COFTEIGHT, lf{9, n THB SPORTISO LIFE PvBiisniso Co. SPORTING LIFEENTEOUD AT PIIILA. TOST Ornct if STCOHB et«ss JUATTSB. VOLUME 12, NO. 24. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 20, 1889. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. may now be commenced in earnest, Mr. Morion says Ion, April 9 and 10; the Phlladelphlas at Newark, the grounds will be, with a couple or three exceptions, April 11; the Prfnceton College team, April 12; the the finest Laso ball and general athletic park in tbe Brooklyns, at Kid^ewood, April 14, and then at New­ UMPIRE DATES. LATE NEWS. A. \V. G. ark, with Brooklyn, April 15; Detroit, April 16; Bca- country. ton, April 17 and lit; at Pa tenon, with Patorson, April DECKEK'S SUIT. 2,7; and then at NewarK, with Hcatou, tho 22d; Torua'o the 23J, Star Athlotics, a etiong local amateur team, the Decisions by the Board of The National League AVins 011 the First 2 1th, and Syracuso the 2Gtb. On April ii7 the chHniplou- Schedule of the Associa­ eeason opens. Issue Raised. Bhip As will be seen by a careful peru«al of the above Arbitration. Special to SPORTINO LIFE. dates we only have open April 13, 18 and 25. Keep tion Corps. PiTTSBuno, March 16. The League gained your eye on the Newark* when they moot Baltimore. first knock-down in the Decker case to-day, that will be a battle wtll worth witnessing and a when Judge Slagle sustained the demurrer en­ fig^t to tho finish. Trott says that Baltimore will The Johnson and Sutton Cases have to do the hardest hustling they ever did to wiu The Work of Each Man Laid tered by the counsel for the League, Judge the game. He means busme.i 8, and don't you forget Slagle said that if the defendant is a corporation, it. Thit game ought to draw well. Decided Sporting Intelli­ the service wis properly made. But it is net named Tho Star Athletics, of Newark, champion spmi-pro- Out for Ihe Coming ea euch in tho writ. This would perhaps be fessional club of Essex County, N. J., who made ouch Rood ground of demurrer, but cannot be a fine record last season 41 games piaye>I and only 5 Season. gence From all Points, taken advantage of upon a motion to set Inst, including a 7-4 game with the Newarka «p«n aside service. Tho demurrer is sustained, their season with the Newarka on April 24. Th<*y Lo:«use tho statement seta out a correspondence with Imve-aUo arranged games with the Stapletona May 12, Special to SPORTING Lrrs. TWO CASKS SETTLED. N. E. Young, one of tho defendant*, by which tbe the New Jersey Athletics May 15 and the Patcrson contract upon which suit is brought in alleged to have Club July 17. They would like to hear from all first- NEW YORK, March 16. Since the appoint­ Decision of the Board of Arbitration In the boeu made. It is not necessary to construe tbat con­ class clubs who lave enclosed grounds for week-Oay ment of Umpire Sullivan as an Association um­ Disputes Over Johnson and Suttnii. tract or determine the liability created by it. This and Sunday games. Addre-s Cha*. Smith, manager, pire, President Byroe an<l Secretary Ebbels have Ejwiul tf\ SPORTING LIFE. niigfct bo determined upon tbe character of the organi- Kinncy and Adams streets, Newark, N. J. been busy on tho umpire schedule, anil here it BROOKLYN, March 16. The cases of Ralph sratiim which he professed to repivs^iit and the extent The Young Newark Club have organized for the sea­ of his {rawer to bind it. Tbe grounds of demurrer are son of '89 with the following plnyem: Captain and is. The work has been carefully done and thero Johnson and Ezra Sutton have been passed nil well tak« n. If it is intended to charge the persona catcher, Chas. Lynch; pitcher, D. Thompson; first base, seems to bo no excuse for growls. Charley upon by the Board of Arbitration, and in each named as co-piirlner,-? under tho name of the National Thomp-on; second base, Hackett; third base. Corwin; Ebbets will soon be the boss schedule maker. case tho result i^ just what THE SPORTING LIFK League of Base Bail Clubs it should be so stated. It short stop, Blulliu; right field, F. Lynch; cculre field, figures will explain themselves not pretended that Rogers and Day took any fart The appended long ago predicted. Johnson's contract with is McKeiiDs; left field. Lfonnrd; iutatitutes, MdVIaiuua, and further comment would be a waste of Columbus has been annulled and he has been in ninklng tho contract, aud unless they are partners Dougher, and tho only John McCauley. Address all witb Young liis action would not bind them. Tbe communications to Charles Lynch, manager, 78 Con- space: remanded to Kansas City's reserve lift, while claim for danvige* is iu the nature of a tort aud cau gtete street, Newark, N. J. f IMS. FERGDSON'S RASTERS SCHEDULE. Sutton has been given to the Milwaukee C'ab. onlv be recovered iu trespass. In Bronlhju—April 25, 20, 27; June 8, 9. 10, 11, 13, Appended are the opinions in full in each case: "This decision," said an attorney, "will give Decker MANSFIELD MELANGE. 14,15. 16; July 30, 31; Aim. 1, 2, !), t; CM/8, 5, 6. Ia an opportunity to amend his claim BO as to bring bis PhifaiMpldi—April 17, Id, 20, 21,22 23,2-1; July S3 The Johnson Case Decided suit within the menu ing of the ruling of the Court, The Team Nearly Completed— The Need of 24, 25, 27, 28, 29; Sepr. 17,1«, 19, 28. 29, 30. Ia Balti­ thus ni:ik;n(r President N. E. Youus and W. A. the Tri-Stato League, Ktc, more—May 30, 30,31; Juuel, 3.4.5,6; Au«. ;.; Sept. Kiniick defendants. That will leave the Court itg, Editor SPORTING 7,9. 10, 12. 13, Hi 21. 23, 24. 7n Codimtiu April In a position to determine whether or not MANSFIELD, 0., March 13. 29, 30; May 2, 3, 4, 5; Ant'. 27, 28, 2», 30, 31; Seiit. 1. 3. Mr. Young as president of the League bad power LIFE: The Tri-State League now being an 4,5; Oct. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. to make ibe contract alleged in Decker's suit, and assured fact Mansfield is rapidly signing her Jl npfivuiB umi uiiipit «I<MIU?UII, » |Jiu_}n umjci L.UU whether tho National League in such au organization FBTIGITSON'S WESTERN SCHEDULE. tract with the Kaii-as City Club, iT the AV'tstern Asso­ of which ibc prreidi-nt iind the. PiiSbnrg Club are such team. We have now for pitchers, Walsh and In CSiM-inii'ili July 10, 11, 12, 13.14,15,18 20 21; ciation, was regularly reserved by said club, aud notice a part ua to entitle Decker to maintain the euit. Wilson; catchers, Dillon and FHzsimmons, the Aug. 17, 18, 20, 2li, 24, 25. / iouimVfe June 'M, 22, CIRCLE. Utter of last year's Cantons; first base, Kav- 2J, 24; Jnly 3, 4, 4, 0, 7, 8; Aug. 7, 8, 9. In St. Lmi« anaugh; second base, Jack Darrah, an old-time JI«y 10, 17, 18, 19, -M. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. 27; Au«. 10, 11. 12, 13, 14, 15. Ia A'»u«<u Cilij— 31ay 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Notice to the Indianapolis Team. favorite; for short, Doricn, a very promising 12. 13, 14; June 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; July 1. Special to SPOTTING LIFE. youngster and an excellent athlete and a player ine Luumiuus (juio negotiated wnn anu signeu me C.IFFNEY'S RASTERS SCHEDULE. SPRINGFIELD, Mass., March 16. The Tndtanapoli* C. E. I3TJFFEE, who IB sure to make hia mark if he has tho In BrooWyii Way 30, ?.0; June 1,2, 3, 4. 5. G; July player, and the pu\er himwlf acted on Ihe supposi­ team has been instructed to report at Indianapolis, for third we have Charlie Al- tion that tho Kansas City Club had tic intention of The New Outfielder and General Player of the St. Louis Club. proper training; 18. 20, 21. 23. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Iu PltiltuMliliiu—Juna March 20,when they will put in tendayiof active prac­ 23,-2t, 25. 26, 29, 30; Jtllv 1; Ann. 30, 31; mamtaiuiDg its organization, had DO control over its tice, aud take th« field Ayril 1,at Louisville, prepared to eott, who was considered the finest third bnse- 13, 20, 21, 22, reserved players, and therefore Mr. Johnson was free man in last year's Tri-State League. Charlie Sept. 1, 2, 3, 4. Ia Baltimore—May K, 27, 28, 29; June make a good showing from the atart. The players are 14, 15, 17; Aug. 27, 23, 29. la tWnmtiiu to fiigo. ftll iu good condition, aud, with ycurs truly, confident ORGANIZED. has many friends here who are glad to welcome 8, 10, 11, 12. 13, a thorough examination of the papers sub­ A LEAGUE KANSAS CITY BRIEFS. July 29. 30, 31; Aug. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8. Sept. 7, 8,9, 12, Upon of doing far better work iban they ever did before. him back. For the outfield we have Baylis and 14,15. mitted In the raso the Boird of Arbitration finds Tho team will practically remaiu as last your witb the The New York State League Now a Fix­ A Legislative Blow to liase Ball—An Im­ Torryaoo, who waa coanidt-red the heaviest and tbat, when Johnson signed the contract iu January addition of Getzein and perhapj Jim Whitney.
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