Base Ball, Trap Shooting and General Sports
BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 48—No. 8. Philadelphia, November 3, 1906. Price, Five Cents. ORTH, P. CHESBRO, P. \\CLARKSOW. DOYLE,P. NEWYORR X* * ^'*--.;2 }WtLL/AMS,2?3. \\MORIARITY, SUB. L.APORTE,3°B. 0 \§f:D£LEfimmF(m COMROY,O.F ()] Ji J#£* \ HEELER,O.F. \\^DMOFF/WjOf:( IX——————————————K) (y——————————1——————iAj PH/LAOELW/A. I November 3, 1906. Sox, while still, flushed with their than $22,500 for 1907 talent. They are victory, which he did with the assis probably banking on that old adage— tance of Jimmy. Callahan's Logan that "constant dripping will wear a "STAN'S" SCHEME. Square team. In • other words, Tom hole through steel," or words to that gave them a Logan "square deal." effect, and hence believe that by plug Hughes was in the vicinity of Man ging on year after year they'll get ager Cantillon's South Clark street there some day before the clouds roll PRESIDENT ROBISON WANTS GEN- strong-hold when the latter remarked: STRAN6E TALES ANENT HiS WAR back and the last call is sounded, when "Well, Tom, the dull roar of the base hit will be ERAE EAEE SERfES. I'VE GOT YOU." UPON PULLIAM drowned out by the harmony of the "What's that?" says Hughes. "Are you angel harps and the incessant cra\:'K> going to manage Washington?" "I ing of soul-fed flames under the per say I've got you for Milwaukee. It's sonal supervision of Mr. Pluto. Proposes That the Major League back to the minors for yours." "Not August Herrmaitn Said to Have a "SOME DAY" for some years yet if I know myself," is all we can look forward to with the replied Hughes, "but if you mean Fates banked against us as they seem Championship Races be Short you're going- to Washington, you'll see Voice in Brooklyn Club Affairs to be.
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