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COFTEIGHT, lf{9, n THB SPORTISO LIFE PvBiisniso Co. SPORTING LIFEENTEOUD AT PIIILA. TOST Ornct if STCOHB et«ss JUATTSB. VOLUME 12, NO. 24. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 20, 1889. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. may now be commenced in earnest, Mr. Morion says Ion, April 9 and 10; the Phlladelphlas at Newark, the grounds will be, with a couple or three exceptions, April 11; the Prfnceton College team, April 12; the the finest Laso ball and general athletic park in tbe Brooklyns, at Kid^ewood, April 14, and then at New UMPIRE DATES. LATE NEWS. A. \V. G. ark, with Brooklyn, April 15; Detroit, April 16; Bca- country. ton, April 17 and lit; at Pa tenon, with Patorson, April DECKEK'S SUIT. 2,7; and then at NewarK, with Hcatou, tho 22d; Torua'o the 23J, Star Athlotics, a etiong local amateur team, the Decisions by the Board of The National League AVins 011 the First 2 1th, and Syracuso the 2Gtb. On April ii7 the chHniplou- Schedule of the Associa eeason opens. Issue Raised. Bhip As will be seen by a careful peru«al of the above Arbitration. Special to SPORTINO LIFE. dates we only have open April 13, 18 and 25. Keep tion Corps. PiTTSBuno, March 16. The League gained your eye on the Newark* when they moot Baltimore. first knock-down in the Decker case to-day, that will be a battle wtll worth witnessing and a when Judge Slagle sustained the demurrer en fig^t to tho finish. Trott says that Baltimore will The Johnson and Sutton Cases have to do the hardest hustling they ever did to wiu The Work of Each Man Laid tered by the counsel for the League, Judge the game.
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