Transit Control Center Policies & Procedures
No. Transit Control Center Policies & Procedures 2.1 Janice Berlin, Prepared by: Subject: Accessible Service Chief, Transit Control Center Origination Date: 04 Feb 2005 Approved by: Effective Date: Jeff Wamsley, Revision Date: Superintendent, Transit Control Center Purpose: The purpose of this document is to outline policies and procedures for handling issues coordinators encounter regarding Accessible Service. Scope: This document will outline Accessible Service basic issues, relevant policies. It will also present some basic mechanical procedures related to lifts and ramps. For more information specific to troubleshooting consult with the shop regarding the specific equipment. Policies in this document are drawn from Transit Operations Procedures #91, dated 8/18/03 and from The Book, Section 11, Services for Customers with Disabilities. Refer to these resources for detailed information. Introduction: Transit Operations Procedures #91, dated 8/18/03, Assisting Customers with Disabilities, states: “The federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in providing public transportation services. In addition, state and local laws ban discrimination based on disability. Transit Operators and First-line Supervisors are required to comply with all ADA and King County METRO policies and procedures to assist customers with disabilities.” Compliance with this policy is imperative. From time to time, updates to this policy will be necessary regarding customer relations, mobility aids or King County equipment. If you notice anything that needs updating or clarification, contact a Service Communications Chief. A. Mobility Aids: There are a number of standard and non-standard assistive devices used on King County Metro Transit. Instruct operators, when necessary, to follow procedures for handling issues related to mobility devices as outlined in The Book, Section 11.
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