A joint publication for U.S. Artillery professionals January-February 2018 Fires RED BOOK 2017 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Headquarters, Departmenthttp://sill-www.army.mil/firesbulletin of the Army. PB 644-17-6 • 1 Table of contents 4 Air defense artillery 2017 review By Brig. Gen. Randall McIntire Editor FiresMarie Berberea Art Director 7 Looking back at 2017, looking forward Rick Paape, Jr. to 2018 Assistant Editor By Brig. Gen. Stephen Maranian Monica Wood The Fires staff can be reached by email at
[email protected] 13 Aviation Soldiers collaborate with Fires or by phone at (580) 442-5121. By Nathan Pfau Disclaimer Fires, a professional bulletin, is published bi- monthly by Headquarters, Department of the Army 14 Field artillery makes changes to NCO under the auspices of the Fires Center of Excellence, professional development 455 McNair Ave., Fort Sill, OK 73503. The views ex- By Command Sgt. Maj. Berkeley Parsons pressed within are those of the authors and not the Department of Defense or its elements. The content contained within Fires does not necessarily reflect the 17 A layer of defense-watching the sky U.S. Army’s position or supercede information in oth- By Sgt. 1st Class Claudio Tejada er official publications. Use of new items constitutes neither affirmation of their accuracy nor product en- dorsements. Fires assumes no responsibility for any 18 Battalion tests THAAD’s limits against unsolicited material. By order of Mark A. Milley, Gen- North Korean threat eral, United States Army, Chief of Staff. Official: 19 Active US Army and US Marine Corps FA and US Army ADA OCONUS Units Gerald B.