ISRAEL: A PERSONAL TRAVEL GUIDE By Douglas E. Duckett Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
[email protected] ©2004-2012 Douglas E. Duckett All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION. The Israel travel guide you are reading is a greatly expanded version of one I first prepared for an American friend some seventeen years ago. In it, I have tried to share my experiences and knowledge of Israel based on a lifetime of study and eleven visits to the country, most recently in May 2012. I enjoy independent travel, and this guide was written primarily with such travelers in mind, though I hope the information will be helpful to those on group tours as well. As an American, I have produced a guide that is, no doubt, US-centric. I hope my readers from other countries will forgive that, and still find useful information. I am not in the travel industry. I am a labor lawyer who happens to love Israel passionately, and I want to encourage others to travel there and experience this wonderful land. My first visit was in November 1988, and I caught the bug; thus I started visiting every other year or so thereafter. I did not go from 1999-2005, the truly terrible years of the second Palestinian uprising and the terror bombings in Israel cities. Since, I have returned five more times, but even now, some friends still asked, “are you sure you want to go back to Israel?” So what is the reality? Each trip has been a dream, and travel to Israel is one of the great joys of my life.