Base Ball, Trap Shooting and General Sports
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BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 48—No. 8. Philadelphia, November 3, 1906. Price, Five Cents. ORTH, P. CHESBRO, P. \\CLARKSOW. DOYLE,P. NEWYORR X* * ^'*--.;2 }WtLL/AMS,2?3. \\MORIARITY, SUB. L.APORTE,3°B. 0 \§f:D£LEfimmF(m COMROY,O.F ()] Ji J#£* \ HEELER,O.F. \\^DMOFF/WjOf:( IX——————————————K) (y——————————1——————iAj PH/LAOELW/A. I November 3, 1906. Sox, while still, flushed with their than $22,500 for 1907 talent. They are victory, which he did with the assis probably banking on that old adage— tance of Jimmy. Callahan's Logan that "constant dripping will wear a "STAN'S" SCHEME. Square team. In • other words, Tom hole through steel," or words to that gave them a Logan "square deal." effect, and hence believe that by plug Hughes was in the vicinity of Man ging on year after year they'll get ager Cantillon's South Clark street there some day before the clouds roll PRESIDENT ROBISON WANTS GEN- strong-hold when the latter remarked: STRAN6E TALES ANENT HiS WAR back and the last call is sounded, when "Well, Tom, the dull roar of the base hit will be ERAE EAEE SERfES. I'VE GOT YOU." UPON PULLIAM drowned out by the harmony of the "What's that?" says Hughes. "Are you angel harps and the incessant cra\:'K> going to manage Washington?" "I ing of soul-fed flames under the per say I've got you for Milwaukee. It's sonal supervision of Mr. Pluto. Proposes That the Major League back to the minors for yours." "Not August Herrmaitn Said to Have a "SOME DAY" for some years yet if I know myself," is all we can look forward to with the replied Hughes, "but if you mean Fates banked against us as they seem Championship Races be Short you're going- to Washington, you'll see Voice in Brooklyn Club Affairs to be. me pitch some ball next season." Just Tfye. calm: ey?d angel inen call. Fate, ened to Permit an Inter-League then a telegram from President Noyes and to Hold an Option on the StaWds with «drawn sword before the Gate was put in Mr. Cantillon's hands, in That bars out all our dreams. viting- him to come to Washington and And so we stand and wait in vain Series Between AH Clubs. talk things over. The trip resulted in New York American League Club. For a pennant-winning teams.. his signing a contract to manage the And that some day may be next sea local team. The names of Towne and son or 1999, so the only-thing1 to do '•'" " SPECIAL- TO "SPORTING LIFE.'* Roth were inadvertently omitted from SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." is to still fig-ht on and figure as the , Chicago, - 111., Oct. 31-.—President the rather long list of Milwaukee and New York, Nov. 3.—A story is cur poet dopes it out;— , , .-;._- Stanley Robison;,: of the St. Louis Club, Des Moines players on the White Sox rent here that August Herrmann, Sdime: day great- things will happen in this .said, ; while here, .that at the Decem in last week's letter. It is to be .hoped cKalrlnan of the National Commission, world-r- • •-.••: ;. : ~ .' '.' ; r ber meeting' of- the Na that Comiskey will trumpi.^uifta's ': 'v-'-" is also sole owner, of 49 '.-.- 'Sorne;,eta,j- we'll wonder-at th£.cbWtjg-<»s *ai;t;— tional League he will novel, "Under Two Flags," by jwiiiting- per cent, of the stock of -6<?me day : the Stars and Stripes will, all be offer a resolution cut an historical work entitled, "Urid'er the Brooklyn Ball Club, . -. furled-^ .- , ; . , . ; .•; Three Flags," those Of:the world, the (The "Grand Old Rag" will flutter at half ting down the number and that this is to be Wast. ; " of games in the schedule American League and Chicago. The handled in the interest from 154 to 132 and pro POLICY OF THE LOCAL CLUB, of the Brush-Herrmann Some day maybe the great John D. will tarn posing a world's series is well illustrated in its action in sign faction of the National His massive fortune into Hadjey's hand, of games in which the ing Manager Cantillon. It can't be em League at the coming And oil will be the cheapest thing we burn- sixteen clubs In the major phasized too strongly that the sole meeting- of the League Fr6m Portland, Me., to California's strand. leagues should all take object of the gentlemen who control in this city in December. part. The resolution the club is to give Washington a Win- It is known that Herr- Some day "Gy" Young will,pitch his final game, President Rbbison will ner. It would scarcely be putting it mahn is determined to And "Rube" Waddell will lead the simple offer will respectfully too strongly to say that profit is not defeat Pulliam for re- life, • election if possible, and call on the American even a secondary consideration. Para Some, day big Carry's batting will be tame— S. Robison League to co-operate in doxical as it may seem, that is the way H. C. Palliam John T. Brush is heart He'll fail to hit .300 in the strife. his scheme. Said he: "By to make money in base ball. There is and soul with him in Some day Jim Jeffries will get a fall, my plan the regular season in both excellent reason to believe that the the scheme. If the Brooklyn vote can And foot ball will be gentler than tag. leagues will end on September 1, or local owners have been very much be secured by the anti-Pulliam faction Some day—Ah, here's the grandest thought of soon thereafter," said Stanley. "Then interested in reports that Flick will there is a possibility that the League all— the American League clubs will staft not play in Cleveland next year. While vote may be a deadlock. Another story SOME DAY—when Fortune smiles—we'll COD out, each team playing; two games in it is to be doubted whether Messrs. that came to light today, and which that flag. each National League city. When that Somers and Lajoie will part with such may startle the opponents of the amal series has been completed, the Nation a player, even with the wealth'of ma gamation scheme that has been talked All of which is beside the point as al-League clubs will take to the road, terial at their command, it is; pretty of for two years with regard to the to why the Naps haven't done it be each club -paying two games in each certain that if they do they will not American and National leagues is that fore, but one argument which might American Leag-ue city. All the total Plerrmann has an Option on the New be advanced is that almost every man receipts above expenses will be pooled MAKE THE MISTAKE York American League Club, and has on the team being a star, they are and four graded cash prizes offered of letting- him go to some team that had it for over a year. When the amal content to rest upon their reputations the four clubs winning the largest may beat them .out for the flag. Cleve gamation talk was going the rounds and haven't the ambition to put up the number of games. I believe that such land looks an almost sure winner next two years ag;o, it is believed that desperate fight -which is necessary to a series will add from $180,000 to year, even if Flick were- out. But, Frank Farrell gave Garry Herrmann a win a pennant in the American $200.000 to the total receipts under the for that very reason they will doubt figure on the Highlanders, and that League. At least this may be classed present plan of stringing1 out the less be specially careful not to lose Herrmann still holds that as an option. as one among other reasons more or schedule six weeks after the crowds a trick they can take. In fact, they The coming election In the National less potent. , begin to dwindle. It is a novelty and would have won this year without League is shaping- up into a hot fight WORKING FOR 1907. innovations are what the base ball much trouble but for the loss of the for Pulliam. The first Napland deal for 1906-07 fans are always demanding1 and are services of Bradley, Bay, Joss and was shoved through when Jack Town- always Willing to pay for." Moore. And the manag-er of a promi send was shipped to Columbus. The nent team recently expressed to the RICE'S J^ETROSPECT. Delaware Peach failed to come around writer the opinion that they would as Larry figured he would, his same have cleaned up, anyway, if they old trouble—lack of condition—being PROM THE CAPITAL. hadn't slowed up after those disasters, Twenty-eight Years of Base Ball For in evidence. Townsend undoubtedly In short, the Naps •were caught nap Cleveland Has Produced No Pennant, has the goods if he cared to keep him Aftermath of the Cantillon Deal—The ping-. Tour new Cleveland correspond self in condition to deliver them, but ent very aptly picked out' But Hope Still Flickers in the Forest until he decides that he will g-et in Players Reserved by Washington— THE SALIENT POINT there and hand out his best line of The Policy of the Local Club Owners In the Cleveland situation in his first City.