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Muls Beyond the Desert Winning Races: Muls beyond the Desert By Robert J. Schwalb F Illustration by Slawomir Maniak Bred to be slaves, born to fight and toil, muls are Of all the unusual races populating the world of shaped by reckless magic and a prevalence of psionic the bedrock of Athasian society. In another world, a Dark Sun, muls are the most iconic. They embody the magic, combined with all the other distinctive ele- blending of dwarf and man would be unthinkable, challenge inherent in the setting while possessing the ments, a Dark Sun game is unlike any other Dungeons but to the crafty minds of the templars and those strength and grit to overcome them. They are peer- & Dragons® experience. Even if you don’t play in a sorcerer-kings who rule them, the mul is a near per- less warriors, bred for battle, tireless in their pursuits, Dark Sun campaign, its concepts and options provide fect creation. A young mul faces a bitter life full of and unflinching in danger’s face. It is no wonder muls interesting additions to any world. Plundering is a big hardship with only a shallow grave and dry eyes to have enjoyed enduring popularity since their debut in and important part of D&D, and this article shows mark his or her passing. 2nd Edition AD&D. you one way to do it for one of the more distinctive Yet not all muls are content to accept the poor The Dark Sun Campaign Setting presents a world races on Athas. hand fate has dealt them. Some see freedom as their markedly different from the core D&D setting. ultimate goal and devote their wretched lives to Between the strange, fearsome monsters and the breaking free from the chains that bind them. despotic sorcerer-kings, the often cruel environment TM & © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. September 2010 | Dragon 391 4 Winning Races: Muls In the Dark Sun Campaign Setting, muls are born from The solution to their problems came in a vision for themselves along civilization’s fringes or in the human and dwarf parents. This union is prompted from the Demon Queen of Spiders. The high priest- untamed wilds where they became bandits, merce- by slavers and nobles to produce a hardy warrior or ess, a vile harridan named Qualkaral, divined the naries, and wanderers. The muls are rare, of course, worker capable of withstanding incredible punish- goddess’s intent and decreed that the dwarves would but wherever they tread, legend follows. ment. The conditions into which muls are born are mingle with human captives to produce offspring not common, if present at all, in most D&D worlds, greater than either parent. Those who resisted faced Attitudes and Beliefs because slavery rarely exists outside the most evil magical compulsion. Those who complied wept bitter Into slavery the first muls were born, and the chains communities. Rather than seeding muls into civilized tears for the evils done to both their people. and collars that once bound them chafe them still, lands willy-nilly, muls are more likely to come out of The vision proved accurate. The strength and even though they tore themselves free long ago. those places where evil holds sway, perhaps as slaves endurance of this mighty brood was greater than that Muls possess an ingrained loathing for tyranny and to the drow, mind flayers, derro, or even the giants. possessed by the loathsome quaggoths, who had been authority, and they prove intractable allies by being The following summary is one example story which thralls of the drow for generations. These muls, as stubborn and resistant to anyone who would control can explain how muls fit into your non-Athas world. the drow called them with derision, proved superior them. They count slavers as their greatest foes, and in nearly every way because they could work without many kill such scum on sight, even if it means their rest for days on end. They could endure the most Forged in Darkness, own death. appalling injuries and still struggle against the daunt- Tempered in Blood Slavery’s effects can shape a mul’s outlook, but ing stone. Drow slavers created the first muls in an age long for- they have shame as well. Most muls know the ori- So the breeding continued, until eventually the gotten. The dark elves and their slave soldiers welled gins from which they were born, understanding they dwarf and human sires faded out and the muls were up from the Underdark’s blackest depths to silence are children of dark magic and evil intent. Many alone in the pressing gloom. the ringing hammers of Kög Kragnarn, a mighty muls burn with anger at what was done to their Lolth is a fickle mistress who withdraws her dwarven citadel high up in the sprawling mountains ancestors and use it to find the strength they need to favor with little warning and for the least offense. called the Shattered Teeth. The drow were merciless overcome adversity. Others are embarrassed at who Qualkaral, for some minor slight, felt her goddess butchers, driving their enraged quaggoths before they are and are never quite comfortable in their withdraw her gaze from the outpost, casting her and them to slaughter the doughty defenders in a great skin. These latter muls go to great lengths to hide her people to whatever fate they had earned. The clash. When the frothing beasts set upon the bold their unusual appearance. drow realized at once the error in placing too much defenders, the drow flowed by them to enslave the Muls might be uncomfortable about their heri- faith in Lolth’s guidance. The magical compulsions children. They had need of miners in the deep abyss tage, but most have at least some passing interest in keeping the muls in line corroded and fell away, and in which they lived, and dwarves had long proved the culture and people from which they descend. the freed muls turned their anger against their over- equal to the rigors posed by such work. These dwarf Muls mingle with humans freely, curious about their seers. The muls ceased their work against stone and captives were dragged in chains to the bowels of the ways and manners. They approach the dwarves, iron, and their picks tore into the soft flesh and bone earth, then forced to toil and dig, tearing what ada- on the other hand, with some reluctance; many of the dark elves. mantine they could from the grasping stone. Even dwarves shun them as abominations, and only the The muls destroyed their masters, shattered the with their vaunted endurance, these dwarves died most open-minded dwarves can bear to acknowl- drow city, and escaped, blinking, into the bright light from the hard work and poor conditions in which edge muls as kin. of the surface world. They spread across the land as a they were forced to live. When it comes to deities, the muls are suspicious. sundered people, drifting and shiftless, to find places They, like their dwarf cousins, are able servants for September 2010 | Dragon 391 5 Winning Races: Muls the gods, but many muls regard such service as only Mul Adventurers Arcane magic is mysterious and distrusted by a step removed from slavery. The only god many most muls. They have little talent at wizardry and From the moment they broke free from the Under- have known is Lolth, and only the most wicked muls might scorn its use. The one exception is the mul war- dark, muls have roamed the lands, searching for a find in her a suitable patron. Doubtless many “half- lock. Muls might find meaning in the vestiges of their place to belong. Many do settle down in the towns dwarves” blame the gods for their sorry birthright. ancestors, in the dark between the stars, or even in and villages they come across, but more than a few For these reasons, most muls have little interest in the the diabolical powers of the Nine Hells. take up the adventurer’s life, finding glory, treasure, deities. The rare few who overcome their anger favor and power along the way. These accomplishments are gods of battle, strength, victory, and justice, meaning accepted, but rarely are they the purpose for which Roleplaying a Mul that Kord and Bahamut are the most popular deities. muls adventure. Instead, they might crave vengeance You have known hardship your entire life. Your past Muls have no mercy for those who count them- against their ancient enemies, fight to prove they have is likely one of endless challenges and cruelties—a selves as an enemy. Fury drives them forward to a place in the world, or scour the lands for meaning. series of terrible experiences you only just escaped. dispatch their foes with the same brutal efficiency As mentioned above, the gods have little appeal These dark times shape your outlook. You might be they cultivated in the mines. They hack through their to mul adventurers and many eschew them alto- hard and unforgiving or melancholy and somber. opponents with a savagery many find unsettling. gether. For a mul to make a god’s aims his or her You might indulge in excessive drink, play, and other Muls despise weakness, and cravens bear the worst of own and become a divine servant takes a profound pleasurable pursuits, or you might deny yourself these their attacks. revelation. Religious muls can become fanatics, things, living the ascetic’s life to cleanse yourself of Muls are slow to trust others. They consider it favoring any class that puts their assets to good use.
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