Cold Open: Did you know that the are part of the New World Order? Or that they made in to America before Columbus? Or that they buried treasure on Oak Island? These are just a few of the conspiracies surrounding the Templars we’ll explore today.

We’ll also look at the Fall of the Knights Templar and their bad ass last stand at their Acre headquarters. The Templars became incredibly wealthy and powerful and ironically this wealth would be the impetus for the sudden demise when a corrupt French King didn’t feel like paying back on a debt.

We’ll talk about Templars fighting Mongols, Templars battling Greek Fire in Egypt, and so much more on this bonus part two edition - the Fall of the Templars - today, on Timesuck.


I. Welcome: Happy Friday Timesuckers! It’s bonus Suck time. Wrapping up your work week with some new, exciting knowledge. Knowledge isn’t just power - it’s fun! I’m Dan Cummins - the grand general head master of the Space Force of the Space lizards and you are listening to Timesuck.

A. Reviews and Ratings: Thanks as always for the reviews and ratings. Taking 60 seconds or less to click some stars on whatever app you listen to the Suck on goes a long way. It is much appreciated.

B. Behind the Bit: I know a lot of you Timesuckers knew me first as a standup, and a new standup project I did with one of my favorite comics, and comedy people, Chad Daniels, is out on Pandora. It’s called Behind the Bit! Chad and I sat down and talked to each other about where our most popular bits on Pandora came from. What’s the story behind the Smoothie Guy bit, the Dead Squirrel Puppets and Here Comet the Spoons Motherfucker. How did I think up the Squirrelador joke, or the Department of Caffeinated Beverages? How did Chad think up of so many of his bits? It’s a fun conversation, fun look into tracks, and also a bunch of our tracks and the also a bunch of comedy we love all on a new curated, Pandora playlist. Link in today’s episode description. Check it out! ag=17920720304261509

C. Gifts: Thank you!

Suck Dungeon P.O. Box 3891 Couer d’Alene, Idaho 83816

Thanks to Whiskey Emerson for a copy of her awesome book, West of Hell, and to Joyce Rath for a bar of Cleen Ween soap. Not kidding. She sent it in. Has a ween hole and everything. It’s awesome.

D. Tour dates: The Flat Earth rolls into Orlando next. July 12-14th - Orlando Improv. Live podcast on the 15th with Tom and Dan from A Mediocre Time.

I then I roll into the Comedy Store in La Jolla, California July 20-22nd. Another great club.

Dayton, Ohio Funnybone July 27-28th.

Many more tour dates and some more live podcasts coming up. Portland, Oregon Denver, Colorado, Tacoma, Washington, Tampa and Palm Beach, Florida, Hollywood and Huntington Beach, California So much more at

Alright Suck Heads, let’s finish up the Knights Templar.


II. Intro/Summary of Part one:

A. Summary: So Suckers, let’s recap part one.

In the 12th Century, the Knights Templar are born out of the aftermath of the incredibly successful end of the 11th century First Crusade, when some European Christian nobles and their armies took much of the Holy land away from Muslim rulers.

Hugh of Payns [pie-yawn] and his small band of religiously motivated knights found a new order in recognized by local religious and civil leaders, and then, a few years later, they’re officially recognized by the Pope while on a big PR mission in Europe.

They’re tasked with defending Jerusalem and guarding pilgrims journeys to the Holy land. They’re given the authority to kill without sin by the Pope, and then later given papal permission to force elderly peasants to jerk them off while absolutely not making a sound or making eye contact with them and quickly walking away when they’re done and never speaking of it.

Wait. What? That’s, um, I don’t what that was.

No. They don’t have to tithe and anyone who hassles them with get a one-way ticket to Hell. Seriously. They’re able to kill, not have to explain their killing, they’re beholden to no ruler of Europe who first name isn’t Pope, and even local bishops can’t fuck with them.

And, from various admirers, they’re given LOTS of land and money. One dude alone gave them a third of a kingdom. Wish I knew and was greatly admired by a dude like that.

They’re given lots of castles to defend. Templar castles and fortifications are sprinkled from Scotland to France to the Iberian peninsula and along the coast of the mediterranean all the way to the Holy land around Jerusalem. And then, because they have the only consistently guarded series of fortifications connecting Western Europe to Western Europe’s Holy land, they became Europe’s premier bankers. Want to travel to the Holy Land to participate in the , or start a new life in Jerusalem, or just visit some Holy sites? Well, deposit your money with the Templars in France and then access that money in Antioch [an-tee-ok] or Acre [aker] or a number of other Middle Eastern cities. Better than traveling with it and risking robbers taking it.

And, this additional financial aspect allows the Templars to acquire great wealth. They use their massive financial holdings to help a king fund a Crusade, they also are making money owning lots of lands which they lease out for farming, cattle raising, vineyards, etc.

They are integral part of the mid 12th century Second Crusade - which does not go well. They lost a lot of men, Europe loses almost all of their foothold in the Holy Land.

And they then fight in the late 12th century Third Crusade, when England’s King Richard the First, or, King Richard the Lionheart and King Phillip for France headed to the Holy Land with massive armies to take back Jerusalem. The elderly German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa also attempted to participate in this Crusade, but, he drowned in a river in Asia Minor and his men turned around and headed home. The crusades really didn’t work out well for the Germans. They kept trying to help but just couldn’t get many men all the way down there.

And this is where we left off last week.

The Templars lost their original headquarters to , the first Sultan of Egypt and Syria, they established a new headquarters in the port city of Acre [aker], and, in 1191, they hoped, along with King Richard the Lionheart and King Phillip, to take back Jerusalem from Saladin.

So, let’s pick up on Monday’s timeline back up with today’s Timesuck Timeline, and head to Jerusalem with the Crusaders in 1191.


III. Timesuck Timeline

A. July 12th, 1191: On July 12th, 1191, King Richard the Lionheart and his men, along with some Templars, King Phillip II of France, and Johnny “Two Shot” Frisco from Tampa, Florida took back the city of Acre from Saladin’s forces.

Actually, it was Leopold the V, Duke of Austria, who helped Richard and Phillip take back the city of Acre from Saladin’s forces. I WISH it was Johnny “Two Shot” Frisco. That would be such a fun name to add this story. Especially if he did take Jerusalem and became Saint Frisco and that’s where San Francisco got it’s name. Johnny “Two Shot” Frisco! First shots for the ladies, second shot’s for the men. What does that mean? Only Johnny Frisco knows and Johnny Frisco doesn’t answer questions, he asks ‘em!

Anyway, Richard and Phillip and Leopold do successfully take Acre [aker] back and then promptly get into an argument of how the spoils of their victory should be divided. Frustrations of who should control what, get what, and who should be put in charge led Phillip and Leopold into heading back to Europe and giving up on the crusade. Richard, having brought the largest army and the guy who ended up getting his way in this particular disagreement, remained. And, to King Phil’s credit, he left 7,000 troops to help out.

Richard the Lionheart really was a strong-willed son of a bitch. Not only did he force his will on the other kings, he also had his way with the Templars. After the death of Gerard Ridefort - the Templar Grand Master who’d just been beheaded by Saladin after getting captured during the Siege of Acre [aker], he basically appointed the next Grand Master the Templars, a man he knew well and trusted, Robert IV de Sablé, who had accompanied him on the Third Crusade.

Richard started negotiating with Saladin to try and figure out how they could coexist in the Holy Land together, and, since they both basically wanted the same thing, which was ALL of the Holy Land, negotiations didn’t go well.

B. August 1191: Negotiations really took a turn for the worst when on August 20th, 1191, Richard, frustrated with how long Saladin was taking to get back to him on some point or another, had roughly 3,000 Muslims he’d captured when taking Acre [aker] - men, women, and children - marched to a hill outside the city gates and then, he had them decapitated. And, he did it in full view of Saladin’t army, who unsuccessfully tried to rescue them. Richard’s forces defended their position against Saladin’s attacks, and then retreated back within the city’s walls.

Holy shit. Can you imagine that? 3,000 people decapitated on a hill. Imagine that showing up in your news feed.

“Let’s see, what’s going on in the world today? People are made about Trump saying something inflammatory, some dude I’ve never heard of has been accused of sexual harassment, Kim Kardashian posted a picture of her and Kanye - not sure how that qualifies as news - and, what the fuck? 3,000 men, women, and children were beheaded by the British because Prime Minister Theresa May was annoyed by a delay in some negotiations!”

Dear God. One kid getting publicly decapitated at the behest of a world leader would be the biggest news story in years. And Richard had thousands of heads cut off that day. It’s truly hard to even process shit like that happening, and that wouldn’t of even been the biggest news story of 1191.

And then Saladin responded by killing a whole bunch of prisoners he’d captured. And, you know, negotiations are kind of over at that point.

I’m pretty sure beheading someone outs an end to any negotiations. Unless I guess, you’d been negotiating when or how to cut that person’s head off, and finally just agreed.

C. 1192: Then, in the summer of 1192, Richard leads Crusaders South to Jaffa, 42 miles West of Jerusalem on the Mediterranean coast. Jaffa is just a mile and-a-half South of present day Tel Aviv. He feels that an assault on Jerusalem isn’t possible without first taking Jaffa to base operations out of and also cut off Saladin’s path to the Mediterranean.

And King Richard does take Jaffa after routing Saladin’s army on September 7th in the battle of Arsuf. Richard now controlled most of the Holy Land’s coast.

But, King Richard, the French contingent of soldiers left behind by King Phillip, and locals couldn’t get along well enough to agree on how to attack to Jerusalem, and to the dismay of many Christians and leaders of Western Europe, they didn’t attack it. Seriously. So many battles and wars were lost in medieval times based almost entirely on people who are supposed to be on the same side not getting along. A couple disagreeing factions squabble over who should receive the throne and then some other group pops in and beats all their divided asses and takes if for themselves. A couple different supposedly aligned groups can’t agree on a siege and disband and then none of can defend themselves against the group they were supposed to attack previously.

Richard was able to negotiate with Saladin. He and Saladin agreed that Saladin could keep Jerusalem and his other existing Holy Land properties as long as Christian pilgrims could visit Jerusalem. And then the Lionheart left the Holy Land in October of 1192.

D. 1193: In 1193, the new Master Templar Robert and Saladin both die. Saladin of illness and Robert in some unnamed skirmish.

E. 1198: In 1198, a new Pope takes power and orders a new crusade. The 4th Crusade this time. It begins in 1202. And it was a fucking unmitigated disaster. The majority of Crusaders this time never even made it to the Holy Land. Instead, they ended up attacking other Christians in Asia Minor. Things went way south on this one.

The first place they attacked, Zara, is actually located in present day Croatia, not that from Venice, the launching point of the Fourth Crusade. It’s too long of a side story to delve into, but bickering between various Christian nations led the Roman Catholic crusaders into attacking nations aligned with the Eastern Orthodox Church headquartered in Constantinople. The Crusaders sacked Zara, a Christian city, and the Pope was fucking pissed. He wrote that in a letter to the Crusaders. “Hey dudes! I’m really fucking pissed. Zara? You sacked Zara? What the fuck? Sincerely, Pope.”

He really did write a letter to the Crusade leaders threatening them with excommunication if they didn’t stop attacking Byzantium and head for Jerusalem. Do what we agreed on or you’re out of the Church! The leaders didn’t show this letter to their men and sacked the capital of the Byzantine empire, Constantinople. They’d rule it for about four decades. Then, in addition to adding further division between the Roman and the Eastern churches, this attack also weakened the Byzantine nation and left it vulnerable to Muslim attacks.

One prominent medieval historian, Steven Runciman, wrote: "There was never a greater crime against humanity than the Fourth Crusade."

The Knights Templar, thankfully, were virtually not involved in the ill- fated fourth crusade.

So what were the Templar’s doing around this time? Getting rich.

F. 1188: In 1188, the Templars in England had been collecting Crusade taxes since 1188 when Richard the Lionheart’s predecessor assigned them that task. The English crown and the Templars had become very financially intertwined. They had become the English crown’s bankers.

G. 1202: Things were going well financially for the Templars in France as well.

In 1202, a Templar brother called Haimard, a resident of the Paris Temple, was appointed treasurer to the Crown, an arrangement that benefited the Templars for more than a century. The Templars provided France with the most modern accounting system in Europe, consolidating all royal income and expenditure through a single set of books, allowing careful scrutiny and management on a scale seen nowhere among its neighbors.

And they were making money elsewhere in Europe as well.

Through all of the money given them, they had become major feudal lords, and thousands of men and women lived in various forms of bonded servitude on Templar land, owing by ancient custom the sweat of the labor for a fixed number of days per year, or being compelled to present as rent in kind a fixed number of cows, chickens, crops or eggs.

In Italy, the Templar presence had spread rapidly throughout the peninsula as far south as Sicily, where there were major preceptories in Messina and throughout the island.

In Aragón—where the Templars’ long history stretched back to the days of Alfonso the Battler—the order owned manors, vineyards and olive groves as well as a portfolio of residential and commercial property. The charter register of the Templar house in Huesca [wes- ka], in northern Aragón, contains records of transactions by which the Templar brothers bought orchards, wineries, shops and houses.

In many cases, people left the Templars everything in their will, thinking it would help them get to Heaven. Supposedly, the more you left the Templars, the more they prayed for your soul.

In 1238, James drove out the Moors of Valencia and began colonizing the surrounding area to form a new kingdom, with himself as king. The Templars were handily rewarded, with a house in the city, gardens and farmland.

H. 1198-1216: Pope Innocent III, who reigned from 1198 to 1216, was a huge fan of the Templars. He used Templar brothers as tax collectors, granted the order new privileges and issued papal bulls reconfirming the general protections it had enjoyed for decades.

Over the course of his papacy he reiterated the Templars’ immunity from tithes charged by other clergy.

Innocent reaffirmed the Templars’ right to build their own churches, collect tithes at those Churches, forbade any other Christians from harming the brothers or their possessions and exhorted the order to examine closely their new recruits to avoid a weakening of the Templars’ collective moral fiber.

By the time Innocent died in 1216 the Templars were stronger, richer and better connected than at any time in their history.

Now, for the next century, a lot of what the Templars did is just a rehash of what we’ve already talked about. They expanded their holdings, they stored more money, made friends with more Kings and Queens, continued to not hit their squires, continued to try and defend pilgrimages to the Crusader States in the Holy Land, when their was still states loyal the Pope.

By the 1280s, only two crusader states remained; the remnants of the and the County of Tripoli. By 1291, the entirety of the Holy land would fall into Muslim hands, the Templars losing their headquarters and fighting in their last significant battle that year.

And we’ll talk about that battle, the 1291 Siege of Acre. Before we do, let’s talk about some noteworthy battles leading up to it. I. 1212: In the beginning of the 13th century, the Templars fought numerous in a variety of battles, in addition to defending numerous castles, during the Spanish Reconquista. In 1212, they helped King Alfonso VIII of Castille win the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa.

This was a huge win for Christian Europe.

In 1195, Alfonso VIII of Castile had been defeated by the Almohads [al-muh-had] in the so-called Disaster of Alarcos [a-lar-cos] The Almohad [al-muh-had] Caliphate was a 12th and 13th century Muslim empire that ruled over a large portion of the Northwest African coast and the Iberian peninsula. They were known mostly for their size. They were huge people. The average [al-muh-had] man was close to 7 feet tall and weighed an estimated 300-400 pounds. And their heads were big even for a person of that size. Picture Shaquille O’Neal. Than picture an army of like 1,000 giant, scimitar wielding Shaqs coming for you, each riding a special breed of horse called a Jakarta Stallion. Picture a Clydesdale and then add another half-a-horse in size. And then add wings to it. And then human feet where the hooves should be. And then great big googly eyes. And a peacocks tail. And if you still haven’t caught on that I’m making everything up about how big these guys were and what kind of animals they used to ride on, I want you to listen to this show again later, when you have less hard drugs in your system.

No. The Almohad [al-muh-had] Caliphate was mostly known for wanting to kick Christian ass on the Iberian peninsula.

After their victory in 1195, the Almohads took several important cities: Trujillo, Plasencia, Talavera, Cuenca, and Uclés. Then, in 1211, Muhammad al-Nasir crossed the Strait of Gibraltar with a powerful army, invaded Christian territory, and captured several Christian strongholds.

This made the rest of the Christian Europe super fucking nervous. I’m sure many a conversation was had about the Islamic threat coming at them from both the Iberian Peninsula and from Asia Minor. Gonna squeeze the Christians right out of Europe.

I bet there were some hysterical discussions had about that. “They’re gonna get us! Today, Castille! Tomorrow, France! Then Aragon! Germany! All the other little countries! (high pitched now) And then they’re in Rome! Please Pope! Don’t let them get me! Keep ‘em out of Rome! I don’t like it! I don’t want it!”

The Pope really did do something. The threat to the Hispanic Christian kingdoms was so great that Pope Innocent III called European knights to yet another crusade. Crusades, by the way, not limited to the Holy Land! The main crusades were directed to the Holy Land, yes, but crusades could be directed towards any Christian nation or group of Christians being threatened by a non- Christian entity. One definition of crusade is “any war carried on under papal sanction.”

The kings of Castile, Navarre [[nuh-vahr], Portugal and Aragón all took to the field, along with the Templars, the orders of Santiago and Calatrava [ca-la-tra-va] , and volunteers from France who had traveled to southern Spain, between Cordoba and Granada, for the express purpose of fighting the Almohads [al-muh-hads].

And the Templars fought with them. And this time they got to be part of another great victory! And it was a major Christian victory that the Caliphate would never recover from. Over the next few decades the Christians would push the Muslims completely out of Spain other than the vassal Muslim state of Granada, who would have to pay an annual tribute to the Crown of Castile before being taken outright by Castile in 1492 after a decade long war.

So, Holy Land crusades? Win-loss record not so good for the Templars. Spanish crusades! Muy bueno! Victoria!

The Spaniards claimed after the battle that the Christians had lost only twenty-five or thirty men, while they had killed one hundred thousand Muslims. This is thought to have been a preposterous exaggeration. In fact, there were substantial losses on the Christian side, heavily borne by the military orders. The Templars lost their Portuguese master. But it had been a morale-boosting victory and seemed to suggest that God was smiling once again on the Christians.

The Caliph Muhammad al-Nasir himself died in Marrakech shortly after the battle, where he had fled after the defeat.

The crushing defeat of the Almohads significantly hastened their decline in the Iberian Peninsula.

J. 1218: In 1218, the Templars participated in yet another Holy land Crusade, the fifth crusade, fighting bravely, taking huge casualties, but fighting in another crusade that didn’t really accomplish much other than get a lot of people killed.

Templar forces accompanied Crusading troops from all over the Holy Roman Empire, from the Kingdom of Hungary, the Kingdom of France, the Papal States, the Crusader States, and even other orders like the Teutonic Order and the Knights Hospitaller [hos-pi-tl- er]. Everyone’s getting in on the Holy fun this time.

This time, the Templars took a different route. They went to Egypt, attempting to attack the Muslims there and then head up into the Holy Land from below.

They participated in a siege on the Egyptian coastal city of Damietta [dam-ee-et-uh], just East of Alexandria, at the mouth of the Damietta [dam-ee-et-uh] branch of the Nile River. And this siege sounds like Hell on Earth.

They Templars faced Greek Fire when they attacked Damietta from the sea. And Greek Fire sounds a lot like regular fire, but stickier and worse.

Inside the city, defenders were equipped with every conceivable device for bludgeoning, burning or impaling anyone foolhardy enough to face them down. One of their most potent weapons was that seriously nasty shit called Greek fire: a sticky, naphtha [[naf- thuh] -based inflammatory resin, which could be sprayed from pipes or hurled, grenade style, in pots that shattered on impact. It was essentially, medieval napalm. And this sticky, Greek fire was almost impossible to extinguish. It was a nasty and highly potent weapon to turn on soldiers attacking from the water.

No one knows to this day exactly how they made it. Likely, it was derived from some type of crude oil they’d found that had seeped up to the surface. But, again, the fire is a mystery of ancient times.

Damietta was also hot as shit in a not burning-a-mysterious-flame way. It wasn’t a fun place to wear big robes and armor because the temperature would exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade on a regular basis. That’s gonna make a siege even less fun that normal.

Crusader ships anchored in the river and tried to pelt the tower with an onboard catapult, but a counter blast of Greek fire lit both on fire and they limped back to base camp “pierced with arrows within and without.” The Templars even tried building an armored ship protected by bulwarks, which they rowed directly next to the tower, in the midst of the fighting and that too got lit up with arrows and fire and they retreated.

The Templars on the Fifth Crusade faced additional, natureal miseries as the rest of the army as winter approached. Conditions deteriorated quickly. Poor provisioning led to a mass outbreak of scurvy. Men limped around the siege camp with their lower legs in agony and their gums swollen up and rotting. Some crusaders left, having been away from home for a year, which they reckoned to be adequate fulfillment of their vows.

“Lester, how’d the crusade go?” “Not good. Lost most of my teeth to scurvy and watched me neighbors get burned alive.”

In late October the Templars’ camp was raided early one morning, resulting in a small cavalry battle in which more than five hundred men were killed.

The following month the camp was lashed by a three-day storm, which swelled the river, washed away tents and smashed several ships at anchor into splinters.

In early December, raids continued from the captured river tower. Oliver of Paderborn recorded one encounter in awe: having been sucked too close to Damietta’s defensive barricades by the river’s strong current, one of the Templars’ ships was showered with stones and Greek fire, then surrounded by light enemy craft. Muslim soldiers fastened themselves to the vessel with grappling hooks, then scaled the high wooden sides and engaged in a hand-to-hand battle on deck. “When they had fought for a long time, the ship at last was pierced (whether by the enemy or by our own men we do not know) and sought the depths, drowning Egyptians with Christians, so that the top of the mast scarcely appeared above the water,” Oliver wrote. He went on to liken the Templars who had died in the Nile to the Old Testament hero Samson. “So also those martyrs dragged into the abyss of the waters along with themselves more than they could have killed with their swords.”

The city of Damietta was eventually taken and held by Crusader forces for two years after the completion of the siege. The mosque of Damietta was converted into a cathedral. But, ultimately, the Fifth Crusade failed in taking back Jerusalem and the Templars and other Crusaders were beaten back out of Egypt as well.

Now, let’s skip ahead to 1241 when the Templars faced the Mongols, who had a reputation throughout the Western world for being real sweethearts who like to dance as much as they liked to tell jokes and have bubble baths.


They were fucking demons on the battlefield.

K. 1241: In 1241, they Templars fought the Mongols in the Battle of Legnica.

On April 9, 1241, a massive Mongol army encountered Henry the Pious, the Duke of Greater Poland, a man who looked like a mix between a Gorilla and a pile of rotten meat, which was considered handsome for a Polish man.

Sorry. I have no idea how he looked. But anyway, the Mongols were attacking Eastern Europe in several places in the mid-thirteenth century as they looked to expand their massive empire West. FOR SURE have to do some Mongol sucks at some point.

To keep Europe’s forces divided, the Mongols, who possessed vast numbers of troops, split their military might on their Western front into three armies, sending two into Hungary and a third into Poland.

And one of these armies encountered Henry’s mean near present- day Legnica [leg-i-niche-uh] in southwest Poland. Possessing a mixed force of anywhere from 2,000 to 25,000 knights and infantry - accounts vary wildly - Henry formed for battle against anywhere from 8,000 to 25,000 Mongol cavalry. Most historians seem to think there was roughly 10,000 men on each side.

As Henry's men prepared for battle they were disconcerted by the fact that the Mongol troops rode into position in near silence, using flag signals to direct their movements. The battle opened with an attack by Boleslav of Moravia on the Mongol lines. Advancing in front of the rest of Henry's army, Boleslav's men were repulsed after the Mongols nearly surrounded their formation and peppered them with arrows. As Boleslav fell back, Henry sent forward two divisions towards the Mongols. Storming towards the enemy, their attack appeared successful as the Mongols began retreating.

Pressing their attack, they followed the enemy and in the process fell for one of the Mongol's standard battle tactics, the feigned retreat. As they pursued the enemy, a single rider appeared from Mongol lines yelling "Run! Run!" in Polish. Believing this warning, Meshko began falling back. Seeing this, Henry advanced with his own division to support Sulislav. The battle renewed, the Mongols again fell back with the Polish knights in pursuit.

Having separated the knights from the infantry, the Mongols turned and attacked. Surrounding the knights, they used smoke to prevent the European infantry from seeing what was happening. As the knights were cut down, the Mongols rode in on the infantry's flanks routing and killed almost all of them. In the fighting, Duke Henry was killed as he and his bodyguard tried to flee the carnage. His head was removed and placed on a spear which was later paraded around Legnica [leg-i-niche-uh]. That has to be the worst way to make into a parade. As just a head. A head on a stick now less!

Essentially, Henry’s entire army was destroyed and the Templar Grand Master Ponce d'Aubon reported to King Louis IX of France that the military order lost 500 people, both in Legnica [leg-i- niche-uh]and subsequent raids on three Templar villages and two “towers”. Mongol casualties are unknown.

After the battle, as was their custom, the Mongols cut the right ear off of each fallen European in order to count the dead. Remember talking about ear sacks way back in Suck number six? The mass- beheading of Nishapur? WAY back in the Suck catalog.

Supposedly, they filled nine sackfuls, though this has as much validity as European accounts of the numbers of Mongols, which some say numbered 100,000 at the battle, even though this is more than all of the Mongols in Europe at this time. So, who knows, maybe they only had five sacks of ears. Which, too me, still sounds like a lot of ears. I Googled, “How big were mongol ear sacks?”, and nothing helpful came up. I’m a picturing a burlap potato sack for some reason. Probably because I’m from Idaho and I’ve been conditioned to think a lot about potatoes since so many people from other states seem to think all we do in Idaho is grow potatoes.

If it is potato sack sized - holy shit is that a lot of ears! I bet I cold get a good 10-15 ears in ziploc sandwich sack. And that’s 2018 American grown-man ears. I bet I could get 20 little 13th century European ears into a sandwich bag. So, a potato sack? At least 1,000 ears. Easy. Maybe 1,500.

If anyone has ever filled a potato sack with human ears, please write into the show. And please include a detailed explanation of exactly how you obtained all those ears. And also, never fucking come to the Suck Dungeon. Not ever!

Alright - let’s jump up the last important battle involving the Templars. The nail in their coffin that led to their demise. The Siege of Acre in 1291.

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M. 1291: In 1291, Acre is sieged again, exactly a hundred years after Acre had been sieged by Richard the Lionheart and other Crusaders and taken from Saladin’s forces. Now, it was the Muslim’s sieging the city to take back the home of the headquarters of the Templars since the Templars had lost their original Jerusalem headquarters to the Muslims over a century before.

The Mamluk Sultanate, based out of Cairo, had territory that surrounded the Red Sea and they were quickly taking over the Holy Land during the mid and late 13th century. They had just taken the County of Tripoli in 1289. The Principality of Antioch had fallen in 1268. The County of Edessa was lost over a century earlier. All that was left was the the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which possessed little outside of Acre. Acre was the last stand for the Crusaders in the Holy Land.

Acre was well defended by two lines of thick walls and had twelve towers. And these walls and towers held the Muslims out for 43 days.

But then, on the night on Friday, May 18th, 1291, Acre, after being in the hands of the Franks for 100 years, was in the hands of Al-Ashraf Khalil and his Mamluk Sultanate army.

All of the Holy Land was theirs - with the exception, and how poetic is this, of the Templar fortress. Their Holy Land headquarters, with about 200 Templar knights inside, is the very last place to fall - and not without a fight.

The Templar’s huge headquarters stood on the west side of the city seashore, and, based on pictures I found online, looks to have been restored. It is HUGE. And looks pretty badass. Well, after sieging the rest of the city, the Sultan Al-Asraf Khalil negotiated with Peter de Severy, the last living Templar commander, for an entire week.

And it was agreed upon that the Templars and everyone else inside the fortress would have free passage to Cyprus, but the Sultan's men who were sent to the fortress to supervise the evacuation, about 100 men, started to rough up and round up the women and boys to send them to slave markets, and the Templars were like, FUUUUUUUUCK THAT. And all of the Sultans men who had been sent into the fortress were slaughtered.

And then the Templars let the Sultan know that shit was back on. It would be a fight to the death.

Man - how badass is that? These last Templars in the Holy Land are completely surrounded by Muslims. No help for them is coming. There are no living allies in the entirety of the Holy Land. And they’re like - yeah, we’re gonna keep fighting.

And then night, Peter sent out the treasurer of the Temple, Thibaud Gaudin, a man who would soon become the new Master of the Templars, and a few other men who took the treasure the Templars had stored there to nearby Sidon, a city that hadn’t fallen to the Muslims yet. He likely escaped via one of the tunnels that Templars had beneath their fortress. You can visit at least one of them today that leads to the sea. A 350 meter long tunnel leading from the Temple to the sea was discovered as recently as 1994 and now is open to the public.

More badassery! They kill 100 of the Sultan’s men and then sneak out all of their treasure trough a secret tunnel.

The following morning the sultan sent a new envoy to the fort and they expressed their deepest regrets for the actions of a few guilty men who attempted to sell the women and children inside to slavery.

The envoy said that the sultan wished to meet with the commander of the fort to offer his personal apologies and to ensure that the surrender terms would be upheld this time.

De Severy, probably feeling that he didn’t have a better option and might as well try to make some agreement, selected a few Templars to accompany him on his trip to the sultan’s camp. Once outside the fortress walls, they were dropped to their knees and beheaded.

That couldn’t have come as too big a shock. You just killed a 100 of his men. He’s not gonna let that shit slide.

When the besieged Templars in the fortress saw what happened to their commander, they continued the fight. Ten days after the Sultan had taken the rest of the city, on May 28th, a wide breach was made under the fortress, and the Sultan sent about two hundred of his best warriors to fight their way inside take it. And once they inside, one final Hollywood type touch to the story. The Frankish fortress collapsed, killing almost everyone inside. All the remaining Templars died together, and they took almost all the Sultan's men inside with them.

After this, the Sultan quickly took the last, less fortified cities along the coast, and the remaining few Templars retreated to Cyprus and to the small island of Ruad, just under two miles of the coast of the present day Syria and the present city of Tartus, formerly Tortosa. The small town of Arwad covers the island.

And the stubborn Crusaders would hold this little island of less than a 1/10 of a square mile in size for a little over a decade. It’s just over 2600 feet long and 1600 feet wide. Crazy. Five and-a-half football fields wide and just under half-a-mile long.

They thought the could use it as a battle staging area to take back Tortosa, and from there fight back into the rest of the Holy Land.

N. 1301: In November of 1301, Pope Boniface VIII gave the island to the Knights Templar. They strengthened its fortifications, installed 120 knights, 500 archers, and 300 servants on it. Also in 1301, Crusaders actually tried joining forces with the Mongols to fight against the Muslims. But, the coalition never came to fruition, and in 1302, the Mamluks sent a fleet of 16 ships up from Egypt and they attacked the island, prevented supply ships from Cyprus to reinforce the Templars, and literally began starving them out.

When the Templars attempted to negotiate and emerged from their base, most of them and their men were executed. A few dozen were taken prisoner and placed in a Cairo prison where they would be freed if they repented their faith and converted to Islam. They instead choice to die of starvation.

Tough fuckers those Templars. And after this loss, the Crusaders and the Templars, had zero remaining presence in the Levant [Le·vant], the countries between Greece and Egypt.

And now, with no presence left in the Holy Land whatsoever, the Knights Templar were an Order that had outlived their primary reason for existence. They were formed to protect the Kingdom of Jerusalem and protect Christian pilgrims on the way to the Holy Land. And now, there are no Christian pilgrims heading to the Holy Land and there are no Holy Land kingdoms left to protect.

That makes it a little harder to keep morale up and continue to be admired by the general public!

(Master Templar) “We are the Knights Templar! Defender of the Holy Land!”

(Peasant yelling from afar) “There’s no Holy Land to defend! You lost it to the Mamluk Sultan, didn’t ye!?!”

(Master Templar) “Well, it wasn’t just us, was it? There was a lot going on. Lot of different moving parts, really.”

(Peasant yelling from afar) “It was your only important job!”

(Master Templar) “That’s not true! Protecting pilgrims en route to Jerusalem, that’s our most important job!”

(Peasant yelling from afar) “There are no more pilgrims! Who wants to head East just to get their damn head loped off!?!”

(Master Templar) “Congratulations sir! You’re going to Hell now. We still have the support of the Pope!”

And they did have the Pope’s support - just not for long.

They did still have hundreds of Templar houses throughout Europe and vast wealth. They still functioned as a bank, and still managed farms and vineyards. But, they were no longer a symbol of Christian strength. They were the mascot of the Crusades and the Crusades had failed. The Muslims won.

And, still falling under Papal protection, the Templars were still this weird “State within a State” in the various countries they lived in. They still had a standing army, but, no mission. And then, the Templars indicated an interested in forming their own monastic state, as the Teutonic Knights had recently done. The Teutonic Order was given it’s own crusader state on the shores of the Baltic Sea, taking land from local pagans.

Well, the nobility of Europe had zero interest in giving any of their land to the Templars to allow them to have their own state! Many didn’t see the point in keeping them around. They began to get a little irritated with the fact that these guys weren’t paying taxes too. Why should these assholes be able to continue to amass great wealth and do as they please in their kingdoms when they weren’t currently doing much to expand or protect the Christian realm? Why does the Pope need an army if there is no real war to fight?

However, they still functioned as a bank, and their banking skill was what would get them killed.

O. 1305: In 1305, the new Pope, Pope Clement V, who had just become Pope that year - his Pope hat still shiny and new, sent letters to both the Templar Grand Master and the Hospitaller Grand Master to discuss the possibility of merging the two orders, considering the current state of the Crusades. “C’mon bros, the Crusades are in a bit of a lull right now, we need to downsize and merge.”

Neither Order was happy about this, but Pope Clement persisted, and in 1306 he invited both Grand Masters to France to discuss the matter. The Templar Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, arrived first in early 1307, but the other order was delayed for several months.

While waiting, De Molay and Clement discussed criminal charges that had been made two years earlier by an ousted Templar and were being discussed by King Philip IV of France and his ministers.

A former Templar named Esquin de Floryan had been accusing the Knights of various crimes for years. Crazy crimes. Remember, paranoid schizophrenia and other serious mental disorders existed back then but weren’t understood or treatable.

De Floryan accused the Knights of being heretics who “did not believe in the Mass or other sacraments,” AND, who practiced sodomy, spat on the cross, and “worshipped a demonic idol called Baphomet.”

Prior to De Floryan ever mentioning this “demon”, there is no mention of Baphomet in history. Ever. By anyone.

It was generally agreed that the charges were false, but King Phillip was taking them very seriously. Why? He was an unscrupulous piece of shit. Seriously. When King Phillip didnt’ like someone, accusations started flying. After a disagreement with Pope Clement’s predecessor, Pope Boniface VIII, he had that Pope beaten nearly to death. He did actually die a few days after his injuries. Pope Boniface and Phillip became enemies when Phil decided to kick the clergy out of government affairs and also start taxing them, a departure from the previous administration. Boniface didn’t like that, and he threatened Phil with excommunication, and Phil didn’t like that, so he asked Boniface to step down, Boniface said no, and he had some thugs beat him almost to death. This is a highly summarized version of events, but, it’s what happened. And then, when Boniface was dead, he held a a posthumous trial regarding him being heretic, and he accused Boniface of all kinds of stuff, including sodomy.

According to historians, Phillip really liked to throw around the term sodomy. This is back in the age of inquisitions when you could be burned at the stake for sodomy, and it was easy accusation to make.

So when some whackadoodle ex-Templar came around and started making accusations about sodomy and demon worship and all sorts of crazy sex rituals and shit against the Templars, he was all over it.

And why would he be all over this? He owed the Templars a lot of money. And most historians believe he began pressuring the new Pope to take action against the Templars, as a way of freeing himself from his debts. For years Philip had borrowed huge sums of money from the Knights to finance his wars against England and the Templars were now calling in his debt. The problem was France was bankrupt and Philip had no way of repaying his debts and soon the pope was threatening to confiscate France’s property unless the debt was repaid.

P. 1307: The Pope relented and authorized an Inquisition of the Templars. I’m sure it had something to do with not wanting to beaten to death. At dawn on Friday, 13 October 1307, King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested.

And then the Templars were tortured and admitted, under extreme duress that they did worship Baphomet, they did sodomize each other, and they also committed massive financial frauds, stole, spit on crosses, etc.

And then, after these bullshit confessions, Pope Clement, pressured by the King of France, issued the papal bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae on 22 November 1307, which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets.

Pope Clement then called for papal hearings to determine the Templars' guilt or innocence, and once freed of the Inquisitors' torture, the Templars recanted their confessions. Funny how that works.

But in 1310, King Philip insisted that the previously forced confessions were valid and he ended up getting a total of 56 Templars burned at the stake in Paris by the time it was all said and done.

And then, with King Philip threatening military action unless the pope complied with his wishes, Pope Clement finally agreed to disband the order, citing the public scandal that had been generated by the confessions. At the Council of Vienne in 1312, he issued a series of papal bulls which officially dissolved the order turned over most of Templar assets to the Hospitallers. King Phillip, of course, was absolved of all of his debt.

Grand Master De Molay asked to be tied in such a way that he could face the Notre Dame Cathedral and hold his hands together in prayer when he was burned.

And check out this badass legendary shit. According to legend, De Molay called out from the flames that both Pope Clement and King Philip would soon meet him before God. His actual words were recorded on the parchment as follows : "God knows who is wrong and has sinned. Soon a calamity will occur to those who have condemned us to death”. Pope Clement died only a month later. King Philip died in a hunting accident before the end of the year.

And how did Pope Clement die? According to one story, while his body was lying in state, a thunderstorm developed during the night and lightning struck the church where his body lay, igniting the building. The fire was so intense that when it was extinguished, the body of Pope Clement V was almost destroyed

Maybe just a legend! But, a cool one.

And with that, let’s hop out of this timeline.


IV. End of the Templars: A. So, the Templars are done in by the collapse of the Crusades and a greedy French King! Before he died, Pope Clement did absolve the Templars of the charges against them - obviously too late for the ones burned alive in Paris, but, the other Templars around did get to live out their remaining days in retirement on a pension or they were allowed to join other Orders. The modern Catholic churches take on the matter, is that the Templars did nothing wrong and were the victims of a scared Pope being bullied by an unscrupulous and greedy King.

B. Conclusions: Before we move on to conspiracies, let’s wrap up what we’ve learned overall about the Templars.

They started off as that small band of religious minded knights in Jerusalem, born in the aftermath of the First Crusade that created the Crusader States, and then, thanks to the political campaigning of first Grand Master Hugh of Payn [pie-yawn], they were able to get to the Pope to give them incredible powers - they could kill infidels without sin, they were answerable to no one but the Pope, and they didn’t have to tithe being some major benefits. And then, after being gifted tons of land and castles and money to help them fight in the Crusades, they became wealthy, they became bankers due to the number of fortified castles and fortresses they had across Europe and stretching into the Holy Land, and they fought in tons of battles trying to defend Crusader states, trying to lead Crusaders into the Holy land, attacking Islamic armies, defending against the Mongols, etc. They were the Pope’s army, and when he felt the need to either defend or expand Christendom, he called on the Templars.

But, then the Holy Land was lost to the Muslims. The Templars lost their headquarters. And then they lost their next headquarters. And then even lost a tiny island just off the coast of the Holy Land. And now there were no more pilgrims to protect. No more Crusader states to defend. And then, a greedy King who took advantage of their wealth and the fact that they’d recently fallen from their previously prestigious position among European Christians, trumped up some charges against them to absolve his debt. Fifty-six Templars end up getting burned at the stake. And the Order is disbanded and no longer exists.

Or do they!?! A lot of conspiracies say these fuckers are still around and they’re doing all kinds of stuff. So much. Let’s look into the most popular, and craziest, of those conspiracy theories.

But before we do that - let’s check in with a sponsor that helps teach you how to look critically at conspiracy theories!

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Link in the episode description! THIS is the only way to get that limited time only, only for Timesuckers discount. Click it! VI. Conspiracy theories:

A. Secret Bloodline of Christ!:

We’re gonna start with the one I’d heard before - that the Knights of Templar were killed because they held sacred knowledge and proof of Christ’s bloodline and his marriage to Mary Magdalene, and the Catholic Church wanted this game-changing information to stay hidden!

This notion is mocked pretty savagely in my favorite graphic novel series of all time, Preacher by Garth Ennis. In Preacher, in order to keep Jesus and Mary’s bloodline truly pure and undiluted, the children of Jesus and Mary keep in the family so to speak. And then their kids keep it in the family and so on. Siblings impregnate each other and give birth to the next generation so that the family tree never gets any branches.

So, by the modern age, it’s been 2,000 years of strict incest, and, well, the latest generation is, you know, not doing too great. They don’t look so hot. And, their mind isn’t very sharp. Haha.

This is Magdalene bloodline is also part of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, although not quite as cartoonish.

This theory involves the The Priory Of Scion, a secret society said to have been formed prior to the Knights Templar back in the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099. The Knights Templar was founded as the military and financial branch of this SECRET order - the SECRET society within the Templars - the Priory of Scion, was tasked with guarding Christ’s bloodline. And, of course they were tasked with SO MANY SECRETS.

Between 1956 and 1984, a Frenchman named Pierre Plantard contrived a mythical pedigree for the Priory of Sion claiming that it was the offshoot of a real Roman Catholic religious order housed in the Abbey of Our Lady of Mount Zion, which had been founded in the Kingdom of Jerusalem during the First Crusade in 1099 and later absorbed by the Jesuits in 1617. He pulled this whole thing out of his ass.

Pierre also claimed that he himself was part of this secret bloodline - of course he was! And that the bloodline was tied to the French Monarchy. And that he should be not only crowned the true French King, but that he would reestablish the Holy Roman Empire for the End Times apocalyptic battle with God as prophesied by Nostradamus. Remember the Nostradamus Suck? That guy was no prophet. No fortune teller. He was just another whackadoodle. He wrote a lot of vague doomsday-y stuff that could be molded to fit future events when future whackadoodles forced various conspiratorial narratives.

Pierre quietly died at the age of 79 in the year 2000. He was not the king of France when he died, he wasn’t the Holy Roman Emperor, and no end times battle occurred. I’m pretty sure I’d remember that.

Within this theory, it’s believed that the Roman Catholic Church murdered the Knights of Templar to gain access to all the known descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene to keep their theology, essentially, consistent and to keep their reason for existing as they do intact. Can’t have people thinking Jesus wasn’t a “pure” chaste man, because that kind of fucks up our whole emphasis on chastity that’s so important to the priesthood, bishops, Pope, etc.

Essentially, if Jesus wasn’t a virgin and liked a little soft inner lady skin from time to time - how could they justify a huge organization of virginal old men, who supposedly represent Christ?

So, the Church killed the protectors of the descendants of Christ to help stay in power and keep some descendent from some day rising above their church and dissolving it.

Lot of problems with this theory obviously. A big one being most of the Knights Templar WEREN’T killed. Just those guys in Paris. Another major problem is that there is zero historical evidence of any of this.

B. The Knights of Templar were in America 100 years before Columbus:

Another popular theory states that the The Knights of Templar were in America 100 years before Columbus. Nice! Good job Templars! Way to just figure out how to get to a continent no one knew existed. And do it secretly!

Did you not know that the Templars discovered America? No? Well, wake the fuck up! SO MUCH evidence is found in Scotland at Rosslyn Chapel, formerly known as the Collegiate Chapel of St. Matthew, and it is beautiful. Seriously! I really hope I can visit this place someday. Gotta make it to Scotland! And my SO MUCH evidence I mean almost no evidence. Actually, I mean zero evidence.

The chapel is richly decorated with carvings. Among these are carvings that have been identified as maize, a plant native to North America, and also carvings identified as ‘aloe cactus’ and described as a New World plant. And this is used as evidence of the Templars excursion to the new world. The Da Vinci code, again, references this chapel as being part of the Mary Magdalene conspiracy.

BUT - here’s the fucking thing.

The Rosslyn Chapel was built in 1456. One hundred and fifty years after the fall fo the Templars. The Templars didn’t have shit to do with the building of this chapel. BUT! Part of the conspiracy is that in 1307, some Templars snuck away from France with a bunch of treasure and sailed to Scotland and hid some of their treasure here, and, the Rosslyn chapel now IS a Secret Templar/ Priory Of Scion/ Freemason/Demon church.

And its decorations are proof the Templars made it to the New World before Columbus!

Except the carving of maize clearly isn’t maize. It doesn’t look like maize at all. And the ‘aloe cactus’ at Rosslyn could in fact be almost any kind of plant; it is definitely not obviously aloe or a cactus. Nor is aloe a cactus; it is a succulent; and it is native to Africa, not America, and it certainly could not have grown in New England, which has severe winters.

Also - these carvings aren’t part of the original structure. They were added at some point AFTER 1456, and could’ve easily been added after 1492. So there’s that.

This theory also suggests that an old stone tower at Newport, Rhode Island is a Templar tower. The Newport Tower is round and stands on round arches; a round church clearly built by Templar colonists who came to America, right???

Except… the Newport Tower was built as a windmill for grinding grain in the seventeenth century and is mentioned in 1677 as ‘my stone build Wind Mill’ in its owner’s will. And two separate archaeological excavations at the tower, one in 1951, another in 2006, both concluded that the tower was built between 1650 and 1670 CE.

So there goes that.

But still, there is the theory that the Templars would have come in about 1308 after the suppression of their order in France, escaping with their fleet from La Rochelle, some sailing for Scotland, others for the New World. One name that gets tossed around a lot is Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney and the son and heir of William Sinclair, Lord of Rosslyn.

Henry Sinclair is alleged by conspiracy theorists to have been a Templar, there’s absolutely no proof of this whatsoever, and he took charge of a voyage by the Venetian brothers Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, who in maps and letters later claimed to have reached Nova Scotia via Greenland in 1389 and explored some of the North American coastline more than a hundred years before the voyage of Columbus.

But there are numerous problems with. Most historians think the letters claiming all of this are forgeries claimed by the authors of the Hiram Key, Christopher Knight and Robery Lomas, to help sell their book. And again, there’s no proof he was a Templar, because, you know, the Templars weren’t around anymore.

It’s so easy to accuse people of being in Secret Societies, because, then when people don’t believe you tell you there’s no proof, you can just say, “Well of course there’s no proof! It’s a SECRET SOCIETY!!! The proof is secret! Wake up!”

1. Oak Island Treasure Sub-Theory:

A fun sub-theory to the Templar exploration of the new world, one that happened a hundred years before Columbus and decades after the Templars disbanded, is that Templars made it to Oak Island. Haha! Yes, the mysterious Oak Island we sucked on back in December, when we learned that the only interesting going on on that island is the island’s ability to lure countless dipshits into looking for treasure that was never buried there.

But, according to legend, on the day King Philip indicted the Knights Templar, the Order loaded up their various treasures from their headquarters in Paris and loaded it onto boats. From there, the boats were sent to Scotland and eventually settled with Sinclair. He hid the treasure in Rosslyn Chapel.

If these Templars knew King Phillip was coming for them, why didn’t their Grand Master sneak away? We didn’t other upper members sneak away?

Anyway, in an attempt to start a new, utopian Order - they did want their own nation at one point - a monastic state, Sinclair and the treasure - along with the Zeno brothers of Venice and handful of others - sailed to modern day Canada. The new Order did not survive, and instead of heading back to Europe they buried the treasure on Oak Island. The treasure is protected by a "Money Pit" full of complicated traps. Sounds legit. They didn’t have the ability to create the beginnings of a new society, BUT, they did somehow have the ability to build a pit full of so many intricate traps that modern day explorers still can’t get to the treasure. Just think about how ridiculous that is. Not enough dudes to shack up with native women and have babies and start a settlement, BUT, plenty of dudes to dig a treasure pit full of numerous booby traps that would be hard for a modern corporation to recreate with modern digging equipment at its disposal.

So, did they just come back to Europe after burying their treasure? Nope. They assimilated into a native tribe in Canada even though there is no evidence whatsoever of this. Too bad for those native First Nations Canadians this didn’t really happen, maybe Sinclair could’ve helped them build up a tolerance to European communicable diseases like small pox.

C. The New World Order and the Knights Templar:

Now let’s talk about how the Knights Templar are part of the New World Order. You know they help run the world, right? Get off your knees and stop worshiping the New World Order, Timesuckers! Wake up and smell the Templars!

A Knights Templar and Freemason obsessed author named John J. Robinson who died in 1996 wrote a book, "Born In Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry” that claimed that the Freemasons and Knights Templar were and are intertwined. Here we go again with the Freemasons!

John said that after the Knights Templar was formed, over the centuries to come, they would be referred to as the Order of the Temple, the Knights of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, and a number of other variations.

BUT! Two things remained constant: Whatever the form of their name, it was always based on the Temple of Solomon, and it always took second place to the popular name they bear still, the Knights Templar."

Duh, duh, DUHHHHHH!!!! Do you see it, Timesucker? Do you see that clear and obvious and powerful connection? Are you WOKE? Is your third eye working? Do you understand what this so very obviously means???

Anyone familiar with Freemasonry knows that Freemasonry claims to be have been founded upon the building of the Temple of Solomon.

SO. CLEARLY since they both claim to have been based on the Temple of Solomon. They are OBVIOUSLY the same group! And we already know from the Freemason double suck that Freemasons are clearly a Satanic order composed of secret and powerful Jewish leaders who will destroy and/or enslave all Christians.

This is as crazy as saying, “Did you ever think about how Muslims and Christians are actually part of the same religion! Sure, they’ve killed each other a lot over the years, BUT, they both claim Jerusalem as their home! Don’t you see what’s happening!! They’re part of the same team! Same place equals same team! All the fighting is being done to distract us from the truth!”

There really isn’t better evidence than this for this theory. It’s that weak. And yet I bet hundreds of thousands if not millions believe it.

D. The Holy Grail: Rosslyn Chapel is said to be where the Knights of Templar kept their secret, possibly including the Holy Grail:

Another theory claims that Rosslyn Chapel STILL holds Templar secrets and treasure and that the biggest secret treasure is the Holy Grail.

It’s still there! It’s in Scotland right now. How do we know this? Because there are two-hundred and thirteen cubes with strange inscriptions within the architecture and these cubes are speculated to be Priory of Sion - related and possibly even tell what is below the chapel floors. So many things are hidden beneath the floors including:

1. The Holy Grail 2. The mummified head of Jesus 3. The crown Jewels of Scotland 4. Tombs filled with large amounts of treasure 5. Moses’ Eyeballs 6. Abraham’s right hand 7. Hitler’s mustache 8. Darth Vader’s helmet 9. Michael Motherfuckin’ McDonalds songbook! “Yah Mo Be There! Yah Mo Be There! Yah Mo Be Next to the Holy Grail! Yah Mo Be Sitting Next to Moses Eyeballs! Yah Mo Be Filed Near Vader’s Helmet! Yah Mo Be Lookin’ At Hitler’s Mustache!

You just got McDonald’d!!! Kind of. Bit of a reinterpretation of the Bard of Timesuck’s most famous work.

Of course those last few items are nonsense. But, the conspiracy does mention the mummified head of Jesus. So weird.

What is the Holy Grail, by the way? It’s the cup Jesus drank from at the last supper. And, it supposedly received blood flowing from Jesus’ side while he was dying on the cross. That part seems super weird to me.

(Disciple) “Hi Jesus! I’ve come to help!”

( Jesus) “Great! You can get me down from here!?!”

(Disciple) “No! But - look what I brought you!”

(Jesus) “Is that a cup?”

(Disciple) “Yes! It’s YOUR cup! From the last supper!”

(Jesus) “Please, don’t talk about food. I’m very hungry. Did you bring me something to drink in the cup?”

(Disciple) “Uh, no. Good idea though! I was thinking I could catch your blood in it as you die! Isnt’ that neat!?!”

Legend has it, this relic grants the power to heal wounds, deliver eternal youth, and, possibly, grant everlasting life.

King Arthur himself supposedly looked for the Holy Grail! And that brings us to numerous problems with it. It probably doesn’t exist. For one thing, a lot of historians don’t think that King Arthur himself existed. A lot of historians doubt he was real person. He comes from Geoffrey of Monmouth’s - NOT JOFF-REY’s 12th century tales. And a many historians think his tales were just that - tales. Made-up stories.

Also, the Grail isn’t mentioned in any Christian texts prior to the 12th century. So, that’s a bit of a problem. Why didn’t anyone mention it for the first millennium plus of the religion? How was it kept a total secret for over a thousand years?

10. 911 Conspiracy: There’s also the 911 Conspiracy. Yup. Remember the 9/11 Suck we did awhile back. Well, maybe it was an inside job. An inside job orchestrated by the illuminati/freemason/Sion Templars!

The Templars were recognized at Clermont in 1118. Do you see it? 1+1+1+8= ELEVEN! It’s right there people! Wake up!

There may have been nine original founding Templars and they first banded together in 1111 and taking no new members for 9 years. And this IS somehow the numerical basis for the United States 9/11 tragedy! That’s what they were worried about back then! Not trying to stay alive. Not trying to form a new Order. Not try to win the Crusades, which, overall, they didn’t by the way. NO! What they were REALLY concerned with was a country that didn’t exist yet that would be built in a land they didn’t know existed yet.

And real people with jobs who can vote believe in this fucking insanely preposterous bullshit.

So claims author Robert Howard in his book, “Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within our own Government”

On 9/11/19 the U.S. invaded Honduras.

On 9/11/22 the British mandate for is created giving a home to the Jewish people! What about THAT 9/11???

Actually that date is meaningless. The correct date was actually September 29th, 1923.

BUT! On 9/11/41 construction on the US Pentagon began! That date is true. And then sixty years later, the towers are destroyed on 9/11/11. Tah Dah!

What does that all mean!?! It means that the Templars wanted to hurt America but not come close to destroying it hundreds of years ago. Don’t you see? Doesn’t it make sense? Could these random numbers, picked from almost a thousand years of tens of thousands of significant random dates just be coincidence? YES! Definitely!

For sure!

Oh. And also, on the web’s chat rooms, you can find a whole of lot of other powers attributed to the Templar’s including time travel abilities, UFO connections, they were behind the assassinations of both Houdini and JFK, and they may have Templar bases on Mars.

Nothings off limits when you don’t care about logic, science, or rational thought. What a fun world to live in!

Let’s look further into this crazy world, with today’s Idiots of the Internet .


E. Idiots of the Internet

This is maybe my favorite Idiots ever. So good. We’re doing a big one today!

F. On November 3rd, 2016, UFO Mania posted a video called Secretive Knights Templar Make Astounding Bid to Save World. They say in the video description:

“In what is surely one of the most amazing reports we have ever read, Russia’s foreign military intelligence directorate is reporting to President Putin today that they have confirmed that the most secretive organization in the World has contacted Lord James of Blackheath of the United Kingdom and made an astounding offer to save the Global economy with their vast gold reserves said to be more than has been mined in all of the World’s history.”

And it’s typical whackadoodle shit. And, it’s been over a year and-a- half since this game changing news broke and nothing’s happened.

The video makes a case for the Freemasons being Knights Templar, and they point to the same bullshit proof we just covered that the Templars beat Columbus to America. They add that the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia is a Templar school of some sort. And, they point out that the Templars have “more gold than the sum total that has been mined in all of human history”. So, I guess they’ve been getting gold from Space? How do you have more gold than all of the gold? So much weird shit.

1. First comment is from User Testament. They ask, simply, “how does one become a member of the knights?”

You build a time machine and go back between 1118 and 1312 you dumb shit. They’re not around anymore! You can’t be one.

That’s the advice I would give. But, apparently there a lot of real life Templar Knights on the web along with a lot of people who know all about them. Kong the Destroyer, who I’m guessing mostly destroys his dick alone in his room or destroys his PS4 controller, says, “Some of us are born into it, others are brought in by existing members…"

Right. You’re a Knight’s Templar Kong the Destroyer. And I’m an award winning R&B vocalist. Get the fuck out of here.

2. Columbo Joe 666 gives Testament a place to join. Kind of. Not an address or a name or anything, that’s what you would do if you actually knew where a Templar house was. No, Columbo posts, “there is a knights templar in Georgia but they worship Baphomet and are underground they have much knowledge but not that rich.”

Thanks for the deets, Joe. I think I’ll pass on the Georgia Templars. I like that they have “much knowledge” but, I’m looking to join an Order who is “that rich” and who don’t worship a demon some French dude made up in the early 14th century.

G. Silver Birch Outdoors has a problem, as I do, with the Templar gold claim. He posts, “How can they have more gold than has been mined in history? Complete stupidity.”

Exactly Silver Birch, if that is your real name. But, you’re in the wrong threat for logic and common sense amigo. Silver Birch gets PLENTY of crazy answers.

1. User 1G3001 suggests, “The Rivers of Mars…" 2. User Tommy Northwood states, “Before History, not time”

I really don’t think these assholes are trolls. I think they’re serious.

“It’s Mars, bro! Duh.d They got most of the Earth’s gold, but also a shit ton of Martian Gold. Mars STILL has Templar mines on it. My Uncle, who lives with us, told me.”

“Dude! Open your mind! They have gold from the future right now. They have more gold than all of the gold that has been minded PRIOR to now. BUT, also have gold mined a thousand years from now.”

3. Sayven 1 offers a slightly less crazy option, “For all the world knows, there might be an entire, ancient Mayan, secretly hidden, city of gold, available to the arch enemy of evil. The point they could intend, despite the semantics, is that they wish to help those deserving souls who have earned blessed relief.”

Um. Is that less crazy than Mars? I don’t think so actually. “Hey everybody, do you think that they have an ancient Mayan devil city made of Gold?”

“Alright, Ryan, that will be quite enough. That’s why you can’t skip a day of your meds.”

4. JK Machine also thinks about the Mayans, stating: “what if they found all the secret Mayan temples.”

Why does it have to be Mayan gold? Why the Mayan fixation?

5. Silver Birch Outdoors tries to clarify his original question after all this, “That gold was still mined. It didn't grow on trees. All gold has been mined, so even if you have all the gold in the world you can't have MORE than has been mined It's not rocket science”.

Damn it, Silver Birch! This isn’t the place for rocket science! This is the place for pure madness!

6. Complete fucking moron Timothy Speicher, replies directly to Silver Birch Outdoors, saying, “Dumb ass there's other valuables then gold is just one IDIOT.”

Wow. Timothy. The video said specifically, “They have more gold than all the gold mined on Earth.” You are really bad at arguments.

“I have more Magic The Gathering cards than all the Magic the Gathering cards that have ever been made.”

“Really? So you made extra cards, then?”

“NO! That’s not what I said! I have official Magic the Gathering cards, the ones they make. And I have MORE than have ever been made!”

“How is that possible? Do you not have even a first grade understanding of mathematics?”

“MORE than have EVER been made!!!”

“Repeating it doesn’t make it more logical or possible.”


H. Peter Seger joins the dipshit party, posting: “This is one of the evilest sadistic groups on earth. The Jesuits must be exposed the Knights Templar's are blood thirsty. Their can only be one Master and he doesn't sit in Rome. The people of the Catholic Church are good people but the flock has been deceived by Satanist that head the Vatican. All secret society's are inherently evil by being secret. Man is corrupted by secrecy, power, and wealth. We must alway shine light on the private secret groups and their associates.”

No, Peter. Secret groups are THE BEST! That’s why I wanted to launch the Space Lizards and the Secret Suck. I wanted to have a closed group not anyone can just wander into. Why? So we can keep out fucking riff raff like you. Keeping out the riff raff - that’s why secret groups form. And you are SO riff-y and raff-y. Freemasons want to be able enjoy a drink in a lodge without someone like you blowing them up with a bunch of horse shit.

User Care Bare replies to Peter with even more crazy: “Peter Stager Our founding fathers were The real free masons,,,❣ Who wrote our constitution., they are not evil, ,The pope is the dam devil child predators,,,,,A Bunch of sadistic freaks running wild in the house of the devil ,Vatican is pure evil☠ I hope the knights kick their ass, Go President Trump ”

What does Trump have to do with any of that? Why does Trump have to fight the Pope? Is that some part of his presidency I’m unaware of? Is he gonna nuke the Vatican? I really need to start watching the news again I guess.

I. Whackadoodle Jamie Doyle has a lot of answers. He posts, about the video itself, not another commenter. “Your Information concerning The Knights Templar is wrong. You should research the real reason why they were disbanded. They had broken up into two factions. One that put wealth and power first, the other remained Soldiers of Christ. It was the first one mentioned that moved to America and 'THEY' started the Illuminati. They are the Soldiers of the devil. The Soldiers of Christ stayed hidden in Europe. A large force moved to Scotland to Guard the Goblet and other Sacred items.”

Nuts like Jamie are some of my favorites. Know-it-alls living in the world of make believe. Correcting people on shit that isn’t real.

(know it all)“Actually, that’s NOT true. The Illuminati are NOT reptilian. They’re immortal Templars who get power from God’s Goblet. Whoever holds the God Goblet has ALL the power! I read about it in a book I wrote.”

(know it all) “Actually, that’s not how you ride a unicorn! You couldn’t ride a unicorn that way. Sheesh!

Your information concerning snake-bats is totally wrong! Snake-bats have a different ration of snake to bat than what you’re describing.”

Oh, Jamie. How about the next time you think about sharing a thought you read a book instead. One printed through a university.

J. Or maybe Jamie should talk to Kevin Ohara. Ohara considers himself quite the wise sage. You can tell by what he posts. First, he posts, “all gold and silver belongs to the Lord so no man can keep it.”

And then, he posts, “all good things come to he that asks and wait’s"

What are you talking about Kevin? No one’s talking about how the gold belongs to in some immortal sense. Gold does belong to us when we’re alive you gibberish pseudo-philosopher. Do you pay your bills in God? Or do you pay them in money? And “asks and waits” is just hilarious phrasing. “Why doesn’t anything good ever happen to me?” “I don’t know. Have you ever tried to asks and waits for the goods things? I finds that asks and waits works bests for mees mosts ofs times its asks and waits works.”

K. User Barry Bretz makes another random Trump post, “God placed Pres Trump. in his office!! Dont mess with him!” Why post that here, Barry? The video doesn’t mention Trump. It’s a video about Templar money. It talks about England. What the fuck are you doing? Get some sleep. You seem tired and fragile.

L. User Douglas Eddy is sick of the Templar’s bullshit. He posts, “What baloney, they have this wealth because the Catholic Church helped form them, and anything they offer is what they stole thru usury. Just another NWO plan with bondage to it, no doubt, like the European Union” M. Captain Pancho finally solves the Gold Problem. “Alchemy made gold no doubt.”

Bam! Now we’re talking Captain Pancho! You cracked the code! What is alchemy? [al-kuh-mee] Alchemy, according to the dictionary, is “a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy practiced in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and concerned principally with discovering methods for transmuting baser metals into gold and with finding a universal solvent and an elixir of life.”

Making that gold, baby! Pouring some gravel into one end of the magic alchemy machine - maybe adding some salt and some eye of newt - getting 24 karats coming out the other! That’s how the illuminati makes their REAL money - alchemy. Almost makes you wonder, if they can just make as much gold as they want, then why do they fuck with anyone? Why not just be really rich and do what you want like really rich people have always done?

N. User Ron Kinard gives the world a heads up, posting, “Somehow, I just do NOT believe the "luciferian order of the knight's templar, a/k/ a masonic order" has OUR BEST INTERESTS at heart, no matter how much "gold" they offer"! Remember, The Kingdom of God, in other words Heaven, has it's streets paved in the PUREST gold that you can see through! Whom do you trust?!~Heads UP!”

Nice, Ron! Thanks buddy. Thanks for watching out for the rest of us. Great heads up. If you wouldn’t of warned us, we might have just accepted their gold machine gold and ended up sitting next to the Devil in that big lake or fire! Whew! That was close.

O. Raymond Ostendorf is also worried, posting, “They are making a bid for the NWO. They are satanic and dangerous.”

Interesting! I am INTRIGUED Raymond. If they’re making a bid for the NWO, does that mean they’re competing with other groups? Is it the Templars versus the lizard illuminati? Who else is competing? The Elks Lodge people? The Moose Lodge people? What about carnies? Are carnies somehow in the running? No, of course not. But what about Bill Gates? McDonald’s? Ronald McDonald? Donald McDonald?

One more!

P. User Rick Atkinson has a new Templar theory he’s been dying to share. He advises that we: “Read Solomon's Power Brokers. KTs escaped France in 1307 and founded Switzerland (best geographical military stronghold) to continue their international banking business. They were the force restraining the church in the dark ages, and later founded the democracies we now enjoy (until career politicians took over).”

Rick. Have you ever, and I mean, even one time, read a history book written by a historian? This shit is complete nonsense.

I looked into Solomon’s Power Brokers and it’s pure whackadoodle. Typical Freemasons are the Knights Templar are the Illuminati are the New World Order made-up horseshit.

Banking didn’t kick off in Switzerland until the early 18th century. It didn’t go from the Templars at the dawn of the 14th century and than zip right on over to Switzerland. There is literally no evidence of any sort of sophisticated banking of any kind in Switzerland in the 14th, 15th, 16th, or even 17th century. Switzerland’s current banking empire began in the 18th century when Swiss mercenaries, fighting in foreign wars, started bringing a lot of money home and needed somewhere safe to store it.

Specifically, The Great Council of Geneva, in 1713, established regulations that required bankers to keep registers of their clients but prohibited them from sharing the information with anyone except the client-unless the City Council agreed with the need to divulge information. Ten minutes of focused research would teach you all of this.

Switzerland didn’t set up a modern government and really become the nation we know today until 1848. During the time that the Templars were disbanded, much of it was part of the Holy Roman Empire and would remain so until the 17th century. So, timeline and banking history are a wee bit off as far as your Templar theory goes.

But thanks for the nonsense.


VII. Conclusions A. Alright. That was fun! Love sharing whackadoodle conspiracies. It’s so amazing to me that so many people believe this shit. Like, really believe it. If you think they’re all trolls, you’re wrong. And I know this because, sadly, I’ve met in my travels a lot of people who really are into this shit. I’ve met a few comics who really believe some of this stuff. I have family members who really believe some of this shit.

And, mostly, in my experience, they’re not intellectually curious people. They’re not necessarily stupid. They just show no interest in thoroughly looking into something. They either don’t know how to decipher credible from preposterous sources or don’t care to learn how. They just read something and, if it fits their worldview, accept it as a truth.

I’m really trying to retrain my brain to be like, “Interesting, but, where did you get that information.” And then, if it doesn’t seem legit, I try to let go of believing in it. Like that damn Stanford Prison experiment! I believed it. An accredited professor published it and it was initially accepted by the psychology community.

A new exposé published by Medium based on previously unpublished recordings of Philip Zimbardo, the Stanford psychologist who ran the study, and interviews with his participants, offers convincing evidence that the guards in the experiment were coached to be cruel. It also shows that the experiment’s most memorable moment — of a prisoner descending into a screaming fit, proclaiming, “I’m burning up inside!” — was the result of the prisoner acting. “I took it as a kind of an improv exercise,” one of the guards told reporter Ben Blum. “I believed that I was doing what the researchers wanted me to do.”

Damn it! Fucking Zimbardo bullshitted us. Time to rethink what he know about whatever we thought we learned from his study. And, if you thought, prior to this episode, that the Knights Templar made it to America before Columbus, well, maybe time to rethink that one.

And now, it is definitely time, for Top Five Takeaways.


VIII.Top Five Takeaways

1. Number one! On the night on Friday, May 18th, 1291, Acre, the last remaining Christian stronghold taken in the initial Crusades almost 200 years earlier, falls back to the Muslims. BUT! It takes over a week longer to destroy the Templar’s fortress. They were the last to go! And, before leaving, they killed a few hundred of the Sultan’s men and snuck out their treasure. Bad asses to the end.

2. Number two! At dawn on Friday, the 13th, October 1307, King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested after getting Pope Clement to agree to authorize an inquisition against them based on trumped up charges.

And then, on November 22nd, 1307, the Pope instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets and the Knights Templar were no more.

3. Number three! There is zero proof that the Knights Templar made it to Oak Island. But, the History channel still wants you to think that it’s possible because shitty History Channel execs care more about ratings than actual history.

4. Number four! Some people believe that the Templars are somehow behind the 9/11 attacks. Seriously. And that the Templars predicted these attacks with their formation. Oh, and they’re protecting the Holy Grail and Christ’s bloodline.

5. Number five! New info! The Templar Diet!

“The exceptional longevity of Templar Knights was generally attributed to a special divine gift,” writes the Catholic scholar Francesco Franceschi in a recent journal article, according to Atlas Obscura. But there is a more modern answer: The Knights Templar followed a compulsory diet that may have contributed to their long lives. The men in the group took formal vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and though the order was one of the richest in the world, they didn’t eat like it.

The knights ate in pairs and were told to “study the other more closely” to make sure that neither was eating more than his share —and were also eating enough. They only ate meat three times a week and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, the knights ate vegetable-filled meals and bread. They some ate a thick soup made of oats or vegetables and they grew fruits in their gardens. On Fridays, they ate no eggs, milk or animal products. They were allowed to drink wine, but not much, and it was diluted.

Sensible eating! Fresh food and lots of fruits and veggies! Man, I need to get on that. Mochas and red bulls are probably NOT adding to my life expectancy.

During the 13th century, average life expectancy for men, even wealthy, landowners, was about 31 years, rising to about 48 years for those who made it to their twenties. The Knights Templar, however, often lived long past 60. And typically, they did not die from illness, but at the hands of their enemies.


IX. Final announcements. A. The Knights Templar have been TOTALLY sucked now! My jaw hurts. Gotta kink in my neck. Bit of a headache. But I sucked all of the Templars.

B. Thanks! Big thanks to the Timesuck Team! Harmony Vellekamp, Jesse Dobner, Reverend Doctor Josh Krell, Alex Dugan, the Bit Elixir Team, Danger Brain, Erik Radaker, and Queen of the Suck Lynze Cummins.

Thanks again to Kai Beamer for sending in a list of conspiracies to look into!

C. We discuss a new empire on Monday. The Azetcs! Been a long time since we ventured into South America. Last time it was for Pablo Escobar and cocaine. Now, we dig into an empire that ran on more than white lightning and machine guns.

Egypt and Rome seem to get all the glory of ancient history and civilization, but what was happening in the rest of the world? Was everyone else just fumbling through life, trying to figure out how to put two syllables together? No!

The Aztecs built a vast empire, one that outpaced, outstaged, and outpopulated the likes of Paris at the time. They were a powerhouse warrior based society with a devout religious following and growing empire.

And then Cortes showed up and shit changed so quickly. Why? Why did the massive empire fall so fast? Let’s dig in and find out what really happened. Did Montezuma's bloody and superstitious Mexican empire crash at the hands of a few brave conquistadors, as Cortes and history often tell us? Or did a cruel and greedy Cortes capitalize on existing internal strife that was already hurting the empire when he showed up? Let’s find out on Monday! My sister Donna kicked off research and she always does such a good job. She’s such a good teacher. I’m excited to see how much ass she kicked!

D. Time now for some Timesucker Updates!


X. Timesucker Updates A. Email From: Dennis Bashaw

Message: Hail Suckmaster, prophet of nimrod. I am a medical librarian and wanted to see what i could find about having leprosy on your dick. Apparently there are cases of poor bastards having dick leprosy. I couldn't find any reports that bluntly said their dicks rotted off, but i did find one that said the patient suffered from a painful ulcer with necrotic slough on his glans penis (the head). Necrotic slough is defines as a type of necrotic wound which is characterized as being yellow, tan, green or brown in color and may be moist, loose and stringy in appearance. I googled an image search for necrotic slough penis, don't look at the pictures, they are horrific!!! Definitely nothing you want on your dick. Keep on sucking.

B. Email From: Justin Message:

Dear Reverend Dr. Master Suck Lizard, I just finished listening to the gsk episode. I just wanted to say I feel the same way you do about what should happen to him if he is found guilty and he ends up in prison. I am a long time sucker and space lizard. I have been a prison guard for most of my adult life with the exception of 2 years, I currently work at a federal prison. you would be surprised at how easy these people have it. we have quite a few monsters locked up here and we can look up and see exactly what charges they have and we cant treat the monsters any worse than the people who have petty crimes. the system is a joke what you see in movies and most tv shows is just that a show that was made by someone who was never in prison and will never know what it is really like. even people like the gsk will not be treated to harshly in prison if he makes it into federal prison which I highly doubt he will go to a yard that is mostly sex offenders so he will not be raped or anything bad. if he some how wound up on a normal yard then I can assure you they would check the paperwork and he would probably die but they wont allow that to happen. he would go straight into segregation and be shipped if he found his way here. if you would like to talk about what actually happens in federal prison just email me. I have been a big fan of yours for a very long time I found you on pandora and haven't turned back since then. continue the great work Dan and keep the suck coming. sorry if there are any type-os I am on my phone typing this. Sincerely, Space Lizard

C. Tonya Gregerson

First of all, if like to thank you for time suck.

My husband introduced to me to your podcast about a year ago and I appreciate it for so many reasons. I love the range of topics that your cover and that you are able to bring humor into everything, no matter the topic. For a very long time I believed that there was something shameful about my sense of humor and that my job that caused this had ruined me. I am a probation/parole agent, supervising everyone from parolees that had been convicted for murder, child sex offenders, offenders who suffer for severe and persistent mental health issues, to your basic weed possession. I have found that bringing humor into my world doesn't make me a bad person, it's what I need to be able to do what I do everyday. I listen to your podcast while I do the endless amounts of paperwork which makes it not suck so much.

I've also learned that I can learn something from almost everyone. Just today I was learning about the Pagan religion from one of the sex offenders on my caseload who is practicing and it was super interesting! I explained that I was just listening to your podcast about the Knights Templar which started that discussion. I however did not suggest your podcast, I don't think he would approve of your views on sex offenders.

Keep doing what you're doing

Thanks again, Tonya

D. OG Timesucker Rebecca Pridmore

What up master sucker supreme, Little guide on UK pronunciations for you. No big deal, just so you sound like you know your shit next time.

When an English county has "shire" in the name, it isn't pronounced like the Shire in The Hobbit, it's mostly contracted to a short "shur", with a falling 'r' . So Cambridgeshire is pronounced "cambridge-shur" with the 'r' barely spoken.

Also Edinburgh is "Edin-buh-ruh", no 'o's here champ. Same goes for other names with boro/burugh.

Keep up the good work! Rebecca

PAUSE TIMESUCKER UPDATES! XI. Goodbye! A. Thanks for listening again Timesuckers. Have a great fucking weekend! If you figure out how to make a gold-making machine, please make a little for me, and keep on suckin’ you magnificent bastards! Third_Crusade#Advances_on_Jerusalem,_regicide,_and_negotiations Pope_Boniface_VIII#Continued_feud_with_Philip_IV pope-clement-v-and-the-fall-of-the-knights-templar-part-i/,_Earl_of_Orkney followed-to-stay-so-healthy/