,:T To nt 3-- , copyKc-.",u,:;,- 132. VOL. 17. Subscribers1 WEDNESDAY EVENTS" ; JtTNE 2, 1880. smsie sss: xo.

first ballot, Colonel R. C Parson being the lot and 470 against the Unit Rule. They a' so shall fill it without respect of peison or of desire South Carolina W. J. Whipple. Wimaa't Wisdom. O claim a majority of the Committee on Rules. among the delegates of this Convention." Tennessee-- W. P. Cote. "She insists that it is of more imparl 110; SECRETARIES AND CLERKS. Texas Wm. Chambers. Grant, 800: Blaine. 275: Sherman, 100 to The latest estimates of the first ballot are: ance, that ber family shall be kept in fall Fourth Edition. Washbume, 85 to 40; Windom, 10. - The temporary Secretaries aud Clerks were elect- Vermont H. C. Beldon. health, than that she should Have all cm Grant, 813; Blaine, 290; Sherman, 125; Wash- BLAINK DEMONSTRATIONS, ETC ed as follows: John H. Roberts, ot Illinois, snd West Vlrglula- -J. H. Riley. fashionable dresses and styles of the tntaa. burne, 24; Windom, 10, based on Edmunds' The Blaine Club of , headed by a band, C. L., Pennsylvania, temporary Secre. Virginia Blank. She therefore sees to it, that each meiuberaf last night serenaded the various Blaine delega withdrawal. The Grant men, however, claim a taries; Charles Klibe, of Michigan, James Wisconsin W. E. Carter. ber family is supplied with eiiorgn 11 f tions at tha hotels, flenitral Manslield. of Cali majority on the ballot If the Grant party goes to reading CUta; Eugene Davis, of New RULES AND ORDER OF BUSINESS, Bitters, at the first ai'prarunce oi astjr fornia, during a response, said that the latest accu- vote York, Stenographer. Alabama Bank. symptoms of ill health, to prevent a fit of rate claim was on first ballot 822 votes for pieces, probably the greater portion of the the GARFIELD GREETED CHEERS. Arkansas W. II. Holland. maine. and the second ballot would result m ms goes to Sherman, unless Washbume springs on WITH sickness with its attendant expense, eaca Eugene Hale, of Maine, offered a resolution California G. A. Davis. and anxiety. All women should exercssa nomination. the Convention. Blaine's friends claim enough UIIOOP-LA- !! The sceno. nn tha atreeti last night were Of a that the roll of States be called for the names of Colorado W.JJ. Megree. their wrsdoin in this wuy. Now llawss lively character. Torchlight processious were of the Grant vote to nominate him. committeemen ou the four Committees Perma- Connecticut Daniel Chad wick. Palladium. marching in all directions, headed by bunds of The body of the hall is now slowly filling np nent Organization, RulesJt Credentials, and Reso- Delaware. D. Smlthers. mafic, and cheering favorite candidates. Park, at 50 West Fifth, makes a specialty for their with delegates, stage and gallery with lutions. Adopted, with no opposition. Florldi-- W. M. Hick. The Blame people were most demonstrative. and the the of dress hats. A ladv can have iier bat Is playing "Heart The Secretary then called the roll of States for Georgia . D. Locke. There is great rejoicing among the Sherman invited! guests. The band trimmed while she waits, and if it is last men over the fact that in a speech last night Mr. bowed down." Fred. Douglass was the first members of the Committees. When New Hamp- Illinois Contest' o satisfactory, any change can be made oa Hoar, of Massachusetts, stated that twenty-tw- of familiar face to appear on the platform. He went shire was called it was cheered; but when Ohio Indiana a W. Langdon. Com-indic- es surely vote for their der ber direction. The Chicago Circus that State's delegation would down among the g delegates and was called and Garfield's name was ealled as a Iowa a M. Clark. man. The Miaslsaippi delegation say they hope constantly-repeate- d of of Business Com- Kansas George Case. to see Conkling brought forward in case the men shook bands, continuing his member the Rules and Order H. and the Band of their Brst choice become impossible. The Min- Grant talk. , mittee, the. e was the first real outburst ot enthusi- Kentucky-- G. C. Hunter. AMUSEMENTS. nesota men are snaring no efforts or work for The seat arrangements are alphabetical, asm of the Convention. Louisiana Contest. ht among the Begins to Play. Windom. the. scattered which placed the small States in front and the Maine Llewelyn Powers, A IVTTm I TWO t other States. n.T I heavy States Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania OHGANIZATION OF C0NTE5TI0H. Maryland J. J. Weaver. Performances This Umf. HOAR TO BE TEMPORARY CHAIRrfAK. on the left, In the rear of thedelegates'divislon. Massachusetts R. M. Morse, Jr. THE GREAT The contest the National Committee Is ended Chicago. June 2. The call of states was then in Big shield-shape- d flags werep!aced In position Michigan J. H. Chandler. at lust, so far as the Committee is concerned. The commenced snd resulted In the following list of this morning, and waved above on stuff's, hiding Minncsota-- G. F. Drake. I? Ring Master Cameron Stirs result was a compromise whereby both the Grant Vice Presidents of the Convention and Commit- AT.AndROONEYHis New York and anti-Gra- managers have agreed to leave all the delegates' faces. Many of the delegations tees; Mississippi H. C. Carter. of muBic, matters of controversy ns to the enforcement marched In bodies by the hall with but PRESIDENTS, Missour, Thos. P. Rodgers. STAR COMBINATION. me conven- VICE Up the Stalwart unit rule in tne organisation oi ine entered only in scattering groups. There Is much Nebraska D. A. Lew s. 2. I S. tion to the discretion of Senator Hoar, of Massa Alabama Jaines Gillett MATINEE at EVENING at tape taking caused Nevada C. C. 8tevenson. 25 chusetts, whom both have ag eed shall act as red and the coupon ticket Arkansas W. H. Robinson. Popular prices aud 50c Seats at Hawley the Immense slowly. New Hampshire Jos. G. Sturgia Steeds, lemio ary unairman oi tne convention, coin building to fill California-Jo- hn H. Mansfield. Snndav night June 6th. final cerformanaof sides have made concessions. The Grant man- At noon only scattered groups dotted the ten Colorado H. L. Head. New Jersey Clement H. Dickenson. Pat Rooney and Combination. agers they so have yielded the pint for which thousand scats and the arrivals of delegates filled Connecticut Jeremiah Olney. New York Geo. H. Sbarpe. Mouaay, June 7iu. uavenrs Mastodon Mt long contended, that the unit rule should be en- that section f ister any other. At hour North Carolina --O. H. Blocker. strela forced in organization of Convention, than the Delaware Albert Curry. the the Ohi? Jas. H. Garfield. And the Great Political Gymnasts Is fixed for calling to order, not over four thousand Florlda--W. W. OFKKA-H.ULS- because it is well known that Senator Hoar Hicks. iililJCK'S E. opposed to that rule, will undoubtedly rule were in the building and no one was on the Georgia Oregon D. C. Ireiand. Gy- and 8. A. Darmel. Go on With Their against it stage. There was a noticable absence of invited Illinois Blank. Pennsylvania W. H. Armbury. NO SMOKING THIS AFTERNOON. The Grant men also conceded their plan to and distinguished guests. The musio of the Rhode Island T. W. Chase. make contest Chairmanship of Indiana F. A. Atkinson. TWO PtiKtOltltlAIVI l TO OAT. rations. a of the Temporary band was scarcely heard above the hum of South Carollna--C. W. Wylle. MATLNEK 2:80 EVENING 8:30. the Convent! .n, and Conkling, Cameron and Iowa J. W. Thompson. so - W. M. America's leading dramatic alar, Logan have oledeed themselves not to counten voices, great is the space. Kansas S. Moth. Tennessee CordelL ance anr attempt to run an opposition candidate It was almost ten minutes after 12 when George Kentucky E. H. Hobson. Texas William Chambers. up SupportedMI.byFRANK MAYO. to Mr. Hoar. The Blaine men have given A. Hoi sey and first member of the National Louisiana David Young. Vermont-- J. R Mead. his own superb Dramatic Cora hints. the Convention Called to Order their determination of depos ng Cameron from Committee took his seat on tbo platform. A West Virginia A. C Moore. lion, irom Aiayo's uivmpic Theater, New ran. the Chairmanship Committee, and have Maine J. R. Bodwell. in the beautiful dramatic idyl, in 5 acts, of the moment later Conkllng came In at Virginia-Bla- nk. High Noon. made concessions to the admission of and Arthur Marylsnd H. J. Brown. at in retard dele- A. contesting delegates to take part in the temporary the head of a large section of the New Tork Massachusetts N. A. Whartom. Wisconsin J. Thomer. DAVY CROCKETT. NO ADVANCE IN THE PRICES OF ADMISSIOBf. organization. gation, and was cheered ss the band struck up a Michigan Pen y Hanua. THE NEW NATIONAL COMMITTER. Matinee 15 15, THE COOK COUNTY QUARREL. fresh tune. Calm and he acknowl- The new National Committee Just selected Is as and 25c. Evening 25 andMg, Minnesota Dormiis Morrison. Matinees Wednesday, Saturday Practical Iv eonceried. edged as turned follows: and Sunday. Han Who thev have so far as the with a cold bow the reception he Mississippi B. K. Bruce. Reserved seats secured three days Fred. Douglass the First Committee is Cook County iu advance. concerned, the whole towards his seat He stood in the aisle at the end Missouri William J. Merrill. Alabama Paul Strobach. at Perry A Morton'8,162 Vinest Mounts the Stage c mtroversy, which for three days and until yes- of the bench some moments, and shook hands Arkansas --3. W. Dorsey. terday was almost sole topic ot conversation Nebraska D. A. Leman. the with many friends holding quite a levee. California Horace Davis. on the part of the Blaine delegates, and was as- Nevada C. C. 8tevenson. sorted to be the leading issue in which the anil- - New Jersey, with Kilpatrick and Senator Potts New Hampshire Joel Eastman. Colorado John Lecott REOPENING u ant men inienaea to make a ngnu ine auu-Gra- at their head, took placts, and Conkhng shook New Jersey Judson Kilpatrick. Connecticut Marshal Jewell. the Solemn Stralua of "Heart men have not conceded that Senator Logan hands with the entire delegation in a friendly Delaware Blank. HICKEY'S POOLROOM r was right in excluding county delegates, nor New York Blank. the way, although every man in is against him in Florida-- W. W. Bowed Down." have they conceded are as the it North Carolina D. H. Starbuck. Hicks. that what known as ago at Lexington and Louisville Kat es. Farwell anti-Gra- delegates shall be excluded this Convention, they were four 'years Ohio D. M. Harkness. Georgia J. Devoe. from the Convention, but they have agreed Cincinnati. Oregon O. H. Tompkins. Illinois J. H. Root Wltli additioual attractions for sea. to let tne Convention settle that question Instead Three or four straggled on the Pennsylvania Hamilton Dlsston. Ind ana-Bla- nk. ou 1880. Iloolci ug and Place Cassv Eon. Geo. P. Hoar Hade Temporary Chair- - of the Committees, and have consented that the stage, and were followed by Postmaster James, Iowa --J. 8. delegat Rhode Island J. M. Potter. Russell. binatlons. Grant on, and not the Farwell delegation, ex Secretary , Edward McPherson, man. shall be admitted to participate in the organiza- South Carolina W. F. Myers, Kansas John A, Mart'n. tion of the Convention, that is to say, they de- who presided at the Cincinnati Convention. Tennessee W. Y. Elliott Kentucky W. O. Bradley. 178 VINE ST70pp. Arcada. cided to admit the regular State delegation, Bette, Grant and Robeson's friends. Texas W. H. Hartman, Louisiana Blank. which has Con- An- indorsement of the Sprlngfle d Judge Dittenhoffer, Senator Jones of Nevada, Vermont J. J. McCullough. Maine Wm. P. Frye. vention, thereby ranking county anti-Gra- ALL THE IMPORTANT the drew Chaffee of Colorado. Gov. McCormlck, Jos. Maryland-J- os. A. Garie. PAPER HANGING, &c. COMPLETE LIST OF delegate as contestants whose claims are tnbe Virginia Blank. Coates, General Taff, Geo. F. Wil- -- M. COMMITTEES. considered by the National Convention. This WestVlrglnia-- J. T. Yoke. Massachusetts John Forbes. concession on the part of the Blaine men will liams, , Wm. E. Chandler, Geri. Wisconsin Philip Sawyer. Michigan J. H. Stone. Paoer Hanoinas in lames give Graut some Logan came stage to additional votes. Arthur and Senator on tte COMMITTEE on Minnesota Blank. any credentials. variety: cheapest nrices: best THE COLORED DELEGATES. gether without recognition by the crowd. Alabama Isaac Huyman. Mississippi M. McKee. At 1:05 o'clock Secretaries, Roberts, Bar Missouri Convention Adjourns Until At the Palmer House the colored delegates held Arkansas-Powc- ll Clayton. Chanceior J. Filly. of workmanship lowest fig- the Is to at meeting in the corridor at 8 o. jn.. and presented clay and Judge Clesby, the latter of whom California Crede Haymond. Michigan J. M. Davis. Horning. senator Bruce a horse ahoe ures, 171 floral and announced furnish the vice for the Convention, having Colorado George T. Clark. Nevada Blank. at MAYBERY'S, Main him as trie colored people'scuMlidate for the been several years Reading Clerk of the House - Connectti ut Samuel Fessenden. New Hampshire W. E. Chandler. Williams, of Ohio, made the presen- of Representatives. Street wuon sieecn. senator Bruce replica witn a sun Delaware J. A. Lotknd. New Jcr ey George A. Hnrlscr. pie "I They took their places at the front of the plat New Yoik Thomas C. GILT DADO SHADES, GENESAL GOSSIP. thank you." Curing the speaking the cor Florida Blank. Piatt 75cts. niiors and .lairs were so crowded that a ium oc f rm. There w is a long delay In the organize Georgia Edwin Belcher, North Carolina W. T, Canady. AM0KING FOB TICKETS. curred whicli had to be away by the poliie, es already each and upward, of beautiftil CI cleared t'on, caused by difficult over the tickets Illinois Green R Raum. Ohio W. C. Cooper. 2. The excitement noon the and there were serious fears of people being alluded to. At 1 o'clock there were si ill two Chicago, June unjwuoq Indiana B. K. Higginbotham. . Oregon D. C. Ireland. designs and colors. New Bruns- is to aeato. vacant seats, with one Homing oi the opening da; of the Convention thousand hundred thou Iowa K. S. Clarkson. . Pennsylvania J. Don Cameron. TURNERS FORNENST GRANT. MAY-BER- Y sand outsiders endeavoring to get lu, and more Rhode- - W. A . wick Mfg. Co.'s Agency, All the political . headquarters arc Kansas Ben. F. Simpson. Island Pierce. Intense Indianapolis, 2. N. Turherbund June The a. than enough tickets Issued to fill every corner of R. South CarolinftSamuol Lee. ' thronged. The rooms ot the National Committee Convention in this city passed the following reso- Kentucky P. Stall. BROS., Prop'rs, 171 Maiv the building. Louisiana Contest Tennessee Wm. Rule. the Palmer Houae are aurrounded by three lutions: seats, some at "Wtift.-.;-, A part of one of the two great polit- High prices were paid for and In in Maine A. A. Stewart Texas Blank. St., Cincinnati, 0. clamoring lor tickets. Chicago thoesand people ical parties of the country seem to be determined stances It Is said ss much ss fifty dollars. Maryland W. J. Hopper. Vermont G. W. Hooper. The preparations at the Exposition Hall are to nominate for the Presidency of the United papers for the last three days had numerous ad' Massachusetts C. R. CadwaL, Virginia Blank. (or Convention. States one man for the third time. vertisements offered to buy seats, and seats were West Virginia Blank. complete and all in readiness the "Resolved. That we. the representatives of the Michigan O. D. Conger. &o. for sale. - WATCHES. will be called to order at 12 above orgauis ttion most emphatically protest Minnesota D. M. Sabine. Wisconsin Elihu Euos. The Convention The Ohio delegation came In last of Gen by Senator Cameron, and the proceed nga uiuuu sucn enoris." all Mississippi F. M. Libbey. A few of the States refused to name a member o'clock eral Garfield and Governor Dennison sat together. will be opened by a prayer by Rev. Dr. Kittredge, Missouri H. A Hawena of the committee till after the nomination. Charley Foster, who expects in a contingency to N. R. Pcrrinjer. 2 Of the Third Presbyterian Church. Nebraska The District of Columbia and the Territories are a i DOINGS OF THE DELEGATIONS. be Vice Pres dent, was not with them. During WATCHES- "?22icwuw, euiu Cameron will then propose Senator Hoar for Nevada N. D. Foley. represented on the committee as follows: Jewelry ot every description ot finest quali- ILLINOIS, pencil paper B- the delay Logan sat with and behind W. E. R. ty and oottom prioei in great rarietr, at Temporary Chairman, who will be elected with- New Hampshire Chandler. Arisona Hon. Gen. C. McCormlck on all I Conkllng In the seats of the New York delegation, inavDU jniattiixirjiviiyuuCiOTjd, nn ft out opposition. Senator Hoar will make an ap- Chicago, June 1 The Illinois delegates held New Jersey C Rollings. committees. jp ii 01? Fnxmna KfClllIf, thirty-si- x and had a Ions;, close conversation. speech upon taking the gavel. a meeting yesterday, and of the dele- New York B. F. Tracy. Distr.ct of Columbia Resolutions, F. 11 IIMfMJMM propriate gates wera present They elected The men are so unlike in personal appearance John Is one has carved Senator North Carolina-- G. W. Price, Cook; Credentials, S. J, Bowen. The gavel to be used that been Permanent Chairman nf the delegation, with W. to attract Immense attention. Minister Stough- - of taken from the sill of the is Ohio Warner M. Bateman. Idaho Credentials and Permanent Organiza out of a piece oak H. Barlow, of Effingham, as secretary. It was ton was there, end kept his face and head covered Lincoln formerly lived. decided to recommend Green B. Raum to the . Oregon J. H. Mitchell tion, George L, Shoupe. Resolutions MISCELLANEOUS bouse in which with a handkerchief, and Rules. Mr, Hoar will call for business, and Senator National Convention for Illinois, member of the Pennsylvania John Cusna, J. W. Brown. OR PAINFUL AFFECTIONS Emery A. Storm MS, XITTRIDOE'S PRATKR. RHEUMATISM of the National Committee, Cieoentials Committee, and for Rhode Uland J. P. Sanborn. Montana Credentials and Rules, H. no matter of how long Staad-In- Cameron, by direction the Committee on Resolutions and R, Whitney, H. Blake. Sergeant-at-.arm- Cameron called the Convention to order at 1:06 will be enreo at 2T.2 Main frill nominate several Secretaries, - South Carolina M. N. Taft Resolutions and Organization, R. E. FIsko. street of Peoria, for Committee on Permanent Oryaui- and called Dr. Klttrldge, of the Third Presby and other officers that have been chosen. latlon, Mr. storra. Ricnard and Wright Tennessee J. C. Tltombarg. Dakota Credentials, Porter Warner. Resolu --THE LATEST STYLES AT Tutnill terian Church, to pray. The minister said as XT A The roll of States will then be called for nomi- were appointed a committee to prepare for the that Texas Webster Flannigan, tions, a T. McCorr. TCX Oe STROBEL'8, 271 Freeman ave- to God for support they forgot all p ' nue, for committees on essentials, National Committee a statement in the interest men looted Vermont John N. Stewart, New Mexico Resolutions and Rules, Wm. By. Hi!between Richmond and Court sla. nations of the Grant "Phalanx" of the sum of affairs in litical and other differences. and resolutions. Virginia-Bla- nk. nerson. Organization and Credentials, William Illinois. They had been kindly led from above for many COD PHOTOO RAPH8 AND FERREOTYPEB A FRRUMIKARY CANVASS. West Virginia J. M. Hagani. Breeder. Tmul'.ln.ll lrin.1. Af - years, had never been left even In passing,N A canvass was made late last night by reporters iiichioah. and Wisconsin Ed. S inderson, Wyoming Resolutions and Organization, W. Gallery, 1W W. 5th st bet Elm and Plum. through wilderness of the civil war. of the National Associated Press of each State The Michigan delegates met and, after passing the committee on resolutions, A. Carter. Rules and Credentials, M. E. Brown. resolniion deprecating a third term, received The country had to be thankful that it was still delegation to ascertain bow they would vote on a Alabama Blank. Utah was not called, and a motion to call her the following report from the Committee on Unit united. We came to pray for God's blessing on FOR RENT. first ballot Most of the figures were fur- Arkansss-- W. W. Gibbs. created a debate. the Rule, which was unanimously adopted: South and North, city and town and home, for bished by the chairmen of the de egations and "Resolved, By this delegation from the State of California D. O. Payne. The call of Stales occup'ed 45 minutes, and was OR SALE HOUSE In California, Ohio, 15 broken bondage of the slave, the principles ot minutes is 84 on information ob-- , M chWan to the Republican National Convention, the Colorado N. A. Steck. 2:20 . walk from train. The lot by 130 others are estimated the best not concluded until o'clock. with a neat cottage on facing That we respectfully request the National Com- quality and righteousness which nnderly the C. feet it the rivet talned at delegation headquarters, and all are Connecticut Henry Robinson. THE FIRST LITTLE BREtZE. , The property will be so d cheap. S. W. ' mittee not to adopt the unit rule, as Government Address C. Used on the supposition that the unit rule will Delaware R. G. Clarke. e. being in violation of the universal practice of the He concluded by asking faith for the divine Gov. McCormlck shouted that he had offered a huh uiiu ot be enforced. Republican parly." Florlda-- W. W. Hicks. guidance in and support of the work of the Con resolution, and oemanded that it be read. The IJWR RENT HOUSE A was only one dissented. Georgia A. E. Buck. thirtv-rlv- e The following are the figures: There vention, member from Ulah said his Territory had nut P house in Home Citv. minntea rid. Llinois-- W. A. Storrs. from the city, and a desirable for Alabama Grant, 20. SEW YORK MEETING. - Keogh been called, and Mr. Hoar said he would call if residence health Secretary then read the Convention call Geo. W. it and convenience, cousin ng of six rooms, coal-- 12. Indiana Frendly. no objection. Mr. Arkansas Grant, The New York delegation held an excited three of the National Committee. there was Conkling sp ang to nouse, wasn-notis- e an Iowa G. D. Perkins. aim modern conveniencee. California Blaine, 12. and a half h ur' session, resulting In the new Keogh came to part of call his feet and said: "There is objection, sir I" Ap Address S. W. v.. this office, or call on MR, GEO. pressure upon the bolting members When that the for Ksnsas B. W. Perkins. Colorado u rant, . form of of plause. The Chair stated that he would not McINTYRK, Home City. the delegation. The fear that an eff.irt might be two delegates from each district he was inter- T. Wood. ne, 7; 2; Kentucky A It was Connecticut-Ma- Sherman, Edmonds, twenty-tw- o rupted by Chairman. hold that out of order to call the Territory. made to oust entirely the delegates, the Louisiana J. T. Lnedling. I; Washbnrne, 1. and the general uncertainty of the situation, CAMERON'S INTRODUCTORY SPEECH. uunxi ng askcu u it was in order tor him to Maine-Le- wis Barker. WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS. Dakota-Gr- ant, 1; Blaine, L filled the upper corridors of the Grand Pacific Mr. Cameron read his introductory speech, move to amend by adding Lou si ana. Hoar: "un- of exclled men. Maryland J. Morrison Harris. "ITT ANTED HOY A strong young (iermaa "Delaware Blaine,. with a dense crowd repeat dly told to speak louder. doubtedly." Conkling added that he did not Gen. H. Shnrpe. of Kingston offered a resolu and was He Massachusetts James M. Barker. VY boy; also n experienced plumber's helper, Florida Grant, 8. Into appeal, but it was the agreement that everybody tion that the dele.ution vote as a unit, and that hoped this would put nomination a Geo. A. Garr. at the plumbing shop No. 600 West Sixth st nt, Michigan was DV Frye Georgia-Gra- 6; Blaine, 8; Sherman, It Chairman be instructed to cost 70 votes strong man. I Applause. said they must to stand the roll. stated that it the the of lie Mlnnesota-- D. St Clair. .u GIRL A good girl for small Idaho Blaine, 1 the State for Gene al Grant place the position a man agreed tmtt Utah should be put on the roll &rd WANTED in whose Mississlppi-- N. Clarke. town. A nulv at 137 West Illinois Grant, 42. .m,. The debate was tnll of spirit The resolution familiarity with theaSairsof other nations would said she was left Off by mistake. Hoar ruled that Eiyhth was by 45 to 20. Missouri R. T. Van Horn. street Indiana Grant, 1; Blaine, 28; 8bermstl,iL carried us Utah ihonid be admitted. Governor McCor- - twenty-thir- d enable them to' keep up at the front Ap ' A man has signed the t Nebrasks-- J. L. Mitchell. BOYS At the Stab office who are Iowa Blaine, 2i then said he been instruct- mick's lesoiution was read. WANTED pledge. plause. He that had Nevada T. D. Edwards. to sell papers on the street Call Kansas Blaine, 10. National Comm ttee to place nomi- It asked that a roll of the States be called for the 8 ed by the in New Hampshire Chas. Holman, between and 9 a. nt Kentucky Grant, 20; Blaine, 1; Sherman, 8. nation for temporary Chairman Geo. F. Hoar. presentation of credentials and for notices cf con- New Jersey Wm. Walter Phelps. ANTED 8 Louis ana Grant, 7; Blaine, 2; Sherman, 7, tests, all to be referred to the committee without - - ltt Londepp'ause. New York E. Pierrepont w Walnut street - Maine Blaine, 14, debate. Adopted without disseut Tne roll call THE LATEST. GEO. r. HOAR TAXES TBI CHAIR. North Carolina James H. Harris, ANTED NEWSBOY'S At this office. Maryland-Gra- nt, 8; Blaine, 6: Sherman, 2. showed thst the credentials of most the delegation STAB WEClAL BVUETUTl Governors Davis, of Texas. Wm. B. Frye, of Ohio Robert M. Stimpson. w Massachusetts-Sherm- an, 22; Edmunds,! Green B. were sp pointed a were in the hands of the State members of the i Maine, and Raam Oregon-- H. W. Scott 1; Blaine, 2L Special to Che Stat. ', : committee and the Chairman said thst would be Michigan Grant, committee to conduct him to the Chair. Mr. Pennsylvania W. B. Rogers. Windom, 10. Chicago, June X The Convention hall Is filled considered in compliance with tha resolution. Minnesota Hoar said: Gentlemen, accept my thanks for Rhode Island C. H Handy. CARRIAGE BUILDERS. Mississippi Qrant, 6; Blaine, 4; Sherman,! an anxious crowd waiting for the curtain to The Alabama delegation reported three con- with this distinguished mark of confidence. 8outh Carolina D. D. HcCalL, . Grant, 80. tested seats, one in the Fonrth and two in the Missouri rise. At a quarter of one there's no indication of The framers of the Constitution expected a Tennessee H. H. Harrison. j Montana Blaine, 2. Seventh Congressional District D. W. commencing. .. . IV President to be chosen by electors from the States. Texas-J.- Trscer. MILLER & CO, Blaine, (. C. Notice was given of the contest oi the Cook Coun- Nebraska In case of failure the House of Representatives Vermont G. D. Bend let , Nevada Blaine, . , . - Second Dispatch. 1 ty delegates, Illinois. to choose. Bo far from the direct popular role did West Virginia C. D. Hubbard. New Hampshire Blaine, 10. M. The Convention has Warmouth announced the creden- Carriage Builders for the Trade, 1:08 P. Just been they consequently remove the President Virginia Blank. New sey Blaine. 18. tials f' r Louisiana and one of the delegates atked Je called to order by Don Cameron with three raps of The two great political parties choose each a Wiscousln-- V. Queries. New York Grant, 51: Blaine 2; Sherman, IT. J. the privilege of sending in with the regular pa- Corner St. Clair and Oano Streets. the gavel. L man to whom the people are practically restricted. ' 84. permanent committee on organization. pers the of contesting delegation. 5 Ohio Blaine, 10; Sherman, ... - The duty of this Convention is to choose one of papeis the It Oregon Blaine, 0. (Third Dispatch. granted. these candidates. If it does wisely it will name Alabama was Pennsy'vnnia Grant, 47; Blaine, 11. Chicago, Juno 21:10 P. M. At ten minutes O. P. Snyder. Now York was called there was no PICNIC SUPPLIES. " the man wbo will be successful, f Applause. J Arkansas-- When Island Blaine, 8. ''' Rhode after one o'clock the anxiety and excitement con in,. A,itir la flnnflriiwl tn the moot dt.tin.lll.hMl California J. H. Mansfield. and Conkling said the Credentials were in Picnic Plates and Dishes, Lnncli Uaskets, South Carolina Grant, 8; Blaine, 2; Sherman, 4. A. of the State Committeemen. tinues, with a cheer occasionally, but no indica citizen of the Republic. The stormy Convention Co'.orado--J. Elliott the minds Sandwich Cutters, Cherry Stoners, Wirs Tennessee Grant, 8: Blaine, 8; 8herman, 8, Connecticut John M. Douglass. The Chairman of the Pennsylvania delegation ' tion of business. L. of Chicago selected the noble Lincoln, which gave Window Screens, Dish Covers, Fly Traps ' Texas Grant, tl; Blaine, 8; Sherman, 2, O. Pebreger. announced contests In the Sixth and Ninth Dis- Fourth Dispatch. It in first success. Applause. Delaware Fruit Ladders, Ac, oc, at Blaine, 2. W. Hicks,-- 'contesting along Utah Lincoln bss gone to hla rest His companion Florida W. ' tricts, and sent in the with the ' Vermont Edmunds, 10. .' Chicago, June 2. Don Cameron nominated M. Davis. regular papers. A. M. npon the ticket is fresh and vigorous, and is pres- Georgia WORCESTER'S,129 Virginia-Gra- nt, 10; Blaine, ; Sherman, 6. Hon. George F. Hoar temporary Chairman. He was called Mr. Conkllng West Fifth Street. ent Applause for Hamlin.) Lincoln has Ill nois-- R. Whitney. When Utah said that Washington Territory Blaine, 2, was escorted to the chair and made a speech of conquerors, Indiana J. J. Todd. being requested by the Republicans of Utah to T gone with many of bis brave but the Virginia Blaine, 10. M. Sbarpe. of a contesting delegation , STRAYED. West thanks. ', U party is the same, unchanged in principle, char- Iowa J. present the credentials Wisconsin Grant, 1; Blaine, 7; Sherman, 8; 8. 8. Benedict did so. They were received.' IFIfth Diepntch.1 ' acter and purpose. The Democratic party is ruled Kansas he OTRAVED OR STOLEN BAY HOR8K-Fr- ois - Wsshbnrne, . '''. by stalwarts of the South Kentucky M. C. Hutching, General Logan, from the Illinois delegation, ihe premises of the suoscriber, fc'omerville, ' , Chicago. June 1 Temporary clerks, lergeanta-at-arm- now as then the and O Wyoming Grant. 1; Blaine, 1. L u ilana II. C. Warmouth. then offered a resolution instructing that the Butle: Omnty, Ohio, on the 2ld o( Mav. a bay Eugene Hale offered their Northern friends. District of Columbia Grant, 1; Blaine. L etc.,were elected, and Maine L. G. Downs. Chairman of the Committee on Tickets be in horse, with a silver tail, star is the forehead, In pursuit of that end every great public inter- In one eye 15 bands high. lalne, a resolution for the call of States for committees. Chailes T. Westcott to present daily to the Chairman of the blind about Al, New Mexico' i est was sacrificed or disregarded. They expend- Maryland structed horse colt, one year oid, dun color, with whitsj Blaine, W. 8. B, Hopkins. 500 tickets to be Arisona 1 Carried. ed little for public improvements; yet in 1860 six . Massachuselts-- . Voteran Convention distributed bind ieet A liberal reward wl 1 be given for the G. C. among aud delegates to con- any SVJHHA1Y. par cent bonds were below par and the Treasury M chlgan-- Watklus. the members thst return of Ihe property or for information as said empty. Our money was scattered over the four Minnesota--J. V. Dfiniola vention. to the whereabouts of the stock. number of votes-7- 68. : OPEHIKG. GEORGE W. MALSON. Whole v lEATTJEESOFTHE the globe, and 4,000,000 citizens were Mississippi James Hill. ADJOURNED TILL . ' noies-- 87. quaitera of in JCNR 1st 1880. Necessary to a Exu sitioh Builoino Noon June! The X' L. C Slavans. at 8 140; bondage. At last as the Democratic party let go Miss uri The Conrentioued o'clock adjourned until ; GjHint, 811; Blaine, 2f.; Sherman, Edmunds, ' dtement hai lulled since the National Committee hold on power, National flag seemed about Nebraska N. Beotbower. morning 11 o'clock ... in? Wlndnm. 10. its the at to allow the DISSOLUTION. w.ihhiinu and there Is Nevada-- G. Struther. says, to settled their differences last night to be folded and laid aside as the emblem of an time to prepare their reports, Tbe Chicago Tribune in an editorial Hampehlre-- W.JHall. Committees row. There is an enormous experiment in rolltics. .. New J. ' nomination is imposstme, ana small prospect ot a t COMMITTER ON RESOLUTIONS. Dismolutiou. day, that Grant's has been a partisan of in New Jersey Jamas Goss'lL ,. tm nf to withdraw him. crowd everywhere. The lines are blocked all Tha Democrat fraud ,u hi. M.nd. York-He- nry R. P erson. Tut Committee on Resolutions adjourned to ThB ' Southern and Northern States, one of which, New COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE IX Intor-Octa- n lays that the Grant men are along leading up to the building. p. The Maine, it attempted to steal He closed as fol North Carolina Ruf us Barrings. meet at 8 m. at the Club Rooms of the Pacific isting between the undersigned, under the lira encouraged. They do nut expect w bouuimw There Is the usual disss Uslaotion with press ar- Coast delegation, at the Sheimau House. lows: "My frienas. I thank you again for this dis Ohio Alfonso Hart . name of Schwill A Thompson, has been die first ballot, will hold to their man BELVA. BLOWS IIERBOKN. aim on the but rangements. The betting Is still on Grant at less tinguished manifestation of your confidence. Oregon-Bla- nk. solved by mutual consent summer, If by that means at can oe mm Mrs. Belva Lock wood is now addres ing the F. A. SCHWILL, all odds, however, and the anti-Gra- men are more which I will endeavor to merit by performing the Pennsylvania H. J. Boeder. M. committee in behalf of a woman's rights plank. MirKHh, - M. F, THOMPSON. confident, They claim 448 votes on the first bal dalles of the Chair during the brief apace which 1 Ehode Island A. ttoodrlch. The following lathe Sherman estimate ol ttte