ft Cljr (Cllsvirtl) ^Rfricai £ato SMbtrtift, sracto |lw| »w|»w" |Ta, IS Pt'BU»HU> A1 3inches.I 1 Sol ttol *901 *M| • « U W ft to Kllsworth, Me., »eoi. —BY— Immlwmlmtemmlmtiln mlmm •*- j\\ K. SAWYER '.’jgsufflgf^g.Tsa—* Editor and Propiietor. 853863*”“’ IS TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ™ mpr- 1 me copy, if paid within three months.•* ) ...it paid wuhin three months.t M I, paid at the end ot th« year. be discontinued \u paper will "^ option—n ares are; paid, except at the pnWishci-' opti V«.r)ySVert»sei?5V,“^SrtS-^: i any pVr.ou wi.hma hi. thereol at tRe ex "r« sue notice Qr „ol whether previous notice Vol IVi WJwb MtTm N» 36. ■ ■—■■■ ■ ■■■ CanV g I Hnsincss I remembered it too well, for the “Wc then struck the floor of the The clues given me by English Bill General Cousin-Montauban, Count of “I’ll get of my ba_ non-success of the detective force in bank, and Gentleman Tim, standing were sufficient to enable me to trace Pallkao, Minister of War, derives his title said I, “and return to1 tmrriras I’oetnj. The Kllsxyorth not being able to get even the remot- on the press, soon sawed out a piece bis fellow villains; but safe, on unex- from his services in the Chinese war, but night.” * And with viooh, uti) $ ?ob printing n«. Every pear popu- In to the aame out West, living on my money and thought he could open any com- quite but, I ever get out of here and now of His conspirators Douglas ing« funn*hed. regard Magenta, sixty-two years age. promptly 1 of this valuable Hair Prep- N. of contract. larity What that name might imply, care of That’s bination lock if be had time. So have a chance to shoot from a Fitch, Indianna—still alive, I \ 1! kind- of building d«»n* by the day, which is due to merit taking good myself. only you military career had been oue of almost un- M inurement. oi Mii*enntendenec. in the * or aration, llol hi* amile it wa* peualye and child-like, believe—and he had done excn- ity what I laid out to do, but I didn’t to work he went.—We follows went I won't that’s all. broken it in untrv at reasonable 1 \»i alone. W> row assure our old At I frequent remarked to BUI Nye. get sewer—why suceess until the fatal day when he price®. tive the before reached patrons that it is kept fullp up to the rocks to do it on, thanks to them below and left him to himself as he found himself session, day I It wa« August the third; compelled to struggle vainly its high standard, and to those could the had demanded a And soft wa* the akies; villain pals of mine, and I thought I’d work better that way. You sec, Leaders- three times his number of Prus- city, Douglas never used it we can quite European Army against who have It be Inferred retraction or a and Which might have another to make a raise, and we had not intended to remove Great wars are to make or mar the fight, Tom Haw- K. sap, that it is the try any- apt sians under Crown Prince. Iu Algeria, II. HAWKS. confidently only Thai Ah bln wa* likewiae; kins bad that's settled me to what I am that The time woulrt'bc been sent for. reliable and ptsrfeeOed Jpre be ft that W ill lam what thing night. reputations of military celebrities with as- in the Crimea, and in where the Yet played day upon Italy, 1 found ATT< kUVIdV AT Aadua* la a wag 1 daapisr. IMIW." too short. We were to the Douglas household all LAW. only get ready tonishing rapidity, for they are ran? Indeed of was ascribed to his ^ victory Magenta warm for the duel. Which we bad a *aaaJ1 “Well, you see,” he continued, ‘we to thiough the vault safe and Mrs. Douglas and ing it soft, lustrous, game. go get whose fame is so little dependent upon the conduct and capacity, he had shown him- the Its And Ah Kin took a band: had our ou that bank a with the stuff the Cuttses and were bound scalp, bp use, eye long time, away on night. subtle of success that t an afford everybody PETERS BLUCK. i It wa* Kuril re. The aame Sunday magic they self equal to every emergency; and it is while and clean; it removes all and I'll tell how it catnu about.' All Bob to see out. His wife said be He did nut understand, you night worked, and I watched or as has been the Stephen and and survive defeat, lirief a significant fact that his late defeat does ELLSWORTH, , eruptions dandruff, bp But he smiled a* he aat by the table. “One me aud some fellers and listened while the others might lose the or its tonic night slept. war in it has Presidency anything properties prevents the With the waa present Europe, already not seem to have cost him the confidence j smile that chiid-Uke and bland. were before he should be beaten Jesse i-e* ial attention given to the Collecting final* hair as out in a boat on the river a look- We knew the visited the bank by j from falling out, it stim- janitor no to the rule. of either Yet the card* were at ached proved exception general the army or the people. His and ulates and nourishes the hair they ing around for that might on about noon, so Bob came Bright old Buck's myrmidons. Refen by permimo* to a something Sunday It tin- stubborn anti its use In way that 1 grieve. courage splendid family is of Irish descent, back to glands. By the hair grows lie and around a down the hole dating The billet iluxue hail been all H r. Josiah H. Drummond, Portland, And my feeling* were shocked Imndy, coining pier through about eleven passing j thicker ami In baldness abilities of McMahon shine all the brighter the of the and he exhibits a Hon John A. Peters, Bangor stronger. At Ute elate of sleeve: what should we run days Stuarts, between the Buchanan head it restores the Nye’* into but the police the next day, and carefully drew the day quar- Hou Eugene Hale, Ellsarorta capillary glands Which wa* stuffed lull uf ace* aud bowers. in the light of his desperate struggle deal of Irish and impul- in to their normal and will boat. Well, we for shore ami back over the good generosity ters, the Vice President’s room of rigor, And the same with intent to deceive pulled matting opening. forte and undeserved create a new against superior siveness*. He commands to-day oue of the the and one of the committee growth except in struck the Imtmeut hard and stove in then Capitol, Rut the bonds that were •‘Jerry riggeu up a prop or two disaster at Worth, it must be admitted extreme obi age. It is the most played the i>oat. two French armies in tin* field, and upon rooms, where the men sat in By that lit ithen Chinee, with the of floor on and Douglas economical HAIR DBE8UIO piece top, that whatever of the him now And the poiiua that be made. “The other fellers the military reputation inu*»t rest iu great measure the council. The messenger for Ait imev and C'oiuuellnr at Law, crer used, as It requires fewer grnblied made it and no one could i Douglas •I etc Ingblful to see— quite steady, Freni h carried with him to the fortunes a and the hair quite w harf and ran it like cats anti otf Emperor | failing of the Kmpire, for he is was Roger A. and for Fitch, tl to and Coovev- applications, gives Till st la-t lie down a up see from above J’rybr, attention paid CElecting put right bower, any change,—At noon lllitne frontier has been blown to the winds, I Offi. eover Whiting* Mon*. 27if that splendid glossy appearance saute but 1 was stunned : staunch Bonapartist. J uilah P. llenry Iliie-U the Nye had dealt unto me they went, kinder the came in. The bank bilks Benjamin. so much admired by alb A. A. janitor while Marshal with Generals ami couldn't follow. I looked around I.ell«cuf, The remaining French army, now report- The Fitch gang were Slidell, who l W. It., State 'I lieu I lo ked up *1 Nye, thought lie didn't do his or he'd INSURE IN THE BEST Hayes. Assayer of duty, Krossard and from whom so was “the Aud Ik upou me; lor a moment or so, ami near me DeFally. | ed a.s shut up iu Met/, is commanded by the arch and blood- Mass., says. constituents are goaed right j have us ; but bless he could conspirator, And he rose with a caught you much was to the pare and carefully selected for sigh. was the mouth of a sewer. I expected, are, say least, Marshal Buzaine, a veteran of fifty-nine, a tbursday as a bat; Bright, who was COMPA’Y Anti said. •'< an this be? big put ii.it see wrong—wc lixed all excellent and I consider anything under a cloud, and the of quality, We are ruined Chinese labor"— into that like a streak and went the tolerably heavy strong Imperialist, and a commander of jealous Douglas and him it the BENT PREPARATION by cheap up that. Well Bob went back to his work despised ha* a nai l up *»f *.1.- for Anti he went for this In allien t braVe is ‘dead on the field of honor.’ &c. 4wlli.^ .ETNA, capital hints'. ou a run. Sometimes I'd l)ouay undoubted and His Cobb, Wlien Judah P. >•«•- its intended pipe trip up , ability energy. past Benjamin, I < M H»le. Agent, Kll»a<*rtb ) pur/toses." Ife pub- and worked all the afternoon, but with Me. \l«o forth* William*. a treatise on the ami ou : being relieved, later reports, from the marked the second eamc into the com- ^ Agent lioger lish hair, which In the scene that ensued go tlowu all fours in the slush no luck, and so when nine o'clock came by military career, though by suc- day, ,i i IVnobfCol Mutual Insurance Compa- we send free mail I dtil not take a > of mock-heroic suicide cast mittee room with another and by upon appli- hand. that (lowed alvout six inches deep in that took hold of imputation up- cesses which secured him his present rank, letter, cation. which contains commen- But the floor it wa* ttrewrd night, Charley things. tli,.Ttnuary.SBth, IW8. Ir2 | the I lot tom of the sewer. After a lit- on him by the first sensational accounts. i- marred by the unfortunate fact that he Richardson, of Illinois, Pugh, Pryor, notices Lika the leaves on the strand We our and our datory from clergymen, got jimmies plug-ug- and saw With the cards tie I to listen ami found there Much has already been said of both the commanded the Brown, the rest, Tom Haw- physicians, the press, andothers, that Ah bin bad been hiding. stopped lies. and fixed up a prop to work the ill-fated expedition to i r. L. li e hare made the the In the game "lie did not understand. was no one alter me. I Prussian and French war-leaders; but, kins at him,, he W, HODGKINS, study of had passed I was bound to Mexico. Kven there, however, he ex- glancing they say hair and its diseases a opener against. open sperialtg In hi* which were two or three as while on both sides the two arma- shrank hack and turned Then ELLSWORTH, ME. sleeve*, long, glimmers of light I ran, safe, once I a with mighty hibited capacity worthy of better eniploy- pale. for years, and know that we make He bail any got purchase i Iwenty-four park*— aud ments are for the* he out his baud in a O'hrr mrrr Hmrttrtl, A f e'i. Stmrr ahead of me wits another. apparently preparing i he his difficult put sycophantic .fey, the most effective preparation for Which was coming if strong. right my opener. They can't stand j ment. while mai.aged under- long and said : the restoration and the Yet 1 stale hut the to it, 1 found the to decisive it may in? well to take way, preserva- lads; Going up light against it. struggle, taking with a degree of merciless severity ;. -c on Hancock Mreet. tion the and so Ant! we found on his nails, which were come men so Mr. I’m 1 of hair, extant, taper down an from the street. another look at these on whom that no successes can extenu- "Why, Hawkins, very glad u.rther notice I»r. If <» igkin* can l*e found What t* opening | “Before we to work Gentleman | subsequent acknowledged by the best ]I|«4I> frequent in lapels—that's waa. got to see «•* when on a 1 is ate. Mar-hal t'anroliert, whose brilliant *• ••rtic* **s»l abi>eut professional cal aad I'hmical “Getting foothold against the wall Tim went to the bank door and with much supposed to depend. you.” it hou-e. Aalkortly. Which is I remark. career had raided of his We all met why of tlie sewer, 1 clambered ami stuck high expectations that night, and Tom * orth l»e. l*t. 1SHS. And up a tine brace and bit be made a small King William 1. of Prussia. in •Snil all DnpmttM amt Dtalot in Msbdss my language is plain. nominally future achievements, has as yet not been went in by That for bead the It was place of Pryor to arrange the way* that are dark. my through o|iening. hole the of the door, command of tin* armies of the North <»• r- brought out in striking manner Pah* •*« DsUar Par Baa* through panned any very And lor trick* that are tain. one of those aud narrow surface particulars, and force a fight or a peace. LANGDON & BURLEIGH, long then he tied a bit of cord to a wire man Confederation, is a hah- and during the war, and ho has added nothing The heathen Chinee i* peculiar— hearty, We his that Ctunmission R. P. HALL & CO., which enter the sewers under t«* hi- Algerian laurels, or to the memories knew by look the thing Merchants, Proprietor!. Which the aame I km free to maintain. openings and stuck the wire through tin; door, hint!’ and honest old gentleman ot seventy- • >f iukermau. lialaklava and was serious. that was —Overland Monthly. tlie sidewalk at the street corners.— Kupatoria. They knew it LABORATORY, IABHDA, I. 8. He felt it on the other side and three. who himself a soldier pulled proved good j He is sixty-one years of age. to blood Toin’s lT«0 The hole was for me to coming by big eyes, large enough knew Cute .lack was at his i ven* be noted that while what be post.— ami respectable officer in his younger it will may j Ami t.hf»v wrotP a rol rnption Ho hmi DEALERS IN FIOUR, gel my head ami shoulders through, the wire the door we called the ••executive’* commanders of the No. Ptate Street. o». I III MPHicr.v FDkeACo. Bobbery right dull thud instead of a dear noise like [ by the -a llien anil terrible emergencies of 19 of younger mid abler men. who was a rais- ly the I X TO lie within three and the We thinking planning Douglas’ library, William as he was passed feet, ami 1 the opener to bear. '■\ccllence of but that Ed. D. PETERS A Co., Boston. Harvey, or, bet- got a!!, in his military systems, there he stood with as a smile first that struck me now everywhere present deep-laid ! pleasant PAPER HANGING. Gen. Geo. F. Shepley, Portland. ter known. hail that thing was. if made little or no noise, slid we stopp*-d the (,od of Hatties will surely overrule. Hon. J. k. PETERS, English Hill, and combinations, as ever I saw, to hear the re- Bangor. I'd a that feller, how one plans comprehensive waiting avmg purchased the exclutivc right to use Hon. Eugene Hale, .... Ellsworth. to a crime grudge against work whenever Jack’s bell gave morning pleaded guilty is Baron Von Moltke, the veteran (nim.il- sult. || I could wit with revolver two thuds which gave him to the State Peniten- easily tuy thud, which meant danger, as a Duelist him muI in-Chief of to credit is to I'craglasa ■•Mr. said “how do Attain Patent Machine. tim v Am mhI mm AUli shoot I Uum I meant staff. whom be Douglas." I, you Grainin'; I OVER THF FOUNDERT. llfby I took Dim ihk4 thought meant ahead again, w hile three ••Did yon ever hear of Tom Haw- who’d ever look dowu in the sewer for given not only for the glories of Sadowa. feel?" "Very well. What is the news'" The -ubwr riher ha* all the to his cell lie told me to come aod see "iHtsotu* one was cither into -aid a man of to me 1“lu Ellsworth. purchased requisite coming Kins," polities yes- " and l» now readv to the mail who shot him ? anil how but fur the of the | You are to to the field to-morrow r« U> .»« ail a\nhop LUMBER got stoop, ei nor Stevenson's tobacco at i 1 inaiis Inspector We all and the “It flashed theu over mind—if most discover Jack as he upon a plan whose every detail seems looked at him to 1. T. of ail kind*, easily astonished, however, my likely lay Louisville—a handsome man with a1 piercingly SMITH, see how he stood it. oft a feller was to rob a and had a curled t*» have been so thoroughly wrought out on-unit. s«pt. *th. si PICKETS, CLAPBOARDS ETC. repeated assurances, by hopeless place up. black mustache and large, glaring i ~ ETC., criminals, that could and would friend dowu the sewer, how nicelv he beforehand that results follow almost with -Very well," he said. “Make all the •IIG SAWING, TIKNING i SPLITTING Huy* ‘•Should this happen ho was to feign black eves, which seldom or never ! A. 1' BURNHAM. astound us could hand him the and then n»e< haiin al neral Von Moltke with wonderful revelations, swag I and, at the worst, could be certainty. wink, but to look out like a with 1 arrangements.” done to order. >ati-facUon Guaranteed in all sleep, only tiger’s We and Counsellor at Law. too often tell us little or more walk home with his bauds in his will he old on the jbth of watched him again, and he was Attorney nothing pock- made to move on. However, every- seventy years silent ferocity- He is. perhaps, fifty ■ as as 1 ever saw :-u ,.ir attention given to taking Deeds, M-rt than we know. A few new et, and if could be <». tob r next, and has been from his quiet him—almost SAMUEL B. MOOR. dodges, caught nothing prov- thing was and the bell only youth of age now, but still one ol the Ac. propitious, years | cheerful. Tom Hawkins could 20tf some in its and ed. the an officer of know n and tru-ted stand '. tt'*! atlrution devoted to the rolleeti n of de~ robbery yet infancy sounded the one rap whenever i thoroughly Inst shots iii Kentucky, and he has fix- I r,: in the county o! Jlanco* k. and some “These sat me and it no longer. He said : against penmans only conceived, occasionally things thinkiug, policeman drew near the bank. He I ability. id up more ipiarrels, and been a se- *ii e on Main Street, NEW JEWELRY STORE. useful clues or I concluded I’d on a tirst rate "Mr. they have retracted.” really information, dropped had worked about an hour ami I felt l'n ler the cond on more fields, a- Douglas, KLI.'WdBTH Me King, and like two powei ful than any man TTiie subscriber would announce to 1 drew a whether of rc the substance of the thing. You kuuw there ain’t a more would let me Douglas sigh, A generally being yourself sure couple executive armies to carry out the grand live. l'ei-sonally lie i- a gentle, truthful tlie of Kllsworth aDd vicin- 1 lief or I do not know. He was people prisoner’s confessions, and made in the any difficulty worth mentioning in the through the door, when Hob who had faithful fellow, but lie is regret BRAY ft ROBJNSON* ity that he ha- purchas'd the dork In trade of designs <,f Von Moltke. are two Prim es of deadly when I of of us a shot with a OtU. K. DENS, and a i led to the »ame a fre«h holies its used to and way fellows into any j not discontinued his to tinf >ld lie lias splendid fowling piece, being mitigate getting ! attempts the blood royal, hi the flower of man- made up his mind to eat some- Flour Manufacturers and Receivers. lot of JEWELliV, WATCHES, Ac., and would bank in tbe early j and he would have his shorten the and city, but the catch of the lock uttered a is one fought weight l*e pleased to have those rail on him who want present punishment police ! the combination hood. such as for character and body. loin of the last of his ! us personal in wild cats rather thau be crowded HAT W ilCHESor JEWELKV repaired, or who are confinement. It was not with the ex- as we go home with the stuff. It ! BUlhSinC, | exclamation, and no class, the finished duelist of the South new JEWELRY. Ac. lie ha« a well joyful immediately mental ability other royal house in purchasing of conse- aiu’t the of it that us. out of the of his ambition. He 129 anti 12.1 ►elected rt.wk o! in tun and intends pectation hearing of getting bothers the door sw He nice of and path 125, JJyer >St., | goods hue, anything j ponderous ung open. Furope can boast. F.a«h of them always upon points honor to deal with all customer*. Paittcular at- but iu the is^ur- was the leader ever : R. I. J. I\ Kobinaoo thirty quence that I went the next day there- way to fetch it home hit the combination to advise to greatest any party Bray. PROVIDENCE. tention to werk to had u[k>u partly prompt pant ail entrusted aia care. rounded and supported by generals of tried anybody fight had to mind. Do want to be fore to English Bill's cell. That he through the streets. Well to make a luck and from his i whom he thinks has been my you •V Mori Vt\trramier Maine, the Prince Koval, lias shown himself w ant- 1 tout it “if it isn’t offensive I occupied ab< ve a. D. NN More. said it is that to the sewers. I had a prefer -’-VC the Ellsworth House, nearly opposite ! iggi!i‘s Drug before, seldom reliable handy choice in the vault. Gentleman Tim produced when you are sick. He was E. L. DAVIS. ing in the of a great com- physician not to a l ow n Hall: and will attend to all calls in can use of and I qualifications know Tom Hawkins!” Eli * Pec. information, which be made of pals, picked out those that I some India rubber which he had wounded at liucna \ ami he was profession. worth, 23d. 1«9. 51 bags mander. ista, to us detectives, is Airmailed by such thought I could trust. 1 was mistak- and into them he hurriedly with Henderson, Crittenden, fiPOffice in House. New provided, The Prim e Royal, Frederick Charles, Lopez, Dwelling Portland Packet men. en in that, but I’ll fool ’em yet. I the wealth of notes, stocks and i and the rest when invaded Cuba. hasworth. .Ian. y. IMP. fi got placed they The Battle of Woerth. a generally conceded the llrst rank as to Bill seemed none the worse from i feller to hire the basement under the ; we lot of do- i the war was Will be on the route bills, which found. A During he on lireeken- 1 liK-tdrnls Ml' Ihr .ITrMahaa. I Mi put is a richl-H«* hank and 1 military ability, man of forty-two TTW. Brackett. ELLSWORTH A the severity of the sentence which he then for a mouth or so I let tin cash boxes were ranged ridge's staff, ami the affairs ot .between [suitors' of and from his private Iba Hattie. had so the matter 1 years age. lias, very child- maxufactchrr of PORTLAND, in the the lately received, though to a less lay still, only I was matur- around, ami these we broke open and blood *n which he has been early spring hood. his engaged [Correspondence of the I.uudun Telegraph.! hardened criminal, the hare of my pluus all the while. At last to our distinguished hlmselfby aptitude are 4 yrtlal 3?iauo thought ing i added the contents pile. innumerable. Whatever could have made McMahon ftraad, Square, was and enthusiasm in all matters Packet Schooner for life is so all and six of us had sworn *• ami military 1 never Telegraph. imprisonment generally ready, The hags now liecame full, ] reckon you heard of ileuder- ; accept a battle under the circumstances I CAPT. W. P. WooDAUD, to run to stand lie his as a general in fortes regalarly appalling as to age them in a few hours. by each other through thick still more was to he hail for the gained reputation son’s connection with the Fitch and: atn utterly at a loss to conceive. A glance with quick di.-uatch. A fair share of the Portland vet vv?ic:m im- and factory But Bill had over and thin and to the war. and in the at the two armies seemed to show how and Ell-worth freighting i» solicited. Prompt* counted the cost and share equally the taking It would not do for one of us I Schleswig-Holstein Stephen A. Douglas trial, did you? No. lb Avery Strw Boston. ne-P and carefulness assured to tor brief Austria end- utterly impossible it would have been for shipper*, over again, and now that the game danger and the stuff, I was to have himself even with a dol- campaign against which That lias never been to Height and Ac., inquire of M. AVERY, Water only to load single published, my the French to do more than hold their If. LAX Gn era l at Gy Agent. Street, Ellsworth, or to——-Portland, or the Cap- was the race and all chance ten cent, on the share of the five on ed Sadowa. He is the nephew oi the but it was a up, run, per lar. for it would arrest suspicion knowledge, remarkable own. and even to do this must cost them ■luiy -til l*6t«. *7tt tain he was to the others for out and King of Prussia. Hilt Jriifh <-mnnt*l« nit* fa ctaf*• fhut PORTLAND AGFNTS. gone, prepared pay pen- finding planniug the street, we must have nothing trace- episode in the preface to the rebellion The Crown Frederick William, and meet his fate like a man. the Prince, see. it was the vast in numbers was not GEO- P. CLARK & CO. alty lay. able to the bank about our persons. : You coming on toward the j superiority W. True * Co soil of William, and heir to the ! the reason lost the light. George It is such men as these that alone Scotch Hob and me and Gentleman low. trunk was in the vault, only King convention ot anil only why they A long, political l«SbO, The without ex- ltathT Blake. Wharfinger. Prussian h;u> thus far. even more Prussian troops are, SHIP BROKERS' make successful or criminals. Tim, and was to be in- its we throne, had all the so that Kll»w..nh, Keb. Mil twTO.litl burglars Jerry Mudge and by measuring thickness, | Douglas strength, ception. in the highest state of discipline ; The coward when his doom has come side the basement. Gentleman I it was hard on to AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Tim found that it would iust enter the sewer certainty that he the French are the very reverse. They xi 1 r, Onsllo A Dsnlral will have been a coward and was the man that hired it for a tiou ami praise of men in the present war. would lie arc brave to a fault. 1 never knew men to a vi viimiu * wvavv before, brok- at the corner. nominated, and crowded out 233 or death more. I saw STATE STREET, the chances are that the very innate er’s office, and Charlie Ferris was to be while Ills urbanity, kindness of heart, and the Buchanan 1 such infor- tight better, despise Now cauiu tin; most party. got was 2000 T.Twna. PnwftrHipo has Kaon thn nonaa nf sin- dangerous pan one regiment of Zouaves, which iu uie sewer, turn uutc Jack was to be freedom from that pride of manner which mation of the camusses of Sli- of the work. By pulling the string the nightly strong when it went into battle. It lost The fart mailing schooner, “Ol'E A NJ, bis nerve or and led in the street. is such an enemy of princes, lias won him Jesse D. steadying hand, was dell, Bright. Howell Cobh, an immense number of men. and the sur- ■ of which iu Jack’s hand, 'Hghts A Charter* procured. Vessels A L. >. it rant, If aster, will pi v as a Packet between wire end Bought to bis detection and ‘•We were all four the enthusiastic devotion of the vivors were surrounded the Sold. Insurance effected. «r. LIU worth and Portland,—lur freight,—the current iu the basement soldiers, and that faction in Wash- Anally by capture. we communicated to him Benjamin, *ea«>’n. with such aid from other vessel* as by arranged Ai.ENTS for tbe UNION good Alter a few words of con- one aud as time for who are to follow ••our Fritz” to the met at Prussians. FOWEB I A PST AN. reuutre. ordinary Saturday, wc come ready ington—for they Cobb’s house the busines* mar locking that were ready to They fought like devils; ami 1 don't think i*arii< ular attention given to the sale of For lurther of S. J. M1L- versation with he into came three of us not a signals ends of the or. as is more to one spars j particular* euqniro Bill, plunged up into press us earth, likely, chiefly—and it came to me there could have beeu 200 ineu left when thev >*iK and *v»l\ Wood, ft!aba, LLR. Jr.. UKO. W. TULL, A CO., of Portland, o» lag out. lu answer he informed through day | the matter of hie confession at once. to be full beM a white and were made Knc^llaj^Tlard or Ike Capua* «a bow* r. B. AtalN, Amt. supposed of papers. Gen- Paris. The Crown Priuee is now tliirty- as a wire, that had deter- up handkerchief, solicited- the same chanuel, that the straight they consignments M Mrrh loth ncn. Ibu “You see, be I will tleman Tim policeman Prisoners, l'he Prussian officers themselves 16ti sir, said, (and then walked out of the nine of age, and is married to the I mined to force into a was still near. After fifteen years Douglas light, admit the reason why they took so many it in liis own office and waitiug Penobscot Co- give nearly words), “I gave the Janitor the of Victoria. Iiis i and that it had been that Prisoners to he that the French were all de- Valley Steamship key of minutes. Jack that the eldest daughter Queen proposed have on mind to tell it. He then came telegraphed tached. were here and there in small bodies, AMBROSE WHITE, TEAM--IIIP ALLIANCE. something my you back and oiieaed private character is said to lie excellent. j Slidell should insult in the coast was clear, and one by one we Douglas and were cut oif in detail. The Prussians TO E. UAKNAUI) & that I think you to know. You the door which he had not 1 saloon of the if _ The ought an and [.UCCESSOB CO..] steamihip ALLIANCE, Capt. locked, and out of the bank the front Although he commanded Army Corps drinking Senate, seemed to me to never lose their formation, |y THUS. R SHITE, will ran weekly run me down in this came into slipped by ’ere game, and the office. lie saw no he resented shoot him down. I the French seemed reallv never to have had jEMESb between Bif r nad Hsf a, I ear- aud banded the of stuff which 111 the Schleswig-Holstein war, it, did it “He door, bag any. Their system, or want of system, might Dealer in Groceries ! iug Bangor every Monday at ft o’clock A. M., you well. I ain't going to blame then locked the door the wrote to at but know- from the we carried down the to active service, all his laurels, up to Douglas once, an-vv r very well against undisciplined .AND. at Winterport. Bueksport, Sandy Point, for inside a sluiceway j you that; that's your business, but with false and his habits so of let- f I that, as uni.'hmj key joined us ou in different opening oi the present hostilities, having ing well, leaving uropean army. repeat regards it is a mean Charley, passed ways, iheir no SHIP CHANDLERY,! Returning--Will leave Battery Wharf, Boa kind of business, too, this in the press. We locked the 1 ters for and weeks to- bravery even to a fault, there can be at 12 M., as above. door of to meet us iu an hour been won ill the Sadowa campaign. unopened days doubt wbat-ever. loo, every Thursday, touching on a man by arrangement, 1 But In these days courage Corn, Flour and Salt, taken at reasonable ratev. running down; bat some- that inside, and there we 1 sent the letter to a Freight four fellers mouth of the sewer. other names have been made gether, friend, is not the only requisite lor a soldier. • for afterwards at the Many prom Outfit** and 1'it.h, Flr«t rias* accommodations passengers. body bss got to do it, I suppose, and, stood packed like and commanded him to make In saying that McMahon'* information Fare froui Ilangur,Winterport A Backsport. SLAB together sardines. I came out of the bauk last, carrying Incut on the Prussian side, as that of the Douglas Belfast. 2.M after all, it ain’t any meaner than a Soon we beard the I it and that he was of the very worst kiud, I am merely BUCKSPOBT, ME. j janitor the to veteran Von Steinmetz, who commands open peruse it, might Mrah extra. open the trunk, which I gave Charley, what French officer I have sail in bond, constantly on hand. 21U man like that office repeating every taken in store kt all ti mes. me, doing something door and come in to be And in this letter I said : Freight clean out. and then down toward the the Prussian centre in this advance move- prepared. seen since the told me. It is hardly For lurther particular* of officers to ran him down.— He passed tight luqiure requires swept around the office ar- “If are to the wall, tele- it is that 1>. W.C.FOPSOM. AgL and market. ment—but it is too soon to say who will you pushed to be believed, but perfectly true, Burl April 1870. However, that’s neither here nor there, a for Tom of Louisville.” (tarnished the Prus- sport. mb. I7U *»nged thing, little, as we could tell aud then went to graph Hawkins, the maps of Alsace by u. N. Moure. and I “1 waited an hour “flash to the front” when the official dis- half forgive you for me B0*** be aud Weil, I came from the South soon af- sian topographical department to -every bagging ■ made, then he and waited iu the announce the real of the Ac , Street SANFBRt S IHtlSUMaT the sewer month patches history officer in the were more Photographer. Main, LIMET —I don't see— cleared out and left us. ter ami went with army Infinitely quite forgive you, you 1 wanted to or | that, up George Pngh Kllnworth, Maine. shade of the pier an hour more, but war. correct than those used by the French perhaps that'll come, and it will come when he was j to see There we found no- of s“!;fcze in the none came. At last I interest is Douglas. staff. But most to blame With re^ of the fellows On the French side, also, the headquarter nr The best satisfaction given. the bee BOSTON if you and me in this lit- office, but I to to much attention to us. seems to have chemicals and TLOWELL. puli together managed stop it. and found no \ laxly pay all the military departments ii-trumente. the nicest stock of ai the sewer concentrated oa a few names, itTs.-HMOMiMuuaansn...iiN tle and fix the folks ss slipped up prominent bseu the “Intendance.” officers kinds, and a determination to suit customers, the business, you 80ne "e out. Douglas seemed alisorbed with some- Prussian me. ^ stepped nor can we more than surmise how in patronage of the public is solicited. Try TvtMMMnMMlN*. TtawTH|a»qMk. fixed me, the d—-—d villains.” We bad Charley. long and i, have told me that If the French army abundance of time before us, thing else, out of his libra- 1>. X. HOOKE. “I then saw how I had been fooled. it will he before these are oth- looking had crossed the Khlne about Freights Reduced! I told Bill that I could make no we had to replaced by across •Strasbourg Kllswocth, Mnv 81st, 1S7U. U22 only keep still for as ry, the hall, 1 saw Roger A. with a hundred and »time, The villians had come and ers. the 20th of July, and or with all the was together treaty bargain him, jamtor most Pryor and Albert G. Brown, of Miss- thousaud men had made a forced likely sweeping made off with the before I got of the fifty our must of con- the bank spoils Oen.Trochn, Major-General ariuv the reeult of thu Saloon. 1 dealings consist his up stain. So we had a issippi, step into another room. 1 ask- march upon Manhelm, Oyster Eating good there. and Chief-of-Staff, just at this Gov- been different. J. W. COOMBS, Proprietor, fession to me, but if be wss able to “d to present ed no but came and campaign would have very got work about mid- on one of those questions, away, “1 never set eyes ernor of Paris and invested with I believe the fighting portion of the army give me such information as would re- night. The lint excep- soon after started for New York. [Peters’ thing was to one would have ready to move on that Block, get fellows since. If I had tional a 1 was perfectly day, <- urncr of Mill 4 STATE STREETS, F.UAWO0TB sult in my on the track of down the powers, gained high reputation When i to the there were not two rations getting any plaster overhead without me. got Relay House, but there days’ ready 8U died, he it him or for and in the1 rogues, be nut seemed that I nous, which wa did strategic engineering ability was about three minutes’ as the for them. Nay, I have been told by CMMIME, might by holding a blank- “The a and delay Joukii, | UTMIMI, bank offered big reward, and has hod a careerr that It was on the Capt.t.P. Unai 8. st Crimean J Cape KidH, would follow up the trail and arrest under H and war, long Western train bad come and 1 French prisoners only JACOB it off gently I had as to whether it just in, SAWYEK, run aa lollowa, on and alter picking my doubts service. His day before the battle of Woerth that the Monday, Jana of successfal present posi- saw out of it ami toward the ^WiU We then got to wouldn’t be better to aud claim get step Chef d’lntendance to McMahon’s army Deputy Sheriff, them if it la “d,lnpieces!the peach tion is one which attracts a deal olf out to lay laths, and car- great train—who but Tom Haw- concluded the contract for fresh meat for mj^power. Jerry Hodge, the it, and so But as 1 Washington get something. attentive which is increased r “Welli said BUI, that 11 have to do, penter among us, cut them off a criticism, by kins ? the men. Trtmont, Hancock Co., Maine. itfit lu^te w!al"la’adl4n with ban no bonds to return to them I fear- lor —jSsteae—dBar Some before Lear* Boston Bangor erery M-day, *3. Isupposa; all I ask ia to gat than to wa had the fact that he is not a Bonapartist, norr “Tom,” 1 cried “what are you doing days leaving Strasbourg All precept, promptly attamted to. a—day nad Bll«J, at t a>rlar* P. M. loadk say hung ed wouldn’t act with me. of me .I/org°t they square to many the officers told a. and so hare for what the blankets before a Republican, bnt is supposed haves here t" regimental lag afore. fixed, goes the windows, and£ Now I’m as well make yet that the the pre- rare from fast and may army sincerely hoped that Bangor. Jen, Wlaterport need to call ea confession. thitfe were iron strong tendencies towards' the house olt “What are doing away from parson open shutters too, both noise the best can do you sent would be the Mat In which ud of it. If you anything campaign DR. G. A- WHEELER, ^dMteJgponwB-te-. gm You’li remember,” aeid Bill, “that rob- light wen kept from the street, Orleans, the younger branch of the Bour- Washington ?” said iom. the soldier* would he fed hy the Iaftsa» Meals extra. to catch ’em I'll be right glad—if you LATE SVBMM U.U of the on ror a month bon As a matter of he to New York.” and that It wn# N. B. No extra bar ardous taken. bery 8urf Bank, down Tide previous, Gentleman Tim if flunily. course, has “Going dense, HUM freight can’t, it can’t be helped; only you wouldrevartto Office over HOOPEB’B w — ■treet, neer the river. How the bunk had heap to tbs a difficult task before him, and his i “New York—what/ Do you get (theFrench) Dnrkon, hringing office, in small do as 1 said before, I quasi that worked *# well uad your best, why and then run off to New York, tem, Coatlna, Maine. Freight aoOaKa tha ad antral will got pretty watt and how no will bn beset with i me here an officer In away day stripped, forgive yon all clean tor banting me jealousies Empire, by which one ever «*a tarn i has sent for me. Tbs MalM,MUUia,thBletfJI ortho now* who down. LDictatorshipi o* I fenny undermine or overwhelm him Douglas fight’s Mat waa appointed to Ml broke in.” ou hand. * I on I* Mr the want* oftha thing LitUsmors remains to bo told.— “‘“moment. provide right nepM'tutlng lt« retirement no THE WAR IH N*,l* National Garde the where EUROPE. before which golden eagles of every victorious. What more EDUCATIONAL. they again renewed the fight on Ellsworth Sept. 6th, 1870. France, and from the walls and QLbr (fllswrtb ran be desired? In I buraday when were driver. signs Jtarrifii, one short mouth all they Into that the medals Dear Sin:— MtltMCI IF WCNUN'I fortreaa. bearing the Imperial efflgv. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. this has been done, proving the valor Teftchen' 1870 claimigeiicH® ENTIRE InrttatM, in a The — Noticing your paper Jew week* soldiers also joined in the demon- AT of the Prussian soldiers and the ELLSWORTH. H ability an on J?' ARMT OF THE PRUSSIANS. TH« BATHE OF SIIIAX. stration. were •inee, article the subject of Fish, HAVIMu been sB The National Garde PETERS’ BLOCK. ELLSWORTH of the Prussia* comma [UtoMlar ) engaged r<>~, inter*, to coj^ l wish to New York 5. the arms to the disorder —mt~ The take exception to the theory Sept. World* cor- bearing repress with tike best troops In the world. second annual series of county if it s that fish are more wholsome or nutri- re«|K)ndont telegraphs from Namur. takes more serious turn, tjuiet N K SAWYER. We Teachers’ Institute* commenced August I, hope this terrible war i» now tious, when Belgium, the citizens sre with and will killed by sticking an awl in following sketch of the becoming impressed E i>i tok and Proprietor. ended. The destruction of human life continue sixteen weeks, one week | latter of the the idea that there he os In their heads, than when killed loss o f portion battle at may danger, each county, under the of Prof. by NAPOLEON^PRISONER. Sedan, has been fearful if we believe the charge w not may as .•onu-acu-,' ,n the heretofore the mob is more and more F. A. breath are. U. * V* * published becoming Allen, Penn., the Slate and the they usually V L THURSDAY, SEPT Hth, 1870. accounts that have coma u> ami tiiese Sup’t, Wjdnwa during w„iow.hcH»d “* «.■ An Official Dispatch from the ‘’The excited. us, been in the various I>ependent Mutheis HHF French In the hills west of the County Supervisors. Each session will Having engaged •ertml look reasonable. With two such na- um.u. amt Paris, 2. XVI-N0.O6 at branches of the «■* ab.o'nonS'mU,,1*>dla I city stood their ground two Sept. Vol. open 10 o'clock Monday forenoon and fishing business tor ,^eir rnpJS, -i, of Pruaaia. fiercely till tions in tn* n„phyaksaiiyiBcapacttaied ^^E^g King 0 strife, putting iuto tbe other s«M»r dock in the afternoon, AN INTr.KVIF.XV tight close Friday with the eighteen years the greater part of which .pure* tw^Bf three times such evening presentation dependent Father, where '.BIB large armies, and those armies * repulsing, with loss lias taken and of "Institute Certificates''to sll time has been on board of <3i“n" Orphan, lo ‘o ',1>tr- greate their assail- place between Napoleon REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. members spent vessels euler .Utecn H keeping up such a series of ream,^“ .,72^ J, , ants. were the of continuous of the Institute who hsve and eat Ortgioal and They finally funded back King Prussia, for the purpose For Governor. been punctual in among people who fish. 1 have additional bounin '? *»*i»;S I IftFOlEDN DETHRONED I ! combats, it is no wonder that I lie ration money, while J BR »-■■■• here and at killed their I also, about 3 :30 fell of upon the future residence attendance and prompt in the work yet to learn the difference mentioned tJmtr ; they deciding and heir,, collected Id the *hP:,j£?w< Km back, of wounded rein'll a luge sum total. of the rh‘r*- *» sullenly firing, steadily though a tuc Knijieror, one of the German Perham. session. Your aid is earnestly re- and iiavc not yet seen the man whose Ziff little to Sidney •^rnS&bm rapidly upou the river road to fortresses lias peen fixed upon, prob- quested in securing the atlendauee of taste is so acute that he cau discern FOR REPiriENTATIVES TO COXORRM. KlUworth. Sedan, followed so much con- Vote the whole Ticket- Julr J*ih. H Prussians closely up by the tier- ably Maycncc. There is teachers In your vicinity. Your personal which fish died violence and which ujj' **cfcH*, Advancing l*f Diatrici— Hon. JOHN f.YNCII, fortUuxl. by mans who were on in such immense A common device of the cnoinv is to pressing to meet fusion the city, and presence at the Institute is solicited. The loss of the iirtcd good authority The Democrat* enough thrown Re- decided preference to such teachers as your attention to Ihe Rallying. galling by unwary economy „ u! **a, ■ ■ a murderous the vote of forfeiture the re- iu death and use. fisherman and Soiled ’ kept up almost majority to a avail tlicmsclvea of the Every Garment*, but will H i»l 1 literally publican* elect Democrat to some advantage* afford- rorerlee in th* “ 'ntermitted and or knows that a fish art nare fire with : tired. the members the Left, ed the cooked within an '10 still Holds Out. extraordinary THE DCTV OP TIIE REPPIII.ICAXS. ofllee and thus mar the vic- by regular Institutes. "Did you at- any labric The : Republican to look a, „«£„» WM Moutmedy I think and the Left Centre consti- well a, new. \.„. accuracy. the German losses remained, tend the Instltnte ?" will hour, is nicer than one cooked twelve * Ul,i tory. soon become a I will merUen the lollowinit "**? liere were the heaviest of the and tuting a Provisional Government, and or four «vS|^B day. common from S. S. twenty hours alter it is Velret, Maulw, ( | We have assurance, which we deem let Republicans lie on their watch inquiry Committee to caught. Milk, rape ...a, from what I saw. 1 for it the :— < Iwwka and t «„*. Bkkun, 3.—The following highly myself should put untiling following persons teacher at the No article of food wc use d, Sept. that the Democrat* are regular examination. depreciates ,"|!,1 been made them down at from Jules Jules Sim- reliable, making for those mixed ticket*, and see to it has iust 10.000 to in Favre, Geinliette. so lire earn important despatch 12,000 The of the or so as caimp«ed of w|lk , a liial no object Institute will be to rapidly, decays quickly fish, here : killed and wounded at this alone. eon. Pelleton. and uuusual efforts to jh>1I lull vote on voter i* deceived. Read public point Keratry, Picard, every tin * 1 J. ileal with methods of rather than anil lrcsli fish is fit to cat, \S nwlea unit < of ion .M Before Sedan. Kranee. Friday Sept. Jules next. This not lie done ballot and sec that it coutaiu* teaching twenty ^ TIIF. F.MPIKF FALLEN. F'leury. Monday may carefully ISP. M—From the King to the Qneen. to impart instruction in the aeveral four hours after it is unless l’aris.4. The Gaulois the with the of their ntt the au cuuglit, kept Oemlemen’* (iarmem, the w hole at New gixes expectation electing Reputdi. candidate*, as print- i,v..,| , „ A whereby army ^ork, The Courier branches. a eapitulation ! Sept. Tearhers will please come pro- iu temperature raised to toneble and durable color, v war lias been extract text letter from Na- candidate* thi* hut to their 's! and none othrr». sufficiently Sedan are prisoners of just des Ktats l nis following year, *weli above, The issue in a manner “n this vided with slates, and such arrest the of itir thorough com- morning accepts to : paper, peuclls process decay nod kccji concluded with General Wimpfen. the surrender poleon King William vote to such dimensions a- to give them ;1 i* square I v made, suit il i* of Sedan as the termina- important text I looks as are used. The en- of Kid entl Buckskin instead of Marshall MacMah m no generally juices the fish Intact. <•■*,... r.utpe, ,nti % manding “Having command in the army in the next election. that tbe wiiole ticket should lie »tj» mid denud’d tion of the war. and it will 1* eucouiagemeul I elected. rollment will lie mailu dyed t.>nvw who Is wounded. says and all promptly at 10 1 challenge tlie writer, or any other me useless haring placed my authority liaveall the in thi* elec- Tin- defeat of of our Store The Kmpcror surrendered himself to for France to make further re- They advantage any eandlilutes will o'clock The Good* lU*fliiish« il. in the hand* of the as Monday morning. subsequent man to cite an instance of fever or any as he has no command and left everything sistance. Sedan, was Kmperor Regent tion it one \ cat which hr hailed n« a like tVocrtli, .because is oftlio.c Democratic triumph, and roll will occur at 9 A. M. and at -J IV M. 1 I herewith surrender disease induced use ( 1 to the Kegcnt at l*aris. His residence lost luy sword to the by the of ti-ti eaten GLKKN rv DYE Hor,i ; | through occur* in the lii*tor\ of every pane, a* evidence of the of tbe There will lie a J after an interview with him of Prussia. disintegration county educational conven- within the shall appoint King time aliove mentioned. That 3*> to tie fin'd Immediately. <.KN. I AIL LEV'S INCOMPETENCE when the tneinl>ers thereof are ilull ffer- tion forenoon each Central Street, at a rendezvous The total of French soldiers Republican party. Friday during Insti- have with God's nuni|ier people been made sick by eating What a course events guid- or As for the cnt. or careless, or desire relaxation Our nominations have all been tute to discuss matters of Interest treachery. Ini|)eria! who tl<*d into Belgian i* Im*- lairly jier- fish 1 do not BANGOK. Mg;. ance have taken I territory, dispute, since putrid tub Government, says the Courier, its fate licvcd to lie aliout 15.001). from the strife of politic, or becau»e and honorably made. Nothing can be taining to the common schools of the coun- is are not considered healthy ourbe-t H. F. GOULD, sealed. (»ur first defeats were the there are no issue* that or afternoon there will be a writ- by t.Xi rrXMKNT absorbing urged against their character ability ty. Friday IN ritAM c. and their use N. proprietor,® B. Ad colors for its ten examination of physician-, naturally warranted uot ! signal fall. Napoleon 111. is swallow up all the minor nutter* that No reason exists all the teacher* con- tor # W^k An Official why Republican* Ml order* bv creates r,. Report. but a auest*, or extreme warm or Vote the entire ticket, tuid *ee that no To the ment OF THE sUXRF.NIiF.lt OK NAPOLEON. ure. Gen Trochu was shouted er time. Trade! TIIF. PRINCE IMPERIAL A PRISONER. for, shrink from this examination, as it will lie weather or war*, men talk and one i* cheated or into a Washington. Sept. 3.—The following andon he to the dry cajoled voting appearing, spoke impartial, the same sub- People that cannot State Loudon, .>. An Amsterdam think ulnmi matter* ami mixed or printed question* complain they get has been received at the Depart- Sept. crowd he had taken the ostii. less absorbing mutilated ticket. ! saying mitted to all and the results will he strict- any good fish ami a-k me. often, the rnent: telegram reports the first announce- are not *iirr«d to rwoluteaud determin- and as an honest man he could not WOODMAN,TRL'ESi rnent that the ly confidential. Certificates will be pre- reason One reason is the facili- 1*- M.—The Prince why. Hsire now m § 3. 1.15 Imperial store *,i.J T LONDON, Sept. escaped break it. The Chambers must answer ed action. The Last Word- %x* rv*,. J| into is erroneous. sented to all examined. Memtiers of ties for fish here arc such have sur- Belgium He too. ha* willed the getting good A LAKbE A HD F.mperor and McMahon's army them, at crowds assembled The Republican party \\ <• de-ire to the COMPLETE 3;rj j surrendered at midnight impre*- upon mind* School School that it is next to at Sedan to the King. The Km- , Sedan with the Kincror Committees, Agents and all impossible to rendered lietore the I and willed it right, of all ibe procure the Corps Legislatif building slavery question, member* ol the are residence is to be appointed by and McMahon’s The total num- Republican educators earnestly Invited to be pres- them: the distance which imror’s army. and shout**! has carried they have to i u.ti interview w ith him. The that the F.mperor having and on an enduring basis—it the a- weli a* tin* ber of by tiiis party duly necessity ent at the forenoon the alter- prisoners surrender rach- convention, i he brought is so and the mode of FOREIGN UNO was concluded with General fallen into the hands of the it the a great DOMESTIC es enemy, [ through great war, of on < , capitulation 120,000. government I voting Monday. noon lamination and the re- i instead of Marshall MeMahon was now time for the to rise evening conveyance so dependent u[ioii wind Wlmpfen people and now it i* hut and 1 lie iik ii THE EMPRESS TO quietly rapidly in the party who gain a r**p- union. when the Certificates will be who was wounded. Join IIEK III -HAND. and chase out tile invaders. The grant- and tide that considerable time must Corps I effectually pay ing off the war debt, million tor for ed. DRY J. I-MOTLEY. Minister. | consistency integrity 1 iiivcssiiri It plmtdit Im>i a'iM.ii rlts. .•stol.i.... ^(Signed) Paris.Sept. >. 1 he however, till the as- goods! Empress Eugenie adjourned today, the burden- of the re- THE PENALTY ot HIS easing people by I for uiiM'lti-lines*. kie the men yy bo arc I lie Institute for Haucock will GENERAL FaILLT FaYs received assurance from the surance been that the county ami of said Which *fT**r at t.v i M I having having giving taxation and eating fish. and for the above they i- dis- ducing curtailing e\|s-n»e-. itlurav- found Ht be held at Oct. 10, 1*70. | ixcoMrrrr.NCY—Prince Napoleon Prussian Government that she will not should not without some llii1 (toll-. It mat !»• Ellsworth, | dap pass reason I venture to say that not one half LOWEST MARKET These arc matter* of the greatest nation- ll'at WAKKEN graced. be treated as a has consented determination of France. ! noiiirthiiijr baa bei-ii done or loft JOHNSON, PRiczj prisoner, of the Iresliaud corned fish into -AUK- v* \' ti _i al | brought lias w and still do not at- nur-n'l'ni. Brussels. 3.—General Failltr JWUI UII uuawaim .l|J« 1 MJII. W [Jt) importance, they ntidonp that doe- not suit nil of .>u/* Sept. us. and this the tract u»« city during hot iitouUis are AGENTS been shot. One account says that it was also surrendered with his fattier at Se- l’ari*. 4.— :310 in. Today Count aitciturn of the iua-h^, <»r yet we must reinemlmr that wisdom j FOR p. “tit to ordes and another his really eat. by McMahon's by ; dan. Nile will have for Prussia as Palikao in a lull to stir them to «!•» their to the brought the Corps duty party, will not die tvitli any olio man, and own soldiers. Union and High School. This is not more the fault of the Sewin® Machines soon as her eau be im t- a as when Home issue i- at pro- Singer's the Prince j arrangements 1-egislatif instituting council of Gov- great political what seem- tv roue to-day bo the The Empress has enjoined may Wo rejoice that one of the »lep* toward i ducer thau ot the He has re- feetol. ernment and national consist- ! stake which take* hold of the *\ consumer, i>eople Napoleon to return to Paris. ) defence, (apa- he-t in the end. a man has saved Many more effective of the school iuou^'V in insist their and a decree lia« been issue,! of live to I upon having ti-ii fresh or fused -tripp- TRO«TII AS DKTATOR. mg members, be elected hv thies and the lw»*t feeling* of the human his credit lor | WOODMAN, TRUE & CO consistency and lor |>arty Kilnworth. in now taken. ing him of the rank of Prince and Senator the the Ministers to being slightly corned and so as thev Gen. Corps Legislatif j heart.—And \et these common long Cor. Middle & Pearl Sts and his donation. Trochu will at once he made ques- integrity by thouKlittul the recent onifrof the Couu* withdrawing be with the of the i eonsideraiion. By Ctty il, prefer to eat fish so appointed approval tion* must !m* us j semi-putrid long w mat '1 Dictator and Paris w ill U- attended to, thev are and a resolute PORTLAND. ME after tem|Mirary 1 ca-tinjf from him all the Uio lower Uoom in napoleon, members, and this Council and Count Hancock Hall ha* beeu thei will be able to them. defended to the last. The of the moment,i j procure London. 3.—The news ol the |>coplc sav questions grayest ailing little matters that he dislikes and granted to the School Administrators Sale Sept. j1 Palikao to l.icut. aid Lieutenant ^ojno Committee for the Yours that the war officially. K. It. I>. is not ended nor wiil into action the best talent, and the o " l!l l>« Hold at Public Auction bv vr.» surrender of th,* Emperor aud McMahon's yet high- to the (sills and tot in in accordance uses of a School. General. High li* trom the < ourtofPro lie f >-\.x created great excitement and the | it be so long as Prussian soldiers are est of the statesman j army qualities and the j with his view-. Mr. L. • nuccesiful of Hancock oti Tuesday the Uth d*< whether l’lu- following are the terms of the |>artv licorge FaruUam, Si-oktinu.—Agreatcolt race between anxiety is universal to ascertain within the confines of France.—The next A. D. l*7o ai oue <> tick 1’ U public man. Teacher, and recent of surrender involves a cessation of hostilit- resolutions introduced !>v M. Thiers, -- _ graduate Colby three year olds, came off at Fleet woo J Dwelling II ou-e of N.^rah II Br-tvrn tv i news here is but the main very meagre, When Lincoln u an mont deceased no much of the real c*tat ies and an unresisted of Paris. and the President lalioriug I niverMty has been The school near occupation adopted Council engage*!. Park, New Y'ork, last as is r.. "ipc facts are known, and there is by Imperial The Pembroke Iron Works. Tlmrsdav. sarah II. Itiowu necessary ju deluded although of the harxlest and the most will Ik* of to her debt* and n d- haza ink's struggle!—the Ministers ; uii-etfi-hlv probably opened Sept, 1‘Jth. There It was lor and Was pay just considerable ftoOUti between “I,<>- x excitement the are We copy the of | of administration ild estate •o- PARISIANS. |woplc In view lor the of following description the i** an unavoidable of pre*ervati*ii the life ot the delay in the of om«~tea*< in which Sar.ih tl. Bp»wu ».•■ not as luueii moved hv tin* new's existing Circumstances, supply thair," a Itiibrcth Knox eolt from Sea nearly Pembroke lr«>u Work, fn-ni the corn* aod limi ts Sept 8.—A despatch Just re, iv- the ( handier a Commissioner nation, giving to the fliruiture from Boston, which was ordered poseased as might have Is-en :ip|«oiuts great question- M aiue. and “Startle,“ a Ilainhletoniun. ) abm ui(ii\i::»' cd has the lollowing Siuce Wednesday ! expected. of spoudeuce of the Gasp* l Han tier government and national defeuse. which came crowding ii[mmi him with two weeks ago W’e hope the delay will j Administrator ot s.i. tjjjf to I»ndon. Sept. A dated l he who 77 over :»* last Bazaine has steadily sought escape dispatch the lx1 town of Pembroke i* located near pulled pounds weight. Trcmout, Aug. 2Jd, IdTU Constituent Assembly to con- all his not seriously embarras the success of the North imt b< lias always been frustra- Carlsnihe. Sept. 3. states that on the crushing weight, tune, thought*, the j»catH>ni on the stage road loading from The race i« thus described: — vened ns soon as circumstances will I the new It i* Picked Adrift ted Mautenffel, directed bv Prince ; ttie cellars and cure, with a Kaelpiirt to Machia*. and *#o .South and enterprise. very important •Startle wou tie- up by previous day of patriotic devotion pole. The colts I Two Porjcie NVn near Durk a Weal to linnrM anti KorKlinil. it i- *itQ- *nat Mr. Farnhata shonld have the contl JaJaidU Frederick Charles. (K'riiiit. owner •-.»!, have never and never will be ieored five times before thev reached by applying t<» Wr»» jj ^ STRASnol'R). surpassed, be, ated 12 miles* from and 2»> > VV Berlin. 4. Die lias l Kistport from detiee and cordial *»f in Harbor. «».»»'• M It is believed in Paris that Me- i^ucen receivnl xupport parents I the stand on even terms uml lioth trot- Proving property really j was receiving less ol the ci»ntide•ml Calais. and ha- a population of *otue :l,0oo ctisar a»>s. Malian is on the offensive and that had lieen inundated the of the lelegram from the coming here as a stranger. It will be hi* when were <1. ARK II' »/*M v. acting by rising following King j and ot A cou»idcrable river, called the ling steadily. they dispatch- of of the party Paoiequan. s. \V. Harbor, x*|»t. rtth.bb'u. .* > on he the Prussian the river suffer- applause many a rd with their heads In an I Thursday destroyed Rhine, causing great “What a thrilling moment was the i runs through it it-ugthwise and furnishes earnest purpose to make mo*lei school. parallel. left the Crown Prince to fall bai k the nation, than at any other time be- instant Startle dashed to the obliging | and destruction of The with is water suffl ieut to turn no We have reason to that this front, and ing property. meeting Napoleon, he east I jxtwcr small expect school Picked at Sea on the Hills of cause the line ol his duties ut that amount a- he rounded the one up Argonne. is 1 of lumbering and other turn, hundred magnificent cathedral partially des- dawn, but dignified in his hearing and machinery wdl prove a very great blessing. To the Picked up at v.i on the 5th in*t. be* s TO DECLARE HIM- Put the inaiu from the stand, he was KINO WILLIAM URGED time was hidden from the eye business is nium-rU'd with three | lwrr> Isle and Duck I-land. t Porif: N ) troyed. I him Wilhelinhouse. ; public of the it needs yards resigned. gave the celebrated Pembroke Ir»»u Work*. young people place supplies ahead of Lothair. He was ,oon buoy*. The owner can have the sain SELF EMPEROR OF GERMANY. not attract the lengths THE ’near Castel. as the where he is ami therefore did and upon Win. II. Ward South \V. t Hi EMPIRE KM.EJ1—Ul'PATi II FROM place 1 must acknowledge my at the most pressing urgent. Without a five lengths in front, and then Lothair LONDON. Sept .3.—The Germans are urg I surprise proving propertv and paying char* hv the notice ot the masses. Nevertheless, extent ami of these Startle t MINISTER WAMIIU USE. stay. My reception trixips perfection work* and good High School the city of Ellsworth broke up. kept stead and j II. < lino,. iug King William to declarehim-elf Emper- the amouut of 5. W. may be Ix-lter miagmtsl than diserih- the work so quietly performed was capital Invested here. Thir- must suffer serious loss ami shame. when lie reached the quarter pole, in Ilarbur, Sept. 6th. 1H70. ■>. Minister or j or of Germany. Washington.Sept. Wasli- ty years ago more, some man or men of and a hull seconds In was ed.” essential to the accomplishment ot the The of the L’uiou and High thirty-seven iHirnc that the is means put up buildings here for privileges THK GREAT BATTLE WHICH RUINED THE I telegraphs Kmpire rolling eight yards ahead of the other. Lothair DRUG STORE FOR SALE. Brussels 4—Noon. It is ot the nation from war and but not School are free to all the districts in the ended and that that the excitement in positively redemption iron, probably possessing sufficient broke again after the FRENCH— THE MOST BRII-I.l A N1 SUCCESS Ot up passing quar- j IIV llHKWKlt, asserted taat the has arriv- enterprise to secure success, or en- we 0|>|>.M; Paris is elitense. Kmperor ruin, ami deserving of the highest partial limits of E1Uworth, and hope scholars ter pole 111111 fell further off. Start'e TBI W AR. ed at /xaullou. escorted a detach- tire failure was the result. A few UiVNGOK. by year* will co in* from beyond the centre Districts was one hundred yards ahead at the RIOTS IN praise. some gentleman ac- l.o. kwo..| on account nl ill health Ter- London. Sept. 3.—A special from the PARIS. ment of Prussians and French. subsequently, fully hall-mile in 1.17. Liege to enter. |sde, rle seemed to Drug More and House t ud President Grant administration ha* quainted with the business, happening here qualified Dlt Dwelling sea’, of War reports a most brilliant Prus- has been selected as his of de- S. be very no effort I beat location tn Brewer. An ex.-eiia: .: Paris, Paris is in a state plaee ou a their vaca- trotting easily being Sept. fishing expedition duriug tv lor a to ir u rv * sian success. Twenty thousand Prussians tention. Several of ladies a peaceful,and therefore an unattractive made to harry him. ami when he Physician wishing retire of riotous excitement. C rowds are Kugenie's tion rambles, uoticed “the situation and passed j Kor particulars enquiry may be m i* aud 10.000 French soldiers killed the > lay upon miv-ion. Nevertheless it is doing it- made a of the of the Pulsifer in three-quarter pole, in l.otj l-g he otherwise of Dk D. I.Ot KWOOD, down the ml arms and of honor have arrived at Brussels. purchase mill*. privilege, Meeting Family Au the Held of battle. | tearing Impel more like sea 4 Centre Street, Brewer, Main*. work, ami well, lr and an extended tract of land about the burn apfieared excereising work an in their the of the em- D. o. The quietly, resolutely, the BEi.Gia.Ns naYE elephant destroying golden eagles Washington, C., Sept. L. L. of than at racing. Lothair had broken 1 “Republican Journal,’ Bella*t. 1 i* of premises. Wordsworth, Esq.. up pire. hears are entertained that the official has deserving the approbation every l>r. Mosses It- PuUifcr of a Journal" Bidefbrd, x ntinaiBath. \ hands. ! following dispatch just been Ma—.. theu a Ellsworth, third time, and was 150 behind. l)uxbury. comparatively yards and send and bill k will soou he at the of rweivod at the Legation of the will should met his chili Iren and paper containing city mercy the North Republican and thi* good young man. but with tne grandchildren, Coming up the short' homestretch i ment. 3 wr.tt London. 3 —The Prussians who I Hilly acquainted Sept. German Cuion: The was evening at the residence nl mobs. Kmperor Napo- beexpressed by ballots at the poll-. business, employed and sent dow n Wednesday Startle was not urged at all, as Mr. entered and surrendered, at the leon. declared that Ins his sou. l*r. Iloralio B. PuUifcr of Au- Belgiuu having capaclU her#- to superintend the maunfactun- of Burr knew that the black colt was more authorities have NAPOLEON HET1IHONKH. PROPOSALS. regulation of the Belgium him fruin irou. lie soon became sole burn. The coiuisu of prevents negotiating for |x>aee. agent and hud family rrand- thau two distances out : but as he passed been sent to Hnige-. The French who The Fieuch of failier Far Opening the Channel of ( aion Kiwr Paris, 5.—3 m. It is now Government being at Pari-, The Maine Standard charge the entire works which were en- Moss's It. PuUifcr and wife, his I the where Mr. Aliev was were same time have Sept. p. drawgate, FI la raptured at the the war will and extended from time to worth. Ale. lie eoutiiiued. larged time, till children, Maj. J.D. Pulsifer of Auburn, that to been in a citadel of the same to reach the The Standard is is exercise 1 about our standing, gentleman called Burr lodged city. imjiossiblc Corps Legisla- now cover an ar*-a will lie offi •• | they of more th in thr** wife, three and two sons; L>r. to let the colt 1 Proposals received at this The of the officer' of both tif to enormous daughters go faster. Burr then o'clock greater part owing the crowds sur- [on khi..J local politics, ami the course of the Amer- acres of gave a. m. ou Tuesday, the ttlh ot ground. N. («. H. Pulsifer of Waterville, wife a forces have been set at on Parole. him touch or two with the and next, tor opening a channel through liberty the is ican. are our course The main are to whip, | rounding huildiug.—It reported j. > We that gives buildings appropriated two sons and two a* Paris, Sept. The following ireular sorry daughters; Reuben he s|iur[ieiieU his gait to a edging*, sawdust, boulder* and other The entire population of Namur have placed that a vote Hi mace* of all some of them thirty clip, Vions in Union Kiv.;r, between Steam’ -s' that the has tx*en sent I Go it uuea*iues*. descriptions; D. Pulsifer of Htetaon, fanner, wile and to declaring Kmperor dispatch by Mini-icr any •ndsocatne the stand, about one and Tinker's one in service ot the de- 1 of sufficient size to receive to wharf half-mile below themselves the Sanitary has forfeited ol the aud heat a two sons one bis claim to the throne, Interior to the Prefect L consideration, we feel iuci ned to and daughter, Caroline hundred anil in The channel is to be down t<> Depart- pon heat, a half ton of eighty yards front, thus opened : welding nearly Iron at al laid of the and to such width partment. has been carried ments Pulsifer hus- wiuiiiiiiT t lit* riu’fl in Iimii in •> :Ui River, by yeas l«j to nays o. think that the remark that our commu- Croelccr, llyauuis, Mass., up soldiers. j a time. These Hirnac#*s are In full ncer in charge may Escape Numerous French I Gen. of kept two sous and two direct—probably The are wild with excitement Trocliu, Governor Paris, has and band, daughters; After the nu n wa* over, Mr. liobert 1U0 feet nor more than 150 teet. 3.—Additional bodies of people has not the most cooHclencious no- blast both day night for the entire Brussels. Sept. been a member of the Gov- nity Bidders will please slate the amount * and are the streets appointed w eek, two seta of hands, duo In all. Augustus M.PuUiter, County Attorney, Bonner naked Mr. Alley what he would j marching through tious of law and to In* being wdl do the lirst tor a width French troops have passed the Belgian border ernment of national defence. lie order,' ought quali- Auburn, wife, two sous and one darn'll- they Job, takes to wau take for the colt. to > ! with the vote of the required the establishment, when Being replied in drcd feet, aud second, tor every a were bearing placards the w we ter. near Komillon and promptly of ar, and hi- fied, and should make this correction l)r. Horatio it. Pulsifer, one a feet in w disarmed. I I o.oelnGf -I Al. portfolio colleagues pressed to Its utmost capacity. The whole wife, whisper, Mr. Bonner exclaimed, width, the Lime ot completion one ol 300(1 men were one General have son ami one slated. In body coul'erred u|hmi him the Presi- that it i* about the same iu thi* regard a* is driven the combiucd force of water daughter. Ella I>. Pulsifer, “The colt is mine.” What Mr. ! by Bonner Buts will also be received tor .1 and ot the who Shouts of Auburn, T. several offiuers staff aud steam. The sides of the are teacher; lteiitou Startle — imperial dency. the people of Augusta, or of that portion building Pulsifer, paid for did not transpire, but the day «tut mg the machinery, and uu:u-- gave up their swords. ‘‘VIVE LA E (Signed) Luis Gamhkttx. throwu entirely open for the free circula* Ellsworth, medical student. Children all that to know men and ail the acces series necesau. REI’UBLIQl ol Franklin county. when our brother of pretended the value London, tion of the and Charles Pay nents will he made monthly, pro r id How the News was Received in New Sept. The officers of the air, especially during the in- by present wife, Georgia ol tlie said that he was worth at are heard on all sides. The the Sland:!i The are War, Troehu. (the only nephew) undersigned on the of the new*. ; troops was a Catholic the a Protestant them through the “squeezers" and “roll- ton Block on lor torn. gan ia-taatly receipt singing President of the Council. M. aud filler auil sou; Cousin Nathauicl Dunu. of Longrcs* street, Grevy; the smoke and heat BATCHELOR’ HAIR DYE and for more detinue infonnatiou it 1< Some time before the of the Board* “MOI RIB POCK era,"—amid of the opening PATRIE.” General of the church. So we recollect that Ellsworth New York Dr. N. C. Harris ami This Hair is the be«t ou 1- Secretary Provisional place, and all its diu and commotion.—the City; splendid Dye in the world. traasomiiug their bid* (which mu-d at 1L5 7-8. a fall of 3-i from the of Harm will please endorse thcron l*;'V clothing price The scene is one of Government, Andre Taverte. bad been disgraced by a library de- scene wife, Auburn; Capt. Horace C. Little lean, reliable, instantaneous, doe* not con- caie;.they (indescribable' having is exciting cuough aud remiuds one for opening ihe chauuel ol Union river the Seals tain lead, nor n/«hc of lost night aud Aral regular sale wa* 1 have been on the diKir* Ac. on anil wife, of Lewiston. any poison to produce paraly- excitement. But one sentiment seems placed stroyed, These are only ••blots" for all the world of the old-faahioued re- uko n> i made at 113 7-8. The great to sell ol the The re-union of se or death. Avoid the vaunted and delusive Lt. Col. ol K:-. f pressure to be Corps Legislatitl'. the lair tame of two lair we are ligious notions in which he was was, course, pleasant | paramount— cities, and educated, U. 8- Engineer Ottice, ) forced the down in the first fifteen min- Loudon, Sept. o. The Prussians of demons and the Arcs of to tlie preparations boasting vtilues they do not possess j price to such deylls, hell, and parties participant. Portland, Me., Aug it. 1870. J t* RESISTANCE TO were at iucliued think transactions would The W. A. Batchelor's Hair ha* had utes to 113 but It soon recov ered an and INVASION. re(>orted St. Qiieutcn. the smoke of their torments for- Two of the party gave recitations ol genuine Dye eighth ascending 30 still out. uot lie tolerated iu either place to-day, and ever and Pitiuau years untarnished reputation to uphold its in- | now the market is usw weak at 113 to 113 1-*. “All the nation to the I Moutmedy holds ever. original rhymes; Pulsiter made NOTE LOST. rescue," shout tegrlty a* the Perfect Hair — Black or The city of Sedan was burned in yet there Is not the fullest evidence that When running on lull time, $120,000 are his debut as a comic versifier aud only Dye French sympathizers refuse to believe the the aud the very Cost, or stolen a Note for the turn of S people, entbu- Brown. Bold by all Druggi»t». applied at W '- troops join paid out to laborers and the hit off the to the subscriber u news. j TbursiWys fight. the community of any considerable town annually, happily the characteristics of Aug. lo, law, given by Garde Nationale Bond At., N. V. spe lv31 meu ol Town ot Notice is here siastically.—'The says A dispatch from Berlin the Ger- quantities of raw material consumed are as Pnlsifer brothers. A critic in numbers the Surry. The Tribune has a from Berlin this says or city in the Slate, have yet come to that tout ol the same han been special : that order must lie mans have follows:— payment atoppe preserved. The I discovered aud destroyed the pronounced tins first effort an un- MOSES il A morning confirming Marsha! MacMahon's de- point, as they will in time, when all will 7,50U tons of irou. Tweity aeven Tears Practice people evince but little desire to create hidden on which Metz de- pig measured success. Nathaniel Dunu sorry, Aug. ioth 1870. feat and surrender. acqueduct 3.0*10 In the Treatment of Diseases incident to Females, j pended take hold to see even obnoxious laws tons of irou ore. the troble. All seem at the for- for water. They also added much to merriment of the head ot all The effect in | overjoyed captured 12.000 tons of coal and nas placed DR. DOW at the physicians London. Bazaiiie's the as the surest means to them 5,uG0 tons of flre- •T. M. WBNTWOBTB. feitnre. Crowds are to tear dispatch bag, contents of obeyed, get saml. company, by rendering extract* from a such a and enables | London, sept. 3-—The begin mg | making practice specialty, great and pacific which show that the are corrected. We he but we he is M. 1>. down the arms from the French in a may wrong, Mach of the play writing, dramatizing life iu him to guarantee a speedy and permanent cure news imperial frouts time the war, when j just received gives unusual relief. The j condition. daring New York 1 de|>eiident have always been of the opinion that Un- the mills were on extra mil city. in the worst cases of Suppression and all other effect Is visible lo of shops aud there are fears that this running time, PHYSICIAN A SUR6E0N. nearly every countenance Tlie Orleans Princes are ill 39 the whole a Menstrual from whatever cause. expected of this do as a Iccsi of fnithtd iron were turned out To-day party eujoyed IHranpemonts, may lead to serious trouble as the Na- Paris people country, uot, gener- Main*1 and a new is to and trans- Tuesday. 24 and ride to their former in AH letters for advice mast ©ontain $1. Office, No Sedirwiflk, impulse given prices al have for every hours, from 2,000 to 3.000 home, \ tional Gared are not inclined to thing respect enough the laws lbs. dined at John K. actions. permit bolt rivets and 150 kegs of nails of 100 {ileasant'oland; Pulsifer's.and 9 Endicott STunrr. Boston. Kr.nlen« SI UOHITV’S HOTEL. of the unless are tu ^iu*^ disorders. land, they accordance lbs. returned to Anbum. The to those to re- Option lie. The Battles of Tuesdat and Wednes- any Bath, Me., Aug. 31. Boothbav har- weight each, were manufactured every grandfather N. B.—Board furnished desiring AROUND THE TUILLERIKS with their particular notlous. This feel- 24 hours, and from 2,000 to 8,000 lbs. aud hi* son* aat for a main under treatment. day—How MacMahon was obliged to bor was about 1 bolt group pliotograph Auction Hull*. Mouday morning, rivets aud 150 of * is uot confined to ouc kegs nails or 100 lbs. and tlie company separated. Boston, duly, iHT0.-sp.no. I yr i* hereby »ti; fiCKEEN DEB. there is a strong military force o'clock, the scene of quite ail extensive ing any party. Notice given that I shall guard- weight each ; were manufactured every 13 Journal. Auction on Monday the litth day ot sepura--^ this riot on the of about 100 To relieve the mlud of the Standard we __ London. Aug. A—The Times morning of part Cape Cod hours. In brief next, all shares in the Stock ot toe ing against any possible display these “Works" are among DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION Capital asys that Marshal MacMahon’s series of errors and Cape Ann fishermen who had will so far retract as to say that our com- the most is after or a ot worth Gas Light Co.*upon whicn a'-e»-iuc;J popular indignation. Hundreds of extensive, thorough aud oppression eating, belching up ten ^ perfect The give* the and follows Costiveness. Dr. Har- main uupaid. Sale v> take place at have the initial error and com sought the above as a harbor for as of in New following population wind, aggravated pro' thousands of citizens are still place munity is law ahiding as other cities or any England. The for always A. M. at the Ottee ol the Treasurer. passing lauding n north SerliUitk Lozenges give permanent relief. the last chance ot the night. Tiiev proceeded cu masse of each of the Town* and Plantations GEO. A. DYER. mised retrieving the fortunes toward the the Place towns in the state where our brother has freight vessels, where all the Iron ore and They are pleasant, portable, do not rwjnire in* Tre»g-1 Corps Legislatif, to the house of a widow coal are received crease of never fhil. warranted Ellsworth, Sept, 1st 1S70. ot France. From the chaos of nargent aud and the manufactured ar- iu the Eastern (MM, and Also, __ unintelligible de la Conende is now resided, and had the influence which bis Representative of Han- sale at one mass of hu- daughter, and on denied admit- ticles are is within to cure every kind of Piles. For No. 1 and telegrams we that Ms* being shipped, a mile, so that E. A. Harrison X>iMMolution. conflicting gather man entitles him to have. cock Co. Trepiont Temple. Boston, A Co., beings. tance they stove in the door. On en- ability probably there Is no establishment of the all Mailed tor Mahon was proceeding to the relief of Metz Proprietor*, and by Druggists. ihe copartnership heretofore exi-tinf ; trance, a nephew of Mrs. kind anywhere in the Mcenu. SCENES Sargent, wiio country in which bus- in I860 1717 the name of Deaisle A Co. is hereby when be was encountered and driven beck or ENTHUSIASM iness is GonidsboniPopulation di**^' by was iu the house at the on doue with or lar- mutual consent. Those indebted to tli»* 2r_ time, fired greater economy in loss No. of IT IS ALL-IMPORT the Germans who pursued him so cioaelr and around The Surrender- dividends 1870, 1709, 8, Dwelling’s .ANT to call on E. G. Deaisle who took place the tbe Na- the of fishermen, sever- ger have been declared on the requested building, wounding that the young should learn how to avoid the on busiueas. and constantly that collisions were inevitable party The surrender of the French Annv stock Invested. 307, No. Families 341. Sullivan carry the tional Garde with the al of them. They, however, continued capital Popu- most inactive diseases always prevalent in civil- EESlsLl benoe conflicts hare been ail the fraternizing under Marshal But tor the last ised communtitoe, and last that reported and the their assault, the es- McMabou, with the Em- year business has dimin- lation iu I860, 862, in 1870 796, los* hardly Important I.' UEsISL^ troops people. Thousands of beating inmates, aud 66, men ol middle age, or tfcoae more advanced in week. There wee serious work at Sedan on ished, small portions of the mills have Bar Harbor Sept. lat. 1S70. tbe the woman, in a most peror, to au end to the war. No. of life, should understand how the lost of guards rushed into the but pecially shocking ought pat been Idle. At the Dwelling* 179, No. of Families I powers when MacMahon reached the hall, manner. present time, however, bn restored Ou those, and kindred Tuesday height* were They consummated What reason can maflhnpdmpy persuaded to retire finally good be given for it seem to be improving, end still better 179. Fraukliu iu 1860,1004, Honin' Lota of Maux near and thither came the by Gambetta, their raid the Population Carignan who seems to by tearing up floor, nail- results are have great influence over further continuance of n strife so terrible anticipated in the luture, from in Gain 38. For Sale oa Seasonable Terms Emperor on Tuesday. On that day 30300 ol ing up the windows and fire to the 1870, 1048, Dwellings 186, Hayes, ofBostoa, sustains a surprising amount the setting favorable effects It is that the of H»‘ MacMahon’s people Crowds outside are the after which in its consequences as this has thought Families 198. Eaetbrook in valuable doctrine and information. Our rea- Subscriber has some rerv |deairabie army was attacked between house, they escaped to proved European war, now Population ders raging, will have on may judge of the character of this interest lots lor bale eligibly situated and at rej ; Mooeeard and Mouliaa. This was SINGING THE their vessels; aud at break of to to be? The other will uot lc60 of the THE on a the first MARSZILLA18E day put great powers commercial Interests of our country 991, in 1870,187, loss 84, Dwelling* Mg yoluma by perusing Me advertisement hie prices. Tor particulars Ac., call sea. At the time of the Peabody Mwlieal Institute. in another column. battle of Beaumont reported by King William and “Vire la 1” trouble, several look idly on, aud see France dismember- Farming, shipbuilding, the mean tor inn 49, Families 49. No 7 iu “yUn,e- Republique inhabitants heard cries of lumber Population R.GKBRT.* to the Queen. The French wen driven over of “Murder,” and other interests euter lute ed,or ofall its and form- Ellsworth, Aug. 31st _ There It intense excitement and con- and to the scene or stripped power the business I860, 114, in 1870, 89, Iom 45, Dwellings 1870._ the Meuse to Mouaou and the encounter on proceeding confus- transacted here; but it Is all stant noiae of voices that found the woman in er glory. Neither can with the to that 18, Families 17. No. 10 the other bunk of the river became drowns all ion, great distress, Prussia, secondary connected with the Population in, AfooHsements. A. S. general— •be “Iron Works.” New H. other sounds. There were no having barely escaped the flames. capture of its Emperor, desire When the mills are quiet, in Ion 23 Families the Feepeh were driven from Taos and only danger- any 1880, S3, 1870, 10, 4, Thu County Fair will be held at Buctspo”'' The nephew probably cannot recover. quiet reigns universally. ous elements visible until the crowd greater humiliation than has already 4. No. 21 Population in 1880 The greatest excitement prevails in the Dwelling’s anted. “itefauSJwiUba axMbttad at tha reached the where fallen to the Iu —The State and article. RusCastigloue, they village. No arrest* have yet been empire. bead U iu Library rooms at Augusta 34, 1870,36, Q^in 2, Dwellings 9, Famil- View Items,” tbs crop* fluey made, *r iMmI g,lxtr-ln Mob Town Wall. to tear down the •od it is of Ua am ... bqgaa imperial thought it will be adiflcolt prisoner war; greatest army has being enlarged. The work la ies 9. Total in 4003 toqitre ofTkoan* is to ba oaa of *n • i. Marly Population 1860, Thin » A SgeWfSUCm as aim and from tbe of the task 4o the rioters. aad the Prussian PjwNcalara tioas. I. WASSON, ye < • "X* tearing flap identify cepltuieled, troops completed. Total torn 188. .*! Rt 1870, V-Sap*. Mint. M Sury, Aag. »l, 1*78. * t u Si. flahl jtrtfvk **4*i.rie*3 o', .o k. .OSUtSsS .i * * P. ROWEL'S (0. COLUMN I I DAUCIIV’S ft CO»8 COLUMN. —'The 3ehr. Martha D. McCain, and tha —J. P. Wyman A Sob, of Augusta have DIED. 1 A Wonderful Discovery AT (CHsmorth Ammow,Golden Rule caught in ten days each, c ff Mt. lrecently pot In • powerful engine, to their 870- Sorry, Aug 10th, Mn. | lothes Lines. For particulars address the ty( will be held In Hancock Hall for the five lnatead of water as heretofore. aged 44 yn. !iirard Wire Mills, Phil. Pa. 2w Solomo. J. Trewonry, aged M Hair ex- Sept. 4th, Capt. Restorative, days, commencing with Oct. 10th. It la —A la erected at in Purses! l'-c*1 W"*r‘ machine shop being year*. ADVERTISING. $1,350 A. B- HAWYBH, In t*th. Cl.ra C. Wilton. oldMt AGENTS wanted for ftlK RKSCTT OF pected| to be the largeot gathering of Teacher* Canton OUa haa Tramoat, Arg by Rayford, Jr., who pur- child «f John U. and Sally Wilson, aged 17 yearn. ever assembled in the and the moat A Book o (125 closely burn- * county, Shecnoee her own funeral teal from St.John printed page*, lately YEARS OF STUDY AND EXPERIMENT. *° Liberal and Judicious Preml- chased the old atarch on the Point Pd, contain* a list ol the best 'American Advertis- I “™* Court*- to the factory XIV :S. ller eelf-cultnre had I men land died at •» ad Classes of Live Stock, Fruits. Probate profitable. We a*k special attention ing the ■, \ and la It torn down and Ita materi- the fount of Mediums, giving names, circulation*, and Manutacturers’ Products, Products of Wed- in the having regeneration. full the and f.loW“r*; Ellsworth.—I*« 8d WM circular which we publish edoeoMeaal particulars concerning leading Daily “> b” awardod at the and Dec.-Sd ’4ed., April, als Into a new machine Weekly Political and Family Newspapers, togeth- FREE LOVF MaineuX.. State Fair of put ahop. 1870, to be held In s«pt.. column, from lion. Warren Johnson. »r June, and 4th Wed. Oct. List of Letters with all those having large circulations, pub- AND wed. July an.1 No*. —Persona to attend the State lished in the interest of Religion. Agriculture, AUGUSTA, 20tk-23d, BLUKHILL. —l*t —J. K. Pulsifrr. Esq., of Poland, haa intending 1Its Votaries, Dr. .Inn. B. F.llis. The most Sept. Abbot, Bev. Wm. Chaffy, H .It. Literature, ftc., Ac. Kvery Advertiser, and by The Truatees announce the (hr Wed. Jan.. an.l Sept. School Convention to be held In who *•tnrtling t»ook of modem times. The whole sub- tallowing purses BfCKsw»T.-l«t May put up this season 100 barrels of encumb- Sunday Carter, T. Foster II arrten. Josepnina •very person contemplates becoming sue!', trials oi the Speed of Horsts, tU will And tins book ol value. Mailed free t<> Jled laid bare and its hidenu*ness exposed to uni- Bath. 14 and 15. and who wish Re xtr, H Cottrell, F. A. great er lie sells them at from to Sept. IS. Henry versal execration. Written in the interests of AD VKR TISKMEXTS. pickles, $14 Morris, Id'uisa A. Darts, Gilbert any address on receipt of fifteen cent*. (■£<». I*. ) TUESDAY, Sept 20th, yglT Mon ku. A 1l ivilucation. and Public Morality. places of entertainment, are requested to Owen, Martin Annie Co., Publishers. No 4« Park Row New Christianity A Premium of ,150, tor Horses that never trot- Bit) ]m.t barrel in the Lewiston and Port- Day, York. ^end for Circulars and terms. U. S. K. Mrs. Knterr. Henry Publishing ted better than 1M mile heats. :t In 5 to haraes To the Public. send their names with the name of the Sun- I.eger, Rachel {Co.,X. and St. Louis. land markets. A of $1400 of The Pittsburg (Pa.) UaAer, in its issue of May Y., Cincinnati. Chicago ,1*81 to ilrst, to second. To take Picked up adrift. crop pickles J, WHITCOMB. 4\v.W ,5o place at a 2mh, 1*70. says: •'The firm of Geo P. Rowell ft t o o'clock I*. M. at Sea. day School they are connected with, to A. Pickee up is quite a result from an Hereof cucumber which issues this interesting Hnd valuable book, Ls Ad«. the WEDNESDAY. 21st. Dauchy'a vines. C. Palmer. Esq., Bath, as soon as Sept, largest and best Advertising Agency in the CHILDREN CRY FOR THEM Sept- To the Tri>le. I'nited States, and we can cheerfully recommend A Premium of $400, for Horses that never trot- sth. ted better than J I>ru* Stare tor Sale. It to the attention of those who desire to advertise :40, mile heats, 8 in .5 to harness. their business *nd *vdemali> n!l\ in $150 to first, $30 to second. To take place at i Adromi.tratora Sale. —The Arm of Philo Thurston t of Scientifically WELLS POLICE COURT RECORD. Co., such a way: that is. so to secure the largest o’clock I*. M. ■mount of for the least Itockland. has a large where mill publicity expend) lira- of Contains no * foundry money.” LAQ SULPHUR—No The Gentleman's Prize! LOCAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Criminal Docket. machinery, tools and CARBOLIC TABLETS agricultural ship No At 3 o’clock an at or- SUGAR OF LITHARGE Klegant Harness, valued — ticket le- A for all diseases of the respiratory LEAD, We print the regular Republican manufoctuacd In groat specific $ loo, for tiie liett Gentleman’s Horse, to No. 105. 30. castings,are variety, or mucus niuiubrune. No fann y should l»e Uriviug Aug. gan* -No go in carriage, to weigh, driver 350 lb*, thal voter who aces thi- will know tt iinout NITRATE OF SILVER, including each papier with a of Packard's at starting. Owners to oil of Win. v specialty patent cap- drive; in tie heats, 2 in 3. names the nominees, i.xanr State, eompl’t Young, is free from the Poisonous Horses that have tlie of republican stan winch. A force of twelve hands is DR. WKLL>’ CARBOLIC TABLET'*, entirely trotted for money will not be allowed t for this ine this vote.ao that there shall lie no mis- ami Dau'l. Clow. They should be taken in all case* of used in compete Prize. In making George and Arm been establish- promptly Drugs this award the oiiiinittee will take into consider- employed, the has Dyptherie. Hoarseness and In all affections of the Health-destroying take. ation style, action, speed, and the general good Assault ami Renpoud’t ed 18 Throat and Lung*. Hair For Governor: Battery, years. other Preparations. qualities of a Gentleman's horse. The Hume** FOR WORMS IN CHILDREN. will lie on exhibition at the Mate House “not Danl. Clow tnt do ivt their trill nut itnil tin tiiti it tt i'l11/ Committee: ! charged, George fch>»v liued 8P' and Wa'ervUle for the manufacture of scythes, remedy when tile kidneys perform tabni'—jn'f functions >end for some. V I hi.XT— Charles For t€> ongre«* properly. NAM, OLKA and KFt'H J.Gilman. Brunswick; II. M. Prentiss, KepresntatiTe costs 4r. Mr. Emerson, of the Arm of I*; ice 25 cents Box "• n* hv until <.n re eipt H. M. I latterly per tlesitlerat mns /,0.XIf St11 tif/'t h'ttll Bangor; Harlow, Augusta; Geo. Water- EliGENE HALE. CAUTION. ot the Bi ire by .l«*IIN K I.I.I.i h .«•. U Platt >t. house, Portland; J. B. Ham, Lewiston. and Jos. E. Stevens, > Hubbard. Blake ACo., >ole f »l the I •s. ltd hv ^11 I Y/> torSb A T /.AST! Dutton. Should oocwalon require vou to purchaao Agent druggists' For Senators: superintendent of shops and work B. A. Fahnestock's he pajticu- It restores unit the /fair THURSDAY. 83. 31. latterly Vermifuge, prevents Sept- 22d, Fo. Aug. Uriyctrrful to see that the initials arc li. a At 4 P. a Premium of $400 for Horses that ; HIRAM S. BARTLETT. for Dunn Tool are at the A. lathe »G£HTS WRNTEO MULE OH FEIHALt FOR THF from Incoming drug, imparts soft, M., j j Edge Company, This article that has been so never trotted better lhau 3 minutes, mile heats, 2 State, on ol Alexander M<*- PIIVMI AI. l.ll'E OK a loss u removes S YLY AN US T. HINKfs. j eompl't hffiitl of th«* Arm. appearance, Hanitrujl, in 3 to harness ; $125 to first, $50 to second $25 to j i Known Since I is cool an>l to the heat/, third. For Treasurer: t’nstlin v. Weorsc t’lo*. Favorably 1829, refreshing On Mr. Moore of lln wcr. ILTIErW At 4 P. M a Premium of #4u0 for all Stallions Wednesday And pnrrhMcn most tn«l«t on h.rini? it chert's the Hair from fatting off, amt CHARLES l’lea “not Iroin 5 to s yea. s old. that have been iu W. TILDEN. Larceny, guilty" Ucspd't had hi* scalp lacerated ami wa* stunned by Iftbry do not wl»h to have an imitation it ton extent trhen kept wn«xl restons great prema- Maim* for the use of Mares the present season. upon Uieiu. itv if. \ vi'iii:vs. For Gouty tom mi Mi oner: lined 83 and costs. a block foiling from the of a vessel; tost. ffeadaehes, cures ...YS rigging turely prevents second. on DRUG mkiulai. iwMPiii.Kr-^m.m.i, pi.,- >i, i). all Humors, cutaneous unit JOSEPH T. HINCKLEY. In default of of the above the same day Aaron Ingalls was taken erupt ions, payment | New•ical an.l N.rroi.. IMdlily. It. ami FRIDAY. I fids Brave a the unnatural Heat. Sept 23d, : to Bangor from river where he had ruro. I'm,- Meat... Addrru nE<'ICI. r \ Boo is real success of Ihe For Gouty AtttArnev : lines and costs, the was cotn- up RY. pure I liespd’t Mu.etim of An&tnuiy, HIH llrnadw.> S.u i.-rY. i year- 45,'sst have already been sold. It slid *ell* HU. ti. S .1/7 I'll, Hatcntee, Groton severed the main of the below w :*h a LUCILIUS A. EMERY. | artery leg rap -lit) quite unprecedented. Agents all •function. Mass. mitted. agree that Ui* make taster it than Prepared only by I the knee with a Win. Mar- y money selling ; broad-axe; Much lirst cl i-** is llUOTHHUS. Gloucester. A Premium of to all horses For K©pre***ntauve to the Lt-gitd.-ttnre: | ..Diarrhea, Dysentery. Cholera Morbus' any other. territory -till open, PHOCTKK #500, open trotting A holSra, A*-., certain and Tmintdlnle owned In Main**, mile 5 gessOn of Bangor, was thrown from a wag- utc. Ilfk'e- send at once lor pamphlet Ac. Addri-s, i,Kn. Mass. The Genuine is put up in a heats, Tin to harness. —A correspondent writes from Pitsliehl, man's (formerly Velpeau's Diarrhea Remedy. >1 At I. I. \ N. Publi her, #UW to Brst. #100 to second. To take place at J Look oft for Mixed Tick kin. Up sure on oil Wednesday, and had one of his ribs u»e«l with unlading success since the Cholera New York k Bo«tou. 4tt.W hoft/c. watte expressty for it, o'clock. Me., as follows: Bltiiatielphia. j pane1 IpsJI. Hold blown in that every Republican voter if* supplied with fractured near the and his whole by ilruggists gcnerallv. Prepared only with the nano of the article spine, by HKGKM AV .% o v * York. | August, 111. 1*70. | \ the Istr \ IforM-s for the entire regular ticket. -v^tein glass. your Hruygist Jor contesting any premium »i this Fair, suffered from the concussion. must llll.I. — CUTTING UP CLUBS. have been owned in the State six months We had the privilege of attending the In*titut«'. Itndgeport. *nn Xafure's Hair Uestorutire, and. takt j —Bangor’s i« ll!3j. Hchool i ear logins t previous to the time of holding the Exhibition. population 1 —Tie* is informed that BOI.IIKN Hcpt. £> uvular- ap- last session of the Penobscot Free \V di Bangor Whig ! to Uie no other. Iy21 Ilor.-es will be railed 30 minutes before the —The School will commence the l#th ply Principal, Rev. t.. It. ,»AY. M A. High I n I». EHaworth Maine- held ill Pitstidd. the road between Six Mile Falls and Ken- ! Sale S Wnr-'sn ! time advertised, ami mc«t bk ready. Horses of baptist Yearly Meeting, | "ill be started at time. one not ready Septemhcr. BOSON BROS., Pa- j Any being in the Maine Central Institute 1. i duskeug was impassible on IHyrMTHRC Bar tie* how to yet up clubs, Our an' will be ruled out. Three to two to start. Me., Chain* Wednesday, CR | UnOtrut 4-Y* Ninth -t. enquire enter, —Schr. 1 Delaware was ashore la«*t Sunday on * (Rf Agent-. s wer I-. »end tor Brice !.*t, and Blub form tt ill in nil or outside account of tires in the Washington, l>. C., for advice, term- and referen- On Hand and for Sale independent purses. The was the business of adjoining woods. C. A. PAB CHXS at » | it with full a Entries lor Waketield’s Point. j delegation large, ce*. company dire.mm-.—making independent trots must Is; made on • in the store formerlr large t-» «o siimcrs and renuuiera:ive to or before Unit. at lOoVlodkP. was done in and the On the line of the Bangor & now opei.iug occupied by saving j MONDAY, >ept. the meeting harmony, Piscataquis « — suf- j | J. I*. Kidunl* a new stock of t lut> organizers. with the ot the at the Man- Portland has sent #6.000 t4j the Calais Paring, < oring and shrink M .chine — ! Secretary Society, v j ami .. III IUC v«IM< II HENRY WHTINIG, ! si,,n llotoe, a. I preaching was spiritual practical. APPLKTake* I turn- of the cr*nk t«» e*. b "..i I August ferer*. apple, Tiik ENTRANCE Fke ok ten of Bradford and in Alton. at More*. Will Is* sent on receiptot |i V) \ddr<--- I Maim*. j per cent, of There were present 7,7 ministers of our pari A barn DRUGS & MEDICINES 1'I K.SK Ml ST IN ALL CASES ACCOMPANY THE drafted a of men from | I>. II WII1TMOKK. W orce-ter Ma- —Belfast has number above where be Intend* to Weep on hand all the u-ual Tin- Kmlliu celebrated M..wmir Machine, the NOMINATION. own and also ministers of just tlif Pea Cove Boom road w&s I- | denomination, article* sold in an -tore, his stock was 1.. -i i.i »d* For eiiiiDlicity and utility, couip.i* this city to help build her railroad. apothecary MA lll El, 1,. a* a* li R CIIAPMAV** t holera Cure* 31 e* c..m tip ROAR OMAN, three other bodies. There was burned Wednesday afternoon and a num- bought for cash and will be sold low they \vnip Dv-cn- &33 VESEY STREET. m l durability. they unud i|»prov.tl religion* •• —The “Sherman Steel Works” at Buck canl>e bought in the stair, he will keep on hand Utery, Diarrhea and Hu'inner •mplaint- chil- i>t .ill nil trv then*. ( »ml»iiiinvc ail t «■ valuable v Me. State Ag'l Society. sport ber of j dren. .V> 7*. O. Hom V '// )C i'O 7.'A‘. 4w Ki raised for education and missionary pur- large pile* of coni wood piled along all the standard Price cl*. «.K" .Mooih |*r.*prb*|.»r. I,<>int- mid in other nmwer*. they al-*» eiubndv are dosed for the Great •hv'tt_ present. Kail*. N. If. Hold by all l>ruggi-t- in.in iiph it. .:. 11 !*• •. ure*» never cniliriM’wl more the line of the railroad were on tire when j pose-. $7,Joo. besides 81.000 condi- in M *" in ii i* to the time fourteen have en- —Up present »• •»»*• m tiikiiHllv \V#» Hmyo v«-iirlv in«'t»tin<'«a the train came down. Tin- .*i w.»- il.ilk lha1 w.i- ird J A. [TALE, HEALTH AND ECONOMY. A&nrrs(" ] :• » tered the Freshman class at Waterville. c| a vi. i! d K.m »i.*i I IhMton — *L>»»,— DEALER IN iii tin- State laboring with brethren of oth- —The Cumberland Baptist Association li-| I ll 1 Ill \\ -I'll "l .4 lir-l :»-H —Messrs. J. K. & E. Redman are to build a TBIIIT ARTICLU: -Hair. tooth, cloth*. iharing M .4 'I .4 ..I d >• i*c ■ t.' I ci.iihi lid;' j er tor salvation of stationery. Tags, Newspapers, Periodicals, denominations, the met at afternoon. The .* ».»' -Id- I large store-house at the foot of Steam-Mill hill. Freeport Tuesday j amUntil brushes. Comb*. Puff Bum and Powder*, Twelve Years Wild Indians & Plains. hem ! Magazine.-*, Inks, 1’ens, Pencils Pen Holders, souls. H. %)-.» | ,lc the \ p <• m N.». Tedder and E. meeting was called to order Rev. (i. I*. Life of tr> in love Writing Paper, huvelopcs, by Turkish Towels. choice Perfumery. Cologne*. ffllUlil t»eorge I* llehien, who. It,. i, Il n .... —Heavv rain-storm forenoon aud Saturday ot wild adventure .*• Mathew* of Auburn, the moderator of hist Hair Oil*. Pomade*. Coemetic*. Pocket books. Tilt and dc*ire f.» gain knonl night, which seem to have killed the fire*. e«lge of the l.verv Dav l.ite > !B. n.irt u i..- Wallet*. Or Enamel Tooth Powder. FANCT GOODS* CastINE. j. 1*70. year. Prayer wa> offered Rev. Dr. Osgood* "I the Indian*, left a home of el tv New |'hi —John B. Redman, a recent at September by «>’ graduate Genuine Cartel! soap. nice toilet aoepe. tlelphia. joined the In.! tan -. a«l.q>t. ! tin ir S^XjT- A large stock of House Paper, Friend Sawyer:—Your information last Wilaon. «• Utode ol hie he.-lime a warrior of ffie fir*! \: » te "SHI liUtd.-i-tol > lit, which Rowdoiu, Is the ldemocratic candidate for Rej*- J IMIJM-I 1. | 6 Cakes for 25 Cents. and etiief of loir served 1 week, in regard to tbe Normal School. «e lodges, the .<-vermio t w ill l«- .*.'•! I low. resentative in the next Legislature, from this —The Lewiatou Journal learns that ar- with lus braves WLSDGW SPOSORS. CHAMOIS 'KIN'S, KKHi>ilSE against the hostile indin -. and H. WHITING. SHADES, not quite correct. iMtilRlilMlf a* Lieutenant in the Begular \rim, ulu-h Ml w->rti.. JaneSth 1 ItW,M city. rangement* are made which the NEATSFOOI and OMYEOlLS. ) AND being by tioti It.‘ but reecntlv n d to a The new claw numbers 70 pupils instead of j -igm return to tie- —The B. B. C. of the city is to play the Diri guage of the old Maine Central K. K. will TlSttlt. BBPSBRTIM III IHSIIBU IIACIt. ! 60. Full 1 *.-»£•■. w uii portrait of the Auih«r. all the enari THE WORLD RENOWNED go B. B. C. of Bangor, upon Fair Grounds. be changed from broad to narrow as soon ! e«| f.*r \ im.-t Tlie culcrtug cla»» being larger than was ex- j SEA MOSS FARINE. e\prc-«lv tin* woik. ;rtr olive I le-oti u n pi ir BORDERS, the 14th. a» the abounding: thrilling .dv* tire, I I : I .1 AS I I OWE, Jr. Wednesday some was road is extended from Danville •lust received which will be sold a* low as anv pected, difficulty experienced, the Matte from Iri-h Mo*s. I- a un**t d* licate, **u*. ii-t-luI aid oriental information I 11 u pure -• > — 1 j in the market. A1 Patterns of i.ilt Mr. M. Beckwith is building a store «-n ! first in desirable for Junction to Falmouth. A contract has paint able and healthy food for Invalid' and | li .iUh! rirriilHr, with term-. table of content aid Fifty Papers day, obtaining places all, lor Parlors, Rooms Ac., all latest ! ( blldrcn. JAVA QUALITY. : -ample pa*c« p. K V I', Pnbh-her .sitting styles. Water Street, next to the oue occupied by J. but since that time more es been made \N dl the try me as to and boarding plat and already for the required change ltlaur Mang»*. f'u«ta.M*. ( ream- Ac. ft I I ice, New V .rk public prices quality. Pudding*. j l’rejurrd from differ, nt kind* of < off. **, th*- ila ollejfc Machines I have of G. Jordan. i Mb** KARINK an not 1 Sewiiiii' recently purchased one YEOMAN'S rooms for tliau Ac.. from sK\ vor« of which t seif-boarding have been opened iu the guage of the locomotive, and the prepare! minarle harmoncm-h .rather Put i new Wall l»c Ill* the most delicate kou Paper I surpa-*ed. cheapest, up iu Japan Tm ( .in-. Barrel*, ll.tli Barrel-, an I —The Steamer Lewiston remained over at are yet tilled. I think a larger or more prom- other he and lood in llie world running stock will changed as palatable Boxes THE MAGIC COMB I, . t FAMILY SEWING AND MANUFACTURING. TRIMMERS. South West Harbor on ac- ising cla«s of students has never entered a X. beard to a I'.aiicnt black 01 1. -w n. If « on tain Saturday night, rapidly as possible. WRIGHT GILLIES & BROTHERS pe; no n \i»V'i.e u*c un. m >.•, HK.W II OKKH K OK count ol the storm. E. Norm d School- F. |> can With which I will trim all papers bought at my 233. 235 237 f! AiMmo' ,M\(.|r HlMIl I I. rnIi If. —The announces that Washington St.. N. Y store tree ot --bulge. Bangor Whig Mi". ; —Let each and every Republican spend time (V The Howe Machine In connection wi h th*- Hook -tore is a <’IK< l lien. John F. son OILS, • Co., Appleton, of Chief IIMM.A.M ^ Ka**-tnaii"ii ..r ?“>ul < ii m ici.i where to go to the on next. This irmotir i:t«v iv%**iii vi. ro v t, 1. \TtN«. LIHKaHT all the new and popu polls Monday you Tulmost » ... Gilt, 1870. IV V.UUKTY. **»*p.nr- ; <-l«*th I h.* tul l.o.... .t- full I win r, lar bowks ot the be found. Sept. j Justice Appleton, died at the residence of P>> «*l o-i I k II*K»l M Ukkl day may owe to the the country, and Flavoring Kx tract*. whole and in»tru< lion* to enable the »*• ader |.. •. «t. ,-rn- » ip: b\ \% fiirh 1 'Vii party, yourselves. Mu. — ; pure spice*, j The Sawyer: it -ex. or aui at w *.i i.i-r. .u.". arc 1 >1 » atari h an Don't Forget Place. hi* father in that city, at at>out 7 o’clock j gruiUKi, pure letuger. t**l.itiu lainglas*. line nuual. Me i*.! B O ro N MASS. —Hou. John A. Buck of Orland was unani- a >.I •.. H S 1 he Sclir. Charles star* ii. hx tract of lb* f lor uiialid*. uall-iu, and hiu<.|r.-J- e\pen* I illin' free \ JOHN A. HALE, Mam 8txeet Snow, Hodgdou at the of ‘.VJ mrnt- It an Im* otitan-.-I -cm to-.: •: •Ire*- M « I mously nominated for Representative for the Wednesday evening, age years. Tamarind-, fitron, Prunes. Kai*m*. |N1 Ell-worth, May 3d 1470. l*,r Master, ot Mt. Desert, lor llu-tou Iroin salad «Ml. Fanua. Corn starch with 10 rents postage- t*» T- M KVKN** & • «», J K. tt. II b.ik. S I NICHOLS i\ iiALDWIN, Agents. from the classed towns of Orland, wtwMTartor. I T Legislature, 1’irs Ntuld, .No 41 So. Kijthth **t-. Philadelphia __. .— .,,, .lilts'* < alais with a load of was anveii Black an.I White C'astiue and Brooksville. j lumber, IV|,|«. Ain i’**s 1 ', fNi BOOK NOTICES Pickle* and oiner cnn";oT I goods l\ol|i yl ,\i lx- \ m i"n; MoMiiv \ among the breakers at bakers Island for honseke* O I D iJU Uiv Cathartic — |«*-r'« fl nrrvou* 1» L>o not tail to scud ns the vote in each tow n Kvmv Siiihiiat r.• ■, l. .1 tin* /,’ •/. i a nor'was ever bathing I whole, Aiiue, Ac. j >*uf t.n- nkclrhe of ’liai'I* I f;o/\ J/.-//.1 />;. cathartic, it. and will soon it to the passengers left in a boat, the vessel leak- Maine State Fair. aid .V' iiia.cm Until w.* 1. a any before so universal- re-open public. Nancy; A Prussian outpost; Saarbrock: p. 1 Y- k all ! II II lea l I'uMI-M '•■’.Il n ly adopted into use. iu while the sea was TIIACCI. Miff AIIIIIIAU. 1870* —About seventy-five accompanied tlie ing badly, running us! Some lierrults for the South German -v; 1. IJ’II N A CASH CAPITAL, every country an-1 am. mg j all classes, as this mild and were saved a on high, by ti-hing It ha*. flue A CHOICE I.OT OF band their excursion around Mt. Desert Army. be*i*le*. portraits of \\ INTCO. l•! R ; VV •W efficient purgative Pill. Island t schooner. MademoiselleSessi and Geo. W. Child* of MOTICE TO AUESTH\VI lilt \N KMTITSi. 'I U HIM. «•». The obvious rea- to-day, (Wednesday.) I EXHIBITORS! 100,000. son that it is a more re- I to-1*. n, M i-- i- > I l.m I- M<». is, The Charles Snow held on until the the a beautiful art Groceries. j liable and far more effec- — We understand the new vessel iu miadrltAia Lrd'jrr; Family lo'U f., ii:i't I or I»linage Kin* and K the l»> tual remedy than any of Inteutiuo to enter Neal •»ek. l; i* \‘.I m r.V'.os E\\ 1 -T111ti!l *11 1. hi wind changed, when she both i picture. in the Desert: and three of tlie above and other article *>f j j.r Mlo in other. Those who have s on Sat- parted Morning All every ■ Grant ship-yard is to be launched NOTHn**rse-. swine and Poultry. .*r tin- « i I St» MAC 111V F 1 l- li ii- •[. rr»;i :.’■• on sheep, Wv\ i who medicine in general I have hand and am •• tried it, know that it cured them; those have chains and drilled to sea. Much credit admirable summer Picnic in u-^, l*roa> hinir Kxhibitnui of the M um "ini \>.- m .-i. Lock >ut ran mui* t< >i:<. urday. pictures.—A not. know that it cures their neighbors anil friends, constantly receiving KDI l.rrit « L -MM.IKI 1 to be held tu Price #1*. Ml other idine- wivh an u.der- 1 tbe Summer and all know that what it does once it does is dne however to for Woods, by A. lloppiu; Days, led -«*l.l f.n *1*. or lc- C ailrm^ciii' at-.. \1 'I :»*||. 1 i;-.\ \> 1 if* 1 Hardware, always Capt. Hodgdon — that it never fail* through fault or of —Our brother of t he Union, who recently 0. A. PARCHER AuifiiNta, tire- *»■ upon a trying forwarded to the l.-tier m ... < u.>. ii! i■,■ '!„'. r.i :..n. •Mlm t: *••>•.;i .. .1 ‘idu’c i>i l*r.>l>ate. composition. thought the Democratic was defunct 2otf A undersigned !■;. sand* or certificates of their remarkable cures of the party Druggist Apothecary. • ■ j at Brant h, C. G. Bush. on or before Mae. •- "oi". \ | |t! k> I*r I M % *i \ it’l I* iii tc vessel and crew. Lung by j following but such cures are known m body, now does not waut his brother Demo- WiliiiunT. I'rir' I.hh'mi- Mr re! ml 1 complaints, * It* contents able and Ain A I \ A id ... a;t.I (. .11 every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. **to S. II. I). Literary comprise Tuesday, 6, 1870 Nathaniel W -u«ii. VlUirnev at Law crats follow General Apathy.** W#» September •• able. I ft 11 udti < HI' I * to all and conditions in all climates. that t* b«- $ | U Adapted ages proper »rrangem*-i tiny mad.- for their «■>»• very Editorials on The Balance ViMnni J.C. Ht'ti # 111 li A I i: ( .».!.» v A «»»i.r I idle,l 'tales In- noither calomel or deleterious drug, that the General followed the war, interesting Itr. OSGOOISS a< >ti icriptin containing any they during eoinino.laii tern il lt.-\ •-1)||e o ItnlUd tr.l Me they may be taken with safety by any hotly. Their of Power. An Boll ltun. on the Premium Lists forwarded Lj add re*- on Bro. Drisco? The Census of Portland Thw census Empire's any sugar preserves them ever fresh and makes application. UU IIAI I. M IIU %KT/, coating I U* \. I N ! ! Hum l*rr»*t, them to Like, while —The is to res- of tliis is now about and we Uncertainty ofThings, A Desirable Calam- pleasant being purely vegetable Machias Union striving hard city completed, DENTAL NOTICE! SAMIF.L I. BoAlfli.MW .. W\Sn» suwfNt. Mu him It it lll intl KT m.l.nt, S«*c\r no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. etc. It has a Bill of Home Ni-reUrv. fk '•titc'i." lit •' *"*■ -d* their influence on the urrect the party that it a few weeks since pro- are informed that it will «bow a population ity, summary Competition m Dentistry (like everything rbe) {i III ike- tl»o lc k*' They oj>erate by powerful AOfOiU, 15, LtfZO aid i* the llecn-ed under-feed '• internal viscera to the blood and stimulate it 1 and two bring- ut new energies tor the mastery. Aug only 1,1 ism nth (Mir,;. Peter- ; purify nounced dead. Can it miracles? News, additional I u Hlock, — perform ofaliout 32.000. The Culled States census Foreign chapters Having had nearly nineteen year* professional chine *« old for !e--than f*-n I.lecn-c'l bv into healthy action remove the obstructions of the 1 of a in this city I have no donbt of the it Wil -on. t.rovcr .t linker aid '-in-'. A • o "Mate -t »mach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the Hon. Lew Barker says the Democratic takeu in I860, the 26.300. A cen- “The Mystery of Edwin Drood,’ practice „ntin u Corner Main ami Streets. gave city \ 11 other 'Holer Ved *»:, little Machine- -od I ■»r re-toring their action to health, and ed support of my numerou- friends and patror* I body, irregular two sketch of EUREKA ! an -filer bv such candidate for Governor has qualification- sus taken in Geo. W. Childs by James Parton, for the few been to !e*- than S'-4’ arc infrnurenient-. I the correcting, wherever they exisL derange? by order of the city officials Having past years obliged 1 and ti-er hah!*-to < ution. Addrr-* .I**IIN <’. nients as are the first of disease. —a father with and a brother-in-law and keep out of ray oftt> e as much as possible to re- pro— e. m krill, Ajwnt. origin money 1865. made the Cotisid- otberfresh readable articles, Altogeth- **• t & < o. It Minute direction* are in the on population 30.12o. gain my health, which now admits of dev<»uag Dr. Wilson’s »V. I.AKk ..t->n, M»--.. 1'itt-I'urjt. given wrapper (John A. l’atcrs) with brains. or >t Mu. imM the for the whicn these ! er. it is a remarkable number of this first- my exclusive attention to it, 1 aiu to I*a< hi«*ajft», HI,, l.oui-. box, following complaints, the Are of 1866. and the hard times. prepared — ering Rheumatic and Inflamatory Pill* rapidly cure: —The Freshman class at at Bowdoiu present the figures that will be returned will be class family Illustrated Weekly. K, For llyapeptia or lafiifeatioa, Liailr**- Ni^SiN. 2VX* nc«. I.iingnor and Lom of Appetite, they number thirty and among them a son of Mr*. 1 For sale all Booksellers. SATOJT, most satisfactory, showing a healthful and by iu any branch of Dental Seicore or XV I It I -Mould l>e taken moderately hi stimulate the atom- 11. B. Stowe. PREPARED AND SOLD I1V Ulll.'l lilt ME \\ liliMIII, ) ach and restore iLs healthy tone and action. ! vigorous growth. IX PRICES ! For Liver Complaint and its various iymp- —The Saiatoga barber who predicted the The territorial extent of Portland.includ- I buv Isold Foil and all dental material. ;u large CALL AT DAVIS, HASKELL AND CQ. ! toms, IBiliou* Urailacbe, Sick Headache, HENRY GEYER, Jaaadice or Arreea Nickaeo, Ililious arrival of the Empress K'lgeaie the present BUSINESS NOTICES (juai.Uuc* am* muxo«tnuioa of* the vital Anaesthesia used lor extracting Teeth. tor Bruises, Burns, Chilblain*, Corn- generally required. power*, sprains. j For llhranatiam, Cioat, Cratel, Pal inces which bold for sale. [Portland Argus. vieid lo and Warts, ami all iiiflainuialion. internal a* well ami have v our measure for a they Fklluwa, Compound Syrup op Positively Without Pais the new Post Oflice, tat ion of the Heart, Paia la the ! a- 'Menial. Kulnev, Womb Complaint. Innmii Opposite ^ HYPoPHOKPiim sooner than any remedy Hack and Lo!n«, they should be continu —We find the the Govern- no to the Patient. mall on ot lb e Bowels. Piles. Gravel, Jsc. Till* i- I Hil.l'MMi K I'VM’* > ‘yl following among ever before discovered. The of the and injury as to the ousiv muscles also mii excellent medicine for sore for I iajwi.i i. i-. iiviKn i. f taken, required, change diseased a or's Maine Central Port- Artilcial Teeth in-erted on the latest and most baud-., roltTL \N1), Mk. the apiKiinfments: Railroad;—The stomach arc becomes or QomikMmR, system. With such change those cr ti»*n"t strengthened digestion a* e'Siueu fGhiiierfuaii, •JoiiN -. mi.i.ik; \. 4 .. approved plan as low the cheapest, nerves el aplainw Justices of the Peace and I’. laud Star an of Uie complete, the Lacteal* take up nutrition, the without V B. We will not recommend the Liniment D> u.\M**»Li-n * iin*vu J oinLS disappear. (Juorum:—Geo. says important meeting aching teeth destroyed pain. FALL STVLK, SILK UUKSS For Dropsy and I blood become* vitalized and the nervous satisfaction in all cure ail (lUcas'-H, sciatica amt acute Kheinutisin Itropaical Awe |» Dutton. P. pure, Perfect guaranteed ca-c*. should be taken in in Ellsworth; Joseph Thomas, Blue. Directors of the Maine Centra! road was ii will not hut for chronic and largo and d •**»** system vigorous, and the thin, or sallow UT Remember. Office In Uranlu Block, Main >1. cure, HAT. frequent hiU. pale, inflammatory duce the effect of a drastic oses to Vro‘ comnlexioned Ell-wurth, .1. T. it is a sure remedy, if used according to the di- I purge. held lit Augusta Saturday. It was become and hearty and OSi.tNiD. For a agreed plump I#i«. 4i r actions. W A BINDS HANDY BOOK OF Hnppreaalon large done r h Trial Justioes ;—Walter B. Sulli- regain the tint of Oct. ON TICK HIKIAinVAY Itl.OOh. as it the be taae“ McCrate, to the short route in ruddy health. What the produces desired effect by ould | adopt extending the People say about it. A* a Dinner van. lor and of iha»li. i- ui;si!a\duy. Pitt, Lake one or tv ympftthy. I>eahv & Handy of which, lightness, style beaut) to road l'rom Gouldsboro, “says it d«»e* J mote digestion and relieve tlie ro MU p Danville Junction. The east A Household — sto.r Coroner:—Andrew B. Remedy. No family should it is to do niii I *. « on<—are wonted At spurliug, Ellsworth be j ull claimed unsurpus-cd. pile An occasional dose stimulates inch. was without some efficacious for the AMERICAN ANI) FOREIGN PATENTS. Mk*. L. Hammo.mi, once for tin.-* w *rk wiiicli i- survey taken and the road therefore remedy* says “lean get you any »i'l -ilk hat- ma te over ii»;o >.r\\ -i> le. Agent *uperb pr*»notmc bowel* into rest ttotnw® cure style -- healthy action, the —Mr. K. affections, so as ; of certificates of its merit*.” f.I l»\ m,- I’r. and by I- tinier*, ami ••ardenera, and C. Simpson, agent of the Bingham universally prevalent, <|uantity great Mend Uieia m KxpreiM. invigorates the svstem. V ores the app*u' (trikes the P. A K track at Cumberland by the gn-a:.--t \v •• !; .,j me kin ever in often » cought. colds, sore throat, Wiggiu «X Co., Kllsworth, wholesale and retail published vantageous where no serio.i* * it is informs that wboopingcougb. R. ence c those interested he may and H-EDDY, Agents. No..’? Giiaxitk 1?i.o. PAVSK, Ken*1 Agent. considering proposals DR. •/. C. A TER & CO leudeut. Key. Mr. returned last Mo, 70 Kilby Si., .!ui II \u. 1*2 Middle at., Fort laud* Me. Savary week was extended till next Tuesday night. -hart Mall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rcnewer is btatobt.^Opposite ^ | 1.0 WELL. X from a ah—. 1a la —aaa. Ha wilt engage Work will be j Dr. .. pushed forward as fast as Derkins MISSOURI COUNTY BONOS. V. s. A. with new earnestness the best to the ASS., In the educations! work, preparation known, preserve an extensive o We offer for suJe the list ot c.i >icc -.hmi- Sold by all r and the new road practice of upwards Would respectfully inform the citizens of this tollovving possible independent of hair. Use it. continues ritie*. and visit the cbooD in as many Districts aud \kTKKtwenty years, to secure PaUyh* in and surrounding States that he can cure I JUST RECEIVED, ,ruggi»ts- the Grand Trunk will be the Uniied Mate* ; also in great m'.ce County. Time. Intere-t. Price aa the completed within Brillaii, Jowns possible during Autumn. He ami other foreign countries. idea* j Cx** lo Year, Iff per cl, tiff A Int’-t. |)IKK( T FROM Till: MAM FATTl ULR> IN one Caveat.*, spec hopes to be able to speak upon education wheu- year. ions, Bonds, Assignments, and all papers or draw, Henry 10 lo no MARINE infs tor Patents, executed on reasonable terms Johnson lo Iff Off *• ever ail evening can be LIST. Sore Eves, ** meeting arranged. We with dispatch. Researches made into American Consumption, Bronchitis, Dropsy, Pettis Iff I?* tfc* iVEW Unconscious TORE, F0B" ask the cooperation of parents and committees ard Foreign works, to determine and other Neuralgia, Pleurisy, Grayel, Tetter, Plea-ant Hill > legal •* State Rewi- flow of the Urine from Children in the night. •* •• Those interested In vessels will advice rendered in all matters touching the same School Dist., 5 a Iff A FINE ASSORTMENT OF JEWELRY OF ALL Rare, in the work of incressing the value of the please Asthma, Diarrhoea, Rheumatism, Conghs. While Cass Co. > opportr Copies of the claims of any patent tarnished by homes in a mi for securing *• ottered send a list of such as Swellings, Fevers of all kinds, Bleeding at the ... a" Schools. they desire reported. remitting one dollar. Assignments recorded in Kali* 10 io no j DESCRIPTIONS. fur one-tenth .nlUes climate. —The Bangor Whig is informed that the Lungs, Catarrh, Gout, Hip Diseases ot Children, Iff 0 Mil and congenial Washington. Callaway which wo arc now at reduced The Nati td.hualthr. s Sweats, Pimples on the Face, Macon 20 m •• selliug nno^ I A certain merchant in water in the Penobscot is go low that at Agency in me u/ertor Night ol Flat sale real ea ol their agency has produce initetlstatespossesses* *• Bangor Pan ef Vernon o ,estate in Kllawanb. 'acuities for obtaining Patents, jr ascertaining the ALL BISCASIS TS WHICH WOMAN IS SIBJICT, 2o M2 A Jni’»t prices. the MiU.ll. ,)N1LliEALl- nl,im. located says that for the past seventeen he Lincoln center ox teams are Knox ... 10 *• 7 72 1-2 *• years hauling logs practicability o/imeentions. SitSKSSFSLLT TIIATKO. We have al.-o a good line ol gram and SUM**' ™j>roT.1,,u.>- has During eight months the subscriber in the course Lafayette lo o o>>tnern ancl couon vUe never known to be so at across the bed of the river. lie can cure KIDNEY and LIVER COM- ; eggs plenty ARRIVED. of his large practice, made on twice appli- also 10 0 Cy. t*5 fruit city. village this rejected PLAINTS, ot the heart, Old Sores, AMERICAN Jl NATIONAL WATCH CO S. WATCHES and rur min^ri land*; season of as are now. He 1. Hu.sa, Rockland. cations SIXTEEN appeals: every one of which was Palpitation for each stands, year they —The seashore of the (State of Maine is Sep Buker, St. Vitus' Dance, Whooping Cough, Erysipelas, Separatepamphlets county, containing hnalneaa I. Boston. decided takes fe*or bv the Couuaisloaers of patentc an official financial statement and full informa- which we are selling at lower price- than they can explains It by that the sep. Panama, Hodgkins, Cholera. Infantum. Piles, Fever and Ague, Ner- Al'reaidencea^an.l saying poultry get upward of two thousand miles in length in Charles Upton, BeUatty. Boston. -O- tion, seat on application. information cheerful) Ik- l».»ugiit tor in Keaton at retail. 11 rites, description. vous Headache, Ulcers. Itch, Tic Douloureux, 'Y^iefcontaining w have the whole benefit of Red Rover, Mureh. Boston. TESTIMONIAL*. and promptly furnished by letter or wire. Bond- 8 of all the green crops. a direct distance I and Skin Diseases of every description, Fits, Our lim- of Clock* is and we sell them properties horizontal of two hun- regard Mr. Eddy as iae of the most curette Polypus, delivered fiee on lines of route. complete, Mlniola, Whitaker, do. Sore Bilious Salt any express Any *s as i* The grasshoppers eat the w‘th whom had Mouth, Palsy, Diphtheria, Colic, at as low prtc possible. aud practitioners 1 have bonds sold us with at al«. __ crops, the dred and twenty-six miles. Delaware, Fulington. do. successful Moles, Rickets. Worms, by coupon* payable points A. official intercourse. CHA8. MASON Rheum, .Constipation, ! outside of New York will be collected and BAT We have also a good stock of fowls eat the Hooper. Lancaster, do. Poison, city, wilh “"r under graaahoppera, crops and all. Oomm.ssioners of Pateuta, Scurry, remitted free of cor necteil Agency —The Maine Powder turns out Arboreer, Clark, do. ... Tor, all charges. If Iso, patent Company 1 have no hesitation m inventors thal SILVER A. PLATED Jl —Hereafter we no man William, William, Boston. assuring Address SAM’L A. GAYLORD A WILLOW TADLE WATiE. hope will be nomi 1.600 a cannot n man mere end HUMORS OF ALL kegs month with a force of ten 4. Kmptre, Ferguson. Bel fail. they employ competent KINDS, Stock and Bond Brokers, St. Louis, Mo. 4 w :i4 Bated to any office, to be voted trustworthy, anu more capaole of their PARIAN tor, unleas he hands. make a Luella, Hodgkins, Boston. putting of the MARBLE. Y'ASES, They speciality of applications in a form to secure tor an early Pin Wsrms, Catarrh Bladder, Dyspepsia, will take interest enough in the blasting them matter to andfavorable consideration at the Patent office. Hysteria, Heathens.General Debility, Convulsions BUSTS, powder. of dec., write his full name and send it to the printer SAILED. EDMUND BURE/ Children, sun Stroke, PIAM beside* all kind* of Late Illllili I ■murr* ■ lit'■* ■■ m _ _ Commissioner ot Patents. DEFORMING INFLAMMATION OF THE that has the votes to print. Two letters before —The Whiting Lock Co., which started 1. Trow Salem. AND rnvu- Sep. Copy, orgy, “Mr. R. U. Eddy has made forme THIRTEEN JOINTS, irlu** y 'ine.s, Spoon U us say "print votes for F. M. Holden tor last October in Bath, is now in foil Bonny Ives, Curtis, Providence. applications, in all but ONE of which Holder*, PAltWl Rep opera- Sadler. patents of the Bleeder*. Lock- Astoria, Beaten. have been granted, and that one ia Scald Head. Running Kars, Match Vase resentative," and we don’t know whether his tion nowpendmg. Pains in the MUSIC STOOLS Safes, Stands, Pate”* fcHnv.* employing eight hands and taming Ferreetor, Jordaa, Salem. Such unmistakable proof of talent and jaw, Jaundice. Lumbago, Back, SdPUenuIS^j 1, great Worms of the name is Franklin or or out Hums. Buker, Rockland. ability on his part leads me to recommend ell in* Loins, and Neck, Tremors, Ring Work, amt Frauds, something 1,000 to 1,200 a month. Waterbrash of the Stom- At two thirds the usual Price Handkerchief padlocks Paeamn. Hoegkins. DealsrlUe. ventors to app.y to him to procure their Scalp, Offensive Breath, a, else, and can find no one that does know. Too patents Brain Utenerence. —From Belle, nr, Providence. as may be sure of the most fsilhtnl ach. Croup, Struma. Diseases, Falling out to close them out. Gian Information received at they having of Maxes, Jg£r£2iS&*~' Almost one knows F. K. and Bangor attention bestowed on their cases, and at the Hair, every Bolden, " very soYne nice new Instruments of above the Whig pats no credit in reasonable charges. JOHN TAGGARD.” OF THE EYES. Having OMBA GLASSES, VIOLIN * SSATAI STS yet they do not know what his full name is. the avert that SsBffSS-Bg- STRABISMUS, SQUINTING named kind consigned to parties in Hancock 'Tru& awfflSS Boston Jan. l. 1*70—Jjrr. beside* all goods f ri»e>pectacles Eye Glasses oi nominated tor —The new He will visit Families Requested. any part and Representative tram Idea, and woolen erected state of description prices. fhctory by DR. V. R. PERKINS, upon receipt #d..rM>. Poor without success so far. Illustrated Descriptive Price List, and J. M. BacUELlAfcKs Superior 8ewii InveSiS^ the Messrs. Emerson Bros, at la MARRIED. LIVER REGULATOR Post Ofllce Address. Ellsworth, Maine. photo- Oriand, graphic views ol stools, with a copy of the Musi Oil. Which is recommended as the be -Bam Bail.—The flStf du»iu “Dirigo, B. B. C,» of completed, and they have engaged hi the AND cal Monitor sent free to any address. Please leading dewing Machine Co’s. ig Machine surtfaSsSfesBr-a--***1Confidential in our write for Old >iivef taken in exchange lor N dt all the thisdtj, into visit !■ Portland, Mat silt, Bar. B. H. Bailey. Mr. particulars. by ventors. than any other renal Bangor, Friday of this manufacture of water-proof cloth. It ■Sole agents fur the ^...r.nable is bj Term* more reasonan* in Vaiuable mformat* week, to play the second at n series of DYSPEPTIC CURES. NOTICE. R. M. fc CO. games called the AOmoosIc Mill. MESCAL MANSUR, agency. Clrcnlar B. w CLARK of into lor DIAMOND OUSS SPEC Bate Ball, with the “Atlantic, B. B. C'.,» at I ha„ thu dtf, entered Copartnership, Augusta, Me. 29tf that -Mr. Joseph Hill, Jr., master ear painter the practice of Medicine and Surgery, with l>r. AM in Hasses. city. (too. N. Harden, who baa for the pant year, stud- IACLES of the Portland Kennebec BBCOMMUHDSD HIGHLY. a recent A B. B. at An- tod la the Hospital, ot Mars, and gradu- A. W. ate of Harvard Medical School. As to tee at- For Sale. GREEL a match of has r«T wi« by ail mMm Aoalan. Freedom Notice* gaaaa Base Ball with AMU, the -- originated iAeawffotadng tainments ef Dr. Harden, he refers to Henry J. Schooner Boat of Bartletts Island * feet Ellsworth, June 2d 1870. __ Its'‘lafzwpfd^ Ia KU. worth Dingo Sit C °. B. B. C.."of Bocfcaport, at this city, sometime A national aaaoeiatton of Master Car Mat. by Mr M. D-, Prof, of Surgery, and Calvin keel a Feel Beam Built of the best materials Plank V M. I)..Prof, of the Theory and Practice o. set work good cud. and stove well found in sails 22 fztir&£?£Zi$2&'ss:G. or pay a d. wneor a co. Almon.1 OB* of bia earnings MztwMkg tarttte tat Is mot jet ' Premises on|BartleU’s Island. 3w94 worth. Apply at the oAce l6Ht* W’tnee.T SAUCKL B. GILK eating-house in Elli WTO‘ Jill. HAWES WaMlwai *°*'***• make homo attractive far more than A. PYKK* costly ,MKO. OOLt'MW.l TORT AftBICtrtTOUis >or Is LAND ADVERTISEMENTS. objects. it prodigality, bnt rather Ayer’s cCfflal $otirr$ _ 1870, tare Reduced economy, to have neat and durable out- ]gju Ex Gov- Seymour on Uie Coolie Ques- buildings. fences, gates and other farm ap- and OPENING (ESTABLISHED 186$,) A. I* tion- purteuauces conveniences, including I Commissioners’ Notice. OFTNE GPGING HOBSON the best labor-saving impleiueuts and tools ! Hair H'« Um> rabicrikn, having been appointed by California,0 At a mass-meeting of the working men. Vigor, the lion. Parker Turk, Judge of Probatr for thi* CMMICMI Chicago, to facilitate ami lessen both farm and do- MERCHANT, at on the fol- < oiinty of Hancock, to receive and examine the AND And all Points held Rochester 4th iust., the mestic And SAMFAXGH, We»t / operations. by the way. it is For restoring Gray Hair to claim- of creditor* t«> the estate of lowing letter was read from Ex-Gov Sky- Gee, 4. vi * never wise to give theWoys the poorest John II. Sherman late of Buckfport ©yet, the Monton the of Chinese do question immigra- rakes, hoes etc., and then be- its natural and Color deceased, represented insolvent, heieby give LUMBER DEALER. tion to States; complain Vitality notice that si\ month* are allowed to Mid crwli the United cause do not LARGE STOCK OF Portland Maine. Grand Trunk they accomplish as much as torn to Inin* in and prove their fhims; and that Utica, 8,1870. _ Av A wliicli Sailwar,*’ Aug. fall-urowd, able-bodied men. It is only dressing w. sball Attend Hint htvIcc at T ('. Wooo*tt t