The Design and Construction of an Ionization Chamber to Measure Background Radiation
AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF KENNETH EARL WEAVER for theMaster of Science (Name of Student) (Degree) in General Science (Radiological Physics) presented on August 19, 1968 (Major) (Date) Title: THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN IONIZATION CHAMBER TO MEASURE BACKGROUND RADIATION Redacted for privacy Abstract approved: John P. Kelley An ionization chamber was constructed, using a fiberglass wall sphere, for the purpose of measuring background radiation.The system consists of the fiberglass wall chamber, 38.85 liters in volume, air filled, not sealed, used in conjunction with a precision capacitor, nulling voltage supply and electrometer.It was calibrated against a Shonka, 16.5 liter, muscle-equivalent, sealed ionization chamber in conjunction with a Shonka electrometer. Measurements made over a period extending from July 22 to July 29, 1968 in a second floor laboratory (X-ray Science and Engi- neering Laboratory, Oregon State University) with the fiberglass chamber yielded a mean dose rate of 7.96± 0.21 p. rads/hr.Meas- urements made over the same period with the Shonka system yielded a mean dose rate of 7.73 0.07 y, rads/hr. The Shonka system was also used to measure background radiation as a function of time from December 14, 1967 to June 10, 1968.The mean value obtained over this period was 7.73 ± 0.10 11 rads/hr. The Design and Construction of an Ionization Chamber to Measure Background Radiation by Kenneth Earl Weaver A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 1969 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Associate Professor of Electrical Engin4ring in charge of major Redacted for privacy -Chairman of the Dp-partment of Gene/''al ScienyCe Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented August 19, 1968 Typed by Carolyn Irving for Kenneth Earl Weaver ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express hissincere appreciation to Mr.
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