Signature Healthy options Vegetarian

alle vongole 108 Starter red chili, basil, garlic, parsley sea food antipasti (for two) 128 cabe merah, daun kemangi, bawang putih, daun parsley clams, green muscle, shrimps, cuttlefish, king prawn, mesclun salad garlic aioli, tomato sofrito, sesame ginger dip lamb meat ball, basil tomato sofrito 108 kerang remis, kerang hijau, udang, ikan sotong, udang besar, salad mesclun, chili flakes, parmiggiano bawang putih, tomat sofrito, saus wijen dan jahe bubuk cabe merah, keju parmiggiano own garden tomato salad 78 penne a la matriciana 98 sea salt, extra virgin olive oil, toasted , pomelo bit, fresh basil homemade cured pastrami beef, tomato sofrito, basil garam laut, minyak zaitun, roti ciabatta, jeruk bali, daun kemangi daging pastrami, tomat sofrito, daun kemangi chef leaves beef ragout ‘bolognaise’ 98 lettuce, plum tomato, pickle radish, crispy egg, shallot, fruit vinaigrette 78 mushrooms, tomato sauce, parsley daun selada, tomat plum, acar lobak, telur crispy, bawang merah, jamur, saus tomat, daun parsley saus vinaigrette a la sicilliana 90 Soup purple eggplant, bocconcini cheese, tomato sofrito, basil roasted vine tomato soup 78 terong ungu, keju bocconcini, tomat sofrito, daun kemangi basil, rosemary fougasse daun kemangi, daun rosemary fougasse alla arrabiata 90 garlic, tomato, red chili, basil pumpkin soup 78 bawang putih, tomat, cabe merah, daun kemangi curried oil, fresh sage herbs, toasted minyak kari, daun sage, roti focaccia aglio olio 90 red chili, olive oil, parsley, garlic potato seafood soup (for two) 148 cabe merah, minyak zaitun, daun parsley, bawang putih tomato sofrito, fish, lobster, cuttlefish, saffron soup, potato, cashew crumb tomat sofrito, ikan, lobster, ikan sotong, sup saffron, kentang, kacang mete alla Genovese 90 pine nut, parmesan, basil, extra virgin olive oil kacang pinus, keju parmesan, daun kemangi, minyak zaitun

Pasta funghi penne 90 penne/ spaghetti/ fettuccine forest mushrooms, shallot confit, garlic, extra virgin olive oil pilihan jamur, confit bawang merah, bawang putih, minyak zaitun lobster conchiglie 138 fresh basil, garlic, cherry tomato, sofrito, ‘Lembang kalamansi’ daun kemangi, bawang putih, tomat ceri, sofrito, lembang kalamansi Serving for two slow roasted veal shank 520 black ink cuttlefish Arborio rice 118 roasted shallot, salt baked potato, seasonal vegetables, veal jus edamame, grilled leek, ink pepper sauce, basil pesto bawang merah panggang, kentang panggang, sayuran, saus edamame, daun bawang panggang, saus, pesto daun kemangi

HiltonBandung HiltonBandung /HiltonBandung All prices are quoted in thousands Indonesian rupiah and subject to 10% service charge and 11% government tax Signature Healthy options Vegetarian

patin en papillote ‘acar kuning’ 120 in turmeric gravy, cherry tomato, lemon grass, herbs butter, ginger crisp, smoked fish frutti di mare 108 dalam kuah kunyit, tomat ceri, daun sereh, mentega rempah mozzarella, prawn, fish, mussel, squid, tomato, basil jahe, ikan asap keju mozzarela, udang, ikan, kerang, cumi-cumi, tomat, daun kemangi 98 pan seared gindara 120 beef salami, mushrooms, tomato, mozarella tempe crusted, watermelon salad, ginger sauce daging salami, jamur, tomat, keju mozzarella tempe, salad semangka, saus jahe pepperoni 95 pan seared ‘ikan pogot’ 120 beef salami, mozzarella pan seared leather jacket fish, Lembang scallion, chili pickles, daging salami, keju mozzarella grilled lady finger pan seared ikan pogot, daung bawang lembang, acar cabe, margherita 90 okra panggang mozzarella, tomato, basil keju mozzarella, tomat, daun kemangi Dessert al tonno 90 tuna, black olives, rmozarella, red onion Hilton Bandung dark chocolate mousse 75 ikan tuna, buah zaitun hitam, bawang bombay merah vanilla sour cherry, almond saus ceri vanilla, biscotti kacang almond funghi pizza 90 forest mushrooms, bocconcini mozzarella, basil olive relish baked pineapple tart 75 pilihan jamur, bocconcini mozarella, daun kemangi salted caramel sauce, rosemary ice cream saus karamel, es krim rosemary vegetables pizza 90 grilled peppers, olives, eggplant, zucchini, cherry tomato, basil pesto passion fruit pannacotta 75 paprika panggang, buah zaitun, terong, zucchini, tomat ceri, exotic fruits, raspberry sauce pesto daun kemangi buah buahan, saus raspberry dark chocolate couland 75 Fresco’s specialty mint flavored ice cream, passion fruit coulis es krim daun mint, buah markisa coulis grilled beef tenderloin 258 crushed potato, shallot, horenso leaf, edamame, veal jus kolak pie 75 kentang tumbuk, bawang merah, daun horenso, edamame, saus pineapple ‘nastar’ popsicle, coconut ganache, banana caramelized grilled rock lobster 258 nastar nanas popsicle, ganache buah kelapa, pisang karamel sea salt, miso glaze, pickles, herbs potato garam laut, miso glaze, acar, kentang rempah braised beef ribs, balsamic, forest honey glazed 178 soya bean, chili peppers relish, sweet potato chips kacang kedelai, paprika, keripik ubi wood fired spring chicken, lemon 138 marjoram butter, sweet corn fritters, sweet potato, chili onion relish mentega marjoram, jagung manis, ubi, cabe bawang bombay

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All prices are quoted in thousands Indonesian rupiah and subject to 10% service charge and 11% government tax