WWE: Final Things To Watch For In Wrestlemania 31

Author : Robert D. Cobb

As we head into Wrestlemania 31 tonight there is still so much in question and many outcomes in serious doubt.

With resigning another three year deal earlier in the week, the forgone conclusion of walking out with the title is now far from a sure thing. That along with other various factors seems to have fans excited for a Wrestlemania that were just a few short weeks ago soured on.

Here are just a few things to look for to unfold tonight.

-The Andre the Giant Battle Royal being moved to the pre-show card. This leads us to believe that it will be Damien Mizdow winning the event, last eliminating , which would set up a match to be added to the main card between the two. -There are recent rumors that will be interfering on Stings behalf, this leads us to believe that HHH may being laying down again at Wrestlemania to get someone else over. Or does Ric Flair turn on and side with HHH?

This could play out any number of ways.

-Look for and to both win the United States Title and Intercontinental Title as the WWE is looking to put a greater importance on both. By having two of their biggest stars carry these titles, will really bring them to the forefront. This will also allow them to keep the title on Brock Lesnar even though he will be a part time employee, because shows can still be headlined by both of these titles instead. - Shameus, does he return tonight, or do they save him for the usually loaded Monday Night Raw the night after Wrestlemania? - Will this be the last night in the WWE for ?

Rumor has it they are gone soon, but the title is still on Nikki, so who truly knows what may happen?

- The main event will go one of three ways. Option A, Lesnar keeps the title and the WWE realizes the Roman Reigns push was a fail. They then place heavy focus on the United States and Intercontinental title as mentioned before. Option B, Vince McMahon, again refuses to listen to the fans and sticks with the game plan of Roman Reigns as the new face of the WWE.

Or, the most fun but also the biggest long shot, Rollins cashed in the MITB, and the crowd explodes in one of the most exciting finishes ever.

Tune in fans, because in the course of one week, this card went from unwatchable, to can't miss!

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