Have We Lost Cory Booker? WHILE YOU SHOP There Was No Doubt the Sena- COMMENTARY Tor Was a True Pro with Chutzpah

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Have We Lost Cory Booker? WHILE YOU SHOP There Was No Doubt the Sena- COMMENTARY Tor Was a True Pro with Chutzpah ! Destination Kosher What is Travel Section, Pages 35-36 Eggroll Linking Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Passaic & Union Counties Issue #243 Apple Pie??? SEE AD ON PAGE 61 www.chopstixusa.com JEWISH LINK August 10 | 29 Av Parshat Re’eh Light Candles: 7:42PM August 9, 2018 | 28 Av, 5778 CANDLE OF NEW JERSEY LIGHTING Shabbat Ends: 8:45 PM Rabbeinu Tam: 9:12 PM HAVE US GRILL YOUR FISHHave We Lost Cory Booker? WHILE YOU SHOP There was no doubt the sena- COMMENTARY tor was a true pro with chutzpah. He Simple, Easy & Mess Free slung around Yiddish phrases like “ta- chlis,” acting like he’d had borscht in- By Elizabeth Kratz stead of milk in his baby bottle. He told the assembled crowd of 400 yar- In May of 2015, Senator Cory mulke-wearing Jews and their spous- Booker was the keynote speaker at es that he was going to share a d’var See our ad on back cover a Bergen County yeshiva’s annual Torah (words of Torah) with them, and scholarship reception here in New paused for the expected laughter and Jersey. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach intro- applause, which he most certainly duced him, as was their shtick at the got. He clearly relished his I’m-African- time. The rabbi and the senator; they American-but-I-speak-Jewish act. He’d had a little act. done it all a hundred times before. GNESHA SHAIN, REALTOR® U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) holds a sign reading: “From Palestine to C: 908.787.6300 • O: 201.992.3600 [email protected] • LinksNJ.com Fair Lawn Eruv Expands Mexico, all the walls have got to go.” CREDIT: TWITTER VIA U.S. CAMPAIGN FOR PALESTINIAN RIGHTS. NJAR CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE 2017 By Larry Bernstein Rabbi Boteach looked on raison d’etre is decidedly not sup- BRONZE LEVEL proudly. The student had become portive of Jews or Israel. The Fair Lawn eruv was ex- the master. Only the student is Booker’s entree into the Jew- panded earlier this summer. leaving his mentor behind, and ish community famously be- See our ad on page 75 It’s easy to take an eruv for with a now-checkered voting re- gan in 1992, when he happened granted—kind of like there being cord on Israel, appears to be es- upon a Simchat Torah event at a minyan at your local minyan fac- pousing views that are not as the L’Chaim Society at Oxford, tory or leftover cholent—yet liv- well-aligned. As he mulls a 2020 the year he was a Rhodes Scholar. ing without or outside of an eruv presidential run, he is increasing- % makes Shabbat and Yom Tov more ly reaching out to groups whose  CONTINUED ON P. 9 10 OFF challenging in countless ways. \RXUåUVWRQOLQHRUGHU* Rabbi Shestack leading a bike tour of the SCHOOLS @ CONTINUED ON P. 18 GLATTEXPRESSX 2QOLQHFRP  newly expanded Fair Lawn eruv. Busing for Teaneck’s Teaneck’s Paula Eiselt to Bruriah Students Is Back By Shlomo Deutsch “We reviewed all student See Our Ads on Next Two Pages Field Q&A at ‘93Queen’ mileage calculations and deter- Last week, parents of approx- mined your child lives more than By Pearl Markovitz imately 20 students living in the 20 miles from the school and is MORTGAGES West Englewood section of Tea- therefore ineligible for transpor- Shmuel When calls come in to the dis- neck received a letter informing tation. It was decided at the time Shayowitz patchers at “93Queen” in Boro Park, them that their bus route to Bruri- to continue your child(s) on the Brooklyn, trained female EMTs jump ah High School of Elizabeth, New current route without any charge. President, into action by driving or being driv- Jersey, would be cut for the 2018- However, for the 2018-19 school NMLS #19871 en to the source of the call to meet 2019 school year. The letter, signed year we are unable to extend this up with ambulances sent out to meet by Melissa Simmons, a Teaneck courtesy,” the letter stated. them by Midwood Ambulance or Board of Education business ad- Due to signifi cant concern (201) 833-0123 FDNY. These female EMTs, part of the ministrator, noted that the cost of by parents who contacted their Ezras Nashim team, are graduates of each student’s “subscription bus- council members and neighbors [email protected] ing” was to be $100 per month for See our ads on pages 71, 74 & 79  CONTINUED ON P. 22 Filmmaker Paula Eiselt a total of $1000.00 for the year.  CONTINUED ON P. 27 A BROKER YOU CAN COUNT ON! See our ad on page 19 I’m happy & sober thanks to RAC! Learn about our holistic approach to conquering substance abuse 201-817-1388 • WWW.COSMOINS.COM ZZZUDFQMFRP See our ad on page 57 See our ad on page 7 See our ad on page 32 NEW YORK | HACKENSACK | LAKEWOOD | MONSEY | CHERRY HILL | PHILADELPHIA SAVOR THE FLAVORS of VXPPHUWLPH Sit back and relax, ZH OOEULQJWKHSLFQLFWR\RX From freshly made picnic favorites to soups, sides and dips, we'll prep, pack and deliver our foods fresh wherever you are! From outdoor birthday parties to family gatherings, we'll help you spend less time prepping, PRUHVXPPHUWLPHGLQLQJ &RPHRYHUIRUDIUHHWDVWLQJ '\LQJIRUVRPHWKLQJQHZEXWQRWZLOOLQJWR WHVWLWRXW DWIDPLO\ GLQQHUWLPH"ΖJHWLWVRWKDW VZK\ZHR΍HUIUHHWDVWLQJVRIRXU JRXUPHWIRRGVΖEHW\RX OOORYHLWDQGHYHQEHWWHUZHPDNHVHOHFW GLVKHVWR\RXURUGHU&RPHWU\XVRXW6HH\RXDW*ODWW([SUHVV" )LUVW&XW )UHVK )DPLO\3DFN([WUD &RUQHG%HHI 3DVWUDPL&KXQNV /HDQ*URXQG%HHI IRURQO\ IRURQO\ IRURQO\ $ $ $ 12.99/lbs 12.99/lbs 7.99/lb )DPLO\3DFN )UHVK )UHVK &KLFNHQ:LQJV &KLFNHQ6KZDUPD *URXQG&KLFNHQ "҃"$! ! ĴŖŖ IRURQO\ IRURQO\ IRURQO\ 'DQL V:HHNO\'HDOV $ $ $ 1.19/lbs 6.99/lbs 5.99/lbs 6DYLQJVUHæHFWHGDIWHUFKHFNRXWJæ I * Deal starts on 01/15/17 and ends 01/20/17. 201.837.8110 2UGHUV#*ODWW([SUHVVFRP *ODWW([SUHVV2QOLQHFRP Ŗbmbll-lom|=ou7;Ѵb;uŖŖ ;-Ѵv--bѴ-0Ѵ;bmŊv|ou;ouoŖmѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺ buv|ou7;uomѴĺ@;u]oo7|_uo]_rubѴmѴbm;ĺ ;-Ѵv]oo7|_uo]_ѶņƐƏņƐѶĺ)_bѴ;vrrѴb;vѴ-v|ĺƐƏѷ ƒƏ|_ĺƐƏѷ7bv1om|bѴѴ0;u;Y;1|;7omu;1;br|-[;uCuv|ru1_-]oo7=ou=uv|Ŋঞl;omѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺv;ĺ 2 FAST SAME-DAY DELIVERY IN BERGEN COUNTY** 2 August 9, 2018 • 28 Av, 5778 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM GLATT ♥ ([SUHVVLRQ Recipes from our culinary ([SUHVV([SHUWV CHEF HACE'S 6ORZ&RRNHG 3HUIHFW &RUQHG%HHI VLGHGLVK" Slow Cooked Potatoes There's nothing like a soft, well Break out that slow-cooker! We're ȵDYRUHGVWDUFKWRFRPSOHPHQW \RXUFRUQHGEHHI5RDVWHG JLYLQJ\RXDȵDYRUIXOGLQQHUGLVK works well too! that you can set in the morning DQGFRPHEDFNWRGHOLFLRXVQHVVDW” DWGLQQHUWLPH(QMR\ Prep time: 15 Minutes Temperature: /RZ Cook time: 8 Hours Serves: 4 - 6 INGREDIENTS 3 lbs Glatt Express corned beef See Page 2! 3 tbsp sugar 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1 bay leaf Kosher salt Onion powder Garlic powder Kosher salt & black pepper 1 package baby corrts (optional) 3 potatoes (optional) 6KRS7KLV5HFLSH Love this recipe? Order it online! 6WHS Fat side up, place corned beef in your We'll deliver the entire recipe box slow cooker. 6WHS Pour 1 cup of water along of ingredients right to your door! the edges of your slow cooker. 6WHS Add in 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 bay *ODWW([SUHVVFRP([SUHVV%R[ leaf and, optional, add in 1 package of baby corrts and 3 peeled and chopped potatoes along the edges. 6WHS Once fully coated, cover and cook for 8 hours. Once done, re- lb move, cook and enjoy! \RXUåUVW % * 10 OFF RQOLQHRUGHU @ GLATTEXPRESS2QOLQHFRP * Deal starts on 01/15/17 and ends 01/20/17. *(7285:((./<'($/6)Ζ567 @ *ODWW([SUHVVFRP'HDOV Ŗbmbll-lom|=ou7;Ѵb;uŖŖ ;-Ѵv--bѴ-0Ѵ;bmŊv|ou;ouomѴbm;ĺ ;-Ѵv]oo7|_uo]_ѶņƐƏņƐѶĺ)_bѴ;vrrѴb;vѴ-v|ĺƐƏѷ ]oo7=ou=uv|Ŋঞl;omѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺ 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM August 9, 2018 • 28 Av, 5778 3 WORLD NEWSBRIEFS Trump on Sanctions: I Am Asking that millions of Palestinians are not refu- Iranian Fateh missiles, Azbar was also be- Hamas attack after the terror group vowed to for World Peace, Nothing Less gees, according to a report. lieved to be in charge of coordinating be- avenge the killing of two of the organization’s (Arutz Sheva) US President Donald The report quoted a Palestinian lead- tween Iranian proxy Hezbollah and the Syr- snipers during an IDF attack this week. Trump said this week that his goal in sanc- er who said that Kushner and Greenblatt ian regime and was reportedly in contact IDF tanks shelled a guardpost after mis- tioning Iran is world peace. asked Jordan in June to remove the refugee with North Korea and Russia. taking a training exercise for aggression di- “The Iran sanctions have offi cially been status of some two million Palestinians liv- rected toward Israel. cast,” he tweeted. “These are the most bit- ing in the country in order to end the man- Israel’s Air Force Appoints “In light of Hamas statements and the ing sanctions ever imposed, and in Novem- date for UNRWA’s operations in Israel’s First Female Pilot to Command evacuation of Hamas outposts, the South- ber they ratchet up to yet another level.” neighboring country. a Flight Squadron ern Command decided to reinforce the “Anyone doing business with Iran will (JNS) The Israel Air Force has appointed its Gaza Division and close several Israe- NOT be doing business with the Unit- NYT Report: Israel Was Behind fi rst female pilot to command a fl ight squad- li roads in the area surrounding the Gaza ed States. I am asking for WORLD PEACE, Syrian Scientist’s Assassination ron.
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  • Rabbi's Message
    Shofar Cheshvan-Tevet 5776 • November/December 2015 In this issue...you can click on the Rabbi’s Message page you would like to read first. Beautification ........................................... 16 From Strength to Strength: Reform Makes Great Strides at the World Zionist Congress Brotherhood............................................. 17 Calendar .............................................29-30 I had intended to write reports from the World Zionist Cantor ........................................................ 2 Congress (WZC), but as you may have noticed, that didn’t happen. The Congress was such a sensory overload Community ..........................................15-16 that it was hard to concentrate, let alone chronicle what was going on there. Now that I have returned to the States, I Contributions ........................................... 28 can look back on what was an extraordinary experience for our large Reform Cultural Arts .........................................18-20 delegation and an historic event for our movement. What made the WZC a challenge is also what made it great. It was a Education Directors .................................6-7 cacophony of Jewish voices from all over the world, representing a broad Hebrew Corner ......................................... 14 range of opinions on Judaism and Zionism. What made this Congress extraordinary is that every voice was heard — though sometimes louder Jewish LIFE ..........................................12-13 than was appropriate! I choose to regard the high
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