The English Prince
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THE NOFfTH COAST DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE COAST DISTRICTS AND NORTHERN INTERIOR VOL. 1. No. 27. PORT SIMPSON. HRJTJSH COLUMBIA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 190* leaving the Beaver line and going to AN '• NCII.NT MINE. , the Yukon river this spring. LOCAL JOTTINGS I The clearing and developing of the Discovery « n Queen Chnrlotte Islands ' town of Prince Uupert ia reported to be "' 0ld shaft. Cut Your Tailoring: Bill OM4&4 goinjf on at a rspid rate. Over 500 acrea A moat ii i i eating And has been m;tde Win. Craigg, an employee of the have been cleared and graded on the on the COM; uf Queen Chnrlotte inlands in Half. North Coast Commercial Co., left last townsite and the dense volumes of amoke lately. A prospector Home time ago Monday for Port Essington. 'rorn clearing fires burning the brush, came across an old dump near the water M> n«n M™»Q „.„.„.,„( *u« /-.« shows that the job of clearing up is be- with a large tree about eighteen inches Mr. Don. Moore, manager of the Cas- , ., ^ ^ ^ Abo* ^ feet Cut out the coupon printed below, fill in your name and siar eannery, was in town on Friday. of tne main wharf along the water- Zohmh^oand tor Toms time and then address, mail it to us, and you will have taken the first great He left for the aouth per Amur. front is completed, and another 1000 'oolcai. "' '"' some l?ln? an<1 V step in the direction of clothes economy. .„ , hecun began to scratch away the IOOHO refuse De un Our easy self-measurement blank gives clear, explicit Miss IMM was a passenger by the « - . w t around the base of the tree. He found PrinceM May, gou* to Port Essington Messrs. H E Bodine and J rank Wat- ^ directions so that you can be measured in the privacy of your to be employed at the Caledonia hotel, son have set out on a trip of 500 miles ^ P{ ov/n home, by some friend or relative just M easily .and tonW UHttle urtherdow red efficiently as in our tailor shop. Inth.c«aof H«ry Thaw the ju«y over the snow to the Peace river coun- ^^ wre diBC0Vured. Furt^er in. brought in a verdict of not guilty and try with mmls for the outposts of the ve()tigatJoll ehowed this t0 be the cover. One trial of our tailoring way will conclusively prove to hewasimmedurtelytakentotheasylum Hudson s Bay company. They went by * with water. you that you can wear clothes as good as you are now wee •»„.. »k. * • " in.». steamer from Vancouver to Kitamaat, *L ,. ...,.,. ing for half the money, or wear twice as many clothes for /or the criminally insane. ^ ^ ^^ £ ^ ^ The man now realized that he had the same money. Mr. Geo. Swan, manager of the Hat- j. ^ crosgj Babine river to probably discovered something import- elton telegraph office, came up from Fort Connelly, across to Ingineeka river, ant «> he set to work to bale the shaft $15, $20 and $25 are our prices for suits and overcoats, Vancouver this week and is a guest of down that to Findlay river and over the out He worked away for a long time made-to-measure and made to fit The only way you can Mrs. Ahaander at Rocton point. Findlay to Fort Graham. They secured but stillthe bottom was not reached. w0 judge of their value is to examine the fabrics we put into Mr. James Sharp, manager of the * "P'^'d ^ teams for the trip. At last he came to a ledge ata depth of these clothes. Hudson Bay company at this post, re- On Tuesday afternoon last, at 4 p.m., 175 feet. Descending the ladder, which turned last week from a quick business the steamer Beatrice came in from the was in good condition from being under Fill in the following blank and mail it to us today: trip to the Capital .and Terminal cities, south with 48 railroad capitalists aboard water, he found on the ledge some old Owing to the heavy fall of snow last for Queen charlotte islands. The party, buckets containing native copper. Also Sunday the Skating Carnival which which had the "teamer chartered for there were miners'tools, buckets, shov- Scotland Woolen Mills Co., 1 was to take place at the lake the follow- the triP- "presented a billion and a els etc. ing Monday night, was postponed in- half and spent 50 cento of that amount Apparent y the mine had been closed VANCOUVER, B. C. dennitclv in Port Simpson. The Beatrice re- for the winter and the miners, whoever Dear Sirs—Please send me easy self-measurement blank and *' mained in port till midnight, and in the they were, never returned, probably samples of imported woolens. Mr. J. L. Pier.ce, the well known mm- meantime the millionaires had the Port having been drowned on the way out. ing engineer, was a passenger on the SirnpBon Concert band to play for them Had it been abandoned the tools would Prineeas May on route for Mexico. Mr. atdinner aboard the ship( and later on not have been left in the mine. All the Pierce has just completed a trip on the an went to Eagle House, where Mr. timbers were in good repair, but as the Yukon river. and Mrs. Dudoward entertained the mine was flooded this would be expected. party a mUB,eal evenin Mrs. John Conway, nee Mise Mary " S- Who were the people who dug thig Williscroft, will hold her post-nuptial News has been received here that the shaft? is aquuBtion which is being asked. r reception Friday afternoon, February new steamer Cariboo, being built by the How many years ago was it dug? The 14th, from 4 to 6 p. m., and in the eve- Aitea shipbuilding company of Ayr, tree on theilumphadundoubtedlygrown (From Tile North Coast,) ning from 8 to 10 p. m. Scotland, was launched December 28, there gince t),e Binj,;ng. of the shaft, for Captain McLeod of the Princess May, »»>d » expected to be ready shortly for the roota Spread out over the mouth received ordsrs from Commodore Troup the voyage out to this coast. Mr. Gor- Bnd had to l.e cut away before an en mana el f tail at Hsxtlay Hay fa* tha-baditri-Q"^*?' *T ' ° the Union t^*,. oe^tl ^ ^^tod. Tho oldest Steve Macrone>hich was to be taken ft^mship company, who recently went settlers and Indians know nothing of it. * 1/ „„„.,„>/,._ I.,,-;., i to England with regard to the construe- The dump had been noticed by many, The Scotland Woolen Mills to Vancouver for burial. ^ rf ^ ^ which ^ ^ but no one before had thought of loot- 538 Hastings Street, Vancouver, B. C. The celebrated Curling team trom b t f th , . ing further for the explanation of it. Dawson citv were aboard the Princess the company s vessels, was pres- ^he of the tree £as been variously Uawson city were aboard the n™cess mt at the launching. It has been stated estimated at from 50 to 150 years. Whr> May test Monday en route for Winni- that when the steamer Cariboo reaches ever it was, they must have found some- peg, Man., Wehere they will compete Vancouver the company may place a thing there which they considered worth with the curlers of the Prairie City. steamer on the west coast of Vancouver returning for, and the present finder is •n is iLiu u rr a u L island. about to .send up machinery to pump Miss Mathildah Hoffman, who has t th , ^ d ^ it ^ g e a bava e teacner been employed at the Hotel Northern r \ - K - «-<*e Indian hag ed R. BOYD YOUNG CO. scho01 v during the past four months, left last ' *» « " ^ successful enter- The mine fa situated about w mileB Monday for Port Essington, where it is t«'"™nt l"t Friday evening in the con- from Skidegate and 9 miles from Sand- =OUTFITTERS ---=- k.. I„ILII„» t„ .i.»t . mnj.»« ».*. cert hal above the school room. Rev. spit.-The Times. her intention to start a modern cafe. ^ Ferriar acted ag ^.^ ^ ^ The North Coast is informed by a art rom The many friends and acquinatances t, mo,, n_,„„„-j „„„„,.,,„, ,.,!,;„», ,.,„<• P y * Victoria that the existence of MU. McCoskrie will be pleased to 1,^"^ g * * ' of these workings was known twenty or i .L i ... u .. t , i u i M t°"°ws. thirty years ago, the same being situ- Jearn that the patient is slowly but Chom.-'SprimrSon.-" BythePupii. ated about 12 miles from Skidegate, The English Prince aurely improving in health, though as R«citation-"i Lov*theSprina"..Ml**Ethel Boss and were abandoned owing to the fact yet visitors are not permitted to her 8ong—"cindreiia" Mrs. Raley that the appliances for mining and re WILL SOON ARRIVE. ward at the hospital Wand Drill theBoys during the ore were too crude to permit v ' Duett- "Little Boy Blue" anything being done with success. Headquarters will be at The Meteorlogical Observer here re- Mr*. Magar and Mr. c. Dudoward ports for the month of January: Aver- Drin-c*Msthentic the Boy* Hotel Arrivals, age temperature, 86.89; maximum tern- «<*tt»«oi>-"How I Didn't L*^ to skate"... Arrivals the past week at the Hotel perature,61.8on the4th;minimum tern- ^^'^''''"''"''''"''''''yb'^'r^^i Noi'thern were: Mr. Peck, jr., George- R. Boyd Young Co., A perature, 21.7, on the 30th. Total pre- Reciution......'.',.'.'......'..'.'MI** Kathleen Henry town; A.