Dying to Come Back As a Memoir
Youth, Middle-Age, and You-Look-Great Stephen Rosen Dying to come back as a Memoir When George Gershwin asked to study composition with Maurice Ravel, Ravel replied, “Why be a second- rate Ravel when you can be a first-rate Gershwin?” a I much prefer that my own style be my own, uncultivated and rude, but made to fit as a garment, to the measure of my mind rather than someone else’s, which may be more elegant, ambitious, and adorned but one that deriving from a greater genius, continually slips off, Copyright © 2013 by Stephen Rosen. All rights reserved. unfitted to the humble proportions of my intellect. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any --Petrarch means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the author. a Disclaimer: This book is based on fallible memory and many of the stories did not “Is it true, Rabbi, that ‘Do unto others as you would have them actually happen the way I describe them; portrayals of individuals and events contain motivated misperceptions, selective recall, confirmation biases, irony, and inventive or do unto you’ summarizes all of the Torah’s wisdom, and all imaginative recreations that make me appear wiser and more heroic or than I actually Jewish ethical and moral teachings?” was or am. --Astrophysicist PROSPECT PRESS 7 Prospect Boulevard East Hampton, NY 11937 and “Well, let me answer your question with a question. Is it true that 35 West 81st Street, Suite 1D all
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