NATIONAL MOVEMENT IN INDIA SUBJECT CODE : 18BPA66S PREPARED BY : Dr.R.Anitha Guest lecturer DEPARTMENT : PG and Research Department Of Public Administration CONTACT NO : 9003500812 E Mail ID :
[email protected] Material prepared according to textbook and reference books given in the syllabus. SYLLABUS British rule in India Establishment of British rule in India: Factors behind British success against Indian powers:- ● The British had firmly established their position by the middle of the nineteenth century and a large part of India came under their direct rule. ● The areas that remained independent were indirectly under British influence. There are various reasons for the success of the British rule against Indian rulers and some of them are listed as follows: Vacuum of power:- ● There was a vacuum of power in India after the Mughal Empire got fractured falling under its own weight. ● Its various governors and rebel commanders established their superiority at different places and started fighting against each other. This gave the British the opportunity to establish their trading posts in India. Flag followed the trade:- ● These trading posts were used to store the goods and for that British built many warehouses, which gave them an excuse to build forts and to build up armies to "protect" them. ● The East India Company made treaties with most of the kings to keep them satisfied so that they would not try and fight against the British. Lack of unity among Indian states:- ● Even though there were powerful Indian states like Punjab, Mysore and the Marathas that ruled Indian subcontinent during the mid-19th century, many of them were fighting with each other for different reasons.