Portland Daily Press: October 24,1864
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VOLUME IV. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1864 WHOLE'* nNO v, 716/ _ __._ _ POBTLAND DAILY FBJBSS, Curiosities of Eating. An old FINANCIAL. EDUCATIONAL. CLOTHING. MISCELLANEOUS. business JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor, beau, formerly well known in Wash- cards. BUSINESS CAKUf. ington City, was accustomed to eat1 but one published at No. 824 EXCHANGE STKEKT,by meal in twenty-four, hours; if after this he RE M s. A. co* had FIRST MTIQML BANK. Prof. Bfaase,A.BI. Augustus F. York, FOSTER* to go to a party aud take a second Maine Bonnet oVXiTf EDWABD H. be ate dinner, of Bleachery, BUEGIN, at all Recently Philadelphia, No. 104 Middle nothing next day. He died at Street, 308 WHOLESALE DEALER IH Tub Poutlaxd Dailt PbbbsIs pnMIshed*t88.00 the S Ten-Thirty Notes for Sale. Oongres Street, age of just NATHAN per year. seventy. Instructor in the French returned from Boston and New York PORTLAND GOULD, A of Haswith one of MAINE. 1'hb Mainb8tatbPbb*b1s published CTery Thurs- lady culture, refinement, and unusual the in cultivation Interest semi-annually, payable In at the and Latin C'Ora, Meal and day morning.at #2.00 per annum, advance; 82.26 power-of and comparison, became paper Languages. LARGEST Merchant Float, and if a seven and three-tenths AND BEST STOCKS Tailor, (f paid within six months; 82.60, payment be widow. Reduced from affluence to poverty, rate of per cent, per annna. Straw, Lace & Bonnets the in schools and families, lectures in Leghorn removed to Wo. 1»1 Middle street, where h< Alio, Ground Bock Salt. aeiayed beyond year. with a of small children dedend- Bondi convertable In three years into six oent op large family per LESSONSschools, explanation in French Idioms. A na- HA8will be pleased t* meet his driends and outom ent on her manual labor for daily food, she five-twenty bonds, upon which the interest is paya- of France, formerly instructor of Rhotorlo and era A good assortment of Cloths and Trimmlngt Commission Merchant Rates of a in ooin. Sreelles letters in ene of the C GENTLEMEN’S 00118tan on hand. Advertising: made variety of experiments to ascertain ble Uharlesmagne College, L O T H S , HATS, ly first institutions in Paris. tr Particular attention to onttlng foi *°* Pu»OHABU One inch cl space in length of oolumn, oonstitutes what articles could be for the lesst The notes will be delivered here free of given AKD SALB OB purchased expense. For further paatioulars, apply at Messrs. Bailey A —FOB— Bleached & Pressed at the Shortest Notice others to make. a “squABB." at the same time the The will money, jsad would,,, “go purohaser reoelve the interest to Angnst 16 Noyes’ between 11 and 12 A. It., where information Sept 12—d3m 81*60 per sguare daily first week; 76 oents per week -ALSO— iirlev, and Oats. farthest," by her children longest If subscriptions are made before that time. as to term, Ao, will be given. Gentlemen’s Fall and Winter Hye after; three insertions or less, 81.00; continuing eve. keeping Wear, 8 from for to eat. She soon ry ether day after first week, 60 cents. crying something Onfrtiphth per cent. commission will be allowed ■DiinoB. Ever brought to this city, consisting of HATS & BONNETS Dana & Co. Half square, three insertions or discovered that when ate buckwheat Hon. W. H. DYED. loss, 76 cents: one they subscribers at this Bank upon all amounts <tf#1,000 Seward, Secretary of State. week, 81.00; 6')oents week after. for a Kev. W. B. per cakes and molasses they were quiet and over. Bishop Stevens, D D„ of Philadelphia. French, German, English and Scotch Every exertion will be made to have all orders Under heed of AwosEMmcre, 82.00 Rev. A. Cleveland of Baltimore. fbomptly Fish perequareF vper longer time than after eating any other kind W. E. Cashier. Coxe, attended to. and Salt, «eu;k; three insertions or less, $1,60. GOULD, Prof. C. D. Cleveland, of Philadelphia. Beavers, Pilots, Chinchillas, JuneleodOm Sfhoial of food. Noticks, $1.76 per square first week, 1864.—dfcwtr Prof. H.Coppie, oi Penna University. JAKES B. the United Portland, July 30th, RACKLYFT. Luther . BEADtir, *!,00 per Bqaare after; three tnsertfons or A of States Geo. B. of Boston. Dana, POftllDd, less, 81.26; distinguished judge Emerson, Esq., 8m. t^r®* ono that when took R. H. Dana, Esq., of Boston. augSl Woodbury Dana, J W KOLBBALB Ihsortions, 81.00; week, District' Court observed he John A. 8. Dual USB IB 81*25* buckwheat cakes for he could sR First National Bank. Epes Sargent, Esq., of Boston. Dana.) Halite. i**®rt®d in breakfast, Rt. Rev. T. C >tCi,te”0y^unaE-miDe- the Maixb Btatb Bishop Brownell, D. D„ Hartford, __ on the bench the whole day without This Bank will oonvert the ma- Inneldtr_ JlSlu,°nSWi1eC1i.a8 8 !8rd® circulation in every part of feeling seven-thirty notes WEALTH. Flour, Grain and the Stato) for 60 cents per square in addition to the uncomfortably hungry; if the cakes were Dr. E. P. LeProhon, Portland. ECONOMYJS JOHN T. Provision* above for turing Ang.U, and Oct. 1, into six per cent, bonds 6. d2m ROGERS Sc 88 Commercial atroet, Thorn** rates, each insertion. omitted he felt obliged to take a lunch about Sept \ subscriber informs his friends CO., Blook, Lsoal Notio»3 at Clothing'. ! respectftilly usual rates. of 1881, In all the denominations in which the note Clothing in that he will Commission Bon BAT 7 rnnihent noon. Buckwheat cakes are a universal fa- THEgenerftl Merchants, BRALBT, ) advertisements must be paid for in ad- S. K. MOULTOM, W aniie, vorite at the winter breakfast and sci- were issued, vis:—#60, #100, #600, and #1,000—at a AMD WH0US1L1 DEALERS IV } PORTLAND, MM table, A. S. BO0BBS. iscoihbss in entific and ) Hotiobb, rending columns, 12 oents investigation analysis has shown commission of sent. Custom and Gentlemens’Garments lino Tor ono j per Ready-Made! Repair far insertion. No ohargo loss than fifty that they abound iu the hest-lorming __mavldtf oents fer taoh insertion. princi- W. E. Cashier. or xvxky snscnirnox, Flour, Provisions & ple ; hence nature takes our for GOULD, Groceries, 63F“All oommumoations Intended for the away appetite As (wood as the Best Sc paper them in summer. Portland, July 80,1864—eodtf Cheap No. 61 IRA rhonid he directed to the “RtUior oftKe Prest, and AT SHORT NOTICE AND FAIR PRICES Commercial Street, WINS, Agent, these of a business character to the Publithert. During the Irish famine, when many died as the Job ezeoated Cheapest! So that can W Piiixnxa oi every description hunger, the poor were often found Canal Be nls., Money be Saved in tkete War Timet. POKTLAWD, ME. No. 11 Union St. Mth dl«; atoh. pf spend- C&l'.lSgXX. } ing their last for tobacco and J. B. No. 28 St. It to fUrnMb shilling tea, spi- Overcoats of every shade and on hand or 8T0BY, Exchange Janeldtm prepared F. Tracy, Traveling Agent. rits. It his also been made quality observed in New York, Government 7 3-10 Loan. to order in the latest style and in the best Aug 27—dtf by all connected with charitable institutions, THE manner. Also, STB AH SBGIHES and PORTLAHD COLLEGE, NOTICE. 'Wholesale and Retail. BOILERS, that when money was paid to the poor they This Bank is to reoelve to Looated in the or yariou* sizes and patterns, Morning;, Oct 24, 1864. often laid out cent in tea or in- prepared subscriptions nndereigned, having sold onr Stook of Monday every coffee, Furnishing Goods, Coal Wood stead of the nsw 7 8-10 loan In sums of #60 and npwards, WE, and to Messrs. Randall, McAlie- H. I-. ID procuring the more substantial Clapp’s Block, Street, Of the 6«i at ter do food, Congress quality the LOWEST PRICES by f |Co., ohoerluUy recommend them to onr VIS, Kmm tip tad i'utzm, such as paying interest from date of subscription to August a In KillGeuiig.hiftiig, PiUfiyi.4 meal, flour and potatoes. On being link Bryant, Stratton k Co.’s chain cf In* former customer!. All persons having demands The 16th, the dute of the new loan. IS ternational 'Business and Commercial us are to "HaBby Papers.” reproved lor this apparent extravagance and Colleges, N. S. against requested present them tor settle, Bookseller, Stationer, Li*kt Horan Work of all descriptions, and *0 The notes are established in twenty-t wo of the oommer* GARDINKRj ment, and all persons indebted to ne are improvidence, the iu both was convertable at the end of three leading requested AMD MAHTFACTCBKB OF kinds of work in growing of the and reply, cases, oial cities in the United States and to make immediate at the old stand required building Th^ popularity quaint years into 6 Canadas. At Middle payment where identicaltfceir own obsecration shown specie paying per oent 6-30 bonds. Street, one i'ouTirioAT.'on*. of Rev. P. Y. has in- hid The object of these Colleges is to furnish ol the undersigned maybe found for the present. pointed epistles Nasby, them that* worth ef tea «r oent will be allowed on all amounts young Premium pehoy’s tobacco One-eighth per men and ladies the best facilities a the Post Office. 8AWYKK A WHITNEY. Paged Account Books. duced O. for obtaining Opposite ^ Iron Stair* and other Architectural Work. C. Perrine & the well known or liquor would off the sense of Of #1000 and over. B, C. SOMEBBV, thorough Business Education.