PE i3 August 11, 1967

B0ffiBItil T]rE ilL HTfiEIQUARTEnS - My Big-Character Poster 4 (August 5, 1966) B6A€} TSE-Tf;I[{;

A CompleteEy Smosh the Bourgeo;s H esdq us rters

ILotgqi editoriol commemorotes first onnirerscry of 11th Fl e na rv sess io n -'ttee or ch i nese & "t aujl *t"J:'r'lrff : Kenji t&iyornate Group's S*tray*f

Re ntnin Iiibnt:.r Ccmneniaior $u0T[il(}]ls FRoH


You must eoncern yourselves with state affairs and carry the great proletarian through to the end!

(August 1966)


The seizure of power by armed force, the settlement of the issue hy war, is the central task and the highest form of revolu- tion. This Marsist-Leninist principle of revolution holds good universally, for China and for all other countries.

Prablems of War and StrategY

(November 1938)

According to the Marxist theory of the state, the army is the chief component of state polver. Whoever w-ants to seize and re- tain state power must have a strong arlrly.

ibid. Chsirmon Moo Tse-tung

Our greot teocher, greot leoder, greot supreme commonder ond greot heirr"rsmqn tsOMBARD TFIE HEADQUARTET€S

-Mv tsig-Charscter Foster

(August 5, 1966)


Ctrina's first Marxist-Leninist big-character poster and Comrnentator's article

on it in Renntin Ribao (People's Daill') are indeed superbly rvritten! Comrades,

please read them again. But in the last fifty da1-s or so some leading comrades

from the central dorvn to the local levels have acted in a diametricall5- opposite

!vay. Adopting the reactionary stand of the bourgeoisie, they have enforced a

bourgeois dictatorship and struck dolvn the surging movement of the great cul-

tural revolution of the proletariat. They have stootl facts on ttrreir head and jug-

gied black and white, encircled and suppressed revolutionaries, stifled opinions dif-

fering from their own, imposed a white terror, and felt very pleased rvith thern-

selves. They have puffed up the arrogance of the bourgeoisie and deflated the

morale of the proletariat. How poisonous! View'ed in connection rvith the Right

deviation in 1962 and the wrong tendency of 1964 rvhich lvas "Left" in form

but Right in essence, shouldn't this rnake one wide au,ake? {, z& HONGSI Completely Smash the BoLrrgeois Heodguo rters

the First Anniyersory the Plenory Se;sion -eornmemoroting of llth Of the Porty's Eighth Centrol Committee

rftHE situation in the great proletai'ian culturai revoiu- rvas facing the danger oI being strangled by the top ,!- tion is becoming better and better. The worker, Party person in authority taking the capitalist road.. peasant and soldier rnasses and the heroic young Red At that gra\/e moment. our great leader Chau'man Mac Guard fighters, with bitter hatred for the class enemy, wrote his big-character poster "Bombard the Head- ar-e 'uvaging an al1-round struggie against the handful quarters." I-Ie said: of top Party persons in authority taking the capitalist road. and are criticizitig and repudiating them in a big "China's first Nlarxist-Leninist trig-eharacter pos{er ir,,ay. Thele is a fle,.h revolutionary upsurge to com- and Cornrnentator's article on it in Renmin Fl.ibao (People's pleteil- smash the t"cr-i:qeois headouarters. It is in this Daily) [for full text of both see Peking Reriew, No. 37, 1966. ?r.] are indeed supertrly written! Com- flesh rer.olutionary ups'rrrge llrat the people of th: u'jroie - ccuntry, in a militant frame of mrnd, are cele:.'a:ing ratles, please read them again. But in the last fifty the first anniversary of the llth Plenary Session of da-r s or so some leading comracles from the central the Party's Eighth Central Committee. dorvn to the locai levels have acted in a diameirically opposite way. Adopting the reactiona-ry star:d af iite The greatest historie accomplishments of the 11th bourgeoisie, they have enforced a bourgeois dictatorship PJenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee were: and struek down the surging movement of the great establishing still more firmiy the absolute authoL'ity of cultural revolution of the proletariat. They have stood Mao Tse-tung's thougtrt; confiirriing as the deputy facts on their head and juggled blaek and white, en* supreme commander oI ihe r.vhole Party Cornrade Lin circled and suppressed revolutionaries, stifled opinions Piao, who has consistently held high the great ied diftering from their olr,n, inrpcsed a white terror, and banner of Mao Tse-tung's thourght and carried out felt very pleased with thernselves. They have puffed Chairman Mao's prcletarian revoiutionary line most up the arrogance of the bcurgeoisie and cleflated ttre faithfull;r, resolutely and thoroughiy; and furthel con- rnorale of the proletariat, Etrort' poisonous! Vierved solidating the proletarian headquarters headed by Chair- in connection with the Right deviation in 1962 and man Mao, and defeaiing the bcurgeois headquarters the wrong tendency of 1964 rvhich was 'LefL' in headed by the top Party person in authority taking the forrn but Eight in essence, shouldn't this make orle capitalist road. The documents of the plenary se-rsion wide arvake?" drawn up under Chairman Mao's personal guida.nce sys- poster most rev- tematicall;: laid d

6 Peking lle--ie'to. lfo. 33 tural revolution, and the main task of this rr:voiution quai'iers hidden in the apparatus of the dictatorship of is to overthrow them completelv. the proletariat ls crushed, the rvhole Party and state rvili inevitably change coioui'. The fundamental reason The big-character poster "Bombard the Ileadquar- for the capitalist restoration s,hlch has occurred in the ters" penetratingly exposed the leactionary naiui'e of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia ancl some other socialist coun- bourgeois headquarters, u,hich, adopting the reactionary trie,s is that the handfr-rI of top Party pelsons in stand of the bourgeoisie. enforced a bourgeois di.ctator- authority taking the capita.list road in those countries ship. Chairrrran Mao in his big-chal'ac';er poster ex:- have usurped the leadership of the PaltSz and the state. posed the fact that some leading p,ersonn--l from the Thjs is the gravest lesson in the intelnational communist central dotvn to the local levels "acted in a diametrically movcrnent. opposite way." That nreans in a way opposed to Chair- man I{ao's proleiarian revolutionary line, and the Chairrnan Mao has pointed out that the rnain target leading personnel from the central down to the local of th,e revolution under the dictatorship of the prole- .rr-ithin levels mentioned here are the handful of people headed tariat is the bourgeois headquarters hidden the by China's Khlushchov making up the bourgeois head- appalatus of this dictatorship. It is against this section quarters. The big-character poster laid bare the sinister vrithin the apparatus of the dictatorsl'rip of the prole- counter-revolutionary revisionist features of the top tariat that we are making revolution. Taking our Partl- Party person in authority taking the capitalist road and state as a whole, the bourgeois headquarters is and called on the rvhole Party to be "wide awake." It not in a dominant position, but unless it is overthrosn was a great call to battle to the 'ivhoie Party and th,e it is impossible to eonsolidate and strengthen the dic- peopl.e of the whole country to completeiy smash the tatcrship of the proletariat and prevent the restoration bourgeois headquarters. of capitalism. This theory has been forrnulated by summing up the historical experience of th,e dictatorship Throughout the entire historical period of socialism of the proletariat internationatly and in China. there always exists a struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie and b,etween the socialist road and In the eourse of the protracted struggle against the the capitalist road. The struggle between the prole- top Party person in authority taking the capitalist road, Chailman Mao sa..v arnbitions and tarian headquarters and the bourgeois headquarters is through his vicious conclud,ed that he was the chief hidden danger to our the most concentrated expression of the str:uggle be- Partl' and the chief scoulge in it. Over recent years, tr,r,'een the proletariat and the bourgeoisie and betrveen Chairnan Mao has tirne anC again warned the entire the socialist road and the capitalist road. It is of the Part-v- of the danger of a capitalist restoration in our greatest importance to destroy completely this hidden country, a danger which mainly comes from the bour- headquarters of the bourgeoisie in order to prevent our geois headquarters headed by the top Party person in Party and country from changing colour. authority taking the capitalist road. Under conditions of the dictatorship of the pro- The document ,So??ze Current Problenzs Raiseil in letariat and after the basic completion of the socialist the Soci,a.list EdtLcation Nlcoement in the Rural Areas, ti'ansforr.nation of the own.ership of the means of pro- referred to as the 23-article docurnent, \\'orked out under duction, e.specially after the fight against the Rightists in the personal guidance of Chairman Mao in January 1957, capitalists none thdm position the are of in a to 1965, put it cieariy for the first time: "The main target take command though they have ahvays been dreaming of the present movement is those persons within the of a capitalist restoration. Only the handful of top Party who are in authority and are taking the capitalist Party persons in authority taking the capitalist road road." China's Khrushchov is the one in the highest are in a position to take command and ar'iempt to posiiion among t1're persons mentione€i here. lestore capitalism on behalf of the bourgeoisie. They are the agents of the bourgeoisie in the leading organs During the Working Conferenc-' of the Party's of the Party and the state. It is a matter of course Cei-rtral Committ,ee held in September 1965, Chairman meet- that there should appear in the Party the struggle be- Ntao raised the follov;jng question at an enlarged { tween the trvo headquarters; it is an inevitable refiec- ing cf the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau you going do tion of ciasses, class contradiction and class struggle in of the Central Committee: "lfhat are to This society. if revisionism appears in the Central Committee? is highly likely. This i5 the greatest danger." In saying The bourgeoisie still has considerable influence in that revisionism might appear in the Central Com- society, but as the saying goes "a bird withor-rt a head mittee. Chairman Mao s,as referring to the bourgeois cannot fly and a snake lvithout a head cannot crawl." headquarters headed by the top Party person in Its head is the bourgeois headquarters hidden within authority taking the capitalist road. the apparatus of the dictatorship of the proletariat. lVlay 1966, lhe Circulat of the Central Com- This bourgeois headquarters is the principaL and most On 16, Partg, drawn up dangerous enemy of the proletariat. mittee of the Chinese Communist und,er the personal leadership of Chairman Mao, went The historical experience of the dictatorship of the further to point out that there are "petsons like proletariat teaches us that unless the bourgeois head- Khrushchov . . who are stiil nestling besifls u5." A

AugtLst 11, 1^967 person like Khrushchov mentioned here is the top resulting from suppression by the bourgeois reac- Part1. person in authority taking the capitalist road. tionary line has been cleared away. Throtrghourt the country, there has arisen the situation of "ten thor-rsanC By August i966, when 11th Plenary Se,ssion of the guns bombarding" the bourgeois headquartels. the Eighth Central Committee of the Party lvas he1d, the counter-revolutionary revisionist features of the top Revolution is the locomotive of history. In the Pa"rt.v person in authority taking the capitalist load past year, earth-shaking changes have been taking had alrea,Cy been ful1y exposed and the bourgeois head- place in China rvith its population of 700 n-riliicn people. quarters headed by him had put on quite a per- formance. The time was ripe to bombard the bour- Thlough a year of big struggles, the prcl'etai:iat has fou.ght great great Tne geois headquarters. With vision and great boldness, a battie and won a victor;.. counter-revolutienary pel'son Chairman Mao decided upon firm and decisirre rnea- features of the top Party sures, wrote the big-character poster "Bombard the in authority taking the capitrlist rcad have been ex- posed the masses. l"ranC- Headquarters," and resolved to mobilize the masses to befor'e broad revoiutionary A ful been smash the bourgeois headquarters. of counter-rerrolutionary revisionists have exposed and th,e reactionary strongholds rvhere they Smashing the bourgeois headquarters, accor'ding to entr,enched themselves have lrcen taken. The dictato::- Chairman Mao's plol,etarian r:evolutionary line, is not ship of the proletariat has been fr-rrther consoliCa,ted. done by dismissing people fror,r office from above, nor The counter-revolutionary front of the top Party person by taking purely organizational steps but by boldly in authority taking the capita"list road has collap,sed all r.robilizing the masses, and letting the broad masses along the line. In their struggle against the bourgeois stmggle against the handfi-rl of Party people in authcrity reactionary line, those proietarian revolutior-raries rvho taking the capitalist road. have been oppressed an.d pei'secuted have gro..',,n irom smal1 to big. fi'on-r rveak to strong and flom dispersed Decisioit of the Central Commitiee the Cltitese o! to concentrateC. Thel' har.e become steele

The masses armed with Mao Tse-tung's thought ar,e Hou,ever, the struggle between the trvo. head- the real h,eroes. In the great proletarian cultural rev- quarters and the two lines has not end,ed. The central olution it is only possible to thoroughlv smash the task placed before proletarian revolutionalies is to bourgeois headquarters headed by China's Khrushchov, completely repudiate the handful of top Party persons to capture the reactionary strougholds where they have in authority taking the capitalist road politically, ideo- entrenched themseives in some areas, departments and logically and theoretically and thoroughly smash the 'i bourgeois headquai'ters. This is great historic task. units and seize back the po',ver that they have usurped a i by boldly mobilizing hr-rndreds of millions of revoiu- In order to accompiish this task, we must strengthen tionary masses, by utilizing the methods of extensive the dictatorship of the proletariat, reinforce and im- i democracy, of full and frank expression of rziervs anC pror,'e the insl.ruments of this dictatorship and firmiy opinions, of putting up big-character poster:s anC of support and defend the proietarian revolutionaries. t carrying out great debates under the dictatorship of the We rnust understand that only by thoroughly over:- proletariat, to expose, criticize and repudiate the crimes throrving the handful of top Partv persons authority of the handful of Party people in autholity' takir-rg the in t road politically, ideologicall;, and capitalist road in opposing the Party. sccialism and \llao taking the capltalist Tse-tung's thought. theoretically and by completely smashing the bourgeois hea,Cquart,ers can we guarantee that our Party and state I "Bombard the Headquarters^' and the 16-point deci- 'il,,ill not change colour, and that the great proletarian sion have inspiled and armed millions of revolutionaly cultural revolution r,viil be carried through to the end. people. and have aloused their initiative. The raging Only in the coursc- of the struggle to accomplish this flames of the great proletarian su11r.a1 revolution have task can r,ve achieve and consolidate the great alliance begun to bilt'n e1/er more stlonglv. Hundreds of n-rillions of proletarian revolutionaries and the rerrolutionary of revolutionary people have been siirt'ed. and the. heav;r "thr-ee-in-one" combination. And only so is it possible atrnosphere of ''ten thousand holsers. standing mute,, 1.o carry on u,el} the tasks of struggle-criticism-trans-

8 Pelcingl Re't:1s11-,, lVo. 33

i I

formation in one's own department, ancl succeecl in letai:ian cr-rltulal revolution lvil1 rvin complete and all- the struggle to seize power from the handful of Par-ty round r;ictot'y. persons in authority taking the capitalist road and Comrades of the proletarian realiy do a good job in wielding power for the pro- revolutionaries, young revolutionary iightersl As r,ve commeircrate ietariat. If u,e forget this central task it rneans that the first anniversary of the 11th Plenary Sessior-r rve have forgotten Chairman Mao's teaclting: "Ycu of the Part-v's Eighth Cer-rtrai Committee and the big-charactel poster ltrust coneeru ;.'ourselves rvith state affairs" anrl for- "trlcn-rbard the Heaciqr,rarters," 1et us hold stl11 higher the gotlen the proletarian cultural revolution and gleat red banner cf l/lao Tse-tung's thoi-rght and strive tl-re socialist road, and \[/e are in danger of losing o-irr to perform new deed,s in compieteiy smashing the bearings and going astray. bour- geois l-.cadqi-rartcrs ! Revcluticnar;'z dialectics is irresistible. Tne bcrrr- ge..ris headquai'ters r,,rill be smashe

74 Jn r&t fr .Ek EENIt,fI}, RIBAO ffiomhord the ffioMrseccs &4eedqEiGrtetrs

f) NE year ago today, at the El,eventh Plenary Ses- that there r'vere tlyo raCicaiis,- antagonistic headquat'ter's \r sion of the Eighth Centrai Committee of thc Par:ty, inside the apparatus of the dictatcrshlp of the prcle- cu.r great leader Chairman Mao put up his blg-character tariat. One r,l'as the pl'cletarian hea.Jqualters hea,fcC postel' '"Bomb.ard the [Ieadquarters," a poster of gi'eat b1,, Chailn-r:rn ldao: tre o:l'rei' r.1'as the bciirgtcis heai- historic significance. This makes that da1' an iarpoi - qual'ieIS heacei bi' C::::-'s ilhl';-.1cro..'. The anlag':::- -.1'::e tant date rvhich rtill be recordeii as a larin:rrk::::l:e -sr: aii =:i:;E..e ire:;'=e:: ::-o i:eaic:ar';els :::e histcr';., of China's great proie:arian c'.i-:.ri-al :.e-,-'-'^ :::.:::. corcentraled L.-paeaaion o: ihe e*'-r"n-.=i.. s::alp- col:- He rvr-cte: plicated and deep-going sriu{g.e be:-.';rer :he I1\'o classes, the trr'o roads anC t!-:e ilries unCel ihe con- "China's first Marxist-Leninist big-character poster ditions of the dictatorship of the ploleiaiiat. As scci't Comrnentator's Ribao and article on it in Renmin as the great proletarlan cultural revoluiion appear€d (People's Daily) are indeed supcrbly written! Comrades, on the horizon, the handful of tap Party pelsons in please read thern again. Eut in tlie last fifty days or so authorii;r taking the capitalist road, u,i1h tl-reir reac- sr:me leading cornrades frorn the central dolvn to the ticnary class instincts, sensed that this revoluiton Iocal levels have acted in a di.ametrically opposite way. sounded the death knell of the bourgeois headquartels. llctopting the reactionary stairtl of the bourgeoisie, they Therefole they pi-rt up a ciesperate struggle. ha,ve enforced a bourgeois dictatorship and struck down the surging movernent of the great cultural revolution The bourgeols headquarters headed by China's of the proletariat. They have stood facts on their head Khmshchov u'hich .*'orked ttnder cover within the and juggled black and white. encircleel and suppressed Party for a long time is the mcst datlgerous enemy of revolutionaries, stifled opinions tiiffering from their the of the proiotariat in Cl.rirla. Iri)'ing reci orvn. irnposed a white terror, and felt very pleased rtitlr flags to hrde their true colours, they tay in an-rbush by themselves. They have prifferl up the arrogance of the the side of Chairman Mao. The easiest r.r,a)r to take a bourgeoisie and deflated the motale of the proletariat. stronghold is frorn lvithir-r. Counter-rerzclutionary ac- Horv poisoncus! Vier.ved in ccnnection rvith the tivities aimed at subverting the dictatorship of the pr-o- Right deviation in 1962 and the r,r'rong tendencSz of 19S.1 letariat in China were conducted at both tl-re upper and rrliich rvas 'Left' in form but R-ight in essence, shouldn't lower levels, and mainl;q at the upper level. The greatest this make one u'ide awake?" danger lay at the r-rpper levei. In the Soviet Union, the bcurgeois headquartels tcok shape, headed by Khru- This big-character poster ccncentrateci its fire or"r bornbardii-rg Chir-ra's top Party person in authority shchov. It r-rsurped the leadership of the Party and the taking the capitalist road. It exposed tl-re bourgeois state, and the rvhcle colintt'y rapidly changed its color-tr. headquarters hiclden in the apparatns of the dictator- We have to take r.valning rvhen the cart in fronl ovet'- ship of the proit:tariat and u,ithin the Part;r. It sounded turns. a clarion call fol a sweeping advance in ll-re proletarian The bourgeois headquarters hidden in the Party ci-rltural revolution. u-as rigged up by a handfr-rl of people taking the capital- When they read "Bomhard the [Ieadquarters," it ist road who had wormed their u'ay into the leadiug sucldenly darvned upon the proletarian rr-volutionalies bodies of the Party and v,,l-ro colltided with each other.

Au.!]nst 11, 1967 i

They are big careerists and conspirators v;ho usr-rrped The top Party person in authority taking the capi- real power. They got contr-ol of part of the state talist road has been unhorsed by the proletarian rev- apparatus, held part of the power in the Party, tl-re olutionaries in the course of the earth-shaking great government and the army, and to a considerable ex- proletarian cultural revolution, The bourgeois head- tent controlled the pcsitions in the ideological. sphere quarters within the Party has been badly baitered. in China. China's top Party person in authority Ho$'ever', this bourgeois headquarters and its agents in taking the capitalist road was an important figure various areas and depar-tments are using lvhat infiuence wielding great power and influence. The other counter- they still have to deceive a number of people and revolutionary revisionists including Peng Teh-huai, muster the conservative forces to iaunch a wild counter- Peng Chen, Lo Jui-ching, Lu Ting-1.-i and Yang Shang- attack. The serious political incident that recently took kun lr,'ere either in civil or military positions, some plac,e in Wuhan ',l,as indeed a v€ry clear exposure of grabbed Party porver, others took control of the pen this. and stiii others of the gun. In short, they stretched The Central Committee of the Party has called on their hands into all spheres, desperately seizing and the proletarian rerzolutionaries throughout the country hoidiirg fast to positions vital for staging a counter- to mobiiize themselves, concentrate all forces and focus revoluticnarl, coup d'etat and for overthrowing the on the extend the power target so as to further deepen and political of the proletariat. If the prole- revolutionary mass campaign to criticize and repudiaie tariat u,ere not vigilant against this bourgeois head- the handful of top Party persons in authority taking quarters and if it remained apathetic and allowed that the capitalist road, politically, ideologically and theore- headquarters to exist and expand unchecked, then, as ticaLly. Chairman Mao sharply pointed out, "it would not take Iong, perhaps only several years or a decade, or several We must be clear that though the bourgeois head- deeades at rnos't, before a counter-revolutionary restora- quarters has been stripped of its organizational and ad- tiovr on a national scale inevitably occurred, the Marxist- ministrative powers, the pernicious influence of the Leninist Farty would undoubtedly becorne a revisionist bourgeois reactionary line pushed by them over a long party or a fascist party, and the whole of China rvould period is very deep and far-reaching. If the revolu- change its colour." tionary mass criticism and repudlation is not carried through to the end, the handful of Pariy people in au- At the crucial moment of the struggle betrveen the thority taking the capitalist roaC with China's Khru- bourgeoisie attempting to stage a come-back and the shchov as their chief representative might come to life proletariat fighting to frustrate this attempt, our great- again and make use of their poiitical and ideological est leader of genius Chairman Mao and his closest com- influence to continue to poison the masses and oppose rade-in-arms Comrade Lin Piao sharply and penetrat- the proletarian headquarters. Are not these stubborn ingly sarv throlrgh the entire subversive scheme cf this ciass enemies still putting up a desperaie resistance and bourgeois headquarters v;ithin the Party. and unerringly frenzied counter-attack? Refuting thern politically, ideo- bore down upon its counter-revolutionary manoeuvre logically and theoretically and discrediting them com- in good time. pletely, therefore, amounts to smashing the bourgeois headquarters beyond repair. Chairman Mao has studied and summed up the ex- perience of the dictatorship of the proletariat both at We must understand that the great battle to smash home and abroad and, in particuiar, drawn a bitter his- the bourgeois headquarters has been waged under the torical lesson from the restoration of capitalism in the absolute leadership of the proletarian headquarters Soviet Union by the Khrushchov ccunter-revolutionary headed by Chairman Mao. It is imperative that under revisionist clique. He has personally launched and ali circumstances we foliow unswervingly and closely led the unprecedented. great proletarian cultural our great leader Chairnian Mao, the invincible thought revolution in the course of rvhich hundreds of of Mao Tse-tung, the proletarian revoiutionary line re- millions of people have been mobilized from the botiom presented by Chairman Mao, and the proletarian head- up to expose and overthrow the bourgeois heaciquarters quarters headed by him. Every proletarian revolution- * w,ithin the Party headed by China's Khrushcho.r. ary fighter must creatively study and apply Chairman t Mao's works in the revolutionary mass criticism and The main task in the great proietarian cultural repu-diation and correctly bring his own thinking and revolution and the fundamental measure for the pre- action into line with N{ao Tse-tung's thought so as to vention of the restoration of capitalism is completelv to be truly abie to fight wherever Chairman Mao directs. destroy the bourgeois headquarters within the party. The proletarian revolutionaries must form an al- Un

10 Peking Reuierc, lVo. 33 P.L.A.'s 4Ath Anniversary

Notionwide Army Dcy Celebrotions

THE 40th anniversarv of the founding of the Chinese Restud;-ing Chairman Mao's quotations on people's r People's Liber-ation Arm;, was ceiebrated throughout n,ar and Vice-Chairrnan Lin Piao's Lang Lire the Victory China by the proletarian revolutionaries and revolution- oJ People's War in the course of the great proletarian ary masses and army,. units of the three services of the cuiturrai revolution, China's hundreds of miilions of P.L.A. Since August 1, China's Army Da1,, celebr:ation a.rrxyrnen and civijians have gained a deep understand- meetings have been heid in big and medium-sized cities, ing of Chairman Mao's great teaching that "political villages, factolies, governinenl organizations and schbois. pcwer grows out of the barrel of a gun," They say that Armymen and civilians gathered tog,ether in their Chairman Mao has taught them that "the army is the thousands for mutual encouragernent and exchange of chief cernponent of state power. llihoever wants to seize experience. They rejoiced in their militant friendship and retain state por.r,er must har,e a strong arrny," and ner,vly strengthened in the great proletarian cultural "GnIy wittrr guns can the rvhole w'orEcl be transformed." revolution. No place was without its inspiring examples These are theses sur:.rning up the expei ience the proLe- of the way the army concerns itself with the people tariat of China and the u,orld gained ai the cost oi and the people support their arrny. Both are deter- blood. AII this is l\,Iarxist-Leninist trulh rvhich is mined to strengthen their solidarity still further in the univelsally applicable. fight against the common enemy, and carry the great prcletarian cultural revoiution thrcugh to the cnd. The Chinese people, led by the great leader Chair- man Mao, hat e glasped ihis truth ar-rd o:-rened up the roacl to r-ictorl'. To achieve ge r:ui::e liberation. the pirle:arra', aii-i c,ppl'r-.s..i p..,:,pir: of t:re u'ct'lci must al,.o Chairmcn Mco's Thinking on People's Wor -Beoccn at'::: ::a=::--.':-. i'.-:::: C:.a;::::::: lri.L"S ::::::'-'- O: peC.pi:'S light for the hlorld's People Fighting rrar. foilos- tiris path to r-ic:or5. a-C u-.e :le g-.i-:r :o For Liberotion smash the old staie rnat-i:ine-<. or-er:h:c'...- i::cerialisn and its lackeS.'s and the exiire wcr'.id. As they celebrated the Army Day, China's hundreds of millions of fighters and civilians warmly acclaimed The brilliant u'ork Long Lice the Virtory of People's the publication in the press of their great supreme Wor has systematically and creativel5z expounded Charr-- commander Chairman Mao's quotations on people's u,ar, man Mao's miiitary thinking and is a spalkiing rnoriel and the re-publicatiott of Long Liae the Victorg of Peo- in the creative study and application of Chairman Nlao's ple's War, the brilliant v;crk by Vice-Chairman Lin works. Armymen and civilians alike piedged themseir-es Piao, close comrade-in-arms of their great leader Chair- to take Vice-Chairman Lin Piao as their example in man Mao. their study of Chairman Mao's great thought on mili- tary affairs, to stand resolutely on the side of Chairman The heroic commanders and fighters of the fighting Mao's re'zclutionary line, and to be always ioyal to proletarian services and revolutionaries pointed out that Chairman Mao, to Mao Tse-tung's thought and his pr+- Chairman Mao's theory on people's war is an important ietarian revolutionary line. In the current mass cam- component part of NIao Tse-tung's thought - Marxism- paign of revohrtionary criticism and repudiation, they Leninism of the present era. His brilliant ideas on are determined to knock dow-n completely and thorough- encircling the cities flom the countryside and the seizure ly discredit China's Khvr-rshchov ar-rd his agents in the of political power by armed force are a development of army Peng Teh-huai, Lo Jui-ching and their iike - consummate genius in Marxism-Leninism. The military politically,- ideoiogically and theoreticalll', to thoroughly theory which he has formulated in the course of a Long eliminate the poisonous effect of the reactionary bour- period of revolutionarJv \r,ars is the most comprehensive, geois military line these persons pursued, to estabLish the rnost scientifie and the greatest military theory rep- the absolute authority of Mao Tse-tung's thought and resenting the peak of Marxist-Leninist theory in this strive to turn the arn-ry' into a great, red schocl of NIao sphere. The great Chairman Mao, the invincible thought Tse-tung's thought. of Mao Tse-tung, has not only opened up for the Chi- nese people the sole correct road to nationwide victory In Peking, Shanghai, Tsinan, Siiring, Huhehot ar.rd in the revolution, but also lighted the path to liberation other ptaces, meetings, discussions and get-togethers for the proletaliat and oppressed peoples of the wEole v,'ere organized by army units and the local revoiuticn- w-orld. The mass gatherings expressed their determina- ary masses to discuss the great victory of Chairman tion to anslser Vice-Chairman Lin Piao's great call and Mao's military line. At these gatherings it was pointed wcrk hard to truly master Mao Tse-tung's thought. out that the 40 years of the buiiding of the Chinese

AtLgust 11, 1!)57 t1 Peop1e's Liberation Army are 40 years of brilliar-rt vic- Nghi. &{ember of the Poiitical Bureau of the Central tories for Chairman Mao's great military theoly, 40 Cotrrr-i-rittee of the Vietnam Workers' Party, Vice-Premier years in rvhich Chairman Mao's military line has cort- oi the Lremocratic Republic of Vietnam and Head cf tinuously triumphed over the reactionary bourgeois the Goyernir:ent Econonric Delegation; Vasil Nathanaiii, rnilitary line. The load poinled oui by Chairman l/lao Albaniarr Ainbassador to China, and his wife; Le Ttrr:g is the road to victory and his line is the line of victorl'. Son. Actlng Head of the Permanent Mission of the Sorrth Vietnam National Front for Liberation to China; Thakiri Ba Thein Tin. First Vice-Chairman of the Central Conr- Nqtionol Defence Ministry Holds Grond Reception n'rittee of the Coilirnunist Party of Burma and Head cf the Deleeation of the Party's Central Committee; R.D. The Ministry of National Defence gave a grand re- Sena-na1'ake, Secletary-General of the Afro-Asian ception in the Great FIa11 of the People in the evening Wliters' Bureau, and his r,,ife; and I{inkazu Saionji, of July 31 to celebrate the P.L.A.'s 40th annivelsar'1'. Deplity' Secreta.ry-General of the Peace Liaison Com- milier- oI [he Asian and Pacitic Regions. Leacling comladc.s of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council, the Mili- A n-rilitant revolutionary atmosphL're prevailed in taly Corrrmissicn of th.- Party's Central Committee, the thc. banqr-ret chamber of the Great Hall of tire People. Cuitural Revoluticn Group Under the Party's Central Corrmittee, th.e All-Army Cultut'al Revolution Group, Yang Cher-rg-lvu, Acting Chief of the General Staff the various General Departmenis of the P.L.A. and the of the P.L.A., who spoke at the recepiion, pointed out three services ol the P.L.A. attended the reception to- that the Chinese People's Liberation Arrny is a peoplc'-* gether rvith proletarian revolutionary fighters and anti- armv of a nerv type which our gl'eat supreme comtaander irliperialist fightels from valious colrntries. Chairmar-r Mao has personally built and fostered; it is a hcroic ar:my armed rvith the ever-victorious, great Anong tho-re i)rEseiti \\-ei"e: thought of Mao Tse-tung. During protracted and bittei' strr-rggles against the class enemies both at home and trlembers of the S:ariing Co;:--rn:r:ee oi ii:-= P:r]::.-:- abloaC ancl during the struggles beiween the tv,'o lines, al Bureau of the Central Comrnittee of the Chi:::s= ih:,: ar:-r- has consistently stood firm on the side of Communist Pariy: Chou En-lai, Chen Po-ta, . Chairina:: -\Iao's ploieiar-ian rer:ol,-tticnary line; it is a Chu Teh and Li Fu-chun; genuine proletarian re\-olutional'S arm\r inrhich has always been loyal to Chairman \{ao's revoiutionar'5' line. First Deputy Head of the Cultural Revolution Group Under the Party's Central Ccmmiitee Chiang Ching, "Chairman Mao is the greatest Marxist-Leninist, the Deputy Head of the Group Chang Chun-chiao. and greatest genius and the most outstandlng supreme com- members of the Gror-rp V/ang Li, Kr-ran Feng. Chi Pet'r-;ru manrier of our era," he sa,id. "NIao Tse-tung's thought and Yao Wen-;;uan; ccnstitutes an entirely new stage in the development of Marxist-n-Leninism; it is the gr.iiding pt-inciple for all I\{embers and Alternate Members of the Political our work. Chairman Mao's thought on military affairs Bureau of the Party's Central Committee anC Memb,els Iclms the most comprehensive, the most scientific and of the Secretariat of the Part}r's Centrai Comi-nittee: the greate'st revolutionary mii.itary rheory in the historS, Chen Yi, Liu Po-cheng. Li Hsien-nien. Tan Chen-lin, cl the development of Marxism; it ls the acme of the Hsu Hsiang-chien, Nieh Jung-chen, Yeh Chien-ving. Li Marxist-Leninist military theory of our era. Every Hsr,reh-feng, Sung Jen-chiung, Hsieh Fu-chih and Liu victory of our arrny is a gl'eat victory for Cheirman Nirro-T' Mao's revolutionary line and Mao Tse-tung's thought. just as Comrade Piao has 'A people's Members of the Standing Committee of the Militar5z It is Lin rvith Comt'ade Mao Tse- i Commission of the Palt;r's Central Committee and prin- arml' created in accordance tung's alm-v is incon-rpalab1l,' strong cipal leading members ol the All-Arm1- Cultural Revoiu- theory of buiiding tion Group. the lVlinistrl' of National Defence, the var- and invincible.' " ious General Departments. the fighting services of the Comlade Yang Cheng-wu went on to say that our P.L.A.: Hsiao Hua, Yang Cheng-s-u. Su Yu. Yeh Chun, deput-v- slrpreme commander Conlade Lin Piao had done Hsiao Ching-kuang, Wang Shu-sheng. Li Tso-peng, V/tr better than anyone else in holding aloft the great red Fa-hsien, Yu Li-chin, Chiu Hui-tso and Char-rg Chih- banner of NIao Tse-tung's thought and in stutdying and mino' app15'ing Chairman Mao's r,t'orks. In the last several decirdes. Comrade Piao had always implemented Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Committee of the Lin National People's Congress and Vice-Chairmen of the Chair i-r-ran N{ao's proletarian revolutionary line most most Creativeiy National Deience Council: Kuo Mo-jo. Cheng Chien, faithfull)-. most firmiy and thoroughly. Plao Chang Chih-chung, Chou Chien-jen, Fu 'Iso-_v-i and Tsai applying i\4ao Tse-tung's thought, Comi'ade Lin Ting-kai. had led our army in crealively studyir.rg and applyiug Chairman Mao's works, given prominence to proletarian Amcng thcse lvho atteirded the reception and took politics ai-rd built our army into a great school of Mar their seats at the main guests' tables were: Le Thanh Tse-tnng's thought, thereb;,- making outstanding con-

12 Peking Rettietts, No. 33

i tributions to the revolutionization and modelnization of together in singing The Dast Is Eed and, Sailing the Seas our army. "We are most fortunate." he said, "to be Depends on the Helmsntan., and in wishing Chairman under the rnrise leadership of our great supreme com- Mao, the very red sun that shines most brightly in oul mander Chairman Mao and under the direct command hearts, a long, Iong life! There were performances of of Comrade Lin Piao!" model revolutionary theatrical rvorks and revolutionary songs and dances staged by revolutionary art workers Also present at the banquet lr,'ere leading members of Peking and the P.L.A. of military area commands now in Peking, leading members of the \.arious P.L.A. General Departments, In Shanghai, over 10.000 members of the three of the Scientific and Technological Commission for Na- services of the P.L.A. stationed in the city, local pro- tional Defence. the various servic€s, branches and letarian revolutionaries and others of the levolution- militar'-'- academies. representatives of mi).itary control, ar'-v milsses heid a graird celebration on Jr"rly 31. They proletarian revoiutionaries oil the leading organs of the unanimously expressed their determination to rcspoud P.L.A. and acti..,ists in the study of Chairm:rn Mao's to Chairrran Mao's great call for the army to cherish works from various army units and representatives of the people and the people to support the army, to unite outstanding units,''fir:e-good" fighters, combat heroes with one ireart in raising high the banner of Mao and those who had made outstanding eontributions in Tse-tung's thought in rerzolutionary criticism of the atom and hydrogen bomb tests and in the work of sup- handful of persons in authority taking the capitalist porting the masses of the Left, assisting industrial and road rvithin the Party and the army, 'uvi'th Chiua's agricultural production and exercising military control I(hrushchov as their gerneral representative, and in and giving military and political training. bringing about a new upsurge in rerrolutionar';. mass Also arnong the foreign guests present at tire: recep- criticism and repudiaiion ai-rcl mass strnggL: in older tion."r,ere: to con-rpletely demolish and tholougl-rly discredit that gang. Diplomatic envoys, military attaches and other Army-civilian get-togethers were also held in diplornatic officials from various countries; Tsinan, Harbin, Chengtu. Ku,ei-r,ang. Kunnring. Honan Carmelo Fragomeni, Member of the Political and olhel cities and pi'ovinces. Bureau of the Central Comn'rittee of the Italian Com- Ai'nlt'd units guali::g Ch:la's il't,::-.i.:-s anC '-ne munist Partl' (Marxist-Leninist): Hugh Mcleod. l\llerrrber ccasi:1 ::', li :Le l;ca. p.'cp,: -io :rati :i:e of the National Comilittee of the Nerv Zealand Ccrn- .'c::::i '.r::h munist Partl': Benedito de Carraiho. trIember oi :ie Central Commiltee of the Communist Paltl- of Brazil; Amid these celebl'ations- ploletar:a:: l-tr-ol:riionalies Ichihei Sugiyama, r:epnesentative of Dja$.oto. Secretary'- and the revolutionarl- mas-ses throughout the country General of the Afro-Asian Journalists' Association; sent their warm regards to the peopie's alm5-men de- Bhayom Chulanond, tl-re representative abroad of the fending the motherland and safeguarding the great pro- Patriotic Front of Thailand; P.V. Sarma, Chief Repre- letarian cuitural revolution and to those who have made scntative of the Mission of the Malayan National Libera- ne',v contributions in supporting the Left among tnL- tion League in China; Enlico Rambaldi, hea,d of the masses, in assisting industrial and agriculturai produc- Delegation to China of the Italian Association ior Cul- ticn and in exercising mi1itar5, control and in givirg tural and Friendly Reiations r,vith ihe Peoplt''s Rcpubirc mililary and political training. of China; Chihiro Kana.malu, Secretary-Generai of the 58,00t) Armynren qnd Civiliqns Swinr "iapanese "Hagu.ruma" theatre: and Ouedraogo, head of the deiegation from the Fecleriition of Students oI Black Across the Yongtse Aflicrr in tr'rance. Or.r August 1, 50,000 proletarian revoiutionaries cf Wuhan and con-imanders and fighters of the P.L.A. Army-Civilion Get-Togethers stationed in that area who have fought shoulder t o More than 50,000 coir-rmanders and fighters of the shoulcler r.vith them in making a breakthrough in the three scrvices of tne P.L.A. and proletarian revoiution- storms and lvaves of the class struggle, sr,vam tlium- aries of the capital held grar-rd celcbrations in Zhongshan phantly across the Yangtse Rirrer, follorving the course Park and the Great llall of People in the evenings pioneei'ed by their great )eader Chailrnan NIao. 31 August 1. oI July and It rvas a clear, bright da1'. Red flags flelv and songs Leading members of the Centrai Comn-rittee of the resounded along the banks of the rolling Yangtse. lt Ci-rinese Communist Partl-. the People's Government, \trfas an occasion celebl-ating the start of a nerv, vlcr.()r- the Chinese People's Liberation Arrny and the Peking ious stage of the great proietat'ian cultural revolutinn Municipal Revolutionary Comn.rittee attended. Also in Wuhan. It r,l,as a grand review of the great unitv present r,vere activists in the study of Chairman Ma:'s of the proletarian revolutionaries, of the n-righty unity vn,orks from various armed units, "Iive-good" soldiei's, of army and cirzilians at Wuhan. It was a gratld oc- combat heroes, members of the revolutionary masses casion on r,vhich the armymcn and pc'ople of Silrhar-r from aLl waiks of 1ife, young Red Guard fighters, iabour pledged themselves to march on victoriously to clr-rsl'r ht-roes in industry and agri,culture, and proletarian rerzo- and thoroughl;; discredit China's Khrr:shchov and his lul.ionaries fronr government organizat,ions. A11 joined agcrits in the alea.


Such criticism and repudiation is an excellent 5OO Million Peasants Denounce class education for the peasant masses. They now see clearly that in the 1? years since liberation, this No. China's Khrushchov 1 revisionist was up to his tricks whenever a gust of or an anti-socialist r,l'ave was rFUg miiitant revolutionary peasants of the rural evil capitaiist wind blew stirued in rural at'eas. They reaiize rvell that I peopie's communes are bringing their mighty force up the had they acted according to the ideas of this top capi- to bar in the current nationrvide campaign to criticize talist roader within the Party, capitalism would have and repudiate the top Party person in authority taking been restored in the countryside and the overthrown the capitalist road. landlords and rich peasants would have got up on their In suburban Peking and Shanghai, in Heilungkiang backs again. Participation in this mass criticism has Province in the northeast, Kweichorv in the southwest made them still firmer in following Chairman Mao's and Kiangsu Province in east China, many production teachings to take the socialist road and consolidate the teams are linking up this criticism with the history of collective economy. so as to achieve complete emancipa- class struggle in their localities. Recalling their own tion of the nation's 500 million peasants. sufferings and hardships in the old China, poor and lo',ver-rrriddle peasants especiall-v reject and denounce the "four freedoms" (freedom of usury. of hiring labour, Academy oj Sciences Sets Up land sale and private enterprise) so rigorousll' advocated by China's Khrushchov. Ihey condemn him Revolutionary Committee slashing one time the number agricrrltural for at of MIDST the rnilitant sounds of mass criticism and producers' co-operatives and his vicious plans to A for / r struggle against Khrushcirov, the proleta- plots China's restore capitalism by enlarging the area of for rian revolutionaries from the Chinese Academy of private use, extending free markets, increasing the Sciences gathered in Peking's Great Hall of the People to number of small enterprises rvith sole responsibility mark the birth of the revolutionary committee of the for- their own profi.ts or losses and fixing output quotas Academy on the afternoon of July 30. There was a based on the individual household. They also refuted festive mood in the magnificent hall and it was filled iris reactionary theories that "expioitation is justified" with an air of miiitant solidarity. In the middle of the and that "the class struggle is dying out" and many of rostrum hung a huge portrait of our great leader Chair- those fallacies adyanced in his sinis[er book on "self- man Mao, w,hich was like the red sun iiluminating the cultivation." entire hall.

Though busy with summer rnorh, members of one Present at the rally vrere leading comrades of the production team in Taopu People's Commune on the Party Central Committee and responsible comrades of outskirts of Shanghai held six small meetings in the various Cepartments concerned: Chou En-lai, Li Fu-chun, fields and seven team meeiirrgs in the evening, at each Nieh Jung-chen, Kuo Mo-jo, Hsiao l1ua, Su Yu, Wu of rvhich they concentrated their criticism on one Teh and others. ionnter-revolul.ionary statement made by China's Premier Chou En-lai extended greetings to the I(hlushchor,. congratu- Academy's proietarian revoiutionaries and i on occasion on behalf of the great leader Of the 28 households in that vili.age, five u,ere lated them the ,i It former farm hands and 14 had tilieC land leased from Chairman N'Iao and his close comrade-in-arm,s Comrade Lin Piao. the Party Central Committee. the State Council, landlords. Most of them 'uvere victims of usury. On the I Central Committee and basis of their ow'n personal experiences, they bitteriy the l\{iiitary Commission of the the Central Com- denounced the crimes of the exploiters and the nonsense the Cultural Revolution Group Under year that "expioilaiion has its merits." mittee. He said: You have gone through a of arduous struggle, making revolution by yourselves and months, In 1954, as they recalled, 18 households of poor liberating yourselves. Over the past two i and lorver-middle peasants voiuntarily merged their through the mass struggle and mass criticism and re- mutual aid teams into an aglicultr-rral producers' co- pudiation of the handful of top Party persons in au- operative. Yet the handful o{ ca-pitalist road-ers in the thoriiy taking the capitali.';t road and the handful o{ then Sheinghai Municipal Party Con-lmittee refused to capitaiist roaders within the Party in ;rour Academy, approve it. Norv. they cieclared, "we knota,- that the you have now forged a gleat alliance of the revolu- boss rvho slashed tire number of co-operatives u,as none tionaries and founded the revolutionary committee oiher than that Khrushchov of Chlna." based on "three-in-one comkrination," lvhich consists of

11 Peking Reuieu:, No. 33 representatives fron) the revolutionary mass organiza- oni.y by the democratie method, the method of discus- tions, r'evolutionary leading cadres and representaLives sion, of eriticism, of persuasion and education, and not of the Peopie's Liberaticn Army. This is worthy of by the method of coercion or repression. The various congratulations. Pr.emier Chou encouraged all present revolutionary mass organizations, guided by Chairman to excel themselves in the creative study and applica- Mao's teachings, all carried out open door rectification tion of Chairman Mao's w-orks under the guidance of [criticism and se]f-criticism n-r,eetings at which anyone I\4[ao Tse-tung's thought, to hold still higher the revolu- is ailowed to take part and speak] and responsible tionary banner of criticism and repudiation, and to do members of the revolutionary mass organizations made good job a in struggle-criticism-transformation in the conscientious seif-criticism. Differences between the Academy through the mass struggle and mass criticism revolutionary mass olganizations melted arvay, and on repudiation, and so as to spur the development of the basis of Mao Tse-tung's thought and with a com- science by ieaps and bounds. mon aim of unity against the enemy, the more than The proletarian revolutionaries in the Academy of 20,000 members of the 50-odd Peking-located units of Sciences emerged and were steeled in the arduous stluggle the Academy formed a great alliance in mid July. against the white terror brought about by the handful They foliowed this by raising still higher the rev- of Party persons in authority taking the capitalist road olutionary banner of criticism and repudiation. And in in the Academy. Under the guidance of the revolution- the thoroughgoing revoiutionary spirit of hitting hard ary line of Chairman Mao, they exposed that hand- at "the dog in the water" and fiercely pursuing. in ful and seized power from them. But at that crucial meetings and big-character posters, the handful of top moment in the struggle to seize power, serious differ- Party persons in authority taking the capitalist road ences developed among the various revolutionary mass and the handful of counter-revolutionary revlsionists organizations and heated debates arose over a series of inside the Academy, a high tide of exposure, criticism important questions on the great proletarian cultural and repudiation and struggle arose. In the course of revolution. Later, after repeatedly stuctying Chairman the mass criticisn-r and repudiation movement, many Mao's On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Atnong revolutionary cadres by rn,ord and action made clear the People and On Correcting fuIistaken ldeas in the that the;z stood u,ith the revolutionary masses and Partg, they sau' that contrad:ctions among the rei-,rlu- thus *'on the support and confidence of the masses. tionary mass organizations belonged to the caregor]- This created rhe conditions lor a revolutionary "three- of contradictions among the people and could be settled in

Down With Anyone Who Opposes Choirmon Moo !


This book points to the Chinese people are united as a cur snapping at the sur-r. mulberrry while abusing the solid as a wall of hronze, Chairman Mao is the great locust tree [abuses someone He had the insolence to by insinuationl; it makes commit such a monstrous + vile attacks on Chairman crime as to madly attack The author is a 53-year- old poor peasant Taichang Mao, who is the reddest Chairman Mao. of County. Kiangsu Province, red sun in our hearts, and The top Party person in who is an outstanding activist opposes Mao Tse-tung's in stndying Chairman Mao's authority taking the capi- thought, the source of life for w'orks. Criticizing and repn- talist road, is rotten through us poor and lou'er-middle -'o_- diating Cirina's Khrushchov, and through, and it was he peasants. she has addressed many who wrote that rotten book meetings in her county. in on "self-cultivaiion" of people's co[rmunes, produc- Communists. What sort of tion brigades and teams. Since she is iliiterate, she thing is that "self-cultiva- often asks someone to draw tion"? It is more poisonous This sinister book attacks pictures as 'hotes" for her than arsenic, and stinks Chairman Mao, our great specches. The above is a worse than dog droppings. leader, as "se1f-appointed" translation, with the original To read it is like taking pictures, of her speech rc.pu- and says he "most certain- diating the book on dope. It makes a body lose "self-cul- This ambitious careerist Iy eannot be leader." A ti-ration" of Communisls. all sense of direction. forgets that we 70.0 million mad attack like this is like Ed. -

Au,Eust 11, 1967 l5 Ieader'of the Chinese peo- rr-rent be separated from our ple, the great teacher of the great leader Chairman Mao. J-4. revolutionary people of the u'orld, the very red sun that shines most brightly in our hearts. \,Ve poor and lower- middle peasants ardently -tc: We u,i1l fight that No. 1 ants were froppressed and ex- iote and support our great Party person in authority ploited. leader Chairman Mao, rvho taking the capitalist road has the greatest faith in us and opposing Chairman poor and lorver-middle pea- Mao; we'l] knock him so I3q Under the pretext of fiat so that he will never be urging Communists to be able to get up again, "good students of Marx t\ and Lenin" that sinister sanls and shows the gfeatest book on "se1f-cultivation" I lost my father rvhen I :,vas care and concern for us. He prevents them from be- three and r.vent to work for a capitalist in fac- is to us as blood is to flesh, ing good students of Chair- In madly opposing Mao his tory when u'ater to fish and the vine man Mao. That top Party Tse-tung's thought while I '"l,as eight. If I was the least bit slow to the melon. Our hearts person in authority taking calling for "self-cultivation about anything, the foreman beat as one. He is our the capitalist road tries to behind closed doors" that of the capitalist would beat guide, benefactor, and sav- stop us being good students sinister book on "self-cul- iour, of Chairn-ran \{ao. s.ants us tivation" r'eaily rvants me and I wouldn't even be to allot'ed a whimper. My not to siud]' Chairman \Iao's dir-olce us from the class hands bled as fished for rroii:s and not io obe]- siruggle. lritm revolution I the ends thlead icy Chairman ]Iao's '*-olds be- ari g.r'e up ihe diclatorship of in $'ater mid cause he is afraid of us oi the proietariat. in rvinter. I had arming ourselves rvith Mao m1- fiil cf iniser"y and suf- ier-ing. \r.'e s'olked 12 "You must concern your- Tse-tung's thought, and so hours, sometirnes hcu|s. day selves state affairs and seeing through his big piot l8 a with goi carry the great proletarian to bring about a capitalist and all \re \\'as 12 cents. not enough cultural revolution,through restoration. We poor and er.en for a bod]. to live on. to the end!" Chairman Mao lower-middle peasants u.'ili has told us. And under his never be taken in by his Chairman lilao's u,orks lea.Jelship rve have set go- tricks. are u,oLks on ciass struggle ing the great proletarian and the diclatc,r'ship of the proletariat. cultural revolution, which The-v teach us I q'orked in that capitaiisi is going ahead vigorousiy, "Never to forget the class factor;,- untii I 's'as 24 and make su,re that our pro- struggle" and that "class to as I couldn't make a living letarian land lvili never sfruggle $,ill continue thele I thor-rght I might do cirunge its political coloul in to be long and tortuous and 14/e obey Chairn-ran times a bit bettel at horne on ihe ail the generations to con-re. '.vill at will even become NIao, be his good con'rnune very acute," The class land. Bnt u hirl h:ippened? mernbers. and his good enemy hasn't given up. Landlc'r'd expioitalion as bad pupils. When rve siudy We've taken away their as can be hit ne as soon as Cirairman Mao's rvo;ks our propertv, but leactionary I got back to the vil1age. sight becomes keener. rve ideas haven't been silashed The grain we han,ested see clearly rvho is good and ;'et. The class enemy is like l,\,asn't even enoLlgh to pay t'ho is bad; our hearing June onions driecl leaves, the lant.llord rent. Dr5' in grows sharper, lr,'e hear vi,ithered roots,- br-tl h:rle of and day out we u,orked. Onr "QLtolations From ChdittnGn r.vateled blao Tse-tur-tg" clealiy rvhich r,vords are heart. sleat the landlold's right r.r.hich are rvrong; and land and our hearth was Withcut Chairman 1\lIao's our brains rvork better so soakeci with tears. In the correct leadership there that rve can separate u,hat old society political porver u,auld have been no victory is socialist and rvhat is w'as in the hands of land- of the revolution and we bourgeois. Usii-rg the 'w,eap- Seal of lords and capitalists. They poor and lou,er-middie peas- on of liao Tse-tung's "AlI revolutionary strug- lived off the blood of us gles ants l,t,-ould nerrer have es- thought ir-r the gleat prole- in the u'orld," Chairman ',r.'orking people, had fish and caped from hei1. To us poor tariau ,cultural l'e -"'oiutian Mao has said, "are aimed at meat on their tables anC and lower-midclle peasants \:\'e Can spot ancl l:ry our seizing pox'er and consoli- clothes ot silk flnd satin on Chairman Mao is dearest hands on the gho,sls anrl dating it." their backs. We poor and and closest of all. As a ship monsters, drag out that In the evii old society iorver-middle pe:i:ants didn't at sea depends on the helms- handlul of Par{_v pelsnns in political polver rvas in the even kno\v r,r,'hct'e oul next man, as all living things hands reactionalics, meal was coming from and authority taking the capital- of the .patched depend on the sun, so l{re ist load and flush that rnain landlords, rich peasants and our clothes v;ere a poor and 1o,vv'er-middle peas- revisionist out from behind capitalists. We rvorkers, and hundred times over. "Ex- ants can never for a mo- the scenes, poor and lorver'-middle peas- pioitution is uo ct'ime," says

16 Peking ReuieLo, JVo. 3.3 that top Party person in au- backs once again, to exploit tion, and make certain that thority taking the capitalist and oppress us again, and \lz our socialist Iand lr.ill neuer road. "Exploitalion is a make us eat bitterness twice - change its political colour'. crime!" I say. It must be over. No! We wiil not iet a)/- smashed. Exploitation must tirem, Net:er, never, ne\:erl ,, be lviped out!

We must never forget Tse-tung's class struggle, never forget thought lighi np China, ,woricl, the dictatorship of the pro- all the u'hole We r-nnst study and apply for and ever. letariat, ne'r'er forget to put for Chairman Mao's r.volks bet- Came libelation. The sun politics in command, nevel' tel and more creatively, bloke through the clouds. forget to raise high the great raise higher the great led Political porver rvas taken red banner of Mao Tse-tung's bannel of Chaiman Mao's into the hands of Chair-man thought. We must hang on thought and turn our u.ho1e NIao, the hands of the Com- tight to our gllns and our village. our rvhole nation munist Party, the hands of seals of polver, then the into a gleat big red school us labouring people. Mao Tse-tung's thought. schemcs for restoling capi- Bi!t-Lltoracler Poster for talism try that top Party flou,n rvith the top Palty person in authority taking We poor and lou"er'-middle person in authority taking the capitalist road rviil ne'",er peasants are of one u'ill and the capitalist loadl Tltat top Party person in succeed- that is: to completely knock Long live the great prole- aulhority taking the capi- 1Ve poor and lou,er-middle dou,n, repudiate and make tariai-r cultural revolution! talist road is now dlearning peasants have one desire and that handful of top Party Long live the invincible about seizing power flom that is: to defend Mao persons in authorit.v taking lllought ol' Mao Tse-tung: out of our hands, to let Tse-tung's thought r,l,ith our the capitalist road stink. and Long live ou1'great leader, lantllolds, r'ich peasants and Lives, defend his revolution- to follou, Chailman N,Iao Chailmirn \Iao! A lortg, capitalists climb on our ary line, and make NIao closely in naking r.evolr.r- long liie trr hirr: Kenii Miyomoto Group's Betroyol by "RENMIN RIBAO" COMMENTATOR rfrlJE Kenji Mil,amoto revisionist clique of the Corn- matter of Sunama's presence in China and accused our I n-runist Par-t5z of Japan in a recent st.atement to the Papty of not expe)"ling him from China. Tlley tl'ied to boulgeeis press annoLtnced that it has recalled Ichiryo incite us to pror:ide the Miyamoto gr-oup with anti-China Sunanla. repr:esentative of the C.P.J. in China, and capiteil. We saw through their designs and ignored tire Junichi Konno, Akahata correspondent in Peking. it accnsation. We u,aited for the IVliyamoto group to siranreL:sslv lied that Chinese quarters "have taken come out and see hor,r, it lvouid perfoi'in, and what vai'iolrs measures" to "bring increasing pressure to r-r-rischief it actually rvanted to ct'eate over the matter. beal ot-1" Sunatna and I{onno and "persecute" them. This is another anti-China :incident this clique has delibera- Sure enor.rgh, the grou-p has no'*' actuall-v recalled one of ils ca-r'ds tel-v manufactured in close co-ordination r.vith the U.S. Sunama and Konno and thus iaid dou'n joining imperialists, the Soviet revisionists and the reactionary against China, thereby once again all the other Eis:rku Sato government. doughty warriors in anti-China activities in an attcn'rpt to solicit rewards from the U.S. in-rpelialisls, Soviet We have long anticipated that tlie iVliyan.roto revi- revisionists Japanese reactionaries. sionist clique and cel'tain persons harbourihg ulterior and tnotives rvor-rld kick up a f nss against China over It is not at all fortuitous that the levisionist leading Sunama's stay in China. lVith a vier,v- to fr-rlly expcsing group of the C.P.J. cooked up this anti-China incident. thcir foui anti-China featules and d,ept.iving them of For a long time norv, it has been acting as w1'etched an5, zrnti-China pretext over lbe mattcr, so that the trumpeters in the noisy anti-China chorus of the Il.S. Japancse peopie could con-rplcte11,- see the counter- imperiaiists, Sorriet revisionisis and reactionaries of all revciu'Lionary revisionist featni-r,s of tlte i\{iv::moto ccuniries. The Japanese revisionists have pubiished gr()ull. 1,,.e leirained {rorn expeliing SLlnanra from China. one anti-China article aiter anotirer in their ne\\ispapel's Notu'ithstanding their anti-Chii.ra actiiilies, rye tleated and periodicals. I\fiyari-roto and Sanzo Nosaka have Suna.i-na aird Konno r.i,ith a1l the courtesl' due to gnests stepp,ed foru,arcl in pelson to deliver anti-Ch.ina in China. speeche-<. They venomor-rsly rzilified and attacked the It has come to onr notice tha-t certair-r persons rvith Cornmunist Party of China, the Chinese people, the ultelior motives assulxed a "Left'' posture over the greai, ieader of the Chinese peopie Chairman Mao and rlrr, 11, 1967 17 ------l

the great thotight of Mao ?se-tung as well as the great The Miyauroto group always shouts that it opposes proletarian cultura] revoltrtion norv going on in China. China's "big+nation chaut'inism," alleging that the Chinese To oppose imperialism it is imperative to oppose Comrnurrist Farty wants to impose its own line revisionism, while opposition to China iner,,itably leads on it. This is absolute nonsense! Does it think rn-e still to capitulation to U.S. imperialism. This is an incon. don'i know rnhat kind of scum this g::oup is? Horv can trovertible truth borne out by countless facts in present- it be imagined tirat we u,'ant to impose Marxisrn- Leninisrn: day international political life. Whoever opposes U.S. on such a pack of revisionists? As a rnatter imperialism must oppose the Soviet revisionist ruling of fact, it is they who have sought by every means to clique which serves U.S. imperialism. lYhoever opposes force us to agree to their revisionist views and repeat- join socialist China, which holds high the great red banner ed-ly tried to get us to in their "united aci,ion" with the Soviet revisionists. We have adhered to the prin- of Mao Tse-tung's thought and resolutely -"upports lvorld revolution, will inevitably capitulate to U.S. imperia.lism cipied stand of Marxism-Leninism and opposed their and its accomplice, Soviet revisionism. The evolution of revisionist junk. Can this be called "imposing one's ou'n iine on oihers" or chau\rinism"? Oi-rly the Miyamoto group in r-ecent )'eal's has again bcrne out "big-nation this truth. those *-ho have tried and faiied to impose their orvn rerisionist line on others will smear this Marxist- N{iyamoto group The keeps on proclaiming that it I-ninist stard of the as "big- '"r'ants to oppose U.S. imperialism. Why then does it nation chauvinism'' seeking to "impose one's own line partner the Soviet revisionists in sabotaging the anti- on otheIs-" U.S. struggles of the revolutior,rary people in the inter- Ttre Miyamoto group aiu-a-vs claims that it rvants national arena and in Japan? Why does it take such to "inherit and develop'' the Japanese Communist pains to paint the Soviet revisionist ruling clique, the Party's "tradition" of opposing Japanese imperialist No. 1 accomplice of U.S. imperialisrn, as an anti- aggression against China. the Japanese Communist U.S. force? To put it bluntly, it fears U.S. imperialism, Party did indeed have a glorious tradition of opposing Soviet revisionism, vu,ar and the revolution. Its opposi- Japanese imperialist aggression against China. But it tion to U.S imperialism is fake; it is actually covering never had the tradition of aiding and abetting Japanese up the Soviet revisionists' capitulation to U.S. imperial- imperialism to oppose China. Rather it is a nelv "crea- ism and thereby covering up its own to capitulation tion" by the Miyamoto group now to join the anti-China U.S. imperiaiism. ranks under the command of the Sato government, The Miyamoto group never tires of saying that it while still waving the banner of a Communist Party. It w-ants "united action" in combating U.S. imperialism has in fact betrayed the internationalist revolutionary and assisting Vietnam. Why then does it furiously tradition of the Japanese Communist Party and inherit- attack socialist China r,r,hich resoiutely opposes U.S. ed the anti-China tradition of Japanese militarism. imp.erialism and lvholeheartedly supports the Viet- The I\{iyamoto group's flantic opposition to China namese peopie's war of resistance against U.S. aggres- is entirely against the will and wishes of the masses of sion and for national salvation? U.S. imperialism the Japanese people. By serving as rn'illing anti-China opposes China, Soviet revisionism opposes China, the pawns of U.S. imperialism, Soviet revisionism and the Sato government opposes China, and the Indian. Indone- Sato government and grossly betraying the Japanese sian and Burmese reactionaries oppose China; what people's revolutionary cause, the group has joined the difference af tei' ail is there between Miyamoto the ranks of the new' scabs of our time. group's anti-China activities and those of the oi;hers? There is no difference at all, because they and the At present, the true revolutionary forces r,vhich Miyamoto group are nothing but jackals from the same uphold Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tse-tung's thought, in Japan, have begun lair. The "united action" this group advocates is a to rebel in a big way against the united anti-China, anti-Communist, anti-people and Miyamoto group. Their strength is rapidly growing. counter-revolutionary action of all monsters and freaks It is these forces which represent the great hope of in the world. the Japanese nation. The Miyamoto group eeaselessly claims that it Our great leader Chairman Mao Tse-tung has said: ,,subservience Chinese people are eonvineed that the Japanese wants "independence" and opposes to a "The people be able big party." Why then does it openly shield the Sorriet will to drive the U.S. imperialists from their soil and realize their aspirations for independence, revisionist ruling clique and act as its parrot? Why is democracy, peace and neutrality." it that what it is foilowing is exactly the line of the parliamentary road of ''peaceful transition,, which the No force on earth can stem the great historic tide Soviet revisionists are pushing so hard? Why does it of friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples use the exact same cliches as the Soviet revisionists in or undermine the revolutionary comradeship-in-arms attacking and vilifying the Communist party of China? between the Marxist-Leninists of the two countries. What sorl of "independence" is this! This group advo- The Chinese and Japanese peoples will unite still more cates "subservience to a big party,, in the true sense closely and march triumphantly forward in the great of the term. It is "subservient" to the ,,big party,, of struggle against imperialism. modern revisionism and the Sor.iet revisionists. Its headquarters is only a the reactionaries of all countries. subsidiary branch of the Soviet revisionists in Japan. (August 6.) l8 Pekit'tg Retieu, l{o. i3 .-l!

D ioko 4d:-N ew-Anti-C hi n o O utr a ge lndonesisn Reoctionories' Desperote Struggle

ff N the morning of August 5, the Indonesian fascist diately stop all its outrages in opposing China and per- \--z military regime headed by Suharto and Nasution secuting overseas Chinese. called out more than 1,000 troops, policemen and hooli- gans attack to the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia. The Dernonstrstions in Peking hooligans used a truck to ram their way through the em- bassy gate. They burnt down two ernbassy buildings This flagrant provocation by the reactionary Indo- and destroyed the portrait of the great leader of the nesian Government naturally aroused the greatest anger Chinese people Chairman IVIao and the national emblern on the part of miilions of and the revolu- of the People's Republic of China. Equipped with axes, tionary masses in China. iron b,ars and daggers, the hooligans b,esieged the em- On August 5 and 6, such slogans as "Dorn'n lrassy staff members who were protecting the Chinese with Suharto!" Nasution!" Indone- flag. Armed with Mao Tse-tung's thought, the embassy "Down with and "The sian reactionaries will come to no good end in opposing members put up a valiant fight. Thus, the enemy's China!" shook the streets Peking attempt to tear down the five-starred red flag flying of and thundered in front of the Indonesian Embassy. The d-emonstrators inside the embassy's front courtyard was foiled. The smothered the embassy walis with big-character post- ruffians'attack q,ent on for one and a half hours. Four of ers, written slogans and protest notes Chinese and the embassy' staff s,ere wounded. During and after the in Indonesian. Some Red Guard fighters read the outrage Indonesian armed force blockaCed the Embassy 1'oung Indonesian Charge d'Affaires ad interim this quota- and cut off its telephone connections. The Chinee Charge tion ircn Cb.airnan ]Iao: "'Lifting a rock onll' to drop d'Affaires ad interim rvho tried to drire to :he Indonesian it ol om's orn Ieef i5 a f,hins,se folk sa1-ing to describe Foreign l\{inistr.v to make a protest s-as prevented from the behaviour of csrtain fools. The reactionaries in all doing so. countries are fools of this kind." TceS- rrarneC him At noon on the same day, a responsible member that they will support the Chinese dip).omatic personnel of the First Asian Department of the Chinese Foreign and patriotic overseas Chinese in Indonesia and the Ministry summoned the Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Indonesian peopie in resolutely struggling against the the Indonesian Embassy in Peking and iodged the most Indonesian reactionaries to the end. The denonsiration urgent and strongest protest with the reactionary Indo- reached a new high on August 7. On that day alcne, nesian Government. He notified the Charge d'AIfaires 400,000 people participated. Revolutionary youth of the ad interim that until the reacti.onary Indonesian Gov- Union of Indonesian Students in China alsc tooh part, ernment stopped its fascist anti-Cirina outrages and posting slogans both in Chinese and Indonesian. One guaranteed the safety of Chinese embassy personnel, the slogan signed "Chairman Mao's yoluig revoluiionary freedom of movernent of Indonesian embassy staff in fighters" said: "A people's war alcne can rvipe out the China r, restricted as of that day and they y,ere not Indonesian reactionaries." allowed to leave the embassy. In a note to the Indonesian Embassy the next day, lndonesion Reoctionsries Hecding for Doonr the Chinese Foreign Ministry pointed out that the August Renmin Eiboo's Ccm- Iatest fascist assault, which was set up by the reaction- On 7 an article by mentator saluted diplomatic personnei China's ary Indonesian Government, was a premeditated move the of Embassy in Inrionesia as "cou-rageous fighters battling aimed at causing a complete diplomatic rupture betrveen international class struggle" the two countries. By frantically opposing China, it at t}:e very forefront of the and as militant colleciive armed rn ith Mao Tse-tung's has been fully revealed as a bunch of reactionaries u'iro "a thought." Their heroic struggle against the fascist Indo- out-Nazi the Nazis. It would surely be severely punished nesian gangsters is only an enormous encourage- by the Indonesian and other peoples of the worid. The not ment the people the motherland but a great en- note also said ihat the Chinese Government reserved to of eouragement to patriotic Chinese nationals in Indonesia the right to take fu-rther measures unless it receives a and broad n-iasses of revolutionary h-idonesian peo- saiisfactory reply from the Indonesian Government to the p1e, Commeniator q,'rote. ils demands that the latter make a pr-rblic apology, severely punish the culprits and compensaie for all the Commentator refuted the Indoneslan fascist mili- Chinese En-rbassy's losses; effectirrely guarantee the tary regrme's atien-rpts to absolve itself from its respot-i- security of the Embassy and its personnei; and imme- si'oility by using u'ords such as "not knowing" abriut

AtLgust 11, 1967 19 this anti-China violence and "not ftvrouring the reason" Indcnesia's internal class struggle intensified. strife for it. rvithin the ruling clique sharpened, the econon-ric situa- tion got more out of control, and every time the reac- By the end of July, the Indonesian militat'ist regime tionary regime on the backs of the people be- had intensified pr-eparations lor a further anti-China clamped came mol'e shaky. This has *k'come a law. It is as true calr-rpaign and stirled up a new anti-China hysielia. of the present as it \vas in the past. Suharto, headman of the fascist military, openly con- cocted rumoltrs, falseiy accusing China of setting up an This bunch of common enemies of the Indonesian "espionage nett-ork" in Indcnesia. Wcrd '"r'as spt'ead people, r,l,hich is looking for a r,r,ay out, is trying in vain all over Djakarta that a neu' anti-Chlna 'uvave rvould be to divert the people's attention by a new anti-China rvhipped up in early August. Even on the day oi the tide so as to take a step further in throq'ing itself into outbreak of the cttrrent anti-China outrage. the l.ocal the arms of U.S. impelialism and Soviet revisionism. authorities in Djakarta announced that they rvould But thele is delinitely no way out for thetn, Commen- tear d-orvn the rvail around the Chinese Enibassy. This tator said. pour the flames of the anti-China designecl to oil on Commentator quoted what the great leader Chair- create pretext more. Siitce atrocities and thele'by a for man Mao said about the Chiang Kai-shek reactionaries Indonesian fascisi military regime engineered the the in 1948: "They are so eorrupt, so torn by ever-increasing ;inti-C1'rina outrages in such a pianneci $,a-v, ho\v can it and irreconcilable internal quarrels, so spurned by clairning it was "u'ilhout deny its responsibility by the people and utterly isolated . . . that their doom kr-row{edge" ? is inevitable." This is the case with the Indonesian Ccmmentator also pointed out that from the time t'eactionaries today. In rvildly' attackit'tg conlr-nunism, it came to porver, the Suhat'to-Nasution militar-y fascist China and the people, they can only qr-rieken the tempo clique has launched an anti-China campaign er.,ery tirne of the people's revolution and hasi-en their orvn luin.

Tighten the Noose Around British lmperfolism's Neck


[tO n-'aintain its moribund and rotten colonial rule, kong and illegaliy arrested fcur Hsinh,-ra col'r'espon- I B.iti.h imperialism is becoming more and more dents who were either tried or sentenced. rabid in its bloody suppression of our fellow country- During these raids, the Hor-rgkong British police men in Hongkong. Since it created arrned provocalion flagrantly danraged bursts and portraits of the great along the border at Sha Tau Kok on July B, British leader of the Chinese pcople Chairman NIao. tore and imperialistl has incurred nerv blood debts to the Chi- destroyed sloga-ns and pictures spreading lVlao Tse-tung's nese compatriots in Hongkong and the Chinese per.rple thought and violated our sacrosanct national flag. as a whole by committing new towering crirlres. With the greatest indignation, the Chinese peolie It has brutally murdered patriotic counti'ymen our condemn these fresh bloody crimes by British imperial- including, so far as is knorr-n. F{o Fuug and seven othe-rs. ism in Hongkong. Debts ',1,i11 harre to be repaid; trying It has unwarrantedly an'ested orrer a thousand to cancel thern will never do. We shall certainly make people, including those in charge of the strr-rggle com- the British impetialist robbers in Fiongkong pay their miitee against British persecution, rvorkei's, peasants, incurred debts! joulnalists, actors, teachers, studenis, c1ei.ks, sl-rop Our great leader Chairn-ran iVlao has taupht us: pedlars and residents. "IVe must not show the slightest timidity before a It has called out lalge numbers of troops and wild beast. IVe must learn from ll'u Sung on the police and sent aircraft carrier-based helicopters to Chingyang Ridgc."* raid, search and wreck more than 50 premises of the Our patriotic fellorv country'men in Hongkong are patriots, such as trade union offices, schools, ciepat't- doing exactly u'hat Chairman IVIao has taught. Un- ment stores, clinics and residential districts. It has time and again n-iade open and rvild provo- * A helo in a Chinese novel, n'ho killecl a tiger rvith l'ris i:ale hancis. Translutor. cations against the Hongkong Branch of the Hsinhua - Neu,s Agency and other Chinese state agencies in Hong- (Continued on p. 31.)

20 Pehing Retiew, No. 33

I let the Red Ffog of NsxCI lbsri Fly Strfl Higher


rflHE revolutionarl- peasant forces in Naxalbari* and revolutionary peasant struggle. Speaklng of the I elservhere in the Darjeeling Disti'ict have r,,,,on tl-reir peasants' folces armed witl-r spears ir-i his masterly work first-ro,,rnd victory in the struggie against the "encircle- Report on an Intlestigation oj the Peasant Mouement ment and suppression" campaigns launched by the itt Hunan, our great leader Chairman Mao says, "This r-eactionary Indian troops and police. The Indian reac- muititude equipped with spears . . . is a new-born tionalies' i.nitiaL repressive actions have faileC. armecl porver the mere sight of which makes the local tyrants and evil gentry trernble. The revolutionary Since July 6, the "nor-r-Congress" government in authorities in tr{unan should see to it . . . that every West Bengal has sent large numbers of troops and peasant, whether ycung prime, possesses a police to attack the rer,olutionary peasants in Naxalbari, or in his peasant br-rt they have found no \r',ay of putting down the spear, ." The armed forces in the Naxalbari peasant armed folces, nor have the5, been able to con- area todal' are ectLlipped r.,-ith boir-s and arrorrs, long spears trol t1-re area. and ol]:er ioc'al.;.- rrlaie $-eapcns. If this "porrer ci br':-. :::d ai':':-ss. :nci iong sp€aris" is built up on a Bravel.r' and skilfull5-. the peasart dll-:ri ft::e-. r:r:e eriensir.e scai.e. it u-.;l i:e able tc nake the ianC- 1ec1 b1- r.'ei-01u':i,lralies ir: tl-^e I:-rciiar: Conirr.unisi Partl- lord forces and the reactionarr- irocps and polce in ha'''e iaunched guerrilla actir,ities in this area. They the rural areas shiver at its sight. The armed peasants are able to take the initiative and attack; they also not only can safeguard their os-n survival, but they can instantly move away rvhen confronted by an enemlz can also equip themselves with weapons captured from with superior forces. On July 13, the armed peasants the eirerry. attacked the reactionary troops and police near lhe poiice camp in the Kharibari area. Six days later. they To continuously clefeat the enemy's "mopping-up" opened fire on the police near Tukuria forest, and then operations and "encirclement and suppression" cam- easil;z left the area. A July 23 report in the Uniied, paigns and to win militarv victolies, t}-re peasant armed Neri,s oJ fndio confessed that the peasant armed forces folces, r,vhiie still in a position of weakness, must i.n the Naxalbari area "can move from place to place adhere to mobile and flexible guerrilla tactics. So long within the belt evading police action," adding that a-s these revoluticnary forces are good at employing the the Indian reactionaries could not understand this state tactics of "the enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy of affairs and "has got no answer." camps, rve harass; the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy pursue" (knorn,n i;he 16-character In fact, the ansr.l,er is very ciear. It is that the peas- retreats, we as for- ant revolutionary armed forces in Naxalbari har.e rvon mula), they lviii be able to gather strength and exhaust the support of the peasant masses. In contrast, the the enemy's effectives. This is an effective method reactionaries are extremely isolated from the masses. for persevering in armed struggle over a long period Provided that the peasants are fully mobilized, the ai-rd {or defeating the enemy and rvinning victory. revolutionary armed forces rl',ill be entirel-v able to To gain a firm footing and to stick to long-term smash any "encirclement and suppression" by reac- peasant armed forces tionary troops and police and thus carry on their armed struggle, the revolutionary the struggle. must set up and expand their areas in country- side. This is an important task for the present Indian Establisliment and expansion of the peasant peasant revoltition. armed forces is a prirnary condition for p,ersisting in In their struggle against the reactionary troops and police, the arn-red peasant forces in Naxaibari have This show's that the * Naxaibari is located in the strategic mountainous r.l'ithstood the first rigorous test. distlict of Darjeeiing in West Bengal of India. revolutionary forces in the countryside have ample

Au,gust 11, 1967 2L space to manoeuvre in and are quite capabie of grow- peasant's revolutionary struggle in Naxaibari wiil be ing and expanding from small io big in the course of long and arduous. It stiil has to calrl' ottt intense strugg.Ie. struggles to smash one enemy "encirclement and s,-ip- pression" campaign after another. It u'ilL meet rl'ith all The Chinese revolution from the very beginning kinds of difficulties a-nd setbacks. Hot','ever. so it;ng was tested in battle by repeated "encirclement and as the revolutior-iary peasant armed forces in fiaxaibai:i suppression" and "counter-encirclement and suppres- persevere in foliou,ing thc' road of China's i:evoittiion sion" campaigns. It was only through a protracted and hold high the reri bannel of armed struggle. they struggle that a powerful people's army and vast rural rn,ill certainly pnsh the Indian revolution tc\\'elds base areas u,ere established and final victory was won. victory step by step. The Indian revolution will naturally be the same. The (August 7.)

Hfsto rical tessoms af Feferageff# Uprlsirtg

by "RENMIN RIBAO" COryIMENTATOR rF HE torch of aliled revolution once lit by the peas- struggle. This is an cut-and-out capitulaiiorist line. a -1 a;rts of Telengana and later quenched by the counter-revolutionary line. rer-is:onists in the Indian Communist Farty has been revolution proves that todal- b1' the peasanis of Naxalbari in Darjeel- The history of the Indian rekinCled g'herever ing t-mder the ieader=h:p of the rer-cltili'-,i,al'ies in the the re.",olutior-rarv line of Liairi.em-Leninism, JI:.o Tse-tung's tholight, is don-rinatli. a lir,el), levolu- Ind:al C.P. That red toreh lights the roaC '.o l'icicli' for $-ii1 hand, the Indian resolution; it points the wa5, tlre Indian rev- tic.a:-.' s:tuat:on emelge. On the oti]ei t'.-hefei-er rer-isionlst gains the upper- l-ra.rtd. the olution has to take. a line revolutionary people rviil be betrayed and the re'.-clu- No sooner had the storm of revolution arisen tionary cause will suffer a sel,back. among the Naxaibari peasants than the renegade S.A. The peasants' armed struggle from Dangs groLlp, E.N{.S. Na-mboodiripad and other revi- in Telengana 1946 1951 result of the triumph of the rer'- sionists shamelessly rushed forr,vard to attack and to was the line N{ao viiify the revolutionary peasants' great under'raking. oiutionary of Marxism-Leninism, Tse-tung's thought. At that time, the relrolutionaries in the Indian The revolutionaries in the Indian Communist Party, on on the peasants, sLic- the other hand, are leading the peasants resolutely to Communist Party, closely relying ceeded estabiishing base area for armed struggle take the road of armed struggle. This js the coniinua- in a in Telengana. Peasant armed struggles also broke out tion of the protracted struggle betrueen the trvo lines in Kerala, West Bengal aiid many other states. How- the Indian Communist Party. in ever, this e-xcellent situation for the Indian revolution Since the end of World War II, there has been a was undermined and finally put an end to by the revi- constant, sharp and complicated struggle in the Indian sionist line enforced by Dange and his followers, By Communist Party between these two diametrically spinelessly calling for "a negotiated settlement of the peasants opposed lines. On the one side is the revoluiionary iine Telengana issue," they forced the revolutionary of Marxism-Leninism, Mao T-se-tung's thought, to iay down their arms, and so strangled this vigcrous revolutionary movement. followed by the revolutionaries in the Party, that is, the line of following the road along r.vhich the Chlnese The failure of China's great revolution in 1925-27 revolution advanced to victory. the road of boldly resulted from betrayal by opportunism and revisionisrn arousing the peasants to revolution, buiiding a people's represented by Chen Tu-hsiu. Our great leader Chair- army, establishing rural revolutionary base areas, man Mao has pointed out that as a result of Chen Tu- waging a protracted armed struggie, encircling the hsiu's opportunist capitulationist line *in 1927, within cities from the countryside and eventually rvinning the spaee of a few months, the people lost all the rights nationwide victory. The other is the revisionist line they had rvon." In similar fashion, India's Chen Tu- pursued by Dange, Namboodiripad and their iike. They hsius pursued a policy of capitulation and betrayal lrreach the theory of India being an "exception" and at this critical juncture in the Indian people's revolu- tnaintain that the parliamentary roed of "peaceful tion, and in a short space oI time threw to the four winds tlansition" shou-Id be followed. They oppose violent the gains rvon by the Indian people in their revolution- revoiution and want the revoiutionary people who have ary struggle. This is a painful historical lesson for the taken up alms to lay them down and abandon their Indian people.

22 Peking Reuiew, No. 3.3 The "special" road, that is, the parliamentary Our great leader Chaj.rman Mao Tse-tung teaches road, advocated by the Dange renegade clique and the us: "Either the East wind prevails over the West wind other revisionists in the Indian Communist Party is or the West rvind prevails over the East wind; there is treachery, pure and simple, to deceive the people. To no room for compromise in thc struggle between the put it bluntly, they don the cloak of a o'Communist" trvo lines." r,vhile prostrating thernselves before the landiord and TIie rerrolutionaries in the Indian Party br-rreaucrat-caoitalist classes to beg for some official Communist and the revolutionary people of India should draw on posts so that they can check and stamp out the people's the profound historical lesson of Telengana, draw a revolution and loyally safeguard the reactionary rule clear-cut line of demarcation between themselves and imperialism lackeys India. of and its in the revisionist line politicaily, ideoiogically and organi- The struggle of the revolutionaries in the Indian zationaliy and wage a resolute struggle against modern Communist Party against the revisionist line concerns revisionism centred on the Soviet revisionist rul- the success of the Indian revolution and the destiny and ing clique. The revolutionaries in the Indian Commu- future of the 500 million Indian people. The Indian nist Party will surely enhance their strength in the struggle and build a genuinely revolutionary Party of revolution will march to victory step by step if it takes 'the N.Iarxisrn-Leninism, 1\llao TSe-tung's thought. Only in the road of the Chinese revolution, road of Mao this rvay can they steadfastly carry on the correct Tse-tung. If the revisionist line is follorved, not only revolutionary line, lead the Indian people to defeat the r,r,ill the Indian u,orking people be unable to achieve in-rperialists and their lackeys and win final victory for liberation, but their country will be further reduced to the Indian people's revolution! the position of a dependency of U.S. imperiaiism and Soviel modern revisionism. (AtLgust 3.)

Armed Strugg le in Telengons

I N intense struggle between the trvo lines ha-s been The Telengana people have a glorious tradition of z r going on for a Iong time inside the Indian Com- struggle. In the 1930s and early 40s, mass struggles munist Party. The struggle has centred on the ques- broke out against feurdal exploiiation, and the influence tion of which road the Indian revolution ought to take. of the Indian Communist Party grew steadily among This is a key issue upon which the success or failure of the peasants. In 1946 a mass organization, Andhra the Indian revolution hinges. Maliasabha, led by the Indian Communist Part;2, had a Revolutionaries in the Indian Communist Party membelship of more than 100,000. power resciutely advocate the seiz,.rre of by armed The armed struggle first broke out in Shayapet, struggle, and make clear that they take the it wiil Nalgonda District, in June. 1946. It was touched off bv Chinese people have victory in road of the v,ho rvon the mur.der of an Andhra Maha.sabha official by a land- their revolution under the guidance of the great leader lord. The angered peasants, led by the Indian Comn:u- Chairman Mao Tse-tung. Some revisionist chieftains, nist Party, rose and seized land and weapons from the hcr.l'ever, have feverishly pushed ahead rvith the re- spread rapidly and visionist parliamentary road, thus doing tremendous landioi'ds. The storm of revolution harm to the Indian revolution. village people's committees and people's volunteers r';ele esta'alished throughcut the area. They resisted the Guided by the light of Mao Tse-tung's thought, 30,000 troops mustered by the Nizam, ruier of H;,-derabad. armed struggle flared and spread in Telengana in 1946- 51. Telengana is in the northern part of Andhra State, Bv the end of 194?, the uprising had spread to southeast India, which was at that time part of eastern 300 villages. Armed struggle continued to surge still Hyderabad. It has an area of 44,000 square miles and higher under the guidance of Mao Tse-tung's thought. a population of over 10 million. Its peasants have long Local organizations of the Indian Coinmunist Palty been ruthlessly exploited by the British imperiaiists and fought steadfastly along the road taken by the Chinese feudal forces. Ha.1f the land is orvned by the princes rerroiution. By September 1948, the rvhole of Telengana and most of the rest by the big landlords. More than was afiame, and a red political pow'er was set up 50 per cent of the peasants are landless, Under tyran- embracing some 3,000 villages and a population of nical rule, the masses like beasts of burden. nearly 3 million. The guerriila force increased to 2,000

Aua:tst 11, 1967 23 -_l

men and 10,000 villagers joined the militia. Agrarian of exiremeiy reactionary revisionists openly vilified reform u,as carried out in the liberated a-reas. About the peasants' armed struggles as "adventurism" and one million acres of land were confiscated from the "individual terroristrr." They were determined to be- landlords for free distribution to the landless and land- tray the armed struggle in Telengana. In a party docu- poor peasants. For the first time in history, the peas- ment issued in September 1950 and again in an open ants of Telengana were free. The l{izam's regin-ie was statement in 1951, they vilified the Chinese people's shaken to the core. revolutionary war led by Chairman Mao Tse-ti-rng and put forr,var:d the theory of India's "exceptionalisnr" in The Nehru regime at first confined itself to prov- an hysterical attempt to prevent the Indian people icling the Nizam rvith arms and ammunition to suppress from taking the road of the Chinese revolution. the uprising. Then, seeing that this feudal prince rvas in cru-cial danger, Nehru ordered tens of thousands ot' In June 1951, the Indian Communist Party's Cen- troops to invade Hyderabad. Telengana was plunged tral Committee controiled by the handful of revision- into a bloodbath. More than a million peasants were ists adopted a resolution on settling the Telengana arrested and tortured. struggle by negotiation. Under pretext of "restoring peaceful conditions in Telengana," they begged for Fighting the enemy, but rvith heavy odds against negctiations rvith the Congress government. In July, them. the peasant guerrii,as suffered ternpol-ar-]- r€1-er'.ses. :1e1- lasiill' sent a delegation Hyderabad for talks They rvere militarilf inesper-ienced anri so:re oi lhtir to r..-:-.r: gcrerlrment. the talks. the ciele- leaders vacillated. Nevertheless. n-ith rride supcort i!:: ircai During from the masses. they quickly recovered and carried gaiion \i-eni on its k::ees asking ihe government to on the fight. Some of them moved into the jungles acc€pt tr*.o minirnurn ierands ior en

24 Peking Reuie-*, i{o. .}.1 P.L.A.- A Greqt Example {or the Mombeshora. r'epresentative of the Zin-rbabr,l'e African National Ur-iion, said: "Chairma.n Mao is ihe Oppressed People to Learn From great leader not only of the Chinese pecple btrt also Representatives of the African nationalist parties of all the people of the worid n,ho are struggling against and African nationalist fighters in Cairo warmly con- imperialism, colonialism and the reactionaries of all gratulated the Chinese People's Liberation Army on stripes and colours." He called upon all revolutionaries ihe 40th anniversary of its founding. to study and apply Mao Tse-tung's thought earnestly in order Chazi Mapefane. representative of the Basutoland to attain victory in their struggle. Congress Party, said in a statement that the great victoi'y of the Cl.rinese people's revolution through armed IIre Sherpest We apon tor struggle s,as the r,rictory of Mao Tse-tung's thought. "Tl.e People's Republic of China has nolv become the V{inning Liberatian most reliable base of r,vorld revolution to defeat U.S.-Ied In a recent article, the Malayan paper People's imperialism completely. Revolutionaries throughout Tribune, published in Singapore, points or-it that l\,1ao the t,orld study Mao Tse-tung's rvith admiraiion works Tse-tung's thourght is the sharpest ideological weapon aud di'arr inspiration frorn them to cat'ry their struggle of ihe oppressed nations and peoples for u,iuning ti-ric.ugh ti-re Chinese People's to end. Long live the liberation. the most penetlalir.rg ideciogical r','eapon of Liberation Ar-r-r.i;.'l Long ii-;e li,lao Tse-t'-rirg's thcurghtl'' ihe'iat for lii::r-aiir.,: r:seii anC aii of manhii-rC. Angoian na::o::aiist I:crl:s \:is:'a sairr : "The "Ti-: ..:::':'l.l :s l:-.a-:r----:-J a: :he !:ead,;f :he gfeiit Chinese people built their olrn zrrml- in the i:r-,sf 71 , 7967 ,,REh{MIF.I RIBAO" COMMENTARIES


Bonkruptcy of "Non-Violenee" ing clique to deceive and intimidate the Afro-Ameri- cans so as to prevent them from rising in armed rebel- Confronted by the stormy Afro-American strug- lion. Horvever, the political awareness of the Afro- g1e against tyranny, the Johnson Administration has American masses is growing daiiy. They have come to jettisoned all its mock freedom and democracy and sse more clealiy than ever the need to meet violent r-evealed its ferocious features. And those lickspittles suppression with violent resistance. This is the immut- groomed and fed by the U.S. ruling clique for the spe- able law governing the development of class struggle. cific purpose of w-recking the Afro-Americans' struggle Neither the U.S. rulers' bloody suppression nor the have revealed their servile features, too. humbug of "non-viclence" preached by Maltin Luther King and his kind can prevent Black Americans from For years, the U.S. rulers have been using and di- taking the road of struggle by violence to push the recting "Negro leaders" like llIartin Lr-rther King and Afro-American movement ahead. his kind to worm their way into the Afro-American movement and preach "non-vio1ence." These stooges (August 1) of the reactionaries usually act as pious priests and pretend "universal mercy." They talk unctuously about refraining from the use of violence and "contesting in the spirit of love." Yet, when Johnson, frightened by Condemn Johnson's lntimidotion ond the Afro-American struggle against tyranny in Detroit, let loose nearly 20,000 troops and police to carry out a Deception of Afro-Americsns savage suppression, King & Co. came out with staie- ments pubilcl5, supporting the Johnson Administration's U.S. imperiaiist chieftain Lyndon Johnson called violence against the Black people. This immediately for intensified suppression of the Afro-Americans' unmasked these champions of "non-violence" for what struggle in a speech on July 27. The fight against they reaIly are-.opponents of revolutionary violence tyranny by armed. Blaek people, he roared, "must be by the oppressed and supporters of the oppressors' stopped quickiy, finally and permaneirtly." He had to counter-revoiutionary violence. admit, howeyer, that "sternest poiice action or the mosi effective federal ti'oops" rvere insufficient to cope u,'ith Martin Luther King and those like him have gone the er:rbattled Alio-Americans. Thus. in the same beyond just supporting the Johnson Administlation's breath. Johnson halpei on "peace anri reccrlclliation" counter'-r'evolutionaly vioience. Tliel' are parl-oiing and asked Afro-Americans to be "lat'-abiding" and Johnson. "responsible" so that, as he put it, they could "share in America's prosperity." Johnson brande.d the Afro-Americans' just struggle against tyranny as "criminal," something which should Johnson's speech reveals the murderous mood of be considered a criminal offense under his "laur." And the U.S. ruling cliqu,e, as well as its paper-tiger neture Martin Luther King and his like echoed the same non- * strong outwardly but brittle inside. sense stating that the str"uggle of the Afro-Ar:rericans is a "criminal act" and that the;z are ''guilty." The U.S. President tried tci vitiate the Black peo- ple's struggle by intimid.ation and deception. But the Johnson blustered that hls admirristration is deter- swiflly developir-rg fight againsl Lyranny is a powerful mined "to maintain law and order. to condemn and repl;r to Johnson. to combat lawlessness in all its forms." King & Co. gave r1'- their "full support." "Crime under the ]s\ this shopv,rorn sophistry u,as invcked by Johnson to brou,beat Aflo-Americans In joining in a duet ra,ith Johnson. lrlartin Luther into submissicn. But what does American lau., mean? King and the rest have opened people's eyes: tl-rese Boulgeois larv, Engels pointed out long ago. is a "rvhip" scoundrels are not "Negro leaders" but hirelings of U.S. again;it the proletat'iat. American larv is no exception. monopoly capital and accomplices of the U.S. r:uling To Afro-Americans, American law means enslavement circles in suppressing and slaughtering the Black peo- and constant unenrployment under mcnopoly capital- p1e. ism, being deprived of all political rights, victimized by racial discrimination, and ahvays subjected to fascist Chairman Mao has said: "It is very difficult for the out::ages of arrest, torture or even murder. The great Iabouring people, lvho have been deceived. and intirni- mass of Afro-An-rericans and w-orking people in the dated by the reactionary ruling classes for thousands United States mu-qt destroy such law and smash the oI years, to awaken to the importance of having guns state apparatus o{ monopoly capital if they are to fr"ee in their own hands," In preaching non-rziolence, stooges themselves and lvin liberation. The Afro-Atrtericans iike Martin Lutirer King are only helping the U.S. rui- have cast aside Johnson's "law" and bravely taken up

ZO Pel;ing Rettieu:, ]Vo. .?3 arms to rneet violence. Their rebellion is justified. They preach Soviet-Anie rican collaboration and shame- have done very well. lessly defend his reccrd of capitulation and treacherS,. If anything, the telecast only put on exhibit a putrid Johnson bau,led about stopping the "violence" and political mummy. cailed for "peace and reconciliation" to reign in the country. But his manoeuvres can fool nobody. The Khrushchov has long turned into something filthy Johnson Administration relies on counter-revolutionary and contemptibie. Why have Brezhnev, Kosygin and Co. violence to prop up its reactionar;r rule. This is used seen fit to bring him out of obiivion to deceive the day in and day out to kill revolutioirary people at home pub) ic ? and abroad. Ir-r Deti:oit recently, it killed or rvounded more than 1.000 Afro-A,mericans and arrested 3,500 The rttlers in the Kremlin have chosen to do so others. Johnson's biuster about stopping the "violence" because they are in a real fix. Over the past few years, means that his reactionary government is allor.ved to this clique has revealed itself again and again as a wantonly massacre the Afro-American masses while bunch of invetera.te renegades and scabs by its many the latter are nct aiiowed to r:esist. His "peace and counter-revolutionary activities of betraying the peopie reconciliation" means that the Afro-Americans shoulC of the Soviet Ur-rion and other iands. It has found itself reconcile themselves to being slaves. This is out-and- in particularly embarrassing straits foiiorving its treach- gangster out logic! ery in the Middle East events, an act of betrayal of While fiercely brandishing the butcher's knife, such magnitude that it has been sharply condemned by Johnson at the same time tried to deceive the Afro- people at home and throughout the rvorld. Its own prop- American people rvith fine wolds, exhorting them to aganda blasts and the elaborate excuses served up by be "1a'w-abidiirg" ar-rd "responsible" so as to "share in the big and small lackeys mustered to aid it notrvith- Arnerica's prosperiiy." What is this "America's pro- standing, the Kremlin has failed to hide its renegaCe sperit...-''? It is "prc*

28 Pekings Re --ieut, IVo, 3.1 to China Vasil Nathanaili and his ou.n ur-rits rve.ll and carry the great achietzements in the struggle to rvife. prcletarian cultural rerrolution, the oppose U.S. imperialism, Soviet Comrade Hsieh Fu-chih, Alternate Chinese revolution and the world modern revisionism and the reaction- revolution to end! aries tuIember of the Political Bureau of through the of all countries, and in social- ist construction. the Party's Central Committee and Comrade Yao Wen-yuan spoke He made special mention Chairman of the Peking Municipal next. He said that under the solici- of how the Albanian youth were pushing Revolutionary Committee. rvho pre- tous attention oI Chairman Mao, our ahead with the canr- paign revolutionize themselves. sided, deliveled a speecir of rvelcome. supreme commander and the red to He rvarmly conglatulated the Red sun shining blightly in orir hearts. He stressed that China's Red Guard delegation fcl furthering the and linCel the direct leadership of the Guards have a great internationaiist trnbleakable militant friendship bc- Central Committee of the Party and responsibility. Chairman Mao teaches tween the Chir-rese and Albanian the Cultr-ri'al Revolution Group nnder us that only by emancipating the Pai-ties, peoples and youth and thus it, the Red Gr-iard delegation had r.r,hole of mankind can the proleta- making a contlibution to the inter- successfully fulfilled its first mission riat finally emancipate itself. This national commr,rnist movement. abroad. It had retu.rned to Feking, includes the lask of lvorld revoh-rtion. to the sid.e of Cl'railman Mao, bring- We Red Guards shourld resolutely He said: "The great Red Gualcl ing back the revolutionary spirit and implement the teachings of Chair- inovement oliginated in the home- friendship of the Albanian youth and man Mao. and alu,ays bear in mir-rd land of l\{ao Tse-tung's thought, people, their encrmous love and the oppressed people and nations and r,vhich is contemporary i\llarxisirr- respect loi' Chairnran Mao and their the tasks of the v,,or'ld ret,olution, he Ler-rinism at its highest. The move- walm support for Cliina's grear" declared. ment is the offshoot the nr-u, of proletalian cultulal rer.olution and siage of China's socialist revolu-tion; Ccnclud-ing, 1-re said: "We Rr.l the Red Guai'd movement. it is a great cr:eation in the inter- Guards are a1u,a1,s lo;,al to Chair- man Mao, to Mao Tse-tung's natiollal communist moverne-nt in the Comrade Yao Wen-ynan said thai thought, proletariar-r ievolutiorrar';, iine 196Cs. Undci the sclicitous attention Comrade Enrrer Hc;xha irighly praised to the dict,ator- anci instruction of our grcat supreme the great militalrt friendsl-rip and of Chairman Mao. to the ship pi'o- ccmmander Chairman Mao and the rerzolutionary u.r-rity of the Albanian o{ the 1:rolctaliat and to iertari:,rn internationerlisr-n. and arcl gnidance of the Cr-rltr.u'a1 Re"rrolution and Chinese Parties. pecpic,s and zill-a1-s C h:rirn-ran NIao's iairhf ul Grcup Linder the Part,r.-'s C,--ntla) i'ou1.h. ar-rcl China's gr':i.i ci'oletaria:l to:ing ReC lightelsi" Ccmn-rittee. the young Red Guar-rl cul i'.li'a I :e-.'. l'-i: -., i : : r: .:.iv su]--por-te-.j On 4 Natha- iighters har.e reii hign i::e g-ea: r'ed ciii' e-\pa-ii-rle anci -.mashing of the -{ugust -ir.rbassador banner of Mao Tse-tung's thought, plot of the handful of top Party naili gar-e a banqu-et ir honour of tire the banner of revolutionary criticism per-sons in authority taking the capi- Red Guald delegation's return. iud repr-rdiation, rendered tremen- talist road to usnrp Party. govern- Comrades Chou En-Iai, Chen Po-ta, dons senzice to the great p::oletarian tnent and niilitaly potver and to Kang Sheng, Li Hsien-nien, Hsieh cuilural revolution and u'ritten an bring about a colrnter-revolutiohary Fu-chih, Liu Ning-I and Chiang immortal chapter in the ar-rnals of the restoration: and rvarmly plaised Ching \,\,'ere among those attenCing international cornmunist movement." China's Red Guarci movement, ex- the banquet. u'hich u,as fill,ed with an pressing his hope that the Red Guards atmosphere of rer,,olutionary fliend- lle stressed that present the r.l,ould ahvays adhere to Mac ship and fraternal unity. dcmestic and international situation Tse-tung's thought and make sti11 Cl-rinese and Albirr-rl:rn comrarlt's \\-as exceLlent. Nevertheless, r,ve mnst greater ccntribntions to the great repeatedly exchanged toasts and not forget that imperialism and all pi'oletarian cultulai lerrolution. i:ezrctionar'ies are u.nwilling to rvith- greetings and shouted "Long live the also saiC Ccmrade Hoxha clrarv frcm the arena of history, he Ife that r-nilitant friendship between the ccntinued. They are resistii-rg stub- ivished Chaii'mar-r I\4ao good health Chinese and Albanian peoplel" "Lonq long. loua' bolnly in a last-ditch stluggle and at all timr:s and a life and live Comr-ade Enver Hoxrra!'' and are launching a frenzied counter- had asked the delegation to convey "Long live Cha.irman I\llao!" the Albanian pecple's highest revolu- attack. A11 revolutionary people and Ambassador Nathanaili and Com- tionary tribuie to Chailman rv ao and the heloic young Red Guard fighters Yao Wen-.r'uan spoke at tl-re Vice-Chairmar-r Lin Piao, to Premier rade must. raise theil rrigilance a hundred- banquet. Comrade Chou En-lai. also Chou En-lai and to Comrades Ciler-r fold, hcid stiil higher the great red made a u,arm speech. ba-nner of I\{ao Tse-tung's thoughi, Po-ta, Kang Sheng and Chiang Ching. give pla5, proleta- Wen--r-uan horv fui'ther to their Comrade Yao told Premier Chou Receives Somoli rian revolutionary rebel spilit. the Albanian people and youth, penetratingly cliticize and repudiate under the leadership of the Albanlan Artists' Delegofion ll-re handful of top Party persons in Party of Labour headed by Comrade Premier Chou En-lai and Vice- arithority taking the capitalist ro;id Hoxh:r, \\'ere courageously standing Premier Li F'u-thun lcceived all lhe until they are toppled and con-rpletelv at the forefront to defend the rev- members of the Somali Artists' disclediicC, carry out tire struggle- clutionaly line of ['larxism-Leninism, Delegation headed by Jama l(halaf criticisrn-transformation in their and he spoke of their brilliant on July 26 and had a cordial and

Arl11rlst 11, 1967 29 friendly conversation with them. o{ the communiques in an attempt Djau,oto of the A.A.J.A. told the They told Chou and Vice- to keep the door open lor continued raliy: "We unconditionally support Premier Li Fu-chun at the reception aggression against Cambodia. U.S. our comrades and colleagues, the that they cherished a warm love for imperialism's plot is extremely clear. Chinese revolutionary journalists in Clrair:man Mao, and they sang Sailing Cheng Ssu-hsiung stressed the Hongkong, v'ho, in carrying out their the Seas Depends on the Helmsman. Chinese Government's consistent re- reporting assignments with the sole aim of spreading are Vice-Premier Li Fu-chun attended spect for Cambodia's independence, the truth, courageously defying the brutalities their performance on the evening of sovereignty and territorial integrity committed by the British impe- Jul;z 26. The songs and dances they and expressed its support for the rialists and their henchmen." "To perfonned expressed the Somali stand of the Royal Government of rebel is justified, we are rebelling people's love for Chairman NIao, the Cambodia as elucidated in its July journalists, upholders of Mao Tse- red sun in the hearts of the worid's 22 statement. tung's ihought. Let us march for'- pecple, and praised the .friendship u,ard!" Djawoto concluded. belween the Chinese and Somali Peking Rolly Condemns British peoples. Holding their copies of Authorities in Hongkong The rally made it known that the illegai sentences passed on Comrade Quotations From Chabman Mao More than 15,000 Peking journal- Tse-tung, sang Somali song Hsueh Ping and others the BriL- they the ists, film workers and ReC GuarCs by authorities (see ln Praise of Chairman Moo and the assembled on August 4 to angrily ish in Hongkong Chinese ?Ire Eosf Peking Ret:ieu 1967) are songs Is Red and denounce the fascist atrocities of the No. 31, completely Lang Litte Chairmsn NIao! Theil British authorities in Hongkong. null and void. The Brit- perfor-mance won round after round ish authorities must immediaiely Presided of enthusiastic applause. over by Lu Pin, First stop the white terror and release our Secretary of the Ail-China Journal- patriotic press and film rvorkers. ists' Association, the meeting was Chino Reqffirms Complete attended by Comrades Kuan Feng Earlier, the All-China Feleration Respect for Combodio's and Chi Pen-yu, rnembers of the of Trade Unions made a statement Territoriol lntegrity Cultural Revolution Group Under on July 30 sa;ring that the Chinese the Party's Central Committee; Dja- people will never tolerate the evil Acting on instructions from the rvoto, Secretary-General o{ the Afro- and criminal deeds, the killing and Chinese Government. Charge d'Af- Asian Journalists' Asscciation; persecution of their class brothers faires ad interim of ihe Chinese Ichihei Sugi;zama and Abdul Rahman and patriotic fellorv countrymen, by Embassy in Cambodia Cheng Ssu- -{bouko-.s. rnembers of the Associa- British imperialism on the Chinese hsiung called on Cambodian Foreign tion's Seci'etarial: and other.' foreign soil of Hongkong and I(orn-io,:n. It I\{inister Nor-odom Phurissara on frienis- pointed or-rt that the British authcr- 31 and reaffirmed the Chinese Wang Wei-chen. representatii-e of iiies in Hongkc:'tg n'iust iml:tediateiy Government's complete respect for the Chirlese press, addr-essed the stop their fascist atrocities and put and recognition of the territorial in* rally. He grarmly praised the into effect all the demands made by tegrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia 'i patriotic fe11ow countrymen, news- the Chinese Foreign *Iinistry (see rviihin her present borders and firm- men and film workers in Hong- Peking Reoieu No. 21, 196?) and I ly opposed a1I conspiratorial activi- kong for their tit-for-tat strug- patriotic Chinese in Hongkong and ties U.S. I by imperialism in its ag- gle against the enemy. IIe pointed Kowloon. Other.;zise, the Cliinese gression against Cambodia. out that the British imperialist atro- u,orking class, together v:ith its bro- The Government of the People's cities in Hongkong and the arrest ther rvorkers and pairiotic fellow Ilepublic of China, Cheng Ssu-hsiung and persecution of patriol;ic jo',"ri:nal- countryrnen in Hongkong and Ko.,v- pointed out, has noted the statement ists was a striking exposure of its 1oon, r,vill certainly- adopi every effec- of the Royal Government of Cam- fear of the great proietarian cultural tive method to crush reactionary bodia issued on July 22, LS67- U.S. revolution in China, of the resplen- British fascist rule in Hongkong. imperialism and its vassals in Thai- rient thcught of NIao Tse-tr-rng and of land and its puppets in south Viet- ihe fragile nature of British imperial- On the same da_\,', the A.C.F.T.U. nam have all along invaded the bor- ism being oiltwarCly strong but in- remitted in care of t1-re Hongliong dsrs of the Kingdom of Cambcdia u.ardly r,veak. and Kov,,1oon Federation of Trade I and threatened Cambodia's indepen- Others who took the floor rvere Unions another 10 miiiion Hongkong clence, sovereigntv and teruitoriial in- representatives of Peking's film cir- d.oliars to the Committee of the tegrity. After the Royal Govern- cles, work,ers and college anC Hongkong-Korvloon Compatriots of nrent of Cambodia issued communi- niiddle school Lstudents in the capital. Alt Circles for Struggle Against I on Novemkr 2, 1966 and May Hongkong and Korvloon must retutn Persecution b;, tl-re Hongkong British 9- 1967 concerning respect fr_rr' 11r" to the embrace of the motherland Authorities in support of the struggle territorial integrit_v of Ca.mbodia and the great red banner of N{ao against British irnper-ialisrn and Brit- rvithin her present borc.lers, U.S. im- Tse-tung's thougl-rt is sure to f1y ish vio1e.nce. The first remittance of periaiism has resorted to tricker.y triumphantly over Hongkong and 10 miilion Hongkong doilars \n-as anci t'ilfully distorted the meaning I(or,vloon for ever', they said. sent on Jnne 13.

:t0 Pelting Reuiezt, tfo. 33 (Corztinued from p. 20.) Our patriotic feliow countrymen in Hbngkcng ar.e worthy of being calied heroic sons and daughtels of daunted by the British fascist brutes, they have \Maged China who are nurtured Mao Tse-tung's thought. tit-for-tat struggles against the enemy. Hongkong by They fear no sacrifice, advance wave upon \\,a.\'e, workers in different trades are victoriously carrying on courageously charge on, and gain great victory their big joint strike. Beginning 17, Hongkong one July after seamen have joined the fighting ranks of the strike another at the cost of their blood. Whether face Hongkong British while fishermen in Hongkong and Kowloon also have it is in the of attacks by the troops police it formed a huge force against British imperialism. Our and and riot squads, or is in the enemy's prison would sooner patriotic fellow countrymen in all walks of life, in cell and courtroom, they die than give in, resolutely striking back at British close co-ordination with the big strike, have unfolded imperialism. invincible thought l\llao heroic and dogged battles on various fronts. With the of Tse-tung at hand our patriotic feilow countrymen in The bloody suppression by British imperialism Hongkong are in possession of the strongest moral has already met rvith increasingly fierce resistance force and can crush an-v enerury, and cannot be brought from our patriotic fellow countrymen in Hongkong. to bend the knee by hinr. Using multifarious home-made weapons, they have Our Hongkong compatriots' great strr-rggle against begun to strike back in self-defence against the counter'- British imperialism and its violence a tight noose revolutionary violence of British imperialism. This is around the neck of British imperialism. Chinese work- is the larv of class struggle independent of human rvill. ers and other patriotic countrymen in Hongkong are Since British imperialism is empioying troops, tightening it further. Should the enen'ry refuse to su.r- police, riot squads and all kinds of weapons, including render, let him be hanged! armoured cars and helicopters to suppress Chinese in British imperialism must understand this: Hong- Hongkong, there is no reason why the latter should kong and Kowloon have always been Chinese territcry-. not employ all necessary means to counter-attack in We sternly warn British imperialism: He who plays self-defence. British imperialists in Hongkong, rvho with fire will be burnt; as you people keep walking are arch criminals, and their henchmen, while com- along this path, you are only going up a blind mitting unrestrained murder and arson there, are hop- alley. Don't say that you have not been \\iarned before- ing to get a'*.ay u,ithout being severely punished by hand ! our fellorv countr)-men in Hongkong and the Chinese people at large. Isn't this a dal-dream? ("Rerrliin Rib,to," A,"tgust 7.)


Vol. 10. No. 33 Published in English, French. Spanish, August 1i, 1967 Japanese and German editions


ARIICTES AND DOCUMENIS Kenji Miyornoto Group's Betroyol Renrnin Eiboo Commentqtor 17 - Bombord the Heodquorters lndonesion Reoctionories' Desperote Struggle '19 MY Big:Qrorocter Poster - (August Tighten the Noose Around British lmpericlism's 5, 1966) Neck Renmin Ribao Commentotor 20 - Moo Tse-tung Let the Red Flog ol Noxolbori Fly Still Higher Completely Srnosh the Bourgeois Heodquorters Renrnin Riboo Commentotor 21 Hongqi editoriol o - - Historicol Lessons of Telengono Uprising Bombord the Bourgeois Hecdquorters Renmin Ribao Commentotor 22 - - Renmin Eiboo editoriol 9 Armed Struggle in Telengono 23 Notionwide Army Doy Celebrotions 11 Moo Tse-tung's Thought Lights the Whole World 25 ' Great eulturol Revolution in Progress 11 "*enmin Ribqo" Commentories 26 Dov.,n With Anyone Who Opposes Choirmon Mool - Ku Ah-too 15 TI+E WEEK

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