VOLUME IV. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1864 WHOLE'* nNO v, 716/ _ __._ _ POBTLAND DAILY FBJBSS, Curiosities of Eating. An old FINANCIAL. EDUCATIONAL. CLOTHING. MISCELLANEOUS. business JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor, beau, formerly well known in Wash- cards. BUSINESS CAKUf. ington City, was accustomed to eat1 but one published at No. 824 EXCHANGE STKEKT,by meal in twenty-four, hours; if after this he RE M s. A. co* had FIRST MTIQML BANK. Prof. Bfaase,A.BI. Augustus F. York, FOSTER* to go to a party aud take a second Maine Bonnet oVXiTf EDWABD H. be ate dinner, of Bleachery, BUEGIN, at all Recently Philadelphia, No. 104 Middle nothing next day. He died at Street, 308 WHOLESALE DEALER IH Tub Poutlaxd Dailt PbbbsIs pnMIshed*t88.00 the S Ten-Thirty Notes for Sale. Oongres Street, age of just NATHAN per year. seventy. Instructor in the French returned from Boston and New York PORTLAND GOULD, A of Haswith one of MAINE. 1'hb Mainb8tatbPbb*b1s published CTery Thurs- lady culture, refinement, and unusual the in cultivation Interest semi-annually, payable In at the and Latin C'Ora, Meal and day morning.at #2.00 per annum, advance; 82.26 power-of and comparison, became paper Languages. LARGEST Merchant Float, and if a seven and three-tenths AND BEST STOCKS Tailor, (f paid within six months; 82.60, payment be widow. Reduced from affluence to poverty, rate of per cent, per annna. Straw, Lace & Bonnets the in schools and families, lectures in Leghorn removed to Wo. 1»1 Middle street, where h< Alio, Ground Bock Salt. aeiayed beyond year. with a of small children dedend- Bondi convertable In three years into six oent op large family per LESSONSschools, explanation in French Idioms. A na- HA8will be pleased t* meet his driends and outom ent on her manual labor for daily food, she five-twenty bonds, upon which the interest is paya- of France, formerly instructor of Rhotorlo and era A good assortment of Cloths and Trimmlngt Commission Merchant Rates of a in ooin. Sreelles letters in ene of the C GENTLEMEN’S 00118tan on hand. Advertising: made variety of experiments to ascertain ble Uharlesmagne College, L O T H S , HATS, ly first institutions in Paris. tr Particular attention to onttlng foi *°* Pu»OHABU One inch cl space in length of oolumn, oonstitutes what articles could be for the lesst The notes will be delivered here free of given AKD SALB OB purchased expense. For further paatioulars, apply at Messrs. Bailey A —FOB— Bleached & Pressed at the Shortest Notice others to make. a “squABB." at the same time the The will money, jsad would,,, “go purohaser reoelve the interest to Angnst 16 Noyes’ between 11 and 12 A. It., where information Sept 12—d3m 81*60 per sguare daily first week; 76 oents per week -ALSO— iirlev, and Oats. farthest," by her children longest If subscriptions are made before that time. as to term, Ao, will be given. Gentlemen’s Fall and Winter Hye after; three insertions or less, 81.00; continuing eve. keeping Wear, 8 from for to eat. She soon ry ether day after first week, 60 cents. crying something Onfrtiphth per cent. commission will be allowed ■DiinoB. Ever brought to this city, consisting of HATS & BONNETS Dana & Co. Half square, three insertions or discovered that when ate buckwheat Hon. W. H. DYED. loss, 76 cents: one they subscribers at this Bank upon all amounts tCi,te”0y^unaE-miDe- the Maixb Btatb Bishop Brownell, D. D„ Hartford, __ on the bench the whole day without This Bank will oonvert the ma- Inneldtr_ JlSlu,°nSWi1eC1i.a8 8 !8rd® circulation in every part of feeling seven-thirty notes WEALTH. Flour, Grain and the Stato) for 60 cents per square in addition to the uncomfortably hungry; if the cakes were Dr. E. P. LeProhon, Portland. ECONOMYJS JOHN T. Provision* above for turing Ang.U, and Oct. 1, into six per cent, bonds 6. d2m ROGERS Sc 88 Commercial atroet, Thorn** rates, each insertion. omitted he felt obliged to take a lunch about Sept \ subscriber informs his friends CO., Blook, Lsoal Notio»3 at Clothing'. ! respectftilly usual rates. of 1881, In all the denominations in which the note Clothing in that he will Commission Bon BAT 7 rnnihent noon. Buckwheat cakes are a universal fa- THEgenerftl Merchants, BRALBT, ) advertisements must be paid for in ad- S. K. MOULTOM, W aniie, vorite at the winter breakfast and sci- were issued, vis:—#60, #100, #600, and #1,000—at a AMD WH0US1L1 DEALERS IV } PORTLAND, MM table, A. S. BO0BBS. iscoihbss in entific and ) Hotiobb, rending columns, 12 oents investigation analysis has shown commission of sent. Custom and Gentlemens’Garments lino Tor ono j per Ready-Made! Repair far insertion. No ohargo loss than fifty that they abound iu the hest-lorming __mavldtf oents fer taoh insertion. princi- W. E. Cashier. or xvxky snscnirnox, Flour, Provisions & ple ; hence nature takes our for GOULD, Groceries, 63F“All oommumoations Intended for the away appetite As (wood as the Best Sc paper them in summer. Portland, July 80,1864—eodtf Cheap No. 61 IRA rhonid he directed to the “RtUior oftKe Prest, and AT SHORT NOTICE AND FAIR PRICES Commercial Street, WINS, Agent, these of a business character to the Publithert. During the Irish famine, when many died as the Job ezeoated Cheapest! So that can W Piiixnxa oi every description hunger, the poor were often found Canal Be nls., Money be Saved in tkete War Timet. POKTLAWD, ME. No. 11 Union St. Mth dl«; atoh. pf spend- C&l'.lSgXX. } ing their last for tobacco and J. B. No. 28 St. It to fUrnMb shilling tea, spi- Overcoats of every shade and on hand or 8T0BY, Exchange Janeldtm prepared F. Tracy, Traveling Agent. rits. It his also been made quality observed in New York, Government 7 3-10 Loan. to order in the latest style and in the best Aug 27—dtf by all connected with charitable institutions, THE manner. Also, STB AH SBGIHES and PORTLAHD COLLEGE, NOTICE. 'Wholesale and Retail. BOILERS, that when money was paid to the poor they This Bank is to reoelve to Looated in the or yariou* sizes and patterns, Morning;, Oct 24, 1864. often laid out cent in tea or in- prepared subscriptions nndereigned, having sold onr Stook of Monday every coffee, Furnishing Goods, Coal Wood stead of the nsw 7 8-10 loan In sums of #60 and npwards, WE, and to Messrs. Randall, McAlie- H. I-. ID procuring the more substantial Clapp’s Block, Street, Of the 6«i at ter do food, Congress quality the LOWEST PRICES by f |Co., ohoerluUy recommend them to onr VIS, Kmm tip tad i'utzm, such as paying interest from date of subscription to August a In KillGeuiig.hiftiig, PiUfiyi.4 meal, flour and potatoes. On being link Bryant, Stratton k Co.’s chain cf In* former customer!. All persons having demands The 16th, the dute of the new loan. IS ternational 'Business and Commercial us are to "HaBby Papers.” reproved lor this apparent extravagance and Colleges, N. S. against requested present them tor settle, Bookseller, Stationer, Li*kt Horan Work of all descriptions, and *0 The notes are established in twenty-t wo of the oommer* GARDINKRj ment, and all persons indebted to ne are improvidence, the iu both was convertable at the end of three leading requested AMD MAHTFACTCBKB OF kinds of work in growing of the and reply, cases, oial cities in the United States and to make immediate at the old stand required building Th^ popularity quaint years into 6 Canadas. At Middle payment where identicaltfceir own obsecration shown specie paying per oent 6-30 bonds. Street, one i'ouTirioAT.'on*. of Rev. P. Y. has in- hid The object of these Colleges is to furnish ol the undersigned maybe found for the present. pointed epistles Nasby, them that* worth ef tea «r oent will be allowed on all amounts young Premium pehoy’s tobacco One-eighth per men and ladies the best facilities a the Post Office. 8AWYKK A WHITNEY. Paged Account Books. duced O. for obtaining Opposite ^ Iron Stair* and other Architectural Work. C. Perrine & the well known or liquor would off the sense of Of #1000 and over. B, C. SOMEBBV, thorough Business Education. Portland, Jane S, 1644. Jonol3d3w keep huDger AF Call and examine this stock before purchas- PAPEB HANGINGS. ot to than a worth of else. Cashier. Scholarships for full oourae of Bork-keoping, Com* elsewhere. Home*, Store*, and other fitted with PnblisUars, Indianapolis, Indiana, make longer penny’s anything _ ing Mo, 68 building*, Portland. Aug. 1,1884.—dtf mercial Law, Commercial Calculations, septMdfiw Exchange Street, Portland, Ms. 0a* *nd Steam in the beat maimer. for their Scientific men express the idea by “tea, Spencerian arrangements publication In a more saying, Penmanship, Correspondence, Lectures and Practi Coal and Wood! Juneldtl like retards the of the cal is _____ durable form than is afforded alcohol, metamorphosis Exercises, good throughout the chain fbr an subscriber by news-papers. in other it fuel to the unlimited period. having pnrohased the Stock of CHA8. In oonnnotion with the *boro is an iron tissues;” words, gives Coal and ana taken the J. Foundry, The work is now THE Wood, stand recently SOMUMACEEB, with a ueortmest oI Pattern;, to ready. It must prove im- fiame of life, and thus it from con- J. E. FERNALD A ooenpiedI by Messrs. Urge which tba prevents L. A. GRAY. A. SON, Sawyer y Whitney, head of attention ol Millwrights,and successful. and the fat and flesh of the M., Maine Wharf, are now to and MaohinisU, Bhip-BuUd. mensely Agents dealers, or suming body. I prepared supply their .Fresco Banner Painter, are is invited—and ail kinds ol 0**' luge furnished If a RESIDENT PRINCIPAL. former patrons and the publio with others who th!nk of in the sale of person goto In the habit of taking a PICTURE_FRAMES Merchant generally, a at short bo tic*. engaging Tailors, fine assortment of No. 144 Middle lunch between breakfast ana dinner, he wiT Street, Orders for Machine will find to For further informations call at the .If Jobbing Pal terns and them, something their interest by soon please WELL PICKED AND PORTLAND, MR. very find himself growing faint at the CLEVELAND Sr College, or seud for Oironlar and And Dealer! la SCREENED Forgings, promptly executed. eofdtt OSGOOD, College Monthly, Work calling at oar office. regular hour of luncheon-time; but let him be inclosing letter stamp. Address Old executed In every part of the State. No. 147 Middle Company Lehigh, The following is description of a recent 10 pressed with important engagements for St., BRYANT Gent’s Sugar Loaf Lehigh, Jeaeltf 8 11% «*£!* ■'8 several STRATTON A GRAY, Furnishing Goods, class at his and the days in succession as to take nothing Hozelton Lehigh, meeting church, views of the EVAN'S Portland, Maine. ;>etween meals, and it will not be long before BLOCK, No. S7 Locust Mountain. members thereof on the mesa acres : Middle Street. A SEWING MACHINES I negro te can augSl dkw8m • —_ BURGESS, FOBES, dispense with a luhch altogether.— [Have on band the largest assortment of John’s, CO., Chubch uv the NooDispkbsabhun, rbese show to a certain White and Red Ash, MAKUFAOTDUXS OF things that, extent, WOODMAN, TRUE dk often is a mere matter of habit Yt Our facilities Diamond and CO,, | sating hole for supplying onr customers* with Lorberry, Japan, White Lead, Zinc, Paints, Our class meetins hev ben sumwhat neglect- .ribes of Indian hunters and have MIRROR, PICTURE AND OVAL with the beet trappers promptness, and are Together quality of And Ground SAQENT8, id uv lain, bumhow it Is in our fidelity despatch unexcelled. Oolora, cnnrch ez it eeu known to eat but once in ITm. M and twenty-four Onr Stock is AMD PEAT.ERE ..A Idle BUcdt. is in the hetrodox—we air hot and cold alter- -ours and that at night—HaW* Jnutmal of large and desirable, presenting all Cumberland Coal ! IV List the niuy. Sunday we bed a preshus seen. Health. NEW HAMPSHIRE Novelties of the season. A Coal VMdlMHHn the spot, and attends to hia and Pictures, 10 Bbls. Orient Mills Flour, Wo. 171 Fore JOHN LYNCH k pint interrupted bro. Hopp. The business; prom- Cleaned and Street. getting up first class work for gentlemen and CO., 468, as the 12 no shall be Varnished in the best style. 10J Bbls. Orion Mills Flour, ladies, wowTaStTcoJC killing uv niggers is no coz nv Wat during past years, pains woar, are now ready to execute all orders with neat- rejoisin. in the fhture. Five hundred references oi They have also reoeived a fresh ot 100 Hose Cottage Mills Flour, Also a fine stock of uv supply French Cloths, such as German and ness and oispatoh. Onr work will be made of the a destruction property I 4,000 at $1 ,- Earede first class business with others of thif nutation of 100 E. A. Jones Mins Flour, American Wholesale CHEAP FOR CASH ! niggers men, many Moscow and Castor best of Imported stock, the best of workmen, and Grocers, 500 is This sum uv >lty, will to the To arrive Oct 20,18«4. THOS. S HAW, by per nigger $6,000,000! testify practical utility, capacious- warranted to give satisfaction. It is our aim less and of and Oot20—d8w 118 Commer.lal street. perieot AND COMMISSION even at the ablishn completeness my systems manner EBONY AND ROSEWOOD that onr work shall not be seoond to any in the Unit- MERCHANTS. munny, present prices, >f and FRAMES, SPRING MOUNTAIN. I teaching, citizens of other oities have testified Beavers, Cassimeres & Doeskins, ed States. Ornnlte Stores, Commercial LEHIGH, HEZILTON. wood prodoose 60,000,600 nips Wood, owoodt

a POETRY. WANTS,LOST,FOUND railroads. STEAMBOATS. INSURANCE. INSURANCE, MEDICAL. s _MEDICAL. OFFICE OF THE POK ! tiood New* OUbtuittt. WHtieee JPor the Prist. Wanted. Portland and Penobscot THE NATION tor the a situation in River, .... AmericanAmenee wishes ■■kTepuced batesT BeThOT ! Middle ATLANTIC agfd or pQuslblut. q,. JDECETVED To Abraham Lincoln. or racoon,./, u«y Auuji,some sto.e, pieoe Fall and Winter Arrangement, 1864. Address A. B. C., this omoo. IMPORTANT TO TBATelebs The Lord hath said it—Lot my people go : refcreuces. Insurance. Mutual Insurance ootid) THE NEW, STAUNCH. AND COMMODIOUS Life Company, And earth and sky have answered with a shout dlw_ JANUABY X, 1864. ~ NEW YOKE, con BISPEPSIA CERE! *m» to*a tocaiT »oa Of thunder—prayer—and trumpet-song; West! should lead consid- the rolling Is O » T West, NorthWelt&South STEAMER LAD1 LM6, developements every Trustees, lu conformity to Charter of the bannered and nations on the man who purposes insuring his life, to in- statement of With pomp maroh, Built for this route, eia e THECompany, submit the following Wednesday afternoon, out of a bo. expressly REGENT himself the system or plans proposed, 18#3: forevermore Let thorn carriage, veBtimte for its affairs on the 31st December, The World’* DISCOVERED AT repeating go! Exeha.ge ht. aud a whom he haa never seen be- Great LAST. ONtwoeu Binary St., pair oi D. LITTLE, CAPT. WILLIAM R. especially hy strangers Premiums received on Marine Bisks, Thou art the man! The Lord called TOO under will be W. ROIX, see Remedy ha^h up, Cent s Hoots. .uiiaDly rewarded fore and may never again. from 1st to Slat Do- —torn— them witnJ (JUNK. the leading routes to Chioa- January, 1868, from thy people—out f-om all kin— by leaving DO»V fc SON, cor- Agent for all great Will oommenoe her Fall and Win- wan* 98,314,308 U3 Up thy and Milk Cfeveland, Detroit, Milwaukie, .gapm» If >ou oember, 1883, ner ol Exchange sts. cctlOlf IS «o ClMiJnati, ter Arrangement on MONDAY Premiums marked off And set tbee on the outworks of a world, St. Paul, LaCrosse, Green Bay, on Polioies not Galena Oskosh, ■SM MORNING, October 17th, leaving Security!! Perpetuity!!! 1st 1,706,802 34 Dyspepsia and Cherokee Where lighted thunderbolts and hosts. St Louis, Louisville, Cairo, Stability! January, 1888, Indigestion! Remedy charging Oulnov’ toIndianapolis, Bangor every Monday and Thursday Morning at «tc etc and is prepared tarnish Theoooh oi the With rolled in Wtb! Wanted, 6 o'clock. Look into the system Total amount 17 ▲ME ALL garments blood, may try thy fl-om Portland to all the cities of Marine Premiums, 910,006,001 —AMD— SITUATION as Tioknxs principal Railroad Wharf, foot of No And now he saith to Uoueeke, per, a w'dowlady, States and at Returning will leave Policies have been issued Life thee, chief. by and towns in the loyal Canadas, the and upon Uuquailinp A who ms had much in State street, Portland, every Tuesday Friday Insurance BiskB; nor upon Fire Bisks discon- Thou chosen of the of God ! experience housekeeping, lowest ratos of lare. and all needful information Mutual Life Co., Lord! Thou man nease aodres. L. S., Trees Office. ooil9jlw Evening, at 10 o’olock, connecting with the Eastern, nected with Marine Bisks. Diseases cheerfully granted. Saoo and Ports- FBW Premiums CHEROKEE INJECTION. Anointed for this mighty work, stand fast.' Trarelers will find It o their to Boston and Maine, and Portland, OF YORK, marked off from 1st Jaa., greatly f advantage from Boston and to 31st 66 OF THB lift thine is astir, their tickets at the mouth Railroads, Way Stations, 1868, Deoember, 1868, 97,697,686 up eyes! The vision Wanted. proonro P. M. Losses 04 leaving Boston atS o’olooa, paid during the same period, 8,806,661 BABB. ABB to the whence salvation cometh, La- Ticket D. Little, OOMrODBDUD BBOX BOOT., LBAVU. •Up hills, thy in a private family, by a Gentleman, Union Office, 31 Exchange Street, The Boat will touch at KockLnd, Camden, Bel w. ^g’t, Beturnsol Premiums and Expenses, 1,082,967 48 or a the ndlan Dla- And the embattled of the pit, BOAUDdy, one child a old, and a Nuise; fast, Bucks port, Winterport and Hampden, both CHEROKEE REMED Y, great legions year *Ww (VP STAIRS,) ESTABLISHED IN 1843, and thou shalt see s-uall lurnished huuse to rent. Addres ho* ticketed through to and from The has the viz: STOMACH AID etie, cures all t such Come on, O chief! ways. Passengers Company following Assets, BOWELS diseases of the Urinary gans, thundc-riog Tost ocil9tr W. L>. Lawrence, Salem and Lvnn. Unit, d States and State of New York h>;d of Office. LITTLE, Agent. Boston, Lowell, the as of the Chariots aud horsemen, and the Hosts, to J. Which offers following peculiar advantages:— Bank and 30 Incontinence of tty Urine, inflamation Passengers for California, the Old Line For more extended information, apply 0. Stock, City, ether Stocks, 98,492,631 Jacob his uBP by the local at the various assets are larger than those of any Life In- 00 .Kidneys, stone in the Stricture, Gravel, The God of marshaling power! Mail Steamer and Panama be secured Kendrick, Bangor; Agents It, LoansseouredbyStooks,andotherwise, 1,460,700 the Bladder, Wanted. Railroad, may the Masters of the P. 8. A in the United states, Estate and Bonds and Prepared, by Proprietors of "Coe’s Tae Lord hath said it —Let my go! early at this office. Landings; Depot P., surance Company amounting Beal Mortgages, 193,760 00 Cough Gleet, Gonorrhea, and Is recommended In people which by application may26dfcwtl A Abi.1 especially K Portland 6’s. tor parthe Eastern, and B. M. Railroads; Somerby, ° Dividends on Stooks,Interest on Bonds Balsam,.” those cases of And after many a plague hath swept the and AftA oe Ad- Fluor (or Whites in Females) accrued interest will pa.A Portland; Lang A Delano, Boston, or and Mortgages and other Loans,sun- Albue, i*x 6j7 Boston* Mass. ©BAND TRUNK. RAULWAI CHAS. SPEAR, General Agent. millions of dollars. re-insurance and other medloines have failed. eleven dryvNotes, It is Ootober 17.—isdtl due the estimated at 61 prepared In a There com s a midnight cry through all the camp; and are exclusively cash. elaims Comp’y., 104,964 highly concentrated fores, the Of Canada. Premium Notes and Bills Becelvable, 8,278,676 63 dose Aud lo! in every house one dead! Wanted. Dyspepsia is not only the sure forerunner of death only being fro® one to two this three Enough! Beading for the past five years in 744.818 88 teaspoon The Dividends (#8.000,000) Cash Bank, but the oompanion of a miserable life. It has well times per Wll thou not say, 0, It is .... of 82 and 25 inch QAX8- and to day. tord, enough! # rt/ks k TAilto SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. are in amount proportion premiums been called the Nation's Montreal Ocean Go. larger scourge; for more persons, It is diuretic the • 9AWKD 1J or Ji inch thick,ol good Steamship tnan were ever declared in the same of Total amount of Asssts, 99,266,466 32 and alterative its To Destroying Angel—Stay thy hand ,000 paid space both old and young, male and lemale, suffer from itn in notion; purifying « One of the flrst-oiass in the world. The basinets o! Interest on the oertifl- and the sword! lne.OuuUtable quality. following time’by any company Six per cent outstanding ravages, than from al! other ailments combined. It cleansing blood, it to flow In all its Pat up thy glittering It is enough' O.T. CHASE.PHASlr On and alter June steamers of this Line on the Mutual to the holders causing Oct 17—dti Monday, 27,1864, viz:—Peruvian, this company is oonnucted prlnoipia oates ol profits will be paid thereof, robs the whole of its shall the trains will run Hibernia. system vigor and energy, gives original purity and thus Or earthquake heave, the thunders BHEtSJBt daily, (Sundays except- North American, Jnra,Bel- in the stiictest sense of the term, the entire or their on and aiterTueeday, vigor; removing from the roll, surplus, legal representatives, weariness and total indisposition to those once And *d) until further notice, as follows: 'irTisiT il ..i Nova Sootian, Moravian, Da- expenses alone, of next. system all pernicious causes tb/ great heritage be cast away, Wanted. 1U C 1 U J deducting necsBsary being equita- the Second February strong and active; renders the stomach powerless to which have induoed die- Trains. muscub, win sail from Quebec, nvnnr Saturday divided among the assured. Alter Three and One half Million Dollars ease. Oar cities la d iu ashes, surging smanby a young man of Up bly reserving digest the food, and has for its attendants, flame, Morning. for Liverpool via Londonderry. Its rates rtf'premium are lower than those of the of the certificates of the issne of And Pestilence experience batislactory references. Apply, Leave Portland for South Paris and Lewiston at 7 profits, outstanding CHEROKEE IFJECTION and Death o’ersweep the land. AgirNATIONasSsl, Also tbe steamers St. David. St. Grorqb, St. of other Life Insurance Companies, i>s will be redeemed and paid to the holders there- l.lntended a.an ally lieita, Box too, Tost Office, Tortland. ocilsutf* A. M., and for Island Pond, Montreal and the West majority yet 1862, or Oar first-born Axdbkw. St. Patrick, tri thorn nave been the result of a on and after Tues- Headache, Heartburn, Constipation, Nausea assistant to the all destroyed, our hope, at 126 P. M. monthly Quebec aivinenda greater; moat of, or their legal representativ. a, CHEROKEE REMEDY, an for and return tiokets issued at and selection ol lives and the favor- the of next, from which date should be used in Oar g ory and our forever Glasgow. Prepaid oareiul judicious day, Seoond February at Stomach, and General conjunction with that strength quenched, Wanted to Down Trains. reduced rates. For to H. A A. ALL- interest on its certificate* to be Debility medieinein Kent. passage apply able rate of investments, being? per all Interest thereon will cease. The oases of Bscsuse in madness we all Gonorrhea, Fluor fuse to hear or for house- Leave Booth Paris at 6.16 A. M., and Island Fond AN Montreal, or to J. L. FARMER, at the time of and cancelled. of the whole Gleet, Albu.or White* wholly partially lurnished, produced payment, System, Its The voice that a at 0.60 M. No. 10 street Portland. among its members has is declared on the effects are and thunderetb—Lzt my people go / ROOMS,keeping. by young couple without family, for A, maylSdtf Exchange °*The mortality been pro- A Dividend of Forty Per Cent, healing, soothing demuloeut; re less than that of other its a Wnioh a gOud price will ee paid. Address, portionately any Life Insur- not earned premiums of the Company, lor the year refusing subjects particle of nourishment or moving all ehosdee and J. N. stating in tithor America scalding, heat, psin, instead terms, and lull particulars, Captain, Box 1727, Port- The are not for baggage to ance Company or Europe whose ending 81st December, 1883, for which certificates hearty food, without paying the penalty in the most Company responsible International Steamship has been made of the burning and almost unendurable that land Tost Offioe. ootl7dlw* amount *60 In value, and that per- Company. experience known—a reault in the will be issued, on and after Tuesday, the Fifth of agonizing distress, and oftentimes complete prostra- pai la any exceeding fivorable to with From the American Journal. sonal, unless notice is and paid for at the rate highest degree polioy-holders. April next. tion. To meet the terrible ravages of this worst of experienced nearly all the cheap ««ach mjso- Phrenological given, insured in this of one passenger for every 8600 additional value. The amount Company exoeeds that The Profits ofthe Company,ascertained all diseases, we have prepared tioru. Wanted Calais & St John. Life Insuiaoce Immediately. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. Eastport, of any other Company in the United From the let of Julr,1842,to the 1st of • To the Sexton. NEAT CONVENIENT KENT, fora family of H. BAILEY, Superintendent. States, thus affording greater security—the neoesaa- Jan., 1863, for which Certificates were By the use of the CHEROKEE REMED Y and average more for Thera it a deal of tu.h ia th* following, since not A oxer two pzu.au> b, (no cnlldren ) Boat ol Portland, June 26, 1861. nov6 TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. ry law of having scope operation. issued, amount to 914,828,880 CHEROKEE INJECTION—Wm two of the medicines at •ne public building in a thousand is properly ven i- reiereuce given. A line addrc,Bed to ”A. D., Tress The assets Company are invested exclusive- Additional from 1st Jan,, 1868, to 1st and on "COE'S DYSPEPSIA the same time—all improper discharges are removed U ed. ihj n-ijuh/u* tpidimg and queer modes ©i Office,” wtll receive prompt attention. tf ly on Bonds Mortgages Real Estate, worth January, 1864, 2,680,000 CORE” PORTLAND AND KENNEBEC R.R On and after Monday, Maroh 38, at least douole the comm 31 d it co thu faculties of i/Ompari* in eaeb case amount loaned, and and the weakened organa are speedily restored to ecprettiou the steamer ud we oar oar son aud Mirth* uiuess superior sea-going in State and City Stooks; the solidity and Total for 211 years, pledge reputation spoil statement, Board Wanted. SPRING tt BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, NEW BRUNSWICK, KB. eeourity profits 916,968,880 when we it will full rigor and strength. Capt. of winch will be conceded, with no premium notes The Certificates previous to 1862, have My ▲ SEXTANT OF TH* OLD a where there are no other Winchester, will leave Railroad our AmiLFOBAIRTlTUI private tauuly, to eat oat its vitals and the profits of its members. been redeemed by oash, 11,690,219 For fUl particulars get pamphlet iieut an Ba.CX MEafiNOHuUSB- BY A GABPJtK. lor the wife and child of an officer in 25, 1864 Wuar., loot ol State every at 6 Life IN boarders, Commencing Monday, April Street, Monday Security is, in Assurance, the isramoaut oon store write us and P. NEW Care the Worst drug in tbs ooantry, or we will the Kcvenue service, trains leave for o’clock M., and the Steamer ENGLAND, and all othtr citcumsiandee with the Positively of Too, sextaut of the meetiuhouse. which rwnmgi Passenger Skowhegan sideraiion; being equal Net earnings remaining Com- 0 sweeps Capt. E. Field, every Thursday at 6 o’clock P. M., is the mall free to a full treatise. yBB^Mt'Xl'ort.anu and Boston, at 8.45 A. M., Au- that company safest havingtheiargest accum- pany, on 1st 1864; any address, Aul au is, or is supposed to! at u makes tires, tor Eastport and fit. John, N. B., connecting at January. 96,268,670 Drug Cleik Wanted. 11.Ou A. M. and Bath 12 10 P. M. Antmsta ulations and in which the largest number is assured By order of the Board, not in a In a month—nor in a And lues tie ga ■*, aud sometimes leaves a screw gusia, with steamer for Robinson, St. An- year—not week—6ot Prioe, CHEROKEE REMEDY, SS bottle, or prelered that has had one or two years ex- for Portland and Boston at 6.80 A, K.: Bath 6.80 A. Eastport Queen, Its expenses are less thau most all W. TOWNSEND JONES, you ehall see its bonefloial influence at per loote, drews and and with Stage coaches for Ma- othereompaeies. Secretary. once- Imme- perience. Apply at li6 Congress street. M. Calais, Its system of Non-vohvkitiso Policies. Also and the take it. To who have three bottles for #5. In which case u smells orlul—worse than ONE and at at. John with stoamers for Freder- diately, day you you lampile; Sept 15—dtf Portland for Bath, Augusta, Waterville,Kendall's thias, EupowMkhT Policies, payable on attaining a lived lor yean upon Graham Bread and Aud wiitig* me Bel aud toles it when men icton and with steamer Emt-oror for Wind- plain diet, dyes, Mills and at 1.10 P. M. Dlgby, say s0, i>, 60,55 or 66 or in case who dare not eat any least-w ise Price, CHEROKEE tl bo ef of Skowhegan, and with tbe E. A A. certain ago, years, TRUSTEES. thing the hearty— INJECTION, per e survivor parduers, aud sweeps path. Portland for and 8.15 sor Halifax, and N. Railroad at Bath Augusta P. M. ot death pelore arriving that age, and its pay- John D. flret, because tha Doctor has ordered the plainest And for the servuces gits 110) per annum, Lout or Stolen. for Shedlac and all way stations. Jones, David Lane, or three bottles for Si. Passengers for stations on the Audroeooggin Rail- ments in rrva, ten or more annual instalments, is food, and secondly for fear the distrees it cause.— Wbion them that thinks let will leave St. John and Charles Dennis, James deer, 'em try it; GOLD WATCH,open iaoe, a colored dial, road wilt cars at Brunswlok. Returning, every Monday than that of other Bryse, and on gold change muoh more advantageous any W. H. H. Wm. rising touring your stomach, wesaysit down Sent to address on Oat n up be lore star- ie in all weathers and attached to a black witn a bookie Thursday at 8 o’clock A. M., for Portland Moore. StargiB.fr., by Express any receipt of the A ribbon, gold The 110 M. train from Portland connects at Eastport, Ccmpant in this country. to your dinner, eat as hearty a meal as you Xindbn fires wheu the weather is cold a rook and Boston. Tbot. Tiles ton, H. K. Bogert, wish, aod gold quartz seal—supposed to have been Kendall’s Mills with Maine Central Railroad for No wno has insured with this great Com- and as toon as the food to distress prioe. As Se o, and liae as not greau wood lor kindlers; tiokets of the person Henry Coit, A. A. Low, begins yon, fol- lost 1b gentlemens’ walk at G. T. R. Depot. Who- Ac., arriving tame Throngh procured Agontsand Clark the 21 I have been i s in low It a * Bangor, evening. pany during years agent by single teaspoouful of 1 vu.du'i b lure f to uo it tor no some— ever restores the will be on board Steamers. W.C. Pickersgill, Wm. E. above suitably rewarded by leave Ba.h lor Rockland at 8 A. M. and 8 tnis has ever withdrawn or discontinued his Dodge, Bold by all druggists, everywhere. Bui o sextaut 1 there is 1 Stages 4 eity, Lewis Dennis kermodd.ty leaving it at D. F. (Jorser’s ollice G. T. R. or M. Freight received till o’olook P. M., Mondays and or Cnrtis, Perkins, i Depot, P Polio from any dissatisfaction misunderstand- H. Wien more than goia, wich uoaut cost anything, the owner N. 8. GRANT. Chas. Bussell, Jos. Gaillard, Jr., Stages leave Augusta for Belfast at 1P. M. Thursdays. as to the o, the while hundred, DR. W. R. MURWI.V ft Ow„ Worth nioie than exsep the Sole of 12. dtfC. C. ing operation system, Lowell Holbrook, J. COE’S auyihiug Portland, Sept sepl3dtf leave Skowhegan at 0 10 P. M. for may8 EATON, Agent. other have done so. Henry Burgy, Mauu— Stages Anson, insured with companies P. A. Hargous, Cornelius Grinnell Soton, he. Policies row at my have SOLS ynOPBIHTOBS, I mean pewtr Are, sextant, I mean pewer Are ! Many outstanding agency B. W. C. A. Hand, Through Tiokets for all the stations on this and roruana ana isosion lum. mo-etbad BO cent, on the sum insur- Weston, 0 it If plenty out o do es, so pleuty it don't no increased per Bcyal Watts W anted. the Anarosooggin Railroad, oan be in more tnan the am xmt Phelp?, Sherman, it * Wunt on airt.b to dew with i bat 8 about proourred ed, and much at Eastern or Boston and B&retow, Morgan, CURE! a family ot four (no small children) a nioe Boston the Maine stations. via:— Sc»ter,u leaves aud bloin iff men’s batt’s: TjlOR THE STEAMERS paid, _ A. P. Pillot, B. J. Howland, J? two storied house, in the centra ot the B. H. CUSHMAN, Superintendent. No. 7832, insured for #5000 is now worth in> la short, its Just as *‘f. e as are” out dorcs. genteel jjyG Policy M. BenJ. Baboock. IT WILL city .separateor in a blook. Address Boj: 110 Port- April 18, 1864. ap23tf #8000—luo:ease #80reakmst yon ever sit down to in , onr ooairouBDBD rnox bask aid Aug, ang81 Leave Portland for Saoo Biver, 7.46 A. x. and amount 860 m and that HUNGER, Agent, soon, uiivii bretus an our; any exceeding value, person- Hon. J, B. Cahoon, Woodbury 8 Dana, healthiest bonrs, and we will forfeit to yon the price 2.00 and 6,20 p.x. .The 2.00 f. x. train out, and 5.46 unless notioe is and for at the rate No. 166 Fore (treat, head of ot the Kow how long will a church ful of Are last at that al, given paid of Rev. A. Burgess, J. B Fdiebrown, Iaong Wharf, bottle, upon your ahewing that our statement A. x. train Into Portland, will be freight trains with one for 8500 additional value. is not rate, "W" anted I passenger every Wm. W. Woodbury, Lewis Pierce, MM. correct. An nnfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Semina oars attaohed. MSB. dtf L. PORTLAND, 1 ask you, say 15 minits, and then wats to be did ? passenger Feb.18, BILLINGS, Agent. Charles Davis, 8. R. Lea itt, Jane The medicine is powerful but harmless, and whilst Nocturnal Elderberries and Cherries. oonneot at Saooarappa daily for Booth 3.—w2wfceodtoian29 Weakness, Emissions, and all disease* Whv theu they must brethe it a>l over agin, Stages Charles Payeon, Charles McLaughlin, a single teaepoontul will at once relievo the dystep- for Windnam, Windham Center and Great Falls. tio caused self such as Loss of Abd then agin, and to on, till each nas took it highest price paid ripe Elderberriee,piok New Screw Co- E P. Herrish, Charles Sager, sufferer, the whole oottle would not materially by polntlon; Memory, and aleo Black Cherries, W. S. Mains. At Gorham for West Gorham, Standish. Steep England Steamship of as d' wn, THEclean, by Philip H. Brown, Payson Tucker, Statement tbe Condition injure him, it is entirely vegetable and contains Universal Lassitude. Pains in tb* Bask, Dimness ol Windham, or GREENOUGH fc Baldwin. Bridgton, Hiram, At least 10 tim s, and let 11 up and wats MORSE, Falls, Sebago, Liming- James E. Carter, A. L. Dennison, bo opiates All classes 01 disease that have their ori- agin, more, Brownfield. Lovel, 8EMI-WEEKJLY — OF TH1- Vision, old Weak Nerves. The tame individual dont have ihe Sept 6—dAwtf 80 Market Square. ton, Cornish, Denmark, irye- LINE- A Jos. gin In a disordered stomach Premature Age, DlOcaity privelidge Jaakson and Ea- George WrJght, Hobson, and bowels, are dispel- Of breiben his own and no ones bnrg, Conway, Bartlett, Albany, A. L. led in the same of Breathing, are, else; _ Thoma* Shaw, Hobson, instantaneous Trembling, WakaiUneee, Eruptions N. H. The splendid and last Steamship* way, by the use or Xaeh one mus take whatever comes to him. ton, Chas E. Rev. E. and Maine Mutual Fire Insurance on the Pale Lost. Center for West Buxton, Bonnev Ea- CHESAPEAK, Capt. Will ARB, and Adams, Esq. Muller, many Co., Face, Coantenanoe, Insanity, Consump- 0 Sextant doant know our Is At Buxton H. others. you lungs bellusses, irom the pasture of Mr. Francis Rob- Limerick. 41* PO I'UJtA’j. uaptainSHXBwood, will, B. Furbish, and all tbe direful oaased de- lo bow the fier of life and it from gle South Llmington, Limingtonand GORHAM, ME., tion, complaint* by keep STRAYEDerts, Westbrook, last month, a three year old River for Hollis, Limerick, -yCgaeaWsaat.il farther notioe, mi a*follows: W»D. LITTLE, Agent, 31 8t. Oein out; and how can bellusses blow without wind* At Saco tri-weekly, Exohange COE’S DYSPEPSIA CUBE I parting from the path of natare. gray Colt, small sire; whoever will return him o> Parsonsfleld, Effingnam, Free- Leave oruwns Wharf, Portlana, every WEDNES- TOB TBB YXAB HIDING SXPTEHBKB 27,1864. And aint wind air? I pat it to your coushens. Ossipee, Newlield, This medicine it a simple extract, anil give information where he may be found, will be baton, Cornish, Porter, fco. DAY, and 8ATCKDAY, at 1P. M„ and leave Pier vegetable Are is the same to us as milk to babies dom: Madicon, Fever and Ague, at suitably rewarded, by oalliug at No. 89 Spring St. tickets are in »North Elver, New WEDNESDAY Side-Headache, Sickness the one on whioh all can aa it baa been used ia oar water is to fish, cr pendulums to clox— Fares 6 oents lies when purchased York, every DIRIGO Amount of property insured about <3,100,000.00 rely, FRANCIS E. EMERY. in the Cars, and SATURDAY, at 8 o’olook, P. M. Srr loots & airbs unto au Injun Doctor, the Oifioe, than when paid Amount of premium notes on deposit, 106,100.00 Stomach, Constipation, Heartburn, Colic Pains practice for many years, sad, with thoasands treated, Or little Portland, July 18,1864.—dtf DAN. CAKPENTEB,Supt. These vessels are fitted up with fine accommodations Amoantof insured pills unto an omep&th property tneput in Stomach or it has not foiled in a lnstanoe. It* eaiathr* Or for passengers, making this the molt speedy, safe and Insurance Oo. of since Bowels, Dysentery, Vomit- tingle boys to girls Are is for us to brethe. Portland April 7,1864.dtf Portland, Me. sear, Jan 20tb, 299,392.00 oomfortabTe route for travellers between New York a have been sufficient to over tb* Wat signifies who preaches if l cant b eethe* Board. Premium nobs drposittd the past year ing, feeling of Faintness and Lassi- power* gain victory and Maine. Fare and State OFFICE 28 EXCHANGE 8T. Wafa Pol? Wats Poll us, to sinners who are of Rooms, with Board, can be obtained Passage 87,00, including since Jan 30th, 16,670 27 most stubborn case. dead* by CENTS*AX iMIUtOAD. Booms. tude, Want of Ded for want of breth? why sextant, when we die SUITSapplying immediately at 80 Danibrth street. MAINE Amount of losses the past j ear, 8,049.17 Appetite, To those who have trifled with their conslltotion Its cor we 11 tb. Goods forwarded by this line to and from Montreal, on»y cant breethe no more— thate all. May mayl'ldtf will not and cannot exiBt — SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. where the cure is used until think themselves the reach oi And now. o ie me Quebec, Bangor, Bath, Angueta, Kaatpert and St. Authorized they beyond sextant, beg of you Capital, $500,000. Present indebtodnms of the It removes the disease oy lemoviug the eanBe, not 2 let John. Company, medical w* would a little am into our church rxmwxnn Trains leave Portland, Grand Trunk oats interest like Alcoholio Bitters which bad aid, say, Dttpatrnolth* CHER are to send their to the including landing notes, i-overup your feel- (Pewer arc- is sertain proper fqr the pews) Lewiston and Anburn, at Shippers requested freight CAPITAL PAID IN $200,000. and losses not due, ings lorafow moments by their ext OXER CURE will restore to health and An«i gjyM^Hstatlon,t0r steamers as as 8 P. on the that yet 10,433.00 ilarating effects yon rigor, dew it weak days aud tew— early M., day tbep ABBXTS: Beware ofsnoh remedies or Sundays HOTELS. leave Portland. Invested as follows beverages, but in their and after all quack doctors have foiled. It aint much make a hole For and intermediate stations at 1.25 p.x. notes 000.00 place use a remedy that will restore the trouble—ouly Bangor For or Deposit over, <106 diseased Ani in* am will come iu of at and freight passage apply to Loans on functions to their normal For foil psrtioslsrs get a circular from Itself; RETURNING—leave Lewiston 6.20 A. x., Mortgages of Real Estate at two- Keel estate, 1,000.00 condition, and set in mo- any Drag k»fee come i„ EMERY k FOX, Brown’s Wharf, Portland. <:» to] wt,fre ft can get warm); arrive in Portland at 8.30 A. X. Leave Bangor at thirds its value, *66,300 Due on D. evious assessments tion the entire human mechanism in perfect har- store fo the country, er writ* the Proprietors, who Aod o how rouz CA H. B. CROMWELL * Mo. 88 West it will the people up PISIC POND 7.30 A. x., and arrive in Portland at 215 P. x. Both CO., Street, Loans on pledge of United 8tatesSecuritles, Mjeo and considered collects- mony, and upon moua with will And HOUSE, Mew York. prineiplot syuouy well null free to any one desiring th* same a foil spirrit rip the preacher aud stop garps, these trains oonneet at Portland yrith trains for Loans on of 34 600 in hands of defined physelogioal laws. That such will THREE MILE8 FROM PORTLAND. Dee. 8,1881. pledge City Scrip, IHe), premiums be the ef- treatise In Aud yawus aud figgits as tffectooa) Boston. dtf Loans on of Bank 28,900 Ac.. 1.860.00 fect of pamphlet form. As pledge Stocks, agents, wind ou the dry Bonnes the Profit tells of. train leaves Portland at 8 A. x., and re- Loans on pledge of State of Maine Bonds, 24,600 Cash iu 030 64 Price, gaper bottle, or three bottles for g»,and No moar at The public are informed that Froight Treasury, present, but give us are, are, are! lespectfully la due inPortland at 1 p. x. Loans on of The ot the tbe it is toe intention of the that turning pledge Androscoggin County expense- Coinpany past forwarded by express to all parts of th* world. Proprietor oonneet with trains at stations, Bonds, 4,000 the of this House shall be kept a first-class road Stages principal year, including compensation COES Bold all daily for most of the towns North and East of this FOR SALE & TO LET. President, beoretary and Treasurer, DYSPEPSIA by respectable druggists everywhere. J_,_IHoUSe. C. M. CURE, Tuecaoteest serred. line: MORSE,Sup’t. 3200,000 and bills of Directors and agents for Suppers immediately and we our DB. W. R. MERWIN fo Mutual Benefit Waterville, November, 1868. desld This Company is now prepared to issue services, were 713.88 instantaneously, pledge C*., Oct 19—3m GEO. W. MURCH. policies woid ae men ot honor—our House and Lot No. 31 Danforth upon all kinds of property in the elty or oountry, and reputation as Pharmace- 8L, Fpr And Prfntin g, Postage, Stationery utists—our favorable SOLS LIFE liable to loss or fire, at as low rates as is sea other 193 00 acquaintance witidihe people ae FKOraiSTOKS, INSURANCE CO. & Sale. damage by Taxes, incidental expenses of the PORTLAND, SACO PORTSMOUTH taken any other olfiee. The ol the proprietors World renowned tocV Cough FOKJBSl AVESUE HOUSE two and a half storied wooden by patronage fobs oodfcwlv No. SS 8t., New Tort. Incorporated, 1045. Charter Perpetual. dwelling merchauts and pjjjyen* ol Portland and Balsam,” if it is used according to onr directions Liberty RAILROAD. House and let, No. 81 Danforth St contain- generally By ths foregoing it will readily be perceived that whiph be found with eaeu FORMERLY KNOWN AS THR vicinity, is most respect lull v solicited. may bottle. ten sized rooms, with a no money is wasted in managing the business of tbe We addhelow most successful of all Llfo MTbeing good bathing A. K: 8HURTLEFF, President. some testimonials from our neigh- DH. 77 B. HUGHES Assurance Com for gas throughout—a furnace that or iu supporting its oflicors. I. Is a strictly and to M. panics, has now a net McClellan BUMMER ARRANGEMENTS room—piped JEREMIAH DOW, Secretary. Company townsmen, which we ask your oarenil accumulation of over house, will heat every of the bouse. Cistern ibr rain mutual Company Every expense not really necee- part bors 0A» BB POUND AT XI* Re-opentd with Ntw Furniture ft 11th, 1864. water and a never failing well of wafer. (r avoided, and tbe utmost degree of prudenoe Fixtures, Commencing April drinking DIBBOTOHB: sury pumps, Ao. On the are a and economy exercised its business at- S6,000,000.00 rnuBi Passenger Trains will leave the Sta- Copper premises gopd J. throughout WINSLOW & THAYER, barn and sheds. The lot is about 188 44 feet. The B. Brown, 8. E. Spring, D. W. Clark, ia!rs. historv after 20 Proprietor MB tion. Canal street, daily, (Sundays ex- by PRIVATE medical fj* 91? years’ experience is the house oan be examined J.B Csrroli, John Lynch, H. I. Rebineon. Tbe cost of insurance in this rooms, test as iollows: any day from Jo A, M. till 5 Company upon farm evidence of its superior management, an oft! e public are respectfully informed eepted) TESTIMONIALS, I, Jb_The P. SI., by calling on the subscriber who will Burnish and other detached dwellings has not exceeded ewe. preut it alioids to ^ n fcthat thin spacious, convenient and Leave Portland for Boston, at 8.46 A, X. and 1-88 No. ft advantages those who insuie. well and terms of sale. TWs?nna: fourth of one cent annum JTrom the Pastor the Methodist M. Temple Street. known House, situa-ed at P.x. particulars per per forthepast twenty of Church, Made Special attention is asked toAhe J. R. St. John H. J. N. more hazardous in the same following fact*: Leave Boston for Portland at 7.80 A. x. and 3.00 BRAZIER, Smith, Libby, H. Jose, years—upon property •sow, Cones. be oan be consulted and with MORRILL’S Ocean Insurance privately, _ r.x. Company Building, J.M,Winslow, G.W.Woodman, proportion. the utmost confidence The Annual Dividends o 1 this i CORNER, H.M.Payson, I have used Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure in WHERE by the afflieted, at all Compan) aui.co rom No. 27 St. Andrew Alvab H. I. CHARLES HUMPHREY,Preeident. my fondly, Portland, has been re-iurniahed and Leave Portsmouth for Portland, at 10.00 A. x. and Exchange Spring, Conaut, Robinson, and can hoars dally, from 8 A. K. to 8 r. K. H. JOHN Treasurer. willingly testify to its value as a medioine! are now is for thfe rec* ol and p. x. Aug. 8—dtf PhilipH. Brown, C. Haskell, S,C. Chase, WATERMAN, Dr. H. are open ption Company Pleasure- 6.80 _ Hnnnv (iiDKAMD addresses those who under th* ^__ Pastor snfibring Pariles. Jeremiah Dow, N. O. Cram, Wm. Moulton, Jo hit A. Watkbha*, Secretary. M. E. Churoh. Evtry attention will be given to the com- These trains will take and leave passengers at way Madison, June 1864. affliotion of private disease, whether arisiiw trim Fox* oi Portland, octJO Conn., 30th, Fifty Cent. fort guests. stations. Hotel for Sale. August 1,1864.—isdSm eodlw impure connection or the terrible vice of seH-abose, and have been for aeveral Freight trains leave Portland and Boston dally. ~~~ bis entire time to that branch years. Declared annu- ■Jf The Cars irom Portland every hali hour. The '‘Caledonian House," situated on A Voice from home through our Devoting particular of ally, anu paid at'er two FRANCIS CHASE, Superintendent. City Paper$. the medical he feels warranted In tivxai years. WINbLOW fc THAYER. iGrten street, with a front on the street of OF TIE Hew profession, A dividend is declared and Portland. Oet. 30,1863. oo31 edtf STATEMENT Haven, Conn., June 18,1864. a CDUIWAI.L paid upon each and Westbrook, Oct. 10.—dti. 86 feet; and running through to Canton Sc., MAINE INSURANCE 00. Musts. Editors .—Allow Airranine Casas, whether ofloci XVkby payment whether the me, through yonr col- or made, party is living together with the and lot on east- to standing recently contracted. entirely remoriri or not. buildings t£tua in*HPatUME umns, acknowledge my tor the benefit *ur~JSo utlur company in the United State* side of Company, gratitude 1 th* of disease from toe system, and making does i-__krJy Canton street. Also the stable Augusta, Maine. have rpoeired from the ase of (foe’s drag* this. % anu 46 Dyspepsia Cure. and PERMANENT CURE. BRADLEY'S HOTEL. by 100 on the westerly tide of Green street.— OF HARTFORD, I a perfeot 1m assets on the 31st of December as CONN-, Maine Insurance Although way great suffurer from Dyspepsia last, showr — OH 1 he lots contain a oout fllBE Company Insure against He would call the attention of the afflicted to the New York THU- PROPOSALS 11,000 feet; all the unoccu- the first dose instant relief, and | by Insurance land On the lit of A. D. aa A loss or Fire, Bnildings, Merohan- gpve one ounce has foot of his and well earned Commissioners’Report utceptable to improvements. I he build- day November, 1868, required damage by enabled me to eat I long standing repatatloa, were sufficient to prov.de for its pi end’ American and FOR URROTIFQ THB pied and on terms as favorable aa it oax anything please, without pain. sufficient hit Computed European Plans ings are i ood oraer and now rent for 9600 the Laws of the State of Maine. 44s Furniture, I have now furnishing assurance of skill and ins noi reserve," the of “All its per by etopped using the as I no payment dividends annum r terms of be done by any solvent Company. Policies issue medioine, oao. of inquire • ___ need U. Pir si., and every other or Cor, Commercial A India Sts. longer Lvxax. liability, contingent absolute, Custom House JOHN C. Lime street. for One, Three, or Five years. had leave a clear net This atPortland,Maine. A _ PROCTER, surplus of House is situuted directly opposit, Sept 29-dtf the Capital Steak J. L. CUTLER, President. the Grand tl.,31,600,000 Conn June CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. I Trunk Rail rear Depot, and head Tbxabcby Dbpabtkbmt. I J. H. WILLIAMS, Secretary, Madison, 30,1884. lof Boston and Portland and Kith tu twrpitw it inputted at fPUowt: Fromthe benefit derived by the use of Coe's b teamen' Wharf August 26,1864. Dys- Every Intelligent and person mast knots $1,807,650,17 with j Dwelling House for Sale. Real nepsla Cure in my I am to thinking Connected this House is a first das- will be at this estate, unincumbered, 18 fomilv, prepared say that that remedies handed out from na* —J received department 887,968 EDWARD never to general should this nurplus i$ and Hall. A Cash in on SHAW-Agent. I mtend be without it and advise ail who nearly *1,000,000,00 larger that _EBOyster Dining PROPOSALSuntil the first November 1864, at 12 o'clock two story dwelling house on Congress St. hand, deposit, and in agents' have their efflcaoy established well-tested expo- that or o«, other Lite in ihe A are afflioted with Dyspepsia to ft. by Company United State, BRADLEY, Jr., CO., Proprietors. noon, for the construction ol the l ustom House au- nearly opposite the oastellated Villa of 8.L. try rienoe in the hands of a edaoated and than J. Jr. jit J02 Middle Street. Philandss regularly phjsi- *1,000,OuO larger any oiher, with two ex Bradley, p. H. Bradley. thorized to be erected at Portland, to JLCarlton. and on the line of the Horse uSSfttete. Stocks, $&, Lewis. elan, whose fits him ler all th* He, according Esq., and ffiflgS ool3 sodlr preparatory study oeptiona. the and at this Railroad. This house contains fourteen finished City Stocks, and Town Bonds, 869.460 00 dutiee he must fulfill; the is Hooded with ___Junel6d6m_ plane specifications prepared Depart- ank Mr. Coe:—The bottle ot Coe’s yet country in this ment; said to be either tor the whole and is well to accommodate two ftate and Trust Company Stocks, 1,047,270 00 Dyspepsia Cure you poor nostrums and cure-alls, to be th* “?» huiu’ing Company participate proposals adapted families, gave me has backed purporting •»^ the or with out Bonds, 00 up your statement concerning best in th* world, benefits of this large and increasing building, separate tor different kinds of work r the ecperate buildings, stable, Ac., and a well Mortgage 831,960 which are not only useless, but al- surplus. HALLOWELL HOUSE of ater in Atlantic Mat«ai American ft. I have used half u bottle, and can eat pine Thid haa to Department leserving the to reject cr accept the yard. A large part of the purchase let, Ce'» sorip, 1862-3, i6,8S610 Exchange only ways injurious. The unfortunate should be rARTio Company paid the aaanred in Divi right apple abort sake or else, without trouble. In deads, the proposals hereby invitea, or any part meney oan on mortgage if desired. anything ULAB selecting hi* physician, as It is a lamentable REOPENE Dl thereof, lay Total It 4ke a sharia. The relief it affords is Listen- where it deems the interest of the United 8tat> s re- This property will be offered at A action on the first Assets, 38,026.879 74 incontrevertable foot that many syphilitic Amount of Liabilities Uncoil*. Jam* a. Lowuhy, ap- quires it; the Department also reserving the to of August, if not sold before. for Leasee net FIRE INSURANCE COMPAND Setonts are made miserable with ruined constitutions $2,350,000,00 NBW light duo or Hew Haven, June 18,1864. FURNITURE A FIXTURES! exclude the bid of any person or whom ALLEN HAINES. adjusted, 8176AU 84 by maltreatm*»t from inexperienced physician. In while the total amount for persons, Amount at OF NEW TORE. paid olaimaby death ex- there is jnst oatue to believe will not Portland, July 21,1864. risk, estimated, 116,616.479 PC practise; for It ta * point generally conceded faithfully per- THOS. A. Those who know what S.G. form the oontraot. Also all bids that ALEXANDER, KeeiiKnt. my constitution, my condi- y the beet that the and man- DENBfisT”Proprietor. upon investi- tion has been for fsneral sypUilograpbera, study are Luoius J. Hardee, the last thirty will believe gation below- a fair price lor the work. House and ft tore tor Sale. Secretary. $300,000. years, agement of these oomplaiau should engross tbs $8,400,000.00 •be Nov. 1868. with me that a medicine that will reach case 1 Bids will not be received in gross, and the 9mi/ord, 7, I nsttre Buildings. Merchandise. House- my will whole time of those who would be competent and Policies issued on cl: Depart- House with brick basement on the raaob almost one. Coe’s the non-forfeiting ten year plait ment having prepared a scbeanle oi the oorner of hold Rents, Lenses. Ves- any Dyspepsia Cure has successful In thalr treatment and cure. The Inex- as well as on approxi- Park and York Furniture. eat in all the other usual forma. mate of each kind ol' w ork THE street; the basement occupied enable# mp fo anything I please, and it is very r—n-r* “om lugun ha quantities and material a» sels en the Alssks. sm ether Per- perienced general praetitioner, having neither op. hvory co u side rate man who will to In- opring, a Store. ejldom l now have to use It relieved apply Life been reftirnished, and is open for the required, (which schedule may be had at the office 3. C. sonal Properly at lie Low- t^c medicine. nor time to make himself acquainted with surance the same that would reception o el the CHURCHILL, Agents me In an instant I in great portonity principles guide him oompany and permanent boarders. Supervising Architect, Treasury I 'epartment) ALSO, est rries. VBep yi« pain. My their pathology, commonly one system of in malting o her in One and a whole is pounds investments,or themaugement of attention will be to tue bidder will be required to affix his prices thereto half story House with a largo lot on Mill Wo. 4 Iron system being strengthened by its nee. treatment, in most oases an Indiscriminate his own busi ness will Every given the oomfort ot Block, Portland Pier. making assuredly the ad- for such articles and kinds of as street. Cape ulizabetb. SAMUEL Fresidsat. E. investigate guests. work he proposes to deoSdtf BROWN, Ays Bauoott. that aptiqqsted spd d^pgsroos weapon. Her- vantages thf Mutual as bid and Also—Four bouse lots Hew Haven, June Benefit system, Iliustra- for, then carry the whole ont in one gross 60 by 100 ft each, about » WILLIAM RAYNOR, Beoretar. 88,1884. ase^rf ot tWs belore amount. mile from Portland Middle L, ,, l?e nfat0*? Company, insuring Bridge. Inquire of SHAW Agent, 103 Street. his lite in other. ST any By neglecting to do so he win A BX. Ninety per cent, of the amount of the work done JOHN C. ING, _ PROCTER, PABTICIPATION. ^IS^W^BD Im ortant to Traveler*. pay from 10 to 25 dollars on Oct HAVE probably every #100 8* and ail the usual conveniences of a and material delivered according to oontiaot Lime street. CONFIDENCE. the of his popular hotel prioe, i—dtd_ ou price failure to inform himself. are (said amount to be ascertained tbe estimate of While the care, my stomach be- amply provided. by an Journeying All who have commit tod an exaaaa of Remem ier. the Dividends are 50 cant. ol the Portland Mutual Fire Insurance came deranged, severs in any kind,, per The Halloweli, Feb. 1 1864. mch25 oodtf Agent Department appointed for that pur- For Sale. badly causing pain my whathar it be the vloe fit st one is paid lust Had it been the it would solitary oi yooth, or the sting. you four years from tki date cJ pose) will be paid trom time to time as the work pro- Beg#. pn water have a SQUARE block of of .boat been Ing roboke of mlsplaoed sontldenoe in nm tutor your policy; Divid ed is paid you uvmbt tear gresses, and ten cent, retained until land, 78000 gore* CATARRH! celled sea-sfokupes. A lady sitting ige. yean, per the ol wood on Company. by thereafter, wh.le toe Undivided oomple A land, tbe south side of the river my oomutiaa, reached out a surplus from which tlon of the contract, and acceptance ol the work at. This Company will issue Polices to be free alter the knowing bott.p skying, FOR all dividends are Dy Lawranoe, in Canada East. It is “take a swallow.” I did so. end in loss than SEEK an 4NTWQT* IN SEASON. made is nearly #i,001,000, laroer the Agent aforesaid, and be forfeited in the event of intereeeded bv payment ol six, or ten Premiums at five ot two considerable rivers with Mill eight the option v in America. for the ot the eligible sits. Well the and at rates as minutes my trouble as endpJ. The medicine was tll!f f-hff 5ny ot*!t‘r Company Proposals Buildings/ nou-liillUlment oontraot. woodSd with pf Insured low as any ether The Pains and earn M t*formation in reierenoe to overy description of timber, suoh as "Coe’s Cure,’’and from the efibet It bud Aohas, Lassitude and Narvewa if all the com Contracts wi l be awarded only to Master Builders and Company. The issue of Free Polioies renders it at Dyspepsia Prostration Act. Assistant 1 pine sprnoe in large quantities, and the Stomach, and what I bare learned of it that may follow Impure Coition, an at this office, from Com. Quartkrmabt’b Office, and Mechanics, and the assignment thereof, maple D v least equal if not superior to the pariieipatlOD upon th* mini onersi ** ‘reejypr^»ror Me exoept beroh, beech, tamarao and baas weodtoany amount since, 1 think it most be an excellent for Barometer to th* whole system. Reports successive years. Augusta, October 12th, 1864. } by oonsent of the ol tbe will be jpanies. remedy E 4LED Seoretary Treasury, o7 H. T. DR. R. Do not wait for th* consummation is sure proposals will be received by tLe under- a forfeiture Enquire MACHIN, Portland. No. 102 Middle GOQDALE’S Bea-eickneea and Dyspepsia. that to fol- of the same. Olfioe St. do not WARREN State S_signed, lor the and construction, in- Portland, Feb. 1864. febS8«odtf MES. SAMUEL FIELD, low, wait for Unsightly Uloera. for SPARROW, Aft, erecting Each proposal must be acoompanied by a guaran- CHARLES HOLDEN, Pres. cluding all materials lor the or thi Madison, 1884. Disabled Limbs, tor Loss of Mutual Benefit Life ?ame, following tee, signed bv two responsible persons, (certified to EDWARD SHAW. 260 JyncfOtb, Bounty Insurance Co. ing buildings to be erected at and the dfcwtr TARRH RE MED F and Complexion. upon ground^ beso by tbe United Slates District Judge or Attor- To Let, Fable CA Central Office of the U. S General Hospital, in the of nev of Hew Haven, June No. 30 Exchange St, city Augusta. said District), in the sum of #6,000,00 for tho Grand Trank 36th, 1861. TNOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY Me known and as ''James B. whole Railway Company’s Refresh Messrs. C. G. Clark k BOWM4NT TO Kept 17—dtf designated Camp work, or of a proportionate amount if for any ment Co.—«enttemen-.—i desire Portland, Me. THE Rooms. Applications will AMD UOJ)JS OF TBKATMET IS to make known the almost UNHAPPY Fry part, that the bidder if his tue bereoeivedbv INTERNATIONAL instantaneous effects of TMISEY One will, when-required, pro- subscriber, st hig office for of \he EXPERIENCE. building, 100 feet in length, 16 feet wide, 12 be enter into a contract and renting Re. "Coe's Cure," In cases of cholera morbus. Deeeafted posal acoepted, bond, fresbmeat Rooms at the Grand Trunk beenDyspepsia Soldiers atNew Orleans. fett posts. I with eufioient securities for lte aithlul Station in I had for twenty fbnr boars purging at tbe One Guard perlormanoo. Portland. Possession will be g ven the first week in stomach and Fnenda in this deeean- House. 30 by 16 Forms of tho bond and oertifio&te required; also Fire Insurance I bowels, every fifteen minutes. I went °«T State, having One Novtmber next. LUAB. E. BARRETT, THE ACME OF into od Soldiers burled in the of New Orleans house, two stories high, 20 by 36. the plans, specifications and working will Company PERFECTION. your drug store to procure some brandy, as I vicinitv* r be whole drawing Office G. T. & W Cn Of New York, 118 bad ana are desmans of their to be constructed and finished in work- bo furnis .ea on to tho Ar- Office Broadway. always been t«id was a good lor having remains taken ur>1 manlike application Supervising Portland, Oot 3,1864.—eodis.m thgtjt remedy and sent home this Jail, by iddressing manner ffi> ) 'U Wood or Metallic Burial Cases, ana for- building ap7 lul Commercial Street, •WPP^P W«. 8. on Portland. Bbowh A NO From the moment I took that nrst 4«*D warded to New York by government steamer. Dodge, therein, (the four granite columns Fore e rect Joh* B. So*, Hebset Fl*tcbkb A Co. VIOLENT SYRINGING doee of the td U 8. medtoins at stomach was ere Capt. and A A M. to be removed within from J. Libby A Co. Joh* Lyhoh A Co. my sickness Its There me* at in. ^ < ot6 dim Q. excepted) sixty (60) days House for Sale. H. or the gone- effect many an. w * otter* date of the and in case the sale of the same Head. was instantaneous. In sn hoar I eat troubled with too award, The undersigned having been appointed Aobht my dinner with frequent evacuations trbm the be awarded to the sueoesstul bidder for the new Cus- DESIRABLE COTTAGE as good a relish as ever man bladder, often a BOUSE on and ATTOBMBY lor tbia pa- y, is now prepared hungry partook (as I aooompanled by alight smarting of GCRGEOM GENERAL’S OFFICE, 1ST O T I O the amount of same will be as ATERY Cop THE SENSE OF TASTE was well cleared out of and and IE tom House, taken part , HRhP-d with ga. ,°d to Issue Policies on Insurable at current AND SMELL food.) followed by a horning sensation, weakening the system Ib t O WisniifOTOit City, D. well Myr,,iIC,St-^ear°i‘“’rd’With Property cure. C., of bis oontraot. eupplied good water, will be solda low’low teaspoonftil of I have not suffered a particle manner the patient oannot account for. On oasm- payment to rates* RESTORED. September 21st, 1864. PROVOST MARSHAL’S \ lermseasy. Apply of inoonv*i June 8,1864.—dtf Nothing frotMhat the whole Recorder, enrolment, draft, exemptions, liability save Dr. Goo-“ it. ?n»U>Tt8fnc^f1h?irtiMCt’,a,ld HOUSEof No 8 8a em street. Both bouses MAINE. searching q* AoDim»ntfm0tl°? maV be brought before Cords Wood and Wanted. are one and and no mode of treatment ever afforded snob 10,000 Logs oue half verj convenient, and in power warrant a ogre in »aph oases, and e between tweni y-one and thir- story good reoair*>lur‘ immediate relief or such universal sa iruiy yours, GtO. L. I«%n perftpt *y yesr»°of a»™ of J. M. or gave isiection DBAKE. and 'be for fol- Enquire Hartshorn, of First Collection Dletriot- full healthy rsstoratlflC 01 urinary organa. are desired cargoes of the It per erratei to the very seat ot this terrible dis- eonnii the 'be addressed to the E. P. MILLETT, Persons who eanaot personally Q»„ «f «ir, or the S'-cretary PROPOSALSwoods, vizWhite or Canadian Poplar, ease, and it, root and manner business often lowing Oot 7—dim No. lo SPECIAL INCOME TAX. exterminates branch, forever. One of the Twenty-Jive. oan do so by writing la a plain a description den. e of the B,atil1* thB reB1’ important prevent Answers Hemlock. Baswood, or American Linden, Beech, Boulton street. app"|0*JSn *i*),'e1raI. oi now prompt of their disease, and the appropriate remedies win date and ol to multitude inquiries 22 — _ New Haven, 1864. his birth; thoy mu.t g,',,1B place addressee to the Bn- Yellow birch, and White or bed Elm and Whito Assbssok’s Office, Exchange street, I From the Commtreial Advertiser, Hew York. July 11th, Immediately. reau on and other matters If*. been tri ulled with the be forwarded t.bie testimonia’s of me™. accompanled by respec- personal of minor cense- Spruce—all to be sound and merchantable. For Sale. Portland, October 12,1864. j Con—Sir:—Having strlotly oonfldential Rose and Periodic for some or twelve All oorrespondenoe and will Mo allowanco Is quence. Offers may be made to furnish the cord, or in to the provisions ol a “Joint Beso- Hay, Catarrh.—Dr. B. Good, Dyspepsia eight months. 1 have if maX,Vr\,!0r0c,,r- W. by TWO story House and Lot, situated on usual kinds of be returned desired. the °f perrore Order of Major J. T. the of 8 or 12 or 16 feet from 6 inches in Port- lutlon. : a special income ale’s catarrh Remedy, and mode ot treatment not taken the medicines, whieb have done ■nder.o'ng examine,ion*x,PBnBes By GARDINER log long, land street, with Stable and other out impotin tux,” pasa.d Address, DK. J. B. 18 “ CH.4RLE8 H. A buildings PUBSUANT of the affords the relief in mono good. uuvertisemeut of a medi- HUSHES, ble pre-r qubite to appolmment *“di,pensa- DOUGHTY diamoter upward, to be delivered on navigable water Also two by the Congress United states and approved only greatest every variety ot Isavyopy No. t St., of Provost Marshal 1st adjoining lots containing: about eiAt but it the oine to cum the I bavo Temple [oornor Middle] Portland Thero are nr- five Capt. and Distriot Maine for vessels draw ing when loaded Dine feet. Parties the President July 4th 1864,1 pub- Catarrh, extinguishes disease fbrever In Dyspepsia. tried it, end tor vacancies™, thousand square ieet. Enquire of N. STEVENS by hereby give all and found It to be THB medicine. The first ^T9snd Stamp MBd'«l Stall. Aug. 18—dUm state the kind of and the amount 1 c notice to at pardons and its types stages. Every one well of it. 18 drops ffhs oiroqlay, JOS KDibB please wood, they No.47 Portland street. parties interested, that speaks I June9dtf m ice in 7th of June,) that took, relieved me in one minute. taptae can lurnish, where wish to deliver for ship- ~ tbe Assessment L'«t, up with they compliance From John J. Beebe. Hew I have taken it three or four but bavo bad no 3tawlm_Surgeon JlS.15®: S. A ment, and when it will be delivered there, and the said Joint Bn lutlon, will on the loth day of Octo. London, Conn. times, To Let, Maseru. & Co. distressing feeling In my stomach since taking tbe SKINNE Skates. lowest cash price per cord or 1000 feet, as they desire T ber, 1864, be deoosit d asfoliows:— The Lists for NiORTok fielsctfc medical first class tenements ol at Gentlemen—The bottle of first 18 drops; although befbre, I could not eat a Infirmary, eVp^LmonalFv of Skates for sale to contract at the oorner of Salem the County Cumberland my office above nam- Goodale’s Catarrh Rem- immediately relieve Co., n GOOD assortment by IWO^ meal, and sometimes no more than three or four For farther or proposals, ed, and tbe U-t lor tbe Connty of York, at dwell- edy you sent me has cured me of the TO Co A WtD. ROBINSON, particulars, sending my CaTairh'ot ten mouthfuls mo. THE LADIES. ds,Hoarseness,Lossofvow' please address house In Y in said of Yo-k. Said years standing. I gave a lew dose* pi to three ot without distressing Bronchitis, Lassitude, No. 80 Exchange st. ing ’rk, County it F. WOODBUFF. ThirS’ B. lists win Tomiin in ssiu of for my neighbors and it has Be-peotiully, 5. and every sympttom of the Also, Violins, Acordions. Guitars, and a large as- BUFFUM, places deposit the they say cured them. I are'' Treasurer American Wood tern) of ten days, and said term of time have now half a bottle left and would take a of •ortm nt of for Cash. Paper Company, during they not Haven, W64 stages du’monary Consump- Toys.Cfaeep it. 1. wi 1 be open to the inspection and thousand dollars for it If 1 Mew Jgnellth, *** 1,111 “»* »«»»«* tion. are whit'. 28-nBm Providence, examination of all could not procure more. of foi bey in form Sept who Dr. Mb. Con— Dear Sir:—The bottle DVtpqpeia Aug 28—d3m House and potsona may apply to inspect the aauie. in or- Goodale has surely discovered the true cause of of a wafer, and as suitable for Store Lots to Lease. tne Medicine I received from yon, gave instantaneous der that amplest oppor unity may bo Catarrh, and an to cure It. the infant in the cradle as a given tor ucfhiling remedy relief. 1 it when food distressed me. pa- North and Cumberland, above the detection of fraudulent returns that Yours John L. Bkxbb. only used my tient of .a. Notice. Abbt. any may truly, It was two doses one to- three score years and Quarter Master's Office, 1 Washington street, tbe been about like taking to-day, New'i?rn‘’d mealing of the stockholders of the ONCongrcsss, including desirable lot have made, and any omi-slonn that may haye Now London, Conn, Jane 9,1868. increasing the *** tan. Orators and all who over- An ~ corner of and North morrow, then other day, oartaln of relief la a Kcrew will Forage Dpartmmt, J Congress streets. Apnlv to occurred; and for this p rpese I seek the every quan- producing short time tax fho receive be held attn «od steamship Company Cedar A. co-opera- Ol and tno medicine.nntil I was it ,, ,. vocal organs Mo,66 Htreet. N. Y 12,1864. RenlfxUtm r. VII 1.1,Mt. asR Oeagrnsi tax tity food decreasing aeADIBS wQl And invaluable In end of Brown’ dept. ) stnwt. tion of all payingoitizons. Price B. New at all oases of oh. instant relief by their use. Sold all Wharf, on Th,Ste"m8h;P8, Office, HE Government will in all of 81. Bond a stomp Ibr Dr. Goodale-e enabled to eat without taking anything all. •tTootlons after all other by Druggists Oct. 18th r require purchases And farther notioe Is given, that after treatment My remedies have been tried in Prepared by b. M H. inat, at 3 o’olock liav on its hereby the Pamphlet op perfect mode of oase was an extreme one, haviuy suffered for seven Ssihicur, ( hemlet, 27 Tremon! Perr;?a/.Cr T account in the State of Maine, a To Let. of the ton Catarrh—^tS street, Boston. H u. Oct 7—dtd Order. to expiration days, aforesaid to wit-on and rapid care. myself oured, and Hay, oor. Free and Middle strict adberapee Sections 85. 36 and 37. Chapter tbe 26th ol said years. I nowoonslder by using struts. HENRY FOX. Offices or in Wednesday, day October, tbe under- Dr. B. GOOD ALE'8 Office and Depot. 76 Bleeker of mediolne in the y M take* afreets, supplying 38 of the Revised btatutes oi Maine of 1858. single suites, over Stores Nos will bo only one bottle space of two ASPSABMSiTi^n^SSSwith perfect at all time* eep27eQdfeowiSt signed present »t his office to re- one of New Ycuk. was a safety The lawis just and proper far the and FOUR162 and 154 Exchange Street, opposite the Inter- aforesaid, street, door west Broadway, Nor* months. The dpse teaspoonftil. Ot»4| prevention oeive and determine any appeals which ~ for Kale detection of *>« national House. Apply on tbe premises to may then ton and Co Sole Agents. pth** 8. All an. strictly complied and there be made to him re ative to any H. II. for Portland. Copartnership Notice. eight acre, M 8. I* BBOWN. udA. Jy4 dtf A. L. excessive Hay Agent Ho. S with. Capt Q.U. BROWN. or erroneous assessments made th6 Temp*e Htract, oornor of About“ *■ Ao. 60 by Aisi-tant As- June 2d. 1863. Jnne2dly ■old by Druggists Inrtty and Middli°plrtmad. undersigned Have this dav J. B. FliH**, Q Agent, Commercial 8t. sess-rs wi'bin the of country, every- formed a ooDart-* v-anJE: County Cumberland- and sd- where. narth under the name and skesmksi Sept 80—dim Portland, Maine. To Let. from the assessments of the mV don-nlt one of tlmtf THE p style of peals Assistant Asses, Price 91.00 per A now us. within tbe of York will Wood Bottle. own«n. laiy of d*p„„^ ,» oooupiod by Possession given ors County be heard at mv Widows’ Society. & LasT/r'ji.’is, AS A for dwelling house in said on OHENERY CO., head of Berlin Wharf. HANbON, Billiard Table Sale. STOREimmediately. York, Saturday, the 29th annual meeting of the ’’Portland Widows’ “tw de‘ler* or a Front Offioein Hanson Block, day of said October oot 6-tf Also, Wood Socie'y," for the ohoice ot officers and „ss%ss&fi? Forthe transaction of the Provision and first rate Billiard Table, with marble bed; also lanS dtf H. I. ft All to be to the THE such Grooery LIBBEY CO. appeals made Assessor, most be the transaction ot other bustheea as mav local* 8t. two sett i balls and a set of points, and In and c‘ buslaess, Mo. 294 Congress A vory made writing, specify the particular cause come before them, "ill take Os CLARK A CO. Edward famished ly place on Wednesday PORTLAND DRY DOCK Cueskav Hare Chance. everything pertaining to a well table. matter or thing respeoting whioh a ■’ Oct. at of the COMPANy. to To Let. Jocisic n is re evening, 26th, the Banking room Wholesale IfS. CltSNJtBY, Will bo soid on liberal terms. Applv and must also state the Cents and Druggists, Hew assessment of Dollers per share on a stook of *-ith quested, ground or principleV y •‘Fire Saving Bank,” corner of Middle Haven, Conn., Eight the Cbrrrry. T° pnrohase Millinery, rent otm. f wm. j. McDonald, in or D. D. in STORE Galt’s Block. Inequality erroceomnlained ol. Plym streets, at 7 o’clock. Proprietors. ANCapital Stock of the Company Is now dm and Out. ISif.-dlw No. UC Federal Street under D. 8. Hotel. ONE to H. T. NA.H-L G. m myable at the oflloo at the 117 Co F®rUand, 17, looAhs I Apply MACHIN, MABSHALL,Assessor. 8AML. BOLFE, Secretary, *• Treasnnr, aimer. bested, KatJedfi? *epm dtf ap22 dtf Oct U—eod to 28 Out. •• Portland, U, 1864, «>dt cot# .•kwSmSs: ~asiw- “teh,1sto.-dMa"04V“-r^^