SCIENCE of TSUNAMI HAZARDS the Internationaljournal of the Tsunami Society
ISSN 0736-5306 SCIENCE OF TSUNAMI HAZARDS The InternationalJournal of The Tsunami Society Volume 7 Number 1 1989 MAXIMUM TSUNAMI AMPLITUDES ANI) ASSOCIATED CURRENTS 3 ON THE COAST OF BRITISH COLUMBIA D. Dunbar Seaconsult Marine F!esearch Ltd., Vancouver, Canada P. H. LeBlond University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada T. S. Murt Institute o{ Ocean Sciences, Sidney, Canada THE LARGEST HISTORICAL TSUNAMIS IN THE NORTHERN 45 ADRIATIC SEA: A CRITICAL REVIEW E. Guidoboni tind S. Tinti University of Bologlna, Bologna, Italy MEMORIUM TO SERGEI SERGEEVICH VOIT (1920-1987) 55 S.L. Soloviev, V. D. Larichev, B. 1. Sebekin and V. V. Zmur copyright@ 1989 THE TSUNAMI SOCIETY OBJECTIVE: The Tsunami Society publishes this journal to increase and disseminate knowlsdge about tsunamis and their hazards. DISCLAIMER: The Tsunami Society publishes this journal to disseminate information relating to tsunamis. Although these articles have been technically reviewed by peers, The Tsunami Society is not responsible for the veracity of any statement, opinion, or consequences. EDITORIAL STAFF T. S. Murty Technical Editor Charles L. Mader - Production Editor Institute of Ocean Sciences Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Department of Fisheries and Oceans University of Hawaii Sidney, B. C., Canada Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. George Pararas-Carayannis - Circulation George D. Curtis - President/Publisher International Tsunami Information Center Joint Institute for Marine aqi Atmospheric Research Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. T. S. Murty Technical Editor Submit manuscripts of articles, notes, or letters to: Institute of Ocean Sciences Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sidney, B. C., Canada V8L 4B2 If article is accepted for publication the author(s) must submit a camera ready manuscript.
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