i!Ucellan«oiiB. •; Tlie flail ro nd In Ceylon. 5UiVPopsoii. TIIE KKOCK ALPHABET. So closely docs tho railroad approach the water's edgo that thero scorns barely RETiRtHG rROM BUSINESS. room for It between the clustering palms VARIOUS ACOUSTIC METHODS USED and red tiled roofs ot the village on ono IN RUSSIAN PRISONS. tldo and tho blue shining sea on thb other Every now and then, when alarger wave, Thanking the people than usual comes rolling In, the whole; NEURALGIA. of Virginia for the' patronage lore Knock, nnd Beratihe* on the Wall breadth of the track Is plentifully U-'. HBrvet.—Wero'it poadbleto observe th* am} corifldenco thoy have glvgn Aro Undo to Itepreient Word* aod sprluUed with spray. But In spllo <'' this It is thickly dotted with whlto tm mljery of the world in somo concrete me for ibo past2Q years, Xwlll I'll rote, by Wblch rrlsoners May Uolit bans and hluo or scarlet sashes, partl-cn' form, nothing over conceived would now reward them with a orod skirts, brnae nose rings, dusky law sni-pogs Its horrors. Every one of tlie tbrcod-llke iicrrca hava cadi a latent EVEoriifG mmu and thick, black hair RUstenlngtArlth c. GREAT j BEDUCTIOI*, power .to cause excruciating pain, the s&r?'••'••&.*$£ And iiow (or lhe "knock language,"or coanut oil; for the railroad, ia n favorii 'knock alphabet," There is n multitude limit of which It simply the limit ol In the prices of my goods. y&A " , -;; T.«ArAv.CB,U promenade with tho natives, who find it human endurance. Think of the tooth­ iA^5iWianw'^- of such nlpliubetii at the Tarloas political firm, smoot,b roadbed a great relief nfti- My store la rented ,to Stein A prisons nf HiiB9la and Siberia, almost ache, with a single littlo nerve- at work * .STVOHHOIIICI.B tv. the toll of plodding anklo deep througl, to drtve one crazy; think of NEUBALOIA, Bro. foif a stationery store. every prison having on alphabet ot its the soft, unstable sand ot tbe beach. with a few ol these fibrous tonncnti own Tho simplest system It: One knock I have still tha iiARGEST AS- at tbo wall signifies a, two knocks b, But all at onco a shrill whistle Is beard, SOHTMENT ot EYE GLASSES ISTEI-&.M: tbroo knocks c, etc But ns the Russian and tho turboned promenaders scatter sands, tens ol thousands, perhaps mil­ and SPECTACLES In 'town on grammar contains Uilrty-Ilvo letters, this away from the track to right and left, v^syJ.K-h"i;s^iA."i».n3 lions, are suffering alike. band and will sell tnem^et less Mm in tiresome and Inconvenient and while tho morning train comes rattling up facilitate it various aconsUc methods nt extra speed, as if in bosto TO sweep . CHARACTERISTICS. than LiyiMG PRICES.: -, ...J used. A knock at n wall with the end away tho intruders who are trespassing Sabilie Pain.—N^dal#c'affcdkma ere perhaps ths matt pronoiintal In' the -:-vHarmoii-';^fla "1 bought the of u Anger sounds, different from a knock alta private road. Oat of the third with a knuckle, A-thlunb iiall causes enonuousllstofnclnnand pains. Noth­ Iho same goods eif Hordman A ^s|£282sS s cars—which are nothing moro than ing is so subtilu In its approach; nothing Bro.; San Francisco. nuutlicr peculiar sound. Tho sound of tho overgrowX n wooden boxes, with both sides so flagrant, acute and distressing, and "" inltuntbyaDOt palm ot tho linud is different from that knocked out—peer the round (aces and certainly nothing, all the world admits, BOOK. & JOB iwHTcODFREY caused by a Dal. All tho finger nails ot beady black oyes of half a doien native onco creates a peculiar sound of their own; 'et discovered, so completely, subdue* M"S* PEIQBS children, to whom a Journey by tho won­ f I* ravages and eo permanently con­ EST EET the knuckles mako tho knock sound dif­ derful English "fire carriage" is a treat quers Its pongs aa that above mentioned, «,JS»H!0M " - ferent tlian thi. linear ends, or tbo wrist, Are soloiy as to defy eompetHUn "i» BnovaBB coatee™ A5? that never grows stale From the win­ SYMPTOMS. or elbow. Again various sounds cnn be dows of the second class—the sides ol Symptoms.—Neuralgia Is defined to he rORXEK PB1CB. KOW u elicited wllh every or several fingers nt which consist chiefly of Venetian blinds a nerve disease, tho chief iym{itom ol Pobbles{inBoia)„87 50 $3 BO r„mnmi.«"»"-™'" once nnd the sound of a boss button or a which is a very neute |aln, Itilcnnlttlo" PRINTING OPHCB, „o,»r.,.u*ntA»™«, tonic fully painted with red duat^-lean Pebbles 4 00" 2 00 rorat penholder can also easily le distinguished, tho limp white Jackets and heated face3 which followi the court* of the iicrre 'llio lortuatlon of o knock alphabet farther branch aili-ctcd, and which seems there­ Crystal Spectacles. 3 00 1 35 r of threo or four English jioldicrs, convoy­ fi-r* "- depends on tho figures marked on tbo ing in every ecowl of their smarting, sand fore to be scaled In Ibe nerve. Tito Crystal Spectacles. 2 00 [1 QQ wall by tho knocks. A straight lino symptom*! ore: Boronraa along plastered eyes at least £40 north of oaths the nerve; jalns alternating bctivcen Eye Glasses 2. §0, \ $5 could cosily ho indicated by two knocks nt 0 shillings apiece. Tho first class Is TB |ASTOIH_AOVEBTISERS. diflerent point., a triangle bj threo an rn ho and aeu.e pain. Arising from Eyo Glasses.,,,,,, 1 00 chiefly conspicuous by Its absence—David a dLninlircd stomacli. It is often at- Eye Glasses 5" i _..„r JJIP ItMKLT cni-OSICLK" __ _ r__ Ker in Kew York Times- liindol by vomiting. No. 85, South C street a • *3 llVirginia. "ijaAritiB*- Tork city.s So.|iinockB,aquadrati£lobytOlirJuiOcki)laDtl THEATMENT. •"*^ IiMUr- . a '"rail, ooov^'imon. Tho Umo which elnpses between (W- the knocks Is also taken Into consideration, ItODianca of tbo jWntnrev. Treatm Bnt,—Apply er. JACOBS OIJ. Itrfrlearini; ben twin rtaltll witb my tun- and somo knocks often signify whole Tho realm of the half autwrnutTiral bu traiiicntiy. gently rubbing tlio ""'.ctcd iiy it tUl lliici itrtet. Bin Frwc'eoo, words and phrases. been much worked, but it Is by no means park; apply to tbe wiiol- C].tcrit oJ tl]0 M. FBIgDMAHH. exhausted yot Is thero nowhere a family 08 1 31 WORDS ASD PUR ABES. l*^! !,""' "? - -"^P np a gentle frfction merged in our complex elvilisation which tUitil a burning reusatinii is praluoed. At tbo central prison ot Belgorod, words descends, and knows that It descends, Avoid sudden change or temperature. i^HftftheEvenlngOhronlcle. frequently used wero oipressed by knock ASSAYERS' SUPPLIES, £1 -.-1 Btrtoa Altrtrl BUT.IA. tram tho race believed by old commen­ figures nt follows: One knock with tlio tators to tip mentioned In Qenesla, Sild byltofyljUeridDealiTtEtennjIUTe. tt- ttisuiaiw ^ B WowJ fc cod of iho thumb nlgulilod yes; several tbo half breeds of heaven, th'e children Tlie Charles A. Von Her Co.,Hallo., md. '"'."...'- B- T. aopklni knocks, repeated tiulotly ono after an­ LARGEST & MOST COMPLETE -r^T""!-.- KnUinin Of" of nngcls and men. and which re­ dlE-HCAL Al-1'AKATIS, 'W-Sr""!. -...J Gold ner other with Uio end of the thumb, signified tains from that descent powers and *"•—"",_ John a. r.*_ po; a rectangle indicated by a knuckle, capacities and longings, and, ahovo all, EADiffq 8PE0IALTIEB. XJT^LJ... 01*7* GotHM meant relatives; n square, friends, com­ certainties as to another life, and with ~.-°^**£7 0. w. null ? rades, member* of tbo same party; a tbem religious obligations unknown tq its- P*'"*"S -... . J*™* "onl! straight line, what Hussion prisoners Pure Chemicals. **"*„„ M. OaiUher follows all around, always operative, yet •CT. .Wm.IlB.ry call "voltn," the outside, free world; twe always of necessity conccolcdf Is there Job Office in tbe State. Untight lines, Siberia; a triangle, prison; no ono who is undying, yet mast obey all **°Z"::::::: "ffr.o^ a tnu-, which was Indicated by rubbing * FIHE StfER-BlOOM/HO MRPETUfa, FUBNACE8, HUFFLEa?, „-„.,„ ...ff. Ilutlnc* other conditions of humanity; no ono, CUUBINQAHOMQSS ROSES J ,„ C. A. Th union brass bnltim at llio wall, prisoner, two except St. Ijtkm, for whom wealth is pro­ GCORinERS, OHUCIBLUL, K..I Commit nr*.. parallel "at* signified corridor; n vertical ducible at will, yet who dreads to uso bis CUPEUT, ntUUIEBS, TOSOB, line, director; a croo'-tdl lino, warder; a '41','..'...... -.-O Cheooee.lh power; no ono possessed of the faculty DLOW.PIPK 0OTT1TB, semicircle, medlntor; n knock at the wall Uulwcr used to hint at, hut never utilized DALANOIB AND WKIODTg with tbn elbow,, and so on. Several In his half supernatural glories, of gen­ RgAOBirra A«n FLASVJS, knocks at tho wall with the knuckles was erating In another mind any Idea be HUHER3 AKD rCHNEI.8, "Don't knock, lotucbody Is would' The novelists who have used ; ffiOBMATIOH WANTED, cominv.." Two alow knocks nt tho wall mesmerism ns a machine hnvo thought of Bvapoi-atlna Diahes, Etc.. Etc, slitnlBcl: "llnlloo, do you care to tpcakl" that power, but hnvo always limited It to Letter HMt.."Wew y*rli"t BUtemeBts, - BallTiekeU* you, by a knock with tho wrist. _ nnd alecp walking, the romance writ ors IlcUns WlM ir* VD)«H by motttuiB like - BHIIOMB Cards, •eB" " •"* hava hardly utilised tbe tact* of physiology Tlon, pmlu tln( a mir dt.grttibla I»HIDI .iitf BiLltlil warm,, Tbt! tottn 11 will TbttlDx Carii,) ,. t r. ptAt, vuriru oi. IT.. now creeping slowly into common Knowl­ is Ullni!. inMitlDi- snd ProlradlDK fllw.llelJ MARBLE_WORKS. Defura entering luto tlio minor details edge,' whllo thoy have left tho machinery at one. to tbs andialto r n • t br. Bot^'*-'inki'i' r«'l •- Stock Certifiettw, ot ttie knock alphabet aa It was In uso at of science to Julet Verne, whq usea tt KnEtdr, tth- ' " '• " lhs central prisou of Belgorod, n fow pre- with tbe intellectual subtlety ot a peep Uttxted, ibKrblnibi r tba tntnorr, *llay'n( ibe Toukert* Huidblllf. llmliiary remark* "are dceuipd pocpssnry. InuoH Itebli andeHtclli jfa reinimcnl core M'CORMACK K PARKER'S thow proprietor who has hired an electric " c«nl* Ai reel Vhe Dr. aotinko Utdldne Fiy Balls. There am tn tlio Itiisalqn alphabet hard light. SapDoio a man In sleeplcarnod all „ fliioi, 0.S todemt»t kUMR BALSAM ami sofi, Iimij mid rlnit vowels, to called.' that waking ho desired to know. It Broken* Blinta Instead of giving tlujr rwpectivo names, CtmLirfi would bo hut a grand exaggeration of Agsar Reports, l&TfftSicrE', tho approximately corresiionrtlng English somo well known mnn toi processes Io DIt. UO-SAN-I BaMa TtekeU, vowel* will bo given U|ow for ("0 Bako of sleep.—Loudon Spectator. Buk Cfewb, ggletl- l£.lvtbrs|XllU. convenience. The Ituiilan g Is pro- In LL. w dlKOtety for Torn PoaUrtf nounccil like the Engllih g In get. The Etc Etc IluAtian J like the French 0 or J In ger- NnT.l ghell far Slentnboat WarRire. " Balrd'fty'dVtobetfinr-lVn^^ H ElcEto inain or joiineif e. "Tho coming weapon of civilized war- Mjinjlj pltiunt to tho laile, pcrticl fate will not be en explosive bullet, but s IMQESUITT vs. Till. MAIL Cuupl.t, Colli., WLtvpInrtt.iijt chemical one," remarked a scientific gen­ lirone'hliii.iiJ ._ _ Tho Alphabet waa composed ns followsi tleman a short time ago. "Many sugges­ en u ii Iter'al wiufietlon. Dr. iietn»o-t and Lun£ Hjrop il Bold it 60 CJI.II by Ono knock at the wall with tho largo tions of this sort hava been made and Oouir: linger stood fur n, In, or jn; two knocks somo plan will bo adopted before long, with tho same finger, o, lo, lou, or yo| one unless I am greatly mistaken." I. FOll SICK-HEADACHE knock with two dug in, I, ie, cl, ea, or y LOOK AT OUR PRICES! "What I* tho best plan'" two knock* with two lingers, o, on, lo, oi On to A. II, Onl*. lh. dturilit, f yet; one knock wltli tba flr*t finger joints, "I am inclined to favor Uio tngfjestlon uo, ou, Iu, or TOO. It must be tnld of Weston, tho electrician. lie suggests Hint lor tbo aako of quickness tho tbo uio of nitrite of nmyl. It Is well vowel 1 wore left out whenever tt wns known tlint this drug nossesses'tbo power [•uisllilc. II or p wns ospresaod by ono _' .nslblllty very quickly In a knock nt tho wall with ono knucklo. human being breathing Its fumes. The IRONS FENCE cflect I* equivalent, temporarily, _. .. parnlytlo stroke. How, nitrite of nmyl Is UAaalattar . very cheap and pleotlfuL Be propones to rtaaa aadaPriaal k hy ono knnck all knuckle*, J or a by < tiro shells filled with this chemical Inilead GaM 15 Fonnfls, aa knock with tho thumb and tbo noil flnj "I hnvo bt-etia grent .nITcror from 1000 Bill Heads, $&, of gunpowder. It will not' be necessary Torn Iti Uvrr nnd liyiivpii.ln. I.vorv put tngi-ther, I or r by two knoekl with lo ponelrAte) a . A fow gallons of thit NEVADA tbo tame, m or n by cue knock wltb all ll.iMjf I nit. illuigrccd u-^th mn until i tUlnatRtnt of nunv thontant., „i ™,, nitrite aothod on the deck of n war ship hrKiin tolllnB (lngori, s or ih by two knocks wllh nl) would toon render hor crew helpless. Tlie 3 1 BECK'S. t^.P" ^ '/"MJ'e- -4 tb."l..vMl.ii) (limeri, o, la, or ch by ono knock with the mott powerful ironcladt would bo even knuckles And ono with tho Augers, fol­ moro vulnerable than tha light cruisers, , 1 lowed quickly ono after nnothtr; kb or BjM ««^biv ^n?,;°1A i7J*'f"""tV1< for thoy would be lucking down great The Largest and Best 1OOO Letter Heads' SSI tbo flarman ch by one knock wllh a draughts ot n-r through their artificial lf*lfV»*lln'.|«eDJ>>, malfcrJUI. knucklo otid ant wllh a flugrr, itch or ventllalon and the odor would thus Tiffs Pills ^avm-. r.v-n,, Pre.e.ipi|nn |, sbtch was exproaiod by two quick mnpt I can now dljrrat any html nf fontl, tains of at tho wall. As to figures, such wore inidly permeate the whole ihlp, nrvf r have n hrnelactio, nml havo gain- easily denoted by corresponding numbers 'hole crow being rendered heltilcu rd nnpcit tiouiida III Weight." " of knocks. Ono knock wllh tho middle hour or two, tho ship could, of courio, bo W.C'.l.ClIIJLTZIl.tJ.iliiinbla.B.O. GlCKERYJUMfflJRE, 1.0O0 Business Cards. &S SftSOSS^'Sj Jnint of tho largo linger, n short pauie, towed Into a eofo tpot, whllo the captoi HOLD KVKltVWHKHI-. flvo knocks with the tamo ilowly ro- ventilated hor and ro moved tbo Insonslblo Offlco, 44 Hurray St., New York. Ornaments. Glassware •tBMI.'tol "" [ii-ntpd. anoiher pnuio, nnd two knocks men."—New York Mall and Express. VMir-iiKtUI wllh tho ll*t went for 1,000, tho Oat knocks pi 6,00OiOO0 £ESFl a Ms• ND EVERY AUTICL1 WlilCH tTT IS Indicating sero*, and ao on. pneilbls lo nun., cut b* my Toiling the. Teaching lilsohlnoa. iliite*A . lo cotn|,leitely fiuttih i houHv As fnr as quickness is concerned, tho A professor or govern est Is engaged •<> L'000 Statements, Bills *4? ' 5"ti,!:..:-„ nlnjvo I* tlio most convenient, If not the initruct boys nnd girls, 1st m *ay in l^tln, nlinplcit, alphnliol used |n Ituiilan prls- ht story, nr phyilulogy, and It Is assumed H. S. BECK, ntm. It wat not lim pruduot ot a suiidon that lio or she will act procliolv llko a illicovcry at tho prison at Ilclgorod, lint teaching mnohlnt for that particular snli the mult of uiodlflcAtloni mado grad­ (col, nnd ntvor ttep beyond Ita border*. 85ond8TSouthOBt. ually In tho courtoof inontht. All torts A llltlt Common icnie would tlinlpnte 1O0 Programmes. Jl, • if lyntcim woro tried, not excepting tbo tills tdlo presumption—supposing It to lie VIRGINIA LUMBER YARD niRtcui iiaetl by lelogrnphort, that' Is, really cnlortnlnoil, and that the mania for [A'.liitu nnd lliir.i or Ibo BO callotl figure cramming sheer knowledge down thr OLIVER LOU KEY, Proprietor i-j ticm. tlmt Is, expreuing, for liiitniicc-, throats of Iho young diet not mako Ibelr il... tivoiily-nflh, iwcnly-elghth or thlrty- iflLKAU AND 0C1IMOH LWUDtlL VLOOn olden wilfully dlircanrdfiil pt tho iuor.ii \J lei, OtlUtir/, tlutlle, IIMIS, Wlndowi ililnl letter of llio Ituiulnu alnhnbol by potsot) whlob may filler alnng Willi IL. cn.i|,—(follt* ti hereby siren by lh* "*"T *ll II •"'"'"•elnr. In nr nun nt m< vr value of (hair tour*. TliJro nro nlio The real obstacln In iho way in not Bundeislinsl, Adnilnlslrator (-!_ Ih* (llat* Of 1 fiWslMtBi'fe I* * fiBlnnlr.C thnusniiils of men Unvoting over Ibtcrrat- monheyii, hut about 20,000 men, who Will law*, decennlet,,. to 1MB ucuiK.I. ot l , taa IttB rontc-i who wmtld lw only too glad to nd ill Pimm hatlnr <-tialoi' l lifilntt the Slid think steamboats wonld tnko nwny their t;tueJ, to iiblMl tht,.. COOK WANTED Z-X' ""'"' »'«"r™.I!'""'"" " t'ay liberally n "guldo" or linparlflrof In- present ineaui nt livelihood.—Now York iiiiehitt, irtihln TVo Ui E8TIMATE8 FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE IririiiaHon. Iluro ts a capital field tor Htm. Mirowd fullows with less dollars limn knowledtro.—a lobe-Democrat. HOT Buuffctllvn Untno, rtTOKE RUT A TnonoUODLY COUPE* A sqtinw llvii.g near Mltohell, I). .., tint ind tt peri meed cook nttd pply, »"»«ii«it,m-rF „ Kngllih ni she 1* spoko totimls funny to who evidently pna^flics loino ofihochiir- Admlnhtritor i Alo actorlnllca of licr pnlo face listers, has the Inquire it th* residue* el h Aptil B, ie» ni°™B, «whet>>'«m hit him wllUeomo- very suggestion immo of "Womnn-nho- Ul Com6 b BUl1 l,y buy goct-ont-ol-lho Injuso-Uvc-lliiics,". li ill? 1 "* " ' *° •ago Herald. , T»si; sstfaiiMEB^^ aBcnii Ti V -' Mitintt v iffttt**}) <8fcWttfd*.|NBWS OF THE OAT. Clretilatetl for Their •'.A.toitiver,-K^-^." ''" DR, PRENTICE >$.,Wu<*WtnAmt, gCTAPijW?_ j - '*: rrr- ' ..' ' .-f.~vrc; •'"•:-'.Patd*n.;; .,, .The aepnbltcaui'ot Iliinoii favtr -IB NOW AT- APine'Pair of Roller Skates CBtCACioi; M»y 8.—Oeorgt flblUInf, QceihimforReiidenL' .' .Manager Ihfl-Pilpftl DflCrtv,' UnfeVCT- .,, ,T«o New York Or ind Jury yes­ State Sinstir Bar sftwiuito^MJriv terday brought in indictment* ageinlt ,: afcly Seceivcd.; and LoaU|Neeb* retareedlast *v*ning THE LAKE^HOUSE, gjrHTjBSpA-gr/ frem JoHlet, where tbey have contnlted Oeneral and Mn. Oil dt Barr for oon* with tha fmpriioned Anarchist*—Sam splrioy tnd grand larbeny, FitldiD, Michael Sobswb and Oscar ....Oarl Bchura had an interview '^^^$ lur^jTioiravlaUdnJhiii abj otter Its Effect on the Irish National Naete—i* to tbo detaili of a move­ with Bismarck yetterday. Today he And will remain un­ With every Young Man's and Boy's Suit, ntwipeper la flctads. ment for •tunetty. It * decided lo will meet jenona diitiognl.hed io lit­ League. Immediately tall a roa-t met Ho a of erature, art and polities at tbaretldenc* til May 6 Only,. He ItW^W.T** Qneeuta erVelei.'^-.'v •ympatbiiirs, at which the mtttir will of Paul Lindau. We have Unpacked the Finest Line ot f^rii; tit-vWgeB..'ef' JJtp v Bail* V,no* be fally ditcaued, A mbtiter petition, ,.. .Tb* hciiting work*, lupplie*, then leaves for with ifenttare* from all tb* Btite*. Is lodging end boarding-home, ibop*, eto., -^w'itetreiriog to etrrjf t'nbi ?n"ei* .under A "fflwujlTania Dynandtai's Dos- : to bepreteoted to tha Governor, and of the Ecbp*e mine at -let 11* Cotton­ MENS' AND BOYS' ^iwii .ttsle-ltAtk: of."lb* "Opited tsrdlj Deed. In (.eitioft op [etitloni political in- wood, Uttb, were burned yeiterdty. the Coast. • DeAoe;*ey,» t*J* th* H..Y. BVU Qaence Is to be titod wbir* pouible. Th* lot* ii ijiven at $7^000tpJIOO.OOa SfeonUouie ti 'etb:"wher» the Dfmocr.tla An lad t pendent move moot may be-po.- ....The Qonie Committee-en Mer­ Dr. Prentice has just re­ lible for 0f ler jl* candidate LoHDOir, lliy 3.—London md liver- A. DABTA«DL* DKEH>. way, who wa* Indlcttd for conspiracy est hospitals of Europe, and SLIPPBHa. ^•fWtfli id Ktw eTtittty, m wttk before tht pool hrsBcbes of tbo National Irfaguf a Pennsylvania Dynamllct's Allempt in bribing the boodle BoirJ ol Aide UNEtJUALED ON THE OOM8TO0K man to purchue tba -road, wis begt__ is highly spoken of. ^'f^lo^ and: desired &»> '*»h» "#*• bav* puied reiolotloni eipreitiog can. Upon Life and Prop trt jr. yetterday in tbe Court of Oyer and Physicians are Invited to 'Mo( Vtb't;""Go'vtnimtbl \$ t last i tribute fldtnet In Parnell and declaring that PJTISBOEO, Miy 3.—A Corny (Ps.) EH, Bor. LASIAB AND ll]SaB9 BUri-Llm WITH THE BEST 1TB1B11ED OOOBB 111 they wil| pay no attention to tbt re­ Termioer. The day wu coniumcd io lh. AluArt, aad at la. Mna.', |au HI., aim . e^l u Iprc^'tlitoitiinU ipeoial lays abont i o'clock yesterday toUcttOg jury meo. call and examine Dr Pren­ M»«BHtitnj,'soil tviry ceot tskeo from script of tho Pope, morning ia Union City tome m lie rein I tice's system and witness W M'tfor~Jrnp\albtyen& that''requifod for made an attempt to destroy tba Tbe Darlington Strike. DDBUB, Slay 3.—Membort of the his operations. v-v their protectionby, tht Onverhinoat It donee of Attorney P. M. McClintock CLKVILAVKO, May 3.—Chief Arthur Korfb Cork National LaiDoe met yet- " at btltir tbte rotbtry.'" witb *I1 It* Inmnti*. Two bonibi Dr. Prentice during his tirdayand ditonned tht rope't nsoript of tho"Brotherhood of Looomotiv* En. -&X:$ffMf$* hmnii*''at * party to have were plaoed onder tbn porch, but for­ ginier* uyi tho itrika has not been do. visit last Fall straightened eondewalng tb* I'Un ot Campaign and tunately bat one exi>liaed. Thohonie '^^Ufitiiiittirt^te tbrh), noV die- Boycotting. It wai decided to wait dared off, nor will it be. Tho men arc over fifty cross-eyes. Those M)ie%ubyi*BAiw until Ibt feideri ol tbt I/iiRue bare wu wrecktdbat no out killed. •till firm slid confident of winnltig, cases all speak'for them ig'^tiilvibit wbo inthis:way twice/sod tertod npon H coarit of telion aod to exploiion wai beatd for milts. "/•It tightly lad will do it *i»ia. follow tbeir advice. aoexploded bomb meaiurel 18 Incbei Fryefi Abletene ointment, selves. DuBtur, lliy 8.—The meetioji an­ ' , length and one and a half ia dinn­ California i;indi it'lbs head of the nounced to beheld in Mitohelstovrn on world Io producing; targe grsbe via**, bis er. One Fred Kaebler wu arreitod tree*, and never tailing gold mloet, and :^^i*^a>»;T*ller*" te Coa.idtr. Friday In oooneollon with tho coming i laiploion ol being the bomb thrower. yet none of tbeae can compire wiib bet SPECTACLES. U": the woolen: la-. trial ef ConAwi number of Parliament, new product, ABIBTKNE. It ti pro­ Tail Canadian Petroleum Field. ^iaA^eAihrii^U^t of tt nm il 'to .*> bat boen proo'tlmed. duced In the northern part of Untie eoun­ Dr. Prentice brought with "Tbo tifil it Loagbroa of William OTTAWA, Oat., Miy 3.—Tbo Com­ ly, Cal., snd combining it with Vaiellne, mi{it*ti • pooid 'oa^lmuyThe ^wtg'ea O'Brien, editor of United Inland, waa mittee of tbe Sen ito which hai hren In- Mutton Tallow, Carbolic Acid, and other him from Paris a large stock i.-twl fwesvtrt atone;* |3 7B a week i* Concluded today. O'Brien wai con. veitigatiog tbo resoutc.-i of the Miok- Tb era pontic agent*, wa challenge the of the best French lenses, ' aialeillflSlbKorlsod, Wbydwn't victed.aad tenteneed to thrte raonthi1 enzle river bailn presintid iti report world to produce anything to equal Fry. Imprisonment. yoiterday, Tho evidence points to tbe tr* Ablation Obtrceat for Old Son*. Oa. which save the eyes and re­ ||the't»Hff;iMi»\Ottraia wige* blghl Urrb, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Corn., Chll- ^.'»ika tfit KdUdelpbia Grft.: ItdyIi ie- :BI*JJUIV, M*y 3.—Tht Eanit Board exlitenu* in Maokenile and Athabuoi btslne, Fever Sore*, Chipped Uandi- store lost strength. : of Onsrdiini hairt d tbat tbt valliyt of a more extensive petroleum ; '^.yhjkJ'fi^litAS: ec«"otty,'.:Tb«rfs' t L'aocert, Burnt, Bias: Woims, Bleed tog, Papal circular it bated n ilanderont Held thin In Ameriet, If not in tbi Blind, Itching and Ulcerated Piles snd rooliM. Tbtiiui. mlirepretenUtloni. Tbiy dimand aa world, tnd it It recommended tbit i ernptloni of tbe ikln. Price, 25 cents, DEAFHEAB CCUD. ifromSiitdMotnt* Impirtlii inquiry, aod in tbe meantime tiaet of eonntry of abont 40.000 iqnare Sold by A. LimtHAKT. Warranted to give hive rt wived, to tipport Patnell and milet be nttrved from tilt In order •allifactlon. Nona genuine without the Mr. Chat. Itobeiti of Linen county, ^a^fv'to)ihi: Eeiiiihmsn't'ii» to ac-*Imll* llgnatnre ol D. F. Fryer. Dillob. :.-• tbat Iti value miy be more accurately Oil., who Is well known to many of the y lUi-WbyisItlllffietridirrake. a-oirtiined by exploration and prac­ Ji, Oilhooly, leotenoed tjtwoweeki' good clllieni of Nevada snd California, a.s wifN low, whjr la il that wtges art Imnrltonmeat for olleaiei nnder the tical toil*. A Woman • DUeevery. "Another wonderfal dlicovery ht* been for lemeyeu* put bad been growtogdeaf, HKlPpwal/ hlj^Vr'lfa' feogiand lhM;ia Crfmes Act, wat releaied today. A large crowd greetid him at be left tbo A Black Bhetp del* Into Ihe Floeh, made aod tbat too by a lady In this which co doubt wa* ciused by chronic -:=:• Frtbor, Oerttany or Italy, all itrobajy county. Diuue tutened il* clnlche* dtirib, Tbe hearing lo b<* left eir be­ triwD, Niw YOKK, Msy 2,—At tht iwiloo upon herandfonaren year* ihe with, tood :^ssN^te^Miit/^&|iaDd miy .fstrljr is of Ihe Anti-Saloon Bopublicin Couveu- am* entirely loit. He *oaght many : HOUAT, Uiy 8.—Archbishop Walsh Iti tertriit leiU, but her vital orgiei How's a feller ^tr$pj^^]»iUh tbereeti ol Eorpp?. The "Whoa, Dobbin, whoa! bit btea having friq'nent oonvtrisliont tton today Oeneral Stewart L. Wood­ wen undermined and death teemed Im­ rtmtditttogetrtllef, bnt failed until he ^:ttiliiy el popatation tfneirly tbs limit ford Wi* in I reduced and weloumed, the minent. For three monthi she coughed .lilted Dr. Pnntlce it Keno lait lo read—you a frlskin* round so? Oummed if that ain t recently with' Cardlnil Blmoonl, Incessantly and could not .lien Sbi both ar* ell t*ocUle»i Io teilb.r I* convention in a brief ipetcb, Heuld By a very ibort snd p*initH operation Dr. tbe very place I was looking for. Everybody says they latter urget tbo neceiiity oi inhmiltbg bought of ui a bottle of Dr. King's Ni» If h* bad tbo power be would itnp tbn Prentice re. to ted Mr. Bobeitt to good lalo of liquor altogether. "I know," Ulieovery for Cooiomptloa aod wu i have the best goods at bedrock prices." much relieved oa liking first dote tbi bearing sgiln. Then tbe qneilton sros* In M ttxta eo,*rbelts of tjsninm^tloi. 'mike laid he, "thit ever tbreo-fouitbi ulthe r Pope'i orders, bat nld ha could not tet •be slept all ntgbt and witb one bottle hu th* mlndi of many, "wonld tbe cure » . '^0i^i^^h^ wbYmthiyaot b'gbtr in peop'e of New Yotk City drink liquor. f io oppatllton ti hit own oonicltnea. been niiraculiftialy cored. Her mmo mita permanent I" Ntitly a. yeae bad iivOtrnssy, Prates aid luly than jn Tborearo not Federsl biyoeeti enoaib Mn. Luther LtiU." Teni write W. I uitapei -.., - j. He would rather, without makintr. any In the oiaotry to enforce tbs prohibi­ Hsmriek A Co.. Shelby, N. O.-Oet fitted. Dr"" . Pr" e title"' * wiol" e to Mi" . Rob„ 0£ti)uiJT;ililhirtaajtlitog tbt mst< Jm difficulty, resign hli position In Dnblin. tion of liqaor. Let at tbtn go to free trial bottle it A, Lernhatt ai ert* from tbaKaitlnqalrtngabont h*licon­ : NEW BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. ^^fjjk^jjtijajft.'. ",, .. ;.-•••:. ItlilOported that If he abonld retlgn Cblcafo, dtolare ooroplnlons, snd work Thorns. WeodlKP* Drug Btoies. dition, and the following l* the ild bo oieited a Cudinal. for onr candidates." CH Doir ^C^^^^ «ry likely IUIJ'I inltnil.n* Oceardlng Aby* A Selenilne Combination. Tbe toysl tesfon of ,Oblo- Yerba Sinla, a product of Callfornl*, weltomeb. _ .„ vulo , Wo d-;siro to announce to tho public ^vo have opoosd ^/tonUttteir.Wtir; it Bisina i* -th. ilnla. permanent and pettteL Yuoxaldtoin CIHCINKATI, Msy 3.—Tbd Loyal hit been need for yein as a llimulaling | al No, 33 North C etroot. a trriioo art likely to Holts, Uiy 3.—Io tbs Chtmber ye*. I wu lar beyond my bop*-, and especti LtRlon at it* innntl ir.cotiog yesterday Eipeclorint. and combining wllb It Ab- BOOK, STATIONERY, MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS «fotathtlotlojticket,""UBUio* does terd'ay denarii Veal». Minister of Wir, ietine end Mullein, with their great Tn | two.. Yonre, Z. O. IIOBIBTB. afternoon ilcottd a full compliment of 0;iB^;niJ;>8y K«ttra Prtikeetial oia. replying to the qaettloo rejirdiog bercnlou. Abiotbtofr, Weight Incrceaitng Inquiry ^into the above cue puts ; AND FANCY GOODS STORE. iIEccr*, obootiog ** Commander IJeu- and Onratlve 1'owera, «tvei ui a Congh Where.vtrjlhlog aPT«tilalnc lo Ibtae brincots nujr b. had >t lb. IOWMT rRIt:E*- ^jdjisUis mart^ UktJy to 6th for debit- Abjiilol*, laid the Oibinet tuver Unaat Colonel T. C. Divii of Ciootn and Lung Hemedy tbat cannot be equilnd, Whi.t L. p<* In .Igbt. CALL TOR It. Sq ttvuV* lu thnw Ooodi yfsHi.Iodlinaj'ttaa for iett-doubtfo! aimed beyond ritakiog the potlUon natl. At night a banquet took place it and In Fiyer'* Ablaleno Cough B.t.itn, ffiOhl>t*;*itthV Br*t plut on tht Rtpuh. evacuated alter tbo battle cl Dogalla. tbe Bnrnttt IlouieA Oeneral Shermin we deff competition for Coomroptlon, SBlTi rOK THI AFfUCTID. Brooch It l', Aithmi. Croup, Plinrliy, -AJLL OEDBBS -p-HOMI?TL-X- Ji.rrT'lltNlJIED TO ;, Iletailite |oet Wut, It Is likely to be II tho llovtroment bad Intended to wa* tout matter and tbo leading at­ traction, Miny prominent men were Pnenmonia, CoUfih, Colds, Sore Thro.I, Dr. Prentice, Ihe Creel Bpeclallil en •gs,wsided to; IoiIUnt. Obio muit win make a oampiign In the Interior it present. Governor Ponker rtspoodid Chest and Lung tronbtes. It contiln* no Bl* Annuel Tear. •|i;Ihebirteii hoaor of tbt fra.tteti-horn!. have btoo gallty of oalpablt Itn- Opium, dold by A. Lernb.rt. W.r- IReno Oenttt.] Pianos, Organs- Violins and oilier Musical Insti JO*. IU objret being atUined, to tht tout. "Tbt loldier* wbo f.uoded ...... i Btvn ivr.iv-eTRiTUFvr.iINdTntlalEvrALl SHEET kUalC r t an ted to glvo .ills lie t ion. Nona gsou Prentice, the eminent ipeclallst. or- Oonilinily on hmd. Aleo. a .Urge 1 |i^ MHM wlih Mn ^htrfoib "or' not wio the Cablnst wat utiiQed with tht re­ Obio on* bundled year* ago." Feitlvl- Inis without lhe fscilmlle slgnilnr* ot D. -i jijitTsll-l»vtb'.'tor'tbt Viet Pretldency. mit. F. Fryer. ttvtd Irom New York tht* morolcg on hi. e* weie kept np till a late hoar," waytoVtrglnU Cily, whin ha will be PittltwdeMranitoptirthis.iPIIKO orm OaOAMwlJl Und ll lo tbdr *iraiu«* w «u •," ~N, 1*. tbt ootid it loot prctcritx-d engaged In prectlcinjr bl* profitiion from ooootnilon of tbe tnaty" of peioe, Tttnejlli lhe Wild Woods ne'll sinter Fn. nnd tlirli. Th* fltl and tbem w«di lo th* 20th to ths 3Gih tost. Th* doctor Is I. 0THIN SB BBO. W:i}0^K'riaaBii*,r AA Anitrlaa adding i "VYt ihould keep Siall, be. naader and Mnnlltae Biuret*." it a alranger In N.tidt having prM. their menl mtuilng—DI tha nervon. people of- ^cbtTaUVbisldn^ be uyi I* i the position I* OOB of neotulty to OABOEH CUT, Kaa., May 3.—(J. H. tta bat* for lome monthi lait year, dot- 33 Norlli 0 ttrceL . Wo demmd, and hope to obtain Jooit aud an ault I an I, «mpoilng a tan itrika Iba beholder u lodicraui. Thinervel g which HUB ba mada some mo-.l re- L DOST FOItOET THE P -liW'UMtVduiraoiirVdald knonn to by pi til cot, the. itction beyond Sail, bulTab.hunliog eipedllion of tbo Chi­ ot healing ol tueb Drlorttmala in inlnfally millubU and mecentnl oieritlom. ][* ^•TW^jTIilifluld^iJUr belag brought ltiiy went toSIutowihin the lot* ret te cago Titnlt, itirlod thli morolng lor anil Impinged by abtupt. ormpeeled baa lotten Irnm trany nf hli pitlinta i: Into ooalaet wit Ue ex. ol alvllltatloa. She occupied territory Northwnt Tout, whore what ia' prob­ , IIBAI them lomeliiotito peiiorn teitllylng Ihtlr gntitada (or cor*, nccom- pllsbed, among them being Chitltobeiti li^toeioBfol sibil hu been about ti bo abandoned to ably tho last herd ol wild buffalo lilt trartbyOialamiiltigjKk. At Lh.rooti Louis' Roderer Champagne. lairehy. If tht opinion of tbe Chim- j. In L. whose cure from dealnMa Is eonaldered }-lheld; b*ot,mtt s'gn tthlob deitroyL _.. on tho oontinoot i* snpfoied to be lo­ otiMr|rietitly Omalrliltm mliscnlotii!, MtEitta of Kmptie, ber il contrary ta ibat 01 tbeMintitty cated. A full supply ot carrior plgtoni of iba footl, att, wLicJy. ThU WlMBJt;th.ngt :/JBilhIo'it." »teb, mill* we shall know whit ti do." cund of itisbUmusi OeorgB Keef.r o w.» tiken, to lend hack ipeedy neaa prolonged li,, VlrglBla. both «yta wen .tra1i>btened In '^|i^/ tod olhtr niiUlt, and L' tltrw.n Affairs. ot pro^rei* In tho projojt of capturing one niinuta and Mr*. J. Elklo'. dauuht-i THE HIGHEST GRADE CHAMPACME IN THE WORLD viiemythlflg flammable oa lire. tbo biions. | of Virginia, Th* latter'. Ittter I. *iv- BiBLin, May 3,—A Lullttlo tuned pendiil: tbli mornlogUyi the Emptror't tcm. •Carlo BlantOm," and Vin Soc, ££0~4-ti*. OhlMgo i/rrdW tiyt tht lit. Jn Ixeliins State or AITiln In nail bydiT, blithlly moi potattrt It tow, bnt bli gentril oon- Vmamu Oivr, M.rch SSih, 1888 yV*mili^aibMi4 the SttU lbit jrnr do what It by Improve. Fever ffcrei, Tetter, nChippei d. llaad.- -i Tht Kmprut, iceompinlod by bilou aooonory to a ripe com mitt til, Uhlibtalns, Corns, and all Skin Eruptlo Oross Eyes., t:nom^|ii^litIeaHm em Viotorii. Ilaren Von StoGindtril 3 and ay niibt, lor which a negro wu and positively eurei Pile*, or no (pay i|ulrel. It ta g n a ran lead to alv* twrleo nisMllaucoiia. Bill 11 tier y Coo tli, illo (J ovi rnor. : .'-. and Heir Aohenbieb, lift Chsrlotttn. bingo J, He t* also In danuer ol tbo To thot* iffllcletl with etc** eye.. burg tbit mowing for Ibt flooded die- istl.fscllon, or money refunded. Price la-ne fit*. 25 C.DU per bos. Pot sil* by A, Lsait. Thlrty-elKht cue* cured la lh* put ,_::v:.;-;-^-Baootoyon ditfro a oopy of tht Irlofi along Hit river Ulh. At Wlllou. font monthi A aiO.MO Hill Uobbery. -^pOvjoVlawhloh Ur, Idijilli tlladel lo burg tbe tnio i top pod aod tb* Km pros s A. M. COLE, LADIES inal'flnuti.wrtislvinability noop. HARlilflDtrBO, I'*,, Miy 2.—It li .', atfnrAlHuo*rokuaotlIyof tbi Oin. protty well settled Ibat a big mall rob­ Now Advert Iflcmcntfe Tbo Quickest Operation on tlon, The building* of the, town wir* ^ ID K XT C3- Ot- IBT flj aiY bKLOiMi -felirtfir, iddrttf Iht Dtmurallo Ni- diooiatttt wltli lligi. Taoaiiodi ol bery oocorrid on tha Northera Ocntral Record I yyUot&Oamaitioi, It ulgbt bi a handy ptop1tvitf«al tbs ititlon to weloom* nllway, noar lliltlmort, tbfi morolnB, And Apotliccarr. y ibliij to hate about you on DicoraiUt the imptrltt party, and Iht Udlta of tht bnt pot til antbnritltihsr* rifnte to for- FOR_8ALE. Anotbor wonditfnl cur. I. thi ASSORTMENT ptaoo pre*toted bonqnali to Ibtvtsitorr, nl,li my psrtlcutar*. It li nld thit "• " • C__. 8S South C Street, Virginia, Horadi ,P*y.. eyei ell . Urrmany Tbionlni Off en Haul* tcuiilered litter* conlslotng about . - _-. l'reotlce W Pr**crIpUon* carefully prepared, Two Housos and Lots on straightened tbet latesBlhinFII-TKKN from tha punwt drags only yyp-L. OiUt/Kogy Dsrsw hit oointd » VismtA, May 3.—foWtcal Corrtt- $10,000 were tahtu, Tbt pouch, with 8KCOND3 1 a Ions ibt In II, aim* to th* Hsr ' An elrgsnl aseorlment nl Tollnl Ar­ •y- wtifd which will pwbtbly have ponitttiu pnblithrs a letter from Berlin, North A Street. Wbioh comment* on tb* icippolntmeot burg I'ottoBlco today. Detectives ticle* aod Perfumery. .'Maiff-ttkio't otttalo floaooial trmiso- JOU HO to olHeo by ibt Jlotilin Oovornmiot ol Sin FIUNCIBOO, March 11, 1831*. Tbs QresL Marlda Hoebi Foon aln I* in ELEGANT FRENCH at work. couitani oivcriAUirn. ij.Mtwitif >t nooirtiln cbtrsetir at Oeneral Uogandovllob. aod isvn "Ger- lh imjil. Ths operation au wllneeswl by Mr*. 1* Detaserai* a Call farCIi Thomi* Farmer, of 8tn Frinclioo, Mis, - "Kstbleta ifiTOnrotin lotos" toiituo tniny'i tympsfiy for Itusiia It dtonai- illcutars, li.quli land. Champion, nf -.01 Taylor street. K. U. CIKGER ALE OH DRAUGHT- ^}.*HktUy b* (or ytart and ll iniy bt for. Ins Io proportion at it li loortailog foi Millinery Goods OMAIIA, May 2.—Tho llaimtwrttlc Hultet ind otheti. This operatlcn I* the KngUnd. Qieen Vlotoria'* elsjt tc titiicltcil of lb* hind In the world. Mir." -•. Btttt L>n ton lion mil today. The lob Derlin hat worked woodtrs. Iter intar. MISS DOWNING Inwlna delcgHoi it large WHO *olooUdi HAB JvimiVED. J_IOWA Wlllitud to Cblcajoanum, tioei with lasdiog ptrtontgii In Oer. Ktl'EOTrVILY AKNOUHOltfl TO llgi 1 Jams* M, lloyd, J. Uierttng Morton, J. lilandi mil olj p*ty>*rIth>tiiiailtael!et*,A dilation lhat ol tbe oompiny ire abont $100,000, brldj.B New Haven, aad moh other MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Nlntlyieven griUful balog. ira ei N*w Ko gland elt<«* at a onmmittea miy CelTee, Tea., Ilamt.b nnil V It Will knitrn lo tit onatlraeuily In wbil* Alliion'* will reioh 1*5,000. The Or TUB VKBV LATAKT SntAll. deilicnit*, and tbat ilndiola be pro- Univerflity of California. asset* will loaob $300,000 oItT*rinei"li thtltt a faotral tho oorptt The rreath Inletaailenal Rihlbtileii For parti entire.addi< teht7 n trl ant ItOl'DOl', Mty 3.— Wnirioi* hate an. OH Uerchul slfetl, Bin lYanclico, Od. - ""-*'~' ""''— monlhiigo. | b«l fug- lllncIt'B Built],nu. i-dMtlliotproiiooDcttboitilo^y, WaiiiiitDTOH, Miy 3.—The liouia boia Ittutd for tht trreit oi Kelynge reridunloldigooy ._. letnLy.on.„,„. jn™. tel. l I thi pile*, then being until. I* ptrtarm tn hit idopted Ihi rejwrt outht juint rt- OnenwAy and Cbtrlet Ortefiwoy, part- miouil labor lor «telin i Umt, Ut,,. cnn. M{:H--Tn»* Sooth rtmalit DIM, Urit, STOREY LODGE NO. 3, A. 0. U, W. •telloti to mtiri lomorpMni io dtidsn thtiuta. nert In tbo lite (iremway Hank ol Ufiie*niedibtint.niivd hirdlt wMthllrhw •J08EPH FREDERICK8. Warwick. Th* Oortramtat Intoadi t) Hi* wnsUnl [ttln .nd InlUllci. elrltlca- m* -. •"rompilflclpltiiiooni), tbrongb abutt le- *3Routh li GIrecl, FURNISHED ROOMS TO UT. : Prtnob lttpnbllo to talo (art (a tht Io ptoitoate thom for fraud. newly tttty, Alter Irjlng m.ny rtnwllr* W>t-\tt* Wocdy^hlit bowleft ol Ibt lofoitioetl Kihlblilon ti be hild li rnnR UKWII;.I<, OP aronKv LODOE Ha wlibatl. any Pt""*""' "Hal, I hsnwnrt 2 : 1. LAO. t). W., an nosenled |o neel al KaonaeViqiirladvinlMtiKDli and coniluded TfTnOLESAl.!] AHD RETAIL WAHt- •ff^Wtt*-. I'.rltialSSO. Tin,mtiilonm rip to try one* rlore, and thank Ih. good l*rd md •» houM ol Mill Ohnntctls. Palnls, Oils. The Tax on triner. tSelr 11-11 an FhlllAT, ll» », IKNL I" •- KU1IDKH OF lllll NIHII EH nOOUB rMtntlagtbo Uei- -. -.titttwill recti ti o'o'oclt n., til lhe |rur|w*. tl IIIIIIIIIIIE Dr. i'tenllr*. I aro no** on . inott a tttll min IbidM, Duck Sli Mil ng, rieluia Fume, and - ttlaryof $!'-•*- rARiB, Miy 8.^X1, Waddenglon, tuner.l ot tbelt I.I. hiotbtr mimbtr, HIOll AEL ind seals llfa letms wnrth lltin-r. MWUM fc,' HoidlDp, r.itlni fe llotuai iwinirkeln Fftooli Ambuudor ti London, bat Ur.iOAN. . lliW d it aotn0 M* ol Ddmy infl.iit-1 g iil.nd. cl . *"1'J1 ' *' » „"«- ->"«V, Maine, ttrukl be leap*. Oonttintly ttoti on hind • l.rvt btoo (nitmcted to content le Ooiehen'i Iletiibtrt oi Qol.l Hill lodta Ko, I • nil i M»rtm*nj ol Dl irtlcltw lor Uillmtn1* ut*, In- lug. fimlly, or luo f.millte ef llmi led Bom- ,...TVit Rs.l Pf Deiby ht. Jouielng bieibun ttt ratptcifully imbed Ireilet* by yon. Voun, wiihgnllliiiia, D tht leader ol tht Uclonlilt in lb* Homo prnpoitd tix on ixptniiva winoi, bai lly order. t l , " H f *'l«l*'»ndtteninl.iodlnan. UruiUs *ll.nd. Ilycraer. ' Ur*. tl North A ilreel. south HJ. Boiloo Cl UrAt, L, IL OILB,-W. If. f *^4rHr>MI«tVC1illaVai>£*l_jMf Ji°Jli W.!V 'W*» "i l ".'^""Sf.'"'^"'!.rotanttnn,Bnlpburl"o iml.lh.rAr»»1 ••».. Ajldi' , .!• pot to tbt Ui on chetp wlott. 1.1)0*1 Deconkr. lAUlCZVSnilZltV^i^fJSlS^ **** 0U,E*'"»'| trig FALMOtiav , IiOOAL MINING NEWS- OlKcUl list ef lam* Obtained by The LBaflbig Di6B81 Cetniieclt Mlateg C*«Dj>*Blt*. The Imperial Company De­ Delow I* to ofadal itattmint of (urns tyibnrtd to employ** ol Comitock mining J. MdEitlS'S 'iS^=^Vl»V 5. I clared a Btook Dividend. -tnpinltaforiet.loe* dorlnglb* month : '1?gS====^IttAtTIO. " April, ISSS, pifptted for tb* Hill ttca HrsMKltno- f»» •• lt"« •* CIIBOWICLI by locil lecretirle*. r M •be Mestte relsle-Opt't"-"" Bt* AluMloBsodMUL M.6'0 Mtur "• *' ul7 S.-Fo1lo*lnt 1.879 tamed to •«>• BrooBy-lllicelU- Attibaaod Kt(btguer Ifili UNPRECEDENTEDREDUCTI0N8 UeUber BenUn 1.760 DRY GOODS PA1UTO, Tbtre wtr* no IjoporUnt cbsngei In Ualttmore 7.6C0 iiluti In lb* Comilock start lUt from Best A Betcbse B.6M 2.649 yesterdij'i eloilnf prices In IbU mom- Bullion jtssas.^.' (V.ofidtnoe.'. IMH lot'* boird, aod tbe volntne of builoei* Nos. 70 and 72 South 0 Street, OLa'leog. 4.1M acted was phenomenally U«bt. Tb* Ooo.Cal. IVi 1I.B91 divelopmenlon th.Crown PotntCOOIe.el Chollir 0,W5 Summer Goods for May Present a Gay Appearance for ;. I, to tbo- • 6n* bod» of fair grade Oitllorots MU1 C72 ot*. but lb* tlock lath U dliclcee *b Outobloitton Bhift... 830 Canon rivet mills oortnal .llallty. frown Point e.zvi i«#',i .1 IHPIBIAU. tnocs DIVIUWD. Undid * Cotry Il.tOO At tb* innoil mtellns ol lberebolder* Uile& Norcroti 16.10 PHENOMENAL CFFERINGS FOR 30 DAYS, The Month of Mfflw • *SPA.. sssst eddltiocal. Tb* payment oi tb* itock Occidental L9M Otblitoo Bbafl dlvldtod will begin tomorrow, ROYAL BARCAINS IN DRESS GOODS. fcsw£" Tbedltldeod d*elat*d *howi that about Overmen BallAiopaand See How Oni.Windows MflDpefl.. 7; Sa-n-r"!*1* Opblr 61.818 ibirM *r* oo lb* .rnarkst, oot of a Paifil.o LVoi DrMi P.tttro., .)e,ABtl, .m&roid«raa, tctlBo.d Irom |19 CO lo toUl of M0.00) Ut) wblcb lb* capital Poto.1*> This last cargo of Dress Goods nro very Ona. Indeed. Tbey; art. • "583'iSi**. IM Reg. Blither 1.8M itock U dlrtdsd. .17 ta now on Sale and feat*? tot Inkpootlon. ; SIOOTlATO-v. roa A HIM LIAS!. l.OfO Sierra Ne'tsoe'.'.'.7.7.'.'.7.7. WW Ks'l|0| ' ' " * It It r*poit>d tbit owoers ot atemp mill* 8.S2S 18.000 lo Blt-mll* canyoo. now Idle for lack ol Bli-milt Csoyoo mills aod udoee. 1,750 LATEST STYLES OF COMBINATION SUITS NEW TODAY. ore. are nrgollallBg fot tbt I*aw ol Union Oon !.fW ^a'Sip.,...,... Rodooed from SIC- 00 to $11 00; reduced from 812 60 to (0 00| reduced from tba Moote Crlsto mine to Bevsn- Union Bbaft Ladles* PARASOLS Just up. No old-timers on hand, Wahavo :: mlle eaoyoo te attract lb* or* on a roy Utsh »l0 00to$7 60. ' •them from all tho good factotlea ln tha world. ally. Tber* 1* * Isrt* amount of "dead Water Company New Children's ParaaoU. •otk"tobe»ocotopllsbed letore tb* BS W. Coo. Vs. A 0*1 'Ss:..'Wi» ItaeUon oloe* tan be leiomed, at Ibe op- Yellow Jacket per worblors of tbe mine bat* been tbi>r- Oia.x-i3Slo.gra.xxt Stools. Toal , IMMCO sassi>' oofbly gntt*d ol or* ol follllog grade Of QroiUratn—Pail'eiaod Rtadimir—mail ibar* tba Retloolioo. JERSEYS. 1 abova th* SLO late), wblcb U tha treitest TbtaUiteUtt rely tb* mm dttbnned Sic..^., ;^ i sod di»e. ool loci ode, fl 60 BUok Celebrated ItoooBl Oro* Oraio Silk redact d lo {2 00[|2 00 black Our Importation of Jerseys waa a great venture, but *we cams:' depth to whlrb tbi groonJ bat beeo -" Kb ad .rati reduced to tjl 60 j 81 60 Oulortd and black Pallia Prinealte redoced lan l«^t— out on top. The ant shipment la nearly sold and toll 00. ''ThereiiavelnoiereOfeitwldaln tbi another cargo ln transit. roioB, but tbs grids ol tb* nr* I* low. Oo .nt.Dasa-. Ba.m nu culooallya rich ttitsk Is tUnek wblcb IHE PRICES OF CASHMERES AKD SERQES HAVE •cue* bandiotnely, PACIFIC COAST DISPATCHES, (taring TOonia- mai. Hnllytlrvll*V1. .. - of I BBEN REDUCED TO ONE-HALP THEIR VALTJE. TEA GOWNS. 5 S, 111.1..... B properly In WS, be dertloptd ttlllra file Hlfe, rblld aad IHmitlL Bead* .ti-B.k of ors wblcb tl nld . Wo wish lo call tbe attention uf the Ladles to our Tea Gown- t|v.clal totlia Ccteunlela) Tblrty-elgbt-looball Wool Catb met et. In blick and olber ibadt*. down to •ii*i«-r™-»i,,. •. .. . —~r^> .- »_..«._ H|i,er pre- log, so'much In use. lltLtBA, Moatani, May 2, — Jubo Time Bitr. •JWoeb Dr*p dt Etc Csibmere*, B'aek *ud Colored, down to Six H.tAa Ul A V... ll. Ul __./.aUn over eom 10 tot OT* In tbi HflOuDA..:.! aod, a cbronte tt lie-bestir. t-isl(bt Bit*. -Utoob Alma Pinl.hed CuhmtrM, all Colon, 81 00. So-loch all Wool »IA* • footthi of tot tuinuri killed bit wilt tnd baby and then mlclded VoUit Unitbtd Sergei, doera to Three Bur, eS-toch Oeonine Pteoch Pool* OUR NEW CARGO OF LADIES' GLOVES JUST UNPACKED. •gi rA|. B.^,' • woaa USOUtD ut THI BAOPHT. ritb trifle. Sergei, down to Five Bits, •StIw.rAl.'-'ll Work bas beio teianed In lbs Bropby Idsbe Vcpoblleans. CWitb all then goodi we havo Healtd, Brsided and Ocrded lets aud Pan tli |ajBaUa,r.l| ,. New Spun Gloves, mini In Klowery diitrict, and ort I* beln* Bptclal to tb. CuadiiOJl to match. aOAIer-".51. •ilruttd from tha malolonnil la a wlnti Botst, May 8.—Tbsldabo Rt publican SluaMa", I M mnk below Lb* lonosl level. Or* abovl New Lisle Gloves, iftai,'' .. Co ore o tic o met ber* yriterday. XaA^OXJEIS Etoioj-'l tbe million grade .how. in a vein about New 8ilk Gloves, tUbtftel to brtitblo tb* tonne), and a B. lieyborn ol Ctcnr d'Alene, sod Iniesrcb ol Plaioor Brocaded aod olhir light weight Dreti Material! will aotuber ol tons wer* •ltrai.lsd from ll Qeoige A. Blackuf B.iley eoool*. wet* Bod ber* a complete ttt-ck tnd prlctt low. 8dk Oreosdloes in New Mitts dust Opened. I "SatWO'l'IM. Mtttil yeari aio. which ylilded filr bol selects I delegates to lbs Cblcatio Cootea Plain ur figured at 60c, 76o, 81 00. 8> 60, llqo ralerns. Opentlon. wer* icipended lion. Willis Bweet end Joteph Plokb.irj to |2 00 p'r y*rd Ladles' Black Mitts, 25 cents to 82 60 per pair. oo accooot oi rnlllog a wet ilrtak lo wers tavod for alteroile.. Oibiorl U, Blaclt nntl Colored Albatross al 20c, 25c, 37 l-2o up to $1 00 ' W/ •lakLoi un Ih* t*tn. per yard. Ladles' Black Mitts, 22-button Length; or, la other words, One Tbi work eowbtlog donooo the tnloe Block-and-Half Lone;. -fiaifii. bat io it meted. Th* d.le^atee frotn I* under tbs Broply Company', direction. North Ideboejn ., Ladies' White Cream and Cold Mitts, 25 cents to & •AOaveK.. !*e Tb* Nottn lloniat* bis an Inrlloe ibifl OUR NEWEST ARRIVALS million to Waibtogton, 'Itrrinr'iV. y Is Ladles' Derby Kids, very handsome. n»5(Vi*etk Uuo.. Wo sank to tb* difclb nf 900 f**t, liutbin deid Inn* led Ibat tbi aiollmtot I* »i*etUan.. ICI, P. Centamaxfei Fist-quality Kids oa sale, ttO lest from tb* Bropby tin*. As this cbaoglnf. ty KJSt Ma. C-lc laelln* U io good rriilit tb* Bropby y.Io P. Coatamarl's Gent's Kids oa Sale. sUViri^l 70 ronld b* cat * I lhit d.ptb With illgtl A Colorado Homicide KfBalair, 7 No eo.1 by Modlag to a norlhwe.1 drift ftom BpMlal In tbe tUIOIiets.) ^ Ht Ktso. I 7i lb* bottom ol tb* Incline, KosifPsBLASii. Coin.. May 8.-l»lly Ulfit, 101. no KtSUfLLAStOCS BOTIS. tJirioo, a ion ut Kit CIIMD, Ih* fsmor Oor Stock of 1'irisoii I* the Urgeit. Lattit ltd Utrapeit tirortmeot ever 1 t-fi iconf..ha and killedTbomat J. Tubio. in ibown ia tbii Stita; tod don't forget oar Mptciil Impottitloa ut Jit forlex. 3 40 1*, SJ« Tb* Coofidtnc* tnia* .bipptd ill bsn Uorlo Silks io all Leading Shades, ao mueh In vto. «l bolllon. vslntd at IIG.lVfl (-1, on April * flftttbatiyeifatay. Tobiol was a com* nctTOfiB rttEDiLtioaa 10, miking total iblptclott lor tb* fiscal f*oion ol KUC it.DO iod tlmott equally month it lhit it,'.* 1181.088 Tt. Tba fimooi. lli.moit noted rtplolt eat ths Wraps and dacquetsl talks H Uteri redlii Ttmtrrtw clsinnp snd Boa) shipment tor tbt mootb :»ptir.ofibe Mitltai binillf, tbt Es HOSIERY. .11 tVcJsts. p. U. idl on brother., .toils-handed, for wbM* raptor* Ihi T.rrltorlil »od Uoittd BliLei U*oot*otnridtoOartoitioa'.ioaiaid totolt oor trad*, and In eoEoIniloo will MAHER A CO.'S GKLKBRATED HOSIERY lh all Sties and TtVieisf >r* bnt ill hive beeo muled to bottom Bgorei for M.y. Shades. New Misses* Hose. New Ladies' Hose. New t&At *-. tel/*d from tb* U. B. Black Hose. New Half-Hose id Cotton, BrulBtrilc* beidfurttr* *l Bin Ftan- A USB DISFtlT Itesptot tolly, Lisle and Cashmere. dad ot Ootoitock lode tnlne *T.*Aitot.l tb-ietre, *Ugbt letup*.*. Of lIMblm and Farnlibla* Goodi *t lOtd****] MKVAVA ReVttOSSt tUOABO- raatle* ti.betel A f.'i. All Our Goods aro New, Fresh aud Cheap. Respectfully, ChttlrtOabtltltOi. ta'l .LWottoo J. MORRIS. irmUi !«•»•> •»* ** * '• Ll, Briatl *r the Eiecil**! Beld by Com- It-id nor ad to Hoterpilif. IVJUHIII<9"0. wth aiA.IO.*ebil piale. A anil D, rirtl Bslsattr. tbelr tiltnalte ol clolbloff, wblcb It MASBR db GO. by fit lie oter biooglit to tbli lnfl!vnlUs*l-'»-- Avidret. Iliniin, Eleclionl witl held lut leaning by MIJI1*0 _LOCATIOS|. TOsiriShUi 4 il A.-:.-., W It CIBU llClir k DtBL Oompsnita A and U of lb* First Utlgidi I'rovliloae of Ibn Bensle Oltl Piitrd To icilleTbele tiaiioa I* Ihe Alice *4*.ad* N'atlocal Guard, molting In tli* The illtplay cf netkweir anJ cents Inr bh««. nlibiog fmds Is un pre ceil eote-1 In vsrikty In Belsilno Tbrrrlo. item cfs Cenbiy. A-Hilim te.ietd.t at «"• * T. siltctlau tf lb* following officers • aodnu.lltr .od Itewil-leitoe lo tinanUty. Atler prricrlblog thi tnclbol ul locitlcg Io a nli-rmon lolllemcol In Sierra Val- i/BejAt.DMo.iAl.r. w II l**»tb.= coiirisv a (SSTIOSAI. ODABII]. mining cl*W, tbe bill pro ride. »n ia tof. y. near San Mardat, N«w Met lco, te- B.G0LDSMITH&G0 The mils for meo sod Go)** Botnmet ,J«A HCiMur. ll lltrtr-o. Mr* I' Captain. Harry 3. Oouei flt.t I.b Include evuy .hade iod pittem mei.t lo Diction 2,32*i <,( tte Ilevlial 6U'.'< cenlly, Mary Semori and Barab Dillon, JAIU. Mr. Pare.K. Me. K A liiown, tenant, llaild M. Ityaoi Recood I.b lnh loo ill. In the tnelrciijliati cille* I rites, tbat oo root* tbio 3,000 f».t tnage d tetpedttely lSaodlOyeara, became h.l*itf*i& tb.Urto. Mrs Orib. Our Great OPENING SPAING SALE has commooced for th liniat, lliomai Uooitaoti Jnotot Second tb* world aod ira ol th* lit*it itfla I length a'oag » .tin ot clilmi locttd prlt-r riial* tor tbtattictloni of a young cowboy tfaiWlB-™.. M.t H 11 Wright, M cut »o.| Holtb and fibrlo. named Whitman. Thaliltoel. •QealUi Month of May, All tbo Latest Novelties In JVu, Adtt 1 U«. Jubo tlaotoo, It K l.ttuttoaot, tbiete* l'irk.r. lo Miy 10.1972, aid not tno.o on* iod iredntirrieallalheiettleaitat. Tns price, hats beeo marked down tu Incatid alUr said diti, ihill be lo- fimt' A litnin. .____^—_ COMH*I D (IHMR ooaso) fi»:iton ibot* oi.noficlurei.' cbanis. Captiio. P.J. Donnij blrit Llaoleo Wllheeer* boy'..ult.Md *fia**un c cloilfd io lb* (Itn* •pptlcallon for • J>»1 Ho desperate a pba>* iht rivalry Dens. tot, V. h. Ilrowni tJecond UioUeaal, hsod.-Amt kite li pmsatoJ ta tbe pu- eat, and not mora tbao 1(0 stteiof |i)artr twe.o tba girts a-iomed tbat tbey fil . ttlLuois-la lt.on, A| • lull llo* cl felt iod lur i patiot. tbertllsloc* seivtee*. Their War* i*p*- Bfir.-tB K.11. A^r»», bilhs wltiol rsted. *nd two dsyi later some into wtr* mer Ulsters ln endless variety aro displayed at our Es­ r/, ft. Htm. B d.nghltf. MeUooald; Second tJaqtMni, David itnw ball ol iht litest mode. By purekutnt yoor clothing »nd gantt It li ptovld.d u • tondlllon of nl* that "acted to tbe ou1|kltU of th* Mttli tablishment. Thoy are actually the Finest "ulntvaw) Tblrd Beiteint, Ilsnry Ulan- rich patent shall reserve tbe ilghl-ul-wiy it* bv pit toi ihott, and found Mln fo rn lib log goodi ut OihiiiliOj. yungit and Cheapest In the City We call anil Foattb 8e ratio t. Moore j 'ii Boeit t|uallty *t 30 percent, below through iod over any mtolog claim lur Billou lyleg on \be ground serlonily airlermtster, Jobn O'Touli. ia mail i.ttllptIce. nads, cntr, ditcbti, taoali and tnnnsli —iijoded. ' Particular Attention to tho ' 1. C. E. lillii to Mite Ifattla tjlltvtrt. Th* •tactions *er* btld itthirsiptctlt* II you doubt tbli atieitloa loan!re Ibi far tb* pnipotB of wotklog t-thtr mine., Mary Hem ore *rai ilaodlns a ftw flit -~ay with a ptttil, Bb.iild they had IDories of lb* oompmie* nndet thi In* oott of tbo same giods aliiwhore ind yon rovlded taat my damasi* ocn.lontd ' Major B. J. Hedgklnion ol III b« convinced of il* Untb. fougbt a doll and ibt hid hit htr rival It NEW STILES OF PONGEE, SATIN AND LACE PARASOLS HS rhereby, ibill b* asseeted and paid In tba thi flnt Ore. Theplstoti win foand, bat Ditoii-Io Oold Kill. Mty 2, Michael An Idshs faradne. mln* I. lh. wounded girl isyi *h» Wis ibot be- No old-timers left over from last year and represented W, Dt*|.D. a natlt* ol County CUr*j TUB PlEKLAftP tLTEB. •United, tor tb* memnent and piymcnt Loog Valley, Idiho, at de.erlbed In • '— ih* bad an opportunity to UM her as new. Wo bavo now on hand Ire! ind, a (ed IS issis, 7 li flaw a Umlitd Train Drawing letter wrltltn Irom ibera by a lady, t* i tor lind takin np fot publio use* under — poo. Tbi wound I* In lh* thooldir leafs. Kane Bai pallnaa Csacbts. ticond Eden, All tba graloi, graiitu ind th* right ol imlnibt domain. and li not fatal. (tb. (iBit.l will Uka pit Irulliol lh«tetniterat*mni grow to per- The tight* re.erved under the prntlr- Tbi "Ovatlaad Flyer" li now a limited tor,! of IbU notion la patent* hetetotore AN IMMENSE 8TQ0K OF OARPET81 iij, Miy I, at 1 D'clotk, r. U., Irom ta. Itellan. There wai net a «*• ol alckoos. rilHtllKD TO DBITII. do. Only Pullman s'.oipers ars run, tuned ihiltb* regolitcd and toiiimidao. a»T»I 1 lo th* valley ill tatt Winter. Th. lidy ttUriHlenr. ut dtoiuad oo thl Amsrl- * itoond din ooacbir being rilegated • " - -1 herein'hed, 11 also. _ I"o leeittM Men Kitted tad Five In Ingrain, 3-Fly, Tapestry, Brussels and Body Brussels, the Best write.! "Uitne ol all kind*, frotn (.r.hf, oi Flit iu.1 in (1UJ Itlll. Krlead. ind •peolsl train run na slow til (b* bill that upon da vranndedel Peka. Assortment evor shown In Virginia City.- Heavy Ingrain Carpota WI till luce. H. respecltnll/ invited lo chickeni t-> besr, deir ind elk, ai* aim A. F prttioos to March lit In iny year, at 55 coats; 3-Ply, 75 cents; Brussels, 65 cents; best quality Brus­ riant Tne valley Is Unity timbered, fin. Tbo Elko /ndfiicndtnf gtvt* tba follow, HUsd] sels, 75 cents; Body Brussels, (1 a yard. Wo solicit an inspection byth*B,._ loie.U coming ' *" ' "' " " '" ing detail! of th* faUl accident on thi Cms-It. Taylor, A'prll 21, J. II. Catln. during th*ehaog»i Coital r*dGe railioad at,Ftko last Moo. of our Large and Fresh Stock. Respectfully, Cry.til mat,nisi filled tod L'iiuri. "On aod after Banit.y, April SO, tb. day; A locomotlto on III way to Terrace, "Ottilind Flyir" pnoiloilly btcoTti * w throoih th* vsll.y." in charge ot tDjtlnitr Carmlchiel,dutlned t'-U-Ii HonBd Valley, April M_. II. HE.ttlA NOTE*. B. GOLDSMITH ft 00., 102 South 0 Street tnd b days. IImltiItnitaUd HUBlBUtrain, anUd wil"It*l VAVb*. compose»^IMA1A^ d tt- to be oixl on tht Salt Uka Dlvltlt InHHIf of rallm.n p*lie* ilMptog i (.pdeBied trim a I ale Kicfasngc* and ih.O. 1', rallmad. Wbtn tootding a Hbytirtan Cbnrcb ii sum ii LKTTKK \\ny. sfaleh wlllbtrualLruaihwIlhouichi . tntctil Dltpalebn. carv* near lh* North Fork bridge, a iborl The VerdictOnaatmetti. Irotn JJuuatil BInlli tn Dtnter, foittand, fur lha I'llmt Nitada belt Ii qntttdat 71 cent dlilanc* west ottiko, tba tnglm W. D. Unit, droggUt, Blptrar, Ind., peuowiiio II A LIST of LET: Han VranaliiU and I. VirrloUaiT. H.v^ Ihi'Optn''ittnlag. Th. •Wit Hie 1, ISO. T.i obtain Uiee. Ov.rl.od Vlyeft" Nl(. S, trait-bound, IliiOa.einor Adtm* taft lo nimn whlcn wtr* levin mm, UiltMiatlheviry beit temedy, Etity m.laultall lur AdeullHtl Ult.f l**t*i Council ntiilTi dally tt Vt o'clock rtcilptt will bt ippreptUttd U lh* bin- bottle told bu alvin teliit la every cei*. P'elAUdiL.1: , and no day coaohs* will be run sQlol Ihipirlih. Tbli 1* the finl tlmt Whit* 1'int county last timing, Janita Halplm and Edwird Dtrlat took its bottltt and wai curtij ISOOXA aci Our I and Flyir" on add after Lh. Ii'lletol thitchaich bnt* btld i Tht Qrand Prlte Company al Tuici _ kille"" d" tostinttr itintty,. being mangU_._.d. ti ol Itbenmttliro ol 10 years' atandin*. ItPO Pijt*••-'••i -~Wo I. -I i-tnontlootd dit* unlll further •nd II will donblltH U liberally patron- lora will retntnt clashing oro from lb horriblBiiimei minnsruiauiisr. In truttiuth lliUrilli Unify torton..n to. Abraham Hare, draKlil. HaHevlllt. O.j let I.U. tin," t litd, _ pleetileetii Mike Ooltrtll, Injnrtd lottrnalllottrnallr | 'Thtbtt.t ulUng medicine I *n±l«. (J D J. U. Cavin, ntnnilclin, wai found In William Campbell, htid brulttdj Johi ti'i.a wmw An ilgtiUBDeierler. tenSi'- tiir usttttf. ., ih* highway new Taylor, White 1'lnt Ilfodirlck, brntitd ntarly all ovtri T ttu.a n Th* (feno ^Buroof nyn An. Algirlan wunty, lait week nakel ind died Hanson, knit cap trie tare-land olnirwl Mn Deatit Tin tiled tnss agrss I lot for eicellinte tnirln*, I* bis p«cnll*r ai|t|Hnt, ~ti.L«M.*.ifteVtVirtll . '1*11omucl1 wliliktol.ltVvy wa•!•s tbi brulied. W. I>, HU| «ai foitenaU that tbe verdict It unenlmoni that Phil Kearny Post No. 10 of lool and cooksry. t -Ettbsr with imllts enough toiittb* ipproaoblne tngtnt la Ui.Oiner. rtoilty npon tbt itriit* yistirdiy. lit .er^ct. tie Bitter* do car* all dlieate* of th* tnl, U and attenllv* wa'ter*. no reslauiai.) Unit to Jamp before tht ooillilon, and Ltvtr, Kidney* or Blood. Only a ball On Irom th* Hhsba mine, fltar tllslrtel. bat. lints claim. Lo bi«. wbtpiol in offlc*r o thtOOItt outdda ot Baa 1*.auction . thui fortunately ucaptd wilbotit Injury. dollar a bottle at A. J>mhul tnd Gt-. JKm Z&- fail Tll > it Bin Kuntuoo and duelled, AT. irnial Iht abot* nirnid. Measrt. F... UuibboMt county I. twin, hanlid In Mill Jamoi Ilalpln* Uavce a wlf* and two Tbomat Wobdlitr* Pmg Btore*. "ilavirigci froin"fci» to 87W pti TI|>Kt Kdvla log it iltno, having tiattUd lh* *nllri riter A Armbru.lspar* no palm l" obtitn UUy. It avingct from WOO chlldioa wbo itlldl at Ptko, and WUllMa MP 1 rn*y on foot, h* beesm* *o dlsoour*t*d th* prttnero ol tb* naaon lur tbilt pa- Uin,pbell bit a wlft In Alabama. T* VlrilnUa*. TWrtV V ' al Dodlng noon* wllh whom hi could i In profftenfof Iht nl tfuni, Negotlitloni r.-_ . „ , Oar townttnea *ho art vhlllng Ban Comoiunleita that b* onnclnd.d to tarn ,1 thi l'tnoiyhatiU mFm md mill In lew t.tio-ji al Celdimltlt't. ITranclioo, and In need ol rttrttblnfi tht baib and fsc* tb* muslo. Jon Arrived and Opened, JackMii diitilot, llumbold tounty, lo oner man, would do will lo call at tba NATIONAL GUARD BALL a ooofiMi.V. r«tmut.r. Another carload of gsnl'i lurolthliig Hailirn comptoy, D. aoldimItbkOo.bavt notntly N.villa Tratnei'* llecllBI- "lletofl," kipt bv Dunn ft 0*11,1 Stock, gnod., h^t^ gtotei, lie., etc., r.f the latcit Onnduclor Jtdin Oonnera and englnten rgid 'tbelr plao* at bull ON* to taakt ton Ureal * Th* N*t*da Bdncallonal Aaiodtllon Niw Yoik ltyan k Bttnion'ij MiNamtra and Ifotyitey—Who Ve/*. In room fot t Iirgt tod varied stock ot dry Tb. ptbptity lulot K)Dg to tb* Mill* ot will bold a misting at Ihs Vouith Ward 3im ol tin litest stylii In ladlii* md th* Until llun acvliei.t, and VrtiO wer* oodi ImpoiliJ dltiet from th* niaoalie- TUtBU Wrt.Mll li now oII.IBd fot lib Rohoil Building lorooirow (Friday) *v*n- lotl'i On* iboes, somsLlilnfl that an sim­ charged wllh tnaatlatiahtit—*»r* lilod at anr*. Th* ettpil dtpitlmmt tontilm ply iltgiut and our prices fur suoh gnods t •WVilslBs tha tolloa-tos hmHel I On IDR at 7^0 and Bilurdiy tnotnlng, alUt- Auburn Kilday ind dlicliamoJ. lhalaUtt noitlilt* in llromls, logtaln PAPER FAIR •aoij*! by B.o, on Howard slrsiti an io low thsy will lurptli* jou. A ( noon ind ivoilni. Interutlng f* Tbli mniolng Dm MoOirlhi paiuid indlaptslrynoTiltiei, Tbtirlargt ihow Friday Evening, May 11 JM by 0. H.u,ti on Mamtnlt iU**t| latg* ilotk ol-l.itbtr snd flndlngi. * window* an conilanlly art0*4 with tbt ....AHD.... MOtt. oexotJttl by s Hindrock, J. ltolh. discQulom and olaii work through Iltno en rnuit lattwanl, hating In chargt IhlrUentale* botiei. Totltl, th* llle.t and mmi 1111(111 fibtlca of dnai ••' Kbi'., KotJt lluck (mil " 'lyattlcl**. ' ' " " M. Bail- .. 0. (Jonway nil atlachid a iboollng wlnnit ol lhs Dtibj st Ulil'aj<>. Ad*- i|lingi and fmly galliry to hti innthop on Noith (J slrtet, lalin, a fsttnui niare, and Kl!»a, i IAar Oarnival Cetknulttt* af ArraaEeueats. . (J ureal. Dirs, M-UB") atu AKCLISI, tth.iB tha yonng Idea may. under tba tu year e.ld with a ridtud oI2i'it-.mete among t;'indld*ir* far 1'angreis. B. Artnbrurt, W. B. U1U, 'tlon ot a maitir bind, Lflng down a _ ;- .. O and Bllrit lUeiUi tha nombir, Theffilitr Attoftjiivii Tb* dtcllaallon ....TO BKQIVKH AT.... T. a Ubby, J. B. IteOulloagti tl*org*W, WbHtir, • reildint of Banu W «| Wa.bl0ILon slree tblr.. Met lulUey. or two, I'tlnri very tiuouibl*. 'i nnl nulls tin. lhit Oeneral Higer. I Mr. Wpodbitri.nnlt*., at In tha cat* T. IbBntAn, t.O. Lord,, l77i"«-l»l"l lowieal In bllclt bnlldle, I toi a. I. vlilttni County rby.leliu Ooon, ll»'. inlteriat. can ba bad st Oon to whom ho li tilittd. wty'a at Bin Frsncltoo iitloee. * man bai trlin o||lelally Bb(ifi*il that Lie of Mr, Uiilne, Ib* pitty tblnkt h* dots JI-pNUUnm luick bnllolng lu (lota 11.i o l'mltiUlo* hai bim cninged frntn a not mean It, will bringineta) candidal!* PIPER'S OPpRA HOUSE ."'J «"l»td b tl„el. A Co, | slioilaugh. Loesl BtertUtyol thi Bivai* *nd Hal* T bltd-nl* to a .ecoud-rit* t.mof. B.nalor to ih. ttnnt tor Oongreitman, Among fcSmcroM. Clsytod Uilkntp, Is not The si. n. ail*.n. wmn;Higirn)»u ai follnwii Fleer Ce ton tile*. log from ut Ulack ol mistier, drs I* liken In leltctlog our stock, In thru at* Hen. A. O. lUvaland ol WMlt Ool, Vf. Batbarliod. W. 0. lf>rJ, •ttXZXXK "'"•'*'•""* "Jqit Dioe.ited your litter toth* Tott- i'inr, lormtrly Huts B.natnr from tbit Th* wtAdibsd Uluw Trnakia, ne* order that w* may retain our vtutotn, and viiU.r ffimtiL ll* my. ynu .hall re- CipU P. J. Dann.. T. a UW. t , FssiiK OoLuta, tea vintUfR to lay a ooolir not a belter OAinnty. llnn.U. 8. Yoone of, *X- Friday Evening, May 4,1688, tt. 1. Quae, O. IL OMtaba, ta*' rstlrarnis Hi*nerj. roundbous*. 110 Itetlon* br ffl wld*, *od Bit* tell.I In torn* form wlthnnt delay. lull lull ot wood, burned Moad.y, draught ol beif can iicl bo bid nn lha 3laii Boperl-Attndent ol I'ubllo IoitlUO- Till beiwtrv •" esUbltlbtd bv thl Uumatocb. Whlsblw^liandies, Winva Li|o, *nJ ptobably Oovimot SltveoioP. UT TUB LiBIIA OP TUB ThiY*»ISIM0I11. tbt InUtnillnnil Hotetat Ti30on Thun itikad of! and a trial li about tub* inid* ItKftUd a llko lh* tritrr of wbtth burni DHNBFIT OP THE OHUROH tniUIBB...... w diytienf^Hsifld, In Irtnsplsntlng ojsttr*. wlith Ihtoisn on a fire. Thi|ik*ltdt- AJmlltlut; QtaUemin sad Lsdtee. .IK, , l ,l 1 —'—i——rt itrlbed M oovirlng an Rtt* »f MTtrtl VS ?'ff " W»M«lan A-Oo., Tom leawtes, JmP^'^J ""th jroy tlmt Taluk of |l. , , Hinttt triilel, and II loppaiaj to b« null *d -- '"" '--^ ll not In tht Cniiosicu'a idtitilslog c,eh.tont, J1O0 lblb. boiibomt tndtoJa*, ' tifin-id^lii itrittA I') Joint DiiNinoin. w,, be*,I! HMeaia elus* eiUieiil iot-wvo.tH Irt Amelei Mt* I- "•• ~ ndifitbebtidol "Ktw to<*»,.V Tbt* old port wtat, n to -'Nr ni- t oM UDUIWO xisrtKQ. Dn. T. A tt, Mo()a.gar,dinttitt, room art litoaui lolan illg*bl,looallly,aiiej s, llyttc-ti*, SOUTHERN PACJHC COMPANY y* IHaOOltPAHY^LociUonoliirtatlpal 8%. Itasntst, Ac 8T Sooth *0 Street. place ol tutlrtw. Bin Fnistitoo, Olltanili; TO THE UHFQ-ITUHXTE. AX ALTERATIVE. IctaUea-d.ncIa, TLrjialt, Btorey. tweuvtr. dines 11 ditvei ont ibe polionoui bumon Asent* for th* Ce't'-'tted K.vidAv.—Koticvt~Thcr. are del'jiqueni opj, ot tbt btoo!, jiurUjiAva- ind enrich­ ptomiKKor T'_j_r'ii 'Iflirrl' please ing ll, uid >t> overconinj Iheee Vr USS, u tb. follgirinffJesa-lbed • ,'pIt*Wli. Ut. Mtlo. "kit DO tlertrovvwd Id. i&euei taultlnz trocn Imputrj or sill Iters Ben sKewment (So. KB) levied i ithiltLhtUycl ;i eirUitfieaU en wooden Hoekseill b* folate.] - IroporerUied blood. > ^tiurhcnlngaronid*. n* wirptiLg of thi Maieh. 133}, tb. aenn! vnt ciU act oppoiit. r wood, and Bi&Uty of tba pint* to U*r etl wWis MOUNTAIN BEER LjL'.&O for JancUm, B^™n^o"indSai the tumei ot lhe te.pectiti A LAXATIVE. rraneiioa ill BWICIAV, initlot-it llrlSr.H. ihutbolden ;..Ut*p{***l*rDnnliir,'mdBr th* ml* Infta-: Acting mildly bnt ' 1 811 0 iml1 fAlltm: •1 lit* that attk but tattit block dwlrotvpe* ten S'S;'. '".^. ?™" ***** leivtiijr it l«v.tIi,Iteute)U blltu' l cotuil tn- ItAlA-lt.torlitocktonaudUtlinir. Omaert* t. TMd. I Ion, and promote iirivuliLrhiUL EACLE IBREWERY. SAN JOSE, at Ulhron wilh Eipreo for Frwuo, TUJOT II .teengUieiii tl , eanti tubara, Lcs Anirelai and. Cotton, Cert. Bbarta Aral. •ids digettlon. ponnetti iho it Ltlbrop ilto train letv- ^r PRODUCT OF THE POPPY. The Butt Bteam Beer OD tha Houil lm- it 130 P. IL for am Jo^Tlnd Sn AvtrlHIlO, Trtisiee'".""*IS A DIURETIC. rrandlco via KiUvi. ConMrtt it JuSS Averlllllc T.nrUe tot to its eotnpo.illon tho beet and Aia^ I.T lion with accommodation train' it 9-la s. galea DO,Truit«...... Sll V^kenrjy «g6Q,OOa Spent Tearly/or Opine] mat setlie dlorrtica of tha llatc- M- for sf.rv.tUlv Cbloo, Teluini and Bed Ooorn* J RTruiiM. HC ound riiHcdlcatra combined tdenua- ::'.•• • •. In Ketr'TOTk. Waff. AI« conucts at gumneotA) teiUi Ex- (Witll E A CO, Trtutea iu ally wilh Other effective remedies pro* Ie*Wnj; il a-JO P. U. lor Keddltur. fcU tkhm B 4 OJ. Titutets/tii 8EHlNflL WEAKNESS - %)Tt 'waa tot tho. pnrpow oj giving aa nc- J. H< CunER AND JESSE MOORE'S — uhlud .nd Pertianet, Ore JOU. Colcnuii k WalUa, l^izti. V^'trarate-aiid Interesting account of how ten be relied on to give qolck re- aaaila«Eailul.ia,.U,. ._. -:. For The NERVOUS _ llcf end .needy cure. $• P,IW Chinamen spend 1M08PW0.73 nnnu- ttBatnOi of leailniealil. have bee-n re­ CtOckerft'Bnjdin.,'"iiuit- «,t Tal,w,H.^.k.,nra^?,°'-* just for the"pteainr&ol "bitting iho lied from peitonl wbo hive tuetl thtt nidi, arrl tins; at 10:11 A. The DEBILITATED uneer wllh remarkable benefli, send far Cknckcr ek Enjdiin, Itiu- i-ptpt,''.thaVibo'Chlbese reporter inado n BRANDS OF WHISKIES 7.AK*-H.-lii!ly- 1 IreBtira, living full puUcQliciL tLtprea tnln I 1000 too 00 lib nnsrinr nilaln'-v th. titil^! .*" P""l«eiM nvata ot the various haunts ol W»ll» S»«l|Ooi»fr!t. Baa. ataer Aapl.lB Maa. I ;VU for witmnnnA Uatll- - -lae Uonatitn The AOED. J ;• Chlnatowii., * ' '• WELIS, BICHAIIOSDH & CO., PIOF-1 "fAuttln)' ' , "Pilnid , (Sureiinnii>; . Ojdt~ n and lhe Dutbrow A 'Trtuteei-i.'tMiS : auausa-ros. \T. OIHUIHE KETWES1 CIGARS Dorbrue A K, Trasti I1SCT ^; .--Tnerii ftrri at present about twenty-flvo rinrrlni.'lo t y Chinese Arms that deal in refined ojiinm^ borbrow A K, Temrit.. BILLLBD TABLES tJorhrow A K. Tnutts ;,lwth wholetsle an4 retail. There arc Durbrow A K, Tranee... 3,1 t_\cliTeii'7'jirivata Chinese Joints, whero .CHICHESTER'S ENGLESh*, .DIAMOND BRAND la roar at Balwa lor mnaTacntaiAl Falwc.. Ourbrote A R.Temtc*... v oplornitsold at»53.M per ounce, These VTHEOBIGIHALTHEOIILYCEHIIIHC. Durbrow A K, Truite*.., ->:Joints do: not noiv admit wbito araokcra, T-BtWAHEOrWORTIlLESSlMltAtlOIIS, QuickTime. CheapEates. Duibrotr A K, Trait» r>otiv(LcCoiint of tbe frequent ralils made VsKDRUGasTioaBncHmiKsiiiGiisii tipi0 tr !M Dnneeatrro _ Tnutt...tll90 ENNYRQYAL n™^. !!. "** J*™*"**" * ™kl Fricdcrith G. Tniiiee.„.i-Hjs ]jrj s rDIAMOND BnAND.'AA""l«» DO YOU DRINK? iWW OmonJ.Trailee ism to r lion, nlint neatt, tnun, "V4ffsS: T^Kt™T5 *>* Ontmnlnttarf OlllonJ, Trottee (M» -w SAF Ef lr«ff,»ti"tLi,TO LAOIEJl. If yon do como to "nanllr. The boctor en .NDItpEIIlABtUplBm'ttlOflWtliTOl Pullma Orecatbiao, k ttnn*. ! Ut8 0l"l---''tlSSJ B1nst>uriTtr^rs."l1 tfckU mW lold, tleepinr car betih. seemed, \™ "['V "'"""P'T »r"be7thi •eeoied, A Sinai. i-fes Otherwise be ibis to suffer lot tho wantof ilul.ieinAiatlEiiA !?d™" ™onn*tlon tfvtnuiwn titpUciUtxi at 'lyrawnoMmsttfieF.HMBMjaBiuj'A.TSKsi MY SALOON KO 150 C CURED AT HOME. iv.'i, OpIrim-^-iriileb, according to nil accounts, lhapeno company'o cin* secure'tb offleii, vbtro 1^a olroule*bameSeeealdi; etc, * " A'Btna.;'" And prove by janr own'tsile tbit.I keep bya-ldrt™ ryt' U "-Ten worte than to too "snakes." Great ,U»t t'ft Gib >•_, ".v.'. Wars would gush out of lils eyes, big .. K. TOWHE, T.' n. COO DMAS, _ letdei KO BO e :,"''y.;i drops of p respiration constantly moisten w.>d(d, Ir, 1 ,a THE BEST LIQOUBS Omeril Um.«r Gen. pin. k TYL Ait frotn oaniijf D, e'titt'..^. *^ t- &-fU; his brow, while bis nostrils would nana pariol th, BAH PaiNC™-"" * ^A'^UbeoWiicdasinaB tized fountain some- > whole Town. Ooldnun * Co, 'hiubK*.'*|T£iB. Ff?-?i where, fn hi* head. Bnt the worst ot all DEMOCRATIO leSer thmnrt'S1.11 'r^taff*1" ;.*:>,-. iho ailments if en excruciating pain all PRIMARY ELECTION. P,oros" W •'. Trmtet'....«i™ Farin A Or..-^ . rufcaj,, r'yyi'oTcr lilt backbone, as If be bad been Just ilidleyli DjoJ.Tnutet* c— lorwardtd to aiij j*ei ot jjV*-;':. rnn tbrongb a lino qlothes wringer. Under D N THE NUMBER. "-•"" * Dcnd Tnnleei.i: STATE CONVENTION, ft Doatl, Ti tacit circumstances be tfonid olmott bo Uecsase If yoa all onee you will thnJutUe*"* Court of VAtjinil Towmhii tip. i.ln.aDdfur lh.OauntrDt atorfv.—A- J. Willing to gire bolt of bis entire kingdom NOTICE. WBLCH, PUlntiU, ti CIIABLES &HBKZE. '•V.\ii to beable to •'nit the pipe." ilwiy. recollect my piece. pefendut.-Tha GUI* of Kevada icndi .totl- ,DE. LIEBItj'8 litrr to Chulei Ontie, IkteDdinL. Toi ua * Six pills or pipes, about.tbe aim of a "pBESUAKT TO RESOLDriOKB OF THE BILLY McKEIORAN. hertby lommonraj to appear before me- it I Womlcrr^ j,-.',;S "grwn pea, \vrotila restore him to bis nattral rnv DtBea In VlTjrlnai Townihlp Ko.' I, Lofttu f DKX0ORATIQ STATE CEKTBiL lo tha County of Stony, But. of He-ida. UaryaOeaaTABaei.Tr... „, f A.i;,oondiubri of life, whfeii would last bim titraOwi TiSoti.lejifr i:-;^'for stout as many hours. A regniar HITTEB, adopted at their mMtlcft held in g Gflmaa IiiTigoafar u John Wagner's Saloon ir-'-:&i'tleaA will consume about an ounce per at 10 o-doek *. M.. In tha action brottibt tt in e CM T i'flJn'.Tra'.'.,.ittst ; Virginia Cily. Kcvidt, Uuchll, IKS, a meet- ajiinii yon by nld plaintiff, to lumrltar llirJ.O*oT*no»Trl....lO0CT r= .™£3*!?t;**u~- ;y;yvflay, which ia *,2M H.tcb Beoa' Htott and tbn EnUrpriH uenptilntelibiibon-niiiiad rjiiinilfl bertdo r »—-n-T*|0nJr. ...t69M "T tw Ota '-, ; > „,ThesetiialiMiwhlIeani6kInO; Is Indeed Ltifl el Ihi County Denn-cialic Centnl Com- on Hie. Bald aetton is btooibt to reajier IIDB f'OBl p^-.f-.' •wUdng.';-'-:K'o matter how fatigued or op- Democratic State Convention you., th* imo ol (CJ 60 lor toun mltleti of Storey County, Hindi, n. held it — btirorv hira lit to joa. dertendiot, bj ^Ji0ptaititd'biSBi\'A'l^'WhllU^'tha flpo BE DEtJ) AT Is llrst-CIasa In All Iti Appointments pl.lnllfl, al mi apeslil IniutH j-"j.r;. would pat a man In tbe best of social urelnla atv. Kendi, Aptil !1, 1ES3, nhen r-^rst, »llhla_ font ynn lut " ipIrtU. It huitrttbgo medicinal proper- Beor by tho si:«:. tie*, sad Is said to core all kinds of fevers the foiloirinf lEfolutloni were tdopltd: Gallon; Philadelphia and ion and palpitation of. VIRGINIA CITY ud rtquttt. wiltuii lour tein Flnt—Rieolred, Thit a Boca Beer by the bottle. lut r*it, by j. a., uid c'jJm '*!*!&. the heart i Mott Chinamen are driven to "-svtnr been Mtrtetitsi to. plilnilfl herein— fc. j-ft. through business rennet and other r Jadtrnitnt will ba taken lolnit TOO tat ulj * troubles, while not it few contracted' tha THURSDAY, MAY 17,1888, PRIMARY ELECTION The Pinoit Cigar*, Wines and Liquor* mounl. In 11.8. gold coin. tojeUier wllb cwu £*.£habit,tfirongh- sociability, Just an an Uy the Doi, Gallon, Bottle or Glass. soil ind dimife*, II yoa fill lo appeir and s£iV?American-woul d doon their "take a It IIS o'clock It, Be held Ihroafhaut tha county of Storey on ^jdrinl." with a friend.- -,:•••' aneli Every Day. E, TOR TUB FURFO.E OV BLECTIKa bei of all hinds. ^iivirlttakeajustaboutth; e same length of SATURDAY, MAY 5,1888. t KiX'£ time: to set tha opium habit as to get tho IOIIN WACVEIt. •>. driiildnghaWt.- The latter destroys tho SIX DELEGATES That Uid Frimirj Ejection bo. ^^lniod/andbiakcfBinanlrreBpoiuible for ^.^blgUtiOi^ while the ibnner destroys tbo thl different wirdi of Virt.nU Oly THE SAZERACI ^^boAy.t>at make* •»= koeb. thinker of tho Town ot 0 aid Bill, to wit: W*rTOtim.yit I(-.cstlmoted.llist there srd SIX ALTERNATES •f- 33 dOQth 0 Btieotl To roprraent tba Dcmoenlle Party ol rTendi ffEBDEB, Plaintiff, tl. OiIABLES OKSEZE, ' H_c,. .^tthlni oreri^OOCr Americans in tho JACOB BAUMAHH • PROPRIETOR ••olendant.—Tha Bute of Kevada Kn *- ' &iJitityJot Jfew York; who tire now using —At Ko. 0 Bnulb felind to Oharlea Onei), defendant ^35;CrinftilttUie»ame manner nnd form as National Democratic Convention, HE FINEST quAUTY OF .„ —_ a ._.. [Bj ^ lfT£-toe Chinese, ^lost of these are said la To be held it leelebniad ihlp Ks. 1, In lh. CtJual, of Bteirtj. fil uldever be ablo to contract of tb. aLoi. nuneii p:ainiitl herein on fl f^"iMl|fttabIt.r, ••;.;. And for tbe pnrpoeu cl nomlniiln/ lea oold ind tipped Ineb every uonr, PUe. Sill utloi li broaxhl to rtiMier Two UtaHi ^t-i.Tha opium dealing Anns sell [from'two ttiinn"a but brand! ol Ctgut d»i>s p iiocJ, id Forty (JilO) DcJlin - SivHS wflweiiii p« dty, e4eh can weighing Xlirco I'rcHlcIcntlal Electors Aftnls for lhe Oold Doll Kentucky SonrbOl InlheOonntroI Borey.siitaotKciid.~d . v.iy about |bur ounces. Jfottof tbewholeaolo [EH lb. monlhi of Nuitmber aod Dccttnt! ^uvv^OrdtM oom* from lownt and eitles in and One Memlior of VongnaB i The Tolli ibali be opened at 11 H. 1S3I. and Juiuiej. ls&S, filtv-bi — arottad Ket* Yorkstate, And ooly now and -icdlcal Ml vice were) rtnd.ted i Ono Jatlgo of Supreme Court and elate af 0 P. II. :e itd rtrqoEit br uU piil: MMy** **« n«Uve Amtrlcnri enstomers from PATTERSON'S rlU ba takin a*-iln.t j-oo tot kiifrttP.towuooiujintobuytheirBupply. Bay u. J- (old vain, I—•"--- —'- I^Uieronlr tell iiifftnraga of three cans par Eecond—Thit th. ol the pertoni to INTERNATIOHAL SALOON id dUAt-uj, || yf ,*. toy. At wholtMls rotes, which- Is 18.35 Three litm bcr. ol iho Board or Be- fonBUlate the Election Board a| Tu th. ShenH. E C%'^ Pt/oW'tor China imported goods, but iltnf : Hike legal itrvl ii^*>'*»u?<^ «»* by the fifty cents' worth KeuTi of stale Cstlreniiy, plica »r» u folloei: ^.•'•iMWlt-wwM bring it tip to about CI«o f«r s ioni-jmi' itrtn; one for i two Hr.1 Wud, Ylr*inli City—J. F. Cavaninji- CLUB ROOMS, ,,. llOtofll per can. .At •ll), which Is the ytir*' term], J. D. Sbeppeid, Mark Feeney. sS"iPortodopium, but Eltttlvin tl tilled Delegate* lo Iho yMitjLt tht.V ctoriain n th the pnrr, Thus i-4 yit can easily be toon how hearty a I om om 8TATE CONVENTION TO DE HELD AT According, to 0YeChineter 8 - Sa00n0 Francisco Tolri THE BOS8 PLACE ' CK? 2"$ *P i *. ^t cuttom ... TO GET.... i-W--*22*i Aati** tat tho Chinese venr (n.i. D«aocnOo Oaonlr Virfjiala Oity, May 17, 1888, f-zg-Q. wota on opium alone. ,j to Nm York World. .u. nqoMlol to ctil Peltgilt* ind YOUR LAQER BEER PRIMARY ELEOTION8 -..IB AT TUB } i Tb* X>*e1lBa of lbs Bailor. to held atBULt,ul».ldo„J ARCADE SALOON. y^:v^natli,r mere crltlciims on onr unvv h.ptirpi)i.oInoniliialiniil'riilJenlWEte. ^''ffiiSfe^! *?. •h«K,'Bllih louiX 8ATURDAY, MAY 6,1888, m. llemtrtr ol ConnttB, ona Judga ot tl irem. Oonrt anj ,v,,ej nitntbnsel Hit porpore nl eltetlnjr Dciigjte. to Ib. 1 bnt thftt w, nl Hemnt* of tin, GUI. UnIietiliy-t--o *&v -w^M i**0 1111 "/b ">* '"ip* £Ul. Cnnvtntlon, Iba Ptitinry Biciioni t' tXiSXS ft'J,anl* " ' EnglUhnioi, ^v;?^^h9*^ . Scandinavians nu,l 10 ^.curled oul In ewnpliincejilth Ihtf am I lh* BUle. to iho e-evtnJ ntili of Ylirrlni ?' ' Slt-P' »U:A»n«rleaii sailor men can Th. fotkiwlcir ten will b. nijutrol rvl [jarfi •t Oo'J lllll .(.ill bt .. luiloerl : WJW come VIliOINIA CITl*. '4& 5™?°*^^**' °' »- ind the Primary KlevtUiiIii:) Fle.1 Wu j ,. Are jon an eleclor, or will you b. an elector, tl-lrti «'»nj at lhe innili-aretecllon, u,d will Toulopptvii ^-^••SSiff $2* -WW^ n»w mfttnlug the l^&Wi,Mi,1,'> Fawatgut Iod 111* nomlntt* of (ihi Kallonsl int) Slate Dimo- 1 I ,p 1 torta WM n|, ctaUc Oonvenlloni l S'^srth'n^r;^ f*,t*5 i? ^ »«> Thajillttwin, iMoluiloni er n uninlniooilj ^ : • S? iw"^was*' ^,«mou-ioen who, un- '^ SiViS? »r ° M"'l«*«. combine n adopted i , . keen InUllltenw with ai«nath aud dar- "" i™ •orntalM** ejrdWJr •pally Mom. the Adoiiita'aii'on ^t'r^&IZ'. bv%%.^ *?' "wltu',,« «««»" It gono 1,1 j™. rrotreilty el th. cevinie, ,J cn, 0 0 ,lh i'; I.7taaiiilS -,7--(taft*"*n- on "o llm a—•'"BU'I"t caKn. hanil'""• »iiurmor. raoe, ru Uo- Wh foS'Je.K.'i i" £?, f " ? • 'tVteiio .i„, "fc!",!'1!' '•" '"""'• ""i "ni ' ..t.i. A.^i . '.. '• * au.rouB .limy ill ffi$P\ •»«- JSJfc;st lu , u I ll , l l lia Jet*, rtduted Iht Oat.rt.ntn™ *" " n,.S',f. " ! " "» " ll» mtlBMr ml fetWrd BI*,,,• tallltcn,I e| «M __ 5H*(!': rtruw.* p.rl,.p. i„ ti„ " !SSI* 1,hf.t»»f B wit .hill trill ta com • rjart ol On, ,«„ o»lr_„l,nll.l., .,, ailSiSSffii . iBcleollflo AmerlcAn. Tti.)ln.fl|rol|CI^,i,l0Mitnih*luti '^^,)V,'u^et%^^m%Xf : HaliBltaTennA.lie.prtAi.iB,. •kt it. u.... .,.., piaiitiitM ot ^ruiertiy It: .Amorl-art. h.t. it dual roiiiioii for con- ;::Mrn In lh.Irtlatmontol tho rftblilt iwat In lo labor to .,,„„ . -v-£i'. Ia' .vVa lh0 AliBloiiitnt ol tho w^-on.i u-^ass "CtizrrJ na YBr nt ',!v!l:-W, *,'l * v «" ilWcoiBo t-wWw.sX^ 1 t, , ViSZfc'FPV.W"'*1 10 U ,M""h " •"im -••' i^l ;*.*" ' ''""'*«*- -Cl.v.tu,d wlihChlna .i-ffitlA, pott In th',:o vioo'!l rnarlioi P t of th "o" i.othl'"litlaii. amti *>1eh/?e«11,ilr,1e|^,ji^unh,r|^ :: |,tt • '!CSi. t •**"" *»

': SStfJBS-V^. !,M""t1«l "' Hi Plan™

(i ffitPW u)!,,V»k " l,a»'hwn Ioo,,,l v>KiS!.,,A .7 JJf". ,n • p*i«,i oi too !>i!!^^fi" »l»le.MlIut.rAl I.

' WA" '*,? ?nM •*?* 1-orbngoV they h d lB crl •1-.W PMU™v. ht? (.n " » rtnniolT« be- f-^fSy* ""OUMndt-"-Chicago ClillltB A .r-.tliillij tneilleml nil. '"'"j'iV I'tTrl'' TtfreXrrof.' rT'l'-'Vo"!•(«. Wlitt Canied Ihe Fire. DR. ROBINSON. Ilnodat, Itrin. _ ()".!«',l,ot|M.*™.lt 11 A. U. ABD 01k! ,lkM mm toi,, * a: X^i. "•* ' „rulj , W. E. F. DEAL, s nation matter J , 0nsS*.~'.'.,^J* • '"*""l*"i HiatVa Italld., C!iVS"l-'^5' r."ti'S'jlv. "'r': Attomoy nntl OounBolor In«-U*,irtent*ijvtf Ilaieh Br*(, . |iSS'i> ;>?>:; Wn.iil.|-a«»i Zt: SLA iSSb." a 2S.*J m Law. bur-jory ajlj^ajt^^- iai«tUnt end .(ry£j>e* of nil, Hi ordtt lb. toard ot Trattet*. "' *I*J|^Jv«»5fi:liiTU. No lincj prion, " ~'l anydlKllminillon l omt*-K«« ft ^i^wSrtT^iot omnt-DAHE oriouirown* w"*:,; VtTtL ttkWXCK, UeiitK«mtiT itrtet, Ban rnnritoo, OalUornl. I loy, Ylr«lnli Ollir. Kitidi. ,yi