HAS THE SUPREME COURT :. IS EXCEEDED ITS POWERS ? Here is why some believe it has. if.] ,1 .1 'i^p ' Welcome ScotchTheWorld Over! DEWARS White Label 86.8 PROOF BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY ©SCHENLEY IMPORTS CO., NEW YORK. N.Y. AbOUt ^7i„ (PRICES MAY VARY ACCORDING TO STATE AND LOCAL TAXES.) The American NOVEMBER 1967 Volume 83, Number 5 POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to P.O. Box 1954 LEGION Indianapolis, Ind. 46206 The American Legion Magazine Magazine Editorial & Advertising Offices 720 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10019 Publisher, James F. O'Neil Contents for November 1967 Editor Robert B. Pitkin A RECORD OF FLAG DESECRATION 6 Art Editor Al Marshall BY THOMAS A. HOGE Assistant Editor A review of unlawful acts of contempt for the flag, and of John Andreola the legal controls—present and proposed. Associate Editors Roy Miller James S. Swartz HAS THE SUPREME COURT EXCEEDED ITS POWERS? 10 Assistant Art Editor BY NEWTON FULBRIGHT Walter H. Boll Production Manager The Supreme Court is at a low ehb of national respect. Public criticism, Art Bretzfield resentment and ridicule of it abound, while many legal scholars Copy Editor agree that it has dangerously exceeded its powers and Grail S. Hanford abandoned its traditional restraint. What is the Circulation Manager case against the Court, and what Dean B. Nelson remedies are proposed? Indianapolis, Ind. Advertising Director Robert P. Redden IS NOW THE TIME TO ELIMINATE FARM SUBSIDIES? 16 Chicago Sales Office TWO SIDES OF A NATIONAL QUESTION Raymond W. Welch, Jr. pro: rep. PAULFINDLEY (R-ILL.) 35 East Wacker Drive Chicago, 111. 60601 con: rep. frank A. STUBBLEFIELD (D-KY.) 3)2 CEntral 6-2401 THE GREAT CHICAGO FIRE 18 CHANGE OF ADDRESS: BY PAUL DITZEL Notify Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, An account of the 36 hours in Chicago's history when the Ind., 46206 using Post Office Form 3578. Attach old address label and heart of the city was leveled by the roaring give old and new addresses with ZIP Code holocaust of 1871. number and current membership card number. .\lso be sure to notify your Post Adjutant. NEW CASTLE, DEL—FROM 1651 TO NOW 23 The American Legion BY ALDEN STEVENS Publications Commission: James E. Powers, Macon, Ga. (Chairman); A travel article for today's motorists about a three-centuries-old Howard E. Lohnian, Moorhead, Minn. (Vice town that was an important port in America's early Chairman) ; Bob Whitteniore, U' atertown, S.D. years. Thirty-ninth in the series "Seeing (National Commander' s Representative); Lang .'\rmstrong, Spokane, Historic America." Wash.; Charles E. Booth, Huntington, 11. Va.; Adolph F. Bremer, Winuna, Minn. ; John Cicero, Swoyer- ville. Pa.; Clovis Copeland, Little Rock, Ark.; HOW TO PROTECT YOUR CREDIT RATING 24 Paul B. Dague, Downingtown, Pa.; Raymond BY JOE GORES Fields, Guymon, Okla.; Chris Hernandez, Savannah, Ga.; George D. Levy, Sumter, S.C.; Credit today is almost as important as cash was yesterday, and a good Dr. Charles R. Logan, Keokuk, Iowa; Frank C. Love, Syracuse, personal credit rating is a priceless asset to almost everyone. N.Y.; Morris Meyer, Stark- ville. Miss.; J. H. Morris, Baton Rouge, La.; Here an author with experience in repossessing unpaid-for Robert Mitchler, Oswego, III.; Harry H. goods paints the inside picture of how your Schaffer, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Bradley J. Stephens, Los credit rating is judged. Altos, Calif.; Wayne L. Talbert, Delphi, Ind.; Benjamin B. Truskoski, Bristol, Conn.; Robert H. Wilder, Dadeville, Ala.; E. Meade Wilson, Mulberry, Fla.; Edward McSweeney, NOVEMBER 11—VETERANS DAY 28 New York, N.Y. (Consultant) BY NATIONAL COMMANDER WILLIAM E. GALBRAITH brief illustrated A feature by the Legion's National Commander The American Legion Magazine is published outlining how Armistice Day became Veterans Day, monthly at 1100 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. 40201 by The American Legion, Copyright and it what stands for. 1967 by The American Legion. Second-class postage paid at Louisville, Ky. Price : single copy, 20 cents; yearly subscription, J2.00. Departments Order nonmember subscriptions from the Cir- culation Department of The American Legion, P.O. Box LETTERS 1954, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. TO THE EDITOR 2 LIFE IN THE OUTDOORS 39 Editorial and advertising offices: 720 EDITOR'S CORNER 4 PERSONAL 5lh Ave., 44 New York, N.Y. 10019. Wholly owned by DATELINE WASHINGTON 15 BOOKS 49 The American Legion, with National Head- quarters VETERANS NEWSLETTER 29 LEGION SHOPPER 54 at Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. William E. Galbraith, National Commander. NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 31 PARTING SHOTS 56 Manuscripts, artwork, Advertising Sales Representatives cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed stamped envelope is JE Publishers Representive Co. included. This magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material! 8380 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, California 90069 420 Market Street San Francisco, California 94111 THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • NOVEMBER 1967 — , LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters published do not necessarily ex- for the heart of the idea would lie in press the policy oj The American Legion. Keep letters short. Name and address must the help it would give to expanded de- be furnished. Expressions opinion of and velopment of sports for our youth in requests for personal services are appreci- ated, but they cannot be acknowledged or general. answered, due to lack oj magazine staff for As a physician in the field of mental these purposes. Requests for personal serv- ices which may be legitimately asked of health, I cannot overemphasize the value The American Legion should be made to of regular sports activity in maintaining your Post Service Officer or your state (Department) American Legion Hq. Send not only physical but mental fitness in letters to the editor to: Letters, The our increasingly American Legion Magazine, 720 5th Ave- complex society. More nue, New Yorl^;, N.Y. 10019. emphasis on play, and opportunity to learn play and its skills, will be ever OUR OLYMPIC BEGGARS more vital to the mental health of the sir: Congratulations to Irving Jaffee for nation. suggesting a reasonable solution to our The Lifetime Sports Foundation, fi- deplorable Olympic financial situation nanced by private industry, endorsed by Plan to Rescue Our Olympic Beg- ("A President Johnson and headed by gars," September) . All true sports lovers former Oklahoma football coach Bud would be only too glad to pay a little Wilkinson, is dedicated to developing extra for admissions if it would aid our skills in those sports that our youngsters Olympic effort. I would like to suggest can continue to enjoy throughout busy that the Legion, as a national public adult years. service, get together with the Olympic The Foundation is interested in work- Committee and promote a "Nickel-a- ing with community groups, i.e., schools Ticket" campaign. Let's show the rest of or Legion Posts, in organizing instruc- the world what we can do athletically if tional and competitive programs that we really try. will introduce more youngsters to such Donald G. Ohl lifetime sports as bowling, golf, tennis Lewisburg, Pa. or badminton. The project may later include other lifetime sports such as sir: Irving Jaffee's article is a good ex- swimming, skating and cycling. The position of a condition that has long Foundation will be glad to answer plagued U.S. athletes on an Olympic queries from interested groups at the scale. Jaffee missed, however, on the address below. "Los Angeles Olympic Club." Edward D. Greenwood, M.D. The Olympic Club, oldest amateur Research Committee Chairman athletic club in the U.S.A., has for gen- Lifetime Sports Foundation erations been a San Francisco institu- 1725 K St., N.W. tion, and its interest in development of Washington, D.C. 20006 amateur athletes goes back to Jim Cor- bett and includes many U.S. champions Dr. Greenwood is also director of the in many types of individual and team Menninger Foundation's Division of sports. It has assisted unattached ath- School Mental Health and a former letes at all modern Olympiads—back to deputy director of the Joint Commis- Warren Kerrigan's sprinting at Athens sion on Mental Health for Children. and its beneficiaries have won many medals. Philip J. Sinnott AN OUTLET FOR UNPUBLICIZED VIEWS San Francisco, Calif. sir: To a great extent, conservative and patriotic opinion is not welcome in much 525 $495 We know, and so did Mr. Jaffee, that of the large mass communications media. FIFTH FIFTH the Olympic Club is in San Francisco. The small man of less than national Perhaps our psychiatrist can tell us why reputation is seldom heard. This is due we moved it to L.A. not to apathy on the part of individuals, but because they have not found media SIR: I liked Mr. Jaffee's article and hope in which their views can be sounded. that those in the sporting world will go The peaceniks, the beatniks, the social- along with his suggestion for raising ist-oriented, the agitators, those espous- money to help our athletes. This should ing so-called new morals (or no morals) have been done many years ago. pot, pornography, anti-patriotism and James J. Finck atheism; and the fellow-travelers and Richmond Hill, N.Y. their ilk who have brought near-anarchy to this country, have a near monopoly MORE SPORTS FOR MENTAL HEALTH of expression in the large communica- tions media, only to sir: May I add a medical comment to advocate more of the Irving Jaffee's proposal to tax America's same. sports fans in order to finance our long- But many local newspapers will pub- neglected Olympic teams and give a shot lish opposite opinions in "Letters to the in the arm to amateur sports? Editor." They definitely offer an avenue I especially commend Mr.
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