1 IV. THE “MEDICALIZATION OF MURDER”: THE “EUTHANASIA” PROGRAMS Part 1: The Children’s “Euthanasia” ProGram Professor Susan Benedict UT Health Science Center Houston, Texas, USA 77030
[email protected] 001-713-500-2039 Purpose of the Module: The PurPose of this module is to describe how the “euthanasia” ProGram in Germany beGan with the murder of children with disabilities. Suggested Reading: 1. BurleiGh, M. (1994). Death and Deliverance. CambridGe, UK: CambridGe University Press, P. 93-129. 2. Friedlander, H. (1995). The OriGins of Nazi Genocide. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, P. 39-61. 3. Gallagher, H. (1990). By Trust Betrayed. ArlinGton, VA: Vandamere Press, P. 88-104. 4. Proctor, R. (1988). Racial HyGiene. CambridGe, MA: Harvard University Press, P. 177- 222. 5. Benedict, S., O’Donnell, A., Shields, L. (2009). Children’s “euthanasia” in Nazi Germany. Journal of Pediatric NursinG, (246), 506-516. Suggested Video: HealinG by KillinG, Part I. Objectives: 1. To identify the major historical factors leadinG to the children's euthanasia ProGram 2. To describe the major beliefs of the German PeoPle and the German culture consistent with the develoPment of the children's euthanasia ProGram 3. To sPecifically apPraise the roles of Physicians and nurses in these killinGs 4. To analyze the connections between the killinG of disabled children and the apPlication of racial hyGiene Policy 5. To identify your feelinGs and thouGhts about the value of the individual and society's resPonsibility to Protect vulnerable GrouPs 6. To discuss the relevancy of this module to contemPorary Practice Discussion Points: 1.