2011China Charity Federation ANNUAL REPORT 年 报 中 华 慈 善 总 会 CHINA CHARITY FEDERATION 目 录 04 中华慈善总会概况 Profile of China Charity Federation 06 会长寄语 President Message 09 重要活动 Significant Events 09 举办“第三届企业社会高层论坛” 09 "the 3rd Top Level Forum of Enterprises and Society" was Held 10 召开“中华慈善总会第三届理事会第七次会议” 10 "the 7th Conference of the 3rd Board of Directors of China Charity Federation” Was Convened 11 范宝俊会长出席“第六届中华慈善奖表彰大会” 11 President Fan Baojun Attended “the 6th China Charity Award Commending Assembly” 12 李本公副会长出席“第六届中华慈善奖报告会” 12 Vice President Li Bengong Attended “the 6th China Chairty Award Reports” 12 举办“慈善之光——中华慈善总会暨团体会员慈善成果展” 13 “Light of Charity——Chairty Exhibition of China Charity Federation and Its Group Members” Was Held 14 举办“中华慈善总会第一期慈善业务培训班” 14 “the 1st Charity Business Training Class of China Charity Federation” Was Held 15 对外交流与合作 International Exchange and Cooperation 15 中华慈善总会代表团参加第九届联合之路亚太地区会议 15 Delegation of China Chairty Federation Attended "the 9th Asian-Pacific Regional Conference of the United Way Worldwide" 16 中华慈善总会与全球联合之路进一步增进合作 16 Further Cooperation Between China Charity Federation and the United Way Worldwide CONTENTS 17 慈善项目与基金 Charity Projects and Funds 17 救灾工作 17 Disaster Alleviation 18 扶贫项目 18 Poverty Alleviation Projects 21 助孤项目 21 Orphans Supporting Projects 22 扶残项目 22 Disabled Alleviation Projects 23 助医项目 23 Medical Relief Projects 31 支教助学项目 31 Volunteer Teaching in Rural Area and Tuition Remission Projects 33 文化项目 33 Culture Projects 34 专项基金 34 Specific Funds 49 中华慈善总会2011年度财务审计报告 79 2011 Audit Report 99 中华慈善总会2011年大事记 99 2011 Chronicle of Events of China Charity Federation 118 鸣谢:公众、合作伙伴 118 Acknowledgements: the Public and Partners 120 总会联系方式、账号 120 Contact Information and Account Number of CCF 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation 中华慈善总会概况 Profile of China Charity Federation 中华慈善总会成立于1994年,是经中国政府批准依法注册登记,由热心慈善事业的公民、法人及其他社会 组织志愿参加的全国性非营利公益社会团体。 Established in 1994, China Charity Federation, which is approved by Chinese government and legally incorporated, is a national nonprofit public organization attended voluntarily by citizens, legal persons and other social organizations devoted to charities. 宗旨 Tenet 发扬人道主义精神,弘扬中华民族扶贫济困的传统美德,帮助社会上不幸的个人和困难群体,开展多种形 式的社会救助工作。 To carry forward the humanitarian spirit, develop and expand such Chinese traditional virtues as poverty alleviation, help those miserable individuals and group in trouble and carry out social assistance work in a variety of forms. 基本数据 Master Data 0行政编制,是独立运作的民间慈善团体 Owning a non-administrative system, CCF is a non-governmental organization with independent 0 operation 内地第1家以慈善命名的全国性慈善组织 1 The first national charity organization named with Charity on Chinese Mainland 首批5A级社会组织 5 5A Level Charity Fund in the first batch 开展了救灾、扶贫、安老、助孤、支教、助学扶残、助医等8大系列慈善项目 Carry out 8 series of charity projects including disaster-relief, poverty -alleviation, aiding the poor, 8 the old, orphans, people with disabilities, tuition assistance and medical assistance 团体会员及项目覆盖31个省、自治区、直辖市 Its group members and charity projects cover 31 provinces, municipalities and 31 municipalities directly under the central government 中华慈善总会概况 / Profile of China Charity Federation 拥有327个会员单位 327 CCF has 327 member units 千万 使数以千万的困难群众得到不同形式的救助 Ten Million Thousands of million poverty-stricken people have been aided in different forms 成立至今已筹集慈善款物近260亿 260亿 Charity money and materials approximately worth RMB 26 billion Yuan has been 26 Billion raised since its establishment 组织架构 Organization Chart 中 华 慈 善 总 会 China Charity Federation General Office Raising Department Raising Project Department Financial Department International Liaison Department Communication Department 办 公 厅 筹 募 部 项 目 部 财 务 部 对外联络部 新闻办公室 历年筹募额 Annual Collection Amount 中华慈善总会历年筹募额曲线图 900000 (单位:万元) Annual Collection Amount 800000 700000 651829.51 647319 600000 500000 463905.56 408777.16 400000 300000 200000 125437.68 77463.71 100000 69447.61 7901.4 2422.06 2483.35 7664.89 7630.72 7320.58 425.8 908.7 709 54850.62 1995年 1996年 1997年1998年 1999年 2000年 2001年 2002年 2003年 2004年 2005年 2006年 2007年 2008年 2009年 2010年 2011年 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation 会长寄语 President Message 2011年,在党和政府的领导和社会各界的 作的动力。与此同时,我会积极引进各种慈善 大力支持下,我会奋发图强,开拓创新,各项 资源,设立了一系列新的基金和项目,其中包 工作取得了一定的成绩,为促进中国慈善事业 括:“倍泰龙项目”、“和基金”、“中峻基 发展做出了应有贡献。 金”、“今天希望基金”、“衣恋圣秀慈善基 筹募工作再创佳绩。2011年我会的慈善筹 金”等。这些新设的项目因高度关注民生、紧 募工作保持了良好的态势,为各项社会救助工 扣时代脉搏,受到社会各界广泛好评。 作的顺利开展提供了根本保证。全年共募集慈 救灾捐赠工作有序。2011年我会救灾工 善款物合计65.18亿元,包括:捐款4.92亿元, 作主要集中在四川灾区重建工作收尾和玉树灾 捐赠物资折合人民币60.26亿元。众所周知, 区重建工作展开及《两志》编写三个方面。随 2011我国的慈善行业遭受了多次舆论风波, 着青海玉树重建工作全面展开,我会接收及汇 部分社会公众的捐赠热情一度下降,影响了慈 缴的所有捐款已全部拨付青海省慈善总会救灾 善组织的募捐工作。虽然媒体监督具有一定警 账户。根据中央部署,我会承担了《汶川特大 示作用,但个别误导客观上对整个行业的发展 地震抗震救灾志》中《抗震救灾志》和《灾后 也造成了一定的负面影响。 其中,一些媒体 重建志》的有关编纂工作。其中,《抗震救灾 先后抛出所谓“尚德发票门”、“格列卫卖药 志》经过两次修改定稿,现已基本完成;《灾 门”,为我会筹募工作带来了很大压力。但我 后重建志》的概述和长编部分现已完成。 们始终秉承“尊重受捐者,服务捐赠者”的理 对外交流继续深化。我会在2011年继续 念,积极不懈地开展工作,保证了筹募总额未 坚持“走出去,请进来”的思路,在国际合作 降反升,充分证明了我会的社会影响力和公信 方面取得一定成绩。2011年我会共安排出访1 力。 次,接待外国及港澳台地区来访7次。2011年 慈善项目健康发展。 2011我会项目工作 6月28日至7月1日,受全球联合之路邀请,我 在“质”和“量”方面均有较大进步。我会继 会组团参加了在泰国曼谷举行的“第九届联合 续坚持稳步推进的工作方针,以现有精品项目 之路亚太地区会议”。我会工作人员向与会代 为基础,加强项目管理与创新工作。在2010 表介绍了中国慈善组织在“5·12”汶川特大 年“中华慈善奖”的评选中,多吉美、易瑞沙 地震的抗震救灾和灾后重建中的基本做法和体 和特罗凯助医项目喜获殊荣。“中华慈善奖” 会,受到一致好评。我会与全球联合之路签署 作为政府慈善类最高奖是荣誉,是党和政府对 了新的合作伙伴协议,标志着双方的合作进入 我们工作的认可和肯定,也是激励我们更好工 了一个新的阶段。 会长寄语 / President Message 宣传工作力度加大。2011年是我会宣传工 业务培训班”。我会组织各部室的业务骨干担 作丰收的一年。按照2011年初的工作计划,我 任主讲人,对来自全国20多个省市的100多位 会联合全国各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列 一线慈善工作者进行培训。 市以及新疆生产建设兵团的慈善会共计34家慈 我会在2011年纷繁复杂的环境中能够取得 善会于10月11-13日在全国农业展览馆成功举 目前可喜的工作成绩,实属不易。这些成绩的 办了“慈善之光——中华慈善总会暨团体会员 取得,离不开合作伙伴的充分信任,离不开社 慈成果展”。这次展览向社会公众展示了我会 会各界的鼎力支持。在此,我向大家表示最崇 和团体会员十多年来的工作成绩。三天的展期 高的敬意和最衷心的感谢!新的一年中将会有 中,参观人数逾万,盛况空前。为帮助团体会 更多的挑战,同样也有更多的机遇,我们愿和 员工作人员提高业务水平,适应社会发展客观 大家携手前行,为开创中国慈善事业美好明天 要求,我会举办了“中华慈善总会第一期慈善 而不懈努力。 In 2011, vigorously supported by leaders of work of our Federation. Nevertheless, we always the Party and government as well as all sectors adhered to the principle of “respecting donators of community, our Federation worked with and serving donates” and vigorously carried out stamina and diligence and focused on innovation work to ensure the increase of total collection to obtain some achievements in all our work, amount, which fully demonstrated the social making due contributions to the development of influence and credibility of our Federation. charities in China. Charity Projects developed soundly. In 2011, Collection work reached new heights. In 2011, great progress was made on project work of collection work of our Federation remained our Federation in both “quality” and “quantity”. a good situation, supporting a fundamental Our Federation continued to stick to the policy guarantee for carrying out all social relief work of steady promotion and strengthened project smoothly. A total of RMB6.518 billion Yuan management and innovation on the basis of of money and materials was collected in the existing competitive projects. In the appraisal whole year, including RMB492 million Yuan and election of “China Charity Award” in 2010, for donated money donation and RMB6.026 Nexavar, Iressa and Traceva medical projects billion Yuan for donated materials through were awarded the honor. As the highest level of convertion. As is known to all, charity industry charity prize of the government, “China Charity in China suffered a lot from public opinions in Award” is an honor, recognition and affirmation of 2011, and donation enthusiasm of some public our work from the Party and government as well declined for a time, which greatly influenced as the motivation inspiring us to work harder. collection work of charity organizations. Although Meanwhile, our Federation actively introduced media supervision played certain warning role, a variety of charity resources and established however, individual misdirectio also created a series of new funds and projects, including certain negative influence on the whole industry “Betaseron Project”, “He Fund”, “Zhongjun Fund”, objectively. What is worse, some media “Today’s Hope Fund”, “E-Land Charity Fund” and launched so-called “Shangde Invoice Scandal” so on. Such newly-established projects received and “Gleevec Medicine Scandal” one after good reputation from all sectors of community for another, bringing great pressure to the collection their attention to people’s livelihood and follow- 中华慈善总会 / 2011年报 China Charity Federation up the times. partners, which marked the cooperation of both The donation for disaster relief work went parties would enter a new stage. on in an orderly manner. In 2011, disaster Propaganda work was intensified. 2011 is the relief work conducted by our Federation mainly year when propaganda work of our Federation focused on such three aspects as the tail-in work obtained great achievements. In accordance of reconstruction in Yushu, Qinghai Province, with work plan at the beginning of 2011, our the development of reconstruction in Yushu Federation united a total of 34 local charity disaster-stricken area and compilation of two federations from all provinces, autonomous records, i.e. Records of Earthquake Relief Work regions, municipalities, municipalities with and Post-disaster Reconstruction. With the all- independent planning status and Xinjiang round development of reconstruction in Yushu, Production and Construction Group successfully Qinghai Province, our Federation appropriated held “Light of Charity- Charity Exhibition all donations to disaster-relief account of of China Charity Federation and Its Group Qinghai Charity Federation. In accordance Members” in National Agricultural Museum
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