Supplement to the London Gazette, 15 January, 1948
348 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 15 JANUARY, 1948 attack convinced General Schmitt command- es Suera, Bir el Cleibat and Marada, and with- ing the garrison, however, of the futility of drew his armoured force to re-equip. further resistance and early on the 2nd January I was as anxious to; secure this area as the garrison surrendered unconditionally. Rommel was to hold it. Apart from the need Our casualties in this successful operation were to traverse it to invade Tripolitania, which was slight and did not exceed 450 all told, of which my ultimate intention, I considered it essential the majority belonged to the 2nd South African to control this region in order to hold Cyrenaica. Division. In addition to prisoners and material Otherwise, I feared, we should have to retire to captured from the enemy, the fall of Bardia the frontier, if the enemy were, at some later released over 1,100 of our own men, who had date, again to become strong enough to launch been kept in .the fortress as prisoners of war, an offensive in force.* in conditions of great privation. Much enemy Before we could approach the task of throw- ammunition fell into our hands. ing the enemy out of El Agheila, however, we Preparations were at once put in hand for were obliged to wait for reserves to be accumu- the reduction of Halfaya, and it was hoped lated and the administrative situation to im- that the fall of Bardia would intensify the lack prove, so that we might concentrate sufficient of food and water from which the place was troops for this difficult undertaking.
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