Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13021-0 — the Rise of Early Modern Science 3Rd Edition Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13021-0 — The Rise of Early Modern Science 3rd Edition Index More Information Index ‘Abduh, Muhammad, 139, 170 Averröes (Ibn Rushd), 66, 92–4, 98n, 137 ‘Ali, 78 Avicenna, see Ibn Sina Abelard, Peter, 88, 103, 106, 174, 245, 301 Awrangzeb, 127 Abu Bakr, 78 al-Azhar, 167 Abu Bishr Matta, 146–7 Accademy dei Linci, 269 Bacon, Francis, 44 Adelard of Bath, 107 Bacon, Roger, 258, 295 advocates, 116–17, 137 Baghdad, 143, 145, 152 al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din, 170 al-Baghadadi, ‘Abd al-Latif, 151 air, weight of, 6 Ibn Bajja, 65 Alfonsine tables, 68 Balazs, Etienne, 234, 246 Alford, William, 219n Bardeen, John, 331 algebra, 176, 261, 263, 295 Basalla, George, 28n Allee, Mark, 227n Basel, 297 Allen, Robert C, 330n al-Battani, 62, 64 Almagest, 63, 64, 71, 176, 177, 264, 271, 295, 303 Bayer, Johann, 281 anatomy, 156–61, 297, 322 Bekar, Clifford, 332 Chinese study of, 242–5, 255 Ben-David, 7, 17, 19–25, 51 Anselm of Canterbury, 174 Bentley, R, 318n Apollonius of Perga, 97 Berkey, Jonathan, 141n, 144n Aquinas, 88, 245 Berman, Harold J., x, 11, 121–2, 132, 233 Arab Spring, xi, 331 Bernard of Chartres, 174 Arab, defined, 55n Bible, 94, 107, 108, 112, 119, 141, 174, 303, 306 Arabic grammar, 83 biology, 35 Arabic science, 53ff al-Bitruji, 64 Arabic-Islamic civilization, 36, 76ff Blue, Gregory, 261 Arabic-Islamic world, 294 Bodde, Derk, 14n, 203, 205, 209n, 214n, 220n, Archimedes, 21, 97 222n, 249, 261 Aristarchus, 97 Bohannan, Paul, 220n, 223n Aristotle, 97f, 102, 104, 166, 176, 179, 180, 181, 182, Bologna, 173, 185, 187, 191,
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