Theology/Ethics and HIV/AIDS

Recent Theological and Ethical Resources


1. Stuart C. Bate (ed.), Responsibility in a Time of AIDS: A Pastoral Response by Catholic Theologians and AIDS Activists in Southern Africa , (2003). 2. Bénézet Bujo, Michael Czerny (eds.), AIDS in Africa: Theological Reflections , (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2007). 3. Gideon Byamugisha, Positive Voices: Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV or AIDS , (Oxford: Strategies of Hope, 2005). 4. Catholic Relief Services, CRS’ Position on the Prevention of Sexual Transmission of HIV , (Dec 2007). 5. E. Chitando, Acting in Hope: African Churches and HIV/AIDS , (WCC Publications 2007). Available at: ope.pdf . 6. Maria Cimperman, When God’s People Have AIDS: An Approach to Ethics , (New York: Orbis, 2005). 7. R. Downing, As They See It: the development of African AIDS discourse , (London: Adonis and Abbey, 2005). 8. Musa W. Dube, Musimbi Kanyora (eds.), Grant me Justice: HIV/AIDS and Gender Readings from the Bible , (New York: Orbis, 2005). 9. Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, Prescription for Life: Take Action to help Children living with HIV , (EAA, 2008), available at: 10. Margaret Farley, Just Love: A Framework for Christian sexual ethics , (New York: Continuum, 2006). 11. Paul Farmer, Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor , (University of California Press, 2005). 12. Paul Farmer, AIDS and Accusation: Haiti and the Geography of Blame , updated edition, (Berkley: University of California Press, 2006). 13. Didier Fassin, When Bodies Remember: Experiences and Politics of AIDS in South Africa , (Berkley: University of California Press, 2007).

1 14. Eric Favereau, Nos années SIDA: 25 ans guerres intimes , (Paris: La Découverte, 2006). 15. Pieter Fourie, The Political Management of HIV and AIDS in South Africa , (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006). 16. Robin Gill (ed.), Reflecting Theologically on AIDS: A Global Challenge , (London: SCM, 2007). 17. Beverly Haddad (ed.), African Women, HIV/AIDS and Faith Communities , (Pietermaritzburg, SA: Cluster Publications, 2007). 18. Teresia Hinga (ed.), Women, Religion and HIV/AIDS in Africa , (Pietermaritzburh, SA: Cluster Publications, 2008). 19. Mary Jo Iozzio (ed.), Calling for Justice Throughout the World: Catholic Women Theologians on the HIV/AIDS Pandemic , (New York: Continuum, 2008). 20. IWHC, male circumcision and HIV Prevention , (International Women’s Health Coalition, September 2007), available at: and 21. S.S. Abdool Karim, Q. Abdool Karim (eds.), HIV/AIDS in South Africa , (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005). 22. James Keenan, Enda McDonagh, Instability, structural violence and vulnerability: A Christian response to the HIV pandemic , (London: Progressio, 2009). 23. James Keenan, Jon Fuller (eds.), Catholic Ethicists on HIV/AIDS Prevention , (New York: Continuum, 2000). 24. Kevin Kelly, New Directions in Sexual Ethics , (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1998). 25. Michael Kelly SJ, Faith and AIDS in Zambia , (Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR), 2006). 26. Michael Kelly SJ, HIV and AIDS: A Social Justice Perspective , (Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR), Paulines, Nairobi 2010. 27. Michael J. Kelly SJ, Education: For an Africa without AIDS , (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2008). 28. Peter Knox, AIDS, Ancestors and Salvation: Local Beliefs in Christian Ministry to the Sick , (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2008). 29. Sana Lous, Earl C. Pike, Case Studies in Ethics and HIV Research , (Springer, 2007). 30. Stephen Lux, Kristine Greenaway, Scaling Up Effective Partnerships: A guide to working with faith-based organizations in the response to HIV and AIDS , (Church World Service, Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, Norwegian Church Aid, UNAIDS, World Conference of Religions for Peace, 2006), available at: http://www.e- 31. G.T. Matadi, De l’absurdité de la souffrance à l’espérance: Une lecture di livre de Job en temps du VIH/SIDA , (Kinshasa, Média S Paul, 2005).

2 32. Paterne-Auxence Mombé, Rays of Hope: Managing HIV&AIDS in Africa , (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2008. Second edition). 33. Suzanne Mulligan, Catholic Teaching on HIV and Highly Vulnerable Groups , (Trocaire Internal Briefing Document, 2010). 34. Augustine C. Musopole, Spirituality, Sexuality, and HIV/AIDS in Malawi , (Kachere Series, 2007). 35. Jessica Ogden, Laura Nyblade, Common at its Core: HIV-related stigma across contexts , (International Center for Research on Women, 2005), available at: 36. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, From Crisis to Kairos: The Mission of the Church in the Time of HIV/AIDS , (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2005). 37. Kenneth R. Overberg, Ethics and AIDS: Compassion and Justice in Global Crisis , (Sheed and Ward, 2006). 38. Gillian Paterson (ed.), HIV Prevention: A Global Theological Conversation , (Geneva: Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, 2009). 39. Gillian Paterson, AIDS Related Stigma: Thinking Outside the Box – The Theological Challenge , (Geneva: World Council of Churches). 40. Nana Poku, AIDS in Africa: How the Poor are Dying , (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005). 41. Charles Ryan, AIDS, Ethics, and Conscience , (May 2007), available at: www.e- 42. Hakan Seckinelgin, International Politics of HIV/AIDS: Global Disease – Local Pain , (London: Routledge, 2008). 43. Smith, Ann, and McDonagh, Enda, Christian Perspectives on Development Issues: The Reality of HIV/AIDS , (Trócaire/Veritas/CAFOD, 2003). 44. Sara Speicher, Janice Wilson, Exploring Solutions: How To Talk About HIV Prevention in the Church , (Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, 2008), available at: 45. Jonny Steinberg, Sizwe’s Test: A Young Man’s Journey Through Africa’s AIDS Epidemic , (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008). 46. Eileen Stillwaggon, AIDS and the Ecology of Poverty , (Oxford: OUP, 2006). 47. Tearfund, Working on the Margins: Unexpected church-based responses to HIV , (London: Tearfund, 2008). Available at: %20HIV%20report.pdf 48. Adrian Thatcher, The Savage Text: The Use and Abuse of the Bible , (Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell, 2008). 49. Ghislain Tshikendwa SJ, Suffering, Belief, Hope: The Wisdom of Job for an AIDS- Stricken Africa , (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2007).

3 50. UNAIDS, A Report of a Theological Workshop Focusing on HIV and AIDS-related Stigma , (Geneva: UNAIDS, 2005), available at: theological_en.pdf?preview=true 51. UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team on Young People, Preventing HIV/AIDS in Young People: A systematic review of the evidence from developing countries , (Geneva: WHO, 2006), summary available at: WHOTR-938-8.pdf 52. UNAIDS, Practical Guidelines for Intensifying HIV Prevention: Towards universal access , (Geneva: UNAIDS, 2007), available at: 53. UNAIDS, Intensifying HIV Prevention: Key principles and policy and programmatic actions , (Geneva: UNAIDS, 2007), available at: 54. Robert J. Vitillo, A faith-based response to HIV in Southern Africa: the Choose to Care Initiative , (Geneva: UNAIDS, 2006). 55. Robert J. Vitillo, Universal Access to HIV Prevention, Care, Treatment and Support , Report to Caritas Internationalis, (Geneva, 2006). 56. Robert J. Vitillo, Pastoral Training for Responding to HIV and AIDS , (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2007). 57. Robert J. Vitillo, Poverty as ‘Cause’ and Effect of the Pandemic of HIV and AIDS, Address to the XXII Congress of Catholic Medical Associations, (Barcelona, May 2008), download from: 58. Robert J. Vitillo, Best Practice Report on a Concerted, Faith-Based Initiative – Scaling up Toward Universal Access to HIV Prevention, Care, Support and Treatment: The response to HIV in India , Commission for Health Care, Catholic Bishops Conference of India (2008), available at: 59. World Council of Churches, Towards a Policy on HIV/AIDS in the Workplace: A working document , (Geneva: WCC, 2006). 60. Basset, L.; Fassin, E.; Radcliffe, T.: Les chrétien et la sexualité au temps du SIDA . (Paris : Les éditions du CERF, 2007) 61. World Council of Churches : Christian Perspectives on Theological Anthropolopgy. A faith and order study document (Geneva: WCC, 2005) 62. Igo, Robert: Listening with love. Pastoral counselling . A Christian response to people living with HIV/AIDS. (Geneva: WCC 2008) 63. Dube, M.W.: HIV/AIDS and the curriculum . Methods of Integrating HIV/AIDS in Theological Programmes. (Geneva: WCC 2004) 64. Dube, M.W.: Africa Praying. A Handbook on HIV/AIDS Sensitives Sermon Guidelines and Liturgy (Geneva, WCC 2003)

4 65. Dube, M.W: Theology in the HIV & AIDS Era Series . Modules on HIV &AIDS Care and Counselling. The HIV & AIDS Curriculum for TEE Programmes and Institutions in Africa. (Geneva, WCC 2007) 66. Messer, D.E.; Breaking the conspiracy of silence . Christian Churches and the Global AIDS Crisis. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2004) 67. Moerschbacer, M.; Kato, J; Rutechura, P.; A holistic approach to HIV and AIDS in Africa . (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa 2008) 68. Hogan, L.: Applied Ethics in World Church . The Padua Conference. (Maryknoll New York, Orbis Books, 2008. 69. Moloney, M. Counselling for HIV/AIDS. The Use of Counselling Skills for HIV/AIDS . (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2005) 70. Kelly, B.: HIV/AIDS. A Response of Love. Words of Encouragement and Hope (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2004) 71. Muchiri, J.: HIV/AIDS. Breaking the Silence. A Guide Book for Pastoral Caregivers . (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2004) 72. Slattery, H.: HIV/AIDS. A Call to Action. Responding as Christians (Nairobi, Paulines Publications Africa, 2004) 73. Gennrich, D.: The Church in an HIV+ World . A practical handbook (Pietermaritzburg, Cluster Publications, 2003) 74. World Council of Churches: Facing AIDS. The Challenge, the Churches’ Response (Geneva, WCC 1997) 75. Shorter, A.; Onyancha, E.: The Church and AIDS in Africa . A Case Study: Nairobi City. (Nairobi, Paulines Publications Africa, 1998) 76. Skjelmerud, A.: Tusubira, C.: Confronting AIDS Together . (Oslo, DIS 1997) 77. Steinitz, L.Y.: Making it Happen. A guide to help your congregation do HIV/AIDS work. Called to Care, no.2 (Oxford, Strategies for Hope 2005) 78. Tengatenga, J.; Bayley, A.: Time to Talk. A guide to family life in the age of AIDS . Called to Care, no. 3 (Oxford, Strategies for Hope 2007) 79. Lubaale, N.: Pastoral Action on HIV and AIDS . Called to Care, no.4 (Oxford, Strategies for Hope 2008) 80. Luballe, N.: Community Action on HIV and AIDS . Called to Care, no.5 (Oxford, Strategies for Hope 2008) 81. Mchombo, W.; et al.: Call to Me. How the Bible speaks in the age of AIDS. Called to Care, no.7 (Oxford, Strategies for Hope 2010) 82. Byamugisha, G., Steinitz, L.Y., Williams, G.; et al.: Journeys of Faith (Oxford, Strategies for Hope, 2002) 83. Bauer, R., Händler, R.; Albertine, R.: Following in the Footsteps of Jesus . Commitment-Building Workshops on HIV/AIDS for Christian Clergy and Religious Leaders ( Windhoek, Catholic AIDS Action, 2002)

5 84. Union of Superios General Men, International Union of Superiors General Women: In Loving Service. A Global Analysis of the Commitment of Religious Institutes against HIV and AIDS. ( Bologna, EMI 2008) 85. Mission 21, et al: God breaks the Silence. Preaching in Times of AIDS (Basel, Mission 21 2005) 86. African Jesuit AIDS Network: Linked for Life . (Nairobi, Paulines Publications Africa, 2007) 87. Churches United Against HIV and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa CUAHA: Challenging the Current Understanding Around HIV and AIDS . An African Christian Perspective. (Kenya: Starbright Services 2005) 88. Churches United Against HIV and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa CUAHA: Towards and HIV and AIDS Competent Church . An Ecumenical Handbook for Defining HIV and AIDS Competency (CUAHA 2008) 89. D’Sa, F.X.; Lohmayer: Heil und Befreiung in Afrika. Die Kirchen vor der missionarischen Herausforderung durch HIV/AIDS (Würzburg, Echter 2007) 90. Derenthal, O.: AIDS in Afrika und die Rede von Gott . Impulse einer Option für Menschen mit HIV. Anhang mit Gebeten aus Kenia. (Münster, LIT 2002) 91. Heidemanns, K.; Moerschbacher, M.: Gott vertrauen? AIDS und Theologie im südlichen Afrika (Freiburg, Herder 2005) 92. Bangert, K.; Schirrmacher, T.: HIV und AIDS als christliche Herausforderung . Bonn, Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft 2008 93. Gert, a.; Nowaeck, Rappel, S .: Religionen im Kampf gegen HIV/AIDS . Quellen- Spiritualität –Ethik (München , Don Bosco Verlag, 2009) 94. Concilium: AIDS . Sonderheft, Vol.43 (2007) no.3 (Ostfildern-Ruit, Matthias- Grünewald Verlag 2007) 95. Church, HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa . Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, Special Issue, vol.2. No 126, Nov. 2006, Pietermaritzburg 96. Byamugisha, G.B.: Church communities confronting HIV & AIDS. SPCK International Study Guide 44. (London, SPCK, 2010). 97. Moerschbacher, M., Kato, J. Rutechura, P. (eds ): A holistic approach to HIV and AIDS in Africa . (Nairobi, Paulines Publications, 2008)


98. Lisa Sowle Cahill, “AIDS, Global Justice, and Catholic Social Ethics”, Concilium , 3, (2007), 91-101.

6 99. Peter J. Cataldo, “Condoms and HIV Pevention: Thwarting the Procreative End”, Ethics & Medics , 30, no.5 (May 2005). 100. Paul Chummar, “HIV/AIDS in Africa: An Urgent Task for an Inculturated Theological Ethics, Linda Hogan (ed.), Applied Ethics in a World Church: The Padua Conference , (New York: Orbis, 2008), 155 – 162. 101. Mark Cichocki, “The Role of Religion and Spirituality in HIV”, 102. Julie Clague, “HIV and Catholic Theology”, Patrick Hannon (ed.), Moral Theology: A Reader, (Dublin: Veritas, 2006), 182 – 194. 103. Sian Cotton, “Changes in Religiousness and Spirituality Attributed to HIV/AIDS: Are there sex and race differences?”, Journal of General Internal Medicine , 21 (December 2006). 104. David Crawford, “Conjugal Love, Condoms, and HIV/AIDS”, Communio: International Catholic Review , 33, no.3 (Fall 2006), 505 – 12. 105. Michael Czerny, “Fighting HIV/AIDS: But are ARVs Enough?”, Challenge, 8, no.4 (2006). 106. Anthony Fisher, “HIV and Condoms within Marriage”, Communio , (Summer 2009), 329 – 359. 107. Kevin Flannery, “Preface: The Conjugal Act and the Use of Prophylactics”, The National Catholic Bioethical Quarterly , 6, no.4 (2006). 108. Jon Fuller, James Keenan, “Condoms, Catholics and HIV/AIDS Prevention”, The Furrow , vol.52, (September, 2001), 459. 109. Luke Gormally, “Marriage and the Prophlactic Use of Condoms”, The National Catholic Bioethical Quarterly , 5, (2005), 735 – 49. 110. Edward Green, Allison Ruark, “AIDS and the Churches: Getting the Story Right”, First Things , 182 (April 2008). 111. Edward Green et al., “A Framework of Sexual Partnerships: Risks and Implications for HIV Prevention in Africa”, Studies in Family Planning , 40, no.1 (2009), 63 – 70. 112. Edward Green, “Uganda’s HIV Prevention Success: The role of sexual behaviour change and the national response”, AIDS and Behaviour , vol.10, no.4 (July 2006). Available at: 113. Germain Grisez, “Moral Questions on Condoms and Disease Prevention”, The National Catholic Bioethical Quarterly , 8, no.3 (2008), 471 – 76. 114. Benedict Guevin, “A Debate on Condoms and AIDS”, The National Catholic Bioethical Quarterly , 5, no.1 (2005). 115. Benedict Guevin, “The Use of Condoms to Prevent AIDS: A Response to Rhonheimer”, The National Catholic Bioethical Quarterly , 5, no.2 (2005).

7 116. Matthew Hanley, “AIDS and Technical Solutions”, Ethics & Medics , 33, no.12 (Dec 2008). 117. Ka Mana Kangudie, “Les Religions face au VIH/SIDA en Afrique: Discours et Problèmes”, Congo-Afrique , vol.47 (2007). 118. Emmanuel Katongole, “AIDS, Africa, and the ‘Age of Miraculous Medicine’: Naming the Silences”, Linda Hogan (ed.), Applied Ethics in a World Church: The Padua Conference , (New York: Orbis, 2008), 137 -146. 119. James Keenan, “HIV/AIDS: The Expanding Ethical Challenge”, Eugene Duffy, Patrick Hannon (eds.), Beauty, Truth and Love: Essays in Honour of Enda McDonagh , (Dublin: The Columba Press, 2009), 126 – 148. 120. James Keenan, “Four of the Tasks for Theological Ethics in a Time of HIV/AIDS”, Concilium, 3 (2007), 64 – 74. 121. James Keenan, “When Condoms Aren’t Contraceptives”, Beliefnet , (2008), 122. James Keenan, “Higher Education in a Time of HIV/AIDS”, National Jesuit News , 36, 6 (June 2007), 3. 123. James Keenan “Developments in Bioethics from the Perspective of HIV/AIDS,” Cambridge Quarterly of HealthCare Ethics, 14, 4 (2005), 416-423. 124. James Keenan, Jon Fuller, “Educating in a Time of HIV/AIDS: Learning from the Legacies of Human Rights, the Common Good, and the Works of Mercy,” Opening Up: Speaking Out in the Church , Julian Filochowski and Peter Stanford (eds.), (London: Darton Longman & Todd, 2005), 95-113. 125. Bertrand Lebouché, Jean-François Malherbe, Christian Trepo, Raymond Lemieux, “Religion in the AIDS Crisis: Irrelevance, Adversary, or Ally? The Case of the Catholic Church”, Linda Hogan (ed.), Applied Ethics in a World Church: The Padua Conference , (New York: Orbis, 2008), 170 – 179. 126. K. Litwinczuk, C. Groh, “The Relationship Between Spirituality, Purpose in Life, and Well-Being in HIV-Positive Persons”, Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care , 18, no.3 (2007), 13-22. 127. Enda McDonagh, “Theology in a Time of AIDS”, Irish Theological Quarterly , vol.60, no.2 (1994), p.81-99. 128. Enda McDonagh, “Stigmatisation: HIV-AIDS and Christian Morality”, in McDonagh, Vulnerable to the Holy in Faith, Morality and Art , (Dublin: Columba Press, 2004). 129. Suzanne Mulligan, “A Strange Sort of Freedom: HIV/AIDS and Moral Agency”, Bernard Hoose, Julie Clague, Gerard Mannion (eds.), Moral Theology for the Twenty- First Century, (London: T&T Clark, 2008), 145 – 154. 130. Suzanne Mulligan, “Moral Discourse in a Time of AIDS”, Amelia Fleming (ed.), Contemporary Irish Moral Discourse , Dublin: The Columba Press, 2007), 117 – 126.

8 131. Alison Munro, “In Conversation with the Catholic Church: A Response to AIDS”, Report from Southern African Bishops’ Conference AIDS Office, (2006). 132. Christopher Oleson, “Nature, ‘Naturalism’ and the Immorality of Contraception: A Critique of Fr Rhonheimer on Condom Use and Contraceptive Intent”, The National Catholic Bioethical Quarterly , 6, no.4 (2006), 719 – 29. 133. Jill Olivier, “Where Does the Christian Stand? Considering a Public Discourse of Hope in the Context of HIV/AIDS in South Africa”, Journal of Theology in Southern Africa, 126 (2006), 81-90. 134. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, “Ethics of HIV/AIDS Prevention: Paradigms of a New Discourse from an African Perspective”, Linda Hogan (ed.), Applied Ethics in a World Church: The Padua Conference , (New York: Orbis, 2008), 147 – 154. 135. Gillian Paterson, “Who Sinned? AIDS-Related Stigma and the Church”, Linda Hogan (ed.), Applied Ethics in a World Church: The Padua Conference , (New York: Orbis, 2008), 163 – 169. 136. Gillian Patterson, “Escaping the Gender Trap: Unravelling Patriarchy in a Time of AIDS”, Concilium , 3 (2007), 102 – 111. 137. , “Responsible Behaviour Makes a Difference with AIDS”, L’Osservatore Romano , 17, no.2092 (29 April 2009). 138. Isabel Apawo Phiri, “Life Affirming African Theological Reflection on HIV and AIDS”, Concilium , 3 (2007), 41 – 47. 139. Malcolm Potts, “Reassessing HIV Prevention”, Science , 320 (9 May 2008). 140. Regina Ammicht-Quinn, Hille Haker, “HIV/AIDS: A Commentary”, Concilium , 43 no.3 (2007). 141. Martin Rhonheimer, “A Debate on Condoms and AIDS”, The National Catholic Bioethical Quarterly , 5, no.1 (2005), 40-48. 142. Martin Rhonheimer, “The Contraceptive Choice, Condom Use, and Moral Arguments Based on Nature”, The National Catholic Bioethical Quarterly , 7, no.2 (2007), 273 – 91. 143. Frank Sanders, “Is AIDS a Divine Punishment? Excessive Metaphysical Interpretations of a Biological Phenomenon”, Concilium , 3 (2007), 51 – 63. 144. James Shelton, “Ten Myths and One Truth About Generalised HIV Epidemics”, The Lancet , 370 (1 Dec 2007), 1909 – 11. 145. Janet E. Smith, “The Morality of Condom Use by HIV Infected Spouses”, The Thomist , 70, no.1 (2006). 146. Douglas Sylva, “AIDS and the Ideological Barrier”, Ethics & Medics , 33, no.12 (Dec 2008), 304. 147. Nalini Tarakeshwar, “A Relationship-Based Framework of Spirituality for People with HIV”, AIDS and Behaviour , 10, no.1 (January 2006), 59-70.

9 148. Arnau VanWyngaard, “Towards a Theology of HIV/AIDS”, Reformed Ecumenical Council Focus , 6, nos.1-2 (July 2006), 51-75. 149. Patrick Verspieren, “L’Eglise catholique face à l’épidémie de sida”, Ėtudes , (February 2007). 150. World Council of Churches, “HIV Prevention – Current Issues and New Technologies”, Contact , 182 (August 2006), available at: http://www.wcc- 151. Vitillo, R.: HIV in our houses. Guideline for Reflection. 2010 152. Statement from Interfaith Forum to the 9 th ICAAP Bali, 2009. “Working together to empower people” 153. Trinitapoli, J.: Religious teaching and influences on the ABCs of HIV prevention in Malawi. Social Science & Medicine, vol.69 (2009) 199-209 154. Munro, A.: Transitioning to a local partner. The SABC Experience of a PEPFAR Programm in South Africa, 2009 155. Benton, K.W.: Saints and Sinners. Training Papua New Guinean (PNG) Christian Clergy to Respond to HIV and AIDS using a model of care. J Relig Health, vol. 47 (2008): 314-325 156. Kelly, A.: The body of Christ has AIDS: The Catholic Church responding faithfully to HIV and AIDS in Papua New Guinea. J Relig Health, vol. 48 (2009): 16- 28 157. Francis, S.A.; Liverpool, J.: A Review of Faith-based HIV Prevention Programs. J Relig Health, vol.48 (2009): 6-15 158. Amayun, M.; Epstein, A.: Engaging with The Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. A Primer for Faith-based Organizations. 159. Munro, A.: Catholic Social Teaching and our Response to AIDS. SACBC Office, Pretoria, 2008 160. Klagba, C.: Vers la lumiere. Les enjeux éthiques du VIH/SIDA. Repères pour la formation théologique. EHAIA, Geneve 161. Klagba, C. : Integrating HIV/AIDS into Ethics Curriculum. Suggested Modules. Pastoral Care & HIV/AIDS. EHAIA, Geneva 2005 162. Otolok-Tanga, E.; et al.: Examining the actions of faith-based organizations and their influence on HIV/AIDS-related stigma: A case study of Uganda. African Health Sciences, vol. 7 (2007): 55-60 163. Mundell, J.: HIV prevention in Africa: A complex interplay between religion, culture, tradition and science. Consultancy Africa Intelligence, HIV/AIDS in Africa Newsletter, April 2009 164. Foster, G.: Part of the Solution: Faith-based Responses to HIV and AIDS in Africa. Leadership and Partnerships, 2010, pp.381- 402

10 165. Tlhagal, B.: The Spirituality of Caring. 2006 166. Czerny, M.F.: The Church against AIDS and for Shalom. 2008. 167. Czerny, M.F.: AIDS: Africa’s greatest threat since the slave trade. 2006. 168. Martin, L.M.; HIV/AIDS: A Moral and Ethical Framework for Reflection and Action. 2001. 169. Clague, J.: Living Positively with Roman Catholic Teaching and Transmitting the Truth about HIVA/IDS. 170. Krum, H.: Le SIDA: Réflexions du groupe de travail « éthique et théologie » de « l’alliance d’actions contre le SIDA », 2004 171. Kiefer, M. : Positionen innerhalb der katholischen Kirche zum Thema « Infektionssschutz im Kontext von HIV/AIDS » Missionsärztliches Dialog, 1998. 172. Mbotho, M.; Cilliers, M.; Akintola, O.: Sailing against the Tide? Sustaining sexual abstinence among Christian Youth in a University Setting in South Africa. J Relig Health, online 21 January 2011 173. Eriksson, E.; Lindmark, G.; Axemo, P., et al.: Faith, Premarital sex and Relationships: Are Church Messages in Accordance with the Perceived Realitis of the Youth? A Qualitative Study in KwaZulu-Natal South Africa. J Relig Health, online 13 April 2011 174. Martino Maulano: Experience of the Catholic Church with regard to the situation of multiple concurrent sexual partnership in HIV transmission: the historical evolution, the present practice and theology and future interventions. A presentation at the consultation of the Pan-African Catholic AIDS Network, April 2010

Bishops’ Conferences/Church Documents:

175. Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference, Pastoral Statement on AIDS , (Pretoria: SACBC, January 1990).

176. Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference, A Message of Hope , (Pretoria : SACBC, November, 2001).

177. Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Belated but Powerful: The Response of the Catholic Church to HIV/AIDS in five Southern African Countries , presented at the XIV International AIDS Conference held in Barcelona, July 2002.

178. Catholic Bishops of Africa and Madagascar: Speak out on HIV & AIDS.Our prayer is always full of hope . A collection of Excerpts 1987-2005. (Nairobi, Paulines Publications Africa, 2006)


179. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), “Building God’s Kingdom of Justice and Peace”, (March 2001).

180. Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), Theological and Pastoral Response to HIV/AIDS in Africa (26 November – 1 December 2001).

181. Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), “The Church in Africa in Face of HIV/AIDS Pandemic”, (Dakar, 7 October, 2003).

182. Catholic Bishops of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA), “You Will Be My Witness”, (26 July, 2002).

183. Catholic Bishops of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA), “Called to be a Good Samaritan”, June 11, 2005).

184. Kenya Episcopal Conference, This We Teach and Do , (vol.1 – Policy), (Nairobi, Kenya: Pauline Publications Africa, 2006).

185. Ethiopian Catholic Bishops, “Love is our Main Tool of Overcoming HIV/AIDS”, (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2006).

186. Indian Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter, The Challenge to be His Light Today: A Message for the World AIDS Day , (1 December, 2003).

187. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, In the Compassion of Jesus: A Pastoral Letter on AIDS , (23 January, 1993).

188. United States Catholic Bishops’ Conference, The Many Faces of AIDS , (1987).

189. United States Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Called to Compassion , (1989).

190. Social Commission of the French Bishops, SIDA: La société en question , (Bayard Éditions/Centurion, 1996).

191. Alfonso Cardinal López Trujillo, President, Pontifical Council for the Family, “Family Values Versus Safe Sex”, December 1, 2003.

192. Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragán, President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, “Message for the World Day Against AIDS”, 1 December, 2005).

193. Pontifical Council on Health Care, “The Pastoral Care of Infectious Diseases from the Political-Social Point of View”, (, November 24, 2006).

12 194. Synod of Bishops, II Special Assembly on Africa: The Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace. Instrumentum Laboris (Vatican City, 2009)

195. Conference Episcopale Regionale del ‘Afrique de L’Ouest Francophone CERAO: Au sujet de la controverse autour de la position du Pape Benoit XVI sur le Preservatif. 196. Deutsche Bischofs-Konferenz : Die Immunschwäche AIDS – eine pastorale Aufgabe der Kirche. 1997 197. Kueng, K.: Church, AIDS & condoms, 2010. “Die Tagespost”, 17 July 2010. 198. Papua New Guinea Christian Leaders Alliance on HIV and AIDS. Statement of Commitment, 5 th May 2010 199. Religious Leadership in Response to HIV: Selection of religious statements on HIV and AIDS. March, 2010. Christian Statements. http://www.e- 200. Church of Sweden: A Pastoral letter from the Bishops of the Church of Sweden about HIV from a global perspective, 2007 201. Ethiopian Catholic Bishops: Pastroal Letter on HIV/AIDS. “Love as our Main Tool of Overcoming HIV/AIDS”. 2009 202. Déclaration des évêques africains sur la controverse lors de la visite du Saint-Père en Afrique, 2009 203. Déclaration de la Conférence épiscopale national du Cameroun relative au message du Saint-Père sur la lutte contre le VIH/sida lors de sa visite apostolique au Cameroun. Les Evêques du Cameroun, 2009 204. Dowling, K. : « The best available means we have to protect life is the condom », 2008. 205. Kamphaus, F.: HIV/AIDS and the Catholic Church. 2005. Statement given at Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) in Eschborn on Friday 6 May, 2005 206. Lesotho’s Church Leaders: Statement of Commitment by Lesotho’s Church Leaders, 2007. 207. Catholics for Choice: The Catholic Bishops and Condoms: Statements and Actions supporting condom use as Part of an HIV prevention strategy. 2010. 208. SECAM: Good Practices in the Catholic Church’s Responses to HIV and AIDS in Africa. Implementing the SECAM Action Plan. Compiled and edited by SEC AM in collaboration with Caritas Internationalis and CHAN, F. M. Maulano; S. Nobile and R.J. Vitillo, 2010 .