News and Notes
Bulletin American Meteorological Society Miller, L. Jay, 1972: Dual-Doppler radar observations of Snider, J. B., 1972: Ground-based sensing of temperature circulation in snow conditions. Proc. 15th Radar Meteor. profiles from angular and multi-spectral emission measure- Conf., Amer. Meteor. Soc. ments. J. Appl. Meteor11, 958-967. Owens, J. C., 1969: Optical Doppler measurement of micro- scale wind velocity. Proc. IEEE, 57, 530-536. Strauch, R. G., V. E. Derr, and R. E. Cupp, 1971: Atmo- Richter, J. H., 1969: High resolution tropospheric radar spheric temperature measurement using Raman lidar. sounding. Radio Sci., 4, 1261-1268. Appl Opt., 10, 2665-1669. Salzman, J. A., W. J. Masica, and T. A. Coney, 1971: Deter- V. E. Derr, and R. E. Cupp, 1972: Atmospheric water mination of gas temperatures from laser-Raman scattering. vapor meaesurement using Raman lidar. Remote Sensing NASA TN D-6336. of Environment (in press). Schotland, R. M., 1969: Some aspects of remote atmospheric sensing by laser radar. Rept. of Remote Atrnos. Probing Wyngaard, J. E., Y. Izumi, and S. A. Collins, Jr., 1971: Be- Panel, Committee on Atrnos. Sci., Nat'l Acad, of Sci-Natl havior of the refractive-index-structure parameter near the Res. Council, 2, 179-200. ground. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 61, 1646-1650. news and notes Lightning suppression by seeding with two chaff dispensers and field mills to measure electric field strength. Flying below cloud level, the NOAA scientists During a six-week long experiment, scientists from the waited until their instruments registered a field greater than National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration attempted 30,000 volts per meter, a magnitude at which corona dis- to suppress lightning by seeding thunderstorms with fine charge will occur, When this happens the chaff dispensers aluminized fibers over a 200 mis area of northeastern Colo- are activated and the threadlike fibers are carried into the rado.
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