Clinchport Quadrangle Virginia
COMMON\VEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES GEOLOGY OF THE CLINCHPORT QUADRANGLE VIRGINIA WILLIAM B. BRENT REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS 5 VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Jomes L. Colver Commissioner of Minerol Resources ond Stote Geologist CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGI NIA 1963 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES GEOLOGY OF THE CLINCHPORT QUADRANGLE VIRGINIA WILLIAM B. BRENT REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS 5 VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Jomes L. Colver Commissioner of Minerol Resources ond Stote Geologist CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 1963 Comnorywrer,ru or VrncrNre DnpenruoNr oF PrtRcEAsEa aND Suppr,y Rrcs:uoNo 1963 DNPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DE\IELOPMENT Richmond, Virginia Menvnr M. Surnnnr,eNo, Director A. S. Recuer,, JR., Erecutiae Assistant BOARD G. Ar,vrx MessoNeuRc, Hampton, Chairman Syorvoy F. Suer,r,, Roanoke, Vice-Chairman A. Pr,rnurpr Bnrnxn, Orange WonrsrNcrox Feur,rnrn, Glasgow Cenr,rsr,n H. Huurcr,srwn, Williamsburg Genr,eNn E. Moss, Chase City Enrvpsr LnB Surrn, Grundy Vrcron W. Srpwenr, Petersburg Wrr,r,relr P. Woonr,ny. Norfolk CONTENTS Pecn Abstract. .'........ I Introduction. 2 Location and size of area. .. -..... 2 Geography. ... 6) Acknowledgments s Stratigraphy...... 3 Cambrian system o Rome formation 5 Rutledse limestone. I t0 Rogersi'ille shale. , Maryville limestone. l0 Nolichucky formation. t2 Maynardville formation. l5 Copper Ridge formation. 17 Ordovician system. 18 Chepultepec formation. l8 Longview and Kingsport formations, undivided . l9 Mascot formation. l9 Blackford formation. 21 Elway limestone oo 23 Iincolnshire limestone . Rye Cove limestone, new. 94 Rockdelllimestone. .. .. 25 Benbolt and Wardell li-estones. ,tnairrid"d 25 Bowenformation...... ad Wittenlimestone....
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