnd then, with two or three men ou bases, he Is upon Mr. Young's dvbk, containing inquiries fiom ship of Ibo Norihcrn counties, took place \Vc arc at this wriiiog nbuut 3 houta ing whatever -who your correspond mts are. as a fitting finale to their series of successful hops, to »t 5lan- run to Port not out ot' place at (he bat. players who are afraid they are £,oinz to be left out in chestv r, England, Feb. 1C. The spectators numbered Tloyal Bar, ttnil bave twenty milei lo go 'R. B. T.' pays he know o( ball bearinpe in the year give a grand ball some time- after Lent in one of our frooi th«re Nothing has bfon heard from Sanders or Decker. the cold, questions from the minor league*, etc. There three thousand, and there were ]H:1 staitera, tho to iVit lioyj*l itself. YisJer^iv wan an mitveutful 1808 which were without adjustment. Now, the bail larjre hall?. new Guesd Ben haa some attraction 'way up in Tennessee. was a letter from tho Cleveland management an­ *ulo limiting thy number After leaving League headquarter*, I visited Mr. consicJm-t are lufringin? hia patent. He may have ing which is to take place at Worcetter on May 13. The ariu-al of Manager Levis woke our club ITowitt and h.-.d a loug chat with him about his club. The Chicago tournament is attraciinir considerable All of the college members of the Association were rendering the iiir ni'-lo-liong wnh cho:co expressions of peoplo up and thoy are now hustling with him been successful in winning hU case with one or more attentiun. The exhibit will bo one of tho finest, if darkey lan^'inge. \Yh:>u i'ie boys l.a-1 thrown awuy He has tent Ted Sullivan to Columbus to try and buy firms, but thia does not prove his patent to be ft valid represented. It was decided that tho Association to get things all right. They havo raised Kalph Johmon, and ha^ instructed Ted to eisrn him at not absolutely the finest, ever held in America, one follow the course adooted t>y the Intercollegiate Asso­ all tlieir jennies, thoy procured a "ttiiuskin" Spilding patent, but for the want of evidence tho case was de- concern alom* having adted lor .j,OtX) f«et of spaco. The brtll from M:tn«K«r Wright noJ proceeded to an open enough of funds by donations to fend out ad­ S2,'^50 and allow him $100 advance money. Tncier the cMed in favor of the plaintiff. I wish it to be gener­ ciation cf the Amateur Athletes of Amenta in with­ dtc'sion of the Board, the Washingtona have a right trials of ppeed will bring together tho best men in drawing from iht National ABS ;ci:ition, an/i In it tho etiaco tear the steamship ollice, and eoun had ihe who'e vance money, and the collections from the sale ally understood that I fcenr Mr, Bown no ill-will, but America. B\>nm;> full cf "t'ark*," lo.ikiux on and admiring the lo negotiate for Johnson's release, although the burden by his* having tritd to make n monopoly of tho lateral rules of the Interc >lleu:iitte Ass -nation govern all lieU of season tickets nil! give them enough capital Thomas Slovens waa killrul manner with which the b->vs of sympathy appaars to be wiih the Culumbug Club. a<1jn$ttnenlof uHball bearings and bottom brackets, I received at Zinzibar on thp llth m: i-tings of the New EiiglwuU Aem ciafiun. F. J. Coxf handled Hie ball, io a private aunience, which liMiBiiiig isto loud expressions of delight when to work on. Maoaser Cohen \v»s here during the past week, and CAnt-idered it my duty to the trade to impart this in­ lasted over two hours, by of \Villiams, was elected grand marshal. anyone tho SiiUati Klitilifah-bin-^iiid, who uiudoa nice catch or a pick-Tip. After linibf-rini; up for Levis made a good move in reducing tlie price consulted the p.esidt-nt and Mr. Htwitt nhout John­ formation for the benefit of thoeo who chojco to bene­ expressed boih ATHLETICS AT ST. Louis. About one thousand peo­ Burrrisf1 and admiration at the enterprise of tho New an licur we ftH cjtiit and gavo up our time to doiug the of the tickets to $15, and thoy are now going at son's cuse. He mails a strong argument in favor of fit by it. KNC.INERR AND PATENTEE." ple uitutesed the stteplechttso of the Missouri Amateur Johnson bein* allowed to go to Columbu", and the (1,216.) Will yea nllo-v me lo reply to the letter York Wvrld \r\ sending a special correapoadeLt to the Athletic Club Ht St. Louis on March lit. The race was town, coiisidMug it f two lionai'?, a ln-n-roift, and a a lively rate. Some seventy-five have :ilrendy l;*on east coart of Africa. b!aclisui!th shop. Then tl.ey all came and rommoiict-d opposed of and tin-re will be no trouble iu getting ontcome of the mutter wi!l be that Johnson will »:ay signed "R. B. T.," which appeared iu jour last issue to have been four iciles, but tiie score's gut niixod up to jiiiiij' oalo mo Icr telling thKm fairy luk-s of "what a lid of the taUuce. in Cjlumbiis, the city of his choice. re Mr. BJWD'S patent? The N«W(OQ, Mas3., Bicycle Chib last week elected In their figures and compelled the lenders t> five fc«;»i:tit»l villa-e 1'ort lloyal wii', etc.," on our way AVe havo an infiald thU I don't think will be O'BRIEN'S POSITION. I had personally n^ wish whatever to participate in these oflicers: Presutent, Freelon Morris; via- pre-i- miles. The haudicaj pinx was very nnsnti&faciory. aa (iown. Th*? monotiiiiy was Bonicvhat broken by Htury equalled in this or the Southern League. Levis, Billy O'Brien, our honie-tiiD-hittiiig first bnfieman, this correspondence, »s I nm sure that each party is dent, Herliett A. Fnlbr; secretary, Willi ^111 W. Mall; the hiindicnppers hnd greatly underrated Frank Hitch- Vrinlit aiir.unnctn^ to the l-oja tiiHt lie h«d jiiMt heai«l Went/ Hud God:ir will till Ihe tmsci and Mikado Flynn is quite a letter writer. He forwarded two loua com- quite ablo to d-.-fend hin;s:*!f, unaided by Mr.T.(whcse treifiiirer, Edward T. Muriiit; captain, F. Sternum ings and George Bcswell, and us c result [he la^e Irom fioiu Mr. Oeui'^c U. Hubley, whii ia tlie at;ent of tjio will guard short field. What's tho ma:ter with li'mm niuni:aUou3, both of "which were wrlitou within two name ia perfectly well known to me). I am at a lo^s Wils-rn; first lieutenant, II."Albert Ilend-rsoD; eecond the veiy start hiy between these two ineu. Bos well Slaltory liiif et Ft-rntmOina, Hekiuu for a game with for a nuartolte uf hitters, nehl*-i3 and b»se-runuer=? days. Thr first was full of »in^er am'showed that to unlerstaud \\liy Mr.T., who nsidev i:j Brussels, lieutenftTit, t. P. Maroh, was given 4m, and Ditchings 3oi. -J-lj.stait. The other tho Ph'iliU'3 on Bl'/nday (to-aioriow), on our ftrrivnl ut For pitchers, so f;ir » e havo Paisley, L'ehno and "Ida ice wapona" \va< inclined to be a triflo disagrt-c- wants to take upthe eaautlet for Mr. Bown, and to The Wiimiugton Wheel Club has elected these offi­ enlrie-, with their time allowanas, nre ai;pei d-d: 2 P. M. Everyone bfinjr biingry for it an affirniutive Thunian. They arj ull right, but if needs be the box ah!e. Jli^ e^cood letter was iu fin ent'-re'y different impugn the mrtivpj of so many emull fry "bearding cers: Pnsident, dialed S. \Vils;>n; vice preiiJont. Al­ \Vjit L. Tlionip^in, Frank Flcmni, Ju'im Sihwiud, answer ««» Meut n>'' I! S ovtr lne wires, and *e will will bo streugtl'Oited. key, and his miirmurings wpreas mild and ecntle as the lion in Ms d.Mi." bert Jeffiiep; treasurer, Victor Pile; secretary, Charles Henry Schmitt, F. Hairi-<, H. M. Joyce and Julius Wun- I'lny our s-'Cintil Kunif, weather permitting, at Fertiau- M«nager Levis ha-> wiittsn to pitcher Jimmy O'Neil, n tp:iug limb. He 6aya he d->cs not want to leav.j the I do not nan* to go further into this inat'er, but G. Guyet; ca^tun, S. VvaMi* Meirihow; first lieutenant, derle, each 4m.; John Couaihau, 3m. oOa.; Gun Wag­ Uiuu, on the ll'li. Hurry Wri-rht will loan them a and we uill prohiblv have hiai again with us. Levlg Leslie and be transferred to one of the minor a«FO- merely wish tj point out to Mr. T. that although two All ert Jcffrie-; second lieutenant, Clarence Eliiutt; ner, A. Tozer aud Win. Lawler, each lim.; I'. D. Ca- Lattery, uo doubt, thus making tho came moid intei- admirer the plucky 'liitle pitcher, aud thiuka he will ciaticns. He admits that he miy have acted «j:ly list largo firms, backed with "unlimited" c.ipital, did not bugler, John 8. Bertylolte. Lonne, A. II. Ilitchin^s, H. A. Itingcr and John C. ostiug and g'Tin^ the Pliill'tM practice baiting Dgatust do well under the new rules. We want good, all- season, but that \vaa because ho was not batting as bring the case to an end, they, according to my The newly elected offl-'orsnf ihe Atalanta Whee'mpn, Mcyers, each 2m 45s.; John ILtrnor Wilson, 2in. 30*.; a ffi^od pitclici. If our lovt-ly weather coutnmts we round players this year, and PS O'Neil ia an exo-Iitnt well as was expected of him. H« tay-j that he has been knowledge, did n»t sustain defeat. The em;iil frv will of Xewurk, N. J., are: President, G^urje Ji. filiiler; Kd M. Cuiiies and I It"-man L. McBiid", each 1m. 3«a.t will have a good crowd, ans being perfect, and our unexpected ager Luvii will rig out the boyt iu "Xndjv" suits. Capital City that he proposes to sign for $200 !es* than P. Hummcll; col-jr be-trer, John H. Cniuo. btdrt and t-ooa left (ho others far behind. Hitching* the price at which The Century "\Vheo1men sustained no loss by won in 33 m.. Both Hitchiiigs nnd Bus well are mere visit :o N'orfdlt gave i» A Rood opportunity tor prac- There will als» bo change suits t.f irivy blue and re-1. ho is classified. Mr, Huwitt is Tory The Rochester, N. Y., Bicycle Club la^t kindlv disposed toivard the fire in the Columbia avenue market, as was week elected j*. Tho wiur.or, wlio is a member of the M. A. A. tico on several day^, mill our game there J-roke the ice Young Prti-=ley comes from Mount Vtrnon, Ind., Bil'y and he proposes to sign new officers as follows: Prceident, W. F. Bi-jiifiniivit]; ot a Jyncc winter's liiy-ntf, The sail of 48 houra from wht-re ho ha« been pitching occasionally this winter. him, as Carney ie at beet an experiment. at first reported. They had nothing stored there C., in 17 years old aud gives promise of inakiug a fiuo captain. A. 1,. Gentliuer; lieutenant, J. M. French; tl.U-Jo. Kc-rfoU to Port Ko>;il was an ideal ocean voyuze Works says ho is u vtry deceptive pitcher, »a he has A STRONG PLEA BY BARNUH. but machines, and they were rescued through driil master, R. A. Punntlt; LtiKh-tr, A. fll. Bennelt; wyaiher perfect, nnd ihe sea RB smooth M glass so on faced him H: fivo games, and ^ot bu* a tingle hit. I was permitted to read an interesting letter from the exertions of Messrs. A. G. and C. McGhithery, secretary, B. II, Punnttt; Irensurer, \>. I'. Featherly; tbo v.hole it c-juit] iut have beeu tetter had we ctmr- Arracpemenfg arc being nmue for a short series of Umpire Barnum to Mr, Youriff, on the subject of first guide, F, M. Hills; second guide, 1C. McKweu. teretl thia exbibiiioii games with New Orleans PERSEUS. biipe stf-nrner especially fur our use, loitop before the regular umrires a eociating witli players. It is S'i tnll of The t'lievinit c.f bicycles has become wherever we w.inted such n frraro THE TRIGGER. tn fur practice. season ope UP. merit that I take tho liberty of presenting it to the qneatiou We left IVrt Kujal There was joy among the ^nthnsEa-ts Friday A NEW MACHINE. in England that it has been a sfroup factor iu ut 10 p. M. last evening, nnd when, it readers ot THE SPORTING LIFE: t-riugiiiff into <-xibt«'tca the Cycle Agents" Protective when we jumped oot of bod this lovely Sabba'b moru- was known that "['dp' Kien/.le had Ue;i secured. He "Cou-ai BUS, March 12. My Dear Jtr. Young: Association. This swociation bus already bwn PENNSYLVANIA MARKSMEN. iiiK we found ourselves l^lngat anchor oii the Sya IMS accepted our termg anil his advance mon^y has al­ Haviog eeeo a uumler of comments The Peculiar Excelicucies Claimed For instru­ on my propouitiuu mental in the discovery of fifttrt-n stolen machines and Kuov, at Brunswick Bar, waiting fur the flood tide to ready gcme on to him. Kien/le is well liked by nil, as to you ai"t"r I had left Washington, I ilttertnined as the Fagle Bicycle. A Shootiiiff tho capture and conviction of two habitual cycle Tournament l>y tlie Williams- he is a conscientious, hard worker and always plays to goon as I h:tfl returned home to write yon a few ex­ Wo present this week » cut tff a new claimant to thieves. poit Kitle and Ouu Club. vf\n. Ho rtvwUe-t ne^tt tr> Pmtn^T »^ ft Vr.Wtr, liia ftt planatory Inie* in relation thereto. I h;ive no d-*ir« hon%ra in the wheel world. It in named the foglo, CLEARFIELD, l>n., March 15. Editor SPOTIT- age being .3^11; hh neldjog and base-running bei lo oocroacli upon your limit, for I can thoroughly un­ »u^ hails from tho works of the Eagle Bicycle Mauu- Missouri wheetmoT promise to fight to the death the also of a high character. derstand how busy you are, but the necessity of the factnrine Co., at S'ainford, Conn. obnoxious bicyc'e bill introduced in the Legislature. ING Liri-;: The shooting tournament to be given Manager I.cvis hr.s given tip all hopes of getting; occasion urgt-o me to vrito you a fuw lines, at least, It ha/lhe well-ltm>wn form of tho Star, both ai to A vigoious fixht will be entered on and no pains or by tho WilHamsport Ilitlo and Gun Ciub on tho money will be spared to defeat the measure. If tho Tub Welch, that player wanting too much. Ho is Lot trusting that you may find time to drop tr.ea few liue-t the position of the whegfc a:iil the shape of the ftania l!Hh and 2Drh of this month, on the Williams- put out much, howevfcr, as he haa bis eye on several in ieply. Having suggested thi^ innovatiou relative bill cannot bo klllfd while in the handa uf the- ccm- wo k, but tho propelling ia done by means of cranks port, Pa., rifle ranee, promises to bo a very in­ gC'id tatting catchers. to umpires I desire to assure you th it it was with no nod pedals, &a in tho ordinary bicycle, instead of n,ittte. H will be fought at every ftaue, and, if finally Lnvia claims that McCloskey tried to do him out of d-s:re to lucna-e the expenses of the I.eaqne. I levers. p.issed, a test case will bo made nnd the matter will be teresting tvfl'air. We will state right hero that his homo t'tttas during the semi-tentetinial, from June thought only of the inestimable goud Jhat would accrue The Eagle bicycle is m acced« ta his fdir demands miufilintr with players and by throwng a pafe^uard men thoroughly experienced in the art of cycle mak­ (.fficere: 1'reeident, George H. Orr; vice- ing, and if thoy do not win anything they will and tohi him if he did uot Galveslon would withdraw pivsirient, E, Ilavelock Walsh; ra^tuin, U'. A. tiliav.; about that onk'irtl coutmensura'e with his dignity of ing, an ft, aided by tho fineit and most expensive ma- make it exccedinply interesting for from the League. Tho genial Napoleon of tho ball first lieutenant, G. li. Toye; second lieutenant, \V. G. the down Kaat dfflce and po-iiiun. An nmpiru'ri position should be chinety ki;owa to the trade, DO expense haa be?n crack sliois who tiro expected to be there. field cauie down In Mitchell; third lieutenant, Bert Brown, ehmd.ird The firat short order. jti^-t an eiciusivu, just a* tnipr^gnablo 10 the fumiliar- sjmrcd to multe the Kaglo bicycle the most popular dny'o elmoting will be confine 1 to 60yds. off-hand As usual, there is blood iu bearer, Alf. Thompson; bugler, A. D. Brown; captain or the air between this city and ifAiig oneltiu^l't ot ii i'layer, as is mi ofiicer in the wheel of the day. Tbe only metal used in its c >n- lOOyds rest. The prizes are: First, a regist^rol Hol- Houston. Catcher Emmet Ro^er is th* bone of conten­ army or navy. It is not beiore the game or at night Btruct'ou IB forged sUel, and great caro haa boon twkea of safety division, W. J. Moody; lieutenant of safety Htein division, heifer, valved at 8W); 2d nnd 3d priRes to be cash. tion; Levlg has a hard grip on him and says that be after the game, wherein the dimmer lies. It that the tte-1 u-etl in each different part shall be Jay Rose; secretary, Arthur Tajlor, treasurer, Ou the second \V. A. Hunter. any the uff-h md ahuts will be placed at will play hero or eit i.n the bench. I think the case ia immediately after tbe game when the um­ adapted in degree of hardness or temper to beat stand 100>iU. while the rest will fhooters will he put bark go before tbe Arbitration Committee. pire is compelled lo go into ttie home club's the peculiar s'raiu to which it will be eubjectfd. to 200yd*. Tbe 1st prize is Dallas to be «n L. C. Smith breech- claims Du£ Cn-tht-n for manager and says dressing rooms to ciiaape his uniform for his htrcpt at­ ID strength tho Kagle moro than equala any other loftdin^ three-barrel gun, valued that slie will at 8125; 2d and 3d a'eo hove Tub Welch and Jack Fogarty. tire. It is litre when discussions arUo, thin decision form of bicycle of corresponding weight. Its frarue pri'/i-s to be c;fh. The conditions are: Any The salaries of these plavtr* ATHLETIC. kind of will come toSoOOa month; is questioneJ, that rulitg di-cussed, until vory often beiog of tiiangtilar cunatiuction, every rart is per­ turget, any kind cf sights except telescope, «uv trigger Crotlicn abont S225, Welch S150 and Foparty S125. words pas3 between players nnd umpire and bad blood fectly brae* (1, and by thus avoiding all long leverage pull, five aliois to the h.mrd, olrinir meanure( entrance, Where will thoy'get tho other eight men for 8450? and prejudices are engendered between them. This jj strain*) tlie frame is made very light aud at the same THE UNION'S MOVE. S2, nnd SI for each additional beard. Tho S,-cret>ry CrAig, of committee the League, ha^ resigue.l, owing what I desire to avoid. An umpire cuunot bo honest, time exceedingly rh;id. The vibratiuu which is so having this In charge are all bu-jnesa men, with to a prt satire of other busices-, Mr; and Mr. C B. Thacker, fair or imjartial as the rute», nay, tho very vitality of noiiceabie *n tho rear wheel of the ordinary is entirely N. A. Ilu.iihes as chairman. A Rood time and fair deal­ of Waco, A Step In the Right Direction—Erring Ath­ hns been appointed to the vacancy. tbe glorious sport demand, it' he permits his prejudices- avoided. The lone backbone extending unsor.pjrted ing is promised to all who may attend. Levis will have tho score letes to Have Another Chance. card privilege and promises to bias bis judgment in tho slijjhtHst degree. .No gcoJ from a narrow neck,a distance of five feet or more, and Piothonotary A. M. bloom, of Clearfield, made Ihe that the card will be a stunner. ever came, can come or ever will come, by throwing an which 1m 9 an uncom fur table habit of breaking at At the meeting of the executive committee of Philijieburu:, Pa., gallery shooters open Tlie ether clubs their eyes one of ibis League need not fear that umpire aad players in such close }-roxiniUy imme­ most U'lHfasonnUe times, is iu tho Easrle entirely done day hist week by his surprising fcata in break Manager Levis will jump thu Amateur Athletic Union in Washington, a in:: pipes Hie salary limit. 1 havo diately after a game. If the game has beeu lost by the away with. Tim steering ro-1, which in a men-ure and revolving plas-* balls. II«» is thecomtn«r fancy shot. seen the salary list and know briei'summarv of which was wired toTiiE SPORT­ that it does not go a Lome ciub they are amnrting under ih»ir defcnt, ainl repret-eiit.s it, ict firnily braced by four stiff aruia and la Percy L. Showers, a youth of 1(5 or 17 summers, i» cent ING Li FE and published in our hist issue, some im­ beyond the required amount. J. C. N. usually aitrlbnte their discomfiture to th« luckless um­ one of the ttrou^e^t sections of tho machine. one of our beat glass ball ahola. pire, they being soro know no reason, and under these portant work was accomplished, and tho now ————•———— RED KIVEH VALLEY LEAGUE. circumatiincea are incapable of just di.-criminalion. I famous reinstatement resolution, which will Random Shots. cann r t toll you the idiotjyncraciea of ha-1 players strengthen it greatly, was passed. The resolu­ Preparing V't.u have had n great, great de:il of experience with A rifle match was contested »t Kowark, N. J., Feb. for aa Organization Some Ex­ tion iu full H as follows: 2>, the Oakland Cinb team defeutiug the Monioe^ by cellent Graduates. them, and consequently con Attest the tru'h of what I write, and it is to avoid these influences that I enggeat WHEREAS, Tha Amateur Athletic Unlin of the aecoreof 1,072 to 1,0-10. FARGO, Dakota, March 10. Editor STORTING thia extra expense An umpire's mind should and United States is the only atli'etic organization which The Janiaicn, L. I.. lliQe Club has elected these new LiFKt The prospects for a base ba!l league in must be clear of all enmities, prejudices, find bias pro claims and actually has a membership, and therefore oflicors: Thcod ro Ro^erf*, prcdidftit; Georgo W. Da the Red or con, and I firmly believe that the nominal sum ex- a juri*iiction, national la i's charactt-r aud extent, its nion, orrespoudeut; Samuel tf. Aju^ar, eecretary and River Valley this season are indeed purpoae being to foster an-1 promote genuine nmnteur bright. The towns aspiring to admission are pi-iided in thie way by the League for the better pro­ troasurt-r. tection of tbo umpire will prove an invaluable benefit athletic siH)rtt and to encourage competition* Lot ween Charley Smith, of the Middlesex Club, and Qua numerous, but tho indications are that the three to the League ni;d tho game. athlttea in pood standing; therefore bo it Slanitz, of Orango Valley, are matched lo t-hoot tit TiO *'big" towns AVinnipcg, Grand Forks nnd Firgo "I can vt-ry well understand how the measure may be Resftlt-fd, That the Amateur Athletic Union receive live pigeons each, for §100 a aids, at Krb's Urouuds, will elect to have a lenguc of their own, and abused, but there is no reason why an umpire cannot and considor applications for rcmitmcnt of penalty un­ ne.;r Newark, \. J., on March 21. til April 15, 1S89, from all keep this expense within jn>t as ro«Eonabl« bounds as athletea « hn, p:evious to A ma:ch at 25 pairs of live exclude the "little fish," whom they consider Murch 4,1889, had become iacligible pigeons each, for SlCO A any otber of bis living expenses, I c»n assure yon to comjiete in side, 25 >urds ri.w, was contested by William not quite fast enough for them. A six club gamtH held uuder A. A. U. rules by reaaon of bixlpr I «1H guaiarjtue to avtrago no more than 75 cents tl:e reso­ and W MJiam Levor at Krb's Grounds, Newark, lution of Aug. 25,1SSS,mid against whom league, composed of the thrca towns nfimed and per day durit.g tho entire eeasoa. In every city in there are N. J., Feb. 23, the latter beiug defeated by DO other charges aflecting their amateur standing. a score of Duluth,St, Cloud and Hrainerd, was what we wanted, (lie circuit, excepting Now York, 1 can nuke a con­ :i(J to 30. kiilful a.. but the Minnesota cities did not seem to favor tbe tract with some jetu to take mo to the grounds, wait This rule was made on account of the many plan. Marksmen Huggins and Rothwell.of Pittsburtr. beat O;itue v-nt called at 4 r. M., ith Glaas^n and for nio, and return me lo my hotel for 75 cents. In athletes who have broken A. A. U. rule?, but Jowell and Kichiirdson, of MHtsochnectts, in thtir Bfliriv»r The Red Rifer Valley League of 1887 embraced the ihreo in tho points for rtiihidolpliia and filitcholl New York the distance Is greater, and consequently now wish to put themselves in good standing days s rifle ehroting mutch. Out uf a possible 1,(VJO and Hiillmaii cities of Grand Forkn, Fergus Falls, \Vahpoton and for Feri:andina, hr-in^; loaned by filan- would be more. Tt:ia 1 will guarantee, and, if after points I!i]ygii» hcorcd t- Wright. Tho Fargo, the latt-limned v>intjiog the pennant, with with that body. A number of the best athletes 1.264, Itichardson 3,242, Koth-^. Ptii!U"a permitud thrc-o runs to due consideration, you decide to accord u» the privi­ well 1,214 and Jewell 1,185. Granil Kails a cl-jge eecond, and \Vahpeton brining lege should t:>e expense be more. 1 would pay it in this vicinity have signified their intention to The ilolyoko up tho rear. La^t eoas»n we had no League, but clubs mjsf If. now forsake the N. four A.'s and abide by Union Elflo Club lust week elected tho fol­ lowing officeiB: President, M. Milton Fanow; vice wtre numerous, aiid moat of them employed from two "I trust, my dear Mr. Younjr, that yon will give this rules in tho future. Eastern athletes desiring to to seven professional players. Probably presidt-nt, W, .11. Miles; secretary and treasurer, 0. F. yonr close attention. I know how difficult it i.) to t!.e grcot.--' . 'IVOP of the Envois apply for reinitment of penalty should address ';iir niing j-;, en o giiniH Our team-will prolably agniii bo managed by Con adopt at once so startling an innovation. Y»-t I think its ea^e of running. This, although aided to s>mo ex­ Howes; cup'aln, J. A. Clongn; executive coiuuiittee, I. en account of darkness, the score btanaiug 15 to iJ in Walker, who has been the prime mover in base bull that a* the umpire's p sition is u bit unenviable, any tent by the more modern form of its lino ball bearing^, Frederick Wm. Janspcn, P. 0. box 125, New G. Mat bice, Horace Whitney, C. S. Axtell. favor of Philadelphia. ma'lt-ra here for the past five years, and who has been measure that will emancipate him from all direct in- is mostly duo lo the fa;t t.f the rider's weight I>eiuK eo York City. Western athletes should address Tlie North Side Gun Club, of PittaLmrg, hns elected Alter snipper th,< hoys a^Bemhloi] in the smoking instrumental in developing such fine players a^ Wil- fhierjcci partial or p:cji:dici-il, should al lesist be given entirely on tho largo whe.-l. In hill-climbing the Louis P. Scoville, 14U Dearborn street, ChioAgo, the BO officers: I'rcsiili -nt, J. 0*11. Dt-mn; first vice naot president, W iiltAin M. Kennedy; getvmd vico picsident, romi aiie Flier's vcizht being on the large wheel pre­ Charles Kichardtson; third vica [irt-sideuf, William on on the League At the last meeting, Imt tho min»ri*e uf tho evening was w hoo Hill aud will help ihu Philliea (jet third'place in the etaff f^r ti;e ensuing soas-ui would bo despicable vents it fn.m dipping ami «o -fiower ia wasted. For of the Union, held in Liitell; secretary and treasuror, Charlei A. Hobb; field Pchrivi-r tdok the concert ina from thfl haud of the National League race of 13S9. The two last-named enough to take advantugo of thii inestimable pri^l- ' coHBUny" t!w Ka«je certainly hestli t^ie list, the posi­ Washington, the following athletes wero re­ cai'tain, F. F. L>avif>c>D. "n'g'1 and pixufeded t) j'vst t»-ar tbo lining out of it, were member* of our 1887 team, as were also ihe fid- lc<:e in order tu take trom the League Die paltry eum tion Ja the easiest imaginable, and is assumed by Bira- instated': S. M. Sweet, Swarthniore College; J. According to the revised shoo'ing rule?, tho st:ind- f.nd in doing so be flu^e-H-ded In niakiag m eomo lowing players, who have done good work in the ritie-j by fttlse acfoiintiugs- I caunot believe that any of us plv Bwiuging the fuet forward and crossing them on C. Graham, Athletic Club of Schuylkill Navy; nrd gun will In ten gauge, un=l all gun^ o( whatever iiiiihtv i.j.e mtisir naui-d while they v ere in the o!d Xoithwesteru the steering rod. The powerful direct Tnin^ of thii at lei-gth we would or could do it." acting brake Edward Smith, Chicago Athletic Association, Crilibro le?a than that will receive a handicap one niihiliew t> f'i:r rooms af!n y«rd it weighing Kjai than eight pound1". Buck ot the SENATORIAL SAYINGS. and W. C. Perrett. < itiiti Hint genial purser's handt* iu kind good-byo. van, Milwaukee and E:tu Claire; Visner, Minneapolis Several changes are contemplated at tho home the tteepest hills, wnd to brin^ it to a standstill at any shooter tho dead line will be the b-uudary, to that an ; ip Irwin i-* my rooai-!ii;ire, i«nrl from (he tound of KeeJ, Duluth, and "Geutle V»'iillb" Murphy, Minne­ grounds before the penson opens. Jtis proposed to shift moment he may wish. He is not entirely d*-pendent incoming bird falling behind the ehooter will be lost. tint S"tith IV-ftoii f<-'^ wh'stln he is pulilog on mo in apolis. AI lew me to remark right here, Mr. the southern eud of the diamond a little to the west­ upon tiie bralto, however, for ho may at any lime re­ Pointers* The long-looked-for .St; ce-Bui!d pigeon shooting con- Editor, that was a pretty fair team for ted, I gu?6« I'll join him, au-1 K*> good-bye. ward, with the intention of deepening left field. The place hia ft-et tu'on the ptdald and control hia machine Fre-1 Carlton and te?t for tijo American Field chanipion&hip cup tooi a town of 10,000 people to support. Many of D. Badd have been declare.! pro­ JACKSON \-ILI.R REACHED. railroad company that wa* allowed to put down nil- fu'ly iu that way. fessionals by tho N. A. A. A. piace nctir Jnckeouvilit', If!., March 5. Kncli man tin se players owe their success to Manager Walker, The position of tlie* rider is rather more vertical fhot «t 50 birris, \Ve arrivfdat Jai k onville ht 9 o'clock thia rnorn- road tracks in the piirk for the nccommodfttioo of in- The I'n epect Harriers had a five-mile ruu March 9. 30 yards rise, and ihe lesuH was a aud Farpo hopes to see at It-ait three of them in his '?9 augunil vieiiors ia busy re; airing the damage) dene, than ou other bicycles, the satldlo being almost tic, tho sore being 37 to 37. The silver cup, ihe;e- Jjig, f.Ld are quart'-rtd at tho Tretuoot House. The learn. It id unnecessary to ttiito that "Geutle Willio" directly over the p« i»l^ This position is by far tho B. K. Goodtnati was first muri in ia 0-Jm. tuttii vas nil excitement on our arrival, and wo were and the prcunda will bo in readiness for preliminary fore, still reinaini in Slice's (.obsession. Tiio conteat- la nut one, of them. Fra/eo ia a favorite here, «s are practice by the time the members of the U-am report most graceful and is very similar to that of walk fug, At Janesville. 0., March 9, KI Nihirk Dave unta are now tulkiug of ehooting off the tie at Keokuk, j'K'ii^aiitly rt*cciTo-l by tbe oflicidla of the athletic ur- al«io Lynch and V;tuier. However, none of the playeis tho body being tivct from tho feet up. Much mure Staffer, of Beltaire, in a 120 yards race for JHiOO a tide, £'titi/.i*tiuti3 of UH city. for duty. ** Ia.,ou the loth iust. have l'0-n Eigne'.I.Hithotiich I he manHgpfueut is in power can be obtained from a downward thrust than The charges of professionalism against O. E. Gray, A', i: 15 i ur conveyance was at the door, and we The Pickett deal did not materialize and JEmmie communication with a number of good ones. A nteet- 'Dorjnelly will be signed to cover third b:*as in tlie ab­ one partially forward, aucl the weight of the rid»-r is (Lo >ew York amateur ehot-putter, have beta with­ f.liowed the Jacks, nvillo team in parade through iiiK will be he! d at Graud Forks early tiii^ month, the u-ed with much greater effect in aiding to propel ihe tli- city tu tho grouinlj. sence of a belter u:»n. Douiiolly's good qualitits eff­ drawn. League organized, a sal try limit fixed, and then our ect his wcakuessep, aud ue will be tecurcd as an machiue. The 1'ir^e wheel being made tu run ia a The Concord Harriers, of Brooklyn, had a cross­ THE RING. Tho K'UMo was r-allwl promptly at 3:30, abcut 500 learn will be selected, and at tho opening of ibo BC.-IBO-) fixed frame the push of the rider upou the pedals does PP..-J!O hnvirisj |:a:d to reo u?. Tho fiiJ-li were well emergency man. country run of four miles March 9. C. Phillips came (about May !"»} will be able to give the boys from Ebright, one of our new catchers, arrived here a not cause it to waver from side to side as in fie case iu first in 3Sui. liiied with crt'Tii-^-'S, and uuiriy of the fair sex were "do»u the Beu' 1 a game. when the stewing and propelling ore doue John Van Hcisel,, a feather-weight of th few days ago, and during the pleasant mornings and with the Tho ScoltiBh-American Athletic Club, of Jeney r-nl iw \vel.;uiiie the I'hil'.ir'a in thoir hau'-lsome, B6*t- SPIKE. flame wheel. Steering with the enull wheel, when City, wcer, and Billy Welch 1IG joiinda,' London .'n i afterncoua of the present week he bna been practicing and the New-burg Allilelic Club have applied fjr ad- ring rnU'H, at Ashland, one has become accustomed to it, is much the easier, I ri/.< Wis., M'nrch 3. The at Capital Park with Keofe, our young south-paw mlesion to the and the machine is under a better control of the rider, Amateur Athletic Union. battl ; was won by Van llyisol. Welch's right hand Detrolt's Amateur Champions. twirler. It has not yet been decided whether the two The protoatPtl high jump at the Orange Athletic was,. broken.. players will be harne&god together as a battery, but unit is more easily and quickly handled. DETROIT, March 10. Editor SPOKTINQ LIFE: I The success of the Eagle id owing largely to (ho ex­ Club games beM laat f.-«ll will be jumped off at the club Jerrv Flower use I np John Kondall badly in a fo«r- would like to give you the record of the Kclirse i '"-- Ehritfht is a big, Ptrong-lookinj; man and appear* to iiie* to take place at tbe cluu hou;e on the evening l tight at CdMir d'Alvne City, Iihiho, and is under handle Keefe's delivery iu excellent form. cellent control exerted over the nmchine by the posi­ His move­ ot March 25. arre.1 L Kendnll lias baeu uucoubci'ms smce the light ment iiut been closely vratcht-d by the self-consti­ tive action of tho diiect crank j.edaU. Curbs, gutters aud ^ all probably dio. tuted inspectors of the new talent and he hua thus far and obstacle » which would be dangerous or impassable There is frilk of all the athletic clubs of Long Island created a mopt favorable impression. ou the "oruiu*ry,' may be ridden over or up with easo uniting to pive a LOI\K Island championship meeiing Clv,...ule^ Kemmick. light-wflght. knocked out Tom The members of the team are ex,r e"ted to arrive and Bitfaty. The front wheel is never allowed to etrlke o'i the Brooklyn Athletic Association's grounds, Do Ilan'.ey at Minneapolis March '2, l<\ three rounds, and cu n e tae. e mea owere: c c- a higii obstacle to be uiMintcd, but i;j raised in time to Kalb and Classon aveiiin-3, in June, la ihe fittme ring ufterwurdd bested Dick Failes in ten Mahoo and Cnift, culcherc; Laitchna, Marker and wiihin a few dajs, aud they will engage in preliminary !i»-t:c • practice whenever tbe weather will permit. clear it,and tbe large wh»el can be mado to follow it The officers of the Buffalo Athletic Club have re­ . v »nd«t. Slork, pitchers Lauhoff, fir^t ba^e; J. McMahon, necesairy over any object to the height that the small ceived a thii loca-l tesmi. Score: second base; Cross, short The WaHhingtona will open tho ipring spnaon iu letter from cx-rrtsideut ClevtUml, in which jAmes McCann beste-J Tom Clrary ot Seattle, W. T., (top; Crowley, third hftso; wheel can bo t!ins raised. There is no biich thing a* a he slates that the signature t:> hia suppled application on Mouiiay, goimiu^ out one of his ejes aud itjuiin^ i-niLA. ^O.R.B, P. A.K JACKSONV'E AB.R.B. p. A.I Golditine, lelt field; El say, centre field; Koch, right fie'd; Baltimore, April 1 and 2, and the following dav the season of 1889 will bo inaugurated header with tht-Kii^'e; if a r'der caunot riilo well, be for membership was a blundering forgery. the other so badly that ttie s'g'i! m.iy be lost. . mcnl*. Hi 4 0170 liG.W>tarF.c4 0 I 10 ! 1 Helfuian and Slayers, euh?. The two McMahons have at Capi'al Park with a return game between may full sideways, but never fbrwaid. In, such case Tho Leone Athletic Club, of New York Ciiy, has At StnmforJ, Conn., March 13, M. Cuhlll, of Nor- , ip«w, cf. 101 1 0 OjU-hftiie, H'.. a 0 0 s'gned with Bridgeport, Conn., Marker and t-tork with the Washington aod Bal- It 00 ho hin always a chauce to catch himself upon one foot, been organizo-1 with tho following officera:~G. L. de wulk, won a tcven-round , .,..,, ^...... 4 1 0 24 OiVutidyke, 2b 400 2 40 Saginaw, Cralt wiih Buy City, Koth with Adrian, ttniote clubs. fi^bt troiu D. Fitzpatrick, of Walter Hewitt expects to be in New York and creet and eavf! injury. ftledinfli, president; G«). C-'rtelyou, vice president; F. r.lizftl;J>fOlt,lf!( 02 0 0v 0^ Burke,u.ii ivc, SB.M. ... i4 0u 3o Lttuchoa with Grand Rapids, Goldatiuo witli Port Hu­ ' Ward upon hid arrival home. The Washington mag­ Tho Eaglo ia easy to mount. Wo dj mt mean by Kilpatrick, treasurer; Geo. Kilpatrtck, secretary. JV'o'Kvy/JM 0003 lj.-'m ! tb,3K.... 4-0 1 I ron and Crow Icy, who was ihe hardest bitter in the thi-i that any Mike Murphy and Jack Cotton fought for a p'irje of nate UDO-.VB full wtll that he can talk to the much- reraon without knowiitK how to handle The Olympic Athletic Club, of New York City, held M»lvcy, :ih.. 4 1 2 1 1 OJLewfB,es, i.....if.... 4 1 0 1 club, has signed with Orrmha. These players wilt ull this bicjcl-, £300 near Chicago, March 3. Murphy was knocked Hou^bt-after shoit ttop mucli uetU-r than he can v.rite cau get a: onca into the saddle without a ruu over a part of tho regular Ft. George course tkh Kcr, r...a 0074 1 5i'Far!a'c,cf 3 00 1,00 make their irurk this ee:veou. any difficulty. Hut wo do mean that when a porg-jii out ID ttie e-ghth round. to him, and he fully expects to bring Ward's accept­ Hfcrch 10. W. H. Tbomrson, 11. Grey and j! K. Jenks KirLv, lf'.....» 0 o 2 1 c|\Vehi>. p... 3 11 0 It 3 O'.org2 Brawn, of this ci'y, a promising young IIRS otico learned to ride tho Ka^Ie well, there is no John L. Sullivan left Now York for a visit to E-s- ance of lernrs back "ti Washington with h>'m. The \vere tho winners. Distance, Learly six miles; ti. :-"-T, ; ..,...,. :* 0 0 1 12 o:T.P.stalPc,lf3 00 1 00 cat her, has signed with Biruiinghaui, AU. He U 21 wheel maiU which 13 more easily or quickly mountvd. time, toii. Iu New Haven he wtnt ou a spreu and beUaved years' old, aft. 7in. high and weighs 160 pounds, lie matters have all Lean arranged at League headquar­ 5.', iu. disgracel'ulh*. ,. i9 "'2 6 27 25 31 Total...... To ... 32 2 C 27 20 7 ters, and Presl:\*...... 0010 0001 0 2 Is a strictly temperate man. some soe.u an objection, while t> othora why havo The new officers of i ho Eagle Athletic C!ub, of New At Sun Francisco, 3Iarch 14, young Mttclie'.l knocked Henry Yaik, of ihe Dttroit^ haa joined the Salvation Ward's release it Washington M soon as Ward accepts York, are: President, Joseph Gibbon?; vice president, ; !le...... OOQO llOO 0-2 and the moncv is j-aiil over. It will he remembered been to mount by the paJal, the following Sailor Brown uut in twenty-one rounds. Army until the eenson opens. explanaiiou Is of course unaecsf-sity. John J. O'Biien; recording secretary, John Fapan, Jr.; -''-sj bits Clcine;-ts, TbuDip sun. Tbrse-baae Dan O'Loary is hustling Ward jir.d his comrades will have fifioon daysaitcr It is well known PaUv Cardiff t-'»i gono to Callf^-ruia, whore he 1^ t« livrnrfrtn, B'"Ve. T- 1' e bit* Philadel. around town eelllng reason that in learning tho pedal mount on tbo "urdinary1* financial secretary, J. T. McCour!; treasurer, Stephen fight Peter Jnckecc in ihe spring. tickets for Bub Leadley. HASTY W BIGHT. their return homo to consider plans for their future. Murphy, nnd eergeant-at-Rrnw, Stephen Slurphy. — ••• • '-• O- *J& uj™-ttolcn~Ar.di-ov.-fl, At tho expiration ot that pe.rlod they will be fcii''joct to the gre.iU'st difnc'.ilty encountered ia the danger of Dam!nick McCaffrey ha^ opened a saloon at No. 2 A. Wbarton wa* p'accd on scratch (77V^yils.) with v: Kirby, Clement; cl&aeiikation. takii.'S a h 'adtr slmultaneonslv with the m 'iint, and Union Square, Now York. It. M. Hurry Gert iu the Sheffield S'-novetid'e Huudicap, tho THE base ball management at Harvard ex- many, after ono or two such experiences, give it up Jim Du.Tjr knccke-1 out Pit MaII:.n in aix rounds pccti to gets tlie use of the Isrge and *Mit:ify themselves with climbing on by the step. full distance beiug 2i)3ydi. Sidney P«et, of Buffalo, >\ '.'.=; 3.^11 R, by V"6tii*o 9. First on new athletic field near Chicago, Ma!ch4. which is now being hrd o-it behind "Divinity Ualt." J. H. RArscnKOLD ia ut GrAiiJ KapMs Tho furm of the Eagle, however. U such that no mat­ (Sli/^di.) at:d J. W. Flynn, (82yd-.) each won their :-hia 15, Jacksonville 3, Firat on b>il!a Maich H. -. llit by pitcher .Thompson, Scfari- The lacrosse team will use Jsrvia fi«lO, icg a ciub thoro for the MicbJg-m State Le-ig ter bow clumsily the ridtr may throw his weight upon triul iiCdLs, but were W-iU kuouktU out by Suiilh, of Kilrain sail«d fur March 2O. THE :LIF:E.

play, howsTer, and is now trying to secure a play for oli^ GkolA "Wtt ' herself. Hbe hat had sertta! ufterd of eng;igeiu?uU for THESTAGE. next atason. Manager Fleishman's office at the Walnut Spalding's Eas^EalHJnitorms for 1889, , pre^enteJ a busy scene the past week, when architect ra?« of equal valu«. MtFSIG AND DRAMA. McKtfatrick wa^ engaged in explaining the pinna and e l*er*on io eacb !o- specifications of the now Park Theatre, corner of caitiy can eecura one freo, A Brilliant*"WecU Promised Mrs. Langtry Broad and Fail-mount avenue, to the various biddera er with our large kndval- line of Household known, made virtually all the and Mary Amlerson to Play Against Eacl aud contractors. plefl. These samples, at "POURING the past twelve years we have, as is generally Oth^r A Disbanded Company The Lo well as the waMi, w« a^ud people grow tired of any amuse Free, and aft«r you haw kept fine uniforms, both professional and amateur, that have been worn on the ball fields of eal Programme Current Stage Facts am Aa a ni"U ITifm In your Iiorn* for 0 months and shown them to thosa Fancies. ment to which they aro treated unless the bill or « iio may have cnlied, thuy become your own property. Thos« we have yet to hear of the first complaint of either quality of goods, programme, aa it v ere, is changed erery now and wlio writ6 at once can be sure of receiving tho Watch the United States, and PHILADELPHIA, Saturday March 16. Al then, but 6uch fa not the case with indoor toboggan­ nd ft'»mple». W« pay all «press,, freight,, etc.. to do skilled cutters, though every theatre in the city changed its bill ing at lettst not in Philadelphia. Str»Dge &* it may Co., lio 71 >, lBortliiad, or perfedlness of fit. We employ what no one has yet been enabled there was but one nuvelty presented Mr. Don appear, tho interest taken in tol*oj;gauinfr at the Klito who can make a dress suit as easily as a flannel shirt. This we could not afford were not nelly's ''Later On" at the Arch. Thid produc rink, instead of being on the wane is actually OD the increase. The building ID packed evi>ry night, and tion'cannot bo dignified by tb« title of play, an* th» daDcing and roller ikftMng floors are so crowded, our trade world wide and our business large enough to warrant the expense. Two years may not oven be said to be a sketch. Th that It is with difficulty that those participating in were so novelty is simply dialogue strung together fo thft fpoit can move around. Kow«Terf (he maxim of WARD ago we made the first Jersey suits ever worn by any ball team. The Chicago team the purpose of introducing a loner and connecte "the morn tho merrier,11 holds good in this cast1 , as delighted with them as a change suit that last year not only they, but others, adopted this in si nee after the order of tbe entertain the dancer* mid the skaters ap;>ear to enjoy them­ TELLS WHAT HE KNOWS per for selves most when the floor is crowded with merry­ of the menttf familiar to the patrona of variety theatres makers. Such is the flight which, gruels the eye* of style in connection with their regular flannel suit. The famous " Nadjy " uniforms Mr. Fred Hnllen and Joe Hart are popula the ^pectators nightly at the rink, but it is nothing about playing the game iu Suits, which up to date have variety artists, and have surrounded themselves when compared wilh tobogganing, either ns an amuse­ New York team were, of course, our product. These Jersey with a company of capable variety performers ment or as a novelty. To the nnaophisticato'l, those his Book on Base Ball. who have never been in the rink befoiv, the si^ht been solely manufactured by us, are the only ones of that material which we believe will last of a car with its occupants whirling aronrvl tbe build*' This week there will be a dash of life added to iug over the chute at the rate of an express train, Not all he knows, of course. at any rate, they certainly will, as experience proves it. Will others? Well, that is hard the local stage, na Mrs. Langtryand Mary An H indeed a novelty, but It is not until they them­ dereon will play against each other. Lizzie selves go on it that they can fnlly comprehend the That would fill volumes. to answer. Evans will produce n play new to this city, ant s&asatious or enjoy the pleasures of tobogganing. "She" will be given on on elaborate acale at th« But just that much every­ Grand Opera House. Tho banquet to Manager Kelly to be given by ntftny prominent np-town residents on the anni­ body has been aching to learn. Monday night a noteworthy event wil versary of the opening of tbe Grand Opera House on On April U will be a grand affair. It will be a gala uieht It is a fascinating book for play­ take ttlncQ at the Walnut Street Theatre, at the Grand Opora House. "The Queen's Mate" will namely, Mrs. Langtry's first appearance in this be the attraction, aud the theatre will be finely decor­ QUR LINEN SOLE STOCKINGS, patented, are absolutely a boon to city as Lady Macbeth in her elaborate and mag- ated for the occasion. ers and spectators alike. It will ni¢ production of "Macbeth," which re­ former; * ball players. In the hottest of summer weather the feet are kept cool cently created such a furore in New York. The Footllght Flickering. increase the skill of the traaredy will be given precisely as it was at the Hose Ooghlau will close May 11. it will double the enjoyment rip about the in Fifth Avenue Theatre, with all the massive Kdna Carey will not go to California, RS annonnced. / and comfortable. And then they are seamless; nothing that can eoenery and mechanical effects, all the hand The Estellof laytou Co. closed its eea*on last week. of the latter. some «pD»lntnientB anil nil th# rich and elegant cos­ Florence will act with Jefferson on percentage, not tumes. Historical accuracy will be closely adhered to, salary. It contains new matter fresh and every dstnil will receive scrupulous attention. A Margaret Mather is now one of tho best pirtng stars double qunrtAttte, an «nlarg«d orchestra »ud 100 aux­ ou t'.ie road. iliaries are among tbe features. from the Antipodes. II. C. Miner will feature Carrie Turner next eeaaon Mrs. Langtry has made the hit of her life as in ' Union Jack." Under the various chapters Lady Mitcbflb, and her work in the difficult role is Pauline Hal] H quite HI in New York from dlpu- our aaid tu show highnrti^tic development, ^he is credited thcriiic w>re throat. with pdwer, intellectual gossip and One readings in till Eihel C.reybrooke has been engaged for ''The Wife" of Pitcher, Catcher, Short Stop, her scenes. It it to be noted that her conception of company noxt season. tbe purt is msinly her own, and that fliie introduces Harry Dalton hai taken Joseph Wheelock'a place in First Basemau, etc., it not only touches of Btnrtlh'g real ism ftud some daring innova­ KANGAROO SHOE Mrs. Langtry's support. the tions. A Heading point is that she brings forward James Owen O'Connor, the celebrated tragedian, con­ tells how every position should womanly pt.u-ea of the part as a subduing influence, templates a starring tour. and in c 'ntradistinction to Lady Sfacbeth's towering ambition and almost fiendish cruelty, Mrs. Langtry Marie Novina B'.afne was ia this citv last week. She be played, but shows how to dresses superbly ttnd will no doubt add to her triumphs has a date at tbe \VuInut. here. Chas. Coghlan ia Slacbtlh, and the other leading It i-t reported that J dices Brown Potter is to enter a use the different curves, how roles are filled by John Malone, Henry DM ton, Louis suit lor divorce from his wife. divert, Frederick A. Kverill, Miss Hattie Rnasell and Lot ta Beaumont has brought a suit for divorco against to mislead the batter, how to other able people. "Macbeth" all the week except her husband, Charles Chappello. "Wednesday night Mid Saturday matineo, whf-n "As Frederic Salomon has signed for two years moro safely, how to steal bases, Ton I ike It" will be given, with Mrs. Laugtry, for the with the New Yoik Casino lorces.' hit first time here, aa Rosalind. Blanche Marsden has been engaged by Hudolph Aronsou for tho Casino companies. how to stop ground hits, how at the Next week, the last of her engagement Viola Alien has signed to olav the female Juvenile Walnut, Mr. Laugtry will play a repertoire. Seala are part iu "Shenaudoah'' nextsausou. to catch fly balls; everything now on sals. "Hands Across the Soa," the English play, is now being booked for a tour next season. the enthusiast wants to know. The great stage of the Grand Opera House will on Monday night and the rest of the week he given Robert Milliard will Join the Nat C. Goodwill forces up to tho most elalioriUj production of Gilleite's dra- ou the forthcoming tour to California. Will be ready by the a/th, mitizaiiou of Rider Haggard's famous novel, "She, 1 Edward Rice is negotiating for the plays owned by tbfct has ever been presented ID this country. The Fred filnralen at the time of his death. possibly a few days earlier. performance of "She" by the pame company made SUHI'O Fulton baa instituted a suit for divorco against quite a sensation down-town early iu the season. In her husband, E. P. Smitb. Uatiftl canae. If you give your newsdealer the up-town performance Messrs Ilaynian and Gil­ Paulina Hull is a eraaa widow, a divorce having lette haro made special preparations ti> adApt "Stie" to beeu granted her from Edmund R. White. your order now it will help the iniDieiiBe atn^e of the popular up-town theatre Minnie Maddorn laid off Isst week. She resumes The weird wunders of this production, with the gene­ her tour Monday. Her season closes May 1, ral interest iu Rider Hazard's extraordinary story, him in guaging his demand, place it as the most attractive and moat sensational o1 Helen Bancroft linn be^n engaged for ibe leading til spet taculrir melodramas. Startling spectacled, female part in *'The Mask of Life" company. of The Athletic Publishing beautiful music and strong dramatic scenes are com­ J. W. Collier is laid up with a very severe attack of bined with the highest effect in tbis production. In rheumatic gout, but he is gradually mending. Company, 1124 Arch St., Phil­ the interpretation of W. W. Furst'a clever nuMo there Young Mr. Booth, son of Agnes Bootn. will be a Guaranteed perfe6l. Warranted in every way, and made out of the finest stock that money wilt be a largely increased chorus and orchestra, and a member of tho Boston Museum company next eca-on. adelphia, will send it for the large force of supernumeraries have* been engaged. Mrs. Rosa M. Leiand, widely known &s a theatrical on this shoe means In some of the great scenes tbere will be at lea*t 150 manager, died in Albany last week of nerrous prostra­ can buy 'and by the best workmen that money can hire. Our guarantee persona ou the etage. tion. price, paper, 25c., cloth, 5oc. the risk and refund the money in case of dissatisfaction. The starring tonr of Walter Matthews, the Louis­ that we take all Among the principal scenes which will be ville, KT., actor, haa closed. It was unprofitable and given with fine effect on the Grand Opera House stace brief. Drop us a line if interested in this subject. Send for samples of flannels and let us are: Tho AVreck of the Dhow, the great Cavo of the Mary Andersrtn rested in this citv last week. She gladly do so without charge. Amahaggera, with the dance ot the Uot-Pot; the charm m suffering from nervous prostration doe to .over­ answer any question you may think to ask. We will of the Rocking Stone, with the leap for life and tho work. Cavo of the Fire of Life. The scenes are painted by the famous artists, Goatcher aud Hoyt. In tbe Tire of Mrs. Helen Danvray Ward has completed her corn- Life »c«ne the-curtaiu rises, showing tho sacred flame puny for next season, but refused as yet to give its in active operation in the centre ot tbe view, throwing make-tip. & BROS., Wesley Shson baa eecnred from Mrs. Bnrnett the A. G. SPALDING beautiful shower of huge sparks as high as the drops, where each fiery -bit breaks into a number ol sole right to produce "Little LorJ Fauntleryy" in emuJler ones .ia it begins to descend. After A few mln- Australia. 241 Broadway* _... ntos'ylay, ttiis Hery foam fain alowly ul*iJe8r l^eiug amfts W. Otrert*, now wtln, B'alfen A Hart's "Cater 1O3 EVSadison Street, eucceeded by » glare of red Itght, while the diologue On" company, wiil have an interest in that veniure proceeds. When Sh* has made ready to plunge into next season. ELL. NEW YORK. the immortal fire it again bursts into a elory of sparks Lizzie Cvans closes her season April 1, aud A week CHICAGO, which almost bides her from sight as She sinks behind ater sails for England. She will remain abroad about them to emerge a shrivelled old woman Instead of the .hree months. beautiful yuuug creature of immortality. Edna CArey will not go to San Francisco, Cal., with :he "Little Lord Fauntleroy" company. Emily Ljt- The kind of flre used is something new to :on t«tea her place. stage craft. It is more akin to a pyrotechnic display Francis Wilson has been discharged from the Casino The Old Reliable, Greatly Improved, than to the ordinary colored light a column of sparks !k>. by Manager Aronsou for iiiKubordinatiou and fifteen feet high and two feet thick, rising from the >roach of discipline. THE out in graceful and middle of the stage aud upeading interview, sharply be­ radiant curves to commence i's fall, IB a spectacle **--*that Clara Morns, in a St. Louis, —— SHIBE'S————— does not disappoint readers of Haggard's story. Thepiart rates society actresses and scores the managers atAgetha \r\\\ betaken by TellulaEvnns, who bad moiany commercial adventurers. SWIFT SAFETY. Anton Sylva, the, tenor, haa been engaged nt the accesses in operas before she joined the cast of "Sh TFIE Mr. FT ill man, the well-known basao. Measra. II eisey,; - Berlin Opera, at a salary of 25,000 marks (56,250) for Harkins and Bowser and maey other well-k nown the 8088011 of four months. mctora are in tbe cast. Mrs. James Brown Potter has derived to add LilDlES' SWIFT and SWIFT TA&DEM. DOUBLE-STITCHED BASE BALLS. 'Camille1 ' to her repertory, and at present Is busily THE MOST POPULAR AND SUCCESSFUL Single HaU, Expv's Paid, engaged in studying tho rule. "She" will be followed by the famous minstrel CYCLK EVER MA1>E. by Mail. per Doz. company headed by the unrivaled entertainers, [r?. W. E. Sheridan was still in Australia at last SHIBE'S League Ball Thatcher, Primrose aud West, with a programme con­ advices. The report that the was on her way back to NOVELTIES FOR 1889. Catalogues Free. taining so many Loveltiea that it will be practically a this country waa raiher premature. Association Ball $1.25. $13,00. new one. Tho Lillian Lewis Co. closed a profitable season at THE COVENTRY MACHINIST CO. Ltl. SHIBE'S Dallas, Tex., and the company to>k advantage of the 239 ColnmTjns Ave., BOSTON. The National Theatre's attraction this week cheap excursion rates to Washington, D. C. SHIBE'S Eastern League Ball, will be that popular actor, Sid C. France, who will ap­ William S. Moore baa a new opera, "Tho Shah of For 21 yeara makers of the famous "Club" Cjclea. pear, presenting for the first time in this city, hid 'ersia," tl:e work of I'hi'adelphia authors, which he latest success, "Jealousy." The piece Is unlike anj oteodtf to spring as soon as opportunity presents. PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS with which the average theatre patron la familiar, in Manager Pituii has signed a contract by the terms of that the aUr part is that of a slave, whose beautiful hlch W. J. Sc&nlan n to piny at the Grand Opera, STRONG & GREEN CYCLE CO., By our system of manufacture we have a perfectly smoo!h Ball no devotion to those who nave befriended him ii quite New York Citv, for tho next fire years during tho week TOT Arch Street. hard seams to hurt the hands and impossible 13 rip or lose its shape. the feature of the evening. if St. Patrick's Day. SHIBE'S Cluis using our make will never be required t3 use a new Bail for prac­ Hurry B. Wannemacher's Military Band ia Ja great for a sample Ball, and we reel assured In the prologue Mr. France is Uncle Pete, temand for the cnnimlng sumroer season. Harry tice. Ali we ask is an order n old and privileged slave on the .Stantou plantation, irahu baa enzaged it for the season of "The Fall of that we will be able to number you among our future customers. Tery devout, but with a pride in the skill of his sou labylon" at Broad and Dauphin B tree I a. EASTERN LEAGUE. Toby M ft horse jtickey. The curtain lines on a Daniel Frohoian had alrealy booked the pl«mlld piece cf icenery, a Lex Ing ton race track with Manager of a our of K. II. Suthern for the season of 1890-1. The THE lovers of the apoit standing about in Anticipation ntire route has been com pitted, and covers torilory race that Is on. Toby, who is in love, jields to tempta­ York to Saa Fraooisco aud return. tion aud is bribed by the owners of the opposition horse rom New to throw tho nice. LVfo /Wij in tho prologue, is Sugar, in name as well be author. MANUFACTURERS (exclusively) OF BASE BALL GOODS. as in act, deeplv in love with 3'oty. Miss West ia an Witltor Bentley, who. a few yonr* ago played leading aL'Je Btcond to Toby In all bis efforts to circumvent the >arta in this conntry, has brought an action fur libel ARE TiH&ny of Hugh Woii," -'In* -mar," "Galatea," tlLeah," "Lady of Ly­ lillie Sackett. Tlie entire company will sail from BICYCLE CO., Li't'd, GO;! S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. ons,'1 "Ixindou Assurance*' and "School for Scandal," [ew York City April 9. PHILADELPHIA thnsnSording the voting actress oxcolleat opportuitity The nf gotiations for the Booth-Modjeska combiDa- 831 AKCH STREET, TRUSSES, to disi^iay her talent in a wiJe range of characters. ion of 1S89 having been settled by the signing of the PHILADELPHIA, PA. \\T A TYTrrT1 'n A BASE BALI' Blits Itowley, althaugh comparatively *a novice, has, ODtract by Modjeska, it ia now announced (tmt their »\ Al\ 1 fjU POOL SELLER ii(iTi'r:hftlt ts l;«eu received cverj- where she has ap- jur will present them in *'Ha:nl*t," "Richslieu," lilt line of Boys and Girls' Bicycles and Tricycles. SUSPENSORY SAGS, Etc. t) take charge of a p;ol room on percentage. H»'8t peiir-d with tho highest encomium* by press and pub- The Merchant of Venice," "Macberb," "Much Ado aud only place in tbe city tlmt lia» beeu in operation lic< her youfh, beaoty, ^tilck dramatic instinct and \bont Nothing," "The Fool's Revenge" and "Marie for tlnee- years past, itig money for riiiht man. Ad­ t motional p..wcr commanding instant rc-c ignition. tuart." The laet two plays will form a double bill, SEXD FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND E. A. YARNALL, dress with reference to POTT HUUS., Culumbua. Ohio. > with her natural resources, s host of friends Mr. Booth appearing ia the first-Datced,a&d Modjeska mml wt'll-wisbers, aud c. nipetorit nittnagpmcnf. thrre u the last. ; 10ZO WALNUT ST.. PHILAB'A. ia every reason for believing that Miss Ituwley will -BICYCLES- MAKKR OF FINE SHOES A feature of Manager Hurry B. Main's gigantic No. 33 .S. lltli .St., 1'liilii. make a hit. Fall of Babylon" at the Fore pa ugh circus grounds And Terms of Easy Payments to LYMftN'S NEW WIKD-GiUGE SIGHT. MILES, le^-'omiog summer; will be tho gladiatorial struggles, Send for Catalogue of Sights and Rifles. "The Tigress" company disbanded in this bich will be pjiiticiputed in by a host of trained ath- Address WM. LYMAN, Midd!efield, Conn. Special care jjhon to our ready-made aud -realistic. KIRK BROWN, eily SHinnU} oveniug nfter a rather unfortunate etos, and will be exceedingly exciting 18 South Broad Street, PHILADELPHIA department. cngi^fHU'tit. The coni^sitiy waa to have played Manager II»rry B, Mahn has arranged to put 10,000 ihrt'U^li tbe South, but tlittt plan was given tip, al- (its in tbo Forepaugb circus groundi for the accom- Morphine and Wh!«kr Hat>lt» paln- tt» ugh Kaifitfy Morris, tho antlior, talks of resuming lodatiou of the hosts of citizens sad strangers, who, i t Tho Marvlcbono Cricket Club, of London, haa con­ r.'u cured.cure. Treatmentreamen tentent on trial tributed £233, a liberal percentage of the receipts of ASSOCIATED FANCIERS tree. Confidentially aiMrrss Thila., are the manufacturer* b» WJIUXMI Uifr mi. Retina Fetter, who played the expectett, will visit "Tbe Fall of Bdbyloa" next 837 B, Eigbtk St. PtiUdelua H. L. u!Ibe J. L. SULLIVAN Cis»M. l«*di:ig part, baa positively decided to abandon tiie ummer. . , tLU year's Australian gaoiea at LjrJ'a, ta charity. OPIUM KliAMEli, Sec., ikilil) UFaj LK'HTEMROS., 8 THE SPORTINO March 2O. BILLIARDS. EEACE'S SPOETIM GOODS, NEW YORK NOTES. 6io88uie to I hem. I1U room-keeping Lutiiueiu is M imperative as theira. They know that UNIFORMS they wiuIJ uut t° to him. It is demanded that he come I, ere thrico or els« *Uy here thiee uiotiths, be­ Prices of Complete Uniforms \X7lIvL now call your attention to our latest success, cause in their hearts they hope that he will rt-m*.n No. 2-0, - - - Price, $6.OO. when* h« is. The special altf-ntion of brfl players fs called to our (WITHOUT SHOES): FAIR PLAY. new genuine KANGAROO BASK BALL SHOE, which will I cau account fur Mosaou's singular proposing to he used (his coming st-nsou by the Chicago, New Yoik, $3.00, $4.OO, Base Ball. BclmeitT only by asiumiuj* that the di*comfurta aiid Detroit and other prominent League players. The New Patent Seamless CHiii i t\vnrJd i>t EtrauhtfoiwanlneiS have made him The above cut represents thia Shoe, which ie made w*-nry ot fa: r play. There is, after nil. humethiug to frvm selected geniiiuo Kangaroo skin, all hand sewed, The ball proper is exactly the same as our celebrated admire in the morrtl suavity that, wholly repressing slipper heel, cut low in fr>"nt, and wide, so they can be $5.00, $8.00, conscience, uermitB the will to become dominant, i'er- laced tight or looso as the player like". American Association Ball. The difference is in the haps the world is all tliw htppier and butler lur having Each pair is provided with alligator laces, and the In it \UiatHrtt apologcticalty termed th« planters of whole Shoe made with reference to comfort and the and $1O.OO cover only, which being seamless the possibility of its progre^tt the mt-n who go ttrMgtit uboiit the thing hard usage reijuirf d of it. that pleases them, who are unjust and fear uot. To he Our new Hand Forged Shoe Plates for toe and heel ripping is precluded. perfectly happy nowadays it would soemas if a prof-s- will bo riveted ou when required, withuu; additional per Man. eional must he either supremely selfish or BO sublimely exptuse. good thnt nobody will bother him. 1 shall not alto­ It is easier on the hands and will not bruise, as is gether blame 8'ossou if he has growu selfigh. When HOW TO MEASURE. he was dUpofled to be fair in his ti-rma far more t!;an piece f nianilla often the case with the present style, especially when I«i% indeed, for HS an emplojue of a rival houso he fliciei t fiizr, and offwroii t> play iktiaefvr on the letter's own table hu directions $1.00, $1.25, the ball is wet. wa» baftl-d, and the interests of general billiards were take your wholly subj cted to ti.dividiml enda by a etupid fraud th it ;a of iniLcriaLablo record. Scliatier was not re­ foot flat on the $1.5O, $2.25, Try one and be convinced. Price, each, $1.75; sponsible for it. with a pencil d ihc foot close per dozen, $18.00. AS TO THE POOL TOURNAMENT. take other $5.OO, $6.OO. From lottt-ra that have reached me I find own in the that ou'eido of this city there is an im­ tournament was Bend for SAMPLE liofore or- pression that the recent pool elsewhere. under the auspices of the New York rcuni- FOOT. deriug pool dis­ .. INCHES. keejerg. The fact that it was at continuous SEND FOR 1880 CAT­ proves this to those who are analytical, for the room- Antique Split kiepera cannot afford to establish -A syetvm of play ALOGUE. who.e outccine, it professionals can shape the taster Bat is made of am H ten re, must be to tnrce them to ctmrge for pool by the hour. The committee was f-elf-cou*tituted, not of the very best, thor­ representative. It insurtd nothing but the table. Messrs. O'Connor and Dily are employees of & manu­ oughly seasoned sec­ facturing firm. The relation* between Messrs. Fiey SatWacUon b^TirSf Jj"3R, "hoeguaranteed 318 FULTON ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. and Daly have long beeu too unanimous to be over­ ond growth ash, and is considered by professionals the best shaped and balanced in use. looked by room -keeper 4. Mr. O'Connor is an intelli­ gent man, not too pioiia to tie dangerous to the guarantee you receive the most perfect bat on the market. Per community, but yet blessed with an inherence of rec­ Send $1.00, and we'll titude, although it has beeu a little shaken by the j dozen, $10.00. rigor* ot association. Had men »uc!i ad ho boeu at the helm fur the pist ten years, billiards would not now be in the hands of those whoso con­ sciousness is pecuniary «nd possessory, and whose con­ venient honebty is akin to that of the pagan Romaud, QUR No. ooo Full Left-Hand who conceded ;i wide margin to d*-p^avity whenever it could be utilized lor their own good. But 1 desire it Catcher's Gloves are made of to be distinctly understood that I do not think that Mr. O'CoDiior alone could have saved uillinrds He is the best mouse-colored buckskin resolute enough when he la profoundly stiired, but ho is grocioiuly yielding at other time*, aud agrees too and are extra thickly padded and often fur the sake of asreeing. It follows thnt others Will have their way when he is indifferent as to hia lined with the best chamois skin; own. Hia presence wad not earientiul to the workings of the committee, for there was a mnjoiity without him, the full left hand with or with­ Thus he becomes like the gentleman rider on the turf. He eclats as a voucher fur what sometimes Is not. He out sole-leather tips. This is the can in thid way unconsciously do harm to billiards, His presence may not always disarm suspicion, but it glove used by the most noted i* calculated to repress criticism. I.e4 ters from & distance refer to another feature of catchers of the League and As­ ibis tpurti.'ttuenf. There ha-* been an oliiisaiou, from TO appears to be hoped. It is WE REFER BY PERMISSION which much lor billiarJa II Y, sociation. Per pair, $5.00. absolutely void of moral value, ft. merely typefies a FARRAU, SEE WELCH, FOUTZ, personal "diisflgref ment, one man now having the pjwer BASTIAN, bA<:-ETT. STOVEY, TERKY, Improved it and ia liable to have it WOOD, ' H'GEAIIHY, LYONS, ' M'KEAK, Agents for Invin's where the other has- had LEY, ehoilly again. Inconsistency has been one of the MULVEY, -BUCK NICOL. , Catchers' and Infielders' Gloves. curses of billiards. Men are shamefully abused, and TIEKNAtf, BTllDICK, CORKILITX. GOLDSBY, torn to .tatters, WELCH, MVEUS, TEBEAU, VAUUHN, their reputations perhaps unjustifiably AN, only to be used by their matigners by-ind-bye for the CARUOLL, DAILY, KEEN CHAMBERLAIN, Billiaida id like polttica a BECKLEV, W-IDSISB, LAT1IAM. RA.MSKY, purpose of abusing others. lIILLElt. TATE, O'JJEIL. SKWAliO, game of "ins" and "ones." Kt'EHNE, NASII, BROWNIN'O. Uniforms will be fully up to the high standard for MINOR MENTION. COLKMAK, BROWN, P1NCKNET, CAUUTHER3, It Is gratifying to perceive that the new billiardjw- quality and durability of former years. We have a new and ociatiou i.< gaining recruila rapidly. New Yonters or to any other player in the League or Association, and they will say wieh it wtll, aud without wishing ill to the senior or­ tried article in this line, viz.: the ganization. that CLAFLIN makes the Best Base Ball Shoes. Eihelinda, daughter of the late Cornelius Vanderhilt, died in this city two weeks ago. She was the wife of Daniel Alien, somewhat known in billiard circles here, Seamless Base Sail Uniform.,, —— Lake, the mace M. CLAFLIN, aud an athlete besides. Prof. William WALDO player, waa also related to the Vonderbilta by mar­ For durability and comfort it is unequalled. It can be made to riage- 831 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. In recognition ofhiii gentility, no less than of hi; fit tight or loose, and will not rip or shrink. We can furnish anil), Randolph Heist r is growing *n demand hero aa a letcher. it in any color or combination of colors, with the certainty of There are two rooms m this city whose copartner­ ship can be severed with cash. It is unlisely that the being absolutely fast. The letters or monograms are woven in lease of one will be renewed. A once familiar figure in onr amateur circles has *j^l the goods, and consequently will not come off, as is' the case Within the paat few days come under judicial review for lunacy. Hi.* anccstorn were dashing privateers- 'as*r ' when sewn on. men in the days when men like Alexander Hamilton were smugglers or tlavers without being abashed, for J. W. MANSFIELD, they weru ia the fashion. Tneir estate waa then a -A-ATE., send you catalogue and uniform samples, giving full des- largo ooo lying along the banks of the East Rivtr, S xi its «t On receipt of address \vill --above the present Fourteenth street. Some of the FOB hAMl'LES ANO PRICES. -T revenue from it has since gone to open billiard rooma. criptiou of our goods. Brooklyn room-keepers are at a disadvantage in feeing required to otaerve the Sabbath, This was AMUSEMEJJTS. drawback anywhere in the Kaat until Gamier in 1S72 'S opened his place iu thit* city on Sunday to cater to the ATIONAL THEATRE. Hebrew children, and Maurice Doily followed Bait N Kidge avenue, Tenth and Callowhill Btreeto. AND O0. } ftcrcss th« street. A. J. REACH 25, 50. 75C. of pluck and miCES ALWAYS TUB SAME. 15, Jotin Murphy,* Boston room-keeper RESERVED ORCHESTRA CIIAIUS, ONLY 50Ct«. push,ush, h;ts several irons in the fire with which to scorch MONDAY, MARCH 18, STOCKINETTE JACKETS. billiarards into energy. MATINEES TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND WE HAVE A FL'LL LINE OK Pomeroy's room, this city. Is next spring to underga 1022 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Frank Norton, who haa a SATURDAY. a change of eomo sort. Engagement of the Popular Comedian, JACKETS, alonn been na silent a partner aa one of his tempera­ MEN'S CARDIGAN ment po&iMy can be, tells me that he ba« no time to SID C. FKANCK IN ALT, WOOL AND \YORSTE1), attend to it. Koaming in the meadow graas of Long And the. Charming Sonbretto, At 1.50, 2.00, 2.2.5, 2.50, 2.7o, 3.00, Island la lean conflnin?. It is understood that Mr. MISS ABA WEST Pomeroy ta disinclined to tax hia strength by under­ In the new soiiflatioual comedy-drama, entitled 3.2.5, 3.50, 3.75, 4.50,5.00, taking its management alone. Partita from Auburn, N. Y., have b«en npgo'ittting. It has been a busy C.OO and 7.00 Each. etaud, and its possibilities are looming still. MAKUFACTUBEKS ASD DEALERS IN Gns Grolo h»a been trying to make a billiard match for 81,000. The veteran has ascertained that nowa­ MEN'S STOCKINETTE COATS, days money does not weigh. He who would make a JEALOUSY, SAMPLES NOW READY. AND HIDING match must produce a directory to prove that his man SPLENDID FOR HUNTING la a prologue sndfonr actg, introducing the wonderful The moat complete lino in ihe cccntry. embracing six gra !«3 of flannel Itfes in a browiiHtxme house and a book of heraldry to RACE SCENE AT LEX1NGTON, and 7.50 Each. prove that he ia blne-bloO'iod. At 3.00, 4.00, 5.00 6uka ranging from the LEAGUE UNIFORM djira to the cheapebt A novelty never beforn presented. ALSO. A famous loom, ' The White Elephant,'' will pass A GREAT CAST. bays1, In nil co)cr» and shades; aieo tLo out of txioteuce oa May 1. It has been a great winner. Wonderful Mechanical Effects. MEN'S ENGLISH WORSTED, Beautiful Scenory. New Music. BILLIARDS SOUTH. SECURE SEATS IlURIXO THE DAY. 8:30 TO C. FOOT BALL JERSEYS, 157 Broadway, N. Y. FAMOUS NADJY UNIFORMS, Branch Ticket Office Nona Stand. Continental. AND Harvey McKenna'8 Observations in the Lone NKXT WEEK MONDAY, MARCH 25, n.O'J« of knit gf)dd«, same as LOW vein by many cf tho League c!uba, Star State. MINNIE OSCAR GRAY in ihe. I'ictnreaque IJnima.the ENGLISH WORSTED SWEATERS GREATLY IMPItOVED and pronoucceJ a great BUCCC^- SAM A.iTCmo, Te.\., March 10. Editor SPORT- OLD OAKEN BUCKET. ISO LIFE: A pool tournament is in progress at AnD GUERNSEYS, Send for samples and full particulars to Monger's billiard room for two prizes one RAND OPERA HOUSE, IN A FULL ASSORTMENT. »v2 AVE. diamond stud and one gold medal first prize G COR. BROAD AND MONTGOMERY THOMAS F. KELLY...... Uannuor. lAl first choice. The games create a good deal of E. CHOLMELUY JOKES...... Business Manner. excitement and the hall is crowded every night. ONE WEEK, WEDNESDAY The players are all equally matched and rank Commencing AND St., Boston, Mass. almost among the professionals. The names MARCH 18, SATURDAY MATINEES EIGHTH A>D MARKET STS., of the contcfitttnts are: Kampniatiu, Winslow, Adh- William Gillelte'ri big production of ford, Wewcnber^, Fisher, Story, Rubmson and Howard. Mr. Sum Bann-e, the young uiun in charge of Men- "The Decker Safety Catching ger'B hall, is a fine pool player, tbe champion of the O ————— 'State/aud will play it mutch gitme witb any one coni- S GLOVES Ing His way. He will aentl the results oi tbe tourna­ SHE HUTCHINSON ment when fiDi-tied. FUB3TS BEAUTIFUL MUSIC, RENDERED BY A ARE THE BEST MADE just inado a complete tonr through theSonth, GREAT CHORUS. I luivo For driving or strefet,weor. Mfule frith fcivli!g cxnilii.ionB at:d find bUKlnfB^ good. 1 will give A LARGE AND POWERFUL DRAMATIC CAST. Our TRADE MARK ttuse ball goods wo fur the second tlhie .Sunday cnre from eelectefl stock and wArrantod. fin exhibition Kame here The entire production under the direction of Those wishing serviceable gloves and to guarantee m every particular ond consider thefu liight. 3 pliiyed Satnrduy niilit, and in«t with Krertt of IIAYMAN AND GILLETTB. Uarn liow to get tlit-ui aii'l save money, the bett ever put upon the marke*. Amont; cur lead­ Bncces*. AfjiT which I will leave for the Republic for his Mexico anil thence to CflHfoinia, and will return to Drill;- Ihe Children to the Mnlineci. 'SPuil stamp to the manufacturer ing *i;edaltieB are THE KKEFE LEACXTK to Sl.'JO. | POPULAR PMCES. book about gloves. IMablisli0(11802. >'ew Y< rk \ y laltsr part of ^epltiuber, aud will plwy POPII.AH PRICES | 25c. Keefe's personal flurervision Seals on ea!o at Simpsou's Pianoforte Ware- ISATjIj, made under Mr. ny IIIHII in the world at ftralarlit billiarili, 2,5(111 poinu JOHN C. HUTCHINSON, and according to League s^ccificationa. SPKCJAI^ New York, at Block'« Billiard rooms, 1423 Chestnut street. Continental Hotel and up, to be plu^ej iB N. Y. growth Parlor. HAKVEV the Grand Opera Iloua*. JOHNSTOWN, LEAGf E BAT mode from Becoiid NKXT WEEK, csb, twa yeare standing and warranted all By using this Glcve the tali !s easily; Gnrotn». THATCHER, PRIMROSE & WEST'S straight fiiained. NO. O CATCHER'S GI^OVKS handled without injury. On tli6 morning of the 12t!i hist. Harry DunlMir died THE OLYMPIAN. wiih heavily padded fmsers and fulm. CRONKIl t lu"8 lio!ue in tMs city, ilia fnnerul will t*ku |,l Hce Tbe b«-8t JOCK STRAP ever invented fur athletes' PATENT KANGAKOO BASE BALL SHOK $5. WAILED TO ANY PART OF U. S. FOR ADDITIONAL 20c FOR POSTAGE of tho pro- PRICE PER PAIR tltin Hfttriiooii. In <>d be^t g!ove manufactured. E. L. THA YER. Buffalo J3unf Ball Club. Anial'eur (W'Me, Jr., defeated Slos-on (straight rail UNIFORM, as wuru by the New York Lea^uo I have used your Decker Safety Catching Gloves and think them superior to any in the market. I have given them a fair trial and And them to be the best glove I have ever used .-DAVID. OLDFIELD.. Toronto Base Halt Club.. ' n^uiiiht 14 inch Lulk-lioe) in tbe Columbia room, Now Club last teason, but greatly Improved. In toct, I fongid«r th- *«--'--- *-' -*--"-"---"«------Gloves to be the-' best - base ball " ploves manufactured and would recommend runs of 75,152, AS LADY MACIiKTll. nsider the Decker Safety Catchiup Vtrit Cily. ou M*JT!I 5. ()(!«lie made everything in the base lull Hue for b-jth professionals andadviHio all l>a!l .players . to- use. . them. . . .4, C. JAXTZEX, Minneapolis Base Ball Club. £4C. AvorsKfl t>y Oddie, 28 4-7. gloaaon wai beaten WeduesJay Sight aadSaturday JIalide«as ROSALIND Send for Descriptive Circular to ll'/i jx'ints iu CCO up. BILLIARDS nd amateurs, embodying t! e latest ideas and im­ IN prove m cuts us furuiBbed by ourselves und the leading JENNEY & GRAHAM CUM CO., 53 State St., Chicago. i»eiifte*er h-s iiot accepted ?I^§«on*9 challeDg* to tho A DECKER, .Mnt'i §., C8 Stonroe St., Chlcsao. billiards, AS YOU LIKE IT. The Brunswick-Ualkc-rolleiiflor Co., layers of Hie coautry. Stnd for CATALOGUE j Or BCCKiiEY Work! for contuses (it two different -tylos ol POMPASY. i. e , cu8liiuu-cii:onie and 14-inch balk-line gamea, f( r MR. COGIILAN AND A POWKIIFI'L 'Out Door S[>ort-«) mailed frofe on opplicatiot), con!nin- Trices, J1.50. 51.00, 75c., Wk., 25?. and POOL TABLE M'ftrs, tl.i.HK) » K^de ouch conlest. Slosgon, under dutc of BILLIARD and prices of good"; als> HINTS ON ! HAKCH 25, LAST WEEK MRS. LANGTBY. WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DEALERS IN ALL i>2 iloflciiptlon O'DKA-'S Jlarch 8, uffrra to make tbo balk-line game 800 PITCHING, by T. J. Keek, which will be valuable I LAKKY pt-iii's nji. THE! PHILADELPHIA IB i 11 i .n r d STJIJO jp> li © s. to every ball player. j I HE ACTORS' CVP. A m«tch game of continuous A. (i. SFAI.UING & BROS.' Sporting Goods. t for UM actors' championship c*\cd on Send for Catalogue. STo. 137 North Eighth Street, Phila., l^a. i..j liiirlit rf d!arch 8, at irl-Bs-m'a rooms, bvtueen liurr W. BIcIniosh and "B-ib1 ' IJDIian). Tho g;imo wa.i for the MASON BALL, which has been officially adopted 1AO jH.Jfjls up, and Mclnfosli wen, wub HJlidrd«- H. J. BERGMAN, Soie Agent te-n points teliiml. K. Tar buck was the referee. 1OO3 ARCH STKKET, Fill LAUELPI1IA. 8.^,0!.1889 by the M:! a^for is holding another tournament in lits Chi- Seamless Sporting Shoes.! Sr^J,8, ca^«t room, wli«re he agniii <-flnt8 acath prize of SICO Twenty-third and Chestnut Streets. Jlf.1t Kttlic/ill'00 Ji. ft. Sluii- - - - #;>.«« lt> ttiKhTcal jiluyor wlio film 11 wore the gr^atret uum'opr NEW! Heat drain C'filf, 7?(«s.vt-( nr JtlarU - 4.,"iU o' cinoriH in pUj-fuu; t*o coule^h *jf 4(X> points with SOMETHING BILLIARDS. Complete irtllt Toe ami Heel Plaits. 1'iiO, f\t the champion's pftine. John Mouldi, who won The beat thins in the city in the amusement line, IIEADQI'AKTEIH FOH THE EVEKY r.iltt ei'ARAXTEED Sclaool ' .'f-sn prize j'lizc of {1(X> iu the first lournauieiit, sife and fascinating, loiter than Hi-) far-fit med snow 8KND FOU CATALOGUE. akating, dancinsr, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Billiard iir«d fr-jm this one, »boegau s'ide of the Jiurth. Roller Tables, Carom Combination and Pool. pool t iXiroament was played off wo bands of nireid Open every evening. Sfec'nl GRAFF SPORTING SHOES, AND ALL AMATEUR LEAGUES OF THE CITY. lie triple tie in the anil children every afternoon, ea- BilliaFd Oo^.ld^ of every dcsciiplion always on haud; : wt fit iu Ui»i kl.'n. Ou Monday ni^ht 1J (fro beat ciuiiitcca fur ladies 281 COURT ST., BROOKLYN N. Y. THE CHEAPEST PLACE FOR ALL BASE BALL GOODS. Uniforms a u\f,\it Fr*y beat Malouu eptiui; Monday and Friday. Over 50O,OOO .Voi'se SiiMuer.1 Hold. > bv 1GI t> i:i7, Tuetday CALL AND frEi;; No litOIBLE TO SilllW SAMPLES. ?o 127: Wi-diicmliy ni^Ut Aial'..n.» heat PMro 1.18 Admission...... 2-*> Centp. Ordtrglrom ull j;arlH of th<- world promptly attended t(X « 157; nii'Tliuia'iiiy uuht Fn-j l>eat D'Oro I(i5 to W, ...... 10 Ct-iiU. JOHN CREAHAN, th<> world. Kiihcr R ily r«ifit Midou Fii^a.. ui^bt D'Uro bc»l Ual.L*152 to 106. FUKE USE OF Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. i«*», '1M.VU4 Co., Also Solo Agent for CHAFF'S CELEBRATED SPORTIXG SHOES.