THE TARII(H-I-RASHIDI OF MIRZA MUHAMMAD HAIDAR, DUGHLAT A IiISTORY OF TI-JE 1110GHULS OF CENTRAL ASIA AN ENG/,/SH VERSION r.v N. ELIAS If.At. CONSUl.·CENE///11. FOii J.:llOR/IS/IN AN.D SISTAN; COJ... D MROALt.lST. OF TH€ ROYAL C~OGRArHJCAL SOCIRTV; CO:RRESroNDJNG "1EMBRR O.F THE CB.OCRAl'lllCAf. SOClSTV1 8BRL1N ":I THE TRANSLATION nv E. DENISON ROSS UIPl.OM~ DE L'EcoLB DRS LANCUBS ORIENTALKS VJVANTES, rARIS: OUSUL6V SCHOLAR LONDON SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON AND COMPANY, LD. :iJublisbrra la fbt ~nbin ©.llitt i895 80 copies printed lnstitut fiir Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften Beethovenstrasse 32, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main Federal Republic of Germany Printed In Germany by Strauss Offsetdruck, D-69509 Morlenbach ·TABLE OF · CONTENTS. - -·- ~· -- l'AC& I'RJWACF. v lN'!'ltOUU(,'TlO~ :- So.:ction I. Th.i A.uU1or nncl his Book 1 ,, If. 'l'he Liue of Chnghntai 28 ,. llL The Lnn<l of the llfoghuh; 51 ., IV. The rcoplc-Mogh11I, Turk, aucl Uighur 72 ,. V. '!'he Enstcl'n KMnnto, or Uighuri.stin 99 ,. VI. The 'l'arilrh-i-Ilrrshidi nncl nftor .. 115 p A.In' I. TllE TAnlKH-I-RASHIDI. CflAl"Tt:t: I. Bcginuiug of the TClriTdt-i·Ra~hitli . 5 JC. 'l'ho J!'.nrly H istory of '!'n~h l uk 'J'imur G U C. '!'ho (;ouvcrsion of 'l'ugl1luk 'l'irnur Kh:iu to J,,la111 10 IV. Extract.a from the Za/a1··Ncfma-Expedition of '.l'ughluk Timur KMn into the Kingdom of M1<vnnt-un-Na.hr . 15 V. I ut.rigues of 'fimur with Amir H aji Ba.rlas- Hia return from tho bnnks of the Jihun nod his mooting with the three Pl'ioccs . 17 VI. 'fughlnk Timnr Klul.11's Second Inva.sion of M6.varii.-un-Nnlu· 18 V 11. 'l'ho l!.ct11rn o( 'j'ughlnlc 'l'imur Khtl.n to his own Co.pitul 22 VIII. Ilyus Klm1tjn KMn . 23 IX. Uol~rn of Amir Husni11 o.nd Amir Timm to T1iikh:ln u11d Da1l11klt- shun, nud tho '!'rootie11 h<it1vocn them . 28 X. '!'imur's pass:igo of tho Uivcr nt the St.one Bridge, o.ud tho Jlight of the Anny or Jntnb .. · 25 XL '!'ho Drcruu of Amir '!'imur, which ho looks upon as o. good omen, nud which induces him to mnko Wnr on Ilyus Khwajo. Klnin 27 XIL Bnttle of Amir llusniu and Amir 'l'imur with the A.rmy of Jo.tnh. Victory of the Amira over tho Jn~'l.h 27 XlII. Conference [Kuriltni] h<itween Amir H:us~in and Amir 'l'imur; nud the raising of Kliliil Shtih Oghlan to the rank of Khtln . 20 .XIV. '!'he Dnttle of the Miro .. • .. .. 31 XV. Siege of Snmnrknud by the Army of Jatah .. 37 XVI. T llo Inst do.ys of Ilyds Khwajn. Khan, o.nd events tuat took pince nftcr his Dcnth-'£ho Domination of Kamnr-ud·Din .. 38 XVIL llistory of lfo111nr-ud-Din 39 b xviii Table of Contc11ts. CHAl'"TRR rAUH :X.VIU. The Third Iuvosiou of Jo.tah (Lhn.t ia to sn.y ,Moghulist.Un) by Amir Timur •U XIX. Marriage of Amir Timur with tho Princess Dilsluld Aghit 13 XX. Amir Timur's 'fhird Expedition into Khwarizm, n111l his ret urn owing to the Revolt of Bar DughU, Aclilslu5.h and lfalmim Jalair H :XXL Amir Timur's Fourth ·E xpcclition into Jntnh (lhnt is, Moghuliatan) ·Hi XXIL The Death of Prince J nhaugir 47 :XXIII. Amir Timur sonds o.n Army ngniuat Kmn.'\l'-ttd-Diu 48 XXIV. Amir Timur's Fifth Expedition in lo ,fotah(thntia, l\Ioghulistan) !ill XXV. Tl1e Last Do.ye of Amir Kamnr-ud-Din •. 50 XXVI. The Commencement of the Reign of Khizir Khwajn Khan, son of Tu8hlulc 'fimur !{h~n .. 51 XX:.VU. Muhammad 11.hun, son of Khizi1· Khwaja Klul11 57 X.X.Vill. Shir Muhammnd KMn, son of Muho.mmn1l Khtin 60 XXIX. Early Lifo of Vais KbUn •. 60 XXX. Amir Sayyd Ali o.nd StoriC!l relating to him Gl XXXI. Epitomised o.rcount of whnt po.sscd between Shir Muhmnmacl KhUn and Vo.is Khuu • . · G4 XXXU. The Kh:lnehip of Vais Khan 65 XXXIII. Amir Khudt'iidad o.nd his J ourney to Mcklm «iS X.X.X.IV. The Martyrdom of Vais Khtiu 71 XXXV. Ruin of [the party of) Ir.lzan o.flcr the Denth or Vnis Klutn .. 73 XXXVI. Re<:eption of Yun us Kh:ln ;nnd Irnz6.n, iu So.markund, by l\lirza Ulugh Dog 74 XXXVII. Kb6.nship of Ie:ln DugltU. mum, son of Vais Klt:tn, after the Ruin ofTro~u . 74 :X.:XXVUI. Amir Sayyicl Ali's Expedition to and Reduction of Kaisbgh11.r 75 XXXIX. The Quo.rrole of Itmo Bugutt Khttn with his Amirs 77 XL. The Commencement of the Kluinship of Y11uus Kl11in 83 XLI. Detuilcd o.ccouni of tbo Procc~dings of Yuuus KMn . 84 XLU. Arrival of Yunue Kl11i.11 in Mogbulistttu . SU XLIII. Rule of Mirza Suniz in KU.11hghar 11.ftor the Death of hia l!'nther, . Mir So.yyid Ali . 87 XLIV. Khwbip of D ust Muhammad Klnin 88 XLV. Second Return of Yunus KMn from [the Court of) Sultan Abu &id . 90 XLVI, Events which followed ou the Doo.th of Dust Muho.mmad Khan; the Supremacy of Yunus KMn, and the Murder of · Buruj OgWli.u !J2 XLVII. Shaikh Jo.nuH-ud-Din o.nd his co.pluro of the ICluln !J3 XLVlll. Concerning who.t passed between Yun us KMn and the lCings of M&var6.-un-Nahr, after the murder of Shaikh Jl\mtU lihnr 95 X.LIX. Rule of Muhammad Haidar MirzU. in lias~1ghar 98 L. Beginning of the Reign of AM Bnkr MirzU. !JU LL Account of tho Mim'L8 of Khoto.n 100 LII. Capture of Khote.n by Mirza Ab6. Bnh-T and the Extirpation of the ~a of Khotnn · · •• 101 Lill. The Stratagem of Aha Bakr, by which he caused l\1ulu11nmad ' Haido.r Mirza to expel his own Amirs 102 LIV. Yunus Khan goes to help Muhauunncl Haidnr MirzU. n.gninst Mirza AM Dn.kr, who dnfl'nt.~ Uiem hoth 10:{ Table of Contents. xix OJAPTER PAGE LV. Ynnua Kh6.n's Secom! Expedition n.gninsl YiLrlmnd, n.nd Defont nt the hands of Mir:r.ii. Aha. l3akr 105 L VI. Enrly dn.ya of Sultan llfa.hmud Kh:\n, son of Yunus KMu 107 LVII. 'l'ho Wnr ·thn.t iu·oso out of a clifforenco betwee11 Yunua Khii.n nod Muhammo.d Haidar MirziL in Akau 109 L VIII. 11'.Iuliammnd Hn.idnr Mirza attacks Mirza AM Bll.kr in Kashghar, and is taken Prisoner by liim ·· 111 LLX. Yunus and the llfoghul Ulus enter 'l'ashkn.ncl. PQnoe is estn.- blislicd between the 'l'imuri Sultit.ns 112 LX. I~nd of Yunus Khan's Life ... 114 L:.XL Wnr between Sultan Ahmad Mirzi• m1d Sultau Mahmud Khau 115 LXII. Arrangement for the m:i.rringe of my Fathc1· into the Klntn's Family 117 LXIII. Events in T:.\.shkand during the Rule of Sultan Miihmud Kbiin. The Last Yen.re and Death of the Khan 118 LXIV. Sultan Alnun.d Khan . 120 LXV. 111ansur Khan (mny his sins be parclonecl I) 123 LX VI. Shah Kluin, sou of l\fansui- Khan 129 LXVII. Sultan Said Khan, son of Sultan Ahmad Khiln . 130 LXVIII. Concerning the land(l.ble virtues and rnro attaiJJments of Sultan Said KMn . 137 · LXIX. Abdur Uashhl KMn, sou of Sultan Said Khan rnn LXX. End of First Part of the Tarikh-i-Rcu;hidi 147 PAR'l' II. P.noLonuE .. 150 I. Beginning of Part II., which contains who.t took plac~ o.mong the Moghnl Ulua, the Uzbcg and the ChaglmtiU .. 152 II. Reigu of Yunus KMn; uccouut of. Iris Life nn<l list of his Offspring . 155 III. End of the Reign of Yunus Khan. List of l.lis sons. The Reign of Sultii.n Mahmud Khan and the reason of his ruin . l5G £V. Epitomised account of the Martyrdom of Sultan l'tfohmud KMu o.nd his children lG2 V. TJ1e rest of the History of Mirza l\foho.mmad Husnill Kurltlm .. 1G3 VI. History of Sha.hi Beg Khan . lGG VII. Dirth and Parentage of Bubar Padisbah: his connection with the Moghuls; and his Early History 172 V HI. Beginning of the Story of Sultan S!l.id Khnn, and the sufferings he endured at the outset of his career . 177 IX. l!'light of Muhammad Husain Kurkan from before Sbahi Beg Khan into J{horasan; with Inciclenrol Biographical Notices 191 X. Iltibar PU<lishuh's Expedition into Khorlisnn. Troubles and contentions in Kubul 197 XL Babo.r Padi~Mh's journey into Khorasun, and his· return from Khorasan to Kabul 199 XII. Brief Mcount of Dtibar Pudisliah's sojou111 in _Kabul, (l.nd n. few Stories connected therewith 201 xx Table of Contents. CflAl'rBR . • l'AO J: XIII. Expedition of SMhi Ileg into Khwttri7.m. Ilis Conquest or thn.t . country. His return to Mavo,rtl.-un-Nnhr, nnd mnrch into Khorosan 20-i XIV. Tho reason why Muhnmmnd Hnsnin K11rknn surrendered him- . self .to Shithi Ileg l{h611. Hie Mnri.yrdom nncl ihnt of Sultan Mnbmud Khtin . 20.'i XV. Some of the Author's own Atlvcnlures .. .. 210 XVI. E nzrat Mo.n!tina Mnhmmnd Kuzi . 212 XVII. Return to tho Bial.ory 215 XVUL Advent of Sultan Said ]{Mn in Auclijau.
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