CHASSIDUS SUMMIT2018 A day packed full of inspiration personal growth & spirituality Top Local and International Speakers Morning and Evening Programme Snacks and Coffee Throughout the Day SUNDAY 12 AUGUST 2018 ROSH CHODESH ELUL 5778 THE CAPITAL ON THE PARK 101 KATHERINE STREET SANDTON COST: R100 BOOK YOUR SEAT TODAY Call 011 440 6600 or email
[email protected] PROGRAMME 9am Coffee and Snacks 9:15am Session One Open Soul Surgery Rabbi Yossi Paltiel ROOM 1 ROOM 10:15am Session Two Doing More by Being Less Rabbi Levy Wineberg ROOM 2 ROOM From Exile to Redemption Rabbi Noam Wagner ROOM 3 ROOM Nothing is More Whole Than a Broken Heart Mrs Simcha Youngworth (Women Only) ROOM 4 ROOM 11:15am Session Three Chassidus: Spiritual Strategies to Overcome Stress Rabbi Ari Shishler ROOM 2 ROOM The Call of the Shofar Rabbi Nesanel Schochet ROOM 3 ROOM Regret & Renewal: Transforming my Past into a Better Future Rebbetzin Estee Stern (Women Only) ROOM 4 ROOM 7:15pm Evening Session Chassidus Unplugged Rabbi Yossi Paltiel and Friends - “FARBRENGEN” ROOM 1 ROOM Cecil Skotnes, Conrad Botes, Art & antiques auction on 4 August 2018 9:30am carved and reverse glass painting painted panel using oil-based paints Items wanted for forthcoming auctions R200 000 – R300 000 R20 000 – R30 000 View upcoming auction highlights at 011 789 7422 • 083 675 8468 • 12 Allan Road, Bordeaux, Johannesburg south african n Volume 22 – Number 27 n 27 July 2018 n 15 Av 5778 The source of quality content, news and insights t Christians march to Union Buildings, shouting “Viva Israel!” NICOLA MILTZ The event was almost called off following Israelis teach their children to love, to be present at the rally not to take sides in the the late-notice and unexpected cancellation innovative.” Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but instead, housands of Christians took to the of the venue hire by Freedom Park, where the He challenged the PA to encourage the to listen to both sides and encourage streets in Pretoria on Wednesday in rally was scheduled to take place (see page 2).