By CandiCindarbumi 016201100119

A Thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations in Strategic and Defense Study 2015 THESIS ADVISER RECCOMENDATION LETTER

This thesis entitled “The UNSC and NATO as Medialities in Achieving the United States of America’s National Interest in Libyan Revolution 2011” prepared and submitted by CandiCindarbumi in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor in the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense.

Cikarang, Indonesia, January 27th, 2015

Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D Thesis Advisor


I declare that this thesis, entitled “The UNSC and NATO as Medialities in Achieving the United States of America’s National Interest in Libyan Revolution 2011” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree.

Cikarang, Indonesia, January 27th, 2015




The Panel of Examiners declare that the thesis entitled “The UNSC and NATO as Medialities in Achieving the United States of America’s National Interest in Revolution 2011”that was submitted by CandiCindarbumi majoring in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on 03rd March 2015

Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph.D Examiner 1

Eric Hendra, SIP., M.A Examiner 2

Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D Advisor


CandiCindarbumi, International Relations 2011, President University

Thesis Title: The UNSC and NATO as Medialities in Achieving the United States of America’s National Interest in Libyan Revolution 2011

The purpose of this thesis is to find out how the US got their national interest through 2 organizations such as the United Nations, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Plus Central Intelligence Agency as their intelligence agency. The United States has two points of their national interests in Libya, the First is oil and the second is democratization. Begins when the Arab Spring wave that occurred in Libya. United States utilizing the incident. To achieve its national interests, the United States formed a partnership with two organizations the world is the United Nations and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, plus the Central Intelligence Agency. The theoretical framework used in this thesis is foreign policy, intervention, defense alliances, and national interests with quotations from various sources and various works. From the analysis and use of the concept can be summed up United States foreign policy with regard to intervention during the Libyan revolution and its national interests is the Libyan state oil and democratization are very relevant and will be proved in detail.

Key words:United States, NATO, Intervention, National Interests, United Nations, Libya.



CandiCindarbumi, International Relations 2011, President University

JudulSkripsi: The UNSC and NATO as Medialities in Achieving the United States of America’s National Interest in Libyan Revolution 2011

Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Amerika Serikat mendapatkan kepentingan nasional mereka melalui 2 organisasi seperti Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa dan Pakta Pertahanan Atlantik Utara. Ditambah Central Intelligence Agency sebagai badan intelejen mereka. Amerika Serikat memiliki dua poin kepentingan nasional mereka di Libya, Pertama adalah minyak dan yang kedua adalah demokratisasi. Dimulai ketika gelombang Musim Semi Arab yang terjadi di Libya. Amerika Serikat memanfaatkan insiden itu. Untuk mencapai kepentingan nasionalnya, Amerika Serikat menjalin kerjasama dengan dua organisasi dunia adalah PBB dan Pakta Pertahanan Atlantik Utara, ditambah Central Intelligence Agency sebagai badan intelejen mereka. Kerangka yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah kebijakan luar negeri, intervensi, aliansi pertahanan, dan kepentingan nasional dengan kutipan dari berbagai sumber dan berbagai karya. Dari analisis dan penggunaan konsep dapat disimpulkan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat yang berkaitan dengan intervensi selama revolusi Libya dan kepentingan nasionalnya adalah minyak dan demokratisasi negara Libya sangat relevan dan akan dibuktikan secara rinci.

Kata Kunci: United States, NATO, Intervensi, KepentinganNasional, PBB, Libya.


Alhamdulillah I already finish my thesis. This thesis would not have been possible without the ability and the strength of my almighty Lord, Allah SWT. All praise is due to Him alone; the One Who does not take away something from us except for a wise reason, and the gives it back to us in a better form. Indeed, Allah SWT will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves, thus triggered my spirit up beyond all the hardness and wanting to give up. It would not have been possible to write this thesis without the help and support of the kind people around me. The people and entities I would like to toss heartfelt and uplifting gratitude include:

First of all, I would like to thank my family to keep supporting me both mentally and spiritually, especially for my parents, my father Ir.Sugar Sutadji and my mother Rr.Siswatiya, my sister the one and only Andari Aprinajati, S.E. Thank you for always being there for me, and I hope I can make you proud in the future.

I would like to acknowledge my utmost gratitude for the advice and guidance of Mr.Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D as my advisor who has guided me patienly. Without his kind and patient instruction, it is impossible for me to finish my thesis. Moreover, I want to give gratitude to Ms. Nabilla Sabban, S.IP, M.A as my second supervisor. The good advice, support and friendship have been invaluable on both an academic and personal level, for which I am extremely grateful.

My many student colleagues for providing stimulating and fun environment in which to learn and grow. I am especially grateful to International Relations batch 2011 both Defense and Diplomacy class. Thanks for my friends from another mother Bramantyo Wibisono, Dani Pramudita, Pandu Rizqi Akbar, T.M Farhan Dermawan, and Adhitya Yudha from semester one until now our friendship will never end. My partner internship, Endro Oberson. Thanks for Tias Aditya, Ratna Ningrum, Dwy Akbar, Ratu Zahra, Delviana, and Dwi Savitri thanks for your funny moment. Farras Ramzy and Reizy Ruseimy thanks for your experience, I learned a lot from both of you. Thanks to my partner work in Ministry of Foreign Affairs and PUMA IR 2013. My best friend Adhitya Wisnu Wardhana, Rian Krisna Prawira. Eldi Rahmadan, Jody Ihsan, Foke, and Gele, I love you all.

Last but not least, my beloved Gania Mustika Faradilla, my love from semester one, thank you for always encourages me to finish my thesis, thank you so much for the love.

Cikarang, March, 2015

Candi Cindarbumi






ABSTRACT...... iv

ABSTRAK...... v




CHAPTER I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1


1.1. Background of the Study………………………………………………………………….……………...1 1.2. Problem Identification……………………………………………………………………….…………...3 1.3. Statement of the Problem...... 5 1.4. Research Objective...... 5 1.5. Significance of Study……………………………………………………………………………..……….6 1.6. Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………………………..…....6 1.7. Scope and Limitations of the Study…………………………………………………………………..….9 1.8. Definitions of Term………………………...………………………………………………………...…...9


LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………………………………………..…………12

1.1 Journal…………………………………………………………………………………………..………..12 1.2 Books……………………………………………………………………………………………..……….15


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………………..…………19

3.1 Research Method……………………………………………………………………………..…………19 3.2 Research Framework…………………………………………………………………………..……….20 3.3 Research Time and Place………………………………………………………………………..……...20 3.4 Research Instruments……………………………………………………………………………..…….21 3.5 Data Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………….....22


BILATERAL RELATIONS BETWEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND LIBYA………...... ……….....…….....……..23 4.1 Libya Under Muammar Ghadaffi…………………....……….…………………………………..……...23

4.2 United Nations Perspective on Libya...... …………………………………………..……26

4.3 United States Perspective on Libya………………….….....……………………………………...... 29

4.4 National Interests of United States………………….…....…………………………….……...... 31

4.4.1 Democratization Efforts in Libya………………….………………………………………...... 31

4.4.2 To Keep Supply and Reserve Oil………………….………………………………………...... 33



5.1 The Fall of Khadafi……………………..………………………………………………………..…...40

5.2 United States of America Foreign Policy………………………………………………………....…48

5.3United Nations Security Council Resolution...... …………………………...... 54

5.4 The Role of North Atlantic Treaty Organization…………………………………………….…..…57

5.5 The Involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency……………………………………….……...62






News………………………………………………………………………………………………...……...... 71




UN United Nations

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

CIA Central Intelligence Agency

NTC National Transition Council

UNSC United Nations Security Council

USA United States of America

US United States

R2P Responsibility to Protect

EU European Union

FOI Freedom of Information

IR International Relations

GDP Gross Domestic Product

AU African Union

IBC Iraq Body Count Organization

USS United States Ship



1.1. Background of the study Arab Spring is a protest by a form of rebellion against the ruling regime or dictator in various countries in North Africa and the Middle East. On December 17, 2010 in is the start of the protests to topple the regime.1 The action begins when a trader from Tunisia named Mohammed Bouazizi self-immolation action. The action then responded with a massive public demonstrations that led to the resignation of Tunisia Zine al-Abidine from his position as President of Tunisia on January 14, 2011.2 Egypt is the next country that experienced a massive demonstration later on January 26, 2011 in Tahrir Square. This action to topple the Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak. The action takes place during the 18 days.3

Arab Spring is not just happening in Egypt and Tunisia. , Libyan state action in this case for an activist against the arrest of human rights by the Libyan government on 11 February 2011 the Libyan government rejected the action and the repressive response by the Libyan military. As a result of this action is constantly evolving and expanding so it aims to overthrow Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.4

This protest sparked a civil war between Libyan government military and government with the opposition movement which later became the National Transition Council (NTC) in mid-February 2011. The Civil War started from the city

1oxforddictionaries.com2012, Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved from: on 20 September 2014 2, Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out. Retrieved from: on 18 September 2014 3Internasional.kompas.com2011, dari Tunisia ke Mesir, Retrieved from: on 22 September 2014 4cnn.com2011, A timeline of the conflict in Libya. Retrieved from: 02 September 2014, on 02 September 2014

1 of Benghazi and to the city to the other in Libya. Sirte is the last defense of the city as Gaddafi and his loyalists. This event lasts until October 20, 2011 marked the death of Gaddafi and the fall of Sirte in the hands of the opposition government.5

This war occurred since February 2011 and then continued concern for the leaders of other countries, one of which is the President of the United States of America (USA) is Barrack Obama. Obama and the leaders of the countries agreed to establish that Gaddafi has lost the legitimacy to rule and should leave.6

However, Obama stressed the intervention that occurred in Libya troops only led air strikes aimed to weaken the military forces of Gaddafi as the center of the air bases and arsenals. Furthermore, the United States handed Libya to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to complete.7

The concept of intervention is the concept of an interference action undertaken by a state in the internal affairs of other countries by force and threat of force.8 As performed by the United States in several Middle Eastern countries.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a defense pact which was formed on April 4, 1949 Formation is considered important because it aims to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political means and military. So it has a capability that allows for intervention.9 United States as a NATO member and one of the originators of NATO, of course, has a great influence.

United States are trying to contact United Nations to make a resolution for Libya. Fly Zone Policy Prohibition as a major part of the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1973 can be interpreted in various ways. First, both sides of the

5 cnn.com2011, world, timeline, Libya. Retrieved from: libya.timeline_1_quryna-benghazi-moammar-ghadafi/5?_s=PM:WORLD on 28 September 2014 6 Garland, L. 2012, Libya Civil War 2011, White Word Publications, New Delhi 7, Obama: Peran AS di Libya terbatas. Retrieved from: on 03 September 2014 8 Garner, B. A. 1999, Black‘s Law Dictionary (Vol.7), West Group, St. Paul 9 natointernational2013, A short history of NATO. Retrieved from: history.html on 02 September 2014

2 conflict between Gaddafi loyalists and NTC in order to equally locked in Libya so as to localize the area of conflict. Second, that Gaddafi loyalists can not attack through the air by dropping bombs over fighter jets against the NTC. In addition, efforts to limit the movement of the conflict is very important because in the battle between Gaddafi loyalists and NTC is also influenced by traditional tribes living in the .10 Secondly, specific against Gaddafi, policies Prohibition Fly Zone will facilitate efforts to hold Gaddafi if the conflict in Libya will be stopped and arrested Gaddafi could indeed be alive. Through the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 is already convinced that the conflict in Libya caused by military aggression and reluctance Gaddafi to relinquish the post of supreme leader who has ruled Libya for more than four decades.11 Evidence can be seen with increasing aggressiveness of casualties civilians up to a thousand people.

Despite the US's participation in the NATO and UN intervention in Libya in 2011 preceded the insistence of France and England, but then the United States expressly decided participation. Ideally, the United States said the main goal because personally is to save the Libyan people from Gaddafi's repressive actions against demonstrators made clear the Libyan people themselves. However, in practice the national interests of the United States also has reversed its participation intervene Libya.12

1.2. Problem Identification

The United States Government under President Obama has a background Democrats tend to use soft power in its foreign policy, it makes every step taken in the United States respond to situations of conflict by peaceful means and diplomatic. This is in contrast with the United States under the Bush administration the background of the dominant Republican Party wear hard power as the

10 Khan, A. 2011, Dilemmas of The Arab Spring, Khilafah. com. 11 Ibid, p. 29 12Ibid, p.2

3 implementation of foreign policy, such as military intervention against Iraq in 2003 which was made unilaterally by the United States.13

Based on data owned economic nobel laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard University researchers, Linda Bilmes shows that the United States has lost more than three trillion dollars since 19 March 2003 to 15 December 2011. Impact on the budget and the economy in the country USA. In addition to losses in the economic field, the United States has also lost thousands of military personnel in Iraq since Operation Iraqi Freedom. Total 3,492 were killed in military operations and about 32,000 others injured.14

If Obama is doing the same unilateralism action as practiced by Bush Jr. in Iraq then it is definitely going to be criticism, both from a domestic (public and congress) and internationally. Because the act of unilateralism deemed incompatible with article 2, paragraph 4 and paragraph 7 of the ban for each member state to interfere in the domestic affairs of any country.15 It became a separate consideration for the United States, because it will have an impact on the image of the United States as well as political. So the option to act unilateralism is not an option the Obama administration in response to conditions of civil war in Libya.

In addition, the United States financial crisis in 2008 which became the brunt alone for the United States. United States which is the largest industrial countries collapsed and the global financial crisis affected the obvious effect on the state budget. The financial crisis in 2008 requires the United States to focus on the recovery of the national economy which has resulted in the rise in the level of domestic unemployment.

13 2013, Barack Obama’s Middle East Policy. Retrieved from: on 03 September 2014 14 2013, Perang Irak Dalam Angka. Retrieved from: 15 Mauna, Boer. 2005, Hukum Internasional: Pengertian, Peranan, dan Fungsi dalam Era Dinamika Global, PT. Alumni, Bandung.


Based on the problem statement above, it is clear that the United States participation in the intervention in Libya through UN, NATO, and CIA alliance has a great importance. Thus, requiring the United States to participate in the intervention in Libya in 2011 Thus, the research focused to see what the American interests in the intervention through UN, NATO, and CIA alliance in 2011 According to preliminary observations that have been made, the interests of the United States in Libya is very interesting to be explored.

1.3. Statement of the Problem This research is about the intervention of United States of America in Libya from February until October 2011. The statement of the problem of this research is: How the United States of America using UNSC and NATO in gaining their national interest during Libyan Revolution 2011?

1.4. Research Objective The purpose of this research is to find the answer from the questions using scientific methods of exploratory and diagnostic research studies. According to C. R. Kothari on his book Research Methodology; Methods and Techniques, he stated that exploratory research studies use to gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it, while diagnostic research studies used to determine the frequency with which occurs with which it is associated with something else.16 Therefore, in accordance with the explanation above, this research objective is to find out and investigate how the US got their national interest in Libya and how United States can collaborate with two actors organization such as UNSC and NATO, during Libyan Revolution 2011.

16 Kothari, C. R. 2004. Research Methodology; Methods and Techniques, 2nd ed. India: New Age International Publisher, p.2


1.5. Significance of Study This research objective to give information, solution to the reader, and more knowledge, the significance of this study to provide data and analysis related to United States foreign policy and their national interest which are can influence NATO, UN, and CIA to intervention in Libya during Libya Revolution in 2011.

1.6. Theoretical Framework The main theories which will covers in this research are; the role theories, foreign policy, intervention, defense alliance and national interest. Intervention and Defense Alliance is a concept that is most appropriate in describing the problem and analysis the intervention of United States through NATO in Libya. First theory is the role, according to K.J.Holsti, national role conception as policy makers, own definitions of the general kinds of decisions, commitments,rules and actions suitable to their state, and of the functions, if any, their stateshould perform on a continuing basis in the international system. It is their image of the appropriate orientations and functions of their state toward, or in, the external environment.17 In short, national role conceptions are policy-makers‘ understanding of what their nation stands for in the international arena. National Roles in International Relations Role Type Major Functions Primary Role Sources Revolutionary leader – system transformation; Ideologies; rising capabilities imperialist change of power distribution Bloc leader bloc cohesion protection of external threats;ideology; bloc members; opposition to structure of system other bloc(s) Balancer balance unequal blocs; power distribution in system; international integraion location Bloc member; ally increase capabilities of bloc; Threat perception; location; support bloc leader ideological affinity; structure of system; insufficient capabilities Mediator interposition into bloc location; traditional policies

17 Holsti, K.J. 1970, National Role Conceptions in the Study of Foreign Policy, Blackwell Publishing, Canada, Vol.14 No.3


location; integration Non-aligned possible mediation of bloc location; threat perception; conflicts socio-economic needs; nationalism; insufficient capabilities Buffer separate bloc leaders or location; insufficient major powers capabilities Isolate latent function of location; threat perception; neutralizing potential insufficient capabilities conflict areas Protectee serve economic and/or insufficient capabilities security interests of major power

In this research the role theory used to see United States of America as a role in Libyan Revolution 2011, US as a regional protector. The United Nations or NATO, states do appear to occupy positions. Rights, duties, and special responsibilities for particular states are established both in charters (the role of the major powers in the Security Council), and through traditional practices. Traditional, multinational expectations directed toward American behavior within NATO. The concept of foreign policy, according to Rosenau, foreign policy is an effort made by a country through the whole attitude and activities to cope with and benefit from its external environment.18 Foreign policy aims to maintain and sustain the viability of the state.19 Furthermore, according to Rosenau, if we examine the foreign policy of a country then we will enter the vast and complex phenomenon, as well as external requirements including the internal and external life including aspirations, national attributes, culture, conflict, capabilities, institutions, and activities routine is shown to achieve and maintain social identity, law and geography of a country as a nation- state.

18 Rosenau, J. N., Boyd, G., & Thompson, K. W. 1976, World Politics: An Introduction, The Free Press, New York, p. 27 19 Ibid


Foreign policy is a plan of action or actions made by the decision makers in the country against other countries or other international political unit, and controlled to achieve specific national goals as outlined in the national interest.20 In this research, the theory of foreign policy used to see foreign policy are to be used in response to conditions of civil war in Libya in 2011 and efforts to solve the problem. The concept of intervention is also used in this study. The concept of intervention is the concept of an interference action undertaken by a state in the internal affairs of other countries by force and threat of force.21 Intervention in international law is not an intervention of a state against a domestic country at large, but within a narrow range, which is an act of interference of foreign countries who are using a pressure tool to force or the threat of violence, if the desire is not achieved.22 Furthermore, according J.G. Starke, there are three types that distinguish an intervention with another intervention conducted by a state against another state, namely: 1. Internal Intervention, is a state intervention in the domestic affairs of other countries. 2. External Intervention, which is a state intervention in the affairs of a foreign country to another. 3. Punitive interventions, is interventions carried by a state against another as a retaliation for losses suffered by the state.23 Such intervention by the United States against the territory of Libya who experience domestic crisis in 2011, it can be said that such intervention is the internal intervention. Because the United States intervened in the domestic territory in Libya despite use CIA, NATO, and UN in field implementation.

20 Plano, J. C., & Olton, R. 1999, Kamus Hubungan Internasional, Abardin, Bandung, p. 5 21 Garner, B. A., 1999, Black‘s Law Dictionary (vol.7), West Group, St.Paul, p. 826 22 Prodjodikoro, DR. Wirjono, S. 1967, Azaz-azaz Hukum Publik Internasional, PT. Pembimbing Masa, Jakarta, p. 149-150 23 Starke, J. 1988, Pengantar Hukum Internasional, Penerbit Sinar Grafika, Jakarta, P. 136-137


The concept of a defensive alliance according to Griffiths and Terry is defined as an agreement of two or more countries, both formal and informal in the field of security and defense with the aim to defend itself from threats or force other countries. Alliance is a formal alliance marked by the signing of an agreement made openly (publicly Recognized). While the informal alliance is not marked by two things (treaty and publicly Recognized). According to him, a defensive alliance can also be achieved with just the head of his country's secret agreement.24 According to Griffiths, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an alliance of defense that aims to protect the freedom and security of its member countries, as well as prevent and resolve international crisis. In addition, NATO is also a consideration European institutions in the field of security issues, and assist the United Nations in an effort to promote democratic values in the international, human rights, and international law.25 In this research, the concept is used to see the NATO alliance as a tool used in the United States to resolve the civil war in Libya, NATO as vehicles used to implement the American influence in the Middle East, especially in Libya and to help spread democracy to be one US destinations. National interest can‘t be separated from the state, because the basic interest itself is an attempt to meet the needs of the nation. The concept of national interest is very important to explain and understand international behavior. The national interest is the basis for explaining how a country's behavior abroad. In addition to also describe specifically required by the vital needs of a country, such as defense, security, military, and economic well-being.26 As with the United States as a superpower that wants its influence continued to dominate in the international world in a way still continue to develop defense

24 Griffiths, M., O‘Callaghan, T., & Roach, C. 2002, International Relations The Key Concepts (Vol.II), Routledge, London, p. 1 25 Griffiths, M., O‘Callaghan, T., & Roach, C. 2002, International Relations The Key Concepts (Vol.II), Routledge, London, p. 219

26 Plano, J. C., & Olton, R. 1999, Kamus Hubungan Internasional, Abardin, Bandung, p. 10

9 systems, enhancing the security in its territory and military equipment are kept updated. According to Waltz of the national interest is an automatic signal that will command the country's leaders when and where to move. Waltz explained that they (state leader) basically will automatically carry out its foreign policy based on the guidelines outlined by the country's national interests itself.27 It is very significant in the United States explains that the very focus on the Middle East region which is strategic territory to meet the interests of the United States in the future, especially regarding the resources contained therein and to maintain its influence in the region.

1.7. Scope and Limitations of the Study

Several areas are covered by this research. The first area is on the United States foreign policy and defense alliance. This area then leads to the main focus of this research, the intervention and influence of United States in Libya and Middle East. So many regional conflict in Middle East because of that case. The second is when United States used UN, NATO, and CIA to intervention Libya. Why United States used NATO, UN and CIA, so there is also analysis how big relationship between United States and that two organizations. The third area is about analyses on the objective that accomplished during that time from February until October 2011 or during Libyan Revolution. Meanwhile, this research does not cover areas, such as United States intervention and foreign policy after 2011.

I.8. Definitions of Term Here are several terms which often be found on this thesis;

27 Jackson, R., & Sorensen, G. 2005, Pengantar Studi Hubungan Internasional (Vol.I), Pustaka Pelajar, Yogtakarta, p.115


Based on Oxford dictionary is defined as an intentional act by a nation or group of nations to introduce its military forces into a destination on the existence of democracy.28 According to Anthony T. Eniayejuni, Military intervention defined as the use of force across borders and regional organizations with justice measures and the reasons for their actions, as if in order to restore peace and security, as well as to put an end to physical suffering and widespread human rights violations, with multilateral support but without the approval of the state will intervene.29 According to Scott Burchil, National interest is an ever-present feature of contemporary diplomatic discourse, and has been widely analysed by historians and political scientist.30 According to Mao Zedong, in the Chinese language the concept of ―national interest‖ has two meanings. One is national interest in the context of international politics, meaning the interests of a nation state in a global arena. This concept must be contrasted with group interests, international interests or global interests. The other is state interest or interests of state as the highest level in domestic politics, meaning governmental interest or a government that represents the peoples‘ interest. Interests of state are more important than local interests, collective interests or individual interests.31

28 Dictionary, Oxford, ―military intervention‖. Retrieved from: on 05 September 2014 29 Eniayejuni,Anthony T.,‖The Role of the West and Military Intervention in Libya‖, (April 2012) 30 Burchill, Scott. 2005, The National Interests in International Relations Theory, Palgrave Macmillan, England, p. 37 31Selected Works of Mao Zedong, vol. 5, People's Press, 1977, p. 274.




In Chapter 2, the author will provide a source of US foreign policy and their national interest related with some actors organization in the Libyan revolution in 2011. The following are a number of scientific papers regarding previous similar studies, both in the form of journals, books, and other scholarly works.

2.1 Journal

 Christopher Fermor, ―NATO‘s decision to intervene in Libya (2011): Realist principles or humanitarian norms?‖ Journal of Politics & International Studies, Vol. 8, Winter 2012/13. Realism more emphasis on political issues and defense-security, where both of these aspects may be more influential than the previous factor, because a direct impact on the perception of US leaders about their main interests. These include American strategic calculations in the Arab-Israeli maps, susceptibility of access to Persian Gulf oil, defense vulnerable regimes pro-US Middle East from attacks by Islamists, the fall of Soviet communism, terrorism pause period, and the possibility of further development of nuclear weapons. The study concluded than an intervention would not have been mounted absent significant perceived real politic benefits to the participating NATO powers but that the presence of-self interest as a motivation does not vitiate Operation Unified Protector to the point of illegitimacy by just war standards. The side of the argument is developed in three ways. Firstly, the


theoretical underpinnings and background to the view are presented. Second, evidence is offered of potential geo-political, economic, and electoral advantages accuring to and within intervening member states. Thirdly, case studies of other R2P era emergencies are considered which shed light on the dynamics of the Libya situation and more generally across contemporary international politics.

 Sara Sorcher,―Mike Rogers: Operation in Libya is in America‘s Vital National Interest‖, National Journal Daily P.M Update, Washington: Atlantic Media, Inc. , March 28, 2011. The view from the perspective of realism, is pessimistic view on human nature tends to do good. This perspective believes that man is evil, ambition for power, war, and uncooperative. Skepticism about the progress of international politics and domestic politics. Believes that international relations are conflictual or has the potential to generate conflict. And international conflicts that occur can only be resolved by war;

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said that the operation In Libya is in America‘s vital national interest, even though defense Secretary Robert Gates said earlier it was no overriding concern for the US. ―The non-fly zone, I think, was clearly right … to stop the slaughter‖ of civilians at the hands of Col. Muammar el- Qaddafi, Rogers said on MSNBC. ―But it‘s more than just the U.N. resolution. The chemical weapons that concern us in Libya clearly have national interest for the United States, to make sure that the chemical weapons stock file doesn‘t go anywhere.‖

 Tim Dunne and Jess Gifkins, ―Libya and State of Intervention,‖ Australian Journal of International Affairs, 65 (5), 2011.


The view from the perspective of liberalism, Focusing on international cooperation rather than focusing on security and military. Includes a broad dimensions of issues, particularly international economic activity, human rights and international law as well as the mainstream variant of transnational communities. Believe that anarchy can be solved through international cooperation. Adheres to pluralism in politics, in which non-state actors may have significance in shaping the international system similar situation or exceed state actors. This journal look at the problem of US intervention into Libya in 2011 was from an Australian perspective. The researchers concluded that the early response to Libya in 2011 has shown that United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is able to give effect to the ‗responsibility to protect norm. While not an implementing party in a legal senses, the Australian government has taken a forward-leaning diplomatic stance in helping to mobilization broad support for addressing this crisis. In light of the on-going political controversy over armed humanitarian intervention, the Libya case shows that state based advocacy for R2P matters; given the on-going need to bolster the legitimacy of the principle. Dunne and Jesse said that a discussion of Canberra‘s diplomatic activity is prelude to an examination of the proceeding of the UN Security Council and two key-resolutions, the second of which gave the effect to the forcible action. The researchers consider three dimensions of the Security Council‘s implementation of the responsibility protect: the language of the resolutions and the intriguing absence of textual reference to the international community‘s responsibility to act; the expansive mandate for civilian protection in Security Council resolution 1973; and the first unanimous refer real to the international Criminal Court, which novel support from the United States of America.


2.2 Books

1. Madelene Lindstrom, Kristina Etterlund, ―Setting the Stage for the Military Intervention in Libya: Decisions Made and Their Implications for the EU and NATO,‖ Report of FOI Atlantic Security –European Crisis Management (Report No. FOI-R-3498-SE), October 2012. The view from the perspective of realism, applying game theory of zero-sum, which the state will try to improve his strength, and let another country loses its power. Large or small proportion of the difference between the increase and decrease in the strength of the country does not matter, because the more power gained a country will increasingly show resistance than weak states that lose strength. The analysis of the report considers the period from the onset of the uprisings in Libya (February 17, 2011) until NATO decides to take full command of the military operations (March 31, 2011). The aim of this study is to describe and analyze the events leading up to the military campaign in Libya and elaborate on whether they have had any implications for the international security policy context. The analysis considers the decisions made by individual countries, and their motivations, during the period leading up to the intervention. The method and material of the report is based on a through literature review, including analysis and media coverage, as well as interviews conducted with government officials and analysis. There are several possible reasons have been identified in order to explain why the US decided to intervene in Libya. One of the most obvious was the sense of moral obligation. As Gaddafi threatened to carry out mass killings of his own people (whom he referred to as ‗rats‘), the US felt a moral obligation to act. President Obama also stated that an intervention in Libya was important for the sake of the credibility of the UN. Inaction would risk the future credibility of the UN Security Council. Equally important was that the Arab League had urged for the international community to intervene and specifically called for NFZ over


Libya. It is possible that US saw Libya as an opportunity for the US to improve its reputation in the Arab World. Another possible motive for why Washington decided to act was that Libya was seen as threatening to stabilization the region. Furthermore, a possible reason adding weight to the yes-side could have been that Libya was double, since Libya is a country consisting 90 percent of desert and was well suited for air combat, albeit demanding long flights. The coalition also enjoyed the support of a rebel army on the ground. Some, but relatively few, observers and commentators have pointed at US energy and economic interest in Libya. At the time of the intervention, Europe received over 85% of Libya‘s crude exports. The US, on the other hand, imported 5 percent of Libyan exports, representing some 0.5 per cent of US total domestic oil consumption.

 Claudju Bolcu, ―NATO‘s Intervention in Libya: The Pathway towards a Legitimate Humanitarian Intervention‖, Studia Universitatis-Bolyai, Studia Europaea 58.1 (Mar 2013): 107-123. Cladju concluded: The view from the perspective of neo-liberalism, neoliberalism seeks to update liberalism by agreeing Neorealist assumption that countries are key actors in international relations, but still maintains that non-state actors and inter-governmental organizations is also important. Countries will work together regardless of achievements relative, and thus concerned with the absolute achievements. Increased interdependence during the Cold War through international institutions means that neo-liberalism is also called liberal institutionalism. It also means that it is essentially free nations make their own choices about how they will implement the policy without international organizations that impede the right of a nation to sovereignty. Neoliberalimse also contains an economic theory which is based on the use of open markets and free with just a little, if any, government intervention to prevent the formation of monopolies and forms another conglomerate.


Interdependence with each other continues to increase during and after the Cold War led to neoliberalism is defined as institutionalism. It seems that both at the time of he Kosovo intervention and in the wake of the Libya crisis, the legal status of humanitarian interventions was equally uncertain and shady. The only significant difference is that in 1999 humanitarian intervention was a theoretical possibility, while in 2011 it became practical possibility (due to the Responsibility to Protect report). Indeed, when placed on paper and in these terms the shift may seem huge, but we must not forget that responsibility does not mean obligation as there is no official act rat ratifying this. As result, humanitarian intervention remains arbitrary and selective. For example: in 1999, the international community chose to intervene in Kosovo and not East Timor; in 2011, it chose to enter Libya, not Bahrain or Syria.

 ―Lessons from Libya: How Not to Intervene‖, Harvard Kennedy School, September 2013 NATO‘s intervention in Libby offers at least three important lessons for implementing the responsibility to protect. The view from the perspective of liberalism, because the state organizations and non-government has a role as a lead actor. A decision on the action taken in the end state is a reflection of the interests of the people through the existing mass organizations, taken after going through the process of coalition, bargaining and compromise and the issue raised is not just a matter of high politics. Social issues and the economy could be more complex issues and trends in the dimensions of ethical, moral, more powerful.

―First, potential interveners should beware both misinformation and rebel propaganda. If Western countries had accurately perceived Libya‘s initial

17 civil conflict—as Qaddafi using discriminate force against violent tribal, regional, and radical Islamist rebels—NATO would have been much less likely to launch its counterproductive intervention.‖

―The second lesson is that humanitarian intervention can backfire by escalating rebellion. This is because some sub-state groups believe that by violently provoking state retaliation, they can attract such intervention to help achieve their political objectives, including regime change.‖

―A final lesson is that intervention initially motivated by the desire to protect civilians is prone to expanding its objective to include regime change, even if doing so magnifies the danger to civilians, contrary to the interveners‘ original intent.‖



In chapter III the author will explain about what methodology will be used in this research. Based on research method, date time and place, research framework, research instruments, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Method

Because this study as a case study, the approach used in this study is qualitative. Creswell defines qualitative approach is as follows:

―qualitative research is a means for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. The process of research involves emerging questions and procedures; collecting data in the participants‘ setting; anlyzing the data inductively, building from particulars to general themes, and making interpretations of the meaning of data. The final written report has a flexible writing structure‖.32

That definition is the basis for understanding social phenomena that occur and intensive and comprehensive understanding on case studies US and three organization intervention in Libya in October 2011. Specifications of research used in this research is descriptive-analysis. Is descriptive, because the research is intended to provide a detailed description, systematic, and thorough factual about everything under study. While the analysis means grouping, connects and gives meaning, and in this study the analysis means grouping, connects and gives meaning to the data related to the US intervention in

32John.W Creswell dalam Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kombinasi (Mixed Method). (Bandung: Alfabeta), 2013, hal 14.


Libya NATO Certificate and 2011. Analysis of the results of this study are expected to provide answers to the problems in this research.

3.2. Research Framework

Framework of this research will lead to the identification of US national interests in the United States and three organization intervention in Libya in 2011. It is the most important reason of engagement the United States and the countries which are members of the military alliance NATO. To obtain a more accurate answer as to what the US interests in the intervention in Libya in 2011, it will be disclosed in advance of data associated with a variety of evidence US interests in Libya during this time, both economically, politically, and militarily, both in the bilateral context, as well as regional context. Then identified the sides of the United States own interests nationally, if it is assumed without the benefit of countries in the NATO alliance. Both of these data, the data is evidence of US interests in the past with the interests of the current US intervention in Libya in 2011, will be drawn the threads. From the red thread that will look how far the US national interest in its intervention into Libya in 2011.

3.2 Research Time and Place

The time of this study is between the months of October 2014 to January 2015. This time is used starting from the submission of proposals, data search, data analysis, reporting the results of research, until the thesis defense.

Regarding the location of the study, although the object of this study regarding the US, UN, CIA, NATO, and Libya, but because of the type of data is secondary data, the study site is in Jakarta. Jakarta is expected that all the necessary secondary data are relatively easy to obtain, because the international standard libraries available, to the presence of the US Embassy and NATO member countries.


3.4 Research Instruments

Instrument or tool in qualitative research is the researcher himself. The researcher is the key instrument. However, a simple instrument will be developed after can complete the data and compare with the data that have been discovered through the selected data collection techniques, in this case the secondary data. Citing Catherine Marshall and Gretchen B. Rossman, Sugiyono stated that the gathering techniques in qualitative research, more on observation participate (participation observation), in-depth interviews (in-depth interviews), and documentation. Catherine Marshall and Gretchen B. Rossman stating that "the fundamental methods relied on by qualitative Researchers for gtahering information are, participation in the setting, direct observation, in-depth interviewing, document review". The collection techniques in this study using secondary data, ie data derived or obtained from the documentary studies or literature. Literature study was conducted to obtain secondary data, ie by performing an assessment of regulatory, cooperation agreements, literature, documents, scientific works with the research, the mass media also relevant. Regarding the type of data used, are: A. the primary material, which includes the applicable agreements, documents, and others relating to the subject matter of research; B. secondary material, consisting of:  the results of existing research related to research problems;  literature, including materials and the results of seminars and conferences as well as the mass media reviews, including reviews in the magazine of International Relations (IR) magazines and newspapers relating to the object of research;  Tertiary materials, which consist of: Dictionary Encyclopedia and Dictionary other support.


3.5 Data Analysis

As stated Bogdan & Biklen (1982) in Burhan Bungin (2012), qualitative data analysis is the effort made by way of:  working with the data,  organize the data,  sorted them into units that can be managed,  seek and find patterns,  identifying what is important and what is learned, and  to decide what can be told to others.

Analysis of the data in this study will use a theoretical framework in Chapter I, the Theoretical Framework to discuss the concept of foreign policy, the concept of intervention, the concept of defensive alliance, as well as the concept of national interest. All the theories and concepts are then associated with the empirical case in court in connection with the US intervention in Libya. Therefore, the flow of the discussion and analysis will follow the thinking of all of the theories and concepts, ranging from foreign policy, the concept of intervention, the concept of defensive alliance, as well as the concept of national interest for the United States national interests in Libya that is the focus of this study.


CHAPTER IV BILATERAL RELATIONS BETWEEN UNITED STATES AND LIBYA In this chapter the author will explain about bilateral relations between United States of America and Libya. Include United Nations perspectives in Libya. What happened in Libya under Ghadaffi regime and what is the national interest of US? Will explain in this chapter IV.

4.1 Libya Under Ghadaffi

Gaddafi is the leader who has ruled Libya for more than four decades since the beginning of 1969 to 2011. At the beginning of his reign, Gaddafi issued a Green Book with the goal set up the alternative schools that combine Marxism and capitalism. Under Gaddafi the Libyan government to use the new system, namely the "Jamahiriya" or state based on the sovereignty of the people's hands.33 In theory, the "Jamahiriya" is a system of government in which power is held by the People's Committee of Libya which is a representation of a representative of the Libyan people, in a system of direct democracy, in the absence of political parties. But in practice, the power of Colonel Gaddafi is absolute power. It can be seen that the Libyan government is run under the control of "Revolutionary Committee" formed by and represents the interests of Gaddafi and his loyalists.34

Gaddafi held absolute power over the use of authoritarian Libya, during the period 1970 Gaddafi tried to be assertive to any action that could endanger his rule, including a coup attempt against him. If the coup attempt led by the Libyan opposition in exile after the coup of 1969 in order to immediately surrender to the Libyan government is doing well or if caught will receive hanged in public. Then to avoid a military coup that can be done by the armed forces of Libya, Gaddafi made

33, Libya Profile: A chronology of key events. As retrieved from: on Dec 14, 2014 34 Ibid

23 efforts weakening by always changing to regular troops and not renew defense equipment belonging to the armed forces. Although Gaddafi still has a special forces "Revolutionary Guard Corps" as elite troops prepared to always faithful guard.35

In Libya, the seeds of revolution have been deployed since 15 years earlier, when the killing of 1,270 political prisoners in detention centers in Tripoli in 1196. It is not known by their family until 2001, when the government admit it, at least not some of this is a murder victim who said the most cruel under Gaddafi's regime. A lawyer in Benghazi named Fethi Terbil representing the families of victims of atrocities filed several claims for compensation against the government for the deaths of inmates of Abu Salim. However, the government answered it by holding Fethi.36

No one expected the protests freedom Fethi Terbil on February 11, 2011 to the beginning of the collapse of Gaddafi's regime. The demonstrators are not only demanding freedom Fethi Terbil. But want the fall of the Gaddafi regime in Libya that has been in power for more than four decades of authoritarian and despise every effort made by the people of Libya.37

The protest against the arresed of Fethi Terbil continue triggered the protests that spread to other cities throughout February 2011. The action taken by Gaddafi to carry out attacks against the centers of mass concentration through the Army and Air Force Libya that killed dozens of people and hundreds injured.38

While evolving protests conducted in various cities in Libya, emerging small groups consisting of teachers, engineers, students, general public, and students gather

35, 2011, Libya Uncertain Future – Report on a Fact Finding Mission to Access Both Sides of The Libyan Conflict. As retrieved from: on Dec 13, 2014. 36 Kuncahyono, T. 2012, Musim Semi di Suriah, Anak-Anak Sekolah Penyulut Revolusi, Kompas Gramedia, Jakarta, p. 7. 37 Kuncahyono, T. 2012, Musim Semi di Suriah, Anak-Anak Sekolah Penyulut Revolusi, Kompas Gramedia, Jakarta, p. 8. 38 Hidayatullah, N. L. 2013, Intervensi NATO di Libya, Sebuah Kasus Transformasi Konflik, Bayumedia Publishing Anggota IKAPI, Malang, p. 33-35.

24 weapons and together form a revolutionary movement that aims to overthrow Gaddafi from his power peak.39 Gaddafi military response that is both repressive and considered redundant because the police use live ammunition and bomb attacks by the Libyan military war planes against demonstrators who later joined the revolutionary movement to get the attention of the international community, particularly the United Nations (UN).40

On February 23, 2011, UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon while in New York said that denounced repressive measures by President Gaddafi against his own people and resulted in bloodshed and claimed the deaths of more than 1000 people. Ban Ki Moon also made it clear to Gaddafi for an immediate end to the repressive action does and Ban Ki Moon also stated that the UN is ready to assist the process of transition in Libya quickly and peacefully. On March 17, 2011, the UN Security Council issued a no-fly zone in Libyan airspace which implementation officially handed over by NATO. In order to protect civilians, NATO attacks on vital points and the defense of Gaddafi loyalists. The air strikes by the United States permission from NATO.41

July 2011, the National Transitional Council (NTC) was passed by a foreign government as the interim government of Libya because Gaddafi has officially lost his legitimacy as supreme leader of Libya. Then in August 2011, Libyan rebels managed to get into the last bastion of Gaddafi is hiding in Tripoli. While at the same time, his wife and three children moved to Algeria. At the end of August to September 2011, 60 countries that are members of the African Union (AU) recognizes that the NTC is the new Libyan authorities. Then, Gaddafi life journey ended on October 20, 2011 when the NTC had surrounded loyalists and eventually

39 Ibid 40 Hidayatullah, N. L. 2013, Intervensi NATO di Libya, Sebuah Kasus Transformasi Konflik, Bayumedia Publishing Anggota IKAPI, Malang, p. 34. 41 Ibid

25 they gave up because he was cornered. Gaddafi is still fighting until he was killed by his own people.42

The United States is preparing effort to overthrow Gaddafi since 2003. The United States used the CIA to carry out this task. The CIA is an independent agency of the US government-owned responsible for providing intelligence sources from a country to be used as a reference by policy makers.43 In this case, the CIA has been tasked to explore Libya since 2003, and seek connections with the aim to persuade Gaddafi to end its nuclear weapons development and Gaddafi finally agreed. Once the mission is successfully completed, then the CIA to leave Libya. CIA returned to Libya after the mass action that took place in several cities in February 2011. They were re-contacted their connection and set targets in Libya air strikes were carried out with the help of the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. In addition, the CIA also established that keeps continuous communication with the opposition, establishing the NTC to help them in an attempt to overthrow Gaddafi regime in Libya.44

4.2 United Nations Perspective on Libya

As a world peace organization, the United Nations (UN) decided to issue a mandate related to the conflict in Libya. The UN later forming a body, namely the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) the work focus to be involved in resolving conflicts Libya.4 United Nations Support Mission In Libya (UNSMIL) is a special political mission established in 16 September 2011 by the UN Security Council UN Security Council Resolution 2009 (2011) at the request of the Libyan authorities after 6 months of armed conflict to support the country's new authorities in Libya's post-conflict transition efforts. Mission This is overseen by the UN Department of politics, which provide assistance and operational guidance. UNSMIL has its headquarters in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and has offices in Benghazi and Sabha. UNSMIL role is to perform a recovery situation in Libya, not only forming

42 Ibid, p. 24 43 2013, Our Missions. As retrieved from: on Nov 26, 2014. 44 Ibid, p. 5

26 the government while after the fall of the regime of Moammar Gadhafi, but also includes the redevelopment of areas of life that exists in Libya.45

In this case, as a third party into the Libyan conflict, the UN through the UN Security Council to form an organization that is assigned help restore the state in post-revolution Libya, named United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). UNSMIL formed in 16 September 2011 by the UN Security Council Resolution 2009 (2011) on request the Libyan authorities after 6 months of armed conflict, which is intended to restore the situation in Libya after the fall of the regime of Moammar Gadhafi. The following article to explain the role of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) in creating political stability in Libya after Revolution.46

Since the inception of the Mission, UNSMIL has advised and assisted efforts to Libya to improve the security public. To overcome the challenges of governance of the sector security and provide greater support to the authorities Libya UNSMIL established the Security Sector Advisory and Coordination Division at July 1, 2011. This Division provides assistance to the Libyan authorities in the provision of security sector policy advice and, if necessary, assist efforts coordinate international security sector. Working in consultation with UN Country Team, UNSMIL provide support in the six cross-cutting and interrelated areas: national security architecture, weapons and ammunition management (including non-proliferation), the development of the police, defense / military reform, border security, and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of revolutionary fighters.47

45 Fisher and Keashly dalam Ronald J.Fisher, 1997, ―Interaktive Conflict Resolution‖ , New York, University Press. 46 Ibid 47 Wijaya, Mochtar Kusuma, 1987, ―Perdamaian Dunia dan Peranan PBB‖, Jakarta, Pradnya Paramitha.


 National Security UNSMIL working with the Libyan government to provide advice and assistance in the development of national security structures and mechanisms coordination between the security sector. Key focus areas for support development of the national security architecture is through the Office of the Prime Minister.48  Ammunition Management To assist the government of Libya, UNSMIL have specialized personnel with expertise in mine action and clearance of explosive remnants of war, ammunition and weapons management, risk education, and data management. With the support of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), UNSMIL provide aid coordination, prioritize tasks clearance, help mobilize resources, and liaises with the authorities and the public international in Libya to successfully carry out the cleaning operation.49 UNSMIL has strengthened the effort to assist Libya in reduce the threat of proliferation of small arms, light weapons and ammunition. Besides deployment of experts, UNSMIL support the development of weapons registration database national. Field work has included liaison with several council local and military to design and build a storage facility field to consolidate and secure the ammunition and weapons held by revolutionary brigades, and perform basic ammunition handling and management training. Assistance has been given to the Libyan Navy for safe recovery and movement of naval guns. Additional projects are being identified with the military commander in the entire region.50 At the request of the Libyan authorities, UNSMIL supports efforts to

48 Miall, Hugh, 2002, ―Resolusi Damai Konflik Kontempoter; Menyelesaikan, Mencegah, Mengelola dan Mengubah Konflik Bersumber Politik, Sosial, Agama, Ras‖, Terjemahan cetakan kedua, Jakarta, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. 49 Adnan, Abdul Hadi, 2008, ―Perkembangan Hubungan Internasional di Afrika‖, Bandung, CV. Angkasa. 50 Ibid


build national weapons and ammunition management committee to improve coordination and decision-making between government departments different and institutions, and to ensure consistent application of standards across government agencies, mobilizing adequate resources, and development of a comprehensive national arms and ammunition control frameworks and strategies.51 UNSMIL is to help the Libyan authorities at local and national level to secure weapons and countering the proliferation of illicit weapons. UNSMIL continues facilitate visits by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which causing chemical verification of load cases and their recommendations. UNSMIL also provide logistical support to the International Atomic Energy Agency International when needed. UNSMIL has held a coordination group on nuclear materials, chemical weapons and other non-conventional weapons, including missiles surface-to-air portable humans. This group brings partners key bilateral together with the Libyan Defense Ministry, In Interior and Foreign Affairs, and the Office of Nuclear Energy Establishment for Weapons Chemistry.52

4.3 United States of America Perspective on Libya

The US position on Libya became quite clear in the statement of President Obama to intervene in Libya, that "At the time will be seen ... when we comfort is not directly threatened, but our interests and values (there) ... In some cases, we do not will be concerned to act".53 this statement indicates, that the US is in principle not become important actor that directly threatened by the existence of Libya, but openly as using the values of human rights and humanity as the legitimacy of aggression.

51 Crouch, Harold, 1982, ―Perkembangan Ekonomi & Modernisasi‖, Jakarta, Yayasan Pengkhidmatan 52 Ibid 53 Kreps, Sarah, Realist of Idealist Motive, or Both? Explaining Intervention in Libya and Non- Intervention in Syria. Paper prepared for The Arab Uprisings and the Changing Global Order Workshop, 27 Maret 2012.


The other thing to note is about the human condition that actually happened in Libya. In a report submitted by civil society organizations or the mass media, violence and human rights violations in Libya has come upon thousands of innocent civilians. This includes children and women. Capitalization news about the problems in Libya led to the problems of humanity in this country to the attention of the international community.

When viewed from the statement of Obama or the US tendency to attack Libya, intervention is done purely because of the increasing human rights violations that occurred there. Although no one else clause approved for military intervention by the UN on Libya, in fact, this resolution be justification for the UK, France and the United States for a military intervention in Libya. In this case, in addition to the reasons above, this resolution has also become a justification to attack Libya.54

Another factor going military intervention in Libya can not be separated from the power alliance owned by Libya. In 2010, Libya has not had an alliance and state leaders who want to support it, although Qaddafi won the support of the public. The absence of alliance or state support, both in the Arab League or the United Nations, has implications for the lack of opposition to the resolution of humanitarian intervention. France and Britain, as the proposer state intervention, feel has a great chance to succeed intervention.55 With the ever diverse reasons above, can be considered a tentative conclusions related to intervention in Libya are not as such because of economic reasons, but due to a variety of other factors that are related to one another.

54 Zakaria, Fareed, The Post American World. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2008.

55 Kurlantzick, Joshua, ―Militarized States: The rising power of generals within the governments of Asia is fueling the regionwide arms race‖,, November 29, 2010.


4.4 National Interests of United States

What is the motive behind the intervention by the United States in Libya? The author will explain two important points to be the reason why the United States intervened in Libya. Oil and democratization is the reason. In chapter VI The author will explain in detail the data that is needed to corroborate these 2 factors.

4.4.1 Democratization efforts in Libya

Civil war in Libya, 2011, United States has a big national interest and through North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), United Nations (UN), and CIA also continues to solve this war, so as not to be a protracted conflict. This chapter will show that national interest of United States and doing intervention in Libya civil war. This IV chapter will consist of 2 sections. First is the effort of United States to change the Libya regime with democracy regime. The second is United States will save their oil company in Libya and the oil supply to United States.

Democratization in Libya is the way that used by President of United States Barack Obama to achieve their objective and their national interests. Obama want revolution regime in Libya because he is too old to lead Libya and was once enemy of United States. Even though since 2004 Khadafi be a good partner for United States on helping to fight against terrorism and helping United States to keep world peace. Relationship between United States and Libya is not too long until the end of the year 2010. Democratization is the way to Libya considered as democracy state and worthy to be a partner of United States. But the process of democratization will make Libya dependence on United States. Khadafi always refuse the process of democratization in Libya because he scared Libya will look down to United States.

Obama‘s speech points to another reason why ―American values‖ and US ―humanitarianism‖ were triggered by the events in Libya. He suggested a key concern was that the supposedly imminent massacre in the country would have ―driven thousands of additional refugees across Libya‘s borders, putting enormous strains on the peaceful—yet fragile transitions in Egypt and Tunisia.


―The democratic impulses that are dawning across the region would be eclipsed by the darkest form of dictatorship, as repressive leaders concluded that violence is the best strategy to cling to power‖.56

Similar with United States, NATO stated to the spread value of democracy is the job of NATO and the others national interest of United States to join intervention in Libya. If Libya would be a democracy states then the government will be responsible, transparent, and ideal for United States.57 Related to the style authoritarian leader of Khadafi, make him easy to arrest, shooting, or imprisonment life for his political rivals are considered dangerous. Based on spokesman military National Transitional Council (NTC), Khalid al-Sherif to the press in Monday, September 26th 2011, finding mass graves 1.200 framework human in prison complex Abu Salim, Tripoli. The most of shooting victim is a politic prisoner and include Islamic scholars who refuse regime of Khadafi.58

It all started from a regime must ouster of Gaddafi, who has served more than four decades and led to armed conflict for 8 months, from February to October 2011. What is involved in this conflict is the NTC Gaddafi loyalists resist and fellow civilians between pro-regime Gaddafi against anti-regime Gaddafi.59 Ronald Bruce St. John explained in his article that the political objectives NTC is cooperating in resolving armed conflicts, perform a revolution, and ultimately transform Libya into a democracy. NTC also realize that the defeat of Gaddafi loyalists is not the end of a revolution but rather the beginning of a reconstruction of Libya, the Libyan

56Address to the Nation on Libya. Retrieved from: on March 11, 2015 57 Ibid, p. 25 58 2011, Kuburan Massal ditemukan di Tripoli. Retrieved from: on October 16th 2014 59 Nicholas J. Wheeler. 2000. Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society. New York: Oxford University Press. pg. 27.

32 government made freely chosen and responsive than what wanted by the people.60 Developments to make Libya a democracy and a country that is much better begin to reveal positive results. Start the formation of a special committee in areas which collects the entire post-conflict weapons, regulate the water supply and electricity to regulate traffic order. The special committee was formed from the experience at the time of Gaddafi's regime in 1973. But most of the Libyan people are not willing to do so because previously they used to live under the control of a centralized government. The existence of these committees provide valuable effects for the Libyan people in managing local government functions. Until now, the structure goes well in Libya.61

4.4.2 To Keep Supply and Reserves Oil

There is a national interest of the United States as with regard to their intervention in Libya, the Libyan wealth of resources that can be used to play and can set the price of oil to be exported supply world markets, especially the United States and its allies. With the onset of armed conflict in Libya is the right moment for the United States to participate oversee the domestic territory of Libya to conduct interventions in the policy and the implementation stage in the field.62

Obama mentioned (except for natural disasters, which have nothing to do with the case at hand) are matters that threaten our ―interests.‖

Regional insecurity in nuclear-armed South Asia, for instance, could have repercussions that could affect Americans as well as Indians or Pakistanis. And—this

60 2011, world, timeline, Libya. Retrieved from: 21/world/libya.timeline_1_quryna-benghazi-moammar-ghadafi/5?_s=PM.WORLD on October 15th 2014 61 2011, Ghadafi: ‗We will not surrender, we will not give up. Retrieved from: 2014, on November 19th, Obama: Peran AS di Libya Terbatas. Retrieved from: on october 14th 2014

33 bears upon one of the missing subtexts—any instability in the Middle East could threaten the ―flow of commerce‖ by driving up the price of oil.63

Africa and the Middle East is a country that has a wealth of oil resources are abundant. On the one hand, the oil in the world's energy needs are growing each day but on the other side of the world oil demand is increasing while the world's supply of oil decreases. Therefore, it is undeniable that the per-barrel price of oil will continue to rise.64

United States as the leader of NATO is a country that is very rich in the industrial world. Thus the United States requires a very large supply of energy to meet all aspects of the country. In 2011, the United States has been able to produce as much as 10 million barrels of oil per day and the United States also consumes oil per day by 18 million barrels. That way, every day the United States suffered a loss of 8 million barrels per day which must be imported from abroad. Data last in 2010, the United States has crude oil reserves of 25 billion barrels.65 Libya is a country that has so much natural wealth, with reserves of oil resources are very nice, sweet crude oil and gas content contained therein.66 This makes Libya can‘t be underestimated by other countries. But Libya's oil wealth have been able to meet the needs of the expected other countries, especially oil resources that can‘t be refurbished and very limited.

63Obama and America Power, retrieved from: on 10 March, 2015 2011, Krisis Libya dan Harga Minyak. Retrieved from: ) on October 29th 2014.

65 2012, U.S To Become World‘s Biggest Oil Producer – But Hold The Appalause. Retrieved from: oil-producer-but-hold-the-applause/ on December 4th 2014 66 2012, Today in Energy, Crude oil have different quality characteristics. Retrieved from: on December 4th 2014


Libya as the country's third largest producer in Africa, resource reserves of oil that Libya had reached 45 billion barrels.67 The report issued by the Reserves to Production Ratio (R / P ratio of reserves and production of about 1.7 million barrels per day), if in Libya can‘t be found new oil reserves, the Libyan oil will be consumed within 71 year old. With an oil price of 100 US dollars per barrel, the value of wealth and assets in Libya's oil resources of 4,400 billion US dollars.68 Recorded Libya produces 2% of all the oil needs of the world, which is about 2.6 million barrels of oil per day. Libya income from the oil and gas sector last year reached 45 billion US dollars. According to information from the Libyan national oil company (National Oil Corporation / NOC), countries that are geographically located in North Africa in 2009 to produce 1.6 million barrels of oil per day with revenues of about 35 billion US dollars.69

Table: Crude Oil Proved Reserves (Billion Barrels)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Algeria 11.35 12.27 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 Bahrain 0.12456 0.12456 0.12456 0.12456 0.12456 0.12456 0.12456 0.12456 Egypt 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 4.4 4.4 4.4 Iran 132.46 136.27 138.4 136.15 137.62 137.01 151.17 154.58 Iraq 115 115 115 115 115 115 143.1 141.35 Israel 0.002 0.00196 0.00194 0.00194 0.00194 0.00194 0.0118 0.0115 Jordan 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 Kuwait 104 101.5 104 104 104 104 104 104 Lebanon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Libya 39.126 41.464 41.464 43.66 44.27 46.42 47.1 48.01 Morocco 0.00107 0.00099 0.00084 0.00075 0.00075 0.00068 0.00068 0.00068 Oman 5.506 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 Qatar 15.207 15.207 15.207 15.21 25.41 25.38 25.38 25.38 Saudi Arabia 266.81 262.3 266.751 266.71 262.4 262.6 267.02 267.91 Sudan and South Sudan0.563 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Syria 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Tunisia 0.30756 0.4 0.4 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.425 United Arab Emirates 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 Yemen 67 2011, Berapa3 Banyak3 dan Dimana3 Kekayaan3 Khadafi Tersimpan.3 Retrieved3 from:3 di-mana-kekayaan-khadafi-tersimpan- on December 4th 2014 68 Ibid, p. 32 69 Ibid


Source: International Energy Statistics, 2006-2013. Retrieved January 04, 2014 from,BA,EG,IR,IZ,I S,JO,KU,LE,LY,MO,MU,QA,SA,SU,SY,TS,TC,YM,&syid=2006&eyid=2013&unit=BB#

That is, there is a fairly drastic increase of oil production in Libya. During the first years, Libya has been able to increase domestic oil production by 1 million barrels per day. Nonetheless, Libya as a state petrodollars can‘t guarantee to increase oil production in subsequent years. Actually Libyan oil production is still considered low when compared to oil-rich nations of States in the Arabian Peninsula or in the Arabian Gulf like Kuwait, Iran, and the UAE which has been able to produce 2.5 million barrels per day.70 Though these countries have a number of smaller oil reserves than Libya or about 20 billion barrels. Thus, actually decades of rule of Gaddafi, Libya has not produced oil to the fullest. This makes the overall amount of oil reserves are still very much so normal that Libya has a new ratio will expire 71 or 71 years ahead.71

With the armed conflict between pro-Gaddafi loyalists with the NTC and the fall of the Gaddafi regime in power in Libya, the United States has the opportunity to get in and could take advantage of the potential oil resources owned by Libya. Therefore, the United States played a role in encouraging the realization of the desire of the people of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi regime. In the opinion of the economic analysis, it was very natural that the various parties to suspect that there is a hidden agenda of human intervention efforts undertaken by the United States through NATO against Libya. In addition to protecting civilians from massacres carried out by the pro-Gaddafi and it is possible the United States through NATO also intends to control Libyan oil.72

70 2012, Analysis, Countries, Libya. Retrieved from: on December 6th 2014 71 Ibid, p. 33 72 Adam Roberts. Humanitarian war: Military intervention and human rights. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944), Vol. 69, Number. 3. (July, 1993), pg. 431.


Dr Kurtubi also said that Libya's oil resources are controlled by the United States should not be construed as an attempt to master the whole of Libya's oil, but rather as an attempt to form a new government in Libya. Thus, the goal the United States and members of the NATO coalition to intervene in Libya can be achieved.73 It can be seen that the other NATO member states such as France, Spain, and Italy is a country with a source of oil reserves are very few.74 The civil war in Libya not only cause the United States and its allies but the oil supply shortage in the world would be a shortage of oil supply. Failure resolution in Libya will lead to the loss of oil 1.6 million barrels per day in world markets. By doing so, may cause world oil market supply shortage permanently.75

United States role in Libya by the NATO alliance has a major interest for control of the oil resources which have many advantages, starting from oil reserves are still abundant with good quality that have economic value than higher oil resources from other countries. Until now the United States there are four companies that have permits and exploitation of oil in Libya.

According to sources in the media Reuters on February 23, 2011, there are at least four US oil companies who have a business license to exploit oil in Libya. The exploitation permits on land and offshore. There are United States oil company.76

1. ConocoPhillips, The third largest oil company's United States has an interest of 16.3 percent of oil reserves that can be explored in Libya, which covers 13 million acres of dirty oil. Oil production can be done in Libya is 45,000 per

73 Motivasi utama AS dan sekutunya di Afganistan dan Irak sampai sekarang masih dipertanyakan, apakah benar membasmi teroris atau mencari minyak. Lihat, F. William Engdahl. 2011. A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. Wiesbaden: Edition.engdahl. pg. 304- 307. 2011, Energy Profile of Countries. Retrieved from: on december 6th 2014

75 Ibid 76 2011, Factbox: U.S oil companies‘ interests in Libya. Retrieved from: on December 2nd 2014


Barrel per day in 2009, or about 2% of output that can be achieved by the world's oil production. Although in 2008, down from 47,000 barrels per day. 2. Marathon Oil Corp, The oil company has a 16% interest and is located in the Sirte basin. Petroleum exploration drilling program in 2009 performed at 4 points well and at that moment Marathon Oil Corp. to build a 5 point more oil drilling wells. Net sales of hydrocarbons from Libya recorded in number 46,000 barrels per day in 2009. 3. Hess Corp, in 2009 has been producing crude oil at 22,000 barrels per day in Libya or by the output of crude oil. At the end of 2009, 23% of proven oil reserves are in the possession of the African countries and more than 11% came from Libya. Together with the Oasis Group as a partner for companies Hess Corp., who has operations in Waha area with interest at 8%. Hess Corp. also has 54 offshore drilling areas. In 2008 drilling is going well but tends to decline in value in 2009. 4. Occidental Petroleum Corp, the fourth largest oil company in the United States in 2009 received a net income of 243 million US dollars from the sale of oil from Libya, or less than 2% of the total income received. Production increased in 2010. Occidental has a plan to to do the multiplication output from Libya in 2014.

Therefore, the United States has an interest and a very large role in the intervention in Libya's civil war. United States as the largest industry with the largest energy consumption also has a desire to get a lot of energy supply to the country. The United States realized that when the energy supply hampered the production process of goods industry will also be affected so that they will have an impact on revenue in the country and the quantity of product produced.77

In addition, because of the geographical location of Libya who are in the right south of the Mediterranean Sea which is the supply of goods and oil lines between

77 2011, Minyak, Alasan Utama Intervensi AS dan Sekutunya. Retrieved from: on December 6th 2014


West to East or vice versa, so if the armed conflict will continue to roll will inhibit the production of freight traffic that passes through the pathway. Therefore, during the civil war in Libya, the United States also sent warships to the sea blockade with Rafael fighter jet and the French Air Force Mirage.78

Realistic, the United States has accounted for their assets in Libya. There are at least four US oil companies operating in Libya. The four companies that have significant oil reserves and has not been exploited to the armed conflict in 2011. When the United States helped to secure themselves and their business fields, can be feared that there will be a change of government can acquire oil field located in Libya.79

78 2011, Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out. Retrieved from: on November 25th 2014 2011, Factbox: U.S oil companies‘ interests in Libya. Retrieved from: on December 2nd 2014



In this chapter the author will explain about the role taken by the three organizations that helped the United States to intervene in the conflict in Libya. UN, NATO, and the CIA who greatly influenced the role of the United States to meet their national interests in Libya. The author will explain in detail their role during the war and after the war finished.

5.1 The Fall of Khadafi

Jasmine Revolution, this revolution is a phrase that is created and spread among the citizens of the Middle East and North Africa. This marks the upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa like jasmine flowers are blooming. Jasmine is a beautiful flower, fragrant and a symbol of purity and sincerity of love. Middle East and North Africa as the stalk, one by one bud (state) began to bloom and spread fragrance is described as the events that led to the revolution.80 Is the first factor that led to the collapse of the Gaddafi regime in Libya in 2011.

It was also described as a phenomenon that is the Arab Spring protests sustainable society and has an influence on governance regimes in North Africa and the Middle East that began on December 17, 2010 in Tunisia. This revolution happens in one country and managed to potentially have a domino effect on neighboring countries that have similarities in the suffering that has been living under authoritarian regimes are more than two to four decades of control of a country with a

80 Tamburaka, A. S. 2011, Revolusi Timur Tengah: Kejatuhan Para Penguasa Otoriter di Negara- Negara Timur Tengah, PT. Gramedia, Depok, p. 10.

40 corrupt government, civil liberties have been curbed , and make people can not feel decent life as it should be.81

In Tunisia, the individual action of a merchant named Mohammed Bouazizi who set fire to himself can be a trigger for anti-government movement and managed to bring down the regime of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.82 See protests in Tunisia toppled the regime in power, it inspired the people of Egypt who later protested against the government for 18 days beginning in Tahrir Square with the aim of overthrowing the regime of President Hosni Mubarak's rule in Egypt successfully performed.83 A wave of Arab Spring is not only happening in Tunisia and then moved to Egypt, Libya as neighboring countries of both North African countries are also experiencing the domino effect.

Based on previous data, it can be concluded that the domestic conditions into the second factor as the cause of the fall of the Gaddafi regime, including the division of economic inequality and unemployment are high enough in Libya. This clearly illustrates how the Libyan people want an end to the authoritarian regime of the charter and the hope for change in the future with the Libyan government better.

Then, who became the third factor in the cause of the fall of the Gaddafi regime in Libya related to the bilateral relationship the United States and Libya. Relations between the two countries has a long history since the United States is sponsoring Libya became independent from colonial Italy.84 Libya under King Idris, who was pro-Western, suddenly changed direction after Gaddafi Libyan military along successfully coup him and prefer to be anti-American.

81 2011, A Timeline of The Conflict in Libya. As retrieved from: on Nov 17, 2014. 82 2011, Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out. As retrieved from: on Nov 4, 2014. 83 2011, Dari Tunisia ke Mesir. As retrieved from: on Dec 2, 2014. 84 Parmellawati, A. A. 2007, Upaya –Upaya Diplomasi Libya Terhadap Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Untuk Mencabut Embargo Ekonomi, Spektrum, Vol: 3(7)


The conflict between the United States and Libya began with the various efforts made to get rid of Gaddafi foreign influences, especially the United States in 1980. Subsequently periode1969 to increase, reaching its peak, and finally began to soften during the period 1980 to 2004. In the period 2004 to 2011, Libya and the United States have a good bilateral relations. This can be seen in the Libyan effort to continue to support the entire US policy in maintaining security and stability the world.85

―As we have in Libya, our task is instead to mobilize the international community for collective action‖.86 Barack Obama delivered 28 March 2011 in Natioanl Defense University, Washington D.C. It conclude that the role of US in Libya is mobilize international community.

Violent Protests: 16-23 February, 2011

Hundreds have lost their lives in the bitter conflict that has been raging in Libya for almost five months. It began with protests against Col Muammar Gaddafi's regime and has escalated into a bloody battle for territory between government and rebel forces in the west and east of the oil rich country. The uprising, inspired by events in neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt and sparked by the arrest of a Libyan human rights campaigner, began in February. Many were killed as authorities tried to suppress the revolt. Some of the biggest demonstrations were seen in the eastern port of Benghazi - the centre of unrest. Thousands of foreigners tried to flee Libya, with several countries evacuating citizens.87

Rebel Advance, Gaddafi Retaliation: 24February – 6 March, 2011

Capitalized United Nations mandate they urged Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to step down from power he held for 41 years. US President Barack Obama

85 Ibid, p.2 86Address to the Nation in Libya, Retrieved from: on March 10, 2015 87 2011, Libya: The Fall of Gaddafi. As retrieved from: africa-13860458 on Dec 7, 2014.

42 was a wave of criticism. Members of Congress from Republicans accuse Obama from the Democratic parties has acted unconstitutional.

―Libya is located right between Tunisia and Egypt - two countries that have inspired the world when their people rise up and take control over their own destiny. For more than four decades, the Libyan people have been led by a tyrant - Muammar Gaddafi. He has taken away the freedom of people, exploiting their wealth, killing those who oppose both inside and outside Libya, and terrorizing the innocent people around the world - including US citizens who had been killed by Libyan agents. Last month, the grip of fear that Gaddafi held on subjects began to fade as the emergence of hope of freedom. In cities and towns across Libya, the people took to the streets to demand human rights are fundamental. With one voice the Libyans stated, "For the first time we have hope that the nightmare for 40 years we have experienced is about to expire".88

Rebels began to organize from their Benghazi base and towns in the west fell to their forces for the first time. Government troops retaliated with ground assaults and bombing raids. In the capital, anti-government protesters came under gunfire from pro-Gaddafi troops. As the international community condemned the attacks on civilians, an operation to evacuate hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals was launched. But Col Gaddafi continued to tighten his grip and mounted further attacks


43 on rebel-held cities to the west and east. Battles raged in Brega, Ras Lanuf and Bin Jawad, but rebels succeeded in taking Ras Lanuf. Zawiya and Misrata in the west also saw heavy fighting. Col Gaddafi gave a rambling yet defiant televised speech, saying he would "fight until the last man".89

Crisis Escalates: 7 – 18 March, 2011

Pro-Gaddafi forces retook the oil towns of Bin Jawad, Ras Lanuf and Brega. Using air strikes and helicopter gunships, they pushed rebels back along the coast. Fierce fighting later took place in Ajdabiya and loyalists launched bombing raids on the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. Rebels deployed tanks, artillery and helicopters to repel the assault. As the crisis grew, the UN Security Council backed a no-fly zone over Libya in order to protect civilians. As attack plans were drawn up under a UN resolution, Col Gaddafi's government declared a unilateral ceasefire, but his forces continued fighting.90

Coalition Bombing Begins: 19 – 20 March

89 Ibid, p. 40 90 Ibid, p. 40


The coalition launched air strikes against Libyan targets after government forces, despite having called a ceasefire 24 hours earlier, began a fierce attack on the eastern rebel-held city of Benghazi. France, the US and the UK took part in the early missions. US commanders said the strikes had succeeded in crippling Gaddafi's air capability to allow the effective enforcement of the no-fly zone.

Battle for Misrata: 16 – 25 April, 2011

On Monday, March 28th, 2011 pm local time, President Obama explained the Libyan public. He spoke at length at the National Defense University, Washington.

At the same time Obama is pressing the United Nations to create a UN Security Council resolution ―Allowing it to be not in accordance with our national interests. I refuse to let that happen. That is why nine days ago, after consultation with the leaders of both parties in Congress, I authorize a military action to stop the killings that occurred and to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. We attacking regime forces approaching Benghazi moving to protect the city and save the inhabitants. We attacked Gaddafi troops in neighboring Ajdabiya city, so that opposition forces can beat back the forces. We also attacked the tools of his air defense to be made to enable the no-fly zone. Our goal is to tanks and military assets that had surrounded and suffocating life in various cities. And tonight, I can report that we have succeeded in stopping the movement of the force Gadhaffi death‖.91



As battles raged in the east, the rebel-held western cities of Misrata and Zintan continued to come under rocket attack from Col Gaddafi's forces. The intense shelling of Misrata became the focus of international concern, and boats began evacuating thousands of migrant workers trapped in the city. The street battles led NATO countries to offer military advice and equipment to aid the rebel forces. Meanwhile, a NATO air strike badly damaged buildings in Col Gaddafi's Bab al- Aziziya compound in Tripoli.92

NATO blamed for Tripoli Civilian: 26 April – 12 August, 2011

Obama also reiterated that NATO is they who most effective alliance to force Gaddafi

―The most effective alliance that we have, NATO, has taken command of the exercise of the arms embargo and the no-fly zone. Last , NATO has taken a decision to take more responsibility is to protect Libyan civilians. Transition from US to NATO command will be performed on Wednesday. For the future, the leadership in enforcing no-fly zone and protect civilians peoples will move to the allies and our partners, I am confident that our coalition will be able to continue to suppress the remnants of the Gaddafi. To that end, the United States will take a supporting role - including support in the field of intelligence, logistics, help with search and rescue (SAR), and the Gaddafi regime blocking communication. With the transition to a coalition under NATO, the risk and cost of our responsibility - either by our military, as well as by the taxpayer in the US - could be reduced significantly.We do not say that our work has been completed. In addition to our responsibility as a member of NATO, we will work with the international community to provide assistance to the Libyan people, in the form of food aid to those who hunger and medical aid to the wounded. We will set aside more than 33 billion dollars from the frozen assets of Gaddafi regime so that it can be used to rebuild Libya. Moreover, the money does not belong to Gaddafi or ours, but belongs to the Libyan people and we will ensure that they will accept it.‖.93

92 Ibid, p. 40 93 Ibid, p. 43


NATO repeatedly hit Tripoli and other targets. Missiles hit Col Gaddafi's compound, with one attack killing one of his sons and three grandchildren. The International Criminal Court sought the arrest of the Libyan leader, his son and intelligence chief for crimes against humanity. The rebels were later recognised by some Western nations as the legitimate government.94

Finally Obama said―Despite our efforts in the past week was a remarkable success, I know that the majority of Americans continue to wonder about our efforts in Libya. Gaddafi has not come down from power, and until he actually fell, Libya will remain dangerous. Moreover, even after Gaddafi fell later, forty years of tyranny has been ravaged Libya and did not leave a strong civil institutions. The transition to a legitimate government and accountable to the people of Libya will be an arduous task. In addition to the United States that will perform its role to help, it would be the duty of the international community and, more importantly, the task of the Libyan people themselves.

In fact, most of the debate about the Libyan government in Washington has become simalakama fruit. On the one hand, some question why America should intervene - although on a limited basis. They argue that there are many places in this world that civilians were not guilty should face violence from the government and America should not be expected to be the world's policeman, especially when we have so many complicated problems in the country. It is true that America can not use

94 Ibid, p. 40

47 military force whenever there is repression. With the costs and risks of intervention, we must always measure our interests before an action needs to be done‖.95

The End of the Game: 13 August – 20 October, 2011

After months of little progress, a major offensive by the rebels saw them push out from the west towards the towns of the coastal plain, breaking the deadlock. They took control of a series of strategic towns before capturing Tripoli. The rebels' National Transitional Council - now recognised as the country's interim government - went on to make a failed attempt to negotiate a peaceful resolution to stand-offs in the remaining places controlled by loyalists. As fighting continued, anti-Gaddafi forces went on to take the key southern town of Sabha and moved in on the remaining two loyalist strongholds, Bani Walid - south-east of Tripoli - and the fugitive leader's birthplace of Sirte. NTC forces claimed victory in Bani Walid mid-October and Sirte fell some days later. Col Gaddafi's death was reported by the NTC shortly after.96

5.2 United States of America Foreign Policy US foreign policy is the way in which the United States to interact and establish standards of international interaction, good organization, company or individual. Why standard, because the choice of US foreign policy toward a country has always been a benchmark or affect other countries in relation to a country doing the same. Significant example is the global reach of the United States can be seen from the economic power of 15 trillion dollars, about a quarter of the total world GDP. US military budget of 711 billion dollars in 2011, equivalent to 43 per cent of global military spending.97

95 Ibid, p. 45 96 Ibid, p. 40 97 2011, GROSS DOMESTIC PPRODUCT: FOURTH QUARTER AND ANNUAL 2010. As retrieved from: on Nov 13, 2014.


Source: U.S Defense Spending Trends 2000-2011. Retrieved January 03, 2014 from e1309722394211.jpg

Although the President of the United States has the highest authority on the implementation of foreign policy, but that is always a role for diplomacy efforts from one country to another is the United States Secretary of State. This is because the main executor of US foreign policy, including designing a strategy to maintain and achieve the goal was United States Secretary of State.98

There are several measures or foreign policy that is not possible to present the President of the United States performs an act directly, such as attending various meetings. This then makes the role of United States Secretary of State standout, not

98 2012, Department Mission Statement. As retrieved from: on Dec 2, 2014.

49 merely as a representative of the attitude of the President of the United States but also abroad USA coverage vast to be controlled by one person.99

The objective of US foreign policy as stated in the foreign policy agenda of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United States is to build and maintain a world that is more democratic, secure, and prosperous for the benefit of the people of the United States and the international community.100 In addition, the United States Committee on Foreign Affairs said there are some US jurisdictions, such as export controls, including nonproliferation of nuclear technology and nuclear devices, measures to foster trade relations with foreign countries, keeping the US business abroad, the agreement international commodity, international education, and protect US citizens abroad and expatriates.101

Globally, in the reign of Obama stated that US foreign policy focused on cooperation with other countries, diplomacy through international institutions including the United Nations, and the use of foreign aid, primarily humanitarian aid as a tool of diplomacy. Obama political promises while campaigning for president indicated a reduction policies are aggressive or militaristic. For example, the withdrawal of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military budget cuts as austerity measures, to close Guantanamo, including the rehabilitation of the rights of the majority of the prisoners who were not linked terrorism but already arrested.102

99 Ibid, p. 21 100 Peter Wallensteen. 2012. Understanding Conflict Resolution. London: Sage Publications. pg. 281- 282. 101 2011, Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy. As retrieved from: on Nov 4, 2014. 102 Ibid


Source: on Januari 26, 2015


The takeaway is that economic strength affects for national security, because while the U.S. accounts for 46% of all defense spending in the world, we have, to date, been able to make that national security commitment by spending a relatively modest percentage of our GDP, both historically (4% is well below our post-World War II average) or relative to other powerful countries. (European countries being the exceptions because they‘re free-riding off our NATO commitment.) Robust economic growth enables us to maintain a strong national defense while minimizing the trade- offs we must make with other important national priorities.103

In particular in the case of Libya, in contrast to the United States presidents earlier that tends very antipathy to figure Gaddafi, Obama inherited Foreign policy of the United States would continue to increase rapprochement with Libya. About the same time with the start of the process president election in December 2007 to January 2008, it is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United States Condleeza Rice continue to improve the intensity of direct communication with Gaddafi. Moreover, Condoleeza Rice to have to go to the residence of Kadhafi as part of the seriousness of the United States reply to the seriousness of Libya in efforts to improve bilateral relations.104

Obama actually have the dilemma of how to address and then took measures against Libya in 2011. This is because since the beginning of Obama started serving as president of the Libyan attitudes have a much more positive, especially relics successful approaches Condoleezza Rice in 2009. But only in 2 years, drastic changes showed deterioration Gaddafi's commitment to change into a more democratic Libya. Instead of changing to a democratic Libya that the expected follow-up tune the

103As retrieved from: economic-strength on Januari 26, 2015 104 2008, Condoleezza Rice Lakukan Kunjungan Bersejarah ke Libya. Bersejarah-ke-Libya on Nov 3, 2014.


United States, Gaddafi actually taking repressive measures and keep the hope of democratization in Libya.105

After that, the United States was also initially hesitant in the process of designing a strict policy against Libya. While Western countries were actually already considered that Libya has made active efforts to rehabilitate the image of foreign policy before 2011. So Gaddafi responded with repressive policies insistence retreat by the people, especially the surprise of many Western countries because Gaddafi has been active enough to improve the image of Libya.

The day before President Barack Obama delivered a speech on the military mission in Libya by the US Defense Secretary Robert Gates was asked if rioting and bloodshed in Libya threatens US national interests. Gates replied, "No. Absolutely not threaten America's primary interest. However, it threatens the interests associated with the Arab League, Europe, the problem of humanity in general. After the revolution in Libya's east and west, namely in Egypt and Tunisia, destabilization is happening in Libya is likely to threaten the results of the revolution in Egypt and Tunisia. That is the consideration of Americans".106

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also defended the US decision led coalition forces enforcing the no-fly zone in Libya. Clinton said that Libya is very important for the UK, France, Italy and other NATO allies, as well as Arab countries American partners. Clinton said, "Imagine if Americans just stand idly by, while the population of Benghazi 700,000 assaulted. Tens of thousands of people may have been killed and hundreds of thousands of others can not flee anywhere or flooded Egypt, which is undergoing a difficult transition period. If Americans do not do anything, they would shout 'Why Americans do not do anything about it?'.107

105 2011, world, timeline, Libya. As retrieved from: 21/world/libya.timeline_1_quryna-benghazi-moammar-ghadafi/5?_s=PM:WORLD on Nov 6, 2014. 106 libya-118740129/91404.html 107 Ibid


Policy to enforce the no-fly zone over Libya is supported by the Republic Faction members who sit in the Senate Armed Services Committee, John McCain from the state of Arizona. McCain explains, "We can argue about the definition of primary importance. There is no American interests at stake in connection with the events of Srebrenica, Rwanda, and . In Libya, Moammar Gaddafi forces already on the outskirts of the city of Benghazi. He himself has said it will enter every house and killing citizens. Thankfully, after the enforcement of the no-fly zone, we succeeded in preventing what would happen".108

5.3 United Nations Security Council Resolution

Barack Obama address about Libya conflict on 23 February 2011.

―I‘ve also asked Secretary Clinton to travel to Geneva on Monday, where a number of foreign ministers will convene for a session of the Human Rights Council. There she‘ll hold consultations with her counterparts on events throughout the region and continue to ensure that we join with the international community to speak with one voice to the government and the people of Libya‖.

Appeal of United States for UN Security Council to Passed Resolution UN Security Council Number 1973 of 2011. The contents of the resolution are: demands the immediate establishment of a ceasefire and a complete end to violence and all attacks against, and abuses of, civilians; imposes a no-fly zone over Libya; authorizes all necessary means to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas, except for a ―foreign occupation force‖; strengthens the arms embargo and particularly action against mercenaries, by allowing for forcible inspections of ships and planes; imposes a ban on all Libyan-designated flights; imposes an assets owned by the Libyan authorities, and reaffirms that such assets should be used for the benefit of the Libyan people; extends the travel ban and assets freeze of United Nations Security

108 Ibid


Council Resolution 1970 to a number of additional individuals and Libyan entities; establishes a panel of experts to monitor and promote sanctions implementation.109

The resolution is essentially an attempt isolation so that the condition in Libya is not widened to its neighbors. Moreover, the conditions in Libya linked to the Arab Spring wave. If the armed conflict between Gaddafi loyalists resist focused Libyan opposition or NTC continues to prolonged and not isolated, it is feared will happen shocks government in Libya's neighboring countries with similar patterns of conflict that caused fatalities were quite large.110

Fly Zone Prohibition Policy as a major part of the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1973 can be interpreted in various ways. First, both sides of the conflict between Gaddafi loyalists and NTC in order to equally locked in Libya so as to localize the area of conflict. Second, that Gaddafi loyalists can not attack through the air by dropping bombs over fighter jets against the NTC. In addition, efforts to limit the movement of the conflict is very important because in the battle between Gaddafi loyalists and NTC is also influenced by traditional tribes living in the Libyan desert.111

Some traditional tribes in Libya, there is pro-Gaddafi and pro-NTC.112 Regulatory instruments Fly Zone Prohibition Policy, although not fully perform isolation, while providing an opportunity for the UN to minimize conflict in Libya in order not to spread to neighboring countries in anticipation relationship or tribal pattern that is present between Gaddafi loyalists and opponents of Gaddafi opposition.113

109 Security Council, U. 2011, Resolution 1973. As retrieved from: on Nov 17, 2014. 110 2011, 10 Resolusi DK PBB Terhadap Libya. As retrieved from: on Nov 4, 2014. 111 Khan, A. 2011, Dilemmas of The Arab Spring, Khilafah. com. 112 Ibid 113 Ibid


Secondly, specific against Gaddafi, policies Fly Zone Prohibition Policy will facilitate efforts to hold Gaddafi if the conflict in Libya will be stopped and arrested Gaddafi could indeed be alive. Through the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 is already convinced that the conflict in Libya caused by military aggression and reluctance Gaddafi to relinquish the post of supreme leader who has ruled Libya for more than four decades.114 Evidence can be seen with increasing aggressiveness of casualties civilians up to a thousand people.

Only after some time Gaddafi intervened militarily in the cities sac concentration opposition, the opposition began to use light weapons to defend themselves from invasion of Gaddafi loyalists. Moreover then Gaddafi accelerate the destruction of the cities bag opposition, by sending warplanes to carry out the bombing. That's the one reason why the present plan Fly Zone Prohibition Policy, namely that the fighter planes operated by soldiers loyal to Gaddafi no longer commit mass murder by bombing or threatened forcibly imposed by the military forces of NATO.115

It is also confirmed that Gaddafi is seen will increase access to weapons or optimize his power amid armed conflict if it has access out of the country or network to parties outside Libya. Therefore, in an effort to minimize the Gaddafi military aggression in response to the NTC, the judge required the UN no-fly zone policy in order to limit the movement of Gaddafi. Whether it limits the possibility of adding weapons that Gaddafi ordered, or prevent Gaddafi fled.116

Conditions beleaguered Gaddafi did not make it to flee abroad in various ways or ask for political asylum. Gaddafi insisted not to leave Libya and chose to fight until her death. In early October 2011, or about a few weeks before he was shot dead in the siege of October 20, 2011, Gaddafi fled from Tripoli and moved to a

114 Ibid, p. 29 115 Security Council, U. 2011, Resolution 1973. As retrieved from: on Nov 17, 2014. 116 Ibid

56 remote tribe in Libya filled in favor of him and is willing to provide any security protection for Gaddafi.117

After Gaddafi out of Tripoli, Fly Zone Prohibition Policy become much more widely treated because there is no longer a policy holder who really influential in Tripoli. Until then Gaddafi stuck in the process of escape by land and precisely locked around Sirte which is precisely the concentration sac opposition. Failure to achieve regional Gaddafi in Libya is considered safe for him and instead locked in Sirte.118 Finally Gaddafi loyalists really desperate and really difficult to get access to additional weaponry. Not to mention the difficulty for Gaddafi loyalists who are trying to convince Gaddafi Gaddafi that position really threatened until then Gaddafi was forced to secure themselves to the Libyan border with neighboring countries. Limitations and options when Gaddafi loyalists increasingly pressed against the NTC because it does not want to escape as asserted by Gaddafi weaken the position of Gaddafi loyalists well. This led to the death of Gaddafi with gunshot wounds in his body when trying to defend themselves in the city of Sirte which is the hometown and the last place to fight.119

5.4 The Role of North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Libya Revolution

US invasion of Iraq that began in March 2003 to December 2011 is the largest military invasion in the history of the United States and aims to have the main purpose of stripping the entire chemical weapons of mass destruction which is owned and developed by the government of Saddam Hussein's regime. This invasion has cost more than three trillion dollars and thousands of US military personnel killed in action during the military operation. In addition, the US invasion of Iraq not only result in financial losses and casualties from the United States, according to an

117 2011, Ghadaffi ‘we wiil not surrender, we will not give up’. As retrieved from: on Dec 3, 2014 118 2011, Muammar Ghadafi Killed as Sirte falls. As retrieved from: on Dec 3, 2014. 119 Ibid

57 independent organization that record civilian casualties Iraq war, Iraq Body Count Organization (IBC), there were 106 348 deaths of the civilians until July 2010).120

NATO became a vehicle for the United States to conduct or international policy and international security policy is considered urgent for the United States.121 United States as a superpower makes it very flexible to encourage or wear NATO military intervention policy execution to another country. In the perspective of the United States, when a country currently experiencing conflict or are assessed affecting the stability of regional and global security, the United States first use NATO as a collective justification justify the need for state intervention into the conflict. That is because the United States realize that the UN is not necessarily to have flexibility in the collective agreement or justification of military intervention to a country or place can be obtained as in NATO.122

When NATO decided prepared to support any effort to overthrow Gaddafi in response to Gaddafi's repressive measures against the NTC, the United States through President Barack Obama on the sidelines of his visit in Brazil on March 19, 2011 said that the United States in the case of armed conflict in Libya take limited military action as part of a broad coalition in NATO. Then, Obama added that the United States and NATO will not remain silent when there is someone who cruelly told his people that there will be no mercy as Gaddafi action that continues to act repression against the opposition. In the same occasion Obama also reiterated that the United States will not lower its army in the mission in Libya this time.123

120 Ibid, p. 2 121 Indonesia Jakarta US 2011, Perkembangan Terkini Pelaksanaan Resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB tahun1970 dan 1973 terhadap Libya. As retrieved from: on Dec 3, 2014. 122 2013, What is NATO? Pick a topic and discover NATO. As retrieved from: on Dec 20, 2014 123, Obama: Peran AS di Libya terbatas. Retrieved from: on 03 September 2014


After obtaining the approval of the United States on March 19, 2011, a coalition of multinational forces under NATO alliance began a military intervention in Libya is done to implement UN Security Council Resolution No. 1973 on the Prohibition Fly Zone over Libya's airspace. This action made the NATO alliance troops in an effort to respond to conditions that occurred during the civil war in Libya.124

NATO did intervened policy more explicit in Libya. Especially strive for NATO could gain access to weapons aid to the NTC. Therefore, NATO saw NTC became cornered when Gaddafi loyalists and accelerate the attack, especially after the UN Security Council issued Resolution No. 1973 of 2011. NATO see that the amount of support for the existence of the NTC will weaken Gaddafi loyalists to return centralized in Tripoli. NATO needs to provide more explicit support for the NTC will be much easier if United States join to support in the intervention strategy.125

The United States does not directly approve more concrete interventions on the part of NATO to help the NTC. The impact of the global crisis experienced by the United States, and the trauma of swelling financing the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States became the pretext for the onset of swelling worry too much identical when NATO intervened in Libya. However, NATO members such as France and the UK, continues to convince the US that conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan prolonged can‘t be equated with the urgency of intervention against Libya.126

United States began to believe that the more significant NATO involvement will help accelerate the fall of Gaddafi. The enlargement of NATO military assistance

124 2011, Security Council Approves ‗No-Fly Zone‘ over Libya, Authorizing All Necessary. As retrieved from: on Dec 20, 2014 125 Ibid, p. 38 126 Khan, A. 2011, Dilemmas of The Arab Spring, Khilafah. com.

59 to the NTC, NTC will strengthen the back so that it can strike back Gaddafi and loyalists. After the United States agree that NATO acted more significant in Libya in response to the increasing loss of life resulting from military attacks Gaddafi loyalists, and slowly Gaddafi loyalists can be beaten back and start losing control area after the NATO air strikes and ground attacks were carried out by NTC.127

NATO alliance military operations began with the launch of more than 110 cruise missiles fruit Tomhawk USS Barry, USS Stout, and a British submarine Trafalgar throughout the month of March 2011. In addition, the French Air Force with its flagship fighter jet aircraft Rafale and Mirage; Aircraft Typhoon and Tornado fighter jet belonging to the British Royal Air Force; and the Royal Canadian Air Force with Jet Fighter F-18 simultaneously perform a surprise attack in the direction of vital objects Libyan military.128

The United States also sent a plane B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber to fly nonstop from Ellsworth Air Force Base in Dakota, United States towards Libya to drop 40 bombs of Libyan airspace.129 Associated Press (AP) reported that the fighter jet planes belonging to the coalition countries including those of the United States who are members of the NATO alliance has conducted a raid as much as 26 thousand times throughout March to October 2011, and has done as much as attack missions over 9,600 times throughout the intervention period March to September 2011. The planes of the fighter jets have destroyed the Libyan military air defense and more

127 2011, Muammar Ghadafi Killed as Sirte falls. As retrieved from: on Dec 3, 2014.

128 Ibid, p. 39 129 2011, Intervensi NATO di Libya, sebuah kasus transformasi politik. As retrieved from: success-near-Benghazi.html on Dec 15, 2014

60 than 1,000 units of tanks, then the transport vehicle logistics and weapons, as well as the entire network access control belonging to Gaddafi.130

Source: journalism-operations-country

Attack by NATO-backed NTC managed to weaken the chain of communication between Gaddafi loyalists and ending on the Thursday morning of October 20, 2011 after Gaddafi was killed by his own people. In essence, the approval of the United States to NATO to enlarge Libyan intervention to be of the key importance and why Gaddafi loyalists can be defeated.131 The US Defense Department has spent $ 1.1 billion dollars. This includes the US military mission in Libya during, ammunition, and supplies the US Defense Department. In addition to spending that much money, the United States also use the

130 2011, Libya mission cost U.S. more than $1 billion. As retrieved from:$1- billion/ on Dec 26, 2014 131 2011, Muammar Ghadafi Killed as Sirte falls. As retrieved from: on Dec 3, 2014.

61 momentum of the intervention by selling various needs of war, ranging from ammunition, spare parts, and fuel and other support to the total economic value of 250 million US dollars.132

5.5 The Involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Libyan Revolution.

At that time the United States was too early to directly send military aid to Libya. Options military aid to the NTC is not in accordance with the outline of Obama's foreign policy since he was elected as President of the United States in, which as far as possible to reduce the US military activity is considered susceptible to extend the conflict and harm the US budget balance. Despite some initial meeting to the formation of the Friends of Libya did not take place in the United States but takes place in Doha, Rome, Abu Dhabi, and Istanbul, as well as the first conference held in Paris, but the key figures are always present in the meetings than any other state leaders is Secretary US State, Hillary Clinton. This is why even if Obama is not directly involved, but the most important role of the United States to give legitimacy NTC.133

The founder of NTC, Mahmoud Djibril, convinced that the United States will help Libya in an attempt to overthrow the Gaddafi regime and bring the country into a democratic state. This is done in the United States to melt back Libyan funds frozen when Gaddafi lead and then given to the NTC to be used in efforts to overthrow the Libyan ruler.134 The United States has a very strict policy in the transaction or deposit funds that are considered suspicious. This policy was intensified after the tragedy of 911, in which the perpetrators of terrorism can be manipulated such that the transfer

132 Ibid, p. 41 133 2011, World powers agree to set up contact group to map out Libya’s future. As retrieved from: agree-to-set-up-contact-group-to-map-out-Libyas-future.html on Dec 4, 2014. 134 2011, Washington sends forth stooges to replace Gaddafi. As retrieved form: on Nov 17, 2014.

62 of funds to finance terrorist attacks directly to New York and Washington. Almost all dictators hide that with various storage mechanisms. The United States has always sought to limit or even freeze the funds or assets that are considered perpetuate dictatorial rule, not the exception Gaddafi and his family. Hoard wealth of Libya led for more than four decades, an estimated accumulated up to 90 billion dollars and are distributed through the entire members of Gaddafi's complicated.135

So when conditions heat up as the Libyan Arab Spring, supervision of Gaddafi and his family wealth of enhanced enumerated by the United States. When there is a tendency that the wealth of Gaddafi will be used to maintain power Gaddafi including personally buy a variety of military equipment, the United States immediately contacted the various banks which proved as a store of wealth in order to freeze the accounts of Gaddafi Gaddafi and his family. This is a precaution that Gaddafi loyalists and or not further strengthen themselves by adding new military equipment. So instead of cash riches stored in various accounts that originally owned Gaddafi and his family, most successfully frozen by the United States after-banking banking requested by the United States is willing to comply with their insistence.136

Khalifa Hifter is one of the Libyan rebel commander suspected as one of the US agencies that exist within the NTC. This is because Hifter lived more than 20 years in the United States and re le Libya in March 2011 to lead one of the command of the rebel forces.137 Over in the US, Hifter lived only a few minutes from the central headquarters (CIA) Virginia, Langley. The proximity makes it claimed as the US agent. There is no real evidence as well as the official statement of the CIA and the US government on the matter. Clearly, Hifter made important resource for the CIA to

135 2011, Where Dictators Hide Their Money. As retrieved from: no-one-can-find-it.html on Nov 4, 2014. 136 2011, Where Dictators Hide Their Money. As retrieved from: no-one-can-find-it.html on Nov 4, 2014. 137 Ibid

63 obtain regular information regarding the condition of Libya and Gaddafi during Hifter living in the United States.

CIA has involvement in the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime that has leaded more than four decades. United States bring in some people who live outside the Libyan opposition and indirectly the United States provide coaching them to prepare the overthrow of Gaddafi's regime in 2011. Initially the United States to use the CIA to topple the Libyan opposition groups are moving in Libya, but it is difficult and the process will take quite a long time since Gaddafi individual has a great influence coupled with a very strong military force Gaddafi although confidential, since there is no official data. In addition, Gaddafi has several weapons bunkers hidden and scattered in several areas of Libya.138

According to Escobar who is correspondence Asia Times stated, that the CIA spies were in (eastern coastal region of Libya) and conduct intelligence operations well, even before Obama declared to participate intervene in Libya in 2011. They collaborated with the French intelligence and British who then began to manipulate and determine the pattern of the main objectives of NTC.139

Furthermore, Webster Tarpley, who is a journalist investigating the Libyan crisis also confirms that Mahmoud Jibril, Abdel Jalil, Abdul Fatah Younis and Khalifa Hifter an agent of a foreign government and NATO stooges placed in the NTC. They are completely under foreign control, so they will never be able to assert any kind of independence of Libya.140

From all these sources can be concluded that the CIA had a hand in the overthrow of Gaddafi. Because since the beginning of CIA representing the US government has prepared a whole, good preparation before the revolution, and then

138 Ibid, p. 5 139 2011, Washington sends forth stooges to replace Gaddafi. As retrieved form: on Nov 17, 2014. 140 Ibid, p. 14

64 accompany Libya during the revolution, as well as participate in shaping US objectives in Libya after the revolution.




Begins when a wave of Arab Spring in the Middle East. Libya became one of the participating countries affected by large-scale revolution. The leader at the time was Muammar Gaddafi who has led the more than 40 decades. The revolution in Libya begins when called NTC Gaddafi opposition against Gaddafi loyalists and government. Tripoli and Sirte is a city in Libya that a silent witness to the civil war of February to October.

The bigger this revolution when it come the USA and its allies to exploit loopholes. United States as a superpower using its power to establish cooperation with various important organizations in the world, namely the United Nations and NATO, plus CIA who were under his government itself. The national interest was mentioned as a factor of the US intervention into Libya. United States really wants their goals achieved so bold cooperation with the two organizations. The US has a very deep trauma when they invaded Iraq to the detriment of the various aspects such as economic, military and image in the world. In contrast different president is also the system of government. By the time Barack Obama led the policy turned into soft power.

The United States contact United Nations when called on to make the UN Security Council resolution 1973 of 2011 which contains the no-fly zone in Libyan airspace, aiming for the revolution in Libya did not spread to neighboring countries which may be greater casualties and that Gaddafi along the loyalists can not be attacked by air. The CIA, under the control of the United States and is not difficult to work with. CIA moves before the revolution happened and when the revolution is underway. Khalifa Hifter, assessed is an agent of the CIA, he served as commander of the Libyan rebel forces or so-called NTC. All information about Libya before the revolution and during the revolution is thanks Khalifa Hifter. NATO, is a highly

66 influential organization to overthrow the Gaddafi regime. US relations with NATO is very closely because the United States is one of the originator of the founding of NATO. The whole of the weapons used by the NTC to attack Gaddafi loyalists are assistance of NATO secretly. NATO also provides running and great and provide assistance by air attack.

The military strike ends in October. In the city of Sirte, Muammar Gaddafi city where born and where Gaddafi was killed. Gaddafi loyalists already cornered and had run out of weapons when it continues to be attacked by the NTC. On October 20, 2011, Gaddafi was shot dead. The incident also made the end of the war of the revolution in Libya. During the 9 months of the war took place from February to October.

Oil and Democratization is the reason the United States intervene in Libya. UNSC and NATO are behind the actor of US intervene. Oil reserves in Libya is considered very much and the United States as the largest industry in the world is always in need of oil resources continues to increase each year. Another reason is the democratization of the country of Libya. During Libya's Muammar Gaddafi led by a very anti-Western countries, making it difficult for the United States to cooperate in any field and make countries around Libya also anti-Western countries. Democratization is one solution. Intervene in Libya, overthrow the Gaddafi regime that has long been in power for more than 40 decades, and then transform Libya into a democracy. That way it will be easy for the United States in cooperation with Libya and the countries of the Middle East, and make the United States more easily access and can go much deeper to take advantage. The United States would be very easy to control Libya.




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