2011China Charity Federation ANNUAL REPORT 年 报

中 华 慈 善 总 会 CHARITY FEDERATION 目 录

04 中华慈善总会概况 Profile of China Charity Federation

06 会长寄语 President Message

09 重要活动 Significant Events 09 举办“第三届企业社会高层论坛” 09 "the 3rd Top Level Forum of Enterprises and Society" was Held 10 召开“中华慈善总会第三届理事会第七次会议” 10 "the 7th Conference of the 3rd Board of Directors of China Charity Federation” Was Convened 11 范宝俊会长出席“第六届中华慈善奖表彰大会” 11 President Fan Baojun Attended “the 6th China Charity Award Commending Assembly” 12 李本公副会长出席“第六届中华慈善奖报告会” 12 Vice President Li Bengong Attended “the 6th China Chairty Award Reports” 12 举办“慈善之光——中华慈善总会暨团体会员慈善成果展” 13 “Light of Charity——Chairty Exhibition of China Charity Federation and Its Group Members” Was Held 14 举办“中华慈善总会第一期慈善业务培训班” 14 “the 1st Charity Business Training Class of China Charity Federation” Was Held

15 对外交流与合作 International Exchange and Cooperation 15 中华慈善总会代表团参加第九届联合之路亚太地区会议 15 Delegation of China Chairty Federation Attended "the 9th Asian-Pacific Regional Conference of the United Way Worldwide" 16 中华慈善总会与全球联合之路进一步增进合作 16 Further Cooperation Between China Charity Federation and the United Way Worldwide CONTENTS

17 慈善项目与基金 Charity Projects and Funds 17 救灾工作 17 Disaster Alleviation 18 扶贫项目 18 Poverty Alleviation Projects 21 助孤项目 21 Orphans Supporting Projects 22 扶残项目 22 Disabled Alleviation Projects 23 助医项目 23 Medical Relief Projects 31 支教助学项目 31 Volunteer Teaching in Rural Area and Tuition Remission Projects 33 文化项目 33 Culture Projects 34 专项基金 34 Specific Funds

49 中华慈善总会2011年度财务审计报告 79 2011 Audit Report

99 中华慈善总会2011年大事记 99 2011 Chronicle of Events of China Charity Federation

118 鸣谢:公众、合作伙伴 118 Acknowledgements: the Public and Partners

120 总会联系方式、账号 120 Contact Information and Account Number of CCF 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

中华慈善总会概况 Profile of China Charity Federation

中华慈善总会成立于1994年,是经中国政府批准依法注册登记,由热心慈善事业的公民、法人及其他社会 组织志愿参加的全国性非营利公益社会团体。

Established in 1994, China Charity Federation, which is approved by Chinese government and legally incorporated, is a national nonprofit public organization attended voluntarily by citizens, legal persons and other social organizations devoted to charities.

宗旨 Tenet

发扬人道主义精神,弘扬中华民族扶贫济困的传统美德,帮助社会上不幸的个人和困难群体,开展多种形 式的社会救助工作。

To carry forward the humanitarian spirit, develop and expand such Chinese traditional virtues as poverty alleviation, help those miserable individuals and group in trouble and carry out social assistance work in a variety of forms.

基本数据 Master Data

0行政编制,是独立运作的民间慈善团体 Owning a non-administrative system, CCF is a non-governmental organization with independent 0 operation

内地第1家以慈善命名的全国性慈善组织 1 The first national charity organization named with Charity on Chinese Mainland

首批5A级社会组织 5 5A Level Charity Fund in the first batch

开展了救灾、扶贫、安老、助孤、支教、助学扶残、助医等8大系列慈善项目 Carry out 8 series of charity projects including disaster-relief, poverty -alleviation, aiding the poor, 8 the old, orphans, people with disabilities, tuition assistance and medical assistance

团体会员及项目覆盖31个省、自治区、直辖市 Its group members and charity projects cover 31 provinces, municipalities and 31 municipalities directly under the central government

 中华慈善总会概况 / Profile of China Charity Federation

拥有327个会员单位 327 CCF has 327 member units

千万 使数以千万的困难群众得到不同形式的救助 Ten Million Thousands of million poverty-stricken people have been aided in different forms

成立至今已筹集慈善款物近260亿 260亿 Charity money and materials approximately worth RMB 26 billion Yuan has been 26 Billion raised since its establishment

组织架构 Organization Chart

中 华 慈 善 总 会 China Charity Federation e c i f f O l a r e n e G Raising Department Department Project iaca Department Financial Department Liaison International t n e m t r a p e D n o i t a c i n u m m o C 办 公 厅 筹 募 部 项 目 部 财 务 部 对外联络部 新闻办公室

历年筹募额 Annual Collection Amount

中华慈善总会历年筹募额曲线图 900000 (单位:万元) Annual Collection Amount 800000

700000 651829.51 647319 600000

500000 463905.56 408777.16 400000


200000 125437.68 77463.71 100000 69447.61 7901.4 2422.06 2483.35 7664.89 7630.72 7320.58 425.8 908.7 709 54850.62

1995年 1996年 1997年1998年 1999年 2000年 2001年 2002年 2003年 2004年 2005年 2006年 2007年 2008年 2009年 2010年 2011年

 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

会长寄语 President Message

2011年,在党和政府的领导和社会各界的 作的动力。与此同时,我会积极引进各种慈善 大力支持下,我会奋发图强,开拓创新,各项 资源,设立了一系列新的基金和项目,其中包 工作取得了一定的成绩,为促进中国慈善事业 括:“倍泰龙项目”、“和基金”、“中峻基 发展做出了应有贡献。 金”、“今天希望基金”、“衣恋圣秀慈善基 筹募工作再创佳绩。2011年我会的慈善筹 金”等。这些新设的项目因高度关注民生、紧 募工作保持了良好的态势,为各项社会救助工 扣时代脉搏,受到社会各界广泛好评。 作的顺利开展提供了根本保证。全年共募集慈 救灾捐赠工作有序。2011年我会救灾工 善款物合计65.18亿元,包括:捐款4.92亿元, 作主要集中在四川灾区重建工作收尾和玉树灾 捐赠物资折合人民币60.26亿元。众所周知, 区重建工作展开及《两志》编写三个方面。随 2011我国的慈善行业遭受了多次舆论风波, 着青海玉树重建工作全面展开,我会接收及汇 部分社会公众的捐赠热情一度下降,影响了慈 缴的所有捐款已全部拨付青海省慈善总会救灾 善组织的募捐工作。虽然媒体监督具有一定警 账户。根据中央部署,我会承担了《汶川特大 示作用,但个别误导客观上对整个行业的发展 地震抗震救灾志》中《抗震救灾志》和《灾后 也造成了一定的负面影响。 其中,一些媒体 重建志》的有关编纂工作。其中,《抗震救灾 先后抛出所谓“尚德发票门”、“格列卫卖药 志》经过两次修改定稿,现已基本完成;《灾 门”,为我会筹募工作带来了很大压力。但我 后重建志》的概述和长编部分现已完成。 们始终秉承“尊重受捐者,服务捐赠者”的理 对外交流继续深化。我会在2011年继续 念,积极不懈地开展工作,保证了筹募总额未 坚持“走出去,请进来”的思路,在国际合作 降反升,充分证明了我会的社会影响力和公信 方面取得一定成绩。2011年我会共安排出访1 力。 次,接待外国及港澳台地区来访7次。2011年 慈善项目健康发展。 2011我会项目工作 6月28日至7月1日,受全球联合之路邀请,我 在“质”和“量”方面均有较大进步。我会继 会组团参加了在泰国曼谷举行的“第九届联合 续坚持稳步推进的工作方针,以现有精品项目 之路亚太地区会议”。我会工作人员向与会代 为基础,加强项目管理与创新工作。在2010 表介绍了中国慈善组织在“5·12”汶川特大 年“中华慈善奖”的评选中,多吉美、易瑞沙 地震的抗震救灾和灾后重建中的基本做法和体 和特罗凯助医项目喜获殊荣。“中华慈善奖” 会,受到一致好评。我会与全球联合之路签署 作为政府慈善类最高奖是荣誉,是党和政府对 了新的合作伙伴协议,标志着双方的合作进入 我们工作的认可和肯定,也是激励我们更好工 了一个新的阶段。

 会长寄语 / President Message

宣传工作力度加大。2011年是我会宣传工 业务培训班”。我会组织各部室的业务骨干担 作丰收的一年。按照2011年初的工作计划,我 任主讲人,对来自全国20多个省市的100多位 会联合全国各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列 一线慈善工作者进行培训。 市以及新疆生产建设兵团的慈善会共计34家慈 我会在2011年纷繁复杂的环境中能够取得 善会于10月11-13日在全国农业展览馆成功举 目前可喜的工作成绩,实属不易。这些成绩的 办了“慈善之光——中华慈善总会暨团体会员 取得,离不开合作伙伴的充分信任,离不开社 慈成果展”。这次展览向社会公众展示了我会 会各界的鼎力支持。在此,我向大家表示最崇 和团体会员十多年来的工作成绩。三天的展期 高的敬意和最衷心的感谢!新的一年中将会有 中,参观人数逾万,盛况空前。为帮助团体会 更多的挑战,同样也有更多的机遇,我们愿和 员工作人员提高业务水平,适应社会发展客观 大家携手前行,为开创中国慈善事业美好明天 要求,我会举办了“中华慈善总会第一期慈善 而不懈努力。

In 2011, vigorously supported by leaders of work of our Federation. Nevertheless, we always the Party and government as well as all sectors adhered to the principle of “respecting donators of community, our Federation worked with and serving donates” and vigorously carried out stamina and diligence and focused on innovation work to ensure the increase of total collection to obtain some achievements in all our work, amount, which fully demonstrated the social making due contributions to the development of influence and credibility of our Federation. charities in China. Charity Projects developed soundly. In 2011, Collection work reached new heights. In 2011, great progress was made on project work of collection work of our Federation remained our Federation in both “quality” and “quantity”. a good situation, supporting a fundamental Our Federation continued to stick to the policy guarantee for carrying out all social relief work of steady promotion and strengthened project smoothly. A total of RMB6.518 billion Yuan management and innovation on the basis of of money and materials was collected in the existing competitive projects. In the appraisal whole year, including RMB492 million Yuan and election of “China Charity Award” in 2010, for donated money donation and RMB6.026 Nexavar, Iressa and Traceva medical projects billion Yuan for donated materials through were awarded the honor. As the highest level of convertion. As is known to all, charity industry charity prize of the government, “China Charity in China suffered a lot from public opinions in Award” is an honor, recognition and affirmation of 2011, and donation enthusiasm of some public our work from the Party and government as well declined for a time, which greatly influenced as the motivation inspiring us to work harder. collection work of charity organizations. Although Meanwhile, our Federation actively introduced media supervision played certain warning role, a variety of charity resources and established however, individual misdirectio also created a series of new funds and projects, including certain negative influence on the whole industry “Betaseron Project”, “He Fund”, “Zhongjun Fund”, objectively. What is worse, some media “Today’s Hope Fund”, “E-Land Charity Fund” and launched so-called “Shangde Invoice Scandal” so on. Such newly-established projects received and “Gleevec Medicine Scandal” one after good reputation from all sectors of community for another, bringing great pressure to the collection their attention to people’s livelihood and follow-

 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

up the times. partners, which marked the cooperation of both The donation for disaster relief work went parties would enter a new stage. on in an orderly manner. In 2011, disaster Propaganda work was intensified. 2011 is the relief work conducted by our Federation mainly year when propaganda work of our Federation focused on such three aspects as the tail-in work obtained great achievements. In accordance of reconstruction in Yushu, Qinghai Province, with work plan at the beginning of 2011, our the development of reconstruction in Yushu Federation united a total of 34 local charity disaster-stricken area and compilation of two federations from all provinces, autonomous records, i.e. Records of Earthquake Relief Work regions, municipalities, municipalities with and Post-disaster Reconstruction. With the all- independent planning status and Xinjiang round development of reconstruction in Yushu, Production and Construction Group successfully Qinghai Province, our Federation appropriated held “Light of Charity- Charity Exhibition all donations to disaster-relief account of of China Charity Federation and Its Group Qinghai Charity Federation. In accordance Members” in National Agricultural Museum with arrangement of the central government, between October 11th and 13th. This exhibition our Federation was responsible for compiling displayed achievements made by our Federation Records of Earthquake Relief Work and Post- and group members over the past more than disaster Reconstruction of Records of Wenchuan a decade to the public. During the three-day Great Earthquake Relief Work, of which Records exhibition, more than thousands of people of Earthquake Relief Work has been basically visited, creating an unprecedentedly grand completed after two revisions and overview and occasion. In order to help working staff of group the first draft of Post-disaster Reconstruction members improve business level and adapt to have been basically finished. objective requirements of social development, Continuously deepen foreign communication. our Federation held “the 1st Charity Business In 2011, our Federation continued to adhere Training Class of China Charity Federation”. to the principle of “going out and inviting in”, And our Federation organized the Business obtaining certain achievements in foreign backbones of all departments to serve as cooperation. In 2011, our Federation arranged speakers to train more than 100 charity one-time visit to foreign countries, and received working staff from over 20 provinces and cities visitors from foreign countries, Hong Kong, nationwide. Macao and Taiwan regions for 7 times. Between In the complicated environment in 2011, June 28th, 2011 and July 1st, 2011, invited our Federation obtained such gratifying by United Way Worldwide, our Federation achievements, which is really not easy. organized a delegation to attend “the 9th Asian- These achievements cannot be obtained Pacific regional Assembly of the United Way without powerful support from all sectors of Worldwide”. Staff of our Federation introduced the community. Hereby, I express the noblest basic methods and experience of Chinese respect and the most heartfelt gratitude! There charity organizations implemented in earthquake will be more challenges and more opportunities relief and post-disaster reconstruction in “5• in the New Year, I am willing to go hand in hand 12” Wenchuan large earthquake, receiving a with everyone and make unremitting efforts to favorable reception. Besides, our Federation create a better future charity in China. signed a new agreement for cooperative

 重要活动 / Significant Events

重要活动 Significant Events

举办“第三届企业社会高层论坛” the 3rd Top Level Forum of Enterprises and Society Was Held

3月9日下午,“第三届企业社会高层论 坛”在北京人民政协报社举行。此次论坛由中华 慈善总会和人民政协报共同举办,中华慈善总会 会长范宝俊以及在京参加全国两会的全国人大代 表周森、全国政协委员林大辉、林嘉騋、张忠 言、谢京、林晓昌和有关慈善组织领导、专家学 者、著名企业家数十人出席论坛并发言。 2010年是中国企业界与慈善有着不解之缘 的一年。从西南抗旱到4.14玉树地震再到舟曲泥 石流灾害的救灾与重建,处处可见企业家们的积 极参与。企业家们的捐赠为我国公益慈善事业的 发展注入了强大动力,在改善民生、促进社会和 谐进步方面发挥了重要作用。如何更好地引导中 国企业家阶层处理好财富与慈善的关系,在更广 泛的层面和更高的层次上履行社会责任、积极投 身慈善,为推动社会的发展进步、为构建和谐社 会贡献力量?这已经成为一个时代面临的问题, 也是公益慈善界、企业界所共同关心的话题。 此次论坛的主题为“责任创造和谐:如何正 确面对财富与慈善的关系” ,围绕这一主题, 与会的全国人大代表、全国政协委员、企业社会 责任和慈善领域的专家、企业家代表会集一堂, 就企业家该如何正确处理财富与慈善的关系、慈 善组织该如何积极引导企业家行善、如何在制度 层面保障企业家的行善积极性、企业社会责任与 慈善公益事业发展的关系、现状和前景等进行了 热烈的交流和探讨。

On the afternoon of March 9, the 3rd Top Level Forum of Enterprises and Society was held in People’s Political Consultative Newspaper Office. This forum was jointly organized by China Charity Federation and People’s Political Consultative Newspaper, and dozens of participants including President of China Charity Federation FAN Baojun and ZHOU Sen, a deputy to the National People’s Congress attending the NPC&CPPCC in Beijing, Committee members of CPPCC LIN Dahui, LIN Jialai, ZhANG Zhongyan, XIE Jing, LIN Xiaochang, leaders of relevant charitable organizations, experts and scholars, famous entrepreneurs attended the forum and delivered speeches. 2010 is the year when enterprise industry is tightly bounded to charities. Active participation of

 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

entrepreneurs could be seen from drought relief between wealth and charity”. Such participants in southwest China, 4.14 Yushu Earthquake to as deputies to the National People’s Congress, disaster relief and reconstruction from Zhouqu committee members of CPPCC, experts and debris flow. Donations from them have motivated the representatives of entrepreneurs in enterprises’ development of public charities in China, playing a responsibilities and charity gathered to carry out significant role in improving people’s livehood and heated communication and discussion on how promoting social harmony and progress. How to to deal with the relationship between wealth and guide Chinese entrepreneur levels to deal with the charity, how do charitable organizations actively relationship between wealth and charity, implement guide entrepreneurs to contribute to charity, how social responsibility in an extensive and higher level to guarantee the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs to and actively throw themselves to charity to make contribute to charity, relations between enterprises’ contribution to promoting social development and responsibilities and the development of public construction of harmonious society has become an charities, status quo and prospects and so on. issue facing by the whole era as well as the topic concerned by both public charity and enterprise industries. The subject of this forum is “responsibility creates harmony: how to correctly face the relationship

召开“中华慈善总会第三届理事会第七次会议” “the 7th Conference of the 3rd Board of Directors of China Charity Federation” Was Convened

6月20日,中华慈善总会第三届理事会第七次会 三届理事会第七次会议关于发展团体会员授予荣誉称 议在中民大厦三楼会议厅召开,范宝俊会长、李本公 号及人事变动安排的工作报告》,张道诚副会长、邓 副会长、刘国林秘书长分别作《中华慈善总会第三届 铜山副会长出席会议,京内京外共计120位理事或理 理事会第七次会议工作报告》、《中华慈善总会第三 事代表以及部分荣誉副会长应邀参加会议。 届理事会第七次会议财务报告》、《中华慈善总会第

On June 20, the 7th Conference of the 3rd Group Members with Honor and Change of Personnel Board of Directors of China Charity Federation was for 7th Conference of the 3rd Board of Directors of convened on the third floor of Zhong Min Plaza, where China Charity Federation respectively, Vice President President FAN Baojun, Vice President LI Bengong ZHANG Daocheng and Vice President DENG Tongshan and Secretary General LIU Guolin delivered Report attended the conference, in addition, a total of 120 for the 7th Conference of the 3rd Board of Directors directors or representative of directors and part of of China Charity Federation, Financial Report for the honorary vice presidents inside and outside Beijing 7th Conference of the 3rd Board of Directors of China were invited to attend the conference. Charity Federation and Report on the Development of

10 重要活动 / Significant Events

范宝俊会长出席“第六届中华慈善奖表彰大会” President FAN Baojun Attended “the 6th China Charity Award Commending Assembly”

7月15日上午,范宝俊会长参加在人民大 有限公司、中国衣恋集团、周大福珠宝行有限 会堂举行的第六届中华慈善奖表彰大会。大会 公司等荣获“中华慈善奖爱心捐赠企业”称 对40名个人和志愿者团体、37家企业和23个 号。 慈善项目进行了表彰。中华慈善总会多吉美、 中华慈善奖由民政部举办,旨在表彰在慈 易瑞沙和特罗凯助医项目荣获“中华慈善奖慈 善事业中作出突出贡献的个人、团体、企业和 善项目”称号,中华慈善总会荣誉副会长张倩 优秀慈善项目,大力弘扬慈心为民、善举济世 玉、陈光标荣获“中华慈善奖慈善楷模”称 的慈善精神和人道主义精神,促进社会主义精 号,中华慈善总会海外荣誉会长李春平、合作 神文明建设,发挥慈善事业改善民生、促进社 伙伴曹德旺先生等荣获“中华慈善奖爱心捐赠 会和谐的积极作用。中华慈善奖表彰活动体现 个人”称号,中华慈善总会合作伙伴大连万达 了党和政府对社会各界慈行善举的充分肯定和 集团股份有限公司、汇丰银行、加多宝集团、 弘扬,自2005年以来已举办了六届,影响力不 江苏省沙钢集团有限公司、中国泛海控股集团 断提升,推动了慈善事业的深入发展。

On the morning of July 15th, Co., Ltd, China E-land Group and President FAN Baojun attended CHOW TAI FOOK Co., Ltd were the 6th China Charity Award awarded as “Charity Enterprises of Commending Assembly held in China Charity Award”. People’s Hall. 40 individuals and Held by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, volunteer groups, 37 enterprises and China Charity Award aims to honor 23 charity projects were awarded at individuals, groups, enterprises the assembly. Nexavar, Iressa and and outstanding charity projects Traceva Medical projects of China contributing a lot to charities, Charity Federation were awarded as vigorously develop and expand the “Charity Projects of China Charity charity spirit of serving people with Award”, Honorary Vice Presidents a kind heart and saving the world of China Charity Federation ZHANG with good deeds and humanitarian Qianyu and CHEN Guangbiao were spirit, promote socialist spiritual awarded as “Charity Models of China civilization construction and give Charity Award”, oversea Honorary full play to the charity improving the President of China Charity Federation people’s livelihood and promoting Li Chunping and partner Mr. CAO social harmony. China Charity Dewang were awarded as “Charity Award reflects that both the Party Individuals of China Charity Award”, and government fully confirm and such cooperative partners of China uphold the philanthropic acts. Held 6 Charity Federation Dalian Wanda sessions since 2005, it has promoted Group Co., Ltd, HSBC, the JDB further development of charities with Group, Jiangsu Shagang Group Co., its increasing influence. Ltd, China Fanhai Holdings Group

11 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

李本公副会长出席“第六届中华慈善奖报告会” Vice President Li Bengong Attended “the 6th China Charity Award Reports”

2011年7月15日下午,李本公副会长出席“第六届中华慈善奖报告会”并致辞,呼吁慈善组 织和相关政府部门努力创新,为公益慈善事业营造更好的发展氛围和环境。作为第六届中华慈善 奖的重要组成部分,报告会以“我的慈善故事”为主题,包含“我的捐赠故事”和“我的工作故 事”两个环节。“我的捐赠故事”由中华慈善奖获奖代表讲述自身亲历慈善故事,展示我国公民 丰富多元的慈善生态;“我的工作故事”环节由公益慈善行业一线工作人员代表通过中华慈善奖 获奖者中的公益慈善工作者代表讲述自身的从业故事,向世界展示一个不为人知晓的中国公益慈 善领域。

On the afternoon of July 15th, 2011, Vice President LI Bengong attended the 6th China Chairty Award Reports and delivered a lecture, appealing that charity organization and relevant governments strive to create a better developing atmosphere and environment for public charities. As an important part of China Charity Award, the seminar focused on “my stories of charity”, including such two aspects as “my donation stories” and “my job stories”. The former is about stories stated of their own by representatives winning China Charity Award, displaying a variety of charitable acts of citizens in our country; and the latter is about stories of their own stated by representative of charity workers winning China Charity Award, presenting charity field in China unknown to the world.

举办“慈善之光——中华慈善总会暨团体会员慈善成果展” “the Light of Charity-Achievement Exhibition of China Charity & Its Member Organizations” Was Held

2011年10月11日至13日,“慈善之光—— 11日上午,“慈善之光——中华慈善总会 中华慈善总会暨团体会员慈善成果展”在北京 暨团体会员慈善成果展”举行开幕仪式,出席 全国农业展览馆举行,中华慈善总会,全国各 开幕仪式的有全国政协副主席阿不来提·阿不 省、自治区、直辖市以及大连市、新疆生产建 都热西提,第十届全国人大常委会副委员长何 设兵团慈善会共计34家联合参展。 鲁丽,第十届全国政协副主席李蒙,民政部副

12 重要活动 / Significant Events

部长窦玉沛,中华慈善总会会长范宝俊,民政 济困、推动我国慈善事业发展方面所开展的工 部党组成员、纪检组组长曲淑辉,民政部副部 作。展览主要包括:中华慈善总会和各地慈善 长孙绍骋,全国妇联书记处书记范继英,国家 会成立、发展状况;在慈善募捐、慈善救助方 税务总局纪检组长冯惠敏,中华慈善总会副会 面所取得的成果;慈善组织的队伍建设和组织 长邓铜山、张道诚、朱焘、崔俊慧、彭玉,秘 制度建设;慈善组织实施的重点项目、品牌项 书长刘国林及参加联合展出的各地慈善会、社 目,在大灾大难中的慈善救助行动;地方各级 会团体的负责同志。 慈善组织在凸显地方特色、开拓创新方面所取 展览通过大量珍贵的图片、实物、文献资 得的成绩;爱心人士、慈善企业家、慈善工作 料和数字图表以及文字解说,首次全面、系统 者的慈善风采以及各级党委、政府对慈善事业 地展示了十几年来中国各地慈善会组织在扶危 提供的支持和关怀等。

From October 11th to 13th, 2011, “the Light Federation DENG Tongshan, ZHANG Daocheng, of Charity-Achievement Exhibition of China ZHU Tao, CUI Junhui and PENG Yu, Secretary Charity & Its Member Organizations” was held General LIU Guolin and principals of local charity in National Agricultural Museum in Beijing, and federations and social organizations attended a total of 34 local charity federations from all this exhibition provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, This exhibition fully and systematically municipalities with independent planning status displayed work carried out by local charity and Xinjiang Production and Construction Group organizations to help those in distress and aid participated in this exhibition. those in need and promote the development of On the morning of 11th, an opening ceremony charities in China over the past tens of years for “the Light of Charity-Achievement Exhibition through a lot of valuable pictures, material of China Charity & Its Member Organizations” objects, document literature, figures, tables was started, where Vice-chairman of CPPCC and text for the first time. The exhibition mainly ABuLaiDi •AbuDouReXiDi, Vice-chairman of the included the establishment and development 10th Standing Committee of the National People’ situation of China Charity Federation and local s Congress HE Luli, Vice-chairman of the 10th charity federations; achievements obtained in Standing Committee of the National People’ charity collection and charity salvation; team s Congress LI Meng, Vice-minister of Ministry construction and organization and system of Civil Affairs DOU Yupei, President of China construction of charity organizations; key Charity Federation FAN Baojun, party members projects and brand projects organized by charity of Ministry of Civil Affairs, Director of Disciplinary organizations as well as charity salvation in Inspection Team QU Shuhui, Vice-minister disasters; achievements obtained by local of Ministry of Civil Affairs SUN Shaocheng, federations in displaying local features and Secretary of Secretariat of ACWF (the All-China innovation; charity acts of people with loving Women’s Federation) FAN Jiying, Director hearts, charitable entrepreneurs and charitable of Disciplinary Inspection Team of General staff and support and solicitude offered by Party Office of SAT (State Administration of Taxation) committees and governments at various levels FENG Huimin, Vice-presidents of China Charity and so on.

13 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

举办“中华慈善总会第一期慈善业务培训班” “The 1st Charity Business Training Class of China Charity Federation” Was Held

In order to help working staff of group members improve business level and adapt to 为帮助团体会员工作人员提高业务水 objective requirements of social development, 平,适应社会发展客观要求,中华慈善总会 China Charity Federation held “the 1st Charity 于11月14-15日在北京举办了“中华慈善总 Business Training Class of China Charity Federation” from November 14 to 15. And our 会第一期慈善业务培训班”。中华慈善总会 Federation organized the Business backbones 组织各部室的业务骨干担任主讲人,对来自 of all departments to serve as speakers to 全国20多个省市的100多位一线慈善工作者进 train more than 100 charity working staff 行培训。这次培训中,各地学员不仅就慈善 from over 20 provinces and cities nationwide. 工作中的问题展开了深入的交流,更加强了 During this training, trainees of all places 各团体会员之间的交流,为以后彼此更好地 not only discussed the issues in charitable work in-depth, but also strengthened the 开展合作奠定了良好的基础。 communications among all group members, laying a sound foundation for carrying out better cooperation in the future.

14 对外交流与合作 / International Exchange and Cooperation

中华慈善总会代表团参加第九届联合之路亚太地区会议 Delegation of China Chairty Federation Attended the 9th United Way Asia-Pacific Region Conference

6月28日至7月1日,由中华慈善总会副 热点问题,进行了深入探讨。中华慈善总会副 秘书长、对外联络部主任麻贵林带队的中华 秘书长麻贵林在大会发表演讲,介绍了中国慈 慈善总会和地方慈善会代表团参加了在泰国 善组织在“5.12”汶川特大地震中抗震救灾和 曼谷举行的“第九届联合之路亚太地区会 灾后重建中的基本做法和体会。他指出,在这 议”。该会议由全球联合之路(United Way 次举世瞩目的灾难救助中,中国的慈善组织发 Worldwide, UWW)主办,泰国社会福利国民 挥了不可忽视的作用,这得益于国内外各界的 议会(National Council on Social Welfare of 支持以及中国慈善组织自身不断提高的管理水 Thailand)承办。包括中国大陆、台湾、韩 平,中国的慈善事业将积极学习借鉴各国先进 国、日本、印度、新西兰、菲律宾、泰国在内 经验,为创造一个更美好的世界做出贡献。 的14个国家和地区的近百位慈善组织代表参加 全球联合之路(United Way Worldwide, 了会议。 UWW)是一个志愿者为主导的非营利组织, 会议围绕“学习与合作:联合之路如何构 在全球46个国家和地区拥有网络合作伙伴及会 建更强大的社区”这一主题,就慈善项目、缩 员单位。中华慈善总会于1998年加入该组织, 小收入差距、能力建设、灾难救助等慈善事业 是其在中国大陆的唯一合作伙伴单位。

From June 28 to July 01, the delegation led support of all circles at home and abroad as well by Deputy Secretary General and Director of as ceaselessly increasing management level International Liaison Department of China Charity of charitable organizations in China. Charities Federation MA Guilin and representatives of in China would actively learn from advanced local charity federations attended the 9th United experience from other countries and make Way Asia-Pacific Region Conference which was contributions to creating a better world. held in Bangkok, Thailand. This conference As a non-profit organization, UWW (United was hosted by UWW (United Way Worldwide) Way Worldwide) consists of volunteers, having and undertaken by National Council on Social network partners and member units in 46 Welfare of Thailand, where approximately 100 countries and regions worldwide. China Charity representatives of charitable organizations Federation joined this organization in 1998 as its from such 14 countries and regions as Chinese only partner unit on Chinese mainland. Mainland, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, India, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Thailand and so on attended this conference. This conference focused on the topic “Learning and Cooperation: How Does the UWW Construct a Stronger Community” and carries out in-depth discussion on charity projects, narrowing income gap, capability construction, disaster relief and other hot issues of charities. Deputy Secretary General of China Charity Federation MA Guilin delivered a lecture on the assembly, introducing basic methods and experience of Chinese charity organizations implemented in earthquake relief and post-disaster reconstruction in “5• 12” Wenchuan large earthquake. He pointed out that charitable organizations played an important role in this disaster relief owing to the

15 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

中华慈善总会与全球联合之路进一步增进合作 Further Cooperation Between China Charity Federation and the United Way Worldwide

2011年9月13日上午,“中华慈善总会、全球联合之 路(United Way Worldwide)合作伙伴协议签字仪式” 在中华慈善总会会议室举行。中华慈善总会会长范宝俊、 全球联合之路会长兼首席执行官布莱恩·盖勒格代表双方 机构签署了合作伙伴协议。双方就未来进一步扩大合作领 域、增加合作项目达成一致,今后将共同致力于提高慈 善组织自身建设、筹募能力、项目管理及评估等方面的能 力,并将与更多跨国企业在国内合作开展慈善项目。

On the morning of September 13, 2011, the signing ceremony of “Cooperative Partner Agreement between China Charity Federation and United Way Worldwide” was held in the conference room of China Charity Federation. President of China Charity Federation FAN Baojun and President and CEO of United Way Worldwide Blaine• Gallager signed this agreement on behalf of both parties. They reached an agreement on further expanding cooperative fields and increasing cooperative projects, jointly committing themselves to improving self-construction and collection capability, project management and assessment and other capabilities of charitable organizations and carrying out charity projects through cooperating with more transnational enterprises in China.

16 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

慈善项目与基金 Charity Projects and Funds

救灾工作 / Disaster Relief

2011年的救灾工作主要集中在四川灾区重建工作 复重建社会捐赠资金使用工作情况,并就下一步工作 收尾和玉树灾区重建工作展开及《两志》编写三个方 提出了意见和建议。 面。 纂写《两志》。根据中央部署,总会承担了《汶 四川灾区的重建工作经过三年的努力已于今年基 川特大地震抗震救灾志》中《抗震救灾志》和《灾后 本完成。今年随同会领导多次前往四川灾区进行重建 重建志》的有关编纂工作。对于这项专业性极强、要 工作的检查和督导。并三次陪同捐赠方前往灾区考察 求十分严格的全新工作,我们面临着资料搜集工作繁 重建项目,捐赠方代表对他们捐建的重建项目保质保 重、无专业人员、无任何经验、无专门资金,工作起 量完工表示赞赏,对总会的工作给予了肯定。 步晚、任务重的情况下,参加了多次的培训会和工作 青海玉树重建工作已全面展开,所有捐款已全部 会议,《抗震救灾志》经过两次修改定稿,现已基本 拨付至青海省慈善总会救灾账户。为更好地将重建工 完成。《重建志》的编纂是今年的主要工作任务。工 作落实到位,两次前往西宁并参加由民政部救灾司召 作人员先后多次前往四川灾区收集资料,督促编纂工 开的“玉树地震灾后恢复重建社会捐赠资金管理工作 作,现已完成《重建志》的概述和长编部分。 座谈会”。会上听取了青海省相关部门就玉树灾后恢

In 2011, disaster relief work conducted by our of Civil Affairs. At the forum, they listened to the use of Federation mainly focused on such three aspects as the fund of relevant departments of Qinghai Province the tail-in work of reconstruction in Yushu, Qinghai and put forward opinions and suggestions on work of Province, the development of reconstruction in Yushu next step. disaster-stricken area and compilation of two records, Compile two records, i.e. Records of Earthquake i.e. Records of Earthquake Relief Work and Post- Relief Work and Post-disaster Reconstruction. disaster Reconstruction. In accordance with arrangement of the central Reconstruction work in Sichuan disaster-stricken government, our Federation was responsible for areas has been basically completed through three- complicating Records of Earthquake Relief Work and year efforts. This year, leaders of our Federation went Post-disaster Reconstruction of Records of Wenchuan to Sichuan disaster-stricken areas to examine and Great Earthquake Relief Work. Since it is a new job supervise reconstruction work for several times, and with great speciality and strict requirements, we had no accompanied the donators to inspect reconstruction professionals, experience and special fund but heavy projects in disaster-stricken areas for three times, who data collection work. In consideration of such difficulties, expressed their appreciation on the quality completion we attended training conferences and work conferences of donated reconstruction project and fully affirmed the for several times, Records of Earthquake Relief Work work carried out by our Federation. has been basically completed after two revisions. Post- Reconstruction work in Yushu, Qinghai province has disaster Reconstruction of Records of Wenchuan Great been fully started; all donations have been appropriated Earthquake Relief Work was the key task of this year. to the disaster-relief account of Qinghai Charity Staff went to Wenchuan disaster-stricken area several Federation. In order to put reconstruction work into times to collect data and supervise compilation work; practice, leaders of our Federation went to Xining to therefore, overview and the first draft of Post-disaster attend “Forum on Fund Donated by the Public to Post- Reconstruction have been basically finished. disaster Reconstruction in Yushu” convened by Ministry

17 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

扶贫项目 / Poverty Alleviation Projects

慈福行动 Operation Blessing

2001年,美国视博恩公司北京代表 育。3)净水:在甘肃和四川完成200口 处与总会合作成立了人道救援项目—— 水井水窖,让1000人喝上干净水。4) 慈福行动。2011年,该项目的主要工作 实物捐赠:发放价值100万元图书到全国 包括以下几方面:1)医疗:为90名来自 22个学校,为乡村的孩子提供日常的阅 贵州、湖北、河南、黑龙江、河南等地 读书籍。5)培训和营会:为200名孤 区的贫困孩子提供手术,包括心脏病, 儿关怀者、聋儿家长、医生、乡村教师 聋儿康复,肢体校正等。2)教育:资助 提供专业培训。6)活动:举办第十届欧 45名职业学校学生和240名大学生,并 盟青年经理协会慈善晚宴,筹得585, 鼓励他们服务社会;资助河北,四川, 706元人民币医疗救助款。所有的款项用 北京地区877名贫困中小学生完成义务教 于为贫困儿童和孤儿提供医疗救助。

In 2001, representative office of Hebei, Sichuan and Beijing to complete American CBN (Christian Broadcasting compulsory education. 3) Water Network) company established purification: completed 200 wells and humanitarian aid project - operation cisterns in Gansu and Sichuan, enabling blessing in cooperation with our 1,000 people to drink purified water. 4) Federation. In 2011, the project's main donation in kind: issued books worthy work includes the following aspects: of RMB 1 million Yuan to 22 schools 1) Medical: provided operations for 90 nationwide, providing daily reading books children from poverty-stricken areas in for children in villages. 5) Training and Guizhou, Hubei, Henan, Heilongjiang camp: provided professional trainings and other regions to cure heart attack, for 200 people showing solicitude for recovery of deaf children, body correction orphans, parents of deaf children, doctors and so on. 2) Education: aided financially and teachers in rural areas. 6) Activities: 45 students from vocational schools and held the 10th EU Young Managers 240 college students and encourage them Association Charity Dinner Party to collect to serve the society; aided financially RMB 585, 706 Yuan for medical aid, all of 877 middle school and primary school which would be applied to medical aid for students in poverty-stricken areas in poor children and orphans.

18 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

儿童为本、小区扶贫项目 Children-Oriented and Community Poverty Alleviation Project

总会自1997年与世界宣明会合作开展“儿 14个县城开展了18个“儿童为本、小区扶贫” 童为本、小区扶贫”项目。项目旨在通过为社区 的社区综合发展项目。2011年度,小区扶贫项 儿童提供教育资助、免疫注射以及营养改善的 目投入金额超过人民币4700万元,受益人数达 同时,改善当地教育设施、医疗卫生状况,促进 26万人次。另外宣明会还与中华慈善总会一起 当地经济发展,以建立和谐的、可持续发展的社 关注救灾工作。2011年度,世界宣明会各项目 区。至2011年底,双方已合作在中国七个省份 总捐款超过5300万元人民币。

Since 1997, our Federation cooperated with Poverty Alleviation” community comprehensive World Vision to carry out “Children Help Poverty development projects in 14 counties of 7 provinces Alleviation for Their Communities” project, which in China. In 2011, the amount of investment of aims at promoting local economic development community poverty alleviation projects exceeded and establishing communities with harmonious RMB 47 million Yuan, benefiting 260,000 person- and sustainable development through providing times. In addition, World Vision, together with children with education fund, inoculation and China Charity Federation, paid attention to nourishment amelioration and improving local disaster-relief work. In 2011, total donation education facilities, medical treatment and public of various projects collected by World Vision health. As of the end of 2011, both parties had exceeded RMB 53 million Yuan. carried out 18 “Children-Oriented and Community

LDS慈善协会合作项目 LDS Cooperation Project

LDS慈善协会 (LDS Charities) 是美国一家 了16所学校、老人院的旱厕改水厕项目;在百 非营利性的慈善机构,与总会合作近十年,主要 色、涞水开展饮水项目,缓解当地饮水难问题。 领域涉及到公共卫生环境的改善、饮水工程、轮 LDS慈善协会通过总会向新疆、西安、秦皇岛、 椅捐赠。此外,双方在救助孤儿和老年人、图书 烟台、十堰、神农架、湘西、昭通、阿拉善盟、 捐赠、紧急救灾等方面也做了大量工作。2011 绩溪县等地捐赠共计2500台轮椅和2500个助行 年,LDS慈善协会投入资金近300万元,援助 器,为当地残疾人、老年人、福利院儿童等需要 淄博、滦平、凌海、昆明、赤峰等8个地区完成 人群送去生活的希望。

As an American non-profit charity organization, as Zibo, Luanping, Linghai, Kunming, Chifeng LDS Charities has cooperated with CCF for nearly and so on, and relieve the troublesome of drinking a decade, covering such fields as improvement of water by carrying out the drinking water project public health environment, drinking water project in Baise and Laishui. LDS Charities also donated and wheelchair donation. Besides, both parties a total of 2,500 sets of wheelchairs and 2,500 have done a lot of work in aiding orphans and walking aids to Xinjiang, Xi’an, Qinhuangdao, old people, book donation, emergency relief and Yantai, Shiyan, Shennongjia, western Hunan other aspects. In 2011, LDS Charities invested Province, Shaotong, AlaShanMeng, Jixi County approximately RMB 3 million Yuan to aid in and other regions, sending hope for life to those in transforming pit toilets into water closets in 16 need including the disabled, the old and children schools and old people’s home in such 8 regions in charity houses.

19 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

贫困母亲救助项目 Poor Mothers Relief Project

总会于2010年7月正式启动了“贫困母亲救 亲发放款物5000至10000元不等,有特殊的家庭 助项目”。目前该项目主要扶助贫困地区的贫困 最多达到2万元。2011年底,已累计发放物资和 母亲、特殊贫困女性,并帮助其子女就学;救助 善款共计400多万元,惠及2000多人次,使贫困 部分由于家庭暴力所致的在押女性犯人的家属。 母亲及其家庭因此而收益,被广大民众誉为“母 项目的救助对象筛选工作由总会与各省市地方民 亲的阳光”、“爱心的春雨”。 政部门和慈善会共同完成,为贫困家庭、贫困母

In July, 2010, the Federation officially started RMB 10, 000 Yuan to poor families and poor “Poor Mothers Relief Project”, which mainly aims mothers, and some special families received as at helping poor mothers and women in poverty- much as RMB 20, 000Yuan. At the end of 2011, stricken areas so that their children can attend a total of more than RMB 4 million Yuan for schools and aiding family members of part women materials and money was issued, benefiting over prisoners resulted from family violence. The 2,000 person-times. Therefore, poor mothers and selection of aiding objects was jointly completed their families are also benefited; this project was by the Federation, local civil administration praised as “sunshine for mothers” and “loving departments and charity federations, which gave spring rain”. out donation ranging from RMB 5,000 Yuan to

善聚源饮水工程 Shanjuyuan Drinking Water Project

On September 28, 2010, under the support of 2010年9月28日,在热心慈善事业的机构、 charity organizations, enterprises and individuals, 企业和个人的支持下,总会在广西崇左正式启动 the Federation launched “Shanjuyuan Drinking 了“善聚源饮水工程”。2011年,该工程在百色 Water Project” in Chongzuo, Guangxi Province. 地区建立了46个“爱心水站”,并完成了新疆建 In 2011, this project established 46 “Love Water 设兵团“爱心水站”建设考察工作。 Stations” in Baise district, completing investigation work on the establishment of “Love Water Stations” of Xinjiang Production and Construction Group.

20 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

雨水积蓄工程 Rain Accumulation Project

慈善雨水积蓄工程是中华慈善总会向社会募集资金,帮助甘肃省少雨缺水干旱地区的百姓修建 集雨设施解决生活用水的活动统称。根据不同地区的不同情况,可以修建一个100平方米的集雨面 和一个30—50立方米的水窑,解决3-5口之家常年人畜饮水问题,或者捐赠一定数额的善款修建一 个集体性的集雨设施,解决一个人口聚集点的饮水问题。

Rain Accumulation Project refers to the activities launched by China Charity Federation to collect fund from the society in order to help people in draught-stricken areas in Gansu Province settle the issue of drinking water through repairing rain water collecting facilities. A 100-square-meters rainwater- collecting surface and a 30-50 cubic meters of water kiln can be built to settle drinking water for a family of 3-5 all year round, or a collective rainwater-collecting facility is built with a certain amount of donation to settle the issue of drinking water for a population gathering point.

助孤项目 / Orphans Supporting Projects

慈爱孤儿工程、孤儿成才基金项目 Charitable Orphans Project and Fund Supporting Orphans to Become Excellent

根据儿童福利机构的实际需求,总会整合了慈爱孤儿工程和孤儿成才基金的资金,为贵州省黔 东南州凯里市中心福利院、陕西省晋城市社会福利院、河北省石家庄市儿童福利院、保定市儿童福 利院、唐山市第一儿童福利院等9所儿童福利机构捐建“慈善爱心放映室”。

In accordance with actual demands of children welfare agencies, the Federation integrated funds for charitable orphans project and fund supporting orphans to become excellent, building “charity love projection rooms” for 9 children welfare agencies including Kaili Central Welfare House Southeast Qian, Guizhou Province, Jincheng Social Welfare Institute in Shaannxi Province, Shijiazhuang Children Welfare Association in Hebei Province, Baoding Children Welfare Association and Tangshan 1st Children Welfare Association and so on.

21 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

扶残项目 / The Disabled Alleviation Projects

埃克森培训项目 Exxon Training Project


This project held a total of 6 sessions of training class for restoring the disabled in front hospitals in disaster-stricken areas in 2011.

行走·渴望 Walking• Desire

“行走·渴望”项目是由中华慈善总会与世界轮椅基金会于2004年共同发起的一个公益项目, 其宗旨是通过动员全社会的力量来为每一位生活艰苦的残疾人送去一辆轮椅,以满足他们行走的渴 望,给他们带去希望、自由和自尊。该项目自开展以来,获得了社会各界和贫困残疾人士的广泛好 评,并于2007年被授予“中华慈善事业突出贡献项目奖”。2011年,总会与世界轮椅基金会合作共 发放轮椅1240台,发放到新疆、浙江、山东、山西和陕西。

“Walking• Desire” is a public project jointly launched by China Charity Federation and World Wheelchair Fund in 2004 and it aims at sending a wheelchair for each disabled person living hard life through mobilizing power of the whole society to meet their desire for walking, bringing them hope, freedom and self- respect. Since the launch of this project, it has won good reputation from all sectors of community and the disabled and was awarded “Outstanding Contribution Project Prize of China Charities” in 2007. In 2011, the Federation and World Wheelchair Fund cooperated to give out a total of 1, 240 sets of wheelchairs to Xinjiang, Zhejiang, Shandong, Shanxi and Shaanxi.

22 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

助医项目 / Medical Relief Projects

拜科奇血友病儿童援助项目 Bayer Hemophilia Children Relief Project

2009年6月,总会和拜耳医药保健有限公司共同创立“中华慈善总会拜科奇血友病儿童援助项 目”,旨在通过中华慈善总会(企业捐赠)、医疗保险和个人共同承担的模式,解决中国血友病儿 童的医疗救治问题。此模式具有创新性、可持续性、良好的社会影响力和公信力,为医药企业参与 慈善事业积累了点滴成功经验。2011年,拜科奇患者援助项目援助患者情况如下:


年度 患者人数 低保 批准人次 援助药品 价值人民币 2011 248 7 703 10541 ¥13,914,120

In June 2009, the Federation established “China Charity Federation Bayer Hemophilia Children Relief Project” with Bayer Healthcare Co. Ltd to settle the issue of medical treatment for hemophilia children in China through the mode of China Charity Federation (enterprise donation), undertaking of medical insurance and individuals. Innovative and sustainable, this mode bears good social influences and credibility, accumulating successful experience for medical enterprises to participate in charities. See the following table for the situation of Bayer’s aid on patients:

Bayer Hemophilia Children Relief Project Year Number of Patients Minimum Living Standard Approved Person-time Aided Medicine Value (RMB) 2011 248 7 703 10541 ¥13,914,120

慈善医疗阳光救助工程 Charity Medical Sunshine Assistance Project

“慈善医疗阳光救助工程”旨在响应国家关于提高贫困地区医疗服务水平的号召,发动各经营医疗器械企 业和愿意参与此项活动的企事业单位,向全国500多个国家级贫困县的医疗单位捐赠医疗器械、救护车和其他 物资,帮助贫困地区解决缺医少药、看病难、看病贵等问题。该项目自2002年实施以来,先后吸纳了50多家 国内外知名的厂商加入到阳光工程的项目中来,募集慈善资助金额达数拾亿元人民币。2011年,我会联合各 地慈善总会开展的第四期“慈善医疗济困行动”进展顺利,效果显著。项目在三十个省市开展,全年捐赠金额 2.4亿元,免费捐赠救护车267辆、医疗设备563套。

“Charity Medical Sunshine Assistance Project” aims to respond the appeal on improving medical service level in poverty-stricken areas launched by our country, advocating enterprises operating medical devices and enterprises and public institutions willing to participate in this activity to donate medical devices, ambulances and other materials to more than 500 medical units in poverty-stricken countries at national level, helping poverty-stricken areas settle the shortage of doctors and medicine, hard and expensive to see a doctor and other problems. Since 2002 when this project started, it has attracted more than 50 famous manufacturers at home and abroad to participate in sunshine project, collecting more than tens of billion Yuan. In 2011, the 4th “charity medical poverty relief action” launched by the Federation and local charity federations went on smoothly with great achievements. This project was carried through in more than 30 provinces and cities, a total of donation reached RMB 240 million Yuan, and 267 ambulances and 563 sets of medical equipment were donated free of charge.

23 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

多吉美患者援助项目 Nexavar Patient Assistance Project

2007年3月,总会与拜耳医药保健有限公司共同合作设立了“多吉美患者援助项目”。该项目专为中国肾 癌、肝癌患者设计和实施,旨在让更多的患者有机会获得多吉美的治疗,使已经在多吉美治疗中获益而不能继 续负担治疗费用的患者继续获得多吉美的治疗。2011年,多吉美患者援助项目援助患者情况如下:

多吉美肾癌 多吉美肝癌 年度 援助药品(盒) 价值人民币 新批患者 低保 随访次数 新批患者 低保 随访次数 2011 584 12 8538 1875 44 17615 58775 ¥1,480,659,800.00

In March 2007, the Federation cooperated with Bayer Healthcare Co., Ltd. to establish “China Charity Federation Bayer Hemophilia Children Relief Project”, which is designed and implemented for patients suffered from renal cancer and liver cancer, aiming at enabling more patients to get access to Nexavar treatment and patients benefited from Nexavar treatment but cannot continue to bear treatment fees to continue to get more Nexavar treatment. See the following table for patients receiving Nexavar Assistance Project:

Rental Cancer of Nexavar Liver Cancer of Nexavar Year Aided medicine (Box) Value (RMB) New patients Minimum living standard Times for follow-up visit New patients Minimum living standard Times for follow-up visit 2011 584 12 8538 1875 44 17615 58775 ¥1,480,659,800.00

格列卫全球患者援助项目 Glivec International Patient Assistance Program

格列卫全球患者援助项目于2003年9月在 个,设立注册医疗机构280家,项目注册医生 中国正式启动,援助对象为慢性粒细胞白血 达737位。2011年全年,项目接受来自瑞士诺 病、急性淋巴细胞白血病患者、恶性胃肠道间 华制药公司捐赠的格列卫药品15.53万余盒,价 质肿瘤的患者以及不隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤患 值人民币约20.2亿元;发放援助药品19.72万余 者。项目旨在让中国所有获益于格列卫药品的 盒,价值人民币25.63亿元,累计受助人数超过 贫困或因病致贫的患者获得免费格列卫药品救 18100人。 助。截至2011年底,项目在全国设立发药点44

Glivec International Patient Assistance medicine, 280 registered medical institutions Program was officially started in September and 737 registered doctors for the project. In 2003; its aiding objects included CML patients, the whole year of 2011, the project received ALL patients patients, GIST patients patients and more than 155,324 boxes of Glivic medicine DFSP patients. This project aims to enable all donated by Switzerland Novartis Pharmacy poor patients or patients becoming poor due to Company, worth approximately RMB 2.02 illness benefited from Glivic medicine to receive billion Yuan; more than 197,165 boxes of aided aid for free of charge. As of the end of 2011, this medicine were given out, worth RMB 2.56 billion, project has established 44 points for issuing the benefiting a total of more than 18,100 patients.

24 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

达希纳慈善援助项目 Tasigna Charity Medicine Assistance Project

达希纳患者援助项目于2009年12月在中国 目在全国设立发药点44个,设立注册医疗机构 正式启动,该药品属于格列卫二代产品。援助对 184家,项目注册医生达353位。2011年全年, 象是既往治疗耐药或不耐受的慢性粒细胞白血 项目接受来自瑞士诺华制药公司捐赠的达希纳药 病-慢性期和加速期成人患者。项目旨在让中国 品4520盒,价值人民币约1.66亿元;发放援助 所有获益于达希纳药品的贫困或因病致贫患者获 药品3695盒,价值人民币1.45亿元,累计受助 得免费达希纳药品救助。截至2011年底,该项 人数超过670人。

Tasigna Charity Medicine Assistance Project established 44 points for issuing the medicine, was officially started in December 2009 and 184 registered medical institutions and 353 such medicine belongs to the second generation registered doctors for the project. In the whole of Glivec. And its aiding objects included adult year of 2011, the project received more than patients with resistance or intolerance of CML 4,520 boxes of Tasigna medicine donated by – chronic stage and acceleration period. This Switzerland Novartis Pharmacy Company, worth project aims to enable all poor patients or approximately RMB166 million Yuan; 3695 boxes patients becoming poor due to illness benefited of aided medicine were given out, worth RMB 145 from Tasigna medicine to receive aid for free of million Yuan, benefiting a total of more than 670 charge. As of the end of 2011, this project has patients.

恩瑞格慈善援助项目 Exjade Charity Medicine Assistance Project

恩瑞格患者援助项目于2010年11年在中国 医疗机构35家,项目注册医生共55位。2011全 正式启动,援助对象是β-地中海贫血和其它输 年,项目接受来自瑞士诺华制药公司捐赠的恩瑞 血依赖性疾病因输血所致慢性铁过载患者。旨在 格药品31015盒,价值人民币约6500万元;发放 让中国所有获益于恩瑞格药品的贫困或因病致 援助药品8994盒,价值人民币1889万元,累计 贫患者获得免费恩瑞格药品救助。截至2011年 受助人数207人。 底,该项目在全国设立发药点12个,设立注册

Exjade Charity Medicine Assistance Project medicine, 35 registered medical institutions and was officially started in November 2010, and its 55 registered doctors for the project. In the whole aiding objects includes patients suffered from β- year of 2011, the project received more than Thalassaemia and other patients with overload 31,015 boxes of Exjade medicine donated by chronic iron due to blood transfusion dependence Switzerland Novartis Pharmacy Company, worth diseases. This project aims to enable all poor approximately RMB 65 million Yuan; 8,994 boxes patients or patients becoming poor due to illness of aided medicine were given out, worth RMB benefited from Exjade medicine to receive aid 18.89 million Yuan, benefiting a total of more than for free of charge. As of the end of 2011, this 207 patients. project has established 12 points for issuing the

25 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

类克项目 Remicade Project


In 2011, a total of donation medicine worth RMB 25.971million Yuan was given out in this project.

全可利慈善援助项目 Tracleer Charity Assistance Project

全可利慈善援助项目于2009年成立,该项目是中华慈善总 会接受瑞士爱可泰隆制药公司捐赠的全可利药品而设立的慈善项 目,其援助对象为贫困的肺动脉高压患者。2011年项目调整援 助方案、增加援助对象、加大援助力度,申请患者人数迅速增 加,接受捐赠药品数量成倍增长,发药点分布扩大,注册医院及 医生增加,项目整体进入了快速发展阶段。2011年项目接受赠 药5009盒,价值人民币1亿余元;接受患者申请435人、援助387 人,新批准患者人数较2010年度增长28.6%;为患者发放赠药 2573.5盒,价值人民币约5141.9万元;新设3个发药点;新增注 册医院23家,新增注册医生72人。

Established in 2009, Tracleer Charity Assistance Project is a charity project where China Charity Federation accepts Tracleer medicine donated by Switzerland Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd., and its aiding objects includes poor patients suffered from pulmonary hypertension. In 2011, this project adjusted aiding scheme, increased aiding objects and improved aiding vigor so that the number of applicants increased rapidly, the amount of patients receiving donating medicine was doubled, and the medicine issuing points was enlarged and registered hospitals and doctors increased as well, and the whole project entered into rapidly developing stage. In 2011, the project received more 5,009 boxes of medicine, worth more than RMB10 million Yuan and received 435 applicants and 387 receivers, and the newly confirmed patients increased by 28.6% compared to 2010. A total of 2,573.5 boxes of medicine, worth approximately RMB 5,141.9 Yuan, and 3 new medicine distribution points were established, 23 registered hospitals and 72 registered doctors were newly increased.

26 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

脊柱侧弯矫正和人工关节置换项目 Scoliosis Correction and Artificial Joint Prosthesis Replacement Project

脊柱侧弯矫正项目:为救助贫困脊柱侧弯患 人工关节置换项目:由北京春立正达公司、 者,美敦力威高骨科材料公司通过总会向贫困脊 美敦力威高骨科材料公司通过总会向贫困骨病患 柱侧弯患者捐赠内固定材料(材料经国家药监局 者捐赠人工关节。目前在全国部分省辖城市的三 批准生产),并携手全国省会城市三级甲等医院 级医院实施项目。鉴于我国老年人口庞大,特别 为患者提供服务。截至2011年底,共为全国范 是西部及高寒地区患者人数较多,加之有些地区 围内的500多名贫困患者实施了手术治疗。该项 经济欠发达,需求量较大,项目正在稳步实施, 目与26个省、市三级甲等医院骨科建立了合作 尽最大可能满足贫困骨病患者的需求。 伙伴关系。 Prosthetic Replacement Project: Beijing Scoliosis Correction and Artificial Joint Chunllizhengda Company and Medtronic Prosthesis Replacement Project: in order to aid Orthopedics Material Company donated artificial poor patients suffering from scoliosis, Medtronic joint prosthesis to poor patients. At present this Orthopedics Material Company donated internal project is implemented in Level-Three hospitals fixation material (which is produced upon approval in part of cities nationwide. Due to large senior of SFDA) to poor patients through the Federation, population in our country, in particular, there and cooperated with first-class hospitals at Level are more patients in western, high and cold Three in capital nationwide to provide services area, in addition, the economy in some areas is for patients. As of the end of 2011, a total of underdeveloped and the demand is huge. This more than 500 poor patients nationwide have project is implemented in steady manner, meeting received operation. This project has established the requirements of more poor patients as much cooperative partnership with 26 provincial and as possible. municipal first-class hospitals at Level Three.

思而赞慈善赠药项目 Cerezyme Charity Medicine Donation Project

2008年12月,中华慈善总会与美国健赞公司共同签署了“有关罕见遗传性疾病在中国的认识和 支持项目”及“有关捐赠思而赞TM用以中国的戈谢病患者”的协议。旨在为中国的戈谢氏病患者免 费提供思而赞治疗药品,自项目成立以来,共与全国七家执行医院,四家省(市)慈善会合作,为 分布在27个省、90多个市县的130余名患者进行了八次赠药。2011年,共发放赠药2645支,发放人 次247人次,发放赠药总价值6083.5万元。

In December 2008, China Charity Federation signed an agreement on “project on the understanding and support of rare hereditary diseases in China” and “on the application of CerezymeTM to Patients Suffered from Gaucher Disease” with Genzyme Company. The project aims to provide Cerezyme medicine to patients suffered from Gaucher Diseases in China free of charge. Since the establishment of this project, medicine has been donated 8 times to more than 130 patients in over 90 counties across 27 provinces through the cooperation with 7 executive hospitals and 4 provincial (municipal) charity federation. In 2011, a total of 2,645 pieces of donated medicine were handed out to 247 person times, totally worth RMB60, 835,000.00.

27 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

特罗凯慈善赠药项目 Tarceva Charity Medicine Donation Project

2008年4月,总会与上海罗氏制药有限公司共同成立“中华慈善总会特罗凯®慈善赠药项目”, 为贫困的非小细胞肺癌晚期患者提供免费救助药品。项目办公室与36家省(市)慈善会和258家医 疗机构进行紧密合作,截至2011年底,共发放了价值超过8.6亿元的援助药品,使4,767位贫困的 肺癌晚期患者得到免费救助。2011年全年发放赠药价值4.69亿元。

In April, 2008, the Federation established “China Charity Federation –Tarceva® Charity Medicine Donation Project” with Shanghai Roche Group, providing poor patients suffered from non-small cell lung cancer with aid medicine for free. The Project Office carried out close cooperation with 36 provincial (municipal) charity federations and 258 medical institutions, as of the end of 2011, a total of aid medicine whose value exceeded RMB860,000,000.00 was handed out, helping more than 767 poor patients suffered from lung cancer in late period. Total value of donation medicine provided in 2011 is RMB 469,000,000.00 Yuan.

万他维项目 Ventavis Project

2008年5月23日,总会与拜耳医药保健有限公司共同成立“中华慈善总会万他维患者援助项 目”。 项目是对肺动脉高压(PAH)患者援助治疗药物万他维。项目于2008年5月23日正式启动。 截至2011年底,共有468名患者受到援助,接受拜耳医药保健有限公司捐赠的万他维药品15938 盒,总价值约为1.95亿元 。根据国外多中心临床研究的结果,万他维对肺动脉高压治疗效果显著, 长期应用可以延长患者生存时间。由于万他维不在医保范围内,治疗费用相当昂贵。很多病人面临 着短期应用万他维并且取得很好的效果后,因为无力承担后续的万他维治疗费用而不得不中断用药 的情况。为此,中华慈善总会与拜耳医药保健有限公司共同建立万他维患者援助项目,希望借助该 慈善项目尽可能帮助中国的肺动脉高压病人在使用万他维获得很好的疗效又无力承担后续治疗用药 的情况下,获得援助的万他维药品。

On May 23, 2008, the Federation and Bayer Group jointly established “China Charity Federation Ventavis Patients Assistance Project”. The project aims to provide therapeutic drug Ventavis to PAH patients. The project was officially started on May 23, 2008. As of the end of 2011, a total of 468 patients had been aided, receiving 15,938 boxes of donation Ventavis medicine with total value worth RMB 195,000,000.00. According to clinical research results offered by multiple centers abroad, the treatment effect of Ventavis on PAH is significant, survival time for patients can be extended if used for long term. Since Ventavis does not lie in the scope of medical insurance, treatment fees is extremely expensive. Most patients have to face such a situation where they get well after using Ventavis for short term, however, so expensive is the follow-up treatment fees that they cannot afford to buy but stop using. In order to settle this issue, the Federation and Bayer Group jointly established “China Charity Federation Ventavis Patients Assistance Project”, hoping to help afore-mentioned poor patients.

28 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

为了我们的孩子——千名少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿救助行动 For Our Children—Salvation Action for a Thousand Congenital Heart Disease Children from Minority Impoverished Families

为更好地开展先心病工作,总会于2011年成立了“为了我们的孩子”活 动组织委员会。2011年4月12日,中华慈善总会新闻界志愿者慈善促进工作 委员会和武警总医院专家医疗队共同奔赴新疆,开展先心病儿童免费筛查活 动。活动确诊的167名患儿陆续在武警总医院完成手术治疗。2011年8月21 日医疗队首次来到西藏自治区,为当地儿童进行先心病免费义诊和筛查,成 功救治41名先心病患儿。2011年8月至9月医疗队两次前往内蒙通辽地区,对 开鲁县、扎鲁特旗等地区开展先心病筛查工作,救治先心病患儿34名。2011 年11月6日医疗队赴广西,为广西的宜州、来宾、柳州三地的先心病孩子免 费筛查,最终确诊了88名,第三批先心病患儿将于2011年12月26日来京接 受手术治疗。2011年12月16日新闻慈善促进会与武警总医院应西藏自治区妇 联的邀请,对日喀则地区的江孜县、岗巴县、康马县的中学、小学开展先心 病筛查工作。最终确诊的孩子在春节期间到京接受手术治疗。

In order to better carry out congenital heart disease work, the Federation established an organizing committee of “For Our Children” in 2011. On April 12, 2011, China Charity Federation Press Circle Volunteers Charity Promotion Working Committee and expert medical team of People’s Armed Police General Hospital went together to Xinjiang to carry out free screening for congenital heart disease for free. 167 child patients definited in the activity would receive operational treatment in the People’s Armed Police General Hospital. On August 21, 2011, the medical team came to Tibet Autonomous Region, providing charity clinics and free screening for local congenital heart disease children and successfully curing 41 child patients. Between August and September 2011, the medical team went to Tongliao, Inner Mongolia to carry out screening work on congenital heart disease children in Kailu County, Jarud Banner and other district twice, treating and curing 34 child patients. On November 6, 2011, the medical team went to Guangxi to carry out screening work for congenital heart disease children in Yizhou, Laibin and Liuzhou, definiting 88 patients finally. The third batch of congenital heart disease children would receive operation on December 26, 2011. On December 16, invited by the Women’s Federation in Tibet Automous Region, China Charity Federation Press Circle Volunteers Charity Promotion Working Committee and the People’s Armed Police General Hospital carried out screening work in middle schools and primary schools in Jiangzi County, Gangba County and Kangma County. The final children defined would receive operation during Spring Festivals in Beijing.

29 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

微笑列车唇腭裂修复慈善项目 The Smile Train Cleft Lip and Palate Restoration Charity Project

微笑列车唇腭裂修复慈善项目(以下简称微笑列车项目)是一个由美国微笑列车基金会资助、 旨在为我国贫困唇腭裂患者提供免费手术、对实施手术的医护人员进行技术培训的医疗救治项目。 其救治对象是因家庭经济困难,不能支付唇腭裂修复手术费用的贫困患者。该项目自1999年3月由 中华慈善总会组织承办以来,通过与各参与方密切合作,项目管理方式不断完善,项目宣传广泛开 展,救治地域不断扩大,救治人员不断增多,得到了社会各界的广泛赞誉和认可。2005年获得民政 部颁发的首届“中华慈善奖”荣誉。2011年微笑列车项目捐款1.05亿元,397家医院共计完成手术 27464例,拨付手术款1.08亿元。

Subsidized by American Smile Train Foundation, the Smile Train Cleft Lip and Palate Restoration Charity Project (hereinafter referred to as the Smile Train Project) aims to provide operation to poor patients suffered from cleft lips and palates for free and technical training for medical workers carrying out operations. Its treatment objects include poor patients who cannot afford restoring operation fees due to poverty. Since March 1999 when China Charity Federation organized this project, its project management method has been improved constantly, publicity of the project has been conducted widely, treating areas have been expanding and people conducting treatment have been increasing, which receives wide recognition and confirmation. In 2005, the project won the honor of the first session China Charity Award awarded by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2011, the Smile Train Project donated RMB 105,000,000.00 Yuan appropriated RMB108, 000,000.00 Yuan for operation fees, and a total of 27,464 operations were finished in 397 hospitals.

易瑞沙慈善赠药项目 Irresa Charity Medicine Donation Project

易瑞沙慈善赠药项目是救助贫困的晚期非小细胞肺癌患者的赠药医疗项目。由于易瑞沙药品价 格昂贵,且未列入医保目录,使许多患者失去了易瑞沙治疗机会。为了帮助这些患者,生产企业阿 斯利康公司向总会无偿捐赠易瑞沙药品。该项目自2007年1月实施以来,累计为9019位贫困肺癌患 者解决了巨大的困难。2009年7月,获得中华慈善总会颁发的“中华慈善突出贡献项目奖”;2011 年7月,获得国家民政部颁发的第六届中华慈善奖。2011年度,总会累计接收阿斯利康捐赠易瑞沙 39270盒/30粒装,价值人民币6.48亿元;新增江苏苏州、甘肃兰州两个赠药发放点;新增项目注册 医生97位;新增受助患者2545人,实际发放赠药35097盒/30粒装药品,价值人民币约5.79亿元。

Irresa Charity Medicine Donation Project aims to help poor patients suffered from NSCLC (non-small cell lung cancer) in late period through medicine donation. The price of Irresa medicine is so expensive that it has not been listed in the scope of medical insurance; therefore, many patients lose the chance of Irresa treatment. In order to help those patients, the manufacture AstraZeneca Company donated Irresa medicine to the Federation for free. Since January, 2007 when this project was started, great difficulties for 9,019 poor lung cancer patients have been settled in accumulation. In July 2009, the project won “China Charity Outstanding Contribution Prize” issued by China Charity Federation. In July, 2011, the project won the 6th session Charity Prize issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2011, the Federation received 39,270 boxes (30 particles per box) donated by AstraZeneca, worth RMB648, 000,000.00 Yuan. Another two donation medicine issuing points in Suzhou, Jiangsu and Lanzhou, Gansu were increased, 97 registered doctors for the project and 2,545 recipients. A total of 35,097 boxes (30 particles per box) of medicine were handed out, worth approximately RMB579, 000,000.00 Yuan.

30 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

“一张纸·献爱心”工程 “A Piece of Paper• Shows Love” Project

2011年,共收集废旧纸张6888吨,变卖后得善款504万多元,为68名贫困家庭的先心病儿童实 施了手术治疗。向“千名少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动”捐款50万元。

In 2011, a total of 6,888 tons of wasted and old paper were collected, more than RMB 5,040,000.00 Yuan was obtained after sale, subsidizing 68 congenial heart children from poor families for operation and donating RMB 500,000.00 Yuan to “salvation Action for a Thousand Congenital Heart Disease Children from Minority Impoverished Families”.

支教助学项目 / Volunteer Teaching in Rural Area and Tuition Remission Projects

陈东升个人助学项目 Chen Dongsheng Individual Tuition Remission Project

全年捐赠5300万元,其中300万元用于为湖北省京山县杨集万林学校捐建科技楼,5000万用于 为武汉大学捐建博物馆。

RMB53,000,000.00 Yuan was donated in the whole year, of which RMB3,000,000.00 Yuan was used to build Technology Building in Yangjiwanlin School in Jingshan County, Hubei Province and RMB50,000,000.00Yuan was used to build museum for Wuhan University.

慈善一元捐行动 Charity RMB One Yuan Donation Activity


The activity subsidized more than 130 orphans in Linli County, Hunan Province.

“国家大剧院音乐教师”项目 National Grand Theatre Music Teachers Project

根据国家大剧院的捐赠意向,共投入资金196.8万元为四川省、重庆市32所学校捐建“国家大 剧院音乐教室”。

In line with the donation intention of the National Grand Theatre, a total of RMB 1,968,000.00 Yuan was invested to build “National Grand Theatre Music Classrooms” for 32 schools in Sichuan and Chongqing.

31 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

慈善爱心电脑教室和慈善爱心音乐教室 Charitable Computer Classroom and Charitable Music Classroom

2007年,总会根据捐赠者的意愿,在广泛调研的基础上正式启动了“慈善爱心电脑教室项 目”。此项目旨在为贫困及有需要地区的中小学校和儿童福利院捐建电脑教室,帮助受助学校提 高教学水平,使孩子们打开心窗,拓宽视野,从而拉近他们与世界的距离。目前,该项目已覆盖 全国(港澳台除外)所有省份。从2010年开始,为让贫困地区的孩子们拥有更完备的教学设备、 享受到与经济发达地区孩子们相同的学习条件,总会继“慈善爱心电脑教室项目”之后又设计实 施了“慈善爱心音乐教室项目”。此项目实施一年来,已陆续为20多个省市的 80所学校捐建了慈 善爱心音乐教室。

In 2007, the Federation officially started “Charitable Computer Classroom” on the basis of wide investigation according to the intention of the donator. This project aims to build computer classroom in middle schools and children welfare associations in poverty-stricken areas and areas in demand, helping assisted schools improve teaching level, enable children to open heart, broaden their vision and narrow the distance between them and the world around. At present, this project has covered all provinces nationwide (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). Since 2010, in order to enable children in poverty-stricken area to have more perfect equipment, enjoy the same learning condition as children in developed area, the Federation designed to implement the project of charitable music classroom. Since the implementation of this project, it has donated to build charitable music classroom for 80 schools in more than 20 provinces and cities.

黄丝带大型慈善功德爱心行动 Yellow Ribbon Large-scale Merits and Virtues Activity

广州爱帛股份有限公司捐赠叁拾万元整。2011年8月至9月在青海省黄南藏族自治州循化撒拉 族自治县街子镇孟达山小学建立电脑教室,以及开展小学校舍的维修、建立图书阅览室、美术教 室和支教等活动。

Guangzhou Aibo Co., Ltd donated RMB Three hundred thousand Yuan only to build computer classrooms, repair classrooms, establish reading room, art classroom, volunteer teaching and other activities in Mengdashan Primary School, Jiezi Town, Xunhuasala Autonomous Country, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province from August to September, 2011.

32 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

文化项目 / Culture Projects

国学工程 Sinology Project

国学工程是由总会和德音文教共同设立的文化教育慈善公益事业工程。2011年该工程的主要 工作有:一、高校国学社建设:在兰州、西安、北京、安徽等地的高校共举办讲座18场。二、志 愿者日常辅导与专题培训:在西安、北京、甘肃、广州、上海等地共举行教育类、医学类、社会 综合类讲座和辅导52场,总计参加人数2000余人次。三、志愿者工作:组织志愿者暑期到少林慈 幼院支教。

Jointly established by China Charity Federation and Deyin Culture Education Center, the Sinology Project aims at public charity culture and education. In 2011, main work of this project includes the following: first, establishment of sinology society in colleges and universities: a total of 18 lectures were held in Lanzhou, Xi’an, Beijing, Anhui and other places. Second, routine tutorship and special training for volunteers: a total of comprehensive lectures and tutorship in connection to education, medicine and society were held in Xi’an, Beijing, Gansu, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other places, in which a total of more than 2, 000 person times were involved. Third, volunteer work: organized volunteers to teach in Shaolin Charity Orphan School.

明天会更好慈善爱心书画艺术交流展 “Tomorrow Will Be Better” Charitable Painting and Calligraphy Art Exhibition

为更好地宣传慈善理念,支持慈善事业,促进慈善公益书画艺术交流,由中华慈善总会牵头 主办的慈善公益书画展“明天会更好慈善爱心书画艺术交流展”至今已成功举办三届。活动共收 到捐赠书画作品600余幅,既弘扬了慈善理念,又促进了书画艺术的交流,通过活动筹集的善款 已分别在安徽黄山和四川雅安捐建了两所国兰慈善小学。

In order to better publicize charity principle, support charity cause and promote painting and calligraphy Art Communication, China Charity Federation has taken the lead to held “Tomorrow Will Be Better” Charitable Painting and Calligraphy Art Exhibition for three sessions smoothly. A total of more than 600 donated painting and calligraphy were collected, which not only carries forward charity philosophy but also promotes communication of painting and calligraphy art communication. The donation collected has been used to build two charity primary schools in Huangshan, Anhui and Ya’an Sichuan separately.

33 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

专项基金 / Specific Funds

I Do基金 I Do Fund

2008年5月,恒信钻石机构董事长李厚霖先生捐资2000万元,与中华慈 善总会共同设立了中华慈善总会“I Do儿童基金”,后更改名称为“I Do 基 金”。基金以发动社会力量关心救助儿童为宗旨,所捐款项主要用于:灾区 受伤儿童的治疗和护理;灾区孤儿、贫困地区儿童及所有需要帮助儿童的救 助;有突出表现儿童的奖励等。2011年, 李厚霖先生投入1,105,192元开展各 种慈善项目。重点对弱势儿童群体实施救助,除了西藏行和梦想课堂项目都 在进行之外,又增加了一些对个体患病儿童的救助。

In May 2008, Chairman Mr. LI Housen from HIERSUN donated RMB20 million Yuan to co-establish China Charity Federation “I Do Children Fund” with China Charity Federation, which was renamed as “I Do Fund”. With the purpose of mobilizing societal forces to care for and aid children, the donation is mainly applied to treat and cure wounded children in disaster-stricken area, aid all children in need including orphans in disaster-stricken area and poverty-stricken area and rewards for children with outstanding performance and so on. In 2011, Mr. LI Houlin invested RMB 1,105,192 Yuan to carry out all charity programs. The fund focus on aiding children in vulnerable group, apart from the ongoing Tibet Journey and Dream Classroom, deliverance on individual patient children are increased as well.

34 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

安华互助基金 Anhua Mutual Fund

安华互助基金成立于2010年10月,以弘扬慈善理念为宗旨,以扶贫济困为己任,关注养老、护 理、互助、医疗、教育、文化等领域。2011年,基金主要开展了三项工作: 1、2011年6月20日至22日,基金与中慈国际交流中心承办了首届慈善与机构养老研讨会。此 次会议共有189位养老领域专家、养老机构负责人、慈善机构代表出席,研讨会期间与会代表就慈 善机构如何与养老产业更好的结合,共同媒求发展进行了探讨并提出了合理化建议,指明了今后的 工作方向。 2、2011年11月12日, 开展“幸福贵州 情系黔东南”大型医疗设备捐赠活动。安华互助基金 向台江县人民医院捐赠了价值600万元的医疗器材,用于更新完善该院的医疗设备仪器,提高当地 医疗硬件水平,为百姓造福。 3、2011年12月4日,基金支持和组织了80位台江县的中小学骨干教师,到北京市第一中学、 北京市崇文小学和北京市东城区教师培训中心进行为期十天的跟班学习培训,通过此活动,来自贫 困地区的老师在提高教育、教学和教研能力的同时,也增长了见识,开阔了眼界。

Established in October 2010, Anhua Mutual Fund aims to carry forward charity philosophy, takes poverty alleviation as its own duty, focusing on provision for the aged, nursing, mutual assistance, medical treatment, education, culture and other fields. In 2011, the Fund mainly carried out the following three programs: 1.Between June 20 and June 22, 2011, the Fund and China Charity Federation International Communication Center undertook the first seminar on providing for the aged from charity and organization. A total of 189 experts in the field of providing for the aged, principals of organizations providing for the aged and charity organizations attended the seminar. During the process of the seminar, participants discussed how charity organizations combine with industry providing for the aged better and put forward reasonable suggestions on seeking development, pointing out direction for future work. 2.On November 12, 2011, the activity “Happy Guizhou- Care for Southeast Guizhou” large-type medical equipment donation. Anhua Mutual Fund donated medical equipment with value of RMB6 million Yuan to Taijiang County People’s Hospital to update and perfect medical equipment and instruments of the hospital to improve local level of medical hardware and serve people. 3.On December 4, 2011, the Fund supported and organized 80 backbone teachers from middle schools and primary schools in Taijiang County to be trained in Beijing No. 1 Middle School, Beijing Chongwen Primary School and Teachers’ Training Center in Dongcheng District, Beijing for ten days. Teachers from poverty-stricken area not only increased their capabilities of education, teaching and researching but also enriched their knowledge and broaden their vision through this activity.

35 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

巴迪基金 Batik Fund

2011年,该基金到账100万元人民币。其中20万元资助宁夏西吉 县新营乡200多户村民养小尾寒羊。7.53万元资助河北武邑县妇联用于 青少年教育培训;10万元用于山西临汾市可幻外事专修学院进行青少 年英语、道德教育培训;7.877万元用于河北省武邑县农村妇女环境建 设项目培训;17.7835万元用于云南省丽江古城区和谐社区建设项目; 21.72万元用于丽江古城区青少年英语培训;另外与国家扶贫办召开 “农村社区可持续发展中农民的角色”圆桌会议,就该项目进行评估 会谈。

In 2011, RMB1,000,000.00 Yuan was deposited to this Fund, of which RMB 200,000.00was to subsidize more than 200 villagers in Xiying Township, Xiji County, Ningxia to feed small tailed han sheep, RMB75,300.00 Yuan was subsidized for Wuyi County Women’s Association to carry out training the teenagers, RMB100,000.00 Yuan was subsidized for Shanxi Linfen Kehuan Foreign Major College to carry out English and Moral Education training on teenagers, RMB78,770.00 Yuan was used for the training on environmental construction project for rural women in Wuyi County, Hebei Province; RMB177,835.00 Yuan was used for construction project of harmonious community in old urban district in Lijiang, Yunnan Province; RMB 217,200.00 Yuan was used for English training on teenagers in old urban district in Lijiang. In addition, round table meeting on “the role of peasants in the development of rural community” was convened together with National Poverty Alleviation Office to assess and discuss this project.

翠都慈爱基金 Cuidu Charity Fund

此项目从十月份开始目前已经安装25台远程医疗会诊设备,包括承德、滦平、邢台、昭通 等。

A total of 25 sets of tele-medicine consultation equipment have been installed since October including Chengde, Luanping, Xingtai, Zhaotong etc.

36 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

宝马爱心基金 BMW Charity Fund

2008年6月5日,宝马中国和华晨宝马共同捐资1000万元人民币,设立中华慈善总会宝马爱 心基金,为包括BMW员工、经销商和爱心车主在内的宝马大家庭建立一个持续的、汇聚爱心的平 台。2011年的主要工作有:1、“BMW童悦之家”是2011年6月正式启动的全新公益项目。该项 目旨在关注经济条件相对落后地区儿童成长、发掘儿童潜力,为全国贫困地区学校修建活动室, 并通过不定期的BMW车主志愿者活动,为儿童提供必要的成长援助和心灵关爱。2011年,全国首 批20家“BMW童悦之家”已在安徽合肥、河南南阳、广东清远、山东济南以及重庆合川区落成。 2、2011“BMW中国文化之旅”对11项重点“非遗”项目进行了资助。“BMW中国文化之旅”是 一项旨在寻访和保护非物质文化遗产、普及文化遗产保护知识的长期公益行动,至今已连续开展 5年。2011“BMW中国文化之旅”对11项重点“非遗”项目进行了总计100万元人民币的捐赠。 3、点亮希望项目:包括点亮希望心灵陪伴行动和点亮希望学生资助项目。4、“玉树爱心行”为 灾区师生们送去了大量过冬物资以及学习资料,送去持续的温暖与关怀。5、为玉树地区师生捐赠 的图书及各类物资价值共计45万元人民币。

On June 5, 2008, BMW (China) and MBW-Brilliance jointly donated RMB10,000,000.00 Yuan to establish China Charity Federation BMW Charity Fund to build a continuous and charitable platform for BMW family including BMW employees, distributors and loving BMW owners. Work of 2011 mainly includes the following: first, “BMW Family of Children’s Happiness” is a new public welfare program started officially in June 2011. The purpose of the project is to pay attention to the growth of children in underdeveloped areas and develop their potential, build activity rooms for schools in poverty-stricken areas nationwide, provide assistance and care necessary for children’s growth through irregular activities carried out by volunteer BMW owners. In 2011, the first 20 “BMW Families of Children’s Happiness” were established in Hefei, Anhui, Nanyang, Henan, Qingyuan, Guangdong, Jinan, Shandong and Hechuan District, Chongqing. Second, “BMW Journey of Chinese Culture” is a long-term public welfare aiming to seek and protect intangible culture heritage, spread protection knowledge of culture heritages, which has been continuously launched for 5 years. A total of RMB 1,000,000.00 Yuan was donated by 2011 “BMW Journey of Chinese Culture” on 11 key “intangible heritage”. Third, Lighten Hope Project, Lighten Hope Mind Accompany Activity and Lighten Hope Student Subsidization Project. Fourth, “Yushu Charity Walk” sent a lot of goods and materials for spending the winter and learning materials to teachers and students in disaster-stricken area for continuous warmth and care. Fifth, a total of RMB450,000.00 Yuan books and all kinds of materials were donated to teachers and students in Yushu disaster-stricken area.

37 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

大众慈善基金 Public Charity Fund

大众慈善基金本着“让大众参与慈 With the philosophy of “letting the public 善,让慈善惠及大众”的理念,开展了一 participate in charity and making charity 系列慈善项目等,取得了良好的社会反 benefit the public”, the Fund has carried 响。 out a series of charity programs, receiving 1、1月7日在政协礼堂举办了第二届 better social response. “情满人家·共创和谐”中华慈善春晚。 1.On January 07, the 2nd session of 2、1月发起“父母学堂·感恩教育” China Charity Spring Festival Gala titled 项目,在各地免费开展公益演讲等系列活 as “Fill Families with Love Create Harmony 动。 Together” was held in the assembly hall of 3、3月发起关爱女性健康救助项目, CPPCC. 已向山东、河北、河南、四川、湖北、甘 2.A series of activities including public 肃、内蒙古等7省12个县市的慈善会、民 welfare lectures for “Parents’ Classroom 政部门免费捐赠了价值115万元的妇炎康 Thankful Education” launched in January 药品。 were carried out in all areas. 4、3月发起“中慈爱心图书室”援 3.In March, Care for Women’s Health 建项目,共计33家,涉及河北、广西、 Deliverance Project was launched, 四川、辽宁、河南、福建、甘肃等全国各 donating Fuyankang Medicine worth 地贫困地区的中小学校,共计价值330万 RMB1.15 million Yuan for free of charge to 元。 charity federations and civil administration 5、开展大众慈善医疗救助项目,支 departments in 12 counties in Shandong, 持各地开展包括妇女“两癌”筛查、男科 Hebei, Henan, Sichuan, Hubei, Gansu, and 疾病筛查与诊治、血液透析等各方面的慈 Inner Monglia etc.. 善医疗救助活动。2011年向十几个县市捐 4.In March, building “China Charity Love 助、捐赠了市场价值共计2700多万元人民 Library Room” project was launched, a 币的医疗设备。 total of 33 were built in middle and primary 6、发行月刊《大众慈善》杂志12 schools in Hebei, Guangxi, Sichuang, 期。 Liaoning, Henan, Fujian, Gansu and other areas nationwide, worth a total of RMB3.3 million Yuan. 5.Public Charity Deliverance Project was launched to support the charity medical deliverance including screening of women’ s two cancers, screening and treatment of men’s disease, hematodialysis and other aspects. In 2011, medical equipment worth a total RMB27 million Yuan was donated to dozens of counties and cities. 6.12 volumes of monthly magazine Public Charity were published.

38 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

德源希望基金 Deyuan Hope Fund

德源希望基金由湖北铭日工程有限公司于2010年1月发起成立。该基金以“让爱循环起来” 为理念,以教育工作为重点,每年在贫困地区建立一所高标准(投资120万—200万之间)的希望 小学,并在学校增设国学课程,让孩子们学习传统文化。2011年,该基金捐建湖北荻湖小学,支 持广西岑溪筋竹中心小学修缮建设,捐建广西百色雷圩德源希望小学,共资助贫困大学生97人, 为其资助四年学费。本年度援助善款总额为3,318,550元。

Deyuan Hope Fund was launched by Hubei Mingri Engineering Co., Ltd. in January 2010. With the philosophy of “cycling love”, the Fund focuses on education, building a high standard Hope Primary School (with investment between RMB 1.2 million Yuan and RMB 2 million Yuan) in poverty-stricken area, and increasing sinology course to enable children to learn traditional culture. In 2011, the Fund subsidized to build Dihu Primary School, supported to repair and build Cenxijinzhu Central Primary School in Guangxi, donated to build Leiyudeyuan Hope Primary School in Baise Guangxi, and aided a total of 97 poverty-stricken college students for their tuition fees for four years. A total of RMB 3,318,550 Yuan was donated by this Fund.

光明基金 Light Fund

2011年1月9日至11日在江苏宜兴举办了“为了我们的孩子”、“文艺界名人字画慈善拍卖 会”募集善款39万余元,用于先心病救助项目。

From January 09 to 11, 2011, “For Our Children” and “Charity Auction of Painting and Calligraphy of Famous Artists” was held in Yixing, Jiangsu to collect more than RMB390, 000.00 Yuan for Congenital Heart Disease Deliverance Project.

和基金 He Fund

2011年3月中华慈善总会与银嘉时(北京)咨询有限公司合作建立了 “中华慈善总会·和基 金”。2011年的捐赠额为100万元,其中20万元拨付给张家口市慈善总会专项用于张家口水磨湾 小学增添教学设备,项目已顺利完成并验收。

In March 2011, China Charity Federation cooperated with Yinjiashi (Beijing) Consultation Co., Ltd to establish “China Charity Federation He Fund”. In 2011, the donation amount of the Fund was RMB One million Yuan, of which RMB Two hundred thousand Yuan was appropriated to Zhangjiakou Charity Federation to increase teaching equipment for Zhangjiakou Shuimowan Primary School as special fund, which has been completed and accepted smoothly.

39 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

罕见病救助公益基金 Rare Disease Deliverance Public Fund

2009年12月,中华慈善总会罕见病救助公益基金正式设立,该基金主要用于罕见病科普教 育、罕见病患者艺术发展、罕见病患者援助、罕见病科研发展。健赞公司已率先捐赠了200万人 民币作为启动基金。 1、2011年2月18日,中华慈善总会罕见病救助项目第三次媒体沟通。 2、2011年2月27-28日,2011年国际罕见病日当天在北京、上海两地来福士广场及北京新世 界百货商场拉开。 3、2011年3月-12月,第六-八次戈谢病患者随访及发药。 4、2011年5月31日,中华慈善总会和罕见病办公室工作人员探访戈谢病患儿。 5、2011年6月10日,召开中华慈善总会罕见病救助公益基金形象代言人新闻发布会。

In December 12, 2009, Rare Disease Deliverance Public Fund was established officially. The fund is to spread the education on rare disease, develop the art of patients suffered from rare disease, aid patients suffered from rare disease and develop the research on rare disease. Zenzyme Company took the lead to donate RMB Two million Yuan as initial funding. 1.On February 18, 2011, the third media communication for the rare disease assistance project under China Charity Federation was conducted. 2.Between February 27 and 28, 2011, 2011 International Rare Disease Day was launched in Laifushi Plaza in Beijing and Shanghai and Beijing New World Department Store. 3.On March 12, 2011, the 6th and 8th Gaucher Disease follow-up visits and medicine issuance to patients. 4.On May 31, 2011, employees from China Charity Federation and Rare Disease Office visited children suffered from Gaucher Disease. 5.On June 10, 2011, news briefing for image spokesman of public fund for rare disease deliverance under China Charity Federation was convened.

今天希望基金 Today’s Hope Fund 2011年8月总会与北京桦龙行投资顾问有限公司合作建立“今天希望基金”,2011年的捐赠 额为100万元。

In August 2011, China Charity Federation cooperated with Beijing Hualongxing Consultation Co., Ltd. to establish “Today’s Hope Fund”, the donation amount in 2011 was RMB One million Yuan.

40 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

汇丰中华慈善基金 HSBC China Charity Fund

汇丰银行是中华慈善总会重要的项目合作伙伴之一,1997年汇丰银行与中华慈善总会合作成 立“汇丰中华慈善基金”,并启动“汇丰-中华慈善老人关怀项目”。多年来,先后为全国55家 养老机构资助超过800万元人民币;自2000年开始,共资助举办7期“全国老人院院长培训班”和 6届“全国老人院院长论坛”,为全国培养老人院院长700余名。另外,为部分省市培训下岗失业 人员、外来务工人员超过1000名。2011年,汇丰慈善基金举办了两期农村小学教师培训班。

As one of the cooperative partners of China Charity Federation, HSBC cooperated with China Charity Federation to establish “HSBC China Charity Fund” in 1997 and launched the project of “HSBC-China Charity Federation Care for the Aged”. For years, the Fund has subsidized more than RMB 8 million Yuan to 55 institutions providing provisions for the aged. Since 2000, the Fund has subsidized to hold 7 sessions of “Training Class for Deans of Old People’s Home” and 6 sessions of “Forum of Deans from Old People’s Home”, fostering more than 700 deans of Old People’s Home. In addition, the Fund has trained more than 1000 laid-off workers and immigrant workers in part of provinces and cities. In 2011, HSBC Charity Fund held two sessions of training class for teachers of rural primary schools.

金六福99爱心基金 Jin Liufu 99 Charity Fund

基金由华泽集团2008年11月发起成立,该集团每年捐款99万元,开展扶贫、教育类为主的慈 善活动。2011年,金六福99爱心基金为广西壮族自治区全州县才湾镇岩泉村修建公路。为河北赞 皇县4所小学购置文化用品、电脑及打印机。为解决学生洗澡难的问题,购买太阳能热水器。

The Fund was established by Huze Group in November, 2008. This group donates RMB 990,000.00 Yuan to carry out charity activities including poverty deliverance and education. In 2011, Jin Liufu 99 Charity Fund built for Yanquan Village, Caiwan Town, Quanzhou County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, purchased stationery commodity, computer and printer for 4 primary schools in Zanhuang County, Hebei and bought solar water heater to settle the problem of taking a bath.

李春平慈善基金 LI Chunping Charity Fund

其中200万用于国家京剧院开展“春平爱心行动”公益演出;153万元用于北京市红十字会紧 急救援中心急救车项目。

Of which RMB Two million Yuan was used for public performance “Chunping Love Action” carried out in National Grand Theatre and RMB1.53 million Yuan was used for emergency ambulance in emergency center of Beijing Red Cross.

41 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

十佳冠军基金 Top Ten Champions Fund

1、3月开展了两会特别活动,政协委员邓亚萍、谢军、叶乔波和刘翔前往西城区新街口东街小 学,为同学们带去了文化用品和教学器材。 2、下半年分别在房山区明仁学校和房山区京蓼学校开展“蒲公英计划—大手牵小手”活 动。邓亚萍等委员、欧美同学会商会秘书长及海归企业家等出席送温暖活动。

1. In March, special activity for NPC & CPPCC was launched, committee members of the CPPCC Deng Yaping, Xie Jun, Ye Qiaobo and Liu Xiang went to Dongjie Primary School in Xin Jiekou, to bring students there stationery commodity and teaching facilities. 2. In the second half of the year, the Fund carried out “Dandelion Plan-Big Hand in Small Hand” activity in Mingren School and Jingmiu School in Fangshan District. Committee member Deng Yaping and Secretary General of Europen and American Fellow-students Association Chamber of Commerce and overseas returning entrepreneurs attended the activity of sending warmth.

手拉手爱心基金 Hand in Hand Charity Fund

建立了两所电脑教室。3月份拨款194,400元人民币购置30台电脑定向支持康定县唯一的一所 “藏文中学”。9月份拨款96,000元人民币购置20台电脑,定向支持四川省道孚县八美九年制学 校电教室设施建设。

Two computer classrooms were established. In March, RMB194,400.00 Yuan was appropriated to purchase 30 computers to support the only “Tibetan School” in Kangding County in particular. In September, RMB96,000.00 Yuan was appropriated to purchase 20 computers to support Bamei 9-year school in Daofu County, Sichuan to build facilities in computer classrooms.

新纪元教育基金 New Century Education Fund

新纪元教育基金由新纪元教育集团和总会于2011年1月设立,当年内完成了“慈善读本”小 学版和初中版的编纂,并通过“慈善文化进校园”活动向河南、陕西、甘肃、安徽、内蒙、贵州 等十余个城市发放了11万册“慈善读本”。

New Century Education Fund was established jointly by New Century Education Group and the Federation in January 2011. The Fund completed the compilation of “Charity Reading” both in primary school and middle school versions, issuing 110,000 pieces of “Charity Reading” in more than ten cities including Henan, Shaannxi, Gansu, Anhui, and Inner Mongolia, Guizhou and so on.

42 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

西部扶贫助学专项基金 Western Poverty Alleviation and Tuition Remission Special Fund

2011年,西部扶贫助学专项基金共筹募定向捐款人民币94.06万元,帮助44名贫困家庭的孩 子完成中专和大专以上学业(即“工学扶贫行动”)。2011年7月19日,在新疆兵团继续开展 “兵团工学班”,参加培训的人数为84人,经过一个月的短期岗前技能培训,大部分返回新疆, 最终有22人参加勤工俭学、工学交替方式的工学行动。

In 2011, Western Poverty Alleviation and Tuition Remission Special Fund collected RMB940,600.00Yuan oriented donation in total, helping 44 children from poverty-stricken families to complete school work in technical secondary school and junior college or above (engineering poverty alleviation action). On July 19, 2011, the Fund continued to carry out “Engineering Class” in Xinjiang Production and Construction Group and the number of people participating in the training reached 84. After a month of short-term pre-job skills training, most of them returned to Xinjiang, and eventually there were 22 trainees participated in the engineering action of work-study program、engineering alternation mode.

衣恋圣秀慈善基金 E-Land Charity Fund

为了帮助弱势群体,向社会传递“衣恋”的关爱之心,韩国衣恋集团联合总会于2011年5月 共同成立了“衣恋圣秀慈善基金”。在未来的五年内,韩国衣恋集团计划为5000名考入高中的贫 困学生提供求学方面的经济帮助。“衣恋圣秀慈善基金”救助贫困高中生的总额度为3765万元, 每名受资助学生将能得到2000-3000元的衣恋圣秀助学金。总会将按照韩国衣恋集团捐赠要求对 每年受助学生的申报选拔事宜开展工作。2011年,衣恋集团捐赠了1255万元助学款,在江西、贵 州、山西、北京、上海5个地区开展了助学活动,资助1500名贫困高中生。

In order to help vulnerable group and deliver heart of love from “E-land”, E-land Group in South Korea cooperated with the Federation established “E-land Charity Fund” in May 2011. In the future 5 years, E-land Group plans to offer economic help for 5,000 poor students admitted to Senior High Schools. Total amount of deliverance of the Fund is RMB376, 500,000.00 Yuan and each student aided can receive 2, 000-3,000 Yuan as stipend. The Federation will carry out work on application and selection of the aided students in accordance with donation requirements of “E-land Group”. In 2011, the Group donated RMB125, 500,000.00 Yuan stipends to help 1, 500 senior high school students in five regions including Jiangxi, Guizhou, Shanxi, Beijing and Shanghai.

43 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

银联励志助学基金 Unionpay Encouragement Tuition Remission Fund

2007年6月总会联合中国银联正式成立“银联励志助学基金”。该项基金的宗旨是:为考入 大学但经济困难的优秀学生提供资助,以维护教育公平,促进社会和谐,弘扬自强不息的拼搏精 神。2011年是总会与中国银联共同开展助学的第五年。总会按照中国银联的助学要求,向贵州省 的贵阳学院、江西省的江西财经大学、南昌大学和新疆自治区的新疆财经大学380名应届贫困大 学生开展了资助。每位贫困大学生一次性资助5000元,共发放助学款190万元。此项工作从8月 20日开始,到11月20日结束,历时三个月。

In June 2007, the Federation cooperated with China Unionpay to officially establish “Unionpay Encouragement Tuition Remission Fund”. The purpose of the Fund is to offer subsidy for outstanding students admitted to universities with economic difficulty to maintain fair education, promote social harmony and carry forward the spirit of ceaseless self-improvement. Year 2011 is the fifth year for the Federation and China Unionpay to jointly carry out tuition remission. The Federation subsidized 380 poor College students of current year from Guiyang College in Guizhou Province, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics and Nanchang University in Jiangxi Province, and Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics in Xinjiang Automous Region. Each poor college received RMB5,000.00 Yuan in one time each and a total of RMB1,900,000.00 Yuan tuition remission fee was issued. The work was started on August 20 and ended on November 20, lasting for three months.

44 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

藏文化慈善基金 Tibet Culture Charity Fund

中华慈善总会藏文化慈善基金力求在达到宣传保护藏文化艺术、扶助艺人传承藏文化艺术的 同时,帮助更多的贫困人口,以达到“民族和谐、艺术和谐”。 1、与中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所合作,在北京举办了佛教文化艺术国际学术研讨会。 2、格桑普照项目-为贫困地区藏民免费拍照送照片。项目至今已经进行了4期,共走访了四 川、青海等地贫困村落;累计拍照1万余张、直接被扶助人2960余人。 3、藏文化系列画册项目:计划推出唐卡卷、藏绣卷、酥油花卷、壁画卷四卷画册。今年完 成了唐卡卷。此项目充分展示和介绍藏族文化艺术的现状,吸引更多人参与到宣传和保护藏族文 化的行动中来。 4、藏文化唐卡艺术传承班:7月在北京开办了首期传承班,接收了来自青海、四川20名学员。 5、老有所养公益项目:为敬老院老人提供生活资金补贴。2011年帮扶老人151名。 6、赢在未来-贫困地区人员技能培训公益项目,为贫困地区提供就业平台,无偿向无业、失 业青年提供技术培训及就业机会。第一期技能培训项目已开展,共招收了16名。 7、青海省黄南州“吾屯卫生室”项目是在藏区医疗扶助试点项目。

Tibet Culture Charity Fund under China Charity Federation spares no efforts to help more poverty- stricken population to achieve “national harmony and art harmony” while publicizing the protection of Tibet culture art and supporting artists to inherit Tibet culture and art. 1.Cooperated with World Religions Institution of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to hold the 1st International Seminar on Sino-Japanese Buddhism Cultural Art. 2.Gesang Puzhao Project-took photos for Tibetan in poverty-stricken areas free of charge. The project has completed 4 sessions, poor villages including Sichuan and Qinghai; more than ten thousand photos were taken in total and more than 2,960 people were directly aided. 3.Tibetan Culture Series of Picture Album Project: it was planned to launch four volumes of picture albums including Thangka Volume, Tibetan Embroider Volume, Butter Sculpture Volume and Wall Painting Volume. Thangka Volume has been completed this year. This project fully displayed and introduced current culture situation of Tibetan nationality, attracting more people to participate in publicizing and protecting Tibetan culture. 4.Heritage Class of Tibetan Thangka: The first heritage class was started in Beijing in July, receiving 20 students from Qinghai and Sichuan. 5.The Public Welfare Project of Providing for the Elderly: Provided subsidies for the elderly in Senior’s Home. In 2011, a total of 151 elderly people were aided. 6.Win the future— public welfare project on skill training for personnel in poverty-stricken area, providing employment platform for poverty-stricken area, offering unemployed and laid-off youth skill training and employment opportunity for free. The first session training project was started to recruit 16 students. 7.Qinghai Huangnan Prefecture “Wutun Clinic” project is the pilot one of medical treatment in Tibetan area.

45 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

朝聚光明基金 Zhaojuguangming Fund

为贫困白内障患者免费开展“光明救助行动”,实施白内障手术1521例,为每例患者补助 550元,共计投入836550元。。

Carried out “Guangming Deliverance Action” for impoverished cataract patients for free and completed 1,521 cataract operations, subsidized RMB550.00 Yuan and invested RMB836, 550.00 Yuan.

中峻基金 Zhongjun Fund

2011年6月总会同中峻能源科技发展有限公司合作建立的“中峻基金”今年的捐赠额为150 万元,其中50万元拨付北京盛基艺术学校用于资助来自青海、四川地震灾区的孤儿完成学业,同 时,“中峻基金”现正在考察秦皇岛青龙地区的小学,准备实施新项目。

In June 2011, Zhongjun Fund which is jointly established by the Federation and Zhongjun Energy Development Co., Ltd donated RMB1,500,000.00 Yuan, of which RMB500,000.00 Yuan was appropriated to Beijing Shengji Artist School to subsidize orphans from earthquake-stricken areas in Qinghai and Sichuan to complete study. Besides, “Zhongjun Fund” is investigating primary schools in Qinglong District, Qinhuangdao, preparing to implement new projects.

周森爱心基金 ZhOU Sen Charity Fund

为山西昔阳县东冶头静阳村建小学、门头沟凯迪幼儿园捐赠价值10万元的文具。购买价值12 万元的慈善读本普及慈善宣传,捐助15万元支持慈善春晚的举办 。

The Fund donated stationery worth RMB100,000.00 Yuan to Dongzhitou Town, Yangcunjian Primary School and Mentougou Kaidi Kindergarten in Xiyang County, Shanxi Province.

46 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

周大福慈善基金 Chow Tai Fook Charity Fund

2008年10月16日,周大福集团捐资5000 邀请周大福集团的代表共同对天津、广 万元,与总会共同设立“周大福慈善基金”, 西、锦州、内蒙古、四川等地的“周大福电脑 持续致力于助学、助残、助老、赈灾、青少年 教室”、“周大福音乐教室”、“周大福放映 教育及技能培训等多领域的慈善事业。 室”、“周大福脑瘫儿童康复室”等项目进行 2011年,周大福集团共向总会捐赠人民币 检查和验收。 7,710万元,主要工作有: 参与周大福集团和国际钻石贸易公司在香 实施“周大福电脑教室”和“周大福音乐 港举办的慈善晚宴,该活动为周大福慈善基金 教室”项目,在天津、辽宁、吉林、内蒙古、 和钻石力量慈善基金会筹款,慈善晚宴拍卖活 河北、四川、重庆、甘肃、云南、江西、宁夏 动共筹得善款200万美元,主办方分别向周大 等14个省区市捐建“周大福电脑教室”82间、 福慈善基金和钻石力量慈善基金会捐赠100万 “周大福音乐教室”50间。 美元。 开展了困难地区县、乡、镇中小学校校舍 开展“周大福爱心助听器”项目,今年为 新建、维修项目。其中:江西省婺源县镇头镇 甘肃、陕西、内蒙古三省区100名家庭贫困的 游山小学、中云镇龙山村小学校、内蒙古宁城 聋儿配置助听器,该项目已实施完成。 县台子中心小学的校舍新建、维修项目已经全 在广西桂林儿童福利院建立的首个“周大 部完成。 福慈善爱心脑瘫儿童康复室”,该项目已实施 为四川、甘肃、贵州、云南、广西等9个省 完成。 区市的45所学校新建教学楼、综合楼、食堂及 设计、开展了“周大福放映室”项目,共 学生宿舍。 为44所老人福利机构捐建了44间“周大福放映 捐赠清华大学教育基金会4,250万元,定向 室”。 用于“周大福郑裕彤医学楼”建设项目。

On October 16, 2008, Chow Tai Fook including Tianjin, Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Monglia, Group donated RMB50,000,000.00 Yuan to Hebei, Sichuan, Chongqing, Gansu, Yunnan, establish “Chow Tai Fook Charity Fund” with the Jiangxi and Ningxia. Federation, continuously devoted to charitable To Carry out Project for building and repairing causes in such fields as tuition remission, school buildings in middle and primary schools disability deliverance, assistance of the old, in Poverty-stricken counties, townships and disaster deliverance, teenager education and towns, of which newly built school buildings and skill training etc.. maintenance project in Youshan Primary School In 2011, Chow Tai Fook Group donated a total in Zhentou Town, Longshan Primary School in of RMB 77,100,000,00 Yuan to the Federation to Zhongyun Town in Maoyuan County, Jiangxi the following work: Province and Taizi Central Primary School in To Implement “Chow Tai Fook Computer Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia have been Classroom” and “Chow Tai Fook Music fully completed. Classroom” Project, donated 82 “Chow Tai Fook To built teaching buildings, comprehensive Computer Classrooms” and 50 “Chow Tai Fook buildings, dining halls and students’ dormitories Music Classrooms” in 14 provinces and regions in 45 schools in 9 provinces and regions

47 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

including Sichuan, Gansu, Guizhou, Yunnan and collected in the charity evening party where the Guangxi etc.. sponsor donated 1 million dollars to Chow Tai To donate RMB 425,000,000.00 Yuan to Fook Charity Foundation and Diamond Power establish Tsinghua University Education Fund to Charity Foundation each. be particularly used to “Chow Tai Fook ZHENG To carry out “Chow Tai Fook Love Hearing-aid” Yutong Medical Building” Construction Project. project and equipped hearing-aid to deaf children To invite representative of Chow Tai Fook from 100 poverty-stricken families in Gansu, Group to inspect and accept such projects Shaannxi and Inner Mongolia, this project has including “Chow Tai Fook Computer Classroom”, been completed. “Chow Tai Fook Music Classroom”, “Chow Tai To establish the first “Chow Tai Fook Charity Fook Projection Room”, and “Chow Tai Fook Cerebral Palsy Children Rehabilitation” in Cerebral Palsy Children’s Rehabilitation”. Guangxi Guilin Children Welfare Association and To Participate in Charity Evening Party the project has been completed. jointly hosted by Chow Tai Fook Group and To design and carry out “Chow Tai Fook International Diamond Trading Company in Hong Projection Room” project, donating 44 “Chow Tai Kong, this activity collected money for Chow Tai Fook Projection Rooms” for 44 Senior Citizens Fook Charity Fund and Diamond Power Charity Welfare Institutions. Foundation. A total of 2 million dollars was

朱树豪慈爱孤儿基金 ZHOU Shuhao Charity Fund

根据朱树豪先生的捐赠意向,2011年拨付300万元,为甘肃、陕西、四川、重庆等四省市的 50所学校捐建“观澜湖爱乐室”,该项目正在实施中。

In accordance with donation intention of Mr. Zhu Shuhao, in 2011 the Fund appropriated RMB3 million Yuan to build “Guanlanhua Aiyue Room” in 50 schools in Gansu, Shaannxi, Sichuan, Chongqing and so on, the project is under construction.

48 审计报告 / Audit Report

! " # $ %

2011 & '

审 计 报 告

目 录


一 、 审 计 报 告 1

二 、 社 会 团 体 基 本 情 况 统 计 表 4

三 、 资 产 负 债 表 5

四 、 业 务 活 动 表 6

五 、 现 金 流 量 表 7

六 、 财 务 报 表 附 注 8

七 、 会 计 师 事 务 所 营 业 执 照 复 印 件 27


49 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

委 托 单 位 : 中 华 慈 善 总 会

审 计 单 位 : 中 辰 兴 会 计 师 事 务 所 有 限 责 任 公 司

联 系 电 话 : 64975913

传 真 号 码 : 64975913


50 审计报告 / Audit Report

审 计 报 告

中辰 兴 审字 [2012]第 125 号


我们审计了后附的中华慈善总会财务报表 , 包括 2011 年 12 月 31 日的资产负债

表、 2011 年度的业务活动表和现金流量表以及财务报表附注。



表是中华慈善总会管理层的责任 。 这种责任包括 :( 1) 设计 、 实施和维护与财务报

表编制相关的内部控制,以使财务报表不存在由于舞 弊或错误而导致 的 重大错 报 ;

( 2) 选择 和 运用恰当 的会计 政策; ( 3) 做出合 理的会计 估 计。


我们的责任是在实施审计 工作 的 基础上对 财务报表 发 表审计 意见 。我们按照中

国 注 册 会计 师 审计 准则 的规定 执行 了审计 工作 。中 国 注 册 会计 师 审计 准则要求 我们

遵守职 业 道德 规 范 ,计 划 和实施审计 工作 以 对 财务报表是 否 不存在 重大错 报 获取合

理 保证 。


51 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation






的总体列报。我们相 信 ,我们获取的审计证据 是充分、适 当的, 为 发表审计意见 提

供了基础 。


中华慈善 总会 登记 证 号为社 证 字第 4308 号 , 组 织机构代码为 50001626-0。 1994

年 4 月经中华人民共 和 国民 政部 批准颁 发 了社 会 团 体 法人登记 证 书 , 法定代 表 人范

宝俊 , 住所为北京市西城区二龙路甲 33 号新龙 大 厦 , 业 务 主 管 单位为民 政部 ,注册

资 金 1000 万元 。


1、 中华慈善 总会 截止 2011 年 12 月 31 日资产 总额 为 2,743,670,046.74 元 , 其

中:货币资 金 1,063,956,986.28 元 ,对 外投资 2,195,720.00 元 , 应收款项

20,222,751.46 元 (为其他应收款 ),存货 1,656,809,498.00 元 , 固定资产原值

1,082,965.89 元 , 累 计 折旧 597,874.89 元 , 固定资产净值 485,091.00 元 。

2、 中华慈善 总会 截止 2011 年 12 月 31 日负债 总额 为 124,768.18 元 , 均为流动

负债(其中:其他应付款 121,605.25 元 , 应 交税 金 3,162.93 元 ) 。


52 审计报告 / Audit Report

3、中华慈善总会截止 2011 年 12 月 31 日净资产总额为 2,743,545,278.56 元,

其中:限定性净资产 2,662,574,319.33 元,非限定性净资产 80,970,959.23 元。

4、中华慈善总会 2011 年度收入 6,531,839,678.71 元,其中:捐赠收入

6,518,295,077.38 元 , 会费收入 227,900.00 元 , 投资收益 1,953,287.67 元 , 其他

收入 11,363,413.66 元。

中华慈善总会 2011 年度支出 6,628,102,396.45 元,其中:业务活动成本

6,621,144,486.32 元,管理费用 6,957,910.13 元。

5、 中华慈善总会 2011 年度公益事业支出 6,621,144,486.32 元 , 上年收入合计

8,576,642,886.89 元 , 上年收入中时间限定为上年不得使用的限定性收入 0 元 , 于

上年解除时间限定的净资产 0 元,调整后的上年度收入合计 8,576,642,886.89 元,

公益事业支出占上一年总收入的比例为 77.20%;工作人员工资福利 3,805,975.53

元 , 行政办公支出 3,151,934.60 元 , 工作人员工资福利和行政办公支出占本年支出

的比例为 0.10%。


我们认为 , 中华慈善总会 2011 年度的财务报表已按 照 《社会团体登记管理条例》

和《民间非 营 利 组织 会计 制 度》的 规 定 编制 , 在所有重大方面 公 允反映了 慈善总会

2011 年 12 月 31 日的财务 状况以及 2011 年度的业务活动成 果 和 现金流量 。



53 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation





和其他收款凭证以及相关协议,但我们的审计工作 不涵盖 捐赠款物在第三方的使用

情况。本 段内容不影响已发 表的审计 意见 。

中 辰兴 会计 师事 务所 有限责任公司 中 国 注 册 会计 师:

中 国·北京

中 国 注 册 会计 师:

报 告日期: 2012 年 4 月 6 日


54 审计报告 / Audit Report


2011 年 12 月 31 日

社团 名 称 中华慈善总会

机构 代 码 50001626-0 登记 证 号 社证字第 4308 号

办公 地 址 北京市西城区二龙路甲 33 号新龙大厦 登记 时 间 1994 年 4 月

联系 电 话 010-66064562 邮政 编 码 100032

法定 代 表人 范宝俊 主要 经 费 来 源 捐赠收入

开户 银 行 中国工商银行北京西四支行

银行 账 号 0200002809014488815

财务 机 构 名 称 财务部 联系 电 话 010-66064562

会计 姓 名 高君彦 专 /兼 职 专职 代理 记 账 代理 机 构 无 无 中介 机 构 名 称 主管 人 姓名

税务 登 记 号 码 京税证字 110102500016260 号


55 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

设 有 银 行 账 号 的 中华慈善总会爱心工程委员会 分 银 支 行 机 和 构 开户行:北京银行万寿路支行 账 、 号 代 表 机 账 号: 01090328100120105758072 构 及 其 开 户

实 体 无


56 审计报告 / Audit Report

附 送 六

! " # $ %

& ' ( ) * +

截止 2011 年 12 月 31 日

( 除 特 别 说 明 , 以 人 民 币 元 表 述 )


中华慈善总 会 (以下简称本总 会 ) 于 1994 年 4 月 12 日经中华人民共和国民

政部批准登记 。 登记证 号 : 社证字第 4308 号 。 组织机构代 码 : 50001626-0。 法





本总会管理层对总会持续运营能力评估后, 认为 总会 不存在可 能 导致 持续运

营 产生重大疑虑的事项或情况 , 本总会 财 务 报 表 是按照 持续运营 假设为基础编制

的 。



57 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

本总会财务报表的编制符 合 《民间非营利组织会计制度 》 的要求 , 真 实 、 完



1、 会 计 # $

本总会执行中华人民共和国财政部颁发 的 《民间非营利组织会计制度 》 及其


2、 会 计 % &

本总会以 1 月 1 日起 12 月 31 日止为一个会计年度。

3、 记 ( ) * +


4、 记 ( , 础 和 计 / 0 1


5、 外 + 3 务 核 算 7 8

本总会会计年度内涉及的外币经营业 务 , 按 业务实 际 发生日 市场汇 价 ( 中间

价 ) 折 合为人民币记账 , 年 末对货 币 性项目按 年 末 的 市场汇率进 行 调 整 , 由此 产

生的 汇兑损益 , 按用途 及 性质 计 入当期 财务 费用或予 以资本 化 。

6、 短 % : 资 核 算 7 8


58 审计报告 / Audit Report

短期投资指本总会持有的能够随时变现并且持有时间不准备超过一 年 (含一



处置短期投资时 , 应将实际取得的价款与短期投资账面价值的差额确认为当


7、 存 " 核 算 % &

本总会存货是指尚待捐出的接受捐赠物 资 。 按照捐赠方提供的物价管理部门

对该物资的定价,或经过有关部门评估的价格或公 允 价值为 标 准计价。

本总会存货 每季度末 定期 盘点 一 次 。期 末 不计提存货 跌 价准备。

8、 长 ( ) 资 核 算 % &

( 1) 长 期股 权 投资

本 基金 会 长 期股 权 投资在取得时按 初始 投资成本计 价 。 对 被 投资 单位没 有 控

制 、 共同控制和重大影响 的, 采用 成本 法核 算 ; 对 被 投资 单位具 有 控制 、 共同控

制和重大影响 的, 采用权 益 法核算 。

( 2) 长 期债 权 投资

本 基金 会 长 期债 权 投资按取得时的实际成本 作 为 初始 投资成 本 。 长 期债 权 投

资按 直线法 计提 利息及摊销 债券 折溢 价。

( 3) 长 期投资 减 值准备


59 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

本基金会期末对长期投资逐项进行检 查 , 按单项投资可回收金额低于账面价


9、 固 定 资 产 计 价 ' ( 折 旧 + ,

本总会固定资产是指为行政管理 、 提供服 务 、 生产商品或者出租目的而持有

的,预计使用年限超过 1 年,且单位价值在 8000 元以上的资产。

( 1)固定资产按取得时实际成本计价。

( 2)固定资产折旧采用年限平均法计算。

年限平均 法 (直线法 ) 按固定资产的原值和估计使用的年限扣 除残 值 率 (原

值的 5%以 内 ) 确 定 其 折旧 率 ,年 分类 折旧 率如下:

资产 类别 预计使用年限 残 值 率 年折旧 率

运输设 备 8 年 2% 12%

电子设 备 4 年 2% 25%

其他设 备 4 年 2% 25%

( 3) 不 计提折旧的固定资产

用于 展览 、 研究 或 教育等 目的的 历史文物 、 艺术 品以 及其他具 有 文化 或者 历

史 价值 并作 为长期或者 永久保存 的 典藏等 , 作 为固定资产 核 算, 不必 计提折旧。

10、 限 定 性 净 资 产 、 0 限 定 性 净 资 产 确 认 3 4


60 审计报告 / Audit Report

资产或资产所产生的经济利 益 (如资产的投资利益和利息 等 ) 的使用受到资

产提供者或者国家有关法 律 、 行政法规所设置的时间 限 定 或 (和 ) 用途限 定 , 则

由此形成的净资产为限定性净资产 ; 除此之外的其他净资 产 , 为非限定性净资产。

11、 ! " 确 认 % &

收入是指民间非营利组织开展业务活动取得 的 、 导致本期净资产增加的经济

利益或者服务潜力的流入。收入应当按照其来源分为捐赠收 入 、政府补助收入、

提供服务收入、投资收益、 商品销售 收入和其他收入等。

本 总会 按 以下 规定 确认 收入 实现 , 并 按 已实现 的收入 记账 , 计 入当期 损 益。

总会在确认 收入时 , 应当 区 分 交换交易 所形成的收入和非 交换交易 所形成的


销售商品 , 已将商品 所有 权上 的 主要风险 和 报酬转换给购货方 ; 既没 有 保留

通常与 所有 权相联系 的 继续管理权 , 也没 有 对已出售 的 商品实施控制 ; 与交易相

关的经济利益 能够 流入; 相 关收入和成本 能够可靠地计量 时 确认 收入。

提供 劳 务, 在同一会计年度内 开 始并完 成的 劳 务 , 应当 在完 成 劳 务时 确认 收

入 ; 如 果劳 务的开 始 和 完 成分 属不同 的 会计年度 , 可以 按照 完工进度完 成的 工作

量确认 收入。

让渡 资产使用 权 , 与交易相 关的经济利益 能够 流 入 ; 收入的 金额能够可靠地

计量 。


61 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

无条件的捐赠或政府补助,在收到时确认收 入 ;附条件的捐赠或政府补助,

在取得捐赠资产或政府补助资产控制权时确认收 入 ; 但当总会存在需要偿还全部

或部分捐赠资产或者相应金额的现时义务时 , 应当根据需要偿还的金额确认一项


接受捐赠的非货币性资产 , 应当以其公允价值计 算 。 捐赠方在向总会捐赠时,

应当提供注明捐赠非货币性资产公允价值的证 明 , 如果不能提供上述证明 , 不得

向其开具公益性捐赠票据或 者 《非税收入一般缴款 书 》 收据 , 不得确认 为 捐赠收



1、 货 " # $

货币 资 金 种 类 币 种 年 初 账 面 余 额 年 末 账 面余 额

现 金 人 民 币 102,360.05 172,752.78

银行 存款 人 民 币 1,524,578,124.78 1,063,784,233.50

合 计 1,524,680,484.83 1,063,956,986.28

2、 其 & ' ( )

( 1) 其 他 应收款 账龄:

年 初 账 面余 额 年 末 账 面余 额 账 龄 账 面 余 额 坏 账 准 备 账 面 价 值 账 面余 额 坏账 准 备 账面 价 值

1 年 以 内 65,346.44 65,346.44 109,051.46 109,051.46

1-2 年 20,032,651.46 20,032,651.46 72,700.00 72,700.00

2-3 年 0 0 20,041,000.00 20,041,000.00

合 计 20,097,997.90 20,097,997.90 20,222,751.46 20,222,751.46


62 审计报告 / Audit Report

( 2)其他应收款主要客户:

年 初 账 面 余 额 年末 账 面 余 额 欠 款 欠款 客 户 名 称 占 其 他 应 占 其 他 应 账 面 余 额 收 款 总 额 账面 余 额 收 款 总 额 的比例 的 比 例 时 间 原因 2009 年 沙 钢慈

江苏 沙 钢 集 团 20,000,000.00 99.51% 20,000,000.00 98.90% 10 月 善 基金 业务

员 工 借 款 97,997.90 0.49% 222,751.46 1.10% 借款

合 计 20,097,997.90 100% 20, 222,751.46 100% —— ——

3、 ! "

存 货 种 类 年 初 账 面 余 额 本 年 增 加 额 本 年 减 少额 年末 账 面 余 额

接 受 捐 赠 药 品 1,294,541,160.00 5,781,437,100.00 5,419,168,762.00 1,656,809,498.00 慈 善 医 疗 阳 光 救 助 设 备 0 244,409,000.00 244,409,000.00 0

合 计 1,294,541,160.00 6,025,846,100.00 5,663,577,762.00 1,656,809,498.00

本 总 会 存 货 为 接 受 捐 赠 的 药 品 和 医 疗 救 助 设 备 , 受 赠 药品 将 用 于 捐 助 协 议 规 定 的符 合 捐

赠 方 相 关 标 准 的 患 者 , 受 赠 药品 的 单 位 价 值 是 根 据有 关 物 价 部 门 批 准 的 相 关 药 品 零 售 价 格 确

认 的 。 接 受 捐 赠 的 医 疗 救 助设备 根 据 捐 赠 者 的 意 愿 已 发 往 各 受 助医 院 。

4、 长 $ % 权 ' (

被 投资 单位 初 始 投 资 额 年 初 账 面 余 额 年末 账 面 余 额 所 占 比 例 核算 方 法

1. 天 津市 慈善 杂 志 社 195,720.00 0 195,720.00 60% 成 本 法 2. 北 京《 慈善 公 益 报 》 2,000,000.00 0 2,000,000.00 社 有 限 公司 100% 成 本 法

合 计 2,195,720.00 0 2,195,720.00 —— ——

5、 委 * + ,


63 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

委托 实际 法定 代 表 报 酬 确 定 受托人 委托 金 额 实 际 收 回 金 额 人 姓名 期限 方式 收益

北 京 国 际 信 托 年 化 收 益 刘 建华 30,000,000.00 8 个月 1,953,287.67 31,953,287.67 有 限 公 司 率 9.7%

合 计 30,000,000.00 1,953,287.67 31,953,287.67

6、 固 " # 产 、 累 & ' (

( 1)固定资产类别如下:

项 目 年 初 账 面 余 额 本期 增 加额 本期 减 少 额 年 末 账 面 余 额

1、 固 定 资 产 原 价 合 计 1,073,865.89 9,100.00 0 1,082,965.89

其 中 : 运 输 设 备 667,996.00 0 0 667,996.00

电 子 设 备 405,869.89 9,100.00 0 414,969.89

2、 累 计 折 旧 合 计 482,173.89 115,701.00 0 597,874.89

其 中 : 运 输 设 备 266,153.00 77,537.00 0 343,690.00

电 子 设 备 216,020.89 38,164.00 0 254,184.89

3、 固 定 资 产 账 面 价 值 合 计 591,692.00 9,100.00 115,701.00 485,091.00

其 中 : 运 输 设 备 401,843.00 0 77,537.00 324,306.00

电 子 设 备 189,849.00 9,100.00 38,164.00 160,785.00

( 2)固定资产用途如下:

年 初 账 面 余 额 年末 账 面 余 额 用途 原价 累 计 折 旧 账面 价 值 原 价 累计 折 旧 账 面 价 值

自用 1,073,865.89 482,173.89 591,692.00 1,082,965.89 597,874.89 485,091.00

合 计 1,073,865.89 482,173.89 591,692.00 1,082,965.89 597,874.89 485,091.00

7、 其 * + , -

项 目 年 初 账 面 余 额 本年 增 加额 本 年 减 少额 年 末 账 面 余 额

香 港 宣 明会 14,959.40 0 0 14,959.40


64 审计报告 / Audit Report

陈良谨 10,000.00 0 0 10,000.00

社 会 保 险费 -4,959.53 178,884.57 169,687.22 4,237.82

住 房 公 积金 -3,171.00 208,194.00 208,194.00 -3,171.00

小 区 扶 贫 项目 84,367.45 51,850.00 40,638.42 95,579.03

合 计 101,196.32 438,928.57 418,519.64 121,605.25

8、 工 " # 员 费 用 ' ( )

项 目 年 初 账 面 余 额 本年 增 加额 本年 支 付额 年末 账 面 余 额

一 、 工 资 、 奖 金 、 津 贴 和 补贴 0 2,396,543.36 2,396,543.36 0

二 、 职 工 福 利费 0 670,886.92 670,886.92 0

三 、 社 会 保 险费 0 514,141.13 514,141.13 0

其 中 : 医 疗 保 险 费 0 182,665.03 182,665.03 0

基 本 养 老 保 险 费 0 297,268.18 297,268.18 0

失 业 保 险 费 0 26,315.28 26,315.28 0

工 伤 保 险 费 0 7,892.64 7,892.64 0

四 、 住 房 公 积金 0 208,194.00 208,194.00 0

五 、 工 会 经 费 和 职 工 教 育 经费 0 0 0 0

六 、 非 货 币 性 福 利 0 0 0 0

七 、 其 他 0 0 0 0

合 计 0 3,789,765.41 3,789,765.41 0

9、 应 + , -

税 费 项 目 年 初 账 面 余 额 年 末 账 面 余 额 适 用 税 率

个 人 所 得税 2,142.11 3,162.93 ——

合 计 2,142.11 3,162.93 ——

10、 . / 0

项 目 年初 账 面 余 额 本年 增 加 本 年 减 少 年 末 账 面 余 额 非限 定 性 净 资产 72,586,787.35 17,521,393.32 9,137,221.44 80,970,959.23 17

65 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

限定 性 净 资 产 2,767,221,208.95 6,514,318,285.39 6,618,965,175.01 2,662,574,319.33 合 计 2,839,807,996.30 6,531,839,678.71 6,628,102,396.45 2,743,545,278.56

净 资 产 总 额 比 上 年 减 少 的 主要 原 因 : 本 年 收 入 小 于 本年 支 出 , 使 本 年 净 资 产 总 额 减 少

了 96,262,717.74 元 。

11、 ! " # $

项 目 本 年 发 生 额 上年 发 生 额

会 费 收 入 227,900.00 217,400.00

合 计 227,900.00 217,400.00

12、 捐 赠 # $

项 目 本 年 发 生 额 上 年 发 生额

捐款 收 入 492,448,977.38 4,153,703,696.97

捐物 收 入 6,025,846,100.00 4,400,484,081.76

其中 : 受 赠 的 药 品 5,781,437,100.00 4,196,124,160.00

受 赠 的 赈 灾 物资 0 204,359,921.76

受 赠 的 医 疗 救 助 设备 244,409,000.00 0

合 计 6,518,295,077.38 8,554,187,778.73

13、 大 额 捐 赠 # $ (累 计 捐 赠 超 过 当 年 捐 赠 收 入 5%的 单 位 和 个 人 ) 单 位 :


本 年 发 生额 上 年 发 生额 捐赠人 限 定 性 非 限 定 性 小计 限定性 非 限 定性 小计

1.陈 东 升 5,300.00 5,300.00

其中 :捐 款 5,300.00 5,300.00


66 审计报告 / Audit Report

捐 物 2. 周 大 福 珠 宝 金 行 ( 深 圳 ) 有 限 公 司 7,710.79 7,710.79 2,911.03 2,911.03

其中 :捐 款 7,710.79 7,710.79 2,911.03 2,911.03

捐 物

3. 大 连 万 达 集 团 1,200.00 1,200.00 11,333.00 11,333.00

其中 :捐 款 1,200.00 1,200.00 11,333.00 11,333.00

捐 物 4. 瑞 士 诺 华 药 业 有 限 公 司 225,569.50 225,569.50 247,857.28 247,857.28

其中 :捐 款 496.40 496.40 353.92 353.92

捐 物 225,073.10 225,073.10 247,503.36 247,503.36 5. 拜 耳 医 药 保 健 有 限 公 司 226,699.72 226,699.72 82,017.91 82,017.91

其中 :捐 款 429.50 429.50 534.60 534.60

捐 物 226,270.22 226,270.22 81,483.31 81,483.31 6.阿 斯 利 康 制 药 有限 公司 64,825.10 64,825.10 55,032.35 55,032.35

其中 :捐 款 188.00 188.00 166.00 166.00

捐 物 64,637.10 64,637.10 54,866.35 54,866.35 7.上 海 罗 氏 制 药 有限 公司 52,347.00 52,347.00 30,126.05 30,126.05

其中 :捐 款 179.70 179.70 93.00 93.00

捐 物 52,167.30 52,167.30 30,033.05 30,033.05

8.意 大 利 百 盛 公 司 7,046.34 7,046.34

其中 :捐 款

捐 物 7,046.34 7,046.34

9.慈 善 阳 光 医 疗 救助 24,696.45 24,696.45

其中 :捐 款 255.55 255.55

捐 物 24,440.90 24,440.90

10、 王 建林 100,000.00 100,000.00


67 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

其 中 : 捐款 100,000.00 100,000.00


11、 中 国 泛 海 控 股集 团 公 司 10,000.00 10,000.00

其 中 : 捐款 10,000.00 10,000.00


12、 世 界 宣 明 会 5,343.57 5,343.57

其 中 : 捐款 5,343.57 5,343.57


合 计 613,692.13 613,692.13 546,323.96 546,323.96

14、 ! " # $

产 生 投 资 收 益 的 来源 本年 发 生 额 上年 发 生 额

信 托 资 金 理 财 收 益 1,953,287.67 520,000.00

合 计 1,953,287.67 520,000.00

15、 % & # '

项 目 本 年 发 生额 上 年 发 生额

行政 经 费 收 入 9,904,407.49 20,617,708.16

会长 基 金 收 入 200,000.00 1,100,000.00

项目 经 费 收 入 1,259,006.17 0

合 计 11,363,413.66 21,717,708.16

16、 ( ) 活 动 , -

项 目 本年 发 生 额 上 年 发 生额


68 审计报告 / Audit Report

捐赠 项 目 成 本 6,621,144,486.32 7,039,199,841.68

1.捐 款 支出 957,491,724.32 2,865,874,863.92

( 1) 一 般 捐款 2,179,311.31 894,154.86

其中 : 爱 心 工 程 委 员 会 47,869.40 0

( 2) 专 项 基 金 支出 80,410.00 896,000.00

其中 : 智 障 儿 童 发 展 基金 34,000.00 16,000.00

孤儿 成 长 基 金 46,410.00 0

杨 名 徽 、 高 博 懿 慈 善助 学 基 金 0 380,000.00

金 狮 集 团 救 灾 基金 0 500,000.00

( 3) 专 项 捐 款 支出 955,232,003.01 2,864,084,709.06

其中 : 勇 士 基 金 项目 0 450,000.00

爱 可 泰 隆 公 司 ( 全 可利 ) 项 目 633,288.53 332,697.99

唇 腭 裂 项 目 108,719,176.15 114,446,183.92

雨 水 积 蓄 工程 0 100,000.00

慈 爱 孤儿 304,000.00 244,000.00

香 港 汇 丰 银行 1,288,353.10 1,339,696.49

美 国 妈 妈 项目 1,773,000.00 2,308,500.00

慈 善 周刊 1,144,000.00 2,081,447.31

李 春 平 慈 善 基 金 3,440,000.00 2,200,000.00

福 利 院 -助 孤 寡 老 人 315,131.35 1,747,644.67

五 子 牛 特 殊 教 育 学 校 0 6,000.00

太 阳 村 项 目 934,970.05 1,339,844.49

慈 善 一 元 捐( 群 众 募 捐) 1,218,600.00 1,600,600.00

美国 埃 克 森 公 司 220,519.30 805,433.50

美国 菲 利 普 海德 基 金 会 237,500.00 0

赈 灾 233,372,707.47 2,542,035,094.58

慈 福 行 动 3,774,561.00 3,806,053.49

救助 资 金 711,848.00 450,000.00

项 目 本 年 发 生 额 上 年 发 生额

助 学 项目 14,084,850.00 8,999,488.60


69 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

非典 -天 使 之 子 助 学 基 金 14,000.00 14,000.00

拜 耳 公 司 项目 4,088,307.78 4,151,032.80

阿 斯 利 康 项目 1,686,027.85 1,740,063.24

诺 华 项目 4,771,400.21 3,622,607.38

捐 赠 物 资 费用 0 973.00

先 心 病 项 目 3,967,778.23 973,000.00

慈 善 医 疗 阳 光 救 助 工 程 -中 科 天 立 1,316,000.00 2,367,500.00

思 利 及 人 基金 217,346.00 484,314.00

世 界 宣 明 会 -中国 59,989,689.25 73,815,860.06

凤 凰 慈 善 关 爱 基金 100,000.00 200,000.00

国 际 联 合 劝 募 协会 24,810.18 3,053.00

国 家 机 关 单位 0 332,800.00

《 行 走 .渴 望 》 ( 外 事 轮 椅 ) 267,756.00 697,900.00

基 金 工程 0 19,156.00

十 佳 冠 军 基 金 工程 347,103.00 333,125.90

周 大 福 慈 善 基 金 74,115,180.00 24,727,039.00

项 目 部 筹 款 0 294,758.00

美 国 后 期 圣 徒 协 会 ( LDS) 2,308,648.00 3,123,378.00

革 命 老 区 慈善 万里 行 0 7,540.00

黄 丝 带 项 目 3,283,460.18 1,451,990.40

青艾 工程 7,439,347.83 7,034,685.00

永益 关爱 专 项 资金 0 8,210,000.00

IDO 儿童 救 助 基金 749,019.00 516,785.00

慈 善 大会 4,358,139.47 0

爱 心 资助 46,315,203.74 37,980,463.24

其 他 专 项 支出 367,700,281.34 7,690,000.00

2.专 项 捐物 支出 5,663,577,762.00 4,173,324,977.76

其 中 : 捐赠 药品 5,419,168,762.00 3,968,965,056.00

项 目 本年 发 生 额 上 年 发 生额

捐赠 赈灾 物资 0 204,359,921.76


70 审计报告 / Audit Report

捐赠 救 助 的 医 疗 设 备 244,409,000.00 0

3.发 展 基 金 支出 75,000.00 0

合 计 6,621,144,486.32 7,039,199,841.68

17、 ! " # $

项 目 本 年 发 生额 上年 发 生 额

1. 行 政 管 理 人 员 费 用 3,805,975.53 3,420,742.79

2. 行 政 管 理 事 务 物 品 耗 费 和服 务 开支 2,207,788.46 2,273,619.56 3. 行 政 管 理 事 务 所 用 资 产 折 旧 ( 摊 销) 106,601.00 88,980.00 及运 行 维 护 费用

4.资 产 减 值 及 处 置 损 失 0 0

5. 记 入 管 理 费 用 的 税费 480.00 500.00

其中 : 车 船 使 用 税 480.00 480.00

印 花 税 0 20.00

6.项 目 经 费 825,465.14 1,825,709.59

7.会 长 基 金 支出 11,600.00 0

合 计 6,957,910.13 7,609,551.94

五 、 理事会成员和职工的数 量 、 变 动 情况以及获得的薪金等报酬情况的说明

1、 本 总 会 本届 理 事 会 共 25 名 理 事 , 本 届 理 事 会 成 员 的 姓 名 、 工 作 单 位 、 在 本 总会 领 取

报 酬 的 理 事 人 数 13 人 、 领 取 报 酬 金 额 情 况 如 下 :

是否 在 本 总 会 领 取报 理 事 姓 名 工作 单 位 领 取 报 酬 酬 金额

范 宝 俊 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 48,000.00

李 本 公 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 42,000.00

刘 国 林 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 42,000.00


71 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

张 道 诚 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 24,000.00

彭 玉 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 24,000.00

朱 焘 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 24,000.00

崔 俊 慧 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 24,000.00

邓 铜 山 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 24,000.00

张 心 国 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 42,000.00

韩 京 津 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 42,000.00

麻 贵 林 中 华 慈 善 总 会 是 42,000.00

周 俊 业 中 华 慈 善 总会 是 24,000.00

王 金 泉 中 华 慈 善 总 会 否 0

张 昕 中 华 慈 善 总 会 否 0

陈 晓 枫 否 0

刘 良 玉 否 0

冯 晓 丽 否 0

白 京 华 否 0

由 明 春 否 0

俞 建 华 否 0

侯 岩 否 0

王 爱 平 否 0

姜 皓 否 0

焦 津 强 否 0

郑 功 成 否 0

2、 本 总 会 职 工 总 数 、 各 部 门职 工 数 量 、 工 资 总 额 、 人均 工 资 情 况:

各部门 职 工 数 量 工 资 总 额 年 人 均 工资

会领导 3 131,820.00 43,940.00

项目部 11 503,640.60 45,785.51

外事部 5 203,004.24 40,600.85

救灾部 4 151,905.12 37,976.28


72 审计报告 / Audit Report

筹募部 5 205,448.40 41,089.68

财务部 7 221,468.99 31,638.43

办公室 8 306,358.56 38,294.82

监事会 2 48,000.00 24,000.00

新闻办 6 143,931.72 23,988.62

合 计 51 1,915,577.63 37,560.35

六 、 在计算公益事业 支 出比例 、 人员工资福 利 和行政办公支出比例时需要说



本总会 2011 年业务活动成本发生额为 6,621,144,486.32 元 , 均为公益事业

支出,上年度实际收入合计 8,576,642,886.89 元,上年收入中时间限定为上年

不得使用的限定性收入 0 元 , 于上年解除时间限定的净资产 0 元 , 调整后的上年

度收入合计 8,576,642,886.89 元,公益事业支出占上一年总收入的比例为



工作人员工资福利支出 3,805,975.53 元,行政办公支出 3,151,934.60 元 ,

合计 6,957,910.13 元,占本年总支出 6,628,102,396.45 元的比例为 0.10%。


1、重大公益项目收支表 单 位 :



73 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

支 出

项 目 直 接 成 本 项目 收 入 直 接 用 于 受 采购 人 员 其他 资 产 使 宣 传推 差 旅等 总 计 助 人 的 款 物 小 计 用 费 用 广 费用 费 用 费用 报 酬 费用

瑞 士 诺 华 公司 225,569.50 272,669.17 116.38 36.17 26.66 8.08 289.75 477.04 273,146.21 赠 药 项目

拜 耳 医 药 公司 226,699.72 157,042.91 69.76 11.88 210.58 5.68 110.93 408.83 157,451.74 赠 药 项目

上 海 罗 氏 制药 52,347.00 46,932.78 42.93 19.95 43.09 52.45 158.42 47,091.20 公 司 赠 药 项目

阿 斯 利 康 公司 64,825.10 59,703.60 59.75 13.56 30.00 3.99 61.30 168.60 59,872.20 赠 药 项目

瑞 士 爱 可 泰隆 10,095.86 5,568.43 21.65 11.28 1.44 2.08 26.88 63.33 5,631.76 公 司 赠 药 项目

慈 善 医 疗 阳光 24,696.45 24,440.90 131.60 131.60 24,572.50 救 助 工 程 设备

微 笑 列 车 项目 10,526.87 10,643.57 11.37 168.28 9.82 38.87 228.34 10,871.91

南 京 大 报 恩寺 0 30,000.00 30,000.00 修建

武 汉 大 学 博物 5,000.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 馆 建 设

赈灾 1,415.87 22,378.88 899.18 6.30 52.91 958.39 23,337.27

周 大 福 慈 善基 7,710.79 5,837.66 1,573.86 1,573.86 7,411.52 金

世 界 宣 明 会 5,281.95 5,998.97 5,998.97

合 计 634,169.11 645,716.87 2,604.64 328.14 92.84 480.05 82.56 580.18 4,168.41 649,885.28

2、重 大公 益 项目大 额 支 付对象


74 审计报告 / Audit Report

占 年 度 公益 项 目 大 额 支 付 对 象 支 付 金 额 用 途 总 支 出 比例

赈灾 青 海 省 慈 善 总 会 215,718,000.00 2.95% 玉 树 地 震 救 灾 款

南 京 金 陵 文 化 保 护 发 展 基 南 京 大 报 恩 寺 修 建 金会 300,000,000.00 4.10% 修 建 工 程款

武 汉 大 学 博 物 馆 建设 武 汉 大 学 教 育 发 展 基 金 会 45,000,000.00 0.61% 修 建 工 程款

周 大 福 慈 善 基 金 清 华 大 学 教 育 基 金会 42,500,000.00 0.58% 修 建 工 程款

合 计 603,218,000.00 8.24%



关 联 方 法 人 姓 名 关 联 关 系

陈 东 升 主 要 捐 赠人

大 连 万 达 集 团 王健林 主 要 捐 赠人

中 国 泛 海 控 股 集 团公 司 卢自强 主 要 捐 赠人

瑞 士 诺 华 药 业 有 限 公 司 主 要 捐 赠人

拜 耳 医 药 保 健 有 限 公 司 主 要 捐 赠人

阿 斯 利 康 制 药 有 限 公 司 主 要 捐 赠人

上 海 罗 氏 制 药 有 限 公 司 主 要 捐 赠人

世 界 宣 明 会 主 要 捐 赠人

周 大 福 珠宝 金 行 ( 深 圳 ) 有限 公 司 郑锡鸿 主 要 捐 赠人

2、关联 交易

本 总会 与 重要关联方 之间没有 发 生 关联方 交易。


75 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation




资 产 名 称 来 源 时间 单位 数量 单价 金 额 用 途

一 、 " # $ % 405,869.89

1.索 尼 笔 记 本 电 脑 自 购 2004.5 台 1 19,376.00 19,376.00 自用

2.天 骄 台 式 电脑 自 购 2004.5 台 1 10,660.00 10,660.00 自用

3.音 响 设备 自 购 2004.8 套 1 21,885.48 21,885.48 自用

4.三 洋 牌 投 影 设 备 自 购 2004.8 套 1 17,646.41 17,646.41 自用

5.电 子 显 示 屏 自 购 2004.8 台 1 28,800.00 28,800.00 自用

6.IBM 手 提 电脑 自 购 2005.5 台 1 29,000.00 29,000.00 自用

7.联 想 电脑 自 购 2005.5 台 1 8,200.00 8,200.00 自用

8.电脑 自 购 2005.5 台 2 9,230.00 18,460.00 自用

9.电脑 自 购 2005.5 台 2 7,980.00 15,960.00 自用

10.施 乐 复 印机 自 购 2006.3 台 1 16,000.00 16,000.00 自用

11.联 想 电 脑 自 购 2006.4 台 1 25,164.00 25,164.00 自用

12.美 的 空 调 自 购 2009.8 台 1 8,388.00 8,388.00 自用

13.佳 能 复 印机 自 购 2009.12 台 1 11,900.00 11,900.00 自用

14.联 想 笔 记 本 电脑 自 购 2009.12 台 1 8,200.00 8,200.00 自用

15、 SONY 摄 像 机 自 购 2010.04 台 2 11,690.00 23,380.00 自用

16、 笔 记 本 电 脑 自 购 2010.8 台 2 10,100.00 20,200.00 自用

17、 SONY 摄 像 机 自 购 2010.12 台 1 9,500.00 9,500.00 自用


76 审计报告 / Audit Report

18、 双 基 色 LED 显 示 条 屏 自 购 2010.12 个 1 20,140.00 20,140.00 自用

19、 PROEL 壁 挂 音 像 自 购 2010.12 个 1 8,800.00 8,800.00 自用

20、 COWN 数 字 功放 自 购 2010.12 个 1 9,870.00 9,870.00 自用

21、 PROEL 均 衡 器 自 购 2010.12 个 1 8,360.00 8,360.00 自用

22、 IBM 服 务器 自 购 2010.12 个 1 29,800.00 29,800.00 自用

23、 HP 服 务 器 自 购 2010.12 个 1 36,900.00 36,900.00 自用

24、 系 统 服 务 器 DL60G6 自 购 2011.8 个 1 9,100.00 9,100.00 自用

二 、 " # $ % 667,996.00

1.帕 萨 特 -京 KS2302 自 购 2007.7 辆 1 255,953.00 255,953.00 自用

2.帕 萨 特 -京 KS2311 自 购 2007.7 辆 1 255,953.00 255,953.00 自用

3、 桑 塔 纳 轿 车 -京 KB2578 自 购 2007.1 辆 1 156,090.00 156,090.00 自 用

合 计 1,082,965.89


本总会 2011 年度收到社会各界的限定性捐赠收入 6,514,318,285.39 元 , 本

年度共使用 6,618,965,175.01 元,专项用于救灾、助学、助医、助老、助困等







本总会无公允价值无法可靠取得的受赠资产和 其他 资产。



77 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation








上述二〇一一年度会计报表和会计报表有关附 注 , 系我们 按 《民间非营利组



法定代表人:范宝俊 财务负责人:高守华

日期 : 2012 年 4 月 6 日 日期 : 2012 年 4 月 6 日


78 审计报告 / Audit Report

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98 大事记 / Chronicle of Events

Chronicle of Events in 2011 2 0 1 1 年 大 事 记

1月7日,总会易瑞沙慈善赠药项目在江苏南京召开项目专家座谈会。为了更好地加强与 2011年1月 项目注册医生的沟通合作,项目办从全国各地的易瑞沙项目注册医生中选取一批积极参与项目 的注册医生作为项目专家。参会的20多位专家就项目执行中的经验和问题进行了热烈的交流讨 January 论。总会项目部副主任邵家严、捐赠方阿斯利康公司钱巍总监参加了座谈。 1月14日,总会2011年新春联谊会在北京举行,范宝俊会长、李本公副会长、邓铜山副会 长、张道诚副会长、彭玉副会长、刘国林秘书长出席会议,总会部分荣誉副会长、常务理事、 理事及各项目负责人应邀参加会议,会议由刘国林秘书长主持,范宝俊会长作2010年年度工作 总结,并向长期支持总会工作的社会爱心人士致以新春祝福。 1月21日,易瑞沙慈善赠药项目捐赠方阿斯利康公司副总裁张颖、特药部市场经理张平宽 等到总会拜访李本公副会长,同时项目部钱钟民主任、邵家严副主任等参会,双方主要就项目 工作中的难点进行讨论,且双方领导均表示希望继续保持良好的合作关系。

On January 7, the Federation convened expert forum for Iressa Charity Medicine Donation Project in Nanjing, Jiangsu. In order to better communicate and cooperate with project registered doctor, the project office selected a batch of registered doctors for Iressa project nationwide as project experts actively participating in the project. More than 20 experts carried out heated communication and discussion on experience and issue in the performance of the project. Vice director of Project Department of the Project SHAO Jiayan and Chief Inspector of Astrazeneca Company, the donator, QIAN Wei attended the forum. On January 14, 2011 New Spring Social Gathering of the Federation was held in Beijing, President FAN Baojun, Vice President LI Gongben, Vice President DENG Tongshan, Vice President ZHANG Daocheng, Vice President PENG Yu and Secretary General LIU Guolin attended the conference, part of honorary vice presidents, standing directors, directors and principals of all projects were invited to attend the conference. Secretary General LIU Guolin presided over the conference, President FAN Baojun delivered work summary of Year 2010, and extended his blessings to social loving people supporting the work of the Federation for a long term. On January 21, Vice President of the Donator of Iressa Charity Medicine Donation Project, AstraZeneca Company, ZHANG Ying, Manager of Special Medicine Market ZHANG Pingkuan and other people visited Vice President of the Federation, LI Bengong, at the same time, Director of Project Department QIAN Zhongmin and Vice Director SHAO Jiayan attended the conference, both parties discussed the issues in the work of the project, besides, leaders of both parties expressed that they would continue to keep a good cooperative relationship.

99 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation

2月21日,总会在民族饭店召开“2011年各省区市、新疆建设生产兵团、计划单列市慈善 2011年2月 会秘书长工作座谈会”。会议由李本公副会长主持,各省区市、新疆建设生产兵团、计划单列 市慈善会秘书长以及总会范宝俊会长、张心国副秘书长、麻贵林副秘书长、钱钟民主任、苏辉 February 主任、高守华主任、张银俊主任、田伯东副主任、种淑兰副主任、刘芳副主任出席。会议围绕 着慈善项目成果展、救灾救济物资采购储备、慈善事业实体创新、慈善业务培训等四个议题展 开了讨论。 总会对外公布热线电话和账号,接受云南盈江地震及日本地震的专项捐款,并设置热线电 话,安排专人值班接听热线。 2月23日,新闻办主任张银俊参加由民政部规划财务司组织召开的“新世纪中国农村扶贫 开发成就展”(民政部分)布置会。根据布置会要求,总会将提供能够反映我国社会力量在扶 贫开发方面成就的相关参展材料。 2月25日,易瑞沙项目注册医生交流会在河南郑州举行。易瑞沙项目办公室副主任阎素参 加会议,并对注册医生应承担的工作内容作了培训。捐赠方阿斯利康公司项目经理侯燕凌、郑 州大学第一附属医院范魁生教授等20多位河南省的项目注册医生及科室的执行医生参加。 2月26日,“为了我们的孩子——千名少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动”新闻发布 会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。作为首批被救治的患儿,新疆51名先天性心脏病儿童代表参加 了新闻发布会。全国人大副委员长顾秀莲,中华慈善总会会长范宝俊、常务副会长李本公、副 会长张道诚、副会长邓铜山出席。 On February 21, the Federation convened “2011 Secretary General Forum for Charity Federation in all Provinces and Cities, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Municipalities with Independent Planning Status” in Minzu Hotel. Vice President LI Bengong, Secretary General of charity federations in all provinces and cities, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Municipalities with Independent Planning Status, President FAN Baojun, Vice President ZHANG Xinguo, Deputy Secretary General MA Guilin, Director QIAN Zhongmin, Director SU Hui, Director GAO Shouhua, Director ZHANG Yinjun, Vice Director TIAN Bodong, Vice Director ZHONG Shulan and Vice Director LIU Fang attended the forum. The forum centered on discussing 4 topics including Achievement Exhibition of Charity Projects, Procurement and Reserve of Disater-Deliverance Materials, Entity Creation of Charity Cause and Charity Business Training. The Federation announced hotline and account number, accepting special donation for Yingjiang Earthquake in Yunnan and Earthquake in Japan, and set up hotline and arrange special employees on duties to receive the calls. On February 23, Director of Communication Department ZHANG Yinjun attended the arrangement conference for “Achievement Exhibition of New Century Poverty-Alleviation and Development in China” (section undertaken by the Ministry of Civil Affairs) convened by Finance Division of Ministry of Civil Affairs. In accordance with requirements of the arrangement conference, the Federation offered related materials for exhibition reflecting the achievement of poverty-alleviation and development made by social force. On February 25, Exchange Conference of Iressa Project Registered Doctors was held in Zhengzhou, Henan. Vice Director of Iressa Project Office YAN Su attended the conference, and trained the registered doctors for the work content they should bear. More than 20 project registered doctors and executive doctors in Henan Province including Project manager of the Donator, Astrazeneca Company, HOU Yanking and Professor of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University FAN Kushner attended the conference. On February 26, News Brief of “For Our Children—Salvation Action for a Thousand Congenital Heart Disease Children from Minority Impoverished Families” was grandly held in Beijing . As the first batch of child patients treated, 51 representatives suffered from congenital heart disease from Xinjiang attended the news brief. Vice-chairman of National People’s Congress GU Giuliani, President of China Chairty Federation FAN Baojun, Standing Vice President LI Bengong, Vice President ZHANG Daocheng and Vice President DENG Tongshan attended the news brief.

100 大事记 / Chronicle of Events

3月1日—4日,筹募部顾问韩京津、王玲赴香港学习观摩周大福集团在港开展的慈善项 2011年3月 目,并就2011年“周大福慈善基金”的具体项目执行问题、内蒙古等地捐建学校以及9月份举 行慈善拍卖晚宴等项活动进行了深入细致的研究和讨论。 March 3月2日,总会与世界宣明会签署“重建及扶贫合作协议-2011”。双方将继续在扶贫及重 建领域加强合作。2010财年双方合作项目金额超过9000万人民币。 3月4日,范宝俊会长接受《民生周刊》、《中国社会报》、央视华人频道三家媒体记者的 联合采访,就中国慈善事业发展现状及改革创新发表看法。 3月4日—5日,项目部主任钱钟民参加格列卫患者援助项目在扬州举办的项目专业培训 班。 3月4日—6日,类克援助项目感恩答谢晚宴在三亚万豪酒店举办,张道诚副会长出席并致 辞,对外联络部副主任杨申申及项目执行副主任文菊一同出席。 3月8日—11日,财务部高守华主任,对外联络部杨申申副主任前往四川省对韩国公益金在 安岳县岳源乡九年制义务教育学校重建项目捐款的使用情况进行审计。 3月9日,总会提交2010年度“中华慈善奖”的申报材料,共推荐“最具爱心慈善捐赠个 人”2位、“最具爱心行为楷模”1位、“最具爱心外资企业”1家、“最具影响力慈善项目”7 个。 第三届企业社会高层论坛在北京人民政协报社举行。此次论坛由总会和人民政协报社共同 举办,范宝俊会长以及在京参加全国两会的全国人大代表周森、全国政协委员林大辉、林嘉 騋、张忠言、谢京、林晓昌和有关领导、专家学者、企业家数十人出席论坛并发言。 3月9日-16日,总会新蕾工程先心病项目在空军总医院已经顺利完成新疆51名先心病患者 手术,大部分患者由中国南航免费护送回新疆,两名患者等待手术。 3月10日,徐镒轩荣誉副会长在“两会”驻地铁道大厦就“一张纸献爱心”和“先心病儿 童救助”项目开展情况,接受中央人民广播电台“望远新发现”栏目记者采访。 筹募部顾问韩京津、王玲参加了“周大福慈善基金”向清华大学捐资8400万元建设“郑裕 彤医学楼”的奠基仪式。 3月13日,张心国副秘书长、李玉林主编前往四川省检查灾后重建项目,先后前往平武县 及广元市朝天区检查总会在川重建项目执行情况,并布置了《灾后重建志》的编纂工作。 3月14日,韩京津、王玲与烟台富视医疗器械有限公司董事长蒋泉涛先生就2011年合作项 目等相关事宜进行了商讨。 3月17日,刘国林秘书长、办公厅田伯东副主任在总会接待陕西省慈善协会张晓菊副会长 一行来访,会上商谈《善行天下》杂志相关事宜。 3月17日,全可利慈善援助项目武汉发药点启动。总会项目部副主任邵家严、捐赠方瑞士 爱可泰隆制药公司代表、湖北省慈善总会领导出席启动仪式。 3月21日,范宝俊会长在总会会见了世界宣明会全球副总裁Charles Badenoch、世界宣明 会中国办事处总干事王超,双方就今后长期合作进行了商谈。项目部刘莹参加。 3月21日,李本公副会长、筹募部主任苏辉赴广西南宁参加广西慈善总会第三次会员代表 大会。 3月22日,新闻办主任张银俊与中国教育学会副秘书长、1+1心联行动组委会副主任马建 华到青海西宁出席“玉树震后‘1+1心联行动’心理援助项目——心联小屋授牌仪式”。青海 省委常委、宣传部部长吉狄马加、副部长高玉峰、青海省社科联常务副主席胡维忠、省慈善会 莫重录副会长等出席仪式的领导为首批20间示范心联小屋揭牌。玉树震后,总会与青海省社科 联合作,定向划拨1000万元支持青海开展“1+1心联行动”。青海拟在三年内建立心联小屋50 间。 3月26日,张道诚副会长、筹募部主任苏辉在河北涿州参加了主题为“爱心齐聚 种植希 望”的公益活动。此项活动由中华慈善总会主办、西部扶贫助学专项基金协办,旨在宣传“兵 团利康助学班”的品牌,吸引更多的爱心人士和机构的参与,共同支持西部地区的教育进步和 人才培养。 3月27日,项目部主任钱钟民受邀出席由厦门市慈善总会举办的2010年药品援助项目注册

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医生座谈会,并经厦门市慈善总会的协调,与厦门市社保中心、卫生局相关人员就格列卫药品 在医保局报销中存在的问题进行协商,解决了格列卫项目二期受助人员医保报销难问题。 3月31日—4月2日,对外联络部与来访的全球联合之路(UWW)副总裁博泽斯基先生、 中国事务联络员陈曦就双方签署合作协议事宜和未来三年合作计划展开了深入会谈,并最终就 协议框架及具体内容达成备忘录。 From March 01 to March 04, Consultant of Collection Department HAN Jingjin and WANG Ling went to Hong Kong to inspect and learn from Charity Project carried out by Zhoutai Fook Group in Hong Kong, and carefully studied and discussed such activities as specific performance of 2011 “Zhoutai Fook Charity Fund”, Donated Schools in Inner Mongolia and Charity Auction Evening Party to be held in September and so on. On March 02, the Federation signed “Reconstruction of Poverty-alleviation Cooperation Agreement-2011” with World Vision International. Both parties would continue to cooperate in the fields including poverty-alleviation and reconstruction. The amount of cooperation project exceeded RMB 900,000,000.00 Yuan in the financial year of 2010. On March 04, President FAN Baojun accepted the joint interview of three media including Minsheng Weekly, Chinese Society Newspaper and CCTV, expressing his views on the current situation of the development of Chinese Chairty Cause and reform and innovation. From March 04 to March 05, Director of Project Department QIAN Zhongmin attended project professional training class for Gleevec Patient Assistance Project held in Yangzhou. From March 04 to March 06, Infliximab Assistance Project Thanksgiving Dinner Party was held in Marriott Hotel in Sanya, Vice President ZHANG Daocheng attended the dinner and delivered a lecture, Vice Director of Liaison Department YANG Shenshen and Vice Director of Project Execution WEN Ju attended the dinner party together. From March 08 to March 11, Director of Finance Department GAO Shouhua and Vice Director of Liaison Department went to Sichuan to audit the use of donation for nine-year compulsory education school reconstruction project in Yueyuan Township, Anyue County donated by Public Welfare Fund of South Korea. On March 09, The Federation submitted application materials for “China Chairty Prize” of Year 2010, recommending 2 individuals for “the Most Loving Charity Donation Individual”, one “the Most Loving Model”, one “the Most Loving Foreign Foreign-Owned Enterprise” and 7 “the Most Influential Charity Projects”. The 3rd Top Level Forum of Enterprises and Society was held in Beijing People’s Political Consultative Newspaper Office. This forum was jointly organized by China Charity Federation and People’s Political Consultative Newspaper, and dozens of participants including President of China Charity Federation FAN Baojun and ZHOU Sen, a deputy to the National People’s Congress attending the NPC&CPPCC in Beijing, Committee members of CPPCC LI Dahui, lIN Jialai, ZHANG Zhongyan, XIE Jing, LIN Xiaochang, leaders of relevant charitable organizations, experts and scholars, famous entrepreneurs attended the forum and delivered speeches. From March 9 to 16, Xinlei Engineering Congenital Heart Disease Project under the Federation smoothly completed operations for 51 patients suffered from congenital heart disease in Air Force General Hospital, most patients were sent to Xinjiang by China Southern Airlines, and two patients were waiting for being operated. On March 10, Honorary Vice President XU Yixuan was interviewed by reporter from “Look Forward to New Discovery” column of CNR (China National Radio) on the progress of “A Piece of Paper·Shows Love” Project and Deliverance of Congenital Heart Disease Children in Railway Building where two sessions (NPC& CPPCC) were held. Consultant from Collection Department HAN Jingjin and WANG Ling attended foundation stone laying ceremony for “ZHENG Yutong Medical Building” donated by “Zhoutai Fook

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Charity Fund” with RMB 840,000,000.00 Yuan in Thinghua University. On March 13, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo and Chief-editor LI Yulin went to Sichuan to inspect post-disaster reconstruction project, successively going to Pingwu County and Tianchao District, Guangyuan City to inspection the progress of the project donated by the Federation and arranged the compilation work of Record of Post-disaster Reconstruction. On March 14, HAN Jingjin, WANG Ling and President of Yantai Fushi Medical Equipment Co., Ltd Mr. JIANG Quantao discussed matters related to cooperation projects in 2011. On March 17, Secretary General LIU Guolin and Vice Director of General Office TIAN Bodong received the delegation led by Vice President of Shaannxi Charity Association ZHANG Xiaoju, discussing matters related to Charity around the World. On March17, Wuhan Medicine Distribution Point for Tracleer Charity Assistance Project was started. Vice Director of Project Department of the Federation SHAO Jiayan, representatives of the donator, Switzerland Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and leaders of Hubei Charity Federation attended the starting ceremony. On March 21, President FAN Baojun met Vice President of World Vision International Charles Badenoch and Secretary General of Chinese Office of World Vision International WANG Chao, both parties discussed the long-term cooperation in the future. LIU Ying from Project Department of the Federation attended as well. On March 21, Vice President LI Bengong and Director of Collection Department SU Hui went to Nanning, Guangxi to attend the 3rd Membership Representative Assembly of Guangxi Charity Federation. On March 22, Director of Communication Department ZHANG Yinjun, Deputy Secretary General of Chinese Education Society, Vice Director of 1+1 Xinlian Action Committee MA Jianhua went to Xining, Qinghai to attend “Yushu Post-earthquake 1+1 Psychology Assistance Project—Xinlian Cabin Board Granting Ceremony ”. Qinghai Provincial Party Committee Standing Member and Minister of Publicity Department Jidi Majia, Vice-minister GAO Yufeng, Standing Vice-chairman of Qinghai Shelian HU Weizhong, Vice President of Qinghai Charity Federation MO Chonglu and other leaders attending the ceremony inaugurated 20 Demonstration Xinlian Cabins in the first batch. After Yushu earthquake, the Federation cooperated with Shelian, particularly appropriating RMB Ten million Yuan to support Qinghai to carry out “1+1 Xinlian Action”. Qinghai planned to establish 50 Xinlian cabins within 3 years. On March 26, Vice President ZHANG Daocheng and Director of Collection Department SU Hui went to Tunzhou, Hebei province to attend the public welfare activity titled “Love Gets Together to Plant Hope”. The activity was sponsored by China Charity Federation and co-organized by Special Fund for Western Poverty-alleviation, aiming to publicize the brand of “Legion Likang Study Assistance Class”, attract more loving people and institutions to participate in the activity and jointly support education progress and talent cultivation in western region. On March 27, Director of Project Department QIAN Zhongmin was invited to attend registered doctor forum for 2010 medicine assistance project, discussing with related employees in Xiamen Municipal Society Security Center and Sanitary Bureau about issues existing in applying for reimbursement on Gleevec Medicine in Medical Insurance Bureau, settling the difficult reimbursement for Gleevec project donatees in the 2nd session. From March 21 to April 2, employees from Liaison Department carried out in-depth discussion on the signing ceremony of cooperation agreement and cooperation plans in the near future with Vice President of UWW Mr. Berzonsky, Liaison Man of Chinese Affairs CHEN Xi.

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4月1日,索尼集团在华企业、员工、合作伙伴及友好人士为日本“3.11”地震捐赠 2011年4月 228.9854万元人民币,并在总会举行了捐赠仪式。范宝俊会长出席仪式。 4月2日,邓铜山副会长、美国LDS慈善协会代表和对外联络部副主任杨申申在江苏宜兴出 April 席中华慈善总会-LDS慈善协会轮椅捐赠仪式。 4月8日,“中华慈善总会和基金”正式启动,总会副会长李本公、秘书长刘国林及各部门 主任出席了活动仪式。 4月12日,总会全体工作人员在701会议室参加消防安全知识培训。培训讲师通过理论讲 解、案例分析,器材使用等方式对消防安全进行系统讲解,提高了总会工作人员的消防安全意 识。 4月12-14,中华慈善总会常务副会长李本公赴郑州参加全国微笑列车项目管理工作会 议,河南省慈善总会常务副会长杨德恭出席,总会项目部顾问常寒婴、项目专员吴素敏、陈东 光陪同出席。 4月14-16日,召开2011年中华慈善总会与拜耳公司合作的患者援助项目药品管理发放工 作培训会,项目部钱主任出席会议,拜耳特药事业部市场总监李晓牧作拜耳公司对中国慈善事 业的贡献介绍。会议强调了各地慈善总会药品援助项目负责人的职责和义务和各发药员的职责 和义务。 4月15日,新闻办主任张银俊应邀参加在国务院新闻办发布厅举行的电影故事片《格桑美 朵》新闻发布会并致辞。 4月19日,范宝俊会长、李本公副会长会见了LDS慈善协会现驻我会志愿者多德森夫妇及 下一任志愿者夫妇克里克夫妇。 4月21日,范宝俊会长、李本公副会长、麻贵林副秘书长、苏辉主任、田伯东副主任、杨 申申副主任、刘芳副主任在总会708会议接待重庆市慈善总会一行来访,双方就重庆市慈善工 作的开展,以及重庆爱心庄园项目有关事宜进行了交流。 4月22日,张心国副秘书长、财务部高守华主任前往江苏省慈善会,就“中慈沙钢基金” 建立两年来的运作和资金使用情况进行检查。 4月23日,邓铜山副会长及筹募部主任苏辉、筹募专员李风亚在河北涿州参加了“兵团利 康助学班”学生结业典礼。 On April 01, Enterprises, employees, partners and friendly personage of Sony Group in China donated RMB2,289,854.00 Yuan and held a donation ceremony in the Federation, where President FAN Baojun attended. On April 02, Vice President DENG Tongshan, representatives from American LDS and YANG Shenshen from Liaison Department attended China Charity Federation -LDS wheelchair-donation ceremony in Yixing, Jiangsu. On April 08, “China Charity Federation He Fund” was started officially. Vice President of the Federation LI Bengong, Secretary General LIU Guolin and Directors from all Departments attended the ceremony. On April 12, all employees of the Federation attended the training of fireproof knowledge in 701 Conference Room. The trainer explained systematically through theoretical explanation, cases analysis, use of equipment and other forms, improving awareness of fireproof of all employees in the Federation. From April 12 to 14, Standing Vice President of China Charity Federation LI Bengong went to Zhengzhou to attend the Management Work Conference for the National Smile Train Project, Standing Vice President of Henan Charity Federation YANG Degong attended the conference, accompanied by consultant of Project Department CHANG Hanying, Project Special Employees WU Sumin and CHEN Dongguang. From April 14 to 16, Medicine Management and Issuance Work Training Conference for 2011 Patient Assistance Project Cooperated Between China Charity Federation and Bayer Company, Director QIAN from Project Department attended the conference, Market CEO

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from Bayer Special Medicine Department LI Xiaomu introduced the contribution made by Bayer Company to charity cause in China. The conference emphasized the responsibilities and obligations of principals for medicine assistance projects in all local charities federations as well as employees distributing medicine. On April 15, Director from the Communication Department ZHANG Yinjun was invited to attend the news brief for the film story Gesang Meiduo held in the Press Conference Room of Information Office of the State Council and delivered a lecture. On April 19, President FAN Baojun and Vice President LI Bengong met with the Dodsons, volunteers of LDS stationed in the Federation as well as the Cricks, volunteers of next session. On April 21, President FAN Baojun, Vice President LI Bengong, Deputy Secretary General MA Guilin, Director SU Hui, Vice Director TIAN Bodong, Vice Director YANG Shenshen and Vice Director LIU Fang treated visitors from Chongqing Charity Federation; the two parties discussed matters concerning the development of work in Chongqing Charity Federation and the project “Chongqing Love Manor”. On April 22, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo and Director of Finance Department GAO Shouhua went to Jiangsu Charity Federation to inspect the operation and capital use of “China Charity Shagang Fund” which had been established for two years. On April 23, Vice President DENG Tongshan and Director from Collection Department SU Hui and Collection Special Employees LI Fengya attended Closing Ceremony for students of “Corps Likang Study Assistance Class” in Zhuozhou, Hebei.

5月2日,范宝俊会长、李本公副会长、刘国林秘书长在北京威斯丁大饭店出席韩国衣恋集 2011年5月 团与总会联合设立的“衣恋圣秀慈善基金”项目启动仪式。范宝俊会长在仪式上发言。韩国驻 华大使馆经济特使赵唐天先生,韩国衣恋集团中国区总裁崔钟良先生及受助地北京、上海、山 May 西、江西、贵州代表参加仪式。 5月3日—5月7日,韩京津、王玲赴重庆市铜梁县,万州区等地,对“朱树豪慈善孤儿基 金”、“周大福慈善基金”项目进行了考察和验收。 5月15日,刘国林秘书长、新闻办副主任刘芳参加由民政部、江苏省民政厅、南通市人民 政府在民政部举行的中华慈善博物馆筹建论证会。刘国林秘书长针对中华慈善博物馆建设方案 提出了建议和意见。 5月17日,对外联络部主任麻贵林陪同范宝俊会长赴浙江出席浙江省慈善总会第三次会员 代表大会。 5月5月17日—19日,李玉林总编、筹募部张欣参加了由国家发改委举办的《重建志》培 训会议。会议就志书编纂工作提出了更高的要求,并要求各承编单位在6月底之前交出长编和 初稿。 5月20日,全可利慈善援助项目长沙发药点启动。总会项目部副主任邵家严、捐赠方瑞士 爱可泰隆制药公司代表、湖南省慈善总会领导出席启动仪式。 5月27日,新闻办主任张银俊参加由民政部组织的《中国十二五慈善事业发展指导纲要》 及《关于加快发展慈善事业的意见》等文件的起草思路及草案的制订与修改研讨会。 On May 02, President FAN Baojun, Vice President LI Bengong, Secretary General LIU Guolin attended the starting ceremony for “E-land Charity Fund” jointly established by China Charity Federation and E-land Group in Beijing Westin Hotel, where President FAN Baojun delivered a lecture. Economic Special Emvoy of South Korea Embassy in China Mr. ZHANG Tangtian, President of South Korea E-land Group (China) Mr. CUI Zhongliang and representatives from aided areas including Beijing, Shanghai, Shanxi, Jiangxi and Guizhou attended the ceremony. From May 03 to 07, HAN Jingjin and WANG Ling went to Tongliang County, WAN

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Zhou and other areas in Chongqing to inspect and approve such projects as “ZHU Shuhao Charity Orphan Fund” and “ZHOU Tai Fook Charity Fund”. On May 15, Secretary General LIU Guolin and Vice Director from Communication Department LIU Fang attended Discussion Meeting for the establishment of China Charity Museum held by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Civil Affairs and Nantong Municipal People’s Government in the Ministry of Civil Affairs. On May 17, Director from Liaison Department MA Guilin accompanied President FAN Baojun went to Zhejiang Province to attend the 3rd Membership Representative General Meeting of Zhejiang Charity Federation. From May 17 to 19, Chief Editor LI Yulin and ZHANG Xin from Collection Department attended the training conference for Record of Reconstruction held by National Development and Reform Committee. The conference put forward more requirements for compilation work of the Record and required that all undertaking units should submit the compilation and the draft prior to the end of June. On May 20, Medicine distribution point of Tracleer Charity Assistance Project was started. Vice director of the Project Department of the Federation SHAO Jiayan and representative of the donator, Switzerland Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd., and leaders from Hunan Charity Federation attended the starting ceremony. On May 27, Director of the Communication Department ZHANG Yinjun attended drafting thought, formulation and amendment seminar on such documents as Guiding Outline on China’s 12th five-year-plan of Charity Cause Development and Opinions on the Acceleration of Charity Cause.

6月7日,新闻办副主任刘芳参加由中民慈善信息中心组织的“善行凉山”全国公益慈善联 2011年6月 合行动策划会。 6月8日,张道诚副会长、刘国林秘书长接见美国健赞公司中国区总经理赵萍女士一行,并 June 参加了总会罕见病办公室2011年上半年管委会。会议介绍了中国罕见病防治工作的相关进展, 以及思而赞慈善赠药项目总结和2011年下半年工作计划。外事委孙燕梅参加会议。 应中国儿童少年基金会的邀请,张心国副秘书长参加了“中国儿童少年基金会成立30周年暨慈 善事业发展与社会管理创新国际论坛”等相关活动。 6月9日,总会项目部副主任邵家严、捐赠方爱可泰隆公司代表在哈尔滨市与黑龙江省慈善 总会秘书长张智等就发药点的工作进行沟通。 6月9日—10日,张倩玉荣誉副会长、蔡光胜荣誉副会长、对外联络部副主任杨申申前往重 庆考察“爱心庄园”项目并商洽总会和重庆市慈善总会未来开展合作的有关事宜。 6月10日,中国罕见病公益基金形象代言人新闻发布会在总会701召开,旨在公布罕见病 公益基金形象代言人,加强社会对罕见病患者的关怀。张道诚副会长参加新闻发布会并讲话。 北京戈谢病患者代言人赵伟佳、医生代言人杨艳玲教授、演艺明星代言人咏梅、外事委孙燕梅 参加发布会。 6月20日,中华慈善总会第三届理事会第七次会议在中民大厦三楼会议厅召开,范宝俊 会长、李本公副会长、刘国林秘书长分别作《中华慈善总会第三届理事会第七次会议工作报 告》、《中华慈善总会第三届理事会第七次会议财务报告》、《中华慈善总会第三届理事会第 七次会议关于发展团体会员授予荣誉称号及人事变动安排的工作报告》,张道诚副会长、邓铜 山副会长出席会议,京内京外共计120位理事或理事代表以及部分荣誉副会长应邀参加会议。 6月21日-22日,由总会老年事业工作委员会主办,中慈国际交流中心、中华慈善总会安 华基金承办的“中华慈善总会慈善与机构养老研讨会”在河北燕郊召开。范宝俊会长、李本公 常务副会长、张道成副会长、麻贵林副秘书长、张倩玉荣誉会长等领导出席了会议。与会领导 及各界代表共同探讨如何建设能够提供更加多元化、人性化养老服务的机构,如何更加完善我 国养老服务产业的发展体系,寻求慈善养老事业循环发展的新模式,以及共同倡导开创慈善养 老事业自我造血功能的体系建设。

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6月22日—6月27日,韩京津、王玲与周大福集团项目负责人赴内蒙古兴安盟等地,共同 对“周大福电脑教室”、“周大福音乐教室”项目进行了检查和验收。 6月23日—24日,在中国共产党建党90周年到来之际,总会全体工作人员在李本公副会 长、刘国林秘书长的带领下,赴河北省平山县西柏坡进行参观学习。 6月24日,拜科奇项目工作会议在青海省西宁市召开,全国15个开展拜科奇儿童血友病项 目的慈善会领导出席会议,总会项目部主任钱钟民主持会议。 中华慈善总会、欧盟委员会、欧盟经理人协会、慈福行动在凯宾斯基饭店共同举办了第十 届“援助之手 关爱儿童”慈善晚宴。晚会筹集到的善款,主要用于孤残儿童的助医和助学项 目。总会监事会董华伟副主任出席,外事委员会孙燕梅陪同出席。 6月26日,多吉美项目注册医生会议在西宁召开,项目部主任钱钟民出席会议。 6月28日—7月4日,麻贵林副秘书长、高守华主任、杨申申副主任、刘芳副主任赴泰国出 席全球联合之路劝募协会亚太区2011年会,在会上与该组织亚太区成员单位就善款筹集、项目 管理、救灾等工作进行交流学习。 6月29日,韩国驻华使馆公使衔参赞曹源明、一等秘书孙彰号一行三人拜访总会,李本公 副会长、张银俊主任及外联部孙燕梅、陈媛媛给予接待。李本公副会长向其介绍总会的基本情 况及总会与韩国企业合作的相关项目,解答了对方在合作领域及合作方式上存在的疑问。来访 官员表示韩国政府有意对在华韩国企业中推广企业社会责任,以期更好的服务社会,通过此次 拜访,对总会及其开展项目的内容、方式方法有了了解,对未来双方合作充满信心。 “慈善之光——中华慈善成果展”招标会在总会701会议室召开,刘国林秘书长主持。会 前总会专门成立了以李本公副会长为组长,刘国林秘书长为副组长,苏辉、钱钟民、张银俊、 田伯东为成员的评审组。评审组认真听取各应标单位陈述后,由李本公副会长主持对五家展览 公司的招标方案进行审议,最终确定“东方宏泰会展有限公司”为中标单位。 6月29—30日,总会项目部顾问常寒婴,美国微笑列车基金会大区项目总监陈鹏,行政主 任孟杰赴南京参加江苏省微笑列车项目工作会议,在会议上传达了郑州会议的精神,各项目合 作单位就会议精神、项目实施方案进行交流讨论,项目部微笑列车项目专员吴素敏、陈东光一 同出席。江苏省各地市慈善会、省卫生厅和省18家定点医院代表参加会议。 On June 07, Vice Director of the Communication Department LIU Fang attended the planning conference for national public welfare charity joint action of “Shanxing Liangshan” organized y China National Charity Information Center. On June 08, Vice President ZHANG Daocheng and Secretary General LIU Guolin interviewed visitors led by Ms. ZHAO Ping, the General Manager of American Genzyme Corporation, and attended management committee of Rare Disease Office of the Federation in the first half year of 2011. The conference introduced relevant progress of prevention and treatment of rare diseases, Cerezyme Charity Medicine Donation Project Summary and work plan for the second half year of 2011. SUN Yanmei from Foreign Affairs Committee attended the Conference. Invited by China Children Fund, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo participated in relevant activities including 30 Anniversary of the Foundation of China Children Fund and the Development of Charity Cause and Social Management Innovation International Forum. On June 09, Vice Director of Project Department of the Federation SHAO Jiayan, representatives of the donator, Switzerland Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and Secretary General of Heilongjiang Charity Federation ZHANG Zhi communicated work concerning medicine distribution points in Haerbin. From June 09 to 10, the news brief for Image Spokesman of China Rare Disease Public Fund was convened in Room 701 of the Federation, aiming at announcing the image spokesman of China Rare Disease Public Fund and strengthening the solicitude to rare disease patients from the society. Vice President ZHANG Daocheng attended the news brief and delivered a lecture. The spokesman of Beijing Gaucher Disease ZHAO Weijia and Doctor Spokesman, Professor YANG Yanking, Spokesman for Entertainment Stars YONG Mei and SUN Yanmei from Foreign Affairs Committee attended the news brief.

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On June 20, the 7th Conference of the 3rd Board Meeting was convened in the Conference Room in Zhongmin Building, President FAN Baojun, Vice President LI Bengong, and Secretary General LIU Guolin delivered such lectures as Work Report for the 7th Conference of the 3rd Board Meeting of China Charity Federation, Financial Report for the 7th Conference of the 3rd Board Meeting of China Charity Federation and Work Report on the Development of Group Member Honorary Title Grant and Personnel Change of China Charity Federation the 7th Conference of the 3rd Board Meeting each, Vice President ZHANG Daocheng and Vice President DENG Tongshan attended the conference, a total of 120 directors or director representatives and part of honorary vice-presidents inside and outside Beijing were invited to attend the conference. From June 21 to 22, “China Charity Federation Charity and Institutions Providing Help for the Elderly Seminar” undertaken by China Charity Federation Old-age Care Cause Committee and jointly undertaken by China Charity Communication Center and China Charity Federation Anhua Fund was convened in Yanjiao, Hebei. President FAN Baojun, Standing Vice President LI Bengong, Vice President ZHANG Daocheng, Deputy Secretary General MA Guiling, Honorary Vice President ZHANG Qianyu and other leaders attended the conference. The attending leaders and representatives of all walks of life discussed how to build senior citizen serving institutions providing more multivariate and more humanity services, how to better improve the developing system for charity old-age care cause, seeking a cycling development new model for charity old-age care and advocating to create self-fostering system construction of charity old-age care. From June 22 to June 27, HAN Jingjin, WANG Ling and principal of Zhoutai Fook Group went to Xinganmeng, Inner Mongolia and other places to inspect and accept such projects as “Zhoutai Fook Computer Classroom” and “Zhoutai Fook Music Classroom”. From June 23 to June 24, on the occasion of 90th anniversary of the foundation of Communist Party of China, all employees of the Federation led by Vice President LI Bengong and Secretary General LIU Guolin went to Xibaipo, Pingshan County, Hebei to visit and study. On June 24, work conference for Kogenate FS Project was convened in Xining City, Qinghai Province, leaders of Charity Federations carrying out Kogenate FS Children Project attended the conference, and Director of Project Department QIAN Zhongmin presided over the conference. China Charity Federation, European Commission, Managers Association of European Union and Surgery Blessing jointly held the 10th “the hands of assistance care for children” charity dinner party. The money collected in the party will be used for medical assistance and tuition assistance project of orphans and disabled children. Vice-chairman of the board of supervisors of the Federation attended the conference and SUN Yanmei of Foreign Affairs Committee accompanied to attend the conference. On June 26, Registered Doctor conference of Nexavar project was convened in Xining where Director of Project Department attended. From June 28 to July 4, Deputy Secretary General MA Guilin, Director GAO Shouhua, Vice Director YANG Shenshen and Vice Director LIU Fang went to Thailand to attend 2011 Annual Conference of United Way International, communicating with member units of the organization about money collection, project management and disaster-relief and so on. On June 29, the delegation including the Minister-counselor of South Korea Embassy in China CAO Yuanming, First Secretary SUN Zhanghao visited the Federation, Vice President LI Bengong, Director ZHANG Yinjun and SUN Yanmei and CHEN Yuanyuan from Liaison Department treated them. Vice President LI Bengong introduced the basic situation of the Federation and relevant projects cooperating with South Korea and settling the doubts existing in cooperation field and cooperation ways of the opposite party. The visiting officials expressed that the government of South Korea was willing to publicize social responsibilities

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of enterprises in South Korea’s enterprises in China to better serve the society, and they knew more of the Federation as well as content and method of projects carried out in China with full confidence for future cooperation between the two parties. The tendering conference for “Light of Charity-Achievement Exhibition of China Charity” which was presided over by Secretary General LIU Guolin, was held in Conference Room 701. Prior to the conference, the Federation established the special appraisal team in which Vice President LI Bengong was the team leader, Secretary General LIU Guolin was the deputy team leader and SU Hui, QIAN Zhongmin, ZHANG Yinjun and TIAN Bodong were members. The appraisal team listened carefully to the statement of all tendering units, Vice President LI Bengong organized the appraisal on the tendering plans of five tendering units, finally defining “Dongfang Hongtai Exhibition Co., Ltd.” to be the winner. From June 29 to 30, Consultant of Project Department CHANG Hanying, Chief Supervisor of American Smile Train Fund CHEN Peng and Director of Administration Department MENG Jie went to Nanjing to attend work conference for Jiangsu Provincial Smile Train Project. They conveyed the conference spirit of Zhengzhou Conference. Cooperative units of all projects discussed the conference spirit as well as implementing plans of the projects. Special employees of Smile Train Project from Project Department WU Sumin and CHEN Dongguang attended the conference together. Representatives from local charity federations, provincial health departments and 18 designated hospitals attended the conference as well.

7月1日,易瑞沙项目捐赠方阿斯利康(中国)公司总裁Mark Mallon、高级副总裁陈文德 2011年7月 一行4人拜访总会。李本公副会长接待并感谢阿斯利康对中国慈善事业的支持。Mark Mallon总 裁通报了该公司相关情况,并表示阿斯利康将继续捐赠该项目。双方表示要在以往合作的基础 July 上进一步加强高层沟通,使项目更好地发展。 7月4日,全可利慈善援助项目开始研发、设计“全可利慈善援助项目专用数据库管理系 统”。 7月15日,范宝俊会长参加在人民大会堂举行的第六届中华慈善奖表彰大会。同日下午, 李本公常务副会长出席“第六届中华慈善奖报告会”并致辞。新闻办主任张银俊、副主任刘芳 陪同参加。 7月29日,“新生工程”在安徽省长丰县举行捐赠仪式。筹募部主任苏辉陪同“新生工 程”发起人北京药林分子医学技术有限公司总经理门特娃女士参加捐赠仪式。活动向贫困患者 捐赠了值百万元的抑制肿瘤产品“康爱新生素胶囊”。 On July 01, a delegation of 4 including Mark Mallon, President of AstraZeneca (China), the donator of Iressa Project and CHEN Dewen, Senior Vice President CHEN Wende visited the Federation. Vice President LI Bengong interviewed them and expressed his gratitude for the support of AstraZeneca to charity cause in China. President Mark Mallon introduced relevant situation of the Company and expressed that AstraZeneca would continue to donate this Project. Both parties expressed that they would further strengthen higher level communication on the basis of previous cooperation to better develop the project. On July 04, Tracleer Charity Assistance Project started to research, develop and design “special database management system for Tracleer Charity Assistance Project”. On July 15, President FAN Baojun attended the 6th China Charity Award Awarding Assembly held in the People’s Hall. On the afternoon of the very day, Standing Vice President LI Bengong attended “Seminar of the 6th China Charity Award” and delivered a lecture. Director from the Communication Department ZHANG Yinjun and Vice Director LIU Fang attended the seminar as well. On July 29, donation ceremony for “Xinsheng engineering” was held in Changfeng

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County, Anhui Province. Director from the Collection Department SU Hui accompanied Ms. Tewa, the General Manager of Beijing Yaolin Molecular Medicine Technology Co., Ltd to attend the ceremony. The activity donated products restraining tumor products “Kangai Xinsheng Capsule” with the value of RMB One million Yuan.

8月1日,全可利药品儿童患者适应症获得国家食品药品监督管理局批准,儿童患者可以申 2011年8月 请全可利慈善援助项目。 8月5日,易瑞沙慈善赠药项目江苏苏州发药点启动仪式在苏州市召开。项目部副主任邵家 August 严、江苏慈善会领导、苏州慈善会领导、苏州地区项目注册医生以及捐赠方有关负责人出席启 动仪式。 8月12—17日。刘国林秘书长先后两次就“尚德捐赠事宜”接受央视新闻频道记者采访。 8月16日,LDS中国区项目总监郭志文、郭诗梅夫妇亲赴凌海市参加轮椅与助行器捐赠仪式。 凌海市慈善总会李泽山会长出席。总会外事委孙燕梅陪同前往。 8月24日,总会就“尚德捐赠事宜”在708会议室召开内部通报会,会议由范宝俊会长主 持,李本公副会长、王树峰副会长、朱焘副会长、彭玉副会长、张道诚副会长、邓铜山副会 长、刘国林秘书长等会领导及各部室主任或相关负责人出席会议,部分在京荣誉副会长应邀参 加会议。会议经过讨论,形成并通过了对该事件的应对方案。 8月26日,易瑞沙慈善赠药项目年度工作会议在辽宁省大连市召开,张道诚副会长、种淑 兰副主任、邵家严副主任、阿斯利康公司钱巍总监、注册医生许凝、易瑞沙项目办全体以及31 个发药点代表参会,会上对项目五年来的发展历程进行回顾,并进行经验交流和工作总结。 8月29日,张心国副秘书长、张欣前往中国教育学会,参加“尚德捐赠事宜”的调查组会 议,听取了罗凡华及中育教育发展研究中心的相关陈述及质证。总会向民政部递交“关于尚德 捐赠有关问题的报告”。 August 01, Tracleer Medicine Child Patients Adaption Disease was approved by State’ s Food and Drug Administration, child patients can apply for Tracleer Charity Assistance Project. August 05, starting ceremony for Iressa Charity Medicine Donation Project Jiangsu Suzhou Medicine Distribution Point was convened in Suzhou. Vice Director from the Project Department SHAO Jiayan, leaders of Jiangsu Charity Federation, leaders of Suzhou Charity Federation, Project registered doctors and relevant principals of the donator. From August 12 to 17, Secretary General LIU Guolin was interviewed by reporters from News Channel of CCTV on matters concerning “SHANGDE Donation” twice in succession. On August 16, Project Director of LDS China GUO Zhiwen and the couple GUO Shimei went to Linghai City in person to attend the donation ceremony. President of Linghai Charity Federation LI Zeshan attended the ceremony. SUN Yanmei from Liaison Department of the Federation accompanied to be present at the meeting. On August 24, the Federation convened an internal briefing concerning “SHANGDE Donation Matters” Conference Room 708. President FAN Baojun presided over the briefing and Vice President LI Bengong, WANG Shufeng, ZHU Tao, PENG Yu, ZHANG Daocheng, DENG Tongshan and Secretary General LIU Guolin and other leaders, Directors of all departments or principals attended the briefing. Part honorary vice presidents in Beijing were invited to attend the briefing. Response scheme for this event were discussed and passed. On August 26, Annual Work Conference for Iressa Donation Charity Project was convened in Dalian, Liaoning Province, Vice President ZHANG Daocheng, Vice Director ZHONG Shulan, Vice Director SHAO Jiahui, Chief Director of AStrazeneca QIAN Wei, Registered Doctor XU Ning, Employees of Iressa Project and representatives from 31 medicine distribution points attended the conference. At the conference the development history in the past five years was reviewed and experience communication and work summary

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were conducted. On August 29, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo and ZHANG Xin went to Chinese Education Society to attend investigation team conference for “SHANGDE Donation”, listening to relevant statement and confrontation of LUO Fanhua and China Education Development and Research Center. The Federation submitted “Report on Matters Concerning SHANGDE Donation” to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

9月5日,会领导在708会议室召开“项目审批委员会”工作会议,讨论确定了“项目审批 2011年9月 委员会”的工作职责及项目申报流程。 9月6日,民政部民间管理局杨岳副局长前来总会通报“尚德捐赠事宜”处理意见,要求总 September 会继续调查事件情况。 9月8日,张心国副秘书长前往民政部,听取“创意大赛”主办方会商,会后决定主办方应 承担相应责任,聘请第三方介入调查,进行财务审计等工作。 9月8日-10日,全可利慈善援助项目工作会议在宁夏回族自治区银川市召开,总会监事会 副主任董华伟、项目部副主任邵家严、瑞士爱可泰隆制药公司中国区总经理严知愚、全可利项 目办全体工作人员及10个省市的慈善总会领导和发药员参会。会议总结了全年的工作情况,表 彰了优秀发药点,介绍了 “全可利慈善援助项目专用数据库管理系统”。 9月19日-21日,张心国副秘书长、张欣前往青海省西宁市参加由民政部救灾司召开的 “玉树地震灾后恢复重建社会捐赠资金管理工作座谈会”。会上听取了青海省相关部门就玉树 灾后恢复重建社会捐赠资金使用工作情况,并就下一步工作提出了意见和建议。 9月20日,筹募部顾问韩京津、王玲出席由周大福集团和国际钻石贸易公司(DTC)在香 港举办的慈善晚宴,为中华慈善总会周大福慈善基金及钻石力量慈善基金会(DEF)筹款。慈 善晚宴拍卖活动共筹得善款200万美元。 On September 05, leaders of the Federation convened work conference for “Project Approval Committee” in Conference Room 708, discussing to decide on work duties and project application flow of the committee. On September 06, Deputy Director General of Non-governmental Administration Bureau under the Ministry of Civil Affairs came to the Federation to circulate a notice on treatment opinions of “SHANGDE Donation”, requiring that the Federation should continue to investigate the issue. On September 08, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo went to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, listening to the discussion about “Originality Contest” of the sponsor. After the conference, it was decided that the sponsor should assume corresponding responsibilities, inviting the third party to get involved in the investigation and carry on financial auditing, etc.. From September 08 to 10, the work conference of Tracleer Project Assistance was convened in Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the Federation DONG Huawei, Vice Director of the Project Department SHAO Jiayan and General Manager of Switzerland Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (China). YAN Zhiyu, all employees of Tracleer Project Office, leaders of 10 Provincial and Municipal Charity Federations and employees in charge of medicine distributing. At the conference, work of the whole year was concluded, outstanding medicine distribution points were awarded and “Special Database Management System of Tracleer Charity Assistance Project” was also introduced. From September 19 to 21, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo and ZHANG Xin went to Xining City, Qinghai Province to attend “Social Donation Funds Management Work Conference for Yushu Post-disaster Reconstruction”. At the conference, relevant departments put forward opinions and suggestions for further work after listening to the use of social donations for Yushu post-disaster reconstruction.

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On September 20, Consultant of the Collection Department HAN Jingjin and WANG Ling attended charity dinner party held by Zhoutai Fook Group and DTC in Hong Kong, raising money for Zhoutai Fook Charity Fund and DEF. A total of 2 million dollars was collected in the auction of the charity dinner party.

10月11日,“慈善之光——中华慈善总会暨团体会员慈善成果展开幕式”在全国农业展 2011年10月 览馆(新馆 )举行。开幕式由中华慈善总会常务副会长李本公主持,全国政协副主席阿不来 提.阿不都热西提,第十届全国人 大常委会副委员长何鲁丽,第十届全国政协副主席李蒙,民 October 政部副部长窦玉沛,中华慈善总会会长范宝俊以及相关部门领导出席。展览期间中华慈善总会 前任会长阎明复同志莅临参观指导。此次展览由中华慈善总会主办,全国各省、自治区、直辖 市、计划单列市以及新疆生产建设兵团的慈善会共计34家慈善会联合参展,参与工作人员近两 百人,其中志愿者人数一百多人。展览面积一万多平方米,参观展览人数达到一万人次。活动 全面展示了近年来中华慈善总会和全国各地慈善会的工作成绩。此次展览持续三天,于10月13 日落下帷幕。 10月17日—21日,对外联络部副主任杨申申陪同美国LDS慈善协会志愿者CROOK夫妇赴 湖北十堰市、神农架林区出席中华慈善总会——LDS慈善协会轮椅捐赠仪式。 10月17日-18日,民政部在重庆召开“2011年全国重特大疾病医疗救助工作经验交流暨培 训会”,项目部主任钱钟民作为特邀代表出席会议并在会上介绍了总会大病救助工作的情况。 10月18日—19日,彭玉副会长赴重庆出席宝马爱心基金成立3周年爱心之夜活动,对外联 络部孙燕梅陪同出席。 10月20日,张心国副秘书长陪同范宝俊会长前往云南省曲靖市参加阳光医疗救助工程的捐 赠仪式。 10月21日,中华慈善总会恩瑞格患者援助项目在珠海市召开工作会议,各省市慈善会项目 负责人和项目注册医生应邀出席会议,项目部主任钱钟民主持会议。 10月23日-26日,张心国副秘书长陪同李本公副会长前往贵州省,参加民革中央副主席何 丕杰率队的调研组,对贵州毕节纳雍县扶贫点进行考察。 10月29日—30日,对外联络部孙燕梅陪同美国LDS慈善协会志愿者CROOK夫妇赴赤峰市 出席中华慈善总会——LDS慈善协会轮椅捐赠仪式 。 On October 11, “Light of Charity---Charity Exhibition of China Chairty Federation and Its Group Members” was held in National Agricultural Museum in Beijing. The ceremony was presided over by Standing Vice President LI Bengong, Vice-chairman of CPPCC ABuLaiDi ·AbuDouReXiDi, Vice-chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’ s Congress HE Luli, Vice-chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’ s Congress LI Meng, Vice-minister of Ministry of Civil Affairs DOU Yupei, President of China Charity Federation FAN Baojun attended the opening ceremony. During the exhibition Former President of China Charity Federation YAN Fuming visited for instruction. The exhibition was sponsored by China Chairty Federation and a total of 34 local charity federations from all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, municipalities with independent planning status and Xinjiang Production and Construction Group participated in this exhibition. Approximately over 2 hundred employees participating in the exhibition, of which over 100 are volunteers. The exhibition covers more than ten thousand square meters and the number of people visiting the exhibition reached ten thousand person-times. The exhibition fully displayed achievements made by China Charity Federation and local charity federation nationwide. The exhibition which lasted for three days ended on October 13. From October 17 to 21, Vice Director from Liaison Department YANG Shenshen accompanied volunteers from American LDS the CROOKS went to Shiyan City, Hubei and Shennongjia District to attend China Charity Federation-LDS Charity Association Wheelchair Donation Ceremony. From October 17 to 18, the Ministry of Civil Affairs convened “Work Experience

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Communication and Training Conference for Year 2011 National Specially Large Disease Medical Assistance”, Director of the Project Department QIAN Zhongmin attended the conference as a specially-invited representative and introduced the situation of major disease deliverance of the Federation. On October 20, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo accompanied President FAN Baojun went to Qujing City, Yunnan Province to attend the donation ceremony for Sunlight Medical Deliverance Engineering. On October 21, Exjade Patient Assistance Project of China Charity Federation was convened in Zhuhai City, project principals and registered doctors of all provincial and municipal charity federations were invited to attend the conference, Director of the Project Department QIAN Zhongmin presided over the conference. From October 23 to 26, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo accompanied Vice President LI Bengong went to Guizhou Province to join the investigation and research team led by Vice Chairman of Minge Central HE Pijie, carrying out investigation in the poverty- stricken area in Bijienayong County, Guizhou. From October 29 to 30, SUN Yanmei from the Liaison Department accompanied American LDS the CROOKS went to Chifeng City to attend China Charity Federation-LDS Charity Association Wheelchair Donation Ceremony.

11月1日—5日,对外联络部韩春霞陪同LDS慈善协会志愿者CROOK夫妇赴新疆出席中华 2011年11月 慈善总会——LDS慈善协会轮椅发放仪式、走访受助家庭,并了解轮椅的发放使用情况。 11月9日-11日,中华慈善总会格列卫、达希纳患者援助项目在海南三亚召开工作会议, November 全国46家省、市慈善会项目负责人和发药员应邀出席会议,项目部主任钱钟民主持会议。 11月14日—15日,中华慈善总会首期慈善业务培训班在京开班。总会会长范宝俊、常务 副会长李本公、秘书长刘国林等会领导出席开班仪式。培训设置了救灾、筹募、医药项目管理 和财务管理等课程,由张心国副秘书长、苏辉主任、钱钟民主任、高守华主任担任主讲老师。 全国各地五十多家慈善会百余名代表参加培训。 11月14日—16日,对外联络部孙燕梅陪同LDS慈善协会志愿者CROOK夫妇赴内蒙古阿拉 善盟出席中华慈善总会——LDS慈善协会轮椅发放仪式、走访受助家庭,并了解轮椅的发放使 用情况。 11月16日,张心国副秘书长前往中国人民大学参加关于救灾捐赠课题的研讨会。民政部救 灾司及相关院校公共管理方面的专家学者参加了该研讨会。 11月16日,全可利慈善援助项目调整援助方案,加大援助比例,患者自费服药与慈善赠药 比例调整为1:4 。 11月16日—17日,刘国林秘书长赴重庆出席2011部分省市(京、津、沪、渝、江、浙、 鲁、闽)慈善工作交流会,并发表讲话。 11月17日,李本公副会长会见拜耳公司市场部总监王卫等一行,就双方近期的工作进行了 会谈。项目部主任钱钟民陪同会见。 11月19日,由总会主办的“情满人家·共创和谐”第三届中华慈善春节晚会新闻发布会在 北京人民大会堂隆重举行。总会会长范宝俊,全国工商联原副主席王治国,总会常务副会长李 本公、秘书长刘国林、荣誉副会长张倩玉、副秘书长兼外事办主任麻贵林,中国萧军研究会常 务副会长萧鸣,著名慈善家李春平,爱心书法家张克思,中央电视台导演舒云等各界领导,以 及各地慈善会代表、爱心企业家代表、新闻媒体朋友等出席了本次新闻发布会。 11月19日—21日,中华慈善总会拜耳药品援助项目四周年暨注册医生工作会议在深圳举 行,中华慈善总会副会长张道诚,项目部主任钱钟民出席。在此四周年庆典之际,通过中华慈 善总会和拜耳公司综合评比,特向102位医生颁发“优秀注册医生”奖牌。 11月23日,邓铜山副会长、刘芳副主任赴山西太原参加山西省慈善总会第二次会员代表大 会。

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总会向各团体会员单位发出《关于开展2012年元旦春节期间“慈善情暖万家”活动的通 知》。通知指出“慈善情暖万家”活动由中华慈善总会牵头,联合各省、自治区、直辖市慈善 会,发动各地慈善会共同实施。总会为该活动定制一万条毛毯,安排100万慰问金。 11月24日,易瑞沙慈善项目兰州发药点启动仪式在甘肃兰州举行。项目部副主任邵家严、 甘肃慈善会领导、甘青宁地区项目注册医生、当地媒体以及捐赠方有关负责人出席启动仪式。 11月29日,范宝俊会长在总会会议室会见了由团长香港博爱医院董事局主席汤修齐先生、 副团长仁爱堂董事局主席蔡黄玲玲女士、副团长仁济医院董事局主席李文斌先生、副团长蓬瀛 仙馆理事林有赤先生、副团长园玄学院副主席陈国超博士率队的五家香港慈善机构联合访京团 75人一行。双方进行友好亲切的会谈。常务副会长李本公、秘书长刘国林及相关部门负责人出 席。 11月29日—30日,对外联络部韩春霞陪同LDS慈善协会志愿者CROOK夫妇赴烟台市出席 中华慈善总会—LDS慈善协会轮椅发放仪式、走访受助家庭,并了解轮椅的发放使用情况。 From November 01 to 05, HAN Chunxia from Liaison Department accompanied American LDS the CROOKS went to Chifeng City to attend China Charity Federation-LDS Charity Association Wheelchair Donation Ceremony. From November 09 to 11, Gleevec and Tasgina Patients Assistance Project under China Charity Federation was convened in Sanya, Hainan Province, project principals and employees in charge of medicine distribution from 46 provincial and municipal charity federations were invited to attend the conference. Director of the Project Department presided over the conference. From November 14 to 15, the first session charity business training of China Charity Federation was started in Beijing. President of the Federation FAN Baojun, Standing Vice President LI Bengong, Secretary General LIU Guolin and other leaders attended the opening class ceremony. The training set disaster-relief, collection, medicine project management, finance management and other courses. Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo, Director SU Hui, Director QIAN Zhongmin and Director GAO Shouhua assumed chief speakers. More than a hundred representatives from over 50 charity federations nationwide attended the training. From November 14 to 16, SUN Yanmei from the Liaison Department accompanied American LDS the CROOKS went to Alxa, Inner Mongolia to attend China Charity Federation-LDS Charity Association Wheelchair Donation Ceremony, visiting the aided families and getting to know the distribution and use of the wheelchairs. On November 16, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo went to Renmin University to attend the seminar about Disaster-relief Donation Subject. Experts from Disaster- relief Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and public management from colleges and universities attended the seminar. On November 16, Tracleer Charity Assistance Project adjusted assistance project, increased assistance proportion, the proportion between medicine taken by patients at their expense and charity donation was adjusted to be 1:4. From November 16 to 17, Secretary General LIU Guolin went to Chongqing to attend 2011 Charity Communication Conference for Partial Provinces and Municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Yunnan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and Fujian) and delivered a lecture. On November 17, Vice President LI Bengong visited Chief Supervisor of Market Department of Bayer Company WANG Wei, discussing recent work of both parties. Director QIAN Zhongming from the Project Department accompanied to the interview. On November 19, From November 19 to 21, the 4th Anniversary of Bayer Medicine Assistance Project of China Charity Federation & Registered Doctors Work Conference of China Charity Federation was held in the United States. Vice President of China Charity Federation ZANG Daocheng and Director of the Project Department QIAN Zhongmin attended. On the occasion of the 4th anniversary, 102 doctors were rewarded the medal

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“Outstanding Registered Doctor” through comprehensive assessment made by China Charity Federation and Bayer Company. On November 23, Vice President DENG Tongshan and Vice Director LIU Fang went to Taiyuan to attend the 2nd Membership Representative General Meeting of Shanxi Charity Federation. The Federation sent a notice on Carrying out “Charity Warms Ten Thousand Households” during New Year and Spring Festivals. It is required in the notice that the activity was launched by China Charity Federation in cooperation with charity federations in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government and implemented by all local charity federations. The Federation ordered ten thousands carpets and appropriated RMB 1 million Yuan as consolation money for this activity. On November 24, the starting ceremony for Medicine Distribution Point of Iressa Charity Project was held in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. Vice Director of the Project Department SHAO Jiayan, leaders of Gansu Charity Federation and Project Registered Doctors in Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia, local media and relevant principals of the donator attended the starting ceremony. On November 29, President FAN Baojun met with a delegation of 72 from 5 Hong Kong Charity Institutions led by the team leader, Board Chairman of Hong Kong Boai Hospital Mr. TANG Xiuqi and Vice Team Leader Ms. CAIHUANG Lingling, Board Chairman of Ren’ ai Tang, Vice Team Leader Mr. LI Wenbin, Board Chairman of Renji Hospital, Vice Team Leader Mr. LIN Youchi, Director of Pengyingxian Temple, Vice Team Leader Dr. CHEN Guochao, Yuan Metaphysics Institution. Both parties carried out discussion in a friendly manner. Standing Vice President LI Bengong, Secretary General LIU Guolin and principals of relevant departments attended the discussion. From November 29 to 30, HAN Chunxia from the Liaison Department accompanied American LDS the CROOKS went to Yantai to attend China Charity Federation-LDS Charity Association Wheelchair Donation Ceremony, visiting the aided families and getting to know the distribution and use of the wheelchairs.

12月7日—9日,对外联络部孙燕梅陪同LDS慈善协会志愿者CROOK夫妇赴湖南湘西出席 2011年12月 中华慈善总会——LDS慈善协会轮椅发放仪式,走访受助家庭,并了解轮椅的发放使用情况。 12月9日,“BMW中国文化之旅五周年非遗风尚之夜”在中华世界坛举行。晚会上集中展 December 示了五年来项目支持的非物质文化遗产所取得的成果。办公室副主任田伯东、种淑兰,外联部 副主任杨申申,新闻办副主任刘芳,外联部韩春霞出席了此次活动。12月1日至14日,文化之 旅成果展将在世纪坛世纪大厅进行为期半个月的展览。 12月12日—16日,刘国林秘书长、邵家严副主任、陈希、何斌(藏文化基金项目负责 人)一行四人赴广西百色隆林等县开展“慈善情暖万家”慰问活动。广西民政厅厅长、慈善会 常务副会长陈利丹、秘书长陈克富一行陪同参加了慰问活动。 以范宝俊会长为团长,荣誉副会长李保忠、办公厅副主任田伯东、慈善杂志总编李玉林、 对外联络部外事专员周国宇、阳光医疗项目办副主任王燕组成的中华慈善总会慰问团,会同河 南省慈善总会,共同开展了“2011年河南省慈善情暖万家活动”。 12月14日,张心国副秘书长随民政部前往新疆自治区参加“爱心洒天山——全国性基金 会、社会团体联合援疆行动”。 12月14日—16日,“中华慈善总会微笑列车项目2011年管理团队培训及经验交流会”在 深圳召开。总会副会长彭玉、美国微笑列车基金会中国区首席项目官员薛揄、项目部顾问常寒 婴出席会议,各省慈善会项目负责人参加会议并做了经验交流。 12月19日,总会副会长李本公、筹募部主任苏辉、新闻办副主任刘芳、李锦记健康产品集 团企业传讯总监麦兴桥一行抵达江西南昌,与江西省慈善总会共同启动“2011年江西省慈善情 暖万家”走访慰问活动。江西省副省长熊盛文出席。

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12月19日—22日,总会慰问团和江西省慈善总会副会长郭爱华、卢坤生,副秘书长周兆 芳,义工中心副主任谢薛琴在井冈山和瑞金两地率先开展慈善走访慰问活动。此次走访慰问 中,总会资助慰问资金20万元、毛毯1000条,下发至敬老院、光荣院和困难群众家庭。江西 省慈善总会已购置3000条毛毯将于近日下发至江西全省各地,而全省各级慈善组织也正筹措资 金,陆续开展“慈善情暖万家”活动。 项目部主任钱钟民赴西宁参加由青海省慈善总会召开的“中华慈善总会、青海省慈善总会 援助药品发放中心”启动仪式,并对当地发药员进行了培训。 刘国林秘书长应全国人大常委会郑功成教授邀请出席“中国慈善事业发展战略首次研讨 会”并发言。人大副委员长华建敏出席会议并发表重要讲话 总会年度总结考核领导小组正式成立。刘国林秘书长召集了有关人员参加会议,做了启动 工作部署。 12月20日 范宝俊会长、刘国林秘书长在湖北大厦会见湖北慈善总会邓会长、何云杰副会 长等一行,就慈善工作交换了意见。 12月23日 监事会主任张宝泽代表总会出席民政部召开的全国民政工作会议。 From December 07 to 09, SUN Yanmei from the Liaison Department accompanied American LDS the CROOKS went to Xiangxi, Hunan to attend China Charity Federation-LDS Charity Association Wheelchair Donation Ceremony, visiting the aided families and getting to know the distribution and use of the wheelchairs. On December 09, “BMW Journey of Chinese Culture Night of Non-Relic Fashion” was held in China Millennium Monument. Achievements of intangible culture heritage supported by the project in the past 5 years were displayed. Vice Director of the Office Tian Bodong, ZHONG Shulan and Vice Director of Liaison YANG Shenshen, Vice Director of the Communication Department LIU Fang and HAN Chunxia from the Liaison Department attended this activity. From December 1 to 14, achievements of culture journey would be displayed in China Millennium Monument for half a month. From December 12 to 16, a delegation of 4 including Secretary General LIU Guolin, Vice Director SHAO Jiayan, CHEN Xi and HE Bin (Principal of Tibet Culture Fund Project) went to Baise and Longlin Counties in Guangxi to carry out the activity “Charity Warms Ten Thousand Households”. Director of Guangxi Bureau of Civil Affairs, Standing Vice President of Charity Federation CHEN Lidan and Secretary General CHEN Kefu accompanied to attend the activity. China Charity Consolation Group led by President FAN Baojun, Honorary Vice President LI Baozhong, Vice Director of the Office TIAN Bodong, Chief Editor of Charity Magazine LI Yulin, Special Employee of Liaison Department, Vice Director of SUNLIGHT Medical Project WANG Yan, together with Henan Charity Federation, carried out “2011 Henan Charity Warms Ten Thousand Households” On December 14, Deputy Secretary General ZHANG Xinguo went to Xinjiang Autonomous Region with employees from Ministry of Civil Affairs to attend “Love is Sprayed on Tian Mount---National Xinjiang Assistance Activity Made by Fund and Social Organizations”. From December 14 to 16, “2011 China Charity Federation Smile Train Project Management Team Training and Experience Exchange Conference” was convened in Shenzhen. Vice President of the Federation PENG Yu and Chief Project Official of American Smile Train Fund (China Region) XUE Yu and Consultant of the Project CHANG Hanying attended the conference, project principals of all provincial charity federations attended the conference and exchanged experience. On December 19, Vice President of the Federation LI Bengong, Director of the Collection Department SU Hui, Vice Director of the Communication Department LIU Fang, and Chief Supervisor of Lee Kun Kee Healthy Product Conglomerate MAI Xingqiao arrived in Nanchang, Jiangxi, jointly starting “2011 Jiangxi Provincial Charity Federation Warms Ten Thousand

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Households” activity. Vice governor of Jiangxi Province XIONG Shengwen attended the activity. From December 19 to 22, the consolation group of the Federation and Vice President of Jiangxi Charity Federation GUO Aihua and LU Kunsheng, Deputy Secretary General ZHOU Zhaofang, Vice Director of the Volunteer Center XIE Xueqin took the lead to carry out charity consolation activity in Jinggangshan and Ruijin. For this activity, the Federation donated RMB200,000.00 Yuan and 1,000 carpets which were distributed to senior’s homes, guangrong home and poverty-stricken families. Jiangxi Provincial Charity Federation had purchased 3,000 carpets which would be distributed to all places of Jiangxi, besides, charity federations of all levels were collecting money to carry out “Charity Warms Ten Thousand Households” activity in succession. Director of the Project Department QIAN Zhongmin went to Xixing to attend the opening ceremony for “China Charity Federation and Qinghai Provincial Charity Federation Assistance Medicine Distribution Center” convened by Qinghai Charity Federation, and carried out training for the employees in charge of medicine distribution. Secretary General LIU Guolin was invited by Professor ZHENG Gongcheng, committee member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress to attend “the First Seminar of China Charity Cause Development Strategy” and delivered a speech. Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress BI Jianmin attended the conference and delivered a key lecture. The Leading Group in charge of annual summary and assessment of the Federation was officially started. Secretary General LIU Guolin called up relevant persons to attend the conference, deploying the starting work. On December 20, President FAN Baojun and Secretary General LIU Guolin met with the delegation including President Deng and Vice President HE Yunjie from Hubei Charity Federation in Hubei Building, exchanging opinions about charity work. On December 23, Director of the Board of Supervisors ZHANG Baoze attended National Civil Affairs Work Conference convened in the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

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鸣谢:公众、合作伙伴 Acknowledgements: the Public and Partners

经过十八年的艰苦创业,中华慈善总会现已成为一家内部治理规范、救助范 围广泛、在国际国内具有较大影响力的全国性慈善组织。她的成长,离不开党和 政府的支持,离不开社会各界爱心人士的关爱。在此,向所有关心支持中华慈善 总会和中国慈善事业发展的单位、个人,致以最诚挚的敬意和最衷心的感谢!在 今后的日子里,中华慈善总会将时刻怀着感恩的心,继续风雨兼程,再创辉煌!

After 18-year hard work, China Charity Federation has been a national charity organization with regular internal regulation, wide deliverance scope and great influence at home and aboard. It cannot grow well without the support of the Party and the Government; it cannot grow well without love from loving persons of all circles of life. Hereby, we express our most sincere respect and heartfelt gratitude to units and individuals supporting the development of China Charity Federation and charity cause in China! In the future, China Charity Federation will be thankful at any moment, continuously bearing hardship to create more glory!

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九、总会联系方式、账号 Contact Way and Account Number of the China Charity Federation

人民币捐款账户 开户单位:中华慈善总会 账号:0200002809014450409 开户行:中国工商银行北京西四支行

外币捐款账户 开户单位:中华慈善总会 账号:00100914908091014 开户行:中国银行总行营业部(北京市复兴门内大街1号)

邮局汇款账户 中华慈善总会地址:北京市西城区二龙路甲33号新龙大厦七层 邮编:100032

RMB Bank Account Account Name: China Charity Federation Bank Address: Branch, Beijing, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Account: 0200002809014450409

Foreign Currency Bank Accounts Account Name: China Charity Federation Bank Address: Headquater of China Bank (No.1 Fuxingmen Nei Street, Beijing, China) Account: 00100914908091014

Mail Payment Remittance To: China Charity Federation Address: F7, Xinlong Bldg, 33A Erlong Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China Postcode: 100032

中华慈善总会 CHINA CHARITY FEDERATION 地址:中国北京西城区二龙路甲33号新龙大厦七层 Address: F7, Xinlong Bldg, 33A Erlong Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 邮政编码(Post Code): 100032 电话(Tel):+86 10 66083260 传真(Fax):+86 10 66020903 邮箱(E-mail):[email protected] 网址(Homepage):http://www.chinacharity.cn http://www.cszh.mca.gov.cn