
2021 0514 Advisory Committee Meeting NOTES from the COMMENTS/CHAT BOX

Info sharing & introductions…

Karen Frank Parent Workshop for families of young children. "Object Symbols: What They Are & How To Use Them"

Conchita Hernandez) Sign up here for monthly newsletter: http://eepurl.com/hhQPDD dstewartkline What was the name of that Circus? Elizabeth Nehrbass https://omniumcircus.org/

Conchita Hernandez Dr. Lauren Lieberman: Adaptive sports and physical Education (one-hour sessions) • August 24: Placement decision making in PE related to promoting potential in all areas of the ECC: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ncj_4K0HR9udNWPwupQGwg • September 23: Programming and resources in physical education for blind and low vision students. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wS30oQ0DT3qpE_IDC-8LjQ • FREE consult https://forms.gle/2wgRSrR7ZvMPP6o76

Conchita Hernandez Erin Shadwick • September 8: Teaching the ECC through STEM for students with visual and Multiple Impairments. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-cn5ni53QWKWHwGbIRc-kw • FREE consult

Conchita Hernandez Diane Sheline: CVI (These sessions are 3 hours each and not recorded) • August 12: Literacy and CVI . https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FpTYd5GiSZKeRyU1i1xyAw • August 27: Sensory Balance Tool for CVI. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MlBpIA6vQeu6IhNxnT--nQ

Conchita Hernandez Dr. Karen Wolffe: Career Education (one-hour sessions) • August 3: Career Education: Preschool through Middle School for Students with Visual Impairments, Including those with Additional Disabilities. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Uv4L_aJxSDW1wS-7ZB2Szw • August 10: Career Education and Transition: Middle School through High School for Students with Visual Impairments, including those with Additional Disabilities. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Xni_5V6yTey26_OK-AYqxg • August 17: How Parents and Families Can Support Students with Visual Impairments, Including those with Additional Disabilities. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_X_FMsGBXTKma88GTwfadkQ

MSB Camp Abilities Dates: June 21-25 Ages: 12-17 In person The Maryland School for the Blind will be offering Camp Abilities in-person this summer from June 21-25, 2021. The camp will be overnight for students ages 12-17 who are blind or low vision. Due to COVID precautions, the camp will be limited to 15 students. The camp is part of The Maryland School for the Blind Outreach's summer program. Our mission at The Maryland School for the Blind’s Camp Abilities is to provide students from across the state (and neighboring states) with an authentic and educational opportunity to participate in a variety of sports, health-enhancing activities, and social opportunities that they can continue after their week of camp. We strongly promote independence and self-advocacy throughout the week and encourage them to socialize and develop strong relationship with peers that will last a lifetime. For more information, contact Tim Taylor at [email protected]. REGISTER for CAMP ABILITIES HERE

Amy Morrell https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1T8gK9hwVCxFnlIqWVT3TQLxV- IwFBD8f9W1u6TgZB38/viewform?edit_requested=true

MSB MISLE Dates: July 6-30 Ages: 16-21 In person MISLE is a 4 week work based, residential (Monday-Friday) program for students with visual impairments ages 16-21 years of age. It is designed specifically to provide intensive instruction in all areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum, especially Career Education, Independent Living, Self-Advocacy, Social Interaction, and Recreation/Leisure. Cost: MISLE is funded 100% through the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) but approval is required to participate. If your child is already connected with DORS, contact your service coordinator for assistance. To apply for DORS here APPLY FOR MISLE HERE https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYMc6gjgekdnvIqfP6YX68UAlt0iwE1Bcg1G58- ivj-rLXlw/viewform 021 MSB TRECCK for Success Summer Program In person and virtual opportunities available Registration due: May 28 Register for any TRECCK for Success Programs here TRECCK for Success is a program designed to provide instruction in the areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) for students entering 1st-12th grades in the fall. The ECC is a vision-specific set of skills that compensate for vision loss and is foundational for all other learning. It focuses on independence, assistive technology, vocational training, social engagement and more to prepare your child for his or her fullest life possible. It provides a framework for specially designed instructional strategies to teach visually impaired students skills they cannot learn incidentally but are essential for success in life. Courses being offered this year: Trecck for Success in person In person. Parents must provide transportation to and from the Maryland School for the Blind Courses will include coding, physical education, ECC instruction, so Amy Morrell to Everyone (10:52 AM) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKTCaEIrInt2Vpbsc- a18aWlLlBb1DoRU7si1dkKltid53_Q/viewform

Astronomy and Space: virtual Instructor: Josh Urban Middle school and High School: July 6, 13, 20, 27 Elementary: July 8, 15, 22 and 29 What's beyond Earth? Does a black hole really eat stars? How high could you jump on the Moon? Instructor Josh Urban takes you on an out-of-this world journey in Space Wizards. Combining serious theoretical concepts with a good dose of fun, this engaging, conversational session runs for both the middle/high school audiences (Tuesday mornings at 9), and elementary school age kids (Thursday mornings at 9.). If you like space, or even have a mild interest in science, you'll enjoy Space Wizards. Buckle up - we've got light years to go! • Week 1: Introduction to space and astronomical concepts (Distances, terms, brief overview of the solar system.) • Week 2: The Solar System in detail (An extended visit with our space neighbors.) • Week 3: Deep Space (learning about the mysterious things outside of the solar system, like black holes, strange stars, and entire galaxies.

Amy Morrell • Week 4: Applied Observing, and participating in science (ways we can start using our newfound knowledge, both for our own curiosity, and for future contributions to the scientific community.) Stories of the Stars (ancient legends about the night sky.)

Amy Morrell https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKTCaEIrInt2Vpbsc- a18aWlLlBb1DoRU7si1dkKltid53_Q/viewform

Amy Morrell Lego Braille Bricks Fun (English and Spanish) virtual Instructors: Jamie Austin (English) and Conchita Hernandez (Spanish) This course is being offered for elementary students. Students will receive a Lego Braille Bricks set in the mail. They will then participate in fun activities that relate to the ECC such as: braille instruction, conceptual positioning, manipulation, O & M concepts, and more. Students do not need to be braille readers to participate, just be blind or low vision. Students with additional disabilities welcome. Lessons are based on APH lesson plans and materials. This course will be available in both English and Spanish!

Course times 11 am Tuesdays in English: July 6, 13, 20, and 27 Wednesdays in Spanish: July 7, 14, 21, and 28 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKTCaEIrInt2Vpbsc- a18aWlLlBb1DoRU7si1dkKltid53_Q/viewform

Amy Morrell Journalism for Blind and Low Vision Students: virtual Instructor: Liz Wisecarver For middle and high school students 1 pm Students interested in writing, news, and technology will learn how NFB-NEWSLINE, the free electronic information service, can help them pursue interests in journalism. The course will reinforce ECC concepts, including braille literacy through the use of electronic braille displays, assistive technology and screen readers, and overall writing and reading comprehension skills. Students articles will be published in NFB Newsline by the end of the course. Students will also pursue other publications. • Week 1: July 7 & 9, Introductions, exploring journalism jobs and publications, demo of NFB Newsline • Week 2: July 14 & 16, Guest speaker a blind journalist, reading and critiquing articles together • Week 3: July 21 & 23, Writing techniques, selecting a topic, and research • Week 4: July 28 & 30, Publishing our articles, editing, sharing and pitching

Amy Morrell https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKTCaEIrInt2Vpbsc- a18aWlLlBb1DoRU7si1dkKltid53_Q/viewform

Colleen from Carroll County What is the name of the second intervener program?

NCDB Checklist for IEP Teams:https://www.nationaldb.org/media/doc/Intervener_Services_IEP_Team_Discussion_Guid e.pdf

Kristi Arsenault -- Context Global: https://contextglobal.com HR 1959 / Cogswell Macy Act • https://cogswellmacyact.org/deafblindness-and-cogswell-macy-act/ • https://cogswellmacyact.org/about/

Mark, Similar to Cheri's question... can there be a one-pager to provide ways for stakeholders can press congressional members? Also, is there anything for DC residents can do - given our proximity to Cap Hill and lack of representation -- perhaps show up in person? :-)

There are some 1-pagers that are available for Cogswell-Macy Act and for interveners, etc.. That would be great to have you join in being so close! Cheri Dowling https://cogswellmacyact.org/ . Here is the link to the letters in both Spanish and English https://cogswellmacyact.org/ways-to-get-involved/#social

Rep Holmes Norton is a co-sponsor https://cogswellmacyact.org/2017-legislative-sponsors/

Flood the chat activity…

Yellowstone (survival!) Pitbulls and Paroles! (confined) The Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt! Hoarders My 600 Pound Life Naked and Afraid Greys Anatomy Little Fires Everywhere Stranger Things House Hunters Schitt’s Creek Bridgerton Married at First Sight 90 Day Fiancé Marriage or Mortgage Shadow and Bone Imposters Children of Blood & Stone Folyle’s = War This Old House Midsummer Murders Shark Tank The Handmaid’s Tales Behind Her Eyes Home Makeover Survivor This is Us Anything & everything on the cooking/food channels