Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Peoples' Friendship University of Russia”

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Regional Studies Discipline History of China Discipline volume 6 credits (216 hrs) Course description Course topics Summary of the topics

Topic 1: The early history of Sinanthropus. Anthropological structure of the region. the region. Cultural facilities Yangshao and Longshan. Ceramics and economy. Religious ideas. Culture of Erlitou culture, Erligang and Anyang. China during the Shang (Yin) (14- 12 cent. BC) and Zhou (12-8 centuries BC.). Specificity of the early Zhou: the ruler and the specific rulers. Mythological rulers: Huang, Fuxi, Shennun. The economy of early China. Topic 2. Two periods of the Chunqiu (8-5 cc. BC) and the beginning of the Warring Eastern Zhou States (5th c. BC). Epoch of Warring States (5-3 centuries BC.) and Confucius from the political struggle to the formation of ideologies of "Middle Kingdom." Topic 3. China in the era of Qin Empire. Shang Yang's reforms. Emperor Qin centralized empires. Shi Huang. Legist. The military organization of society. Construction of the Empire. China during the Han Empire. Formation of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Liu Ban and his reforms. The crisis of the state and the onset of the period of the Three Kingdoms. Nomads and transformation processes in the state. Topic 4. China during the Three Kingdoms (220-589). Yang Jiang and the base of period of fragmentation and the Sui Dynasty (581-618.). Yang-kuang (Yang Di) and the Sui Dynasty. the era of the great buildings in China. Relations with neighbors. Culture and the economy of the state. Topic 5. China in the Tang Li-yuan (Gao Dzun) and the foundation the Tang era Dynasty in 618, Li Shi-min as a prominent Chinese emperor. Tai-chung. Foreign policy. The journey of Xuan Zang. U-hou and the beginning of the influence of women in China. Hsuan-tsung. The development of the economy, military affairs and culture. Yang Kuei-fei. The Battle of the River Talas (751) and the rebellion of An Lu-shan. Reforms of Te-tsung. Hsien-tsung. "Conspiracy sweet dew" and drop the influence of the eunuchs. The economic situation in the country and the growth of social unrest. Topic 6. The Song Dynasty: Relations with the Khitan and Tangut state. Reforms of Legacy and Perspectives Yan Yan. Rebellion of Wang Lun and Wang Jie. Fan zhongyan (989-1052). Foreign economic relations. Jurchen invasion and the formation of a new government in Hangzhou Sung (1127-1279). Topic 7. China during the Genghis Khan (c. 1155-1227). Capture of Xi Xia, Jin period of nomadic dynasties: defeat. Kublai Khan and the foundation of the Yuan Yuan dynasty Dynasty. Reforms. Rebellion in Anhui (Guo Jiaxing, with 1355 - Zhu Yuanzhang) and a power crisis. The overthrow of the Yuan. Topic 8. China in Transition: Zhu Yuanzhang, and the formation of the Ming Dynasty. the Ming Dynasty. Religion Reforms in administration and the economy. "Great and politics caution." Emperor Yong Le (1403-1424): successes and failures. Zheng He and China's international communication. Oirats-Chinese war. Ming and the role of religion. Rebellion. The fall of the dynasty, and Li Zicheng (1606-1645). Topic 9. China dynasties 1644 - Qing dynasty took control of . Role between the nomads: the Wu Sangui role, founders of dynasty Nurhachi and Qing Dynasty. Abahay. Penetration of China to Central Asia and Tibet. Conquest of Dzungaria. Reforms and changes. The development of relations with Russia. Qing dynasty as the era of China's power. China is in the period of turmoil: wars and uprisings. "Opening" of China and the policy of "self-empowerment": results and implications.

Topic 10. The Boxer Boxer Rebellion. "Final Protocol" 1901 "New Politics": Rebellion. Foreign causes, course, results. Tunmenhuey and "Three People's intervention. Principles" of Sun Yat-sen. Rebellion in the southern provinces and the results of the struggle.

Topic 11. Xinhai Revolution The proclamation of the Republic of China and the and China's development adoption of a temporary constitution. The abdication of until 1918 the Qing Dynasty from power. KMT. Yuan Shikai. "21 demands" of Japan and the position of China. China's entry into the war. Sun Yat-sen. The development of the state in the post-dynastic period.

Topic 12. China in 1918- The problem of relations between North and South 1945. China. "May 4th Movement" in 1919. "May 30 Movement" of 1925 and the beginning of the revolution. The national government. Chiang Kai-shek and the formation of the National Government in Nanjing. the Wuhan government and the CPC. "Nanjing Decade" (1928-1937 gg.). Reforms and results. "Long March of the Red Army." The role of the Soviet Union. "Xi'an Incident" in 1936, the split of the Kuomintang and the formation of the Central Government in Nanjing. The relationship between the Kuomintang and the CPC. The defeat of Japan and the strengthening of relations with the USSR.

Topic 13. The formation of The Civil War and the proclamation of the Peoples PRC Republic of China in 1949, . Agrarian reform in 1950 China's Constitution in 1954, Gao Gang and Rao Shushi. Mao Zedong: "", "let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools contend" course "three substitutions." as a special phenomenon in the history of modern China.

Topic 14. China during Mao's "The battle for steel." "People's communes". Peng reforms Dehuai. Famine of 1960-1961 and Mao's policies. "Peaceful liberation" of Tibet and the flight of the Dalai Lama (1959). Sino-Indian border conflict. The results of the "great leap forward". " experience." The struggle in the leadership of the CPC. Campaign "For socialist education" and "Learn from the PLA!".

Topic 15. China on the eve of "". The role of . The change slogan "Bombard the Headquarters!" And approval of the dictatorship of Mao Zedong. Convergence of China and the United States. "Criticize Lin." X Congress of the CPC in 1973 and the adoption of the Constitution of the PRC in 1975. death of Mao Zedong and the struggle for the Chinese leadership. "".

Topic 16. and as a compromise figure. Deng Xiaoping. the new development course III Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee of China (1978) and the beginning of a deep reform of China and the CPC. The concept of "market socialism". XIII Congress of the CPC in 1987, "Xiaokang". The development of relations with the USSR, the USA, India and Taiwan. "Tiananmen" in 1989 and the role of Zhao Ziyang.