Consolidated Loan. ASA THURSTON
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Xatnre*i for Sr. B. toiisi will now let us ask If there it any of F. A PlUc. Appeals Help. Reorjre of Salem. 3dx«s naked. And Prospects To the Voters of Augusta. ,1for Sale or to speak at reason to for the slightest amelioration Lvcry indication of debility and exhaustion is a ?irr. >ouui hope This seem to stand so CITT CLERK'S OF PTC T. Berwick, Friday, 9ept. tfh Will the election gentleman don't of Nature for medicinal aid to arrest j Journal of this condition of affairs? mute appeal ArocsrA, Me., Aug 31, IS7J. measures for our as he once in the minds of lead- How are these silent ! Ren. B. F. Butler of Mass., will speak in Nor- of Mr. Greeley inaugurate high did, the progress of decay. ap- Yon are hereby not fled to assemble at your re- To Let or Sell. AUGUSTA, 7. is a of Ward Room-* on 9th, ombega UttII, Bangor, Saturday evening, oept. rescue? We answer that there gleam in peals of physical weakness to the resources of the spcctive Monday, sep*ember A ZV m ing Republicans Washington county. at 10 o’clock A. M.. then and theie to give in jour W, E la Id « A X T 187a. his election will us the met ? Too often, MORNING, Sept. 6, and that give heal Lug art usually unfortunately — ynttiAY hope, Here's what a Sen- v<>ter for the viz.: For Governor AJSD— a of our member of the Maine followingollicers, Mr. Kimball** Last Trick. means of eacape from portion ills. the drugs prescribed aggravate the symptoms. of the State, lor Representative to Congress', for ate and two C'ominocUoiiM NOMINATIONS. We can at least through him secure the con- last winter, a man of character Whoever recommends drastic or min- Senators tor the seventh Senatorial District, House, REPUBLICAN candi- purgatives, tell II. a or u Mr. C. P. the Greeley offices and of the for two Representatives to the Legislature, for a J.U grilled luinily first-class boarding Kimball, trol of the Federal army influence in that of him and eral salivants, or poisono s alkaloids, under such house; his county, says County Commissioner, Countv Treasurer, ReirUter possession giv«n during ibe un>. th ol FUR PRESIDENT, date lor Governort has not and and these can all be used for the ot ailmeut aud an of leather. This i.-oue ol ihemo-l forgotten navy, his to a circumstances, is an ally the Deeds, Judge of Probate,’Register of Probate, eligible situations in a letter • ■ restoration of the white race to in the prospects, business and Sheriff. iiilhecitv. inquire til Hits oillee. uuvi i1 n* old tricks. He is now sending broadcast power enemy of the patient. Whoever, on the contrary, South—even in South Carolina and Louisiana gwtleman in this The noils to be closed at 4 o’clock P. M. a GRANT most city: advises the broken down and despondent The Board of Aldermen will be in session Residence for ULYSSES over the State a circular disparaging The of the wealth, ^offerer open Elegant Sale. superiority intelligence, “Political matters are getting very hot in to lesort tothat Hos- for llie purpose of correcting the lists ot voters, and Of lUInola. peerless vegetable iuvlgorant, ei’UE house and of the Governor Perham in connection and blood of the white race will make itself this district. The talk of evideuce of the of voters grounds bite ,1. p. Flagg wickedly treachery and low. dirty t.tter’s Stomach fi tters, for aid und comfort, is a receiving qualification -1 in will whose names are not ou the lists, on Ihursd tv, Esq., Hallowed, ate offered f,»r sale. An FOR VICE PRESIDENT, an ar- felt, and, of numbers, the people of F. A. have to madness 1 with soldier's publishing despite Pike, stung every true philnuthropUt. It is safe to say that there and the elegant wcestuiy r. sldenee, i„ per,'eel repair, with pensions, their and Friday Saturday preceding day election, nil recover some of liberties in this think the modern convenience-, n l'i nil tr,. s. in eonoee- portion Republican vicinity. Only never was un instance in which such advice was from iiine o’clock A. M to one o’clock P M. On gain, shade HENRY WILSON rant falsehood about him, and trees. *c. to BlU-iN man we have to honor, over afternoon the Board ot Aldermen will be Apply PAOE, Hallowed, or MaMachusetta. prerogatives.” delighted going given and accepted without the happiest results. Saturday the subscriber. Of a little which he made before iu session from two t«* fo:.r o’clock. tion speech to the copperhead democracy and denouncing Also two oilier residences ol" From the very depths ol weakness and despondency L. II TlTCOMB, City t lerk. less value for sale Elector* of President and nee Preeutent. Council of Portland—or his former friends with low and vile ac- II.K. tor the City pretends The Louisville Earthquake. slang thousands have been restored to vigor, health and (City papers please copy) t&wif b-V.. UAKE1S. SAMUEL B. SPRING. cusations! I think the Piii of the Re- Hallowed, Aug. ,,18,2. augS-'luutiw Atai WiIM*. to have made. convention at Sept., cheerfulness by the renovating operation of this ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. The straight democratic of the Fifth District will him publicans Injrv medi- J. MOSES' This is ot the man who adver- wholesome stimulant and alterative. All its Tenements to rtntEutrtot, James h. Mo mullan. worthy Louisville is an earthquake under the camp so deep that nothing less than a universal Let. JOHN H. KIMBALL. cinal ingredients are rem.irkabie for their sanative SMOocTDiatnct, tises his business in electioneering It shakes the concern resurrection can reach him!'' private of the Greeleyites. properties, and iu combination form an absolute *- seems to j.amkm?pcI«£l: circulars, printing the cut of a carriage from end to end. whatever That be about the feeling and specific for indigestion, liver complaint, nervous mfthDlatrict, WILLIAM MoGILVERY. shattering card on the same sheet the of who were once bis affections, rheumatism, intermittent and remittent and his business hopes his followers may have had of opinion many TO FOR REPRESENTATIVES TO CONGRESS. fi vers, general and local weakness and every spe- Electro Pat. 2 *C8. LET. in which he advises his followers to steal Mr. tried to friends in this section. Galvanic, Jnne, electing Greeley. They laugh cie- of oisorder incident to change of season or JOHN II. BURLEIGH. and First District, around in the dead hours of the night down Duncan and his convention, to buy climate. The stimulative element ol this invalua- STARTLING & BEAUTIFUL INVENTION ! ! WM. P. FRYE. ilicm'ral Cai’iint's Magnanimity. ble protective and restorative is not an impure Second District, secure votes if for C. I’. Kimball. possible him, to send forces to get control of the excitant, but ttie thoroughly rectified e-seme of A continuous stream of Eh ctridty conveyed to the Third District, JAMES G. BLAINE. Gen. Stephen A. llurlhut. in his great *ound rye, admitted by all good chemists to be the Nerve I ; Governor Perham worked and faith- Optic 'l'EN ably and turn it in favor, most healthful ol' exhilarunts. liOl ShLOi* lying in the heart ol the SAM’LF. IIERSEY. j organization Greeley's Rt turned aside for The Organ of restored to its original strength ! city Fourth District, on speech Springfield, 111., Sight 1 o| Augimt.i; two on Green btrcet, loin out* as a member of the Committee ax a however continn reudcrco j fully to break it down by denouncing it Eye employment, »u^, ing on Chapel stroel. and lour on Fifth District, EUGENE HALE. the moment from the main line of hi? argu free from t!!' Tuppan Flare, toe in* M. Brown the dlscomioi terms easy. For lut thcr inloi unuion Pensions in Congress to promote scheme of the Grunt men, but all their Sequard experimented upon inquire ol A to narrate tlie B. Farwell at hou.-e on Mate or FOR GOVERNOR. ment following: stiffened arm ot uti executed criminal, by in- —DT— binct. ol Minnie teresis of our disabled soldiers and their efforts tailed to kill it off. The convention Titcomb .a his office, we t side Water street. Look nt another thing, w hich shows the jecting warm blood into it; the mt9eles re- 0. Is72. and but Mr. Kimball J. MOSES’ Augusta, May inayT.'tf SIDNEY orphans widows, has been held, was largely attended, has magnanimity of his character. When lie un- gained their contractil ty and their nerves the teat As the off the blood Patent Electro Ualranic House tor _PERHAM. thinks his one little speech made before made its nominations and accomplished dertook that around Vicksburg, Gen. their irritability. cutting Spectacles. halo. Nfiutori. most For what Sherman gent Gen. Grant a written protest is paralysis of nerve clement, so a deficiency WHOLESALE DEPOTS of the convenient and pleasantly &uu- Council of Portland that it Its candidates arc uted houses in JEREMIAH DINGLEY, JR City outweighs all anticipated. a nerve ONE Augusta, containing 6 rooms Androscoggin, against the movement, on the ground that it ot blood is cause of degeneration of 10 CorUamU Street. XE IT YORK, and DAVIS. ! IV hat and everything in the best ol repair, cau be r* JESSIE Governor Perham did in its has the flavor was of pi Congress and platform and and would element. Fellows* Syrup Hy- 3HS Main Street, HARTFORD, Conn chased at a oil ea to; ll Aroostook.