r.v N. ELIAS If.At. CONSUl.·CENE///11. FOii J.:llOR/IS/IN AN.D SISTAN;





:iJublisbrra la fbt ~nbin ©.llitt i895 80 copies printed

lnstitut fiir Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften Beethovenstrasse 32, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main Federal Republic of Germany

Printed In Germany by Strauss Offsetdruck, D-69509 Morlenbach ·TABLE OF · CONTENTS.

- -·- ~· -- l'AC& I'RJWACF. v lN'!'ltOUU(,'TlO~ :- So.:ction I. Th.i A.uU1or nncl his Book 1 ,, If. 'l'he Liue of Chnghntai 28 ,. llL The Lnn


CflAl"Tt:t: I. Bcginuiug of the TClriTdt-i·Ra~hitli . . 5 JC. 'l'ho J!'.nrly H istory of '!'n~h l uk 'J'imur G U C. '!'ho (;ouvcrsion of 'l'ugl1luk 'l'irnur Kh:iu to J,,la111 10 IV. Extract.a from the Za/a1··Ncfma-Expedition of '.l'ughluk Timur KMn into the Kingdom of M1

CHAl'"TRR rAUH :X.VIU. The Third Iuvosiou of Jo.tah (Lhn.t ia to sn.y ,Moghulist.Un) by Amir Timur •U XIX. Marriage of Amir Timur with tho Princess Dilsluld Aghit 13 XX. Amir Timur's 'fhird Expedition into Khwarizm, n111l his ret urn owing to the Revolt of Bar DughU, Aclilslu5.h and lfalmim Jalair H :XXL Amir Timur's Fourth ·E xpcclition into Jntnh (lhnt is, Moghuliatan) ·Hi XXIL The Death of Prince J nhaugir 47 :XXIII. Amir Timur sonds o.n Army ngniuat Kmn.'\l'-ttd-Diu 48 XXIV. Amir Timur's Fifth Expedition in lo ,fotah(thntia, l\Ioghulistan) !ill XXV. Tl1e Last of Amir Kamnr-ud-Din •. 50 XXVI. The Commencement of the Reign of Khizir Khwajn Khan, son of Tu8hlulc 'fimur !{h~n .. 51 XX:.VU. Muhammad 11.hun, son of Khizi1· Khwaja Klul11 57 X.X.Vill. Shir Muhammnd KMn, son of Muho.mmn1l Khtin 60 XXIX. Early Lifo of Vais KbUn •. 60 XXX. Amir Sayyd Ali o.nd StoriC!l relating to him Gl XXXI. Epitomised o.rcount of whnt po.sscd between Shir Muhmnmacl KhUn and Khuu • . · G4 XXXU. The Kh:lnehip of Vais Khan 65 XXXIII. Amir Khudt'iidad o.nd his J ourney to Mcklm «iS X.X.X.IV. The Martyrdom of Vais Khtiu 71 XXXV. Ruin of [the party of) Ir.lzan o.flcr the Denth or Vnis Klutn .. 73 XXXVI. Re<:eption of Yun us Kh:ln ;nnd Irnz6.n, iu So.markund, by l\lirza Ulugh Dog 74 XXXVII. Kb6.nship of Ie:ln DugltU. mum, son of Vais Klt:tn, after the Ruin ofTro~u . . 74 :X.:XXVUI. Amir Sayyicl Ali's Expedition to and Reduction of Kaisbgh11.r 75 XXXIX. The Quo.rrole of Itmo Bugutt Khttn with his Amirs 77 XL. The Commencement of the Kluinship of Y11uus Kl11in 83 XLI. Detuilcd o.ccouni of tbo Procc~dings of Yuuus KMn . . 84 XLU. Arrival of Yunue Kl11i.11 in Mogbulistttu . . SU XLIII. Rule of Mirza Suniz in KU.11hghar 11.ftor the Death of hia l!'nther, . Mir So.yyid Ali . . 87 XLIV. Khwbip of D ust Muhammad Klnin 88 XLV. Second Return of Yunus KMn from [the Court of) Sultan Abu &id . 90 XLVI, Events which followed ou the of Dust Muho.mmad Khan; the Supremacy of Yunus KMn, and the Murder of · Buruj OgWli.u !J2 XLVII. Shaikh Jo.nuH-ud-Din o.nd his co.pluro of the ICluln !J3 XLVlll. Concerning who.t passed between Yun us KMn and the lCings of M&var6.-un-Nahr, after the murder of Shaikh Jl\mtU lihnr 95 X.LIX. Rule of Muhammad Haidar MirzU. in lias~1ghar 98 L. Beginning of the Reign of AM Bnkr MirzU. !JU LL Account of tho Mim'L8 of Khoto.n 100 LII. Capture of Khote.n by Mirza Ab6. Bnh-T and the Extirpation of the ~a of Khotnn · · •• 101 Lill. The Stratagem of Aha Bakr, by which he caused l\1ulu11nmad ' Haido.r Mirza to expel his own Amirs 102 LIV. Yunus Khan goes to help Muhauunncl Haidnr MirzU. n.gninst Mirza AM, who dnfl'nt.~ Uiem hoth 10:{ Table of Contents. xix

OJAPTER PAGE LV. Ynnua Kh6.n's Secom! Expedition n.gninsl YiLrlmnd, n.nd Defont nt the hands of Mir:r.ii. Aha. l3akr 105 L VI. Enrly dn.ya of Sultan llfa.hmud Kh:\n, son of Yunus KMu 107 LVII. 'l'ho Wnr ·thn.t iu·oso out of a clifforenco betwee11 Yunua Khii.n nod Muhammo.d Haidar MirziL in Akau 109 L VIII. 11'.Iuliammnd Hn.idnr Mirza attacks Mirza AM in Kashghar, and is taken Prisoner by liim ·· 111 LLX. Yunus and the llfoghul Ulus enter 'l'ashkn.ncl. PQnoe is estn.- blislicd between the 'l'imuri Sultit.ns 112 LX. I~nd of Yunus Khan's Life ... 114 L:.XL Wnr between Sultan Ahmad Mirzi• m1d Sultau Mahmud Khau 115 LXII. Arrangement for the m:i.rringe of my Fathc1· into the Klntn's Family 117 LXIII. Events in T:.\.shkand during the Rule of Sultan Miihmud Kbiin. The Last and Death of the Khan 118 LXIV. Sultan Alnun.d Khan . . 120 LXV. 111ansur Khan (mny his sins be parclonecl I) 123 LX VI. Shah Kluin, sou of l\fansui- Khan 129 LXVII. Sultan Said Khan, son of Sultan Ahmad Khiln . . 130 LXVIII. Concerning the land(l.ble virtues and rnro attaiJJments of Sultan Said KMn . . 137 · LXIX. Abdur Uashhl KMn, sou of Sultan Said Khan rnn LXX. End of First Part of the Tarikh-i-Rcu;hidi 147

PAR'l' II. P.noLonuE .. 150

I. Beginning of Part II., which contains who.t took plac~ o.mong the Moghnl Ulua, the Uzbcg and the ChaglmtiU .. 152 II. Reigu of Yunus KMn; uccouut of. Iris Life nn

CflAl'rBR . • l'AO J: XIII. Expedition of SMhi Ileg into Khwttri7.m. Ilis Conquest or thn.t . country. His return to Mavo,rtl.-un-Nnhr, nnd mnrch into Khorosan 20-i XIV. Tho reason why Muhnmmnd Hnsnin K11rknn surrendered him- . self .to Shithi Ileg l{h611. Hie Mnri.yrdom nncl ihnt of Sultan Mnbmud Khtin . . . . 20.'i XV. Some of the Author's own Atlvcnlures .. .. 210 XVI. E nzrat Mo.n!tina Mnhmmnd Kuzi . . 212 XVII. Return to tho Bial.ory 215 XVUL Advent of Sultan Said ]{Mn in Auclijau. Hie cnpture n.ud · eeco.po to Daber PUdiehii.b in K1tliul . . . • 221 XIX. Mirza Kbil.u'e Life in Dadnkhsluln. The Author g

CRArTJ~n rAGJ\ XL V. lllnrch of Sultan Saitl Khuu ngninst Y1ti-lmml, and scvoml mnttcrs in the connection 312 XLVI. To.king of Yt1ngi-Hisli.r : the key to the Conquest of tlie King- dom of Knshghar , . 3Hi XLVII. Decline of Mimi AM Dakr; facts connected therewith, and tbo End of his Domiuion 319 XLVIII. 'l'ho Conquest of Kasl1glmr 325 XLIX. Story of tho Amirs who went in pursuit of Mim Abt Bnkr .. 327 . L. Couelusiou of the Story of l\lirt.a Abll. Dakr's Olbpring 328 LI. History of tho Khiin nl"tor the Conquest of Knshglmr .• 331 LII. A1'riv11l of Aimau Sultiln from Turrnn to wnit on the mu1u LIII. 'l'he Khtin (in spite of ill-t.rentmcnt) cmves nn intcrvie\V with l\lonslll' Klu~n aud submits to him 334 LIV. 'I'tnnsnctions of Mausur Khan SSG LV. Dirth oflalmndnr 34-0 LYI. Ucbuilding of .A.ksu and negotiations of the Aml.nssmlors of Mo.nsur Khuu o.nd the Khlin .• 341 LVII. Dcnlh of lln.zrn.t MnuMutt l\fol1nmmnd ffiizi 341 LYllI. Meeting of :Mnnsur K hnn oml Said I\ bun, and conclusion of Pence between them 843 LI:X. 'l'ho Klutn's return after tllo Pence-Subsequent event.'! nnd visit of BaMjuk Sultnn · 345 LX. Thll KhUn's Holy War ngniust Stlrigb Uiglmr nu1l the !cnson for his turning back 348 LXI. 'l'ho Kirgliiz Cnmpnigu nnd lhc cnpturc of Mubnmmnd J{irghiz !H!l LXIT. Dnulnt Sultnn Klu'inim, dnughkr of Yunus Khim, ('01ucs fro111 Dndn.Jd1shiln lo KU.Shghnr 351 LXIU. Celclimtiou of. iho J\farringos of Aimnn Khw1'ijn Snlt.:tu nntl Sluth J\foh o.mmnd Sult.on ll!i2 LXIV. Dcgi1111ing of lhc qunrrcla bclwccn the Kh!Ln nml l\[irzt. J01n11. 'l'ho Khuu's First luvasion of Dncfakhsluin .. 3:;3 LXV. Tito Kbun's second interview with Mansur Khnn' 356 LXVI. Conclusion of the nlfnirs of D1ibnr P1idishnh. Doath of his brotllcr. On.use of tbo iusubortlin:ition of Ms Amird 35G LXVJI. Settlement of l\fogl1111ist1in 11nd lho Kirghiz. Begiuuing of ltnshid Sultfi.n's co.recr .. ··. 358 LXYIII. Exirncls from tllo JaTUm-Kus7uU of Ala-ntl-IHn J\Iuluimroncl Juvuiui 360 LXlX. ltcturu to lhc ihrcatl of lho History 367 LXX. The KhUn's Repentance 369 LXXI. lfow the Kbo.n, wishing to become a D11rvish, iuteuded to nbdicnlo tho TJ1rone, and how he wns dissuuded 370 LXXII. Khwujn Tlij-ud-Din .. 3i2 LXXIII. Kbwiijn Tilj-ud-Din is allowed t.o l'otum to 'l'u1f1in. Tho Kbitn makes peoco with the Kazak-Uzbeg. Other conte1uporo.ry events 373 LXXlY. Bi1th of Sultuu Ibruhim, son of Sult6n KMn 375 LXXV. The Khltn's Second Invasiou of Andijnn 375 LXXVI. Last Visit of the Khlin to Mogllulislan. Tho Moghuls nrc brought to Kusbghnr from Moghulietan. Other contempornry events 377 LXXVII. Ticnsons for B~ba. Sultan's Fligbt. 'fbe conclusion of his Story 879 xxii Table of Ctmfents.

Oil Ar?En l',\CG LXXVIII. Shah Muhammnd Sultan, nnd conclusion of his Story 381 LXXIX.· Rashid Sul~n aml the Author lend a H oly Wnr into Balm· 384 LXXX. Second Expedition of the J\:ht'in into Dndnlchshun, nnd the causes or certain contcmporory events SS7 LXXXI. Causes of the Rupture between the Khan :md Aimnn Khwajn Sultu.n .. 3!11 LXXXII. The Khan booomes.a disciple of Khw6.ja. mutvnud !llnhmud U!l5 LXXXIII. Genealogy nnd Life of Ho.zrat Klm•t'ij:\ Khavnnd Mnhmud Shahtilrud-Din . . !l9!i LXXXlV. J ourney of He.zre.t Me.khdumi into lDdia aml ccrtnin matters connected therewith •• 898 LXXXV. Mirneles of Khwaje. Nurtt 3!)9 LXXXVI. The End of NurU.'s Diogrnphy 401 LXXXVII. Conclusion of Dabar PU.disMh's History 402 LXXXVIII. Iuvnsfon of Tibet by the Khan .. 403 LXXXIX. Description of the position, mountains, and plnins of Tibet. A:n o.ccouot of the Customs nnd Religion of the Iulmbitnnts 40.J: XO. . Account of the curiosities of Tibet . . 411 XCJ. Tibet e.ud the Customs of its People 414 XCII. The Kbn.n mnkes n. Holy War on Tibet 417 XOIIl. Arrival of the Author in 'ribet nod subsequent events 417 X CIV. Arrival of the Kbnn in Tibet, following the Author. His . entrant·e into llulli. Journey or tho Author to Knshmir 420 XCV. The Kbt\n's experiences in Dalti 422 XCVI. The Author's arrival ·in Kuahniir and events conucctcnversion of Ko.shmir to , nnd a short account of the Musulmun SultUns of J{nshmir . . . • 41!2 Cl. Account of the Religious Sects of Knshmir . . . . 4!l-l CIT. Return to the Nnrra.tive .. . . 4!17 CIII. Retreat from Kashmir nnd subsoqucmt events HI CIV. Return oi the Kh8.n from Muryul to his ca.plwl, Yurlmml; and the Author's l\Ii6llion to Ul'SIUlg .. 443 CV. The D eath of the Khlin and o.n Epitome of his Life . . . • H!i CVI. Events in Kruihghar after the liltl\n's denth .. . . -149 CVII. Account of Muhammadi Darius who wn.s Amir·ul-Umnr1t to Rashid Kh6.n .. .. 41i2 ()VIII. .March of tho Author towards Ursang. The slnying of bis brother Abdullah Mirza. Detnils of the Expedition 41i4 CIX. Sufferings in Tibet, and the Death of the Author's cousin, Mahmud Mirza 459 OX. The A.uthor cr068es from Tibet to Badakhelutn '1G4 OXI. PtidisMb, sou of Babnr Pudishab, nm! his downfall 4G!l CXU. The Battle of the Ganges . 471 OXUI.. Flight of the Cbnghn.tai from Rintlust:l.n to Llhu1· . • 477 CXlV. Origin of the Author's Expedition to Knshmir 481 CXV. The Author conquers Kashmir. Adventures of U1c Cbnghatai after their departure from Hindustan 483 OXVI Parting of the Author from Humayun PudisMh. Conquest. . of .Kashmir. Contempo1·nneous events nn


Appendix A. Extrnct from I\ pn.per entitled: The &J.1w.1·0 Sil1:er Coille of tlte Sul-Ut?ts of Kcul1mir, by ll:fr. C. J. Rodgers, l\I.R.A.S., &o. 487 A ppculo or l':vouts .. 402

INDEX 40.i


The I fouso of Cl1:1gbnl:i.i .. fo face 49 '!'ho Honse of 'l'imur .. 50 'l'bo Dngbhit Amirs .. 50